{ "abCard.Anniversary": { "message": "Anniversary:" }, "abCard.AssistantName": { "message": "Assistant:" }, "abCard.AssistantPhoneNumber": { "message": "Assistant Phone:" }, "abCard.Business2PhoneNumber": { "message": "Work Alternative Phone:" }, "abCard.BusinessFaxNumber": { "message": "Work Fax:" }, "abCard.CarPhoneNumber": { "message": "Car Phone:" }, "abCard.CompanyMainPhone": { "message": "Work Main Phone:" }, "abCard.Email3Address": { "message": "Alternative Email:" }, "abCard.Home2PhoneNumber": { "message": "Home Alternative Phone:" }, "abCard.ManagerName": { "message": "Manager:" }, "abCard.MiddleName": { "message": "Middle name:" }, "abCard.OtherAddress": { "message": "Address:" }, "abCard.OtherCity": { "message": "City:" }, "abCard.OtherCountry": { "message": "Country:" }, "abCard.OtherState": { "message": "State:" }, "abCard.OtherZip": { "message": "ZIP Code:" }, "abCard.RadioPhoneNumber": { "message": "Radio Phone:" }, "abCard.Spouse": { "message": "Spouse:" }, "abCard.header.eas": { "message": "Other Fields (EAS)" }, "abCard.header.homenumbers": { "message": "Additional home numbers:" }, "abCard.header.messaging": { "message": "Messaging:" }, "abCard.header.otheraddress": { "message": "Other Address (EAS)" }, "abCard.header.othernumbers": { "message": "Additional numbers:" }, "abCard.header.people": { "message": "People:" }, "abCard.header.worknumbers": { "message": "Additional work numbers:" }, "acl.readonly": { "message": "Read-only server access (revert local changes)" }, "acl.readwrite": { "message": "Read from and write to server" }, "add.description": { "message": "Please select one of the available server configuration options and enter the requested details. " }, "add.name": { "message": "Account name:" }, "add.ok": { "message": "Add account" }, "add.password": { "message": "Password:" }, "add.server": { "message": "Server configuration:" }, "add.shortdescription": { "message": "Account information" }, "add.title": { "message": "Adding an Exchange ActiveSync account to TbSync" }, "add.url": { "message": "Server address:" }, "add.urldescription": { "message": "It should be sufficient to provide just the basic server address (e.g.: mail.yourserver.com). However, it is also possible to provide the full URL (e.g.: https://mail.yourserver.com/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync)." }, "add.user": { "message": "User name (email address):" }, "autocomplete.serverdirectory": { "message": "global server directory" }, "autodiscover.Failed": { "message": "Autodiscover for user <##user##> failed. Either the provided credentials were wrong or your ActiveSync provider has a temporary issue, or does not support Autodiscover." }, "autodiscover.NeedEmail": { "message": "Autodiscover needs a valid email address as user name." }, "autodiscover.Ok": { "message": "Autodiscover completed successfully, you can now check the optional settings and establish the synchronization connection." }, "autodiscover.Querying": { "message": "Searching for settings…" }, "config.auto": { "message": "ActiveSync server configuration (Autodiscover)" }, "config.custom": { "message": "ActiveSync server configuration" }, "deletefolder.confirm": { "message": "Do you really want to PERMANENTLY PURGE folder “##replace.1##” from trash?" }, "deletefolder.menuentry": { "message": "Permanently purge folder “##replace.1##” from trash" }, "deletefolder.notallowed": { "message": "Please unsubscribe folder “##replace.1##” before trying to purge it from trash." }, "extensionDescription": { "message": "Add sync support for Exchange ActiveSync accounts to TbSync (contacts, tasks and calendars)." }, "extensionName": { "message": "Provider for Exchange ActiveSync" }, "helplink.BadItemSkipped": { "message": "https://github.com/jobisoft/EAS-4-TbSync/wiki/Error:-Bad-item-skipped" }, "helplink.global.clientdenied": { "message": "https://github.com/jobisoft/EAS-4-TbSync/wiki/What-if-TbSync-is-blocked-by-my-server%3F" }, "helplink.security": { "message": "https://github.com/jobisoft/TbSync/wiki/How-to-use-TbSync-with-self-signed-or-otherwise-untrusted-certificates%3F" }, "manager.tabs.accountsettings": { "message": "Account settings" }, "manager.tabs.outOfOffice": { "message": "Auto responder" }, "manager.tabs.syncsettings": { "message": "Options" }, "newaccount.add_auto": { "message": "Autodiscover settings and add account" }, "newaccount.add_custom": { "message": "Add account" }, "pref.AccountName": { "message": "Description" }, "pref.ActiveSyncVersion": { "message": "ActiveSync version" }, "pref.DeviceId": { "message": "ActiveSync device ID" }, "pref.ServerName": { "message": "Server address" }, "pref.ServerNameDescription": { "message": "e.g. mail.yourserver.com" }, "pref.ShowTrashedFolders": { "message": "Show folders found in trash" }, "pref.UserName": { "message": "User name" }, "pref.UserNameDescription": { "message": "User name is usually the email address of your account." }, "pref.autodetect": { "message": "best available" }, "pref.birthday": { "message": "Send birthday information" }, "pref.calendaroptions": { "message": "Calendar options" }, "pref.contactoptions": { "message": "Contact options" }, "pref.displayoverride": { "message": "Override Display Name with “First Name” + “Second Name”" }, "pref.generaloptions": { "message": "General options" }, "pref.provision": { "message": "Enforce provisioning (required by Kerio)" }, "pref.seperator.comma": { "message": "Comma" }, "pref.seperator.description": { "message": "Separator for multiline address field." }, "pref.seperator.linebreak": { "message": "Line break" }, "pref.synclimit.1month": { "message": "from 4 weeks ago" }, "pref.synclimit.2weeks": { "message": "from 2 weeks ago" }, "pref.synclimit.3month": { "message": "from 3 months ago" }, "pref.synclimit.6month": { "message": "from 6 months ago" }, "pref.synclimit.all": { "message": "everything" }, "pref.synclimit.description": { "message": "Synchronization period: " }, "pref.usehttps": { "message": "Use secure connection (connect via https)" }, "recyclebin": { "message": "Trash" }, "servertype.auto": { "message": "Automatic configuration" }, "servertype.custom": { "message": "Custom configuration" }, "servertype.description.auto": { "message": "The configuration for many ActiveSync servers can be discovered by providing just your email address." }, "servertype.description.custom": { "message": "Setup your account by manually providing the address of the server you want to connect." }, "servertype.description.office365": { "message": "Accounts connected to Office 365 use a modern authentication process called OAuth 2.0 which also supports Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA)." }, "servertype.office365": { "message": "Microsoft Office 365" }, "servertype.unlock": { "message": "Double click to unlock all predefined server settings." }, "status.401": { "message": "Could not authenticate, check username and password (HTTP Error 401)." }, "status.403": { "message": "Server rejected connection (forbidden) (HTTP Error 403)." }, "status.404": { "message": "User not found (HTTP Error 404)." }, "status.449": { "message": "Server requests provisioning (HTTP Error 449)." }, "status.500": { "message": "Unknown Server Error (HTTP Error 500)." }, "status.503": { "message": "Service unavailable (HTTP Error 503)." }, "status.BadItemSkipped": { "message": "Bad Item Skipped: ##replace.1##" }, "status.FolderDelete.3": { "message": "Cannot delete a system folder (status 3)" }, "status.FolderDelete.4": { "message": "Folder does not exist (status 4), resyncing" }, "status.FolderDelete.6": { "message": "Command could not be completed, an error occurred on the server (status 6)" }, "status.FolderDelete.9": { "message": "Invalid synchronization key (status 9), resyncing" }, "status.FolderSync.9": { "message": "Invalid synchronization key (status 9), resyncing" }, "status.InvalidServerOptions": { "message": "The server does not provide information about the supported ActiveSync versions. Is EAS blocked for this user or this client (TbSync)? You could try to set the ActiveSync version manually." }, "status.OK": { "message": "OK" }, "status.ServerRejectedRequest": { "message": "The EAS Server rejected the last request." }, "status.ServerRejectedSomeItems": { "message": "The EAS server did not accept ##replace.1## elements." }, "status.Sync.12": { "message": "Folder hierarchy changed (status 12), resyncing" }, "status.Sync.3": { "message": "Invalid synchronization key (status 3), resyncing" }, "status.Sync.4": { "message": "Malformed request (status 4)" }, "status.Sync.5": { "message": "Temporary server issues or invalid item (status 5)" }, "status.Sync.6": { "message": "Invalid item (status 6)" }, "status.Sync.8": { "message": "Object not found (status 8)" }, "status.aborted": { "message": "Not synchronized" }, "status.disabled": { "message": "Disabled" }, "status.empty-response": { "message": "Server sends unexpected empty response." }, "status.forbiddenCalendarItemInTasksFolder": { "message": "Forbidden calendar item in a task folder (please resort)" }, "status.forbiddenTasksItemInCalendarFolder": { "message": "Forbidden task item in a calendar folder (please resort)" }, "status.global.101": { "message": "The request contains WBXML but it could not be decoded into XML (EAS Error 101)." }, "status.global.102": { "message": "The request contains WBXML but it could not be decoded into XML (EAS Error 102)." }, "status.global.103": { "message": "The XML provided in the request does not follow the protocol requirements (EAS Error 103)." }, "status.global.110": { "message": "The server reported an internal error and we should not retry immediately. Automatic periodic sync has been disabled for 30 minutes (EAS Error 110)." }, "status.global.clientdenied": { "message": "The EAS server reports <##replace.2##> (status ##replace.1##) and does not allow TbSync to access your account." }, "status.httperror": { "message": "Communication error (HTTP status ##replace.1##)." }, "status.invalid": { "message": "Invalid server response (junk)." }, "status.malformed-xml": { "message": "Could not parse XML. Check event log for details." }, "status.modified": { "message": "Local modifications" }, "status.network": { "message": "Could not connect to server (##replace.1##)." }, "status.networkerror": { "message": "Could not connect to server." }, "status.nosupportedeasversion": { "message": "Server does not support ActiveSync v2.5 or v14.0 (only ##replace.1##). TbSync will not work with this ActiveSync server." }, "status.notargets": { "message": "Aborting Sync, because sync targets could not be created." }, "status.notsupportedeasversion": { "message": "Server does not support selected ActiveSync v##replace.1## (only ##replace.2##)." }, "status.notsyncronized": { "message": "Account needs to be synchronized, at least one item is out of sync." }, "status.nouserhost": { "message": "Missing username and/or server. Please provide those values." }, "status.pending": { "message": "Waiting to be synchronized" }, "status.policy.2": { "message": "There is no policy for this client. Contact your server administrator or disable provisioning for this account." }, "status.policy.3": { "message": "Unknown PolicyType value. Contact your server administrator or disable provisioning for this account." }, "status.policy.4": { "message": "The policy data on the server is corrupted (possibly tampered with). Contact your server administrator or disable provisioning for this account." }, "status.policy.5": { "message": "The client is acknowledging the wrong policy key. Contact your server administrator or disable provisioning for this account." }, "status.provision": { "message": "Provisioning failed with status <##replace.1##>" }, "status.response-contains-no-data": { "message": "Response from the server contains no data." }, "status.resync-loop": { "message": "There was an error from which we could not recover by resyncing the account. Please disable the account and try again. (Error: resync loop)" }, "status.security": { "message": "Could not establish a secure connection. Are you using a self-signed or otherwise untrusted certificate without importing it into Thunderbird? (##replace.1##)" }, "status.skipped": { "message": "Not yet supported, skipped" }, "status.syncing": { "message": "Synchronizing" }, "status.timeout": { "message": "Communication timeout." }, "status.wbxml-parse-error": { "message": "Server sends unreadable response." }, "status.wbxmlerror": { "message": "Sync failed. Server responded with status <##replace.1##>." }, "status.wbxmlmissingfield": { "message": "ActiveSync protocol violation: Mandatory field <##replace.1##> is missing from server response." }, "syncstate.accountdone": { "message": "Finished account" }, "syncstate.done": { "message": "Preparing next item for synchronization" }, "syncstate.eval.response.autodiscover": { "message": "Processing updated server settings" }, "syncstate.eval.response.deletefolder": { "message": "Folder deleted" }, "syncstate.eval.response.estimate": { "message": "Processing change estimate" }, "syncstate.eval.response.folders": { "message": "Processing folder list update" }, "syncstate.eval.response.localchanges": { "message": "Processing acknowledgment of local changes" }, "syncstate.eval.response.localdeletes": { "message": "Processing acknowledgment of local deletes" }, "syncstate.eval.response.options": { "message": "Processing server options" }, "syncstate.eval.response.provision": { "message": "Processing provision" }, "syncstate.eval.response.remotechanges": { "message": "Processing remote changes" }, "syncstate.eval.response.revertlocalchanges": { "message": "Reverting local changes" }, "syncstate.eval.response.setdeviceinfo": { "message": "Sending device information" }, "syncstate.eval.response.synckey": { "message": "Processing SyncKey" }, "syncstate.prepare.request.autodiscover": { "message": "Requesting updated server settings" }, "syncstate.prepare.request.deletefolder": { "message": "Preparing to delete folder" }, "syncstate.prepare.request.estimate": { "message": "Requesting change estimate" }, "syncstate.prepare.request.folders": { "message": "Sending folder list update" }, "syncstate.prepare.request.localchanges": { "message": "Sending local changes" }, "syncstate.prepare.request.localdeletes": { "message": "Sending local deletes" }, "syncstate.prepare.request.options": { "message": "Requesting server options" }, "syncstate.prepare.request.provision": { "message": "Requesting provision" }, "syncstate.prepare.request.remotechanges": { "message": "Requesting remote changes" }, "syncstate.prepare.request.revertlocalchanges": { "message": "Collecting local changes" }, "syncstate.prepare.request.setdeviceinfo": { "message": "Sending device information" }, "syncstate.prepare.request.synckey": { "message": "Requesting SyncKey" }, "syncstate.preparing": { "message": "Preparing next item for synchronization" }, "syncstate.send.request.autodiscover": { "message": "Waiting for updated server settings" }, "syncstate.send.request.deletefolder": { "message": "Waiting for folder to be deleted" }, "syncstate.send.request.estimate": { "message": "Waiting for change estimate" }, "syncstate.send.request.folders": { "message": "Waiting for folder list update" }, "syncstate.send.request.localchanges": { "message": "Waiting for acknowledgment of local changes" }, "syncstate.send.request.localdeletes": { "message": "Waiting for acknowledgment of local deletes" }, "syncstate.send.request.options": { "message": "Waiting for server options" }, "syncstate.send.request.provision": { "message": "Waiting for provision" }, "syncstate.send.request.remotechanges": { "message": "Waiting for remote changes" }, "syncstate.send.request.revertlocalchanges": { "message": "Waiting for most recent versions" }, "syncstate.send.request.setdeviceinfo": { "message": "Sending device information" }, "syncstate.send.request.synckey": { "message": "Waiting for SyncKey" }, "syncstate.syncing": { "message": "Initialize synchronization" } }