path: root/content/includes/tasksync.js
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diff --git a/content/includes/tasksync.js b/content/includes/tasksync.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e703152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/includes/tasksync.js
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+ * This file is part of EAS-4-TbSync.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ */
+"use strict";
+var { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
+ CalAlarm: "resource:///modules/CalAlarm.jsm",
+ CalAttachment: "resource:///modules/CalAttachment.jsm",
+ CalAttendee: "resource:///modules/CalAttendee.jsm",
+ CalEvent: "resource:///modules/CalEvent.jsm",
+ CalTodo: "resource:///modules/CalTodo.jsm",
+var Tasks = {
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
+ // Read WBXML and set Thunderbird item
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
+ setThunderbirdItemFromWbxml: function (tbItem, data, id, syncdata, mode = "standard") {
+ let item = tbItem instanceof TbSync.lightning.TbItem ? tbItem.nativeItem : tbItem;
+ let asversion = syncdata.accountData.getAccountProperty("asversion");
+ = id;
+ eas.sync.setItemSubject(item, syncdata, data);
+ if (TbSync.prefs.getIntPref("log.userdatalevel") > 2) TbSync.dump("Processing " + mode + " task item", item.title + " (" + id + ")");
+ eas.sync.setItemBody(item, syncdata, data);
+ eas.sync.setItemCategories(item, syncdata, data);
+ eas.sync.setItemRecurrence(item, syncdata, data);
+ let dueDate = null;
+ if (data.DueDate && data.UtcDueDate) {
+ //extract offset from EAS data
+ let DueDate = new Date(data.DueDate);
+ let UtcDueDate = new Date(data.UtcDueDate);
+ let offset = (UtcDueDate.getTime() - DueDate.getTime())/60000;
+ //timezone is identified by its offset
+ let utc = cal.createDateTime(; //format "19800101T000000Z" - UTC
+ dueDate = utc.getInTimezone(, utc));
+ item.dueDate = dueDate;
+ }
+ if (data.StartDate && data.UtcStartDate) {
+ //extract offset from EAS data
+ let StartDate = new Date(data.StartDate);
+ let UtcStartDate = new Date(data.UtcStartDate);
+ let offset = (UtcStartDate.getTime() - StartDate.getTime())/60000;
+ //timezone is identified by its offset
+ let utc = cal.createDateTime(; //format "19800101T000000Z" - UTC
+ item.entryDate = utc.getInTimezone(, utc));
+ } else {
+ //there is no start date? if this is a recurring item, we MUST add an entryDate, otherwise Thunderbird will not display the recurring items
+ if (data.Recurrence) {
+ if (dueDate) {
+ item.entryDate = dueDate;
+ TbSync.eventlog.add("info", syncdata, "Copy task dueData to task startDate, because Thunderbird needs a startDate for recurring items.", item.icalString);
+ } else {
+ TbSync.eventlog.add("info", syncdata, "Task without startDate and without dueDate but with recurrence info is not supported by Thunderbird. Recurrence will be lost.", item.icalString);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ eas.sync.mapEasPropertyToThunderbird ("Sensitivity", "CLASS", data, item);
+ eas.sync.mapEasPropertyToThunderbird ("Importance", "PRIORITY", data, item);
+ let msTodoCompat = eas.prefs.getBoolPref("msTodoCompat");
+ item.clearAlarms();
+ if (data.ReminderSet && data.ReminderTime) {
+ let UtcAlarmDate =;
+ let alarm = new CalAlarm();
+ alarm.action = "DISPLAY";
+ if (msTodoCompat)
+ {
+ // Microsoft To-Do only uses due dates (no start dates) an doesn't have a time part in the due date
+ // dirty hack: Use the reminder date as due date and set a reminder exactly to the due date
+ // drawback: only works if due date and reminder is set to the same day - this could maybe checked here but I don't know how
+ item.entryDate = UtcAlarmDate;
+ item.dueDate = UtcAlarmDate;
+ alarm.related = Components.interfaces.calIAlarm.ALARM_RELATED_START;
+ alarm.offset =;
+ alarm.offset.inSeconds = 0;
+ }
+ else if (data.UtcStartDate)
+ {
+ let UtcDate =;
+ alarm.related = Components.interfaces.calIAlarm.ALARM_RELATED_START;
+ alarm.offset = UtcAlarmDate.subtractDate(UtcDate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Alternative solution for Microsoft To-Do:
+ // alarm correctly set but because time part of due date is always "0:00", all tasks for today are shown as overdue
+ alarm.related = Components.interfaces.calIAlarm.ALARM_RELATED_ABSOLUTE;
+ alarm.alarmDate = UtcAlarmDate;
+ }
+ item.addAlarm(alarm);
+ }
+ //status/percentage cannot be mapped
+ if (data.Complete) {
+ if (data.Complete == "0") {
+ item.isCompleted = false;
+ } else {
+ item.isCompleted = true;
+ if (data.DateCompleted) item.completedDate =;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ Regenerate: After complete, the completed task is removed from the series and stored as an new entry. The series starts an week (as set) after complete date with one less occurence
+ */
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
+ //read TB event and return its data as WBXML
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
+ getWbxmlFromThunderbirdItem: async function (tbItem, syncdata) {
+ let item = tbItem instanceof TbSync.lightning.TbItem ? tbItem.nativeItem : tbItem;
+ let asversion = syncdata.accountData.getAccountProperty("asversion");
+ let wbxml = eas.wbxmltools.createWBXML("", syncdata.type); //init wbxml with "" and not with precodes, and set initial codepage
+ //Order of tags taken from:
+ //Subject
+ wbxml.atag("Subject", (item.title) ? item.title : "");
+ //Body
+ wbxml.append(eas.sync.getItemBody(item, syncdata));
+ //Importance
+ wbxml.atag("Importance", eas.sync.mapThunderbirdPropertyToEas("PRIORITY", "Importance", item));
+ //tasks is using extended ISO 8601 (2019-01-18T00:00:00.000Z) instead of basic (20190118T000000Z),
+ // returns extended if true as second parameter is present
+ // TB will enforce a StartDate if it has a recurrence
+ let localStartDate = null;
+ if (item.entryDate) {
+ wbxml.atag("UtcStartDate",, true));
+ //to fake the local time as UTC, getIsoUtcString needs the third parameter to be true
+ localStartDate =, true, true);
+ wbxml.atag("StartDate", localStartDate);
+ }
+ // Tasks without DueDate are breaking O365 - use StartDate as DueDate
+ if (item.entryDate || item.dueDate) {
+ wbxml.atag("UtcDueDate", ? item.dueDate : item.entryDate, true));
+ //to fake the local time as UTC, getIsoUtcString needs the third parameter to be true
+ wbxml.atag("DueDate", ? item.dueDate : item.entryDate, true, true));
+ }
+ //Categories
+ wbxml.append(eas.sync.getItemCategories(item, syncdata));
+ //Recurrence (only if localStartDate has been set)
+ if (localStartDate) wbxml.append(await eas.sync.getItemRecurrence(item, syncdata, localStartDate));
+ //Complete
+ if (item.isCompleted) {
+ wbxml.atag("Complete", "1");
+ wbxml.atag("DateCompleted",, true));
+ } else {
+ wbxml.atag("Complete", "0");
+ }
+ //Sensitivity
+ wbxml.atag("Sensitivity", eas.sync.mapThunderbirdPropertyToEas("CLASS", "Sensitivity", item));
+ //ReminderTime and ReminderSet
+ let alarms = item.getAlarms({});
+ if (alarms.length>0 && (item.entryDate || item.dueDate)) {
+ let reminderTime;
+ if (alarms[0].offset) {
+ //create Date obj from entryDate by converting item.entryDate to an extended UTC ISO string, which can be parsed by Date
+ //if entryDate is missing, the startDate of this object is set to its dueDate
+ let UtcDate = new Date( ? item.entryDate : item.dueDate, true));
+ //add offset
+ UtcDate.setSeconds(UtcDate.getSeconds() + alarms[0].offset.inSeconds);
+ reminderTime = UtcDate.toISOString();
+ } else {
+ reminderTime =[0].alarmDate, true);
+ }
+ wbxml.atag("ReminderTime", reminderTime);
+ wbxml.atag("ReminderSet", "1");
+ } else {
+ wbxml.atag("ReminderSet", "0");
+ }
+ return wbxml.getBytes();
+ },