#!/usr/bin/perl # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # # iBFT ACPI table generator # $ perldoc ibft.pl if you'd like to read the manual, poor you: =head1 NAME ibft.pl - Generate iBFT ACPI table =head1 SYNOPSIS ibft.pl [--oemid <oemid>] [--tableid <tableid> [--initiator isns=<ip>,slp=<ip>,radius1=<ip>,radius2=<ip>,iqn=<iqn>] [--nic ip=<ip>[,prefix=<prefix>][,gw=<ip>][,dns1=<ip>][,dns2=<ip>][,dhcp=<ip>][,vlan=<id>][,mac=<mac>][,pci=<pci>][,hostname=<hostname>] ...] [--target ip=<ip>[,port=<port>][,lun=<lun>][,name=<iqn> ...] =head1 DESCRIPTION B<ibft.pl> creates an image of iBFT ACPI table similar to what a real network boot firmware would do. This is mainly useful for testing. =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<< --oemid <oemid> >> Create a table with a particular OEM ID, limited to 6 characters. It generally doesn't matter. Defaults to I<DRACUT>. =item B<< --tableid <tableid> >> Create a table with a particular OEM Table ID. Defaults to I<TEST>, but any four-letter word would do. Any. =item B<< --initiator >> Configure the Initiator Structure. Following parameters are supported: =over 4 =item B<< isns=<ip> >> iSNS server address. =item B<< slp=<ip> >> SLP server address. =item B<< radius1=<ip> >>, B<< radius2=<ip> >> Primary and secondary Radius server addresses. =item B<< iqn=<iqn> >> Override the IQN, which defaults to I<iqn.2009-06.dracut:initiator0>. =back =item B<< --nic >> Configure a NIC Structure. This option can be used up multiple times. Following parameters are supported: =over 4 =item B<< ip=<ip> >> Set the IP address. Both I<AF_INET> and I<AF_INET6> families are supported. This parameter is mandatory. =item B<< prefix=<prefix> >> Set the IP address prefix. You generally also want to set this in order to get a sensible iBFT. =item B<< gw=<ip> >> Set the gateway IP address. =item B<< dns1=<ip> >>, B<< dns2=<ip> >> Set the domain service server addresses. =item B<< dhcp=<ip> >> Specify the address of the DHCP server in case dynamic configuration is used. =item B<< vlan=<id> >> The VLAN Id. Duh. =item B<< mac=<mac> >> Specify the ethernet hardware address, in form of six colon-delimited hexadecimal octets. =item B<< pci=<pci> >> Specify the ethernet hardware's PCI bus location, in form of B<< <bus> >>:B<< <device> >>.B<< <function> >> where the numbers are in hexadecimal. =item B<< hostname=<hostname> >> The host name. Defaults to B<client>. =back =item B<< --target >> Configure a Target Structure. This option can be used multiple times. Following parameters are supported: =over 4 =item B<< ip=<ip> >> The iSCSI target IP address. =item B<< port=<port> >> The iSCSI TCP port, in case the default of I<3260> is not good enough for you. =item B<< lun=<1> >> The LUN number. Defaults to I<1> no less. =item B<< name=<iqn> >> The iSCSI volume name. Defaults to I<iqn.2009-06.dracut:target0> for the first target, I<iqn.2009-06.dracut:target1> for the second one. =back =back =cut use strict; use warnings; sub ip4 { shift =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ or die 'not an INET address'; return (map { 0x00 } 0..9), 0xff, 0xff, $1, $2, $3, $4; } sub ip6 { my ($beg, $end) = map { [ map { /^([0-9a-fA-F]{0,2}?)([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})$/ ? (hex $1, hex $2) : die "'$_' not valid in a INET6 address" } split /:/ ] } split /::/, shift; $beg ||= []; $end ||= []; my $fill = 16 - scalar @$beg + scalar@$end; die 'INET6 address too long' if $fill < 0; @$beg, (map { 0 } 1..$fill), @$end; } sub ip { my @val; @val = eval { @val = ip6 ($_[0]) }; @val = eval { @val = ip4 ($_[0]) } unless @val; die "Saatana: $_[0] is not an INET or INET6 address" unless @val; return pack 'C16', @val; } sub mac { return pack 'C8', map { hex $_ } split /:/, shift; } sub pci { shift =~ /^([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}?):([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})\.([0-9a-fA-F]+)$/ or die 'Not a PCI address'; return (hex $1) << 8 | (hex $2) << 3 | (hex $3); } sub lun { return pack 'C8', 0, shift, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; } # signature, length, revision, checksum, oem_id, oem_table_id, reserved sub pack_table_hdr { pack 'a4 V C C a6 a8 a24 x![C8]', @_ } # id, version, length, index, flags # extensions, initiator_off, nic0_off, tgt0_off, nic1_off, tgt1_off, ext* sub pack_control { pack 'C C S C C S S S S S S S* x![C8]', @_ } # id, version, length, index, flags # isns_adr, slp_adr, radius1_adr, radius2_adr, iqn_len, iqn_off sub pack_initiator { pack 'C C S C C a16 a16 a16 a16 SS x![C8]', @_ } # id, version, length, index, flags # adr, prefix, origin, gw, dns1, dns2, dhcp, vlan_id, mac, pci_bdf, hostname_len, hostname_off sub pack_nic { $_[5] ? pack 'C C S C C a16 C C a16 a16 a16 a16 S a6 S SS x![C8]', @_ : '' } # id, version, length, index, flags # tgt_adr, tgt_port, tgt_lun, chap_type, nic_id, tgt_len, tgt_off, # chap_name_len, chap_name_off, chap_secret_len, chap_secret_off # rchap_name_len, rchap_name_off, rchap_secret_len, rchap_secret_off sub pack_tgt { $_[5] ? pack 'C C S C C a16 S a8 C C SS SS SS SS SS x![C8]', @_ : '' }; # str sub pack_str { pack 'Z*', @_ } # Initialize some defaults my @table_hdr = ('iBFT', 0000, 1, 0000, 'DRACUT', 'TEST', ''); my @control = (1, 1, 18, 0, 0, 0000, 0000, 0000, 0000, 0000, 0000); my @initiator = (2, 1, 74, 0, 0x03, '', '', '', '', (0000, 0000)); my @nics; my @tgts; my $iqn = 'iqn.2009-06.dracut:initiator0'; my @hostnames; my @tgt_names; while (@ARGV) { my $arg = shift @ARGV; die "Saatana: $arg is missing an argument" unless @ARGV; if ($arg eq '--oemid') { $table_hdr[4] = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($arg eq '--tableid') { $table_hdr[5] = shift @ARGV; } elsif ($arg eq '--initiator') { my %val = split /[,=]/, shift @ARGV; $initiator[5] = ip (delete $val{isns}) if exists $val{isns}; $initiator[6] = ip (delete $val{slp}) if exists $val{slp}; $initiator[7] = ip (delete $val{radius1}) if exists $val{radius1}; $initiator[8] = ip (delete $val{radius2}) if exists $val{radius2}; $iqn = delete $val{iqn} if exists $val{iqn}; die "Saatana: Extra arguments to --initiator: ".join (', ', %val) if %val; } elsif ($arg eq '--nic') { my @nic = (3, 1, 102, 0, 0x03, undef, 0, 0x01, '', '', '', '', 0, '', 0, (0000, 0000)); push @nics, \@nic; my %val = split /[,=]/, shift @ARGV; die 'Saatana: --nic needs an ip' unless exists $val{ip}; $nic[3] = $#nics; $nic[5] = ip (delete $val{ip}); $nic[6] = delete $val{prefix} if exists $val{prefix}; $nic[7] = 0x03 if exists $val{dhcp}; $nic[8] = ip (delete $val{gw}) if exists $val{gw}; $nic[9] = ip (delete $val{dns1}) if exists $val{dns1}; $nic[10] = ip (delete $val{dns2}) if exists $val{dns2}; $nic[11] = ip (delete $val{dhcp}) if exists $val{dhcp}; $nic[12] = delete $val{vlan} if exists $val{vlan}; $nic[13] = mac (delete $val{mac}) if exists $val{mac}; $nic[14] = pci (delete $val{pci}) if exists $val{pci}; $hostnames[$#nics] = exists $val{hostname} ? delete $val{hostname} : 'client'; $hostnames[$#nics] = pack_str $hostnames[$#nics]; die "Saatana: Extra arguments to --nic: ".join (', ', %val) if %val; # Allocate an control expansion entry if ($#nics > 1) { $control[2] += 2; push @control, (0x4444); } } elsif ($arg eq '--target') { my @tgt = (4, 1, 54, 0, 0x03, undef, 3260, lun (1), 0, 0, (0000, 0000), (0000, 0000), (0000, 0000), (0000, 0000), (0000, 0000)); push @tgts, \@tgt; my %val = split /[,=]/, shift @ARGV; die 'Saatana: --target needs an ip' unless exists $val{ip}; $tgt[3] = $#tgts; $tgt[5] = ip (delete $val{ip}) if exists $val{ip}; $tgt[6] = delete $val{port} if exists $val{port}; $tgt[7] = lun (delete $val{lun}) if exists $val{lun}; $tgt[9] = delete $val{nic} if exists $val{nic}; $tgt_names[$#tgts] = exists $val{name} ? delete $val{name} : 'iqn.2009-06.dracut:target'.$#tgts; $tgt_names[$#tgts] = pack_str $tgt_names[$#tgts]; die "Saatana: Extra arguments to --target: ".join (', ', %val) if %val; # Allocate an control expansion entry if necessary if ($#tgts > 1) { $control[2] += 2; push @control, (0x1111); } } else { die "Saatana: Unknown argument: $arg"; } } # Pass 1 my $table_hdr = pack_table_hdr @table_hdr; my $control = pack_control @control; my $initiator = pack_initiator @initiator; my @packed_nics = map { pack_nic @$_ } @nics; my @packed_tgts = map { pack_tgt @$_ } @tgts; $iqn = pack_str $iqn; # Resolve the offsets my $len = 0; $len += length $table_hdr; $len += length $control; $control[6] = $len; $len += length $initiator; for my $i (0..$#packed_nics) { if ($i == 0) { # NIC 0 $control[7] = $len; } elsif ($i == 1) { # NIC 1 $control[9] = $len; } else { # Expansion $control[11 + $i - 2] = $len; } $len += length $packed_nics[$i]; } for my $i (0..$#packed_tgts) { if ($i == 0) { # Target 0 $control[8] = $len; } elsif ($i == 1) { # Target 1 $control[10] = $len; } else { # Expansion $control[11 + scalar @packed_nics - 2 + $i - 2] = $len; } $len += length $packed_tgts[$i]; } $initiator[9] = -1 + length $iqn; $initiator[10] = $len; $len += length $iqn; for my $i (0..$#hostnames) { $nics[$i]->[15] = -1 + length $hostnames[$i]; $nics[$i]->[16] = $len; $len += length $hostnames[$i]; } for my $i (0..$#tgt_names) { $tgts[$i]->[10] = -1 + length $tgt_names[$i]; $tgts[$i]->[11] = $len; $len += length $tgt_names[$i]; } @table_hdr[1] = $len; # Pass 2, with the offsets resolved $table_hdr = pack_table_hdr @table_hdr; $control = pack_control @control; $initiator = pack_initiator @initiator; @packed_nics = map { pack_nic @$_ } @nics; @packed_tgts = map { pack_tgt @$_ } @tgts; # Pass 3, calculate checksum my $cksum = 0xff; $cksum += ord $_ foreach split //, join '', $table_hdr, $control, $initiator, @packed_nics, @packed_tgts, $iqn, @hostnames, @tgt_names; $cksum = ~$cksum & 0xff; $table_hdr[3] = $cksum; $table_hdr = pack_table_hdr @table_hdr; # Puke stuff out print $table_hdr; print $control; print $initiator; print @packed_nics; print @packed_tgts; print $iqn; print @hostnames; print @tgt_names; =head1 EXAMPLES =over =item B<< perl ibft.pl --oemid FENSYS --tableid iPXE --nic ip=,prefix=24,gw=,dns1=,dhcp=,vlan=0,mac=52:54:00:12:34:00,pci=00:02.0,hostname=iscsi-1 --target ip= >ibft.img >> Generate an iBFT image with a single NIC while pretending we're iPXE for no good reason. =item B<<perl ibft.pl --initiator iqn=iqn.1994-05.com.redhat:633114aacf2 --nic ip=,prefix=24,gw=,dns1=,dhcp=,mac=52:54:00:12:34:00,pci=00:03.0 --nic ip=,prefix=24,gw=,dns1=,dhcp=,mac=52:54:00:12:34:01,pci=00:04.0 --target ip=,port=3260,lun=1,name=iqn.2009-06.dracut:target0 --target ip=,port=3260,lun=2,name=iqn.2009-06.dracut:target1 >ibft.img >> Generate an iBFT image for two NICs while being slightly more expressive than necessary. =item B<qemy-system-x86_64 -acpitable file=ibft.img> Use the image with QEMU. =back =head1 BUGS No support for CHAP secrets. =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item L<qemu(1)>, =item L<iSCSI Boot Firmware Table (iBFT)|ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/systems/support/bladecenter/iscsi_boot_firmware_table_v1.03.pdf>, =item L<NL_PREFIX_ORIGIN Enumeration|https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/nldef/ne-nldef-nl_prefix_origin> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2019 Lubomir Rintel This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =head1 AUTHOR Lubomir Rintel C<lkundrak@v3.sk> =cut # Forgive me. # This would have been much easier with FORTH.