***************************************************** * GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT * * THIS IS NO SOURCE FILE, BUT RESULT OF COMPILATION * ***************************************************** This file was generated by po4a(7). Do not store it (in VCS, for example), but store the PO file used as source file by po4a-translate. In fact, consider this as a binary, and the PO file as a regular .c file: If the PO get lost, keeping this translation up-to-date will be harder. =encoding UTF-8 =head1 名前 dselect.cfg - dselect の設定ファイル =head1 説明 This file contains default options for dselect. Each line contains a single option which is exactly the same as a normal command line option for dselect except for the leading hyphens which are not used here. Quotes surrounding option values are stripped. Comments are allowed by starting a line with a hash sign (‘B<#>’). =head1 ファイル I<%PKGCONFDIR%/dselect.cfg.d/[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*> I<%PKGCONFDIR%/dselect.cfg> I<~/.dselect.cfg> =head1 関連項目 L. =head1 翻訳者 高橋 基信 . 喜瀬 浩 . 関戸 幸一 . 鍋谷 栄展 . 倉澤 望 . 石川 睦 . 鵜飼 文敏 . 中野 武雄 . =head1 翻訳校正 Debian JP Documentation ML .