path: root/docs
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+# BASH Notes
+## basename
+Don't use `basename`, use:
+ file=${path##*/}
+## dirname
+Don't use `dirname`, use:
+ dir=${path%/*}
+## shopt
+If you set `shopt` in a function, reset to its default state with `trap`:
+func() {
+ trap "$(shopt -p globstar)" RETURN
+ shopt -q -s globstar
+## find, grep, print0, -0, -z
+Don't use `find` in `for` loops, because filenames can contain spaces.
+Try to use `globstar` and `nullglob` or null byte terminated strings.
+Instead of:
+func() {
+ for file in $(find /usr/lib* -type f -name 'lib*.a' -print0 ); do
+ echo $file
+ done
+func() {
+ trap "$(shopt -p nullglob globstar)" RETURN
+ shopt -q -s nullglob globstar
+ for file in /usr/lib*/**/lib*.a; do
+ [[ -f $file ]] || continue
+ echo "$file"
+ done
+Or collect the filenames in an array, if you need them more than once:
+func() {
+ trap "$(shopt -p globstar)" RETURN
+ shopt -q -s globstar
+ filenames=( /usr/lib*/**/lib*.a )
+ for file in "${filenames[@]}"; do
+ [[ -f $file ]] || continue
+ echo "$file"
+ done
+Or, if you really want to use `find`, use `-print0` and an array:
+func() {
+ mapfile -t -d '' filenames < <(find /usr/lib* -type f -name 'lib*.a' -print0)
+ for file in "${filenames[@]}"; do
+ echo "$file"
+ done
+Note: `-d ''` is the same as `-d $'\0'` and sets the null byte as the delimiter.
+func() {
+ find /usr/lib* -type f -name 'lib*.a' -print0 | while read -r -d '' file; do
+ echo "$file"
+ done
+func() {
+ while read -r -d '' file; do
+ echo "$file"
+ done < <(find /usr/lib* -type f -name 'lib*.a' -print0)
+Use the tool options for null terminated strings, like `-print0`, `-0`, `-z`, etc.
+## prefix or suffix array elements
+Instead of:
+func() {
+ other-cmd $(for k in "$@"; do echo "prefix-$k"; done)
+func() {
+ other-cmd "${@/#/prefix-}"
+or suffix:
+func() {
+ other-cmd "${@/%/-suffix}"
+## Join array elements with a separator char
+Here we have an associate array `_drivers`, where we want to print the keys separated by ',':
+ if [[ ${!_drivers[*]} ]]; then
+ echo "rd.driver.pre=$(IFS=, ;echo "${!_drivers[*]}")" > "${initdir}"/etc/cmdline.d/00-watchdog.conf
+ fi
+## Optional parameters to commands
+If you want to call a command `cmd` with an option, if a variable is set, rather than doing:
+func() {
+ local param="$1"
+ if [[ $param ]]; then
+ param="--this-special-option $param"
+ fi
+ cmd $param
+do it like this:
+func() {
+ local param="$1"
+ cmd ${param:+--this-special-option "$param"}
+# cmd --this-special-option 'abc'
+func 'abc'
+# cmd
+func ''
+# cmd
+If you want to specify the option even with an empty string do this:
+func() {
+ local -a special_params
+ if [[ ${1+_} ]]; then
+ # only declare `param` if $1 is set (even as null string)
+ local param="$1"
+ fi
+ # check if `param` is set (even as null string)
+ if [[ ${param+_} ]]; then
+ special_params=( --this-special-option "${param}" )
+ fi
+ cmd ${param+"${special_params[@]}"}
+# cmd --this-special-option 'abc'
+func 'abc'
+# cmd --this-special-option ''
+func ''
+# cmd
+Or more simple, if you only have to set an option:
+func() {
+ if [[ ${1+_} ]]; then
+ # only declare `param` if $1 is set (even as null string)
+ local param="$1"
+ fi
+ cmd ${param+--this-special-option}
+# cmd --this-special-option
+func 'abc'
+# cmd --this-special-option
+func ''
+# cmd
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+# Dracut Code of Conduct
+This code of conduct outlines our expectations for participants within the Dracut community, as well as steps for reporting unacceptable behavior.
+We are committed to providing a welcoming and inspiring community for all and expect our code of conduct to be honored.
+Anyone who violates this code of conduct may be banned from the community.
+## Our Pledge
+We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:
+* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
+* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
+* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
+* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience
+* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community
+Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind
+* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
+## Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the project maintainer responsible for enforcement Harald Hoyer <>.
+All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances.
+Project maintainers are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project's leadership.
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
+version 2.0, available at
+For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at
+Translations are available at
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+# Dracut Developer Guidelines
+Please make sure to follow our [Contribution Guidelines](../
+## git
+Currently dracut lives on
+Pull requests should be filed preferably on github nowadays.
+### Code Format
+It is recommended, that you install a plugin for your editor, which reads in `.editorconfig`.
+Additionally `emacs` and `vim` config files are provided for convenience.
+To reformat C files use `astyle`:
+$ astyle --options=.astylerc <FILE>
+For convenience there is also a Makefile `indent-c` target `make indent-c`.
+To reformat shell files use `shfmt`:
+$ shfmt_version=3.2.4
+$ wget "${shfmt_version}/shfmt_v${shfmt_version}_linux_amd64" -O shfmt
+$ chmod u+x shfmt
+$ ./shfmt -w -s .
+$ GO111MODULE=on go get
+$ $GOPATH/bin/shfmt -w -s .
+or if `shfmt` is already in your `PATH`, use `make indent`.
+Some IDEs already have support for shfmt.
+For convenience the `make indent` Makefile target also calls shfmt, if it is in `$PATH`.
+### Commit Messages
+Commit messages should answer these questions:
+* What?: a short summary of what you changed in the subject line.
+* Why?: what the intended outcome of the change is (arguably the most important piece of information that should go into a message).
+* How?: if multiple approaches for achieving your goal were available, you also want to explain why you chose the used implementation strategy.
+ Note that you should not explain how your change achieves your goal in your commit message.
+ That should be obvious from the code itself.
+ If you cannot achieve that clarity with the used programming language, use comments within the code instead.
+The commit message is primarily the place for documenting the why.
+Commit message titles should follow [Conventional Commits](
+Format is `<type>[optional scope]: <description>`, where `type` is one of:
+* fix: A bug fix
+* feat: A new feature
+* perf: A code change that improves performance
+* refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
+* style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
+* test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
+* docs: Documentation only changes
+* revert: Reverts a previous commit
+* chore: Other changes that don't modify src or test files
+* build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)
+* ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)
+`scope` should be the module name (without numbers) or:
+* cli: for the dracut command line interface
+* rt: for the dracut initramfs runtime logic
+* functions: for general purpose dracut functions
+Commit messages are checked with [Commisery](
+## Writing modules
+Some general rules for writing modules:
+* Use one of the inst family of functions to actually install files
+ on to the initramfs. They handle mangling the pathnames and (for binaries,
+ scripts, and kernel modules) installing dependencies as appropriate so
+ you do not have to.
+* Scripts that end up on the initramfs should be POSIX compliant. dracut
+ will try to use /bin/dash as /bin/sh for the initramfs if it is available,
+ so you should install it on your system -- dash aims for strict POSIX
+ compliance to the extent possible.
+* Hooks MUST be POSIX compliant -- they are sourced by the init script,
+ and having a bashism break your user's ability to boot really sucks.
+* Generator modules should have a two digit numeric prefix -- they run in
+ ascending sort order. Anything in the 90-99 range is stuff that dracut
+ relies on, so try not to break those hooks.
+* Hooks must have a .sh extension.
+* Generator modules are described in more detail later on.
+* We have some breakpoints for debugging your hooks. If you pass 'rdbreak'
+ as a kernel parameter, the initramfs will drop to a shell just before
+ switching to a new root. You can pass 'rdbreak=hookpoint', and the initramfs
+ will break just before hooks in that hookpoint run.
+Also, there is an attempt to keep things as distribution-agnostic as
+possible. Every distribution has their own tool here and it's not
+something which is really interesting to have separate across them.
+So contributions to help decrease the distro-dependencies are welcome.
+Most of the functionality that dracut implements are actually implemented
+by dracut modules. dracut modules live in modules.d, and have the following
+ 00modname/
+ check
+ <other files as needed by the hook>
+`00modname`: The name of the module prefixed by a two-digit numeric sort code.
+ The numeric code must be present and in the range of 00 - 99.
+ Modules with lower numbers are installed first. This is important
+ because the dracut install functions (which install files onto
+ the initrd) refuse to overwrite already installed files. This makes
+ it easy for an earlier module to override the functionality of a
+ later module, so that you can have a distro or system specific
+ module override or modify the functionality of a generic module
+ without having to patch the more generic module.
+ dracut sources this script to install the functionality that a
+ module implements onto the initrd. For the most part, this amounts
+ to copying files from the host system onto the initrd in a controlled
+ manner.
+ This function of is called to install all
+ non-kernel files. dracut supplies several install functions that are
+ specialized for different file types. Browse through dracut-functions
+ for more details. dracut also provides a $moddir variable if you
+ need to install a file from the module directory, such as an initrd
+ hook, a udev rule, or a specialized executable.
+ This function of is called to install all
+ kernel related files.
+ dracut calls this function to check and see if a module can be installed
+ on the initrd.
+ When called without options, check should check to make sure that
+ any files it needs to install into the initrd from the host system
+ are present. It should exit with a 0 if they are, and a 1 if they are
+ not.
+ When called with $hostonly set, it should perform the same check
+ that it would without it set, and it should also check to see if the
+ functionality the module implements is being used on the host system.
+ For example, if this module handles installing support for LUKS
+ encrypted volumes, it should return 0 if all the tools to handle
+ encrypted volumes are available and the host system has the root
+ partition on an encrypted volume, 1 otherwise.
+ This function should output a list of dracut modules
+ that it relies upon. An example would be the nfs and iscsi modules,
+ which rely on the network module to detect and configure network
+ interfaces.
+Any other files in the module will not be touched by dracut directly.
+You are encouraged to provide a README that describes what the module is for.
+### Hooks
+init has the following hook points to inject scripts:
+ scripts for command line parsing
+ scripts to run before udev is started
+ scripts to run before the main udev trigger is pulled
+ runs in parallel to the udev trigger
+ Udev events can add scripts here with /sbin/initqueue.
+ If /sbin/initqueue is called with the "--onetime" option, the script
+ will be removed after it was run.
+ If /lib/dracut/hooks/initqueue/work is created and udev >= 143 then
+ this loop can process the jobs in parallel to the udevtrigger.
+ If the udev queue is empty and no root device is found or no root
+ filesystem was mounted, the user will be dropped to a shell after
+ a timeout.
+ Scripts can remove themselves from the initqueue by "rm $job".
+ scripts to run before the root filesystem is mounted
+ Network filesystems like NFS that do not use device files are an
+ exception. Root can be mounted already at this point.
+ scripts to mount the root filesystem
+ If the udev queue is empty and no root device is found or no root
+ filesystem was mounted, the user will be dropped to a shell after
+ a timeout.
+ scripts to run before latter initramfs cleanups
+ scripts to run before the real init is executed and the initramfs
+ disappears
+ All processes started before should be killed here.
+## Testsuite
+### Rootless in a container with podman
+$ podman pull [CONTAINER]
+$ podman run --rm -it \
+ --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --user 0 \
+ -v /dev:/dev -v ./:/dracut:z \
+ bash -l
+# cd /dracut
+# ./configure
+# make -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
+# cd test
+# make KVERSION="$(cd /lib/modules && ls -1 | tail -1)" V=1 SKIP="16 60 61" clean check
+with `[CONTAINER]` being one of the
+[github `dracutdevs` containers](,
+e.g. ``.
+### On bare metal
+For the testsuite to pass, you will have to install at least the software packages
+mentioned in the `test/container` Dockerfiles.
+$ sudo make clean check
+in verbose mode:
+$ sudo make V=1 clean check
+only specific test:
+$ sudo make TESTS="01 20 40" clean check
+only runs the 01, 20 and 40 tests.
+debug a specific test case:
+$ cd TEST-01-BASIC
+$ sudo make clean setup run
+... change some kernel parameters in `` ...
+$ sudo make run
+to run the test without doing the setup.
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+Dracut supports running against a sysroot directory that is different
+from the actual root (/) directory of the running system. It is most
+useful for creating/bootstrapping a new system that may or may not be
+using the same CPU architecture as the host system, i.e. building a
+whole Linux system with a cross-compiler framework like Yocto.
+The user-visible frontend change is the introduction of a new option
+called "-r" or "--sysroot". It expects a directory that contains the
+complete Linux system that has all the files (kernel drivers, firmware,
+executables, libraries and others) necessary to construct the initramfs.
+E.g: dracut --sysroot /path/to/sysroot initramfs.img kernelversion
+To support this, a new global variable was introduced inside dracut.
+This variable is called "dracutsysrootdir" and all the files installed
+into the initramfs image is searched relative to the sysroot directory.
+This variable can also be set externally to dracut without using option
+There are other details that are necessary to tweak to be able to
+run on cross-compiled (a.k.a. foreign) binaries.
+dracut uses these crucial utilities during its operation:
+It lists dynamic library dependencies for executables or libraries
+It creates /etc/, i.e. the cached information about libraries
+known to the system.
+These utilities the way they exist on the host system only work on
+the host system.
+To support cross-compiled binaries, a different ldd variant is needed that
+works on those binaries. One such ldd script is found at
+ldconfig in GLIBC as is does support a sysroot with its -r option.
+Extra environment variables needed to run dracut on the sysroot are
+documented in the dracut(8) man page.
+For the Plymouth boot splash to be added to the initramfs image,
+this gitlab PR is needed for Plymouth:
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+To build a generic initramfs, you have to install the following software packages:
+ * device-mapper
+ * cryptsetup-luks
+ * rpcbind nfs-utils
+ * lvm2
+ * iscsi-initiator-utils
+ * nbd
+ * mdadm
+ * net-tools iproute
+Generic initramfs'es are huge (usually over 10 megs in size uncompressed), but
+should be able to automatically boot any bootable configuration with appropriate
+boot flags (root device, network configuration information, etc.) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/README.kernel b/docs/README.kernel
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+"dracut --kernel-only" is to build an initrd with only kernel modules and firmware files.
+"dracut --kernel-only" only executes "installkernel" in the modules subdirectories.
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+# Conducting A Successful Release
+This documents contains the necessary steps to conduct a successful release.
+1. Add all items to ``
+ Get a first template with [`clog`](
+ ```console
+ $ clog -F -r
+ ```
+2. Update the contributors list in
+ Produce the list with:
+ ```console
+ ```
+ Append the list to the section in ``
+3. Update AUTHORS
+ ```console
+ $ make AUTHORS
+ ```
+4. Check in AUTHORS and
+ ```console
+ $ git commit -m "docs: update and AUTHORS" AUTHORS
+ $ git push origin master
+ ```
+5. Tag the release, validate the tag and push
+ ```console
+ $ git tag -s 060
+ $ git tag -v 060
+ $ git push --tags
+ ```
+ Add the section from `` to the git tag message excluding the Rendered
+ view entry.
+6. Create a new release on github (
+ - Add the section from `` to the release.
+7. Open a new milestone, move all unfinished issue from the previous milestone to the new one and close the released milestone (
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+Security is very important to us. If you discover any issue regarding security, we'd appreciate a non-public disclosure of
+the information, so please disclose the information responsibly by sending an email to Harald Hoyer <> and not by creating a GitHub issue.
+We will respond swiftly to fix verifiable security issues with the disclosure being coordinated with distributions and relevant security teams.
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