path: root/modules.d/35network-legacy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules.d/35network-legacy')
14 files changed, 1634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b3e5e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+type getarg > /dev/null 2>&1 || . /lib/
+type ip_to_var > /dev/null 2>&1 || . /lib/
+# We already need a set netif here
+setup_interface() {
+ ip=$new_ip_address
+ mtu=$new_interface_mtu
+ mask=$new_subnet_mask
+ bcast=$new_broadcast_address
+ gw=${new_routers%%,*}
+ domain=$new_domain_name
+ # get rid of control chars
+ search=$(printf -- "%s" "$new_domain_search" | tr -d '[:cntrl:]')
+ namesrv=$new_domain_name_servers
+ hostname=$new_host_name
+ [ -n "$new_dhcp_lease_time" ] && lease_time=$new_dhcp_lease_time
+ [ -n "$new_max_life" ] && lease_time=$new_max_life
+ preferred_lft=$lease_time
+ [ -n "$new_preferred_life" ] && preferred_lft=$new_preferred_life
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ [ -f /tmp/net."$netif".override ] && . /tmp/net."$netif".override
+ # Taken from debian dhclient-script:
+ # The 576 MTU is only used for X.25 and dialup connections
+ # where the admin wants low latency. Such a low MTU can cause
+ # problems with UDP traffic, among other things. As such,
+ # disallow MTUs from 576 and below by default, so that broken
+ # MTUs are ignored, but higher stuff is allowed (1492, 1500, etc).
+ if [ -n "$mtu" ] && [ "$mtu" -gt 576 ]; then
+ if ! ip link set "$netif" mtu "$mtu"; then
+ ip link set "$netif" down
+ ip link set "$netif" mtu "$mtu"
+ linkup "$netif"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ip addr add "$ip"${mask:+/$mask} ${bcast:+broadcast $bcast} dev "$netif" \
+ ${lease_time:+valid_lft $lease_time} \
+ ${preferred_lft:+preferred_lft ${preferred_lft}}
+ if [ -n "$gw" ]; then
+ if [ "$mask" = "" ]; then
+ # point-to-point connection => set explicit route to gateway
+ echo ip route add "$gw" dev "$netif" > /tmp/net."$netif".gw
+ fi
+ echo "$gw" | {
+ IFS=' ' read -r main_gw other_gw
+ echo ip route replace default via "$main_gw" dev "$netif" >> /tmp/net."$netif".gw
+ if [ -n "$other_gw" ]; then
+ for g in $other_gw; do
+ echo ip route add default via "$g" dev "$netif" >> /tmp/net."$netif".gw
+ done
+ fi
+ }
+ fi
+ if getargbool 1 rd.peerdns; then
+ [ -n "${search}${domain}" ] && echo "search $search $domain" > /tmp/net."$netif".resolv.conf
+ if [ -n "$namesrv" ]; then
+ for s in $namesrv; do
+ echo nameserver "$s"
+ done
+ fi >> /tmp/net."$netif".resolv.conf
+ fi
+ # Note: hostname can be fqdn OR short hostname, so chop off any
+ # trailing domain name and explicitly add any domain if set.
+ [ -n "$hostname" ] && echo "echo ${hostname%."$domain"}${domain:+.$domain} > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname" > /tmp/net."$netif".hostname
+setup_interface6() {
+ domain=$new_domain_name
+ # get rid of control chars
+ search=$(printf -- "%s" "$new_dhcp6_domain_search" | tr -d '[:cntrl:]')
+ namesrv=$new_dhcp6_name_servers
+ hostname=$new_host_name
+ [ -n "$new_dhcp_lease_time" ] && lease_time=$new_dhcp_lease_time
+ [ -n "$new_max_life" ] && lease_time=$new_max_life
+ preferred_lft=$lease_time
+ [ -n "$new_preferred_life" ] && preferred_lft=$new_preferred_life
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ [ -f /tmp/net."$netif".override ] && . /tmp/net."$netif".override
+ ip -6 addr add "${new_ip6_address}"/"${new_ip6_prefixlen}" \
+ dev "${netif}" scope global \
+ ${lease_time:+valid_lft $lease_time} \
+ ${preferred_lft:+preferred_lft ${preferred_lft}}
+ if getargbool 1 rd.peerdns; then
+ [ -n "${search}${domain}" ] && echo "search $search $domain" > /tmp/net."$netif".resolv.conf
+ if [ -n "$namesrv" ]; then
+ for s in $namesrv; do
+ echo nameserver "$s"
+ done
+ fi >> /tmp/net."$netif".resolv.conf
+ fi
+ # Note: hostname can be fqdn OR short hostname, so chop off any
+ # trailing domain name and explicitly add any domain if set.
+ [ -n "$hostname" ] && echo "echo ${hostname%."$domain"}${domain:+.$domain} > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname" > /tmp/net."$netif".hostname
+parse_option_121() {
+ while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
+ mask="$1"
+ shift
+ # Is the destination a multicast group?
+ if [ "$1" -ge 224 -a "$1" -lt 240 ]; then
+ multicast=1
+ else
+ multicast=0
+ fi
+ # Parse the arguments into a CIDR net/mask string
+ if [ "$mask" -gt 24 ]; then
+ destination="$1.$2.$3.$4/$mask"
+ shift
+ shift
+ shift
+ shift
+ elif [ "$mask" -gt 16 ]; then
+ destination="$1.$2.$3.0/$mask"
+ shift
+ shift
+ shift
+ elif [ "$mask" -gt 8 ]; then
+ destination="$1.$2.0.0/$mask"
+ shift
+ shift
+ elif [ "$mask" -gt 0 ]; then
+ destination="$$mask"
+ shift
+ else
+ destination="$mask"
+ fi
+ # Read the gateway
+ gateway="$1.$2.$3.$4"
+ shift
+ shift
+ shift
+ shift
+ # Multicast routing on Linux
+ # - If you set a next-hop address for a multicast group, this breaks with Cisco switches
+ # - If you simply leave it link-local and attach it to an interface, it works fine.
+ if [ $multicast -eq 1 -o "$gateway" = "" ]; then
+ temp_result="$destination dev $interface"
+ else
+ temp_result="$destination via $gateway dev $interface"
+ fi
+ echo "/sbin/ip route replace $temp_result"
+ done
+case $reason in
+ echo "dhcp: PREINIT $netif up"
+ linkup "$netif"
+ ;;
+ echo "dhcp: PREINIT6 $netif up"
+ linkup "$netif"
+ wait_for_ipv6_dad_link "$netif"
+ ;;
+ echo "dhcp: BOUND setting up $netif"
+ unset layer2
+ if [ -f /sys/class/net/"$netif"/device/layer2 ]; then
+ read -r layer2 < /sys/class/net/"$netif"/device/layer2
+ fi
+ if [ "$layer2" != "0" ]; then
+ if command -v arping2 > /dev/null; then
+ if arping2 -q -C 1 -c 2 -I "$netif" -0 "$new_ip_address"; then
+ warn "Duplicate address detected for $new_ip_address while doing dhcp. retrying"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ if ! arping -f -q -D -c 2 -I "$netif" "$new_ip_address"; then
+ warn "Duplicate address detected for $new_ip_address while doing dhcp. retrying"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ unset layer2
+ setup_interface
+ set | while read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do
+ [ "${line#new_}" = "$line" ] && continue
+ echo "$line"
+ done > /tmp/dhclient."$netif".dhcpopts
+ {
+ echo '. /lib/'
+ echo "setup_net $netif"
+ if [ -n "$new_classless_static_routes" ]; then
+ IFS=".$IFS"
+ parse_option_121 "$new_classless_static_routes"
+ fi
+ echo "source_hook initqueue/online $netif"
+ [ -e /tmp/net."$netif".manualup ] || echo "/sbin/netroot $netif"
+ echo "rm -f -- $hookdir/initqueue/setup_net_$"
+ } > "$hookdir"/initqueue/setup_net_"$netif".sh
+ echo "[ -f /tmp/net.$netif.did-setup ]" > "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/dhclient-"$netif".sh
+ : > /tmp/net."$netif".up
+ if [ -e /sys/class/net/"${netif}"/address ]; then
+ : > "/tmp/net.$(cat /sys/class/net/"${netif}"/address).up"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ unset lease_time
+ [ -n "$new_dhcp_lease_time" ] && lease_time=$new_dhcp_lease_time
+ [ -n "$new_max_life" ] && lease_time=$new_max_life
+ preferred_lft=$lease_time
+ [ -n "$new_preferred_life" ] && preferred_lft=$new_preferred_life
+ ip -4 addr change "${new_ip_address}"/"${new_subnet_mask}" broadcast "${new_broadcast_address}" dev "${interface}" \
+ ${lease_time:+valid_lft $lease_time} ${preferred_lft:+preferred_lft ${preferred_lft}} \
+ > /dev/null 2>&1
+ ;;
+ echo "dhcp: BOUND6 setting up $netif"
+ setup_interface6
+ set | while read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do
+ [ "${line#new_}" = "$line" ] && continue
+ echo "$line"
+ done > /tmp/dhclient."$netif".dhcpopts
+ {
+ echo '. /lib/'
+ echo "setup_net $netif"
+ echo "source_hook initqueue/online $netif"
+ [ -e /tmp/net."$netif".manualup ] || echo "/sbin/netroot $netif"
+ echo "rm -f -- $hookdir/initqueue/setup_net_$"
+ } > "$hookdir"/initqueue/setup_net_"$netif".sh
+ echo "[ -f /tmp/net.$netif.did-setup ]" > "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/dhclient-"$netif".sh
+ : > /tmp/net."$netif".up
+ if [ -e /sys/class/net/"${netif}"/address ]; then
+ : > "/tmp/net.$(cat /sys/class/net/"${netif}"/address).up"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ unset lease_time
+ [ -n "$new_dhcp_lease_time" ] && lease_time=$new_dhcp_lease_time
+ [ -n "$new_max_life" ] && lease_time=$new_max_life
+ preferred_lft=$lease_time
+ [ -n "$new_preferred_life" ] && preferred_lft=$new_preferred_life
+ ip -6 addr change "${new_ip6_address}"/"${new_ip6_prefixlen}" dev "${interface}" scope global \
+ ${lease_time:+valid_lft $lease_time} ${preferred_lft:+preferred_lft ${preferred_lft}} \
+ > /dev/null 2>&1
+ ;;
+ *) echo "dhcp: $reason" ;;
+exit 0
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/dhclient.conf b/modules.d/35network-legacy/dhclient.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffd24ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/dhclient.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+option classless-static-routes code 121 = array of unsigned integer 8;
+send dhcp-client-identifier = hardware;
+request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers,
+ domain-name, domain-name-servers, domain-search, host-name,
+ root-path, interface-mtu, classless-static-routes,
+ netbios-name-servers, netbios-scope, ntp-servers,
+ dhcp6.domain-search, dhcp6.fqdn,
+, dhcp6.sntp-servers;
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..60e0374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# -*- mode: shell-script; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 4; -*-
+# ex: ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 et filetype=sh
+# File to start dhclient requests on different interfaces in parallel
+. /lib/
+. /lib/
+# Run dhclient in parallel
+do_dhclient() {
+ local _COUNT=0
+ local _timeout
+ local _DHCPRETRY
+ _timeout=$(getarg
+ _DHCPRETRY=$(getargnum 1 1 1000000000
+ if [ -n "$_timeout" ]; then
+ if ! (dhclient --help 2>&1 | grep -q -F -- '--timeout' 2> /dev/null); then
+ warn " has no effect because dhclient does not implement the --timeout option"
+ unset _timeout
+ fi
+ fi
+ while [ $_COUNT -lt "$_DHCPRETRY" ]; do
+ info "Starting dhcp for interface $netif"
+ dhclient "$arg" \
+ ${_timeout:+--timeout "$_timeout"} \
+ -q \
+ -1 \
+ -cf /etc/dhclient.conf \
+ -pf /tmp/dhclient."$netif".pid \
+ -lf /tmp/dhclient."$netif".lease \
+ "$netif" &
+ wait $! 2> /dev/null
+ # wait will return the return value of dhclient
+ retv=$?
+ # dhclient and hence wait returned success, 0.
+ if [ $retv -eq 0 ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # If dhclient exited before wait was called, or it was killed by
+ # another thread for interface whose DHCP succeeded, then it will not
+ # find the process with that pid and return error code 127. In that
+ # case we need to check if /tmp/dhclient.$ exists. If it
+ # does, it means dhclient finished executing before wait was called,
+ # and it was successful (return 0). If /tmp/dhclient.$
+ # does not exist, then it means dhclient was killed by another thread
+ # or it finished execution but failed dhcp on that interface.
+ if [ $retv -eq 127 ]; then
+ read -r pid < /tmp/dhclient."$netif".pid
+ info "PID $pid was not found by wait for $netif"
+ if [ -e /tmp/dhclient."$netif".lease ]; then
+ info "PID $pid not found but DHCP successful on $netif"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ _COUNT=$((_COUNT + 1))
+ [ $_COUNT -lt "$_DHCPRETRY" ] && sleep 1
+ done
+ warn "dhcp for interface $netif failed"
+ # nuke those files since we failed; we might retry dhcp again if it's e.g.
+ # `ip=dhcp,dhcp6` and we check for the PID file earlier
+ rm -f /tmp/dhclient."$netif".pid /tmp/dhclient."$netif".lease
+ return 1
+# setup nameserver
+for s in "$dns1" "$dns2" $(getargs nameserver); do
+ [ -n "$s" ] || continue
+ echo nameserver "$s" >> /tmp/net."$netif".resolv.conf
+if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
+ : > /tmp/net."${netif}".up
+ if [ -z "$do_vlan" ] && [ -e /sys/class/net/"${netif}"/address ]; then
+ : > "/tmp/net.$(cat /sys/class/net/"${netif}"/address).up"
+ fi
+ # Check if DHCP also succeeded on another interface before this one.
+ # We will always use the first one on which DHCP succeeded, by using
+ # a common file $IFNETFILE, to synchronize between threads.
+ # Consider the race condition in which multiple threads
+ # corresponding to different interfaces may try to read $IFNETFILE
+ # and find it does not exist; they may all end up thinking they are the
+ # first to succeed (hence more than one thread may end up writing to
+ # $IFNETFILE). To take care of this, instead of checking if $IFNETFILE
+ # exists to determine if we are the first, we create a symbolic link
+ # in $IFNETFILE, pointing to the interface name ($netif), thus storing
+ # the interface name in the link pointer.
+ # Creating a link will fail, if the link already exists, hence kernel
+ # will take care of allowing only first thread to create link, which
+ # takes care of the race condition for us. Subsequent threads will fail.
+ # Also, the link points to the interface name, which will tell us which
+ # interface succeeded.
+ if ln -s "$netif" "$IFNETFILE" 2> /dev/null; then
+ intf=$(readlink "$IFNETFILE")
+ if [ -e /tmp/dhclient."$intf".lease ]; then
+ info "DHCP successful on interface $intf"
+ # Kill all existing dhclient calls for other interfaces, since we
+ # already got one successful interface
+ read -r npid < /tmp/dhclient."$netif".pid
+ pidlist=$(pgrep dhclient)
+ for pid in $pidlist; do
+ [ "$pid" -eq "$npid" ] && continue
+ kill -9 "$pid" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ done
+ else
+ echo "ERROR! $IFNETFILE exists but /tmp/dhclient.$ does not exist!!!"
+ fi
+ else
+ info "DHCP success on $netif, and also on $intf"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ exit $ret
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3b54b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+# We don't need to check for ip= errors here, that is handled by the
+# cmdline parser script
+# without $2 means this is for real netroot case
+# or it is for manually bring up network ie. for kdump scp vmcore
+type getarg > /dev/null 2>&1 || . /lib/
+type ip_to_var > /dev/null 2>&1 || . /lib/
+# Huh? No $1?
+[ -z "$1" ] && exit 1
+# $netif reads easier than $1
+# loopback is always handled the same way
+if [ "$netif" = "lo" ]; then
+ ip link set lo up
+ ip addr add dev lo
+ exit 0
+do_dhcp_parallel() {
+ # dhclient-script will mark the netif up and generate the online
+ # event for nfsroot
+ # XXX add -V vendor class and option parsing per kernel
+ [ -e "/tmp/dhclient.$" ] && return 0
+ if ! iface_has_carrier "$netif"; then
+ warn "No carrier detected on interface $netif"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ bootintf=$(readlink "$IFNETFILE")
+ if [ -n "$bootintf" ] && [ -e "/tmp/dhclient.${bootintf}.lease" ]; then
+ info "DHCP already succeeded for $bootintf, exiting for $netif"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e /run/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-dracut-dhclient.conf ]; then
+ mkdir -p /run/NetworkManager/conf.d
+ echo '[main]' > /run/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-dracut-dhclient.conf
+ echo 'dhcp=dhclient' >> /run/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-dracut-dhclient.conf
+ fi
+ chmod +x /sbin/
+ /sbin/ "$netif" "$DO_VLAN" "$@" &
+ return 0
+# Run dhclient
+do_dhcp() {
+ # dhclient-script will mark the netif up and generate the online
+ # event for nfsroot
+ # XXX add -V vendor class and option parsing per kernel
+ local _COUNT
+ local _timeout
+ local _DHCPRETRY
+ _COUNT=0
+ _timeout=$(getarg
+ _DHCPRETRY=$(getargnum 1 1 1000000000
+ [ -e "/tmp/dhclient.${netif}.pid" ] && return 0
+ if ! iface_has_carrier "$netif"; then
+ warn "No carrier detected on interface $netif"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$_timeout" ]; then
+ if ! (dhclient --help 2>&1 | grep -q -F -- '--timeout' 2> /dev/null); then
+ warn " has no effect because dhclient does not implement the --timeout option"
+ unset _timeout
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e /run/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-dracut-dhclient.conf ]; then
+ mkdir -p /run/NetworkManager/conf.d
+ echo '[main]' > /run/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-dracut-dhclient.conf
+ echo 'dhcp=dhclient' >> /run/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-dracut-dhclient.conf
+ fi
+ while [ "$_COUNT" -lt "$_DHCPRETRY" ]; do
+ info "Starting dhcp for interface $netif"
+ dhclient "$@" \
+ ${_timeout:+--timeout "$_timeout"} \
+ -q \
+ -1 \
+ -cf /etc/dhclient.conf \
+ -pf "/tmp/dhclient.${netif}.pid" \
+ -lf "/tmp/dhclient.${netif}.lease" \
+ "$netif" \
+ && return 0
+ _COUNT=$((_COUNT + 1))
+ [ "$_COUNT" -lt "$_DHCPRETRY" ] && sleep 1
+ done
+ warn "dhcp for interface $netif failed"
+ # nuke those files since we failed; we might retry dhcp again if it's e.g.
+ # `ip=dhcp,dhcp6` and we check for the PID file at the top
+ rm -f /tmp/dhclient."$netif".pid /tmp/dhclient."$netif".lease
+ return 1
+load_ipv6() {
+ [ -d /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ] && return
+ modprobe ipv6
+ i=0
+ while [ ! -d /proc/sys/net/ipv6 ]; do
+ i=$((i + 1))
+ [ $i -gt 10 ] && break
+ sleep 0.1
+ done
+do_ipv6auto() {
+ local ret
+ load_ipv6
+ echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/"${netif}"/forwarding
+ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/"${netif}"/accept_ra
+ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/"${netif}"/accept_redirects
+ linkup "$netif"
+ wait_for_ipv6_auto "$netif"
+ ret=$?
+ [ -n "$hostname" ] && echo "echo $hostname > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname" > "/tmp/net.${netif}.hostname"
+ return "$ret"
+do_ipv6link() {
+ local ret
+ load_ipv6
+ echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/"${netif}"/forwarding
+ echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/"${netif}"/accept_ra
+ echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/"${netif}"/accept_redirects
+ linkup "$netif"
+ [ -n "$hostname" ] && echo "echo $hostname > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname" > "/tmp/net.${netif}.hostname"
+ return "$ret"
+# Handle static ip configuration
+do_static() {
+ strglobin "$ip" '*:*:*' && load_ipv6
+ if ! iface_has_carrier "$netif"; then
+ warn "No carrier detected on interface $netif"
+ return 1
+ elif ! linkup "$netif"; then
+ warn "Could not bring interface $netif up!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ip route get "$ip" 2> /dev/null | {
+ read -r a rest
+ if [ "$a" = "local" ]; then
+ warn "Not assigning $ip to interface $netif, cause it is already assigned!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+ } || return 1
+ [ -n "$macaddr" ] && ip link set address "$macaddr" dev "$netif"
+ [ -n "$mtu" ] && ip link set mtu "$mtu" dev "$netif"
+ if strglobin "$ip" '*:*:*'; then
+ # note no ip addr flush for ipv6
+ ip addr add "$ip/$mask" ${srv:+peer "$srv"} dev "$netif"
+ echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/"${netif}"/forwarding
+ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/"${netif}"/accept_ra
+ echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/"${netif}"/accept_redirects
+ wait_for_ipv6_dad "$netif"
+ else
+ if [ -z "$srv" ]; then
+ if command -v arping2 > /dev/null; then
+ if arping2 -q -C 1 -c 2 -I "$netif" -0 "$ip"; then
+ warn "Duplicate address detected for $ip for interface $netif."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ else
+ if ! arping -f -q -D -c 2 -I "$netif" "$ip"; then
+ warn "Duplicate address detected for $ip for interface $netif."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ ip addr flush dev "$netif"
+ ip addr add "$ip/$mask" ${srv:+peer "$srv"} brd + dev "$netif"
+ fi
+ [ -n "$gw" ] && echo "ip route replace default via '$gw' dev '$netif'" > "/tmp/net.$"
+ [ -n "$hostname" ] && echo "echo '$hostname' > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname" > "/tmp/net.$netif.hostname"
+ return 0
+get_vid() {
+ case "$1" in
+ vlan*)
+ echo "${1#vlan}"
+ ;;
+ *.*)
+ echo "${1##*.}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+# check, if we need VLAN's for this interface
+if [ -z "$DO_VLAN_PHY" ] && [ -e "/tmp/vlan.${netif}.phy" ]; then
+ unset DO_VLAN
+ NO_AUTO_DHCP=yes DO_VLAN_PHY=yes ifup "$netif"
+ modprobe -b -q 8021q
+ for i in /tmp/vlan.*."${netif}"; do
+ [ -e "$i" ] || continue
+ unset vlanname
+ unset phydevice
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "$i"
+ if [ -n "$vlanname" ]; then
+ linkup "$phydevice"
+ ip link add dev "$vlanname" link "$phydevice" type vlan id "$(get_vid "$vlanname")"
+ ifup "$vlanname"
+ fi
+ done
+ exit 0
+# Check, if interface is VLAN interface
+if ! [ -e "/tmp/vlan.${netif}.phy" ]; then
+ for i in "/tmp/vlan.${netif}".*; do
+ [ -e "$i" ] || continue
+ export DO_VLAN=yes
+ break
+ done
+# bridge this interface?
+if [ -z "$NO_BRIDGE_MASTER" ]; then
+ for i in /tmp/bridge.*.info; do
+ [ -e "$i" ] || continue
+ unset bridgeslaves
+ unset bridgename
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "$i"
+ for ethname in $bridgeslaves; do
+ [ "$netif" != "$ethname" ] && continue
+ NO_BRIDGE_MASTER=yes NO_AUTO_DHCP=yes ifup "$ethname"
+ linkup "$ethname"
+ if [ ! -e "/tmp/bridge.$bridgename.up" ]; then
+ ip link add name "$bridgename" type bridge
+ echo 0 > "/sys/devices/virtual/net/$bridgename/bridge/forward_delay"
+ : > "/tmp/bridge.$bridgename.up"
+ fi
+ ip link set dev "$ethname" master "$bridgename"
+ ifup "$bridgename"
+ exit 0
+ done
+ done
+# enslave this interface to bond?
+if [ -z "$NO_BOND_MASTER" ]; then
+ for i in /tmp/bond.*.info; do
+ [ -e "$i" ] || continue
+ unset bondslaves
+ unset bondname
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "$i"
+ for testslave in $bondslaves; do
+ [ "$netif" != "$testslave" ] && continue
+ # already setup
+ [ -e "/tmp/bond.$bondname.up" ] && exit 0
+ # wait for all slaves to show up
+ for slave in $bondslaves; do
+ # try to create the slave (maybe vlan or bridge)
+ NO_BOND_MASTER=yes NO_AUTO_DHCP=yes ifup "$slave"
+ if ! ip link show dev "$slave" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # wait for the last slave to show up
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ done
+ modprobe -q -b bonding
+ echo "+$bondname" > /sys/class/net/bonding_masters 2> /dev/null
+ ip link set "$bondname" down
+ # Stolen from ifup-eth
+ # add the bits to setup driver parameters here
+ for arg in $bondoptions; do
+ key=${arg%%=*}
+ value=${arg##*=}
+ # %{value:0:1} is replaced with non-bash specific construct
+ if [ "${key}" = "arp_ip_target" -a "${#value}" != "0" -a "+${value%%+*}" != "+" ]; then
+ IFS=','
+ for arp_ip in $value; do
+ echo "+$arp_ip" > "/sys/class/net/${bondname}/bonding/$key"
+ done
+ else
+ echo "$value" > "/sys/class/net/${bondname}/bonding/$key"
+ fi
+ done
+ linkup "$bondname"
+ for slave in $bondslaves; do
+ cat "/sys/class/net/$slave/address" > "/tmp/net.${bondname}.${slave}.hwaddr"
+ ip link set "$slave" down
+ echo "+$slave" > "/sys/class/net/$bondname/bonding/slaves"
+ linkup "$slave"
+ done
+ # Set mtu on bond master
+ [ -n "$bondmtu" ] && ip link set mtu "$bondmtu" dev "$bondname"
+ # add the bits to setup the needed post enslavement parameters
+ for arg in $bondoptions; do
+ key=${arg%%=*}
+ value=${arg##*=}
+ if [ "${key}" = "primary" ]; then
+ echo "$value" > "/sys/class/net/${bondname}/bonding/$key"
+ fi
+ done
+ : > "/tmp/bond.$bondname.up"
+ NO_BOND_MASTER=yes ifup "$bondname"
+ exit $?
+ done
+ done
+if [ -z "$NO_TEAM_MASTER" ]; then
+ for i in /tmp/team.*.info; do
+ [ -e "$i" ] || continue
+ unset teammaster
+ unset teamslaves
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "$i"
+ for testslave in $teamslaves; do
+ [ "$netif" != "$testslave" ] && continue
+ [ -e "/tmp/team.$teammaster.up" ] && exit 0
+ # wait for all slaves to show up
+ for slave in $teamslaves; do
+ # try to create the slave (maybe vlan or bridge)
+ NO_TEAM_MASTER=yes NO_AUTO_DHCP=yes ifup "$slave"
+ if ! ip link show dev "$slave" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # wait for the last slave to show up
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ ! -e "/tmp/team.$teammaster.up" ]; then
+ # We shall only bring up those _can_ come up
+ # in case of some slave is gone in active-backup mode
+ working_slaves=""
+ for slave in $teamslaves; do
+ teamdctl "${teammaster}" port present "${slave}" 2> /dev/null \
+ && continue
+ ip link set dev "$slave" up 2> /dev/null
+ if wait_for_if_up "$slave"; then
+ working_slaves="$working_slaves$slave "
+ fi
+ done
+ # Do not add slaves now
+ teamd -d -U -n -N -t "$teammaster" -f "/etc/teamd/${teammaster}.conf"
+ for slave in $working_slaves; do
+ # team requires the slaves to be down before joining team
+ ip link set dev "$slave" down
+ (
+ read -r _hwaddr < "/sys/class/net/$slave/address"
+ _subchannels=$(iface_get_subchannels "$slave")
+ if [ -n "$_hwaddr" ] && [ -e "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/mac-${_hwaddr}.conf" ]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/mac-${_hwaddr}.conf"
+ elif [ -n "$_subchannels" ] && [ -e "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ccw-${_subchannels}.conf" ]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ccw-${_subchannels}.conf"
+ elif [ -e "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-${slave}" ]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-${slave}"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${TEAM_PORT_CONFIG}" ]; then
+ /usr/bin/teamdctl "${teammaster}" port config update "${slave}" "${TEAM_PORT_CONFIG}"
+ fi
+ )
+ teamdctl "$teammaster" port add "$slave"
+ done
+ ip link set dev "$teammaster" up
+ : > "/tmp/team.$teammaster.up"
+ NO_TEAM_MASTER=yes ifup "$teammaster"
+ exit $?
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+# all synthetic interfaces done.. now check if the interface is available
+if ! ip link show dev "$netif" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ exit 1
+# disable manual ifup while netroot is set for simplifying our logic
+# in netroot case we prefer netroot to bringup $netif automatically
+[ -n "$2" -a "$2" = "-m" ] && [ -z "$netroot" ] && manualup="$2"
+if [ -n "$manualup" ]; then
+ : > "/tmp/net.$netif.manualup"
+ rm -f "/tmp/net.${netif}.did-setup"
+ [ -e "/tmp/net.${netif}.did-setup" ] && exit 0
+ [ -z "$DO_VLAN" ] \
+ && [ -e "/sys/class/net/$netif/address" ] \
+ && [ -e "/tmp/net.$(cat "/sys/class/net/$netif/address").did-setup" ] && exit 0
+# Specific configuration, spin through the kernel command line
+# looking for ip= lines
+for p in $(getargs ip=); do
+ ip_to_var "$p"
+ # skip ibft
+ [ "$autoconf" = "ibft" ] && continue
+ case "$dev" in
+ ??:??:??:??:??:??) # MAC address
+ _dev=$(iface_for_mac "$dev")
+ [ -n "$_dev" ] && dev="$_dev"
+ ;;
+ ??-??-??-??-??-??) # MAC address in BOOTIF form
+ _dev=$(iface_for_mac "$(fix_bootif "$dev")")
+ [ -n "$_dev" ] && dev="$_dev"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # If this option isn't directed at our interface, skip it
+ if [ -n "$dev" ]; then
+ if [ "$dev" != "$netif" ]; then
+ [ ! -e "/sys/class/net/$dev" ] \
+ && warn "Network interface '$dev' does not exist!"
+ continue
+ fi
+ else
+ iface_is_enslaved "$netif" && continue
+ fi
+ # Store config for later use
+ for i in ip srv gw mask hostname macaddr mtu dns1 dns2; do
+ eval '[ "$'$i'" ] && echo '$i'="$'$i'"'
+ done > "/tmp/net.$netif.override"
+ for autoopt in $(str_replace "$autoconf" "," " "); do
+ case $autoopt in
+ dhcp | on | any)
+ do_dhcp -4
+ ;;
+ single-dhcp)
+ do_dhcp_parallel -4
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ dhcp6)
+ load_ipv6
+ do_dhcp -6
+ ;;
+ auto6)
+ do_ipv6auto
+ ;;
+ either6)
+ do_ipv6auto || do_dhcp -6
+ ;;
+ link6)
+ do_ipv6link
+ ;;
+ *)
+ do_static
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ ret=$?
+ # setup nameserver
+ for s in "$dns1" "$dns2" $(getargs nameserver); do
+ [ -n "$s" ] || continue
+ echo "nameserver $s" >> "/tmp/net.$netif.resolv.conf"
+ done
+ if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
+ : > "/tmp/net.${netif}.up"
+ if [ -z "$DO_VLAN" ] && [ -e "/sys/class/net/${netif}/address" ]; then
+ : > "/tmp/net.$(cat "/sys/class/net/${netif}/address").up"
+ fi
+ # and finally, finish interface set up if there isn't already a script
+ # to do so (which is the case in the dhcp path)
+ if [ ! -e "$hookdir/initqueue/setup_net_$" ]; then
+ setup_net "$netif"
+ source_hook initqueue/online "$netif"
+ if [ -z "$manualup" ]; then
+ /sbin/netroot "$netif"
+ fi
+ fi
+ exit $ret
+ fi
+# no ip option directed at our interface?
+if [ -z "$NO_AUTO_DHCP" ] && [ ! -e "/tmp/net.${netif}.up" ]; then
+ ret=1
+ if [ -e /tmp/net.bootdev ]; then
+ read -r BOOTDEV < /tmp/net.bootdev
+ if [ "$netif" = "$BOOTDEV" ] || [ "$BOOTDEV" = "$(cat "/sys/class/net/${netif}/address")" ]; then
+ do_dhcp
+ ret=$?
+ fi
+ else
+ # No ip lines, no bootdev -> default to dhcp
+ ip=$(getarg ip)
+ if getargs 'ip=dhcp6' > /dev/null || [ -z "$ip" -a "$netroot" = "dhcp6" ]; then
+ load_ipv6
+ do_dhcp -6
+ ret=$?
+ fi
+ if getargs 'ip=dhcp' > /dev/null || [ -z "$ip" -a "$netroot" != "dhcp6" ]; then
+ do_dhcp -4
+ ret=$?
+ fi
+ fi
+ for s in $(getargs nameserver); do
+ [ -n "$s" ] || continue
+ echo "nameserver $s" >> "/tmp/net.$netif.resolv.conf"
+ done
+ if [ "$ret" -eq 0 ] && [ -n "$(ls "/tmp/leaseinfo.${netif}"* 2> /dev/null)" ]; then
+ : > "/tmp/net.${netif}.did-setup"
+ if [ -e "/sys/class/net/${netif}/address" ]; then
+ : > "/tmp/net.$(cat "/sys/class/net/${netif}/address").did-setup"
+ fi
+ fi
+exit 0
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9ed615f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+for f in /tmp/dhclient.*.pid; do
+ [ -e "$f" ] || continue
+ read -r PID < "$f"
+ kill "$PID" > /dev/null 2>&1
+sleep 0.1
+for f in /tmp/dhclient.*.pid; do
+ [ -e "$f" ] || continue
+ read -r PID < "$f"
+ kill -9 "$PID" > /dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..868ea8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# called by dracut
+check() {
+ require_binaries ip dhclient sed awk grep pgrep tr expr || return 1
+ require_any_binary arping arping2 || return 1
+ return 255
+# called by dracut
+depends() {
+ return 0
+# called by dracut
+installkernel() {
+ # arping depends on af_packet
+ hostonly='' instmods af_packet
+# called by dracut
+install() {
+ local _arch
+ #Adding default link
+ if dracut_module_included "systemd"; then
+ inst_multiple -o "${systemdnetwork}/"
+ [[ $hostonly ]] && inst_multiple -H -o "${systemdnetworkconfdir}/*.link"
+ fi
+ inst_multiple ip dhclient sed awk grep pgrep tr expr
+ inst_multiple -o arping arping2
+ strstr "$(arping 2>&1)" "ARPing 2" && mv "$initdir/bin/arping" "$initdir/bin/arping2"
+ inst_multiple -o ping ping6
+ inst_multiple -o teamd teamdctl teamnl
+ inst_simple /etc/libnl/classid
+ inst_script "$moddir/" "/sbin/ifup"
+ inst_script "$moddir/" "/sbin/"
+ inst_script "$moddir/" "/sbin/dhclient-script"
+ inst_simple -H "/etc/dhclient.conf"
+ cat "$moddir/dhclient.conf" >> "${initdir}/etc/dhclient.conf"
+ inst_hook pre-udev 60 "$moddir/"
+ inst_hook cmdline 92 "$moddir/"
+ inst_hook cmdline 95 "$moddir/"
+ inst_hook cmdline 96 "$moddir/"
+ inst_hook cmdline 96 "$moddir/"
+ inst_hook cmdline 97 "$moddir/"
+ inst_hook cmdline 98 "$moddir/"
+ inst_hook cmdline 99 "$moddir/"
+ inst_hook cleanup 10 "$moddir/"
+ # install all config files for teaming
+ unset HWADDR
+ for i in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*; do
+ [ -e "$i" ] || continue
+ case "$i" in
+ *~ | *.bak | *.orig | *.rpmnew | *.rpmorig | *.rpmsave)
+ continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ (
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "$i"
+ if ! [ "${ONBOOT}" = "no" -o "${ONBOOT}" = "NO" ] \
+ if [ -n "$TEAM_CONFIG" ] && [ -n "$DEVICE" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$initdir"/etc/teamd
+ printf -- "%s" "$TEAM_CONFIG" > "$initdir/etc/teamd/${DEVICE}.conf"
+ elif [ -n "$TEAM_PORT_CONFIG" ]; then
+ inst_simple "$i"
+ HWADDR="$(echo "$HWADDR" | sed 'y/ABCDEF/abcdef/')"
+ if [ -n "$HWADDR" ]; then
+ ln_r "$i" "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/mac-${HWADDR}.conf"
+ fi
+ SUBCHANNELS="$(echo "$SUBCHANNELS" | sed 'y/ABCDEF/abcdef/')"
+ if [ -n "$SUBCHANNELS" ]; then
+ ln_r "$i" "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ccw-${SUBCHANNELS}.conf"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ )
+ done
+ _arch=${DRACUT_ARCH:-$(uname -m)}
+ inst_libdir_file {"tls/$_arch/",tls/,"$_arch/",}"*" \
+ {"tls/$_arch/",tls/,"$_arch/",}"*"
+ dracut_need_initqueue
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..686db59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+getargbool 0 rd.neednet && NEEDNET=1
+# Don't continue if we don't need network
+if [ -z "$netroot" ] && [ ! -e "/tmp/net.ifaces" ] && [ "$NEEDNET" != "1" ]; then
+ return
+command -v fix_bootif > /dev/null || . /lib/
+# Write udev rules
+ # bridge: attempt only the defined interface
+ for i in /tmp/bridge.*.info; do
+ [ -e "$i" ] || continue
+ unset bridgeslaves
+ unset bridgename
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "$i"
+ RAW_IFACES="$RAW_IFACES $bridgeslaves"
+ done
+ # bond: attempt only the defined interface (override bridge defines)
+ for i in /tmp/bond.*.info; do
+ [ -e "$i" ] || continue
+ unset bondslaves
+ unset bondname
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "$i"
+ # It is enough to fire up only one
+ RAW_IFACES="$RAW_IFACES $bondslaves"
+ done
+ for i in /tmp/team.*.info; do
+ [ -e "$i" ] || continue
+ unset teamslaves
+ unset teammaster
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "$i"
+ RAW_IFACES="$RAW_IFACES ${teamslaves}"
+ done
+ for i in /tmp/vlan.*.phy; do
+ [ -e "$i" ] || continue
+ unset phydevice
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "$i"
+ RAW_IFACES="$RAW_IFACES $phydevice"
+ for j in /tmp/vlan.*".${phydevice}"; do
+ [ -e "$j" ] || continue
+ unset vlanname
+ # shellcheck disable=SC1090
+ . "$j"
+ done
+ done
+ RAW_IFACES="$(trim "$RAW_IFACES")"
+ if [ -z "$IFACES" ]; then
+ [ -e /tmp/net.ifaces ] && read -r IFACES < /tmp/net.ifaces
+ fi
+ if [ -e /tmp/net.bootdev ]; then
+ read -r bootdev < /tmp/net.bootdev
+ fi
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+ ifup='/sbin/ifup $name'
+ runcmd="RUN+=\"/sbin/initqueue --name ifup-\$name --unique --onetime $ifup\""
+ # We have some specific interfaces to handle
+ if [ -n "${RAW_IFACES}${IFACES}" ]; then
+ echo 'SUBSYSTEM!="net", GOTO="net_end"'
+ echo 'ACTION!="add|change|move", GOTO="net_end"'
+ for iface in $IFACES $RAW_IFACES; do
+ case "$iface" in
+ ??:??:??:??:??:??) # MAC address
+ cond="ATTR{address}==\"$iface\""
+ echo "$cond, $runcmd, GOTO=\"net_end\""
+ ;;
+ ??-??-??-??-??-??) # MAC address in BOOTIF form
+ cond="ATTR{address}==\"$(fix_bootif "$iface")\""
+ echo "$cond, $runcmd, GOTO=\"net_end\""
+ ;;
+ *) # an interface name
+ cond="ENV{INTERFACE}==\"$iface\""
+ echo "$cond, $runcmd, GOTO=\"net_end\""
+ cond="NAME==\"$iface\""
+ echo "$cond, $runcmd, GOTO=\"net_end\""
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # The GOTO prevents us from trying to ifup the same device twice
+ done
+ echo 'LABEL="net_end"'
+ for iface in $IFACES; do
+ if [ "$bootdev" = "$iface" ] || [ "$NEEDNET" = "1" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$netroot" ] && [ -n "$DRACUT_SYSTEMD" ]; then
+ echo "systemctl is-active || [ -f /tmp/net.${iface}.did-setup ]"
+ else
+ echo "[ -f /tmp/net.${iface}.did-setup ]"
+ fi > "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/wait-"$iface".sh
+ fi
+ done
+ # Default: We don't know the interface to use, handle all
+ # Fixme: waiting for the interface as well.
+ else
+ cond='ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", ENV{DEVTYPE}!="wlan|wwan"'
+ # if you change the name of "91-default-net.rules", also change modules.d/80cms/
+ echo "$cond, $runcmd" > /etc/udev/rules.d/91-default-net.rules
+ if [ "$NEEDNET" = "1" ]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+ echo 'for i in /tmp/net.*.did-setup; do [ -f "$i" ] && exit 0; done; exit 1' > "$hookdir"/initqueue/finished/
+ fi
+ fi
+ # if you change the name of "90-net.rules", also change modules.d/80cms/
+} > /etc/udev/rules.d/90-net.rules
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ba30a3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# Format:
+# bond=<bondname>[:<bondslaves>[:<options>[:<mtu>]]]
+# bondslaves is a comma-separated list of physical (ethernet) interfaces
+# options is a comma-separated list on bonding options (modinfo bonding for details) in format compatible with initscripts
+# if options include multi-valued arp_ip_target option, then its values should be separated by semicolon.
+# bond without parameters assumes bond=bond0:eth0,eth1:mode=balance-rr
+# if the mtu is specified, it will be set on the bond master
+# We translate list of slaves to space-separated here to make it easier to loop over them in ifup
+# Ditto for bonding options
+parsebond() {
+ local v="${1}":
+ set --
+ while [ -n "$v" ]; do
+ set -- "$@" "${v%%:*}"
+ v=${v#*:}
+ done
+ case $# in
+ 0)
+ bondname=bond0
+ bondslaves="eth0 eth1"
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ bondname=$1
+ bondslaves="eth0 eth1"
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ bondname=$1
+ bondslaves=$(str_replace "$2" "," " ")
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ bondname=$1
+ bondslaves=$(str_replace "$2" "," " ")
+ bondoptions=$(str_replace "$3" "," " ")
+ ;;
+ 4)
+ bondname=$1
+ bondslaves=$(str_replace "$2" "," " ")
+ bondoptions=$(str_replace "$3" "," " ")
+ bondmtu=$4
+ ;;
+ *) die "bond= requires zero to four parameters" ;;
+ esac
+# Parse bond for bondname, bondslaves, bondmode, bondoptions and bondmtu
+for bond in $(getargs bond=); do
+ unset bondname
+ unset bondslaves
+ unset bondoptions
+ unset bondmtu
+ if [ "$bond" != "bond" ]; then
+ parsebond "$bond"
+ fi
+ # Simple default bond
+ if [ -z "$bondname" ]; then
+ bondname=bond0
+ bondslaves="eth0 eth1"
+ fi
+ # Make it suitable for initscripts export
+ bondoptions=$(str_replace "$bondoptions" ";" ",")
+ {
+ echo "bondname=$bondname"
+ echo "bondslaves=\"$bondslaves\""
+ echo "bondoptions=\"$bondoptions\""
+ echo "bondmtu=\"$bondmtu\""
+ } > "/tmp/bond.${bondname}.info"
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..caea1da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Format:
+# bridge=<bridgename>:<bridgeslaves>
+# <bridgeslaves> is a comma-separated list of physical (ethernet) interfaces
+# bridge without parameters assumes bridge=br0:eth0
+parsebridge() {
+ local v="${1}":
+ set --
+ while [ -n "$v" ]; do
+ set -- "$@" "${v%%:*}"
+ v=${v#*:}
+ done
+ case $# in
+ 0)
+ bridgename=br0
+ bridgeslaves=$iface
+ ;;
+ 1) die "bridge= requires two parameters" ;;
+ 2)
+ bridgename=$1
+ bridgeslaves=$(str_replace "$2" "," " ")
+ ;;
+ *) die "bridge= requires two parameters" ;;
+ esac
+# Parse bridge for bridgename and bridgeslaves
+for bridge in $(getargs bridge=); do
+ unset bridgename
+ unset bridgeslaves
+ iface=eth0
+ # Read bridge= parameters if they exist
+ if [ "$bridge" != "bridge" ]; then
+ parsebridge "$bridge"
+ fi
+ # Simple default bridge
+ if [ -z "$bridgename" ]; then
+ bridgename=br0
+ bridgeslaves=$iface
+ fi
+ {
+ echo "bridgename=$bridgename"
+ echo "bridgeslaves=\"$bridgeslaves\""
+ } > /tmp/bridge.${bridgename}.info
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1937f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+command -v getarg > /dev/null || . /lib/
+command -v ibft_to_cmdline > /dev/null || . /lib/
+if getargbool 0 rd.iscsi.ibft -d "ip=ibft"; then
+ modprobe -b -q iscsi_boot_sysfs 2> /dev/null
+ modprobe -b -q iscsi_ibft
+ ibft_to_cmdline
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..be7b6ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Format:
+# ifname=<interface>:<mac>
+# Note letters in the macaddress must be lowercase!
+# Examples:
+# ifname=eth0:4a:3f:4c:04:f8:d7
+# Note when using ifname= to get persistent interface names, you must specify
+# an ifname= argument for each interface used in an ip= or fcoe= argument
+# check if there are any ifname parameters
+if ! getarg ifname= > /dev/null; then
+ return
+command -v parse_ifname_opts > /dev/null || . /lib/
+# Check ifname= lines
+for p in $(getargs ifname=); do
+ parse_ifname_opts "$p"
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8263321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# Format:
+# ip=[dhcp|on|any|single-dhcp]
+# ip=<interface>:[dhcp|on|any][:[<mtu>][:<macaddr>]]
+# ip=<client-IP-number>:<server-IP-number>:<gateway-IP-number>:<netmask>:<client-hostname>:<interface>:{dhcp|on|any|none|off}[:[<mtu>][:<macaddr>]]
+# When supplying more than only ip= line, <interface> is mandatory and
+# bootdev= must contain the name of the primary interface to use for
+# routing,dns,dhcp-options,etc.
+# we really need to use `expr substr` with dash
+# shellcheck disable=SC2003 disable=SC2308
+command -v getarg > /dev/null || . /lib/
+if [ -n "$netroot" ] && [ -z "$(getarg ip=)" ] && [ -z "$(getarg BOOTIF=)" ]; then
+ # No ip= argument(s) for netroot provided, defaulting to DHCP
+ return
+# Count ip= lines to decide whether we need bootdev= or not
+if [ -z "$NEEDBOOTDEV" ]; then
+ count=0
+ for p in $(getargs ip=); do
+ case "$p" in
+ ibft)
+ continue
+ ;;
+ esac
+ count=$((count + 1))
+ done
+ [ $count -gt 1 ] && NEEDBOOTDEV=1
+unset count
+# If needed, check if bootdev= contains anything usable
+BOOTDEV=$(getarg bootdev=)
+if [ -n "$NEEDBOOTDEV" ] && getargbool 1 rd.neednet; then
+ #[ -z "$BOOTDEV" ] && warn "Please supply bootdev argument for multiple ip= lines"
+ echo "rd.neednet=1" > /etc/cmdline.d/dracut-neednet.conf
+ info "Multiple ip= arguments: assuming rd.neednet=1"
+# Check ip= lines
+# XXX Would be nice if we could errorcheck ip addresses here as well
+for p in $(getargs ip=); do
+ ip_to_var "$p"
+ # make first device specified the BOOTDEV
+ if [ -n "$NEEDBOOTDEV" ] && [ -z "$BOOTDEV" ] && [ -n "$dev" ]; then
+ BOOTDEV="$dev"
+ info "Setting bootdev to '$BOOTDEV'"
+ fi
+ # skip ibft since we did it above
+ [ "$autoconf" = "ibft" ] && continue
+ # Empty autoconf defaults to 'dhcp'
+ if [ -z "$autoconf" ]; then
+ warn "Empty autoconf values default to dhcp"
+ autoconf="dhcp"
+ fi
+ # Error checking for autoconf in combination with other values
+ for autoopt in $(str_replace "$autoconf" "," " "); do
+ case $autoopt in
+ error) die "Error parsing option 'ip=$p'" ;;
+ bootp | rarp | both) die "Sorry, ip=$autoopt is currently unsupported" ;;
+ none | off)
+ [ -z "$ip" ] \
+ && die "For argument 'ip=$p'\nValue '$autoopt' without static configuration does not make sense"
+ [ -z "$mask" ] \
+ && die "Sorry, automatic calculation of netmask is not yet supported"
+ ;;
+ auto6 | link6) ;;
+ either6) ;;
+ dhcp | dhcp6 | on | any | single-dhcp)
+ [ -n "$NEEDBOOTDEV" ] && [ -z "$dev" ] \
+ && die "Sorry, 'ip=$p' does not make sense for multiple interface configurations"
+ [ -n "$ip" ] \
+ && die "For argument 'ip=$p'\nSorry, setting client-ip does not make sense for '$autoopt'"
+ ;;
+ *) die "For argument 'ip=$p'\nSorry, unknown value '$autoopt'" ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [ -n "$dev" ]; then
+ # We don't like duplicate device configs
+ if [ -n "$IFACES" ]; then
+ for i in $IFACES; do
+ [ "$dev" = "$i" ] && die "For argument 'ip=$p'\nDuplication configurations for '$dev'"
+ done
+ fi
+ # IFACES list for later use
+ # Interface should exist
+ if [ ! -e "/sys/class/net/$dev" ]; then
+ warn "Network interface '$dev' does not exist"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Do we need to check for specific options?
+ if [ -n "$NEEDDHCP" ] || [ -n "$DHCPORSERVER" ]; then
+ # Correct device? (Empty is ok as well)
+ [ "$dev" = "$BOOTDEV" ] || continue
+ # Server-ip is there?
+ [ -n "$DHCPORSERVER" ] && [ -n "$srv" ] && continue
+ # dhcp? (It's simpler to check for a set ip. Checks above ensure that if
+ # ip is there, we're static
+ [ -z "$ip" ] && continue
+ # Not good!
+ die "Server-ip or dhcp for netboot needed, but current arguments say otherwise"
+ fi
+ if str_starts "$dev" "enx" && [ ${#dev} -eq 15 ]; then
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2003
+ printf -- "ifname=%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n" \
+ "$dev" \
+ "$(expr substr "$dev" 3 2)" \
+ "$(expr substr "$dev" 5 2)" \
+ "$(expr substr "$dev" 7 2)" \
+ "$(expr substr "$dev" 9 2)" \
+ "$(expr substr "$dev" 11 2)" \
+ "$(expr substr "$dev" 13 2)" \
+ >> /etc/cmdline.d/80-enx.conf
+ fi
+# put BOOTIF in IFACES to make sure it comes up
+if getargbool 1 "rd.bootif" && BOOTIF="$(getarg BOOTIF=)"; then
+ BOOTDEV=$(fix_bootif "$BOOTIF")
+# This ensures that BOOTDEV is always first in IFACES
+if [ -n "$BOOTDEV" ] && [ -n "$IFACES" ]; then
+# Store BOOTDEV and IFACES for later use
+[ -n "$BOOTDEV" ] && echo "$BOOTDEV" > /tmp/net.bootdev
+[ -n "$IFACES" ] && echo "$IFACES" > /tmp/net.ifaces
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..83badc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Format:
+# team=<teammaster>:<teamslaves>[:<teamrunner>]
+# teamslaves is a comma-separated list of physical (ethernet) interfaces
+# teamrunner is the runner type to be used (see teamd.conf(5)); defaults to activebackup
+# team without parameters assumes team=team0:eth0,eth1:activebackup
+parseteam() {
+ local v="${1}":
+ set --
+ while [ -n "$v" ]; do
+ set -- "$@" "${v%%:*}"
+ v=${v#*:}
+ done
+ case $# in
+ 0)
+ teammaster=team0
+ teamslaves="eth0 eth1"
+ teamrunner="activebackup"
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ teammaster=$1
+ teamslaves="eth0 eth1"
+ teamrunner="activebackup"
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ teammaster=$1
+ teamslaves=$(str_replace "$2" "," " ")
+ teamrunner="activebackup"
+ ;;
+ 3)
+ teammaster=$1
+ teamslaves=$(str_replace "$2" "," " ")
+ teamrunner=$3
+ ;;
+ *) die "team= requires zero to three parameters" ;;
+ esac
+ return 0
+for team in $(getargs team); do
+ [ "$team" = "team" ] && continue
+ unset teammaster
+ unset teamslaves
+ unset teamrunner
+ parseteam "$team" || continue
+ {
+ echo "teammaster=$teammaster"
+ echo "teamslaves=\"$teamslaves\""
+ echo "teamrunner=\"$teamrunner\""
+ } > /tmp/team."${teammaster}".info
+ if ! [ -e /etc/teamd/"${teammaster}".conf ]; then
+ warn "Team master $teammaster specified, but no /etc/teamd/$teammaster.conf present. Using $teamrunner."
+ mkdir -p /etc/teamd
+ printf -- "%s" "{\"runner\": {\"name\": \"$teamrunner\"}, \"link_watch\": {\"name\": \"ethtool\"}}" > "/tmp/${teammaster}.conf"
+ fi
diff --git a/modules.d/35network-legacy/ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c23f833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules.d/35network-legacy/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Format:
+# vlan=<vlanname>:<phydevice>
+parsevlan() {
+ local v="${1}":
+ set --
+ while [ -n "$v" ]; do
+ set -- "$@" "${v%%:*}"
+ v=${v#*:}
+ done
+ unset vlanname phydevice
+ case $# in
+ 2)
+ vlanname=$1
+ phydevice=$2
+ ;;
+ *) die "vlan= requires two parameters" ;;
+ esac
+for vlan in $(getargs vlan=); do
+ unset vlanname
+ unset phydevice
+ if [ ! "$vlan" = "vlan" ]; then
+ parsevlan "$vlan"
+ fi
+ echo "phydevice=\"$phydevice\"" > /tmp/vlan."${phydevice}".phy
+ {
+ echo "vlanname=\"$vlanname\""
+ echo "phydevice=\"$phydevice\""
+ } > /tmp/vlan."${vlanname}"."${phydevice}"