#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright © 1996 Andy Guy # Copyright © 1998 Martin Schulze # Copyright © 1999, 2009 Raphaël Hertzog # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use strict; use warnings; eval q{ use Dpkg; # Dummy import to require the presence of Dpkg::*. }; if ($@) { warn "Missing Dpkg modules required by the FTP access method.\n\n"; exit 1; } use Dselect::Method; use Dselect::Method::Ftp; # deal with arguments my $vardir = $ARGV[0]; my $method = $ARGV[1]; my $option = $ARGV[2]; if ($option eq 'manual') { print "Enter package file names or a blank line to finish\n"; while(1) { print 'Enter package file name:'; my $fn = ; chomp $fn; if ($fn eq '') { exit 0; } if ( -f $fn ) { system('dpkg', '--merge-avail', $fn); } else { print "Could not find $fn, try again\n"; } }; }; #print "vardir: $vardir, method: $method, option: $option\n"; my $arch = qx(dpkg --print-architecture); $arch = 'i386' if $?; chomp $arch; my $exit = 0; # get info from control file read_config("$vardir/methods/ftp/vars"); chdir "$vardir/methods/ftp"; print "Getting Packages files...(stop with ^C)\n\n"; my @pkgfiles; my $ftp; my $packages_modified = 0; sub download { foreach (@{$CONFIG{site}}) { my $site = $_; $ftp = do_connect(ftpsite => $_->[0], ftpdir => $_->[1], passive => $_->[3], username => $_->[4], password => $_->[5], useproxy => $CONFIG{use_auth_proxy}, proxyhost => $CONFIG{proxyhost}, proxylogname => $CONFIG{proxylogname}, proxypassword => $CONFIG{proxypassword}); my @dists = @{$_->[2]}; PACKAGE: foreach my $dist (@dists) { my $dir = "$dist/binary-$arch"; my $must_get = 0; my $newest_pack_date; # check existing Packages on remote site print "\nChecking for Packages file... "; $newest_pack_date = do_mdtm ($ftp, "$dir/Packages.gz"); if (defined $newest_pack_date) { print "$dir/Packages.gz\n"; } else { $dir = "$dist"; $newest_pack_date = do_mdtm ($ftp, "$dir/Packages.gz"); if (defined $newest_pack_date) { print "$dir/Packages.gz\n"; } else { print "Couldn't find Packages.gz in $dist/binary-$arch or $dist; ignoring.\n"; print "Your setup is probably wrong, check the distributions directories,\n"; print "and try with passive mode enabled/disabled (if you use a proxy/firewall)\n"; next PACKAGE; } } # we now have $dir set to point to an existing Packages.gz file # check if we already have a Packages file (and get its date) $dist =~ tr/\//_/; my $file = "Packages.$site->[0].$dist"; # if not if (! -f $file) { # must get one # print "No Packages here; must get it.\n"; $must_get = 1; } else { # else check last modification date my @pack_stat = stat($file); if($newest_pack_date > $pack_stat[9]) { # print "Packages has changed; must get it.\n"; $must_get = 1; } elsif ($newest_pack_date < $pack_stat[9]) { print " Our file is newer than theirs; skipping.\n"; } else { print " Already up-to-date; skipping.\n"; } } if ($must_get) { -f 'Packages.gz' and unlink 'Packages.gz'; -f 'Packages' and unlink 'Packages'; my $size = 0; TRY_GET_PACKAGES: while (1) { if ($size) { print ' Continuing '; } else { print ' Getting '; } print "Packages file from $dir...\n"; eval { if ($ftp->get("$dir/Packages.gz", 'Packages.gz', $size)) { if (system('gunzip', 'Packages.gz')) { print " Couldn't gunzip Packages.gz, stopped"; die 'error'; } } else { print " Couldn't get Packages.gz from $dir !!! Stopped."; die 'error'; } }; if ($@) { $size = -s 'Packages.gz'; if (ref($ftp)) { $ftp->abort(); $ftp->quit(); }; if (yesno ('y', "Transfer failed at $size: retry at once")) { $ftp = do_connect(ftpsite => $site->[0], ftpdir => $site->[1], passive => $site->[3], username => $site->[4], password => $site->[5], useproxy => $CONFIG{use_auth_proxy}, proxyhost => $CONFIG{proxyhost}, proxylogname => $CONFIG{proxylogname}, proxypassword => $CONFIG{proxypassword}); if ($newest_pack_date != do_mdtm ($ftp, "$dir/Packages.gz")) { print ("Packages file has changed !\n"); $size = 0; } next TRY_GET_PACKAGES; } else { die 'error'; } } last TRY_GET_PACKAGES; } if (!rename 'Packages', "Packages.$site->[0].$dist") { print " Couldn't rename Packages to Packages.$site->[0].$dist"; die 'error'; } else { # set local Packages file to same date as the one it mirrors # to allow comparison to work. utime $newest_pack_date, $newest_pack_date, "Packages.$site->[0].$dist"; $packages_modified = 1; } } push @pkgfiles, "Packages.$site->[0].$dist"; } $ftp->quit(); } } eval { local $SIG{INT} = sub { die "interrupted!\n"; }; download(); }; if($@) { $ftp->quit() if (ref($ftp)); if($@ =~ /timeout/i) { print "FTP TIMEOUT\n"; } else { print "FTP ERROR - $@\n"; } $exit = 1; }; # Don't clear if nothing changed. if ($packages_modified) { print <<'EOM'; It is a good idea to clear the available list of old packages. However if you have only downloaded a Package files from non-main distributions you might not want to do this. EOM if (yesno ('y', 'Do you want to clear available list')) { print "Clearing...\n"; if (system('dpkg', '--clear-avail')) { print 'dpkg --clear-avail failed.'; die 'error'; } } } if (!$packages_modified) { print "No Packages files was updated.\n"; } else { foreach my $file (@pkgfiles) { if (system('dpkg', '--merge-avail', $file)) { print "Dpkg merge available failed on $file"; $exit = 1; } } } exit $exit;