/* Copyright (c) 2019 Dovecot authors, see the included COPYING file */ #include "lib.h" #include "str.h" #include "strescape.h" #include "llist.h" #include "base64.h" #include "hostpid.h" #include "ioloop.h" #include "istream.h" #include "istream-chain.h" #include "ostream.h" #include "time-util.h" #include "sleep.h" #include "unlink-directory.h" #include "write-full.h" #include "connection.h" #include "master-service.h" #include "master-interface.h" #include "test-common.h" #include "test-subprocess.h" #include "auth-client.h" #define TEST_SOCKET "./auth-client-test" #define CLIENT_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT 30 #define SERVER_KILL_TIMEOUT_SECS 20 static void main_deinit(void); /* * Types */ struct server_connection { struct connection conn; void *context; pool_t pool; }; typedef void test_server_init_t(void); typedef bool test_client_init_t(void); /* * State */ /* common */ static struct ioloop *ioloop; static bool debug = FALSE; /* server */ static struct io *io_listen; static int fd_listen = -1; static struct connection_list *server_conn_list; static void (*test_server_input)(struct server_connection *conn); static void (*test_server_init)(struct server_connection *conn); static void (*test_server_deinit)(struct server_connection *conn); /* client */ /* * Forward declarations */ /* server */ static void test_server_run(void); static void server_connection_deinit(struct server_connection **_conn); /* client */ static void test_client_deinit(void); static int test_client_auth_parallel(const char *mech, const char *username, const char *password, unsigned int concurrency, bool retry, const char **error_r); static int test_client_auth_simple(const char *mech, const char *username, const char *password, bool retry, const char **error_r); /* test*/ static void test_run_client_server(test_client_init_t *client_test, test_server_init_t *server_test) ATTR_NULL(2); /* * Connection refused */ /* server */ static void test_server_connection_refused(void) { i_close_fd(&fd_listen); i_sleep_intr_secs(500); } /* client */ static bool test_client_connection_refused(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_simple("PLAIN", "harrie", "frop", FALSE, &error); test_out_reason("run (ret == -1)", ret == -1, error); return FALSE; } /* test */ static void test_connection_refused(void) { test_begin("connection refused"); test_expect_error_string("Connection refused"); test_run_client_server(test_client_connection_refused, test_server_connection_refused); test_end(); } /* * Connection timed out */ /* server */ static void test_connection_timed_out_input(struct server_connection *conn) { i_sleep_intr_secs(5); server_connection_deinit(&conn); } static void test_server_connection_timed_out(void) { test_server_input = test_connection_timed_out_input; test_server_run(); } /* client */ static bool test_client_connection_timed_out(void) { time_t time; const char *error; int ret; io_loop_time_refresh(); time = ioloop_time; ret = test_client_auth_simple("PLAIN", "harrie", "frop", FALSE, &error); test_out_reason("run (ret == -1)", ret == -1, error); io_loop_time_refresh(); test_out("timeout", (ioloop_time - time) < 5); return FALSE; } /* test */ static void test_connection_timed_out(void) { test_begin("connection timed out"); test_expect_error_string("Timeout waiting for handshake"); test_run_client_server(test_client_connection_timed_out, test_server_connection_timed_out); test_end(); } /* * Bad VERSION */ /* server */ static void test_bad_version_input(struct server_connection *conn) { server_connection_deinit(&conn); } static void test_bad_version_init(struct server_connection *conn) { o_stream_nsend_str( conn->conn.output, "VERSION\t666\t666\n" "MECH\tPLAIN\tplaintext\n" "MECH\tLOGIN\tplaintext\n" "SPID\t12296\n" "CUID\t2\n" "COOKIE\t46cc85ccd2833ca39a49c059fa3d3ccf\n" "DONE\n"); } static void test_server_bad_version(void) { test_server_init = test_bad_version_init; test_server_input = test_bad_version_input; test_server_run(); } /* client */ static bool test_client_bad_version(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_simple("PLAIN", "harrie", "frop", FALSE, &error); test_out_reason("run (ret == -1)", ret == -1, error); return FALSE; } /* test */ static void test_bad_version(void) { test_begin("bad version"); test_expect_error_string("Socket supports major version 666"); test_run_client_server(test_client_bad_version, test_server_bad_version); test_end(); } /* * Disconnect VERSION */ /* server */ static void test_disconnect_version_input(struct server_connection *conn) { const char *line; line = i_stream_read_next_line(conn->conn.input); if (line == NULL) { if (conn->conn.input->eof) server_connection_deinit(&conn); return; } server_connection_deinit(&conn); } static void test_disconnect_version_init(struct server_connection *conn) { o_stream_nsend_str( conn->conn.output, "VERSION\t1\t2\n" "MECH\tPLAIN\tplaintext\n" "MECH\tLOGIN\tplaintext\n" "SPID\t12296\n" "CUID\t2\n" "COOKIE\t46cc85ccd2833ca39a49c059fa3d3ccf\n" "DONE\n"); } static void test_server_disconnect_version(void) { test_server_init = test_disconnect_version_init; test_server_input = test_disconnect_version_input; test_server_run(); } /* client */ static bool test_client_disconnect_version(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_simple("PLAIN", "harrie", "frop", FALSE, &error); test_out_reason("run (ret == -1)", ret == -1, error); return FALSE; } /* test */ static void test_disconnect_version(void) { test_begin("disconnect version"); test_expect_errors(2); test_run_client_server(test_client_disconnect_version, test_server_disconnect_version); test_end(); } /* * Auth handshake */ /* server */ enum _auth_handshake_state { AUTH_HANDSHAKE_STATE_VERSION = 0, AUTH_HANDSHAKE_STATE_CMD }; struct _auth_handshake_request { struct _auth_handshake_request *prev, *next; unsigned int id; const char *username; unsigned int login_state; }; struct _auth_handshake_server { enum _auth_handshake_state state; struct _auth_handshake_request *requests; }; static bool test_auth_handshake_auth_plain(struct server_connection *conn, unsigned int id, const unsigned char *data, size_t data_size) { const char *authid, *authenid; const char *pass; size_t i, len; int count; /* authorization ID \0 authentication ID \0 pass. */ authid = (const char *) data; authenid = NULL; pass = NULL; count = 0; for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) { if (data[i] == '\0') { if (++count == 1) authenid = (const char *)data + (i + 1); else { i++; len = data_size - i; pass = t_strndup(data+i, len); break; } } } if (count != 2) { i_error("Bad AUTH PLAIN request: Bad data"); return FALSE; } i_assert(authenid != NULL); if (strcmp(authid, "supremelordoftheuniverse") != 0) { /* unexpected authorization ID */ o_stream_nsend_str( conn->conn.output, t_strdup_printf("FAIL\t%u\tuser=%s\n", id, authenid)); return TRUE; } if (strcmp(authenid, "harrie") == 0 && strcmp(pass, "frop") == 0) { o_stream_nsend_str( conn->conn.output, t_strdup_printf("OK\t%u\tuser=harrie\n", id)); return TRUE; } if (strcmp(authenid, "hendrik") == 0) return FALSE; o_stream_nsend_str( conn->conn.output, t_strdup_printf("FAIL\t%u\tuser=%s\n", id, authenid)); return TRUE; } static bool test_auth_handshake_auth_login(struct server_connection *conn, unsigned int id, const unsigned char *data ATTR_UNUSED, size_t data_size) { static const char *prompt1 = "Username:"; struct _auth_handshake_server *ctx = (struct _auth_handshake_server *)conn->context; struct _auth_handshake_request *req; string_t *chal_b64; if (data_size != 0) { i_error("Bad AUTH PLAIN request: " "Not expecting initial response"); return FALSE; } req = p_new(conn->pool, struct _auth_handshake_request, 1); req->id = id; DLLIST_PREPEND(&ctx->requests, req); chal_b64 = t_str_new(64); base64_encode(prompt1, strlen(prompt1), chal_b64); o_stream_nsend_str( conn->conn.output, t_strdup_printf("CONT\t%u\t%s\n", id, str_c(chal_b64))); return TRUE; } static bool test_auth_handshake_cont_login(struct server_connection *conn, struct _auth_handshake_request *req, const unsigned char *data, size_t data_size) { static const char *prompt2 = "Password:"; struct _auth_handshake_server *ctx = (struct _auth_handshake_server *)conn->context; const char *resp = t_strndup(data, data_size); string_t *chal_b64; if (++req->login_state == 1) { req->username = p_strdup(conn->pool, resp); if (strcmp(resp, "harrie") != 0) { o_stream_nsend_str( conn->conn.output, t_strdup_printf("FAIL\t%u\tuser=%s\n", req->id, req->username)); return TRUE; } } else { i_assert(req->login_state == 2); DLLIST_REMOVE(&ctx->requests, req); if (strcmp(resp, "frop") != 0) { o_stream_nsend_str( conn->conn.output, t_strdup_printf("FAIL\t%u\tuser=%s\n", req->id, req->username)); return TRUE; } o_stream_nsend_str( conn->conn.output, t_strdup_printf("OK\t%u\tuser=harrie\n", req->id)); return TRUE; } chal_b64 = t_str_new(64); base64_encode(prompt2, strlen(prompt2), chal_b64); o_stream_nsend_str(conn->conn.output, t_strdup_printf("CONT\t%u\t%s\n", req->id, str_c(chal_b64))); return TRUE; } static bool test_auth_handshake_auth(struct server_connection *conn, unsigned int id, const char *const *args) { const char *mech, *resp; unsigned int i; buffer_t *data; if (args[0] == NULL) { i_error("Bad AUTH request"); return FALSE; } mech = args[0]; resp = NULL; for (i = 1; args[i] != NULL; i++) { if (str_begins(args[i], "resp=")) { resp = t_strdup(args[i] + 5); break; } } data = t_buffer_create(256); if (resp != NULL) { if (base64_decode(resp, strlen(resp), NULL, data) < 0) { i_error("Bad AUTH request: Bad base64"); return FALSE; } } if (strcasecmp(mech, "PLAIN") == 0) { return test_auth_handshake_auth_plain(conn, id, data->data, data->used); } else if (strcasecmp(mech, "LOGIN") == 0) { return test_auth_handshake_auth_login(conn, id, data->data, data->used); } i_error("Bad AUTH request: Unknown mechanism"); return FALSE; } static bool test_auth_handshake_cont(struct server_connection *conn, unsigned int id, const char *const *args) { struct _auth_handshake_server *ctx = (struct _auth_handshake_server *)conn->context; struct _auth_handshake_request *req; const char *resp; buffer_t *data; if (args[0] == NULL) { i_error("Bad CONT request"); return FALSE; } resp = args[0]; data = t_buffer_create(256); if (resp != NULL) { if (base64_decode(resp, strlen(resp), NULL, data) < 0) { i_error("Bad CONT request: Bad base64"); return FALSE; } } req = ctx->requests; while (req != NULL) { if (req->id == id) break; req = req->next; } if (req == NULL) { i_error("Bad CONT request: Bad request ID"); return FALSE; } return test_auth_handshake_cont_login(conn, req, data->data, data->used); } static void test_auth_handshake_input(struct server_connection *conn) { struct _auth_handshake_server *ctx = (struct _auth_handshake_server *)conn->context; const char *const *args; unsigned int id; const char *line; for (;;) { line = i_stream_read_next_line(conn->conn.input); if (line == NULL) { if (conn->conn.input->eof) server_connection_deinit(&conn); return; } switch (ctx->state) { case AUTH_HANDSHAKE_STATE_VERSION: if (!str_begins(line, "VERSION\t")) { i_error("Bad VERSION"); server_connection_deinit(&conn); return; } ctx->state = AUTH_HANDSHAKE_STATE_CMD; continue; case AUTH_HANDSHAKE_STATE_CMD: args = t_strsplit_tabescaped(line); if (args[0] == NULL || args[1] == NULL) { i_error("Bad request"); server_connection_deinit(&conn); return; } if (str_to_uint(args[1], &id) < 0) { i_error("Bad %s request", args[0]); server_connection_deinit(&conn); return; } if (strcmp(args[0], "CPID") == 0) { continue; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "AUTH") == 0) { if (test_auth_handshake_auth(conn, id, args + 2)) continue; } else if (strcmp(args[0], "CONT") == 0) { if (test_auth_handshake_cont(conn, id, args + 2)) continue; } else { i_error("Bad request: %s", args[0]); server_connection_deinit(&conn); return; } server_connection_deinit(&conn); return; } i_unreached(); } } static void test_auth_handshake_init(struct server_connection *conn) { struct _auth_handshake_server *ctx; ctx = p_new(conn->pool, struct _auth_handshake_server, 1); conn->context = (void*)ctx; o_stream_nsend_str( conn->conn.output, "VERSION\t1\t2\n" "MECH\tPLAIN\tplaintext\n" "MECH\tLOGIN\tplaintext\n" "SPID\t12296\n" "CUID\t2\n" "COOKIE\t46cc85ccd2833ca39a49c059fa3d3ccf\n" "DONE\n"); } static void test_server_auth_handshake(void) { test_server_init = test_auth_handshake_init; test_server_input = test_auth_handshake_input; test_server_run(); } /* client */ static bool test_client_auth_plain_disconnect(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_simple("PLAIN", "hendrik", "frop", FALSE, &error); test_out("run (ret < 0)", ret < 0); test_assert(error != NULL && strstr(error, "Internal failure") != NULL); return FALSE; } static bool test_client_auth_plain_reconnect(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_simple("PLAIN", "hendrik", "frop", TRUE, &error); test_out("run (ret < 0)", ret < 0); test_assert(error != NULL && strstr(error, "Internal failure") != NULL); return FALSE; } static bool test_client_auth_plain_failure(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_simple("PLAIN", "henk", "frop", FALSE, &error); test_out("run (ret < 0)", ret < 0); test_assert(error != NULL && strstr(error, "Login failure") != NULL); return FALSE; } static bool test_client_auth_plain_success(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_simple("PLAIN", "harrie", "frop", FALSE, &error); test_out("run (ret == 0)", ret == 0); test_assert(error == NULL); return FALSE; } static bool test_client_auth_login_failure1(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_simple("LOGIN", "henk", "frop", FALSE, &error); test_out("run (ret < 0)", ret < 0); test_assert(error != NULL && strstr(error, "Login failure") != NULL); return FALSE; } static bool test_client_auth_login_failure2(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_simple("LOGIN", "harrie", "friep", FALSE, &error); test_out("run (ret < 0)", ret < 0); test_assert(error != NULL && strstr(error, "Login failure") != NULL); return FALSE; } static bool test_client_auth_login_success(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_simple("LOGIN", "harrie", "frop", FALSE, &error); test_out("run (ret == 0)", ret == 0); test_assert(error == NULL); return FALSE; } static bool test_client_auth_plain_parallel_failure(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_parallel("PLAIN", "henk", "frop", 4, FALSE, &error); test_out("run (ret < 0)", ret < 0); test_assert(error != NULL && strstr(error, "Login failure") != NULL); return FALSE; } static bool test_client_auth_plain_parallel_success(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_parallel("PLAIN", "harrie", "frop", 4, FALSE, &error); test_out("run (ret == 0)", ret == 0); test_assert(error == NULL); return FALSE; } static bool test_client_auth_login_parallel_failure1(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_parallel("LOGIN", "henk", "frop", 4, FALSE, &error); test_out("run (ret < 0)", ret < 0); test_assert(error != NULL && strstr(error, "Login failure") != NULL); return FALSE; } static bool test_client_auth_login_parallel_failure2(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_parallel("LOGIN", "harrie", "friep", 4, FALSE, &error); test_out("run (ret < 0)", ret < 0); test_assert(error != NULL && strstr(error, "Login failure") != NULL); return FALSE; } static bool test_client_auth_login_parallel_success(void) { const char *error; int ret; ret = test_client_auth_parallel("LOGIN", "harrie", "frop", 4, FALSE, &error); test_out("run (ret == 0)", ret == 0); test_assert(error == NULL); return FALSE; } /* test */ static void test_auth_handshake(void) { test_begin("auth PLAIN disconnect"); test_expect_errors(1); test_run_client_server(test_client_auth_plain_disconnect, test_server_auth_handshake); test_end(); test_begin("auth PLAIN reconnect"); test_expect_errors(2); test_run_client_server(test_client_auth_plain_reconnect, test_server_auth_handshake); test_end(); test_begin("auth PLAIN failure"); test_run_client_server(test_client_auth_plain_failure, test_server_auth_handshake); test_end(); test_begin("auth PLAIN success"); test_run_client_server(test_client_auth_plain_success, test_server_auth_handshake); test_end(); test_begin("auth LOGIN failure 1"); test_run_client_server(test_client_auth_login_failure1, test_server_auth_handshake); test_end(); test_begin("auth LOGIN failure 2"); test_run_client_server(test_client_auth_login_failure2, test_server_auth_handshake); test_end(); test_begin("auth LOGIN success"); test_run_client_server(test_client_auth_login_success, test_server_auth_handshake); test_end(); test_begin("auth PLAIN parallel failure"); test_run_client_server(test_client_auth_plain_parallel_failure, test_server_auth_handshake); test_end(); test_begin("auth PLAIN parallel success"); test_run_client_server(test_client_auth_plain_parallel_success, test_server_auth_handshake); test_end(); test_begin("auth LOGIN parallel failure 1"); test_run_client_server(test_client_auth_login_parallel_failure1, test_server_auth_handshake); test_end(); test_begin("auth LOGIN parallel failure 2"); test_run_client_server(test_client_auth_login_parallel_failure2, test_server_auth_handshake); test_end(); test_begin("auth LOGIN parallel success"); test_run_client_server(test_client_auth_login_parallel_success, test_server_auth_handshake); test_end(); } /* * All tests */ static void (*const test_functions[])(void) = { test_connection_refused, test_connection_timed_out, test_bad_version, test_disconnect_version, test_auth_handshake, NULL }; /* * Test client */ struct timeout *to_client_progress = NULL; static void test_client_deinit(void) { } struct login_request { struct login_test *test; unsigned int state; }; struct login_test { char *error; int status; const char *username; const char *password; unsigned int requests_pending; struct ioloop *ioloop; }; static void test_client_auth_callback(struct auth_client_request *request, enum auth_request_status status, const char *data_base64 ATTR_UNUSED, const char *const *args ATTR_UNUSED, void *context) { struct login_request *login_req = context; struct login_test *login_test = login_req->test; string_t *resp_b64; const char *errormsg = NULL; if (to_client_progress != NULL) timeout_reset(to_client_progress); switch (status) { case AUTH_REQUEST_STATUS_ABORT: errormsg = "Abort"; break; case AUTH_REQUEST_STATUS_INTERNAL_FAIL: errormsg = "Internal failure"; break; case AUTH_REQUEST_STATUS_FAIL: errormsg = "Login failure"; break; case AUTH_REQUEST_STATUS_CONTINUE: resp_b64 = t_str_new(64); if (++login_req->state == 1) { base64_encode(login_test->username, strlen(login_test->username), resp_b64); } else { test_assert(login_req->state == 2); base64_encode(login_test->password, strlen(login_test->password), resp_b64); } auth_client_request_continue(request, str_c(resp_b64)); return; case AUTH_REQUEST_STATUS_OK: break; } if (login_test->status == 0 && errormsg != NULL) { i_assert(login_test->error == NULL); login_test->error = i_strdup(errormsg); login_test->status = -1; } if (--login_test->requests_pending == 0) io_loop_stop(login_test->ioloop); } static void test_client_auth_connected(struct auth_client *client ATTR_UNUSED, bool connected, void *context) { struct login_test *login_test = context; if (to_client_progress != NULL) timeout_reset(to_client_progress); if (login_test->status == 0 && !connected) { i_assert(login_test->error == NULL); login_test->error = i_strdup("Connection failed"); login_test->status = -1; } io_loop_stop(login_test->ioloop); } static void test_client_progress_timeout(void *context ATTR_UNUSED) { /* Terminate test due to lack of progress */ test_assert(FALSE); timeout_remove(&to_client_progress); io_loop_stop(current_ioloop); } static int test_client_auth_run(struct auth_client *auth_client, struct ioloop *ioloop, struct auth_request_info *info, const char *username, const char *password, unsigned int concurrency, const char **error_r) { struct login_test login_test; struct login_request *login_reqs; unsigned int i; int ret; i_zero(&login_test); login_test.ioloop = ioloop; login_test.username = username; login_test.password = password; auth_client_set_connect_timeout(auth_client, 1000); auth_client_connect(auth_client); if (auth_client_is_disconnected(auth_client)) { login_test.error = i_strdup("Connection failed"); login_test.status = -1; } else { auth_client_set_connect_notify( auth_client, test_client_auth_connected, &login_test); io_loop_run(ioloop); } if (login_test.status >= 0) { io_loop_set_running(ioloop); login_test.requests_pending = concurrency; login_reqs = t_new(struct login_request, concurrency); for (i = 0; i < concurrency; i++) { login_reqs[i].test = &login_test; (void)auth_client_request_new(auth_client, info, test_client_auth_callback, &login_reqs[i]); } if (io_loop_is_running(ioloop)) io_loop_run(ioloop); } ret = login_test.status; *error_r = t_strdup(login_test.error); i_free(login_test.error); auth_client_set_connect_notify(auth_client, NULL, NULL); return ret; } static int test_client_auth_parallel(const char *mech, const char *username, const char *password, unsigned int concurrency, bool retry, const char **error_r) { struct auth_client *auth_client; struct auth_request_info info; struct ioloop *ioloop; int ret; i_zero(&info); info.mech = mech; info.service = "test"; info.session_id = "23423dfd243daaa223"; info.flags = AUTH_REQUEST_FLAG_SECURED; (void)net_addr2ip("", &info.local_ip); info.local_port = 143; (void)net_addr2ip("", &info.remote_ip); info.remote_port = 45546; (void)net_addr2ip("", &info.real_local_ip); info.real_local_port = 143; (void)net_addr2ip("", &info.real_remote_ip); info.real_remote_port = 23246; if (strcasecmp(mech, "PLAIN") == 0) { string_t *resp_b64, *resp; resp = t_str_new(64); str_append(resp, "supremelordoftheuniverse"); str_append_c(resp, '\0'); str_append(resp, username); str_append_c(resp, '\0'); str_append(resp, password); resp_b64 = t_str_new(64); base64_encode(str_data(resp), str_len(resp), resp_b64); info.initial_resp_base64 = str_c(resp_b64); } else if (strcasecmp(mech, "LOGIN") == 0) { /* no intial response */ } else { i_unreached(); } ioloop = io_loop_create(); to_client_progress = timeout_add(CLIENT_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT*1000, test_client_progress_timeout, NULL); auth_client = auth_client_init(TEST_SOCKET, 2234, debug); ret = test_client_auth_run(auth_client, ioloop, &info, username, password, concurrency, error_r); if (ret < 0 && retry) { ret = test_client_auth_run(auth_client, ioloop, &info, username, password, concurrency, error_r); } auth_client_deinit(&auth_client); timeout_remove(&to_client_progress); io_loop_destroy(&ioloop); return ret; } static int test_client_auth_simple(const char *mech, const char *username, const char *password, bool retry, const char **error_r) { return test_client_auth_parallel(mech, username, password, 1, retry, error_r); } /* * Test server */ /* client connection */ static void server_connection_input(struct connection *_conn) { struct server_connection *conn = (struct server_connection *)_conn; test_server_input(conn); } static void server_connection_init(int fd) { struct server_connection *conn; pool_t pool; net_set_nonblock(fd, TRUE); pool = pool_alloconly_create("server connection", 256); conn = p_new(pool, struct server_connection, 1); conn->pool = pool; connection_init_server(server_conn_list, &conn->conn, "server connection", fd, fd); if (test_server_init != NULL) test_server_init(conn); } static void server_connection_deinit(struct server_connection **_conn) { struct server_connection *conn = *_conn; *_conn = NULL; if (test_server_deinit != NULL) test_server_deinit(conn); connection_deinit(&conn->conn); pool_unref(&conn->pool); } static void server_connection_destroy(struct connection *_conn) { struct server_connection *conn = (struct server_connection *)_conn; server_connection_deinit(&conn); } static void server_connection_accept(void *context ATTR_UNUSED) { int fd; /* accept new client */ fd = net_accept(fd_listen, NULL, NULL); if (fd == -1) return; if (fd == -2) i_fatal("test server: accept() failed: %m"); server_connection_init(fd); } /* */ static struct connection_settings server_connection_set = { .input_max_size = SIZE_MAX, .output_max_size = SIZE_MAX, .client = FALSE }; static const struct connection_vfuncs server_connection_vfuncs = { .destroy = server_connection_destroy, .input = server_connection_input }; static void test_server_run(void) { /* open server socket */ io_listen = io_add(fd_listen, IO_READ, server_connection_accept, NULL); server_conn_list = connection_list_init(&server_connection_set, &server_connection_vfuncs); io_loop_run(ioloop); /* close server socket */ io_remove(&io_listen); connection_list_deinit(&server_conn_list); } /* * Tests */ static int test_open_server_fd(void) { int fd; i_unlink_if_exists(TEST_SOCKET); fd = net_listen_unix(TEST_SOCKET, 128); if (debug) i_debug("server listening on "TEST_SOCKET); if (fd == -1) i_fatal("listen("TEST_SOCKET") failed: %m"); return fd; } static int test_run_server(test_server_init_t *server_test) { main_deinit(); master_service_deinit_forked(&master_service); i_set_failure_prefix("SERVER: "); if (debug) i_debug("PID=%s", my_pid); ioloop = io_loop_create(); server_test(); io_loop_destroy(&ioloop); if (debug) i_debug("Terminated"); i_close_fd(&fd_listen); return 0; } static void test_run_client(test_client_init_t *client_test) { i_set_failure_prefix("CLIENT: "); if (debug) i_debug("PID=%s", my_pid); i_sleep_intr_msecs(100); /* wait a little for server setup */ ioloop = io_loop_create(); if (client_test()) io_loop_run(ioloop); test_client_deinit(); io_loop_destroy(&ioloop); if (debug) i_debug("Terminated"); } static void test_run_client_server(test_client_init_t *client_test, test_server_init_t *server_test) { if (server_test != NULL) { /* Fork server */ fd_listen = test_open_server_fd(); test_subprocess_fork(test_run_server, server_test, FALSE); i_close_fd(&fd_listen); } /* Run client */ test_run_client(client_test); i_unset_failure_prefix(); test_subprocess_kill_all(SERVER_KILL_TIMEOUT_SECS); } /* * Main */ static void main_cleanup(void) { i_unlink_if_exists(TEST_SOCKET); } static void main_init(void) { /* nothing yet */ } static void main_deinit(void) { /* nothing yet; also called from sub-processes */ } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const enum master_service_flags service_flags = MASTER_SERVICE_FLAG_STANDALONE | MASTER_SERVICE_FLAG_DONT_SEND_STATS | MASTER_SERVICE_FLAG_NO_SSL_INIT; int c; int ret; master_service = master_service_init("test-auth-master", service_flags, &argc, &argv, "D"); main_init(); while ((c = master_getopt(master_service)) > 0) { switch (c) { case 'D': debug = TRUE; break; default: i_fatal("Usage: %s [-D]", argv[0]); } } master_service_init_finish(master_service); test_subprocesses_init(debug); test_subprocess_set_cleanup_callback(main_cleanup); ret = test_run(test_functions); test_subprocesses_deinit(); main_deinit(); master_service_deinit(&master_service); return ret; }