/* Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file */ #include "lib.h" #include "str.h" #include "strescape.h" #include "net.h" #include "write-full.h" #include "mail-namespace.h" #include "mail-storage.h" #include "mail-search-build.h" #include "mailbox-list-iter.h" #include "doveadm-settings.h" #include "doveadm-mail.h" #include #define INDEXER_SOCKET_NAME "indexer" #define INDEXER_HANDSHAKE "VERSION\tindexer\t1\t0\n" struct index_cmd_context { struct doveadm_mail_cmd_context ctx; int queue_fd; unsigned int max_recent_msgs; bool queue:1; bool have_wildcards:1; }; static int cmd_index_box_precache(struct doveadm_mail_cmd_context *dctx, struct mailbox *box) { struct mailbox_status status; struct mailbox_transaction_context *trans; struct mail_search_args *search_args; struct mail_search_context *ctx; struct mail *mail; struct mailbox_metadata metadata; uint32_t seq; unsigned int counter = 0, max; int ret = 0; if (mailbox_get_metadata(box, MAILBOX_METADATA_PRECACHE_FIELDS, &metadata) < 0) { i_error("Mailbox %s: Precache-fields lookup failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_internal_error(box, NULL)); } if (mailbox_get_status(box, STATUS_MESSAGES | STATUS_LAST_CACHED_SEQ, &status) < 0) { i_error("Mailbox %s: Status lookup failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_internal_error(box, NULL)); return -1; } seq = status.last_cached_seq + 1; if (seq > status.messages) { if (doveadm_verbose) { i_info("%s: Cache is already up to date", mailbox_get_vname(box)); } return 0; } if (doveadm_verbose) { i_info("%s: Caching mails seq=%u..%u", mailbox_get_vname(box), seq, status.messages); } trans = mailbox_transaction_begin(box, MAILBOX_TRANSACTION_FLAG_NO_CACHE_DEC | dctx->transaction_flags, __func__); search_args = mail_search_build_init(); mail_search_build_add_seqset(search_args, seq, status.messages); ctx = mailbox_search_init(trans, search_args, NULL, metadata.precache_fields, NULL); mail_search_args_unref(&search_args); max = status.messages - seq + 1; while (mailbox_search_next(ctx, &mail)) { if (mail_precache(mail) < 0) { i_error("Mailbox %s: Precache for UID=%u failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mail->uid, mailbox_get_last_internal_error(box, NULL)); ret = -1; break; } if (doveadm_verbose && ++counter % 100 == 0) { printf("\r%u/%u", counter, max); fflush(stdout); } } if (doveadm_verbose) printf("\r%u/%u\n", counter, max); if (mailbox_search_deinit(&ctx) < 0) { i_error("Mailbox %s: Mail search failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_internal_error(box, NULL)); ret = -1; } if (mailbox_transaction_commit(&trans) < 0) { i_error("Mailbox %s: Transaction commit failed: %s", mailbox_get_vname(box), mailbox_get_last_internal_error(box, NULL)); ret = -1; } return ret; } static int cmd_index_box(struct index_cmd_context *ctx, const struct mailbox_info *info) { struct mailbox *box; struct mailbox_status status; int ret = 0; box = mailbox_alloc(info->ns->list, info->vname, MAILBOX_FLAG_IGNORE_ACLS); if (ctx->max_recent_msgs != 0) { /* index only if there aren't too many recent messages. don't bother syncing the mailbox, that alone can take a while with large maildirs. */ if (mailbox_open(box) < 0) { i_error("Opening mailbox %s failed: %s", info->vname, mailbox_get_last_internal_error(box, NULL)); doveadm_mail_failed_mailbox(&ctx->ctx, box); mailbox_free(&box); return -1; } mailbox_get_open_status(box, STATUS_RECENT, &status); if (status.recent > ctx->max_recent_msgs) { mailbox_free(&box); return 0; } } if (mailbox_sync(box, MAILBOX_SYNC_FLAG_FULL_READ) < 0) { i_error("Syncing mailbox %s failed: %s", info->vname, mailbox_get_last_internal_error(box, NULL)); doveadm_mail_failed_mailbox(&ctx->ctx, box); ret = -1; } else { if (cmd_index_box_precache(&ctx->ctx, box) < 0) { doveadm_mail_failed_mailbox(&ctx->ctx, box); ret = -1; } } mailbox_free(&box); return ret; } static void index_queue_connect(struct index_cmd_context *ctx) { const char *path; path = t_strconcat(doveadm_settings->base_dir, "/"INDEXER_SOCKET_NAME, NULL); ctx->queue_fd = net_connect_unix(path); if (ctx->queue_fd == -1) i_fatal("net_connect_unix(%s) failed: %m", path); if (write_full(ctx->queue_fd, INDEXER_HANDSHAKE, strlen(INDEXER_HANDSHAKE)) < 0) i_fatal("write(indexer) failed: %m"); } static void cmd_index_queue(struct index_cmd_context *ctx, struct mail_user *user, const char *mailbox) { if (ctx->queue_fd == -1) index_queue_connect(ctx); i_assert(ctx->queue_fd != -1); T_BEGIN { string_t *str = t_str_new(256); str_append(str, "APPEND\t0\t"); str_append_tabescaped(str, user->username); str_append_c(str, '\t'); str_append_tabescaped(str, mailbox); str_printfa(str, "\t%u\n", ctx->max_recent_msgs); if (write_full(ctx->queue_fd, str_data(str), str_len(str)) < 0) i_fatal("write(indexer) failed: %m"); } T_END; } static int cmd_index_run(struct doveadm_mail_cmd_context *_ctx, struct mail_user *user) { struct index_cmd_context *ctx = (struct index_cmd_context *)_ctx; const enum mailbox_list_iter_flags iter_flags = MAILBOX_LIST_ITER_NO_AUTO_BOXES | MAILBOX_LIST_ITER_RETURN_NO_FLAGS | MAILBOX_LIST_ITER_STAR_WITHIN_NS; const enum mail_namespace_type ns_mask = MAIL_NAMESPACE_TYPE_MASK_ALL; struct mailbox_list_iterate_context *iter; const struct mailbox_info *info; unsigned int i; int ret = 0; if (ctx->queue && !ctx->have_wildcards) { /* we can do this quickly without going through the mailboxes */ for (i = 0; _ctx->args[i] != NULL; i++) cmd_index_queue(ctx, user, _ctx->args[i]); return 0; } iter = mailbox_list_iter_init_namespaces(user->namespaces, _ctx->args, ns_mask, iter_flags); while ((info = mailbox_list_iter_next(iter)) != NULL) { if ((info->flags & (MAILBOX_NOSELECT | MAILBOX_NONEXISTENT)) == 0) T_BEGIN { if (ctx->queue) cmd_index_queue(ctx, user, info->vname); else { if (cmd_index_box(ctx, info) < 0) ret = -1; } } T_END; } if (mailbox_list_iter_deinit(&iter) < 0) { i_error("Listing mailboxes failed: %s", mailbox_list_get_last_internal_error(user->namespaces->list, NULL)); doveadm_mail_failed_error(_ctx, MAIL_ERROR_TEMP); ret = -1; } return ret; } static void cmd_index_init(struct doveadm_mail_cmd_context *_ctx, const char *const args[]) { struct index_cmd_context *ctx = (struct index_cmd_context *)_ctx; unsigned int i; if (args[0] == NULL) doveadm_mail_help_name("index"); for (i = 0; args[i] != NULL; i++) { if (strchr(args[i], '*') != NULL || strchr(args[i], '%') != NULL) { ctx->have_wildcards = TRUE; break; } } } static void cmd_index_deinit(struct doveadm_mail_cmd_context *_ctx) { struct index_cmd_context *ctx = (struct index_cmd_context *)_ctx; if (ctx->queue_fd != -1) { net_disconnect(ctx->queue_fd); ctx->queue_fd = -1; } } static bool cmd_index_parse_arg(struct doveadm_mail_cmd_context *_ctx, int c) { struct index_cmd_context *ctx = (struct index_cmd_context *)_ctx; switch (c) { case 'q': ctx->queue = TRUE; break; case 'n': if (str_to_uint(optarg, &ctx->max_recent_msgs) < 0) { i_fatal_status(EX_USAGE, "Invalid -n parameter number: %s", optarg); } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static struct doveadm_mail_cmd_context *cmd_index_alloc(void) { struct index_cmd_context *ctx; ctx = doveadm_mail_cmd_alloc(struct index_cmd_context); ctx->queue_fd = -1; ctx->ctx.getopt_args = "qn:"; ctx->ctx.v.parse_arg = cmd_index_parse_arg; ctx->ctx.v.init = cmd_index_init; ctx->ctx.v.deinit = cmd_index_deinit; ctx->ctx.v.run = cmd_index_run; return &ctx->ctx; } struct doveadm_cmd_ver2 doveadm_cmd_index_ver2 = { .name = "index", .usage = DOVEADM_CMD_MAIL_USAGE_PREFIX"[-q] [-n ] ", .mail_cmd = cmd_index_alloc, DOVEADM_CMD_PARAMS_START DOVEADM_CMD_MAIL_COMMON DOVEADM_CMD_PARAM('q',"queue",CMD_PARAM_BOOL,0) DOVEADM_CMD_PARAM('n',"max-recent",CMD_PARAM_STR,0) DOVEADM_CMD_PARAM('\0',"mailbox-mask",CMD_PARAM_STR,CMD_PARAM_FLAG_POSITIONAL) DOVEADM_CMD_PARAMS_END };