/* Copyright (c) 2005-2018 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file */ #include "lib.h" #include "array.h" #include "guid.h" #include "llist.h" #include "ioloop.h" #include "str.h" #include "ioloop.h" #include "dict-private.h" struct dict_commit_callback_ctx { pool_t pool; struct dict_commit_callback_ctx *prev, *next; struct dict *dict; struct event *event; dict_transaction_commit_callback_t *callback; struct dict_op_settings_private set; struct timeout *to; void *context; struct dict_commit_result result; bool delayed_callback:1; }; struct dict_lookup_callback_ctx { struct dict *dict; struct event *event; dict_lookup_callback_t *callback; void *context; }; static ARRAY(struct dict *) dict_drivers; static void dict_commit_async_timeout(struct dict_commit_callback_ctx *ctx); static struct event_category event_category_dict = { .name = "dict", }; static struct dict *dict_driver_lookup(const char *name) { struct dict *dict; array_foreach_elem(&dict_drivers, dict) { if (strcmp(dict->name, name) == 0) return dict; } return NULL; } void dict_transaction_commit_async_noop_callback( const struct dict_commit_result *result ATTR_UNUSED, void *context ATTR_UNUSED) { /* do nothing */ } void dict_driver_register(struct dict *driver) { if (!array_is_created(&dict_drivers)) i_array_init(&dict_drivers, 8); if (dict_driver_lookup(driver->name) != NULL) { i_fatal("dict_driver_register(%s): Already registered", driver->name); } array_push_back(&dict_drivers, &driver); } void dict_driver_unregister(struct dict *driver) { struct dict *const *dicts; unsigned int idx = UINT_MAX; array_foreach(&dict_drivers, dicts) { if (*dicts == driver) { idx = array_foreach_idx(&dict_drivers, dicts); break; } } i_assert(idx != UINT_MAX); array_delete(&dict_drivers, idx, 1); if (array_count(&dict_drivers) == 0) array_free(&dict_drivers); } int dict_init(const char *uri, const struct dict_settings *set, struct dict **dict_r, const char **error_r) { struct dict_settings set_dup = *set; struct dict *dict; const char *p, *name, *error; p = strchr(uri, ':'); if (p == NULL) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("Dictionary URI is missing ':': %s", uri); return -1; } name = t_strdup_until(uri, p); dict = dict_driver_lookup(name); if (dict == NULL) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("Unknown dict module: %s", name); return -1; } struct event *event = event_create(set->event_parent); event_add_category(event, &event_category_dict); event_add_str(event, "driver", dict->name); event_set_append_log_prefix(event, t_strdup_printf("dict(%s): ", dict->name)); set_dup.event_parent = event; if (dict->v.init(dict, p+1, &set_dup, dict_r, &error) < 0) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("dict %s: %s", name, error); event_unref(&event); return -1; } i_assert(*dict_r != NULL); (*dict_r)->refcount++; (*dict_r)->event = event; e_debug(event_create_passthrough(event)->set_name("dict_created")->event(), "dict created (uri=%s, base_dir=%s)", uri, set->base_dir); return 0; } static void dict_ref(struct dict *dict) { i_assert(dict->refcount > 0); dict->refcount++; } static void dict_unref(struct dict **_dict) { struct dict *dict = *_dict; *_dict = NULL; if (dict == NULL) return; struct event *event = dict->event; i_assert(dict->refcount > 0); if (--dict->refcount == 0) { dict->v.deinit(dict); e_debug(event_create_passthrough(event)-> set_name("dict_destroyed")->event(), "dict destroyed"); event_unref(&event); } } void dict_deinit(struct dict **_dict) { struct dict *dict = *_dict; *_dict = NULL; i_assert(dict->iter_count == 0); i_assert(dict->transaction_count == 0); i_assert(dict->transactions == NULL); i_assert(dict->commits == NULL); dict_unref(&dict); } void dict_wait(struct dict *dict) { struct dict_commit_callback_ctx *commit, *next; e_debug(dict->event, "Waiting for dict to finish pending operations"); if (dict->v.wait != NULL) dict->v.wait(dict); for (commit = dict->commits; commit != NULL; commit = next) { next = commit->next; dict_commit_async_timeout(commit); } } bool dict_switch_ioloop(struct dict *dict) { struct dict_commit_callback_ctx *commit; bool ret = FALSE; for (commit = dict->commits; commit != NULL; commit = commit->next) { commit->to = io_loop_move_timeout(&commit->to); ret = TRUE; } if (dict->v.switch_ioloop != NULL) { if (dict->v.switch_ioloop(dict)) return TRUE; } return ret; } static bool dict_key_prefix_is_valid(const char *key, const char *username) { if (str_begins(key, DICT_PATH_SHARED)) return TRUE; if (str_begins(key, DICT_PATH_PRIVATE)) { i_assert(username != NULL && username[0] != '\0'); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void dict_pre_api_callback(struct dict *dict) { if (dict->prev_ioloop != NULL) { /* Don't let callback see that we've created our internal ioloop in case it wants to add some ios or timeouts. */ io_loop_set_current(dict->prev_ioloop); } } void dict_post_api_callback(struct dict *dict) { if (dict->prev_ioloop != NULL) { io_loop_set_current(dict->ioloop); io_loop_stop(dict->ioloop); } } static void dict_lookup_finished(struct event *event, int ret, const char *error) { i_assert(ret >= 0 || error != NULL); const char *key = event_find_field_recursive_str(event, "key"); if (ret < 0) event_add_str(event, "error", error); else if (ret == 0) event_add_str(event, "key_not_found", "yes"); event_set_name(event, "dict_lookup_finished"); e_debug(event, "Lookup finished for '%s': %s", key, ret > 0 ? "found" : "not found"); } static void dict_transaction_finished(struct event *event, enum dict_commit_ret ret, bool rollback, const char *error) { i_assert(ret > DICT_COMMIT_RET_FAILED || error != NULL); if (ret == DICT_COMMIT_RET_FAILED || ret == DICT_COMMIT_RET_WRITE_UNCERTAIN) { if (ret == DICT_COMMIT_RET_WRITE_UNCERTAIN) event_add_str(event, "write_uncertain", "yes"); event_add_str(event, "error", error); } else if (rollback) { event_add_str(event, "rollback", "yes"); } else if (ret == 0) { event_add_str(event, "key_not_found", "yes"); } event_set_name(event, "dict_transaction_finished"); e_debug(event, "Dict transaction finished"); } static void dict_lookup_callback(const struct dict_lookup_result *result, void *context) { struct dict_lookup_callback_ctx *ctx = context; dict_pre_api_callback(ctx->dict); ctx->callback(result, ctx->context); dict_post_api_callback(ctx->dict); dict_lookup_finished(ctx->event, result->ret, result->error); event_unref(&ctx->event); dict_unref(&ctx->dict); i_free(ctx); } static void dict_commit_async_timeout(struct dict_commit_callback_ctx *ctx) { DLLIST_REMOVE(&ctx->dict->commits, ctx); timeout_remove(&ctx->to); dict_pre_api_callback(ctx->dict); if (ctx->callback != NULL) ctx->callback(&ctx->result, ctx->context); else if (ctx->result.ret < 0) e_error(ctx->event, "Commit failed: %s", ctx->result.error); dict_post_api_callback(ctx->dict); dict_transaction_finished(ctx->event, ctx->result.ret, FALSE, ctx->result.error); dict_op_settings_private_free(&ctx->set); event_unref(&ctx->event); dict_unref(&ctx->dict); pool_unref(&ctx->pool); } static void dict_commit_callback(const struct dict_commit_result *result, void *context) { struct dict_commit_callback_ctx *ctx = context; i_assert(result->ret >= 0 || result->error != NULL); ctx->result = *result; if (ctx->delayed_callback) { ctx->result.error = p_strdup(ctx->pool, ctx->result.error); ctx->to = timeout_add_short(0, dict_commit_async_timeout, ctx); } else { dict_commit_async_timeout(ctx); } } static struct event * dict_event_create(struct dict *dict, const struct dict_op_settings *set) { struct event *event = event_create(dict->event); if (set->username != NULL) event_add_str(event, "user", set->username); return event; } int dict_lookup(struct dict *dict, const struct dict_op_settings *set, pool_t pool, const char *key, const char **value_r, const char **error_r) { struct event *event = dict_event_create(dict, set); int ret; i_assert(dict_key_prefix_is_valid(key, set->username)); e_debug(event, "Looking up '%s'", key); event_add_str(event, "key", key); ret = dict->v.lookup(dict, set, pool, key, value_r, error_r); dict_lookup_finished(event, ret, *error_r); event_unref(&event); return ret; } #undef dict_lookup_async void dict_lookup_async(struct dict *dict, const struct dict_op_settings *set, const char *key, dict_lookup_callback_t *callback, void *context) { i_assert(dict_key_prefix_is_valid(key, set->username)); if (dict->v.lookup_async == NULL) { struct dict_lookup_result result; i_zero(&result); /* event is going to be sent by dict_lookup */ result.ret = dict_lookup(dict, set, pool_datastack_create(), key, &result.value, &result.error); const char *const values[] = { result.value, NULL }; result.values = values; callback(&result, context); return; } struct dict_lookup_callback_ctx *lctx = i_new(struct dict_lookup_callback_ctx, 1); lctx->dict = dict; dict_ref(lctx->dict); lctx->callback = callback; lctx->context = context; lctx->event = dict_event_create(dict, set); event_add_str(lctx->event, "key", key); e_debug(lctx->event, "Looking up (async) '%s'", key); dict->v.lookup_async(dict, set, key, dict_lookup_callback, lctx); } struct dict_iterate_context * dict_iterate_init(struct dict *dict, const struct dict_op_settings *set, const char *path, enum dict_iterate_flags flags) { struct dict_iterate_context *ctx; i_assert(path != NULL); i_assert(dict_key_prefix_is_valid(path, set->username)); if (dict->v.iterate_init == NULL) { /* not supported by backend */ ctx = &dict_iter_unsupported; } else { ctx = dict->v.iterate_init(dict, set, path, flags); } /* the dict in context can differ from the dict passed as parameter, e.g. it can be dict-fail when iteration is not supported. */ ctx->event = dict_event_create(dict, set); ctx->flags = flags; dict_op_settings_dup(set, &ctx->set); event_add_str(ctx->event, "key", path); event_set_name(ctx->event, "dict_iteration_started"); e_debug(ctx->event, "Iterating prefix %s", path); ctx->dict->iter_count++; return ctx; } bool dict_iterate(struct dict_iterate_context *ctx, const char **key_r, const char **value_r) { const char *const *values; if (!dict_iterate_values(ctx, key_r, &values)) return FALSE; if ((ctx->flags & DICT_ITERATE_FLAG_NO_VALUE) == 0) *value_r = values[0]; return TRUE; } bool dict_iterate_values(struct dict_iterate_context *ctx, const char **key_r, const char *const **values_r) { if (ctx->max_rows > 0 && ctx->row_count >= ctx->max_rows) { e_debug(ctx->event, "Maximum row count (%"PRIu64") reached", ctx->max_rows); /* row count was limited */ ctx->has_more = FALSE; return FALSE; } if (!ctx->dict->v.iterate(ctx, key_r, values_r)) return FALSE; if ((ctx->flags & DICT_ITERATE_FLAG_NO_VALUE) != 0) { /* always return value as NULL to be consistent across drivers */ *values_r = NULL; } else { i_assert(values_r[0] != NULL); } ctx->row_count++; return TRUE; } #undef dict_iterate_set_async_callback void dict_iterate_set_async_callback(struct dict_iterate_context *ctx, dict_iterate_callback_t *callback, void *context) { ctx->async_callback = callback; ctx->async_context = context; } void dict_iterate_set_limit(struct dict_iterate_context *ctx, uint64_t max_rows) { ctx->max_rows = max_rows; } bool dict_iterate_has_more(struct dict_iterate_context *ctx) { return ctx->has_more; } int dict_iterate_deinit(struct dict_iterate_context **_ctx, const char **error_r) { struct dict_iterate_context *ctx = *_ctx; if (ctx == NULL) return 0; struct event *event = ctx->event; int ret; uint64_t rows; i_assert(ctx->dict->iter_count > 0); ctx->dict->iter_count--; *_ctx = NULL; rows = ctx->row_count; struct dict_op_settings_private set_copy = ctx->set; ret = ctx->dict->v.iterate_deinit(ctx, error_r); dict_op_settings_private_free(&set_copy); event_add_int(event, "rows", rows); event_set_name(event, "dict_iteration_finished"); if (ret < 0) { event_add_str(event, "error", *error_r); e_debug(event, "Iteration finished: %s", *error_r); } else { if (rows == 0) event_add_str(event, "key_not_found", "yes"); e_debug(event, "Iteration finished, got %"PRIu64" rows", rows); } event_unref(&event); return ret; } struct dict_transaction_context * dict_transaction_begin(struct dict *dict, const struct dict_op_settings *set) { struct dict_transaction_context *ctx; guid_128_t guid; if (dict->v.transaction_init == NULL) ctx = &dict_transaction_unsupported; else ctx = dict->v.transaction_init(dict); /* the dict in context can differ from the dict passed as parameter, e.g. it can be dict-fail when transactions are not supported. */ ctx->dict->transaction_count++; DLLIST_PREPEND(&ctx->dict->transactions, ctx); ctx->event = dict_event_create(dict, set); dict_op_settings_dup(set, &ctx->set); guid_128_generate(guid); event_add_str(ctx->event, "txid", guid_128_to_string(guid)); event_set_name(ctx->event, "dict_transaction_started"); e_debug(ctx->event, "Starting transaction"); return ctx; } void dict_transaction_no_slowness_warning(struct dict_transaction_context *ctx) { ctx->no_slowness_warning = TRUE; } void dict_transaction_set_hide_log_values(struct dict_transaction_context *ctx, bool hide_log_values) { /* Apply hide_log_values to the current transactions dict op settings */ ctx->set.hide_log_values = hide_log_values; if (ctx->dict->v.set_hide_log_values != NULL) ctx->dict->v.set_hide_log_values(ctx, hide_log_values); } void dict_transaction_set_timestamp(struct dict_transaction_context *ctx, const struct timespec *ts) { /* These asserts are mainly here to guarantee a possibility in future to change the API to support multiple timestamps within the same transaction, so this call would apply only to the following changes. */ i_assert(!ctx->changed); i_assert(ctx->timestamp.tv_sec == 0); i_assert(ts->tv_sec > 0); ctx->timestamp = *ts; struct event_passthrough *e = event_create_passthrough(ctx->event)-> set_name("dict_set_timestamp"); e_debug(e->event(), "Setting timestamp on transaction to (%"PRIdTIME_T", %ld)", ts->tv_sec, ts->tv_nsec); if (ctx->dict->v.set_timestamp != NULL) ctx->dict->v.set_timestamp(ctx, ts); } struct dict_commit_sync_result { int ret; char *error; }; static void dict_transaction_commit_sync_callback(const struct dict_commit_result *result, void *context) { struct dict_commit_sync_result *sync_result = context; sync_result->ret = result->ret; sync_result->error = i_strdup(result->error); } int dict_transaction_commit(struct dict_transaction_context **_ctx, const char **error_r) { pool_t pool = pool_alloconly_create("dict_commit_callback_ctx", 64); struct dict_commit_callback_ctx *cctx = p_new(pool, struct dict_commit_callback_ctx, 1); struct dict_transaction_context *ctx = *_ctx; struct dict_commit_sync_result result; *_ctx = NULL; cctx->pool = pool; i_zero(&result); i_assert(ctx->dict->transaction_count > 0); ctx->dict->transaction_count--; DLLIST_REMOVE(&ctx->dict->transactions, ctx); DLLIST_PREPEND(&ctx->dict->commits, cctx); cctx->dict = ctx->dict; dict_ref(cctx->dict); cctx->callback = dict_transaction_commit_sync_callback; cctx->context = &result; cctx->event = ctx->event; cctx->set = ctx->set; ctx->dict->v.transaction_commit(ctx, FALSE, dict_commit_callback, cctx); *error_r = t_strdup(result.error); i_free(result.error); return result.ret; } #undef dict_transaction_commit_async void dict_transaction_commit_async(struct dict_transaction_context **_ctx, dict_transaction_commit_callback_t *callback, void *context) { pool_t pool = pool_alloconly_create("dict_commit_callback_ctx", 64); struct dict_commit_callback_ctx *cctx = p_new(pool, struct dict_commit_callback_ctx, 1); struct dict_transaction_context *ctx = *_ctx; *_ctx = NULL; i_assert(ctx->dict->transaction_count > 0); ctx->dict->transaction_count--; DLLIST_REMOVE(&ctx->dict->transactions, ctx); DLLIST_PREPEND(&ctx->dict->commits, cctx); if (callback == NULL) callback = dict_transaction_commit_async_noop_callback; cctx->pool = pool; cctx->dict = ctx->dict; dict_ref(cctx->dict); cctx->callback = callback; cctx->context = context; cctx->event = ctx->event; cctx->set = ctx->set; cctx->delayed_callback = TRUE; ctx->dict->v.transaction_commit(ctx, TRUE, dict_commit_callback, cctx); cctx->delayed_callback = FALSE; } void dict_transaction_commit_async_nocallback( struct dict_transaction_context **ctx) { dict_transaction_commit_async(ctx, NULL, NULL); } void dict_transaction_rollback(struct dict_transaction_context **_ctx) { struct dict_transaction_context *ctx = *_ctx; if (ctx == NULL) return; struct event *event = ctx->event; *_ctx = NULL; i_assert(ctx->dict->transaction_count > 0); ctx->dict->transaction_count--; DLLIST_REMOVE(&ctx->dict->transactions, ctx); struct dict_op_settings_private set_copy = ctx->set; ctx->dict->v.transaction_rollback(ctx); dict_transaction_finished(event, DICT_COMMIT_RET_OK, TRUE, NULL); dict_op_settings_private_free(&set_copy); event_unref(&event); } void dict_set(struct dict_transaction_context *ctx, const char *key, const char *value) { i_assert(dict_key_prefix_is_valid(key, ctx->set.username)); struct event_passthrough *e = event_create_passthrough(ctx->event)-> set_name("dict_set_key")-> add_str("key", key); e_debug(e->event(), "Setting '%s' to '%s'", key, value); T_BEGIN { ctx->dict->v.set(ctx, key, value); } T_END; ctx->changed = TRUE; } void dict_unset(struct dict_transaction_context *ctx, const char *key) { i_assert(dict_key_prefix_is_valid(key, ctx->set.username)); struct event_passthrough *e = event_create_passthrough(ctx->event)-> set_name("dict_unset_key")-> add_str("key", key); e_debug(e->event(), "Unsetting '%s'", key); T_BEGIN { ctx->dict->v.unset(ctx, key); } T_END; ctx->changed = TRUE; } void dict_atomic_inc(struct dict_transaction_context *ctx, const char *key, long long diff) { i_assert(dict_key_prefix_is_valid(key, ctx->set.username)); struct event_passthrough *e = event_create_passthrough(ctx->event)-> set_name("dict_increment_key")-> add_str("key", key); e_debug(e->event(), "Incrementing '%s' with %lld", key, diff); if (diff != 0) T_BEGIN { ctx->dict->v.atomic_inc(ctx, key, diff); ctx->changed = TRUE; } T_END; } const char *dict_escape_string(const char *str) { const char *p; string_t *ret; /* see if we need to escape it */ for (p = str; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p == '/' || *p == '\\') break; } if (*p == '\0') return str; /* escape */ ret = t_str_new((size_t) (p - str) + 128); str_append_data(ret, str, (size_t) (p - str)); for (; *p != '\0'; p++) { switch (*p) { case '/': str_append_c(ret, '\\'); str_append_c(ret, '|'); break; case '\\': str_append_c(ret, '\\'); str_append_c(ret, '\\'); break; default: str_append_c(ret, *p); break; } } return str_c(ret); } const char *dict_unescape_string(const char *str) { const char *p; string_t *ret; /* see if we need to unescape it */ for (p = str; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p == '\\') break; } if (*p == '\0') return str; /* unescape */ ret = t_str_new((size_t) (p - str) + strlen(p) + 1); str_append_data(ret, str, (size_t) (p - str)); for (; *p != '\0'; p++) { if (*p != '\\') str_append_c(ret, *p); else { if (*++p == '|') str_append_c(ret, '/'); else if (*p == '\0') break; else str_append_c(ret, *p); } } return str_c(ret); } void dict_op_settings_dup(const struct dict_op_settings *source, struct dict_op_settings_private *dest_r) { i_zero(dest_r); dest_r->username = i_strdup(source->username); dest_r->home_dir = i_strdup(source->home_dir); dest_r->hide_log_values = source->hide_log_values; } void dict_op_settings_private_free(struct dict_op_settings_private *set) { i_free(set->username); i_free(set->home_dir); }