/* * This file is part of EAS-4-TbSync. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var { OAuth2 } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/OAuth2.jsm"); var network = { getEasURL: function(accountData) { let protocol = (accountData.getAccountProperty("https")) ? "https://" : "http://"; let h = protocol + accountData.getAccountProperty("host"); while (h.endsWith("/")) { h = h.slice(0,-1); } if (h.endsWith("Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync")) return h; return h + "/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync"; }, getAuthData: function(accountData) { let authData = { // This is the host for the password manager, which could be different from // the actual host property of the account. For EAS we want to couple the password // with the ACCOUNT and not any sort of url, which could change via autodiscover // at any time. get host() { return "TbSync#" + accountData.accountID; }, get user() { return accountData.getAccountProperty("user"); }, get password() { return TbSync.passwordManager.getLoginInfo(this.host, "TbSync/EAS", this.user); }, updateLoginData: function(newUsername, newPassword) { let oldUsername = this.user; TbSync.passwordManager.updateLoginInfo(this.host, "TbSync/EAS", oldUsername, newUsername, newPassword); // Also update the username of this account. Add dedicated username setter? accountData.setAccountProperty("user", newUsername); }, removeLoginData: function() { TbSync.passwordManager.removeLoginInfos(this.host, "TbSync/EAS"); } }; return authData; }, // prepare and patch OAuth2 object getOAuthObj: function(configObject = null) { let accountname, user, host, accountID, servertype; let accountData = (configObject && configObject.hasOwnProperty("accountData")) ? configObject.accountData : null; if (accountData) { accountname = accountData.getAccountProperty("accountname"); user = accountData.getAccountProperty("user"); host = accountData.getAccountProperty("host"); servertype = accountData.getAccountProperty("servertype"); accountID = accountData.accountID; } else { accountname = (configObject && configObject.hasOwnProperty("accountname")) ? configObject.accountname : ""; user = (configObject && configObject.hasOwnProperty("user")) ? configObject.user : ""; host = (configObject && configObject.hasOwnProperty("host")) ? configObject.host : ""; servertype = (configObject && configObject.hasOwnProperty("servertype")) ? configObject.servertype : ""; accountID = ""; } if (!["office365"].includes(servertype)) return null; let config = {}; let customID = eas.Base.getCustomeOauthClientID(); switch (host) { case "outlook.office365.com": case "eas.outlook.com": config = { auth_uri : "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize", token_uri : "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/token", redirect_uri : "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient", client_id : customID != "" ? customID : "2980deeb-7460-4723-864a-f9b0f10cd992", } break; default: return null; } switch (host) { case "outlook.office365.com": config.scope = "offline_access https://outlook.office.com/.default"; break; case "eas.outlook.com": config.scope = "offline_access https://outlook.office.com/EAS.AccessAsUser.All"; break; } let oauth = new OAuth2(config.scope, { authorizationEndpoint: config.auth_uri, tokenEndpoint: config.token_uri, clientId: config.client_id, clientSecret: config.client_secret }); oauth.requestWindowFeatures = "chrome,private,centerscreen,width=500,height=750"; // The v2 redirection endpoint differs from the default and needs manual override oauth.redirectionEndpoint = config.redirect_uri; oauth.extraAuthParams = [ // removed in beta 1.14.1, according to // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-permissions-and-consent#default-and-consent // prompt = consent will always ask for admin consent, even if it was granted //["prompt", "consent"], ["login_hint", user], ]; if (accountname) { oauth.requestWindowTitle = "TbSync account <" + accountname + "> requests authorization."; } else { oauth.requestWindowTitle = "A TbSync account requests authorization."; } /* Adding custom methods to the oauth object */ oauth.asyncConnect = async function(rv) { let self = this; rv.error = ""; rv.tokens = ""; // If multiple resources need to authenticate they will all end here, even though they // might share the same token. Due to the async nature, each process will refresh // "its own" token again, which is not needed. We force clear the token here and each // final connect process will actually check the acccessToken and abort the refresh, // if it is already there, generated by some other process. if (self.accessToken) self.accessToken = ""; try { await new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // refresh = false will do nothing and resolve immediately, if an accessToken // exists already, which must have been generated by another process, as // we cleared it beforehand. self.connect(resolve, reject, /* with UI */ true, /* refresh */ false); }); rv.tokens = self.tokens; return true; } catch (e) { rv.error = eas.tools.isString(e) ? e : JSON.stringify(e); } try { switch (JSON.parse(rv.error).error) { case "invalid_grant": self.accessToken = ""; self.refreshToken = ""; return true; case "cancelled": rv.error = "OAuthAbortError"; break; default: rv.error = "OAuthServerError::"+rv.error; break; } } catch (e) { rv.error = "OAuthServerError::"+rv.error; Components.utils.reportError(e); } return false; }; oauth.isExpired = function() { const OAUTH_GRACE_TIME = 30 * 1000; return (this.tokenExpires - OAUTH_GRACE_TIME < new Date().getTime()); }; const OAUTHVALUES = [ ["access", "", "accessToken"], ["refresh", "", "refreshToken"], ["expires", Number.MAX_VALUE, "tokenExpires"], ]; // returns a JSON string containing all the oauth values Object.defineProperty(oauth, "tokens", { get: function() { let tokensObj = {}; for (let oauthValue of OAUTHVALUES) { // use the system value or if not defined the default tokensObj[oauthValue[0]] = this[oauthValue[2]] || oauthValue[1]; } return JSON.stringify(tokensObj); }, enumerable: true, }); if (accountData) { // authData allows us to access the password manager values belonging to this account/calendar // simply by authdata.username and authdata.password oauth.authData = TbSync.providers.eas.network.getAuthData(accountData); oauth.parseAndSanitizeTokenString = function(tokenString) { let _tokensObj = {}; try { _tokensObj = JSON.parse(tokenString); } catch (e) {} let tokensObj = {}; for (let oauthValue of OAUTHVALUES) { // use the provided value or if not defined the default tokensObj[oauthValue[0]] = (_tokensObj && _tokensObj.hasOwnProperty(oauthValue[0])) ? _tokensObj[oauthValue[0]] : oauthValue[1]; } return tokensObj; }; // Define getter/setter to act on the password manager password value belonging to this account/calendar for (let oauthValue of OAUTHVALUES) { Object.defineProperty(oauth, oauthValue[2], { get: function() { return this.parseAndSanitizeTokenString(this.authData.password)[oauthValue[0]]; }, set: function(val) { let tokens = this.parseAndSanitizeTokenString(this.authData.password); let valueChanged = (val != tokens[oauthValue[0]]) if (valueChanged) { tokens[oauthValue[0]] = val; this.authData.updateLoginData(this.authData.user, JSON.stringify(tokens)); } }, enumerable: true, }); } } return oauth; }, getOAuthValue: function(currentTokenString, type = "access") { try { let tokens = JSON.parse(currentTokenString); if (tokens.hasOwnProperty(type)) return tokens[type]; } catch (e) { //NOOP } return ""; }, sendRequest: async function (wbxml, command, syncData, allowSoftFail = false) { let ALLOWED_RETRIES = { PasswordPrompt : 3, NetworkError : 1, } let rv = {}; let oauthData = eas.network.getOAuthObj({ accountData: syncData.accountData }); let syncState = syncData.getSyncState().state; for (;;) { if (rv.errorType) { let retry = false; if (ALLOWED_RETRIES[rv.errorType] > 0) { ALLOWED_RETRIES[rv.errorType]--; switch (rv.errorType) { case "PasswordPrompt": { if (oauthData) { oauthData.accessToken = ""; retry = true; } else { let authData = eas.network.getAuthData(syncData.accountData); syncData.setSyncState("passwordprompt"); let promptData = { windowID: "auth:" + syncData.accountData.accountID, accountname: syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("accountname"), usernameLocked: syncData.accountData.isConnected(), username: authData.user } let credentials = await TbSync.passwordManager.asyncPasswordPrompt(promptData, eas.openWindows); if (credentials) { retry = true; authData.updateLoginData(credentials.username, credentials.password); } } } break; case "NetworkError": { // Could not connect to server. Can we rerun autodiscover? // Note: Autodiscover is currently not supported by OAuth if (syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty( "servertype") == "auto" && !oauthData) { let errorcode = await eas.network.updateServerConnectionViaAutodiscover(syncData); console.log("ERR: " + errorcode); if (errorcode == 200) { // autodiscover succeeded, retry with new data retry = true; } else if (errorcode == 401) { // manipulate rv to run password prompt ALLOWED_RETRIES[rv.errorType]++; rv.errorType = "PasswordPrompt"; rv.errorObj = eas.sync.finish("error", "401"); continue; // with the next loop, skip connection to the server } } } break; } } if (!retry) throw rv.errorObj; } // check OAuth situation before connecting if (oauthData && (!oauthData.accessToken || oauthData.isExpired())) { syncData.setSyncState("oauthprompt"); let _rv = {} if (!(await oauthData.asyncConnect(_rv))) { throw eas.sync.finish("error", _rv.error); } } // Return to original syncstate if (syncState != syncData.getSyncState().state) { syncData.setSyncState(syncState); } rv = await this.sendRequestPromise(wbxml, command, syncData, allowSoftFail); if (rv.errorType) { // make sure, there is a valid ALLOWED_RETRIES setting for the returned error if (rv.errorType && !ALLOWED_RETRIES.hasOwnProperty(rv.errorType)) { ALLOWED_RETRIES[rv.errorType] = 1; } } else { return rv; } } }, sendRequestPromise: function (wbxml, command, syncData, allowSoftFail = false) { let msg = "Sending data <" + syncData.getSyncState().state + "> for " + syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("accountname"); if (syncData.currentFolderData) msg += " (" + syncData.currentFolderData.getFolderProperty("foldername") + ")"; syncData.request = eas.network.logXML(wbxml, msg); syncData.response = ""; let connection = eas.network.getAuthData(syncData.accountData); let userAgent = syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("useragent"); //plus calendar.useragent.extra = Lightning/ let deviceType = syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("devicetype"); let deviceId = syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("deviceId"); TbSync.dump("Sending (EAS v"+syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("asversion") +")", "POST " + eas.network.getEasURL(syncData.accountData) + '?Cmd=' + command + '&User=' + encodeURIComponent(connection.user) + '&DeviceType=' +deviceType + '&DeviceId=' + deviceId, true); const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); let encoded = textEncoder.encode(wbxml); // console.log("wbxml: " + wbxml); // console.log("byte array: " + encoded); // console.log("length :" + wbxml.length + " vs " + encoded.byteLength + " vs " + encoded.length); return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { // Create request handler - API changed with TB60 to new XMKHttpRequest() syncData.req = new XMLHttpRequest(); syncData.req.mozBackgroundRequest = true; syncData.req.open("POST", eas.network.getEasURL(syncData.accountData) + '?Cmd=' + command + '&User=' + encodeURIComponent(connection.user) + '&DeviceType=' +encodeURIComponent(deviceType) + '&DeviceId=' + deviceId, true); syncData.req.overrideMimeType("text/plain"); syncData.req.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", userAgent); syncData.req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml"); if (connection.password) { if (eas.network.getOAuthObj({ accountData: syncData.accountData })) { syncData.req.setRequestHeader("Authorization", 'Bearer ' + eas.network.getOAuthValue(connection.password, "access")); } else { syncData.req.setRequestHeader("Authorization", 'Basic ' + TbSync.tools.b64encode(connection.user + ':' + connection.password)); } } if (syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("asversion") == "2.5") { syncData.req.setRequestHeader("MS-ASProtocolVersion", "2.5"); } else { syncData.req.setRequestHeader("MS-ASProtocolVersion", "14.0"); } syncData.req.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", encoded.length); if (syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("provision")) { syncData.req.setRequestHeader("X-MS-PolicyKey", syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("policykey")); TbSync.dump("PolicyKey used", syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("policykey")); } syncData.req.timeout = eas.Base.getConnectionTimeout(); syncData.req.ontimeout = function () { if (allowSoftFail) { resolve(""); } else { reject(eas.sync.finish("error", "timeout")); } }; syncData.req.onerror = function () { if (allowSoftFail) { resolve(""); } else { let error = TbSync.network.createTCPErrorFromFailedXHR(syncData.req) || "networkerror"; let rv = {}; rv.errorObj = eas.sync.finish("error", error); rv.errorType = "NetworkError"; resolve(rv); } }; syncData.req.onload = function() { let response = syncData.req.responseText; switch(syncData.req.status) { case 200: //OK let msg = "Receiving data <" + syncData.getSyncState().state + "> for " + syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("accountname"); if (syncData.currentFolderData) msg += " (" + syncData.currentFolderData.getFolderProperty("foldername") + ")"; syncData.response = eas.network.logXML(response, msg); //What to do on error? IS this an error? Yes! if (!allowSoftFail && response.length !== 0 && response.substr(0, 4) !== String.fromCharCode(0x03, 0x01, 0x6A, 0x00)) { TbSync.dump("Recieved Data", "Expecting WBXML but got junk (request status = " + syncData.req.status + ", ready state = " + syncData.req.readyState + "\n>>>>>>>>>>\n" + response + "\n<<<<<<<<<<\n"); reject(eas.sync.finish("warning", "invalid")); } else { resolve(response); } break; case 401: // AuthError case 403: // Forbiddden (some servers send forbidden on AuthError, like Freenet) let rv = {}; rv.errorObj = eas.sync.finish("error", "401"); rv.errorType = "PasswordPrompt"; resolve(rv); break; case 449: // Request for new provision (enable it if needed) //enable provision syncData.accountData.setAccountProperty("provision", true); syncData.accountData.resetAccountProperty("policykey"); reject(eas.sync.finish("resyncAccount", syncData.req.status)); break; case 451: // Redirect - update host and login manager let header = syncData.req.getResponseHeader("X-MS-Location"); let newHost = header.slice(header.indexOf("://") + 3, header.indexOf("/M")); TbSync.dump("redirect (451)", "header: " + header + ", oldHost: " +syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("host") + ", newHost: " + newHost); syncData.accountData.setAccountProperty("host", newHost); reject(eas.sync.finish("resyncAccount", syncData.req.status)); break; default: if (allowSoftFail) { resolve(""); } else { reject(eas.sync.finish("error", "httperror::" + syncData.req.status)); } } }; syncData.req.send(encoded); }); }, // RESPONSE EVALUATION logXML : function (wbxml, what) { let rawxml = eas.wbxmltools.convert2xml(wbxml); let xml = null; if (rawxml) { xml = rawxml.split('><').join('>\n<'); } //include xml in log, if userdatalevel 2 or greater if (TbSync.prefs.getIntPref("log.userdatalevel") > 1) { //log raw wbxml if userdatalevel is 3 or greater if (TbSync.prefs.getIntPref("log.userdatalevel") > 2) { let charcodes = []; for (let i=0; i< wbxml.length; i++) charcodes.push(wbxml.charCodeAt(i).toString(16)); let bytestring = charcodes.join(" "); TbSync.dump("WBXML: " + what, "\n" + bytestring); } if (xml) { //raw xml is save xml with all special chars in user data encoded by encodeURIComponent - KEEP that in order to be able to analyze logged XML //let xml = decodeURIComponent(rawxml.split('><').join('>\n<')); TbSync.dump("XML: " + what, "\n" + xml); } else { TbSync.dump("XML: " + what, "\nFailed to convert WBXML to XML!\n"); } } return xml; }, //returns false on parse error and null on empty response (if allowed) getDataFromResponse: function (wbxml, allowEmptyResponse = !eas.flags.allowEmptyResponse) { //check for empty wbxml if (wbxml.length === 0) { if (allowEmptyResponse) return null; else throw eas.sync.finish("warning", "empty-response"); } //convert to save xml (all special chars in user data encoded by encodeURIComponent) and check for parse errors let xml = eas.wbxmltools.convert2xml(wbxml); if (xml === false) { throw eas.sync.finish("warning", "wbxml-parse-error"); } //retrieve data and check for empty data (all returned data fields are already decoded by decodeURIComponent) let wbxmlData = eas.xmltools.getDataFromXMLString(xml); if (wbxmlData === null) { if (allowEmptyResponse) return null; else throw eas.sync.finish("warning", "response-contains-no-data"); } //debug eas.xmltools.printXmlData(wbxmlData, false); //do not include ApplicationData in log return wbxmlData; }, updateSynckey: function (syncData, wbxmlData) { let synckey = eas.xmltools.getWbxmlDataField(wbxmlData,"Sync.Collections.Collection.SyncKey"); if (synckey) { // This COULD be a cause of problems... syncData.synckey = synckey; syncData.currentFolderData.setFolderProperty("synckey", synckey); } else { throw eas.sync.finish("error", "wbxmlmissingfield::Sync.Collections.Collection.SyncKey"); } }, checkStatus : function (syncData, wbxmlData, path, rootpath="", allowSoftFail = false) { //path is relative to wbxmlData //rootpath is the absolute path and must be specified, if wbxml is not the root node and thus path is not the rootpath let status = eas.xmltools.getWbxmlDataField(wbxmlData,path); let fullpath = (rootpath=="") ? path : rootpath; let elements = fullpath.split("."); let type = elements[0]; //check if fallback to main class status: the answer could just be a "Sync.Status" instead of a "Sync.Collections.Collections.Status" if (status === false) { let mainStatus = eas.xmltools.getWbxmlDataField(wbxmlData, type + "." + elements[elements.length-1]); if (mainStatus === false) { //both possible status fields are missing, abort throw eas.sync.finish("warning", "wbxmlmissingfield::" + fullpath, "Request:\n" + syncData.request + "\n\nResponse:\n" + syncData.response); } else { //the alternative status could be extracted status = mainStatus; fullpath = type + "." + elements[elements.length-1]; } } //check if all is fine (not bad) if (status == "1") { return ""; } TbSync.dump("wbxml status check", type + ": " + fullpath + " = " + status); //handle errrors based on type let statusType = type+"."+status; switch (statusType) { case "Sync.3": /* MUST return to SyncKey element value of 0 for the collection. The client SHOULD either delete any items that were added since the last successful Sync or the client MUST add those items back to the server after completing the full resynchronization */ TbSync.eventlog.add("warning", syncData.eventLogInfo, "Forced Folder Resync", "Request:\n" + syncData.request + "\n\nResponse:\n" + syncData.response); syncData.currentFolderData.remove(); throw eas.sync.finish("resyncFolder", statusType); case "Sync.4": //Malformed request case "Sync.5": //Temporary server issues or invalid item case "Sync.6": //Invalid item case "Sync.8": //Object not found if (allowSoftFail) return statusType; throw eas.sync.finish("warning", statusType, "Request:\n" + syncData.request + "\n\nResponse:\n" + syncData.response); case "Sync.7": //The client has changed an item for which the conflict policy indicates that the server's changes take precedence. case "Sync.9": //User account could be out of disk space, also send if no write permission (TODO) return ""; case "FolderDelete.3": // special system folder - fatal error case "FolderDelete.6": // error on server throw eas.sync.finish("warning", statusType, "Request:\n" + syncData.request + "\n\nResponse:\n" + syncData.response); case "FolderDelete.4": // folder does not exist - resync ( we allow delete only if folder is not subscribed ) case "FolderDelete.9": // invalid synchronization key - resync case "FolderSync.9": // invalid synchronization key - resync case "Sync.12": // folder hierarchy changed { let folders = syncData.accountData.getAllFoldersIncludingCache(); for (let folder of folders) { folder.remove(); } // reset account eas.Base.onEnableAccount(syncData.accountData); throw eas.sync.finish("resyncAccount", statusType, "Request:\n" + syncData.request + "\n\nResponse:\n" + syncData.response); } } //handle global error (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee218647(v=exchg.80).aspx) let descriptions = {}; switch(status) { case "101": //invalid content case "102": //invalid wbxml case "103": //invalid xml throw eas.sync.finish("error", "global." + status, "Request:\n" + syncData.request + "\n\nResponse:\n" + syncData.response); case "109": descriptions["109"]="DeviceTypeMissingOrInvalid"; case "112": descriptions["112"]="ActiveDirectoryAccessDenied"; case "126": descriptions["126"]="UserDisabledForSync"; case "127": descriptions["127"]="UserOnNewMailboxCannotSync"; case "128": descriptions["128"]="UserOnLegacyMailboxCannotSync"; case "129": descriptions["129"]="DeviceIsBlockedForThisUser"; case "130": descriptions["120"]="AccessDenied"; case "131": descriptions["131"]="AccountDisabled"; throw eas.sync.finish("error", "global.clientdenied"+ "::" + status + "::" + descriptions[status]); case "110": //server error - abort and disable autoSync for 30 minutes { let noAutosyncUntil = 30 * 60000 + Date.now(); let humanDate = new Date(noAutosyncUntil).toUTCString(); syncData.accountData.setAccountProperty("noAutosyncUntil", noAutosyncUntil); throw eas.sync.finish("error", "global." + status, "AutoSync disabled until: " + humanDate + " \n\nRequest:\n" + syncData.request + "\n\nResponse:\n" + syncData.response); /* // reset account * let folders = syncData.accountData.getAllFoldersIncludingCache(); * for (let folder of folders) { * folder.remove(); * } * // reset account * eas.Base.onEnableAccount(syncData.accountData); * throw eas.sync.finish("resyncAccount", statusType, "Request:\n" + syncData.request + "\n\nResponse:\n" + syncData.response); */ } case "141": // The device is not provisionable case "142": // DeviceNotProvisioned case "143": // PolicyRefresh case "144": // InvalidPolicyKey //enable provision syncData.accountData.setAccountProperty("provision", true); syncData.accountData.resetAccountProperty("policykey"); throw eas.sync.finish("resyncAccount", statusType); default: if (allowSoftFail) return statusType; throw eas.sync.finish("error", statusType, "Request:\n" + syncData.request + "\n\nResponse:\n" + syncData.response); } }, // WBXML COMM STUFF setDeviceInformation: async function (syncData) { if (syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("asversion") == "2.5" || !syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("allowedEasCommands").split(",").includes("Settings")) { return; } syncData.setSyncState("prepare.request.setdeviceinfo"); let wbxml = wbxmltools.createWBXML(); wbxml.switchpage("Settings"); wbxml.otag("Settings"); wbxml.otag("DeviceInformation"); wbxml.otag("Set"); wbxml.atag("Model", "Computer"); wbxml.atag("FriendlyName", "TbSync on Device " + syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("deviceId").substring(4)); wbxml.atag("OS", Services.appinfo.OS); wbxml.atag("UserAgent", syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("useragent")); wbxml.ctag(); wbxml.ctag(); wbxml.ctag(); syncData.setSyncState("send.request.setdeviceinfo"); let response = await eas.network.sendRequest(wbxml.getBytes(), "Settings", syncData); syncData.setSyncState("eval.response.setdeviceinfo"); let wbxmlData = eas.network.getDataFromResponse(response); eas.network.checkStatus(syncData, wbxmlData,"Settings.Status"); }, getPolicykey: async function (syncData) { //build WBXML to request provision syncData.setSyncState("prepare.request.provision"); let wbxml = eas.wbxmltools.createWBXML(); wbxml.switchpage("Provision"); wbxml.otag("Provision"); wbxml.otag("Policies"); wbxml.otag("Policy"); wbxml.atag("PolicyType", (syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("asversion") == "2.5") ? "MS-WAP-Provisioning-XML" : "MS-EAS-Provisioning-WBXML" ); wbxml.ctag(); wbxml.ctag(); wbxml.ctag(); for (let loop=0; loop < 2; loop++) { syncData.setSyncState("send.request.provision"); let response = await eas.network.sendRequest(wbxml.getBytes(), "Provision", syncData); syncData.setSyncState("eval.response.provision"); let wbxmlData = eas.network.getDataFromResponse(response); let policyStatus = eas.xmltools.getWbxmlDataField(wbxmlData, "Provision.Policies.Policy.Status"); let provisionStatus = eas.xmltools.getWbxmlDataField(wbxmlData, "Provision.Status"); if (provisionStatus === false) { throw eas.sync.finish("error", "wbxmlmissingfield::Provision.Status"); } else if (provisionStatus != "1") { //dump policy status as well if (policyStatus) TbSync.dump("PolicyKey","Received policy status: " + policyStatus); throw eas.sync.finish("error", "provision::" + provisionStatus); } //reaching this point: provision status was ok let policykey = eas.xmltools.getWbxmlDataField(wbxmlData,"Provision.Policies.Policy.PolicyKey"); switch (policyStatus) { case false: throw eas.sync.finish("error", "wbxmlmissingfield::Provision.Policies.Policy.Status"); case "2": //server does not have a policy for this device: disable provisioning syncData.accountData.setAccountProperty("provision", false) syncData.accountData.resetAccountProperty("policykey"); throw eas.sync.finish("resyncAccount", "NoPolicyForThisDevice"); case "1": if (policykey === false) { throw eas.sync.finish("error", "wbxmlmissingfield::Provision.Policies.Policy.PolicyKey"); } TbSync.dump("PolicyKey","Received policykey (" + loop + "): " + policykey); syncData.accountData.setAccountProperty("policykey", policykey); break; default: throw eas.sync.finish("error", "policy." + policyStatus); } //build WBXML to acknowledge provision syncData.setSyncState("prepare.request.provision"); wbxml = eas.wbxmltools.createWBXML(); wbxml.switchpage("Provision"); wbxml.otag("Provision"); wbxml.otag("Policies"); wbxml.otag("Policy"); wbxml.atag("PolicyType",(syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("asversion") == "2.5") ? "MS-WAP-Provisioning-XML" : "MS-EAS-Provisioning-WBXML" ); wbxml.atag("PolicyKey", policykey); wbxml.atag("Status", "1"); wbxml.ctag(); wbxml.ctag(); wbxml.ctag(); //this wbxml will be used by Send at the top of this loop } }, getSynckey: async function (syncData) { syncData.setSyncState("prepare.request.synckey"); //build WBXML to request a new syncKey let wbxml = eas.wbxmltools.createWBXML(); wbxml.otag("Sync"); wbxml.otag("Collections"); wbxml.otag("Collection"); if (syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("asversion") == "2.5") wbxml.atag("Class", syncData.type); wbxml.atag("SyncKey","0"); wbxml.atag("CollectionId", syncData.currentFolderData.getFolderProperty("serverID")); wbxml.ctag(); wbxml.ctag(); wbxml.ctag(); syncData.setSyncState("send.request.synckey"); let response = await eas.network.sendRequest(wbxml.getBytes(), "Sync", syncData); syncData.setSyncState("eval.response.synckey"); // get data from wbxml response let wbxmlData = eas.network.getDataFromResponse(response); //check status eas.network.checkStatus(syncData, wbxmlData,"Sync.Collections.Collection.Status"); //update synckey eas.network.updateSynckey(syncData, wbxmlData); }, getItemEstimate: async function (syncData) { syncData.progressData.reset(); if (!syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("allowedEasCommands").split(",").includes("GetItemEstimate")) { return; //do not throw, this is optional } syncData.setSyncState("prepare.request.estimate"); // BUILD WBXML let wbxml = eas.wbxmltools.createWBXML(); wbxml.switchpage("GetItemEstimate"); wbxml.otag("GetItemEstimate"); wbxml.otag("Collections"); wbxml.otag("Collection"); if (syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("asversion") == "2.5") { //got this order for 2.5 directly from Microsoft support wbxml.atag("Class", syncData.type); //only 2.5 wbxml.atag("CollectionId", syncData.currentFolderData.getFolderProperty("serverID")); wbxml.switchpage("AirSync"); // required ! // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/exchange_server_protocols/ms-ascmd/ffbefa62-e315-40b9-9cc6-f8d74b5f65d4 if (syncData.type == "Calendar") wbxml.atag("FilterType", syncData.currentFolderData.accountData.getAccountProperty("synclimit")); else wbxml.atag("FilterType", "0"); // we may filter incomplete tasks wbxml.atag("SyncKey", syncData.synckey); wbxml.switchpage("GetItemEstimate"); } else { //14.0 wbxml.switchpage("AirSync"); wbxml.atag("SyncKey", syncData.synckey); wbxml.switchpage("GetItemEstimate"); wbxml.atag("CollectionId", syncData.currentFolderData.getFolderProperty("serverID")); wbxml.switchpage("AirSync"); wbxml.otag("Options"); // optional if (syncData.type == "Calendar") wbxml.atag("FilterType", syncData.currentFolderData.accountData.getAccountProperty("synclimit")); wbxml.atag("Class", syncData.type); wbxml.ctag(); wbxml.switchpage("GetItemEstimate"); } wbxml.ctag(); wbxml.ctag(); wbxml.ctag(); //SEND REQUEST syncData.setSyncState("send.request.estimate"); let response = await eas.network.sendRequest(wbxml.getBytes(), "GetItemEstimate", syncData, /* allowSoftFail */ true); //VALIDATE RESPONSE syncData.setSyncState("eval.response.estimate"); // get data from wbxml response, some servers send empty response if there are no changes, which is not an error let wbxmlData = eas.network.getDataFromResponse(response, eas.flags.allowEmptyResponse); if (wbxmlData === null) return; let status = eas.xmltools.getWbxmlDataField(wbxmlData, "GetItemEstimate.Response.Status"); let estimate = eas.xmltools.getWbxmlDataField(wbxmlData, "GetItemEstimate.Response.Collection.Estimate"); if (status && status == "1") { //do not throw on error, with EAS v2.5 I get error 2 for tasks and calendars ??? syncData.progressData.reset(0, estimate); } }, getUserInfo: async function (syncData) { if (!syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("allowedEasCommands").split(",").includes("Settings")) { return; } syncData.setSyncState("prepare.request.getuserinfo"); let wbxml = eas.wbxmltools.createWBXML(); wbxml.switchpage("Settings"); wbxml.otag("Settings"); wbxml.otag("UserInformation"); wbxml.atag("Get"); wbxml.ctag(); wbxml.ctag(); syncData.setSyncState("send.request.getuserinfo"); let response = await eas.network.sendRequest(wbxml.getBytes(), "Settings", syncData); syncData.setSyncState("eval.response.getuserinfo"); let wbxmlData = eas.network.getDataFromResponse(response); eas.network.checkStatus(syncData, wbxmlData,"Settings.Status"); }, // SEARCH getSearchResults: async function (accountData, currentQuery) { let _wbxml = eas.wbxmltools.createWBXML(); _wbxml.switchpage("Search"); _wbxml.otag("Search"); _wbxml.otag("Store"); _wbxml.atag("Name", "GAL"); _wbxml.atag("Query", currentQuery); _wbxml.otag("Options"); _wbxml.atag("Range", "0-99"); //Z-Push needs a Range //Not valid for GAL: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg675461(v=exchg.80).aspx //_wbxml.atag("DeepTraversal"); //_wbxml.atag("RebuildResults"); _wbxml.ctag(); _wbxml.ctag(); _wbxml.ctag(); let wbxml = _wbxml.getBytes(); eas.network.logXML(wbxml, "Send (GAL Search)"); let command = "Search"; let authData = eas.network.getAuthData(accountData); let oauthData = eas.network.getOAuthObj({ accountData }); let userAgent = accountData.getAccountProperty("useragent"); //plus calendar.useragent.extra = Lightning/ let deviceType = accountData.getAccountProperty("devicetype"); let deviceId = accountData.getAccountProperty("deviceId"); TbSync.dump("Sending (EAS v" + accountData.getAccountProperty("asversion") +")", "POST " + eas.network.getEasURL(accountData) + '?Cmd=' + command + '&User=' + encodeURIComponent(authData.user) + '&DeviceType=' +deviceType + '&DeviceId=' + deviceId, true); for (let i=0; i < 2; i++) { // check OAuth situation before connecting if (oauthData && (!oauthData.accessToken || oauthData.isExpired())) { let _rv = {} if (!(await oauthData.asyncConnect(_rv))) { throw eas.sync.finish("error", _rv.error); } } try { let response = await new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // Create request handler - API changed with TB60 to new XMKHttpRequest() let req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.mozBackgroundRequest = true; req.open("POST", eas.network.getEasURL(accountData) + '?Cmd=' + command + '&User=' + encodeURIComponent(authData.user) + '&DeviceType=' +encodeURIComponent(deviceType) + '&DeviceId=' + deviceId, true); req.overrideMimeType("text/plain"); req.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", userAgent); req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml"); if (authData.password) { if (eas.network.getOAuthObj({ accountData })) { req.setRequestHeader("Authorization", 'Bearer ' + eas.network.getOAuthValue(authData.password, "access")); } else { req.setRequestHeader("Authorization", 'Basic ' + TbSync.tools.b64encode(authData.user + ':' + authData.password)); } } if (accountData.getAccountProperty("asversion") == "2.5") { req.setRequestHeader("MS-ASProtocolVersion", "2.5"); } else { req.setRequestHeader("MS-ASProtocolVersion", "14.0"); } req.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", wbxml.length); if (accountData.getAccountProperty("provision")) { req.setRequestHeader("X-MS-PolicyKey", accountData.getAccountProperty("policykey")); TbSync.dump("PolicyKey used", accountData.getAccountProperty("policykey")); } req.timeout = eas.Base.getConnectionTimeout(); req.ontimeout = function () { reject("GAL Search timeout"); }; req.onerror = function () { reject("GAL Search Error"); }; req.onload = function() { let response = req.responseText; switch(req.status) { case 200: //OK eas.network.logXML(response, "Received (GAL Search"); //What to do on error? IS this an error? Yes! if (response.length !== 0 && response.substr(0, 4) !== String.fromCharCode(0x03, 0x01, 0x6A, 0x00)) { TbSync.dump("Recieved Data", "Expecting WBXML but got junk (request status = " + req.status + ", ready state = " + req.readyState + "\n>>>>>>>>>>\n" + response + "\n<<<<<<<<<<\n"); reject("GAL Search Response Invalid"); } else { resolve(response); } break; case 401: // bad auth resolve("401"); break; default: reject("GAL Search Failed: " + req.status); } }; req.send(wbxml); }); if (response === "401") { // try to recover from bad auth via token refresh if (oauthData) { oauthData.accessToken = ""; continue; } } return response; } catch (e) { Components.utils.reportError(e); return; } } }, // OPTIONS getServerOptions: async function (syncData) { syncData.setSyncState("prepare.request.options"); let authData = eas.network.getAuthData(syncData.accountData); let userAgent = syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("useragent"); //plus calendar.useragent.extra = Lightning/ TbSync.dump("Sending", "OPTIONS " + eas.network.getEasURL(syncData.accountData)); let allowedRetries = 5; let retry; let oauthData = eas.network.getOAuthObj({ accountData: syncData.accountData }); do { retry = false; // Check OAuth situation before connecting if (oauthData && (!oauthData.accessToken || oauthData.isExpired())) { let _rv = {}; syncData.setSyncState("oauthprompt"); if (!(await oauthData.asyncConnect(_rv))) { throw eas.sync.finish("error", _rv.error); } } let result = await new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { syncData.req = new XMLHttpRequest(); syncData.req.mozBackgroundRequest = true; syncData.req.open("OPTIONS", eas.network.getEasURL(syncData.accountData), true); syncData.req.overrideMimeType("text/plain"); syncData.req.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", userAgent); if (authData.password) { if (eas.network.getOAuthObj({ accountData: syncData.accountData })) { syncData.req.setRequestHeader("Authorization", 'Bearer ' + eas.network.getOAuthValue(authData.password, "access")); } else { syncData.req.setRequestHeader("Authorization", 'Basic ' + TbSync.tools.b64encode(authData.user + ':' + authData.password)); } } syncData.req.timeout = eas.Base.getConnectionTimeout(); syncData.req.ontimeout = function () { resolve(); }; syncData.req.onerror = function () { let responseData = {}; responseData["MS-ASProtocolVersions"] = syncData.req.getResponseHeader("MS-ASProtocolVersions"); responseData["MS-ASProtocolCommands"] = syncData.req.getResponseHeader("MS-ASProtocolCommands"); TbSync.dump("EAS OPTIONS with response (status: "+syncData.req.status+")", "\n" + "responseText: " + syncData.req.responseText + "\n" + "responseHeader(MS-ASProtocolVersions): " + responseData["MS-ASProtocolVersions"]+"\n" + "responseHeader(MS-ASProtocolCommands): " + responseData["MS-ASProtocolCommands"]); resolve(); }; syncData.req.onload = function() { syncData.setSyncState("eval.request.options"); let responseData = {}; switch(syncData.req.status) { case 401: // AuthError let rv = {}; rv.errorObj = eas.sync.finish("error", "401"); rv.errorType = "PasswordPrompt"; resolve(rv); break; case 200: responseData["MS-ASProtocolVersions"] = syncData.req.getResponseHeader("MS-ASProtocolVersions"); responseData["MS-ASProtocolCommands"] = syncData.req.getResponseHeader("MS-ASProtocolCommands"); TbSync.dump("EAS OPTIONS with response (status: 200)", "\n" + "responseText: " + syncData.req.responseText + "\n" + "responseHeader(MS-ASProtocolVersions): " + responseData["MS-ASProtocolVersions"]+"\n" + "responseHeader(MS-ASProtocolCommands): " + responseData["MS-ASProtocolCommands"]); if (responseData && responseData["MS-ASProtocolCommands"] && responseData["MS-ASProtocolVersions"]) { syncData.accountData.setAccountProperty("allowedEasCommands", responseData["MS-ASProtocolCommands"]); syncData.accountData.setAccountProperty("allowedEasVersions", responseData["MS-ASProtocolVersions"]); syncData.accountData.setAccountProperty("lastEasOptionsUpdate", Date.now()); } resolve(); break; default: resolve(); break; } }; syncData.setSyncState("send.request.options"); syncData.req.send(); }); if (result && result.hasOwnProperty("errorType") && result.errorType == "PasswordPrompt") { if (allowedRetries > 0) { if (oauthData) { oauthData.accessToken = ""; retry = true; } else { syncData.setSyncState("passwordprompt"); let authData = eas.network.getAuthData(syncData.accountData); let promptData = { windowID: "auth:" + syncData.accountData.accountID, accountname: syncData.accountData.getAccountProperty("accountname"), usernameLocked: syncData.accountData.isConnected(), username: authData.user } let credentials = await TbSync.passwordManager.asyncPasswordPrompt(promptData, eas.openWindows); if (credentials) { authData.updateLoginData(credentials.username, credentials.password); retry = true; } } } if (!retry) { throw result.errorObj; } } allowedRetries--; } while (retry); }, // AUTODISCOVER updateServerConnectionViaAutodiscover: async function (syncData) { syncData.setSyncState("prepare.request.autodiscover"); let authData = eas.network.getAuthData(syncData.accountData); syncData.setSyncState("send.request.autodiscover"); let result = await eas.network.getServerConnectionViaAutodiscover(authData.user, authData.password, 30*1000); syncData.setSyncState("eval.response.autodiscover"); if (result.errorcode == 200) { //update account syncData.accountData.setAccountProperty("host", eas.network.stripAutodiscoverUrl(result.server)); syncData.accountData.setAccountProperty("user", result.user); syncData.accountData.setAccountProperty("https", (result.server.substring(0,5) == "https")); } return result.errorcode; }, stripAutodiscoverUrl: function(url) { let u = url; while (u.endsWith("/")) { u = u.slice(0,-1); } if (u.endsWith("/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync")) u=u.slice(0, -28); else TbSync.dump("Received non-standard EAS url via autodiscover:", url); return u.split("//")[1]; //cut off protocol }, getServerConnectionViaAutodiscover : async function (user, password, maxtimeout) { let urls = []; let parts = user.split("@"); urls.push({"url":"http://autodiscover."+parts[1]+"/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml", "user":user}); urls.push({"url":"http://"+parts[1]+"/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml", "user":user}); urls.push({"url":"http://autodiscover."+parts[1]+"/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml", "user":user}); urls.push({"url":"http://"+parts[1]+"/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml", "user":user}); urls.push({"url":"https://autodiscover."+parts[1]+"/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml", "user":user}); urls.push({"url":"https://"+parts[1]+"/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml", "user":user}); urls.push({"url":"https://autodiscover."+parts[1]+"/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml", "user":user}); urls.push({"url":"https://"+parts[1]+"/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml", "user":user}); let requests = []; let responses = []; //array of objects {url, error, server} for (let i=0; i< urls.length; i++) { await TbSync.tools.sleep(200); requests.push( eas.network.getServerConnectionViaAutodiscoverRedirectWrapper(urls[i].url, urls[i].user, password, maxtimeout) ); } try { responses = await Promise.all(requests); } catch (e) { responses.push(e.result); //this is actually a success, see return value of getServerConnectionViaAutodiscoverRedirectWrapper() } let result; let log = []; for (let r=0; r < responses.length; r++) { log.push("* "+responses[r].url+" @ " + responses[r].user +" : " + (responses[r].server ? responses[r].server : responses[r].error)); if (responses[r].server) { result = {"server": responses[r].server, "user": responses[r].user, "error": "", "errorcode": 200}; break; } if (responses[r].error == 403 || responses[r].error == 401) { //we could still find a valid server, so just store this state result = {"server": "", "user": responses[r].user, "errorcode": responses[r].error, "error": TbSync.getString("status." + responses[r].error, "eas")}; } } //this is only reached on fail, if no result defined yet, use general error if (!result) { result = {"server": "", "user": user, "error": TbSync.getString("autodiscover.Failed","eas").replace("##user##", user), "errorcode": 503}; } TbSync.eventlog.add("error", new TbSync.EventLogInfo("eas"), result.error, log.join("\n")); return result; }, getServerConnectionViaAutodiscoverRedirectWrapper : async function (url, user, password, maxtimeout) { //using HEAD to find URL redirects until response URL no longer changes // * XHR should follow redirects transparently, but that does not always work, POST data could get lost, so we // * need to find the actual POST candidates (example: outlook.de accounts) let result = {}; let method = "HEAD"; let connection = { url, user }; do { await TbSync.tools.sleep(200); result = await eas.network.getServerConnectionViaAutodiscoverRequest(method, connection, password, maxtimeout); method = ""; if (result.error == "redirect found") { TbSync.dump("EAS autodiscover URL redirect", "\n" + connection.url + " @ " + connection.user + " => \n" + result.url + " @ " + result.user); connection.url = result.url; connection.user = result.user; method = "HEAD"; } else if (result.error == "POST candidate found") { method = "POST"; } } while (method); //invert reject and resolve, so we exit the promise group on success right away if (result.server) { let e = new Error("Not an error (early exit from promise group)"); e.result = result; throw e; } else { return result; } }, getServerConnectionViaAutodiscoverRequest: function (method, connection, password, maxtimeout) { TbSync.dump("Querry EAS autodiscover URL", connection.url + " @ " + connection.user); return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { let xml = '\r\n'; xml += '\r\n'; xml += '\r\n'; xml += '' + connection.user + '\r\n'; xml += 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/mobilesync/responseschema/2006\r\n'; xml += '\r\n'; xml += '\r\n'; let userAgent = eas.prefs.getCharPref("clientID.useragent"); //plus calendar.useragent.extra = Lightning/ // Create request handler - API changed with TB60 to new XMKHttpRequest() let req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.mozBackgroundRequest = true; req.open(method, connection.url, true); req.timeout = maxtimeout; req.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", userAgent); let secure = (connection.url.substring(0,8).toLowerCase() == "https://"); if (method == "POST") { req.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", xml.length); req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"); if (secure && password) { // OAUTH accounts cannot authenticate against the standard discovery services // updateServerConnectionViaAutodiscover() is not passing them on req.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + TbSync.tools.b64encode(connection.user + ":" + password)); } } req.ontimeout = function () { TbSync.dump("EAS autodiscover with timeout", "\n" + connection.url + " => \n" + req.responseURL); resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":"timeout", "server":"", "user":connection.user}); }; req.onerror = function () { let error = TbSync.network.createTCPErrorFromFailedXHR(req); if (!error) error = req.responseText; TbSync.dump("EAS autodiscover with error ("+error+")", "\n" + connection.url + " => \n" + req.responseURL); resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":error, "server":"", "user":connection.user}); }; req.onload = function() { //initiate rerun on redirects if (req.responseURL != connection.url) { resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":"redirect found", "server":"", "user":connection.user}); return; } //initiate rerun on HEAD request without redirect (rerun and do a POST on this) if (method == "HEAD") { resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":"POST candidate found", "server":"", "user":connection.user}); return; } //ignore POST without autherization (we just do them to get redirect information) if (!secure) { resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":"unsecure POST", "server":"", "user":connection.user}); return; } //evaluate secure POST requests which have not been redirected TbSync.dump("EAS autodiscover POST with status (" + req.status + ")", "\n" + connection.url + " => \n" + req.responseURL + "\n[" + req.responseText + "]"); if (req.status === 200) { let data = null; // getDataFromXMLString may throw an error which cannot be catched outside onload, // because we are in an async callback of the surrounding Promise // Alternatively we could just return the responseText and do any data analysis outside of the Promise try { data = eas.xmltools.getDataFromXMLString(req.responseText); } catch (e) { resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":"bad response", "server":"", "user":connection.user}); return; } if (!(data === null) && data.Autodiscover && data.Autodiscover.Response && data.Autodiscover.Response.Action) { // "Redirect" or "Settings" are possible if (data.Autodiscover.Response.Action.Redirect) { // redirect, start again with new user let newuser = action.Redirect; resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":"redirect found", "server":"", "user":newuser}); } else if (data.Autodiscover.Response.Action.Settings) { // get server settings let server = eas.xmltools.nodeAsArray(data.Autodiscover.Response.Action.Settings.Server); for (let count = 0; count < server.length; count++) { if (server[count].Type == "MobileSync" && server[count].Url) { resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":"", "server":server[count].Url, "user":connection.user}); return; } } } } else { resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":"invalid", "server":"", "user":connection.user}); } } else { resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":req.status, "server":"", "user":connection.user}); } }; if (method == "HEAD") req.send(); else req.send(xml); }); }, getServerConnectionViaAutodiscoverV2JsonRequest: function (url, maxtimeout) { TbSync.dump("Querry EAS autodiscover V2 URL", url); return new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { let userAgent = eas.prefs.getCharPref("clientID.useragent"); //plus calendar.useragent.extra = Lightning/ // Create request handler - API changed with TB60 to new XMKHttpRequest() let req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.mozBackgroundRequest = true; req.open("GET", url, true); req.timeout = maxtimeout; req.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", userAgent); req.ontimeout = function () { TbSync.dump("EAS autodiscover V2 with timeout", "\n" + url + " => \n" + req.responseURL); resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":"timeout", "server":""}); }; req.onerror = function () { let error = TbSync.network.createTCPErrorFromFailedXHR(req); if (!error) error = req.responseText; TbSync.dump("EAS autodiscover V2 with error ("+error+")", "\n" + url + " => \n" + req.responseURL); resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":error, "server":""}); }; req.onload = function() { if (req.status === 200) { let data = JSON.parse(req.responseText); if (data && data.Url) { resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":"", "server": eas.network.stripAutodiscoverUrl(data.Url)}); } else { resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":"invalid", "server":""}); } return; } resolve({"url":req.responseURL, "error":req.status, "server":""}); }; req.send(); }); } }