# Copyright © 2007, 2022 Guillem Jover # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Dpkg::OpenPGP::Backend::GnuPG - OpenPGP backend for GnuPG =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a class that implements the OpenPGP backend for GnuPG. B: This is a private module, its API can change at any time. =cut package Dpkg::OpenPGP::Backend::GnuPG 0.01; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h); use File::Basename; use File::Temp; use File::Copy; use MIME::Base64; use Dpkg::ErrorHandling; use Dpkg::IPC; use Dpkg::File; use Dpkg::Path qw(find_command); use Dpkg::OpenPGP::ErrorCodes; use parent qw(Dpkg::OpenPGP::Backend); sub DEFAULT_CMDV { return [ qw(gpgv-sq gpgv) ]; } sub DEFAULT_CMDSTORE { return [ qw(gpg-agent) ]; } sub DEFAULT_CMD { return [ qw(gpg-sq gpg) ]; } sub has_backend_cmd { my $self = shift; return defined $self->{cmd} && defined $self->{cmdstore}; } sub has_keystore { my $self = shift; return 0 if not defined $self->{cmdstore}; return 1 if ($ENV{GNUPGHOME} && -e $ENV{GNUPGHOME}) || ($ENV{HOME} && -e "$ENV{HOME}/.gnupg"); return 0; } sub can_use_key { my ($self, $key) = @_; # With gpg, a secret key always requires gpg-agent (the key store). return $self->has_keystore(); } sub has_verify_cmd { my $self = shift; return defined $self->{cmdv} || defined $self->{cmd}; } sub get_trusted_keyrings { my $self = shift; my $keystore; if ($ENV{GNUPGHOME} && -e $ENV{GNUPGHOME}) { $keystore = $ENV{GNUPGHOME}; } elsif ($ENV{HOME} && -e "$ENV{HOME}/.gnupg") { $keystore = "$ENV{HOME}/.gnupg"; } else { return; } my @keyrings; foreach my $keyring (qw(trustedkeys.kbx trustedkeys.gpg)) { push @keyrings, "$keystore/$keyring" if -r "$keystore/$keyring"; } return @keyrings; } # _pgp_* functions are strictly for applying or removing ASCII armor. # See for more # details. # # Note that these _pgp_* functions are only necessary while relying on # gpgv, and gpgv itself does not verify multiple signatures correctly # (see https://bugs.debian.org/1010955). sub _pgp_dearmor_data { my ($type, $data) = @_; # Note that we ignore an incorrect or absent checksum, following the # guidance of . my $armor_regex = qr{ -----BEGIN\ PGP\ \Q$type\E-----[\r\t ]*\n (?:[^:]+:\ [^\n]*[\r\t ]*\n)* [\r\t ]*\n ([a-zA-Z0-9/+\n]+={0,2})[\r\t ]*\n (?:=[a-zA-Z0-9/+]{4}[\r\t ]*\n)? -----END\ PGP\ \Q$type\E----- }xm; if ($data =~ m/$armor_regex/) { return decode_base64($1); } return; } sub _pgp_armor_checksum { my ($data) = @_; # From RFC9580 . # # The resulting three-octet-wide value then gets base64-encoded into # four base64 ASCII characters. my $CRC24_INIT = 0xB704CE; my $CRC24_GENERATOR = 0x864CFB; my @bytes = unpack 'C*', $data; my $crc = $CRC24_INIT; for my $b (@bytes) { $crc ^= ($b << 16); for (1 .. 8) { $crc <<= 1; if ($crc & 0x1000000) { # Clear bit 25 to avoid overflow. $crc &= 0xffffff; $crc ^= $CRC24_GENERATOR; } } } my $sum = pack 'CCC', ($crc >> 16) & 0xff, ($crc >> 8) & 0xff, $crc & 0xff; return encode_base64($sum, q{}); } sub _pgp_armor_data { my ($type, $data) = @_; my $out = encode_base64($data, q{}) =~ s/(.{1,64})/$1\n/gr; chomp $out; my $crc = _pgp_armor_checksum($data); my $armor = <<~"ARMOR"; -----BEGIN PGP $type----- $out =$crc -----END PGP $type----- ARMOR return $armor; } sub armor { my ($self, $type, $in, $out) = @_; my $raw_data = file_slurp($in); my $data = _pgp_dearmor_data($type, $raw_data) // $raw_data; my $armor = _pgp_armor_data($type, $data); return OPENPGP_BAD_DATA unless defined $armor; file_dump($out, $armor); return OPENPGP_OK; } sub dearmor { my ($self, $type, $in, $out) = @_; my $armor = file_slurp($in); my $data = _pgp_dearmor_data($type, $armor); return OPENPGP_BAD_DATA unless defined $data; file_dump($out, $data); return OPENPGP_OK; } sub _gpg_exec { my ($self, @exec) = @_; my ($stdout, $stderr); spawn(exec => \@exec, wait_child => 1, nocheck => 1, timeout => 10, to_string => \$stdout, error_to_string => \$stderr); if (WIFEXITED($?)) { my $status = WEXITSTATUS($?); print { *STDERR } "$stdout$stderr" if $status; return $status; } else { subprocerr("@exec"); } } sub _gpg_options_weak_digests { my @gpg_weak_digests = map { (qw(--weak-digest), $_) } qw(SHA1 RIPEMD160); return @gpg_weak_digests; } sub _gpg_verify { my ($self, $signeddata, $sig, $data, @certs) = @_; return OPENPGP_MISSING_CMD if ! $self->has_verify_cmd(); my $gpg_home = File::Temp->newdir('dpkg-gpg-verify.XXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1); my @cmd_opts = qw(--no-options --no-default-keyring --batch --quiet); my @gpg_opts; push @gpg_opts, _gpg_options_weak_digests(); push @gpg_opts, '--homedir', $gpg_home; push @cmd_opts, @gpg_opts; my @exec; if ($self->{cmdv}) { push @exec, $self->{cmdv}; push @exec, @gpg_opts; # We need to touch the trustedkeys.gpg keyring, otherwise gpgv will # emit an error about the trustedkeys.kbx file being of unknown type. file_touch("$gpg_home/trustedkeys.gpg"); } else { push @exec, $self->{cmd}; push @exec, @cmd_opts; } foreach my $cert (@certs) { my $certring = File::Temp->new(UNLINK => 1, SUFFIX => '.pgp'); my $rc; # XXX: The internal dearmor() does not handle concatenated ASCII Armor, # but the old implementation handled such certificate keyrings, so to # avoid regressing for now, we fallback to use the GnuPG dearmor. if ($cert =~ m{\.kbx$}) { # Accept GnuPG apparent keybox-format keyrings as-is. $rc = 1; } elsif (defined $self->{cmd}) { $rc = $self->_gpg_exec($self->{cmd}, @cmd_opts, '--yes', '--output', $certring, '--dearmor', $cert); } else { $rc = $self->dearmor('PUBLIC KEY BLOCK', $cert, $certring); } $certring = $cert if $rc; push @exec, '--keyring', $certring; } push @exec, '--output', $data if defined $data; if (! $self->{cmdv}) { push @exec, '--verify'; } push @exec, $sig if defined $sig; push @exec, $signeddata; my $rc = $self->_gpg_exec(@exec); return OPENPGP_NO_SIG if $rc; return OPENPGP_OK; } sub inline_verify { my ($self, $inlinesigned, $data, @certs) = @_; return $self->_gpg_verify($inlinesigned, undef, $data, @certs); } sub verify { my ($self, $data, $sig, @certs) = @_; return $self->_gpg_verify($data, $sig, undef, @certs); } sub inline_sign { my ($self, $data, $inlinesigned, $key) = @_; return OPENPGP_MISSING_CMD if ! $self->has_backend_cmd(); my $file = basename($data); my $signdir = File::Temp->newdir('dpkg-sign.XXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1); my $signfile = "$signdir/$file"; # Make sure the file to sign ends with a newline, as GnuPG does not adhere # to the OpenPGP specification (see ). copy($data, $signfile); open my $signfh, '>>', $signfile or syserr(g_('cannot open %s'), $signfile); print { $signfh } "\n"; close $signfh or syserr(g_('cannot close %s'), $signfile); my @exec = ($self->{cmd}); push @exec, _gpg_options_weak_digests(); push @exec, qw(--utf8-strings --textmode --armor); # Set conformance level. push @exec, '--openpgp'; # Set secure algorithm preferences. push @exec, '--personal-digest-preferences', 'SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224'; if ($key->type eq 'keyfile') { # Promote the keyfile keyhandle to a keystore, this way we share the # same gpg-agent and can get any password cached. my $gpg_home = File::Temp->newdir('dpkg-sign.XXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1); push @exec, '--homedir', $gpg_home; $self->_gpg_exec(@exec, qw(--quiet --no-tty --batch --import), $key->handle); $key->set('keystore', $gpg_home); } elsif ($key->type eq 'keystore') { push @exec, '--homedir', $key->handle; } else { push @exec, '--local-user', $key->handle; } push @exec, '--output', $inlinesigned; my $rc = $self->_gpg_exec(@exec, '--clearsign', $data); return OPENPGP_CMD_CANNOT_SIGN if $rc; return OPENPGP_OK; } =head1 CHANGES =head2 Version 0.xx This is a private module. =cut 1;