/* * ls.c - List the contents of an ext2fs superblock * * Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994 Remy Card * Laboratoire MASI, Institut Blaise Pascal * Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) * * Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 Theodore Ts'o * * %Begin-Header% * This file may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU Library * General Public License, version 2. * %End-Header% */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "e2p.h" #include "support/quotaio.h" static void print_user (unsigned short uid, FILE *f) { struct passwd *pw; fprintf(f, "%u ", uid); pw = getpwuid (uid); if (pw == NULL) fprintf(f, "(user unknown)\n"); else fprintf(f, "(user %s)\n", pw->pw_name); } static void print_group (unsigned short gid, FILE *f) { struct group *gr; fprintf(f, "%u ", gid); gr = getgrgid (gid); if (gr == NULL) fprintf(f, "(group unknown)\n"); else fprintf(f, "(group %s)\n", gr->gr_name); } #define MONTH_INT (86400 * 30) #define WEEK_INT (86400 * 7) #define DAY_INT (86400) #define HOUR_INT (60 * 60) #define MINUTE_INT (60) static const char *interval_string(unsigned int secs) { static char buf[256], tmp[80]; int hr, min, num; buf[0] = 0; if (secs == 0) return ""; if (secs >= MONTH_INT) { num = secs / MONTH_INT; secs -= num*MONTH_INT; sprintf(buf, "%d month%s", num, (num>1) ? "s" : ""); } if (secs >= WEEK_INT) { num = secs / WEEK_INT; secs -= num*WEEK_INT; sprintf(tmp, "%s%d week%s", buf[0] ? ", " : "", num, (num>1) ? "s" : ""); strcat(buf, tmp); } if (secs >= DAY_INT) { num = secs / DAY_INT; secs -= num*DAY_INT; sprintf(tmp, "%s%d day%s", buf[0] ? ", " : "", num, (num>1) ? "s" : ""); strcat(buf, tmp); } if (secs > 0) { hr = secs / HOUR_INT; secs -= hr*HOUR_INT; min = secs / MINUTE_INT; secs -= min*MINUTE_INT; sprintf(tmp, "%s%d:%02d:%02d", buf[0] ? ", " : "", hr, min, secs); strcat(buf, tmp); } return buf; } static void print_features(struct ext2_super_block * s, FILE *f) { #ifdef EXT2_DYNAMIC_REV int i, j, printed=0; __u32 *mask = &s->s_feature_compat, m; fprintf(f, "Filesystem features: "); for (i=0; i <3; i++,mask++) { for (j=0,m=1; j < 32; j++, m<<=1) { if (*mask & m) { fprintf(f, " %s", e2p_feature2string(i, m)); printed++; } } } if (printed == 0) fprintf(f, " (none)"); fprintf(f, "\n"); #endif } static void print_mntopts(struct ext2_super_block * s, FILE *f) { #ifdef EXT2_DYNAMIC_REV int i, printed=0; __u32 mask = s->s_default_mount_opts, m; fprintf(f, "Default mount options: "); if (mask & EXT3_DEFM_JMODE) { fprintf(f, " %s", e2p_mntopt2string(mask & EXT3_DEFM_JMODE)); printed++; } for (i=0,m=1; i < 32; i++, m<<=1) { if (m & EXT3_DEFM_JMODE) continue; if (mask & m) { fprintf(f, " %s", e2p_mntopt2string(m)); printed++; } } if (printed == 0) fprintf(f, " (none)"); fprintf(f, "\n"); #endif } static void print_super_flags(struct ext2_super_block * s, FILE *f) { int flags_found = 0; if (s->s_flags == 0) return; fputs("Filesystem flags: ", f); if (s->s_flags & EXT2_FLAGS_SIGNED_HASH) { fputs("signed_directory_hash ", f); flags_found++; } if (s->s_flags & EXT2_FLAGS_UNSIGNED_HASH) { fputs("unsigned_directory_hash ", f); flags_found++; } if (s->s_flags & EXT2_FLAGS_TEST_FILESYS) { fputs("test_filesystem ", f); flags_found++; } if (flags_found) fputs("\n", f); else fputs("(none)\n", f); } static __u64 e2p_blocks_count(struct ext2_super_block *super) { return super->s_blocks_count | (ext2fs_has_feature_64bit(super) ? (__u64) super->s_blocks_count_hi << 32 : 0); } static __u64 e2p_r_blocks_count(struct ext2_super_block *super) { return super->s_r_blocks_count | (ext2fs_has_feature_64bit(super) ? (__u64) super->s_r_blocks_count_hi << 32 : 0); } static __u64 e2p_free_blocks_count(struct ext2_super_block *super) { return super->s_free_blocks_count | (ext2fs_has_feature_64bit(super) ? (__u64) super->s_free_blocks_hi << 32 : 0); } #ifndef EXT2_INODE_SIZE #define EXT2_INODE_SIZE(s) sizeof(struct ext2_inode) #endif #ifndef EXT2_GOOD_OLD_REV #define EXT2_GOOD_OLD_REV 0 #endif static const char *checksum_type(__u8 type) { switch (type) { case EXT2_CRC32C_CHKSUM: return "crc32c"; default: return "unknown"; } } static const char *quota_prefix[MAXQUOTAS] = { [USRQUOTA] = "User quota inode:", [GRPQUOTA] = "Group quota inode:", [PRJQUOTA] = "Project quota inode:", }; /** * Convert type of quota to written representation */ static const char *quota_type2prefix(enum quota_type qtype) { return quota_prefix[qtype]; } void list_super2(struct ext2_super_block * sb, FILE *f) { int inode_blocks_per_group; char *str; time_t tm; enum quota_type qtype; inode_blocks_per_group = (((sb->s_inodes_per_group * EXT2_INODE_SIZE(sb)) + EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE(sb) - 1) / EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE(sb)); if (sb->s_volume_name[0]) fprintf(f, "Filesystem volume name: %.*s\n", EXT2_LEN_STR(sb->s_volume_name)); else fprintf(f, "Filesystem volume name: \n"); if (sb->s_last_mounted[0]) fprintf(f, "Last mounted on: %.*s\n", EXT2_LEN_STR(sb->s_last_mounted)); else fprintf(f, "Last mounted on: \n"); fprintf(f, "Filesystem UUID: %s\n", e2p_uuid2str(sb->s_uuid)); fprintf(f, "Filesystem magic number: 0x%04X\n", sb->s_magic); fprintf(f, "Filesystem revision #: %d", sb->s_rev_level); if (sb->s_rev_level == EXT2_GOOD_OLD_REV) { fprintf(f, " (original)\n"); #ifdef EXT2_DYNAMIC_REV } else if (sb->s_rev_level == EXT2_DYNAMIC_REV) { fprintf(f, " (dynamic)\n"); #endif } else fprintf(f, " (unknown)\n"); print_features(sb, f); print_super_flags(sb, f); print_mntopts(sb, f); if (sb->s_mount_opts[0]) fprintf(f, "Mount options: %.*s\n", EXT2_LEN_STR(sb->s_mount_opts)); fprintf(f, "Filesystem state: "); print_fs_state (f, sb->s_state); fprintf(f, "\n"); fprintf(f, "Errors behavior: "); print_fs_errors(f, sb->s_errors); fprintf(f, "\n"); str = e2p_os2string(sb->s_creator_os); fprintf(f, "Filesystem OS type: %s\n", str); free(str); fprintf(f, "Inode count: %u\n", sb->s_inodes_count); fprintf(f, "Block count: %llu\n", (unsigned long long) e2p_blocks_count(sb)); fprintf(f, "Reserved block count: %llu\n", (unsigned long long) e2p_r_blocks_count(sb)); if (sb->s_overhead_clusters) fprintf(f, "Overhead clusters: %u\n", sb->s_overhead_clusters); fprintf(f, "Free blocks: %llu\n", (unsigned long long) e2p_free_blocks_count(sb)); fprintf(f, "Free inodes: %u\n", sb->s_free_inodes_count); fprintf(f, "First block: %u\n", sb->s_first_data_block); fprintf(f, "Block size: %u\n", EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE(sb)); if (ext2fs_has_feature_bigalloc(sb)) fprintf(f, "Cluster size: %u\n", EXT2_CLUSTER_SIZE(sb)); else fprintf(f, "Fragment size: %u\n", EXT2_CLUSTER_SIZE(sb)); if (ext2fs_has_feature_64bit(sb)) fprintf(f, "Group descriptor size: %u\n", sb->s_desc_size); if (sb->s_reserved_gdt_blocks) fprintf(f, "Reserved GDT blocks: %u\n", sb->s_reserved_gdt_blocks); fprintf(f, "Blocks per group: %u\n", sb->s_blocks_per_group); if (ext2fs_has_feature_bigalloc(sb)) fprintf(f, "Clusters per group: %u\n", sb->s_clusters_per_group); else fprintf(f, "Fragments per group: %u\n", sb->s_clusters_per_group); fprintf(f, "Inodes per group: %u\n", sb->s_inodes_per_group); fprintf(f, "Inode blocks per group: %u\n", inode_blocks_per_group); if (sb->s_raid_stride) fprintf(f, "RAID stride: %u\n", sb->s_raid_stride); if (sb->s_raid_stripe_width) fprintf(f, "RAID stripe width: %u\n", sb->s_raid_stripe_width); if (sb->s_first_meta_bg) fprintf(f, "First meta block group: %u\n", sb->s_first_meta_bg); if (sb->s_log_groups_per_flex) fprintf(f, "Flex block group size: %u\n", 1U << sb->s_log_groups_per_flex); tm = ext2fs_get_tstamp(sb, s_mkfs_time); if (tm) fprintf(f, "Filesystem created: %s", ctime(&tm)); tm = ext2fs_get_tstamp(sb, s_mtime); fprintf(f, "Last mount time: %s", tm ? ctime(&tm) : "n/a\n"); tm = ext2fs_get_tstamp(sb, s_wtime); fprintf(f, "Last write time: %s", ctime(&tm)); fprintf(f, "Mount count: %u\n", sb->s_mnt_count); fprintf(f, "Maximum mount count: %d\n", sb->s_max_mnt_count); tm = ext2fs_get_tstamp(sb, s_lastcheck); fprintf(f, "Last checked: %s", ctime(&tm)); fprintf(f, "Check interval: %u (%s)\n", sb->s_checkinterval, interval_string(sb->s_checkinterval)); if (sb->s_checkinterval) { tm += sb->s_checkinterval; fprintf(f, "Next check after: %s", ctime(&tm)); } #define POW2(x) ((__u64) 1 << (x)) if (sb->s_kbytes_written) { fprintf(f, "Lifetime writes: "); if (sb->s_kbytes_written < POW2(13)) fprintf(f, "%llu kB\n", (unsigned long long) sb->s_kbytes_written); else if (sb->s_kbytes_written < POW2(23)) fprintf(f, "%llu MB\n", (unsigned long long) (sb->s_kbytes_written + POW2(9)) >> 10); else if (sb->s_kbytes_written < POW2(33)) fprintf(f, "%llu GB\n", (unsigned long long) (sb->s_kbytes_written + POW2(19)) >> 20); else if (sb->s_kbytes_written < POW2(43)) fprintf(f, "%llu TB\n", (unsigned long long) (sb->s_kbytes_written + POW2(29)) >> 30); else fprintf(f, "%llu PB\n", (unsigned long long) (sb->s_kbytes_written + POW2(39)) >> 40); } fprintf(f, "Reserved blocks uid: "); print_user(sb->s_def_resuid, f); fprintf(f, "Reserved blocks gid: "); print_group(sb->s_def_resgid, f); if (sb->s_rev_level >= EXT2_DYNAMIC_REV) { fprintf(f, "First inode: %d\n", sb->s_first_ino); fprintf(f, "Inode size: %d\n", sb->s_inode_size); if (sb->s_min_extra_isize) fprintf(f, "Required extra isize: %d\n", sb->s_min_extra_isize); if (sb->s_want_extra_isize) fprintf(f, "Desired extra isize: %d\n", sb->s_want_extra_isize); } if (!e2p_is_null_uuid(sb->s_journal_uuid)) fprintf(f, "Journal UUID: %s\n", e2p_uuid2str(sb->s_journal_uuid)); if (sb->s_journal_inum) fprintf(f, "Journal inode: %u\n", sb->s_journal_inum); if (sb->s_journal_dev) fprintf(f, "Journal device: 0x%04x\n", sb->s_journal_dev); if (sb->s_last_orphan) fprintf(f, "First orphan inode: %u\n", sb->s_last_orphan); if (ext2fs_has_feature_dir_index(sb) || sb->s_def_hash_version) fprintf(f, "Default directory hash: %s\n", e2p_hash2string(sb->s_def_hash_version)); if (!e2p_is_null_uuid(sb->s_hash_seed)) fprintf(f, "Directory Hash Seed: %s\n", e2p_uuid2str(sb->s_hash_seed)); if (sb->s_jnl_backup_type) { fprintf(f, "Journal backup: "); switch (sb->s_jnl_backup_type) { case 1: fprintf(f, "inode blocks\n"); break; default: fprintf(f, "type %u\n", sb->s_jnl_backup_type); } } if (sb->s_backup_bgs[0] || sb->s_backup_bgs[1]) { fprintf(f, "Backup block groups: "); if (sb->s_backup_bgs[0]) fprintf(f, "%u ", sb->s_backup_bgs[0]); if (sb->s_backup_bgs[1]) fprintf(f, "%u ", sb->s_backup_bgs[1]); fputc('\n', f); } if (sb->s_snapshot_inum) { fprintf(f, "Snapshot inode: %u\n", sb->s_snapshot_inum); fprintf(f, "Snapshot ID: %u\n", sb->s_snapshot_id); fprintf(f, "Snapshot reserved blocks: %llu\n", (unsigned long long) sb->s_snapshot_r_blocks_count); } if (sb->s_snapshot_list) fprintf(f, "Snapshot list head: %u\n", sb->s_snapshot_list); if (sb->s_error_count) fprintf(f, "FS Error count: %u\n", sb->s_error_count); tm = ext2fs_get_tstamp(sb, s_first_error_time); if (tm) { fprintf(f, "First error time: %s", ctime(&tm)); fprintf(f, "First error function: %.*s\n", EXT2_LEN_STR(sb->s_first_error_func)); fprintf(f, "First error line #: %u\n", sb->s_first_error_line); if (sb->s_first_error_ino) fprintf(f, "First error inode #: %u\n", sb->s_first_error_ino); if (sb->s_first_error_block) fprintf(f, "First error block #: %llu\n", (unsigned long long) sb->s_first_error_block); if (sb->s_first_error_errcode) fprintf(f, "First error err: %s\n", e2p_errcode2str(sb->s_first_error_errcode)); } tm = ext2fs_get_tstamp(sb, s_last_error_time); if (tm) { fprintf(f, "Last error time: %s", ctime(&tm)); fprintf(f, "Last error function: %.*s\n", EXT2_LEN_STR(sb->s_last_error_func)); fprintf(f, "Last error line #: %u\n", sb->s_last_error_line); if (sb->s_last_error_ino) fprintf(f, "Last error inode #: %u\n", sb->s_last_error_ino); if (sb->s_last_error_block) fprintf(f, "Last error block #: %llu\n", (unsigned long long) sb->s_last_error_block); if (sb->s_last_error_errcode) fprintf(f, "Last error err: %s\n", e2p_errcode2str(sb->s_last_error_errcode)); } if (ext2fs_has_feature_mmp(sb)) { fprintf(f, "MMP block number: %llu\n", (unsigned long long) sb->s_mmp_block); fprintf(f, "MMP update interval: %u\n", sb->s_mmp_update_interval); } for (qtype = 0; qtype < MAXQUOTAS; qtype++) { if (*quota_sb_inump(sb, qtype) != 0) fprintf(f, "%-26s%u\n", quota_type2prefix(qtype), *quota_sb_inump(sb, qtype)); } if (ext2fs_has_feature_metadata_csum(sb)) { fprintf(f, "Checksum type: %s\n", checksum_type(sb->s_checksum_type)); fprintf(f, "Checksum: 0x%08x\n", sb->s_checksum); } if (!e2p_is_null_uuid(sb->s_encrypt_pw_salt)) fprintf(f, "Encryption PW Salt: %s\n", e2p_uuid2str(sb->s_encrypt_pw_salt)); if (ext2fs_has_feature_csum_seed(sb)) fprintf(f, "Checksum seed: 0x%08x\n", sb->s_checksum_seed); if (ext2fs_has_feature_casefold(sb)) fprintf(f, "Character encoding: %s\n", e2p_encoding2str(sb->s_encoding)); if (ext2fs_has_feature_orphan_file(sb)) fprintf(f, "Orphan file inode: %u\n", sb->s_orphan_file_inum); } void list_super (struct ext2_super_block * s) { list_super2(s, stdout); }