path: root/l10n-uk/devtools
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 01:47:29 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-19 01:47:29 +0000
commit0ebf5bdf043a27fd3dfb7f92e0cb63d88954c44d (patch)
treea31f07c9bcca9d56ce61e9a1ffd30ef350d513aa /l10n-uk/devtools
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 115.8.0esr.upstream/115.8.0esr
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
45 files changed, 8775 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/aboutdebugging.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/aboutdebugging.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd75632e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/aboutdebugging.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used inside the about:debugging UI.
+# Page Title strings
+# Page title (ie tab title) for the Setup page
+about-debugging-page-title-setup-page = Налагодження - Налаштування
+# Page title (ie tab title) for the Runtime page
+# Variables:
+# $selectedRuntimeId - ID of the current runtime, such as "this-firefox", "localhost:6080", etc.
+about-debugging-page-title-runtime-page = Налагодження - Runtime / { $selectedRuntimeId }
+# Sidebar strings
+# Display name of the runtime for the currently running instance of Firefox. Used in the
+# Sidebar and in the Setup page.
+about-debugging-this-firefox-runtime-name = Цей { -brand-shorter-name }
+# Sidebar heading for selecting the currently running instance of Firefox
+about-debugging-sidebar-this-firefox =
+ .name = { about-debugging-this-firefox-runtime-name }
+# Sidebar heading for connecting to some remote source
+about-debugging-sidebar-setup =
+ .name = Налаштування
+# Text displayed in the about:debugging sidebar when USB devices discovery is enabled.
+about-debugging-sidebar-usb-enabled = USB увімкнено
+# Text displayed in the about:debugging sidebar when USB devices discovery is disabled
+# (for instance because the mandatory ADB extension is not installed).
+about-debugging-sidebar-usb-disabled = USB вимкнено
+# Connection status (connected) for runtime items in the sidebar
+aboutdebugging-sidebar-runtime-connection-status-connected = Під'єднано
+# Connection status (disconnected) for runtime items in the sidebar
+aboutdebugging-sidebar-runtime-connection-status-disconnected = Від'єднано
+# Text displayed in the about:debugging sidebar when no device was found.
+about-debugging-sidebar-no-devices = Пристроїв не виявлено
+# Text displayed in buttons found in sidebar items representing remote runtimes.
+# Clicking on the button will attempt to connect to the runtime.
+about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button = Під'єднатись
+# Text displayed in buttons found in sidebar items when the runtime is connecting.
+about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button-connecting = З'єднання…
+# Text displayed in buttons found in sidebar items when the connection failed.
+about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button-connection-failed = Не вдалося під'єднатися
+# Text displayed in connection warning on sidebar item of the runtime when connecting to
+# the runtime is taking too much time.
+about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button-connection-not-responding = З'єднання все ще очікується. Перевірте повідомлення в цільовому браузері
+# Text displayed as connection error in sidebar item when the connection has timed out.
+about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button-connection-timeout = Час очікування з'єднання завершився
+# Text displayed in sidebar items for remote devices where a compatible browser (eg
+# Firefox) has not been detected yet. Typically, Android phones connected via USB with
+# USB debugging enabled, but where Firefox is not started.
+about-debugging-sidebar-runtime-item-waiting-for-browser = Очікування браузера…
+# Text displayed in sidebar items for remote devices that have been disconnected from the
+# computer.
+about-debugging-sidebar-runtime-item-unplugged = Відключено
+# Title for runtime sidebar items that are related to a specific device (USB, WiFi).
+# Variables:
+# $displayName (string) - Displayed name
+# $deviceName (string) - Name of the device
+about-debugging-sidebar-runtime-item-name =
+ .title = { $displayName } ({ $deviceName })
+# Title for runtime sidebar items where we cannot get device information (network
+# locations).
+# Variables:
+# $displayName (string) - Displayed name
+about-debugging-sidebar-runtime-item-name-no-device =
+ .title = { $displayName }
+# Text to show in the footer of the sidebar that links to a help page
+# (currently:
+about-debugging-sidebar-support = Допомога із налагодженням
+# Text to show as the ALT attribute of a help icon that accompanies the help about
+# debugging link in the footer of the sidebar
+about-debugging-sidebar-support-icon =
+ .alt = Піктограма допомоги
+# Text displayed in a sidebar button to refresh the list of USB devices. Clicking on it
+# will attempt to update the list of devices displayed in the sidebar.
+about-debugging-refresh-usb-devices-button = Оновити список пристроїв
+# Setup Page strings
+# Title of the Setup page.
+about-debugging-setup-title = Налаштування
+# Introduction text in the Setup page to explain how to configure remote debugging.
+about-debugging-setup-intro = Налаштуйте метод з'єднання, за допомогою якого ви бажаєте виконати віддалене налагодження свого пристрою.
+# Explanatory text in the Setup page about what the 'This Firefox' page is for
+about-debugging-setup-this-firefox2 = Використовуйте <a>{ about-debugging-this-firefox-runtime-name }</a> для налагодження розширень і service workers в цій версії { -brand-shorter-name }.
+# Title of the heading Connect section of the Setup page.
+about-debugging-setup-connect-heading = Під'єднати пристрій
+# USB section of the Setup page
+about-debugging-setup-usb-title = USB
+# Explanatory text displayed in the Setup page when USB debugging is disabled
+about-debugging-setup-usb-disabled = Увімкнення цієї функції завантажить і додасть необхідні компоненти налагодження Android USB до { -brand-shorter-name }.
+# Text of the button displayed in the USB section of the setup page when USB debugging is disabled.
+# Clicking on it will download components needed to debug USB Devices remotely.
+about-debugging-setup-usb-enable-button = Увімкнути пристрої USB
+# Text of the button displayed in the USB section of the setup page when USB debugging is enabled.
+about-debugging-setup-usb-disable-button = Вимкнути пристрої USB
+# Text of the button displayed in the USB section of the setup page while USB debugging
+# components are downloaded and installed.
+about-debugging-setup-usb-updating-button = Оновлення…
+# USB section of the Setup page (USB status)
+about-debugging-setup-usb-status-enabled = Увімкнено
+about-debugging-setup-usb-status-disabled = Вимкнено
+about-debugging-setup-usb-status-updating = Оновлення…
+# USB section step by step guide
+about-debugging-setup-usb-step-enable-dev-menu2 = Увімкніть меню Розробник на пристрої Android.
+# USB section step by step guide
+about-debugging-setup-usb-step-enable-debug2 = Увімкніть налагодження через USB в меню розробника Android.
+# USB section step by step guide
+about-debugging-setup-usb-step-enable-debug-firefox2 = Увімкніть налагодження через USB у Firefox на пристрої Android.
+# USB section step by step guide
+about-debugging-setup-usb-step-plug-device = Під'єднайте пристрій Android до комп'ютера.
+# Text shown in the USB section of the setup page with a link to troubleshoot connection errors.
+# The link goes to
+about-debugging-setup-usb-troubleshoot = Проблеми з підключенням до пристрою через USB? <a>Пошук рішення</a>
+# Network section of the Setup page
+about-debugging-setup-network =
+ .title = Мережеве розташування
+# Text shown in the Network section of the setup page with a link to troubleshoot connection errors.
+# The link goes to
+about-debugging-setup-network-troubleshoot = Проблеми з підключенням через мережеве розташування? <a>Пошук рішення</a>
+# Text of a button displayed after the network locations "Host" input.
+# Clicking on it will add the new network location to the list.
+about-debugging-network-locations-add-button = Додати
+# Text to display when there are no locations to show.
+about-debugging-network-locations-empty-text = Поки що не додано мережевих розташувань.
+# Text of the label for the text input that allows users to add new network locations in
+# the Connect page. A host is a hostname and a port separated by a colon, as suggested by
+# the input's placeholder "localhost:6080".
+about-debugging-network-locations-host-input-label = Хост
+# Text of a button displayed next to existing network locations in the Connect page.
+# Clicking on it removes the network location from the list.
+about-debugging-network-locations-remove-button = Вилучити
+# Text used as error message if the format of the input value was invalid in the network locations form of the Setup page.
+# Variables:
+# $host-value (string) - The input value submitted by the user in the network locations form
+about-debugging-network-location-form-invalid = Недійсний хост “{ $host-value }”. Правильний формат “hostname:portnumber”.
+# Text used as error message if the input value was already registered in the network locations form of the Setup page.
+# Variables:
+# $host-value (string) - The input value submitted by the user in the network locations form
+about-debugging-network-location-form-duplicate = Хост “{ $host-value }” вже зареєстрований
+# Runtime Page strings
+# Below are the titles for the various categories of debug targets that can be found
+# on "runtime" pages of about:debugging.
+# Title of the temporary extensions category (only available for "This Firefox" runtime).
+about-debugging-runtime-temporary-extensions =
+ .name = Тимчасові розширення
+# Title of the extensions category.
+about-debugging-runtime-extensions =
+ .name = Розширення
+# Title of the tabs category.
+about-debugging-runtime-tabs =
+ .name = Вкладки
+# Title of the service workers category.
+about-debugging-runtime-service-workers =
+ .name = Service Workers
+# Title of the shared workers category.
+about-debugging-runtime-shared-workers =
+ .name = Shared Workers
+# Title of the other workers category.
+about-debugging-runtime-other-workers =
+ .name = Інші Workers
+# Title of the processes category.
+about-debugging-runtime-processes =
+ .name = Процеси
+# Label of the button opening the performance profiler panel in runtime pages for remote
+# runtimes.
+about-debugging-runtime-profile-button2 = Профіль швидкодії
+# This string is displayed in the runtime page if the current configuration of the
+# target runtime is incompatible with service workers. "Learn more" points to:
+about-debugging-runtime-service-workers-not-compatible = Конфігурація вашого браузера несумісна з Service Workers. <a>Докладніше</a>
+# This string is displayed in the runtime page if the remote browser version is too old.
+# "Troubleshooting" link points to
+# { $runtimeVersion } is the version of the remote browser (for instance "67.0a1")
+# { $minVersion } is the minimum version that is compatible with the current Firefox instance (same format)
+about-debugging-browser-version-too-old = Під'єднаний браузер має застарілу версію ({ $runtimeVersion }). Мінімальна підтримувана версія ({ $minVersion }). Ця конфігурація не підтримується і може призвести до збою DevTools. Будь ласка, оновіть під'єднаний браузер. <a>Розв'язання проблем</a>
+# Dedicated message for a backward compatibility issue that occurs when connecting:
+# from Fx 70+ to the old Firefox for Android (aka Fennec) which uses Fx 68.
+about-debugging-browser-version-too-old-fennec = Ця версія Firefox не може налагодити Firefox для Android (68). Радимо встановити Firefox для Android Nightly на ваш телефон для тестування. <a>Детальніше</a>
+# This string is displayed in the runtime page if the remote browser version is too recent.
+# "Troubleshooting" link points to
+# { $runtimeID } is the build ID of the remote browser (for instance "20181231", format is yyyyMMdd)
+# { $localID } is the build ID of the current Firefox instance (same format)
+# { $runtimeVersion } is the version of the remote browser (for instance "67.0a1")
+# { $localVersion } is the version of your current browser (same format)
+about-debugging-browser-version-too-recent = Під'єднаний браузер є новішим ({ $runtimeVersion }, buildID { $runtimeID }), ніж ваш { -brand-shorter-name } ({ $localVersion }, buildID { $localID }). Ця конфігурація не підтримується і може призвести до збою DevTools. Будь ласка, оновіть Firefox. <a>Розв'язання проблем</a>
+# Displayed for runtime info in runtime pages.
+# { $name } is brand name such as "Firefox Nightly"
+# { $version } is version such as "64.0a1"
+about-debugging-runtime-name = { $name } ({ $version })
+# Text of a button displayed in Runtime pages for remote runtimes.
+# Clicking on the button will close the connection to the runtime.
+about-debugging-runtime-disconnect-button = Від'єднати
+# Text of the connection prompt button displayed in Runtime pages, when the preference
+# "devtools.debugger.prompt-connection" is false on the target runtime.
+about-debugging-connection-prompt-enable-button = Увімкнути запит на під'єднання
+# Text of the connection prompt button displayed in Runtime pages, when the preference
+# "devtools.debugger.prompt-connection" is true on the target runtime.
+about-debugging-connection-prompt-disable-button = Вимкнути запит на під'єднання
+# Title of a modal dialog displayed on remote runtime pages after clicking on the Profile Runtime button.
+about-debugging-profiler-dialog-title2 = Profiler
+# Clicking on the header of a debug target category will expand or collapse the debug
+# target items in the category. This text is used as ’title’ attribute of the header,
+# to describe this feature.
+about-debugging-collapse-expand-debug-targets = Згорнути / Розгорнути
+# Debug Targets strings
+# Displayed in the categories of "runtime" pages that don't have any debug target to
+# show. Debug targets depend on the category (extensions, tabs, workers...).
+about-debugging-debug-target-list-empty = Поки що нічого.
+# Text of a button displayed next to debug targets of "runtime" pages. Clicking on this
+# button will open a DevTools toolbox that will allow inspecting the target.
+# A target can be an addon, a tab, a worker...
+about-debugging-debug-target-inspect-button = Дослідити
+# Text of a button displayed in the "This Firefox" page, in the Temporary Extension
+# section. Clicking on the button will open a file picker to load a temporary extension
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-install-button = Завантажити тимчасовий додаток…
+# Text displayed when trying to install a temporary extension in the "This Firefox" page.
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-install-error = Під час встановлення тимчасового додатка сталася помилка.
+# Text of a button displayed for a temporary extension loaded in the "This Firefox" page.
+# Clicking on the button will reload the extension.
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-reload-button = Перезавантажити
+# Text of a button displayed for a temporary extension loaded in the "This Firefox" page.
+# Clicking on the button will uninstall the extension and remove it from the page.
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-remove-button = Вилучити
+# Text of a button displayed for a temporary extension loaded in the "This Firefox" page.
+# Clicking on the button will forcefully terminate the extension background script (button
+# only visible in extensions that includes a non-persistent background script, either an
+# event page or a background service worker).
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-terminate-bgscript-button = Завершити фоновий скрипт
+# Message displayed in the file picker that opens to select a temporary extension to load
+# (triggered by the button using "about-debugging-tmp-extension-install-button")
+# manifest.json .xpi and .zip should not be localized.
+# Note: this message is only displayed in Windows and Linux platforms.
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-install-message = Оберіть файл manifest.json або архів .xpi/.zip
+# This string is displayed as a message about the add-on having a temporaryID.
+about-debugging-tmp-extension-temporary-id = Це WebExtension має тимчасовий ID. <a>Докладніше</a>
+# Text displayed for extensions in "runtime" pages, before displaying a link the extension's
+# manifest URL.
+about-debugging-extension-manifest-url =
+ .label = URL маніфесту
+# Text displayed for extensions in "runtime" pages, before displaying the extension's uuid.
+# UUIDs look like b293e463-481e-5148-a487-5aaf7a130429
+about-debugging-extension-uuid =
+ .label = Внутрішній UUID
+# Text displayed for extensions (temporary extensions only) in "runtime" pages, before
+# displaying the location of the temporary extension.
+about-debugging-extension-location =
+ .label = Розташування
+# Text displayed for extensions in "runtime" pages, before displaying the extension's ID.
+# For instance "" or "{ed26ddcb-5611-4512-a89a-51b8db81cfb2}".
+about-debugging-extension-id =
+ .label = ID розширення
+# Text displayed for extensions in "runtime" pages, before displaying the status of the
+# extension background script.
+about-debugging-extension-backgroundscript =
+ .label = Фоновий скрипт
+# Displayed for extension using a non-persistent background page (either an event page or
+# background service worker) when the background script is currently running.
+about-debugging-extension-backgroundscript-status-running = Виконується
+# Displayed for extension using a non-persistent background page when is currently stopped.
+about-debugging-extension-backgroundscript-status-stopped = Зупинено
+# This string is displayed as a label of the button that pushes a test payload
+# to a service worker.
+# Note this relates to the "Push" API, which is normally not localized so it is
+# probably better to not localize it.
+about-debugging-worker-action-push2 = Push
+ .disabledTitle = Service Worker push зараз вимкнено для багатопроцесного { -brand-shorter-name }
+# This string is displayed as a label of the button that starts a service worker.
+about-debugging-worker-action-start2 = Start
+ .disabledTitle = Service Worker start зараз вимкнено для багатопроцесного { -brand-shorter-name }
+# This string is displayed as a label of the button that unregisters a service worker.
+about-debugging-worker-action-unregister = Розреєструвати
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages that listen to Fetch events.
+about-debugging-worker-fetch-listening =
+ .label = Fetch
+ .value = Спостереження за подіями fetch
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages that do not listen to Fetch events.
+about-debugging-worker-fetch-not-listening =
+ .label = Fetch
+ .value = Події fetch не спостерігаються
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages that are currently running (service
+# worker instance is active).
+about-debugging-worker-status-running = Виконується
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages that are registered but stopped.
+about-debugging-worker-status-stopped = Зупинено
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages that are registering.
+about-debugging-worker-status-registering = Реєстрація
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages, to label the scope of a worker
+about-debugging-worker-scope =
+ .label = Область
+# Displayed for service workers in runtime pages, to label the push service endpoint (url)
+# of a worker
+about-debugging-worker-push-service =
+ .label = Push-сервіс
+# Displayed as title of the inspect button when service worker debugging is disabled.
+about-debugging-worker-inspect-action-disabled =
+ .title = Service Worker inspection зараз вимкнено для багатопроцесного { -brand-shorter-name }
+# Displayed as title of the inspect button for zombie tabs (e.g. tabs loaded via a session restore).
+about-debugging-zombie-tab-inspect-action-disabled =
+ .title = Вкладка не повністю завантажена та її неможливо інспектувати
+# Displayed as name for the Main Process debug target in the Processes category. Only for
+# remote runtimes, if `devtools.aboutdebugging.process-debugging` is true.
+about-debugging-multiprocess-toolbox-name = Панель багатопроцесності
+# Displayed as description for the Main Process debug target in the Processes category.
+# Only for remote browsers, if `devtools.aboutdebugging.process-debugging` is true.
+about-debugging-multiprocess-toolbox-description = Основний процес і процеси вмісту цільового браузера
+# Alt text used for the close icon of message component (warnings, errors and notifications).
+about-debugging-message-close-icon =
+ .alt = Закрити повідомлення
+# Label text used for the error details of message component.
+about-debugging-message-details-label-error = Відомості про помилку
+# Label text used for the warning details of message component.
+about-debugging-message-details-label-warning = Відомості про попередження
+# Label text used for default state of details of message component.
+about-debugging-message-details-label = Подробиці
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/accessibility.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/accessibility.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e5027a27f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/accessibility.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used inside the Accessibility panel.
+accessibility-learn-more = Докладніше
+accessibility-text-label-header = Текстові мітки та імена
+accessibility-keyboard-header = Клавіатура
+## Text entries that are used as text alternative for icons that depict accessibility isses.
+## These strings are used in the overlay displayed when running an audit in the accessibility panel
+accessibility-progress-initializing = Ініціалізація…
+ .aria-valuetext = Ініціалізація…
+# This string is displayed in the audit progress bar in the accessibility panel.
+# Variables:
+# $nodeCount (Integer) - The number of nodes for which the audit was run so far.
+accessibility-progress-progressbar =
+ { $nodeCount ->
+ [one] Перевірка { $nodeCount } вузла
+ [few] Перевірка { $nodeCount } вузлів
+ *[many] Перевірка { $nodeCount } вузлів
+ }
+accessibility-progress-finishing = Завершення…
+ .aria-valuetext = Завершення…
+## Text entries that are used as text alternative for icons that depict accessibility issues.
+accessibility-warning =
+ .alt = Попередження
+accessibility-fail =
+ .alt = Помилка
+accessibility-best-practices =
+ .alt = Найкращі рішення
+## Text entries for a paragraph used in the accessibility panel sidebar's checks section
+## that describe that currently selected accessible object has an accessibility issue
+## with its text label or accessible name.
+accessibility-text-label-issue-area = Використовуйте атрибут <code>alt</code> для позначення елементів <div>area</div>, що мають атрибут <span>href</span>. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-dialog = Діалогові вікна повинні бути позначені. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-document-title = Документи повинні мати <code>назву</code>. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-embed = Вбудований вміст повинен бути позначений. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-figure = Малюнки з необов'язковими заголовками повинні бути позначені. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-fieldset = Елементи <code>fieldset</code> повинні бути позначені. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-fieldset-legend2 = Використовуйте елемент <code>legend</code>, щоб задати альтернативний текст для елементів <span>fieldset</span>. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-form = Елементи форми повинні бути позначені. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-form-visible = Елементи форми повинні мати мітку з видимим текстом. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-frame = Елементи <code>frame</code> повинні бути позначені. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-glyph = Використовуйте атрибут <code>alt</code> для позначення елементів <span>mglyph</span>. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-heading = Заголовки повинні бути позначені. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-heading-content = Заголовки повинні мати видимий текстовий вміст. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-iframe = Використовуйте атрибут <code>title</code>, щоб описати вміст <span>iframe</span>. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-image = Вміст із зображеннями повинен бути позначений. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-interactive = Інтерактивні елементи повинні бути позначені. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-optgroup-label2 = Використовуйте атрибут <code>label</code>, щоб задати альтернативний текст для елементів <span>optgroup</span>. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-text-label-issue-toolbar = Панелі інструментів повинні бути позначені, якщо існує більше однієї панелі інструментів. <a>Докладніше</a>
+## Text entries for a paragraph used in the accessibility panel sidebar's checks section
+## that describe that currently selected accessible object has a keyboard accessibility
+## issue.
+accessibility-keyboard-issue-semantics = Фокусовані елементи повинні мати інтерактивну семантику. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-keyboard-issue-tabindex = Уникайте значення атрибуту <code>tabindex</code> більше нуля. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-keyboard-issue-action = Інтерактивні елементи повинні мати можливість активуватися клавіатурою. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-keyboard-issue-focusable = Інтерактивні елементи повинні бути фокусовані. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-keyboard-issue-focus-visible = У фокусованому елементі може бути відсутній styling фокусу. <a>Докладніше</a>
+accessibility-keyboard-issue-mouse-only = Елементи, які можна натиснути, повинні бути фокусовані і мати інтерактивну семантику. <a>Докладніше</a>
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d26535d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Accessibility panel
+# which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu -> 'Accessibility'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Accessibility panel
+# which is in the Developer Tools, available in the
+# Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Web Developer Tools'
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.role): A title text used for Accessibility
+# tree header column that represents accessible element role.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( A title text used for Accessibility
+# tree header column that represents accessible element name.Назва
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.logo): A title text used for Accessibility
+# logo used on the accessibility panel landing page.
+accessibility.logo=Лого підтримки доступності
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( A title text used for header
+# for Accessibility details sidebar.Властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.treeName): A title text used for
+# Accessibility tree (that represents accessible element name) container.
+accessibility.treeName=Дерево підтримки доступності
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.accessible.selectElement.title): A title text
+# displayed on buttons next to accessible elements in the `relations` section, allowing the
+# user to select the element in the accessibility tree.
+accessibility.accessible.selectElement.title=Клацніть, щоб вибрати вузол у дереві доступності
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.accessible.selectNodeInInspector.title): A title text
+# displayed on buttons next to nodes in the sidebar, allowing the user to select the node
+# in the Inspector panel.
+accessibility.accessible.selectNodeInInspector.title=Клацніть, щоб вибрати вузол в інспекторі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.accessible.notAvailable): A title text
+# displayed when accessible sidebar panel does not have an accessible object to
+# display.
+accessibility.accessible.notAvailable=Інформація про підтримку доступності відсутня
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.enable): A title text for Enable
+# accessibility button used to enable accessibility service.
+accessibility.enable=Увімкнути функції підтримки доступності
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.enabling): A title text for Enable
+# accessibility button used when accessibility service is being enabled.
+accessibility.enabling=Увімкнення функцій підтримки доступності…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.disable): A title text for Disable
+# accessibility button used to disable accessibility service.
+accessibility.disable=Вимкнути функції підтримки доступності
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.disabling): A title text for Disable
+# accessibility button used when accessibility service is being
+# disabled.
+accessibility.disabling=Вимкнення функцій підтримки доступності…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.pick): A title text for Picker button
+# button used to pick accessible objects from the page.
+accessibility.pick=Обрати об'єкт підтримки доступності на сторінці
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.disable.disabledTitle): A title text used for
+# a tooltip for Disable accessibility button when accessibility service can not
+# be disabled. It is the case when a user is using a 3rd party accessibility
+# tool such as screen reader.
+accessibility.disable.disabledTitle=Служба підтримки доступності не може бути вимкнена. Вона використовується поза межами інструментів розробника.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.disable.enabledTitle): A title text used for
+# a tooltip for Disable accessibility button when accessibility service can be
+# disabled.
+accessibility.disable.enabledTitle=Служба підтримки доступності вимкнеться для усіх вкладок та вікон.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.enable.disabledTitle): A title text used for
+# a tooltip for Enabled accessibility button when accessibility service can not
+# be enabled.
+accessibility.enable.disabledTitle=Служба підтримки доступності не може бути увімкнена. Вона вимкнена через налаштування приватності служб підтримки доступності.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.enable.enabledTitle): A title text used for
+# a tooltip for Enabled accessibility button when accessibility service can be
+# enabled.
+accessibility.enable.enabledTitle=Служба підтримки доступності увімкнеться для усіх вкладок та вікон.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.learnMore): A text that is used as is or as textual
+# description in places that link to accessibility inspector documentation.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.description.general.p1): A title text for the first
+# paragraph, used when accessibility service description is provided before accessibility
+# inspector is enabled. %S in the content will be replaced by a link at run time
+# with the accessibility.learnMore string.
+accessibility.description.general.p1=Інспектор доступності дозволяє вам досліджувати дерево доступності поточної сторінки, що використовується засобами читання з екрана та іншими технологіями доступності. %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.description.general.p2): A title text for the second
+# paragraph, used when accessibility service description is provided before accessibility
+# inspector is enabled.
+accessibility.description.general.p2=Функції доступності можуть вплинути на швидкодію панелей інших інструментів розробника, тому їх слід вимкнути, якщо вони не використовуються.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( A title text used when a
+# context menu item for printing an accessible tree to JSON is rendered after triggering a
+# context menu for an accessible tree row.Друк в JSON
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.checks): A title text used for header for checks
+# section in Accessibility details sidebar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.checks.empty2): A title text used for indicating that
+# accessibility checks for a node yielded no results and another node should be
+# selected.
+accessibility.checks.empty2=Немає перевірок для цього вузла.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.header): A title text used for header for
+# checks related to color and contrast.
+accessibility.contrast.header=Колір і контраст
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.error): A title text for the color
+# contrast ratio, used when the tool is unable to calculate the contrast ratio value.
+accessibility.contrast.error=Не вдалося розрахувати
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.large.text): A title text for the color
+# contrast ratio label indicating that the color contrast criteria used is if for large
+# text. This is lower case because it's used as a label for a tree item in accessibility
+# tree.
+accessibility.contrast.large.text=великий текст
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.large.title): A title text for the tooltip
+# used for the large text label (see accessibility.contrast.large.text).
+accessibility.contrast.large.title=Розмір тексту 14 точок і жирний чи більше, або 18 точок чи більше.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.annotation.AA): A title text for the paragraph
+# describing that the given colour contrast satisfies AA standard from Web Content
+# Accessibility Guidelines. %S in the content will be replaced by a link at run time
+# with the accessibility.learnMore string.
+accessibility.contrast.annotation.AA=Відповідає стандартам WCAG для доступного тексту. %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.annotation.AAA): A title text for the
+# paragraph describing that the given colour contrast satisfies AAA standard from Web
+# Content Accessibility Guidelines. %S in the content will be replaced by a link at run
+# time with the accessibility.learnMore string.
+accessibility.contrast.annotation.AAA=Відповідає стандартам WCAG AAA для доступного тексту. %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.annotation.FAIL): A title text for the
+# paragraph describing that the given colour contrast fails to meet the minimum level from
+# Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. %S in the content will be replaced by a link at
+# run time with the accessibility.learnMore string.
+accessibility.contrast.annotation.FAIL=Не відповідає стандартам WCAG для доступного тексту. %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.annotation.transparent.error): A title text for the
+# paragraph suggesting a fix for error in color contrast calculation for text nodes with zero alpha.
+accessibility.contrast.annotation.transparent.error=Оберіть не прозорий колір.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.badges): A title text for the group of badges
+# that are rendered for each accessible row within the accessibility tree when
+# one or more accessibility checks fail.
+accessibility.badges=Перевірки доступності
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.filter.none): A title text for the filter
+# that is rendered within the accessibility panel toolbar for a menu item that
+# resets all filtering in tree, and for the simulation menu item that resets
+# applied color matrices to the default matrix.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.filter.all2): A title text for the filter
+# that is rendered within the accessibility panel toolbar for a menu item that
+# filters the tree based on all accessibility failures within it.
+accessibility.filter.all2=Усі проблеми
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.filter.contrast): A title text for the filter
+# that is rendered within the accessibility panel toolbar for a menu item that
+# filters the tree based on contrast accessibility failures within it.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.filter.textLabel): A title text for the filter
+# that is rendered within the accessibility panel toolbar for a menu item that
+# filters the tree based on text label and name accessibility failures within it.
+accessibility.filter.textLabel=Текстові мітки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.filter.keyboard): A title text for the filter
+# that is rendered within the accessibility panel toolbar for a menu item that
+# filters the tree based on keyboard accessibility failures within it.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.badge.contrast): A title text for the badge
+# that is rendered within the accessible row in the accessibility tree for a
+# given accessible object that does not satisfy the WCAG guideline for colour
+# contrast.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.badge.contrast.warning): A label for the
+# badge and attached warning icon that is rendered within the accessible row in
+# the accessibility tree for a given accessible object that does not satisfy the
+# WCAG guideline for colour contrast.
+accessibility.badge.contrast.warning=попередження про контрастність
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.badge.keyboard): A title text for the
+# badge that is rendered within the accessible row in the accessibility tree for
+# a given accessible object that does not satisfy the WCAG guideline for
+# keyboard accessibility.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.badge.textLabel): A title text for the
+# badge that is rendered within the accessible row in the accessibility tree for
+# a given accessible object that does not satisfy the WCAG guideline for text
+# alternative.
+accessibility.badge.textLabel=текстовий ярлик
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.badge.contrast.tooltip): A title text for the
+# badge tooltip that is rendered on mouse hover over the badge in the accessible
+# row in the accessibility tree for a given accessible object that does not
+# satisfy the WCAG guideline for colour contrast.
+accessibility.badge.contrast.tooltip=Не відповідає стандартам WCAG для доступності тексту.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.badge.keyboard.tooltip): A title text
+# for the badge tooltip that is rendered on mouse hover over the badge in the
+# accessible row in the accessibility tree for a given accessible object that
+# does not satisfy the WCAG guideline for keyboard accessibility.
+accessibility.badge.keyboard.tooltip=Не відповідає стандартам WCAG для доступності клавіатури.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.badge.textLabel.tooltip): A title text
+# for the badge tooltip that is rendered on mouse hover over the badge in the
+# accessible row in the accessibility tree for a given accessible object that
+# does not satisfy the WCAG guideline for text alternative.
+accessibility.badge.textLabel.tooltip=Не відповідає стандартам WCAG для альтернативного тексту.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.tree.filters): A title text for the toolbar
+# within the main accessibility panel that contains a list of filters to be for
+# accessibility audit.
+accessibility.tree.filters=Перевірка проблем:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.tree.filters.prefs): A title text for the
+# preferences button tooltip that contains preferences for accessibility audit.
+accessibility.tree.filters.prefs=Налаштувати параметри
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.progress.initializing): A title text for the
+# accessibility panel overlay shown when accessibility audit is starting up.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.progress.initializing): A title text for the
+# accessibility panel overlay shown when accessibility audit is running showing
+# the number of nodes being audited. Semi-colon list of plural forms. See:
+accessibility.progress.progressbar=Перевірка #1 вузла;Перевірка #1 вузлів;Перевірка #1 вузлів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.progress.finishing): A title text for the
+# accessibility panel overlay shown when accessibility audit is finishing up.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.pref.scroll.into.view.title): A title
+# text for the tooltip for the checkbox pref in the accessibility panel that
+# sets node auto scroll.
+accessibility.pref.scroll.into.view.title=Автоматично прокручувати до обраного елемента
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.pref.scroll.into.view.label): A title
+# text for the checkbox pref in the accessibility panel that sets node auto
+# scroll.
+accessibility.pref.scroll.into.view.label=Прокрутити до елемента
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.documentation.label): This is the label for
+# the Documentation menu item.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.simulation): A title text for the toolbar
+# within the main accessibility panel that contains a list of simulations for
+# vision deficiencies.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.simulation.protanopia): This label is shown
+# in the "Simulate" menu in the accessibility panel and represent the protanopia simulation option.
+accessibility.simulation.protanopia=Протанопія (без червоного)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.simulation.deuteranopia): This label is shown
+# in the "Simulate" menu in the accessibility panel and represent the deuteranopia simulation option.
+accessibility.simulation.deuteranopia=Дейтеранопія (без зеленого)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.simulation.tritanopia): This label is shown
+# in the "Simulate" menu in the accessibility panel and represent the tritanopia simulation option.
+accessibility.simulation.tritanopia=Тританопія (без синього)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.simulation.contrastLoss): This label is shown
+# in the "Simulate" menu in the accessibility panel and represent the contrast loss simulation option.
+# It is also shown in the simulation menu button in the accessibility panel and represent the
+# contrast loss simulation option currently selected.
+accessibility.simulation.contrastLoss=Контрастні втрати
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.simulation.achromatopsia): This label is shown
+# in the "Simulate" menu in the accessibility panel and represent the achromatopsia simulation option.
+accessibility.simulation.achromatopsia=Ахроматопсія (без кольору)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.toolbar.displayTabbingOrder.label): A title text for a checkbox label
+# in the accessibility panel toolbar that turns on/off the overlay of focusable elements in their
+# tabbing order.
+accessibility.toolbar.displayTabbingOrder.label=Показати порядок табулювання
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.toolbar.displayTabbingOrder.tooltip): A title text for a checkbox
+# tooltip in the accessibility panel toolbar that turns on/off the overlay of focusable elements in
+# their tabbing order.
+accessibility.toolbar.displayTabbingOrder.tooltip=Показати порядок табулювання елементів та їх табульований індекс.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73f2f78a52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Animation inspector
+# which is available as a sidebar panel in the Inspector.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (panel.noAnimation):
+# This is the label shown in the panel when there are no displayable animations.
+# (e.g. In case of user selected a non-element node or a node that is not animated).
+panel.noAnimation=Не знайдено анімацій для поточного елемента.\nОберіть інший елемент зі сторінки.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.animationDurationLabel):
+# This string is displayed in each animation player widget. It is the label
+# displayed before the animation duration.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.infiniteDurationText):
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip on animation player widget, in case the
+# duration of the animation is infinite.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.animationDelayLabel):
+# This string is displayed in each animation player widget. It is the label
+# displayed before the animation delay.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.animationEndDelayLabel):
+# This string is displayed in each animation player widget. It is the label
+# displayed before the animation endDelay.
+player.animationEndDelayLabel=Затримка завершення:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.animationRateLabel):
+# This string is displayed in each animation player widget. It is the label
+# displayed before the animation playback rate.
+player.animationRateLabel=Швидкість відтворення:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.animationIterationCountLabel):
+# This string is displayed in each animation player widget. It is the label
+# displayed before the number of times the animation is set to repeat.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.infiniteIterationCount):
+# In case the animation repeats infinitely, this string is displayed next to the
+# player.animationIterationCountLabel string, instead of a number.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.infiniteIterationCountText):
+# See player.infiniteIterationCount for a description of what this is.
+# Unlike player.infiniteIterationCount, this string isn't used in HTML, but in
+# a tooltip.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.animationIterationStartLabel2):
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip that appears when hovering over
+# animations in the timeline. It is the label displayed before the animation
+# iterationStart value.
+# %1$S will be replaced by the original iteration start value
+# %2$S will be replaced by the actual time of iteration start without time unit
+# e.g.
+# If iterationStart of animation is 0.5 and duration is 1 sec, the string will be
+# "Iteration start: 0.5 (0.5s)"
+player.animationIterationStartLabel2=Початок ітерації: %1$S (%2$S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.animationOverallEasingLabel):
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip that appears when hovering over
+# animations in the timeline. It is the label displayed before the easing
+# that applies to a whole iteration of an animation as opposed to the
+# easing that applies between animation keyframes.
+player.animationOverallEasingLabel=Загальне пом'якшення:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.animationTimingFunctionLabel):
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip that appears when hovering over
+# animations in the timeline. It is the label displayed before the
+# animation-timing-function for CSS Animations.
+player.animationTimingFunctionLabel=Функція таймінгу анімації:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.animationFillLabel):
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip that appears when hovering over
+# animations in the timeline. It is the label displayed before the animation
+# fill mode value.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.animationDirectionLabel):
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip that appears when hovering over
+# animations in the timeline. It is the label displayed before the animation
+# direction value.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.timeLabel):
+# This string is displayed in each animation player widget, to indicate either
+# how long (in seconds) the animation lasts, or what is the animation's current
+# time (in seconds too);
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.infiniteDurationText):
+# This string is displayed in animation player widget, in case the duration of the
+# animation is infinite.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.playbackRateLabel):
+# This string is displayed in each animation player widget, as the label of
+# drop-down list items that can be used to change the rate at which the
+# animation runs (1× being the default, 2× being twice as fast).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.runningOnCompositorTooltip):
+# This string is displayed as a tooltip for the icon that indicates that the
+# animation is running on the compositor thread.
+player.runningOnCompositorTooltip=Ця анімація виконується в потоці композитора
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.allPropertiesOnCompositorTooltip):
+# This string is displayed as a tooltip for the icon that indicates that
+# all of animation is running on the compositor thread.
+player.allPropertiesOnCompositorTooltip=Оптимізовані всі властивості анімації
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (player.somePropertiesOnCompositorTooltip):
+# This string is displayed as a tooltip for the icon that indicates that
+# all of animation is not running on the compositor thread.
+player.somePropertiesOnCompositorTooltip=Оптимізовані деякі властивості анімації
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeline.pausedButtonTooltip):
+# This string is displayed in the timeline toolbar, as the tooltip of the
+# pause/resume button that can be used to pause or resume the animations
+timeline.pausedButtonTooltip=Продовжити анімації
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeline.resumedButtonTooltip):
+# This string is displayed in the timeline toolbar, as the tooltip of the
+# pause/resume button that can be used to pause or resume the animations
+timeline.resumedButtonTooltip=Призупинити анімації
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeline.rewindButtonTooltip):
+# This string is displayed in the timeline toolbar, as the tooltip of the
+# rewind button that can be used to rewind the animations
+timeline.rewindButtonTooltip=Перемотати анімації
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeline.timeGraduationLabel):
+# This string is displayed at the top of the animation panel, next to each time
+# graduation, to indicate what duration (in milliseconds) this graduation
+# corresponds to.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeline.cssanimation.nameLabel):
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip of the animation panel that is shown
+# when hovering over the name of a CSS Animation in the timeline UI.
+# %S will be replaced by the name of the animation at run-time.
+timeline.cssanimation.nameLabel=%S - CSS-анімація
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeline.csstransition.nameLabel):
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip of the animation panel that is shown
+# when hovering over the name of a CSS Transition in the timeline UI.
+# %S will be replaced by the name of the transition at run-time.
+timeline.csstransition.nameLabel=%S - CSS-перехід
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeline.scriptanimation.nameLabel):
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip of the animation panel that is shown
+# when hovering over the name of a script-generated animation in the timeline UI.
+# %S will be replaced by the name of the animation at run-time.
+timeline.scriptanimation.nameLabel=%S - анімація сценарію
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeline.scriptanimation.unnamedLabel):
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip of the animation panel that is shown
+# when hovering over an unnamed script-generated animation in the timeline UI.
+timeline.scriptanimation.unnamedLabel=Анімація сценарію
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeline.unknown.nameLabel):
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip of the animation panel that is shown
+# when hovering over the name of an unknown animation type in the timeline UI.
+# This can happen if devtools couldn't figure out the type of the animation.
+# %S will be replaced by the name of the transition at run-time.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (detail.propertiesHeader.percentage):
+# This string is displayed on header label in .animated-properties-header.
+# %S represents the value in percentage with two decimal points, localized.
+# there are two "%" after %S to escape and display "%"
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/application.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/application.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7589787efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/application.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used inside the Application panel which is available
+### by setting the preference `devtools-application-enabled` to true.
+### The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in English, or another
+### language commonly spoken among web developers. You want to make that choice consistent
+### across the developer tools. A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the
+### best documentation on web development on the web.
+# Header for the list of Service Workers displayed in the application panel for the current page.
+serviceworker-list-header = Service Workers
+# Text displayed next to the list of Service Workers to encourage users to check out
+# about:debugging to see all registered Service Workers.
+serviceworker-list-aboutdebugging = Відкрити <a>about:debugging</a> для Service Workers від інших доменів
+# Text for the button to unregister a Service Worker. Displayed for active Service Workers.
+serviceworker-worker-unregister = Скасувати реєстрацію
+# Text for the debug link displayed for an already started Service Worker. Clicking on the
+# link opens a new devtools toolbox for this service worker. The title attribute is only
+# displayed when the link is disabled.
+serviceworker-worker-debug = Налагодження
+ .title = Можна налагоджувати лише виконувані service workers
+# Alt text for the image icon displayed inside a debug link for a service worker.
+serviceworker-worker-inspect-icon =
+ .alt = Дослідити
+# Text for the start link displayed for a registered but not running Service Worker.
+# Clicking on the link will attempt to start the service worker.
+serviceworker-worker-start3 = Почати
+# Text displayed for the updated time of the service worker. The <time> element will
+# display the last update time of the service worker script.
+# Variables:
+# $date (date) - Update date
+serviceworker-worker-updated = Оновлено <time>{ DATETIME($date, month: "long", year: "numeric", day: "numeric", hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", second: "numeric") }</time>
+## Service Worker status strings: all serviceworker-worker-status-* strings are also
+## defined in and should be synchronized with them.
+# Service Worker status. A running service worker is registered, currently executed, can
+# be debugged and stopped.
+serviceworker-worker-status-running = Виконується
+# Service Worker status. A stopped service worker is registered but not currently active.
+serviceworker-worker-status-stopped = Зупинено
+# Text displayed when no service workers are visible for the current page.
+serviceworker-empty-intro2 = Не знайдено service workers
+# Link will open
+serviceworker-empty-intro-link = Докладніше
+# Text displayed when there are no Service Workers to display for the current page,
+# introducing hints to debug Service Worker issues.
+# <a> and <span> are links that will open the webconsole and the debugger, respectively.
+serviceworker-empty-suggestions2 = Якщо ця сторінка повинна містити service worker, ви можете переглянути помилки в <a>Консолі</a> або зареєструвати свій service worker у <span>Налагоджувачі</span>.
+# Suggestion to go to about:debugging in order to see Service Workers for all domains.
+# Link will open about:debugging in a new tab.
+serviceworker-empty-suggestions-aboutdebugging2 = Перегляньте service workers з інших доменів
+# Header for the Manifest page when we have an actual manifest
+manifest-view-header = Маніфест додатка
+# Header for the Manifest page when there's no manifest to inspect
+manifest-empty-intro2 = Не виявлено маніфесту вебпрограми
+# The link will open
+manifest-empty-intro-link = Дізнайтеся, як додати маніфест
+# Header for the Errors and Warnings section of Manifest inspection displayed in the application panel.
+manifest-item-warnings = Помилки та попередження
+# Header for the Identity section of Manifest inspection displayed in the application panel.
+manifest-item-identity = Ідентифікація
+# Header for the Presentation section of Manifest inspection displayed in the application panel.
+manifest-item-presentation = Презентація
+# Header for the Icon section of Manifest inspection displayed in the application panel.
+manifest-item-icons = Піктограми
+# Text displayed while we are loading the manifest file
+manifest-loading = Завантаження маніфесту…
+# Text displayed when the manifest has been successfully loaded
+manifest-loaded-ok = Маніфест завантажено.
+# Text displayed as a caption when there has been an error while trying to
+# load the manifest
+manifest-loaded-error = Під час завантаження маніфесту сталася помилка:
+# Text displayed as an error when there has been a Firefox DevTools error while
+# trying to load the manifest
+manifest-loaded-devtools-error = Помилка Firefox DevTools
+# Text displayed when the page has no manifest available
+manifest-non-existing = Не знайдено жодного маніфесту для перевірки.
+# Text displayed when the page has a manifest embedded in a Data URL and
+# thus we cannot link to it.
+manifest-json-link-data-url = Маніфест вбудовано в URL даних.
+# Text displayed at manifest icons to label their purpose, as declared
+# in the manifest.
+# Variables:
+# $purpose (string) - Manifest purpose
+manifest-icon-purpose = Призначення: <code>{ $purpose }</code>
+# Text displayed as the alt attribute for <img> tags showing the icons in the
+# manifest.
+manifest-icon-img =
+ .alt = Піктограма
+# Text displayed as the title attribute for <img> tags showing the icons in the
+# manifest.
+# Variables:
+# $sizes (string) - User-dependent string that has been parsed as a
+# space-separated list of `<width>x<height>` sizes or
+# the keyword `any`.
+manifest-icon-img-title = Піктограма з розмірами: { $sizes }
+# Text displayed as the title attribute for <img> tags showing the icons in the
+# manifest, in case there's no icon size specified by the user
+manifest-icon-img-title-no-sizes = Розмір піктограми не вказаний
+# Sidebar navigation item for Manifest sidebar item section
+sidebar-item-manifest = Маніфест
+ .alt = Піктограма маніфесту
+ .title = Маніфест
+# Sidebar navigation item for Service Workers sidebar item section
+sidebar-item-service-workers = Service Workers
+ .alt = Піктограма Service Workers
+ .title = Service Workers
+# Text for the ALT and TITLE attributes of the warning icon
+icon-warning =
+ .alt = Піктограма попередження
+ .title = Попередження
+# Text for the ALT and TITLE attributes of the error icon
+icon-error =
+ .alt = Піктограма помилки
+ .title = Помилка
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1e086f67c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE This file contains the Layout View strings.
+# The Layout View is a panel displayed in the computed view tab of the Inspector sidebar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE The correct localization of this file might be to
+# keep it in English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (boxmodel.title) This is the title of the box model panel and is
+# displayed as a label.
+boxmodel.title=Блокова модель
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: (boxmodel.geometryButton.tooltip) This label is displayed as a
+# tooltip that appears when hovering over the button that allows users to edit the
+# position of an element in the page.
+boxmodel.geometryButton.tooltip=Змінити позицію
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: (boxmodel.propertiesLabel) This label is displayed as the header
+# for showing and collapsing the properties underneath the box model in the layout view
+boxmodel.propertiesLabel=Властивості Box Model
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (boxmodel.propertiesHideLabel):
+# This is the spoken label for the twisty.
+# If the properties are currently showing, it will say "Hide".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (boxmodel.propertiesShowLabel):
+# This is the spoken label for the twisty.
+# If the properties are currently hidden, it will say "Show".
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: (boxmodel.offsetParent) This label is displayed inside the list of
+# properties, below the box model, in the layout view. It is displayed next to the
+# position property, when position is absolute, relative, sticky. This label tells users
+# what the DOM node previewed next to it is: an offset parent for the position element.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: (boxmodel.offsetParent.title) This label is displayed as a
+# tooltip that appears when hovering over the offset label, inside the list of properties,
+# below the box model, in the layout view. This label tells users
+# what the DOM node previewed next to it is: an offset parent for the position element.
+boxmodel.offsetParent.title=Зміщення вищого рівня для вибраного елемента
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22d90c8b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE This file contains the strings for the Changes panel accessible from
+# the Inspector sidebar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.noChanges): This text is shown when no changes are available.
+changes.noChanges=Змін не знайдено.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.noChangesDescription): This text is shown when no changes are
+# available and provides additional context for the purpose of the Changes panel.
+changes.noChangesDescription=Зміни CSS в інспекторі з'являтимуться тут.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.inlineStyleSheetLabel): This label appears in the Changes
+# panel above changes done to inline stylesheets. The variable will be replaced with the
+# index of the stylesheet within its document like so: Inline #1
+changes.inlineStyleSheetLabel=Вбудований %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.elementStyleLabel): This label appears in the Changes
+# panel above changes done to element styles.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.iframeLabel): This label appears next to URLs of stylesheets
+# and element inline styles hosted by iframes. Lowercase intentional.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.contextmenu.copy): Label for "Copy" option in Changes panel
+# context menu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.contextmenu.copy.accessKey): Access key for "Copy"
+# option in the Changes panel.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.contextmenu.copyAllChanges): Label for "Copy All Changes"
+# option in Changes panel context menu which copies all changed CSS declarations from a
+# stylesheet
+changes.contextmenu.copyAllChanges=Копіювати всі зміни
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.contextmenu.copyAllChangesDescription): Detailed explanation
+# for "Copy All Changes" option in Changes panel. Used as title attribute on "Copy All
+# Changes" button
+changes.contextmenu.copyAllChangesDescription=Копіювати список усіх змін CSS в буфер обміну.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.contextmenu.copyDeclaration): Label for "Copy Declaration"
+# option in Changes panel context menu which copies the target CSS declaration.
+changes.contextmenu.copyDeclaration=Копіювати декларацію
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.contextmenu.copyRule): Label for "Copy Rule" option in
+# Changes panel context menu which copies the complete contents of a CSS rule.
+changes.contextmenu.copyRule=Копіювати правило
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.contextmenu.copyRuleDescription): Detailed explanation for
+# "Copy Rule" option in Changes panel. Used as title attribute on "Copy Rule" button.
+changes.contextmenu.copyRuleDescription=Копіювати вміст цього правила CSS в буфер обміну.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.contextmenu.selectAll): Label for "Select All" option in the
+# Changes panel context menu to select all text content.
+changes.contextmenu.selectAll=Вибрати все
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changes.contextmenu.selectAll.accessKey): Access key for "Select All"
+# option in the Changes panel.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/compatibility.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/compatibility.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a594141618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/compatibility.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## Messages used as headers in the main pane
+compatibility-selected-element-header = Вибраний елемент
+compatibility-all-elements-header = Усі проблеми
+## Message used as labels for the type of issue
+compatibility-issue-deprecated = (застаріле)
+compatibility-issue-experimental = (експериментальне)
+compatibility-issue-prefixneeded = (потрібен префікс)
+compatibility-issue-deprecated-experimental = (застаріле, експериментальне)
+compatibility-issue-deprecated-prefixneeded = (застаріле, потрібен префікс)
+compatibility-issue-experimental-prefixneeded = (експериментальне, потрібен префікс)
+compatibility-issue-deprecated-experimental-prefixneeded = (застаріле, експериментальне, потрібен префікс)
+## Messages used as labels and titles for buttons in the footer
+compatibility-settings-button-label = Налаштування
+compatibility-settings-button-title =
+ .title = Налаштування
+## Messages used as headers in settings pane
+compatibility-settings-header = Налаштування
+compatibility-target-browsers-header = Цільові браузери
+# Text used as the label for the number of nodes where the issue occurred
+# Variables:
+# $number (Number) - The number of nodes where the issue occurred
+compatibility-issue-occurrences =
+ { $number ->
+ [one] { $number } випадок
+ [few] { $number } випадки
+ *[many] { $number } випадків
+ }
+compatibility-no-issues-found = Не знайдено проблем із сумісністю.
+compatibility-close-settings-button =
+ .title = Закрити налаштування
+# Text used in the element containing the browser icons for a given compatibility issue.
+# Line breaks are significant.
+# Variables:
+# $browsers (String) - A line-separated list of browser information (e.g. Firefox 98\nChrome 99).
+compatibility-issue-browsers-list =
+ .title =
+ Проблеми з сумісністю в:
+ { $browsers }
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..689401b0c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used in the shared React components,
+# so files in `devtools/client/shared/components/*`.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (frame.unknownSource): When we do not know the source filename of
+# a frame, we use this string instead.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (frame.viewsourceindebugger): The label for the tooltip when hovering over
+# a source link that links to the debugger.
+# %S represents the URL to match in the debugger.
+frame.viewsourceindebugger=Переглянути джерело в налагоджувачі → %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (frame.viewsourceinstyleeditor): The label for the tooltip when hovering over
+# a source link that links to the Style Editor.
+# %S represents the URL to match in the style editor.
+frame.viewsourceinstyleeditor=Переглянути джерело в редакторі стилів → %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (notificationBox.closeTooltip): The content of a tooltip that
+# appears when hovering over the close button in a notification box.
+notificationBox.closeTooltip=Закрити це повідомлення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (appErrorBoundary.description): This is the information displayed
+# once the panel errors.
+# %S represents the name of panel which has the crash.
+appErrorBoundary.description=Стався збій панелі %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (appErrorBoundary.fileBugButton): This is the text that appears in
+# the button to visit the bug filing link.
+appErrorBoundary.fileBugButton=Повідомити про помилку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (appErrorBoundary.reloadPanelInfo): This is the text that appears
+# after the panel errors to instruct the user to reload the panel.
+appErrorBoundary.reloadPanelInfo=Закрийте і знову відкрийте панель інструментів, щоб очистити цю помилку.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(searchModifier.regExpModifier): A search option
+# when searching text in a file
+searchModifier.regExpModifier=Регулярний вираз
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(searchModifier.caseSensitiveModifier): A search option
+# when searching text in a file
+searchModifier.caseSensitiveModifier=З урахуванням регістру
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(searchModifier.wholeWordModifier): A search option
+# when searching text in a file
+searchModifier.wholeWordModifier=Слово цілком
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchBox.clearButtonTitle): The title of the SearchBox clear input
+# button, which is displayed when the input is not empty.
+searchBox.clearButtonTitle=Очистити введене до фільтра
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE treeNode.collapseButtonTitle): The title of the Tree node toggle
+# button when the node is expanded.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE treeNode.expandButtonTitle): The title of the Tree node toggle
+# button when the node is collapsed.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eba5250a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,1159 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Debugger
+# which is available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Debugger'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (collapseSources): This is the tooltip for the button
+# that collapses the Sources and Outlines panes in the debugger UI.
+collapseSources=Згорнути джерела і панелі структури
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (collapseBreakpoints): This is the tooltip for the button
+# that collapses the Breakpoints panes in the debugger UI.
+collapseBreakpoints=Згорнути панель точок зупинки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (copyToClipboard.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context menu to copy the text that the user selected.
+copyToClipboard.label=Копіювати в буфер обміну
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (copySource.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context menu to copy all of the text in the open file.
+copySource.label=Копіювати вихідний текст
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (copySourceUri2): This is the text that appears in the
+# context menu to copy the source URI of file open.
+copySourceUri2=Копіювати URI-адресу джерела
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (collapseAll.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context menu to collapse a directory and all of its subdirectories.
+collapseAll.label=Згорнути все
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (expandAll.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context menu to expand a directory and all of its subdirectories.
+expandAll.label=Розгорнути все
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (setDirectoryRoot.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context menu to set a directory as root directory
+setDirectoryRoot.label=Встановити кореневий каталог
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeDirectoryRoot.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context menu to remove a directory as root directory
+removeDirectoryRoot.label=Вилучити кореневий каталог
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreAll.label): Text associated with the ignore context menu item
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreAllInGroup.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context submenu to ignore all files inside of the selected group
+ignoreAllInGroup.label=Ігнорувати файли в цій групі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unignoreAllInGroup.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context submenu to unignore all files inside of the selected group
+unignoreAllInGroup.label=Не ігнорувати файли в цій групі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreAllOutsideGroup.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context submenu to ignore all files outside of the selected group
+ignoreAllOutsideGroup.label=Ігнорувати файли поза цією групою
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unignoreAllOutsideGroup.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context submenu to unignore all files outside of the selected group
+unignoreAllOutsideGroup.label=Не ігнорувати файли поза цією групою
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreAllInDir.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context submenu to ignore all files inside of the selected directory
+ignoreAllInDir.label=Ігнорувати файли в цьому каталозі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unignoreAllInDir.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context submenu to unignore all files inside of the selected directory
+unignoreAllInDir.label=Не ігнорувати файли в цьому каталозі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreAllOutsideDir.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context submenu to ignore all files outside of the selected directory
+ignoreAllOutsideDir.label=Ігнорувати файли поза цим каталогом
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (unignoreAllOutsideDir.label: This is the text that appears in the
+# context submenu to unignore all files outside of the selected directory
+unignoreAllOutsideDir.label=Не ігнорувати файли поза цим каталогом
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (copyFunction.label): This is the text that appears in the
+# context menu to copy the function the user selected
+copyFunction.label=Копіювати функцію
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (copyStackTrace): This is the text that appears in the
+# context menu to copy the stack trace methods, file names and row number.
+copyStackTrace=Копіювати відбиток стеку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (restartFrame): This is the text that appears in the
+# context menu to restart a frame.
+restartFrame=Перезапустити фрейм
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (expandSources): This is the tooltip for the button
+# that expands the Sources and Outlines panes in the debugger UI.
+expandSources=Розгорнути джерела і панелі структури
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (expandBreakpoints): This is the tooltip for the button
+# that expands the Breakpoints panes in the debugger UI.
+expandBreakpoints=Розгорнути панель точок зупинки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (evaluateInConsole.label): Editor right-click menu item
+# to execute selected text in browser console.
+evaluateInConsole.label=Оцінити в консолі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pauseButtonTooltip): The tooltip that is displayed for the pause
+# button when the debugger is in a running state.
+pauseButtonTooltip=Призупинити %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pausePendingButtonTooltip): The tooltip that is displayed for
+# the pause button after it's been clicked but before the next JavaScript to run.
+pausePendingButtonTooltip=Очікування наступного виконання
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (startTraceButtonTooltip): The label that is displayed on the trace
+# button in the top of the debugger right sidebar. %S is for the log output location (webconsole or stdout).
+startTraceButtonTooltip=Відстежуйте всі фрейми JavaScript до %S.\nЩоб змінити вивід, клацніть правою кнопкою миші.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stopTraceButtonTooltip): The label that is displayed on the trace
+# button in the top of the debugger right sidebar. This label is only displayed when we are current tracing
+# JavaScript.
+stopTraceButtonTooltip=Припинити відстеження фреймів JavaScript.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (startTraceButtonTooltip): The label that is displayed on the trace
+# button in the top of the debugger right sidebar.
+# %1$S is for the key shortcut
+# %2$S is for the log output location (webconsole or stdout).
+startTraceButtonTooltip2=Відстежуйте всі фрейми JavaScript до %2$S. (%1$S)\nЩоб змінити вивід, клацніть правою кнопкою миші.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stopTraceButtonTooltip): The label that is displayed on the trace
+# button in the top of the debugger right sidebar. This label is only displayed when we are current tracing
+# JavaScript.
+# %S is for the key shortcut
+stopTraceButtonTooltip2=Припинити відстеження фреймів JavaScript. (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (traceInWebConsole): The label that is displayed in the context menu
+# of the trace button, which is in the top of the debugger right sidebar.
+# This is used to force logging JavaScript traces in the Web Console.
+traceInWebConsole=Відстежувати у вебконсолі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (traceInWebConsole): The label that is displayed in the context menu
+# of the trace button, which is in the top of the debugger right sidebar.
+# This is used to force logging JavaScript traces in the stdout.
+traceInStdout=Відстежувати в стандартному виводі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (traceValues): The label that is displayed in the context menu
+# of the trace button, which is in the top of the debugger right sidebar.
+# This is used to enable logging arguments passed to function calls
+# as well as returned values (only for JS function calls, but not native function calls)
+traceValues=Зберігати журнал аргументів функції та повернених значень
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (traceOnNextLoad): The label that is displayed in the context menu
+# of the trace button, which is in the top of the debugger right sidebar.
+# This is used to automatically start the tracing on next user interaction (mousedown/keydown)
+traceOnNextInteraction=Відстежувати лише під час наступної взаємодії користувача (натискання кнопки миші/клавіші)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (resumeButtonTooltip): The label that is displayed on the pause
+# button when the debugger is in a paused state.
+resumeButtonTooltip=Відновити %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stepOverTooltip): The label that is displayed on the
+# button that steps over a function call.
+stepOverTooltip=Переступити через %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stepInTooltip): The label that is displayed on the
+# button that steps into a function call.
+stepInTooltip=Увійти в %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stepOutTooltip): The label that is displayed on the
+# button that steps out of a function call.
+stepOutTooltip=Вийти з %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (skipPausingTooltip.label): The tooltip text for disabling all
+# breakpoints and pausing triggers
+skipPausingTooltip.label=Вимкнути точки зупинки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (undoSkipPausingTooltip.label): The tooltip text for enabling all
+# breakpoints and pausing triggers
+undoSkipPausingTooltip.label=Активувати точки зупинки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pauseOnDebuggerStatement): The pause on debugger statement checkbox label
+pauseOnDebuggerStatement=Призупинити на твердженні налагоджувача
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pauseOnExceptionsItem2): The pause on exceptions checkbox description
+# when the debugger will pause on all exceptions.
+pauseOnExceptionsItem2=Призупиняти на винятках
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pauseOnCaughtExceptionsItem): The pause on exceptions checkbox description
+# when the debugger should pause on caught exceptions
+pauseOnCaughtExceptionsItem=Призупиняти на визначених винятках
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (threadsHeader): The text to describe the threads header
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (mainThread): The text to describe the thread of the
+# program as opposed to worker threads.
+mainThread=Основний потік
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pausedThread): The text to describe the status of paused threads
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (noSourcesText): The text to display in the sources list
+# when there are no sources.
+noSourcesText=Ця сторінка не має джерел.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoredSourcesHidden): Notification message displayed in the
+# sources list footer when ignored sources are hidden.
+ignoredSourcesHidden=Ігноровані джерела приховані.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (showIgnoredSources): Notification button displayed in the
+# source next to the "ignored sources are hidden" string. Clicking on this link
+# shows all the ignored sources which are currently hidden.
+showIgnoredSources=Показати всі джерела
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (showIgnoredSources.tooltip.label): Message displayed in the tooltip of the notification
+# link displayed in the sources list footer when ignored sources are hidden.
+showIgnoredSources.tooltip.label=Це покаже всі проігноровані джерела (які наразі приховані) у дереві.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventListenersHeader1): The text to display in the events
+# header.
+eventListenersHeader1=Точки зупинки слухача подій
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (noDomMutationBreakpoints): The text to
+# display in the DOM Mutation Breakpoints pane when there are no events.
+# %S will be replaced by an active link using inspectorTool as text
+noDomMutationBreakpoints=Щоб додати точку зупинки, натисніть правою кнопкою миші на елементі в %S й оберіть "Зупинити на…"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorTool): The text to describe the the Inspector tool
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventListenersHeader1.placeholder): The placeholder text in
+# the event search input bar
+eventListenersHeader1.placeholder=Фільтр за типом події
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (domMutationHeader): The text to display in the
+# DOM Mutation Breakpoints header
+domMutationHeader=Точки зупинки зміни DOM
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (domMutationTypes.attribute): The text to display in the
+# DOM Mutation Breakpoints panel for an attribute change
+domMutationTypes.attribute=Зміна атрибутів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (domMutationTypes.removal): The text to display in the
+# DOM Mutation Breakpoints panel for a DOM node removal
+domMutationTypes.removal=Вилучення вузлів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (domMutationTypes.subtree): The text to display in the
+# DOM Mutation Breakpoints panel for a DOM subtree change
+domMutationTypes.subtree=Зміни піддерева
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Key shortcut to open the search for
+# searching all the source files the debugger has seen.
+# Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+P", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( A second key shortcut to open the
+# search for searching all the source files the debugger has seen.
+# Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+O", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (projectTextSearch.key): A key shortcut to open the
+# full project text search for searching all the files the debugger has seen.
+# Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+Shift+F", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (allShortcut.key): A key shortcut to open the
+# modal of full shortcuts list.
+# Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+/", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (functionSearch.key): A key shortcut to open the
+# modal for searching functions in a file.
+# Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+Shift+O", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toggleBreakpoint.key): A key shortcut to toggle
+# breakpoints.
+# Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+B", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toggleCondPanel.breakpoint.key): A key shortcut to toggle
+# the conditional panel for breakpoints.
+# Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+Shift+B", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toggleCondPanel.logPoint.key): A key shortcut to toggle
+# the conditional panel for log points.
+# Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+Shift+Y", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stepOut.key): A key shortcut to
+# step out.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.header.editor): Sections header in
+# the shortcuts modal for keyboard shortcuts related to editing.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.header.stepping): Sections header in
+# the shortcuts modal for keyboard shortcuts related to stepping.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Sections header in
+# the shortcuts modal for keyboard shortcuts related to search.Пошук
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (projectTextSearch.placeholder): A placeholder shown
+# when searching across all of the files in a project.
+projectTextSearch.placeholder=Знайти в файлах…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (projectTextSearch.excludePatterns.label): A label shown
+# above the exclude patterns field when searching across all of the files in a project.
+projectTextSearch.excludePatterns.label=виключені файли
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (projectTextSearch.excludePatterns.placeholder): A placeholder shown
+# for the exclude patterns field when searching across all of the files in a project.
+projectTextSearch.excludePatterns.placeholder=н-д **/node_modules/**,app.js
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (projectTextSearch.noResults): The center pane Text Search
+# message when the query did not match any text of all files in a project.
+projectTextSearch.noResults=Результатів не знайдено
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (projectTextSearch.pageNavigated): Tooltip shown on the refresh
+# button, only when it is highlighted because the page navigated to a new document
+# and the results might be obsolete.
+projectTextSearch.refreshButtonTooltip=Натисніть, щоб оновити результати пошуку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (projectTextSearch.pageNavigated): Tooltip shown on the refresh
+# button, only when it is highlighted because the page navigated to a new document
+# and the results might be obsolete.
+projectTextSearch.refreshButtonTooltipOnNavigation=Сторінка веде до нового документа. Натисніть, щоб оновити результати пошуку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (projectTextSearch.sourceNoLongerAvailable): Tooltip message shown
+# on Text Search results when the related source no longer exists.
+# This typically happens after navigating or reloading the page and search results are obsolete.
+projectTextSearch.sourceNoLongerAvailable=Це джерело більше недоступне.\nОновіть пошук, щоб мати найновіші джерела.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Key shortcut to open the search
+# for searching within a the currently opened files in the editor
+# Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+F", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( placeholder text in
+# the source search input barПошук у файлі…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( placeholder text in
+# the source search input barЗнайти в файлі…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceSearch.resultsSummary2): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# Shows a summary of the number of matches for autocomplete
+sourceSearch.resultsSummary2=#1 результат;#1 результати;#1 результатів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (breakpointHeadingMenuItem.*): The text for all the elements
+# that are displayed in the breakpoint headings menu item popup.
+breakpointHeadingsMenuItem.enableInSource.label=Увімкнути точки зупинки
+breakpointHeadingsMenuItem.disableInSource.label=Вимкнути точки зупинки
+breakpointHeadingsMenuItem.removeInSource.label=Вилучити точки зупинки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (breakpointMenuItem): The text for all the elements that
+# are displayed in the breakpoints menu item popup.
+breakpointMenuItem.disabledbg.label=Ніколи не зупиняти тут
+breakpointMenuItem.enabledbg.label=Зупинити тут
+breakpointMenuItem.enableOthers2.label=Увімкнути інші
+breakpointMenuItem.disableOthers2.label=Вимкнути інші
+breakpointMenuItem.deleteOthers2.label=Вилучити інші
+breakpointMenuItem.enableAll2.label=Увімкнути всі
+breakpointMenuItem.disableAll2.label=Вимкнути всі
+breakpointMenuItem.deleteAll2.label=Вилучити всі
+breakpointMenuItem.removeCondition2.label=Вилучити умову
+breakpointMenuItem.addCondition2.label=Додати умову
+breakpointMenuItem.editCondition2.label=Змінити умову
+breakpointMenuItem.enableSelf=Увімкнути точку зупинки
+breakpointMenuItem.disableSelf=Вимкнути точку зупинки
+breakpointMenuItem.deleteSelf=Вилучити точку зупинки
+breakpointMenuItem.enableOthers=Увімкнути інші
+breakpointMenuItem.disableOthers=Вимкнути інші
+breakpointMenuItem.deleteOthers=Вилучити інші
+breakpointMenuItem.enableAll=Увімкнути всі точки зупинки
+breakpointMenuItem.disableAll=Вимкнути всі точки зупинки
+breakpointMenuItem.deleteAll=Вилучити всі точки зупинки
+breakpointMenuItem.disableAllAtLine.label=Вимкнути точки зупинки на цьому рядку
+breakpointMenuItem.enableAllAtLine.label=Увімкнути точки зупинки на цьому рядку
+breakpointMenuItem.removeAllAtLine.label=Вилучити точки зупинки на цьому рядку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (breakpoints.header): Breakpoints right sidebar pane header.
+breakpoints.header=Точки зупинок
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (breakpoints.removeBreakpointTooltip): The tooltip that is displayed
+# for remove breakpoint button in right sidebar
+breakpoints.removeBreakpointTooltip=Вилучити точку зупинки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (callStack.header): Call Stack right sidebar pane header.
+callStack.header=Стек викликів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (callStack.notPaused): Call Stack right sidebar pane
+# message when not paused.
+callStack.notPaused=Не зупинено
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (callStack.collapse): Call Stack right sidebar pane
+# message to hide some of the frames that are shown.
+callStack.collapse=Згорнути рядки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (callStack.expand): Call Stack right sidebar pane
+# message to show more of the frames.
+callStack.expand=Розгорнути рядки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The text that will appear
+# when hovering a collapsed Group of frames in the callStack panel. `frames` is
+# always plural since a group can only exist if it contain more that 1 frame.
+# %S is replaced by the name of the library of the frames in the group.
+# example: `Show React frames`.Показати фрейми %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The text that will appear
+# when hovering an expanded Group of frames in the callStack panel. `frames` is
+# always plural since a group can only exist if it contain more that 1 frame.
+# %S is replaced by the name of the library of the frames in the group.
+# example: `Collapse React frames`.Згорнути фрейми %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.searchResults1): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# Editor Search bar message to summarize the selected search result. e.g. 5 of 10 results.
+editor.searchResults1=%d результат з #1;%d результати з #1;%d результатів з #1
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.noResultsFound): Editor Search bar message
+# for when no results found.
+editor.noResultsFound=Результатів не знайдено
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.searchResults.nextResult): Editor Search bar
+# tooltip for traversing to the Next Result
+editor.searchResults.nextResult=Наступний результат
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.searchResults.prevResult): Editor Search bar
+# tooltip for traversing to the Previous Result
+editor.searchResults.prevResult=Попередній результат
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.continueToHere.label): Editor gutter context
+# menu item for jumping to a new paused location
+editor.continueToHere.label=Продовжити сюди
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.addBreakpoint): Editor gutter context menu item
+# for adding a breakpoint on a line.
+editor.addBreakpoint=Додати точку зупинки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.disableBreakpoint): Editor gutter context menu item
+# for disabling a breakpoint on a line.
+editor.disableBreakpoint=Вимкнути точку зупинки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.enableBreakpoint): Editor gutter context menu item
+# for enabling a breakpoint on a line.
+editor.enableBreakpoint=Увімкнути точку зупинки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.removeBreakpoint): Editor gutter context menu item
+# for removing a breakpoint on a line.
+editor.removeBreakpoint=Вилучити точку зупинки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.addConditionBreakpoint): Editor gutter context
+# menu item for adding a breakpoint condition on a line.
+editor.addConditionBreakpoint=Додати умову
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.editConditionBreakpoint): Editor gutter context menu item
+# for setting a breakpoint condition on a line.
+editor.editConditionBreakpoint=Змінити умову
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.addLogPoint): Editor gutter context
+# menu item for adding a log point on a line.
+editor.addLogPoint=Додати журналювання
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.editLogPoint): Editor gutter context menu item
+# for editing a log point already set on a line.
+editor.editLogPoint=Змінити журналювання
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.removeLogPoint): Context menu item for removing
+# a log point on a line.
+editor.removeLogPoint.label=Вилучити журналювання
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.conditionalPanel.placeholder2): Placeholder text for
+# input element inside ConditionalPanel component
+editor.conditionalPanel.placeholder2=Умова точки зупинки, наприклад, items.length > 0
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.conditionalPanel.logPoint.placeholder2): Placeholder text for
+# input element inside ConditionalPanel component when a log point is set
+editor.conditionalPanel.logPoint.placeholder2=Повідомлення журналу, наприклад, displayName
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.jumpToMappedLocation1): Context menu item
+# for navigating to a source mapped location
+editor.jumpToMappedLocation1=Перейти в розташування %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloadFile.label): Context menu item
+# for downloading a source's content
+downloadFile.label=Завантажити файл
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Context menu item
+# for showing the inline preview blocksПоказати вбудований попередній перегляд
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inlinePreview.hide.label): Context menu item
+# for hiding the inline preview block
+inlinePreview.hide.label=Сховати вбудований попередній перегляд
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inlinePreview.toggle.label): Context menu item
+# that will toggle display of inline preview
+inlinePreview.toggle.label=Попередній перегляд вбудованої змінної
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inlinePreview.toggle.tooltip): Context menu item
+# tooltip that will describe toggling inline preview
+inlinePreview.toggle.tooltip=Показати вбудований попередній перегляд у редакторі налагоджувача
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Context menu item
+# for showing the wrap lines blockПереносити рядки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorWrapping.hide.label): Context menu item
+# for showing the wrap lines block
+editorWrapping.hide.label=Не переносити рядки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorWrapping.toggle.label): Context menu item
+# label for toggling the lines wrapping feature
+editorWrapping.toggle.label=Переносити рядки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorWrapping.toggle.tooltip): Context menu item
+# tooltip for toggling the lines wrapping feature
+editorWrapping.toggle.tooltip=Переносити рядки в редакторі налагоджувача
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.button.label): Label for Settings button
+settings.button.label=Параметри налагодження
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.disableJavaScript.label): Context menu item
+# label for disabling JavaScript
+settings.disableJavaScript.label=Вимкнути JavaScript
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.disableJavaScript.tooltip): Context menu item
+# tooltip for disabling JavaScript
+settings.disableJavaScript.tooltip=Вимкнення JavaScript (Необхідно оновити сторінку)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.toggleSourceMaps.tooltip): Context menu item
+# tooltip for toggling the source maps feature
+settings.toggleSourceMaps.tooltip=Увімкнути карти джерел, щоб DevTools завантажував ваші оригінальні джерела на додачу до згенерованих вами
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.toggleSourceMaps.label): Context menu item
+# label for toggling the source maps feature
+settings.toggleSourceMaps.label=Карти джерел
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.hideIgnoredSources.tooltip): Context menu item
+# tooltip for hiding and showing all the ignored sources
+settings.hideIgnoredSources.tooltip=Приховує всі проігноровані джерела на панелі Джерела
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.hideIgnoredSources.label): Context menu item
+# label for hiding all ignored sources when enabled (indicated by the check mark)
+# Ignored sources will be shown when disabled (no check mark).
+settings.hideIgnoredSources.label=Сховати ігноровані джерела
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.enableSourceMapIgnoreList.tooltip): Context menu item
+# tooltip for ignoring all sources on the sourcemaps ignore list.
+# Note: x_google_ignoreList should not be translated.
+settings.enableSourceMapIgnoreList.tooltip=Ігнорує всі джерела в полі карти джерел x_google_ignoreList.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.enableSourceMapIgnoreList.label): Context menu item
+# label for ignoring all sources on the sourcemaps ignore list when enabled
+# (indicated by the check mark). The sources on the ignore list are un-ignored
+# when disabled (no check mark).
+# Note: Make sure to also keep 'sourceFooter.ignoreList' in sync when this changes
+settings.enableSourceMapIgnoreList.label=Ігнорувати відомі сторонні скрипти
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (preview.noProperties): Label shown in the preview
+# popup when there are no properties to show.
+preview.noProperties=Немає властивостей
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (framework.disableGrouping): This is the text that appears in the
+# context menu to disable framework grouping.
+framework.disableGrouping=Вимкнути групування framework
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (framework.enableGrouping): This is the text that appears in the
+# context menu to enable framework grouping.
+framework.enableGrouping=Увімкнути групування framework
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (generated): Source Map term for a server source location
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (original): Source Map term for a debugger UI source location
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (expressions.placeholder): Placeholder text for expression
+# input element
+expressions.placeholder=Додати вираз для відстеження
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (expressions.noOriginalScopes): Expressions right sidebar pane message
+# for when the`map variable names`is off and the debugger is paused in an original source
+expressions.noOriginalScopes=Зіставлення назв оригінальних змінних вимкнено. Значення виразів можуть бути неточними.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (expressions.errorMsg): Error text for expression
+# input element
+expressions.errorMsg=Неприпустимий вираз…
+expressions.label=Додати вираз для відстеження
+expressions.remove.tooltip=Вилучити вираз для спостереження
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (xhrBreakpoints.header): The pause on any XHR breakpoints headings
+xhrBreakpoints.header=Точки зупинки XHR
+xhrBreakpoints.placeholder=Зупинка, коли URL містить
+xhrBreakpoints.label=Додати точку зупинки XHR
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (xhrBreakpoints.removeAll.tooltip): For the `Remove all XHR breakpoints' button in the header of the XHR breakpoints panel
+xhrBreakpoints.removeAll.tooltip=Вилучити всі точки зупинки XHR
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (xhrBreakpoints.item.label): message displayed when reaching a breakpoint for XHR requests. %S is replaced by the path provided as condition for the breakpoint.
+xhrBreakpoints.item.label=URL містить “%S”
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pauseOnAnyXHR): The pause on any XHR checkbox description
+# when the debugger will pause on any XHR requests.
+pauseOnAnyXHR=Зупинка на будь-якому URL
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchpoints.submenu): This is the text for the watchpoints sub-menu.
+watchpoints.submenu=Перервати на…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchpoints.getWatchpoint): This is the text that appears in the
+# watchpoints sub-menu to add a "get" watchpoint on an object property.
+watchpoints.getWatchpoint=Property get
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchpoints.setWatchpoint): This is the text that appears in the
+# watchpoints submenu to add a "set" watchpoint on an object property.
+watchpoints.setWatchpoint=Property set
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchpoints.getOrSetWatchpoint): This is the text that appears in the
+# watchpoints submenu to add a "set" watchpoint on an object property.
+watchpoints.getOrSetWatchpoint=Властивість get або set
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchpoints.removeWatchpoint): This is the text that appears in the
+# context menu to delete a watchpoint on an object property.
+watchpoints.removeWatchpoint=Вилучити watchpoint
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchpoints.removeWatchpointTooltip): This is the text that appears in the
+# tooltip to delete a watchpoint on an object property.
+watchpoints.removeWatchpointTooltip=Вилучити watchpoint
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.closeTab): Editor source tab context menu item
+# for closing the selected tab below the mouse.
+sourceTabs.closeTab=Закрити вкладку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.closeOtherTabs): Editor source tab context menu item
+# for closing the other tabs.
+sourceTabs.closeOtherTabs=Закрити інші
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.closeTabsToEnd): Editor source tab context menu item
+# for closing the tabs to the end (the right for LTR languages) of the selected tab.
+sourceTabs.closeTabsToEnd=Закрити вкладки праворуч
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.closeAllTabs): Editor source tab context menu item
+# for closing all tabs.
+sourceTabs.closeAllTabs=Закрити всі вкладки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.revealInTree): Editor source tab context menu item
+# for revealing source in tree.
+sourceTabs.revealInTree=Показати в дереві
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.prettyPrint): Editor source tab context menu item
+# for pretty printing the source.
+sourceTabs.prettyPrint=Зручно форматований код
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.prettyPrint.isPrettyPrintedMessage): Tooltip text for the disabled
+# pretty print button in editor footer. This displays when the file is already pretty printed.
+sourceFooter.prettyPrint.isPrettyPrintedMessage=Неможливо якісно надрукувати, файл уже якісно надруковано
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.prettyPrint.isOriginalMessage): Tooltip text for the disabled
+# pretty print button in editor footer. This displays when the file is an original source.
+sourceFooter.prettyPrint.isOriginalMessage=Неможливо якісно надрукувати першоджерела, файл уже читабельний
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.prettyPrint.hasSourceMapMessage): Tooltip text for the disabled
+# pretty print button in editor footer. This displays when the file has a valid sourcemap with original sources.
+sourceFooter.prettyPrint.hasSourceMapMessage=Неможливо надрукувати згенеровані джерела з дійсними джерельними картами. Будь ласка, використовуйте першоджерела.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.prettyPrint.noContentMessage): Tooltip text for the disabled
+# pretty print button in editor footer. This displays when the file has no content.
+sourceFooter.prettyPrint.noContentMessage=Неможливо якісно надрукувати, у файлі немає вмісту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.prettyPrint.isNotJavascriptMessage): Tooltip text for the disabled
+# pretty print button in editor footer. This displays when the file is not JavaScript code.
+sourceFooter.prettyPrint.isNotJavascriptMessage=Неможливо якісно надрукувати, файл не є JavaScript
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.ignores): Tooltip text associated
+# with the ignores button
+sourceFooter.ignore=Ігнорувати джерело
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.unignore): Tooltip text associated
+# with the ignore button
+sourceFooter.unignore=Не ігнорувати джерело
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.ignoreList): Tooltip text associated
+# with the ignore source button when the selected source is on the ignore list
+sourceFooter.ignoreList=Це джерело в списку ігнорування. Вимкніть опцію `Ігнорувати відомі сторонні скрипти`, щоб увімкнути його.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorNotificationFooter.noOriginalScopes): The notification message displayed in the editor notification footer
+# when paused in an original file and original variable mapping is turned off
+# %S is text from the label for checkbox to show original scopes
+editorNotificationFooter.noOriginalScopes=Зіставлення назв оригінальних змінних вимкнено, тому всі вбудовані та попередні перегляди підказок вимкнено. Натисніть прапорець "%S" на панелі областей, щоб увімкнути їх.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreContextItem.ignore): Text associated
+# with the ignore context menu item
+ignoreContextItem.ignore=Ігнорувати джерело
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreContextItem.unignore): Text associated
+# with the unignore context menu item
+ignoreContextItem.unignore=Не ігнорувати джерело
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (overridesContextItem.override): Text associated
+# with the add overrides context menu item
+overridesContextItem.override=Додати перевизначення сценарію
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (overridesContextItem.removeOverride): Text associated
+# with the remove override context menu item
+overridesContextItem.removeOverride=Видалити перевизначення сценарію
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreContextItem.ignoreLine): Text associated
+# with the ignore line context menu item
+ignoreContextItem.ignoreLine=Ігнорувати рядок
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreContextItem.unignoreLine): Text associated
+# with the unignore line context menu item
+ignoreContextItem.unignoreLine=Не ігнорувати рядок
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreContextItem.ignoreLines): Text associated
+# with the ignore lines context menu item
+ignoreContextItem.ignoreLines=Ігнорувати рядки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreContextItem.unignoreLines): Text associated
+# with the unignore lines context menu item
+ignoreContextItem.unignoreLines=Не ігнорувати рядки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.mappedSource): Text associated
+# with a mapped source. %S is replaced by the source map origin.
+sourceFooter.mappedSource=(Від %S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.mappedSourceTooltip): Tooltip text associated
+# with a mapped source. %S is replaced by the source map origin.
+sourceFooter.mappedSourceTooltip=(Джерело занесене з %S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.mappedOriginalSource.title): Text associated
+# with an original source mapped to a bundle. %S is replaced by the bundle url.
+sourceFooter.mappedOriginalSource.title=З %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.mappedOriginalSource.tooltip): Tooltip text associated
+# with an original source mapped to a bundle. %S is replaced by bundle url.
+sourceFooter.mappedOriginalSource.tooltip=Відкрити пов'язаний пакет (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.mappedGeneratedSource.title): Text associated
+# with a bundled source mapped to an original source. %S is replaced by the original source url.
+sourceFooter.mappedGeneratedSource.title=До %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.mappedGeneratedSource.tooltip): Tooltip text associated
+# with a bundled source mapped to an original source. %S is replaced by the original source url.
+sourceFooter.mappedGeneratedSource.tooltip=Відкрити пов'язане оригінальне джерело (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.mappedSuffix): Text associated
+# with a mapped source. Displays next to URLs in tree and tabs.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.currentCursorPosition): Text associated
+# with the current cursor line and column
+sourceFooter.currentCursorPosition=(%S, %S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.currentCursorPosition.tooltip): Text associated
+# with the current cursor line and column
+sourceFooter.currentCursorPosition.tooltip=(Рядок %1$S, стовпчик %2$S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.closeTabButtonTooltip): The tooltip that is displayed
+# for close tab button in source tabs.
+sourceTabs.closeTabButtonTooltip=Закрити вкладку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.header): Scopes right sidebar pane header.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.notAvailable): Scopes right sidebar pane message
+# for when the debugger is paused, but there isn't pause data.
+scopes.notAvailable=Області недоступні
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.noOriginalScopes): Scopes right sidebar pane message
+# for when original variable mapping is disabled. This is only displayed when paused in an original source.
+# %S is text from the label for checkbox to show original scopes
+scopes.noOriginalScopes=Зіставлення назв оригінальних змінних вимкнено. Неможливо відобразити області. Натисніть прапорець "%S" вище, щоб увімкнути.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.loadingOriginalScopes): Scopes right sidebar pane message
+# for when the debugger is still loading the original variable mapping information.
+scopes.loadingOriginalScopes=Завантаження змінних для оригінального джерела…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.notPaused): Scopes right sidebar pane message
+# for when the debugger is not paused.
+scopes.notPaused=Не зупинено
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.mapping.label): Scopes right sidebar pane
+# tooltip for checkbox and label
+scopes.mapping.label=Зіставляти оригінальні назви змінних
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventlisteners.log.label): Event listeners tooltip for
+# checkbox and label
+eventlisteners.log.label=Журнал подій в консоль
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventlisteners.log): Checkbox label for logging events
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.helpTooltip.label): Scopes right sidebar pane
+# icon tooltip for link to MDN
+scopes.helpTooltip.label=Докладніше про області зіставлення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Checkbox label to map scopesЗіставити
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.showOriginalScopesHelpTooltip): Scopes right sidebar pane
+# icon tooltip for link to MDN
+scopes.showOriginalScopesHelpTooltip=Дізнайтеся більше про зіставлення змінних і показ оригінальних областей
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.showOriginalScopesTooltip): Scopes right sidebar pane
+# tooltip for checkbox and label
+scopes.showOriginalScopesTooltip=Показати області із зіставленими назвами змінних для оригінального джерела.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.showOriginalScopes): Checkbox label to show original scopes
+scopes.showOriginalScopes=Показати оригінальні змінні
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.block): Refers to a block of code in
+# the scopes pane when the debugger is paused.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sources.header): Sources left sidebar header
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (outline.header): Outline left sidebar header
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (search.header): Search left sidebar header
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (outline.placeholder): Placeholder text for the filter input
+# element
+outline.placeholder=Фільтр функцій
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (outline.sortLabel): Label for the sort button
+outline.sortLabel=Впорядкувати за назвою
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (outline.noFunctions): Outline text when there are no functions to display
+outline.noFunctions=Немає функції
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (outline.noFileSelected): Outline text when there are no files selected
+outline.noFileSelected=Файлу не вибрано
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Sources left sidebar prompt
+# e.g. Cmd+P to search. On a mac, we use the command unicode character.
+# On windows, it's ctrl. для пошуку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchExpressions.header): Watch Expressions right sidebar
+# pane header.
+watchExpressions.header=Вирази для відстеження
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchExpressions.refreshButton): Watch Expressions header
+# button for refreshing the expressions.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The center pane welcome panel's
+# search prompt. e.g. cmd+p to search for files. On windows, it's ctrl, on
+# a mac we use the unicode character. для пошуку файлів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (welcome.search2): The center pane welcome panel's
+# search prompt. e.g. cmd+p to search for files. On windows, it's ctrl, on
+# a mac we use the unicode character.
+welcome.search2=%S Перейти до файлу
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (welcome.findInFiles): The center pane welcome panel's
+# search prompt. e.g. cmd+f to search for files. On windows, it's ctrl+shift+f, on
+# a mac we use the unicode character.
+welcome.findInFiles=%S щоб знайти у файлах
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (welcome.findInFiles2): The center pane welcome panel's
+# search prompt. e.g. cmd+f to search for files. On windows, it's ctrl+shift+f, on
+# a mac we use the unicode character.
+welcome.findInFiles2=%S Знайти в файлах
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (welcome.allShortcuts): The label to open the modal of
+# shortcuts, displayed in the welcome panel.
+welcome.allShortcuts=Показати всі швидкі клавіші
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The center pane Source Search
+# prompt for searching for files.Пошук…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceSearch.search2): The center pane Source Search
+# prompt for searching for files.
+sourceSearch.search2=Перейти до файлу…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pauseOnExceptions): The pause on exceptions button tooltip
+# when the debugger will pause on all exceptions.
+pauseOnExceptions=Призупинятися на всіх винятках. Клацніть, щоб ігнорувати винятки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (loadingText): The text that is displayed in the script
+# editor when the loading process has started but there is no file to display
+# yet.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (wasmIsNotAvailable): The text that is displayed in the
+# script editor when the WebAssembly source is not available.
+wasmIsNotAvailable=Оновіть для налагодження цього модуля
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorLoadingText3): The text that is displayed in the debugger
+# viewer when there is an error loading a file
+errorLoadingText3=Помилка завантаження цього URI: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(gotoLineModal.placeholder): The placeholder
+# text displayed when the user searches for specific lines in a file
+gotoLineModal.placeholder=Перейти до рядка…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(gotoLineModal.title): The message shown to users
+# to open the go to line modal
+gotoLineModal.title=Перейти до номера рядка в файлі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(gotoLineModal.key3): The shortcut for opening the
+# go to line modal
+# Do not localize "Ctrl+G", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE( The placeholder
+# text displayed when the user searches for functions in a fileПошук функцій…Пошук функції в файлі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE( The placeholder
+# text displayed when the user searches for variables in a fileПошук змінних…Пошук змінної в файлі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE( The Key Shortcut for
+# searching for a function or variable
+# Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+Shift+O", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+experimental=Це експериментальна функція
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ctrl): The text that is used for documenting
+# keyboard shortcuts that use the control key
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (anonymousFunction): this string is used to display
+# JavaScript functions that have no given name - they are said to be
+# anonymous.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stacktrace.asyncStack): this string is used to
+# indicate that a given stack frame has an async parent.
+# %S is the "Async Cause" of the frame.
+stacktrace.asyncStack=(Асинхронний: %S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.toggleBreakpoint): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut action for toggling breakpoint
+shortcuts.toggleBreakpoint=Перемкнути точку зупинки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.toggleCondPanel.breakpoint): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut action for toggling conditional panel for breakpoints
+shortcuts.toggleCondPanel.breakpoint=Змінити умовну точку зупинки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.toggleCondPanel.logPoint): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut action for toggling conditional panel for log points
+shortcuts.toggleCondPanel.logPoint=Змінити точку журналювання
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.pauseOrResume): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut action for pause of resume
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.stepOver): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut action for stepping over
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.stepIn): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut action for stepping in
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.stepOut): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut action for stepping out
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.fileSearch): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut action for source file search
+shortcuts.fileSearch=Пошук вихідного файлу
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.fileSearch2): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut action for source file search
+shortcuts.fileSearch2=Перейти до файлу
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.gotoLine): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut for jumping to a specific line
+shortcuts.gotoLine=Перейти до рядка
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.projectSearch): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut action for full project search
+shortcuts.projectSearch=Пошук у всьому проєкті
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.projectSearch2): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut action for full project search
+shortcuts.projectSearch2=Знайти в файлах
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.functionSearch): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut action for function search
+shortcuts.functionSearch=Пошук функції
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.functionSearch2): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut action for function search
+shortcuts.functionSearch2=Знайти функцію
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.buttonName): text describing
+# keyboard shortcut button text
+shortcuts.buttonName=Комбінації клавіш
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesSeparatorLabel): The text that is displayed
+# in the variables list as a separator between the name and value.
+variablesViewUninitialized=(не ініціалізовано)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesDomNodeValueTooltip): The text that is displayed
+# in a tooltip on the "open in inspector" button in the the variables list for a
+# DOMNode item.
+variablesDomNodeValueTooltip=Натисніть, щоб вибрати вузол в інспекторі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesEditButtonTooltip): The text that is displayed
+# in the variables list on a getter or setter which can be edited.
+variablesEditButtonTooltip=Натисніть, щоб вказати значення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesViewErrorStacktrace): This is the text that is
+# shown before the stack trace in an error.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesViewMoreObjects): the text that is displayed
+# when you have an object preview that does not show all of the elements. At the end of the list
+# you see "N more..." in the web console output.
+# This is a semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 number of remaining items in the object
+# example: 3 more…
+variablesViewMoreObjects=ще #1…;ще #1…;ще #1…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesEditableNameTooltip): The text that is displayed
+# in the variables list on an item with an editable name.
+variablesEditableNameTooltip=Подвійне натискання, щоб редагувати
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesEditableValueTooltip): The text that is displayed
+# in the variables list on an item with an editable value.
+variablesEditableValueTooltip=Натисніть, щоб змінити значення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesCloseButtonTooltip): The text that is displayed
+# in the variables list on an item which can be removed.
+variablesCloseButtonTooltip=Натисніть, щоб вилучити
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (configurable|...|Tooltip): The text that is displayed
+# in the variables list on certain variables or properties as tooltips.
+# Explanations of what these represent can be found at the following links:
+# It's probably best to keep these in English.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.parsed): State displayed for a service
+# worker that has been parsed.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.installing): State displayed for a
+# service worker that is being installed.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.installed): State displayed for a
+# service worker that has finished being installed.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.activating): State displayed for a
+# service worker that is being activated.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.activated): State displayed for a
+# service worker that has finished being activated.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.redundant): State displayed for a
+# service worker that is redundant.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.unknown): State displayed for a
+# service worker that is in an unknown state.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30f766cf70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside Device Emulation developer
+# tools. The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in English,
+# or another language commonly spoken among web developers. You want to make
+# that choice consistent across the developer tools. A good criteria is the
+# language in which you'd find the best documentation on web development on the
+# web.
+# These strings are category names in a list of devices that a user can choose
+# to simulate (e.g. "ZTE Open C", "VIA Vixen", "720p HD Television", etc).
+device.consoles=Ігрові консоліГодинники
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4bc58fc8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the DOM panel
+# which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu -> 'DOM'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the DOM panel
+# which is available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'DOM'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dom.filterDOMPanel): A placeholder text used for
+# DOM panel search box.
+dom.filterDOMPanel=Фільтр панелі DOM
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dom.refresh): A label for Refresh button in
+# DOM panel toolbar
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a12a3768a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used in the CSS Filter Editor Widget
+# which can be found in a tooltip that appears in the Rule View when clicking
+# on a filter swatch displayed next to CSS declarations like 'filter: blur(2px)'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (emptyFilterList):
+# This string is displayed when filter's list is empty
+# (no filter specified / all removed)
+emptyFilterList=Фільтр не визначено
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (emptyPresetList):
+# This string is displayed when preset's list is empty
+emptyPresetList=Ви не маєте жодних збережених попередніх налаштувань, \
+Ви можете тримати попередні налаштування фільтрів, шляхом вибору їх назви та збереження. \
+Попередні налаштування є швидкодоступними і ви можете з легкістю повторно скористатися ними.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addUsingList):
+# This string is displayed under [emptyFilterList] when filter's
+# list is empty, guiding user to add a filter using the list below it
+addUsingList=Додайте фільтр, використовуючи список внизу
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dropShadowPlaceholder):
+# This string is used as a placeholder for drop-shadow's input
+# in the filter list (shown when <input> is empty)
+dropShadowPlaceholder=x y радіус колір
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dragHandleTooltipText):
+# This string is used as a tooltip text (shown on mouse hover) on the
+# drag handles of filters which are used to re-order filters
+dragHandleTooltipText=Перетягніть вгору чи вниз для зміни порядку фільтрів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (labelDragTooltipText):
+# This string is used as a tooltip text (shown on mouse hover) on the
+# filters' labels which can be dragged left/right to increase/decrease
+# the filter's value (like photoshop)
+labelDragTooltipText=Перетягніть вліво чи вправо для зменшення чи збільшення значення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (filterListSelectPlaceholder):
+# This string is used as a preview option in the list of possible filters
+# <select>
+filterListSelectPlaceholder=Обрати фільтр
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addNewFilterButton):
+# This string is displayed on a button used to add new filters
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newPresetPlaceholder):
+# This string is used as a placeholder in the list of presets which is used to
+# save a new preset
+newPresetPlaceholder=Назва заданого параметра
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (savePresetButton):
+# This string is displayed on a button used to save a new preset
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(presetsToggleButton):
+# This string is used in a button which toggles the presets list
+presetsToggleButton=Задані параметри
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8df3c95561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE This file contains the Font Inspector strings.
+# The Font Inspector is a panel accessible in the Inspector sidebar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.system) This label indicates that the font is a local
+# system font.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.noFontsUsedOnCurrentElement): This label is shown when
+# no fonts were used on the selected element.
+fontinspector.noFontsUsedOnCurrentElement=До цього елемента не застосовано жодного шрифту.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.copyURL): This is the text that appears in a tooltip
+# displayed when the user hovers over the copy icon next to the font URL.
+# Clicking the copy icon copies the full font URL to the user's clipboard
+fontinspector.copyURL=Копіювати URL
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.customInstanceName): Think of instances as presets
+# (groups of settings that apply in bulk to a thing). Instances have names. When the user
+# creates a new instance, it doesn't have a name. This is the text that appears as the
+# default name for a new instance. It shows up in a dropdown from which users can select
+# between predefined instances and this custom instance.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.fontInstanceLabel): This label is shown next to the UI
+# in the font editor which allows a user to select a font instance option from a
+# dropdown. An instance is like a preset. A "font instance" is the term used by the font
+# authors to mean a group of predefined font settings.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.fontSizeLabel): This label is shown next to the UI
+# in the font editor which allows the user to change the font size.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.fontWeightLabel): This label is shown next to the UI
+# in the font editor which allows the user to change the font weight.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.fontItalicLabel): This label is shown next to the UI
+# in the font editor which allows the user to change the style of the font to italic.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.showMore): Label for a collapsed list of fonts.
+fontinspector.showMore=Показати більше
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.showLess): Label for an expanded list of fonts.
+fontinspector.showLess=Показати менше
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.letterSpacingLabel): Label for the UI to change the
+# letter spacing in the font editor.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.lineHeightLabelCapitalized): Label for the UI to change the line height in the font editor.
+fontinspector.lineHeightLabelCapitalized=Висота рядка
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.allFontsOnPageHeader): Header for the section listing
+# all the fonts on the current page.
+fontinspector.allFontsOnPageHeader=Усі шрифти на сторінці
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.fontsUsedLabel): Label for the Font Editor section
+# which shows the fonts used on the selected element.
+fontinspector.fontsUsedLabel=Використані шрифти
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fontinspector.previewTextPlaceholder): Placeholder for the input
+# where the user can type text to get a preview of it using a font.
+fontinspector.previewTextPlaceholder=Текст попереднього перегляду
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7297ed386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Network Monitor
+# which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu -> 'Network Monitor'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Network Monitor
+# which is available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Network Monitor'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (har.responseBodyNotIncluded): A label used within
+# HAR file explaining that HTTP response bodies are not includes
+# in exported data.
+har.responseBodyNotIncluded=Тіла відповідей не включені.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (har.responseBodyNotIncluded): A label used within
+# HAR file explaining that HTTP request bodies are not includes
+# in exported data.
+har.requestBodyNotIncluded=Тіла запитів не включені.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4ab3d22c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Inspector
+# which is available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Inspect'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+inspector.panelLabel.markupView=Вигляд розмітки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.more.showing)
+# When there are too many nodes to load at once, we will offer to
+# show all the nodes.
+markupView.more.showing=Деякі вузли було приховано.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.more.showAll2): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+markupView.more.showAll2=Показати ще один вузол;Показати всі #1 вузли;Показати всі #1 вузлів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.whitespaceOnly.label)
+# Used in the badge that appears when whitespace-only text nodes are displayed in the
+# inspector.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.unavailableChildren.label)
+# Used in the badge that appears when the Browser Toolbox is in "parent-process"
+# mode and the markup view cannot display the children from a content browser.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.unavailableChildren.title)
+# Title for the badge that appears when the Browser Toolbox is in "parent-process"
+# mode and the markup view cannot display the children from a content browser.
+markupView.unavailableChildren.title=Дочірні елементи цього елемента недоступні з поточним режимом інструментів браузера
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.whitespaceOnly)
+# Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over whitespace-only text nodes in
+# the inspector. %S in the content will be replaced by the whitespace characters used in
+# the text node.
+markupView.whitespaceOnly=Whitespace-only текстовий вузол: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.flex.tooltiptext2)
+# Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in
+# the markup view.
+markupView.display.flex.tooltiptext2=Цей елемент поводиться як block і викладений у вмісті, згідно з моделлю flexbox. Клацніть, щоб перемкнути накладання flexbox для цього елемента.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.inlineFlex.tooltiptext2)
+# Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in
+# the markup view.
+markupView.display.inlineFlex.tooltiptext2=Цей елемент поводиться як вбудований і викладений у вмісті, згідно з моделлю flexbox. Клацніть, щоб перемкнути накладання flexbox для цього елемента.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.grid.tooltiptext2)
+# Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in
+# the markup view.
+markupView.display.grid.tooltiptext2=Цей елемент поводиться як block і викладений у вмісті, згідно з моделлю grid. Клацніть, щоб перемкнути накладання grid для цього елемента.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.inlineGrid.tooltiptext2)
+# Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in
+# the markup view.
+markupView.display.inlineGrid.tooltiptext2=Цей елемент поводиться як вбудований і викладений у вмісті, згідно з моделлю grid. Клацніть, щоб перемкнути накладання grid для цього елемента.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.subgrid.tooltiptext)
+# Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in
+# the markup view.
+markupView.display.subgrid.tooltiptiptext=Цей елемент викладає свій вміст по моделі сітки, але відкладає визначення рядків та/або стовпців до свого контейнера вищого порядку.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.flowRoot.tooltiptext)
+# Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in
+# the markup view.
+markupView.display.flowRoot.tooltiptext=Цей елемент генерує block element box, який встановлює новий контекст форматування блоку.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.display.contents.tooltiptext2)
+# Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the display type button in
+# the markup view.
+markupView.display.contents.tooltiptext2=Цей елемент не створює собою конкретний блок, але відтворює свій вміст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.event.tooltiptext)
+# Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over 'event' badge in
+# the markup view.
+markupView.event.tooltiptext=Слухач події
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.event.tooltiptext)
+# Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over 'event' badge in
+# the markup view.
+markupView.event.tooltiptext2=Натисніть, щоб показати прослуховувачі подій для цього елемента
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.custom.tooltiptext)
+# Used in a tooltip that appears when the user hovers over 'custom' badge in
+# the markup view. Only displayed on custom elements with a shadow root attached.
+markupView.custom.tooltiptext=Показати власне визначення елемента
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.newAttribute.label)
+# This is used to speak the New Attribute button when editing a tag
+# and a screen reader user tabs to it. This string is not visible onscreen.
+markupView.newAttribute.label=Новий атрибут
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.revealLink.tooltip)
+# Used as a tooltip for an icon in the markup view when displaying elements inserted in
+# <slot> nodes in a custom component. When clicking on the icon, the corresponding
+# non-slotted container will be selected
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the image preview tooltip when the image could not be loaded
+previewTooltip.image.brokenImage=Неможливо завантажити зображення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in color picker tooltip when the eyedropper is disabled for
+# non-HTML documents
+eyedropper.disabled.title=Доступно тільки для HTML документів
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the event tooltip to allow the debugger to be opened
+eventsTooltip.openInDebugger=Відкрити в налагоджувачі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the event tooltip for the toggle button.
+# Parameter is the event type (e.g. "click")
+eventsTooltip.toggleButton.label=Код прослуховувача події “%S”
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the event tooltip to allow the debugger to be opened
+eventsTooltip.openInDebugger2=Відкрити “%S” у налагоджувачі
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the event tooltip when a script's filename cannot be detected
+eventsTooltip.unknownLocation=Невідоме розташування
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the mouseover tooltip when hovering "Unknown location."
+eventsTooltip.unknownLocationExplanation=Оригінальне розташування цього слухача не може бути виявлене. Можливо, код транспільовано утилітою на зразок Babel.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Label for the checkbox in the event tooltip that toggles event listeners
+# Parameter is the event type (e.g. "click")
+eventsTooltip.toggleListenerLabel=Увімкнути прослуховувач подій “%S”
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the tooltip for Bubbling
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE: Used in the tooltip for Capturing
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Title of the iframe we use in the event tooltip to display the code of
+# the event listener. Parameter is the event type (e.g. "click")
+eventsTooltip.codeIframeTitle=Код прослуховувача події “%S”
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (allTabsMenuButton.tooltip): The tooltip that gets
+# displayed when hovering over the tabs overflow button.
+allTabsMenuButton.tooltip=Показати всі вкладки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.showThreePaneMode): This is the tooltip for the button
+# that toggles on the 3 pane inspector mode.
+inspector.showThreePaneMode=Увімкнути на 3-панельний інспектор
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.hideThreePaneMode): This is the tooltip for the button
+# that toggles off the 3 pane inspector mode.
+inspector.hideThreePaneMode=Вимкнути 3-панельний інспектор
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.searchResultsCount2): This is the label that
+# will show up next to the inspector search box. %1$S is the current result
+# index and %2$S is the total number of search results. For example: "3 of 9".
+# This won't be visible until the search box is updated in Bug 835896.
+inspector.searchResultsCount2=%1$S з %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.searchResultsNone): This is the label that
+# will show up next to the inspector search box when no matches were found
+# for the given string.
+# This won't be visible until the search box is updated in Bug 835896.
+inspector.searchResultsNone=Немає збігів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label of
+# a menu item in the inspector contextual-menu that appears when the user right-
+# clicks on the attribute of a node in the inspector that is a URL, and that
+# allows to open that URL in a new tab.Відкрити посилання в новій вкладці
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# of a menu item in the inspector contextual-menu that appears when the user
+# right-clicks on the attribute of a node in the inspector that is a URL, and
+# that allows to copy that URL in the clipboard.Копіювати адресу посилання
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label of a
+# menu item in the inspector contextual-menu that appears when the user right-
+# clicks on the attribute of a node in the inspector that is the ID of another
+# element in the DOM (like with <label for="input-id">), and that allows to
+# select that element in the inspector.Вибрати елемент #%S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorEditAttribute.label): This is the label of a
+# sub-menu "Attribute" in the inspector contextual-menu that appears
+# when the user right-clicks on the node in the inspector, and that allows
+# to edit an attribute on this node.
+inspectorEditAttribute.label=Змінити атрибут %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorRemoveAttribute.label): This is the label of a
+# sub-menu "Attribute" in the inspector contextual-menu that appears
+# when the user right-clicks on the attribute of a node in the inspector,
+# and that allows to remove this attribute.
+inspectorRemoveAttribute.label=Вилучити атрибут %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorCopyAttributeValue.label): This is the label of a
+# sub-menu "Attribute" in the inspector contextual-menu that appears
+# when the user right-clicks on the attribute of a node in the inspector,
+# and that allows to copy the attribute value to clipboard.
+inspectorCopyAttributeValue.label=Копіювати значення атрибуту “%S”
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.nodePreview.highlightNodeLabel):
+# This string is displayed in a tooltip that is shown when hovering over a the
+# inspector icon displayed next to a DOM node preview (e.g. next to something
+# like "").
+# DOM node previews can be displayed in places like the animation-inspector, the
+# console or the object inspector.
+# The tooltip invites the user to click on the icon in order to highlight the
+# node in the page.
+inspector.nodePreview.highlightNodeLabel=Натисніть для підсвічення цього вузла на сторінці
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorHTMLEdit.label): This is the label shown
+# in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users edit the
+# (outer) HTML of the current node
+inspectorXMLEdit.label=Редагувати як XML
+inspectorHTMLEdit.label=Редагувати як HTML
+inspectorSVGEdit.label=Редагувати як SVG
+inspectorMathMLEdit.label=Редагувати як MathML
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorCopyInnerHTML.label): This is the label shown
+# in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users copy the
+# inner HTML of the current node
+inspectorCopyInnerHTML.label=Внутрішній HTML
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorCopyOuterHTML.label): This is the label shown
+# in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users copy the
+# outer HTML of the current node
+inspectorCopyOuterHTML.label=Зовнішній HTML
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorCopyCSSSelector.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users copy
+# the CSS Selector of the current node
+inspectorCopyCSSSelector.label=CSS селектор
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorCopyCSSPath.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users copy
+# the full CSS path of the current node
+inspectorCopyCSSPath.label=CSS шлях
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorCopyXPath.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users copy
+# the XPath of the current node
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorPasteOuterHTML.label): This is the label shown
+# in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users paste outer
+# HTML in the current node
+inspectorPasteOuterHTML.label=Зовнішній HTML
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorPasteInnerHTML.label): This is the label shown
+# in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users paste inner
+# HTML in the current node
+inspectorPasteInnerHTML.label=Внутрішній HTML
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorHTMLPasteBefore.label): This is the label shown
+# in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users paste
+# the HTML before the current node
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorHTMLPasteAfter.label): This is the label shown
+# in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users paste
+# the HTML after the current node
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorHTMLPasteFirstChild.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users paste
+# the HTML as the first child the current node
+inspectorHTMLPasteFirstChild.label=Як першого нащадка
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorHTMLPasteLastChild.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users paste
+# the HTML as the last child the current node
+inspectorHTMLPasteLastChild.label=Як останнього нащадка
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorScrollNodeIntoView.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users scroll
+# the current node into view
+inspectorScrollNodeIntoView.label=Прокрутити у вигляд
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorHTMLDelete.label): This is the label shown in
+# the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users delete the
+# current node
+inspectorHTMLDelete.label=Видалити вузол
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorAttributesSubmenu.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the sub-menu of the other
+# attribute items, which allow to:
+# - add new attribute
+# - edit attribute
+# - remove attribute
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorAddAttribute.label): This is the label shown in
+# the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users add attribute
+# to current node
+inspectorAddAttribute.label=Додати атрибут
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorPseudoClassSubmenu.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the sub-menu of the pseudo-classes.
+inspectorPseudoClassSubmenu.label=Змінити псевдо-клас
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorBreakpointSubmenu.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the sub-menu of the DOM breakpoints.
+inspectorBreakpointSubmenu.label=Перервати на…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorSubtreeModification.label): This is the label shown
+# in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users add a DOM breakpoint
+# for subtree modification.
+inspectorSubtreeModification.label=Модифікація піддерева
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorAttributeModification.label): This is the label shown
+# in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users add a DOM breakpoint
+# for attribute modification.
+inspectorAttributeModification.label=Зміна атрибутів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorNodeRemoval.label): This is the label shown
+# in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users add a DOM breakpoint
+# for node removal.
+inspectorNodeRemoval.label=Видалення вузлів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorSearchHTML.label3): This is the label that is
+# shown as the placeholder for the markup view search in the inspector.
+inspectorSearchHTML.label3=Пошук в HTML
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorImageDataUri.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users copy
+# the URL embedding the image data encoded in Base 64 (what we name
+# here Image Data URL). For more information:
+inspectorImageDataUri.label=URL даних зображення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorShowDOMProperties.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users see
+# the DOM properties of the current node. When triggered, this item
+# opens the split Console and displays the properties in its side panel.
+inspectorShowDOMProperties.label=Показати властивості DOM
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorShowAccessibilityProperties.label): This is the
+# label shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users see
+# the accessibility tree and accessibility properties of the current node.
+# When triggered, this item opens accessibility panel and selects an accessible
+# object for the given node.
+inspectorShowAccessibilityProperties.label=Показати властивості підтримки доступності
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorUseInConsole.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that outputs a
+# variable for the current node to the console. When triggered,
+# this item opens the split Console.
+inspectorUseInConsole.label=Використати в консолі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorExpandNode.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for recursively expanding
+# mark-up elements
+inspectorExpandNode.label=Розгорнути все
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorCollapseAll.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for recursively collapsing
+# mark-up elements
+inspectorCollapseAll.label=Згорнути все
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorScreenshotNode.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users take
+# a screenshot of the currently selected node.
+inspectorScreenshotNode.label=Знімок вузла
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorDuplicateNode.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the item that lets users
+# duplicate the currently selected node.
+inspectorDuplicateNode.label=Дублікат вузла
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorAddNode.label): This is the label shown in
+# the inspector toolbar for the button that lets users add elements to the
+# DOM (as children of the currently selected element).
+inspectorAddNode.label=Створити новий вузол
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorCopyHTMLSubmenu.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the sub-menu of the other
+# copy items, which allow to:
+# - Copy Inner HTML
+# - Copy Outer HTML
+# - Copy Unique selector
+# - Copy Image data URI
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorPasteHTMLSubmenu.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for the sub-menu of the other
+# paste items, which allow to:
+# - Paste Inner HTML
+# - Paste Outer HTML
+# - Before
+# - After
+# - As First Child
+# - As Last Child
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorCustomElementDefinition.label): This is the label
+# shown in the inspector contextual-menu for custom elements to which a shadow root has
+# been attached. Clicking on the menu item will open the Debugger on the custom element
+# definition location.
+inspectorCustomElementDefinition.label=Показати власний елемент
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.searchHTML.key):
+# Key shortcut used to focus the DOM element search box on top-right corner of
+# the markup view
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.hide.key):
+# Key shortcut used to hide the selected node in the markup view.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.edit.key):
+# Key shortcut used to hide the selected node in the markup view.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.scrollInto.key):
+# Key shortcut used to scroll the webpage in order to ensure the selected node
+# is visible
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.sidebar.fontInspectorTitle):
+# This is the title shown in a tab in the side panel of the Inspector panel
+# that corresponds to the tool displaying the list of fonts used in the page.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.sidebar.changesViewTitle):
+# Title of the Changes sidebar tab shown in the Inspector panel. The Changes panel shows
+# style changes made using DevTools.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.sidebar.ruleViewTitle):
+# This is the title shown in a tab in the side panel of the Inspector panel
+# that corresponds to the tool displaying the list of CSS rules used
+# in the page.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.sidebar.computedViewTitle):
+# This is the title shown in a tab in the side panel of the Inspector panel
+# that corresponds to the tool displaying the list of computed CSS values
+# used in the page.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.sidebar.layoutViewTitle2):
+# This is the title shown in a tab in the side panel of the Inspector panel
+# that corresponds to the tool displaying layout information defined in the page.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.sidebar.animationInspectorTitle):
+# This is the title shown in a tab in the side panel of the Inspector panel
+# that corresponds to the tool displaying animations defined in the page.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.sidebar.compatibilityViewTitle):
+# This is the title shown in a tab in the side panel of the Inspector panel
+# that corresponds to the tool displaying web compatibility information about the page.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.eyedropper.label): A string displayed as the tooltip of
+# a button in the inspector which toggles the Eyedropper tool
+inspector.eyedropper.label=Захопити колір зі сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.breadcrumbs.label): A string visible only to a screen reader and
+# is used to label (using aria-label attribute) a container for inspector breadcrumbs
+inspector.breadcrumbs.label=Послідовна навігація
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.browserStyles.label): This is the label for the checkbox
+# that specifies whether the styles that are not from the user's stylesheet should be
+# displayed or not.
+inspector.browserStyles.label=Стилі браузера
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.filterStyles.label): This is the label for the search box
+inspector.filterStyles.label=Фільтр стилів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.filterStyles.placeholder): This is the placeholder that
+# goes in the search box when no search term has been entered.
+inspector.filterStyles.placeholder=Фільтр стилів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.filterStylesClearButton.title): This is the title
+# for the search box clear button displayed when the input is not empty.
+inspector.filterStylesClearButton.title = Очистити введене до фільтра
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.addRule.tooltip): This is the tooltip shown when
+# hovering the `Add new rule` button in the rules view toolbar. This should
+# match ruleView.contextmenu.addNewRule in
+inspector.addRule.tooltip=Додати нове правило
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.togglePseudo.tooltip): This is the tooltip
+# shown when hovering over the `Toggle Pseudo Class Panel` button in the
+# rule view toolbar.
+inspector.togglePseudo.tooltip=Перемкнути псевдокласи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.classPanel.toggleClass.tooltip): This is the tooltip
+# shown when hovering over the `Toggle Class Panel` button in the
+# rule view toolbar.
+inspector.classPanel.toggleClass.tooltip=Перемкнути класи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.classPanel.newClass.placeholder): This is the placeholder
+# shown inside the text field used to add a new class in the rule-view.
+inspector.classPanel.newClass.placeholder=Додати новий клас
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.classPanel.noClasses): This is the text displayed in the
+# class panel when the current element has no classes applied.
+inspector.classPanel.noClasses=На цьому елементі немає класів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.noProperties): In the case where there are no CSS
+# properties to display e.g. due to search criteria this message is
+# displayed.
+inspector.noProperties=Не знайдено жодної властивості CSS.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.printSimulation.tooltip):
+# This is the tooltip of the print simulation button in the Rule View toolbar
+# that toggles print simulation.
+inspector.printSimulation.tooltip = Перемкнути симуляцію друку для сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.colorSchemeSimulationLight.tooltip):
+# This is the tooltip of the light color scheme simulation button in the Rule View
+# toolbar that toggles light color scheme simulation.
+inspector.colorSchemeSimulationLight.tooltip=Перемкнути симуляцію світлої схеми кольорів для сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.colorSchemeSimulationDark.tooltip):
+# This is the tooltip of the dark color scheme simulation button in the Rule View
+# toolbar that toggles dark color scheme simulation.
+inspector.colorSchemeSimulationDark.tooltip=Перемкнути симуляцію темної схеми кольорів для сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.scrollableBadge.label): This is the text displayed inside a
+# badge, in the inspector, next to nodes that are scrollable in the page.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.scrollableBadge.tooltip): This is the tooltip that is displayed
+# when hovering over badges next to scrollable elements in the inspector.
+markupView.scrollableBadge.tooltip=Цей елемент має вміст, що прокручується.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.scrollableBadge.interactive.tooltip): This is the tooltip that is displayed
+# when hovering over interactive badges next to scrollable elements in the inspector.
+markupView.scrollableBadge.interactive.tooltip=Цей елемент має накладання прокручування. Клацніть, щоб виявити елементи, що спричиняють накладання.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.overflowBadge.label): This is the text displayed inside a
+# badge, in the inspector, next to nodes that are causing overflow in other elements.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (markupView.overflowBadge.tooltip): This is the tooltip that is displayed
+# when hovering over badges next to overflow causing elements in the inspector.
+markupView.overflowBadge.tooltip=Цей елемент призвів до переповнення елемента.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rulePreviewTooltip.noAssociatedRule): This is the text displayed inside
+# the RulePreviewTooltip when a rule cannot be found for a CSS property declaration.
+rulePreviewTooltip.noAssociatedRule=Немає пов'язаного правила
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (colorPickerTooltip.contrastAgainstBgTitle): A title text for the
+# contrast ratio value description that labels the background the color contrast ratio is calculated
+# against, used together with the actual background color. %S in the content will be replaced by a
+# span (containing bg color swatch) and textNode (containing bg color hex string) at run time
+colorPickerTooltip.contrastAgainstBgTitle=Розраховано врозріз тла: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (colorPickerTooltip.spectrumDraggerTitle): A title text for the
+# spectrum dragger panel in the color picker tooltip.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (colorPickerTooltip.eyedropperTitle): A title text for the
+# eyedropper in the color picker tooltip.
+colorPickerTooltip.eyedropperTitle=Обрати колір на сторінці
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (colorPickerTooltip.colorNameTitle): A title text for the
+# closest color name shown in the color picker tooltip, used together with the actual color.
+# %S in the content will be replaced by the color name the current color is closest to.
+colorPickerTooltip.colorNameTitle=Найближче до: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (colorPickerTooltip.hueSliderTitle): A title text for the
+# hue slider in the color picker tooltip.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (colorPickerTooltip.alphaSliderTitle): A title text for the
+# alpha slider in the color picker tooltip.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (colorPickerTooltip.contrast.large.title): A title text for the color
+# contrast ratio description in the color picker tooltip, used together with the specification
+# that the color contrast criteria used is for large text. %S in the content will be replaced by a
+# large text indicator span at run time.
+colorPickerTooltip.contrast.large.title=Контраст %S:
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used in the JSON View tool
+# that is used to inspect application/json document types loaded
+# in the browser.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE The correct localization of this file might be to keep it
+# in English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best documentation
+# on web development on the web.
+# Label for a panel tab.Необроблені даніЗаголовки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonViewer.responseHeaders, jsonViewer.requestHeaders):
+# Label for header groups within the 'Headers' panel.
+jsonViewer.responseHeaders=Заголовки відповіді
+jsonViewer.requestHeaders=Заголовки запиту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonViewer.Save): Label for save command
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonViewer.Copy): Label for clipboard copy command
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonViewer.ExpandAll): Label for expanding all nodes
+jsonViewer.ExpandAll=Розгорнути все
+jsonViewer.ExpandAllSlow=Розгорнути все (повільне розгортання)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonViewer.CollapseAll): Label for collapsing all nodes
+jsonViewer.CollapseAll=Згорнути все
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonViewer.PrettyPrint): Label for JSON
+# pretty print action button.
+jsonViewer.PrettyPrint=Гарний друк
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonViewer.filterJSON): Label used in search box
+# at the top right cornder of the JSON Viewer.
+jsonViewer.filterJSON=Фільтр JSON
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE This file contains the Layout Inspector strings.
+# The Layout Inspector is a panel accessible in the Inspector sidebar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.header): The accordion header for the Flexbox panel when
+# no flex container or item is selected.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.backButtonLabel): The spoken label for the button
+# that returns from the display of a flex item to the flex item list.
+# This label is spoken by screen readers, not displayed on screen.
+flexbox.backButtonLabel=Назад до контейнера Flex
+# LOCALIZATION (flexbox.flexContainer): The accordion header for the Flexbox panel
+# when a flex container is selected.
+flexbox.flexContainer=Flex Container
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE) (flexbox.flexItemOf): The accordion header for the Flexbox panel
+# when a flex item is selected. %s represents the flex container selector.
+flexbox.flexItemOf=Flex елемент %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.noFlexboxeOnThisPage): In the case where there are no CSS
+# flex containers to display.
+flexbox.noFlexboxeOnThisPage=Для продовження оберіть контейнер Flex чи елемент.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.flexItems): Header label displayed for the flex item list.
+flexbox.flexItems=Елементи Flex
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.noFlexItems): Label shown in the flex items list section if
+# there are no flex items for the flex container to display.
+flexbox.noFlexItems=Немає flex-елементів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.itemSizing.baseSizeSectionHeader): Header label displayed
+# at the start of the flex item sizing Base Size section.
+flexbox.itemSizing.baseSizeSectionHeader=Основний розмір
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.itemSizing.flexibilitySectionHeader): Header label displayed
+# at the start of the flex item sizing Flexibility section.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.itemSizing.minSizeSectionHeader): Header label displayed
+# at the start of the flex item sizing Minimum Size section.
+flexbox.itemSizing.minSizeSectionHeader=Мінімальний розмір
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.itemSizing.maxSizeSectionHeader): Header label displayed at
+# the start of the flex item sizing Maximum Size section.
+flexbox.itemSizing.maxSizeSectionHeader=Максимальний розмір
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.itemSizing.finalSizeSectionHeader): Header label displayed at
+# the start of the flex item sizing Final Size section.
+flexbox.itemSizing.finalSizeSectionHeader=Остаточний розмір
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.itemSizing.itemContentSize): Label shown in the flex item
+# sizing panel. It tells users that a given item’s base size was calculated from its
+# content size when unconstrained.
+flexbox.itemSizing.itemContentSize=Розмір вмісту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.itemSizing.clampedToMax): Label shown in the flexbox item
+# sizing panel. It tells users that a given item attempted to grow but ended up being
+# clamped to a smaller max size.
+# (Note that clamp is a common word in flexbox terminology. It refers to constraining an
+# item's size to some defined min/max-width/height set on the element, even though there
+# might have been room for it to grow, or reason for it to shrink more).
+flexbox.itemSizing.clampedToMax=Елемент було закріплено до максимального розміру.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.itemSizing.clampedToMin): Label shown in the flexbox item
+# sizing panel. It tells users that a given item attempted to grow but ended up being
+# clamped to a larger min size.
+# (Note that clamp is a common word in flexbox terminology. It refers to constraining an
+# item's size to some defined min/max-width/height set on the element, even though there
+# might have been room for it to grow, or reason for it to shrink more).
+flexbox.itemSizing.clampedToMin=Елемент було закріплено до мінімального розміру.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.itemSizing.setToGrow): Label shown in the flex item sizing
+# panel. It tells users that a given item was set to grow.
+flexbox.itemSizing.setToGrow=Елемент налаштовано на збільшення.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.itemSizing.setToShrink): Label shown in the flexbox item
+# sizing panel. It tells users that a given item was set to shrink.
+flexbox.itemSizing.setToShrink=Елемент налаштовано на зменшення.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.itemSizing.notSetToGrow): Label shown in the
+# flexbox item sizing panel. It tells users that a given item was not set to grow, even
+# though there might have been space on the flex line for it to grow.
+flexbox.itemSizing.notSetToGrow=Елемент не було налаштовано на збільшення.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.itemSizing.notSetToShrink): Label shown in the
+# flexbox item sizing panel. It tells users that a given item did not shrink even though
+# there might not have been enough space on the flex line for all items to fit.
+flexbox.itemSizing.notSetToShrink=Елемент не було встановлено на зменшення.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (flexbox.togglesFlexboxHighlighter2): The tooltip text for the Flexbox
+# toggle button.
+flexbox.togglesFlexboxHighlighter2=Перемкнути підсвічування Flexbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (layout.overlayCheckbox.label): Label used for checkboxes in the grid
+# sections of the layout panel that control the display of the grid highlighter.
+layout.toggleGridHighlighter=Перемкнути підсвічування сітки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (layout.cannotShowGridOutline, layout.cannotSHowGridOutline.title):
+# In the case where the grid outline cannot be effectively displayed.
+layout.cannotShowGridOutline=Не вдається показати структуру для цієї сітки
+layout.cannotShowGridOutline.title=Обрану структуру сітки неможливо ефективно помістити всередину панелі її розмітки, щоб вона була зручною.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (layout.displayAreaNames): Label of the display area names setting
+# option in the CSS Grid panel.
+layout.displayAreaNames=Показувати назви областей
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (layout.displayLineNumbers): Label of the display line numbers
+# setting option in the CSS Grid panel.
+layout.displayLineNumbers=Показувати номери рядків
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (layout.extendLinesInfinitely): Label of the extend lines
+# infinitely setting option in the CSS Grid panel.
+layout.extendLinesInfinitely=Розтягувати рядки нескінченно
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (layout.header): The accordion header for the CSS Grid panel.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (layout.gridDisplaySettings): The header for the grid display
+# settings container in the CSS Grid panel.
+layout.gridDisplaySettings=Налаштування сітки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (layout.noGridsOnThisPage): In the case where there are no CSS grid
+# containers to display.
+layout.noGridsOnThisPage=CSS-сітка не використовується на цій сторінці
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (layout.overlayGrid): Alternate header for the list of grid container
+# elements if only one item can be selected.
+layout.overlayGrid=Накладати сітку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (layout.colorSwatch.tooltip): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a color swatch in the layout panel (for flexbox/grid highlighter color).
+# %s represents the current selected color in hex format (e.g. #FF0000).
+layout.colorSwatch.tooltip=Зразок кольору: %S. Натисніть, щоб відкрити панель вибору кольорів
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..afa0010510
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@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Memory Tools
+# which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu -> 'Memory'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Memory Tools
+# which is available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Memory'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The label for the link that saves a
+# snapshot to disk.Зберегти
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The label for the link that deletes
+# a snapshotВидалити
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The title for the window
+# displayed when saving a snapshot to disk.Зберегти знімок Купи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The title for the window
+# displayed when importing a snapshot form disk.Імпортувати знімок Купи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The title for the filter used to
+# filter file types (*.fxsnapshot)Знімки Куп Firefox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (aggregate.mb): The label annotating the number of bytes (in
+# megabytes) in a snapshot. %S represents the value, rounded to 2 decimal
+# points.
+aggregate.mb=%S МБ
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot-title.loading): The title for a snapshot before
+# it has a creation time to display.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (checkbox.recordAllocationStacks): The label describing the
+# boolean checkbox whether or not to record call stacks.
+checkbox.recordAllocationStacks=Запис алокації стеків
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (checkbox.recordAllocationStacks.tooltip): The tooltip for
+# the label describing the boolean checkbox whether or not to record call
+# stacks.
+checkbox.recordAllocationStacks.tooltip=Перемикання записів розміщень в стеках. Наступні знімки купи будуть мати змогу помічати і групувати об'єкти, створені в той час, коли запис розміщень стеків активний за їх розміщенням в стеках. Запис розміщень в стеках призводить до втрати швидкодії.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.displayBy): The label describing the select menu
+# options of the display options.
+toolbar.displayBy=Групувати за:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.displayBy.tooltip): The tooltip for the label
+# describing the select menu options of the display options.
+toolbar.displayBy.tooltip=Змінити спосіб групування об'єктів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.pop-view): The text in the button to go back to the
+# previous view.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.pop-view.label): The text for the label for the
+# button to go back to the previous view.
+toolbar.pop-view.label=Повернутися до підсумків
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.viewing-individuals): The text letting the user
+# know that they are viewing individual nodes from a census group.
+toolbar.viewing-individuals=⁂ Перегляд окремих в групі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (censusDisplays.coarseType.tooltip): The tooltip for the
+# "coarse type" display option.
+censusDisplays.coarseType.tooltip=Групувати елементи за їхнім типом
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (censusDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip): The tooltip for
+# the "call stack" display option.
+censusDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip=Групувати елементи за стеком JavaScript, записаним під час розміщення об'єкту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (censusDisplays.invertedAllocationStack.tooltip): The
+# tooltip for the "inverted call stack" display option.
+censusDisplays.invertedAllocationStack.tooltip=Групувати елементи за інвертованим стеком виклику JavaScript, записаним під час створення об'єкту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.labelBy): The label describing the select menu
+# options of the label options.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.labelBy): The tooltip for the label describing the
+# select menu options of the label options.
+toolbar.labelBy.tooltip=Зміна способу відміток об'єктів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTreeDisplays.coarseType.tooltip): The tooltip for
+# the "coarse type" dominator tree display option.
+dominatorTreeDisplays.coarseType.tooltip=Відмічати об'єкти за загальними категоріями, яким вони відповідають
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTreeDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip): The
+# tooltip for the "call stack" dominator tree display option.
+dominatorTreeDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip=Відмічати об'єкти за стеком JavaScript, записаним під час їх розміщення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (treeMapDisplays.coarseType.tooltip): The tooltip for
+# the "coarse type" tree map display option.
+treeMapDisplays.coarseType.tooltip=Відмічати об'єкти за загальними категоріями, яким вони відповідають
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view): The label for the view selector in the
+# toolbar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.tooltip): The tooltip for the label for the
+# view selector in the toolbar.
+toolbar.view.tooltip=Змінити вигляд купи знімків
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.census): The label for the census view option
+# in the toolbar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.census.tooltip): The tooltip for the label for
+# the census view option in the toolbar.
+toolbar.view.census.tooltip=Переглянути стислий виклад вмісту знімка купи шляхом об'єднання об'єктів в групи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.dominators): The label for the dominators view
+# option in the toolbar.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.dominators.tooltip): The tooltip for the label
+# for the dominators view option in the toolbar.
+toolbar.view.dominators.tooltip=Переглянути дерево домінатора і виявлення найбільших структур в знімку купи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.treemap): The label for the tree map option
+# in the toolbar.
+toolbar.view.treemap=Карта дерева
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbar.view.treemap.tooltip): The tooltip for the label for
+# the tree map view option in the toolbar.
+toolbar.view.treemap.tooltip=Візуалізувати використання пам'яті: більші блоки вказують на більше використання пам'яті
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (take-snapshot): The label describing the button that
+# initiates taking a snapshot, either as the main label, or a tooltip.
+take-snapshot=Зробити знімок
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (import-snapshot): The label describing the button that
+# initiates importing a snapshot.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clear-snapshots.tooltip): The tooltip for the button that
+# deletes existing snapshot.
+clear-snapshots.tooltip=Видалити всі знімки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diff-snapshots.tooltip): The tooltip for the button that
+# initiates selecting two snapshots to diff with each other.
+diff-snapshots.tooltip=Порівняти знімки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (filter.placeholder): The placeholder text used for the
+# memory tool's filter search box.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (filter.tooltip): The tooltip text used for the memory
+# tool's filter search box.
+filter.tooltip=Фільтр вмісту знімку купи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.view-individuals.tooltip): The tooltip for the
+# button to view individuals in this group.
+tree-item.view-individuals.tooltip=Перегляд індивідуальних вузлів у цій групі та шляхів, які їх утримують
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.load-more): The label for the links to fetch the
+# lazily loaded sub trees in the dominator tree view.
+tree-item.load-more=Завантажити ще…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.rootlist): The label for the root of the
+# dominator tree.
+tree-item.rootlist=GC коріння
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.nostack): The label describing the row in the heap tree
+# that represents a row broken down by call stack when no stack was available.
+tree-item.nostack=(немає доступного стека)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.nofilename): The label describing the row in the
+# heap tree that represents a row broken down by filename when no filename was
+# available.
+tree-item.nofilename=(ім'я файлу недоступне)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.root): The label describing the row in the heap tree
+# that represents the root of the tree when inverted.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-item.percent2): A percent of bytes or count displayed in the tree view.
+# there are two "%" after %S to escape and display "%"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.baseline): The name of the baseline snapshot in a
+# diffing comparison.
+diffing.baseline=Основна лінія
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.comparison): The name of the snapshot being
+# compared to the baseline in a diffing comparison.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.prompt.selectBaseline): The prompt to select the
+# first snapshot when doing a diffing comparison.
+diffing.prompt.selectBaseline=Виберіть знімок основної лінії
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.prompt.selectComparison): The prompt to select the
+# second snapshot when doing a diffing comparison.
+diffing.prompt.selectComparison=Оберіть знімок для порівняння з основною лінією
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.error): The label describing the diffing
+# state ERROR, used in the snapshot list when an error occurs while diffing two
+# snapshots.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.error.full): The text describing the diffing
+# state ERROR, used in the main view when an error occurs while diffing two
+# snapshots.
+diffing.state.error.full=Сталася помилка під час порівняння знімків
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.taking-diff): The label describing the diffin
+# state TAKING_DIFF, used in the snapshots list when computing the difference
+# between two snapshots.
+diffing.state.taking-diff=Обчислення різниці…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.taking-diff.full): The label describing the
+# diffing state TAKING_DIFF, used in the main view when computing the difference
+# between two snapshots.
+diffing.state.taking-diff.full=Обчислення різниці…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.selecting): The label describing the diffing
+# state SELECTING.
+diffing.state.selecting=Оберіть два знімки для порівняння
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (diffing.state.selecting.full): The label describing the
+# diffing state SELECTING, used in the main view when selecting snapshots to
+# diff.
+diffing.state.selecting.full=Виберіть два знімки для порівняння
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.computing): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state COMPUTING.
+dominatorTree.state.computing=Обчислення домінаторів…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.computing): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state COMPUTING, used in the dominator tree view.
+dominatorTree.state.computing.full=Обчислення дерев домінаторів…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.fetching): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state FETCHING.
+dominatorTree.state.fetching=Обчислення розміру…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.fetching): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state FETCHING, used in the dominator tree view.
+dominatorTree.state.fetching.full=Обчислення збережених розмірів…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.incrementalFetching): The label
+# describing the dominator tree state INCREMENTAL_FETCHING.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.incrementalFetching): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state INCREMENTAL_FETCHING, used in the dominator tree view.
+dominatorTree.state.incrementalFetching.full=Отримання піддерева…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.error): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state ERROR.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatorTree.state.error): The label describing the
+# dominator tree state ERROR, used in the dominator tree view.
+dominatorTree.state.error.full=Виникла помилка при обробці домінаторного дерева
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving.full): The label describing the
+# snapshot state SAVING, used in the main heap view.
+snapshot.state.saving.full=Збереження знімку…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.reading.full): The label describing the
+# snapshot state READING, and SAVED, due to these states being combined
+# visually, used in the main heap view.
+snapshot.state.reading.full=Читання знімку…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving-census.full): The label describing
+# the snapshot state SAVING, used in the main heap view.
+snapshot.state.saving-census.full=Збереження перепису…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving-tree-map.full): The label describing
+# the snapshot state SAVING, used in the main heap view.
+snapshot.state.saving-tree-map.full=Збереження карти дерева…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.error.full): The label describing the
+# snapshot state ERROR, used in the main heap view.
+snapshot.state.error.full=Виникла помилка при обробці цього знімку.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.state.error): The short message displayed when
+# there is an error fetching individuals from a group.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.state.error.full): The longer message displayed
+# when there is an error fetching individuals from a group.
+individuals.state.error.full=Виникла помилка при отриманні окремих вузлів у групі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.state.fetching): The short message displayed
+# while fetching individuals.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.state.fetching.full): The longer message
+# displayed while fetching individuals.
+individuals.state.fetching.full=Отримання окремих в групі…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.field.node): The header label for an individual
+# node.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (individuals.field.node.tooltip): The tooltip for the header
+# label for an individual node.
+individuals.field.node.tooltip=Окремий вузол в знімку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving): The label describing the snapshot
+# state SAVING, used in the snapshot list view
+snapshot.state.saving=Збереження знімку…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.importing): The label describing the
+# snapshot state IMPORTING, used in the snapshot list view
+snapshot.state.importing=Імпорт знімку…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.reading): The label describing the snapshot
+# state READING, and SAVED, due to these states being combined visually, used in
+# the snapshot list view.
+snapshot.state.reading=Читання знімку…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving-census): The label describing the
+# snapshot state SAVING, used in snapshot list view.
+snapshot.state.saving-census=Збереження перепису…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.saving-census): The label describing the
+# snapshot state SAVING, used in snapshot list view.
+snapshot.state.saving-tree-map=Збереження карти дерева…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (snapshot.state.error): The label describing the snapshot
+# state ERROR, used in the snapshot list view.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Message displayed when there is no
+# difference between two snapshots.Немає відмінностей між основним і порівнюваним.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.none-match): Message displayed when there are no
+# matches when filtering.
+heapview.none-match=Немає збігів.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.none-match): Message displayed when there report
+# is empty.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.noAllocationStacks): The message displayed to
+# users when selecting a display by "call stack" but no call stacks
+# were recorded in the heap snapshot.
+heapview.noAllocationStacks=Не знайдено алокації стеків. Запис алокації стеків перед створенням знімку купи.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.retainedSize): The name of the column in the
+# dominator tree view for retained byte sizes.
+heapview.field.retainedSize=Нерозподілений розмір (байт)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.retainedSize.tooltip): The tooltip for the
+# column header in the dominator tree view for retained byte sizes.
+heapview.field.retainedSize.tooltip=Сума об'єму пам'яті власне об'єкту, а також об'ємів пам'яті всіх інших підтримуваних ним об'єктів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.shallowSize): The name of the column in the
+# dominator tree view for shallow byte sizes.
+heapview.field.shallowSize=Малий розмір (байт)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.shallowSize.tooltip): The tooltip for the
+# column header in the dominator tree view for shallow byte sizes.
+heapview.field.shallowSize.tooltip=Об'єм пам'яті власне об'єкту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatortree.field.label): The name of the column in the
+# dominator tree for an object's label.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dominatortree.field.label.tooltip): The tooltip for the column
+# header in the dominator tree view for an object's label.
+dominatortree.field.label.tooltip=Мітка для об'єкту в купі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.bytes): The name of the column in the heap
+# view for bytes.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.bytes.tooltip): The tooltip for the column
+# header in the heap view for bytes.
+heapview.field.bytes.tooltip=Кількість байтів, які споживає ця група, за винятком підгруп
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.count): The name of the column in the heap
+# view for count.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.count.tooltip): The tooltip for the column
+# header in the heap view for count.
+heapview.field.count.tooltip=Кількість досяжних об'єктів у цій групі, за винятком підгруп
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.totalbytes): The name of the column in the
+# heap view for total bytes.
+heapview.field.totalbytes=Всього байтів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.totalbytes.tooltip): The tooltip for the
+# column header in the heap view for total bytes.
+heapview.field.totalbytes.tooltip=Кількість байтів, які споживає ця група, включаючи підгрупи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.totalcount): The name of the column in the
+# heap view for total count.
+heapview.field.totalcount=Загальне число
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (heapview.field.totalcount.tooltip): The tooltip for the
+# column header in the heap view for total count.
+heapview.field.totalcount.tooltip=Кількість досяжних об'єктів у цій групі, включаючи підгрупи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The name of the column in the heap
+# view for name.Ім'я
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The tooltip for the column
+# header in the heap view for name.Назва цієї групи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortest-paths.header): The header label for the shortest
+# paths pane.
+shortest-paths.header=Утримання шляхів з коренів GC
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( The message displayed in the
+# shortest paths pane when a node is not yet selected.Виберіть вузол для перегляду утримання його шляхів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tree-map.node-count): The label for the count value of a
+# node in the tree map
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf6fed5b29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (devtoolsRemoteDebugging.label): This is the label for the menu item
+# in Tools > Browser Tools. Clicking on this menu item will open about:debugging which
+# acts as a hub for debugging remote devices.
+devtoolsRemoteDebugging.label = Віддалене налагодження
+devtoolsRemoteDebugging.accesskey = ж
+browserConsoleCmd.label = Консоль браузера
+browserConsoleCmd.accesskey = К
+responsiveDesignMode.label = Режим адаптивного дизайну
+responsiveDesignMode.accesskey = ж
+eyedropper.label = Піпетка
+eyedropper.accesskey = П
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (browserToolboxMenu.label): This is the label for the
+# application menu item that opens the browser toolbox UI in the Tools menu.
+browserToolboxMenu.label = Інструменти браузера
+browserToolboxMenu.accesskey = І
+webDeveloperToolsMenu.label = Інструменти веброзробника
+webDeveloperToolsMenu.accesskey = б
+extensionsForDevelopersCmd.label = Розширення для розробників
+extensionsForDevelopersCmd.accesskey = ш
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..256fc3d367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,1699 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Network Monitor
+# which is available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Network Monitor'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# This string is used as an tooltip for request that was performed over secure
+# channel i.e. the connection was encrypted.Для отримання цього ресурсу використовувалось захищене з'єднання.
+# This string is used as an tooltip for request that was performed over insecure
+# channel i.e. the connection was not httpsДля отримання цього ресурсу використовувалось незахищене з'єднання.
+# This string is used as an tooltip for request that failed due to security
+# issues.Не вдалося завантажити цей ресурс через помилку безпеки.
+# This string is used as an tooltip for request that had minor security issuesЦей ресурс було передано через з'єднання, яке має слабке шифрування.
+# This string is used to indicate that a specific security feature is used by
+# a connection in the security details tab.
+# For example: "HTTP Strict Transport Security: Enabled"Увімкнено
+# This string is used to indicate that a specific security feature is not used by
+# a connection in the security details tab.
+# For example: "HTTP Strict Transport Security: Disabled"Вимкнено
+# This string is used as a header for section containing security information
+# related to the remote host. %S is replaced with the domain name of the remote
+# host. For example: HostХост %S:
+# This string is used to indicate that a certain piece of information is not
+# available to be displayed. For example a certificate that has no organization
+# defined:
+# Organization: <Not Available><Недоступно>
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (collapseDetailsPane): This is the tooltip for the button
+# that collapses the network details pane in the UI.
+collapseDetailsPane=Сховати подробиці запиту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (collapseActionPane): This is the tooltip for the button
+# that collapses the network action pane in the UI.
+collapseActionPane=Сховати дії мережі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (allTabsMenuButton.tooltip): The tooltip that gets
+# displayed when hovering over the tabs overflow button.
+allTabsMenuButton.tooltip=Показати всі вкладки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (headersEmptyText): This is the text displayed in the
+# headers tab of the network details pane when there are no headers available.
+headersEmptyText=Немає заголовків для цього запиту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (headersFilterText): This is the text displayed in the
+# headers tab of the network details pane for the filtering input.
+headersFilterText=Відсіяти заголовки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (messagesEmptyText): This is the text displayed in the
+# WebSockets tab of the network details pane when there are no frames available.
+messagesEmptyText=Немає повідомлень для цього запиту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cookiesEmptyText): This is the text displayed in the
+# cookies tab of the network details pane when there are no cookies available.
+cookiesEmptyText=Немає кук для цього запиту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (cookiesFilterText): This is the text displayed in the
+# cookies tab of the network details pane for the filtering input.
+cookiesFilterText=Відсіяти кук
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responseEmptyText): This is the text displayed in the
+# response tab of the network details pane when the response is empty or not
+# available for shown.
+responseEmptyText=Для цього запиту немає доступних даних відповіді
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (paramsNoPayloadText): This is the text displayed in the
+# request tab of the network details pane when there are no params available.
+paramsNoPayloadText=Немає корисного навантаження для цього запиту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (paramsFilterText): This is the text displayed in the
+# request tab of the network details pane for the filtering input.
+paramsFilterText=Відсіяти параметри запиту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (paramsQueryString): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details request tab identifying the query string.
+paramsQueryString=Рядок запиту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (paramsFormData): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details request tab identifying the form data.
+paramsFormData=Дані форми
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (paramsPostPayload): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details request tab identifying the request payload.
+paramsPostPayload=Корисне навантаження запиту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.request.raw): This is the label displayed
+# on the button in the network details request tab that toggles the
+# view of the network request between the raw data and the formatted display.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (requestHeaders): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the request headers.
+requestHeaders=Заголовки запиту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (requestHeadersFromUpload): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the request headers from
+# the upload stream of a POST request's body.
+requestHeadersFromUpload=Заголовки запиту з потоку відвантаження
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responseHeaders): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the response headers.
+responseHeaders=Заголовки відповіді
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (requestCookies): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details request tab identifying the request cookies.
+requestCookies=Куки запиту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responseCookies): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details request tab identifying the response cookies.
+responseCookies=Куки відповіді
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsePayload): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details response tab identifying the response payload.
+responsePayload=Корисне навантаження відповіді
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.response.raw): This is the label displayed
+# on the button in the network details response tab that toggles the
+# view of the network response between the raw data and the formatted display.
+netmonitor.response.raw=Необроблене (raw)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.response.html): This is the text displayed
+# in the response tab of the network details pane for an HTML preview.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonFilterText): This is the text displayed
+# in the response tab of the network details pane for the JSON filtering input.
+jsonFilterText=Властивості відсіювання
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonScopeName): This is the text displayed
+# in the response tab of the network details pane for a JSON scope.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonpScopeName): This is the text displayed
+# in the response tab of the network details pane for a JSONP scope.
+jsonpScopeName=JSONP → зворотний виклик %S()
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (jsonXssiStripped): This is the text displayed
+# in a notification in the response tab of the network details pane
+# when a JSON payload had XSSI escape characters which were removed
+jsonXssiStripped=Рядок «%S» вилучено з початку JSON, показаного внизу
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responseTruncated): This is the text displayed
+# in the response tab of the network details pane when the response is over
+# the truncation limit and thus was truncated.
+responseTruncated=Відповідь було скорочено
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (requestTruncated): This is the text displayed
+# in the request tab of the network details pane when the request is over
+# the truncation limit and thus was truncated.
+requestTruncated=Запит було скорочено
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.raced): This is the label displayed
+# in the network menu specifying the transfer or a request is
+# raced. %S refers to the current transfer size.
+networkMenu.raced=%S (передається)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sortedAsc): This is the tooltip displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, for any column that is sorted ascending.
+networkMenu.sortedAsc=Впорядковано за зростанням
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sortedDesc): This is the tooltip displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, for any column that is sorted descending.
+networkMenu.sortedDesc=Впорядковано за спаданням
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.tooltip.perf): A tooltip explaining
+# what the perf button does
+networkMenu.summary.tooltip.perf=Почати аналіз швидкодії
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.tooltip.domContentLoaded): A tooltip explaining
+# what the DOMContentLoaded label displays
+networkMenu.summary.tooltip.domContentLoaded=Час, коли відбулася подія “DOMContentLoad”
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.tooltip.load): A tooltip explaining
+# what the load label displays
+networkMenu.summary.tooltip.load=Час, коли відбулася подія “load”
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.requestsCount2): This label is displayed
+# in the network table footer providing the number of requests
+# See:
+networkMenu.summary.requestsCount2=Один запит;#1 запити;#1 запитів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.requestsCountEmpty): This label is displayed
+# in the network table footer when there are no requests
+networkMenu.summary.requestsCountEmpty=Немає запитів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.tooltip.requestsCount): A tooltip explaining
+# what the requestsCount label displays
+networkMenu.summary.tooltip.requestsCount=Кількість запитів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.transferred): This label is displayed
+# in the network table footer providing the transferred size.
+networkMenu.summary.transferred=%S / %S передано
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.tooltip.transferred): A tooltip explaining
+# what the transferred label displays
+networkMenu.summary.tooltip.transferred=Розмір/передано всіх запитів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.finish): This label is displayed
+# in the network table footer providing the transfer time.
+networkMenu.summary.finish=Завершення: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.summary.tooltip.finish): A tooltip explaining
+# what the finish label displays
+networkMenu.summary.tooltip.finish=Загальний час, потрібний для завантаження всіх запитів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This label is displayed
+# in the messages table footer providing the number of frames
+# See: повідомлення;#1 повідомлення;#1 повідомлень
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This label is displayed
+# in the messages table footer when there are no framesНемає повідомлень
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( A tooltip explaining
+# what the framesCount label displaysКількість повідомлень
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( A tooltip explaining
+# what the framesTotalSize label displaysЗагальний розмір показаних повідомлень
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( A label showing
+# summary size info related to the current list of WS messages
+# %1$S is the total size of the transferred data, %2$S is the size of sent data, %3$S is the size of received data.$S всього, %2$S відправлено, %3$S отримано
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( A tooltip explaining
+# what framesTotalTime displaysЗагальний пройдений час між першим і останнім показаними повідомленнями
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeB): This is the label displayed
+# in the network menu specifying the size of a request (in bytes).
+networkMenu.sizeB=%S Б
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.size.kB): This is the label displayed
+# in the network menu specifying the size of a request (in kilobytes).
+networkMenu.size.kB=%S кБ
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeMB): This is the label displayed
+# in the network menu specifying the size of a request (in megabytes).
+networkMenu.sizeMB=%S МБ
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeGB): This is the label displayed
+# in the network menu specifying the size of a request (in gigabytes).
+networkMenu.sizeGB=%S ГБ
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeUnavailable): This is the label displayed
+# in the network menu specifying the transferred size of a request is
+# unavailable.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeUnavailable.title): This is the tooltip
+# displayed in the network menu specifying that the transferred size of a
+# request is unavailable.
+networkMenu.sizeUnavailable.title=Переданий розмір не доступний
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeCached): This is the label displayed
+# in the network menu and the headers panel specifying the transfer or a request is
+# cached.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.sizeServiceWorker): This is the label displayed
+# in the network menu and the headers panel specifying the transferred of a request
+# computed by a service worker.
+networkMenu.sizeServiceWorker=service worker
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.blocked2): This is a generic message for a
+# URL that has been blocked for an unknown reason
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.blockedby): This is a generic message for a
+# URL that has been blocked by an extension
+# %S is the extension name.
+networkMenu.blockedby=Заблоковано %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.blockedTooltip): This is a the text displayed
+# as a tooltip for the blocked icon in the request list
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.totalMS2): This is the label displayed
+# in the network menu specifying the time for a request to finish (in milliseconds).
+networkMenu.totalMS2=%S мс
+# This string is used to concatenate tooltips (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.*)
+# in the requests waterfall for total time (in milliseconds). \\u0020 represents
+# a whitespace. You can replace this with a different character, e.g. an hyphen
+# or a period, if a comma doesn't work for your language.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is part of the tooltip
+# displayed in the requests waterfall for total time (in milliseconds).Всього %S мс
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.blocked): This is part of the tooltip
+# displayed in the requests waterfall for blocked time (in milliseconds).
+netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.blocked=Заблоковано %S мс
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.dns): This is part of the tooltip
+# displayed in the requests waterfall for dns time (in milliseconds).
+netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.dns=DNS %S мс
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.ssl): This is part of the tooltip
+# displayed in the requests waterfall for tls setup time (in milliseconds).
+netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.ssl=TLS %S мс
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.connect): This is part of the tooltip
+# displayed in the requests waterfall for connect time (in milliseconds).
+netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.connect=З'єднати %S мс
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.send): This is part of the tooltip
+# displayed in the requests waterfall for send time (in milliseconds).
+netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.send=Надіслати %S мс
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.wait): This is part of the tooltip
+# displayed in the requests waterfall for wait time (in milliseconds).
+netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.wait=Чекати %S мс
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.receive): This is part of the tooltip
+# displayed in the requests waterfall for receive time (in milliseiconds).
+netmonitor.waterfall.tooltip.receive=Отримати %S мс
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.requestTiming): This is the title of the existing
+# section in Timings side panel. This section contains request timings.
+netmonitor.timings.requestTiming=Запит часу
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.serverTiming): This is the title of a new section
+# in Timings side panel. This section contains server timings transferred from the server
+# through the "Server-Timing" header.
+netmonitor.timings.serverTiming=Час сервера
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.serviceWorkerTiming): This is the title of a new section
+# in Timings side panel. This section contains service worker timings transferred from the
+# service worker.
+netmonitor.timings.serviceWorkerTiming=Хронометраж Service Worker
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.queuedAt): This is relative queued time to the
+# first request. %S is time expressed in milliseconds or minutes.
+netmonitor.timings.queuedAt=В черзі: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.startedAt): Relative to the first request,
+# when the request actually started. %S is time expressed in milliseconds or minutes.
+netmonitor.timings.startedAt=Почато: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.downloadedAt): Relative to first request,
+# when the request actually finished downloading.
+# %S is time expressed in milliseconds or minutes.
+netmonitor.timings.downloadedAt=Завантажено: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.noTimings): Message that displays in the
+# timings pane when thea request has been blocked
+netmonitor.timings.noTimings=Час цього запиту не обчислюється
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.millisecond): This is the label displayed
+# in the network menu specifying timing interval divisions (in milliseconds).
+networkMenu.millisecond=%S мс
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.second): This is the label displayed
+# in the network menu specifying timing interval divisions (in seconds).
+networkMenu.second=%S с
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.minute): This is the label displayed
+# in the network menu specifying timing interval divisions (in minutes).
+networkMenu.minute=%S хв
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pieChart.loading): This is the label displayed
+# for pie charts (e.g., in the performance analysis view) when there is
+# no data available yet.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pieChart.unavailable): This is the label displayed
+# for pie charts (e.g., in the performance analysis view) when there is
+# no data available, even after loading it.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pieChart.ariaLabel): This is the text used for the aria-label attribute
+# for SVG pie charts (e.g., in the performance analysis view).
+pieChart.ariaLabel=Кругова діаграма, що показує розмір кожного типу запиту пропорційно один одному
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pieChart.sliceAriaLabel): This is the text used for the aria-label attribute
+# for SVG pie charts slices (e.g., in the performance analysis view).
+# %1$S is the slice label (e.g. "html")
+# %2$S is the percentage (e.g. "33.23%").
+pieChart.sliceAriaLabel=%1$S: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tableChart.loading): This is the label displayed
+# for table charts (e.g., in the performance analysis view) when there is
+# no data available yet.
+tableChart.loading=Зачекайте будь ласка…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tableChart.unavailable): This is the label displayed
+# for table charts (e.g., in the performance analysis view) when there is
+# no data available, even after loading it.
+tableChart.unavailable=Немає доступних даних
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.size.kB): This is the label displayed
+# in pie or table charts specifying the size of a request (in kilobytes).
+charts.size.kB=%S кБ
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.transferredSize.kB): This is the label displayed
+# in pie or table charts specifying the size of a transferred request (in kilobytes).
+charts.transferredSize.kB=%S кБ
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalS): This is the label displayed
+# in pie or table charts specifying the time for a request to finish (in seconds).
+charts.totalS=%S с
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalTransferredSize.kB): This is the label displayed
+# in the performance analysis view for total transferred size, in kilobytes.
+charts.totalTransferredSize.kB=Переданий розмір: %S кБ
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.cacheEnabled): This is the label displayed
+# in the performance analysis view for "cache enabled" charts.
+charts.cacheEnabled=Початковий кеш
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.cacheDisabled): This is the label displayed
+# in the performance analysis view for "cache disabled" charts.
+charts.cacheDisabled=Порожній кеш
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.learnMore): This is the label displayed
+# in the performance analysis view, with a link to external documentation.
+charts.learnMore=Докладніше про аналіз швидкодії
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalSize.kB): This is the label displayed
+# in the performance analysis view for total requests size, in kilobytes.
+charts.totalSize.kB=Розмір: %S кБ
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalSeconds): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# This is the label displayed in the performance analysis view for the
+# total requests time, in seconds.
+charts.totalSeconds=Час: #1 секунда;Time: #1 секунди;Time: #1 секунд
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalSecondsNonBlocking): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# This is the label displayed in the performance analysis view for the
+# total requests time (non-blocking), in seconds.
+charts.totalSecondsNonBlocking=Час без блокування: #1 секунда;Час без блокування: #1 секунди;Час без блокування: #1 секунд
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalCached): This is the label displayed
+# in the performance analysis view for total cached responses.
+charts.totalCached=Кешованих відповідей: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.totalCount): This is the label displayed
+# in the performance analysis view for total requests.
+charts.totalCount=Всього запитів: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.requestsNumber): This is the label for the header column in
+# the performance analysis view for the number of requests. The label is not visible on screen,
+# but is set in the DOM for accessibility sake.
+charts.requestsNumber=Кількість запитів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.size): This is the label displayed
+# in the header column in the performance analysis view for size of the request.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.type): This is the label displayed
+# in the header column in the performance analysis view for type of request.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.transferred): This is the label displayed
+# in the header column in the performance analysis view for transferred
+# size of the request.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.time): This is the label displayed
+# in the header column in the performance analysis view for time of request.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (charts.nonBlockingTime): This is the label displayed
+# in the header column in the performance analysis view for non blocking
+# time of request.
+charts.nonBlockingTime=Час без блокування
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netRequest.originalFileURL.tooltip): This is the tooltip
+# displayed for the file's original URL value displayed in the file column of
+# a request.
+netRequest.originalFileURL.tooltip=Оригінал: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netRequest.decodedFileURL.tooltip): This is the tooltip
+# displayed for the file's decoded URL value displayed in the file column of
+# a request.
+netRequest.decodedFileURL.tooltip=Декодовано: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.subjectinfo.label):
+# A label used for a certificate section in security tab.
+# This section displays Name and organization who has been assigned the fingerprints
+certmgr.subjectinfo.label=Кому видано
+# A label used for Issued To and Issued By sub-section in security tabЗагальне ім'я (CN):
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certdetail.o):
+# A label used for Issued To and Issued By sub-section in security tab
+certmgr.certdetail.o=Організація (O):
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certdetail.ou):
+# A label used for Issued To and Issued By sub-section in security tab
+certmgr.certdetail.ou=Підрозділ (OU):
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.issuerinfo.label):
+# A label used for a certificate section in security tab
+# This section displays Name and organization who issued the fingerprints
+certmgr.issuerinfo.label=Ким видано
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.periodofvalidity.label):
+# A label used for a certificate section in security tab
+# This section displays the valid period of this fingerprints
+certmgr.periodofvalidity.label=Період чинності
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.begins):
+# A label used for Period of Validity sub-section in security tab
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.expires):
+# A label used for Period of Validity sub-section in security tab
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.fingerprints.label):
+# A label used for a certificate section in security tab
+# This section displays the valid period of this fingerprints
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certdetail.sha256fingerprint):
+# A label used for Fingerprints sub-section in security tab
+certmgr.certdetail.sha256fingerprint=Відбиток SHA-256:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certdetail.sha1fingerprint):
+# A label used for Fingerprints sub-section in security tab
+certmgr.certdetail.sha1fingerprint=Відбиток SHA1:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certificateTransparency.label):
+# This string is used as a label in the security tab.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certificateTransparency.status.ok):
+# This string is used to indicate that there are valid signed certificate
+# timestamps. This is a property for the 'Transparency'
+# field in the security tab.
+certmgr.certificateTransparency.status.ok=Чинні SCT записи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certificateTransparency.status.notEnoughSCTS):
+# This string is used to indicate that there are not enough valid signed
+# certificate timestamps. This is a property for the 'Transparency'
+# field in the security tab.
+certmgr.certificateTransparency.status.notEnoughSCTS=Не достатньо SCT
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (certmgr.certificateTransparency.status.notDiverseSCTS):
+# This string is used to indicate that there ar not enough diverse signed
+# certificate timestamps. This is a property for the 'Transparency'
+# field in the security tab.
+certmgr.certificateTransparency.status.notDiverseSCTS=Не різноманітні SCT
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.perfNotice1/2/3): These are the labels displayed
+# in the network table when empty to start performance analysis.
+netmonitor.perfNotice1=• Натисніть на кнопку
+netmonitor.perfNotice2=для початку аналізу швидкодії.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.reload1/2/3): These are the labels displayed
+# in the network table when empty to start logging network requests.
+netmonitor.reloadNotice1=• Виконати запит або
+netmonitor.reloadNotice3=сторінку, щоб побачити детальну інформацію про мережеву активність.
+netmonitor.emptyBrowserToolbox=Виконати запит, щоб побачити детальну інформацію про мережеву активність.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.status3): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "status" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.method): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "method" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.priority): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "priority" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.file): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "file" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.url): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "url" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.protocol): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "protocol" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.domain): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "domain" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.remoteip): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "remoteip" column.
+netmonitor.toolbar.remoteip=Віддалений IP
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.initiator): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "initiator" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.type): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "type" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.cookies): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "cookies" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.setCookies): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "set cookies" column.
+# Set-Cookie is a HTTP response header. This string is the plural form of it.
+# See
+netmonitor.toolbar.setCookies=Встановлювати куки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.scheme): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "scheme" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.startTime): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "start time" column, which is the time
+# from start of 1st request until the start of this request.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.endTime): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "end time" column, which is the time
+# from start of 1st request until the end of this response.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.responseTime): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "response time" column, which is the time
+# from start of 1st request until the beginning of download of this response.
+netmonitor.toolbar.responseTime=Час реагування
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.duration): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "duration" column, which is the time
+# from start of this request until the end of this response.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.latency): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "latency" column, which is the time
+# from end of this request until the beginning of download of this response.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.transferred): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "transferred" column and in general
+# section of the headers panel, which is the compressed / encoded size.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.contentSize): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "size" column, which is the
+# uncompressed / decoded size.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.waterfall): This is the label displayed
+# in the network table toolbar, above the "waterfall" column.
+netmonitor.toolbar.waterfall=Шкала часу
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the messages table header, above the "size" column.Розмір
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the messages table header, above the "data" column.Дані
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the messages table header, above the "opCode" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the messages table header, above the "maskBit" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the messages table header, above the "finBit" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the messages table header, above the "time" column.Час
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the messages table header, above the "eventName" column.Назва події
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the messages table header, above the "retry" column.Повторити
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the messages table header, above the "lastEventId" column. останньої події
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the messages panel toolbar for the "Clear" button.Очистити
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# displayed in the messages panel toolbar for the frames filtering textbox.Фільтр повідомлень
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the
+# shortcut key to focus on the messages panel toolbar messages filtering textbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# displayed in the messages panel table header context menu.Відновити стовпчики
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that shows "All" WebSocket frames.Усі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the access key
+# for the "All" menu item displayed in the context menu in the websocket toolbar.У
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that shows "Sent" WebSocket frames.Надіслані
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the access key
+# for the "Sent" menu item displayed in the context menu in the websocket toolbar.Н
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that shows "Received" WebSocket frames.Отримані
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the access key
+# for the "Received" menu item displayed in the context menu in the websocket toolbar.О
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that shows "Control Frames" WebSocket frames.Керування
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the access key
+# for the "Control Frames" menu item displayed in the context menu in the websocket toolbar.е
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that shows "Copy Message".Копіювати повідомлення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the access key
+# for the "Copy Message" menu item displayed in the context menu of a WebSocket frame.К
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that shows "Copy as Base64" displayed in the context menu of a binary WebSocket frame.Копіювати як Base64
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the access key
+# for the "Copy as Base64" menu item displayed in the context menu of a binary WebSocket frame.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that shows "Copy as Hex" displayed in the context menu of a binary WebSocket frame.Копіювати як Hex
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the access key
+# for the "Copy as Hex" menu item displayed in the context menu of a binary WebSocket frame.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that shows "Copy as Text" displayed in the context menu of a binary WebSocket frame.Копіювати як текст
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the access key
+# for the "Copy as Text" menu item displayed in the context menu of a binary WebSocket frame.т
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the text displayed in the
+# websocket messages panel when the connection is closedЗ'єднання закрито
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label used as
+# accessible text for the "sent" type icon in the websocket table's "data" column.Надіслані
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label used as
+# accessible text for the "received" type icon in the websocket table's "data" column.Отримані
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the messages panel identifying the raw data.Необроблені дані (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# displayed in the search toolbar for the search input as the placeholder.Знайти в джерелах…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# displayed in the search toolbar to close the search panel.Закрити панель пошуку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# displayed in the search toolbar to clear the search panel.Очистити результати пошуку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# displayed in the search toolbar to do a case sensitive search.Чутливість до регістру
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# displayed in the search results status bar when status is set to fetching.Пошук…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# displayed in the search results status bar when status is set to cancelled.Пошук скасовано.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# displayed in the search results status bar when status is set to done.
+# %1$S is the number of matching lines in search results (
+# %2$S is the number of files in which matching lines were found (Пошук завершено. %1$S %2$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# This is the label displayed in the search results status bar showing matching lines found.
+# See:
+# #1 is the number of matching lines foundЗнайдено #1 відповідний рядок;Знайдено #1 відповідні рядки;Знайдено #1 відповідних рядків
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# This is the label displayed in the search results status bar showing file count
+# See:
+# #1 is the number of files in which matching lines were foundв #1 файлі;в #1 файлах;в #1 файлах
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# displayed in the search results status bar when status is set to error.Помилка пошуку.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.requestBlocking): This is the tooltip displayed
+# over the toolbar's Request Blocking button
+netmonitor.toolbar.requestBlocking=Блокування запитів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.requestBlocking2): This is the label displayed
+# in the action bar's request blocking tab
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.enableBlocking): This is the label displayed
+# in request blocking tab to represent if requests blocking should be enabled
+netmonitor.actionbar.enableBlocking=Увімкнути блокування запитів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.blockSearchPlaceholder): This is the
+# placeholder text for the request addition form
+netmonitor.actionbar.blockSearchPlaceholder=Блокувати ресурс, коли URL-адреса містить
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.removeBlockedUrl): This is the
+# tooltip shown over the remove button for blocked URL item
+netmonitor.actionbar.removeBlockedUrl=Вилучити шаблон
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.requestBlockingUsageNotice): This is the
+# usage notice displayed when network blocking list is empty
+netmonitor.actionbar.requestBlockingUsageNotice=Додайте URL-шаблони для блокування відповідних запитів.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.requestBlockingAddNotice): This is the
+# add notice that explains ways to add blocking pattern that is displayed when
+# network blocking list is empty
+netmonitor.actionbar.requestBlockingAddNotice=Почніть вводити шаблон, або перетягніть цілий рядок з мережевої таблиці.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.requestBlockingMenu.removeAllBlockedUrls): This is the
+# context menu item for removing all blocked URLs
+netmonitor.requestBlockingMenu.removeAllBlockedUrls=Вилучити всі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.requestBlockingMenu.enableAllBlockedUrls): This is the
+# context menu item for enabling all blocked URLs
+netmonitor.requestBlockingMenu.enableAllBlockedUrls=Увімкнути всі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.requestBlockingMenu.disableAllBlockedUrls): This is the
+# context menu item for disabling all blocked URLs
+netmonitor.requestBlockingMenu.disableAllBlockedUrls=Вимкнути всі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the action bar's search tabПошук
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.actionbar.HTTPCustomRequest): This is the label displayed
+# in the action bar's edit and resend tab
+netmonitor.actionbar.HTTPCustomRequest=Новий запит
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (messagesTruncated): This is the text displayed
+# in the messages panel when the number of messages is over the
+# truncation limit.
+# See:Одне повідомлення було обрізано для збереження пам'яті;#1 повідомлення було обрізано для збереження пам'яті;#1 повідомлень було обрізано для збереження пам'яті
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (disableMessagesTruncation): This is the text displayed
+# in the messages panel checkbox label for toggling message truncation.
+toggleMessagesTruncation=Зберігати всі майбутні повідомлення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toggleMessagesTruncation.title): This is the title used
+# to describe the checkbox used to toggle message truncation.
+toggleMessagesTruncation.title=Зберігати всі майбутні повідомлення або продовжити показ обрізаних повідомлень
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (messageDataTruncated): This is the text displayed
+# to describe to describe data truncation in the messages panel.
+messageDataTruncated=Дані було обрізано
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the network details pane identifying the headers tab.Заголовки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the network details pane identifying the messages tab.Повідомлення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the network details pane identifying the cookies tab.Куки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the network details pane identifying the cache tab.Кеш
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the network details pane identifying the params tab.Параметри
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the network details pane identifying the request tab.Запит
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the network details pane identifying the response tab.Відповідь
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the network details pane identifying the timings tab.Розклад
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the network details pane identifying the stack-trace tab.Трасування стека
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the network details pane identifying the security tab.Безпека
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.all): This is the label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the "All" filtering button.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.html): This is the label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the "HTML" filtering button.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.css): This is the label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the "CSS" filtering button.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.js): This is the label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the "JS" filtering button.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.xhr): This is the label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the "XHR" filtering button.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.fonts): This is the label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the "Fonts" filtering button.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.images): This is the label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the "Images" filtering button.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the "Media" filtering button.Матеріал
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.flash): This is the label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the "Flash" filtering button.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the "WS" filtering button.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filter.other): This is the label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the "Other" filtering button.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filterFreetext.label): This is the label
+# displayed in the network toolbar for the url filtering textbox.
+netmonitor.toolbar.filterFreetext.label=Фільтр URL
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filterFreetext.key): This is the
+# shortcut key to focus on the toolbar url filtering textbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the
+# shortcut key to toggle the search panel
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.copy.key): This is the
+# shortcut key to copy a selected request url from the network table
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.filterFreetext.learnMore): This is
+# the title used for MDN icon in filtering textbox
+netmonitor.toolbar.filterFreetext.learnMore=Докладніше про фільтрування
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.enablePersistentLogs.label): This is the label
+# displayed for the checkbox for enabling persistent logs.
+netmonitor.toolbar.enablePersistentLogs.label=Постійне журналювання
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.enablePersistentLogs.tooltip): This is the tooltip
+# displayed for the checkbox for enabling persistent logs.
+netmonitor.toolbar.enablePersistentLogs.tooltip=Якщо ви увімкнете цей параметр, запити не будуть очищатися щоразу при переході до нової сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.disableCache.label): This is the label
+# displayed for the checkbox for disabling browser cache.
+netmonitor.toolbar.disableCache.label=Вимкнути кеш
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.disableCache.tooltip): This is the tooltip
+# displayed for the checkbox for disabling browser cache.
+netmonitor.toolbar.disableCache.tooltip=Вимкнути HTTP кеш
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.clear): This is the label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the "Clear" button.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.toggleRecording): This is the label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the toggle recording button.
+netmonitor.toolbar.toggleRecording=Призупинити/Продовжити запис журналу мережі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the tooltip label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the search button.Пошук
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.HTTPCustomRequest): This is the tooltip label displayed
+# in the network toolbar for the new HTTP Custom Request button.
+netmonitor.toolbar.HTTPCustomRequest=Новий запит
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.resetColumns): This is the label
+# displayed in the network table header context menu.
+netmonitor.toolbar.resetColumns=Скинути стовпці
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.resetSorting): This is the label
+# displayed in the network table header context menu to reset sorting
+netmonitor.toolbar.resetSorting=Скинути сортування
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.resizeColumnToFitContent): This is the label
+# displayed in the network table header context menu to resize a column to fit its content
+netmonitor.toolbar.resizeColumnToFitContent=Змінити розмір стовпчика для відповідності вмісту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.resizeColumnToFitContent.title): This is the title
+# tooltip displayed when draggable resizer in network table headers is hovered
+netmonitor.toolbar.resizeColumnToFitContent.title=Двічі клацніть, щоб припасувати вміст до стовпчика
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.timings): This is the label
+# displayed in the network table header context menu for the timing submenu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.toolbar.responseHeaders): This is the
+# label displayed in the network table header context menu for the
+# response headers submenu.
+netmonitor.toolbar.responseHeaders=Заголовки відповіді
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.toolbar.block): This is the
+# label displayed in the network details headers tab identifying the
+# block url toolbar button.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.address): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the remote address.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.proxyAddress): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the proxy address.
+netmonitor.headers.proxyAddress=Адреса проксі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.status): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the status code.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.proxyStatus): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the status code for the proxy.
+netmonitor.headers.proxyStatus=Стан проксі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.size): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the size.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (networkMenu.headers.sizeDetails): This label is displayed
+# in the network details headers tab providing the size details.
+# %1$S is the transferred size, %2$S is the size.
+netmonitor.headers.sizeDetails=%1$S (розмір %2$S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.version): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the http version.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.proxyVersion): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the http version of the proxy.
+netmonitor.headers.proxyVersion=Версія проксі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.summary.learnMore): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab, with a link to external documentation for
+# status codes.
+netmonitor.summary.learnMore=Докладніше про код стану
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.referrerPolicy): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the referrer policy.
+netmonitor.headers.referrerPolicy=Політика перенаправлення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.contentBlocking): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the content blocking mode.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.requestPriority): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the request priority.
+netmonitor.headers.requestPriority=Пріоритет запиту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.dns): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the DNS resolution.
+netmonitor.headers.dns=Розв'язання DNS
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.dns.basic): This is the label value displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the Basic DNS resolution.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.dns.doh): This is the label value displayed
+# in the network details headers tab identifying the DNS over HTTPS resolution.
+netmonitor.headers.dns.overHttps=DNS через HTTPS
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.summary.editAndResend): This is the label displayed
+# on the button in the headers tab that opens a form to edit and resend the currently
+# displayed request
+netmonitor.summary.editAndResend=Редагувати і надіслати заново
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.raw): This is the label displayed
+# on the button in the headers tab that toggle view for raw request/response headers
+# from the currently displayed request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.blockedByCORS): This is the message displayed
+# in the notification shown when a request has been blocked by CORS with a more
+# specific reason shown in the parenthesis
+netmonitor.headers.blockedByCORS=Текст відповіді недоступний для скриптів (причина: %S)
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.headers.blockedByCORSTooltip): This is the tooltip
+# displayed on the learnmore link of the blocked by CORS notification.
+netmonitor.headers.blockedByCORSTooltip=Дізнатися більше про помилку CORS
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the network details response tab identifying an image's file name or font face's name.Назва:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.response.dimensions): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details response tab identifying an image's dimensions.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.response.mime): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details response tab identifying an image's or font's MIME type.
+netmonitor.response.mime=Тип MIME:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.response.fontPreviewFailed): This is the notice displayed
+# in the network details response tab if the font preview could not be generated due to
+# an error.
+netmonitor.response.fontPreviewFailed=Не вдалося створити попередній перегляд шрифту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.blocked): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent
+# in a "blocked" state.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.dns): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent
+# in a "dns" state.
+netmonitor.timings.dns=Розв'язання DNS:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.ssl): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent
+# in a "tls" handshake state.
+netmonitor.timings.ssl=Налаштування TLS:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.connect): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent
+# in a "connect" state.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.send): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent
+# in a "send" state.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.wait): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent
+# in a "wait" state.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.receive): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent
+# in a "receive" state.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.launchServiceWorker): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent
+# during the launch of the service worker.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.requestToServiceWorker): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent while a request is
+# made to the service worker.
+netmonitor.timings.requestToServiceWorker=Відправлення запиту:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.handledByServiceWorker): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details timings tab identifying the amount of time spent while a request is
+# handled by the service worker.
+netmonitor.timings.handledByServiceWorker=Обробка запиту:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.timings.learnMore): This is the label displayed
+# in the network details timings tab, with a link to external documentation
+netmonitor.timings.learnMore=Докладніше про таймінги
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.audits.slowIconTooltip): This is the tooltip text displayed
+# in the network request list file column, on the slow icon button.
+# %1$S is the waiting time %2$S is the slow threshold.
+netmonitor.audits.slowIconTooltip=Повільна відповідь сервера (%1$S). Рекомендований час відповіді %2$S.
+# for warning icon that indicates a connection uses insecure cipher suite.Використаний метод шифрування є застарілим та вразливим.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the security tab if a security error prevented the connection.Сталася помилка:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the security tab describing TLS/SSL protocol version.Версія протоколу:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the security tab describing the cipher suite used to secure this connection.Набір шифрів:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the security tab describing the key exchange group suite used to secure
+# this connection.Група обміну ключами:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# displayed in the security tab describing the case when no group was used.немає
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# displayed in the security tab describing the case when a custom group was used.власна
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the value
+# displayed in the security tab describing an unknown group.невідома група
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label
+# displayed in the security tab describing the signature scheme used by for
+# the server certificate in this connection.Схема підпису:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the
+# label displayed in the security tab describing the case when no signature
+# was used.немає
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the
+# value displayed in the security tab describing an unknown signature scheme.невідома схема підпису
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the security tab describing the usage of HTTP Strict Transport Security. Strict Transport Security:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the security tab describing the usage of Public Key Pinning.Прикріплення публічного ключа:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the security tab describing the section containing information related to
+# the secure connection.З'єднання:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the label displayed
+# in the security tab describing the server certificate section.Сертифікат:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.trackingResource.tooltip): This is the label used
+# in the Network monitor panel as a tooltip for tracking resource icon.
+netmonitor.trackingResource.tooltip=Ця URL-адреса відповідає відомому елементу стеження і вона заблокується при увімкненні блокування вмісту.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.trackingResource.enhancedTrackingProtection): This is
+# the label used in the Network monitor panel for showing enhanced tracking protection.
+netmonitor.trackingResource.enhancedTrackingProtection=Розширений захист від стеження
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.enhancedTrackingProtection.learnMore): This is the label
+# displayed in the network details headers tab, with a link to external documentation for
+# enhanced tracking protection.
+netmonitor.enhancedTrackingProtection.learnMore=Дізнатися більше про розширений захист від стеження
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyValue): This is the label displayed
+# for the copy sub-menu in the context menu for a request
+netmonitor.context.copyValue=Копіювати значення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyValue.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the copy menu/sub-menu displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyUrl): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies the selected request's url
+netmonitor.context.copyUrl=Копіювати URL
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyUrl.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy URL menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyUrlParams): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies the selected request's url parameters
+netmonitor.context.copyUrlParams=Копіювати параметри URL
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyUrlParams.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy URL Parameters menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyRequestData): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies the selected request's data
+netmonitor.context.copyRequestData=Копіювати дані %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyRequestData.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy POST/PATCH/PUT/DELETE Data menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsPowerShell): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies the selected request as a PowerShell command.
+netmonitor.context.copyAsPowerShell=Копіювати як PowerShell
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsPowerShell.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy as PowerShell menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies the selected request as a cURL command.
+# The capitalization is part of the official name and should be used throughout all languages.
+netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl=Копіювати як cURL
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy as cURL menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl.*): This is the template used to add
+# a target platform to the label for "Copy as cURL" command
+# e.g. Copy as cURL (Windows)
+# Localized label for "Copy as cURL": %S (Windows)
+netmonitor.context.copyAsCurl.posix=%S (POSIX)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsFetch): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies the selected request as a fetch request.
+netmonitor.context.copyAsFetch=Копіювати як Fetch
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAsFetch.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy as fetch menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyRequestHeaders): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies the selected item's request headers
+netmonitor.context.copyRequestHeaders=Копіювати заголовки запиту
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyRequestHeaders.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy Request Headers menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyResponseHeaders): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies the selected item's response headers
+netmonitor.context.copyResponseHeaders=Копіювати заголовки відповіді
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyResponseHeaders.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy Response Headers menu item displayed in the context menu for a response
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyResponse): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies the selected response as a string
+netmonitor.context.copyResponse=Копіювати відповідь
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyResponse.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy Response menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyImageAsDataUri): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies the selected image as data uri
+netmonitor.context.copyImageAsDataUri=Копіювати зображення як URL даних
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyImageAsDataUri.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy Image As Data URI menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.useAsFetch): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies the selected request as a fetch command.
+netmonitor.context.useAsFetch=Використовувати як Fetch в консолі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.useAsFetch.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy as fetch menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.saveImageAs): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that save the Image
+netmonitor.context.saveImageAs=Зберегти зображення як
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.saveImageAs.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy Image As Data URI menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAll): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies all data
+netmonitor.context.copyAll=Копіювати все
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAll.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy All menu item displayed in the context menu for a properties view panel
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAllAsHar): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that copies all as HAR format
+netmonitor.context.copyAllAsHar=Копіювати все як HAR
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.copyAllAsHar.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Copy All As HAR menu item displayed in the context menu for a network panel
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.saveAllAsHar): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that saves all as HAR format
+netmonitor.context.saveAllAsHar=Зберегти все як HAR
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.saveAllAsHar.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Save All As HAR menu item displayed in the context menu for a network panel
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.importHar.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Import HAR menu item displayed in the context menu for a network panel
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.har.importHarDialogTitle): This is a label
+# used for import file open dialog
+netmonitor.har.importHarDialogTitle=Імпорт HAR-файлу
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.har.importDialogHARFilter):
+# This string is displayed as a filter for importing HAR file
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.har.importDialogAllFilter):
+# This string is displayed as a filter for importing HAR file
+netmonitor.har.importDialogAllFilter=Усі файли
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.resend.label): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that resends the currently displayed request immediately
+netmonitor.context.resend.label=Надіслати повторно
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.resend.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the "Resend" menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.editAndResend): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that opens a form to edit and resend the currently
+# displayed request
+netmonitor.context.editAndResend=Редагувати і надіслати заново
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.editAndResend.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the "Edit and Resend" menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.blockURL): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that blocks any requests matching the selected request's URL.
+netmonitor.context.blockURL=Заблокувати URL
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.unblockURL): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that unblocks any requests matching the selected request's URL.
+netmonitor.context.unblockURL=Розблокувати URL
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.newTab): This is the label
+# for the Open in New Tab menu item displayed in the context menu of the
+# network container
+netmonitor.context.newTab=Відкрити в новій вкладці
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.newTab.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Open in New Tab menu item displayed in the context menu of the
+# network container
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.openInDebugger): This is the label
+# for the Open in Debugger menu item displayed in the context menu of the
+# network container
+netmonitor.context.openInDebugger=Відкрити в налагоджувачі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.openInDebugger.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the Open in Debugger menu item displayed in the context menu of the
+# network container
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.openInStyleEditor): This is the label
+# for the Open in Style Editor menu item displayed in the context menu of the
+# network container
+netmonitor.context.openInStyleEditor=Відкрити в редакторі стилів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.openInStyleEditor.accesskey): This is
+# the access key for the Open in Style Editor menu item displayed in the
+# context menu of the network container
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.perfTools): This is the label displayed
+# on the context menu that shows the performance analysis tools
+netmonitor.context.perfTools=Почати аналіз швидкодії...
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.context.perfTools.accesskey): This is the access key
+# for the performance analysis menu item displayed in the context menu for a request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.newRequest): This is the label displayed
+# as the title of the new custom request form
+netmonitor.custom.newRequest=Новий запит
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.newRequestMethodLabel): This is the label displayed
+# above the method text input field of the new custom request form
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.newRequestUrlLabel): This is the label displayed
+# above the url text input field of the new custom request form
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.query): This is the label displayed
+# above the query string entry in the custom request form
+netmonitor.custom.query=Рядок запиту:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.urlParameters): This is the label displayed
+# above the query string entry in the custom request form
+netmonitor.custom.urlParameters=Параметри URL-адреси
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.headers): This is the label displayed
+# above the request headers entry in the custom request form
+netmonitor.custom.headers=Заголовки запиту:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.newRequestHeaders): This is the label displayed
+# above the request headers entry in the new custom request form
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the placeholder displayed
+# on the input on the headers and query params on new custom request formназва
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.placeholder.value): This is the placeholder displayed
+# on the input on the headers and query params on new custom request form
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.postBody): This is the label displayed
+# above the request body entry in the new custom request form
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.postBody.placeholder): This is the placeholder displayed
+# on the textarea body in the new custom request form
+netmonitor.custom.postBody.placeholder=корисне навантаження
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.postData): This is the label displayed
+# above the request body entry in the custom request form
+netmonitor.custom.postData=Текст запиту:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.send): This is the label displayed
+# on the button which sends the custom request
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.cancel): This is the label displayed
+# on the button which cancels and closes the custom request form
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.clear): This is the label displayed
+# on the button which clears the content of the new custom request panel
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.custom.removeItem): This is the
+# tooltip shown over the remove button for headers and query params item
+netmonitor.custom.removeItem=Вилучити елемент
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.backButton): This is the label displayed
+# on the button which exists the performance statistics view
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.status.tooltip.simple): This is the tooltip of the
+# column status code, when request is not being cached or is not from a service worker
+# %1$S is the status code, %2$S is the status text.
+netmonitor.status.tooltip.simple = %1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.status.tooltip.cached): This is the tooltip of
+# the column status code, when the request is cached
+# %1$S is the status code, %2$S is the status text.
+netmonitor.status.tooltip.cached = %1$S %2$S (кешовано)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.status.tooltip.worker): This is the tooltip of
+# the column status code, when the request is from a service worker
+# %1$S is the status code, %2$S is the status text.
+netmonitor.status.tooltip.worker = %1$S %2$S (service worker)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.status.tooltip.cachedworker): This is the tooltip
+# of the column status code, when the request is cached and is from a service worker
+# %1$S is the status code, %2$S is the status text.
+netmonitor.status.tooltip.cachedworker = %1$S %2$S (кешовано, service worker)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.label.dropHarFiles): This is a label
+# rendered within the Network panel when *.har file(s) are dragged
+# over the content.
+netmonitor.label.dropHarFiles = Кинути HAR файли тут
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.label.har): This is a label used
+# as a tooltip for toolbar drop-down button with HAR actions
+netmonitor.label.har=HAR Експорт/Імпорт
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.cache): This is the label text for the parent
+# node in the TreeView.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.empty): This is the text displayed when cache
+# information is not available.
+netmonitor.cache.empty=Немає інформації про кеш
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.notAvailable): This is the text displayed under
+# a node that has no information available.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.dataSize): This is the label text for
+# the datasize of the cached object.
+netmonitor.cache.dataSize=Розмір даних
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.expires): This is the label text for the
+# expires time of the cached object.
+netmonitor.cache.expires=Термін дії
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.fetchCount): This is the label text for the
+# fetch count of the cached object.
+netmonitor.cache.fetchCount=Число вибірок
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.lastFetched): This is the label text for the
+# last fetched date/time of the cached object.
+netmonitor.cache.lastFetched=Остання вибірка
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.lastModified): This is the label text for the
+# last modified date/time of the cached object.
+netmonitor.cache.lastModified=Остання зміна
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.cache.device): This is the label text for the device
+# where a cached object was fetched from (e.g. "disk").
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.settings.menuTooltip): This is the tooltip that gets displayed
+# when the settings menu button is hovered.
+netmonitor.settings.menuTooltip=Налаштування мережі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.settings.importHarTooltip): This is the tooltip that gets displayed
+# when the HAR import menu item is hovered
+netmonitor.settings.importHarTooltip=Імпорт файлу HAR даних мережі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.settings.saveHarTooltip): This is the tooltip that gets displayed
+# when the HAR save menu item is hovered
+netmonitor.settings.saveHarTooltip=Зберегти дані мережі в файл HAR
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.settings.copyHarTooltip): This is the tooltip that gets displayed
+# when the HAR copy menu item is hovered
+netmonitor.settings.copyHarTooltip=Копіювати дані мережі в буфер обміну
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..71022d0b81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the NetworkThrottlingMenu
+# component used to throttle network bandwidth.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.noThrottling): UI option in a menu to configure
+# network throttling. This option is the default and disables throttling so you
+# just have normal network conditions. There is not very much room in the UI
+# so a short string would be best if possible.
+responsive.noThrottling=Без обмежень
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (throttling.profile.description): Tooltip for the throttling
+# menu button, which gives details about the currently selected profile.
+# %1$S: Download speed value (number)
+# %2$S: Download speed unit (eg "Kbps", "Mbps")
+# %3$S: Upload speed value (number)
+# %4$S: Upload speed unit (eg "Kbps", "Mbps")
+# %5$S: Latency value, (number, in ms)
+throttling.profile.description = завантажено %1$S%2$S, вивантажено %3$S%4$S, затримка %5$Sмс
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/perftools.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/perftools.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ef834187b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/perftools.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used in DevTools’ performance-new panel, about:profiling, and
+### the remote profiling panel. There are additional profiler strings in the appmenu.ftl
+### file that are used for the profiler popup.
+perftools-intro-title = Налаштування Profiler
+perftools-intro-description =
+ Записи запускають у новій вкладці. Усі дані зберігаються
+ локально, але ви можете вивантажити їх для оприлюднення.
+## All of the headings for the various sections.
+perftools-heading-settings = Усі налаштування
+perftools-heading-buffer = Налаштування буфера
+perftools-heading-features = Функції
+perftools-heading-features-default = Функції (Рекомендовано увімкнути типово)
+perftools-heading-features-disabled = Вимкнені функції
+perftools-heading-features-experimental = Експериментальне
+perftools-heading-threads = Потоки
+perftools-heading-threads-jvm = Потоки JVM
+perftools-heading-local-build = Локальна збірка
+perftools-description-intro =
+ Записи запускають <a></a> у новій вкладці. Усі дані зберігаються
+ локально, але ви можете вивантажити їх для оприлюднення.
+perftools-description-local-build =
+ Якщо ви профілюєте збірку, яку склали власноруч на цьому
+ комп'ютері, додайте objdir своєї збірки до списку внизу,
+ щоб можна було виявляти інформацію про символи.
+## The controls for the interval at which the profiler samples the code.
+perftools-range-interval-label = Інтервал вибірки:
+perftools-range-interval-milliseconds = { NUMBER($interval, maxFractionalUnits: 2) } мс
+# The size of the memory buffer used to store things in the profiler.
+perftools-range-entries-label = Розмір буфера:
+perftools-custom-threads-label = Додати власні потоки за назвою:
+perftools-devtools-interval-label = Інтервал:
+perftools-devtools-threads-label = Потоки:
+perftools-devtools-settings-label = Налаштування
+## Various statuses that affect the current state of profiling, not typically displayed.
+perftools-status-recording-stopped-by-another-tool = Запис було зупинено іншим інструментом.
+perftools-status-restart-required = Щоб увімкнути цю функцію, потрібно перезапустити браузер.
+## These are shown briefly when the user is waiting for the profiler to respond.
+perftools-request-to-stop-profiler = Зупинення запису
+perftools-request-to-get-profile-and-stop-profiler = Захоплення профілю
+perftools-button-start-recording = Почати запис
+perftools-button-capture-recording = Захоплення запису
+perftools-button-cancel-recording = Скасувати запис
+perftools-button-save-settings = Зберегти налаштування і повернутись
+perftools-button-restart = Перезапустити
+perftools-button-add-directory = Додати директорію
+perftools-button-remove-directory = Видалити вибране
+perftools-button-edit-settings = Змінити налаштування…
+## These messages are descriptions of the threads that can be enabled for the profiler.
+perftools-thread-gecko-main =
+ .title = Основні процеси для процесу вищого рівня та процесу вмісту
+perftools-thread-compositor =
+ .title = Складає разом різні розфарбовані елементи на сторінці
+perftools-thread-dom-worker =
+ .title = Це стосується web workers та service workers
+perftools-thread-renderer =
+ .title = Коли увімкнено WebRender, потік, який виконує виклики OpenGL
+perftools-thread-render-backend =
+ .title = Потік WebRender RenderBackend
+perftools-thread-timer =
+ .title = Таймери обробки потоків (setTimeout, setInterval, nsITimer)
+perftools-thread-style-thread =
+ .title = Обчислення стилів розділено на декілька потоків
+pref-thread-stream-trans =
+ .title = Передача мережевого потоку
+perftools-thread-socket-thread =
+ .title = Потік, де мережевий код виконує будь-які виклики блокування сокета
+perftools-thread-img-decoder =
+ .title = Потоки декодування зображень
+perftools-thread-dns-resolver =
+ .title = У цьому потоці відбувається визначення DNS
+perftools-thread-task-controller =
+ .title = Потоки збірних потоків TaskController
+perftools-thread-jvm-gecko =
+ .title = Основний потік Gecko JVM
+perftools-thread-jvm-nimbus =
+ .title = Основні потоки для експериментального Nimbus SDK
+perftools-thread-jvm-default-dispatcher =
+ .title = Усталений диспетчер для бібліотеки співпрограм Kotlin
+perftools-thread-jvm-glean =
+ .title = Основні потоки для пакунка телеметрії Glean SDK
+perftools-thread-jvm-arch-disk-io =
+ .title = Диспетчер IO для бібліотеки співпрограм Kotlin
+perftools-thread-jvm-pool =
+ .title = Потоки, створені в об'єднанні потоків без назви
+perftools-record-all-registered-threads = Обходити вибране вгорі й записувати всі зареєстровані потоки
+perftools-tools-threads-input-label =
+ .title = Назви потоків є розділеним комами списком, що використовується для увімкнення профілювання потоків у Profiler. Для включення, назва повинна мати лише частковий збіг з назвою потоку. Вони чутливі до пробілів.
+## Onboarding UI labels. These labels are displayed in the new performance panel UI, when
+## preference is true.
+perftools-onboarding-message = <b>Нове</b>: { -profiler-brand-name } тепер вбудовано в Інструменти розробника. <a>Дізнайтеся докладніше</a> про цей потужний новий інструмент.
+perftools-onboarding-close-button =
+ .aria-label = Закрити вітальне повідомлення
+## Profiler presets
+# Presets and their l10n IDs are defined in the file
+# devtools/client/performance-new/popup/background.jsm.js
+# The same labels and descriptions are also defined in appmenu.ftl.
+# Presets and their l10n IDs are defined in the file
+# devtools/client/performance-new/shared/background.jsm.js
+# The same labels and descriptions are also defined in appmenu.ftl.
+perftools-presets-web-developer-label = Веброзробник
+perftools-presets-web-developer-description = Рекомендовані попередні налаштування для налагодження більшості вебзастосунків. З низьким споживанням ресурсів.
+perftools-presets-firefox-label = { -brand-shorter-name }
+perftools-presets-firefox-description = Рекомендовані налаштування для профілювання { -brand-shorter-name }.
+perftools-presets-graphics-label = Графіка
+perftools-presets-graphics-description = Налаштування для виявлення помилок графіки в { -brand-shorter-name }.
+perftools-presets-media-label = Медіа
+perftools-presets-media-description2 = Налаштування для виявлення помилок аудіо та відео в { -brand-shorter-name }.
+perftools-presets-networking-label = Мережа
+perftools-presets-networking-description = Налаштування для виявлення помилок мережі в { -brand-shorter-name }.
+# "Power" is used in the sense of energy (electricity used by the computer).
+perftools-presets-power-label = Потужність
+perftools-presets-power-description = Налаштування для виявлення помилок використання потужності { -brand-shorter-name } із низьким накладанням.
+perftools-presets-custom-label = Власні
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8844b89d4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Responsive Design Mode,
+# available from the Web Developer sub-menu -> 'Responsive Design Mode'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Responsive Design Mode,
+# available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Responsive Design Mode'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.editDeviceList2): Context menu item displayed in the
+# device selector.
+responsive.editDeviceList2=Змінити список…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.exit): Tooltip text of the exit button.
+responsive.exit=Закрити режим адаптивного дизайну
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.rotate): Tooltip text of the rotate button.
+responsive.rotate=Обернути точку огляду
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.responsiveMode): Placeholder text for the
+# device selector.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.enableTouch): Tooltip text for the touch
+# simulation button when it's disabled.
+responsive.enableTouch=Увімкнути симуляцію сенсорного введення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.disableTouch): Tooltip text for the touch
+# simulation button when it's enabled.
+responsive.disableTouch=Вимкнути симуляцію сенсорного введення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.screenshot): Tooltip of the screenshot button.
+responsive.screenshot=Зробити знімок вікна перегляду
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.screenshotGeneratedFilename): The auto generated
+# filename.
+# The first argument (%1$S) is the date string in yyyy-mm-dd format and the
+# second argument (%2$S) is the time string in HH.MM.SS format.
+responsive.screenshotGeneratedFilename=Знімок зроблено %1$S о %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.remoteOnly): Message displayed in the tab's
+# notification box if a user tries to open Responsive Design Mode in a
+# non-remote tab.
+responsive.remoteOnly=Режим адаптивного дизайну доступний лише для віддалених вкладок браузера, наприклад, таких що використовуються для вебвмісту в багатопроцесному Firefox.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.changeDevicePixelRatio): Tooltip for the
+# device pixel ratio dropdown when is enabled.
+responsive.changeDevicePixelRatio=Змінити роздільну здатність точки огляду пристрою
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Tooltip for the device pixel ratio
+# dropdown when it is disabled because a device is selected.
+# The argument (%1$S) is the selected device (e.g. iPhone 6) that set
+# automatically the device pixel ratio value.Роздільна здатність точки огляду пристрою автоматично встановлена %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.customDeviceName): Default value in a form to
+# add a custom device based on an arbitrary size (no association to an existing
+# device).
+responsive.customDeviceName=Користувацький пристрій
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.customDeviceNameFromBase): Default value in a
+# form to add a custom device based on the properties of another. %1$S is the
+# name of the device we're staring from, such as "Apple iPhone 6".
+responsive.customDeviceNameFromBase=%1$S (Користувацький)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.addDevice2): Button text that reveals a form to
+# be used for adding custom devices.
+responsive.addDevice2=Додати власний пристрій…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceAdderName): Label of form field for the
+# name of a new device.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceAdderSize): Label of form field for the
+# size of a new device.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceAdderPixelRatio2): Label of form field for
+# the device pixel ratio of a new device.
+responsive.deviceAdderPixelRatio2=Піксельне співвідношення пристрою (DPR)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceAdderUserAgent2): Label of form field for
+# the user agent of a new device.
+responsive.deviceAdderUserAgent2=Рядок User Agent
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceAdderTouch2): Label of form field for the
+# touch input support of a new device.
+responsive.deviceAdderTouch2=Сенсорний екран
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceAdderSave): Button text that submits a
+# form to add a new device.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceAdderCancel): Button text that cancels a
+# form to add a new device.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceDetails): Tooltip that appears when
+# hovering on a device in the device modal. %1$S is the width of the device.
+# %2$S is the height of the device. %3$S is the device pixel ratio value of the
+# device. %4$S is the user agent of the device. %5$S is a boolean value
+# noting whether touch input is supported.
+responsive.deviceDetails=Розмір: %1$S x %2$S\nDPR: %3$S\nUA: %4$S\nДотик: %5$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceDetails.browserAndOS): Used to display the browser
+# and the OS in a tooltip that appears when hovering on a device in the device modal.
+# %1$S: browser
+# %2$S: OS
+responsive.deviceDetails.browserAndOS=%1$S на %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceDetails.size): Used to display the pixel
+# size in a tooltip that appears when hovering on a device in the device modal.
+# %1$S: width
+# %2$S: height
+responsive.deviceDetails.size=Розмір: %1$S x %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceDetails.DPR): Used to display the DPR in a tooltip
+# that appears when hovering on a device in the device modal.
+# %1$S: device pixel ratio
+responsive.deviceDetails.DPR=DPR: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceDetails.UA): Used to display the UA in a tooltip
+# that appears when hovering on a device in the device modal.
+# %1$S: user agent
+responsive.deviceDetails.UA=UA: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceDetails.touch): Used to display a boolean value
+# which is whether the touch input is supported or not in a tooltip that appears when
+# hovering on a device in the device modal.
+# %1$S: touch
+responsive.deviceDetails.touch=Торкніться: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.devicePixelRatioOption): UI option in a menu to configure
+# the device pixel ratio. %1$S is the devicePixelRatio value of the device.
+responsive.devicePixelRatioOption=DPR: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.reloadConditions.touchSimulation): Label on checkbox used
+# to select whether to reload when touch simulation is toggled.
+responsive.reloadConditions.touchSimulation=Перезавантажувати за перемикання симуляції дотику
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.reloadConditions.userAgent): Label on checkbox used
+# to select whether to reload when user agent is changed.
+responsive.reloadConditions.userAgent=Перезавантажувати за зміни user agent
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.reloadNotification.description2): Text in notification bar
+# shown on first open to clarify that some features need a reload to apply.
+responsive.reloadNotification.description2=Зміни симуляції пристрою вимагають перезавантаження для повного застосування. Автоматичні перезавантаження типово вимкнено, щоб уникнути втрат будь-яких змін в інструментах розробки. Ви можете увімкнути перезавантаження в меню налаштувань.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.leftAlignViewport): Label on checkbox used in the settings
+# menu.
+responsive.leftAlignViewport=Viewport по лівому краю
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.customUserAgent): This is the placeholder for the user
+# agent input in the responsive design mode toolbar.
+responsive.customUserAgent=Власний User Agent
+responsive.showUserAgentInput=Показати user agent
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceSettings): The header text for the device settings
+# view.
+responsive.deviceSettings=Параметри пристрою
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceNameAlreadyInUse): This is the text shown when adding a new
+# device with an already existing device name.
+responsive.deviceNameAlreadyInUse=Ім'я пристрою вже використовується
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (responsive.deviceFormUpdate): Button text that updates a custom
+# device when the form is submitted.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6018babd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dimensions): This is used to display the dimensions
+# of a node or image, like 100×200.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (boxModelSize.accessibleLabel): This is used to read the
+# dimensions of a node by a screen reader. This helps communicate
+# the visual information in a more explicit form. Example:
+# Size: Width 100, height 200.
+boxModelSize.accessibleLabel=Розмір: Ширина %1$S, висота %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (boxModelInfo.accessibleLabel): This is used to read the
+# dimensions and position of a node by a screen reader. This helps communicate
+# the visual information in a more explicit form. Example:
+# Dimensions: Width 100, height 200, position static.
+boxModelInfo.accessibleLabel=Розміри: Ширина %1$S, висота %2$S, позиція %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (boxModelEditable.accessibleLabel): The string spoken by
+# screen readers for each button in the box model view that opens that property
+# for editing. %1$S is the property displayed in the tooltip when hovering.
+# %2$S is the value that is visually displayed.
+# Example: margin-left: 0.
+boxModelEditable.accessibleLabel=%1$S: %2$S
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..853c3064fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Source Editor component.
+# This component is used whenever source code is displayed for the purpose of
+# being edited, inside the Firefox developer tools - current examples are the
+# Scratchpad and the Style Editor tools.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Source Editor component.
+# This component is used whenever source code is displayed for the purpose of
+# being edited, inside the Firefox developer tools (like Style Editor).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE The correct localization of this file might be to keep it
+# in English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best documentation
+# on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (findCmd.promptMessage): This is the message shown when
+# the user wants to search for a string in the code. You can
+# access this feature by pressing Ctrl-F on Windows/Linux or Cmd-F on Mac.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gotoLineCmd.promptTitle): This is the dialog title used
+# when the user wants to jump to a specific line number in the code. You can
+# access this feature by pressing Ctrl-J on Windows/Linux or Cmd-J on Mac.
+gotoLineCmd.promptTitle=Перейти до рядка…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autocompletion.docsLink): This is the text shown on
+# the link inside of the documentation popup. If you type 'document' in Scratchpad
+# then press Shift+Space you can see the popup.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autocompletion.notFound): This is the text shown in
+# the documentation popup if Tern fails to find a type for the object.
+autocompletion.notFound=не знайдено
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (jumpToLine.commandkey): This is the key to use in
+# conjunction with accel (Command on Mac or Ctrl on other platforms) to jump to
+# a specific line in the editor.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toggleComment.commandkey): This is the key to use in
+# conjunction with accel (Command on Mac or Ctrl on other platforms) to either
+# comment or uncomment selected lines in the editor.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (indentLess.commandkey): This is the key to use in
+# conjunction with accel (Command on Mac or Ctrl on other platforms) to reduce
+# indentation level in CodeMirror. However, its default value also used by
+# the Toolbox to switch between tools so we disable it.
+# DO NOT translate this key without proper synchronization with toolbox.dtd.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (indentMore.commandkey): This is the key to use in
+# conjunction with accel (Command on Mac or Ctrl on other platforms) to increase
+# indentation level in CodeMirror. However, its default value also used by
+# the Toolbox to switch between tools
+# DO NOT translate this key without proper synchronization with toolbox.dtd.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (moveLineUp.commandkey): This is the combination of keys
+# used to move the current line up.
+# Do not localize "Alt", "Up", or change the format of the string. These are key
+# identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (moveLineDown.commandkey): This is the combination of keys
+# used to move the current line up.
+# Do not localize "Alt", "Down", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autocompletion.commandkey): This is the key, used with
+# Ctrl, for code autocompletion.
+# Do not localize "Space", it's the key identifier, not a message displayed to
+# the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (showInformation2.commandkey): This is the combination of
+# keys used to display more information, like type inference.
+# Do not localize "Shift", "Ctrl", "Space", or change the format of the string.
+# These are key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (find.key):
+# Key shortcut used to find the typed search
+# Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl", "F", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (replaceAll.key):
+# Key shortcut used to replace the content of the editor
+# Do not localize "Shift", "CmdOrCtrl", "F", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (replaceAllMac.key):
+# Key shortcut used to replace the content of the editor on Mac
+# Do not localize "Alt", "CmdOrCtrl", "F", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (findNext.key):
+# Key shortcut used to find again the typed search
+# Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl", "G", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (findPrev.key):
+# Key shortcut used to find the previous typed search
+# Do not localize "Shift", "CmdOrCtrl", "G", or change the format of the string. These are
+# key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..116ce9e990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (optionsButton.tooltip): This is used as the tooltip
+# for the options panel tab.
+optionsButton.tooltip=Налаштування інструментів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.label): This is used as the label of the tab in
+# the devtools window.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.panelLabel): This is used as the label for the
+# toolbox panel.
+options.panelLabel=Панель налаштувань інструментів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.darkTheme.label2)
+# Used as a label for dark theme
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.lightTheme.label2)
+# Used as a label for light theme
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (performance.label):
+# This string is displayed in the title of the tab when the profiler is
+# displayed inside the developer tools window and in the Developer Tools Menu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (performance.panelLabel):
+# This is used as the label for the toolbox panel.
+performance.panelLabel=Панель швидкодії
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (performance.accesskey)
+# Used for the menuitem in the tool menu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (performance.tooltip):
+# This string is displayed in the tooltip of the tab when the profiler is
+# displayed inside the developer tools window.
+# Keyboard shortcut for Performance Tools will be shown inside brackets.
+performance.tooltip=Швидкодія (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (MenuWebconsole.label): the string displayed in the Tools
+# menu as a shortcut to open the devtools with the Web Console tab selected.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ToolboxTabWebconsole.label): the string displayed as the
+# label of the tab in the devtools window.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ToolboxWebConsole.panelLabel): the string used as the
+# label for the toolbox panel.
+ToolboxWebConsole.panelLabel=Панель консолі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ToolboxWebconsole.tooltip2): the string displayed in the
+# tooltip of the tab when the Web Console is displayed inside the developer
+# tools window.
+# Keyboard shortcut for Console will be shown inside the brackets.
+ToolboxWebconsole.tooltip2=Вебконсоль (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ToolboxDebugger.label):
+# This string is displayed in the title of the tab when the debugger is
+# displayed inside the developer tools window and in the Developer Tools Menu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ToolboxDebugger.panelLabel):
+# This is used as the label for the toolbox panel.
+ToolboxDebugger.panelLabel=Панель налагоджувача
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ToolboxDebugger.tooltip4):
+# This string is displayed in the tooltip of the tab when the debugger is
+# displayed inside the developer tools window.
+ToolboxDebugger.tooltip4=Налагоджувач JavaScript (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (debuggerMenu.accesskey)
+# Used for the menuitem in the tool menu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ToolboxStyleEditor.label):
+# This string is displayed in the title of the tab when the style editor is
+# displayed inside the developer tools window and in the Developer Tools Menu.
+ToolboxStyleEditor.label=Редактор стилю
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ToolboxStyleEditor.panelLabel):
+# This is used as the label for the toolbox panel.
+ToolboxStyleEditor.panelLabel=Панель редактора стилів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ToolboxStyleEditor.tooltip3):
+# This string is displayed in the tooltip of the tab when the style editor is
+# displayed inside the developer tools window.
+# A keyboard shortcut for Stylesheet Editor will be shown inside the latter pair of brackets.
+ToolboxStyleEditor.tooltip3=Редактор таблиці стилів (CSS) (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (open.accesskey): The access key used to open the style
+# editor.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.*)
+# Used for the menuitem in the tool menu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.panelLabel)
+# Labels applied to the panel and views within the panel in the toolbox
+inspector.panelLabel=Панель інспектора
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.tooltip2)
+# Keyboard shortcut for DOM and Style Inspector will be shown inside brackets.
+inspector.tooltip2=Інспектор DOM і стилю (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspector.mac.tooltip)
+# This is the exact same string as inspector.tooltip2, except that we show it
+# on mac only, where we support toggling the inspector with either cmd+shift+C,
+# or cmd+opt+C
+inspector.mac.tooltip=Інспектор DOM і стилю (%1$S or %2$S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.label):
+# This string is displayed in the title of the tab when the Network Monitor is
+# displayed inside the developer tools window and in the Developer Tools Menu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.panelLabel):
+# This is used as the label for the toolbox panel.
+netmonitor.panelLabel=Панель мережі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.accesskey)
+# Used for the menuitem in the tool menu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (netmonitor.tooltip2):
+# This string is displayed in the tooltip of the tab when the Network Monitor is
+# displayed inside the developer tools window.
+# Keyboard shortcut for Network Monitor will be shown inside the brackets.
+netmonitor.tooltip2=Монітор мережі (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (storage.accesskey): The access key used to open the storage
+# editor.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (storage.label):
+# This string is displayed as the label of the tab in the developer tools window
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (storage.menuLabel):
+# This string is displayed in the Tools menu as a shortcut to open the devtools
+# with the Storage Inspector tab selected.
+storage.menuLabel=Інспектор сховища
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (storage.panelLabel):
+# This string is used as the aria-label for the iframe of the Storage Inspector
+# tool in developer tools toolbox.
+storage.panelLabel=Панель сховища
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (storage.tooltip3):
+# This string is displayed in the tooltip of the tab when the storage editor is
+# displayed inside the developer tools window.
+# A keyboard shortcut for Storage Inspector will be shown inside the brackets.
+storage.tooltip3=Інспектор сховища (Куки, Локальне сховище, …) (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (memory.label): This string is displayed in the title of the
+# tab when the memory tool is displayed inside the developer tools window and in
+# the Developer Tools Menu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (memory.panelLabel): This is used as the label for the
+# toolbox panel.
+memory.panelLabel=Панель пам'яті
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (memory.tooltip): This string is displayed in the tooltip of
+# the tab when the memory tool is displayed inside the developer tools window.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dom.label):
+# This string is displayed in the title of the tab when the DOM panel is
+# displayed inside the developer tools window and in the Developer Tools Menu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dom.panelLabel):
+# This is used as the label for the toolbox panel.
+dom.panelLabel=Панель DOM
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dom.accesskey)
+# Used for the menuitem in the tool menu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dom.tooltip):
+# This string is displayed in the tooltip of the tab when the DOM is
+# displayed inside the developer tools window.
+# Keyboard shortcut for DOM panel will be shown inside the brackets.
+dom.tooltip=DOM (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.label):
+# This string is displayed in the title of the tab when the Accessibility panel
+# is displayed inside the developer tools window and in the Developer Tools Menu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.panelLabel):
+# This is used as the label for the toolbox panel.
+accessibility.panelLabel=Панель підтримки доступності
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.accesskey)
+# Used for the menuitem in the tool menu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.tooltip3):
+# This string is displayed in the tooltip of the tab when the Accessibility is
+# displayed inside the developer tools window.
+# Keyboard shortcut for Accessibility panel will be shown inside the brackets.
+accessibility.tooltip3=Доступність (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (application.label):
+# This string is displayed in the title of the tab when the Application panel
+# is displayed inside the developer tools window and in the Developer Tools Menu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (application.panelLabel):
+# This is used as the label for the toolbox panel.
+application.panelLabel=Панель застосунку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (application.tooltip):
+# This string is displayed in the tooltip of the tab when the Application panel is
+# displayed inside the developer tools window.
+application.tooltip=Панель застосунку
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.buttons.responsive):
+# This is the tooltip of the button in the toolbox toolbar that toggles
+# the Responsive mode.
+# Keyboard shortcut will be shown inside brackets.
+toolbox.buttons.responsive = Режим адаптивного дизайну (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.buttons.screenshot):
+# This is the tooltip of the button in the toolbox toolbar that allows you to
+# take a screenshot of the entire page
+toolbox.buttons.screenshot = Зробити знімок всієї сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.buttons.rulers):
+# This is the tooltip of the button in the toolbox toolbar that toggles the
+# rulers in the page
+toolbox.buttons.rulers = Перемкнути лінійки для сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.buttons.measure):
+# This is the tooltip of the button in the toolbox toolbar that toggles the
+# measuring tools
+toolbox.buttons.measure = Виміряти частину сторінки
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/storage.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/storage.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4a4fcc469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/storage.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used inside the Storage Inspector.
+# Key shortcut used to focus the filter box on top of the data view
+storage-filter-key = CmdOrCtrl+F
+# Hint shown when the selected storage host does not contain any data
+storage-table-empty-text = Немає даних для вибраного хосту
+# Hint shown when the cookies storage type is selected. Clicking the link will open
+storage-table-type-cookies-hint = Переглядайте й редагуйте куки, вибравши хост. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Докладніше</a>
+# Hint shown when the local storage type is selected. Clicking the link will open
+storage-table-type-localstorage-hint = Переглядайте й редагуйте локальне сховище, вибравши хост. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Докладніше</a>
+# Hint shown when the session storage type is selected. Clicking the link will open
+storage-table-type-sessionstorage-hint = Переглядайте й редагуйте сховище сеансу, вибравши хост. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Докладніше</a>
+# Hint shown when the IndexedDB storage type is selected. Clicking the link will open
+storage-table-type-indexeddb-hint = Переглядайте й видаляйте записи IndexedDB, обравши базу даних. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Докладніше</a>
+# Hint shown when the cache storage type is selected. Clicking the link will open
+storage-table-type-cache-hint = Переглядайте й видаляйте записи кешу сховища, обравши сховище. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Докладніше</a>
+# Hint shown when the extension storage type is selected. Clicking the link will open
+storage-table-type-extensionstorage-hint = Переглядайте й редагуйте сховище розширень, вибравши хост. <a data-l10n-name="learn-more-link">Докладніше</a>
+# Placeholder for the searchbox that allows you to filter the table items
+storage-search-box =
+ .placeholder = Фільтр елементів
+# Placeholder text in the sidebar search box
+storage-variable-view-search-box =
+ .placeholder = Значення фільтра
+# Add Item button title
+storage-add-button =
+ .title = Додати елемент
+# Refresh button title
+storage-refresh-button =
+ .title = Оновити елементи
+# Context menu action to delete all storage items
+storage-context-menu-delete-all =
+ .label = Видалити все
+# Context menu action to delete all session cookies
+storage-context-menu-delete-all-session-cookies =
+ .label = Видалити всі куки сеансу
+# Context menu action to copy a storage item
+storage-context-menu-copy =
+ .label = Копіювати
+# Context menu action to delete storage item
+# Variables:
+# $itemName (String) - Name of the storage item that will be deleted
+storage-context-menu-delete =
+ .label = Видалити “{ $itemName }”
+# Context menu action to add an item
+storage-context-menu-add-item =
+ .label = Додати елемент
+# Context menu action to delete all storage items from a given host
+# Variables:
+# $host (String) - Host for which we want to delete the items
+storage-context-menu-delete-all-from =
+ .label = Видалити все з “{ $host }”
+## Header names of the columns in the Storage Table for each type of storage available
+## through the Storage Tree to the side.
+storage-table-headers-cookies-name = Назва
+storage-table-headers-cookies-value = Значення
+storage-table-headers-cookies-expires = Термін дії / Макс. вік
+storage-table-headers-cookies-size = Розмір
+storage-table-headers-cookies-last-accessed = Останній доступ
+storage-table-headers-cookies-creation-time = Створено
+storage-table-headers-cache-status = Стан
+storage-table-headers-extension-storage-area = Обсяг сховища
+## Labels for Storage type groups present in the Storage Tree, like cookies, local storage etc.
+storage-tree-labels-cookies = Куки
+storage-tree-labels-local-storage = Локальне сховище
+storage-tree-labels-session-storage = Сховище сеансу
+storage-tree-labels-indexed-db = Індексована БД
+storage-tree-labels-cache = Сховище кешу
+storage-tree-labels-extension-storage = Сховище розширення
+# Tooltip for the button that collapses the right panel in the
+# storage UI when the panel is closed.
+storage-expand-pane =
+ .title = Розгорнути панель
+# Tooltip for the button that collapses the right panel in the
+# storage UI when the panel is open.
+storage-collapse-pane =
+ .title = Згорнути панель
+# String displayed in the expires column when the cookie is a Session Cookie
+storage-expires-session = Сеанс
+# Heading displayed over the item value in the sidebar
+storage-data = Дані
+# Heading displayed over the item parsed value in the sidebar
+storage-parsed-value = Оброблене значення
+# Warning notification when IndexedDB database could not be deleted immediately.
+# Variables:
+# $dbName (String) - Name of the database
+storage-idb-delete-blocked = База даних “{ $dbName }” видалиться після закриття всіх з'єднань.
+# Error notification when IndexedDB database could not be deleted.
+# Variables:
+# $dbName (String) - Name of the database
+storage-idb-delete-error = База даних “{ $dbName }” не може бути видалена.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/styleeditor.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/styleeditor.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35f7fe01a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/styleeditor.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+styleeditor-new-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Створити і додати нову таблицю стилів у документ
+ .accesskey = С
+styleeditor-import-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Імпортувати і додати наявну таблицю стилів у документ
+ .accesskey = І
+styleeditor-filter-input =
+ .placeholder = Фільтрувати таблиці стилів
+styleeditor-visibility-toggle =
+ .tooltiptext = Перемкнути видимість таблиці стилів
+ .accesskey = З
+styleeditor-visibility-toggle-system =
+ .tooltiptext = Системні таблиці стилів не можна вимкнути
+styleeditor-save-button = Зберегти
+ .tooltiptext = Зберегти цю таблицю стилів у файл
+ .accesskey = З
+styleeditor-options-button =
+ .tooltiptext = Налаштування редактора стилів
+styleeditor-at-rules = At-правила
+styleeditor-editor-textbox =
+ .data-placeholder = Введіть код CSS тут.
+styleeditor-no-stylesheet = Ця сторінка не має таблиці стилів.
+styleeditor-no-stylesheet-tip = Можливо, бажаєте <a data-l10n-name="append-new-stylesheet">додати нову таблицю стилів</a>?
+styleeditor-open-link-new-tab =
+ .label = Відкрити посилання в новій вкладці
+styleeditor-copy-url =
+ .label = Копіювати URL
+styleeditor-find =
+ .label = Знайти
+ .accesskey = З
+styleeditor-find-again =
+ .label = Знайти знову
+ .accesskey = т
+styleeditor-go-to-line =
+ .label = Перейти до рядка…
+ .accesskey = й
+# Label displayed when searching a term that is not found in any stylesheet path
+styleeditor-stylesheet-all-filtered = Не знайдено відповідної таблиці стилів.
+# This string is shown in the style sheets list
+# Variables:
+# $ruleCount (Integer) - The number of rules in the stylesheet.
+styleeditor-stylesheet-rule-count =
+ { $ruleCount ->
+ [one] { $ruleCount } правило.
+ [few] { $ruleCount } правила.
+ *[many] { $ruleCount } правил.
+ }
+# Title for the pretty print button in the editor footer.
+styleeditor-pretty-print-button =
+ .title = Охайний друк таблиці стилів
+# Title for the pretty print button in the editor footer, when it's disabled
+styleeditor-pretty-print-button-disabled =
+ .title = Може охайно друкувати лише файли CSS
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29a6f46098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Style Editor.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE The correct localization of this file might be to keep it
+# in English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best documentation
+# on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inlineStyleSheet): This is the name used for an style sheet
+# that is declared inline in the <style> element. Shown in the stylesheets list.
+# the argument is the index (order) of the containing <style> element in the
+# document.
+inlineStyleSheet=<вбудована таблиця стилів #%S>
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (newStyleSheet): This is the default name for a new
+# user-created style sheet.
+newStyleSheet=Нова таблиця стилів #%S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ruleCount.label): Semicolon-separated list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# This is shown in the style sheets list.
+# #1 rule.
+# example: 111 rules.
+ruleCount.label=#1 правило.;#1 правила.;#1 правил.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error-load): This is shown when loading fails.
+error-load=Таблицю стилів неможливо завантажити.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error-save): This is shown when saving fails.
+error-save=Таблицю стилів неможливо зберегти.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (importStyleSheet.title): This is the file picker title,
+# when you import a style sheet into the Style Editor.
+importStyleSheet.title=Імпорт таблиці стилів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (importStyleSheet.filter): This is the *.css filter title
+importStyleSheet.filter=Файли з CSS
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveStyleSheet.title): This is the file picker title,
+# when you save a style sheet from the Style Editor.
+saveStyleSheet.title=Зберегти таблицю стилів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveStyleSheet.filter): This is the *.css filter title
+saveStyleSheet.filter=Файли з CSS
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveStyleSheet.commandkey): This the key to use in
+# conjunction with accel (Command on Mac or Ctrl on other platforms) to Save
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (focusFilterInput.commandkey): This is the key to use in
+# conjunction with accel (Command on Mac or Ctrl on other platforms) to focus the
+# filter input. Don't use "F" as it's used by the CodeMirror editor to perform an
+# in-file search; if possible, keep it the same as
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (showOriginalSources.label): This is the label on the context
+# menu item to toggle showing original sources in the editor.
+showOriginalSources.label=Показати оригінальні джерела
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (showOriginalSources.accesskey): This is the access key for
+# the menu item to toggle showing original sources in the editor.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (showAtRulesSidebar.label): This is the label on the context
+# menu item to toggle showing at-rules shortcuts in a sidebar.
+# "@media" and "@supports" should not be translated as they are CSS rule identifiers.
+showAtRulesSidebar.label=Показати бічну панель At-правил (@media, @supports, …)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (showAtRulesSidebar.accesskey): This is the access key for
+# the menu item to toggle showing the at-rules sidebar.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e677292bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for Developer Tools options
+## Default Developer Tools section
+# The heading
+options-select-default-tools-label = Типові інструменти розробника
+# The label for the explanation of the * marker on a tool which is currently not supported
+# for the target of the toolbox.
+options-tool-not-supported-label = * Не підтримується для поточної цілі інструмента
+# The label for the heading of group of checkboxes corresponding to the developer tools
+# added by add-ons. This heading is hidden when there is no developer tool installed by add-ons.
+options-select-additional-tools-label = Інструменти розробника встановлено через додатки
+# The label for the heading of group of checkboxes corresponding to the default developer
+# tool buttons.
+options-select-enabled-toolbox-buttons-label = Доступні кнопки панелі
+# The label for the heading of the radiobox corresponding to the theme
+options-select-dev-tools-theme-label = Теми
+## Inspector section
+# The heading
+options-context-inspector = Ревізор
+# The label for the checkbox option to show user agent styles
+options-show-user-agent-styles-label = Показати стилі браузера
+options-show-user-agent-styles-tooltip =
+ .title = Увімкнення цього параметра покаже типові стилі, завантажені браузером.
+# The label for the checkbox option to enable collapse attributes
+options-collapse-attrs-label = Скорочувати атрибути DOM
+options-collapse-attrs-tooltip =
+ .title = Скорочувати довгі атрибути в інспекторі
+# The label for the checkbox option to enable the "drag to update" feature
+options-inspector-draggable-properties-label = Клацніть і потягніть для редагування значень розмірів
+options-inspector-draggable-properties-tooltip =
+ .title = Клацніть і потягніть для редагування значень розмірів у огляді правил інспектора.
+# The label for the checkbox option to enable simplified highlighting on page elements
+# within the inspector for users who enabled prefers-reduced-motion = reduce
+options-inspector-simplified-highlighters-label = Використовувати спрощене підсвічування з prefers-reduced-motion
+options-inspector-simplified-highlighters-tooltip =
+ .title = Використання спрощеного підсвічування, якщо увімкнено prefers-reduced-motion. Підкреслення лініями замість заповнених прямокутників навколо підсвічених елементів для уникнення ефекту миготіння.
+## "Default Color Unit" options for the Inspector
+options-default-color-unit-label = Типова одиниця кольору
+options-default-color-unit-authored = As Authored
+options-default-color-unit-hex = Hex
+options-default-color-unit-hsl = HSL(A)
+options-default-color-unit-rgb = RGB(A)
+options-default-color-unit-hwb = HWB
+options-default-color-unit-name = Назви кольорів
+## Style Editor section
+# The heading
+options-styleeditor-label = Редактор стилів
+# The label for the checkbox that toggles autocompletion of css in the Style Editor
+options-stylesheet-autocompletion-label = Автоматичне доповнення CSS
+options-stylesheet-autocompletion-tooltip =
+ .title = Автоматичне доповнення властивостей, значень і вибірок CSS у редакторі стилів під час набирання
+## Screenshot section
+# The heading
+options-screenshot-label = Поведінка при знімку екрана
+# Label for the checkbox that toggles screenshot to clipboard feature
+options-screenshot-clipboard-only-label = Знімок тільки в буфер обміну
+options-screenshot-clipboard-tooltip2 =
+ .title = Збереження знімка екрана безпосередньо в буфер обміну
+# Label for the checkbox that toggles the camera shutter audio for screenshot tool
+options-screenshot-audio-label = Звук зйомки камери
+options-screenshot-audio-tooltip =
+ .title = Звук камери під час захоплення знімку екрана
+## Editor section
+# The heading
+options-sourceeditor-label = Налаштування редактора
+options-sourceeditor-detectindentation-tooltip =
+ .title = Вгадувати стиль відступів на основі вмісту джерела
+options-sourceeditor-detectindentation-label = Виявляти стиль відступів
+options-sourceeditor-autoclosebrackets-tooltip =
+ .title = Автоматично вставляти закриваючі дужки
+options-sourceeditor-autoclosebrackets-label = Автоматичне закриття дужок
+options-sourceeditor-expandtab-tooltip =
+ .title = Використовувати пробіли замість символа табуляції
+options-sourceeditor-expandtab-label = Відступ за допомогою пробілів
+options-sourceeditor-tabsize-label = Розмір табуляції
+options-sourceeditor-keybinding-label = Сполучення клавіш
+options-sourceeditor-keybinding-default-label = Типово
+## Advanced section
+# The heading (this item is also used in perftools.ftl)
+options-context-advanced-settings = Додаткові параметри
+# The label for the checkbox that toggles the HTTP cache on or off
+options-disable-http-cache-label = Вимкнути HTTP-кеш (коли відкрита панель інструментів)
+options-disable-http-cache-tooltip =
+ .title = Вмикаючи цю опцію ви забороняєте HTTP-кеш для всіх вкладок з відкритою панеллю інструментів. Ця опція не впливає на Service Workers.
+# The label for checkbox that toggles JavaScript on or off
+options-disable-javascript-label = Вимкнути JavaScript *
+options-disable-javascript-tooltip =
+ .title = Увімкнення цього параметра вимкне JavaScript для поточної вкладки. Якщо вкладку чи інструменти закрито, то ці налаштування не збережуться.
+# The label for checkbox that toggles chrome debugging, i.e. the preference
+options-enable-chrome-label = Увімкнути інструменти налагодження browser chrome і додатків
+options-enable-chrome-tooltip =
+ .title = Увімкнення цього параметра дозволить вам використовувати різні інструменти розробника в контексті браузера (Меню > Інші інструменти > Інструменти браузера) та налагоджувати додатки в менеджері додатків
+# The label for checkbox that toggles remote debugging, i.e. the devtools.debugger.remote-enabled preference
+options-enable-remote-label = Увімкнути віддалене налагодження
+options-enable-remote-tooltip2 =
+ .title = Увімкнення цього параметра дозволить віддалене налагодження цього екземпляра браузера
+# The label for checkbox that enables F12 as a shortcut to open DevTools
+options-enable-f12-label = Використовуйте клавішу F12, щоб відкрити або закрити інструменти розробника
+options-enable-f12-tooltip =
+ .title = Якщо ввімкнути цей параметр, клавіша F12 відкриватиме чи закриватиме панель інструментів розробника
+# The label for checkbox that toggles custom formatters for objects
+options-enable-custom-formatters-label = Увімкнути спеціальні форматувальники
+options-enable-custom-formatters-tooltip =
+ .title = Увімкнення цього параметра дозволить сайтам визначати спеціальні форматувальники для об'єктів DOM
+# The label for checkbox that toggles the service workers testing over HTTP on or off.
+options-enable-service-workers-http-label = Увімкнути Service Workers поверх HTTP (коли відкрита панель інструментів)
+options-enable-service-workers-http-tooltip =
+ .title = Увімкнення цього параметра активує Service Workers поверх HTTP для всіх вкладок, які мають відкриту панель інструментів.
+# The label for the checkbox that toggles source maps in all tools.
+options-source-maps-label = Увімкнути карти джерел
+options-source-maps-tooltip =
+ .title = Якщо увімкнути цю опцію, джерела будуть заноситись в інструменти.
+# The message shown for settings that trigger page reload
+options-context-triggers-page-refresh = * тільки поточний сеанс, перезавантажити сторінку
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/toolbox.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/toolbox.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08d489848d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/toolbox.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These messages are used in the DevTools toolbox.
+## These labels are shown in the "..." menu in the toolbox, and represent different
+## commands such as the docking of DevTools, toggling features, and viewing some
+## external links. Some of the commands have the keyboard shortcut shown next to
+## the label.
+toolbox-meatball-menu-dock-bottom-label = Прикріпити знизу
+toolbox-meatball-menu-dock-left-label = Прикріпити ліворуч
+toolbox-meatball-menu-dock-right-label = Прикріпити праворуч
+toolbox-meatball-menu-dock-separate-window-label = Окреме вікно
+toolbox-meatball-menu-splitconsole-label = Показати консоль розділення
+toolbox-meatball-menu-hideconsole-label = Сховати консоль розділення
+toolbox-meatball-menu-settings-label = Налаштування
+toolbox-meatball-menu-documentation-label = Документація…
+toolbox-meatball-menu-community-label = Спільнота…
+# This menu item is only available in the browser toolbox. It forces the popups/panels
+# to stay visible on blur, which is primarily useful for addon developers and Firefox
+# contributors.
+toolbox-meatball-menu-noautohide-label = Вимкнути автоприховування спливних вікон
+toolbox-meatball-menu-pseudo-locale-accented = Увімкнути “accented” локаль
+toolbox-meatball-menu-pseudo-locale-bidi = Увімкнути “bidi” локаль
+## These labels are shown in the top-toolbar in the Browser Toolbox and Browser Console
+toolbox-mode-browser-toolbox-label = Режим інструментів браузера
+toolbox-mode-browser-console-label = Режим консолі браузера
+toolbox-mode-everything-label = Багатопроцесний
+toolbox-mode-everything-sub-label = (Повільніше)
+toolbox-mode-everything-container =
+ .title = Налагоджувати все в усіх процесах
+toolbox-mode-parent-process-label = Лише процес вищого рівня
+toolbox-mode-parent-process-sub-label = (Швидко)
+toolbox-mode-parent-process-container =
+ .title = Зосередитися лише на ресурсах з процесу вищого рівня.
+toolbox-always-on-top-enabled2 = Вимкнути завжди вгорі
+ .title = Ця дія перезапустить інструменти розробника
+toolbox-always-on-top-disabled2 = Увімкнути завжди вгорі
+ .title = Ця дія перезапустить інструменти розробника
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..307ddcfa58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.titleTemplate1): This is the template
+# used to format the title of the toolbox.
+# The URL of the page being targeted: %1$S.
+toolbox.titleTemplate1=Інструменти розробника - %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.titleTemplate2): This is the template
+# used to format the title of the toolbox.
+# The page title or other name for the thing being targeted: %1$S
+# The URL of the page being targeted: %2$S.
+toolbox.titleTemplate2=Інструменти розробника - %1$S - %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.multiProcessBrowserToolboxTitle): Title used for
+# the Browser Toolbox when the pref `devtools.browsertoolbox.scope` is set to "everything".
+# This Browser Toolbox allows to debug the parent process as well as the content
+# processes in the same toolbox.
+toolbox.multiProcessBrowserToolboxTitle=Панель багатопроцесності браузера
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.parentProcessBrowserToolboxTitle): Title used for
+# the Browser Toolbox when the pref `devtools.browsertoolbox.scope` is set to "parent-process".
+# This Browser Toolbox allows to debug only the parent process resources.
+toolbox.parentProcessBrowserToolboxTitle=Інструменти браузера процесу вищого рівня
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.defaultTitle): This is used as the tool
+# name when no tool is selected.
+toolbox.defaultTitle=Інструменти розробника
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.label): This is used as the label for the
+# toolbox as a whole
+toolbox.label=Інструменти розробника
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.autoTheme.label)
+# Used as a label for auto theme
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.toolNotSupportedMarker): This is the template
+# used to add a * marker to the label for the Options Panel tool checkbox for the
+# tool which is not supported for the current toolbox target.
+# The name of the tool: %1$S.
+options.toolNotSupportedMarker=%1$S *
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.pickButton.tooltip)
+# This is the tooltip of the element picker button in the toolbox toolbar.
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut that toggles the element picker.
+toolbox.elementPicker.tooltip=Оберіть елемент зі сторінки (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.pickButton.mac.tooltip)
+# Like toolbox.pickButton.tooltip, but for macOS there are two possible keyboard
+# shortcuts: Cmd+Shift+C or Cmd+Opt+C
+toolbox.elementPicker.mac.tooltip=Оберіть елемент зі сторінки (%1$S або %2$S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.androidElementPicker.tooltip)
+# This is the tooltip of the element picker button in the about:devtools-toolbox toolbox toolbar
+# when debugging an Android device
+# %S is the keyboard shortcut that toggles the element picker.
+toolbox.androidElementPicker.tooltip=Виберіть елемент із телефона Android (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.androidElementPicker.mac.tooltip)
+# Like toolbox.androidElementPicker.tooltip, but for macOS as there are two possible keyboard
+# shortcuts (Cmd+Shift+C or Cmd+Opt+C)
+# %1$S and %2$S are the keyboard shortcuts that toggle the element picker.
+toolbox.androidElementPicker.mac.tooltip=Виберіть елемент із телефона Android (%1$S або %2$S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.elementPicker.key)
+# Key shortcut used to toggle the element picker.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.elementPicker.mac.key)
+# Key shortcut used to toggle the element picker for macOS.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.viewCssSourceInStyleEditor.label)
+# Used as a message in either tooltips or contextual menu items to open the
+# corresponding URL as a css file in the Style-Editor tool.
+# DEV NOTE: Mostly used wherever toolbox.viewSourceInStyleEditorByXX is used.
+toolbox.viewCssSourceInStyleEditor.label=Відкрити файл в редакторі стилів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.viewJsSourceInDebugger.label)
+# Used as a message in either tooltips or contextual menu items to open the
+# corresponding URL as a js file in the Debugger tool.
+# DEV NOTE: Mostly used wherever toolbox.viewSourceInDebugger is used.
+toolbox.viewJsSourceInDebugger.label=Відкрити файл у налагоджувачі
+toolbox.resumeOrderWarning=Сторінка не відновилась після прикріплення налагоджувача. Щоб виправити це, закрийте і повторно відкрийте панель інструментів.
+# Key shortcut used to open the options panel
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.nextTool.key)
+# Key shortcut used to select the next tool
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.previousTool.key)
+# Key shortcut used to select the previous tool
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.zoom*.key)
+# Key shortcuts used to zomm in/out or reset the toolbox
+# Should match full-zoom-*-shortcut values from browserSets.ftl
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.reload*.key)
+# Key shortcuts used to reload the page
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.forceReload*.key)
+# Key shortcuts used to force reload of the page by bypassing caches
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.toggleHost.key)
+# Key shortcut used to move the toolbox in bottom or side of the browser window
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.closeToolbox.key) Key shortcut used to close the toolbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.toggleToolbox.key) Key shortcut used to toggle the toolbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.toggleToolboxOSX.key) Key shortcut used to toggle the toolbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.toggleToolboxF12.key) Key shortcut used to toggle the toolbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.frames.tooltip): This is the label for
+# the iframes menu list that appears only when the document has some.
+# It allows you to switch the context of the whole toolbox.
+toolbox.frames.tooltip=Вибрати iframe як поточний цільовий документ
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.frames.disabled.tooltip): This is the title
+# displayed as a tooltip of the iframes menu button, when disabled. The button
+# is normally hidden when no frames are available. But if the user is on the
+# DevTools Options panel, the button is always shown for discoverability.
+toolbox.frames.disabled.tooltip=Ця кнопка доступна лише на сторінках з кількома iframe
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.showFrames.key)
+# Key shortcut used to show frames menu when 'frames' button is focused
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.meatballMenu.button.tooltip): This is the tooltip
+# for the "..." button on the developer tools toolbox.
+toolbox.meatballMenu.button.tooltip=Налаштувати інструменти розробника та отримати допомогу
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.closebutton.tooltip): This is the tooltip for
+# the close button the developer tools toolbox.
+toolbox.closebutton.tooltip=Закрити інструменти розробника
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.errorCountButton.tooltip): This is the tooltip for
+# the error count button displayed in the developer tools toolbox.
+toolbox.errorCountButton.tooltip=Показати розділену консоль
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.errorCountButton.description): This is the description that
+# will be used for the error count button in the devTools settings panel.
+toolbox.errorCountButton.description=Показати кількість помилок на сторінці
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.sourceMapFailure): This is shown in the web console
+# when there is a failure to fetch or parse a source map.
+# The text of the error: %1$S
+# The URL that caused DevTools to try to fetch a source map: %2$S
+# The URL of the source map itself: %3$S
+toolbox.sourceMapFailure=Помилка карти джерела: %1$S\nURL джерела: %2$S\nURL карти джерела: %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.sourceMapSourceFailure): This is shown in
+# the web console when there is a failure to fetch or parse an
+# original source that was mentioned in a source map.
+# The text of the error: %1$S
+# The URL of the source: %2$S
+toolbox.sourceMapSourceFailure=Помилка при отриманні оригінального джерела: %1$S\nURL джерела: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.runtimeLabel): This is displayed as a toolbox
+# header in about:devtools-toolbox. about:devtools-toolbox is used for instance when
+# inspecting tabs in about:debugging.
+# e.g. Mozilla Fennec (65.0a1)
+# The name of runtime: %1$S
+# The version of runtime: %2$S
+toolbox.debugTargetInfo.runtimeLabel=%1$S (%2$S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.runtimeLabel.thisRuntime): this is displayed
+# as a toolbox header in about:devtools-toolbox, when inspecting the current Firefox runtime
+# (for instance, when inspecting one of its tabs in about:debugging)
+# e.g. This Firefox (65.0a1)
+# The name of the current runtime/application (brandShorterName): %1$S
+# The version of runtime: %2$S
+toolbox.debugTargetInfo.runtimeLabel.thisRuntime=Цей %1$S (%2$S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.tabTitleRemote):
+# Used as the tab title for about:devtools-toolbox when connected to a remote target.
+# The connection type (see toolbox.debugTargetInfo.connection.*): %1$S
+# The target type (see toolbox.debugTargetInfo.targetType.*): %2$S
+# The target name (retrieved from DevTools, eg the extension's name): %3$S
+toolbox.debugTargetInfo.tabTitleRemote=Панель інструментів (%1$S) - %2$S / %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.tabTitleLocal):
+# Used as the tab title for about:devtools-toolbox when connected to This Firefox.
+# The target type (see toolbox.debugTargetInfo.targetType.*): %1$S
+# The target name (retrieved from DevTools, eg the extension's name): %2$S
+toolbox.debugTargetInfo.tabTitleLocal=Панель інструментів - %1$S / %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.tabTitleError):
+# Used as the tab title for about:devtools-toolbox when it failed to connect to the
+# target.
+toolbox.debugTargetInfo.tabTitleError=Панель інструментів - сталася помилка
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.connection.*): This is displayed in the
+# toolbox header in about:devtools-toolbox, to indicate how the connection to the
+# runtime being inspected was made.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.reload):
+# Used as the reload button tooltip
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.forward):
+# Used as the navigation's "forward" button tooltip
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.back):
+# Used as the navigation's "back" button tooltip
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetInfo.targetType.*): This is displayed as the
+# alt attribute for an icon in the toolbox header in about:devtools-toolbox,
+# to indicate what is the type of the debug target being inspected.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (browserToolbox.statusMessage): This is the label
+# shown next to status details when the Browser Toolbox fails to connect or
+# appears to be taking a while to do so.
+browserToolbox.statusMessage=Статус з'єднання інструментів браузера:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetErrorPage.title): This is the title
+# for the Error view shown by the toolbox when a connection to a debug target
+# could not be made
+toolbox.debugTargetErrorPage.title = Помилка
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (toolbox.debugTargetErrorPage.description): This is the
+# text that appears in the Error view and explains to the user that an error
+# has happened while trying to connect to a debug target
+toolbox.debugTargetErrorPage.description = Неможливо під'єднатися до цілі налагодження. Подробиці помилки наведено нижче:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.deprecationNotice): This is the text that appears in the
+# settings panel for panel that will be removed in future releases.
+# This entire text is treated as a link to an MDN page.
+options.deprecationNotice=Застаріле. Докладніше…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.enableMultiProcessToolbox): This is the text that appears in the
+# settings panel for the checkbox that enables the Multiprocess Browser Toolbox.
+options.enableMultiProcessToolbox=Увімкнути панель багатопроцесності браузера (необхідно перезапустити панель інструментів браузера)
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/tooltips.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/tooltips.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf047338d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/tooltips.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for Developer Tools tooltips.
+learn-more = <span data-l10n-name="link">Докладніше</span>
+## In the Rule View when a CSS property cannot be successfully applied we display
+## an icon. When this icon is hovered this message is displayed to explain why
+## the property is not applied.
+## Variables:
+## $property (string) - A CSS property name e.g. "color".
+## $display (string) - A CSS display value e.g. "inline-block".
+inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він не є контейнером flex чи grid.
+inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-or-multicol-container = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він не є контейнером flex, grid, чи multi-column.
+inactive-css-not-multicol-container = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він не є контейнером multi-column.
+inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-item = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він не є елементом grid чи flex.
+inactive-css-not-grid-item = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він не є елементом grid.
+inactive-css-not-grid-container = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він не є контейнером grid.
+inactive-css-not-flex-item = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він не є елементом flex.
+inactive-css-not-flex-container = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він не є контейнером flex.
+inactive-css-not-inline-or-tablecell = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він не є inline чи table-cell елементом.
+inactive-css-first-line-pseudo-element-not-supported = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не підтримується в псевдо-елементах ::first-line.
+inactive-css-first-letter-pseudo-element-not-supported = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не підтримується в псевдо-елементах ::first-letter.
+inactive-css-placeholder-pseudo-element-not-supported = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не підтримується у псевдоелементах ::placeholder.
+inactive-css-property-because-of-display = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він має відображення <strong>{ $display }</strong>.
+inactive-css-not-display-block-on-floated = Значення <strong>display</strong> було замінено рушієм на <strong>block</strong>, тому що цей елемент <strong>floated</strong>.
+inactive-css-property-is-impossible-to-override-in-visited = Неможливо перевизначити властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong>, у зв'язку з обмеженням <strong>:visited</strong>.
+inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що це не позиціонований елемент.
+inactive-text-overflow-when-no-overflow = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, оскільки не встановлено <strong>overflow:hidden</strong>.
+inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на внутрішні елементи таблиці.
+inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-except-table-cells = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на внутрішні елементи таблиці, окрім комірок таблиці.
+inactive-css-not-table = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він не є елементом table.
+inactive-css-not-table-cell = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, оскільки він не є коміркою таблиці.
+inactive-scroll-padding-when-not-scroll-container = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він не прокручується.
+inactive-css-border-image = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, оскільки його не можна застосувати до внутрішньої таблиці елементів, де для <strong>border-collapse</strong> встановлено <strong>collapse</strong> на елементі таблиці вищого рівня.
+inactive-css-ruby-element = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, оскільки це елемент ruby. Його розмір визначається розміром шрифту тексту ruby.
+inactive-css-highlight-pseudo-elements-not-supported = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не підтримується для виділення псевдоелементів.
+inactive-css-cue-pseudo-element-not-supported = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не підтримується в псевдо-елементах ::cue.
+# Variables:
+# $lineCount (integer) - The number of lines the element has.
+inactive-css-text-wrap-balance-lines-exceeded =
+ { $lineCount ->
+ [one] Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він має понад { $lineCount } рядок.
+ [few] Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він має понад { $lineCount } рядки.
+ *[many] Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він має понад { $lineCount } рядків.
+ }
+inactive-css-text-wrap-balance-fragmented = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не впливає на цей елемент, тому що він фрагментований, тобто його вміст розділений на декілька стовпчиків або сторінок.
+## In the Rule View when a CSS property cannot be successfully applied we display
+## an icon. When this icon is hovered this message is displayed to explain how
+## the problem can be solved.
+inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-fix = Спробуйте додати <strong>display:grid</strong> або <strong>display:flex</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-or-multicol-container-fix = Спробуйте додати <strong>display:grid</strong>, <strong>display:flex</strong>, або <strong>columns:2</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-multicol-container-fix = Спробуйте додати <strong>column-count</strong> або <strong>column-width</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-item-fix-3 = Спробуйте додати <strong>display:grid</strong>, <strong>display:flex</strong>, <strong>display:inline-grid</strong>, або <strong>display:inline-flex</strong> до елемента вищого рівня. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-grid-item-fix-2 = Спробуйте додати <strong>display:grid</strong> або <strong>display:inline-grid</strong> до елемента вищого рівня. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-grid-container-fix = Спробуйте додати <strong>display:grid</strong> або <strong>display:inline-grid</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-flex-item-fix-2 = Спробуйте додати <strong>display:flex</strong> або <strong>display:inline-flex</strong> до елемента вищого рівня. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-flex-container-fix = Спробуйте додати <strong>display:flex</strong> або <strong>display:inline-flex</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-inline-or-tablecell-fix = Спробуйте додати <strong>display:inline</strong> або <strong>display:table-cell</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-non-replaced-inline-or-table-row-or-row-group-fix = Спробуйте додати <strong>display:inline-block</strong> або <strong>display:block</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-non-replaced-inline-or-table-column-or-column-group-fix = Спробуйте додати <strong>display:inline-block</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-display-block-on-floated-fix = Спробуйте вилучити <strong>float</strong> або додати <strong>display:block</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box-fix = Спробуйте налаштувати його властивість <strong>позиції</strong> на щось інше, ніж <strong>static</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-text-overflow-when-no-overflow-fix = Спробуйте додати <strong>overflow:hidden</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-fix = Спробуйте встановити властивість <strong>display</strong> на щось інше, ніж <strong>table-cell</strong>, <strong>table-column</strong>, <strong>table-row</strong>, <strong>table-column-group</strong>, <strong>table-row-group</strong>, або <strong>table-footer-group</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-except-table-cells-fix = Спробуйте встановити властивість <strong>display</strong> на щось інше, ніж <strong>table-column</strong>, <strong>table-row</strong>, <strong>table-column-group</strong>, <strong>table-row-group</strong>, або <strong>table-footer-group</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-table-fix = Спробуйте додати <strong>display:table</strong> або <strong>display:inline-table</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-not-table-cell-fix = Спробуйте додати <strong>display:table-cell</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-scroll-padding-when-not-scroll-container-fix = Спробуйте додати <strong>overflow:auto</strong>, <strong>overflow:scroll</strong>, або <strong>overflow:hidden</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-border-image-fix = На елементі таблиці вищого рівня вилучіть властивість або змініть значення для <strong>border-collapse</strong> на інше, ніж <strong>collapse</strong>. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-ruby-element-fix = Спробуйте змінити <strong>font-size</strong> тексту ruby. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-text-wrap-balance-lines-exceeded-fix = Спробуйте зменшити кількість рядків. { learn-more }
+inactive-css-text-wrap-balance-fragmented-fix = Уникайте розділення вмісту елемента, наприклад, видаливши стовпчики або використавши <strong>page-break-inside:avoid</strong>. { learn-more }
+## In the Rule View when a CSS property may have compatibility issues with other browsers
+## we display an icon. When this icon is hovered this message is displayed to explain why
+## the property is incompatible and the platforms it is incompatible on.
+## Variables:
+## $property (string) - A CSS declaration name e.g. "-moz-user-select" that can be a platform specific alias.
+## $rootProperty (string) - A raw CSS property name e.g. "user-select" that is not a platform specific alias.
+css-compatibility-default-message = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> не підтримується такими браузерами:
+css-compatibility-deprecated-experimental-message = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> була експериментальною властивістю, яка тепер застаріла за стандартами W3C. Не підтримується такими браузерами:
+css-compatibility-deprecated-experimental-supported-message = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> була експериментальною, яка тепер застаріла за стандартами W3C.
+css-compatibility-deprecated-message = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> застаріла за стандартами W3C. Не підтримується такими браузерами:
+css-compatibility-deprecated-supported-message = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> застаріла за стандартами W3C.
+css-compatibility-experimental-message = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> є експериментальною. Не підтримується такими браузерами:
+css-compatibility-experimental-supported-message = Властивість <strong>{ $property }</strong> є експериментальною.
+css-compatibility-learn-more-message = <span data-l10n-name="link">Докладніше</span> про <strong>{ $rootProperty }</strong>
+## In the Rule View when a rule selector can causes issues, we display an icon.
+## When this icon is hovered one or more of those messages are displayed to explain what
+## the issue are.
+# :has() should not be translated
+css-selector-warning-unconstrained-has = Цей селектор використовує необмежений <strong>:has()</strong>, який може бути повільним
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/client/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1620a2af61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (multiProcessBrowserConsole.title): Title of the Browser
+# Console window when the pref `devtools.browsertoolbox.scope` is set to "everything". This
+# Browser Console will log messages from all processes, not just the the parent
+# process.
+multiProcessBrowserConsole.title=Консоль багатопроцесності браузера
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (parentProcessBrowserConsole.title): Title used for
+# the Browser Console when the pref `devtools.browsertoolbox.scope` is set to "parent-process".
+parentProcessBrowserConsole.title=Консоль браузера процесу вищого рівня
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timestampFormat): %1$02S = hours (24-hour clock),
+# %2$02S = minutes, %3$02S = seconds, %4$03S = milliseconds.
+ConsoleAPIDisabled=API журналювання веб-консолі (console.log,, console.warn, console.error) вимкнено скриптом на цій сторінці.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webConsoleXhrIndicator): the indicator displayed before
+# a URL in the Web Console that was requested using an XMLHttpRequest.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webConsoleMoreInfoLabel): the more info tag displayed
+# after security related web console messages.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stacktrace.anonymousFunction): this string is used to
+# display JavaScript functions that have no given name - they are said to be
+# anonymous. Test console.trace() in the webconsole.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stacktrace.asyncStack): this string is used to
+# indicate that a given stack frame has an async parent.
+# %S is the "Async Cause" of the frame.
+stacktrace.asyncStack=(Асинхронний: %S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeLog): this string is used to display the result of
+# the console.timeLog() call. Parameters: %1$S is the name of the timer, %2$S
+# is the number of milliseconds.
+timeLog=%1$S: %2$Sмс
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (console.timeEnd): this string is used to display the result of
+# the console.timeEnd() call. Parameters: %1$S is the name of the timer, %2$S
+# is the number of milliseconds.
+console.timeEnd=%1$S: %2$S мс - таймер завершився
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (consoleCleared): this string is displayed when receiving a
+# call to console.clear() to let the user know the previous messages of the
+# console have been removed programmatically.
+consoleCleared=Консоль була очищена.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (preventedConsoleClear): this string is displayed when receiving a
+# call to console.clear() when the user has the "Persist logs" option enabled, to let the
+# user know the console method call was ignored.
+# "Persist Logs" should be kept in sync with
+preventedConsoleClear=console.clear() було заблоковано через “Persist Logs”
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (noCounterLabel): this string is used to display
+# count-messages with no label provided.
+noCounterLabel=<без мітки>
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterDoesntExist): this string is displayed when
+# console.countReset() is called with a counter that doesn't exist.
+counterDoesntExist=Лічильник “%S” не існує.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (noGroupLabel): this string is used to display
+# messages with no label provided.
+noGroupLabel=<без мітки групи>
+maxTimersExceeded=Перевищено максимальну кількість таймерів у цій сторінці.
+timerAlreadyExists=Таймер “%S” вже існує.
+timerDoesntExist=Таймер “%S” не існує.
+timerJSError=Збій обробки назви таймера.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (connectionTimeout): message displayed when the Remote Web
+# Console fails to connect to the server due to a timeout.
+connectionTimeout=Час очікування завершився. Перевірте консоль помилок на обох кінцях на наявність можливих повідомлень про помилки. Відкрийте повторно Вебконсоль і спробуйте знову.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (propertiesFilterPlaceholder): this is the text that
+# appears in the filter text box for the properties view container.
+propertiesFilterPlaceholder=Відсіяти властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (messageRepeats.tooltip2): the tooltip text that is displayed
+# when you hover the red bubble that shows how many times a message is repeated
+# in the web console output.
+# This is a semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 number of message repeats
+# example: 3 repeats
+messageRepeats.tooltip2=#1 повтор;#1 повтори;#1 повторів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openNodeInInspector): the text that is displayed in a
+# tooltip when hovering over the inspector icon next to a DOM Node in the console
+# output
+openNodeInInspector=Клацність щоб вибрати вузол в інспекторі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (selfxss.msg): the text that is displayed when
+# a new user of the developer tools pastes code into the console
+# %1 is the text of selfxss.okstring
+selfxss.msg=Попередження про шахрайство: Будьте уважні при вставленні того, що вам незрозуміле. Цим можуть скористатися шахраї, щоб викрасти ваші дані або взяти під контроль ваш комп'ютер. Будь ласка, введіть нижче ‘%S’ (не потрібно тиснути Enter), щоб дозволити вставлення.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (selfxss.okstring): the string to be typed
+# in by a new user of the developer tools when they receive the sefxss.msg prompt.
+# Please avoid using non-keyboard characters here
+selfxss.okstring=дозволити вставлення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (evaluationNotifcation.noOriginalVariableMapping.msg): the text for the notification message that is displayed
+# in the console when the debugger is paused in a non-pretty printed original file and original variable mapping is turned off.
+# `Show original variables` should be kept in sync with the checkbox label in the Scopes panel header.
+evaluationNotifcation.noOriginalVariableMapping.msg=Зіставлення назв оригінальних змінних у налагоджувачі вимкнено. Результати оцінювання можуть бути неточними. Щоб увімкнути, встановіть прапорець "Показати вихідні змінні" на панелі областей налагоджувача.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (messageToggleDetails): the text that is displayed when
+# you hover the arrow for expanding/collapsing the message details. For
+# console.error() and other messages we show the stacktrace.
+messageToggleDetails=Показати/сховати подробиці повідомлення.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (groupToggle): the text that is displayed when
+# you hover the arrow for expanding/collapsing the messages of a group.
+groupToggle=Показати/сховати групу.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (table.index, table.iterationIndex, table.key, table.value):
+# the column header displayed in the console table widget.
+table.iterationIndex=(індекс повторення)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (level.error, level.warn,, level.log, level.debug, level.jstracer):
+# tooltip for icons next to console output.
+# "level.jstracer" isn't related to console.api call, but rather to the JavaScript Tracer,
+# each item represents a function call being logged in the console.
+level.jstracer=Виклик функції
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (logpoint.title)
+# Tooltip shown for logpoints sent from the debugger
+logpoint.title=Точки журналювання з налагоджувача
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (logtrace.title)
+# Tooltip shown for JavaScript tracing logs
+logtrace.title=Відстеження виконання JavaScript
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedReason.title)
+# Tooltip shown for blocked network events sent from the network panel
+blockedrequest.label=Заблоковано DevTools
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.disableIcon.title)
+# Tooltip shown for disabled console messages
+webconsole.disableIcon.title=Це повідомлення більше неактивне, тому його подробиці недоступні
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (command.title)
+# Tooltip shown for console input evaluated code displayed in the console output
+command.title=Обчислюваний код
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (result.title)
+# Tooltip shown for evaluation result displayed in the console output
+result.title=Обчислюваний результат
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.find.key)
+# Key shortcut used to focus the search box on upper right of the console
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.close.key)
+# Key shortcut used to close the Browser console (doesn't work in regular web console)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.clear.key*)
+# Key shortcut used to clear the console output
+# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for network message logs. Clicking on it
+# copies the URL displayed in the message to the clipboard.Копіювати адресу посиланняК
+# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for network message logs. Clicking on it
+# opens the URL displayed in a new browser tab.Відкрити URL-адресу в новій вкладцік
+# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for network message logs. Clicking on it
+# opens the network message in the Network panelВідкрити в панелі МережаМ
+# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for network message logs. Clicking on it
+# resends the network requestПовторно відправити запитт
+# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for DOM Node logs. Clicking on it will
+# reveal that specific DOM Node in the Inspector.Відобразити в інспекторіз
+# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for object/variable logs. Clicking on it
+# creates a new global variable pointing to the logged variable.Зберегти як глобальну зміннуз
+# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for any log. Clicking on it will copy the
+# content of the log (or the user selection, if any).Копіювати повідомленняп
+# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for object/variable log. Clicking on it
+# will copy the object/variable.Копіювати об'єкто
+# Label used for a context-menu item displayed for object/variable logs. Clicking on it
+# opens the webconsole sidebar for the logged variable.Інспектувати об'єкт у бічній панеліб
+# Label used for a context-menu item displayed on the output. Clicking on it
+# copies the entire output of the console to the clipboard.Копіювати всі повідомленняп
+# Label used for a context-menu item displayed on the output. Clicking on it
+# opens a file picker to allow the user save a file containing
+# the output of the console.Зберегти всі повідомлення у файлб
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.clearButton.tooltip)
+# Label used for the tooltip on the clear logs button in the console top toolbar bar.
+# Clicking on it will clear the content of the console.
+webconsole.clearButton.tooltip=Очистити вивід веб-консолі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.toggleFilterButton.tooltip)
+# Label used for the tooltip on the toggle filter bar button in the console top
+# toolbar bar. Clicking on it will toggle the visibility of an additional bar which
+# contains filter buttons.
+webconsole.toggleFilterButton.tooltip=Перемкнути панель фільтру
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.filterInput.placeholder)
+# Label used for for the placeholder on the filter input, in the console top toolbar.
+webconsole.filterInput.placeholder=Вивід фільтру
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.errorsFilterButton.label)
+# Label used as the text of the "Errors" button in the additional filter toolbar.
+# It shows or hides error messages, either inserted in the page using
+# console.error() or as a result of a javascript error..
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.warningsFilterButton.label)
+# Label used as the text of the "Warnings" button in the additional filter toolbar.
+# It shows or hides warning messages, inserted in the page using console.warn().
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.logsFilterButton.label)
+# Label used as the text of the "Logs" button in the additional filter toolbar.
+# It shows or hides log messages, inserted in the page using console.log().
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.infoFilterButton.label)
+# Label used as the text of the "Info" button in the additional filter toolbar.
+# It shows or hides info messages, inserted in the page using
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.debugFilterButton.label)
+# Label used as the text of the "Debug" button in the additional filter toolbar.
+# It shows or hides debug messages, inserted in the page using console.debug().
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.cssFilterButton.label)
+# Label used as the text of the "CSS" button in the additional filter toolbar.
+# It shows or hides CSS warning messages, inserted in the page by the browser
+# when there are CSS errors in the page.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.cssFilterButton.inactive.tooltip)
+# Label used as the tooltip of the "CSS" button in the additional filter toolbar, when the
+# filter is inactive (=unchecked).
+webconsole.cssFilterButton.inactive.tooltip=Таблиці стилів будуть повторно перевірені на наявність помилок. Оновіть сторінку, щоб також побачити помилки з таблиць стилів, змінених з Javascript.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.xhrFilterButton.label)
+# Label used as the text of the "XHR" button in the additional filter toolbar.
+# It shows or hides messages displayed when the page makes an XMLHttpRequest or
+# a fetch call.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.requestsFilterButton.label)
+# Label used as the text of the "Requests" button in the additional filter toolbar.
+# It shows or hides messages displayed when the page makes a network call, for example
+# when an image or a scripts is requested.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.filteredMessagesByText.label)
+# Text on the filter input displayed when some console messages are hidden because the
+# user has filled in the input.
+# This is a semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# example: 345 hidden.
+webconsole.filteredMessagesByText.label=#1 приховано;#1 приховано;#1 приховано
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.filteredMessagesByText.tooltip)
+# Tooltip on the filter input "hidden" text, displayed when some console messages are
+# hidden because the user has filled in the input.
+# This is a semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# example: 345 items hidden by text filter.
+webconsole.filteredMessagesByText.tooltip=#1 елемент приховано текстовим фільтром;#1 елементи приховано текстовим фільтром;#1 елементів приховано текстовим фільтром
+# Tooltip for the filter bar preferences menu. This menu will display multiple perefences for the
+# filter bar, such as enabling the compact toolbar mode, enable the timestamps, persist logs, etcНалаштування консолі
+# Label for the `Compact Toolbar` preference option. This will turn the message filters buttons
+# into a Menu Button, making the filter bar more compact.Компактна панель інструментів
+# Label for enabling the timestamps in the Web Console.Показувати позначки часу
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Якщо ввімкнено цей параметр, команди і вивід показуватимуть час у веб-консолі
+# Label for grouping the similar messages in the Web ConsoleГрупувати схожі повідомлення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Якщо увімкнено, схожі повідомлення об'єднуються в групи
+# Label for enabling autocomplete for input in the Web ConsoleУвімкнути автозавершення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Якщо увімкнути цю опцію, відображатимуться пропозиції під час введення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Постійне журналювання
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Якщо ви увімкнете цей параметр, результати не очищатимуться щоразу при переході до нової сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Миттєва оцінка
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (Якщо увімкнути цю опцію, введення буде швидко оцінено під час його вводу
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (browserconsole.enableNetworkMonitoring.label)
+# Label used in the browser console / browser toolbox console. This label is used for a checkbox that
+# allows the user enable monitoring of network requests.
+browserconsole.enableNetworkMonitoring.label=Увімкнути моніторинг мережі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (browserconsole.enableNetworkMonitoring.tooltip)
+# Tooltip for the "Enable Network Monitoring" check item.
+browserconsole.enableNetworkMonitoring.tooltip=Увімкніть, щоб почати стежити за мережевими запитами
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.navigated): this string is used in the console when the
+# current inspected page is navigated to a new location.
+# Parameters: %S is the new URL.
+webconsole.navigated=Передано до %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.closeSplitConsoleButton.tooltip): This is the tooltip for
+# the close button of the split console.
+webconsole.closeSplitConsoleButton.tooltip=Закрити роздільну консоль (Esc)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.closeSidebarButton.tooltip): This is the tooltip for
+# the close button of the sidebar.
+webconsole.closeSidebarButton.tooltip=Закрити бічну панель
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.reverseSearch.input.placeHolder):
+# This string is displayed in the placeholder of the reverse search input in the console.
+webconsole.reverseSearch.input.placeHolder=Шукати в історії
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.reverseSearch.result.closeButton.tooltip):
+# This string is displayed in the tooltip of the close button in the reverse search toolbar.
+# A keyboard shortcut will be shown inside the latter pair of brackets.
+webconsole.reverseSearch.closeButton.tooltip=Закрити (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.reverseSearch.results):
+# This string is displayed in the reverse search UI when there are at least one result
+# to the search.
+# This is a semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 index of current search result displayed.
+# #2 total number of search results.
+webconsole.reverseSearch.results=1 результат;#1 результати з #2;#1 результатів з #2
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.reverseSearch.noResult):
+# This string is displayed in the reverse search UI when there is no results to the search.
+webconsole.reverseSearch.noResult=Немає результатів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.reverseSearch.result.previousButton.tooltip):
+# This string is displayed in the tooltip of the "previous result" button in the reverse search toolbar.
+# A keyboard shortcut will be shown inside the latter pair of brackets.
+webconsole.reverseSearch.result.previousButton.tooltip=Попередній результат (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.reverseSearch.result.nextButton.tooltip):
+# This string is displayed in the tooltip of the "next result" button in the reverse search toolbar.
+# A keyboard shortcut will be shown inside the latter pair of brackets.
+webconsole.reverseSearch.result.nextButton.tooltip=Наступний результат (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.confirmDialog.getter.label)
+# Label used for the "invoke getter" confirm dialog that appears in the console when
+# a user tries to autocomplete a property with a getter.
+# Example: given the following object `x = {get y() {}}`, when the user types `x.y.`, it
+# would return "Invoke getter y to retrieve the property list?".
+# Parameters: %S is the name of the getter.
+webconsole.confirmDialog.getter.label=Викликати getter %S для отримання списку властивостей?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.confirmDialog.getter.invokeButtonLabelWithShortcut)
+# Label used for the confirm button in the "invoke getter" dialog that appears in the
+# console when a user tries to autocomplete a property with a getter.
+# A keyboard shortcut will be shown inside the latter pair of brackets.
+webconsole.confirmDialog.getter.invokeButtonLabelWithShortcut=Викликати (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.confirmDialog.getter.closeButton.tooltip)
+# Label used as the tooltip for the close button in the "invoke getter" dialog that
+# appears in the console when a user tries to autocomplete a property with a getter.
+# A keyboard shortcut will be shown inside the latter pair of brackets.
+webconsole.confirmDialog.getter.closeButton.tooltip=Закрити (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.cssWarningElements.label)
+# Label for the list of HTML elements matching the selector associated
+# with the CSS warning. Parameters: %S is the CSS selector.
+webconsole.cssWarningElements.label=Елементи, що відповідають селектору: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.componentDidCatch.label)
+# Label displayed when the webconsole couldn't handle a given packet.
+# Parameters: %S is the URL to file a bug about the error.
+webconsole.message.componentDidCatch.label=[ПОМИЛКА DEVTOOLS] На жаль, нам не вдалося вивести повідомлення. Таке не повинно було статися. Будь ласка, повідомте про помилку на %S, додавши в опис метадані повідомлення.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.copyValueToClipboard)
+# Label displayed when the string is copied to the clipboard as a result of a copy command,
+# in the console, for example, copy({hello: "world"}).
+webconsole.message.commands.copyValueToClipboard=Рядок скопійовано в буфер обміну.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.startTracingToWebConsole)
+# Label displayed when :trace command was executed and the JavaScript tracer started to log to the web console.
+webconsole.message.commands.startTracingToWebConsole=Розпочато трасування до вебконсолі
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.startTracingToStdout)
+# Label displayed when :trace command was executed and the JavaScript tracer started to log to stdout.
+webconsole.message.commands.startTracingToStdout=Розпочато трасування до stdout
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.startTracingToProfiler)
+# Label displayed when :trace command was executed and the JavaScript tracer will open the profiler showing all the traces,
+# but only on stop.
+webconsole.message.commands.startTracingToProfiler=Розпочато трасування в Profiler. Трасування з'являться у профіляторі після зупинки.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.stopTracing)
+# Label displayed when :trace command was executed and the JavaScript tracer stopped.
+webconsole.message.commands.stopTracing=Припинено трасування
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.error.commands.copyError):
+# the error that is displayed when the "copy" command can't stringify an object
+# "copy" should not be translated, because is a function name.
+# Parameters: %S is the original error message
+webconsole.error.commands.copyError=Не вдалося виконати команду "copy". Об'єкт не можна стрингувати: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.blockedUR)
+# Label displayed when the :block <url> command is successful
+# Parameters: %S is the URL filter
+webconsole.message.commands.blockedURL=Запити до URL, що містять “%S” тепер блокуються
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.commands.unblockedURL)
+# Label displayed when the :unblock <url> command is successful
+# Parameters: %S is the URL filter
+webconsole.message.commands.unblockedURL=Вилучено фільтр блокування “%S”
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.messages.commands.blockArgMissing)
+# Message displayed when no filter is passed to block/unblock command
+webconsole.messages.commands.blockArgMissing=Жодного фільтра не вказано
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.message.componentDidCatch.copyButton.label)
+# Label displayed on the button next to the message we display when the webconsole
+# couldn't handle a given packet (See webconsole.message.componentDidCatch.label).
+webconsole.message.componentDidCatch.copyButton.label=Копіювати метадані повідомлення в буфер обміну
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.executeButton.label)
+# Label used for the text of the execute button, in the editor toolbar, which is
+# displayed when the editor mode is enabled (devtools.webconsole.input.editor=true).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.reverseSearchButton.openReverseSearch.tooltip)
+# Label used for the tooltip on the reverse search button for opening the Reverse Search UI.
+# The Reverse Search is a feature that mimics the bash-like reverse search of
+# command history in WebConsole, searching commands from the last item backwards.
+# Parameters: %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+webconsole.editor.toolbar.reverseSearchButton.openReverseSearch.tooltip=Відкрити зворотній пошук в історії (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.reverseSearchButton.closeReverseSearch.tooltip)
+# Label used for the tooltip on the reverse search button for closing the Reverse Search UI.
+# The Reverse Search is a feature that mimics the bash-like reverse search of
+# command history in WebConsole, searching commands from the last item backwards.
+# Parameters: %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+webconsole.editor.toolbar.reverseSearchButton.closeReverseSearch.tooltip=Закрити зворотній пошук в історії (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.executeButton.tooltip)
+# Label used for the tooltip on the execute button, in the editor toolbar, which is
+# displayed when the editor mode is enabled (devtools.webconsole.input.editor=true).
+# Parameters: %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+webconsole.editor.toolbar.executeButton.tooltip=Виконати вираз (%S). Це не очистить вхідні дані.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.prettyPrintButton.tooltip)
+# Label used for the tooltip on the prettyPrint button, in the editor toolbar, which is
+# displayed when the editor mode is enabled (devtools.webconsole.input.editor=true).
+webconsole.editor.toolbar.prettyPrintButton.tooltip=Pretty print expression
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.executeButton.tooltip)
+# Label used for the tooltip on the history previous expression, in the editor toolbar,
+# which is displayed when the editor mode is enabled (devtools.webconsole.input.editor=true).
+webconsole.editor.toolbar.history.prevExpressionButton.tooltip=Попередній вираз
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.executeButton.tooltip)
+# Label used for the tooltip on the history next expression, in the editor toolbar,
+# which is displayed when the editor mode is enabled (devtools.webconsole.input.editor=true).
+webconsole.editor.toolbar.history.nextExpressionButton.tooltip=Наступний вираз
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.editor.toolbar.closeButton.tooltip2)
+# Label used for the tooltip on the close button, in the editor toolbar, which is
+# displayed when the editor mode is enabled (devtools.webconsole.input.editor=true).
+# Parameters: %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+webconsole.editor.toolbar.closeButton.tooltip2=Перемкнути на вбудований режим (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.input.openEditorButton.tooltip2)
+# Label used for the tooltip on the open editor button, in console input, which is
+# displayed when the console is in regular mode.
+# Parameters: %S is the keyboard shortcut.
+webconsole.input.openEditorButton.tooltip2=Перемкнути в режим багаторядкового редактора (%S)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.warningGroup.messageCount.tooltip): the tooltip text
+# displayed when you hover a warning group badge (i.e. repeated warning messages for a
+# given category, for example Content Blocked messages) in the web console output.
+# This is a semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 number of message in the group.
+# example: 3 messages
+webconsole.warningGroup.messageCount.tooltip=#1 повідомлення;#1 повідомлення;#1 повідомлень
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.input.editor.onboarding.label): the text that is displayed
+# when displaying the multiline-input mode for the first time, until the user dismiss the
+# text.
+# Parameters: %1$S is Enter key, %2$S is the shortcut to evaluate the expression (
+# Ctrl+Enter or Cmd+Enter on OSX).
+webconsole.input.editor.onboarding.label=Повторюйте свій код швидше за допомогою нового режиму багаторядкового редактора. Використовуйте %1$S для додавання нових рядків та %2$S для виконання.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.input.editor.onboarding.dismiss.label): the text that is
+# displayed in the multiline-input mode onboarding UI to dismiss it.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.enterKey): The text that will be used to represent the
+# Enter key in the editor onboarding UI, as well as on the Editor toolbar "Run" button
+# tooltip.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.input.openJavaScriptFile): This is a label
+# used for opening a file in the console input (Ctrl+O or Cmd+O on OSX while
+# being focused on the input).
+webconsole.input.openJavaScriptFile=Відкрити файл JavaScript
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.input.openJavaScriptFileFilter):
+# This string is displayed as a filter when opening a file in the console input.
+webconsole.input.openJavaScriptFileFilter=Файли JavaScript
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( This is the term used
+# to describe the primary thread of execution in the pageВгору
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webconsole.input.selector.tooltip): This is the tooltip
+# shown when users select a thread that they want to evaluate an
+# expression for.
+webconsole.input.selector.tooltip=Оберіть контекст оцінювання
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( do not translate 'SameSite'.Деякі куки зловживають атрибутом “SameSite“, тому вони не працюватимуть належним чином
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( do not translate 'SameSite'.Деякі куки зловживають рекомендованим атрибутом “SameSite“
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( do not translate
+# 'Content-Security-Policy', as that's the name of the header.Попередження Content-Security-Policy
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..530a8dc222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.ratio): A title text for the color contrast
+# ratio description, used by the accessibility highlighter to display the value. %S in the
+# content will be replaced by the contrast ratio numerical value.
+accessibility.contrast.ratio=Контраст: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.ratio.error): A title text for the color
+# contrast ratio, used when the tool is unable to calculate the contrast ratio value.
+accessibility.contrast.ratio.error=Не вдалося розрахувати
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.ratio.label): A title text for the color
+# contrast ratio description, used together with the actual values.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.contrast.ratio.label.large): A title text for the color
+# contrast ratio description that also specifies that the color contrast criteria used is
+# if for large text.
+accessibility.contrast.ratio.label.large=Контраст (великий текст):
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.area): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for an <area> element must have
+# its name provided via the alt attribute.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.area = Використовуйте атрибут “alt”, щоб вказати альтернативний текст для елементів “area” з атрибутом “href”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.dialog): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a dialog should have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.dialog = Діалоги повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.document.title): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a document must have a name
+# provided via title.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.document.title = Документи повинні мати атрибут title.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.embed): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for an <embed> must have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.embed = Вбудований вміст повинен мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.figure): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a figure should have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.figure = Фігури з необов'язковими заголовками повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.fieldset): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a <fieldset> must have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.fieldset = Елементи “fieldset” повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.fieldset.legend2): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a <fieldset> must have a name
+# provided via <legend> element.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.fieldset.legend2 = Використовуйте елемент “legend”, щоб задати альтернативний текст для елементів “fieldset”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.form): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a form element must have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.form = Елементи форм повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.form.visible): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a form element should have a name
+# provided via a visible label/element.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.form.visible = Елементи форм повинні мати видиму текстову мітку.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.frame): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a <frame> must have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.frame = Елементи “frame” повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.glyph): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a <mglyph> must have a name
+# provided via alt attribute.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.glyph = Використовуйте атрибут “alt”, щоб вказати альтернативний текст для елементів “mglyph”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.heading): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a heading must have a name
+# provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.heading = Заголовки повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.heading.content): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a heading must have visible
+# content.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.heading.content = Заголовки повинні мати видиму текстову мітку.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.iframe): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for an <iframe> have a name
+# provided via title attribute.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.iframe = Використовуйте атрибут “title”, щоб описати вміст “iframe”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.image): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for graphical content must have a
+# name provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.image = Вміст із зображеннями повинен мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.interactive): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for interactive element must have a
+# name provided.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.interactive = Інтерактивні елементи повинні мати альтернативний текст.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.optgroup.label2): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for an <optgroup> must have a
+# name provided via label attribute.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.optgroup.label2 = Використовуйте атрибут “label”, щоб задати альтернативний текст для елементів “optgroup”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.text.label.issue.toolbar): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object for a toolbar must have a
+# name provided when there is more than one toolbar in the document.
+accessibility.text.label.issue.toolbar = Панелі інструментів повинні мати альтернативний текст, коли їх більше однієї.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.keyboard.issue.semantics): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object is focusable and should
+# indicate that it could be interacted with.
+accessibility.keyboard.issue.semantics=Фокусовані елементи повинні мати інтерактивну семантику.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.keyboard.issue.tabindex): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object has a corresponding
+# DOMNode that defines a tabindex attribute greater that 0 which can result in
+# unexpected behaviour when navigating with keyboard.
+accessibility.keyboard.issue.tabindex=Уникайте використання значення атрибуту “tabindex” більше нуля.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.keyboard.issue.action): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object is interactive but can not
+# be activated using keyboard or accessibility API.
+accessibility.keyboard.issue.action=Інтерактивні елементи повинні мати можливість активуватися клавіатурою.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.keyboard.issue.focusable): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object is interactive but is not
+# focusable with a keyboard.
+accessibility.keyboard.issue.focusable=Інтерактивні елементи повинні бути фокусованими.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.keyboard.issue.focus.visible): A title text
+# that describes that currently selected accessible object is focusable but
+# might not have appropriate focus styling.
+accessibility.keyboard.issue.focus.visible=У фокусованому елементі може бути відсутній styling фокусу.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (accessibility.keyboard.issue.mouse.only): A title text that
+# describes that currently selected accessible object is not focusable and not
+# semantic but can be activated via mouse (e.g. has click handler).
+accessibility.keyboard.issue.mouse.only=Елементи, які можна натиснути, повинні бути фокусовані і мати інтерактивну семантику.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/debugger-paused-reasons.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/debugger-paused-reasons.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72022fa99f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/debugger-paused-reasons.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### These strings are used inside the Debugger which is available from the Web
+### Developer sub-menu -> 'Debugger', as well as in the "Paused Debugger
+### Overlay" that is displayed in the content page when it pauses.
+### The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+### English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+### You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+### A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+### documentation on web development on the web.
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused due to a `debugger` statement in the code
+whypaused-debugger-statement = Призупинено на операторі налагоджувача
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on a breakpoint
+whypaused-breakpoint = Призупинено на точці зупинки
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on an event breakpoint.
+whypaused-event-breakpoint = Призупинено на точці зупинки події
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on an exception
+whypaused-exception = Призупинено на винятку
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on a DOM mutation breakpoint
+whypaused-mutation-breakpoint = Призупинено на мутації DOM
+# The text that is displayed to describe an added node which triggers a subtree
+# modification
+whypaused-mutation-breakpoint-added = Додано:
+# The text that is displayed to describe a removed node which triggers a subtree
+# modification
+whypaused-mutation-breakpoint-removed = Вилучено:
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused at a JS execution
+whypaused-interrupted = Призупинено при виконанні
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused while stepping in or out of the stack
+whypaused-resume-limit = Призупинено під час степінгу
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on a dom event
+whypaused-pause-on-dom-events = Призупинено на прослуховувачі події
+# The text that is displayed in an info block when evaluating a conditional
+# breakpoint throws an error
+whypaused-breakpoint-condition-thrown = Помилка з умовною точкою зупинки
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on an xml http request
+whypaused-xhr = Призупинено на XMLHttpRequest
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on a promise rejection
+whypaused-promise-rejection = Призупинено на відхиленні перспективи
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused at a watchpoint on an object property
+whypaused-get-watchpoint = Призупинено на property get
+# The text that is displayed in an info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused at a watchpoint on an object property
+whypaused-set-watchpoint = Призупинено на property set
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on an assert
+whypaused-assert = Призупинено на твердженні
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on a debugger statement
+whypaused-debug-command = Призупинено на налагоджуваній функції
+# The text that is displayed in a info block explaining how the debugger is
+# currently paused on an event listener breakpoint set
+whypaused-other = Налагоджувач призупинено
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..978598098d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Debugger
+# which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu -> 'Debugger'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Debugger
+# which is available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Debugger'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptTitle): The title displayed on the
+# dialog that prompts the user to allow the incoming connection.
+remoteIncomingPromptTitle=Вхідне з'єднання
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptHeader): Header displayed on the
+# dialog that prompts the user to allow the incoming connection.
+remoteIncomingPromptHeader=Виявлено вхідний запит на з'єднання для здійснення віддаленого налагодження. Віддалений клієнт може отримати повний контроль над вашим браузером!
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptClientEndpoint): Part of the prompt
+# dialog for the user to choose whether an incoming connection should be
+# allowed.
+# %1$S: The host and port of the client such as ""
+remoteIncomingPromptClientEndpoint=Кінцева точка клієнта: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptServerEndpoint): Part of the prompt
+# dialog for the user to choose whether an incoming connection should be
+# allowed.
+# %1$S: The host and port of the server such as ""
+remoteIncomingPromptServerEndpoint=Кінцева точка сервера: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptFooter): Footer displayed on the
+# dialog that prompts the user to allow the incoming connection.
+remoteIncomingPromptFooter=Дозволити з'єднання?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (remoteIncomingPromptDisable): The label displayed on the
+# third button in the incoming connection dialog that lets the user disable the
+# remote devtools server.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clientSendOOBTitle): The title displayed on the dialog that
+# instructs the user to transfer an authentication token to the server.
+clientSendOOBTitle=Ідентифікація клієнта
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clientSendOOBHeader): Header displayed on the dialog that
+# instructs the user to transfer an authentication token to the server.
+clientSendOOBHeader=Кінцева точка, до якої ви під'єднуєтесь, потребує додаткової інформації для автентифікації цього з'єднання. Введіть показаний внизу токен в запиті, який з'являється на іншому кінці.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clientSendOOBHash): Part of the dialog that instructs the
+# user to transfer an authentication token to the server.
+# %1$S: The client's cert fingerprint
+clientSendOOBHash=Мій сертифікат: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clientSendOOBToken): Part of the dialog that instructs the
+# user to transfer an authentication token to the server.
+# %1$S: The authentication token that the user will transfer.
+clientSendOOBToken=Токен: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (serverReceiveOOBTitle): The title displayed on the dialog
+# that instructs the user to provide an authentication token from the client.
+serverReceiveOOBTitle=Вказати токен клієнта
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (serverReceiveOOBBody): Main text displayed on the dialog
+# that instructs the user to provide an authentication token from the client.
+serverReceiveOOBBody=Клієнт повинен показати значення токена. Введіть це значення тут, щоб завершити автентифікацію з цим клієнтом.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b517fc6f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used in the Eyedropper color tool.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE The correct localization of this file might be to keep it
+# in English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best documentation
+# on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (colorValue.copied): This text is displayed when the user selects a
+# color with the eyedropper and it's copied to the clipboard.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/highlighters.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/highlighters.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3023f05a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/highlighters.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### This file contains strings used in highlighters.
+### Highlighters are visualizations that DevTools draws on top of content to aid
+### in understanding content sizing, etc.
+# The row and column position of a grid cell shown in the grid cell infobar when hovering
+# over the CSS grid outline.
+# Variables
+# $row (integer) - The row index
+# $column (integer) - The column index
+grid-row-column-positions = Рядок { $row } / Стовпчик { $column }
+# The layout type of an element shown in the infobar when hovering over a DOM element and
+# it is a grid container.
+gridtype-container = Контейнер сітки
+# The layout type of an element shown in the infobar when hovering over a DOM element and
+# it is a grid item.
+gridtype-item = Елемент сітки
+# The layout type of an element shown in the infobar when hovering over a DOM element and
+# it is both a grid container and a grid item.
+gridtype-dual = Контейнер/Елемент сітки
+# The layout type of an element shown in the infobar when hovering over a DOM element and
+# it is a flex container.
+flextype-container = Контейнер Flex
+# The layout type of an element shown in the infobar when hovering over a DOM element and
+# it is a flex item.
+flextype-item = Елемент Flex
+# The layout type of an element shown in the infobar when hovering over a DOM element and
+# it is both a flex container and a flex item.
+flextype-dual = Контейнер/Елемент Flex
+# The message displayed in the content page when the user clicks on the
+# "Pick an element from the page" in about:devtools-toolbox inspector panel, when
+# debugging a remote page.
+# Variables
+# $action (string) - Will either be remote-node-picker-notice-action-desktop or
+# remote-node-picker-notice-action-touch
+remote-node-picker-notice = Засіб вибору вузлів DevTools увімкнено. { $action }
+# Text displayed in `remote-node-picker-notice`, when the remote page is on desktop
+remote-node-picker-notice-action-desktop = Клацніть елемент, щоб вибрати його в інспекторі
+# Text displayed in `remote-node-picker-notice`, when the remote page is on Android
+remote-node-picker-notice-action-touch = Торкніться елемента, щоб вибрати його в Інспекторі
+# The text displayed in the button that is in the notice in the content page when the user
+# clicks on the "Pick an element from the page" in about:devtools-toolbox inspector panel,
+# when debugging a remote page.
+remote-node-picker-notice-hide-button = Приховати
+# The text displayed in a toolbox notification message which is only displayed
+# if prefers-reduced-motion is enabled (via OS-level settings or by using the
+# ui.prefersReducedMotion=1 preference).
+simple-highlighters-message = Якщо використовується prefers-reduced-motion, можна увімкнути спрощене підсвічування в панелі налаштувань, щоб уникнути миготіння кольорів.
+# Text displayed in a button inside the "simple-highlighters-message" toolbox
+# notification. "Settings" here refers to the DevTools settings panel.
+simple-highlighters-settings-button = Відкрити налаштування
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..344b161b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside Web Console commands.
+# The Web Console command line is available from the Web Developer sub-menu
+# -> 'Web Console'.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Web Console commands
+# which can be executed in the Developer Tools, available in the
+# Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Web Developer Tools'
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotDesc) A very short description of the
+# 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the --help flag is passed to
+# the screenshot command.
+screenshotDesc=Зберігати зображення сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotFilenameDesc) A very short string to describe
+# the 'filename' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the screenshot command.
+screenshotFilenameDesc=Назва файлу призначення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotFilenameManual) A fuller description of the
+# 'filename' parameter to the 'screenshot' command.
+screenshotFilenameManual=Назва файлу (з розширенням ".png"), в який записуватиметься знімок екрана.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotClipboardDesc) A very short string to describe
+# the 'clipboard' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the screenshot command.
+screenshotClipboardDesc=Копіювати знімок екрана в буфер обміну? (true/false)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotClipboardManual) A fuller description of the
+# 'clipboard' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the screenshot command.
+screenshotClipboardManual=Значення, true, якщо ви хочете копіювати знімок замість збереження до файлу.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotGroupOptions) A label for the optional options of
+# the screenshot command. Displayed when the --help flag is passed to the
+# screenshot command.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotDelayDesc) A very short string to describe
+# the 'delay' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the screenshot command.
+screenshotDelayDesc=Затримка (секунд)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotDelayManual) A fuller description of the
+# 'delay' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the screenshot command.
+screenshotDelayManual=Час очікування (в секундах) перед знімком екрана
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotDPRDesc) A very short string to describe
+# the 'dpr' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+screenshotDPRDesc=Роздільна здатність пристрою
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotDPRManual) A fuller description of the
+# 'dpr' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+screenshotDPRManual=Роздільна здатність пристрою для використання при знімку екрана
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotFullPageDesc) A very short string to describe
+# the 'fullpage' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+screenshotFullPageDesc=Вебсторінка цілком? (true/false)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotFullPageManual) A fuller description of the
+# 'fullpage' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+screenshotFullPageManual=Значення true, якщо знімок екрана повинен також містити частини вебсторінки, які знаходяться поза видимою областю.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotFileDesc) A very short string to describe
+# the 'file' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+screenshotFileDesc=Зберегти до файлу? (true/false)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotFileManual) A fuller description of the
+# 'file' parameter to the 'screenshot' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+screenshotFileManual=Значення true, якщо знімок екрана повинен зберегти файл, навіть якщо увімкнено інші параметри (наприклад, буфер обміну).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotGeneratedFilename) The auto generated filename
+# when no file name is provided. The first argument (%1$S) is the date string
+# in yyyy-mm-dd format and the second argument (%2$S) is the time string
+# in HH.MM.SS format. Please don't add the extension here.
+screenshotGeneratedFilename=Знімок екрана %1$S в %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotErrorSavingToFile) Text displayed to user upon
+# encountering error while saving the screenshot to the file specified.
+# The argument (%1$S) is the filename.
+screenshotErrorSavingToFile=Помилка при збереженні до %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotSavedToFile) Text displayed to user when the
+# screenshot is successfully saved to the file specified.
+# The argument (%1$S) is the filename.
+screenshotSavedToFile=Збережено до %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotErrorCopying) Text displayed to user upon
+# encountering error while copying the screenshot to clipboard.
+screenshotErrorCopying=При копіюванні знімка в буфер сталася помилка.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotCopied) Text displayed to user when the
+# screenshot is successfully copied to the clipboard.
+screenshotCopied=Знімок скопійовано в буфер.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectNodeDesc) A very short string to describe the
+# 'node' parameter to the 'inspect' command. Displayed when the
+# --help flag is passed to the `screenshot command.
+inspectNodeDesc=Селектор CSS
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectNodeManual) A fuller description of the 'node'
+# parameter to the 'inspect' command. Displayed when the --help flag is
+# passed to the `screenshot command.
+inspectNodeManual=Селектор CSS для використання з document.querySelector, що визначає окремий елемент
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotTruncationWarning) Text displayed to user when the image
+# that would be created by the screenshot is too big and needs to be truncated to avoid
+# errors.
+# The first parameter is the width of the final image and the second parameter is the
+# height of the image.
+screenshotTruncationWarning=Зображення було обрізано до %1$S×%2$S, тому що розмір був завеликим
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotDPRDecreasedWarning2) Text displayed to user when
+# taking the screenshot initially failed. When the Device Pixel Ratio is larger
+# than 1.0 a second try immediately after displaying this message is attempted.
+screenshotDPRDecreasedWarning=Роздільну здатність пристрою було зменшено до 1, тому що зображення було завеликим
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotRenderingError) Text displayed to user upon
+# encountering an error while rendering the screenshot. This most often happens when the
+# resulting image is too large to be rendered.
+screenshotRenderingError=Помилка при створенні зображення. Ймовірно, отримане зображення було завеликим.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (screenshotNoSelectorMatchWarning) Text displayed to user when the
+# provided selector for the screenshot does not match any element on the page.
+# The argument (%1$S) is selector.
+screenshotNoSelectorMatchWarning=Селектор ‘%S’ не відповідає жодному елементу на сторінці.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0978450dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ellipsis): The ellipsis (three dots) character
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06d5fb1896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Style Inspector.
+# The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in
+# English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers.
+# You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools.
+# A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best
+# documentation on web development on the web.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.status): For each style property the panel shows
+# the rules which hold that specific property. For every rule, the rule status
+# is also displayed: a rule can be the best match, a match, a parent match, or a
+# rule did not match the element the user has highlighted.
+rule.status.BEST=Найкраща відповідність
+rule.status.PARENT_MATCH=Відповідне джерело
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.sourceElement, rule.sourceInline,
+# rule.sourceConstructed): For each style property the panel shows the rules
+# which hold that specific property.
+# For every rule, the rule source is also displayed: a rule can come from a
+# file, from the same page (inline), from a constructed style sheet
+# (constructed), or from the element itself (element).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.inheritedFrom): Shown for CSS rules
+# that were inherited from a parent node. Will be passed a node
+# identifier of the parent node.
+# e.g "Inherited from body#bodyID"
+rule.inheritedFrom=Успадковано від %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.keyframe): Shown for CSS Rules keyframe header.
+# Will be passed an identifier of the keyframe animation name.
+rule.keyframe=Keyframes %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.userAgentStyles): Shown next to the style sheet
+# link for CSS rules that were loaded from a user agent style sheet.
+# These styles will not be editable, and will only be visible if the
+# devtools.inspector.showUserAgentStyles pref is true.
+rule.userAgentStyles=(user agent)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.pseudoElement): Shown for CSS rules
+# pseudo element header
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.selectedElement): Shown for CSS rules element header if
+# pseudo elements are present in the rule view.
+rule.selectedElement=Цей елемент
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.warning.title): When an invalid property value is
+# entered into the rule view a warning icon is displayed. This text is used for
+# the title attribute of the warning icon.
+rule.warning.title=Неправильне значення властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.warningName.title): When an invalid property name is
+# entered into the rule view a warning icon is displayed. This text is used for
+# the title attribute of the warning icon.
+rule.warningName.title=Неприпустима назва властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.filterProperty.title): Text displayed in the tooltip
+# of the search button that is shown next to a property that has been overridden
+# in the rule view.
+rule.filterProperty.title=Фільтр правил з цією властивістю
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.empty): Text displayed when the highlighter is
+# first opened and there's no node selected in the rule view.
+rule.empty=Елемент не вибраний.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.variableValue): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a variable use (like "var(--something)") in
+# the rule view. The first argument is the variable name and the
+# second argument is the value.
+rule.variableValue=%S = %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.variableUnset): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a variable use (like "var(--something)"),
+# where the variable is not set. the rule view. The argument is the
+# variable name.
+rule.variableUnset=%S не встановлено
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.selectorHighlighter.tooltip): Text displayed in a
+# tooltip when the mouse is over a selector highlighter icon in the rule view.
+rule.selectorHighlighter.tooltip=Підсвітити всі елементи, які відповідають цьому селектору
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.colorSwatch.tooltip): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a color swatch in the rule view.
+rule.colorSwatch.tooltip=Клацніть, щоб відкрити палітру кольорів, shift+клацнути для вибору формату кольору
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.bezierSwatch.tooltip): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a cubic-bezier swatch in the rule view.
+rule.bezierSwatch.tooltip=Клацніть, щоб відкрити редактор часових функцій
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.filterSwatch.tooltip): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a filter swatch in the rule view.
+rule.filterSwatch.tooltip=Клацніть, щоб відкрити редактор фільтрів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.angleSwatch.tooltip): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a angle swatch in the rule view.
+rule.angleSwatch.tooltip=Shift + клацнути, щоб змінити формат кутів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.flexToggle.tooltip): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a Flexbox toggle icon in the rule view.
+rule.flexToggle.tooltip=Клацніть, щоб перемкнути підсвічування Flexbox
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.gridToggle.tooltip): Text displayed in a tooltip
+# when the mouse is over a CSS Grid toggle icon in the rule view.
+rule.gridToggle.tooltip=Клацніть, щоб перемкнути на підсвічування CSS сітки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.filterStyles.placeholder): This is the placeholder that
+# goes in the search box when no search term has been entered.
+rule.filterStyles.placeholder=Фільтр стилів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.addRule.tooltip): This is the tooltip shown when
+# hovering the `Add new rule` button in the rules view toolbar.
+rule.addRule.tooltip=Додати нове правило
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.togglePseudo.tooltip): This is the tooltip
+# shown when hovering over the `Toggle Pseudo Class Panel` button in the
+# rule view toolbar.
+rule.togglePseudo.tooltip=Перемкнути псевдокласи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.classPanel.toggleClass.tooltip): This is the tooltip
+# shown when hovering over the `Toggle Class Panel` button in the
+# rule view toolbar.
+rule.classPanel.toggleClass.tooltip=Перемкнути класи
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.classPanel.newClass.placeholder): This is the placeholder
+# shown inside the text field used to add a new class in the rule-view.
+rule.classPanel.newClass.placeholder=Додати новий клас
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.classPanel.noClasses): This is the text displayed in the
+# class panel when the current element has no classes applied.
+rule.classPanel.noClasses=На цьому елементі немає класів
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.printSimulation.tooltip):
+# This is the tooltip of the print simulation button in the Rule View toolbar
+# that toggles print simulation.
+rule.printSimulation.tooltip=Перемкнути симуляцію друку для сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.colorSchemeSimulation.tooltip):
+# This is the tooltip of the color scheme simulation button in the Rule View
+# toolbar that toggles color-scheme simulation.
+rule.colorSchemeSimulation.tooltip=Перемкнути симуляцію схеми кольорів для сторінки
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.twistyCollapse.label): The text a screen reader
+# speaks when the header of a rule is expanded.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.twistyExpand.label): The text a screen reader
+# speaks when the header of a rule is collapsed.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.expandableContainerToggleButton.title):
+# This is the tooltip for expandable container toggle button in the Rule View (Pseudo-elements, keyframes, …)
+rule.expandableContainerToggleButton.title=Перемкнути панель
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.containerQuery.selectContainerButton.tooltip): Text displayed in a
+# tooltip when the mouse is over the icon to select a container in a container query in the rule view.
+rule.containerQuery.selectContainerButton.tooltip=Натисніть для вибору вузла контейнера
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.propertyToggle.label):
+# This is the label for the checkbox input in the rule view that allow to disable/re-enable
+# a specific property in a rule.
+# The argument is the property name.
+rule.propertyToggle.label=Увімкнути властивість %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.newPropertyName.label):
+# This is the label for the new property input in the rule view.
+rule.newPropertyName.label=Нова назва властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (rule.propertyName.label):
+# This is the label for the property name input in the rule view.
+rule.propertyName.label=Назва властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyColor): Text displayed in the rule
+# and computed view context menu when a color value was clicked.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyColor=Копіювати колір
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyColor.accessKey): Access key for
+# the rule and computed view context menu "Copy Color" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyUrl): In rule and computed view :
+# text displayed in the context menu for an image URL.
+# Clicking it copies the URL to the clipboard of the user.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyUrl=Копіювати URL
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyUrl.accessKey): Access key for
+# the rule and computed view context menu "Copy URL" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyImageDataUrl): In rule and computed view :
+# text displayed in the context menu for an image URL.
+# Clicking it copies the image as Data-URL to the clipboard of the user.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyImageDataUrl=Копіювати URL-дані зображення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyImageDataUrl.accessKey): Access key for
+# the rule and computed view context menu "Copy Image Data-URL" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.copyImageDataUrlError): Text set in the clipboard
+# if an error occurs when using the copyImageDataUrl context menu action
+# (invalid image link, timeout, etc...)
+styleinspector.copyImageDataUrlError=Не вдалося скопіювати URL-дані зображення
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.toggleOrigSources): Text displayed in the rule view
+# context menu.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.toggleOrigSources=Показати оригінальні джерела
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.toggleOrigSources.accessKey): Access key for
+# the rule view context menu "Show original sources" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.addNewRule): Text displayed in the
+# rule view context menu for adding a new rule to the element.
+# This should match inspector.addRule.tooltip in
+styleinspector.contextmenu.addNewRule=Додати нове правило
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.addNewRule.accessKey): Access key for
+# the rule view context menu "Add rule" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.selectAll): Text displayed in the
+# computed view context menu.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.selectAll=Вибрати все
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.selectAll.accessKey): Access key for
+# the computed view context menu "Select all" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copy): Text displayed in the
+# computed view context menu.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copy.accessKey): Access key for
+# the computed view context menu "Copy" entry.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyLocation): Text displayed in the
+# rule view context menu for copying the source location.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyLocation=Копіювати розташування
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyDeclaration): Text
+# displayed in the rule view context menu for copying the CSS declaration.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyDeclaration=Копіювати декларацію
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyPropertyName): Text displayed in
+# the rule view context menu for copying the property name.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyPropertyName=Копіювати назву властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyPropertyValue): Text displayed in
+# the rule view context menu for copying the property value.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyPropertyValue=Копіювати значення властивості
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copyRule): Text displayed in the
+# rule view context menu for copying the rule.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copyRule=Копіювати правило
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (styleinspector.contextmenu.copySelector): Text displayed in the
+# rule view context menu for copying the selector.
+styleinspector.contextmenu.copySelector=Копіювати селектор
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/webconsole-commands.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/webconsole-commands.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27da0ee2ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/shared/webconsole-commands.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# These strings are used inside the Web Console commands
+# which can be executed in the Developer Tools, available in the
+# Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Web Developer Tools'
+# Usage string for :block command
+webconsole-commands-usage-block =
+ :block URL_STRING
+ Початок блокування мережевих запитів
+ Приймається лише один аргумент URLSTRING, рядок без лапок, який буде використовуватись для блокування всіх запитів, URL-адреса яких містить цей рядок.
+ Щоб скасувати це, використовуйте :unblock або бічну панель блокування запитів мережевого монітора.
+# Usage string for :unblock command
+webconsole-commands-usage-unblock =
+ :unblock URL_STRING
+ Припинення блокування мережевих запитів
+ Приймається лише один аргумент – такий самий рядок, який раніше пройшов до :block.
+# Usage string for :trace command
+webconsole-commands-usage-trace =
+ :trace
+ Перемикання трасувальника JavaScript
+ Підтримуються такі аргументи:
+ --logMethod – встановити значення ‘console’ для журналювання до вебконсолі (типово), або ‘stdout’ для журналювання до стандартного засобу виведення;
+ --prefix – необов'язковий рядок, який буде журналюватися перед усіма журналами трасування;
+ --help або --usage – показати це повідомлення.
diff --git a/l10n-uk/devtools/startup/key-shortcuts.ftl b/l10n-uk/devtools/startup/key-shortcuts.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbc2c7ca1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uk/devtools/startup/key-shortcuts.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Key pressed to open a toolbox with the default panel selected
+devtools-commandkey-toggle-toolbox = I
+# Alternative key pressed to open a toolbox with the default panel selected
+devtools-commandkey-toggle-toolbox-f12 = VK_F12
+# Key pressed to open the Browser Toolbox, used for debugging Firefox itself
+devtools-commandkey-browser-toolbox = I
+# Key pressed to open the Browser Console, used for debugging Firefox itself
+devtools-commandkey-browser-console = J
+# Key pressed to toggle on the Responsive Design Mode
+devtools-commandkey-responsive-design-mode = M
+# Key pressed to open a toolbox with the inspector panel selected
+devtools-commandkey-inspector = C
+# Key pressed to open a toolbox with the web console panel selected
+devtools-commandkey-webconsole = K
+# Key pressed to open a toolbox with the debugger panel selected
+devtools-commandkey-jsdebugger = Z
+# Key pressed to open a toolbox with the network monitor panel selected
+devtools-commandkey-netmonitor = E
+# Key pressed to open a toolbox with the style editor panel selected
+devtools-commandkey-styleeditor = VK_F7
+# Key pressed to open a toolbox with the performance panel selected
+devtools-commandkey-performance = VK_F5
+# Key pressed to open a toolbox with the storage panel selected
+devtools-commandkey-storage = VK_F9
+# Key pressed to open a toolbox with the DOM panel selected
+devtools-commandkey-dom = W
+# Key pressed to open a toolbox with the accessibility panel selected
+devtools-commandkey-accessibility-f12 = VK_F12
+# Key pressed to start or stop the performance profiler
+devtools-commandkey-profiler-start-stop = VK_1
+# Key pressed to capture a recorded performance profile
+devtools-commandkey-profiler-capture = VK_2
+# Key pressed to toggle the JavaScript tracing
+devtools-commandkey-javascript-tracing-toggle = VK_5