#!@PYTHON@ -tt # Tested with an Intel MFSYS25 using firmware package 2.6 Should work with an # MFSYS35 as well. # # Notes: # # The manual and firmware release notes says SNMP is read only. This is not # true, as per the MIBs that ship with the firmware you can write to # the bladePowerLed oid to control the servers. # # Thanks Matthew Kent for original agent and testing. import sys import atexit sys.path.append("@FENCEAGENTSLIBDIR@") from fencing import * from fencing_snmp import FencingSnmp ### CONSTANTS ### # From INTELCORPORATION-MULTI-FLEX-SERVER-BLADES-MIB.my that ships with # firmware updates STATUSES_OID = "." # Status constants returned as value from SNMP STATUS_UP = 2 STATUS_DOWN = 0 # Status constants to set as value to SNMP STATUS_SET_ON = 2 STATUS_SET_OFF = 3 ### FUNCTIONS ### def get_power_status(conn, options): (_, status) = conn.get("%s.%s"% (STATUSES_OID, options["--plug"])) return status == str(STATUS_UP) and "on" or "off" def set_power_status(conn, options): conn.set("%s.%s" % (STATUSES_OID, options["--plug"]), (options["--action"] == "on" and STATUS_SET_ON or STATUS_SET_OFF)) def get_outlets_status(conn, options): result = {} res_blades = conn.walk(STATUSES_OID, 30) for x in res_blades: port_num = x[0].split('.')[-1] port_alias = "" port_status = (x[1] == str(STATUS_UP) and "on" or "off") result[port_num] = (port_alias, port_status) return result # Main agent method def main(): device_opt = ["ipaddr", "login", "passwd", "no_login", "no_password", "port", "snmp_version", "snmp"] atexit.register(atexit_handler) options = check_input(device_opt, process_input(device_opt)) docs = {} docs["shortdesc"] = "Fence agent for Intel Modular" docs["longdesc"] = "fence_intelmodular is an I/O Fencing agent \ which can be used with Intel Modular device (tested on Intel MFSYS25, should \ work with MFSYS35 as well). \ \n.P\n\ Note: Since firmware update version 2.7, SNMP v2 write support is \ removed, and replaced by SNMP v3 support. So agent now has default \ SNMP version 3. If you are using older firmware, please supply -d \ for command line and snmp_version option for your cluster.conf." docs["vendorurl"] = "http://www.intel.com" show_docs(options, docs) # Operate the fencing device result = fence_action(FencingSnmp(options), options, set_power_status, get_power_status, get_outlets_status) sys.exit(result) if __name__ == "__main__": main()