#!/bin/bash # CONTRIBUTORS make CONTRIBUTORS > _CONTRIBUTORS if [ ! -s _CONTRIBUTORS ]; then # no CONTRIBUTORS means no need to make a release # exit without populating new_version exit 0 fi if [ -z "$1" ]; then LAST_VERSION=$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags --always 2> /dev/null) NEW_VERSION=$(echo "$LAST_VERSION" | awk '{print ++$1}') if [ "$NEW_VERSION" -lt 100 ]; then NEW_VERSION="0$NEW_VERSION" fi else NEW_VERSION="$1" fi # change current branch to release git branch -m release printf "#### Contributors\n\n" > CONTRIBUTORS.md cat _CONTRIBUTORS >> CONTRIBUTORS.md # Update AUTHORS make AUTHORS # Update the contributors list in NEWS.md cargo install clog-cli head -2 NEWS.md > NEWS_header.md tail +2 NEWS.md > NEWS_body.md printf "dracut-ng-%s\n=============\n" "$NEW_VERSION" > NEWS_header_new.md # Append the list to the section in `NEWS.md` cat CONTRIBUTORS.md NEWS_body.md > NEWS_body_with_conttributors.md # Get a template with [`clog`](https://github.com/clog-tool/clog-cli) # clog will always output both the new release and old release information together clog -F --infile NEWS_body_with_conttributors.md -r https://github.com/dracut-ng/dracut-ng | sed '1,2d' > NEWS_body_full.md # Use diff to separate new release information and remove repeated empty lines diff NEWS_body_with_conttributors.md NEWS_body_full.md | grep -e ^\>\ | sed s/^\>\ // | cat -s > NEWS_body_new.md cat NEWS_header.md NEWS_header_new.md NEWS_body_new.md NEWS_body_with_conttributors.md > NEWS.md # message for https://github.com/dracut-ng/dracut-ng/releases/tag cat -s NEWS_body_new.md CONTRIBUTORS.md > release.md # dracut-version.sh printf "#!/bin/sh\n# shellcheck disable=SC2034\nDRACUT_VERSION=%s\n" "$NEW_VERSION" > dracut-version.sh DRACUT_FULL_VERSION=$NEW_VERSION DRACUT_MAIN_VERSION=$NEW_VERSION make dracut.html if [ -z "$(git config --get user.name)" ]; then git config user.name "dracutng[bot]" fi if [ -z "$(git config --get user.email)" ]; then git config user.email "" fi # Check in AUTHORS and NEWS.md git commit -m "docs: update NEWS.md and AUTHORS" NEWS.md AUTHORS dracut-version.sh dracut.html # git push can fail due to insufficient permissions if ! git push -u origin release; then exit $? fi # Tag the release, validate the tag and push KEYS=$(gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=long 2> /dev/null) if [ -z "$KEYS" ]; then echo "Could not find gpg or gpg secrets, not signing the git tag." git tag "$NEW_VERSION" -m "$NEW_VERSION" else git tag -s "$NEW_VERSION" -m "$NEW_VERSION" git tag -v "$NEW_VERSION" fi # export new version to Github Action # release will not be generated if pushing the tag failed git push --tags && echo "new_version=${NEW_VERSION,,}" >> "${GITHUB_ENV}"