#!/bin/bash # called by dracut check() { arch=${DRACUT_ARCH:-$(uname -m)} [ "$arch" = "s390" ] || [ "$arch" = "s390x" ] || return 1 require_binaries grep sed seq readlink chzdev || return 1 return 0 } # called by dracut depends() { echo bash return 0 } # called by dracut installkernel() { instmods ctcm lcs qeth qeth_l2 qeth_l3 } # called by dracut install() { inst_hook cmdline 30 "$moddir/parse-ccw.sh" inst_multiple grep sed seq readlink chzdev if [[ $hostonly ]]; then local _tempfile _tempfile=$(mktemp --tmpdir="${DRACUT_TMPDIR}" dracut-zdev.XXXXXX) { chzdev qeth --export - --configured --persistent --quiet --type chzdev lcs --export - --configured --persistent --quiet --type chzdev ctc --export - --configured --persistent --quiet --type } 2> /dev/null > "$_tempfile" ddebug < "$_tempfile" chzdev --import "$_tempfile" --persistent --base "/etc=$initdir/etc" \ --yes --no-root-update --force 2>&1 | ddebug lszdev --configured --persistent --info \ --base "/etc=$initdir/etc" 2>&1 | ddebug rm -f "$_tempfile" # these are purely generated udev rules so we have to glob expand # within $initdir and strip the $initdir prefix for mark_hostonly local -a _array # shellcheck disable=SC2155 local _nullglob=$(shopt -p nullglob) shopt -u nullglob readarray -t _array < <( ls -1 "$initdir"/etc/udev/rules.d/41-*.rules 2> /dev/null ) [[ ${#_array[@]} -gt 0 ]] && mark_hostonly "${_array[@]#$initdir}" readarray -t _array < <( ls -1 "$initdir"/etc/modprobe.d/s390x-*.conf 2> /dev/null ) [[ ${#_array[@]} -gt 0 ]] && mark_hostonly "${_array[@]#$initdir}" $_nullglob fi }