require "body"; # 1: No key list if body { } # 2: Number if body 3 { } # OK: String if body "frop" { } # 3: To many arguments if body "frop" "friep" { } # 4: Unknown tag if body :frop { } # 5: Unknown tag with valid key if body :friep "frop" { } # 6: Content without argument if body :content { } # 7: Content without key argument if body :content "frop" { } # 8: Content with number argument if body :content 3 "frop" { } # 9: Content with unknown tag if body :content :frml "frop" { } # 10: Content with known tag if body :content :contains "frop" { } # 11: Duplicate transform if body :content "frop" :raw "frop" { }