path: root/l10n-uk/devtools/shared
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 01:47:29 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 01:47:29 +0000
commit0ebf5bdf043a27fd3dfb7f92e0cb63d88954c44d (patch)
treea31f07c9bcca9d56ce61e9a1ffd30ef350d513aa /l10n-uk/devtools/shared
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 115.8.0esr.upstream/115.8.0esr
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
9 files changed, 832 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..530a8dc222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.ratio): A title text for the color contrast
+# ratio description, used by the accessibility highlighter to display the value. %S in the
+# content will be replaced by the contrast ratio numerical value.
+accessibility.contrast.ratio=Контраст: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.ratio.error): A title text for the color
+# contrast ratio, used when the tool is unable to calculate the contrast ratio value.
+accessibility.contrast.ratio.error=Не вдалося розрахувати
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.ratio.label): A title text for the color
+# contrast ratio description, used together with the actual values.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.ratio.label.large): A title text for the color
+# contrast ratio description that also specifies that the color contrast criteria used is
+# if for large text.
+accessibility.contrast.ratio.label.large=Контраст (великий текст):
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.area): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for an <area> element must have
+# its name provided via the alt attribute.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.area = Використовуйте атрибут “alt”, щоб вказати альтернативний текст для елементів “area” з атрибутом “href”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.dialog): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a dialog should have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.dialog = Діалоги повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.document.title): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a document must have a name
+# provided via title.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.document.title = Документи повинні мати атрибут title.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.embed): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for an <embed> must have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.embed = Вбудований вміст повинен мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.figure): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a figure should have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.figure = Фігури з необов'язковими заголовками повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.fieldset): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a <fieldset> must have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.fieldset = Елементи “fieldset” повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.fieldset.legend2): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a <fieldset> must have a name
+# provided via <legend> element.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.fieldset.legend2 = Використовуйте елемент “legend”, щоб задати альтернативний текст для елементів “fieldset”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.form): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a form element must have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.form = Елементи форм повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.form.visible): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a form element should have a name
+# provided via a visible label/element.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.form.visible = Елементи форм повинні мати видиму текстову мітку.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.frame): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a <frame> must have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.frame = Елементи “frame” повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.glyph): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a <mglyph> must have a name
+# provided via alt attribute.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.glyph = Використовуйте атрибут “alt”, щоб вказати альтернативний текст для елементів “mglyph”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.heading): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a heading must have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.heading = Заголовки повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.heading.content): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a heading must have visible
+# content.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.heading.content = Заголовки повинні мати видиму текстову мітку.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.iframe): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for an <iframe> have a name
+# provided via title attribute.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.iframe = Використовуйте атрибут “title”, щоб описати вміст “iframe”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.image): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for graphical content must have a
+# name provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.image = Вміст із зображеннями повинен мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.interactive): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for interactive element must have a
+# name provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.interactive = Інтерактивні елементи повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.optgroup.label2): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for an <optgroup> must have a
+# name provided via label attribute.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.optgroup.label2 = Використовуйте атрибут “label”, щоб задати альтернативний текст для елементів “optgroup”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.toolbar): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a toolbar must have a
+# name provided when there is more than one toolbar in the document.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.toolbar = Панелі інструментів повинні мати альтернативний текст, коли їх більше однієї.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.keyboard.issue.semantics): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object is focusable and should
+# indicate that it could be interacted with.
+accessibility.keyboard.issue.semantics=Фокусовані елементи повинні мати інтерактивну семантику.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.keyboard.issue.tabindex): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object has a corresponding
+# DOMNode that defines a tabindex attribute greater that 0 which can result in
+# unexpected behaviour when navigating with keyboard.
+accessibility.keyboard.issue.tabindex=Уникайте використання значення атрибуту “tabindex” більше нуля.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.keyboard.issue.action): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object is interactive but can not
+# be activated using keyboard or accessibility API.
+accessibility.keyboard.issue.action=Інтерактивні елементи повинні мати можливість активуватися клавіатурою.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.keyboard.issue.focusable): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object is interactive but is not
+# focusable with a keyboard.
+accessibility.keyboard.issue.focusable=Інтерактивні елементи повинні бути фокусованими.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.keyboard.issue.focus.visible): A title text
+# that describes that currently selected accessible object is focusable but
+# might not have appropriate focus styling.
+accessibility.keyboard.issue.focus.visible=У фокусованому елементі може бути відсутній styling фокусу.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.keyboard.issue.mouse.only): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object is not focusable and not
+# semantic but can be activated via mouse (e.g. has click handler).
+accessibility.keyboard.issue.mouse.only=Елементи, які можна натиснути, повинні бути фокусовані і мати інтерактивну семантику.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/debugger-paused-reasons.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/debugger-paused-reasons.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72022fa99f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/debugger-paused-reasons.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used inside the Debugger which is available from the Web
+### Developer sub-menu -> 'Debugger', as well as in the "Paused Debugger
+### Overlay" that is displayed in the content page when it pauses.
+### The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+### English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+### You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+### A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+### documentation on web development on the web.
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused due to a `debugger` statement in the code
+whypaused-debugger-statement = Призупинено на операторі налагоджувача
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on a breakpoint
+whypaused-breakpoint = Призупинено на точці зупинки
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on an event breakpoint.
+whypaused-event-breakpoint = Призупинено на точці зупинки події
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on an exception
+whypaused-exception = Призупинено на винятку
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on a DOM mutation breakpoint
+whypaused-mutation-breakpoint = Призупинено на мутації DOM
+# The text that is displayed to describe an added node which triggers a subtree
+# modification
+whypaused-mutation-breakpoint-added = Додано:
+# The text that is displayed to describe a removed node which triggers a subtree
+# modification
+whypaused-mutation-breakpoint-removed = Вилучено:
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused at a JS execution
+whypaused-interrupted = Призупинено при виконанні
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused while stepping in or out of the stack
+whypaused-resume-limit = Призупинено під час степінгу
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on a dom event
+whypaused-pause-on-dom-events = Призупинено на прослуховувачі події
+# The text that is displayed in an info block when evaluating a conditional
+# breakpoint throws an error
+whypaused-breakpoint-condition-thrown = Помилка з умовною точкою зупинки
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on an xml http request
+whypaused-xhr = Призупинено на XMLHttpRequest
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on a promise rejection
+whypaused-promise-rejection = Призупинено на відхиленні перспективи
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused at a watchpoint on an object property
+whypaused-get-watchpoint = Призупинено на property get
+# The text that is displayed in an info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused at a watchpoint on an object property
+whypaused-set-watchpoint = Призупинено на property set
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on an assert
+whypaused-assert = Призупинено на твердженні
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on a debugger statement
+whypaused-debug-command = Призупинено на налагоджуваній функції
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on an event listener breakpoint set
+whypaused-other = Налагоджувач призупинено
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..978598098d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Debugger
+# which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu -> 'Debugger'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Debugger
+# which is available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Debugger'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptTitle): The title displayed on the
+# dialog that prompts the user to allow the incoming connection.
+remoteIncomingPromptTitle=Вхідне з'єднання
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptHeader): Header displayed on the
+# dialog that prompts the user to allow the incoming connection.
+remoteIncomingPromptHeader=Виявлено вхідний запит на з'єднання для здійснення віддаленого налагодження. Віддалений клієнт може отримати повний контроль над вашим браузером!
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptClientEndpoint): Part of the prompt
+# dialog for the user to choose whether an incoming connection should be
+# allowed.
+# %1$S: The host and port of the client such as ""
+remoteIncomingPromptClientEndpoint=Кінцева точка клієнта: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptServerEndpoint): Part of the prompt
+# dialog for the user to choose whether an incoming connection should be
+# allowed.
+# %1$S: The host and port of the server such as ""
+remoteIncomingPromptServerEndpoint=Кінцева точка сервера: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptFooter): Footer displayed on the
+# dialog that prompts the user to allow the incoming connection.
+remoteIncomingPromptFooter=Дозволити з'єднання?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptDisable): The label displayed on the
+# third button in the incoming connection dialog that lets the user disable the
+# remote devtools server.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clientSendOOBTitle): The title displayed on the dialog that
+# instructs the user to transfer an authentication token to the server.
+clientSendOOBTitle=Ідентифікація клієнта
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clientSendOOBHeader): Header displayed on the dialog that
+# instructs the user to transfer an authentication token to the server.
+clientSendOOBHeader=Кінцева точка, до якої ви під'єднуєтесь, потребує додаткової інформації для автентифікації цього з'єднання. Введіть показаний внизу токен в запиті, який з'являється на іншому кінці.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clientSendOOBHash): Part of the dialog that instructs the
+# user to transfer an authentication token to the server.
+# %1$S: The client's cert fingerprint
+clientSendOOBHash=Мій сертифікат: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clientSendOOBToken): Part of the dialog that instructs the
+# user to transfer an authentication token to the server.
+# %1$S: The authentication token that the user will transfer.
+clientSendOOBToken=Токен: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (serverReceiveOOBTitle): The title displayed on the dialog
+# that instructs the user to provide an authentication token from the client.
+serverReceiveOOBTitle=Вказати токен клієнта
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (serverReceiveOOBBody): Main text displayed on the dialog
+# that instructs the user to provide an authentication token from the client.
+serverReceiveOOBBody=Клієнт повинен показати значення токена. Введіть це значення тут, щоб завершити автентифікацію з цим клієнтом.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b517fc6f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used in the Eyedropper color tool.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE The correct localization of this file might be to keep it
+# in English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best documentation
+# on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (colorValue.copied): This text is displayed when the user selects a
+# color with the eyedropper and it's copied to the clipboard.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/highlighters.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/highlighters.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3023f05a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/highlighters.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### This file contains strings used in highlighters.
+### Highlighters are visualizations that DevTools draws on top of content to aid
+### in understanding content sizing, etc.
+# The row and column position of a grid cell shown in the grid cell infobar when hovering
+# over the CSS grid outline.
+# Variables
+# $row (integer) - The row index
+# $column (integer) - The column index
+grid-row-column-positions = Рядок { $row } / Стовпчик { $column }
+# The layout type of an element shown in the infobar when hovering over a DOM element and
+# it is a grid container.
+gridtype-container = Контейнер сітки
+# The layout type of an element shown in the infobar when hovering over a DOM element and
+# it is a grid item.
+gridtype-item = Елемент сітки
+# The layout type of an element shown in the infobar when hovering over a DOM element and
+# it is both a grid container and a grid item.
+gridtype-dual = Контейнер/Елемент сітки
+# The layout type of an element shown in the infobar when hovering over a DOM element and
+# it is a flex container.
+flextype-container = Контейнер Flex
+# The layout type of an element shown in the infobar when hovering over a DOM element and
+# it is a flex item.
+flextype-item = Елемент Flex
+# The layout type of an element shown in the infobar when hovering over a DOM element and
+# it is both a flex container and a flex item.
+flextype-dual = Контейнер/Елемент Flex
+# The message displayed in the content page when the user clicks on the
+# "Pick an element from the page" in about:devtools-toolbox inspector panel, when
+# debugging a remote page.
+# Variables
+# $action (string) - Will either be remote-node-picker-notice-action-desktop or
+# remote-node-picker-notice-action-touch
+remote-node-picker-notice = Засіб вибору вузлів DevTools увімкнено. { $action }
+# Text displayed in `remote-node-picker-notice`, when the remote page is on desktop
+remote-node-picker-notice-action-desktop = Клацніть елемент, щоб вибрати його в інспекторі
+# Text displayed in `remote-node-picker-notice`, when the remote page is on Android
+remote-node-picker-notice-action-touch = Торкніться елемента, щоб вибрати його в Інспекторі
+# The text displayed in the button that is in the notice in the content page when the user
+# clicks on the "Pick an element from the page" in about:devtools-toolbox inspector panel,
+# when debugging a remote page.
+remote-node-picker-notice-hide-button = Приховати
+# The text displayed in a toolbox notification message which is only displayed
+# if prefers-reduced-motion is enabled (via OS-level settings or by using the
+# ui.prefersReducedMotion=1 preference).
+simple-highlighters-message = Якщо використовується prefers-reduced-motion, можна увімкнути спрощене підсвічування в панелі налаштувань, щоб уникнути миготіння кольорів.
+# Text displayed in a button inside the "simple-highlighters-message" toolbox
+# notification. "Settings" here refers to the DevTools settings panel.
+simple-highlighters-settings-button = Відкрити налаштування
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..344b161b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside Web Console commands.
+# The Web Console command line is available from the Web Developer sub-menu
+# -> 'Web Console'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Web Console commands
+# which can be executed in the Developer Tools, available in the
+# Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Web Developer Tools'
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotDesc) A very short description of the
+# 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the --help flag is passed to
+# the screenshot command.
+screenshotDesc=Зберігати зображення сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotFilenameDesc) A very short string to describe
+# the 'filename' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the screenshot command.
+screenshotFilenameDesc=Назва файлу призначення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotFilenameManual) A fuller description of the
+# 'filename' parameter to the 'screenshot' command.
+screenshotFilenameManual=Назва файлу (з розширенням ".png"), в який записуватиметься знімок екрана.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotClipboardDesc) A very short string to describe
+# the 'clipboard' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the screenshot command.
+screenshotClipboardDesc=Копіювати знімок екрана в буфер обміну? (true/false)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotClipboardManual) A fuller description of the
+# 'clipboard' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the screenshot command.
+screenshotClipboardManual=Значення, true, якщо ви хочете копіювати знімок замість збереження до файлу.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotGroupOptions) A label for the optional options of
+# the screenshot command. Displayed when the --help flag is passed to the
+# screenshot command.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotDelayDesc) A very short string to describe
+# the 'delay' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the screenshot command.
+screenshotDelayDesc=Затримка (секунд)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotDelayManual) A fuller description of the
+# 'delay' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the screenshot command.
+screenshotDelayManual=Час очікування (в секундах) перед знімком екрана
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotDPRDesc) A very short string to describe
+# the 'dpr' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+screenshotDPRDesc=Роздільна здатність пристрою
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotDPRManual) A fuller description of the
+# 'dpr' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+screenshotDPRManual=Роздільна здатність пристрою для використання при знімку екрана
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotFullPageDesc) A very short string to describe
+# the 'fullpage' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+screenshotFullPageDesc=Вебсторінка цілком? (true/false)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotFullPageManual) A fuller description of the
+# 'fullpage' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+screenshotFullPageManual=Значення true, якщо знімок екрана повинен також містити частини вебсторінки, які знаходяться поза видимою областю.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotFileDesc) A very short string to describe
+# the 'file' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+screenshotFileDesc=Зберегти до файлу? (true/false)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotFileManual) A fuller description of the
+# 'file' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+screenshotFileManual=Значення true, якщо знімок екрана повинен зберегти файл, навіть якщо увімкнено інші параметри (наприклад, буфер обміну).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotGeneratedFilename) The auto generated filename
+# when no file name is provided. The first argument (%1$S) is the date string
+# in yyyy-mm-dd format and the second argument (%2$S) is the time string
+# in HH.MM.SS format. Please don't add the extension here.
+screenshotGeneratedFilename=Знімок екрана %1$S в %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotErrorSavingToFile) Text displayed to user upon
+# encountering error while saving the screenshot to the file specified.
+# The argument (%1$S) is the filename.
+screenshotErrorSavingToFile=Помилка при збереженні до %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotSavedToFile) Text displayed to user when the
+# screenshot is successfully saved to the file specified.
+# The argument (%1$S) is the filename.
+screenshotSavedToFile=Збережено до %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotErrorCopying) Text displayed to user upon
+# encountering error while copying the screenshot to clipboard.
+screenshotErrorCopying=При копіюванні знімка в буфер сталася помилка.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotCopied) Text displayed to user when the
+# screenshot is successfully copied to the clipboard.
+screenshotCopied=Знімок скопійовано в буфер.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectNodeDesc) A very short string to describe the
+# 'node' parameter to the 'inspect' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+inspectNodeDesc=Селектор CSS
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectNodeManual) A fuller description of the 'node'
+# parameter to the 'inspect' command. Displayed when the --help flag is
+# passed to the `screenshot command.
+inspectNodeManual=Селектор CSS для використання з document.querySelector, що визначає окремий елемент
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotTruncationWarning) Text displayed to user when the image
+# that would be created by the screenshot is too big and needs to be truncated to avoid
+# errors.
+# The first parameter is the width of the final image and the second parameter is the
+# height of the image.
+screenshotTruncationWarning=Зображення було обрізано до %1$S×%2$S, тому що розмір був завеликим
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotDPRDecreasedWarning2) Text displayed to user when
+# taking the screenshot initially failed. When the Device Pixel Ratio is larger
+# than 1.0 a second try immediately after displaying this message is attempted.
+screenshotDPRDecreasedWarning=Роздільну здатність пристрою було зменшено до 1, тому що зображення було завеликим
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotRenderingError) Text displayed to user upon
+# encountering an error while rendering the screenshot. This most often happens when the
+# resulting image is too large to be rendered.
+screenshotRenderingError=Помилка при створенні зображення. Ймовірно, отримане зображення було завеликим.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotNoSelectorMatchWarning) Text displayed to user when the
+# provided selector for the screenshot does not match any element on the page.
+# The argument (%1$S) is selector.
+screenshotNoSelectorMatchWarning=Селектор ‘%S’ не відповідає жодному елементу на сторінці.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0978450dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ellipsis): The ellipsis (three dots) character
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06d5fb1896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Style Inspector.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.status): For each style property the panel shows
+# the rules which hold that specific property. For every rule, the rule status
+# is also displayed: a rule can be the best match, a match, a parent match, or a
+# rule did not match the element the user has highlighted.
+rule.status.BEST=Найкраща відповідність
+rule.status.PARENT_MATCH=Відповідне джерело
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.sourceElement, rule.sourceInline,
+# rule.sourceConstructed): For each style property the panel shows the rules
+# which hold that specific property.
+# For every rule, the rule source is also displayed: a rule can come from a
+# file, from the same page (inline), from a constructed style sheet
+# (constructed), or from the element itself (element).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.inheritedFrom): Shown for CSS rules
+# that were inherited from a parent node. Will be passed a node
+# identifier of the parent node.
+# e.g "Inherited from body#bodyID"
+rule.inheritedFrom=Успадковано від %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.keyframe): Shown for CSS Rules keyframe header.
+# Will be passed an identifier of the keyframe animation name.
+rule.keyframe=Keyframes %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.userAgentStyles): Shown next to the style sheet
+# link for CSS rules that were loaded from a user agent style sheet.
+# These styles will not be editable, and will only be visible if the
+# devtools.inspector.showUserAgentStyles pref is true.
+rule.userAgentStyles=(user agent)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.pseudoElement): Shown for CSS rules
+# pseudo element header
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.selectedElement): Shown for CSS rules element header if
+# pseudo elements are present in the rule view.
+rule.selectedElement=Цей елемент
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.warning.title): When an invalid property value is
+# entered into the rule view a warning icon is displayed. This text is used for
+# the title attribute of the warning icon.
+rule.warning.title=Неправильне значення властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.warningName.title): When an invalid property name is
+# entered into the rule view a warning icon is displayed. This text is used for
+# the title attribute of the warning icon.
+rule.warningName.title=Неприпустима назва властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.filterProperty.title): Text displayed in the tooltip
+# of the search button that is shown next to a property that has been overridden
+# in the rule view.
+rule.filterProperty.title=Фільтр правил з цією властивістю
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.empty): Text displayed when the highlighter is
+# first opened and there's no node selected in the rule view.
+rule.empty=Елемент не вибраний.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.variableValue): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a variable use (like "var(--something)") in
+# the rule view. The first argument is the variable name and the
+# second argument is the value.
+rule.variableValue=%S = %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.variableUnset): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a variable use (like "var(--something)"),
+# where the variable is not set. the rule view. The argument is the
+# variable name.
+rule.variableUnset=%S не встановлено
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.selectorHighlighter.tooltip): Text displayed in a
+# tooltip when the mouse is over a selector highlighter icon in the rule view.
+rule.selectorHighlighter.tooltip=Підсвітити всі елементи, які відповідають цьому селектору
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.colorSwatch.tooltip): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a color swatch in the rule view.
+rule.colorSwatch.tooltip=Клацніть, щоб відкрити палітру кольорів, shift+клацнути для вибору формату кольору
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.bezierSwatch.tooltip): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a cubic-bezier swatch in the rule view.
+rule.bezierSwatch.tooltip=Клацніть, щоб відкрити редактор часових функцій
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.filterSwatch.tooltip): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a filter swatch in the rule view.
+rule.filterSwatch.tooltip=Клацніть, щоб відкрити редактор фільтрів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.angleSwatch.tooltip): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a angle swatch in the rule view.
+rule.angleSwatch.tooltip=Shift + клацнути, щоб змінити формат кутів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.flexToggle.tooltip): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a Flexbox toggle icon in the rule view.
+rule.flexToggle.tooltip=Клацніть, щоб перемкнути підсвічування Flexbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.gridToggle.tooltip): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a CSS Grid toggle icon in the rule view.
+rule.gridToggle.tooltip=Клацніть, щоб перемкнути на підсвічування CSS сітки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.filterStyles.placeholder): This is the placeholder that
+# goes in the search box when no search term has been entered.
+rule.filterStyles.placeholder=Фільтр стилів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.addRule.tooltip): This is the tooltip shown when
+# hovering the `Add new rule` button in the rules view toolbar.
+rule.addRule.tooltip=Додати нове правило
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.togglePseudo.tooltip): This is the tooltip
+# shown when hovering over the `Toggle Pseudo Class Panel` button in the
+# rule view toolbar.
+rule.togglePseudo.tooltip=Перемкнути псевдокласи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.classPanel.toggleClass.tooltip): This is the tooltip
+# shown when hovering over the `Toggle Class Panel` button in the
+# rule view toolbar.
+rule.classPanel.toggleClass.tooltip=Перемкнути класи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.classPanel.newClass.placeholder): This is the placeholder
+# shown inside the text field used to add a new class in the rule-view.
+rule.classPanel.newClass.placeholder=Додати новий клас
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.classPanel.noClasses): This is the text displayed in the
+# class panel when the current element has no classes applied.
+rule.classPanel.noClasses=На цьому елементі немає класів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.printSimulation.tooltip):
+# This is the tooltip of the print simulation button in the Rule View toolbar
+# that toggles print simulation.
+rule.printSimulation.tooltip=Перемкнути симуляцію друку для сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.colorSchemeSimulation.tooltip):
+# This is the tooltip of the color scheme simulation button in the Rule View
+# toolbar that toggles color-scheme simulation.
+rule.colorSchemeSimulation.tooltip=Перемкнути симуляцію схеми кольорів для сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.twistyCollapse.label): The text a screen reader
+# speaks when the header of a rule is expanded.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.twistyExpand.label): The text a screen reader
+# speaks when the header of a rule is collapsed.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.expandableContainerToggleButton.title):
+# This is the tooltip for expandable container toggle button in the Rule View (Pseudo-elements, keyframes, …)
+rule.expandableContainerToggleButton.title=Перемкнути панель
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.containerQuery.selectContainerButton.tooltip): Text displayed in a
+# tooltip when the mouse is over the icon to select a container in a container query in the rule view.
+rule.containerQuery.selectContainerButton.tooltip=Натисніть для вибору вузла контейнера
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.propertyToggle.label):
+# This is the label for the checkbox input in the rule view that allow to disable/re-enable
+# a specific property in a rule.
+# The argument is the property name.
+rule.propertyToggle.label=Увімкнути властивість %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.newPropertyName.label):
+# This is the label for the new property input in the rule view.
+rule.newPropertyName.label=Нова назва властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.propertyName.label):
+# This is the label for the property name input in the rule view.
+rule.propertyName.label=Назва властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyColor): Text displayed in the rule
+# and computed view context menu when a color value was clicked.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyColor=Копіювати колір
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyColor.accessKey): Access key for
+# the rule and computed view context menu "Copy Color" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyUrl): In rule and computed view :
+# text displayed in the context menu for an image URL.
+# Clicking it copies the URL to the clipboard of the user.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyUrl=Копіювати URL
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyUrl.accessKey): Access key for
+# the rule and computed view context menu "Copy URL" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyImageDataUrl): In rule and computed view :
+# text displayed in the context menu for an image URL.
+# Clicking it copies the image as Data-URL to the clipboard of the user.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyImageDataUrl=Копіювати URL-дані зображення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyImageDataUrl.accessKey): Access key for
+# the rule and computed view context menu "Copy Image Data-URL" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.copyImageDataUrlError): Text set in the clipboard
+# if an error occurs when using the copyImageDataUrl context menu action
+# (invalid image link, timeout, etc...)
+styleinspector.copyImageDataUrlError=Не вдалося скопіювати URL-дані зображення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.toggleOrigSources): Text displayed in the rule view
+# context menu.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.toggleOrigSources=Показати оригінальні джерела
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.toggleOrigSources.accessKey): Access key for
+# the rule view context menu "Show original sources" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.addNewRule): Text displayed in the
+# rule view context menu for adding a new rule to the element.
+# This should match inspector.addRule.tooltip in
+styleinspector.contextmenu.addNewRule=Додати нове правило
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.addNewRule.accessKey): Access key for
+# the rule view context menu "Add rule" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.selectAll): Text displayed in the
+# computed view context menu.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.selectAll=Вибрати все
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.selectAll.accessKey): Access key for
+# the computed view context menu "Select all" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copy): Text displayed in the
+# computed view context menu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copy.accessKey): Access key for
+# the computed view context menu "Copy" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyLocation): Text displayed in the
+# rule view context menu for copying the source location.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyLocation=Копіювати розташування
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyDeclaration): Text
+# displayed in the rule view context menu for copying the CSS declaration.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyDeclaration=Копіювати декларацію
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyPropertyName): Text displayed in
+# the rule view context menu for copying the property name.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyPropertyName=Копіювати назву властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyPropertyValue): Text displayed in
+# the rule view context menu for copying the property value.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyPropertyValue=Копіювати значення властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyRule): Text displayed in the
+# rule view context menu for copying the rule.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyRule=Копіювати правило
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copySelector): Text displayed in the
+# rule view context menu for copying the selector.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copySelector=Копіювати селектор
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/webconsole-commands.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/webconsole-commands.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27da0ee2ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/webconsole-commands.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# These strings are used inside the Web Console commands
+# which can be executed in the Developer Tools, available in the
+# Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Web Developer Tools'
+# Usage string for :block command
+webconsole-commands-usage-block =
+ :block URL_STRING
+ Початок блокування мережевих запитів
+ Приймається лише один аргумент URLSTRING, рядок без лапок, який буде використовуватись для блокування всіх запитів, URL-адреса яких містить цей рядок.
+ Щоб скасувати це, використовуйте :unblock або бічну панель блокування запитів мережевого монітора.
+# Usage string for :unblock command
+webconsole-commands-usage-unblock =
+ :unblock URL_STRING
+ Припинення блокування мережевих запитів
+ Приймається лише один аргумент – такий самий рядок, який раніше пройшов до :block.
+# Usage string for :trace command
+webconsole-commands-usage-trace =
+ :trace
+ Перемикання трасувальника JavaScript
+ Підтримуються такі аргументи:
+ --logMethod – встановити значення ‘console’ для журналювання до вебконсолі (типово), або ‘stdout’ для журналювання до стандартного засобу виведення;
+ --prefix – необов'язковий рядок, який буде журналюватися перед усіма журналами трасування;
+ --help або --usage – показати це повідомлення.