/* Copyright (c) 2020 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file */ #include "lib.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "str.h" #include "strescape.h" #include "hmac.h" #include "array.h" #include "hash-method.h" #include "istream.h" #include "iso8601-date.h" #include "json-tree.h" #include "array.h" #include "base64.h" #include "str-sanitize.h" #include "dcrypt.h" #include "var-expand.h" #include "oauth2.h" #include "oauth2-private.h" #include "dict.h" #include static const char *get_field(const struct json_tree *tree, const char *key) { const struct json_tree_node *root = json_tree_root(tree); const struct json_tree_node *value_node = json_tree_find_key(root, key); if (value_node == NULL || value_node->value_type == JSON_TYPE_OBJECT || value_node->value_type == JSON_TYPE_ARRAY) return NULL; return json_tree_get_value_str(value_node); } static const char *get_field_multiple(const struct json_tree *tree, const char *key) { const struct json_tree_node *root = json_tree_root(tree); const struct json_tree_node *value_node = json_tree_find_key(root, key); if (value_node == NULL || value_node->value_type == JSON_TYPE_OBJECT) return NULL; if (value_node->value_type != JSON_TYPE_ARRAY) return json_tree_get_value_str(value_node); const struct json_tree_node *entry_node = json_tree_get_child(value_node); string_t *values = t_str_new(64); for (; entry_node != NULL; entry_node = entry_node->next) { if (entry_node->value_type == JSON_TYPE_OBJECT || entry_node->value_type == JSON_TYPE_ARRAY) continue; const char *value_str = json_tree_get_value_str(entry_node); if (str_len(values) > 0) str_append_c(values, '\t'); str_append_tabescaped(values, value_str); } return str_c(values); } static int get_time_field(const struct json_tree *tree, const char *key, int64_t *value_r) { time_t tvalue; const char *value = get_field(tree, key); int tz_offset ATTR_UNUSED; if (value == NULL) return 0; if (str_to_int64(value, value_r) == 0) { if (*value_r < 0) return -1; return 1; } else if (iso8601_date_parse((const unsigned char*)value, strlen(value), &tvalue, &tz_offset)) { if (tvalue < 0) return -1; *value_r = tvalue; return 1; } return -1; } /* Escapes '/' and '%' in identifier to %hex */ static const char *escape_identifier(const char *identifier) { size_t pos = strcspn(identifier, "/%"); /* nothing to escape */ if (identifier[pos] == '\0') return identifier; size_t len = strlen(identifier); string_t *new_id = t_str_new(len); str_append_data(new_id, identifier, pos); for (size_t i = pos; i < len; i++) { switch (identifier[i]) { case '/': str_append(new_id, "%2f"); break; case '%': str_append(new_id, "%25"); break; default: str_append_c(new_id, identifier[i]); break; } } return str_c(new_id); } static int oauth2_lookup_hmac_key(const struct oauth2_settings *set, const char *azp, const char *alg, const char *key_id, const buffer_t **hmac_key_r, const char **error_r) { const char *base64_key; const char *cache_key_id, *lookup_key; int ret; cache_key_id = t_strconcat(azp, ".", alg, ".", key_id, NULL); if (oauth2_validation_key_cache_lookup_hmac_key( set->key_cache, cache_key_id, hmac_key_r) == 0) return 0; /* do a synchronous dict lookup */ lookup_key = t_strconcat(DICT_PATH_SHARED, azp, "/", alg, "/", key_id, NULL); struct dict_op_settings dict_set = { .username = NULL, }; if ((ret = dict_lookup(set->key_dict, &dict_set, pool_datastack_create(), lookup_key, &base64_key, error_r)) < 0) { return -1; } else if (ret == 0) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("%s key '%s' not found", alg, key_id); return -1; } /* decode key */ buffer_t *key = t_base64_decode_str(base64_key); if (key->used == 0) { *error_r = "Invalid base64 encoded key"; return -1; } oauth2_validation_key_cache_insert_hmac_key(set->key_cache, cache_key_id, key); *hmac_key_r = key; return 0; } static int oauth2_validate_hmac(const struct oauth2_settings *set, const char *azp, const char *alg, const char *key_id, const char *const *blobs, const char **error_r) { const struct hash_method *method; if (strcmp(alg, "HS256") == 0) method = hash_method_lookup("sha256"); else if (strcmp(alg, "HS384") == 0) method = hash_method_lookup("sha384"); else if (strcmp(alg, "HS512") == 0) method = hash_method_lookup("sha512"); else { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("unsupported algorithm '%s'", alg); return -1; } const buffer_t *key; if (oauth2_lookup_hmac_key(set, azp, alg, key_id, &key, error_r) < 0) return -1; struct hmac_context ctx; hmac_init(&ctx, key->data, key->used, method); hmac_update(&ctx, blobs[0], strlen(blobs[0])); hmac_update(&ctx, ".", 1); hmac_update(&ctx, blobs[1], strlen(blobs[1])); unsigned char digest[method->digest_size]; hmac_final(&ctx, digest); buffer_t *their_digest = t_base64url_decode_str(BASE64_DECODE_FLAG_NO_PADDING, blobs[2]); if (method->digest_size != their_digest->used || !mem_equals_timing_safe(digest, their_digest->data, method->digest_size)) { *error_r = "Incorrect JWT signature"; return -1; } return 0; } static int oauth2_lookup_pubkey(const struct oauth2_settings *set, const char *azp, const char *alg, const char *key_id, struct dcrypt_public_key **key_r, const char **error_r) { const char *key_str; const char *cache_key_id, *lookup_key; int ret; cache_key_id = t_strconcat(azp, ".", alg, ".", key_id, NULL); if (oauth2_validation_key_cache_lookup_pubkey( set->key_cache, cache_key_id, key_r) == 0) return 0; /* do a synchronous dict lookup */ lookup_key = t_strconcat(DICT_PATH_SHARED, azp, "/", alg, "/", key_id, NULL); struct dict_op_settings dict_set = { .username = NULL, }; if ((ret = dict_lookup(set->key_dict, &dict_set, pool_datastack_create(), lookup_key, &key_str, error_r)) < 0) { return -1; } else if (ret == 0) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("%s key '%s' not found", alg, key_id); return -1; } /* try to load key */ struct dcrypt_public_key *pubkey; const char *error; if (!dcrypt_key_load_public(&pubkey, key_str, &error)) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("Cannot load key: %s", error); return -1; } /* cache key */ oauth2_validation_key_cache_insert_pubkey(set->key_cache, cache_key_id, pubkey); *key_r = pubkey; return 0; } static int oauth2_validate_rsa_ecdsa(const struct oauth2_settings *set, const char *azp, const char *alg, const char *key_id, const char *const *blobs, const char **error_r) { const char *method; enum dcrypt_padding padding; enum dcrypt_signature_format sig_format; if (!dcrypt_is_initialized()) { *error_r = "No crypto library loaded"; return -1; } if (str_begins(alg, "RS")) { padding = DCRYPT_PADDING_RSA_PKCS1; sig_format = DCRYPT_SIGNATURE_FORMAT_DSS; } else if (str_begins(alg, "PS")) { padding = DCRYPT_PADDING_RSA_PKCS1_PSS; sig_format = DCRYPT_SIGNATURE_FORMAT_DSS; } else if (str_begins(alg, "ES")) { padding = DCRYPT_PADDING_DEFAULT; sig_format = DCRYPT_SIGNATURE_FORMAT_X962; } else { /* this should be checked by caller */ i_unreached(); } if (strcmp(alg+2, "256") == 0) { method = "sha256"; } else if (strcmp(alg+2, "384") == 0) { method = "sha384"; } else if (strcmp(alg+2, "512") == 0) { method = "sha512"; } else { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("Unsupported algorithm '%s'", alg); return -1; } buffer_t *signature = t_base64url_decode_str(BASE64_DECODE_FLAG_NO_PADDING, blobs[2]); struct dcrypt_public_key *pubkey; if (oauth2_lookup_pubkey(set, azp, alg, key_id, &pubkey, error_r) < 0) return -1; /* data to verify */ const char *data = t_strconcat(blobs[0], ".", blobs[1], NULL); /* verify signature */ bool valid; if (!dcrypt_verify(pubkey, method, sig_format, data, strlen(data), signature->data, signature->used, &valid, padding, error_r)) { valid = FALSE; } else if (!valid) { *error_r = "Bad signature"; } return valid ? 0 : -1; } static int oauth2_validate_signature(const struct oauth2_settings *set, const char *azp, const char *alg, const char *key_id, const char *const *blobs, const char **error_r) { if (str_begins(alg, "HS")) { return oauth2_validate_hmac(set, azp, alg, key_id, blobs, error_r); } else if (str_begins(alg, "RS") || str_begins(alg, "PS") || str_begins(alg, "ES")) { return oauth2_validate_rsa_ecdsa(set, azp, alg, key_id, blobs, error_r); } *error_r = t_strdup_printf("Unsupported algorithm '%s'", alg); return -1; } static void oauth2_jwt_copy_fields(ARRAY_TYPE(oauth2_field) *fields, struct json_tree *tree) { pool_t pool = array_get_pool(fields); ARRAY(const struct json_tree_node*) nodes; const struct json_tree_node *root = json_tree_root(tree); t_array_init(&nodes, 1); array_push_back(&nodes, &root); while (array_count(&nodes) > 0) { const struct json_tree_node *const *pnode = array_front(&nodes); const struct json_tree_node *node = *pnode; array_pop_front(&nodes); while (node != NULL) { if (node->value_type == JSON_TYPE_OBJECT) { root = node->value.child; array_push_back(&nodes, &root); } else if (node->key != NULL) { struct oauth2_field *field = array_append_space(fields); field->name = p_strdup(pool, node->key); field->value = p_strdup( pool, json_tree_get_value_str(node)); } node = node->next; } } } static int oauth2_jwt_header_process(struct json_tree *tree, const char **alg_r, const char **kid_r, const char **error_r) { const char *alg = get_field(tree, "alg"); const char *kid = get_field(tree, "kid"); if (alg == NULL) { *error_r = "Cannot find 'alg' field"; return -1; } /* These are lost when tree is deinitialized. Make sure algorithm is uppercased. */ *alg_r = t_str_ucase(alg); *kid_r = t_strdup(kid); return 0; } static bool check_scope(const char *req, const char *got) { const char *const *scope_req = t_strsplit_spaces(req, " ,"); const char *const *scope_got = t_strsplit_spaces(got, " ,"); for (; *scope_req != NULL; scope_req++) if (!str_array_icase_find(scope_got, *scope_req)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static int oauth2_jwt_body_process(const struct oauth2_settings *set, const char *alg, const char *kid, ARRAY_TYPE(oauth2_field) *fields, struct json_tree *tree, const char *const *blobs, const char **error_r) { const char *sub = get_field(tree, "sub"); int ret; int64_t t0 = time(NULL); /* default IAT and NBF to now */ int64_t iat, nbf, exp; int tz_offset ATTR_UNUSED; if (sub == NULL) { *error_r = "Missing 'sub' field"; return -1; } if ((ret = get_time_field(tree, "exp", &exp)) < 1) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("%s 'exp' field", ret == 0 ? "Missing" : "Malformed"); return -1; } if ((ret = get_time_field(tree, "nbf", &nbf)) < 0) { *error_r = "Malformed 'nbf' field"; return -1; } else if (ret == 0 || nbf == 0) nbf = t0; if ((ret = get_time_field(tree, "iat", &iat)) < 0) { *error_r = "Malformed 'iat' field"; return -1; } else if (ret == 0 || iat == 0) iat = t0; if (nbf > t0) { *error_r = "Token is not valid yet"; return -1; } if (iat > t0) { *error_r = "Token is issued in future"; return -1; } if (exp < t0) { *error_r = "Token has expired"; return -1; } /* ensure token dates are not conflicting */ if (exp < iat || exp < nbf) { *error_r = "Token time values are conflicting"; return -1; } const char *iss = get_field(tree, "iss"); if (set->issuers != NULL && *set->issuers != NULL) { if (iss == NULL) { *error_r = "Token is missing 'iss' field"; return -1; } if (!str_array_find(set->issuers, iss)) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("Issuer '%s' is not allowed", str_sanitize_utf8(iss, 128)); return -1; } } const char *aud = get_field_multiple(tree, "aud"); /* if there is client_id configured, then aud should be present */ if (set->client_id != NULL && *set->client_id != '\0') { if (aud == NULL) { *error_r = "client_id set but aud is missing"; return -1; } const char *const *auds = t_strsplit_tabescaped(aud); if (!str_array_find(auds, set->client_id)) { *error_r = "client_id not found in aud field"; return -1; } } const char *got_scope = get_field(tree, "scope"); const char *req_scope = set->scope; if (req_scope != NULL && *req_scope != '\0') { if (got_scope == NULL) { *error_r = "scope set but not found in token"; return -1; } if (!check_scope(req_scope, got_scope)) { *error_r = t_strdup_printf("configured scope '%s' missing from token scope '%s'", req_scope, got_scope); return -1; } } /* see if there is azp */ const char *azp = get_field(tree, "azp"); if (azp == NULL) azp = "default"; else azp = escape_identifier(azp); if (oauth2_validate_signature(set, azp, alg, kid, blobs, error_r) < 0) return -1; oauth2_jwt_copy_fields(fields, tree); return 0; } int oauth2_try_parse_jwt(const struct oauth2_settings *set, const char *token, ARRAY_TYPE(oauth2_field) *fields, bool *is_jwt_r, const char **error_r) { const char *const *blobs = t_strsplit(token, "."); int ret; i_assert(set->key_dict != NULL); /* we don't know if it's JWT token yet */ *is_jwt_r = FALSE; if (str_array_length(blobs) != 3) { *error_r = "Not a JWT token"; return -1; } /* attempt to decode header */ buffer_t *header = t_base64url_decode_str(BASE64_DECODE_FLAG_NO_PADDING, blobs[0]); if (header->used == 0) { *error_r = "Not a JWT token"; return -1; } struct json_tree *header_tree; if (oauth2_json_tree_build(header, &header_tree, error_r) < 0) return -1; const char *alg, *kid; ret = oauth2_jwt_header_process(header_tree, &alg, &kid, error_r); json_tree_deinit(&header_tree); if (ret < 0) return -1; /* it is now assumed to be a JWT token */ *is_jwt_r = TRUE; if (kid == NULL) kid = "default"; else if (*kid == '\0') { *error_r = "'kid' field is empty"; return -1; } else { kid = escape_identifier(kid); } /* parse body */ struct json_tree *body_tree; buffer_t *body = t_base64url_decode_str(BASE64_DECODE_FLAG_NO_PADDING, blobs[1]); if (oauth2_json_tree_build(body, &body_tree, error_r) == -1) return -1; ret = oauth2_jwt_body_process(set, alg, kid, fields, body_tree, blobs, error_r); json_tree_deinit(&body_tree); return ret; }