/* Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file */ #include "lib.h" #include "str.h" #include "istream.h" #include "ostream.h" #include "ostream-cmp.h" #include "fs-sis-common.h" #define FS_SIS_REQUIRED_PROPS \ (FS_PROPERTY_FASTCOPY | FS_PROPERTY_STAT) struct sis_fs { struct fs fs; }; struct sis_fs_file { struct fs_file file; struct sis_fs *fs; enum fs_open_mode open_mode; struct fs_file *hash_file; struct istream *hash_input; struct ostream *fs_output; char *hash, *hash_path; bool opened; }; #define SIS_FS(ptr) container_of((ptr), struct sis_fs, fs) #define SIS_FILE(ptr) container_of((ptr), struct sis_fs_file, file) static struct fs *fs_sis_alloc(void) { struct sis_fs *fs; fs = i_new(struct sis_fs, 1); fs->fs = fs_class_sis; return &fs->fs; } static int fs_sis_init(struct fs *_fs, const char *args, const struct fs_settings *set, const char **error_r) { enum fs_properties props; const char *parent_name, *parent_args; if (*args == '\0') { *error_r = "Parent filesystem not given as parameter"; return -1; } parent_args = strchr(args, ':'); if (parent_args == NULL) { parent_name = args; parent_args = ""; } else { parent_name = t_strdup_until(args, parent_args); parent_args++; } if (fs_init(parent_name, parent_args, set, &_fs->parent, error_r) < 0) return -1; props = fs_get_properties(_fs->parent); if ((props & FS_SIS_REQUIRED_PROPS) != FS_SIS_REQUIRED_PROPS) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("%s backend can't be used with SIS", parent_name); return -1; } return 0; } static void fs_sis_free(struct fs *_fs) { struct sis_fs *fs = SIS_FS(_fs); i_free(fs); } static struct fs_file *fs_sis_file_alloc(void) { struct sis_fs_file *file = i_new(struct sis_fs_file, 1); return &file->file; } static void fs_sis_file_init(struct fs_file *_file, const char *path, enum fs_open_mode mode, enum fs_open_flags flags) { struct sis_fs_file *file = SIS_FILE(_file); struct sis_fs *fs = SIS_FS(_file->fs); const char *dir, *hash; file->file.path = i_strdup(path); file->fs = fs; file->open_mode = mode; if (mode == FS_OPEN_MODE_APPEND) { fs_set_error(_file->event, ENOTSUP, "APPEND mode not supported"); return; } if (fs_sis_path_parse(_file, path, &dir, &hash) < 0) return; /* if hashes/ already exists, open it */ file->hash_path = i_strdup_printf("%s/"HASH_DIR_NAME"/%s", dir, hash); file->hash_file = fs_file_init_parent(_file, file->hash_path, FS_OPEN_MODE_READONLY, 0); file->hash_input = fs_read_stream(file->hash_file, IO_BLOCK_SIZE); if (i_stream_read(file->hash_input) == -1) { /* doesn't exist */ if (errno != ENOENT) { e_error(file->file.event, "Couldn't read hash file %s: %m", file->hash_path); } i_stream_destroy(&file->hash_input); } file->file.parent = fs_file_init_parent(_file, path, mode, flags); } static void fs_sis_file_deinit(struct fs_file *_file) { struct sis_fs_file *file = SIS_FILE(_file); fs_file_deinit(&file->hash_file); fs_file_free(_file); i_free(file->hash); i_free(file->hash_path); i_free(file->file.path); i_free(file); } static void fs_sis_file_close(struct fs_file *_file) { struct sis_fs_file *file = SIS_FILE(_file); i_stream_unref(&file->hash_input); fs_file_close(file->hash_file); fs_file_close(_file->parent); } static bool fs_sis_try_link(struct sis_fs_file *file) { const struct stat *st; struct stat st2; if (i_stream_stat(file->hash_input, FALSE, &st) < 0) return FALSE; /* we can use the existing file */ if (fs_copy(file->hash_file, file->file.parent) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT && errno != EMLINK) { e_error(file->file.event, "%s", fs_file_last_error(file->hash_file)); } /* failed to use link(), continue as if it hadn't been equal */ return FALSE; } if (fs_stat(file->file.parent, &st2) < 0) { e_error(file->file.event, "%s", fs_file_last_error(file->file.parent)); if (fs_delete(file->file.parent) < 0) { e_error(file->file.event, "%s", fs_file_last_error(file->file.parent)); } return FALSE; } if (st->st_ino != st2.st_ino) { /* the hashes/ file was already replaced with something else */ if (fs_delete(file->file.parent) < 0) { e_error(file->file.event, "%s", fs_file_last_error(file->file.parent)); } return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void fs_sis_replace_hash_file(struct sis_fs_file *file) { struct fs *super_fs = file->file.parent->fs; struct fs_file *temp_file; const char *hash_fname; string_t *temp_path; int ret; if (file->hash_input == NULL) { /* hash file didn't exist previously. we should be able to create it with link() */ if (fs_copy(file->file.parent, file->hash_file) < 0) { if (errno == EEXIST) { /* the file was just created. it's probably a duplicate, but it's too much trouble trying to deduplicate it anymore */ } else { e_error(file->file.event, "%s", fs_file_last_error(file->hash_file)); } } return; } temp_path = t_str_new(256); hash_fname = strrchr(file->hash_path, '/'); if (hash_fname == NULL) hash_fname = file->hash_path; else { str_append_data(temp_path, file->hash_path, (hash_fname-file->hash_path) + 1); hash_fname++; } str_printfa(temp_path, "%s%s.tmp", super_fs->set.temp_file_prefix, hash_fname); /* replace existing hash file atomically */ temp_file = fs_file_init_parent(&file->file, str_c(temp_path), FS_OPEN_MODE_READONLY, 0); ret = fs_copy(file->file.parent, temp_file); if (ret < 0 && errno == EEXIST) { /* either someone's racing us or it's a stale file. try to continue. */ if (fs_delete(temp_file) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) e_error(file->file.event, "%s", fs_file_last_error(temp_file)); ret = fs_copy(file->file.parent, temp_file); } if (ret < 0) { e_error(file->file.event, "%s", fs_file_last_error(temp_file)); fs_file_deinit(&temp_file); return; } if (fs_rename(temp_file, file->hash_file) < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { /* apparently someone else just renamed it. ignore. */ } else { e_error(file->file.event, "%s", fs_file_last_error(file->hash_file)); } (void)fs_delete(temp_file); } fs_file_deinit(&temp_file); } static int fs_sis_write(struct fs_file *_file, const void *data, size_t size) { struct sis_fs_file *file = SIS_FILE(_file); if (_file->parent == NULL) return -1; if (file->hash_input != NULL && stream_cmp_block(file->hash_input, data, size) && i_stream_read_eof(file->hash_input)) { /* try to use existing file */ if (fs_sis_try_link(file)) return 0; } if (fs_write(_file->parent, data, size) < 0) return -1; T_BEGIN { fs_sis_replace_hash_file(file); } T_END; return 0; } static void fs_sis_write_stream(struct fs_file *_file) { struct sis_fs_file *file = SIS_FILE(_file); i_assert(_file->output == NULL); if (_file->parent == NULL) { _file->output = o_stream_create_error_str(EINVAL, "%s", fs_file_last_error(_file)); } else { file->fs_output = fs_write_stream(_file->parent); if (file->hash_input == NULL) { _file->output = file->fs_output; o_stream_ref(_file->output); } else { /* compare if files are equal */ _file->output = o_stream_create_cmp(file->fs_output, file->hash_input); } } o_stream_set_name(_file->output, _file->path); } static int fs_sis_write_stream_finish(struct fs_file *_file, bool success) { struct sis_fs_file *file = SIS_FILE(_file); if (!success) { if (_file->parent != NULL) fs_write_stream_abort_parent(_file, &file->fs_output); o_stream_unref(&_file->output); return -1; } if (file->hash_input != NULL && o_stream_cmp_equals(_file->output) && i_stream_read_eof(file->hash_input)) { o_stream_unref(&_file->output); if (fs_sis_try_link(file)) { fs_write_stream_abort_parent(_file, &file->fs_output); return 1; } } if (_file->output != NULL) o_stream_unref(&_file->output); if (fs_write_stream_finish(_file->parent, &file->fs_output) < 0) return -1; T_BEGIN { fs_sis_replace_hash_file(file); } T_END; return 1; } static int fs_sis_delete(struct fs_file *_file) { T_BEGIN { fs_sis_try_unlink_hash_file(_file, _file->parent); } T_END; return fs_delete(_file->parent); } const struct fs fs_class_sis = { .name = "sis", .v = { fs_sis_alloc, fs_sis_init, NULL, fs_sis_free, fs_wrapper_get_properties, fs_sis_file_alloc, fs_sis_file_init, fs_sis_file_deinit, fs_sis_file_close, fs_wrapper_file_get_path, fs_wrapper_set_async_callback, fs_wrapper_wait_async, fs_wrapper_set_metadata, fs_wrapper_get_metadata, fs_wrapper_prefetch, fs_wrapper_read, fs_wrapper_read_stream, fs_sis_write, fs_sis_write_stream, fs_sis_write_stream_finish, fs_wrapper_lock, fs_wrapper_unlock, fs_wrapper_exists, fs_wrapper_stat, fs_wrapper_copy, fs_wrapper_rename, fs_sis_delete, fs_wrapper_iter_alloc, fs_wrapper_iter_init, NULL, NULL, NULL, fs_wrapper_get_nlinks, } };