diff options
author | Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-linux.org> | 2024-04-19 01:47:29 +0000 |
committer | Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-linux.org> | 2024-04-19 01:47:29 +0000 |
commit | 0ebf5bdf043a27fd3dfb7f92e0cb63d88954c44d (patch) | |
tree | a31f07c9bcca9d56ce61e9a1ffd30ef350d513aa /testing/mozharness | |
parent | Initial commit. (diff) | |
download | firefox-esr-0ebf5bdf043a27fd3dfb7f92e0cb63d88954c44d.tar.xz firefox-esr-0ebf5bdf043a27fd3dfb7f92e0cb63d88954c44d.zip |
Adding upstream version 115.8.0esr.upstream/115.8.0esr
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@progress-linux.org>
Diffstat (limited to '')
367 files changed, 36982 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/mozharness/LICENSE b/testing/mozharness/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a612ad9813 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 +================================== + +1. Definitions +-------------- + +1.1. "Contributor" + means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to + the creation of, or owns Covered Software. + +1.2. "Contributor Version" + means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used + by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution. + +1.3. "Contribution" + means Covered Software of a particular Contributor. + +1.4. "Covered Software" + means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached + the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code + Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case + including portions thereof. + +1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" + means + + (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described + in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or + + (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of + version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the + terms of a Secondary License. + +1.6. "Executable Form" + means any form of the work other than Source Code Form. + +1.7. "Larger Work" + means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in + a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software. + +1.8. "License" + means this document. + +1.9. "Licensable" + means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, + whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and + all of the rights conveyed by this License. + +1.10. "Modifications" + means any of the following: + + (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to, + deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered + Software; or + + (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered + Software. + +1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor + means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, + process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such + Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the + License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having + made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its + Contributor Version. + +1.12. "Secondary License" + means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU + Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General + Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those + licenses. + +1.13. "Source Code Form" + means the form of the work preferred for making modifications. + +1.14. "You" (or "Your") + means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this + License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that + controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For + purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct + or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, + whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than + fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial + ownership of such entity. + +2. License Grants and Conditions +-------------------------------- + +2.1. Grants + +Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, +non-exclusive license: + +(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) + Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available, + modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its + Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or + as part of a Larger Work; and + +(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer + for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its + Contributions or its Contributor Version. + +2.2. Effective Date + +The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution +become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first +distributes such Contribution. + +2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope + +The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under +this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the +distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License. +Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a +Contributor: + +(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; + or + +(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's + modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its + Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor + Version); or + +(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of + its Contributions. + +This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, +or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with +the notice requirements in Section 3.4). + +2.4. Subsequent Licenses + +No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to +distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this +License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if +permitted under the terms of Section 3.3). + +2.5. Representation + +Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its +Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights +to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License. + +2.6. Fair Use + +This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under +applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other +equivalents. + +2.7. Conditions + +Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted +in Section 2.1. + +3. Responsibilities +------------------- + +3.1. Distribution of Source Form + +All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any +Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under +the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source +Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this +License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not +attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code +Form. + +3.2. Distribution of Executable Form + +If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then: + +(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code + Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of + the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code + Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more + than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and + +(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this + License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the + license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter + the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License. + +3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work + +You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice, +provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for +the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered +Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the +Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this +License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software +under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of +the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered +Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary +License(s). + +3.4. Notices + +You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices +(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, +or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of +the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to +the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies. + +3.5. Application of Additional Terms + +You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, +indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered +Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on +behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any +such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by +You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any +liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, +indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional +disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any +jurisdiction. + +4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation +--------------------------------------------------- + +If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this +License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to +statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with +the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) +describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must +be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered +Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute +or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a +recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it. + +5. Termination +-------------- + +5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically +if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become +compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular +Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such +Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an +ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the +non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have +come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular +Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor +notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the +first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License +from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after +Your receipt of the notice. + +5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent +infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions, +counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version +directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to +You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section +2.1 of this License shall terminate. + +5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all +end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which +have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License +prior to termination shall survive termination. + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 6. Disclaimer of Warranty * +* ------------------------- * +* * +* Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" * +* basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or * +* statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the * +* Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a * +* particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the * +* quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. * +* Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You * +* (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, * +* repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an * +* essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is * +* authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 7. Limitation of Liability * +* -------------------------- * +* * +* Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort * +* (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any * +* Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as * +* permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, * +* special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character * +* including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of * +* goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any * +* and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party * +* shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This * +* limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or * +* personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the * +* extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some * +* jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of * +* incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and * +* limitation may not apply to You. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +8. Litigation +------------- + +Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the +courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal +place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that +jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. +Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring +cross-claims or counter-claims. + +9. Miscellaneous +---------------- + +This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject +matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be +unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent +necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides +that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter +shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor. + +10. Versions of the License +--------------------------- + +10.1. New Versions + +Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section +10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or +publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a +distinguishing version number. + +10.2. Effect of New Versions + +You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version +of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software, +or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license +steward. + +10.3. Modified Versions + +If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to +create a new license for such software, you may create and use a +modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove +any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that +such modified license differs from this License). + +10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary +Licenses + +If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With +Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the +notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached. + +Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice +------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular +file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE +file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look +for such a notice. + +You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership. + +Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice +--------------------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as + defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. diff --git a/testing/mozharness/README.txt b/testing/mozharness/README.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d2a2ce60a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/README.txt @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# Mozharness + +## Docs +* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozharness_FAQ +* https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReleaseEngineering/Mozharness +* http://moz-releng-mozharness.readthedocs.org/en/latest/mozharness.mozilla.html +* http://moz-releng-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/software.html#mozharness + +## Submitting changes +Like any Gecko change, please create a patch or submit to Mozreview and +open a Bugzilla ticket under the Mozharness component: +https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Release%20Engineering&component=Mozharness + +This bug will get triaged by Release Engineering + +## Run unit tests +To run the unit tests of mozharness the `tox` package needs to be installed: + +``` +pip install tox +``` + +There are various ways to run the unit tests. Just make sure you are within the `$gecko_repo/testing/mozharness` directory before running one of the commands below: + +``` +tox # run all unit tests +tox -- -x # run all unit tests but stop after first failure +tox -- test/test_base_log.py # only run the base log unit test +``` + +Happy contributing! =) + diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android-x86_64-profile-generation.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android-x86_64-profile-generation.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f4c1c09a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android-x86_64-profile-generation.py @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# mozharness configuration for Android x86/x86_64 7.0 unit tests +# +# This configuration should be combined with suite definitions and other +# mozharness configuration from android_common.py, or similar. + +config = { + "emulator_avd_name": "mozemulator-x86_64", + "emulator_process_name": "qemu-system-x86_64", + "emulator_extra_args": [ + "-gpu", + "on", + "-skip-adb-auth", + "-verbose", + "-show-kernel", + "-ranchu", + "-selinux", + "permissive", + "-memory", + "3072", + "-cores", + "4", + "-skin", + "800x1280", + # Build machines cannot use KVM (because it requires a privileged docker + # container) so we run the profile generation with -no-accel which disables + # hardware acceleration. + "-no-accel", + "-no-snapstorage", + "-no-snapshot", + # Disables first-run dialogs + "-prop", + "ro.test_harness=true", + ], + "exes": { + "adb": "%(abs_sdk_dir)s/platform-tools/adb", + }, + "env": { + "DISPLAY": ":0.0", + "PATH": "%(PATH)s:%(abs_sdk_dir)s/emulator:%(abs_sdk_dir)s/tools:%(abs_sdk_dir)s/tools/bin:%(abs_sdk_dir)s/platform-tools", + # "LIBGL_DEBUG": "verbose" + }, + "bogomips_minimum": 3000, + "android_version": 24, + "is_emulator": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android-x86_64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android-x86_64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08edc7fa90 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android-x86_64.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# mozharness configuration for Android x86/x86_64 7.0 unit tests +# +# This configuration should be combined with suite definitions and other +# mozharness configuration from android_common.py, or similar. + +config = { + "emulator_avd_name": "mozemulator-x86_64", + "emulator_process_name": "qemu-system-x86_64", + "emulator_extra_args": [ + "-gpu", + "on", + "-skip-adb-auth", + "-verbose", + "-show-kernel", + "-ranchu", + "-selinux", + "permissive", + "-memory", + "3072", + "-cores", + "4", + "-skin", + "800x1280", + "-no-snapstorage", + "-no-snapshot", + # Skips first-run dialogs + "-prop", + "ro.test_harness=true", + ], + "exes": { + "adb": "%(abs_sdk_dir)s/platform-tools/adb", + }, + "env": { + "DISPLAY": ":0.0", + "PATH": "%(PATH)s:%(abs_sdk_dir)s/emulator:%(abs_sdk_dir)s/tools:%(abs_sdk_dir)s/platform-tools", + # "LIBGL_DEBUG": "verbose" + }, + "bogomips_minimum": 3000, + # in support of test-verify + "android_version": 24, + "is_emulator": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android_common.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android_common.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..23d93e7736 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android_common.py @@ -0,0 +1,325 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# Shared/common mozharness configuration for Android unit tests. +# +# This configuration should be combined with platform-specific mozharness +# configuration such as android-x86_64.py, android_hw, or similar. + +import os + +NODEJS_PATH = None +if "MOZ_FETCHES_DIR" in os.environ: + NODEJS_PATH = os.path.join(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"], "node/bin/node") + + +def WebglSuite(name): + return { + "run_filename": "runtestsremote.py", + "testsdir": "mochitest", + "options": [ + "--app=%(app)s", + "--remote-webserver=%(remote_webserver)s", + "--xre-path=%(xre_path)s", + "--utility-path=%(utility_path)s", + "--http-port=%(http_port)s", + "--ssl-port=%(ssl_port)s", + "--certificate-path=%(certs_path)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--quiet", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-tbpl-level=%(log_tbpl_level)s", + "--screenshot-on-fail", + "--subsuite=" + name, + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + ], + } + + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "start-emulator", + "verify-device", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE"), + "hostutils_manifest_path": "testing/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/hostutils.manifest", + # "log_format": "%(levelname)8s - %(message)s", + "log_tbpl_level": "info", + "log_raw_level": "info", + # To take device screenshots at timed intervals (each time in seconds, relative + # to the start of the run-tests step) specify screenshot_times. For example, to + # take 4 screenshots at one minute intervals you could specify: + # "screenshot_times": [60, 120, 180, 240], + "nodejs_path": NODEJS_PATH, + "suite_definitions": { + "mochitest-plain": { + "run_filename": "runtestsremote.py", + "testsdir": "mochitest", + "options": [ + "--app=%(app)s", + "--remote-webserver=%(remote_webserver)s", + "--xre-path=%(xre_path)s", + "--utility-path=%(utility_path)s", + "--http-port=%(http_port)s", + "--ssl-port=%(ssl_port)s", + "--certificate-path=%(certs_path)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--quiet", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-tbpl-level=%(log_tbpl_level)s", + "--extra-profile-file=fonts", + "--extra-profile-file=hyphenation", + "--screenshot-on-fail", + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + ], + }, + "mochitest-webgl1-core": WebglSuite("webgl1-core"), + "mochitest-webgl2-core": WebglSuite("webgl2-core"), + "mochitest-webgl1-ext": WebglSuite("webgl1-ext"), + "mochitest-webgl2-ext": WebglSuite("webgl2-ext"), + "mochitest-webgl2-deqp": WebglSuite("webgl2-deqp"), + "mochitest-webgpu": WebglSuite("webgpu"), + "mochitest-plain-gpu": { + "run_filename": "runtestsremote.py", + "testsdir": "mochitest", + "options": [ + "--app=%(app)s", + "--remote-webserver=%(remote_webserver)s", + "--xre-path=%(xre_path)s", + "--utility-path=%(utility_path)s", + "--http-port=%(http_port)s", + "--ssl-port=%(ssl_port)s", + "--certificate-path=%(certs_path)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--quiet", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-tbpl-level=%(log_tbpl_level)s", + "--screenshot-on-fail", + "--subsuite=gpu", + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + ], + }, + "mochitest-media": { + "run_filename": "runtestsremote.py", + "testsdir": "mochitest", + "options": [ + "--app=%(app)s", + "--remote-webserver=%(remote_webserver)s", + "--xre-path=%(xre_path)s", + "--utility-path=%(utility_path)s", + "--http-port=%(http_port)s", + "--ssl-port=%(ssl_port)s", + "--certificate-path=%(certs_path)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--quiet", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-tbpl-level=%(log_tbpl_level)s", + "--screenshot-on-fail", + "--chunk-by-runtime", + "--subsuite=media", + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + ], + }, + "reftest": { + "run_filename": "remotereftest.py", + "testsdir": "reftest", + "options": [ + "--app=%(app)s", + "--ignore-window-size", + "--remote-webserver=%(remote_webserver)s", + "--xre-path=%(xre_path)s", + "--utility-path=%(utility_path)s", + "--http-port=%(http_port)s", + "--ssl-port=%(ssl_port)s", + "--httpd-path", + "%(modules_dir)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--extra-profile-file=fonts", + "--extra-profile-file=hyphenation", + "--suite=reftest", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-tbpl-level=%(log_tbpl_level)s", + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + "--topsrcdir=tests", + ], + "tests": [ + "tests/layout/reftests/reftest.list", + ], + }, + "reftest-qr": { + "run_filename": "remotereftest.py", + "testsdir": "reftest", + "options": [ + "--app=%(app)s", + "--ignore-window-size", + "--remote-webserver=%(remote_webserver)s", + "--xre-path=%(xre_path)s", + "--utility-path=%(utility_path)s", + "--http-port=%(http_port)s", + "--ssl-port=%(ssl_port)s", + "--httpd-path", + "%(modules_dir)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--extra-profile-file=fonts", + "--extra-profile-file=hyphenation", + "--suite=reftest", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-tbpl-level=%(log_tbpl_level)s", + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + "--topsrcdir=tests", + ], + "tests": [ + "tests/layout/reftests/reftest-qr.list", + ], + }, + "crashtest": { + "run_filename": "remotereftest.py", + "testsdir": "reftest", + "options": [ + "--app=%(app)s", + "--ignore-window-size", + "--remote-webserver=%(remote_webserver)s", + "--xre-path=%(xre_path)s", + "--utility-path=%(utility_path)s", + "--http-port=%(http_port)s", + "--ssl-port=%(ssl_port)s", + "--httpd-path", + "%(modules_dir)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--suite=crashtest", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-tbpl-level=%(log_tbpl_level)s", + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + "--topsrcdir=tests", + ], + "tests": [ + "tests/testing/crashtest/crashtests.list", + ], + }, + "crashtest-qr": { + "run_filename": "remotereftest.py", + "testsdir": "reftest", + "options": [ + "--app=%(app)s", + "--ignore-window-size", + "--remote-webserver=%(remote_webserver)s", + "--xre-path=%(xre_path)s", + "--utility-path=%(utility_path)s", + "--http-port=%(http_port)s", + "--ssl-port=%(ssl_port)s", + "--httpd-path", + "%(modules_dir)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--suite=crashtest", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-tbpl-level=%(log_tbpl_level)s", + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + "--topsrcdir=tests", + ], + "tests": [ + "tests/testing/crashtest/crashtests-qr.list", + ], + }, + "jittest": { + "run_filename": "jit_test.py", + "testsdir": "jit-test/jit-test", + "options": [ + "../../bin/js", + "--remote", + "-j", + "1", + "--localLib=../../bin", + "--no-slow", + "--no-progress", + "--format=automation", + "--jitflags=%(jittest_flags)s", + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + ], + }, + "jsreftest": { + "run_filename": "remotereftest.py", + "testsdir": "reftest", + "options": [ + "--app=%(app)s", + "--ignore-window-size", + "--remote-webserver=%(remote_webserver)s", + "--xre-path=%(xre_path)s", + "--utility-path=%(utility_path)s", + "--http-port=%(http_port)s", + "--ssl-port=%(ssl_port)s", + "--httpd-path", + "%(modules_dir)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--extra-profile-file=jsreftest/tests/js/src/tests/user.js", + "--suite=jstestbrowser", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-tbpl-level=%(log_tbpl_level)s", + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + "--topsrcdir=../jsreftest/tests", + ], + "tests": [ + "../jsreftest/tests/js/src/tests/jstests.list", + ], + }, + "xpcshell": { + "run_filename": "remotexpcshelltests.py", + "testsdir": "xpcshell", + "options": [ + "--xre-path=%(xre_path)s", + "--testing-modules-dir=%(modules_dir)s", + "--apk=%(installer_path)s", + "--no-logfiles", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--manifest=tests/xpcshell.ini", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-tbpl-level=%(log_tbpl_level)s", + "--threads=4", + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + "%(xpcshell_extra)s", + ], + }, + "cppunittest": { + "run_filename": "remotecppunittests.py", + "testsdir": "cppunittest", + "install": False, + "options": [ + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--xre-path=%(xre_path)s", + "--localBinDir=../bin", + "--apk=%(installer_path)s", + ".", + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + ], + }, + "geckoview-junit": { + "run_filename": "runjunit.py", + "testsdir": "mochitest", + "options": [ + "--certificate-path=%(certs_path)s", + "--remote-webserver=%(remote_webserver)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--utility-path=%(utility_path)s", + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + ], + }, + "gtest": { + "run_filename": "remotegtests.py", + "testsdir": "gtest", + "install": True, + "options": [ + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--tests-path=%(gtest_dir)s", + "--libxul=%(gtest_dir)s/gtest_bin/gtest/libxul.so", + "--package=%(app)s", + "--deviceSerial=%(device_serial)s", + ], + }, + }, # end suite_definitions +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android_hw.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android_hw.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f88568b43b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android_hw.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# mozharness configuration for Android hardware unit tests +# +# This configuration should be combined with suite definitions and other +# mozharness configuration from android_common.py, or similar. + +config = { + "exes": {}, + "env": { + "DISPLAY": ":0.0", + "PATH": "%(PATH)s", + }, + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "verify-device", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + # from android_common.py + "download_tooltool": True, + "xpcshell_extra": "--remoteTestRoot=/data/local/tmp/test_root", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android_pgo.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android_pgo.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a118ea6740 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/android/android_pgo.py @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# Mozharness configuration for Android PGO. +# +# This configuration should be combined with platform-specific mozharness +# configuration such as androidarm.py, or similar. + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "download", + "create-virtualenv", + "start-emulator", + "verify-device", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "output_directory": "/sdcard/pgo_profile", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/android/wrench.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/android/wrench.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6df1190131 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/android/wrench.py @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# mozharness configuration for Android x86 7.0 wrench tests +# +# This configuration should be combined with suite definitions and other +# mozharness configuration from android_common.py, or similar. + +config = { + "emulator_avd_name": "mozemulator-x86_64", + "emulator_process_name": "qemu-system-x86_64", + "emulator_extra_args": [ + "-gpu", + "on", + "-skip-adb-auth", + "-verbose", + "-show-kernel", + "-ranchu", + "-selinux", + "permissive", + "-memory", + "3072", + "-cores", + "4", + "-skin", + "800x1280", + "-no-snapstorage", + "-no-snapshot", + # Skips first-run dialogs + "-prop", + "ro.test_harness=true", + ], + "exes": { + "adb": "%(abs_sdk_dir)s/platform-tools/adb", + }, + "env": { + "DISPLAY": ":0.0", + "PATH": "%(PATH)s:%(abs_sdk_dir)s/emulator:%(abs_sdk_dir)s/tools:%(abs_sdk_dir)s/platform-tools", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/awsy/linux_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/awsy/linux_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0786dfd286 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/awsy/linux_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +PYTHON = "/usr/bin/env python" +VENV_PATH = "%s/build/venv" % os.getcwd() +ABS_WORK_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build") +BINARY_PATH = os.path.join(ABS_WORK_DIR, "application", "firefox", "firefox-bin") +INSTALLER_PATH = os.path.join(ABS_WORK_DIR, "installer.tar.bz2") + +config = { + "log_name": "awsy", + "binary_path": BINARY_PATH, + "installer_path": INSTALLER_PATH, + "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, + "cmd_timeout": 6500, + "exes": {}, + "title": os.uname()[1].lower().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tooltool_cache"), +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/awsy/macosx_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/awsy/macosx_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f765d0e3f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/awsy/macosx_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +PYTHON = "/usr/bin/env python" +VENV_PATH = "%s/build/venv" % os.getcwd() +ABS_WORK_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build") +INSTALLER_PATH = os.path.join(ABS_WORK_DIR, "installer.dmg") + +config = { + "log_name": "awsy", + "installer_path": INSTALLER_PATH, + "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, + "cmd_timeout": 6500, + "exes": {}, + "title": os.uname()[1].lower().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tooltool_cache"), +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/awsy/taskcluster_windows_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/awsy/taskcluster_windows_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7d69594f67 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/awsy/taskcluster_windows_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import sys + +import mozharness + +external_tools_path = os.path.join( + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), + "external_tools", +) + +config = { + "virtualenv_path": "venv", + "exes": { + "python": sys.executable, + "hg": os.path.join(os.environ["PROGRAMFILES"], "Mercurial", "hg"), + }, + "download_symbols": "ondemand", + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/production.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/production.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fbbdf53e0e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/production.py @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "balrog_servers": [ + { + "balrog_api_root": "https://aus4-admin.mozilla.org/api", + "ignore_failures": False, + "url_replacements": [ + ( + "http://archive.mozilla.org/pub", + "http://download.cdn.mozilla.net/pub", + ), + ], + "balrog_usernames": { + "firefox": "balrog-ffxbld", + "thunderbird": "balrog-tbirdbld", + "mobile": "balrog-ffxbld", + "Fennec": "balrog-ffxbld", + }, + }, + # Bug 1261346 - temporarily disable staging balrog submissions + # { + # 'balrog_api_root': 'https://aus4-admin-dev.allizom.org/api', + # 'ignore_failures': True, + # 'balrog_usernames': { + # 'firefox': 'stage-ffxbld', + # 'thunderbird': 'stage-tbirdbld', + # 'mobile': 'stage-ffxbld', + # 'Fennec': 'stage-ffxbld', + # } + # } + ] +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/staging.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/staging.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7329a4d128 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/balrog/staging.py @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "balrog_servers": [ + { + "balrog_api_root": "https://balrog-admin.stage.mozaws.net/api", + "ignore_failures": False, + "balrog_usernames": { + "firefox": "balrog-stage-ffxbld", + "thunderbird": "balrog-stage-tbirdbld", + "mobile": "balrog-stage-ffxbld", + "Fennec": "balrog-stage-ffxbld", + }, + } + ] +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/build_pool_specifics.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/build_pool_specifics.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..837060b649 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/build_pool_specifics.py @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# this is a dict of pool specific keys/values. As this fills up and more +# fx build factories are ported, we might deal with this differently + +config = { + "taskcluster": { + "upload_env": { + "UPLOAD_PATH": "/builds/worker/artifacts", + }, + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_android_64_builds.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_android_64_builds.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..33ae870d02 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_android_64_builds.py @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + ######################################################################### + ######## ANDROID GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES + # note: overridden by MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS in TaskCluster tasks + "default_actions": [ + "build", + "multi-l10n", + ], + "max_build_output_timeout": 0, + "secret_files": [ + { + "filename": "/builds/gls-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/gls-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/sb-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/sb-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/mozilla-fennec-geoloc-api.key", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/mozilla-fennec-geoloc-api.key", + "min_scm_level": 2, + "default": "try-build-has-no-secrets", + }, + ], + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + "multi_locale": True, + ######################################################################### + ######################################################################### + "platform": "android", + "stage_platform": "android", + "enable_max_vsize": False, + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/worker/tooltool-cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin", + "SHIP_LICENSED_FONTS": "1", + }, + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android/nightly", + # Bug 1583594: GeckoView doesn't (yet) produce have a package file + # from which to extract package metrics. + "disable_package_metrics": True, + ######################################################################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_firefox.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_firefox.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b634aff677 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_firefox.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "app_name": "browser", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_linux_32_builds.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_linux_32_builds.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..03c333a5f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_linux_32_builds.py @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + ######################################################################### + ######## LINUX GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES + # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them + # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this + # code block and also make sure this is synced with + # releng_base_linux_64_builds.py + # note: overridden by MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS in TaskCluster tasks + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "secret_files": [ + { + "filename": "/builds/gls-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/gls-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/sb-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/sb-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "min_scm_level": 2, + "default": "try-build-has-no-secrets", + }, + ], + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + ######################################################################### + ######################################################################### + ###### 32 bit specific ###### + "platform": "linux", + "stage_platform": "linux", + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/worker/tooltool-cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + # 32 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:\ +/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + "mozconfig_platform": "linux32", + "mozconfig_variant": "nightly", + ######################################################################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_linux_64_builds.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_linux_64_builds.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8904c9ca9e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_linux_64_builds.py @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + ######################################################################### + ######## LINUX GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES + # if you are updating this with custom 64 bit keys/values please add them + # below under the '64 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this + # code block and also make sure this is synced with + # releng_base_linux_64_builds.py + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "secret_files": [ + { + "filename": "/builds/gls-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/gls-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/sb-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/sb-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "min_scm_level": 2, + "default": "try-build-has-no-secrets", + }, + ], + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + ######################################################################### + ######################################################################### + ###### 64 bit specific ###### + "platform": "linux64", + "stage_platform": "linux64", + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/worker/tooltool-cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:" "/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:" "/sbin" + ## + }, + "mozconfig_platform": "linux64", + "mozconfig_variant": "nightly", + ######################################################################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_mac_64_cross_builds.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_mac_64_cross_builds.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fbbddf1c3d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_mac_64_cross_builds.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + ######################################################################### + ######## MACOSX CROSS GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES + # note: overridden by MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS in TaskCluster tasks + "default_actions": [ + "build", + ], + "secret_files": [ + { + "filename": "/builds/gls-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/gls-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/sb-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/sb-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "min_scm_level": 2, + "default": "try-build-has-no-secrets", + }, + ], + "enable_check_test": False, + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + ######################################################################### + ######################################################################### + ###### 64 bit specific ###### + "platform": "macosx64", + "stage_platform": "macosx64", + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/worker/tooltool-cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:" "/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" + ## + }, + "mozconfig_platform": "macosx64", + "mozconfig_variant": "nightly", + ######################################################################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_windows_32_mingw_builds.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_windows_32_mingw_builds.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0c1ede6454 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_windows_32_mingw_builds.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + ######################################################################### + ######## LINUX GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES + # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them + # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this + # code block and also make sure this is synced with + # releng_base_linux_64_builds.py + "secret_files": [ + { + "filename": "/builds/gls-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/gls-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/sb-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/sb-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "min_scm_level": 2, + "default": "try-build-has-no-secrets", + }, + ], + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + ######################################################################### + ######################################################################### + ###### 32 bit specific ###### + "platform": "win32-mingw32", + "stage_platform": "win32-mingw32", + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/worker/tooltool-cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + # 32 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin", + }, + "mozconfig_platform": "win32", + ######################################################################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_windows_64_mingw_builds.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_windows_64_mingw_builds.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3019dec3c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_base_windows_64_mingw_builds.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + ######################################################################### + ######## LINUX GENERIC CONFIG KEYS/VAlUES + # if you are updating this with custom 32 bit keys/values please add them + # below under the '32 bit specific' code block otherwise, update in this + # code block and also make sure this is synced with + # releng_base_linux_64_builds.py + "secret_files": [ + { + "filename": "/builds/gls-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/gls-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/sb-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/sb-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "min_scm_level": 2, + "default": "try-build-has-no-secrets", + }, + ], + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + ######################################################################### + ######################################################################### + ###### 64 bit specific ###### + "platform": "win64-mingw32", + "stage_platform": "win64-mingw32", + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/worker/tooltool-cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + # 32 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin", + }, + "mozconfig_platform": "win64", + "mozconfig_variant": "mingw32", + ######################################################################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..77879cae1b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-aarch64", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-aarch64/nightly", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_beta.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_beta.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e340422568 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_beta.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-aarch64", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-aarch64/beta", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_beta_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_beta_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..42462096cc --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_beta_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-aarch64-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-aarch64/debug-beta", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..21ccc11cf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-aarch64-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-aarch64/debug", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_debug_lite.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_debug_lite.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6e3471c4f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_debug_lite.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-aarch64-lite-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-aarch64/debug-lite", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_lite.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_lite.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e10364f01 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_aarch64_lite.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-aarch64-lite", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-aarch64/nightly-lite", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cbe75b6f0f --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-arm", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-arm/nightly", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_beta.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_beta.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d611be21f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_beta.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-arm", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-arm/beta", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_beta_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_beta_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7df4c699f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_beta_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-arm-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-arm/debug-beta", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f0651edbf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-arm-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-arm/debug", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_debug_ccov.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_debug_ccov.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c41aeebaa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_debug_ccov.py @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-arm-debug-ccov", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-arm/debug-ccov", + "debug_build": True, + "postflight_build_mach_commands": [ + [ + "android", + "archive-coverage-artifacts", + ], + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_debug_lite.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_debug_lite.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b6541a4f8e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_debug_lite.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-arm-lite-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-arm/debug-lite", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_debug_searchfox.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_debug_searchfox.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7549364fb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_debug_searchfox.py @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-arm-debug", + "env": { + "SCCACHE_DISABLE": "1", + }, + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-arm/debug-searchfox", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_gradle_dependencies.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_gradle_dependencies.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00983637a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_gradle_dependencies.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-arm-gradle-dependencies", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-arm-gradle-dependencies/nightly", + # gradle-dependencies doesn't produce a package. So don't collect package metrics. + "postflight_build_mach_commands": [ + [ + "android", + "gradle-dependencies", + ], + ], + "max_build_output_timeout": 0, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_lite.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_lite.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65d9c3ba4d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_lite.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-arm-lite", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-arm/nightly-lite", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_partner_sample1.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_partner_sample1.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6ddace34da --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_partner_sample1.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-arm-partner-sample1", + "src_mozconfig": None, # use manifest to determine mozconfig src + "src_mozconfig_manifest": "partner/mozconfigs/mozconfig1.json", + "tooltool_manifest_src": "mobile/android/config/tooltool-manifests/android/releng.manifest", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_partner_sample1_lite.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_partner_sample1_lite.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..535ebca2da --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_partner_sample1_lite.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-arm-partner-sample1-lite", + "src_mozconfig": None, # use manifest to determine mozconfig src + "src_mozconfig_manifest": "partner/mozconfigs/mozconfig1.json", + "tooltool_manifest_src": "mobile/android/config/tooltool-manifests/android/releng.manifest", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_profile_generate_lite.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_profile_generate_lite.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04a85025cd --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_arm_profile_generate_lite.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-arm-lite", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-arm/profile-generate-lite", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_fuzzing_asan_tc.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_fuzzing_asan_tc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1095c18c68 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_fuzzing_asan_tc.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86_64-asan-fuzzing", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86_64/nightly-fuzzing-asan", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_fuzzing_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_fuzzing_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc98ba0244 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_fuzzing_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86_64-fuzzing-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86_64/debug-fuzzing", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_geckoview_docs.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_geckoview_docs.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55022fa99b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_geckoview_docs.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-geckoview-docs", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-arm/nightly-android-lints", + # geckoview-docs doesn't produce a package. So don't collect package metrics. + "disable_package_metrics": True, + "postflight_build_mach_commands": [ + [ + "android", + "geckoview-docs", + "--archive", + "--upload", + "mozilla/geckoview", + "--upload-branch", + "gh-pages", + "--javadoc-path", + "javadoc/{project}", + "--upload-message", + "Update {project} documentation to rev {revision}", + ], + ], + "max_build_output_timeout": 0, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..01fda10b32 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86/nightly", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..839779f71f --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86_64", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86_64/nightly", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_beta.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_beta.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..838c76ec70 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_beta.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86_64", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86_64/beta", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_beta_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_beta_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4a345506b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_beta_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86_64-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86_64/debug-beta", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3cc64c7257 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86_64-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86_64/debug", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_debug_isolated_process.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_debug_isolated_process.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a026eb71c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_debug_isolated_process.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86_64-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86_64/debug-isolated-process", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_debug_lite.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_debug_lite.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e3dd2a72f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_debug_lite.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86_64-lite-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86_64/debug-lite", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_lite.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_lite.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2764ed2a16 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_lite.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86_64-lite", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86_64/nightly-lite", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_profile_generate.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_profile_generate.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9358021723 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_64_profile_generate.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86_64", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86_64/profile-generate", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_beta.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_beta.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1bf5078885 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_beta.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86/beta", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_beta_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_beta_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..50cb83c454 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_beta_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86/debug-beta", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eaa4c09ed0 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86/debug", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_debug_lite.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_debug_lite.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ce49ad8e1d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_debug_lite.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86-lite-debug", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86/debug-lite", + "debug_build": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_lite.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_lite.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1dba75afe0 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_lite.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86-lite", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86/nightly-lite", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_profile_generate.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_profile_generate.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08ce1529c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_android_configs/64_x86_profile_generate.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "android-x86", + "src_mozconfig": "mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-x86/profile-generate", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea0a6d17b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "debug_build": True, + "stage_platform": "linux-debug", + #### 32 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + # 32 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:", + "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "%(abs_obj_dir)s/dist/bin", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_fuzzing_asan_tc.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_fuzzing_asan_tc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b288ccc0a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_fuzzing_asan_tc.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux32-fuzzing-asan", + #### 32 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "MOZ_AUTOMATION": "1", + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "ASAN_OPTIONS": "detect_leaks=0", + ## 32 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_fuzzing_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_fuzzing_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..41fe4cddcf --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_fuzzing_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux-fuzzing-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 32 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + # 32 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "%(abs_obj_dir)s/dist/bin", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_rusttests.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_rusttests.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7aecddf896 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_rusttests.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux-rusttests", + #### 32 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + # 32 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "%(abs_obj_dir)s/dist/bin", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + }, + "app_name": "tools/rusttests", + "mozconfig_variant": "rusttests", + "disable_package_metrics": True, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_rusttests_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_rusttests_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0f7537ee5d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/32_rusttests_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "debug_build": True, + "stage_platform": "linux-rusttests-debug", + #### 32 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + # 32 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "%(abs_obj_dir)s/dist/bin", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + }, + "app_name": "tools/rusttests", + "disable_package_metrics": True, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_add-on-devel.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_add-on-devel.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ede8363c6a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_add-on-devel.py @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-add-on-devel", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/builds/worker/workspace/build/src/gcc/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac024b67bd --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan.py @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "stage_platform": "linux64-asan", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + "mozconfig_variant": "nightly-asan", + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_and_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_and_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..44d08e02af --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_and_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "stage_platform": "linux64-asan-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + "mozconfig_variant": "debug-asan", + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_reporter_tc.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_reporter_tc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9bc1010da0 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_reporter_tc.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-asan-reporter", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "MOZ_AUTOMATION": "1", + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "ASAN_OPTIONS": "detect_leaks=0", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_tc.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_tc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d6751ccf4c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_tc.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-asan", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_tc_and_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_tc_and_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..12ae638b3a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_asan_tc_and_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-asan-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_code_coverage_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_code_coverage_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f82294e646 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_code_coverage_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-ccov", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_code_coverage_opt.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_code_coverage_opt.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f82294e646 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_code_coverage_opt.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-ccov", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e8ad7d1cc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + # 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "%(abs_obj_dir)s/dist/bin", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_fuzzing_asan_tc.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_fuzzing_asan_tc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..025e0843c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_fuzzing_asan_tc.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-fuzzing-asan", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "MOZ_AUTOMATION": "1", + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "ASAN_OPTIONS": "detect_leaks=0", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_fuzzing_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_fuzzing_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..101b09d635 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_fuzzing_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-fuzzing-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "MOZ_AUTOMATION": "1", + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + # 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "%(abs_obj_dir)s/dist/bin", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_fuzzing_tsan_tc.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_fuzzing_tsan_tc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e5b880740 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_fuzzing_tsan_tc.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-fuzzing-tsan", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_noopt_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_noopt_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..518ebed408 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_noopt_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-noopt-debug", + "debug_build": True, + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + # 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "%(abs_obj_dir)s/dist/bin", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_rusttests.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_rusttests.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3d9eef33ea --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_rusttests.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-rusttests", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": ":/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + "app_name": "tools/rusttests", + "disable_package_metrics": True, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_rusttests_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_rusttests_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b9b1f257d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_rusttests_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-rusttests-debug", + "debug_build": True, + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + # 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "%(abs_obj_dir)s/dist/bin", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + }, + "app_name": "tools/rusttests", + "disable_package_metrics": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_searchfox_and_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_searchfox_and_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b962166517 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_searchfox_and_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + # note: overridden by MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS in TaskCluster tasks + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + ######################################################################### + ######################################################################### + ###### 64 bit specific ###### + "platform": "linux64", + "stage_platform": "linux64-searchfox-opt", + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/worker/tooltool-cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + # Disable sccache because otherwise we won't index the files that + # sccache optimizes away compilation for + "SCCACHE_DISABLE": "1", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + ## + }, + # This doesn't actually inherit from anything. + "mozconfig_platform": "linux64", + "mozconfig_variant": "debug-searchfox-clang", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_source.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_source.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d728d917a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_source.py @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "default_actions": ["package-source"], + "stage_platform": "source", # Not used, but required by the script + "env": { + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + }, + "src_mozconfig": "browser/config/mozconfigs/linux64/source", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_stat_and_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_stat_and_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c9a43b1642 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_stat_and_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + # note: overridden by MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS in TaskCluster tasks + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + ######################################################################### + ######################################################################### + ###### 64 bit specific ###### + "platform": "linux64", + "stage_platform": "linux64-st-an-opt", + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/worker/tooltool-cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + ## + }, + # This doesn't actually inherit from anything. + "mozconfig_platform": "linux64", + "mozconfig_variant": "debug-static-analysis-clang", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_tsan_tc.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_tsan_tc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6a749c8dd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_tsan_tc.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "linux64-tsan", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_valgrind.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_valgrind.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..60ad7a4ce6 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_linux_configs/64_valgrind.py @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + "valgrind-test", + ], + "stage_platform": "linux64-valgrind", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, + "mozconfig_variant": "valgrind", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_add-on-devel.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_add-on-devel.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4255adb500 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_add-on-devel.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "macosx64-add-on-devel", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/tools/python/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:" + "/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin", + ## + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_code_coverage_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_code_coverage_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a94cbb75f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_code_coverage_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "macosx64-ccov-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/tools/python/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:" + "/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin", + ## + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_code_coverage_opt.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_code_coverage_opt.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6a5a1cb15a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_code_coverage_opt.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "macosx64-ccov-opt", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/tools/python/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:" + "/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin", + ## + }, + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..82283ba2fb --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "macosx64-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/tools/python/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:" + "/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin", + ## + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_debug_searchfox.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_debug_searchfox.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f73b59db53 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_debug_searchfox.py @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "stage_platform": "macosx64-searchfox-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + # Disable sccache because otherwise we won't index the files that + # sccache optimizes away compilation for + "SCCACHE_DISABLE": "1", + # 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/tools/python/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:" + "/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin", + }, + "mozconfig_variant": "debug-searchfox", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_fuzzing_asan.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_fuzzing_asan.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8f665762f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_fuzzing_asan.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "macosx64-fuzzing-asan", + "publish_nightly_en_US_routes": False, + "platform_supports_post_upload_to_latest": False, + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "DISPLAY": ":2", + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "ASAN_OPTIONS": "detect_leaks=0", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:\ +/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_fuzzing_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_fuzzing_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f88bac7001 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_fuzzing_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "macosx64-fuzzing-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/tools/python/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:" + "/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin", + ## + }, + ####################### + "artifact_flag_build_variant_in_try": None, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_noopt_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_noopt_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e3cd50f218 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_cross_noopt_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "stage_platform": "macosx64-noopt-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/tools/python/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:" + "/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin", + ## + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..12e7b84588 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "stage_platform": "macosx64-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + ## 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/tools/python/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:" + "/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin", + ## + }, + "mozconfig_variant": "debug", + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_stat_and_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_stat_and_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..72049b6ce1 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/64_stat_and_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "debug_build": True, + "stage_platform": "macosx64-st-an-debug", + "tooltool_manifest_src": "browser/config/tooltool-manifests/macosx64/\ +clang.manifest", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/builds", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "LC_ALL": "C", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + # 64 bit specific + "PATH": "/tools/python/bin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/bin:" + "/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin", + }, + "mozconfig_variant": "debug-static-analysis", + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/rusttests.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/rusttests.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b3cabc856c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_mac_configs/rusttests.py @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "build", + ], + "stage_platform": "macosx64-rusttests", + "app_name": "tools/rusttests", + "disable_package_metrics": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_add-on-devel.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_add-on-devel.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c617eea6e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_add-on-devel.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "stage_platform": "win32-add-on-devel", + #### 32 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "C:/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "PATH": "C:/mozilla-build/python27;%s" % (os.environ.get("path")), + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "c:/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/c/builds", + }, + "mozconfig_variant": "add-on-devel", + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49230527a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "stage_platform": "win32-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 32 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "C:/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "PATH": "C:/mozilla-build/python27;%s" % (os.environ.get("path")), + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "c:/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/c/builds", + }, + "mozconfig_variant": "debug", + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_mingwclang.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_mingwclang.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d201b89eb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_mingwclang.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "platform": "win32-mingwclang", + "stage_platform": "win32-mingwclang", + "mozconfig_platform": "win32", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_stat_and_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_stat_and_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..803f2f67ca --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/32_stat_and_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "stage_platform": "win32-st-an-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 32 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "C:/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "PATH": "C:/mozilla-build/python27;%s" % (os.environ.get("path")), + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "c:/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/c/builds", + }, + "mozconfig_variant": "debug-static-analysis", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_add-on-devel.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_add-on-devel.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..71545b072c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_add-on-devel.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "stage_platform": "win64-add-on-devel", + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "C:/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "PATH": "C:/mozilla-build/python27;%s" % (os.environ.get("path")), + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "c:/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/c/builds", + }, + "mozconfig_variant": "add-on-devel", + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c281f2379d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "build", + ], + "stage_platform": "win64-debug", + "debug_build": True, + #### 64 bit build specific ##### + "env": { + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": "C:/builds/hg-shared", + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "PATH": "C:/mozilla-build/python27;%s" % (os.environ.get("path")), + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "c:/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/c/builds", + }, + "mozconfig_variant": "debug", + ####################### +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_mingwclang.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_mingwclang.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7f41cdb793 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/releng_sub_windows_configs/64_mingwclang.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "platform": "win64-mingwclang", + "stage_platform": "win64-mingwclang", + "mozconfig_platform": "win64", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_base_macosx.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_base_macosx.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7831ad17f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_base_macosx.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "get-secrets", + "build", + ], + "vcs_share_base": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "checkouts", "hg-shared"), + "max_build_output_timeout": 60 * 80, + "env": { + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "checkouts", "hg-shared"), + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "WORKSPACE": "%(base_work_dir)s", + "PATH": "/usr/local/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin", + }, + "upload_env": { + "UPLOAD_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "public", "build"), + }, + "secret_files": [ + { + "filename": "gls-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/gls-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "sb-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/sb-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "min_scm_level": 2, + "default": "try-build-has-no-secrets", + }, + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_base_win32.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_base_win32.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c18d21c96c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_base_win32.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "platform": "win32", + "mozconfig_platform": "win32", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_base_win64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_base_win64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..013bc11b62 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_base_win64.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "platform": "win64", + "mozconfig_platform": "win64", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_base_windows.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_base_windows.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8e5a5bc650 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_base_windows.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "get-secrets", + "build", + ], + "vcs_share_base": os.path.join("y:", os.sep, "hg-shared"), + "max_build_output_timeout": 60 * 80, + "env": { + "HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR": os.path.join("y:", os.sep, "hg-shared"), + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".mozbuild"), + "MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT": "1", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "TINDERBOX_OUTPUT": "1", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": "c:/builds/tooltool_cache", + "TOOLTOOL_HOME": "/c/builds", + "MSYSTEM": "MINGW32", + "WORKSPACE": "%(base_work_dir)s", + }, + "upload_env": { + "UPLOAD_PATH": os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "public", "build"), + }, + "secret_files": [ + { + "filename": "gls-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/gls-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "sb-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/sb-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/mozilla-desktop-geoloc-api.key", + "min_scm_level": 2, + "default": "try-build-has-no-secrets", + }, + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win32/debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win32/debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc8977dfc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win32/debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "win32-debug", + "debug_build": True, + "env": { + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win32/noopt_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win32/noopt_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6189060639 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win32/noopt_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "win32-noopt-debug", + "debug_build": True, + "env": { + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/asan_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/asan_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..da63c2724d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/asan_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "win64-asan-debug", + "debug_build": True, + "env": { + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/asan_reporter_opt.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/asan_reporter_opt.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af47501c73 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/asan_reporter_opt.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "win64-asan-reporter", + "mozconfig_variant": "nightly-asan-reporter", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/ccov_opt.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/ccov_opt.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c29a2d88bc --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/ccov_opt.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "win64-ccov", + "env": { + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d40e77d7ae --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "win64-debug", + "debug_build": True, + "env": { + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/noopt_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/noopt_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1dd204a3e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/noopt_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "win64-noopt-debug", + "debug_build": True, + "env": { + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/plain_opt.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/plain_opt.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e567c8f123 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/plain_opt.py @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "build", + ], + "disable_package_metrics": True, + "mozconfig_variant": "plain-opt", + "stage_platform": "win64", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/rusttests_opt.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/rusttests_opt.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..95ba433c29 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/rusttests_opt.py @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "default_actions": [ + "build", + ], + "stage_platform": "win64-rusttests", + "env": { + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + }, + "app_name": "tools/rusttests", + "disable_package_metrics": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/searchfox_debug.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/searchfox_debug.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..afcd3a696f --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/builds/taskcluster_sub_win64/searchfox_debug.py @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "stage_platform": "win64-st-an-debug", + "debug_build": True, + "env": { + "XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK": "stack-and-abort", + # Disable sccache because otherwise we won't index the files that + # sccache optimizes away compilation for + "SCCACHE_DISABLE": "1", + }, + "mozconfig_variant": "debug-searchfox", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/developer_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/developer_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..563a0db9db --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/developer_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +""" +This config file can be appended to any other mozharness job +running under treeherder. The purpose of this config is to +override values that are specific to Release Engineering machines +that can reach specific hosts within their network. +In other words, this config allows you to run any job +outside of the Release Engineering network + +Using this config file should be accompanied with using +--test-url and --installer-url where appropiate +""" + +import os + +LOCAL_WORKDIR = os.path.expanduser("~/.mozilla/releng") + +config = { + # Developer mode values + "developer_mode": True, + "local_workdir": LOCAL_WORKDIR, + "replace_urls": [ + ("http://pvtbuilds.pvt.build", "https://pvtbuilds"), + ], + # General local variable overwrite + "exes": { + "gittool.py": os.path.join(LOCAL_WORKDIR, "gittool.py"), + }, + # Talos related + "python_webserver": True, + "virtualenv_path": "%s/build/venv" % os.getcwd(), + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [], + "postflight_run_cmd_suites": [], + # Tooltool related + "tooltool_cache": os.path.join(LOCAL_WORKDIR, "builds/tooltool_cache"), + "tooltool_cache_path": os.path.join(LOCAL_WORKDIR, "builds/tooltool_cache"), + # VCS tools + "gittool.py": "http://hg.mozilla.org/build/puppet/raw-file/faaf5abd792e/modules/packages/files/gittool.py", + # Android related + "host_utils_url": "https://tooltool.mozilla-releng.net/sha512/372c89f9dccaf5ee3b9d35fd1cfeb089e1e5db3ff1c04e35aa3adc8800bc61a2ae10e321f37ae7bab20b56e60941f91bb003bcb22035902a73d70872e7bd3282", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/qa_jenkins.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/qa_jenkins.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e605bd0a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/qa_jenkins.py @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# Default configuration as used by Mozmill CI (Jenkins) + + +config = { + # Tests run in mozmill-ci do not use RelEng infra + "developer_mode": True, + # mozcrash support + "download_symbols": "ondemand", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/releng_release.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/releng_release.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ae3f5cc15c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/releng_release.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# Default configuration as used by Release Engineering for testing release/beta builds + +import os +import sys + +import mozharness + +external_tools_path = os.path.join( + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), + "external_tools", +) + + +config = { + # General local variable overwrite + "exes": { + "gittool.py": [ + # Bug 1227079 - Python executable eeded to get it executed on Windows + sys.executable, + os.path.join(external_tools_path, "gittool.py"), + ], + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/taskcluster.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/taskcluster.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..72cd3d78dd --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/taskcluster.py @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# Config file for firefox ui tests run via TaskCluster. + + +config = { + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/worker/tooltool-cache", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/taskcluster_mac.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/taskcluster_mac.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..163e133ed5 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/taskcluster_mac.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# Configuration over-rides for taskcluter.py, for osx +config = { + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/taskcluster_windows.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/taskcluster_windows.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..beeaddf120 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/firefox_ui_tests/taskcluster_windows.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# Config file for firefox ui tests run via TaskCluster. + +import os +import sys + +config = { + "virtualenv_path": "venv", + "exes": { + "python": sys.executable, + "hg": os.path.join(os.environ["PROGRAMFILES"], "Mercurial", "hg"), + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/l10n_bumper/jamun.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/l10n_bumper/jamun.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..355f82073a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/l10n_bumper/jamun.py @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import sys + +MULTI_REPO = "projects/jamun" +EXES = {} +if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): + EXES = { + # Get around the https warnings + "hg": [ + "/usr/local/bin/hg", + "--config", + "web.cacerts=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt", + ], + "hgtool.py": ["/usr/local/bin/hgtool.py"], + } + + +config = { + "log_name": "l10n_bumper", + "log_type": "multi", + "exes": EXES, + "gecko_pull_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/{}".format(MULTI_REPO), + "gecko_push_url": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/{}".format(MULTI_REPO), + "hg_user": "L10n Bumper Bot <release+l10nbumper@mozilla.com>", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + "version_path": "browser/config/version.txt", + "status_path": ".l10n_bumper_status", + "bump_configs": [ + { + "path": "mobile/locales/l10n-changesets.json", + "format": "json", + "name": "Fennec l10n changesets", + "revision_url": "https://l10n.mozilla.org/shipping/l10n-changesets?av=fennec%(MAJOR_VERSION)s", + "platform_configs": [ + { + "platforms": ["android-arm", "android"], + "path": "mobile/android/locales/all-locales", + }, + { + "platforms": ["android-multilocale"], + "path": "mobile/android/locales/maemo-locales", + }, + ], + }, + { + "path": "browser/locales/l10n-changesets.json", + "format": "json", + "name": "Firefox l10n changesets", + "revision_url": "https://l10n.mozilla.org/shipping/l10n-changesets?av=fx%(MAJOR_VERSION)s", + "ignore_config": { + "ja": ["macosx64"], + "ja-JP-mac": ["linux", "linux64", "win32", "win64"], + }, + "platform_configs": [ + { + "platforms": ["linux64", "linux", "macosx64", "win32", "win64"], + "path": "browser/locales/shipped-locales", + "format": "shipped-locales", + } + ], + }, + { + "path": "browser/locales/central-changesets.json", + "format": "json", + "name": "Firefox l10n changesets", + "ignore_config": { + "ja": ["macosx64"], + "ja-JP-mac": ["linux", "linux64", "win32", "win64"], + }, + "platform_configs": [ + { + "platforms": ["linux64", "linux", "macosx64", "win32", "win64"], + "path": "browser/locales/all-locales", + } + ], + }, + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/l10n_bumper/mozilla-beta.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/l10n_bumper/mozilla-beta.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ba7add5de --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/l10n_bumper/mozilla-beta.py @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import sys + +MULTI_REPO = "releases/mozilla-beta" +EXES = {} +if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): + EXES = { + # Get around the https warnings + "hg": [ + "/usr/local/bin/hg", + "--config", + "web.cacerts=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt", + ], + "hgtool.py": ["/usr/local/bin/hgtool.py"], + } + +config = { + "log_name": "l10n_bumper", + "log_type": "multi", + "exes": EXES, + "gecko_pull_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/{}".format(MULTI_REPO), + "gecko_push_url": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/{}".format(MULTI_REPO), + "hg_user": "L10n Bumper Bot <release+l10nbumper@mozilla.com>", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + "version_path": "browser/config/version.txt", + "status_path": ".l10n_bumper_status", + "bump_configs": [ + { + "path": "mobile/locales/l10n-changesets.json", + "format": "json", + "name": "Fennec l10n changesets", + "revision_url": "https://l10n.mozilla.org/shipping/l10n-changesets?av=fennec%(MAJOR_VERSION)s", + "platform_configs": [ + { + "platforms": ["android-multilocale"], + "path": "mobile/android/locales/maemo-locales", + } + ], + }, + { + "path": "browser/locales/l10n-changesets.json", + "format": "json", + "name": "Firefox l10n changesets", + "revision_url": "https://l10n.mozilla.org/shipping/l10n-changesets?av=fx%(MAJOR_VERSION)s", + "ignore_config": { + "ja": ["macosx64", "macosx64-devedition"], + "ja-JP-mac": [ + "linux", + "linux-devedition", + "linux64", + "linux64-devedition", + "win32", + "win32-devedition", + "win64", + "win64-devedition", + "win64-aarch64", + "win64-aarch64-devedition", + ], + }, + "platform_configs": [ + { + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux-devedition", + "linux64", + "linux64-devedition", + "macosx64", + "macosx64-devedition", + "win32", + "win32-devedition", + "win64", + "win64-devedition", + "win64-aarch64", + "win64-aarch64-devedition", + ], + "path": "browser/locales/shipped-locales", + "format": "shipped-locales", + } + ], + }, + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/l10n_bumper/mozilla-central.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/l10n_bumper/mozilla-central.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b2bcc1b98f --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/l10n_bumper/mozilla-central.py @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import sys + +MULTI_REPO = "mozilla-central" +EXES = {} +if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): + EXES = { + # Get around the https warnings + "hg": [ + "/usr/local/bin/hg", + "--config", + "web.cacerts=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt", + ], + "hgtool.py": ["/usr/local/bin/hgtool.py"], + } + +config = { + "log_name": "l10n_bumper", + "log_type": "multi", + "exes": EXES, + "gecko_pull_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/{}".format(MULTI_REPO), + "gecko_push_url": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/{}".format(MULTI_REPO), + "hg_user": "L10n Bumper Bot <release+l10nbumper@mozilla.com>", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + "version_path": "browser/config/version.txt", + "status_path": ".l10n_bumper_status", + "bump_configs": [ + { + "path": "mobile/locales/l10n-changesets.json", + "format": "json", + "name": "Fennec l10n changesets", + "platform_configs": [ + { + "platforms": ["android-arm", "android"], + "path": "mobile/android/locales/all-locales", + }, + { + "platforms": ["android-multilocale"], + "path": "mobile/android/locales/maemo-locales", + }, + ], + }, + { + "path": "browser/locales/l10n-changesets.json", + "format": "json", + "name": "Firefox l10n changesets", + "ignore_config": { + "ja": ["macosx64", "macosx64-devedition"], + "ja-JP-mac": [ + "linux", + "linux-devedition", + "linux64", + "linux64-devedition", + "win32", + "win32-devedition", + "win64", + "win64-devedition", + "win64-aarch64", + "win64-aarch64-devedition", + ], + }, + "platform_configs": [ + { + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux-devedition", + "linux64", + "linux64-devedition", + "macosx64", + "macosx64-devedition", + "win32", + "win32-devedition", + "win64", + "win64-devedition", + "win64-aarch64", + "win64-aarch64-devedition", + ], + "path": "browser/locales/all-locales", + } + ], + }, + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/l10n_bumper/mozilla-esr68.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/l10n_bumper/mozilla-esr68.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..01a7c85e2d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/l10n_bumper/mozilla-esr68.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import sys + +MULTI_REPO = "releases/mozilla-esr68" +EXES = {} +if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): + EXES = { + # Get around the https warnings + "hg": [ + "/usr/local/bin/hg", + "--config", + "web.cacerts=/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt", + ], + "hgtool.py": ["/usr/local/bin/hgtool.py"], + } + +config = { + "log_name": "l10n_bumper", + "log_type": "multi", + "exes": EXES, + "gecko_pull_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/{}".format(MULTI_REPO), + "gecko_push_url": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/{}".format(MULTI_REPO), + "hg_user": "L10n Bumper Bot <release+l10nbumper@mozilla.com>", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + "version_path": "mobile/android/config/version-files/release/version.txt", + "status_path": ".l10n_bumper_status", + "bump_configs": [ + { + "path": "mobile/locales/l10n-changesets.json", + "format": "json", + "name": "Fennec l10n changesets", + "revision_url": "https://l10n.mozilla.org/shipping/l10n-changesets?av=fennec%(COMBINED_MAJOR_VERSION)s", + "platform_configs": [ + { + "platforms": ["android-multilocale"], + "path": "mobile/android/locales/maemo-locales", + } + ], + } + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/mac_taskcluster_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/mac_taskcluster_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ae326512e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/mac_taskcluster_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# Configuration over-rides for prod_config.py, for osx + +# OS Specifics +DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER = False +ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN = False + +##### +config = { + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ + # NOTE 'enabled' is only here while we have unconsolidated configs + { + "name": "disable_screen_saver", + "cmd": ["xset", "s", "off", "s", "reset"], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": False, + "enabled": DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER, + }, + { + "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", + "cmd": [ + # when configs are consolidated this python path will only show + # for windows. + "python", + "../scripts/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", + "--configuration-file", + "../scripts/external_tools/machine-configuration.json", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN, + }, + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/prod_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/prod_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b0002372bd --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/prod_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# This is a template config file for marionette production. +HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR = "/builds/hg-shared" + +# OS Specifics +DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER = True +ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN = False + +##### +config = { + # marionette options + "marionette_address": "localhost:2828", + "test_manifest": "unit-tests.ini", + "vcs_share_base": HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR, + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/worker/tooltool-cache", + "suite_definitions": { + "marionette_desktop": { + "options": [ + "-vv", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-html=%(html_report_file)s", + "--binary=%(binary)s", + "--address=%(address)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + ], + "run_filename": "", + "testsdir": "marionette", + } + }, + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ + # NOTE 'enabled' is only here while we have unconsolidated configs + { + "name": "disable_screen_saver", + "cmd": ["xset", "s", "off", "s", "reset"], + "halt_on_failure": False, + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "enabled": DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER, + }, + { + "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", + "cmd": [ + # when configs are consolidated this python path will only show + # for windows. + "python", + "../scripts/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", + "--configuration-file", + "../scripts/external_tools/machine-configuration.json", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN, + }, + ], + "structured_output": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/test_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/test_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c013142433 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/test_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# This is a template config file for marionette test. + +config = { + # marionette options + "marionette_address": "localhost:2828", + "test_manifest": "unit-tests.ini", + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "suite_definitions": { + "marionette_desktop": { + "options": [ + "-vv", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-html=%(html_report_file)s", + "--binary=%(binary)s", + "--address=%(address)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + ], + "run_filename": "", + "testsdir": "marionette", + }, + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/windows_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/windows_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..747af54475 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/windows_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# This is a template config file for marionette production on Windows. +config = { + # marionette options + "marionette_address": "localhost:2828", + "test_manifest": "unit-tests.ini", + "virtualenv_path": "venv", + "exes": { + "python": "c:/mozilla-build/python27/python", + "hg": "c:/mozilla-build/hg/hg", + }, + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "suite_definitions": { + "marionette_desktop": { + "options": [ + "-vv", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-html=%(html_report_file)s", + "--binary=%(binary)s", + "--address=%(address)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + ], + "run_filename": "", + "testsdir": "marionette", + }, + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/windows_taskcluster_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/windows_taskcluster_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4011a57a09 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/marionette/windows_taskcluster_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# This is a template config file for marionette production on Windows. +import os +import platform +import sys + +# OS Specifics +DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER = False +ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN = True +DESKTOP_VISUALFX_THEME = { + "Let Windows choose": 0, + "Best appearance": 1, + "Best performance": 2, + "Custom": 3, +}.get("Best appearance") +TASKBAR_AUTOHIDE_REG_PATH = { + "Windows 7": "HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects2", + "Windows 10": "HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects3", +}.get("{} {}".format(platform.system(), platform.release())) + +##### +config = { + # marionette options + "marionette_address": "localhost:2828", + "test_manifest": "unit-tests.ini", + "virtualenv_path": "venv", + "exes": { + "python": sys.executable, + "hg": os.path.join(os.environ["PROGRAMFILES"], "Mercurial", "hg"), + }, + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "suite_definitions": { + "marionette_desktop": { + "options": [ + "-vv", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--log-html=%(html_report_file)s", + "--binary=%(binary)s", + "--address=%(address)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + ], + "run_filename": "", + "testsdir": "marionette", + }, + }, + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ + { + "name": "disable_screen_saver", + "cmd": ["xset", "s", "off", "s", "reset"], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": False, + "enabled": DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER, + }, + { + "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", + "cmd": [ + sys.executable, + os.path.join( + os.getcwd(), + "mozharness", + "external_tools", + "mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", + ), + "--configuration-file", + os.path.join( + os.getcwd(), + "mozharness", + "external_tools", + "machine-configuration.json", + ), + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN, + }, + { + "name": "disable windows security and maintenance notifications", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + r"\"&{$p='HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Notifications\Settings\Windows.SystemToast.SecurityAndMaintenance';if(!(Test-Path -Path $p)){&New-Item -Path $p -Force}&Set-ItemProperty -Path $p -Name Enabled -Value 0}\"", # noqa + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": (platform.release() == 10), + }, + { + "name": "set windows VisualFX", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + "\"&{{&Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects' -Name VisualFXSetting -Value {}}}\"".format( + DESKTOP_VISUALFX_THEME + ), + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + }, + { + "name": "create scrollbars always show key", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + "New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Accessibility' -Name 'DynamicScrollbars' -Value 0", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": False, + "enabled": True, + }, + { + "name": "hide windows taskbar", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + "\"&{{$p='{}';$v=(Get-ItemProperty -Path $p).Settings;$v[8]=3;&Set-ItemProperty -Path $p -Name Settings -Value $v}}\"".format( + TASKBAR_AUTOHIDE_REG_PATH + ), + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + }, + { + "name": "restart windows explorer", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + '"&{&Stop-Process -ProcessName explorer}"', + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + }, + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/multi_locale/android-mozharness-build.json b/testing/mozharness/configs/multi_locale/android-mozharness-build.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..178119b048 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/multi_locale/android-mozharness-build.json @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "log_name": "multilocale", + "locales_dir": "mobile/android/locales", + "ignore_locales": ["en-US", "multi"], + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + "hg_l10n_base": "https://hg.mozilla.org/l10n-central", + "hg_l10n_tag": "default", + "work_dir": "build", + "locales_file": "mobile/locales/l10n-changesets.json", + "locales_platform": "android-multilocale" +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/linux32.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/linux32.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1955f1fa8c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/linux32.py @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +import mozharness + +external_tools_path = os.path.join( + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), + "external_tools", +) + +config = { + "exes": { + "gittool.py": [os.path.join(external_tools_path, "gittool.py")], + "python3": "python3", + }, + "dump_syms_binary": "{}/dump_syms/dump_syms".format(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"]), + "arch": "x86", + "operating_system": "linux", + "partial_env": { + "CXXFLAGS": ( + "--sysroot {MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/sysroot-i686-linux-gnu".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + "LDFLAGS": ( + "--sysroot {MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/sysroot-i686-linux-gnu".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + "PATH": ( + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/clang/bin:" + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/binutils/bin:" + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/nasm:%(PATH)s".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/linux64-aarch64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/linux64-aarch64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..beeca3ae73 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/linux64-aarch64.py @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +import mozharness + +external_tools_path = os.path.join( + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), + "external_tools", +) + +config = { + "exes": { + "gittool.py": [os.path.join(external_tools_path, "gittool.py")], + "python3": "python3", + }, + "dump_syms_binary": "{}/dump_syms/dump_syms".format(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"]), + "arch": "aarch64", + "operating_system": "linux", + "partial_env": { + "CFLAGS": ( + "-target aarch64-linux-gnu " + "--sysroot {MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/sysroot-aarch64-linux-gnu".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + "LDFLAGS": ( + "-target aarch64-linux-gnu " + "--sysroot {MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/sysroot-aarch64-linux-gnu".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + "PATH": ( + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/clang/bin:" + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/binutils/bin:%(PATH)s".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/linux64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/linux64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc5aecf015 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/linux64.py @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +import mozharness + +external_tools_path = os.path.join( + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), + "external_tools", +) + +config = { + "exes": { + "gittool.py": [os.path.join(external_tools_path, "gittool.py")], + "python3": "python3", + }, + "dump_syms_binary": "{}/dump_syms/dump_syms".format(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"]), + "arch": "x64", + "operating_system": "linux", + "partial_env": { + "CXXFLAGS": ( + "--sysroot {MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/sysroot-x86_64-linux-gnu".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + "LDFLAGS": ( + "--sysroot {MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/sysroot-x86_64-linux-gnu".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + "PATH": ( + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/clang/bin:" + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/binutils/bin:" + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/nasm:%(PATH)s".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/macosx64-aarch64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/macosx64-aarch64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..829863d456 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/macosx64-aarch64.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +import mozharness + +external_tools_path = os.path.join( + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), + "external_tools", +) + +config = { + "exes": { + "gittool.py": [os.path.join(external_tools_path, "gittool.py")], + "python3": "python3", + }, + "dump_syms_binary": "{}/dump_syms/dump_syms".format(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"]), + "arch": "aarch64", + "operating_system": "darwin", + "partial_env": { + "CFLAGS": ( + "-target aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a12 " + "-isysroot {MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/MacOSX13.3.sdk " + "-mmacosx-version-min=11.0".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + "LDFLAGS": ( + "-target aarch64-apple-darwin -mcpu=apple-a12 " + "-isysroot {MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/MacOSX13.3.sdk " + "-mmacosx-version-min=11.0".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + "PATH": ( + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/clang/bin/:{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/cctools/bin/:%(PATH)s".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/macosx64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/macosx64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0f4dbd1698 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/macosx64.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +import mozharness + +external_tools_path = os.path.join( + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), + "external_tools", +) + +config = { + "exes": { + "gittool.py": [os.path.join(external_tools_path, "gittool.py")], + "python3": "python3", + }, + "dump_syms_binary": "{}/dump_syms/dump_syms".format(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"]), + "arch": "x64", + "operating_system": "darwin", + "partial_env": { + "CXXFLAGS": ( + "-target x86_64-apple-darwin " + "-isysroot {MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/MacOSX13.3.sdk " + "-mmacosx-version-min=10.12".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + "LDFLAGS": ( + "-target x86_64-apple-darwin " + "-isysroot {MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/MacOSX13.3.sdk " + "-mmacosx-version-min=10.12".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + "PATH": ( + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/clang/bin:" + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/cctools/bin:" + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/nasm:%(PATH)s".format( + MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ) + ), + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/tooltool-manifests/win.manifest b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/tooltool-manifests/win.manifest new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5ec9a8377a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/tooltool-manifests/win.manifest @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +[ + { + "version": "Visual Studio 2017 15.8.4 / SDK 10.0.17134.0", + "digest": "ecf1e03f6f98f86775059a43f9e7dc7e326f6643d7c08962d9f614e4f5a65b1ca63fa1cfeb0f1a3c2474bf0d4318dda960b378beb2a44ecf8a91111207f4ece5", + "size": 349626009, + "algorithm": "sha512", + "filename": "vs2017_15.8.4.zip", + "unpack": true + } +] diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/tooltool-manifests/win64-aarch64.manifest b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/tooltool-manifests/win64-aarch64.manifest new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4989d3a4ee --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/tooltool-manifests/win64-aarch64.manifest @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +[ + { + "version": "Visual Studio 2017 15.9.6 / SDK 10.0.17134.0", + "size": 490015895, + "visibility": "internal", + "digest": "91d08703a8ce39f6f53ccecc7c7b6f57e1b571ddb5d1eb4dd9260e52580566c35a4bed39ad366fd60ca60ebf5c06f0f00561bba5cd631826511f2872a3d2dcd5", + "algorithm": "sha512", + "filename": "vs2017_15.9.6.zip", + "unpack": true + } +] diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/win32.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/win32.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b07072200 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/win32.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import sys + +import mozharness + +external_tools_path = os.path.join( + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), + "external_tools", +) + +VSPATH = "%(abs_work_dir)s\\vs2017_15.8.4" +config = { + "tooltool_manifest_file": "win.manifest", + "exes": { + "gittool.py": [sys.executable, os.path.join(external_tools_path, "gittool.py")], + "python3": "c:\\mozilla-build\\python\\python3.exe", + }, + "dump_syms_binary": "{}/dump_syms/dump_syms.exe".format( + os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ), + "arch": "x86", + "partial_env": { + "PATH": ( + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}\\clang\\bin\\;" + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}\\nasm;" + "{_VSPATH}\\VC\\bin\\Hostx64\\x64;%(PATH)s" + # 32-bit redist here for our dump_syms.exe + "{_VSPATH}/VC/redist/x86/Microsoft.VC141.CRT;" + "{_VSPATH}/SDK/Redist/ucrt/DLLs/x86;" + "{_VSPATH}/DIA SDK/bin" + ).format(_VSPATH=VSPATH, MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"]), + "INCLUDES": ( + "-I{_VSPATH}\\VC\\include " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\VC\\atlmfc\\include " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\SDK\\Include\\10.0.17134.0\\ucrt " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\SDK\\Include\\10.0.17134.0\\shared " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\SDK\\Include\\10.0.17134.0\\um " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\SDK\\Include\\10.0.17134.0\\winrt " + ).format(_VSPATH=VSPATH), + "LIB": ( + "{_VSPATH}/VC/lib/x86;" + "{_VSPATH}/VC/atlmfc/lib/x86;" + "{_VSPATH}/SDK/lib/10.0.17134.0/ucrt/x86;" + "{_VSPATH}/SDK/lib/10.0.17134.0/um/x86;" + ).format(_VSPATH=VSPATH), + "CFLAGS": ("-m32"), + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/win64-aarch64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/win64-aarch64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5546c4fabc --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/win64-aarch64.py @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import sys + +import mozharness + +external_tools_path = os.path.join( + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), + "external_tools", +) + +VSPATH = "%(abs_work_dir)s\\vs2017_15.9.6" +config = { + "tooltool_manifest_file": "win64-aarch64.manifest", + "exes": { + "gittool.py": [sys.executable, os.path.join(external_tools_path, "gittool.py")], + "python3": "c:\\mozilla-build\\python\\python3.exe", + }, + "dump_syms_binary": "{}/dump_syms/dump_syms.exe".format( + os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ), + "arch": "aarch64", + "partial_env": { + "PATH": ( + "%(abs_work_dir)s\\openh264;" + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}\\clang\\bin\\;" + "{_VSPATH}\\VC\\bin\\Hostx64\\arm64;" + "{_VSPATH}\\VC\\bin\\Hostx64\\x64;" + # 32-bit redist here for our dump_syms.exe + "{_VSPATH}/VC/redist/x86/Microsoft.VC141.CRT;" + "{_VSPATH}/SDK/Redist/ucrt/DLLs/x86;" + "{_VSPATH}/DIA SDK/bin;%(PATH)s;" + ).format(_VSPATH=VSPATH, MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"]), + "INCLUDES": ( + "-I{_VSPATH}\\VC\\include " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\VC\\atlmfc\\include " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\SDK\\Include\\10.0.17134.0\\ucrt " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\SDK\\Include\\10.0.17134.0\\shared " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\SDK\\Include\\10.0.17134.0\\um " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\SDK\\Include\\10.0.17134.0\\winrt " + ).format(_VSPATH=VSPATH), + "LIB": ( + "{_VSPATH}/VC/lib/arm64;" + "{_VSPATH}/VC/atlmfc/lib/arm64;" + "{_VSPATH}/SDK/lib/10.0.17134.0/ucrt/arm64;" + "{_VSPATH}/SDK/lib/10.0.17134.0/um/arm64;" + ).format(_VSPATH=VSPATH), + "CFLAGS": ("--target=aarch64-windows-msvc"), + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/win64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/win64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c561dbc67a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/openh264/win64.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import sys + +import mozharness + +external_tools_path = os.path.join( + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), + "external_tools", +) + +VSPATH = "%(abs_work_dir)s\\vs2017_15.8.4" +config = { + "tooltool_manifest_file": "win.manifest", + "exes": { + "gittool.py": [sys.executable, os.path.join(external_tools_path, "gittool.py")], + "python3": "c:\\mozilla-build\\python\\python3.exe", + }, + "dump_syms_binary": "{}/dump_syms/dump_syms.exe".format( + os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + ), + "arch": "x64", + "partial_env": { + "PATH": ( + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}\\clang\\bin\\;" + "{MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}\\nasm;" + "{_VSPATH}\\VC\\bin\\Hostx64\\x64;%(PATH)s;" + # 32-bit redist here for our dump_syms.exe + "{_VSPATH}/VC/redist/x86/Microsoft.VC141.CRT;" + "{_VSPATH}/SDK/Redist/ucrt/DLLs/x86;" + "{_VSPATH}/DIA SDK/bin" + ).format(_VSPATH=VSPATH, MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"]), + "INCLUDES": ( + "-I{_VSPATH}\\VC\\include " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\VC\\atlmfc\\include " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\SDK\\Include\\10.0.17134.0\\ucrt " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\SDK\\Include\\10.0.17134.0\\shared " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\SDK\\Include\\10.0.17134.0\\um " + "-I{_VSPATH}\\SDK\\Include\\10.0.17134.0\\winrt " + ).format(_VSPATH=VSPATH), + "LIB": ( + "{_VSPATH}/VC/lib/x64;" + "{_VSPATH}/VC/atlmfc/lib/x64;" + "{_VSPATH}/SDK/lib/10.0.17134.0/ucrt/x64;" + "{_VSPATH}/SDK/lib/10.0.17134.0/um/x64;" + ).format(_VSPATH=VSPATH), + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/partner_repacks/release_mozilla-release_desktop.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/partner_repacks/release_mozilla-release_desktop.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3391dd396c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/partner_repacks/release_mozilla-release_desktop.py @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "appName": "Firefox", + "log_name": "partner_repack", + "repack_manifests_url": "git@github.com:mozilla-partners/repack-manifests.git", + "repo_file": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mozilla/git-repo/master/repo", + "secret_files": [ + { + "filename": "/builds/partner-github-ssh", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/partner-github-ssh", + "min_scm_level": 1, + "mode": 0o600, + }, + ], + "ssh_key": "/builds/partner-github-ssh", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/partner_repacks/release_mozilla-release_desktop_EME-free.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/partner_repacks/release_mozilla-release_desktop_EME-free.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4d2d2df418 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/partner_repacks/release_mozilla-release_desktop_EME-free.py @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "appName": "Firefox", + "log_name": "partner_repack", + "repack_manifests_url": "git@github.com:mozilla-partners/mozilla-EME-free-manifest.git", + "repo_file": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mozilla/git-repo/master/repo", + "secret_files": [ + { + "filename": "/builds/partner-github-ssh", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/partner-github-ssh", + "min_scm_level": 1, + "mode": 0o600, + }, + ], + "ssh_key": "/builds/partner-github-ssh", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/partner_repacks/staging_release_mozilla-release_desktop.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/partner_repacks/staging_release_mozilla-release_desktop.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3391dd396c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/partner_repacks/staging_release_mozilla-release_desktop.py @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "appName": "Firefox", + "log_name": "partner_repack", + "repack_manifests_url": "git@github.com:mozilla-partners/repack-manifests.git", + "repo_file": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mozilla/git-repo/master/repo", + "secret_files": [ + { + "filename": "/builds/partner-github-ssh", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/partner-github-ssh", + "min_scm_level": 1, + "mode": 0o600, + }, + ], + "ssh_key": "/builds/partner-github-ssh", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/android_hw_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/android_hw_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81118b497b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/android_hw_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "log_name": "raptor", + "title": os.uname()[1].lower().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install-chrome-android", + "install-chromium-distribution", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "download_tooltool": True, + "hostutils_manifest_path": "testing/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/hostutils.manifest", +} + +# raptor will pick these up in mitmproxy.py, doesn't use the mozharness config +os.environ["TOOLTOOLCACHE"] = config["tooltool_cache"] +os.environ["HOSTUTILS_MANIFEST_PATH"] = config["hostutils_manifest_path"] diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/linux64_config_taskcluster.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/linux64_config_taskcluster.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e3b2870c92 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/linux64_config_taskcluster.py @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import sys + +PYTHON = sys.executable +VENV_PATH = "%s/build/venv" % os.getcwd() + +exes = { + "python": PYTHON, +} +ABS_WORK_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build") +INSTALLER_PATH = os.path.join(ABS_WORK_DIR, "installer.tar.bz2") + +config = { + "log_name": "raptor", + "installer_path": INSTALLER_PATH, + "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, + "exes": exes, + "title": os.uname()[1].lower().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/worker/tooltool-cache", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/linux_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/linux_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7fffe20bb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/linux_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +VENV_PATH = "%s/build/venv" % os.getcwd() + +config = { + "log_name": "raptor", + "installer_path": "installer.exe", + "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, + "title": os.uname()[1].lower().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install-chromium-distribution", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/mac_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/mac_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b3d8a0177f --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/mac_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +VENV_PATH = "%s/build/venv" % os.getcwd() + +config = { + "log_name": "raptor", + "installer_path": "installer.exe", + "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, + "title": os.uname()[1].lower().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install-chromium-distribution", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [], + "postflight_run_cmd_suites": [], + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/windows_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/windows_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9eed74b696 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/windows_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import socket +import sys + +PYTHON = sys.executable +VENV_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build/venv") + +PYWIN32 = "pywin32==306" + +config = { + "log_name": "raptor", + "installer_path": "installer.exe", + "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, + "virtualenv_modules": [PYWIN32, "raptor", "mozinstall"], + "exes": { + "python": PYTHON, + "mozinstall": [ + "%s/scripts/python" % VENV_PATH, + "%s/scripts/mozinstall-script.py" % VENV_PATH, + ], + "hg": os.path.join(os.environ["PROGRAMFILES"], "Mercurial", "hg"), + "tooltool.py": [ + PYTHON, + os.path.join(os.environ["MOZILLABUILD"], "tooltool.py"), + ], + }, + "title": socket.gethostname().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install-chromium-distribution", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": os.path.join("c:\\", "build", "tooltool_cache"), + "python3_manifest": { + "win32": "python3.manifest", + "win64": "python3_x64.manifest", + }, + "env": { + # python3 requires C runtime, found in firefox installation; see bug 1361732 + "PATH": "%(PATH)s;c:\\slave\\test\\build\\application\\firefox;" + }, + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ + { + "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", + "cmd": [ + sys.executable, + os.path.join( + os.getcwd(), + "mozharness", + "external_tools", + "mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", + ), + "--configuration-file", + os.path.join( + os.getcwd(), + "mozharness", + "external_tools", + "machine-configuration.json", + ), + "--platform", + "win10-hw", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + } + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/windows_vm_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/windows_vm_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7bd5e9da58 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/raptor/windows_vm_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import socket +import sys + +PYTHON = sys.executable +VENV_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build/venv") + +PYWIN32 = "pywin32==306" + +config = { + "log_name": "raptor", + "installer_path": "installer.exe", + "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, + "virtualenv_modules": [PYWIN32, "raptor", "mozinstall"], + "exes": { + "python": PYTHON, + "mozinstall": [ + "%s/scripts/python" % VENV_PATH, + "%s/scripts/mozinstall-script.py" % VENV_PATH, + ], + "hg": os.path.join(os.environ["PROGRAMFILES"], "Mercurial", "hg"), + }, + "title": socket.gethostname().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install-chromium-distribution", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": os.path.join("c:\\", "build", "tooltool_cache"), + "python3_manifest": { + "win32": "python3.manifest", + "win64": "python3_x64.manifest", + }, + "env": { + # python3 requires C runtime, found in firefox installation; see bug 1361732 + "PATH": "%(PATH)s;c:\\slave\\test\\build\\application\\firefox;" + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_beta.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_beta.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fa3ece116c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_beta.py @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# lint_ignore=E501 +config = { + "products": { + # for installers, stubs, msi (ie not updates) ... + # products containing "latest" are for www.mozilla.org via cron-bouncer-check + # products using versions are for release automation via release-bouncer-check-firefox + "installer": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-beta-latest", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-ssl": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-latest-ssl": { + "product-name": "Firefox-beta-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "msi": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-msi-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msi-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-beta-msi-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msix": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-msix-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msix-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-beta-msix-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "pkg": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-pkg-SSL", + "platforms": ["osx"], + }, + "pkg-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-beta-pkg-latest-SSL", + "platforms": ["osx"], + }, + "stub-installer": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-stub", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "stub-installer-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-beta-stub", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "langpack": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-langpack-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "langpack-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-beta-langpack-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "complete-mar": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-Complete", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + }, + "partials": { + "releases-dir": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-Partial-%(prev_version)s", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_devedition.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_devedition.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b736dc74e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_devedition.py @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# lint_ignore=E501 +config = { + "products": { + # for installers, stubs, msi (ie not updates) ... + # products containing "latest" are for www.mozilla.org via cron-bouncer-check + # products using versions are for release automation via release-bouncer-check-firefox + "installer": { + "product-name": "Devedition-%(version)s", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-devedition-latest", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-ssl": { + "product-name": "Devedition-%(version)s-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-latest-ssl": { + "product-name": "Firefox-devedition-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "msi": { + "product-name": "Devedition-%(version)s-msi-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msi-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-devedition-msi-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msix": { + "product-name": "Devedition-%(version)s-msix-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msix-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-devedition-msix-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "stub-installer": { + "product-name": "Devedition-%(version)s-stub", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "stub-installer-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-devedition-stub", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "complete-mar": { + "product-name": "Devedition-%(version)s-Complete", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + }, + "partials": { + "releases-dir": { + "product-name": "Devedition-%(version)s-Partial-%(prev_version)s", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_esr.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_esr.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..21528c2aac --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_esr.py @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# lint_ignore=E501 +config = { + "products": { + # for installers, stubs, msi (ie not updates) ... + # products containing "latest" are for www.mozilla.org via cron-bouncer-check + # products using versions are for release automation via release-bouncer-check-firefox + "installer": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-esr-latest", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-next-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-esr-next-latest", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-ssl": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-latest-ssl": { + "product-name": "Firefox-esr-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-next-latest-ssl": { + "product-name": "Firefox-esr-next-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "msi": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-msi-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msi-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-esr-msi-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msi-next-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-esr-next-msi-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msix": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-msix-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msix-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-esr-msix-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msix-next-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-esr-next-msix-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "pkg": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-pkg-SSL", + "platforms": ["osx"], + }, + "pkg-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-esr-pkg-latest-SSL", + "platforms": ["osx"], + }, + "pkg-next-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-esr-next-pkg-latest-SSL", + "platforms": ["osx"], + }, + "langpack": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-langpack-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "langpack-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-esr-langpack-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "langpack-latest-next": { + "product-name": "Firefox-esr-next-langpack-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "complete-mar": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-Complete", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + }, + "partials": { + "releases-dir": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-Partial-%(prev_version)s", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_nightly.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_nightly.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09d52fe4a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_nightly.py @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# lint_ignore=E501 +config = { + "products": { + "installer-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-nightly-latest", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-latest-ssl": { + "product-name": "Firefox-nightly-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-latest-l10n-ssl": { + "product-name": "Firefox-nightly-latest-l10n-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "msi-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-nightly-msi-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msi-latest-l10n": { + "product-name": "Firefox-nightly-msi-latest-l10n-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "stub-installer": { + "product-name": "Firefox-nightly-stub", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "stub-installer-l10n": { + "product-name": "Firefox-nightly-stub-l10n", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "pkg-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-nightly-pkg-latest-ssl", + "platforms": ["osx"], + }, + "pkg-latest-l10n": { + "product-name": "Firefox-nightly-pkg-latest-l10n-ssl", + "platforms": ["osx"], + }, + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_release.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_release.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0259e4ad57 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/bouncer_firefox_release.py @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +# lint_ignore=E501 +config = { + "products": { + # for installers, stubs, msi (ie not updates) ... + # products containing "latest" are for www.mozilla.org via cron-bouncer-check + # products using versions are for release automation via release-bouncer-check-firefox + "installer": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-latest", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-ssl": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "installer-latest-ssl": { + "product-name": "Firefox-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "msi": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-msi-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msi-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-msi-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msix": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-msix-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "msix-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-msix-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "langpack": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-langpack-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "langpack-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-langpack-latest-SSL", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + ], + }, + "stub-installer": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-stub", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "stub-installer-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-stub", + "platforms": [ + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + "pkg": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-pkg-SSL", + "platforms": ["osx"], + }, + "pkg-latest": { + "product-name": "Firefox-pkg-latest-SSL", + "platforms": ["osx"], + }, + "complete-mar": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-Complete", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + }, + "partials": { + "releases-dir": { + "product-name": "Firefox-%(version)s-Partial-%(prev_version)s", + "platforms": [ + "linux", + "linux64", + "osx", + "win", + "win64", + "win64-aarch64", + ], + }, + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_fennec_beta.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_fennec_beta.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1b0038db75 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_fennec_beta.py @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + # maple is used for staging mozilla-beta + "log_name": "bump_maple", + "version_files": [{"file": "browser/config/version_display.txt"}], + "repo": { + # maple is used for staging mozilla-beta + "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/maple", + "branch": "default", + "dest": "maple", + "vcs": "hg", + "clone_upstream_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified", + }, + # maple is used for staging mozilla-beta + "push_dest": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/projects/maple", + "ignore_no_changes": True, + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "ship_it_root": "https://ship-it-dev.allizom.org", + "ship_it_username": "ship_it-stage-ffxbld", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_fennec_release.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_fennec_release.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5205ad41cc --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_fennec_release.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "log_name": "bump_release_dev", + "version_files": [ + {"file": "browser/config/version.txt"}, + {"file": "browser/config/version_display.txt"}, + {"file": "config/milestone.txt"}, + ], + "repo": { + # jamun is used for staging mozilla-release + "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/jamun", + "branch": "default", + "dest": "jamun", + "vcs": "hg", + "clone_upstream_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified", + }, + "push_dest": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/projects/jamun", + "ignore_no_changes": True, + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "ship_it_root": "https://ship-it-dev.allizom.org", + "ship_it_username": "ship_it-stage-ffxbld", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_firefox_beta.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_firefox_beta.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ce7ff54bd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_firefox_beta.py @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + # date is used for staging mozilla-beta + "log_name": "bump_date", + "version_files": [{"file": "browser/config/version_display.txt"}], + "repo": { + # maple is used for staging mozilla-beta + "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/jamun", + "branch": "default", + "dest": "jamun", + "vcs": "hg", + "clone_upstream_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified", + }, + # date is used for staging mozilla-beta + "push_dest": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/projects/jamun", + "ignore_no_changes": True, + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "ship_it_root": "https://ship-it-dev.allizom.org", + "ship_it_username": "ship_it-stage-ffxbld", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_firefox_release.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_firefox_release.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5205ad41cc --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_firefox_release.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "log_name": "bump_release_dev", + "version_files": [ + {"file": "browser/config/version.txt"}, + {"file": "browser/config/version_display.txt"}, + {"file": "config/milestone.txt"}, + ], + "repo": { + # jamun is used for staging mozilla-release + "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/jamun", + "branch": "default", + "dest": "jamun", + "vcs": "hg", + "clone_upstream_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified", + }, + "push_dest": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/projects/jamun", + "ignore_no_changes": True, + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "ship_it_root": "https://ship-it-dev.allizom.org", + "ship_it_username": "ship_it-stage-ffxbld", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_firefox_release_birch.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_firefox_release_birch.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..47593625f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_postrelease_firefox_release_birch.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "log_name": "bump_release_dev", + "version_files": [ + {"file": "browser/config/version.txt"}, + {"file": "browser/config/version_display.txt"}, + {"file": "config/milestone.txt"}, + ], + "repo": { + # jamun is used for staging mozilla-release + "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/birch", + "branch": "default", + "dest": "birch", + "vcs": "hg", + "clone_upstream_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified", + }, + "push_dest": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/projects/birch", + "ignore_no_changes": True, + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "ship_it_root": "https://ship-it-dev.allizom.org", + "ship_it_username": "ship_it-stage-ffxbld", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_updates_firefox_beta.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_updates_firefox_beta.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c60d1e9ce --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_updates_firefox_beta.py @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "log_name": "bump_beta_dev", + # TODO: use real repo + "repo": { + "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/users/stage-ffxbld/tools", + "branch": "default", + "dest": "tools", + "vcs": "hg", + }, + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + # TODO: use real repo + "push_dest": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/users/stage-ffxbld/tools", + # jamun repo used for staging beta + "shipped-locales-url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/jamun/raw-file/{revision}/browser/locales/shipped-locales", + "ignore_no_changes": True, + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "archive_domain": "ftp.stage.mozaws.net", + "archive_prefix": "https://ftp.stage.mozaws.net/pub", + "previous_archive_prefix": "https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", + "download_domain": "download.mozilla.org", + "balrog_url": "", + "balrog_username": "balrog-stage-ffxbld", + "update_channels": { + "beta": { + "version_regex": r"^(\d+\.\d+(b\d+)?)$", + "requires_mirrors": True, + # TODO - when we use a real repo, rename this file # s/MozJamun/Mozbeta/ + "patcher_config": "mozJamun-branch-patcher2.cfg", + "update_verify_channel": "beta-localtest", + "mar_channel_ids": [], + "channel_names": ["beta", "beta-localtest", "beta-cdntest"], + "rules_to_update": ["firefox-beta-cdntest", "firefox-beta-localtest"], + "publish_rules": [32], + } + }, + "balrog_use_dummy_suffix": False, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_updates_firefox_devedition.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_updates_firefox_devedition.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2b2406be39 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_updates_firefox_devedition.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "log_name": "updates_devedition", + # TODO: use real repo + "repo": { + "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/users/asasaki_mozilla.com/tools", + "branch": "default", + "dest": "tools", + "vcs": "hg", + }, + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + # TODO: use real repo + "push_dest": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/users/asasaki_mozilla.com/tools", + # maple repo used for staging beta + "shipped-locales-url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/maple/raw-file/{revision}/browser/locales/shipped-locales", + "ignore_no_changes": True, + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "archive_domain": "ftp.stage.mozaws.net", + "archive_prefix": "https://ftp.stage.mozaws.net/pub", + "previous_archive_prefix": "https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", + "download_domain": "download.mozilla.org", + "balrog_url": "https://stage.balrog.nonprod.cloudops.mozgcp.net/", + "balrog_username": "balrog-stage-ffxbld", + "update_channels": { + "aurora": { + "version_regex": r"^(\d+\.\d+(b\d+)?)$", + "requires_mirrors": True, + # TODO - when we use a real repo, rename this file # s/MozJamun/Mozbeta/ + "patcher_config": "mozDevedition-branch-patcher2.cfg", + "patcher_config_product_override": "firefox", + "update_verify_channel": "aurora-localtest", + "mar_channel_ids": [], + "channel_names": ["aurora", "aurora-localtest", "aurora-cdntest"], + "rules_to_update": ["devedition-cdntest", "devedition-localtest"], + "publish_rules": [10], + } + }, + "balrog_use_dummy_suffix": False, + "stage_product": "devedition", + "bouncer_product": "devedition", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_updates_firefox_release.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_updates_firefox_release.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1413ae1031 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_updates_firefox_release.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "log_name": "updates_release_dev", + # TODO: use real repo + "repo": { + "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/users/stage-ffxbld/tools", + "branch": "default", + "dest": "tools", + "vcs": "hg", + }, + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + # TODO: use real repo + "push_dest": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/users/stage-ffxbld/tools", + # jamun repo used for staging release + "shipped-locales-url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/jamun/raw-file/{revision}/browser/locales/shipped-locales", + "ignore_no_changes": True, + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "archive_domain": "ftp.stage.mozaws.net", + "archive_prefix": "https://ftp.stage.mozaws.net/pub", + "previous_archive_prefix": "https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", + "download_domain": "download.mozilla.org", + "balrog_url": "", + "balrog_username": "balrog-stage-ffxbld", + "update_channels": { + "beta": { + "version_regex": r"^(\d+\.\d+(b\d+)?)$", + "requires_mirrors": False, + "patcher_config": "mozDate-branch-patcher2.cfg", + "update_verify_channel": "beta-localtest", + "mar_channel_ids": [ + "firefox-mozilla-beta", + "firefox-mozilla-release", + ], + "channel_names": ["beta", "beta-localtest", "beta-cdntest"], + "rules_to_update": ["firefox-beta-cdntest", "firefox-beta-localtest"], + "publish_rules": [32], + "schedule_asap": True, + }, + "release": { + "version_regex": r"^\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?$", + "requires_mirrors": True, + "patcher_config": "mozJamun-branch-patcher2.cfg", + "update_verify_channel": "release-localtest", + "mar_channel_ids": [], + "channel_names": ["release", "release-localtest", "release-cdntest"], + "rules_to_update": ["firefox-release-cdntest", "firefox-release-localtest"], + "publish_rules": [145], + }, + }, + "balrog_use_dummy_suffix": False, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_updates_firefox_release_birch.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_updates_firefox_release_birch.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8ea3ebd76a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/dev_updates_firefox_release_birch.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "log_name": "updates_release_dev", + # TODO: use real repo + "repo": { + "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/users/bhearsum_mozilla.com/tools", + "branch": "default", + "dest": "tools", + "vcs": "hg", + }, + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + # TODO: use real repo + "push_dest": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/users/bhearsum_mozilla.com/tools", + # birch repo used for staging release + "shipped-locales-url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/birch/raw-file/{revision}/browser/locales/shipped-locales", + "ignore_no_changes": True, + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "archive_domain": "ftp.stage.mozaws.net", + "archive_prefix": "https://ftp.stage.mozaws.net/pub", + "previous_archive_prefix": "https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", + "download_domain": "download.mozilla.org", + "balrog_url": "https://stage.balrog.nonprod.cloudops.mozgcp.net/", + "balrog_username": "balrog-stage-ffxbld", + "update_channels": { + "beta": { + "version_regex": r"^(\d+\.\d+(b\d+)?)$", + "requires_mirrors": False, + "patcher_config": "mozBeta-branch-patcher2.cfg", + "update_verify_channel": "beta-localtest", + "mar_channel_ids": [ + "firefox-mozilla-beta", + "firefox-mozilla-release", + ], + "channel_names": ["beta", "beta-localtest", "beta-cdntest"], + "rules_to_update": ["firefox-beta-cdntest", "firefox-beta-localtest"], + "publish_rules": [32], + "schedule_asap": True, + }, + "release": { + "version_regex": r"^\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?$", + "requires_mirrors": True, + "patcher_config": "mozRelease-branch-patcher2.cfg", + "update_verify_channel": "release-localtest", + "mar_channel_ids": [], + "channel_names": ["release", "release-localtest", "release-cdntest"], + "rules_to_update": ["firefox-release-cdntest", "firefox-release-localtest"], + "publish_rules": [145], + }, + }, + "balrog_use_dummy_suffix": False, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/updates_firefox_beta.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/updates_firefox_beta.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8e4bfa9e7d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/updates_firefox_beta.py @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "log_name": "updates_beta", + "repo": { + "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", + "branch": "default", + "dest": "tools", + "vcs": "hg", + }, + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + "push_dest": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", + "shipped-locales-url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/raw-file/{revision}/browser/locales/shipped-locales", + "ignore_no_changes": True, + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "archive_domain": "archive.mozilla.org", + "archive_prefix": "https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", + "previous_archive_prefix": "https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", + "download_domain": "download.mozilla.org", + "balrog_url": "https://aus5.mozilla.org", + "balrog_username": "balrog-ffxbld", + "update_channels": { + "beta": { + "version_regex": r"^(\d+\.\d+(b\d+)?)$", + "requires_mirrors": True, + "patcher_config": "mozBeta-branch-patcher2.cfg", + "update_verify_channel": "beta-localtest", + "mar_channel_ids": [], + "channel_names": ["beta", "beta-localtest", "beta-cdntest"], + "rules_to_update": ["firefox-beta-cdntest", "firefox-beta-localtest"], + "publish_rules": [32], + }, + }, + "balrog_use_dummy_suffix": False, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/updates_firefox_devedition.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/updates_firefox_devedition.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f09456b624 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/updates_firefox_devedition.py @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "log_name": "updates_devedition", + "repo": { + "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", + "branch": "default", + "dest": "tools", + "vcs": "hg", + }, + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + "push_dest": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", + "shipped-locales-url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/raw-file/{revision}/browser/locales/shipped-locales", + "ignore_no_changes": True, + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "archive_domain": "archive.mozilla.org", + "archive_prefix": "https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", + "previous_archive_prefix": "https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", + "download_domain": "download.mozilla.org", + "balrog_url": "https://aus5.mozilla.org", + "balrog_username": "balrog-ffxbld", + "update_channels": { + "aurora": { + "version_regex": r"^.*$", + "requires_mirrors": True, + "patcher_config": "mozDevedition-branch-patcher2.cfg", + # Allow to override the patcher config product name + "patcher_config_product_override": "firefox", + "update_verify_channel": "aurora-localtest", + "mar_channel_ids": [], + "channel_names": ["aurora", "aurora-localtest", "aurora-cdntest"], + "rules_to_update": ["devedition-cdntest", "devedition-localtest"], + "publish_rules": [10], + }, + }, + "balrog_use_dummy_suffix": False, + "stage_product": "devedition", + "bouncer_product": "devedition", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/updates_firefox_release.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/updates_firefox_release.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..969b4efadc --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/releases/updates_firefox_release.py @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "log_name": "updates_release", + "repo": { + "repo": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", + "branch": "default", + "dest": "tools", + "vcs": "hg", + }, + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + "push_dest": "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools", + "shipped-locales-url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release/raw-file/{revision}/browser/locales/shipped-locales", + "ignore_no_changes": True, + "ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "archive_domain": "archive.mozilla.org", + "archive_prefix": "https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", + "previous_archive_prefix": "https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", + "download_domain": "download.mozilla.org", + "balrog_url": "https://aus5.mozilla.org", + "balrog_username": "balrog-ffxbld", + "update_channels": { + "beta": { + "version_regex": r"^(\d+\.\d+(b\d+)?)$", + "requires_mirrors": False, + "patcher_config": "mozBeta-branch-patcher2.cfg", + "update_verify_channel": "beta-localtest", + "mar_channel_ids": [ + "firefox-mozilla-beta", + "firefox-mozilla-release", + ], + "channel_names": ["beta", "beta-localtest", "beta-cdntest"], + "rules_to_update": ["firefox-beta-cdntest", "firefox-beta-localtest"], + "publish_rules": [32], + "schedule_asap": True, + }, + "release": { + "version_regex": r"^\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?$", + "requires_mirrors": True, + "patcher_config": "mozRelease-branch-patcher2.cfg", + "update_verify_channel": "release-localtest", + "mar_channel_ids": [], + "channel_names": ["release", "release-localtest", "release-cdntest"], + "rules_to_update": ["firefox-release-cdntest", "firefox-release-localtest"], + "publish_rules": [145], + }, + }, + "balrog_use_dummy_suffix": False, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/remove_executables.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/remove_executables.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1377c5825c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/remove_executables.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "exes": {}, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/base.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..517ddbb2d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/base.py @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "package-name": "firefox", + "installer-tag": "browser/installer/windows/app.tag", + "stub-installer-tag": "browser/installer/windows/stub.tag", + "wsx-stub": "browser/installer/windows/msi/installer.wxs", + "fetch-dir": os.environ.get("MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"), +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/linux32_signed.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/linux32_signed.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..adbed9537b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/linux32_signed.py @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +platform = "linux32" + +config = { + "locale": os.environ.get("LOCALE"), + # ToolTool + "tooltool_cache": os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE"), + "run_configure": False, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/linux64_signed.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/linux64_signed.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d1431456c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/linux64_signed.py @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +platform = "linux64" + +config = { + "locale": os.environ.get("LOCALE"), + # ToolTool + "tooltool_cache": os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE"), + "run_configure": False, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/osx_partner.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/osx_partner.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e8e93c5e8f --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/osx_partner.py @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "src_mozconfig": "browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx64/repack", + "repack_id": os.environ.get("REPACK_ID"), + # ToolTool + "tooltool_cache": os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE"), +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/osx_signed.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/osx_signed.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3969ebc70a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/osx_signed.py @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "src_mozconfig": "browser/config/mozconfigs/macosx64/repack", + "locale": os.environ.get("LOCALE"), + # ToolTool + "tooltool_cache": os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE"), + "run_configure": False, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win32_partner.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win32_partner.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..375f949c3a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win32_partner.py @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +platform = "win32" + +config = { + "repack_id": os.environ.get("REPACK_ID"), + "run_configure": False, + "env": { + "PATH": "%(abs_input_dir)s/upx/bin:%(PATH)s", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win32_sfx_stub.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win32_sfx_stub.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b098b7281 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win32_sfx_stub.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "sfx-stub": "other-licenses/7zstub/firefox/7zSD.Win32.sfx", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win32_signed.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win32_signed.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1095a8ff01 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win32_signed.py @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +platform = "win32" + +config = { + "locale": os.environ.get("LOCALE"), + "run_configure": False, + "env": { + "PATH": "%(abs_input_dir)s/upx/bin:%(PATH)s", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win64-aarch64_sfx_stub.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win64-aarch64_sfx_stub.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d8634d3a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win64-aarch64_sfx_stub.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "sfx-stub": "other-licenses/7zstub/firefox/7zSD.ARM64.sfx", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win64_partner.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win64_partner.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d5aa55e728 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win64_partner.py @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +platform = "win64" + +config = { + "repack_id": os.environ.get("REPACK_ID"), + "run_configure": False, + "env": { + "PATH": "%(abs_input_dir)s/upx/bin:%(PATH)s", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win64_signed.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win64_signed.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b0a23ef04 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/repackage/win64_signed.py @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +platform = "win64" + +config = { + "locale": os.environ.get("LOCALE"), + "run_configure": False, + "env": { + "PATH": "%(abs_input_dir)s/upx/bin:%(PATH)s", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/servo/mac.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/servo/mac.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6058abdc20 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/servo/mac.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "concurrency": 6, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/devedition.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/devedition.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aef519b9d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/devedition.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "app_name": "browser", + "mozconfig_variant": "l10n-mozconfig-devedition", + "locales_dir": "browser/locales", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/firefox.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/firefox.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c679ecebba --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/firefox.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "app_name": "browser", + "mozconfig_variant": "l10n-mozconfig", + "locales_dir": "browser/locales", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux32.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux32.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1a1d073862 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux32.py @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "mozconfig_platform": "linux32", + "log_name": "single_locale", + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + # l10n + "ignore_locales": ["en-US", "ja-JP-mac"], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d54a67b857 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/linux64.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "mozconfig_platform": "linux64", + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + # l10n + "ignore_locales": ["en-US", "ja-JP-mac"], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/macosx64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/macosx64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..07c1f07221 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/macosx64.py @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "mozconfig_platform": "macosx64", + "upload_env_extra": { + "MOZ_PKG_PLATFORM": "mac", + }, + # l10n + "ignore_locales": ["en-US", "ja"], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_android-arm.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_android-arm.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..85a8ff45f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_android-arm.py @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "locales_dir": "mobile/android/locales", + "ignore_locales": ["en-US"], + "repack_env": { + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + }, + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + "mozconfig": "src/mobile/android/config/mozconfigs/android-arm/l10n-nightly", + "tooltool_config": { + "manifest": "mobile/android/config/tooltool-manifests/android/releng.manifest", + "output_dir": "%(abs_work_dir)s/src", + }, + "secret_files": [ + { + "filename": "/builds/gls-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/gls-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/sb-gapi.data", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/sb-gapi.data", + "min_scm_level": 1, + }, + { + "filename": "/builds/mozilla-fennec-geoloc-api.key", + "secret_name": "project/releng/gecko/build/level-%(scm-level)s/mozilla-fennec-geoloc-api.key", + "min_scm_level": 2, + "default": "try-build-has-no-secrets", + }, + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_common.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_common.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..029283b163 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_common.py @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "simple_name_move": True, + "vcs_share_base": "/builds/hg-shared", + "upload_env": { + "UPLOAD_PATH": "/builds/worker/artifacts/", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_linux32.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_linux32.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ae7528473 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_linux32.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "bootstrap_env": { + "NO_MERCURIAL_SETUP_CHECK": "1", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "EN_US_BINARY_URL": os.environ["EN_US_BINARY_URL"], + "DIST": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "L10NBASEDIR": "../../l10n", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE"), + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_linux_common.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_linux_common.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ae7528473 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_linux_common.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "bootstrap_env": { + "NO_MERCURIAL_SETUP_CHECK": "1", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "EN_US_BINARY_URL": os.environ["EN_US_BINARY_URL"], + "DIST": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "L10NBASEDIR": "../../l10n", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE"), + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_macosx64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_macosx64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ae7528473 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_macosx64.py @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "bootstrap_env": { + "NO_MERCURIAL_SETUP_CHECK": "1", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "EN_US_BINARY_URL": os.environ["EN_US_BINARY_URL"], + "DIST": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "L10NBASEDIR": "../../l10n", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE"), + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_win32.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_win32.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34bcde89bc --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_win32.py @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "bootstrap_env": { + "NO_MERCURIAL_SETUP_CHECK": "1", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "EN_US_BINARY_URL": os.environ["EN_US_BINARY_URL"], + "DIST": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "L10NBASEDIR": "../../l10n", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE"), + "EN_US_PACKAGE_NAME": "target.zip", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_win64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_win64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34bcde89bc --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/tc_win64.py @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +config = { + "bootstrap_env": { + "NO_MERCURIAL_SETUP_CHECK": "1", + "MOZ_OBJDIR": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "EN_US_BINARY_URL": os.environ["EN_US_BINARY_URL"], + "DIST": "%(abs_obj_dir)s", + "L10NBASEDIR": "../../l10n", + "TOOLTOOL_CACHE": os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE"), + "EN_US_PACKAGE_NAME": "target.zip", + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/win32.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/win32.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e00275792c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/win32.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "mozconfig_platform": "win32", + "log_name": "single_locale", + # l10n + "ignore_locales": ["en-US", "ja-JP-mac"], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/win64-aarch64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/win64-aarch64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5846f01b89 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/win64-aarch64.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "mozconfig_platform": "win64-aarch64", + # l10n + "ignore_locales": ["en-US", "ja-JP-mac"], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/win64.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/win64.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a3061add60 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/single_locale/win64.py @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "mozconfig_platform": "win64", + # l10n + "ignore_locales": ["en-US", "ja-JP-mac"], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/linux64_config_taskcluster.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/linux64_config_taskcluster.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4fe2861d8f --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/linux64_config_taskcluster.py @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import sys + +PYTHON = sys.executable +VENV_PATH = "%s/build/venv" % os.getcwd() + +exes = { + "python": PYTHON, +} +ABS_WORK_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build") +INSTALLER_PATH = os.path.join(ABS_WORK_DIR, "installer.tar.bz2") + +config = { + "log_name": "talos", + "installer_path": INSTALLER_PATH, + "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, + "exes": exes, + "title": os.uname()[1].lower().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/worker/tooltool-cache", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/linux_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/linux_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c26fa4f8e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/linux_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +VENV_PATH = "%s/build/venv" % os.getcwd() + +config = { + "log_name": "talos", + "installer_path": "installer.exe", + "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, + "title": os.uname()[1].lower().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/mac_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/mac_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a8a5f9b87d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/mac_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +VENV_PATH = "%s/build/venv" % os.getcwd() + +config = { + "log_name": "talos", + "installer_path": "installer.exe", + "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, + "title": os.uname()[1].lower().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [], + "postflight_run_cmd_suites": [], + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/windows_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/windows_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..20a8cca1e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/windows_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import socket +import sys + +PYTHON = sys.executable +VENV_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build/venv") + +config = { + "log_name": "talos", + "installer_path": "installer.exe", + "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, + "exes": { + "python": PYTHON, + "hg": os.path.join(os.environ["PROGRAMFILES"], "Mercurial", "hg"), + "tooltool.py": [ + PYTHON, + os.path.join(os.environ["MOZILLABUILD"], "tooltool.py"), + ], + }, + "title": socket.gethostname().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": os.path.join("c:\\", "build", "tooltool_cache"), + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ + { + "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", + "cmd": [ + sys.executable, + os.path.join( + os.getcwd(), + "mozharness", + "external_tools", + "mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", + ), + "--configuration-file", + os.path.join( + os.getcwd(), + "mozharness", + "external_tools", + "machine-configuration.json", + ), + "--platform", + "win10-hw", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + } + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/windows_taskcluster_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/windows_taskcluster_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d9ab7505ab --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/windows_taskcluster_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import socket +import sys + +PYTHON = sys.executable +VENV_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "venv") + +config = { + "log_name": "talos", + "installer_path": "installer.exe", + "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, + "exes": { + "python": PYTHON, + "hg": os.path.join(os.environ["PROGRAMFILES"], "Mercurial", "hg"), + }, + "title": socket.gethostname().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": os.path.join("Y:\\", "tooltool-cache"), +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/windows_vm_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/windows_vm_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3e4f364b3e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/talos/windows_vm_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import socket +import sys + +PYTHON = sys.executable +VENV_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build/venv") + +config = { + "log_name": "talos", + "installer_path": "installer.exe", + "virtualenv_path": VENV_PATH, + "exes": { + "python": PYTHON, + "hg": os.path.join(os.environ["PROGRAMFILES"], "Mercurial", "hg"), + }, + "title": socket.gethostname().split(".")[0], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + "tooltool_cache": os.path.join("c:\\", "build", "tooltool_cache"), +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/taskcluster_nightly.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/taskcluster_nightly.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..596bf2f94e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/taskcluster_nightly.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +config = { + "nightly_build": True, + "taskcluster_nightly": True, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/example_config1.json b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/example_config1.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2c8b9d8430 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/example_config1.json @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{ + "beverage": "fizzy drink", + "long_sleep_time": 1800, + "random_config_key1": "spectacular" +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/example_config2.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/example_config2.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..958543b60e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/example_config2.py @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +config = { + "beverage": "cider", + "long_sleep_time": 300, + "random_config_key2": "wunderbar", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test.illegal_suffix b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test.illegal_suffix new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7d9a4d96d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test.illegal_suffix @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "log_name": "test", + "log_dir": "test_logs", + "log_to_console": false, + "key1": "value1", + "key2": "value2", + "section1": { + + "subsection1": { + "key1": "value1", + "key2": "value2" + }, + + "subsection2": { + "key1": "value1", + "key2": "value2" + } + + } +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test.json b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..659bcb0704 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "log_name": "test", + "log_dir": "test_logs", + "log_to_console": false, + "key1": "value1", + "key2": "value2", + "section1": { + "subsection1": { + "key1": "value1", + "key2": "value2" + }, + + "subsection2": { + "key1": "value1", + "key2": "value2" + } + } +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d06c2f130a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test.py @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +config = { + "log_name": "test", + "log_dir": "test_logs", + "log_to_console": False, + "key1": "value1", + "key2": "value2", + "section1": { + "subsection1": {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}, + "subsection2": {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}, + }, + "opt_override": "some stuff", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_malformed.json b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_malformed.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..260be45b88 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_malformed.json @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +{ + "log_name": "test", + "log_dir": "test_logs", + "log_to_console": false, + "key1": "value1", + "key2": "value2", + "section1": { + + "subsection1": { + "key1": "value1", + "key2": "value2" + }, + + "subsection2": { + "key1": "value1", + "key2": "value2" + }, + + } +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_malformed.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_malformed.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e7ccefd15f --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_malformed.py @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +config = { + "log_name": "test", + "log_dir": "test_logs", + "log_to_console": False, + "key1": "value1", + "key2": "value2", + "section1": { + + "subsection1": { + "key1": "value1", + "key2": "value2" + }, + +a;sldkfjas;dfkljasdf;kjasdf;ljkadsflkjsdfkweoi + "subsection2": { + "key1": "value1", + "key2": "value2" + }, + + }, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_optional.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_optional.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4eb13b3dfb --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_optional.py @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +config = { + "opt_override": "new stuff", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_override.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_override.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..356207d547 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_override.py @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +config = { + "override_string": "TODO", + "override_list": ["to", "do"], + "override_dict": {"to": "do"}, + "keep_string": "don't change me", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_override2.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_override2.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..561a170358 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/test/test_override2.py @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +config = { + "override_string": "yay", + "override_list": ["yay", "worked"], + "override_dict": {"yay": "worked"}, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/linux_unittest.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/linux_unittest.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..accb5e6287 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/linux_unittest.py @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import platform + +# OS Specifics +ABS_WORK_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build") +BINARY_PATH = os.path.join(ABS_WORK_DIR, "application", "firefox", "firefox-bin") +INSTALLER_PATH = os.path.join(ABS_WORK_DIR, "installer.tar.bz2") +XPCSHELL_NAME = "xpcshell" +HTTP3SERVER_NAME = "http3server" +EXE_SUFFIX = "" +DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER = True +ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN = False + +# Note: keep these Valgrind .sup file names consistent with those +# in testing/mochitest/mochitest_options.py. +VALGRIND_SUPP_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build/tests/mochitest") +NODEJS_PATH = None +if "MOZ_FETCHES_DIR" in os.environ: + NODEJS_PATH = os.path.join(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"], "node/bin/node") + +VALGRIND_SUPP_CROSS_ARCH = os.path.join(VALGRIND_SUPP_DIR, "cross-architecture.sup") +VALGRIND_SUPP_ARCH = None + +if platform.architecture()[0] == "64bit": + VALGRIND_SUPP_ARCH = os.path.join(VALGRIND_SUPP_DIR, "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu.sup") +else: + VALGRIND_SUPP_ARCH = os.path.join(VALGRIND_SUPP_DIR, "i386-pc-linux-gnu.sup") + +##### +config = { + ### + "virtualenv_modules": ["six==1.13.0", "vcversioner=="], + "installer_path": INSTALLER_PATH, + "binary_path": BINARY_PATH, + "xpcshell_name": XPCSHELL_NAME, + "http3server_name": HTTP3SERVER_NAME, + "exe_suffix": EXE_SUFFIX, + "run_file_names": { + "mochitest": "runtests.py", + "reftest": "runreftest.py", + "xpcshell": "runxpcshelltests.py", + "cppunittest": "runcppunittests.py", + "gtest": "rungtests.py", + "jittest": "jit_test.py", + }, + "minimum_tests_zip_dirs": [ + "bin/*", + "certs/*", + "config/*", + "mach", + "marionette/*", + "modules/*", + "mozbase/*", + "tools/*", + "mozpack/*", + "mozbuild/*", + ], + "suite_definitions": { + "cppunittest": { + "options": [ + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + "--xre-path=%(abs_app_dir)s", + ], + "run_filename": "runcppunittests.py", + "testsdir": "cppunittest", + }, + "jittest": { + "options": [ + "tests/bin/js", + "--no-slow", + "--no-progress", + "--format=automation", + "--jitflags=all", + "--timeout=970", # Keep in sync with run_timeout below. + ], + "run_filename": "jit_test.py", + "testsdir": "jit-test/jit-test", + "run_timeout": 1000, # Keep in sync with --timeout above. + }, + "mochitest": { + "options": [ + "--appname=%(binary_path)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + "--extra-profile-file=tests/bin/plugins", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--certificate-path=tests/certs", + "--setpref=webgl.force-enabled=true", + "--quiet", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--use-test-media-devices", + "--screenshot-on-fail", + "--cleanup-crashes", + "--marionette-startup-timeout=180", + "--sandbox-read-whitelist=%(abs_work_dir)s", + ], + "run_filename": "runtests.py", + "testsdir": "mochitest", + }, + "reftest": { + "options": [ + "--appname=%(binary_path)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + "--extra-profile-file=tests/bin/plugins", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--cleanup-crashes", + "--marionette-startup-timeout=180", + "--sandbox-read-whitelist=%(abs_work_dir)s", + ], + "run_filename": "runreftest.py", + "testsdir": "reftest", + }, + "xpcshell": { + "options": [ + "--self-test", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + ], + "run_filename": "runxpcshelltests.py", + "testsdir": "xpcshell", + }, + "gtest": { + "options": [ + "--xre-path=%(abs_res_dir)s", + "--cwd=%(gtest_dir)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + "%(binary_path)s", + ], + "run_filename": "rungtests.py", + }, + }, + # local mochi suites + "all_mochitest_suites": { + "mochitest-valgrind-plain": [ + "--valgrind=/usr/bin/valgrind", + "--valgrind-supp-files=" + + VALGRIND_SUPP_ARCH + + "," + + VALGRIND_SUPP_CROSS_ARCH, + "--timeout=900", + "--max-timeouts=50", + ], + "mochitest-plain": ["--chunk-by-dir=4"], + "mochitest-plain-gpu": ["--subsuite=gpu"], + "mochitest-plain-coverage": ["--chunk-by-dir=4", "--timeout=1200"], + "mochitest-media": ["--subsuite=media"], + "mochitest-chrome": ["--flavor=chrome", "--chunk-by-dir=4", "--disable-e10s"], + "mochitest-chrome-gpu": ["--flavor=chrome", "--subsuite=gpu", "--disable-e10s"], + "mochitest-browser-chrome": ["--flavor=browser", "--chunk-by-runtime"], + "mochitest-browser-chrome-coverage": [ + "--flavor=browser", + "--chunk-by-runtime", + "--timeout=1200", + ], + "mochitest-browser-chrome-screenshots": [ + "--flavor=browser", + "--subsuite=screenshots", + ], + "mochitest-webgl1-core": ["--subsuite=webgl1-core"], + "mochitest-webgl1-ext": ["--subsuite=webgl1-ext"], + "mochitest-webgl2-core": ["--subsuite=webgl2-core"], + "mochitest-webgl2-ext": ["--subsuite=webgl2-ext"], + "mochitest-webgl2-deqp": ["--subsuite=webgl2-deqp"], + "mochitest-webgpu": ["--subsuite=webgpu"], + "mochitest-devtools-chrome": [ + "--flavor=browser", + "--subsuite=devtools", + "--chunk-by-runtime", + ], + "mochitest-devtools-chrome-coverage": [ + "--flavor=browser", + "--subsuite=devtools", + "--chunk-by-runtime", + "--timeout=1200", + ], + "mochitest-browser-a11y": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=a11y"], + "mochitest-browser-media": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=media-bc"], + "mochitest-a11y": ["--flavor=a11y", "--disable-e10s"], + "mochitest-remote": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=remote"], + }, + # local reftest suites + "all_reftest_suites": { + "crashtest": { + "options": ["--suite=crashtest", "--topsrcdir=tests/reftest/tests"], + "tests": ["tests/reftest/tests/testing/crashtest/crashtests.list"], + }, + "jsreftest": { + "options": [ + "--extra-profile-file=tests/jsreftest/tests/js/src/tests/user.js", + "--suite=jstestbrowser", + "--topsrcdir=tests/jsreftest/tests", + ], + "tests": ["tests/jsreftest/tests/js/src/tests/jstests.list"], + }, + "reftest": { + "options": [ + "--suite=reftest", + "--setpref=layers.acceleration.force-enabled=true", + "--topsrcdir=tests/reftest/tests", + ], + "tests": ["tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/reftest.list"], + }, + "reftest-no-accel": { + "options": [ + "--suite=reftest", + "--setpref=layers.acceleration.disabled=true", + "--topsrcdir=tests/reftest/tests", + ], + "tests": ["tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/reftest.list"], + }, + "reftest-snapshot": { + "options": [ + "--suite=reftest", + "--setpref=reftest.use-draw-snapshot=true", + "--topsrcdir=tests/reftest/tests", + ], + "tests": ["tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/reftest.list"], + }, + }, + "all_xpcshell_suites": { + "xpcshell": { + "options": [ + "--xpcshell=%(abs_app_dir)s/" + XPCSHELL_NAME, + "--http3server=%(abs_app_dir)s/" + HTTP3SERVER_NAME, + "--manifest=tests/xpcshell/tests/xpcshell.ini", + ], + "tests": [], + }, + "xpcshell-coverage": { + "options": [ + "--xpcshell=%(abs_app_dir)s/" + XPCSHELL_NAME, + "--http3server=%(abs_app_dir)s/" + HTTP3SERVER_NAME, + "--manifest=tests/xpcshell/tests/xpcshell.ini", + "--sequential", + ], + "tests": [], + }, + }, + "all_cppunittest_suites": {"cppunittest": {"tests": ["tests/cppunittest"]}}, + "all_gtest_suites": {"gtest": []}, + "all_jittest_suites": { + "jittest": [], + "jittest1": ["--total-chunks=2", "--this-chunk=1"], + "jittest2": ["--total-chunks=2", "--this-chunk=2"], + }, + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ + # NOTE 'enabled' is only here while we have unconsolidated configs + { + "name": "disable_screen_saver", + "cmd": ["xset", "s", "off", "s", "reset"], + "halt_on_failure": False, + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "enabled": DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER, + }, + { + "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", + "cmd": [ + # when configs are consolidated this python path will only show + # for windows. + "python", + "../scripts/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", + "--configuration-file", + "../scripts/external_tools/machine-configuration.json", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN, + }, + ], + "vcs_output_timeout": 1000, + "minidump_save_path": "%(abs_work_dir)s/../minidumps", + "unstructured_flavors": { + "xpcshell": [], + "gtest": [], + "cppunittest": [], + "jittest": [], + }, + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/worker/tooltool-cache", + "nodejs_path": NODEJS_PATH, + # "log_format": "%(levelname)8s - %(message)s", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/mac_unittest.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/mac_unittest.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..72e1246722 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/mac_unittest.py @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +# OS Specifics +INSTALLER_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "installer.dmg") +NODEJS_PATH = None +if "MOZ_FETCHES_DIR" in os.environ: + NODEJS_PATH = os.path.join(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"], "node/bin/node") + +XPCSHELL_NAME = "xpcshell" +HTTP3SERVER_NAME = "http3server" +EXE_SUFFIX = "" +DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER = False +ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN = False +##### +config = { + "virtualenv_modules": ["six==1.13.0", "vcversioner=="], + ### + "installer_path": INSTALLER_PATH, + "xpcshell_name": XPCSHELL_NAME, + "http3server_name": HTTP3SERVER_NAME, + "exe_suffix": EXE_SUFFIX, + "run_file_names": { + "mochitest": "runtests.py", + "reftest": "runreftest.py", + "xpcshell": "runxpcshelltests.py", + "cppunittest": "runcppunittests.py", + "gtest": "rungtests.py", + "jittest": "jit_test.py", + }, + "minimum_tests_zip_dirs": [ + "bin/*", + "certs/*", + "config/*", + "mach", + "marionette/*", + "modules/*", + "mozbase/*", + "tools/*", + ], + "suite_definitions": { + "cppunittest": { + "options": [ + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + "--xre-path=%(abs_res_dir)s", + ], + "run_filename": "runcppunittests.py", + "testsdir": "cppunittest", + }, + "jittest": { + "options": [ + "tests/bin/js", + "--no-slow", + "--no-progress", + "--format=automation", + "--jitflags=all", + "--timeout=970", # Keep in sync with run_timeout below. + ], + "run_filename": "jit_test.py", + "testsdir": "jit-test/jit-test", + "run_timeout": 1000, # Keep in sync with --timeout above. + }, + "mochitest": { + "options": [ + "--appname=%(binary_path)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + "--extra-profile-file=tests/bin/plugins", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--certificate-path=tests/certs", + "--quiet", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--screenshot-on-fail", + "--cleanup-crashes", + "--marionette-startup-timeout=180", + "--sandbox-read-whitelist=%(abs_work_dir)s", + ], + "run_filename": "runtests.py", + "testsdir": "mochitest", + }, + "reftest": { + "options": [ + "--appname=%(binary_path)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + "--extra-profile-file=tests/bin/plugins", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--cleanup-crashes", + "--marionette-startup-timeout=180", + "--sandbox-read-whitelist=%(abs_work_dir)s", + ], + "run_filename": "runreftest.py", + "testsdir": "reftest", + }, + "xpcshell": { + "options": [ + "--self-test", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + ], + "run_filename": "runxpcshelltests.py", + "testsdir": "xpcshell", + }, + "gtest": { + "options": [ + "--xre-path=%(abs_res_dir)s", + "--cwd=%(gtest_dir)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + "%(binary_path)s", + ], + "run_filename": "rungtests.py", + }, + }, + # local mochi suites + "all_mochitest_suites": { + "mochitest-plain": ["--chunk-by-dir=4"], + "mochitest-plain-gpu": ["--subsuite=gpu"], + "mochitest-media": ["--subsuite=media"], + "mochitest-chrome": ["--flavor=chrome", "--chunk-by-dir=4", "--disable-e10s"], + "mochitest-chrome-gpu": ["--flavor=chrome", "--subsuite=gpu", "--disable-e10s"], + "mochitest-browser-chrome": ["--flavor=browser", "--chunk-by-runtime"], + "mochitest-browser-chrome-screenshots": [ + "--flavor=browser", + "--subsuite=screenshots", + ], + "mochitest-webgl1-core": ["--subsuite=webgl1-core"], + "mochitest-webgl1-ext": ["--subsuite=webgl1-ext"], + "mochitest-webgl2-core": ["--subsuite=webgl2-core"], + "mochitest-webgl2-ext": ["--subsuite=webgl2-ext"], + "mochitest-webgl2-deqp": ["--subsuite=webgl2-deqp"], + "mochitest-webgpu": ["--subsuite=webgpu"], + "mochitest-devtools-chrome": [ + "--flavor=browser", + "--subsuite=devtools", + "--chunk-by-runtime", + ], + "mochitest-browser-a11y": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=a11y"], + "mochitest-browser-media": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=media-bc"], + "mochitest-a11y": ["--flavor=a11y", "--disable-e10s"], + "mochitest-remote": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=remote"], + }, + # local reftest suites + "all_reftest_suites": { + "crashtest": { + "options": ["--suite=crashtest", "--topsrcdir=tests/reftest/tests"], + "tests": ["tests/reftest/tests/testing/crashtest/crashtests.list"], + }, + "jsreftest": { + "options": [ + "--extra-profile-file=tests/jsreftest/tests/js/src/tests/user.js", + "--suite=jstestbrowser", + "--topsrcdir=tests/jsreftest/tests", + ], + "tests": ["tests/jsreftest/tests/js/src/tests/jstests.list"], + }, + "reftest": { + "options": ["--suite=reftest", "--topsrcdir=tests/reftest/tests"], + "tests": ["tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/reftest.list"], + }, + }, + "all_xpcshell_suites": { + "xpcshell": { + "options": [ + "--xpcshell=%(abs_app_dir)s/" + XPCSHELL_NAME, + "--http3server=%(abs_app_dir)s/" + HTTP3SERVER_NAME, + "--manifest=tests/xpcshell/tests/xpcshell.ini", + ], + "tests": [], + }, + }, + "all_cppunittest_suites": {"cppunittest": ["tests/cppunittest"]}, + "all_gtest_suites": {"gtest": []}, + "all_jittest_suites": {"jittest": [], "jittest-chunked": []}, + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ + # NOTE 'enabled' is only here while we have unconsolidated configs + { + "name": "disable_screen_saver", + "cmd": ["xset", "s", "off", "s", "reset"], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": False, + "enabled": DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER, + }, + { + "name": "disable_dock", + "cmd": ["defaults", "write", "com.apple.dock", "autohide", "-bool", "true"], + "architectures": ["64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + }, + { + "name": "kill_dock", + "cmd": ["killall", "Dock"], + "architectures": ["64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + }, + { + "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", + "cmd": [ + # when configs are consolidated this python path will only show + # for windows. + "python", + "../scripts/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", + "--configuration-file", + "../scripts/external_tools/machine-configuration.json", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN, + }, + ], + "vcs_output_timeout": 1000, + "minidump_save_path": "%(abs_work_dir)s/../minidumps", + "unstructured_flavors": { + "xpcshell": [], + "gtest": [], + "cppunittest": [], + "jittest": [], + }, + "tooltool_cache": "/builds/tooltool_cache", + "nodejs_path": NODEJS_PATH, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/win_unittest.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/win_unittest.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a05ff65432 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/unittests/win_unittest.py @@ -0,0 +1,336 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import platform +import sys + +# OS Specifics +ABS_WORK_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "build") +BINARY_PATH = os.path.join(ABS_WORK_DIR, "firefox", "firefox.exe") +INSTALLER_PATH = os.path.join(ABS_WORK_DIR, "installer.zip") +NODEJS_PATH = None +if "MOZ_FETCHES_DIR" in os.environ: + NODEJS_PATH = os.path.join(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"], "node/node.exe") + +REQUIRE_GPU = False +if "REQUIRE_GPU" in os.environ: + REQUIRE_GPU = os.environ["REQUIRE_GPU"] == "1" + +PYWIN32 = "pywin32==306" + +XPCSHELL_NAME = "xpcshell.exe" +EXE_SUFFIX = ".exe" +DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER = False +ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN = True +DESKTOP_VISUALFX_THEME = { + "Let Windows choose": 0, + "Best appearance": 1, + "Best performance": 2, + "Custom": 3, +}.get("Best appearance") +TASKBAR_AUTOHIDE_REG_PATH = { + "Windows 7": "HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects2", + "Windows 10": "HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects3", +}.get("{} {}".format(platform.system(), platform.release())) +##### +config = { + "exes": { + "python": sys.executable, + "hg": os.path.join(os.environ.get("PROGRAMFILES", ""), "Mercurial", "hg"), + }, + ### + "installer_path": INSTALLER_PATH, + "binary_path": BINARY_PATH, + "xpcshell_name": XPCSHELL_NAME, + "virtualenv_modules": [PYWIN32, "six==1.13.0", "vcversioner=="], + "virtualenv_path": "venv", + "exe_suffix": EXE_SUFFIX, + "run_file_names": { + "mochitest": "runtests.py", + "reftest": "runreftest.py", + "xpcshell": "runxpcshelltests.py", + "cppunittest": "runcppunittests.py", + "gtest": "rungtests.py", + "jittest": "jit_test.py", + }, + "minimum_tests_zip_dirs": [ + "bin/*", + "certs/*", + "config/*", + "mach", + "marionette/*", + "modules/*", + "mozbase/*", + "tools/*", + "mozpack/*", + "mozbuild/*", + ], + "suite_definitions": { + "cppunittest": { + "options": [ + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + "--xre-path=%(abs_app_dir)s", + ], + "run_filename": "runcppunittests.py", + "testsdir": "cppunittest", + }, + "jittest": { + "options": [ + "tests/bin/js", + "--no-slow", + "--no-progress", + "--format=automation", + "--jitflags=all", + "--timeout=970", # Keep in sync with run_timeout below. + ], + "run_filename": "jit_test.py", + "testsdir": "jit-test/jit-test", + "run_timeout": 1000, # Keep in sync with --timeout above. + }, + "mochitest": { + "options": [ + "--appname=%(binary_path)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + "--extra-profile-file=tests/bin/plugins", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--certificate-path=tests/certs", + "--quiet", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--screenshot-on-fail", + "--cleanup-crashes", + "--marionette-startup-timeout=180", + ], + "run_filename": "runtests.py", + "testsdir": "mochitest", + }, + "reftest": { + "options": [ + "--appname=%(binary_path)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + "--extra-profile-file=tests/bin/plugins", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--cleanup-crashes", + "--marionette-startup-timeout=180", + "--sandbox-read-whitelist=%(abs_work_dir)s", + ], + "run_filename": "runreftest.py", + "testsdir": "reftest", + }, + "xpcshell": { + "options": [ + "--self-test", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--log-errorsummary=%(error_summary_file)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + "--manifest=tests/xpcshell/tests/xpcshell.ini", + ], + "run_filename": "runxpcshelltests.py", + "testsdir": "xpcshell", + }, + "gtest": { + "options": [ + "--xre-path=%(abs_res_dir)s", + "--cwd=%(gtest_dir)s", + "--symbols-path=%(symbols_path)s", + "--utility-path=tests/bin", + "%(binary_path)s", + ], + "run_filename": "rungtests.py", + }, + }, + # local mochi suites + "all_mochitest_suites": { + "mochitest-plain": ["--chunk-by-dir=4"], + "mochitest-plain-gpu": ["--subsuite=gpu"], + "mochitest-media": ["--subsuite=media"], + "mochitest-chrome": ["--flavor=chrome", "--chunk-by-dir=4", "--disable-e10s"], + "mochitest-chrome-gpu": ["--flavor=chrome", "--subsuite=gpu", "--disable-e10s"], + "mochitest-browser-chrome": ["--flavor=browser", "--chunk-by-runtime"], + "mochitest-browser-chrome-screenshots": [ + "--flavor=browser", + "--subsuite=screenshots", + ], + "mochitest-webgl1-core": ["--subsuite=webgl1-core"], + "mochitest-webgl1-ext": ["--subsuite=webgl1-ext"], + "mochitest-webgl2-core": ["--subsuite=webgl2-core"], + "mochitest-webgl2-ext": ["--subsuite=webgl2-ext"], + "mochitest-webgl2-deqp": ["--subsuite=webgl2-deqp"], + "mochitest-webgpu": ["--subsuite=webgpu"], + "mochitest-devtools-chrome": [ + "--flavor=browser", + "--subsuite=devtools", + "--chunk-by-runtime", + ], + "mochitest-browser-a11y": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=a11y"], + "mochitest-browser-media": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=media-bc"], + "mochitest-a11y": ["--flavor=a11y", "--disable-e10s"], + "mochitest-remote": ["--flavor=browser", "--subsuite=remote"], + }, + # local reftest suites + "all_reftest_suites": { + "crashtest": { + "options": ["--suite=crashtest", "--topsrcdir=tests/reftest/tests"], + "tests": ["tests/reftest/tests/testing/crashtest/crashtests.list"], + }, + "jsreftest": { + "options": [ + "--extra-profile-file=tests/jsreftest/tests/js/src/tests/user.js", + "--suite=jstestbrowser", + "--topsrcdir=tests/jsreftest/tests", + ], + "tests": ["tests/jsreftest/tests/js/src/tests/jstests.list"], + }, + "reftest": { + "options": ["--suite=reftest", "--topsrcdir=tests/reftest/tests"], + "tests": ["tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/reftest.list"], + }, + "reftest-no-accel": { + "options": [ + "--suite=reftest", + "--setpref=layers.acceleration.disabled=true", + "--topsrcdir=tests/reftest/tests", + ], + "tests": ["tests/reftest/tests/layout/reftests/reftest.list"], + }, + }, + "all_xpcshell_suites": { + "xpcshell": { + "options": [ + "--xpcshell=%(abs_app_dir)s/" + XPCSHELL_NAME, + ], + "tests": [], + }, + "xpcshell-msix": { + "options": [ + "--app-binary=%(binary_path)s", + "--app-path=%(install_dir)s", + "--xre-path=%(install_dir)s", + ], + "tests": [], + }, + }, + "all_cppunittest_suites": {"cppunittest": ["tests/cppunittest"]}, + "all_gtest_suites": {"gtest": []}, + "all_jittest_suites": { + "jittest": [], + "jittest-chunked": [], + }, + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ + { + "name": "disable_screen_saver", + "cmd": ["xset", "s", "off", "s", "reset"], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": False, + "enabled": DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER, + }, + { + "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", + "cmd": [ + sys.executable, + os.path.join( + os.getcwd(), + "mozharness", + "external_tools", + "mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", + ), + "--configuration-file", + os.path.join( + os.getcwd(), + "mozharness", + "external_tools", + "machine-configuration.json", + ), + "--platform=win10-vm" + if REQUIRE_GPU and (platform.release() == "10") + else "--platform=win7", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN, + }, + { + "name": "disable windows security and maintenance notifications", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + "\"&{$p='HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\\Notifications\Settings\Windows.SystemToast.SecurityAndMaintenance';if(!(Test-Path -Path $p)){&New-Item -Path $p -Force}&Set-ItemProperty -Path $p -Name Enabled -Value 0}\"", # noqa + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": (platform.release() == "10"), + }, + { + "name": "set windows VisualFX", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + "\"&{{&Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects' -Name VisualFXSetting -Value {}}}\"".format( + DESKTOP_VISUALFX_THEME + ), + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + }, + { + "name": "create scrollbars always show key", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + "New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Accessibility' -Name 'DynamicScrollbars' -Value 0", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": False, + "enabled": True, + }, + { + "name": "hide windows taskbar", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + "\"&{{$p='{}';$v=(Get-ItemProperty -Path $p).Settings;$v[8]=3;&Set-ItemProperty -Path $p -Name Settings -Value $v}}\"".format( + TASKBAR_AUTOHIDE_REG_PATH + ), + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + }, + { + "name": "restart windows explorer", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + '"&{&Stop-Process -ProcessName explorer}"', + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + }, + { + "name": "prepare chrome profile", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + "if (test-path ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe) {start chrome; Start-Sleep -s 30; taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe /T}", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + }, + ], + "vcs_output_timeout": 1000, + "minidump_save_path": "%(abs_work_dir)s/../minidumps", + "unstructured_flavors": { + "xpcshell": [], + "gtest": [], + "cppunittest": [], + "jittest": [], + }, + "nodejs_path": NODEJS_PATH, +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ee3f192b68 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +import os + +# OS Specifics +DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER = True +ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN = False +##### + +config = { + "options": [ + "--prefs-root=%(test_path)s/prefs", + "--config=%(test_path)s/wptrunner.ini", + "--ca-cert-path=%(test_path)s/tests/tools/certs/cacert.pem", + "--host-key-path=%(test_path)s/tests/tools/certs/web-platform.test.key", + "--host-cert-path=%(test_path)s/tests/tools/certs/web-platform.test.pem", + "--certutil-binary=%(test_install_path)s/bin/certutil", + ], + "geckodriver": os.path.join("%(abs_fetches_dir)s", "geckodriver"), + "per_test_category": "web-platform", + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ + # NOTE 'enabled' is only here while we have unconsolidated configs + { + "name": "disable_screen_saver", + "cmd": ["xset", "s", "off", "s", "reset"], + "halt_on_failure": False, + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "enabled": DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER, + }, + { + "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", + "cmd": [ + # when configs are consolidated this python path will only show + # for windows. + "python", + "../scripts/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", + "--configuration-file", + "../scripts/external_tools/machine-configuration.json", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN, + }, + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_android.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_android.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f1644d26fd --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_android.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +import os + +config = { + "options": [ + "--prefs-root=%(test_path)s/prefs", + "--config=%(test_path)s/wptrunner.ini", + "--ca-cert-path=%(test_path)s/tests/tools/certs/cacert.pem", + "--host-key-path=%(test_path)s/tests/tools/certs/web-platform.test.key", + "--host-cert-path=%(test_path)s/tests/tools/certs/web-platform.test.pem", + "--certutil-binary=%(xre_path)s/certutil", + "--product=firefox_android", + ], + "binary_path": "/tmp", + "geckodriver": "%(abs_fetches_dir)s/geckodriver", + "hostutils_manifest_path": "testing/config/tooltool-manifests/linux64/hostutils.manifest", + "log_tbpl_level": "info", + "log_raw_level": "info", + "per_test_category": "web-platform", + "tooltool_cache": os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE"), +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_mac.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_mac.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..17a0133003 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_mac.py @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +import os + +# OS Specifics +DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER = False +ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN = False +##### + +config = { + "options": [ + "--prefs-root=%(test_path)s/prefs", + "--config=%(test_path)s/wptrunner.ini", + "--ca-cert-path=%(test_path)s/tests/tools/certs/cacert.pem", + "--host-key-path=%(test_path)s/tests/tools/certs/web-platform.test.key", + "--host-cert-path=%(test_path)s/tests/tools/certs/web-platform.test.pem", + "--certutil-binary=%(test_install_path)s/bin/certutil", + ], + "geckodriver": os.path.join("%(abs_fetches_dir)s", "geckodriver"), + "per_test_category": "web-platform", + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ + # NOTE 'enabled' is only here while we have unconsolidated configs + { + "name": "disable_screen_saver", + "cmd": ["xset", "s", "off", "s", "reset"], + "halt_on_failure": False, + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "enabled": DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER, + }, + { + "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", + "cmd": [ + # when configs are consolidated this python path will only show + # for windows. + "python", + "../scripts/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", + "--configuration-file", + "../scripts/external_tools/machine-configuration.json", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN, + }, + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_windows.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_windows.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..738671d01f --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_windows.py @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +# This is a template config file for web-platform-tests test. + +import os +import sys + +# OS Specifics +DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER = False +ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN = True +##### + + +config = { + "options": [ + "--prefs-root=%(test_path)s\\prefs", + "--config=%(test_path)s\\wptrunner.ini", + "--ca-cert-path=%(test_path)s\\tests\\tools\\certs\\cacert.pem", + "--host-key-path=%(test_path)s\\tests\\tools\\certs\\web-platform.test.key", + "--host-cert-path=%(test_path)s\\tests\\tools\\certs\\web-platform.test.pem", + "--certutil-binary=%(test_install_path)s\\bin\\certutil.exe", + ], + "exes": { + "python": sys.executable, + "hg": "c:\\mozilla-build\\hg\\hg", + }, + "geckodriver": os.path.join("%(abs_fetches_dir)s", "geckodriver.exe"), + "per_test_category": "web-platform", + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ + # NOTE 'enabled' is only here while we have unconsolidated configs + { + "name": "disable_screen_saver", + "cmd": ["xset", "s", "off", "s", "reset"], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": False, + "enabled": DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER, + }, + { + "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", + "cmd": [ + # when configs are consolidated this python path will only show + # for windows. + sys.executable, + "..\\scripts\\external_tools\\mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", + "--configuration-file", + "..\\scripts\\external_tools\\machine-configuration.json", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN, + }, + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_windows_taskcluster.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_windows_taskcluster.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7e84f69be4 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/prod_config_windows_taskcluster.py @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +# This is a template config file for web-platform-tests test. + +import os +import platform +import sys + +# OS Specifics +DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER = False +ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN = True +DESKTOP_VISUALFX_THEME = { + "Let Windows choose": 0, + "Best appearance": 1, + "Best performance": 2, + "Custom": 3, +}.get("Best appearance") +TASKBAR_AUTOHIDE_REG_PATH = { + "Windows 7": "HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects2", + "Windows 10": "HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects3", +}.get("{} {}".format(platform.system(), platform.release())) +##### + +config = { + "options": [ + "--prefs-root=%(test_path)s\\prefs", + "--config=%(test_path)s\\wptrunner.ini", + "--ca-cert-path=%(test_path)s\\tests\\tools\\certs\\cacert.pem", + "--host-key-path=%(test_path)s\\tests\\tools\\certs\\web-platform.test.key", + "--host-cert-path=%(test_path)s\\tests\\tools\\certs\\web-platform.test.pem", + "--certutil-binary=%(test_install_path)s\\bin\\certutil.exe", + ], + "exes": { + "python": sys.executable, + "hg": os.path.join(os.environ["PROGRAMFILES"], "Mercurial", "hg"), + }, + "run_cmd_checks_enabled": True, + "preflight_run_cmd_suites": [ + { + "name": "disable_screen_saver", + "cmd": ["xset", "s", "off", "s", "reset"], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": False, + "enabled": DISABLE_SCREEN_SAVER, + }, + { + "name": "run mouse & screen adjustment script", + "cmd": [ + sys.executable, + os.path.join( + os.getcwd(), + "mozharness", + "external_tools", + "mouse_and_screen_resolution.py", + ), + "--configuration-file", + os.path.join( + os.getcwd(), + "mozharness", + "external_tools", + "machine-configuration.json", + ), + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": ADJUST_MOUSE_AND_SCREEN, + }, + { + "name": "disable windows security and maintenance notifications", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + r"\"&{$p='HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Notifications\Settings\Windows.SystemToast.SecurityAndMaintenance';if(!(Test-Path -Path $p)){&New-Item -Path $p -Force}&Set-ItemProperty -Path $p -Name Enabled -Value 0}\"", # noqa + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": (platform.release() == 10), + }, + { + "name": "set windows VisualFX", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + "\"&{{&Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects' -Name VisualFXSetting -Value {}}}\"".format( + DESKTOP_VISUALFX_THEME + ), + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + }, + { + "name": "create scrollbars always show key", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + "New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Control Panel\Accessibility' -Name 'DynamicScrollbars' -Value 0", + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": False, + "enabled": True, + }, + { + "name": "hide windows taskbar", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + "\"&{{$p='{}';$v=(Get-ItemProperty -Path $p).Settings;$v[8]=3;&Set-ItemProperty -Path $p -Name Settings -Value $v}}\"".format( + TASKBAR_AUTOHIDE_REG_PATH + ), + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + }, + { + "name": "restart windows explorer", + "cmd": [ + "powershell", + "-command", + '"&{&Stop-Process -ProcessName explorer}"', + ], + "architectures": ["32bit", "64bit"], + "halt_on_failure": True, + "enabled": True, + }, + ], + "geckodriver": os.path.join("%(abs_fetches_dir)s", "geckodriver.exe"), + "per_test_category": "web-platform", +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/test_config.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/test_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a9787185a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/test_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +config = { + "options": [ + "--prefs-root=%(test_path)s/prefs", + "--config=%(test_path)s/wptrunner.ini", + "--ca-cert-path=%(test_path)s/tests/tools/certs/cacert.pem", + "--host-key-path=%(test_path)s/tests/tools/certs/web-platform.test.key", + "--host-cert-path=%(test_path)s/tests/tools/certs/web-platform.test.pem", + "--certutil-binary=%(test_install_path)s/bin/certutil", + ], + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "pull", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/test_config_windows.py b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/test_config_windows.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6822769bec --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/configs/web_platform_tests/test_config_windows.py @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +import sys + +config = { + "options": [ + "--prefs-root=%(test_path)s\\prefs", + "--config=%(test_path)s\\wptrunner.ini", + "--ca-cert-path=%(test_path)s\\tests\\tools\\certs\\cacert.pem", + "--host-key-path=%(test_path)s\\tests\\tools\\certs\\web-platform.test.key", + "--host-cert-path=%(test_path)s\\tests\\tools\\certs\\web-platform.test.pem", + "--certutil-binary=%(test_install_path)s\\bin\\certutil.exe", + ], + "exes": { + "python": sys.executable, + "hg": "c:\\mozilla-build\\hg\\hg", + }, + "default_actions": [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "pull", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/Makefile b/testing/mozharness/docs/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..980ffbd3b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +# Makefile for Sphinx documentation +# + +# You can set these variables from the command line. +SPHINXOPTS = +SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build +PAPER = +BUILDDIR = _build + +# User-friendly check for sphinx-build +ifeq ($(shell which $(SPHINXBUILD) >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 1) +$(error The '$(SPHINXBUILD)' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point to the full path of the '$(SPHINXBUILD)' executable. Alternatively you can add the directory with the executable to your PATH. If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from http://sphinx-doc.org/) +endif + +# Internal variables. +PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4 +PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter +ALLSPHINXOPTS = -d $(BUILDDIR)/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) . +# the i18n builder cannot share the environment and doctrees with the others +I18NSPHINXOPTS = $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) . + +.PHONY: help clean html dirhtml singlehtml pickle json htmlhelp qthelp devhelp epub latex latexpdf text man changes linkcheck doctest gettext + +help: + @echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of" + @echo " html to make standalone HTML files" + @echo " dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories" + @echo " singlehtml to make a single large HTML file" + @echo " pickle to make pickle files" + @echo " json to make JSON files" + @echo " htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project" + @echo " qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project" + @echo " devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project" + @echo " epub to make an epub" + @echo " latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter" + @echo " latexpdf to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex" + @echo " latexpdfja to make LaTeX files and run them through platex/dvipdfmx" + @echo " text to make text files" + @echo " man to make manual pages" + @echo " texinfo to make Texinfo files" + @echo " info to make Texinfo files and run them through makeinfo" + @echo " gettext to make PO message catalogs" + @echo " changes to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items" + @echo " xml to make Docutils-native XML files" + @echo " pseudoxml to make pseudoxml-XML files for display purposes" + @echo " linkcheck to check all external links for integrity" + @echo " doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)" + +clean: + rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/* + +html: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b html $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/html + @echo + @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html." + +dirhtml: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirhtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml + @echo + @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml." + +singlehtml: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b singlehtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml + @echo + @echo "Build finished. The HTML page is in $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml." + +pickle: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b pickle $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/pickle + @echo + @echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files." + +json: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b json $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/json + @echo + @echo "Build finished; now you can process the JSON files." + +htmlhelp: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp + @echo + @echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \ + ".hhp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp." + +qthelp: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b qthelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp + @echo + @echo "Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the" \ + ".qhcp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp, like this:" + @echo "# qcollectiongenerator $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/MozHarness.qhcp" + @echo "To view the help file:" + @echo "# assistant -collectionFile $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/MozHarness.qhc" + +devhelp: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b devhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp + @echo + @echo "Build finished." + @echo "To view the help file:" + @echo "# mkdir -p $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/MozHarness" + @echo "# ln -s $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/MozHarness" + @echo "# devhelp" + +epub: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b epub $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/epub + @echo + @echo "Build finished. The epub file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub." + +latex: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/latex + @echo + @echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex." + @echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex" \ + "(use \`make latexpdf' here to do that automatically)." + +latexpdf: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/latex + @echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..." + $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf + @echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex." + +latexpdfja: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/latex + @echo "Running LaTeX files through platex and dvipdfmx..." + $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf-ja + @echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex." + +text: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b text $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/text + @echo + @echo "Build finished. The text files are in $(BUILDDIR)/text." + +man: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b man $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/man + @echo + @echo "Build finished. The manual pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/man." + +texinfo: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo + @echo + @echo "Build finished. The Texinfo files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo." + @echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through makeinfo" \ + "(use \`make info' here to do that automatically)." + +info: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo + @echo "Running Texinfo files through makeinfo..." + make -C $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo info + @echo "makeinfo finished; the Info files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo." + +gettext: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b gettext $(I18NSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/locale + @echo + @echo "Build finished. The message catalogs are in $(BUILDDIR)/locale." + +changes: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/changes + @echo + @echo "The overview file is in $(BUILDDIR)/changes." + +linkcheck: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck + @echo + @echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \ + "or in $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck/output.txt." + +doctest: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b doctest $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/doctest + @echo "Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " \ + "results in $(BUILDDIR)/doctest/output.txt." + +xml: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b xml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/xml + @echo + @echo "Build finished. The XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/xml." + +pseudoxml: + $(SPHINXBUILD) -b pseudoxml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml + @echo + @echo "Build finished. The pseudo-XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml." diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/android_emulator_build.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/android_emulator_build.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4087c64d41 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/android_emulator_build.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +android_emulator_build module +============================= + +.. automodule:: android_emulator_build + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/android_emulator_unittest.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/android_emulator_unittest.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7a8c42c501 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/android_emulator_unittest.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +android_emulator_unittest module +================================ + +.. automodule:: android_emulator_unittest + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/bouncer_submitter.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/bouncer_submitter.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5b71caca7a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/bouncer_submitter.rst @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +bouncer_submitter module +======================== + +.. automodule:: bouncer_submitter + :members: + :undoc-members: + :private-members: + :special-members: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/conf.py b/testing/mozharness/docs/conf.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1fb8e80882 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/conf.py @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# Moz Harness documentation build configuration file, created by +# sphinx-quickstart on Mon Apr 14 17:35:24 2014. +# +# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its +# containing dir. +# +# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this +# autogenerated file. +# +# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out +# serve to show the default. + +import sys +import os + +# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, +# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the +# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. +# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) +sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../scripts")) +sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../mozharness")) + +# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------ + +# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here. +# needs_sphinx = '1.0' + +# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be +# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom +# ones. +extensions = [ + "sphinx.ext.autodoc", + "sphinx.ext.intersphinx", + "sphinx.ext.viewcode", +] + +# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. +templates_path = ["_templates"] + +# The suffix of source filenames. +source_suffix = ".rst" + +# The encoding of source files. +# source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig' + +# The master toctree document. +master_doc = "index" + +# General information about the project. +project = "Mozharness" +copyright = "2019, mozilla" + +# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for +# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the +# built documents. +# +# The short X.Y version. +version = "0.1" +# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. +release = "0.1" + +# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation +# for a list of supported languages. +# language = None + +# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some +# non-false value, then it is used: +# today = '' +# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. +# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' + +# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and +# directories to ignore when looking for source files. +exclude_patterns = ["_build"] + +# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all +# documents. +# default_role = None + +# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. +# add_function_parentheses = True + +# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description +# unit titles (such as .. function::). +# add_module_names = True + +# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the +# output. They are ignored by default. +# show_authors = False + +# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. +pygments_style = "sphinx" + +# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. +# modindex_common_prefix = [] + +# If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents. +# keep_warnings = False + + +# -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------- + +# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for +# a list of builtin themes. +html_theme = "default" + +# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme +# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the +# documentation. +# html_theme_options = {} + +# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. +# html_theme_path = [] + +# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to +# "<project> v<release> documentation". +# html_title = None + +# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. +# html_short_title = None + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top +# of the sidebar. +# html_logo = None + +# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the +# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 +# pixels large. +# html_favicon = None + +# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, +# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, +# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". +html_static_path = ["_static"] + +# Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or +# .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied +# directly to the root of the documentation. +# html_extra_path = [] + +# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, +# using the given strftime format. +# html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' + +# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to +# typographically correct entities. +# html_use_smartypants = True + +# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. +# html_sidebars = {} + +# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to +# template names. +# html_additional_pages = {} + +# If false, no module index is generated. +# html_domain_indices = True + +# If false, no index is generated. +# html_use_index = True + +# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. +# html_split_index = False + +# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. +# html_show_sourcelink = True + +# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. +# html_show_sphinx = True + +# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. +html_show_copyright = False + +# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will +# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the +# base URL from which the finished HTML is served. +# html_use_opensearch = '' + +# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). +# html_file_suffix = None + +# Output file base name for HTML help builder. +htmlhelp_basename = "MozHarnessdoc" + + +# -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------- + +latex_elements = { + # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper'). + #'papersize': 'letterpaper', + # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). + #'pointsize': '10pt', + # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. + #'preamble': '', +} + +# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples +# (source start file, target name, title, +# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). +latex_documents = [ + ("index", "MozHarness.tex", "Mozharness Documentation", "mozilla", "manual"), +] + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of +# the title page. +# latex_logo = None + +# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, +# not chapters. +# latex_use_parts = False + +# If true, show page references after internal links. +# latex_show_pagerefs = False + +# If true, show URL addresses after external links. +# latex_show_urls = False + +# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. +# latex_appendices = [] + +# If false, no module index is generated. +# latex_domain_indices = True + + +# -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------- + +# One entry per manual page. List of tuples +# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). +man_pages = [("index", "mozharness", "Mozharness Documentation", ["mozilla"], 1)] + +# If true, show URL addresses after external links. +# man_show_urls = False + + +# -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- + +# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples +# (source start file, target name, title, author, +# dir menu entry, description, category) +texinfo_documents = [ + ( + "index", + "Mozharness", + "Mozharness Documentation", + "mozilla", + "Mozharness", + "One line description of project.", + "Miscellaneous", + ), +] + +# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. +# texinfo_appendices = [] + +# If false, no module index is generated. +# texinfo_domain_indices = True + +# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. +# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' + +# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. +# texinfo_no_detailmenu = False + + +# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library. +intersphinx_mapping = {"http://docs.python.org/": None} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/configtest.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/configtest.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..10e4a56c96 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/configtest.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +configtest module +================= + +.. automodule:: configtest + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/desktop_l10n.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/desktop_l10n.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b94dadedcf --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/desktop_l10n.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +desktop_l10n module +=================== + +.. automodule:: desktop_l10n + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/desktop_unittest.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/desktop_unittest.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f70e8d8d9e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/desktop_unittest.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +desktop_unittest module +======================= + +.. automodule:: desktop_unittest + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/fx_desktop_build.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/fx_desktop_build.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b5d6ac21c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/fx_desktop_build.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +fx_desktop_build module +======================= + +.. automodule:: fx_desktop_build + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/index.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04b3a2e382 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +.. Moz Harness documentation master file, created by + sphinx-quickstart on Mon Apr 14 17:35:24 2014. + You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least + contain the root `toctree` directive. + +Welcome to Moz Harness's documentation! +======================================= + +Contents: + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + modules.rst + scripts.rst + + +Indices and tables +================== + +* :ref:`genindex` +* :ref:`modindex` +* :ref:`search` diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/marionette.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/marionette.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..28763406be --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/marionette.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +marionette module +================= + +.. automodule:: marionette + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mobile_partner_repack.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mobile_partner_repack.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f8be0bef86 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/mobile_partner_repack.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +mobile_partner_repack module +============================ + +.. automodule:: mobile_partner_repack + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/modules.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/modules.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..73652563b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/modules.rst @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +mozharness +========== + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 4 + + mozharness + mozharness.base.rst + mozharness.base.vcs.rst + mozharness.mozilla.building.rst + mozharness.mozilla.l10n.rst + mozharness.mozilla.rst + mozharness.mozilla.testing.rst diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.base.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.base.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc46a45ba8 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.base.rst @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +mozharness.base package +======================= + +Subpackages +----------- + +.. toctree:: + + mozharness.base.vcs + +Submodules +---------- + +mozharness.base.config module +----------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.base.config + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.base.errors module +----------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.base.errors + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.base.log module +-------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.base.log + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.base.mar module +-------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.base.mar + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.base.parallel module +------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.base.parallel + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.base.python module +----------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.base.python + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.base.script module +----------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.base.script + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.base.transfer module +------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.base.transfer + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + + +Module contents +--------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.base + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.base.vcs.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.base.vcs.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3418463593 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.base.vcs.rst @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +mozharness.base.vcs package +=========================== + +Submodules +---------- + +mozharness.base.vcs.gittool module +---------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.base.vcs.gittool + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.base.vcs.mercurial module +------------------------------------ + +.. automodule:: mozharness.base.vcs.mercurial + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase module +---------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +Module contents +--------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.base.vcs + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.building.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.building.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b8b6106c24 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.building.rst @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +mozharness.mozilla.building package +=================================== + +Submodules +---------- + +mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase module +-------------------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + + +Module contents +--------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.building + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.l10n.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.l10n.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6951ec1a76 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.l10n.rst @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +mozharness.mozilla.l10n package +=============================== + +Submodules +---------- + +mozharness.mozilla.l10n.locales module +-------------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.l10n.locales + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.mozilla.l10n.multi_locale_build module +------------------------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.l10n.multi_locale_build + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + + +Module contents +--------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.l10n + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..016761320e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.rst @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +mozharness.mozilla package +========================== + +Subpackages +----------- + +.. toctree:: + + mozharness.mozilla.building + mozharness.mozilla.l10n + mozharness.mozilla.testing + +Submodules +---------- + +mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload module +------------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.blob_upload + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.mozilla.automation module +---------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.automation + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.mozilla.mozbase module +--------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.mozbase + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.mozilla.purge module +------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.purge + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.mozilla.tooltool module +---------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.tooltool + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + + +Module contents +--------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.testing.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.testing.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..388ee9925b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.mozilla.testing.rst @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +mozharness.mozilla.testing package +================================== + +Submodules +---------- + +mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors module +---------------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.mozilla.testing.talos module +--------------------------------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.testing.talos + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase module +------------------------------------------ + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + +mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest module +------------------------------------------ + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: + + +Module contents +--------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness.mozilla.testing + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f14e6b91e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/mozharness.rst @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +mozharness package +================== + +Subpackages +----------- + +.. toctree:: + + mozharness.base + mozharness.mozilla + +Module contents +--------------- + +.. automodule:: mozharness + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/multil10n.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/multil10n.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b14e62b78e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/multil10n.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +multil10n module +================ + +.. automodule:: multil10n + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/scripts.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/scripts.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..972dae5601 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/scripts.rst @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +scripts +======= + +.. toctree:: + android_emulator_build.rst + android_emulator_unittest.rst + bouncer_submitter.rst + configtest.rst + desktop_l10n.rst + desktop_unittest.rst + fx_desktop_build.rst + marionette.rst + mobile_partner_repack.rst + multil10n.rst + talos_script.rst + web_platform_tests.rst diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/talos_script.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/talos_script.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..509aac400e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/talos_script.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +talos_script module +=================== + +.. automodule:: talos_script + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/docs/web_platform_tests.rst b/testing/mozharness/docs/web_platform_tests.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6a2887aa8e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/docs/web_platform_tests.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +web_platform_tests module +========================= + +.. automodule:: web_platform_tests + :members: + :undoc-members: + :show-inheritance: diff --git a/testing/mozharness/examples/action_config_script.py b/testing/mozharness/examples/action_config_script.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..c86adc75d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/examples/action_config_script.py @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python -u +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +"""action_config_script.py + +Demonstrate actions and config. +""" + +import os +import sys +import time + +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript + + +# ActionsConfigExample {{{1 +class ActionsConfigExample(BaseScript): + config_options = [ + [ + [ + "--beverage", + ], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "beverage", + "type": "string", + "help": "Specify your beverage of choice", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--ship-style", + ], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "ship_style", + "type": "choice", + "choices": ["1", "2", "3"], + "help": "Specify the type of ship", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--long-sleep-time", + ], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "long_sleep_time", + "type": "int", + "help": "Specify how long to sleep", + }, + ], + ] + + def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): + super(ActionsConfigExample, self).__init__( + config_options=self.config_options, + all_actions=[ + "clobber", + "nap", + "ship-it", + ], + default_actions=[ + "clobber", + "nap", + "ship-it", + ], + require_config_file=require_config_file, + config={ + "beverage": "kool-aid", + "long_sleep_time": 3600, + "ship_style": "1", + }, + ) + + def _sleep(self, sleep_length, interval=5): + self.info("Sleeping %d seconds..." % sleep_length) + counter = 0 + while counter + interval <= sleep_length: + sys.stdout.write(".") + try: + time.sleep(interval) + except: + print + self.error("Impatient, are we?") + sys.exit(1) + counter += interval + print() + self.info("Ok, done.") + + def _ship1(self): + self.info( + """ + _~ + _~ )_)_~ + )_))_))_) + _!__!__!_ + \______t/ +~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +""" + ) + + def _ship2(self): + self.info( + """ + _4 _4 + _)_))_) + _)_)_)_) + _)_))_))_)_ + \_=__=__=_/ +~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +""" + ) + + def _ship3(self): + self.info( + """ + ,;;:;, + ;;;;; + ,:;;:; ,'=. + ;:;:;' .=" ,'_\\ + ':;:;,/ ,__:=@ + ';;:; =./)_ + `"=\\_ )_"` + ``'"` +""" + ) + + def nap(self): + for var_name in self.config.keys(): + if var_name.startswith("random_config_key"): + self.info("This is going to be %s!" % self.config[var_name]) + sleep_time = self.config["long_sleep_time"] + if sleep_time > 60: + self.info( + "Ok, grab a %s. This is going to take a while." + % self.config["beverage"] + ) + else: + self.info( + "This will be quick, but grab a %s anyway." % self.config["beverage"] + ) + self._sleep(self.config["long_sleep_time"]) + + def ship_it(self): + name = "_ship%s" % self.config["ship_style"] + if hasattr(self, name): + getattr(self, name)() + + +# __main__ {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + actions_config_example = ActionsConfigExample() + actions_config_example.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/examples/silent_script.py b/testing/mozharness/examples/silent_script.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..6b00ac1c93 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/examples/silent_script.py @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +""" This script is an example of why I care so much about Mozharness' 2nd core +concept, logging. http://escapewindow.dreamwidth.org/230853.html +""" + +import os +import shutil + +# print "downloading foo.tar.bz2..." +os.system("curl -s -o foo.tar.bz2 http://people.mozilla.org/~asasaki/foo.tar.bz2") +# os.system("curl -v -o foo.tar.bz2 http://people.mozilla.org/~asasaki/foo.tar.bz2") + +# os.rename("foo.tar.bz2", "foo3.tar.bz2") +os.system("tar xjf foo.tar.bz2") + +# os.chdir("x") +os.remove("x/ship2") +os.remove("foo.tar.bz2") +os.system("tar cjf foo.tar.bz2 x") +shutil.rmtree("x") +# os.system("scp -q foo.tar.bz2 people.mozilla.org:public_html/foo2.tar.bz2") +os.remove("foo.tar.bz2") diff --git a/testing/mozharness/examples/venv.py b/testing/mozharness/examples/venv.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..82ee3d0109 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/examples/venv.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +"""venv.py + +Test virtualenv creation. This installs talos in the local venv; that's it. +""" + +import os +import sys + +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +from mozharness.base.errors import PythonErrorList +from mozharness.base.python import virtualenv_config_options, VirtualenvMixin +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript + +# VirtualenvExample {{{1 +class VirtualenvExample(VirtualenvMixin, BaseScript): + config_options = [ + [ + ["--talos-url"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "talos_url", + "default": "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/talos/archive/tip.tar.gz", + "help": "Specify the talos pip url", + }, + ] + ] + virtualenv_config_options + + def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): + super(VirtualenvExample, self).__init__( + config_options=self.config_options, + all_actions=[ + "create-virtualenv", + ], + default_actions=[ + "create-virtualenv", + ], + require_config_file=require_config_file, + config={"virtualenv_modules": ["talos"]}, + ) + + +# __main__ {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + venv_example = VirtualenvExample() + venv_example.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/examples/verbose_script.py b/testing/mozharness/examples/verbose_script.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..f30ed8f5d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/examples/verbose_script.py @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +"""verbose_script.py + +Contrast to silent_script.py. +""" + +import os +import sys + +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +# from mozharness.base.errors import TarErrorList, SSHErrorList +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript + + +# VerboseExample {{{1 +class VerboseExample(BaseScript): + def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): + super(VerboseExample, self).__init__( + all_actions=[ + "verbosity", + ], + require_config_file=require_config_file, + config={"tarball_name": "bar.tar.bz2"}, + ) + + def verbosity(self): + tarball_name = self.config["tarball_name"] + self.download_file( + "http://people.mozilla.org/~asasaki/foo.tar.bz2", file_name=tarball_name + ) + # the error_list adds more error checking. + # the halt_on_failure will kill the script at this point if + # unsuccessful. Be aware if you need to do any cleanup before you + # actually fatal(), though. If so, you may want to either use an + # |if self.run_command(...):| construct, or define a self._post_fatal() + # for a generic end-of-fatal-run method. + self.run_command( + ["tar", "xjvf", tarball_name], + # error_list=TarErrorList, + # halt_on_failure=True, + # fatal_exit_code=3, + ) + self.rmtree("x/ship2") + self.rmtree(tarball_name) + self.run_command( + ["tar", "cjvf", tarball_name, "x"], + # error_list=TarErrorList, + # halt_on_failure=True, + # fatal_exit_code=3, + ) + self.rmtree("x") + if self.run_command( + ["scp", tarball_name, "people.mozilla.org:public_html/foo2.tar.bz2"], + # error_list=SSHErrorList, + ): + self.error( + "There's been a problem with the scp. We're going to proceed anyway." + ) + self.rmtree(tarball_name) + + +# __main__ {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + verbose_example = VerboseExample() + verbose_example.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/__init__.py diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/gittool.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/gittool.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..e7cf524ea9 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/gittool.py @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +### Compressed module sources ### +module_sources = [ + ( + "util", + "eJxlkMEKgzAQRO/5isWTQhFaSg8Ff6LnQknM2ixoItmov1+T2FLb3DY7mZkXGkbnAxjJpiclKI+K\nrOSWSAihsQM28sjBk32WXF0FrKe4YZi8hWAwrZMDuC5fJC1wkaQ+K7eIOqpXm1rTEzmU1ZahLuc/\ncwYlGS9nQNs6jfoACwUDQVIf/RdDAXmULYK0Gpo1aXAz6l3sG6VWJ/nIdjHdx45jWTR3W3xVSKTT\n8NuEE9a+DMzomZz9QOencdyDJ7LvH6zEC9SEeBQ=\n", + ), + ( + "util.file", + "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", + ), + ( + "util.commands", + "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", + ), + ( + "util.retry", + "eJytVk2P2zYQvetXDFwsLDuC4C2wORhxsUHQFgWKnHqXaYmyiUqkQ1LxGkX/e2dIivpy0h6qw1oa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\n7oLjNNTHkvwDPQB6iA==\n", + ), + ( + "util.git", + "eJzNW+uT27YR/66/ApF7IymWeEk/Xuam4/jReJrGntiZdMZ2JEoEJcQUIRPgyddM/vfuAyDAh+S75tFqxpZIAovdxe5vH8SNx+NndbmxSpdG5LoSqrSySuFGuRVHZXditx2PxyO1P+jKCm38L1OvD5XeSNPcqauiUGt/VcnRKK/0XtRWFclG7/dpmRnhn9blcrPP5jBsr2/k8pDa3ZzufqiVtPgsmp2rQvqZJs3lsi4LVb4f+bUKvd0CvyP4Ftf+KtlK+y38lNV0uSzTvVwuZ6PRaFOkxognMk/rwr7apZX8OjXyaiTgc4BHo+4joNi9NUVCmczFcp++l8t0bXRRWzmt5EHPmJTKBV4lxqaVNajI6RjFuLq8HLsh+Hkg/gkUhHuCKjTCk2sGoXKAC6T3ppBlTOhdMwifwiD/7MKMxQVsV4KTEyCJ31P8b0ZTZAEcjpGIKLWFXScCV11yXQIk4YgH2LriWU4ZoO8lXpKyY12slTVAi+0D6FVGJijpoVA2orjTxoZhH2oNGsWpSSltoTdzMR7PRpE++gOJ1cLYSh2mY1BPmOK49eL8rFU5xfXmglXCEuxSAxLcKAPeMM0kPvaXThRwhe+JlBGvq1ryNvMIIT8qA4KCKnEqOg3OsNVtpNXYwKdvJltlJ3MxAYvFr8VCl7AvpaSL8stJWP7dXGyO2TUSnkV7REIhI7ynHzfyEHtm8jgtCpm95KunVaWrq+7sZ2lhZEv+vBE9x508JzkN6AieOIXzs01airUUqVhXabnZCUAYm24FPkvuoyKz08cFECXVZJOGuz9HMaoES2WtrAEDrulZUMxzeKzSQv1bgveCIewP9pY8wyirq1uRWtaMeJ7TD68xQEShTDmxPGUulAXMLQrUGANjxtqEeStceAXDSay5sDtZolrhLjurn7ipZGphotcubBR6uDd9ZTJVkSwRDIEBJqrM9XRMyyL2A4DMRVutEfROwxNZePjED4YQ1BeuV4CQA4vRsAhbyBlZufmsNeoUW51hIGFburyzGu9qE2imnfltCYakhQn0/IH4u9+iHNT8Xuja4vJwE0AHdt9qp3+Oo3uZKbwApuQGTAGHgIYcLZYZjYA2E/67ZctIxI/sOTskvIM9P+KAQw2ABzoA7e4hHKlDwVtvHD24D+CKll0gIwbDVcbGgWIDdzuwxI0ubQpDMSRrmiFLG3PoqH0r7cR4aYAo8tcWRFXG9h0YtgKjIow0sZWwC754Rc4mUiMilYMGZSKrqoSQcy3++kV7Mx6I78B+02ZtUBLSSJIE4FLonBhjMQxekoexW6UdQg2J1v0qVejpjhP0qMAAgBCYagNDCAQM1TiMfn2YsJ+8G/CGU7PDnFHbzsWY3QEmzlzkauEh3veYZJZAliJu7GEDOO0UAiq8AZDKBEwjq7gPQrRBsbfpiKsgaYSwL/UBUpU3Y1gMPBYc+GZBkR8vFgu4u4BVxhF8zwWgBfjTdUzk+cunc1GX6kZWJi2WpTxifDTXKNosth+ckRxTgOmZ+OxadEyoxX1jqLU91Jhx0FxePAFzz6azhHOIsAJqGviNUKvU1Z7AZADGmPKsFZBA9TB72hC65m0BX4huDdAaJ6jBWS+4McnfJ7xh5ua4OGFK7GKQdgGu4G80oeCPCPoc4J7BryYkGcYuxYjCVmiNLPI5zajkti7Sqj2Uhl2SzM46ISeXle2b+2jAwQDbcuVyqbXWBf8C8fhhJRNyW3bVUzZLdclvtMrIHNnFzJLU8kljU3kYi9k87tI4bF42HDedkQwgEE7AMbEqPQHOQqZZK0XOnE0YsAmKIJShzzmaOMNIC4htJcQF02UntiTK7EHvev0z2IlhAMw1fgcCE16cqC/dyHNEmY2IqovMVKrS9gXaMOo4mWGsyaMEJTlWCgqG8YV5W2KN1Frag+umkGkZ1zAPxOujBmPKISbu4ZkRYxqD5rPXWV1ITEyOOwU5LsVriLRHKY4pxFajRZ5WSQPnrcSWqJCd5tH/2cQho1P+oA16ZtMsW2J6Y/1e8QXVYc1FJAt41qMsw3jAzygbz8Qqmrbyjg6FFwCXjxiYYqzwx4qtHHaHGgUweBWts/K+25OWB5EJZJzFD3MaST+LDNKNgMrvzpK+kpbhCyYR7Hip78AjLLmAaffjc9vw2edxGFg9ZwysN7J0U+YYHb7DJEdxkuO2K9MSsxuH/SrUmh00DIIsbu6Keefs7Z6YhyLhGMpLO6hHc6dRfrGnBgdkjnazm1bonObh9O2rhzPxdppLuPl29hf0VhgjzSY9oHKDWue0UCsh2A9mAPtkW+n6MP2yb1X3s6jznjPoDJjlZXJdbxF7rtBOyHd4KKJHaIXsbx1ToJWz9uRjRjThOua6G/ZH/QmAVpj9oZ0NFYTIqmmxCjUYygj/T4+ArRdm5ng/rbx5WC8qJ+/l0AOxrc0kAEqbxwvzSb4CM3fHUO/mrnc1F61uyTXqMfRt3GV9yCAgLXEkOcw8KMH3FK+7TUbQmcLMzTgaFCiYRKf9gC1EAz4NOQNVeCscRK2CHezPyvOyQjhZOT5XYrOTGyjTqITFVitRY3BP2EyeaI5jWITSErDrWNrxKrv0AMgxB+/eFDWpHtI4o9bFLbCq12tZYUuWchDqCjWNDCcWMQg2MOd62mKfBErh2kjCOjdKrCXgiGwYcyI3dtzoD6kNd3VbaubcQpY3qtIltoin478/f7189c2j758uv3706unyyfPvwW5Q57PhVfre0nQ9G3dtdUHbXHTqCMpwTNj0Zu6QxccEkIU2g/QgYpD0Sd3dKHduRg62f6jcx70MfSVyozCrmdSq/4gNbJI1A12nrF2o4QcEr60C3URDWdt+hKtnntIXGG57GWT2mFYlcAn86rrIsNJ3fYq453FhvoIaxaRraprgE/iOZZnjSksUfIDN2GJI1b2HvX2gCqffM+dqpVPoP0bvQ75oUqfZ5gryExW+G9HN4vtNtpamABBd3iDQcaHuAm+mzmxoCjQV3VeRC/fagGzxoZsWyXfOGrtNndA0dbkNbBkaLEAC4CXdIzp9G+uzE4oVV7P1zbXf5HsgXsAi1VHBHoO4lKiATppqyX/o2SDWu++A1O67DfiM1r6BSO97CKt1XTGjqKU4lSZ1qO3OikORbuRZH4+dePN+SW/KPlU+kWKgaFRlJj8mOG88O2NZDeEB8xrqzobx7T2K+qkDQ85sodMcxI6jhKQWtHeAUANuzhZMunaqS5vIO+cAh/IcpaOwS29c8Gpe2qQFpqO31Jo3et50Yis5QSWLUtI6jgBlomClt3aHbxjZ6/WSb19H/aX4vRDsVnunHmBlmGl0ReIoMC3MQW5UriRk41A1YsMXs2cJSTcvGer6sGp4zYHv9LrvcFqvr3j1mLN0Y+u0gJiNTOSCzRmWBg6d6FggseARCZ8JkCEf3R54R84/zSWa76fftg0pi/pEYZNNs0Vuc5Q9ubrfGX//ahCzuiDxjEigs4JkhjGicd3W2F5EZAKvXzx5cSW+AWwD36SFOU8l7DBQubwnpZlLm27N5b/g0yMSvWzrWVP8Iepxw4bDXAeeZr25w29A7k6xB4mdFyz3alAGzb3Se0lmDzZQWnGElG372cC4xxysIoTEQFLJBXf2uxMCcNGLhLAntLcQKBft8DcQTfwnjoPnhoU3DP4zaCz32+doP9zrM7ztypjrsYYYosrx/Xf7bnT/kD2PMtFmB05moPfchPtuez/N6C52YkR7s/vaHtz62NFY6/+Vj51Imv9H8oMLQzbH2InGw73e0NBgQSdsURPfAfE4HSVRQ7XKDz7uc49yow+3XkVXlPz7KHHlWwG5r+ZdlImCDEGNQjyOHBDPA0FsgQicmihKx2GjWaOdpn46whFEtYO108PlhZlQp6sXCwd0YNhBkEEfv4FfYyGpwXehnsh4SOqwpbkrXnsShiEuZYjrHfcAj+LQTk1PZMdNM6TPgsqjvkZbUG7BDx7sADqNkQxNj6f6fv6pHJ6bK+1WC1eRnLj3mzeh8fIYqZrQHcctpZTdYM+k6cSQXcNtCmSQfWI6R7DgX41RvpkI8RrSp6OuqC4kc/ZnOuh4yJ1bKFzM0PG5fieFG8UwAhehMa2eD1Jn8btnTVDKqLw2DXM1+EiYHGmLKDglEgnIpwfFc0dWmuaO29rzFe6JEhR7myzwEGY8shZ16aqFSFFuThQtsX3Nd+nARZdmm+7jWKGENjyh7WyDwN+8G2Yb5XkdK20bYfR7yJm7r4f9x0WIf8jbtU6r7DkeUKnqgx1gqZc23S26SP94OoYwvy7kvm1pTp0n9YMfPJ6iyjos34+fQe0v3YmYeAtFnkJhmX0F3/xwnUIZaHXoBztL6b47RvW70xnv4jbMYBjyaf0P4MV8GORysXDyoTf/LYDRPkuoVZpNJ4tFqRdUl+raToLF+rDVmiQ/Wpz0Bt9l0+G56NRbpzWZXZ1Yjp9OgsQN1YCF78JBk+aIiSM+KLqzMG50RsHNY+1gMBhsi0c99pCuNuhK8R2gtAUZrrfN71hcJ5vb2q7JnRAMlVIhqHqAxZ6Sr+yHIYiZzprXnrhy1CbQNJWVWFd0YsotD+t9y/nHLi23MsBipswG3Cw6iedaGN2iH+LNUWGNSWun1o39kZC1GfXTF2LKVQ0tC5drWejjjCpfXW24+OaSkvoijkwGxpjDv3JDmQyint7vActVZvwL6z119xHguWcClPZ8tK10R6iQjk3haSaMBd0kEKv4vIb8UCtAGtQI0J40RHD6YsGzJnMPIMqfLqMeToUaX98KXQCXAt8s0jF0TW9Xhvoo/a5X14m9b/lTVvxCvaHxUEx++mISnZoORt89SNrGHYcFPUdlh/D50+TCXO5TyL4qzuAa8z6DZu3ZnPtNO2+fOvn+XYVmwl7muwj9Kd/uVyldB+97dKd+HEq4eAD2PzoZFjVfwDa9cxHQn8i38GwCocOdEyXuDvUSJTrYGKdLLkOK3zv18oE7pAunwj9qnBU7GPzP1nt/bjRvSsb/w3D+QDzW5Y2snG1gM7hs/paCD6/RSd0JlnJcMoYj2s746W8ehv6oYyhhIGU0PkenQeK0Idh0nDU8oU4mGx4+C/1EZol6gNxphNJuI5t4gblzeutb0UwMylO9Udx41RAr6BCUa5DSW3CqBlJc8VBXW4legpHNnUVyMrWzE2RgMgvg28E7lbe8uVOyBWLjh9TSdIcbLn+JJ/16+Yuj++tVe1QEH9GgcQLOtU/xfXuvsgxw04LMFuLEF9FByr4l9vnfQR1t/mh2ZycCzu+g6M/Pcfx5xOmfosffxs3MOfqJ8BWfvnKRi/62p3fkinOeJiUIx1hXOH7lE7zilo5PRMckmkTu5GnncPLKnXbGi2+ePnrij/Px37n9LserXOA4c570P8E3N0c=", + ), +] + +### Load the compressed module sources ### +import sys, imp, base64, zlib + +for name, source in module_sources: + source = zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(source)) + mod = imp.new_module(name) + exec(source, mod.__dict__) + sys.modules[name] = mod + +### Original script follows ### +#!/usr/bin/python +"""%prog [-p|--props-file] [-r|--rev revision] [-b|--branch branch] + [-s|--shared-dir shared_dir] repo [dest] + +Tool to do safe operations with git. + +revision/branch on commandline will override those in props-file""" + +# Import snippet to find tools lib +import os +import site +import logging + +site.addsitedir( + os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "../../lib/python") +) + +try: + import simplejson as json + + assert json +except ImportError: + import json + +from util.git import git + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + from optparse import OptionParser + + parser = OptionParser(__doc__) + parser.set_defaults( + revision=os.environ.get("GIT_REV"), + branch=os.environ.get("GIT_BRANCH", None), + loglevel=logging.INFO, + shared_dir=os.environ.get("GIT_SHARE_BASE_DIR"), + mirrors=None, + clean=False, + ) + parser.add_option( + "-r", "--rev", dest="revision", help="which revision to update to" + ) + parser.add_option("-b", "--branch", dest="branch", help="which branch to update to") + parser.add_option( + "-p", + "--props-file", + dest="propsfile", + help="build json file containing revision information", + ) + parser.add_option( + "-s", "--shared-dir", dest="shared_dir", help="clone to a shared directory" + ) + parser.add_option( + "--mirror", + dest="mirrors", + action="append", + help="add a mirror to try cloning/pulling from before repo", + ) + parser.add_option( + "--clean", + dest="clean", + action="store_true", + default=False, + help="run 'git clean' after updating the local repository", + ) + parser.add_option( + "-v", "--verbose", dest="loglevel", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG + ) + + options, args = parser.parse_args() + + logging.basicConfig(level=options.loglevel, format="%(asctime)s %(message)s") + + if len(args) not in (1, 2): + parser.error("Invalid number of arguments") + + repo = args[0] + if len(args) == 2: + dest = args[1] + else: + dest = os.path.basename(repo) + + # Parse propsfile + if options.propsfile: + js = json.load(open(options.propsfile)) + if options.revision is None: + options.revision = js["sourcestamp"]["revision"] + if options.branch is None: + options.branch = js["sourcestamp"]["branch"] + + got_revision = git( + repo, + dest, + options.branch, + options.revision, + shareBase=options.shared_dir, + mirrors=options.mirrors, + clean_dest=options.clean, + ) + + print("Got revision %s" % got_revision) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/machine-configuration.json b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/machine-configuration.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3774927de0 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/machine-configuration.json @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +{ + "win7": { + "screen_resolution": { + "x": 1280, + "y": 1024 + }, + "mouse_position": { + "x": 1010, + "y": 10 + } + }, + "win10-hw": { + "screen_resolution": { + "x": 1920, + "y": 1080 + }, + "mouse_position": { + "x": 1010, + "y": 10 + } + }, + "win10-vm": { + "screen_resolution": { + "x": 2560, + "y": 1440 + }, + "mouse_position": { + "x": 1010, + "y": 10 + } + } +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..ad1f8d9e4b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/mouse_and_screen_resolution.py @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env python +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# +# Script name: mouse_and_screen_resolution.py +# Purpose: Sets mouse position and screen resolution for Windows 7 32-bit slaves +# Author(s): Zambrano Gasparnian, Armen <armenzg@mozilla.com> +# Target: Python 2.7 or newer +# + +import os +import platform +import socket +import sys +import time +from ctypes import Structure, byref, c_ulong, windll +from optparse import OptionParser + +try: + from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError, HTTPError +except ImportError: + from urllib.request import urlopen + from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError +try: + import json +except: + import simplejson as json + +default_screen_resolution = {"x": 1024, "y": 768} +default_mouse_position = {"x": 1010, "y": 10} + + +def wfetch(url, retries=5): + while True: + try: + return urlopen(url, timeout=30).read() + except HTTPError as e: + print("Failed to fetch '%s': %s" % (url, str(e))) + except URLError as e: + print("Failed to fetch '%s': %s" % (url, str(e))) + except socket.timeout as e: + print("Time out accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e))) + except socket.error as e: + print("Socket error when accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e))) + if retries < 0: + raise Exception("Could not fetch url '%s'" % url) + retries -= 1 + print("Retrying") + time.sleep(60) + + +def main(): + + # NOTE: this script was written for windows 7, but works well with windows 10 + parser = OptionParser() + parser.add_option( + "--configuration-url", + dest="configuration_url", + type="string", + help="Specifies the url of the configuration file.", + ) + parser.add_option( + "--configuration-file", + dest="configuration_file", + type="string", + help="Specifies the path to the configuration file.", + ) + parser.add_option( + "--platform", + dest="platform", + type="string", + default="win7", + help="Specifies the platform to coose inside the configuratoin-file.", + ) + (options, args) = parser.parse_args() + + if options.configuration_url == None and options.configuration_file == None: + print("You must specify --configuration-url or --configuration-file.") + return 1 + + if options.configuration_file: + with open(options.configuration_file) as f: + conf_dict = json.load(f) + new_screen_resolution = conf_dict[options.platform]["screen_resolution"] + new_mouse_position = conf_dict[options.platform]["mouse_position"] + else: + try: + conf_dict = json.loads(wfetch(options.configuration_url)) + new_screen_resolution = conf_dict[options.platform]["screen_resolution"] + new_mouse_position = conf_dict[options.platform]["mouse_position"] + except HTTPError as e: + print( + "This branch does not seem to have the configuration file %s" % str(e) + ) + print("Let's fail over to 1024x768.") + new_screen_resolution = default_screen_resolution + new_mouse_position = default_mouse_position + except URLError as e: + print("INFRA-ERROR: We couldn't reach hg.mozilla.org: %s" % str(e)) + return 1 + except Exception as e: + print("ERROR: We were not expecting any more exceptions: %s" % str(e)) + return 1 + + current_screen_resolution = queryScreenResolution() + print("Screen resolution (current): (%(x)s, %(y)s)" % (current_screen_resolution)) + + if current_screen_resolution == new_screen_resolution: + print("No need to change the screen resolution.") + else: + print("Changing the screen resolution...") + try: + changeScreenResolution( + new_screen_resolution["x"], new_screen_resolution["y"] + ) + except Exception as e: + print( + "INFRA-ERROR: We have attempted to change the screen resolution but ", + "something went wrong: %s" % str(e), + ) + return 1 + time.sleep(3) # just in case + current_screen_resolution = queryScreenResolution() + print("Screen resolution (new): (%(x)s, %(y)s)" % current_screen_resolution) + + print("Mouse position (current): (%(x)s, %(y)s)" % (queryMousePosition())) + setCursorPos(new_mouse_position["x"], new_mouse_position["y"]) + current_mouse_position = queryMousePosition() + print("Mouse position (new): (%(x)s, %(y)s)" % (current_mouse_position)) + + if ( + current_screen_resolution != new_screen_resolution + or current_mouse_position != new_mouse_position + ): + print( + "INFRA-ERROR: The new screen resolution or mouse positions are not what we expected" + ) + return 1 + else: + return 0 + + +class POINT(Structure): + _fields_ = [("x", c_ulong), ("y", c_ulong)] + + +def queryMousePosition(): + pt = POINT() + windll.user32.GetCursorPos(byref(pt)) + return {"x": pt.x, "y": pt.y} + + +def setCursorPos(x, y): + windll.user32.SetCursorPos(x, y) + + +def queryScreenResolution(): + return { + "x": windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(0), + "y": windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(1), + } + + +def changeScreenResolution(xres=None, yres=None, BitsPerPixel=None): + import struct + + DM_BITSPERPEL = 0x00040000 + DM_PELSWIDTH = 0x00080000 + DM_PELSHEIGHT = 0x00100000 + CDS_FULLSCREEN = 0x00000004 + SIZEOF_DEVMODE = 148 + + DevModeData = struct.calcsize("32BHH") * b"\x00" + DevModeData += struct.pack("H", SIZEOF_DEVMODE) + DevModeData += struct.calcsize("H") * b"\x00" + dwFields = ( + (xres and DM_PELSWIDTH or 0) + | (yres and DM_PELSHEIGHT or 0) + | (BitsPerPixel and DM_BITSPERPEL or 0) + ) + DevModeData += struct.pack("L", dwFields) + DevModeData += struct.calcsize("l9h32BHL") * b"\x00" + DevModeData += struct.pack("LLL", BitsPerPixel or 0, xres or 0, yres or 0) + DevModeData += struct.calcsize("8L") * b"\x00" + + return windll.user32.ChangeDisplaySettingsA(DevModeData, 0) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + sys.exit(main()) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/packagesymbols.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/packagesymbols.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0cbe23fcb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/packagesymbols.py @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + + +import argparse +import os +import subprocess +import sys +import zipfile + + +class ProcError(Exception): + def __init__(self, returncode, stderr): + self.returncode = returncode + self.stderr = stderr + + +def check_output(command): + proc = subprocess.Popen( + command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True + ) + stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() + if proc.returncode != 0: + raise ProcError(proc.returncode, stderr) + return stdout + + +def process_file(dump_syms, path): + try: + stdout = check_output([dump_syms, path]) + except ProcError as e: + print('Error: running "%s %s": %s' % (dump_syms, path, e.stderr)) + return None, None, None + bits = stdout.splitlines()[0].split(" ", 4) + if len(bits) != 5: + return None, None, None + _, platform, cpu_arch, debug_id, debug_file = bits + if debug_file.lower().endswith(".pdb"): + sym_file = debug_file[:-4] + ".sym" + else: + sym_file = debug_file + ".sym" + filename = os.path.join(debug_file, debug_id, sym_file) + debug_filename = os.path.join(debug_file, debug_id, debug_file) + return filename, stdout, debug_filename + + +def main(): + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() + parser.add_argument("dump_syms", help="Path to dump_syms binary") + parser.add_argument("files", nargs="+", help="Path to files to dump symbols from") + parser.add_argument( + "--symbol-zip", + default="symbols.zip", + help="Name of zip file to put dumped symbols in", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "--no-binaries", + action="store_true", + default=False, + help="Don't store binaries in zip file", + ) + args = parser.parse_args() + count = 0 + with zipfile.ZipFile(args.symbol_zip, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: + for f in args.files: + filename, contents, debug_filename = process_file(args.dump_syms, f) + if not (filename and contents): + print("Error dumping symbols") + sys.exit(1) + zf.writestr(filename, contents) + count += 1 + if not args.no_binaries: + zf.write(f, debug_filename) + count += 1 + print("Added %d files to %s" % (count, args.symbol_zip)) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/performance-artifact-schema.json b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/performance-artifact-schema.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1efb6e7e84 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/performance-artifact-schema.json @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +{ + "definitions": { + "application_schema": { + "properties": { + "name": { + "title": "Application under performance test", + "enum": [ + "firefox", + "chrome", + "chrome-m", + "chromium", + "fennec", + "geckoview", + "refbrow", + "fenix", + "safari", + "custom-car" + ], + "maxLength": 10, + "type": "string" + }, + "version": { + "title": "Application's version", + "maxLength": 40, + "type": "string" + } + }, + "required": ["name"], + "type": "object" + }, + "framework_schema": { + "properties": { + "name": { + "title": "Framework name", + "type": "string" + } + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "subtest_schema": { + "properties": { + "name": { + "title": "Subtest name", + "type": "string" + }, + "publicName": { + "title": "Public subtest name", + "description": "Allows renaming test's name, without breaking existing performance data series", + "maxLength": 30, + "type": "string" + }, + "value": { + "description": "Summary value for subtest", + "title": "Subtest value", + "type": "number", + "minimum": -1000000000000.0, + "maximum": 1000000000000.0 + }, + "unit": { + "title": "Measurement unit", + "type": "string", + "minLength": 1, + "maxLength": 20 + }, + "lowerIsBetter": { + "description": "Whether lower values are better for subtest", + "title": "Lower is better", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "shouldAlert": { + "description": "Whether we should alert", + "title": "Should alert", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "alertThreshold": { + "description": "% change threshold before alerting", + "title": "Alert threshold", + "type": "number", + "minimum": 0.0, + "maximum": 1000.0 + }, + "minBackWindow": { + "description": "Minimum back window to use for alerting", + "title": "Minimum back window", + "type": "number", + "minimum": 1, + "maximum": 255 + }, + "maxBackWindow": { + "description": "Maximum back window to use for alerting", + "title": "Maximum back window", + "type": "number", + "minimum": 1, + "maximum": 255 + }, + "foreWindow": { + "description": "Fore window to use for alerting", + "title": "Fore window", + "type": "number", + "minimum": 1, + "maximum": 255 + } + }, + "required": ["name", "value"], + "type": "object" + }, + "suite_schema": { + "properties": { + "name": { + "title": "Suite name", + "type": "string" + }, + "publicName": { + "title": "Public suite name", + "description": "Allows renaming suite's name, without breaking existing performance data series", + "maxLength": 30, + "type": "string" + }, + "tags": { + "type": "array", + "title": "Free form tags, which ease the grouping & searching of performance tests", + "description": "Similar to extraOptions, except it does not break existing performance data series", + "items": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,24}$" + }, + "uniqueItems": true, + "maxItems": 14 + }, + "extraOptions": { + "type": "array", + "title": "Extra options used in running suite", + "items": { + "type": "string", + "maxLength": 100 + }, + "uniqueItems": true, + "maxItems": 8 + }, + "subtests": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/subtest_schema" + }, + "title": "Subtests", + "type": "array" + }, + "value": { + "title": "Suite value", + "type": "number", + "minimum": -1000000000000.0, + "maximum": 1000000000000.0 + }, + "unit": { + "title": "Measurement unit", + "type": "string", + "minLength": 1, + "maxLength": 20 + }, + "lowerIsBetter": { + "description": "Whether lower values are better for suite", + "title": "Lower is better", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "shouldAlert": { + "description": "Whether we should alert on this suite (overrides default behaviour)", + "title": "Should alert", + "type": "boolean" + }, + "alertThreshold": { + "description": "% change threshold before alerting", + "title": "Alert threshold", + "type": "number", + "minimum": 0.0, + "maximum": 1000.0 + }, + "minBackWindow": { + "description": "Minimum back window to use for alerting", + "title": "Minimum back window", + "type": "integer", + "minimum": 1, + "maximum": 255 + }, + "maxBackWindow": { + "description": "Maximum back window to use for alerting", + "title": "Maximum back window", + "type": "integer", + "minimum": 1, + "maximum": 255 + }, + "foreWindow": { + "description": "Fore window to use for alerting", + "title": "Fore window", + "type": "integer", + "minimum": 1, + "maximum": 255 + } + }, + "required": ["name", "subtests"], + "type": "object" + } + }, + "description": "Structure for submitting performance data as part of a job", + "id": "https://treeherder.mozilla.org/schemas/v1/performance-artifact.json#", + "properties": { + "application": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/application_schema" + }, + "framework": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/framework_schema" + }, + "suites": { + "description": "List of suite-level data submitted as part of this structure", + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/suite_schema" + }, + "title": "Performance suites", + "type": "array" + } + }, + "required": ["framework", "suites"], + "title": "Perfherder Schema", + "type": "object" +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/external_tools/robustcheckout.py b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/robustcheckout.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..76e0a4a151 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/external_tools/robustcheckout.py @@ -0,0 +1,856 @@ +# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the +# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. + +"""Robustly perform a checkout. + +This extension provides the ``hg robustcheckout`` command for +ensuring a working directory is updated to the specified revision +from a source repo using best practices to ensure optimal clone +times and storage efficiency. +""" + +from __future__ import absolute_import + +import contextlib +import json +import os +import random +import re +import socket +import ssl +import time + +from mercurial.i18n import _ +from mercurial.node import hex, nullid +from mercurial import ( + commands, + configitems, + error, + exchange, + extensions, + hg, + match as matchmod, + pycompat, + registrar, + scmutil, + urllibcompat, + util, + vfs, +) + +# Causes worker to purge caches on process exit and for task to retry. +EXIT_PURGE_CACHE = 72 + +testedwith = ( + b"4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4" +) +minimumhgversion = b"4.5" + +cmdtable = {} +command = registrar.command(cmdtable) + +configtable = {} +configitem = registrar.configitem(configtable) + +configitem(b"robustcheckout", b"retryjittermin", default=configitems.dynamicdefault) +configitem(b"robustcheckout", b"retryjittermax", default=configitems.dynamicdefault) + + +def getsparse(): + from mercurial import sparse + + return sparse + + +def peerlookup(remote, v): + with remote.commandexecutor() as e: + return e.callcommand(b"lookup", {b"key": v}).result() + + +@command( + b"robustcheckout", + [ + (b"", b"upstream", b"", b"URL of upstream repo to clone from"), + (b"r", b"revision", b"", b"Revision to check out"), + (b"b", b"branch", b"", b"Branch to check out"), + (b"", b"purge", False, b"Whether to purge the working directory"), + (b"", b"sharebase", b"", b"Directory where shared repos should be placed"), + ( + b"", + b"networkattempts", + 3, + b"Maximum number of attempts for network " b"operations", + ), + (b"", b"sparseprofile", b"", b"Sparse checkout profile to use (path in repo)"), + ( + b"U", + b"noupdate", + False, + b"the clone will include an empty working directory\n" + b"(only a repository)", + ), + ], + b"[OPTION]... URL DEST", + norepo=True, +) +def robustcheckout( + ui, + url, + dest, + upstream=None, + revision=None, + branch=None, + purge=False, + sharebase=None, + networkattempts=None, + sparseprofile=None, + noupdate=False, +): + """Ensure a working copy has the specified revision checked out. + + Repository data is automatically pooled into the common directory + specified by ``--sharebase``, which is a required argument. It is required + because pooling storage prevents excessive cloning, which makes operations + complete faster. + + One of ``--revision`` or ``--branch`` must be specified. ``--revision`` + is preferred, as it is deterministic and there is no ambiguity as to which + revision will actually be checked out. + + If ``--upstream`` is used, the repo at that URL is used to perform the + initial clone instead of cloning from the repo where the desired revision + is located. + + ``--purge`` controls whether to removed untracked and ignored files from + the working directory. If used, the end state of the working directory + should only contain files explicitly under version control for the requested + revision. + + ``--sparseprofile`` can be used to specify a sparse checkout profile to use. + The sparse checkout profile corresponds to a file in the revision to be + checked out. If a previous sparse profile or config is present, it will be + replaced by this sparse profile. We choose not to "widen" the sparse config + so operations are as deterministic as possible. If an existing checkout + is present and it isn't using a sparse checkout, we error. This is to + prevent accidentally enabling sparse on a repository that may have + clients that aren't sparse aware. Sparse checkout support requires Mercurial + 4.3 or newer and the ``sparse`` extension must be enabled. + """ + if not revision and not branch: + raise error.Abort(b"must specify one of --revision or --branch") + + if revision and branch: + raise error.Abort(b"cannot specify both --revision and --branch") + + # Require revision to look like a SHA-1. + if revision: + if ( + len(revision) < 12 + or len(revision) > 40 + or not re.match(b"^[a-f0-9]+$", revision) + ): + raise error.Abort( + b"--revision must be a SHA-1 fragment 12-40 " b"characters long" + ) + + sharebase = sharebase or ui.config(b"share", b"pool") + if not sharebase: + raise error.Abort( + b"share base directory not defined; refusing to operate", + hint=b"define share.pool config option or pass --sharebase", + ) + + # Sparse profile support was added in Mercurial 4.3, where it was highly + # experimental. Because of the fragility of it, we only support sparse + # profiles on 4.3. When 4.4 is released, we'll need to opt in to sparse + # support. We /could/ silently fall back to non-sparse when not supported. + # However, given that sparse has performance implications, we want to fail + # fast if we can't satisfy the desired checkout request. + if sparseprofile: + try: + extensions.find(b"sparse") + except KeyError: + raise error.Abort( + b"sparse extension must be enabled to use " b"--sparseprofile" + ) + + ui.warn(b"(using Mercurial %s)\n" % util.version()) + + # worker.backgroundclose only makes things faster if running anti-virus, + # which our automation doesn't. Disable it. + ui.setconfig(b"worker", b"backgroundclose", False) + # Don't wait forever if the connection hangs + ui.setconfig(b"http", b"timeout", 600) + + # By default the progress bar starts after 3s and updates every 0.1s. We + # change this so it shows and updates every 1.0s. + # We also tell progress to assume a TTY is present so updates are printed + # even if there is no known TTY. + # We make the config change here instead of in a config file because + # otherwise we're at the whim of whatever configs are used in automation. + ui.setconfig(b"progress", b"delay", 1.0) + ui.setconfig(b"progress", b"refresh", 1.0) + ui.setconfig(b"progress", b"assume-tty", True) + + sharebase = os.path.realpath(sharebase) + + optimes = [] + behaviors = set() + start = time.time() + + try: + return _docheckout( + ui, + url, + dest, + upstream, + revision, + branch, + purge, + sharebase, + optimes, + behaviors, + networkattempts, + sparse_profile=sparseprofile, + noupdate=noupdate, + ) + finally: + overall = time.time() - start + + # We store the overall time multiple ways in order to help differentiate + # the various "flavors" of operations. + + # ``overall`` is always the total operation time. + optimes.append(("overall", overall)) + + def record_op(name): + # If special behaviors due to "corrupt" storage occur, we vary the + # name to convey that. + if "remove-store" in behaviors: + name += "_rmstore" + if "remove-wdir" in behaviors: + name += "_rmwdir" + + optimes.append((name, overall)) + + # We break out overall operations primarily by their network interaction + # We have variants within for working directory operations. + if "clone" in behaviors and "create-store" in behaviors: + record_op("overall_clone") + + if "sparse-update" in behaviors: + record_op("overall_clone_sparsecheckout") + else: + record_op("overall_clone_fullcheckout") + + elif "pull" in behaviors or "clone" in behaviors: + record_op("overall_pull") + + if "sparse-update" in behaviors: + record_op("overall_pull_sparsecheckout") + else: + record_op("overall_pull_fullcheckout") + + if "empty-wdir" in behaviors: + record_op("overall_pull_emptywdir") + else: + record_op("overall_pull_populatedwdir") + + else: + record_op("overall_nopull") + + if "sparse-update" in behaviors: + record_op("overall_nopull_sparsecheckout") + else: + record_op("overall_nopull_fullcheckout") + + if "empty-wdir" in behaviors: + record_op("overall_nopull_emptywdir") + else: + record_op("overall_nopull_populatedwdir") + + server_url = urllibcompat.urlreq.urlparse(url).netloc + + if "TASKCLUSTER_INSTANCE_TYPE" in os.environ: + perfherder = { + "framework": { + "name": "vcs", + }, + "suites": [], + } + for op, duration in optimes: + perfherder["suites"].append( + { + "name": op, + "value": duration, + "lowerIsBetter": True, + "shouldAlert": False, + "serverUrl": server_url.decode("utf-8"), + "hgVersion": util.version().decode("utf-8"), + "extraOptions": [os.environ["TASKCLUSTER_INSTANCE_TYPE"]], + "subtests": [], + } + ) + ui.write( + b"PERFHERDER_DATA: %s\n" + % pycompat.bytestr(json.dumps(perfherder, sort_keys=True)) + ) + + +def _docheckout( + ui, + url, + dest, + upstream, + revision, + branch, + purge, + sharebase, + optimes, + behaviors, + networkattemptlimit, + networkattempts=None, + sparse_profile=None, + noupdate=False, +): + if not networkattempts: + networkattempts = [1] + + def callself(): + return _docheckout( + ui, + url, + dest, + upstream, + revision, + branch, + purge, + sharebase, + optimes, + behaviors, + networkattemptlimit, + networkattempts=networkattempts, + sparse_profile=sparse_profile, + noupdate=noupdate, + ) + + @contextlib.contextmanager + def timeit(op, behavior): + behaviors.add(behavior) + errored = False + try: + start = time.time() + yield + except Exception: + errored = True + raise + finally: + elapsed = time.time() - start + + if errored: + op += "_errored" + + optimes.append((op, elapsed)) + + ui.write(b"ensuring %s@%s is available at %s\n" % (url, revision or branch, dest)) + + # We assume that we're the only process on the machine touching the + # repository paths that we were told to use. This means our recovery + # scenario when things aren't "right" is to just nuke things and start + # from scratch. This is easier to implement than verifying the state + # of the data and attempting recovery. And in some scenarios (such as + # potential repo corruption), it is probably faster, since verifying + # repos can take a while. + + destvfs = vfs.vfs(dest, audit=False, realpath=True) + + def deletesharedstore(path=None): + storepath = path or destvfs.read(b".hg/sharedpath").strip() + if storepath.endswith(b".hg"): + storepath = os.path.dirname(storepath) + + storevfs = vfs.vfs(storepath, audit=False) + storevfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) + + if destvfs.exists() and not destvfs.exists(b".hg"): + raise error.Abort(b"destination exists but no .hg directory") + + # Refuse to enable sparse checkouts on existing checkouts. The reasoning + # here is that another consumer of this repo may not be sparse aware. If we + # enabled sparse, we would lock them out. + if destvfs.exists() and sparse_profile and not destvfs.exists(b".hg/sparse"): + raise error.Abort( + b"cannot enable sparse profile on existing " b"non-sparse checkout", + hint=b"use a separate working directory to use sparse", + ) + + # And the other direction for symmetry. + if not sparse_profile and destvfs.exists(b".hg/sparse"): + raise error.Abort( + b"cannot use non-sparse checkout on existing sparse " b"checkout", + hint=b"use a separate working directory to use sparse", + ) + + # Require checkouts to be tied to shared storage because efficiency. + if destvfs.exists(b".hg") and not destvfs.exists(b".hg/sharedpath"): + ui.warn(b"(destination is not shared; deleting)\n") + with timeit("remove_unshared_dest", "remove-wdir"): + destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) + + # Verify the shared path exists and is using modern pooled storage. + if destvfs.exists(b".hg/sharedpath"): + storepath = destvfs.read(b".hg/sharedpath").strip() + + ui.write(b"(existing repository shared store: %s)\n" % storepath) + + if not os.path.exists(storepath): + ui.warn(b"(shared store does not exist; deleting destination)\n") + with timeit("removed_missing_shared_store", "remove-wdir"): + destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) + elif not re.search(b"[a-f0-9]{40}/\.hg$", storepath.replace(b"\\", b"/")): + ui.warn( + b"(shared store does not belong to pooled storage; " + b"deleting destination to improve efficiency)\n" + ) + with timeit("remove_unpooled_store", "remove-wdir"): + destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) + + if destvfs.isfileorlink(b".hg/wlock"): + ui.warn( + b"(dest has an active working directory lock; assuming it is " + b"left over from a previous process and that the destination " + b"is corrupt; deleting it just to be sure)\n" + ) + with timeit("remove_locked_wdir", "remove-wdir"): + destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) + + def handlerepoerror(e): + if pycompat.bytestr(e) == _(b"abandoned transaction found"): + ui.warn(b"(abandoned transaction found; trying to recover)\n") + repo = hg.repository(ui, dest) + if not repo.recover(): + ui.warn(b"(could not recover repo state; " b"deleting shared store)\n") + with timeit("remove_unrecovered_shared_store", "remove-store"): + deletesharedstore() + + ui.warn(b"(attempting checkout from beginning)\n") + return callself() + + raise + + # At this point we either have an existing working directory using + # shared, pooled storage or we have nothing. + + def handlenetworkfailure(): + if networkattempts[0] >= networkattemptlimit: + raise error.Abort( + b"reached maximum number of network attempts; " b"giving up\n" + ) + + ui.warn( + b"(retrying after network failure on attempt %d of %d)\n" + % (networkattempts[0], networkattemptlimit) + ) + + # Do a backoff on retries to mitigate the thundering herd + # problem. This is an exponential backoff with a multipler + # plus random jitter thrown in for good measure. + # With the default settings, backoffs will be: + # 1) 2.5 - 6.5 + # 2) 5.5 - 9.5 + # 3) 11.5 - 15.5 + backoff = (2 ** networkattempts[0] - 1) * 1.5 + jittermin = ui.configint(b"robustcheckout", b"retryjittermin", 1000) + jittermax = ui.configint(b"robustcheckout", b"retryjittermax", 5000) + backoff += float(random.randint(jittermin, jittermax)) / 1000.0 + ui.warn(b"(waiting %.2fs before retry)\n" % backoff) + time.sleep(backoff) + + networkattempts[0] += 1 + + def handlepullerror(e): + """Handle an exception raised during a pull. + + Returns True if caller should call ``callself()`` to retry. + """ + if isinstance(e, error.Abort): + if e.args[0] == _(b"repository is unrelated"): + ui.warn(b"(repository is unrelated; deleting)\n") + destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) + return True + elif e.args[0].startswith(_(b"stream ended unexpectedly")): + ui.warn(b"%s\n" % e.args[0]) + # Will raise if failure limit reached. + handlenetworkfailure() + return True + # TODO test this branch + elif isinstance(e, error.ResponseError): + if e.args[0].startswith(_(b"unexpected response from remote server:")): + ui.warn(b"(unexpected response from remote server; retrying)\n") + destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) + # Will raise if failure limit reached. + handlenetworkfailure() + return True + elif isinstance(e, ssl.SSLError): + # Assume all SSL errors are due to the network, as Mercurial + # should convert non-transport errors like cert validation failures + # to error.Abort. + ui.warn(b"ssl error: %s\n" % pycompat.bytestr(str(e))) + handlenetworkfailure() + return True + elif isinstance(e, urllibcompat.urlerr.urlerror): + if isinstance(e.reason, socket.error): + ui.warn(b"socket error: %s\n" % pycompat.bytestr(str(e.reason))) + handlenetworkfailure() + return True + else: + ui.warn( + b"unhandled URLError; reason type: %s; value: %s\n" + % ( + pycompat.bytestr(e.reason.__class__.__name__), + pycompat.bytestr(str(e.reason)), + ) + ) + elif isinstance(e, socket.timeout): + ui.warn(b"socket timeout\n") + handlenetworkfailure() + return True + else: + ui.warn( + b"unhandled exception during network operation; type: %s; " + b"value: %s\n" + % (pycompat.bytestr(e.__class__.__name__), pycompat.bytestr(str(e))) + ) + + return False + + # Perform sanity checking of store. We may or may not know the path to the + # local store. It depends if we have an existing destvfs pointing to a + # share. To ensure we always find a local store, perform the same logic + # that Mercurial's pooled storage does to resolve the local store path. + cloneurl = upstream or url + + try: + clonepeer = hg.peer(ui, {}, cloneurl) + rootnode = peerlookup(clonepeer, b"0") + except error.RepoLookupError: + raise error.Abort(b"unable to resolve root revision from clone " b"source") + except ( + error.Abort, + ssl.SSLError, + urllibcompat.urlerr.urlerror, + socket.timeout, + ) as e: + if handlepullerror(e): + return callself() + raise + + if rootnode == nullid: + raise error.Abort(b"source repo appears to be empty") + + storepath = os.path.join(sharebase, hex(rootnode)) + storevfs = vfs.vfs(storepath, audit=False) + + if storevfs.isfileorlink(b".hg/store/lock"): + ui.warn( + b"(shared store has an active lock; assuming it is left " + b"over from a previous process and that the store is " + b"corrupt; deleting store and destination just to be " + b"sure)\n" + ) + if destvfs.exists(): + with timeit("remove_dest_active_lock", "remove-wdir"): + destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) + + with timeit("remove_shared_store_active_lock", "remove-store"): + storevfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) + + if storevfs.exists() and not storevfs.exists(b".hg/requires"): + ui.warn( + b"(shared store missing requires file; this is a really " + b"odd failure; deleting store and destination)\n" + ) + if destvfs.exists(): + with timeit("remove_dest_no_requires", "remove-wdir"): + destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) + + with timeit("remove_shared_store_no_requires", "remove-store"): + storevfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) + + if storevfs.exists(b".hg/requires"): + requires = set(storevfs.read(b".hg/requires").splitlines()) + # "share-safe" (enabled by default as of hg 6.1) moved most + # requirements to a new file, so we need to look there as well to avoid + # deleting and re-cloning each time + if b"share-safe" in requires: + requires |= set(storevfs.read(b".hg/store/requires").splitlines()) + # FUTURE when we require generaldelta, this is where we can check + # for that. + required = {b"dotencode", b"fncache"} + + missing = required - requires + if missing: + ui.warn( + b"(shared store missing requirements: %s; deleting " + b"store and destination to ensure optimal behavior)\n" + % b", ".join(sorted(missing)) + ) + if destvfs.exists(): + with timeit("remove_dest_missing_requires", "remove-wdir"): + destvfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) + + with timeit("remove_shared_store_missing_requires", "remove-store"): + storevfs.rmtree(forcibly=True) + + created = False + + if not destvfs.exists(): + # Ensure parent directories of destination exist. + # Mercurial 3.8 removed ensuredirs and made makedirs race safe. + if util.safehasattr(util, "ensuredirs"): + makedirs = util.ensuredirs + else: + makedirs = util.makedirs + + makedirs(os.path.dirname(destvfs.base), notindexed=True) + makedirs(sharebase, notindexed=True) + + if upstream: + ui.write(b"(cloning from upstream repo %s)\n" % upstream) + + if not storevfs.exists(): + behaviors.add(b"create-store") + + try: + with timeit("clone", "clone"): + shareopts = {b"pool": sharebase, b"mode": b"identity"} + res = hg.clone( + ui, + {}, + clonepeer, + dest=dest, + update=False, + shareopts=shareopts, + stream=True, + ) + except ( + error.Abort, + ssl.SSLError, + urllibcompat.urlerr.urlerror, + socket.timeout, + ) as e: + if handlepullerror(e): + return callself() + raise + except error.RepoError as e: + return handlerepoerror(e) + except error.RevlogError as e: + ui.warn(b"(repo corruption: %s; deleting shared store)\n" % e) + with timeit("remove_shared_store_revlogerror", "remote-store"): + deletesharedstore() + return callself() + + # TODO retry here. + if res is None: + raise error.Abort(b"clone failed") + + # Verify it is using shared pool storage. + if not destvfs.exists(b".hg/sharedpath"): + raise error.Abort(b"clone did not create a shared repo") + + created = True + + # The destination .hg directory should exist. Now make sure we have the + # wanted revision. + + repo = hg.repository(ui, dest) + + # We only pull if we are using symbolic names or the requested revision + # doesn't exist. + havewantedrev = False + + if revision: + try: + ctx = scmutil.revsingle(repo, revision) + except error.RepoLookupError: + ctx = None + + if ctx: + if not ctx.hex().startswith(revision): + raise error.Abort( + b"--revision argument is ambiguous", + hint=b"must be the first 12+ characters of a " b"SHA-1 fragment", + ) + + checkoutrevision = ctx.hex() + havewantedrev = True + + if not havewantedrev: + ui.write(b"(pulling to obtain %s)\n" % (revision or branch,)) + + remote = None + try: + remote = hg.peer(repo, {}, url) + pullrevs = [peerlookup(remote, revision or branch)] + checkoutrevision = hex(pullrevs[0]) + if branch: + ui.warn( + b"(remote resolved %s to %s; " + b"result is not deterministic)\n" % (branch, checkoutrevision) + ) + + if checkoutrevision in repo: + ui.warn(b"(revision already present locally; not pulling)\n") + else: + with timeit("pull", "pull"): + pullop = exchange.pull(repo, remote, heads=pullrevs) + if not pullop.rheads: + raise error.Abort(b"unable to pull requested revision") + except ( + error.Abort, + ssl.SSLError, + urllibcompat.urlerr.urlerror, + socket.timeout, + ) as e: + if handlepullerror(e): + return callself() + raise + except error.RepoError as e: + return handlerepoerror(e) + except error.RevlogError as e: + ui.warn(b"(repo corruption: %s; deleting shared store)\n" % e) + deletesharedstore() + return callself() + finally: + if remote: + remote.close() + + # Now we should have the wanted revision in the store. Perform + # working directory manipulation. + + # Avoid any working directory manipulations if `-U`/`--noupdate` was passed + if noupdate: + ui.write(b"(skipping update since `-U` was passed)\n") + return None + + # Purge if requested. We purge before update because this way we're + # guaranteed to not have conflicts on `hg update`. + if purge and not created: + ui.write(b"(purging working directory)\n") + purge = getattr(commands, "purge", None) + if not purge: + purge = extensions.find(b"purge").purge + + # Mercurial 4.3 doesn't purge files outside the sparse checkout. + # See https://bz.mercurial-scm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5626. Force + # purging by monkeypatching the sparse matcher. + try: + old_sparse_fn = getattr(repo.dirstate, "_sparsematchfn", None) + if old_sparse_fn is not None: + repo.dirstate._sparsematchfn = lambda: matchmod.always() + + with timeit("purge", "purge"): + if purge( + ui, + repo, + all=True, + abort_on_err=True, + # The function expects all arguments to be + # defined. + **{"print": None, "print0": None, "dirs": None, "files": None} + ): + raise error.Abort(b"error purging") + finally: + if old_sparse_fn is not None: + repo.dirstate._sparsematchfn = old_sparse_fn + + # Update the working directory. + + if repo[b"."].node() == nullid: + behaviors.add("empty-wdir") + else: + behaviors.add("populated-wdir") + + if sparse_profile: + sparsemod = getsparse() + + # By default, Mercurial will ignore unknown sparse profiles. This could + # lead to a full checkout. Be more strict. + try: + repo.filectx(sparse_profile, changeid=checkoutrevision).data() + except error.ManifestLookupError: + raise error.Abort( + b"sparse profile %s does not exist at revision " + b"%s" % (sparse_profile, checkoutrevision) + ) + + old_config = sparsemod.parseconfig( + repo.ui, repo.vfs.tryread(b"sparse"), b"sparse" + ) + + old_includes, old_excludes, old_profiles = old_config + + if old_profiles == {sparse_profile} and not old_includes and not old_excludes: + ui.write( + b"(sparse profile %s already set; no need to update " + b"sparse config)\n" % sparse_profile + ) + else: + if old_includes or old_excludes or old_profiles: + ui.write( + b"(replacing existing sparse config with profile " + b"%s)\n" % sparse_profile + ) + else: + ui.write(b"(setting sparse config to profile %s)\n" % sparse_profile) + + # If doing an incremental update, this will perform two updates: + # one to change the sparse profile and another to update to the new + # revision. This is not desired. But there's not a good API in + # Mercurial to do this as one operation. + # TRACKING hg64 - Mercurial 6.4 and later require call to + # dirstate.changing_parents(repo) + def parentchange(repo): + if util.safehasattr(repo.dirstate, "changing_parents"): + return repo.dirstate.changing_parents(repo) + return repo.dirstate.parentchange() + + with repo.wlock(), parentchange(repo), timeit( + "sparse_update_config", "sparse-update-config" + ): + # pylint --py3k: W1636 + fcounts = list( + map( + len, + sparsemod._updateconfigandrefreshwdir( + repo, [], [], [sparse_profile], force=True + ), + ) + ) + + repo.ui.status( + b"%d files added, %d files dropped, " + b"%d files conflicting\n" % tuple(fcounts) + ) + + ui.write(b"(sparse refresh complete)\n") + + op = "update_sparse" if sparse_profile else "update" + behavior = "update-sparse" if sparse_profile else "update" + + with timeit(op, behavior): + if commands.update(ui, repo, rev=checkoutrevision, clean=True): + raise error.Abort(b"error updating") + + ui.write(b"updated to %s\n" % checkoutrevision) + + return None + + +def extsetup(ui): + # Ensure required extensions are loaded. + for ext in (b"purge", b"share"): + try: + extensions.find(ext) + except KeyError: + extensions.load(ui, ext, None) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mach_commands.py b/testing/mozharness/mach_commands.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc82ff3d5d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mach_commands.py @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import argparse +import os +import re +import subprocess +import sys + +import mozinfo +from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin +from six.moves.urllib.request import pathname2url + +from mach.decorators import ( + CommandArgument, + Command, +) + +from mozbuild.base import MozbuildObject +from mozbuild.base import MachCommandConditions as conditions +from argparse import ArgumentParser + + +def get_parser(): + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() + parser.add_argument( + "suite_name", + nargs=1, + type=str, + action="store", + help="Suite to run in mozharness", + ) + parser.add_argument( + "mozharness_args", + nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, + help="Extra arguments to pass to mozharness", + ) + return parser + + +class MozharnessRunner(MozbuildObject): + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + MozbuildObject.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) + + self.test_packages_url = self._test_packages_url() + self.installer_url = self._installer_url() + + desktop_unittest_config = [ + "--config-file", + lambda: self.config_path( + "unittests", "%s_unittest.py" % mozinfo.info["os"] + ), + "--config-file", + lambda: self.config_path("developer_config.py"), + ] + + self.config = { + "__defaults__": { + "config": [ + "--download-symbols", + "ondemand", + "--installer-url", + self.installer_url, + "--test-packages-url", + self.test_packages_url, + ] + }, + "mochitest-valgrind": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + + ["--mochitest-suite", "valgrind-plain"], + }, + "mochitest": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + ["--mochitest-suite", "plain"], + }, + "mochitest-chrome": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + ["--mochitest-suite", "chrome"], + }, + "mochitest-browser-chrome": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + + ["--mochitest-suite", "browser-chrome"], + }, + "mochitest-browser-a11y": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + + ["--mochitest-suite", "mochitest-browser-a11y"], + }, + "mochitest-browser-media": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + + ["--mochitest-suite", "mochitest-browser-media"], + }, + "mochitest-devtools-chrome": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + + ["--mochitest-suite", "mochitest-devtools-chrome"], + }, + "mochitest-remote": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + + ["--mochitest-suite", "mochitest-remote"], + }, + "crashtest": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + ["--reftest-suite", "crashtest"], + }, + "jsreftest": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + ["--reftest-suite", "jsreftest"], + }, + "reftest": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + ["--reftest-suite", "reftest"], + }, + "reftest-no-accel": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + + ["--reftest-suite", "reftest-no-accel"], + }, + "cppunittest": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + + ["--cppunittest-suite", "cppunittest"], + }, + "xpcshell": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + ["--xpcshell-suite", "xpcshell"], + }, + "xpcshell-addons": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + + ["--xpcshell-suite", "xpcshell-addons"], + }, + "jittest": { + "script": "desktop_unittest.py", + "config": desktop_unittest_config + ["--jittest-suite", "jittest"], + }, + "marionette": { + "script": "marionette.py", + "config": [ + "--config-file", + self.config_path("marionette", "test_config.py"), + ], + }, + "web-platform-tests": { + "script": "web_platform_tests.py", + "config": [ + "--config-file", + self.config_path("web_platform_tests", self.wpt_config), + ], + }, + } + + def path_to_url(self, path): + return urljoin("file:", pathname2url(path)) + + def _installer_url(self): + package_re = { + "linux": re.compile("^firefox-\d+\..+\.tar\.bz2$"), + "win": re.compile("^firefox-\d+\..+\.installer\.exe$"), + "mac": re.compile("^firefox-\d+\..+\.mac(?:64)?\.dmg$"), + }[mozinfo.info["os"]] + dist_path = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, "dist") + filenames = [item for item in os.listdir(dist_path) if package_re.match(item)] + assert len(filenames) == 1 + return self.path_to_url(os.path.join(dist_path, filenames[0])) + + def _test_packages_url(self): + dist_path = os.path.join(self.topobjdir, "dist") + filenames = [ + item + for item in os.listdir(dist_path) + if item.endswith("test_packages.json") + ] + assert len(filenames) == 1 + return self.path_to_url(os.path.join(dist_path, filenames[0])) + + def config_path(self, *parts): + return self.path_to_url( + os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, "testing", "mozharness", "configs", *parts) + ) + + @property + def wpt_config(self): + return ( + "test_config.py" + if mozinfo.info["os"] != "win" + else "test_config_windows.py" + ) + + def run_suite(self, suite, **kwargs): + default_config = self.config.get("__defaults__") + suite_config = self.config.get(suite) + + if suite_config is None: + print("Unknown suite %s" % suite) + return 1 + + script = os.path.join( + self.topsrcdir, "testing", "mozharness", "scripts", suite_config["script"] + ) + options = [ + item() if callable(item) else item + for item in default_config["config"] + suite_config["config"] + ] + + cmd = [script] + options + + rv = subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=os.path.dirname(script)) + return rv + + +@Command( + "mozharness", + category="testing", + description="Run tests using mozharness.", + conditions=[conditions.is_firefox_or_android], + parser=get_parser, +) +def mozharness(command_context, **kwargs): + runner = command_context._spawn(MozharnessRunner) + return runner.run_suite(kwargs.pop("suite_name")[0], **kwargs) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/moz.build b/testing/mozharness/moz.build new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5bc4cdad9b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/moz.build @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- +# vim: set filetype=python: +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +with Files("**"): + BUG_COMPONENT = ("Release Engineering", "Applications: MozharnessCore") diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab191837df --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +version = (0, 7) +version_string = ".".join(["%d" % i for i in version]) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/__init__.py diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/config.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d12b3aecad --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/config.py @@ -0,0 +1,693 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""Generic config parsing and dumping, the way I remember it from scripts +gone by. + +The config should be built from script-level defaults, overlaid by +config-file defaults, overlaid by command line options. + + (For buildbot-analogues that would be factory-level defaults, + builder-level defaults, and build request/scheduler settings.) + +The config should then be locked (set to read-only, to prevent runtime +alterations). Afterwards we should dump the config to a file that is +uploaded with the build, and can be used to debug or replicate the build +at a later time. + +TODO: + +* check_required_settings or something -- run at init, assert that + these settings are set. +""" + +import os +import socket +import sys +import time +from copy import deepcopy +from optparse import Option, OptionGroup, OptionParser + +from mozharness.base.log import CRITICAL, DEBUG, ERROR, FATAL, INFO, WARNING + +try: + from urllib2 import URLError, urlopen +except ImportError: + from urllib.error import URLError + from urllib.request import urlopen + + +try: + import simplejson as json +except ImportError: + import json + + +# optparse {{{1 +class ExtendedOptionParser(OptionParser): + """OptionParser, but with ExtendOption as the option_class.""" + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + kwargs["option_class"] = ExtendOption + OptionParser.__init__(self, **kwargs) + + +class ExtendOption(Option): + """from http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html?highlight=optparse#adding-new-actions""" + + ACTIONS = Option.ACTIONS + ("extend",) + STORE_ACTIONS = Option.STORE_ACTIONS + ("extend",) + TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",) + ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS = Option.ALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONS + ("extend",) + + def take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser): + if action == "extend": + lvalue = value.split(",") + values.ensure_value(dest, []).extend(lvalue) + else: + Option.take_action(self, action, dest, opt, value, values, parser) + + +def make_immutable(item): + if isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple): + result = LockedTuple(item) + elif isinstance(item, dict): + result = ReadOnlyDict(item) + result.lock() + else: + result = item + return result + + +class LockedTuple(tuple): + def __new__(cls, items): + return tuple.__new__(cls, (make_immutable(x) for x in items)) + + def __deepcopy__(self, memo): + return [deepcopy(elem, memo) for elem in self] + + +# ReadOnlyDict {{{1 +class ReadOnlyDict(dict): + def __init__(self, dictionary): + self._lock = False + self.update(dictionary.copy()) + + def _check_lock(self): + assert not self._lock, "ReadOnlyDict is locked!" + + def lock(self): + for (k, v) in list(self.items()): + self[k] = make_immutable(v) + self._lock = True + + def __setitem__(self, *args): + self._check_lock() + return dict.__setitem__(self, *args) + + def __delitem__(self, *args): + self._check_lock() + return dict.__delitem__(self, *args) + + def clear(self, *args): + self._check_lock() + return dict.clear(self, *args) + + def pop(self, *args): + self._check_lock() + return dict.pop(self, *args) + + def popitem(self, *args): + self._check_lock() + return dict.popitem(self, *args) + + def setdefault(self, *args): + self._check_lock() + return dict.setdefault(self, *args) + + def update(self, *args): + self._check_lock() + dict.update(self, *args) + + def __deepcopy__(self, memo): + cls = self.__class__ + result = cls.__new__(cls) + memo[id(self)] = result + for k, v in list(self.__dict__.items()): + setattr(result, k, deepcopy(v, memo)) + result._lock = False + for k, v in list(self.items()): + result[k] = deepcopy(v, memo) + return result + + +DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join( + os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))), + "configs", +) + + +# parse_config_file {{{1 +def parse_config_file( + file_name, quiet=False, search_path=None, config_dict_name="config" +): + """Read a config file and return a dictionary.""" + file_path = None + if os.path.exists(file_name): + file_path = file_name + else: + if not search_path: + search_path = [".", DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH] + for path in search_path: + if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, file_name)): + file_path = os.path.join(path, file_name) + break + else: + raise IOError("Can't find %s in %s!" % (file_name, search_path)) + if file_name.endswith(".py"): + global_dict = {} + local_dict = {} + exec( + compile(open(file_path, "rb").read(), file_path, "exec"), + global_dict, + local_dict, + ) + config = local_dict[config_dict_name] + elif file_name.endswith(".json"): + fh = open(file_path) + config = {} + json_config = json.load(fh) + config = dict(json_config) + fh.close() + else: + raise RuntimeError( + "Unknown config file type %s! (config files must end in .json or .py)" + % file_name + ) + # TODO return file_path + return config + + +def download_config_file(url, file_name): + n = 0 + attempts = 5 + sleeptime = 60 + max_sleeptime = 5 * 60 + while True: + if n >= attempts: + print( + "Failed to download from url %s after %d attempts, quiting..." + % (url, attempts) + ) + raise SystemError(-1) + try: + contents = urlopen(url, timeout=30).read() + break + except URLError as e: + print("Error downloading from url %s: %s" % (url, str(e))) + except socket.timeout as e: + print("Time out accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e))) + except socket.error as e: + print("Socket error when accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e))) + print("Sleeping %d seconds before retrying" % sleeptime) + time.sleep(sleeptime) + sleeptime = sleeptime * 2 + if sleeptime > max_sleeptime: + sleeptime = max_sleeptime + n += 1 + + try: + f = open(file_name, "w") + f.write(contents) + f.close() + except IOError as e: + print("Error writing downloaded contents to file %s: %s" % (file_name, str(e))) + raise SystemError(-1) + + +# BaseConfig {{{1 +class BaseConfig(object): + """Basic config setting/getting.""" + + def __init__( + self, + config=None, + initial_config_file=None, + config_options=None, + all_actions=None, + default_actions=None, + volatile_config=None, + option_args=None, + require_config_file=False, + append_env_variables_from_configs=False, + usage="usage: %prog [options]", + ): + self._config = {} + self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts = [] + self.actions = [] + self.config_lock = False + self.require_config_file = require_config_file + # It allows to append env variables from multiple config files + self.append_env_variables_from_configs = append_env_variables_from_configs + + if all_actions: + self.all_actions = all_actions[:] + else: + self.all_actions = ["clobber", "build"] + if default_actions: + self.default_actions = default_actions[:] + else: + self.default_actions = self.all_actions[:] + if volatile_config is None: + self.volatile_config = { + "actions": None, + "add_actions": None, + "no_actions": None, + } + else: + self.volatile_config = deepcopy(volatile_config) + + if config: + self.set_config(config) + if initial_config_file: + initial_config = parse_config_file(initial_config_file) + self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append((initial_config_file, initial_config)) + self.set_config(initial_config) + # Since initial_config_file is only set when running unit tests, + # if no option_args have been specified, then the parser will + # parse sys.argv which in this case would be the command line + # options specified to run the tests, e.g. nosetests -v. Clearly, + # the options passed to nosetests (such as -v) should not be + # interpreted by mozharness as mozharness options, so we specify + # a dummy command line with no options, so that the parser does + # not add anything from the test invocation command line + # arguments to the mozharness options. + if option_args is None: + option_args = [ + "dummy_mozharness_script_with_no_command_line_options.py" + ] + if config_options is None: + config_options = [] + self._create_config_parser(config_options, usage) + # we allow manually passing of option args for things like nosetests + self.parse_args(args=option_args) + + def get_read_only_config(self): + return ReadOnlyDict(self._config) + + def _create_config_parser(self, config_options, usage): + self.config_parser = ExtendedOptionParser(usage=usage) + self.config_parser.add_option( + "--work-dir", + action="store", + dest="work_dir", + type="string", + default="build", + help="Specify the work_dir (subdir of base_work_dir)", + ) + self.config_parser.add_option( + "--base-work-dir", + action="store", + dest="base_work_dir", + type="string", + default=os.getcwd(), + help="Specify the absolute path of the parent of the working directory", + ) + self.config_parser.add_option( + "--extra-config-path", + action="extend", + dest="config_paths", + type="string", + help="Specify additional paths to search for config files.", + ) + self.config_parser.add_option( + "-c", + "--config-file", + "--cfg", + action="extend", + dest="config_files", + default=[], + type="string", + help="Specify a config file; can be repeated", + ) + self.config_parser.add_option( + "-C", + "--opt-config-file", + "--opt-cfg", + action="extend", + dest="opt_config_files", + type="string", + default=[], + help="Specify an optional config file, like --config-file but with no " + "error if the file is missing; can be repeated", + ) + self.config_parser.add_option( + "--dump-config", + action="store_true", + dest="dump_config", + help="List and dump the config generated from this run to " "a JSON file.", + ) + self.config_parser.add_option( + "--dump-config-hierarchy", + action="store_true", + dest="dump_config_hierarchy", + help="Like --dump-config but will list and dump which config " + "files were used making up the config and specify their own " + "keys/values that were not overwritten by another cfg -- " + "held the highest hierarchy.", + ) + self.config_parser.add_option( + "--append-env-variables-from-configs", + action="store_true", + dest="append_env_variables_from_configs", + help="Merge environment variables from config files.", + ) + + # Logging + log_option_group = OptionGroup(self.config_parser, "Logging") + log_option_group.add_option( + "--log-level", + action="store", + type="choice", + dest="log_level", + default=INFO, + choices=[DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL], + help="Set log level (debug|info|warning|error|critical|fatal)", + ) + log_option_group.add_option( + "-q", + "--quiet", + action="store_false", + dest="log_to_console", + default=True, + help="Don't log to the console", + ) + log_option_group.add_option( + "--append-to-log", + action="store_true", + dest="append_to_log", + default=False, + help="Append to the log", + ) + log_option_group.add_option( + "--multi-log", + action="store_const", + const="multi", + dest="log_type", + help="Log using MultiFileLogger", + ) + log_option_group.add_option( + "--simple-log", + action="store_const", + const="simple", + dest="log_type", + help="Log using SimpleFileLogger", + ) + self.config_parser.add_option_group(log_option_group) + + # Actions + action_option_group = OptionGroup( + self.config_parser, + "Actions", + "Use these options to list or enable/disable actions.", + ) + action_option_group.add_option( + "--list-actions", + action="store_true", + dest="list_actions", + help="List all available actions, then exit", + ) + action_option_group.add_option( + "--add-action", + action="extend", + dest="add_actions", + metavar="ACTIONS", + help="Add action %s to the list of actions" % self.all_actions, + ) + action_option_group.add_option( + "--no-action", + action="extend", + dest="no_actions", + metavar="ACTIONS", + help="Don't perform action", + ) + action_option_group.add_option( + "--requires-gpu", + action="store_true", + dest="requires_gpu", + default=False, + help="Indicates if the task requires gpu. ", + ) + for action in self.all_actions: + action_option_group.add_option( + "--%s" % action, + action="append_const", + dest="actions", + const=action, + help="Add %s to the limited list of actions" % action, + ) + action_option_group.add_option( + "--no-%s" % action, + action="append_const", + dest="no_actions", + const=action, + help="Remove %s from the list of actions to perform" % action, + ) + self.config_parser.add_option_group(action_option_group) + # Child-specified options + # TODO error checking for overlapping options + if config_options: + for option in config_options: + self.config_parser.add_option(*option[0], **option[1]) + + # Initial-config-specified options + config_options = self._config.get("config_options", None) + if config_options: + for option in config_options: + self.config_parser.add_option(*option[0], **option[1]) + + def set_config(self, config, overwrite=False): + """This is probably doable some other way.""" + if self._config and not overwrite: + self._config.update(config) + else: + self._config = config + return self._config + + def get_actions(self): + return self.actions + + def verify_actions(self, action_list, quiet=False): + for action in action_list: + if action not in self.all_actions: + if not quiet: + print("Invalid action %s not in %s!" % (action, self.all_actions)) + raise SystemExit(-1) + return action_list + + def verify_actions_order(self, action_list): + try: + indexes = [self.all_actions.index(elt) for elt in action_list] + sorted_indexes = sorted(indexes) + for i in range(len(indexes)): + if indexes[i] != sorted_indexes[i]: + print( + ("Action %s comes in different order in %s\n" + "than in %s") + % (action_list[i], action_list, self.all_actions) + ) + raise SystemExit(-1) + except ValueError as e: + print("Invalid action found: " + str(e)) + raise SystemExit(-1) + + def list_actions(self): + print("Actions available:") + for a in self.all_actions: + print(" " + ("*" if a in self.default_actions else " "), a) + raise SystemExit(0) + + def get_cfgs_from_files(self, all_config_files, options): + """Returns the configuration derived from the list of configuration + files. The result is represented as a list of `(filename, + config_dict)` tuples; they will be combined with keys in later + dictionaries taking precedence over earlier. + + `all_config_files` is all files specified with `--config-file` and + `--opt-config-file`; `options` is the argparse options object giving + access to any other command-line options. + + This function is also responsible for downloading any configuration + files specified by URL. It uses ``parse_config_file`` in this module + to parse individual files. + + This method can be overridden in a subclass to add extra logic to the + way that self.config is made up. See + `mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase.BuildingConfig` for an example. + """ + config_paths = options.config_paths or ["."] + all_cfg_files_and_dicts = [] + for cf in all_config_files: + try: + if "://" in cf: # config file is an url + file_name = os.path.basename(cf) + file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), file_name) + download_config_file(cf, file_path) + all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append( + ( + file_path, + parse_config_file( + file_path, + search_path=["."], + ), + ) + ) + else: + all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append( + ( + cf, + parse_config_file( + cf, + search_path=config_paths + [DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH], + ), + ) + ) + except Exception: + if cf in options.opt_config_files: + print("WARNING: optional config file not found %s" % cf) + else: + raise + + if "EXTRA_MOZHARNESS_CONFIG" in os.environ: + env_config = json.loads(os.environ["EXTRA_MOZHARNESS_CONFIG"]) + all_cfg_files_and_dicts.append(("[EXTRA_MOZHARENSS_CONFIG]", env_config)) + + return all_cfg_files_and_dicts + + def parse_args(self, args=None): + """Parse command line arguments in a generic way. + Return the parser object after adding the basic options, so + child objects can manipulate it. + """ + self.command_line = " ".join(sys.argv) + if args is None: + args = sys.argv[1:] + (options, args) = self.config_parser.parse_args(args) + + defaults = self.config_parser.defaults.copy() + + if not options.config_files: + if self.require_config_file: + if options.list_actions: + self.list_actions() + print("Required config file not set! (use --config-file option)") + raise SystemExit(-1) + + os.environ["REQUIRE_GPU"] = "0" + if options.requires_gpu: + os.environ["REQUIRE_GPU"] = "1" + + # this is what get_cfgs_from_files returns. It will represent each + # config file name and its assoctiated dict + # eg ('builds/branch_specifics.py', {'foo': 'bar'}) + # let's store this to self for things like --interpret-config-files + self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts.extend( + self.get_cfgs_from_files( + # append opt_config to allow them to overwrite previous configs + options.config_files + options.opt_config_files, + options=options, + ) + ) + config = {} + if ( + self.append_env_variables_from_configs + or options.append_env_variables_from_configs + ): + # We only append values from various configs for the 'env' entry + # For everything else we follow the standard behaviour + for i, (c_file, c_dict) in enumerate(self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts): + for v in list(c_dict.keys()): + if v == "env" and v in config: + config[v].update(c_dict[v]) + else: + config[v] = c_dict[v] + else: + for i, (c_file, c_dict) in enumerate(self.all_cfg_files_and_dicts): + config.update(c_dict) + # assign or update self._config depending on if it exists or not + # NOTE self._config will be passed to ReadOnlyConfig's init -- a + # dict subclass with immutable locking capabilities -- and serve + # as the keys/values that make up that instance. Ultimately, + # this becomes self.config during BaseScript's init + self.set_config(config) + + for key in list(defaults.keys()): + value = getattr(options, key) + if value is None: + continue + # Don't override config_file defaults with config_parser defaults + if key in defaults and value == defaults[key] and key in self._config: + continue + self._config[key] = value + + # The idea behind the volatile_config is we don't want to save this + # info over multiple runs. This defaults to the action-specific + # config options, but can be anything. + for key in list(self.volatile_config.keys()): + if self._config.get(key) is not None: + self.volatile_config[key] = self._config[key] + del self._config[key] + + self.update_actions() + if options.list_actions: + self.list_actions() + + # Keep? This is for saving the volatile config in the dump_config + self._config["volatile_config"] = self.volatile_config + + self.options = options + self.args = args + return (self.options, self.args) + + def update_actions(self): + """Update actions after reading in config. + + Seems a little complex, but the logic goes: + + First, if default_actions is specified in the config, set our + default actions even if the script specifies other default actions. + + Without any other action-specific options, run with default actions. + + If we specify --ACTION or --only-ACTION once or multiple times, + we want to override the default_actions list with the one(s) we list. + + Otherwise, if we specify --add-action ACTION, we want to add an + action to the list. + + Finally, if we specify --no-ACTION, remove that from the list of + actions to perform. + """ + if self._config.get("default_actions"): + default_actions = self.verify_actions(self._config["default_actions"]) + self.default_actions = default_actions + self.verify_actions_order(self.default_actions) + self.actions = self.default_actions[:] + if self.volatile_config["actions"]: + actions = self.verify_actions(self.volatile_config["actions"]) + self.actions = actions + elif self.volatile_config["add_actions"]: + actions = self.verify_actions(self.volatile_config["add_actions"]) + self.actions.extend(actions) + if self.volatile_config["no_actions"]: + actions = self.verify_actions(self.volatile_config["no_actions"]) + for action in actions: + if action in self.actions: + self.actions.remove(action) + + +# __main__ {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/diskutils.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/diskutils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..757a6ffb7a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/diskutils.py @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +"""Disk utility module, no mixins here! + + examples: + 1) get disk size + from mozharness.base.diskutils import DiskInfo, DiskutilsError + ... + try: + DiskSize().get_size(path='/', unit='Mb') + except DiskutilsError as e: + # manage the exception e.g: log.error(e) + pass + log.info("%s" % di) + + + 2) convert disk size: + from mozharness.base.diskutils import DiskutilsError, convert_to + ... + file_size = <function that gets file size in bytes> + # convert file_size to GB + try: + file_size = convert_to(file_size, from_unit='bytes', to_unit='GB') + except DiskutilsError as e: + # manage the exception e.g: log.error(e) + pass + +""" +import ctypes +import logging +import os +import sys + +from six import string_types + +from mozharness.base.log import INFO, numeric_log_level + +# use mozharness log +log = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +class DiskutilsError(Exception): + """Exception thrown by Diskutils module""" + + pass + + +def convert_to(size, from_unit, to_unit): + """Helper method to convert filesystem sizes to kB/ MB/ GB/ TB/ + valid values for source_format and destination format are: + * bytes + * kB + * MB + * GB + * TB + returns: size converted from source_format to destination_format. + """ + sizes = { + "bytes": 1, + "kB": 1024, + "MB": 1024 * 1024, + "GB": 1024 * 1024 * 1024, + "TB": 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, + } + try: + df = sizes[to_unit] + sf = sizes[from_unit] + # pylint --py3k W1619 + return size * sf / df + except KeyError: + raise DiskutilsError("conversion error: Invalid source or destination format") + except TypeError: + raise DiskutilsError("conversion error: size (%s) is not a number" % size) + + +class DiskInfo(object): + """Stores basic information about the disk""" + + def __init__(self): + self.unit = "bytes" + self.free = 0 + self.used = 0 + self.total = 0 + + def __str__(self): + string = ["Disk space info (in %s)" % self.unit] + string += ["total: %s" % self.total] + string += ["used: %s" % self.used] + string += ["free: %s" % self.free] + return " ".join(string) + + def _to(self, unit): + from_unit = self.unit + to_unit = unit + self.free = convert_to(self.free, from_unit=from_unit, to_unit=to_unit) + self.used = convert_to(self.used, from_unit=from_unit, to_unit=to_unit) + self.total = convert_to(self.total, from_unit=from_unit, to_unit=to_unit) + self.unit = unit + + +class DiskSize(object): + """DiskSize object""" + + @staticmethod + def _posix_size(path): + """returns the disk size in bytes + disk size is relative to path + """ + # we are on a POSIX system + st = os.statvfs(path) + disk_info = DiskInfo() + disk_info.free = st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize + disk_info.used = (st.f_blocks - st.f_bfree) * st.f_frsize + disk_info.total = st.f_blocks * st.f_frsize + return disk_info + + @staticmethod + def _windows_size(path): + """returns size in bytes, works only on windows platforms""" + # we're on a non POSIX system (windows) + # DLL call + disk_info = DiskInfo() + dummy = ctypes.c_ulonglong() # needed by the dll call but not used + total = ctypes.c_ulonglong() # stores the total space value + free = ctypes.c_ulonglong() # stores the free space value + # depending on path format (unicode or not) and python version (2 or 3) + # we need to call GetDiskFreeSpaceExW or GetDiskFreeSpaceExA + called_function = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExA + if isinstance(path, string_types) or sys.version_info >= (3,): + called_function = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW + # we're ready for the dll call. On error it returns 0 + if ( + called_function( + path, ctypes.byref(dummy), ctypes.byref(total), ctypes.byref(free) + ) + != 0 + ): + # success, we can use the values returned by the dll call + disk_info.free = free.value + disk_info.total = total.value + disk_info.used = total.value - free.value + return disk_info + + @staticmethod + def get_size(path, unit, log_level=INFO): + """Disk info stats: + total => size of the disk + used => space used + free => free space + In case of error raises a DiskutilError Exception + """ + try: + # let's try to get the disk size using os module + disk_info = DiskSize()._posix_size(path) + except AttributeError: + try: + # os module failed. let's try to get the size using + # ctypes.windll... + disk_info = DiskSize()._windows_size(path) + except AttributeError: + # No luck! This is not a posix nor window platform + # raise an exception + raise DiskutilsError("Unsupported platform") + + disk_info._to(unit) + lvl = numeric_log_level(log_level) + log.log(lvl, msg="%s" % disk_info) + return disk_info diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/errors.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/errors.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..814dd2e045 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/errors.py @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""Generic error lists. + +Error lists are used to parse output in mozharness.base.log.OutputParser. + +Each line of output is matched against each substring or regular expression +in the error list. On a match, we determine the 'level' of that line, +whether IGNORE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, or FATAL. + +TODO: Context lines (requires work on the OutputParser side) + +TODO: We could also create classes that generate these, but with the +appropriate level (please don't die on any errors; please die on any +warning; etc.) or platform or language or whatever. +""" + +import re + +from mozharness.base.log import CRITICAL, DEBUG, ERROR, WARNING + + +# Exceptions +class VCSException(Exception): + pass + + +# ErrorLists {{{1 +BaseErrorList = [{"substr": r"""command not found""", "level": ERROR}] + +HgErrorList = BaseErrorList + [ + { + "regex": re.compile(r"""^abort:"""), + "level": ERROR, + "explanation": "Automation Error: hg not responding", + }, + { + "substr": r"""unknown exception encountered""", + "level": ERROR, + "explanation": "Automation Error: python exception in hg", + }, + { + "substr": r"""failed to import extension""", + "level": WARNING, + "explanation": "Automation Error: hg extension missing", + }, +] + +GitErrorList = BaseErrorList + [ + {"substr": r"""Permission denied (publickey).""", "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly""", "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""does not appear to be a git repository""", "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""error: src refspec""", "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""invalid author/committer line -""", "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""remote: fatal: Error in object""", "level": ERROR}, + { + "substr": r"""fatal: sha1 file '<stdout>' write error: Broken pipe""", + "level": ERROR, + }, + {"substr": r"""error: failed to push some refs to """, "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""remote: error: denying non-fast-forward """, "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""! [remote rejected] """, "level": ERROR}, + {"regex": re.compile(r"""remote:.*No such file or directory"""), "level": ERROR}, +] + +PythonErrorList = BaseErrorList + [ + {"regex": re.compile(r"""Warning:.*Error: """), "level": WARNING}, + {"regex": re.compile(r"""package.*> Error:"""), "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""Traceback (most recent call last)""", "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""SyntaxError: """, "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""TypeError: """, "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""NameError: """, "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""ZeroDivisionError: """, "level": ERROR}, + {"regex": re.compile(r"""raise \w*Exception: """), "level": CRITICAL}, + {"regex": re.compile(r"""raise \w*Error: """), "level": CRITICAL}, +] + +VirtualenvErrorList = [ + {"substr": r"""not found or a compiler error:""", "level": WARNING}, + {"regex": re.compile("""\d+: error: """), "level": ERROR}, + {"regex": re.compile("""\d+: warning: """), "level": WARNING}, + { + "regex": re.compile(r"""Downloading .* \(.*\): *([0-9]+%)? *[0-9\.]+[kmKM]b"""), + "level": DEBUG, + }, +] + PythonErrorList + +RustErrorList = [ + {"regex": re.compile(r"""error\[E\d+\]:"""), "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""error: Could not compile""", "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""error: aborting due to previous error""", "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""thread 'main' panicked at""", "level": ERROR}, +] + +# We may need to have various MakefileErrorLists for differing amounts of +# warning-ignoring-ness. +MakefileErrorList = ( + BaseErrorList + + PythonErrorList + + RustErrorList + + [ + {"substr": r""": error: """, "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""No rule to make target """, "level": ERROR}, + {"regex": re.compile(r"""akefile.*was not found\."""), "level": ERROR}, + {"regex": re.compile(r"""Stop\.$"""), "level": ERROR}, + { + "regex": re.compile(r"""make\[\d+\]: \*\*\* \[.*\] Error \d+"""), + "level": ERROR, + }, + {"regex": re.compile(r""":\d+: warning:"""), "level": WARNING}, + {"regex": re.compile(r"""make(?:\[\d+\])?: \*\*\*/"""), "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""Warning: """, "level": WARNING}, + ] +) + +TarErrorList = BaseErrorList + [ + {"substr": r"""(stdin) is not a bzip2 file.""", "level": ERROR}, + {"regex": re.compile(r"""Child returned status [1-9]"""), "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""Error exit delayed from previous errors""", "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""stdin: unexpected end of file""", "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""stdin: not in gzip format""", "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""Cannot exec: No such file or directory""", "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r""": Error is not recoverable: exiting now""", "level": ERROR}, +] + +ZipErrorList = BaseErrorList + [ + { + "substr": r"""zip warning:""", + "level": WARNING, + }, + { + "substr": r"""zip error:""", + "level": ERROR, + }, + { + "substr": r"""Cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive""", + "level": ERROR, + }, +] + +ZipalignErrorList = BaseErrorList + [ + { + "regex": re.compile(r"""Unable to open .* as a zip archive"""), + "level": ERROR, + }, + { + "regex": re.compile(r"""Output file .* exists"""), + "level": ERROR, + }, + { + "substr": r"""Input and output can't be the same file""", + "level": ERROR, + }, +] + + +# __main__ {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + """TODO: unit tests.""" + pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/log.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/log.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..3276696751 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/log.py @@ -0,0 +1,783 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""Generic logging classes and functionalities for single and multi file logging. +Capturing console output and providing general logging functionalities. + +Attributes: + FATAL_LEVEL (int): constant logging level value set based on the logging.CRITICAL + value + DEBUG (str): mozharness `debug` log name + INFO (str): mozharness `info` log name + WARNING (str): mozharness `warning` log name + CRITICAL (str): mozharness `critical` log name + FATAL (str): mozharness `fatal` log name + IGNORE (str): mozharness `ignore` log name + LOG_LEVELS (dict): mapping of the mozharness log level names to logging values + ROOT_LOGGER (logging.Logger): instance of a logging.Logger class + +TODO: +- network logging support. +- log rotation config +""" + +import logging +import os +import sys +import time +import traceback +from datetime import datetime + +from six import binary_type + +# Define our own FATAL_LEVEL +FATAL_LEVEL = logging.CRITICAL + 10 +logging.addLevelName(FATAL_LEVEL, "FATAL") + +# mozharness log levels. +DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL, IGNORE = ( + "debug", + "info", + "warning", + "error", + "critical", + "fatal", + "ignore", +) + + +LOG_LEVELS = { + DEBUG: logging.DEBUG, + INFO: logging.INFO, + WARNING: logging.WARNING, + ERROR: logging.ERROR, + CRITICAL: logging.CRITICAL, + FATAL: FATAL_LEVEL, +} + +# mozharness root logger +ROOT_LOGGER = logging.getLogger() + +# Force logging to use UTC timestamps +logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime + + +# LogMixin {{{1 +class LogMixin(object): + """This is a mixin for any object to access similar logging functionality + + The logging functionality described here is specially useful for those + objects with self.config and self.log_obj member variables + """ + + def _log_level_at_least(self, level): + """Check if the current logging level is greater or equal than level + + Args: + level (str): log level name to compare against mozharness log levels + names + + Returns: + bool: True if the current logging level is great or equal than level, + False otherwise + """ + log_level = INFO + levels = [DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL] + if hasattr(self, "config"): + log_level = self.config.get("log_level", INFO) + return levels.index(level) >= levels.index(log_level) + + def _print(self, message, stderr=False): + """prints a message to the sys.stdout or sys.stderr according to the + value of the stderr argument. + + Args: + message (str): The message to be printed + stderr (bool, optional): if True, message will be printed to + sys.stderr. Defaults to False. + + Returns: + None + """ + if not hasattr(self, "config") or self.config.get("log_to_console", True): + if stderr: + print(message, file=sys.stderr) + else: + print(message) + + def log(self, message, level=INFO, exit_code=-1): + """log the message passed to it according to level, exit if level == FATAL + + Args: + message (str): message to be logged + level (str, optional): logging level of the message. Defaults to INFO + exit_code (int, optional): exit code to log before the scripts calls + SystemExit. + + Returns: + None + """ + if self.log_obj: + return self.log_obj.log_message( + message, + level=level, + exit_code=exit_code, + post_fatal_callback=self._post_fatal, + ) + if level == INFO: + if self._log_level_at_least(level): + self._print(message) + elif level == DEBUG: + if self._log_level_at_least(level): + self._print("DEBUG: %s" % message) + elif level in (WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL): + if self._log_level_at_least(level): + self._print("%s: %s" % (level.upper(), message), stderr=True) + elif level == FATAL: + if self._log_level_at_least(level): + self._print("FATAL: %s" % message, stderr=True) + raise SystemExit(exit_code) + + def worst_level(self, target_level, existing_level, levels=None): + """Compare target_level with existing_level according to levels values + and return the worst among them. + + Args: + target_level (str): minimum logging level to which the current object + should be set + existing_level (str): current logging level + levels (list(str), optional): list of logging levels names to compare + target_level and existing_level against. + Defaults to mozharness log level + list sorted from most to less critical. + + Returns: + str: the logging lavel that is closest to the first levels value, + i.e. levels[0] + """ + if not levels: + levels = [FATAL, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, IGNORE] + if target_level not in levels: + self.fatal("'%s' not in %s'." % (target_level, levels)) + for l in levels: + if l in (target_level, existing_level): + return l + + # Copying Bear's dumpException(): + # https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools/annotate/1485f23c38e0/sut_tools/sut_lib.py#l23 + def exception(self, message=None, level=ERROR): + """log an exception message base on the log level passed to it. + + This function fetches the information of the current exception being handled and + adds it to the message argument. + + Args: + message (str, optional): message to be printed at the beginning of the log. + Default to an empty string. + level (str, optional): log level to use for the logging. Defaults to ERROR + + Returns: + None + """ + tb_type, tb_value, tb_traceback = sys.exc_info() + if message is None: + message = "" + else: + message = "%s\n" % message + for s in traceback.format_exception(tb_type, tb_value, tb_traceback): + message += "%s\n" % s + # Log at the end, as a fatal will attempt to exit after the 1st line. + self.log(message, level=level) + + def debug(self, message): + """calls the log method with DEBUG as logging level + + Args: + message (str): message to log + """ + self.log(message, level=DEBUG) + + def info(self, message): + """calls the log method with INFO as logging level + + Args: + message (str): message to log + """ + self.log(message, level=INFO) + + def warning(self, message): + """calls the log method with WARNING as logging level + + Args: + message (str): message to log + """ + self.log(message, level=WARNING) + + def error(self, message): + """calls the log method with ERROR as logging level + + Args: + message (str): message to log + """ + self.log(message, level=ERROR) + + def critical(self, message): + """calls the log method with CRITICAL as logging level + + Args: + message (str): message to log + """ + self.log(message, level=CRITICAL) + + def fatal(self, message, exit_code=-1): + """calls the log method with FATAL as logging level + + Args: + message (str): message to log + exit_code (int, optional): exit code to use for the SystemExit + exception to be raised. Default to -1. + """ + self.log(message, level=FATAL, exit_code=exit_code) + + def _post_fatal(self, message=None, exit_code=None): + """Sometimes you want to create a report or cleanup + or notify on fatal(); override this method to do so. + + Please don't use this for anything significantly long-running. + + Args: + message (str, optional): message to report. Default to None + exit_code (int, optional): exit code to use for the SystemExit + exception to be raised. Default to None + """ + pass + + +# OutputParser {{{1 +class OutputParser(LogMixin): + """Helper object to parse command output. + + This will buffer output if needed, so we can go back and mark + [(linenum - 10) : linenum+10] as errors if need be, without having to + get all the output first. + + linenum+10 will be easy; we can set self.num_post_context_lines to 10, + and self.num_post_context_lines-- as we mark each line to at least error + level X. + + linenum-10 will be trickier. We'll not only need to save the line + itself, but also the level that we've set for that line previously, + whether by matching on that line, or by a previous line's context. + We should only log that line if all output has ended (self.finish() ?); + otherwise store a list of dictionaries in self.context_buffer that is + buffered up to self.num_pre_context_lines (set to the largest + pre-context-line setting in error_list.) + """ + + def __init__( + self, config=None, log_obj=None, error_list=None, log_output=True, **kwargs + ): + """Initialization method for the OutputParser class + + Args: + config (dict, optional): dictionary containing values such as `log_level` + or `log_to_console`. Defaults to `None`. + log_obj (BaseLogger, optional): instance of the BaseLogger class. Defaults + to `None`. + error_list (list, optional): list of the error to look for. Defaults to + `None`. + log_output (boolean, optional): flag for deciding if the commands + output should be logged or not. + Defaults to `True`. + """ + self.config = config + self.log_obj = log_obj + self.error_list = error_list or [] + self.log_output = log_output + self.num_errors = 0 + self.num_warnings = 0 + # TODO context_lines. + # Not in use yet, but will be based off error_list. + self.context_buffer = [] + self.num_pre_context_lines = 0 + self.num_post_context_lines = 0 + self.worst_log_level = INFO + + def parse_single_line(self, line): + """parse a console output line and check if it matches one in `error_list`, + if so then log it according to `log_output`. + + Args: + line (str): command line output to parse. + + Returns: + If the line hits a match in the error_list, the new log level the line was + (or should be) logged at is returned. Otherwise, returns None. + """ + for error_check in self.error_list: + # TODO buffer for context_lines. + match = False + if "substr" in error_check: + if error_check["substr"] in line: + match = True + elif "regex" in error_check: + if error_check["regex"].search(line): + match = True + else: + self.warning("error_list: 'substr' and 'regex' not in %s" % error_check) + if match: + log_level = error_check.get("level", INFO) + if self.log_output: + message = " %s" % line + if error_check.get("explanation"): + message += "\n %s" % error_check["explanation"] + if error_check.get("summary"): + self.add_summary(message, level=log_level) + else: + self.log(message, level=log_level) + if log_level in (ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL): + self.num_errors += 1 + if log_level == WARNING: + self.num_warnings += 1 + self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(log_level, self.worst_log_level) + return log_level + + if self.log_output: + self.info(" %s" % line) + + def add_lines(self, output): + """process a string or list of strings, decode them to utf-8,strip + them of any trailing whitespaces and parse them using `parse_single_line` + + strings consisting only of whitespaces are ignored. + + Args: + output (str | list): string or list of string to parse + """ + if not isinstance(output, list): + output = [output] + + for line in output: + if not line or line.isspace(): + continue + + if isinstance(line, binary_type): + line = line.decode("utf-8", "replace") + + line = line.rstrip() + self.parse_single_line(line) + + +# BaseLogger {{{1 +class BaseLogger(object): + """Base class in charge of logging handling logic such as creating logging + files, dirs, attaching to the console output and managing its output. + + Attributes: + LEVELS (dict): flat copy of the `LOG_LEVELS` attribute of the `log` module. + + TODO: status? There may be a status object or status capability in + either logging or config that allows you to count the number of + error,critical,fatal messages for us to count up at the end (aiming + for 0). + """ + + LEVELS = LOG_LEVELS + + def __init__( + self, + log_level=INFO, + log_format="%(message)s", + log_date_format="%H:%M:%S", + log_name="test", + log_to_console=True, + log_dir=".", + log_to_raw=False, + logger_name="", + append_to_log=False, + ): + """BaseLogger constructor + + Args: + log_level (str, optional): mozharness log level name. Defaults to INFO. + log_format (str, optional): message format string to instantiate a + `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to '%(message)s' + log_date_format (str, optional): date format string to instantiate a + `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to '%H:%M:%S' + log_name (str, optional): name to use for the log files to be created. + Defaults to 'test' + log_to_console (bool, optional): set to True in order to create a Handler + instance base on the `Logger` + current instance. Defaults to True. + log_dir (str, optional): directory location to store the log files. + Defaults to '.', i.e. current working directory. + log_to_raw (bool, optional): set to True in order to create a *raw.log + file. Defaults to False. + logger_name (str, optional): currently useless parameter. According + to the code comments, it could be useful + if we were to have multiple logging + objects that don't trample each other. + append_to_log (bool, optional): set to True if the logging content should + be appended to old logging files. Defaults to False + """ + + self.log_format = log_format + self.log_date_format = log_date_format + self.log_to_console = log_to_console + self.log_to_raw = log_to_raw + self.log_level = log_level + self.log_name = log_name + self.log_dir = log_dir + self.append_to_log = append_to_log + + # Not sure what I'm going to use this for; useless unless we + # can have multiple logging objects that don't trample each other + self.logger_name = logger_name + + self.all_handlers = [] + self.log_files = {} + + self.create_log_dir() + + def create_log_dir(self): + """create a logging directory if it doesn't exits. If there is a file with + same name as the future logging directory it will be deleted. + """ + + if os.path.exists(self.log_dir): + if not os.path.isdir(self.log_dir): + os.remove(self.log_dir) + if not os.path.exists(self.log_dir): + os.makedirs(self.log_dir) + self.abs_log_dir = os.path.abspath(self.log_dir) + + def init_message(self, name=None): + """log an init message stating the name passed to it, the current date + and time and, the current working directory. + + Args: + name (str, optional): name to use for the init log message. Defaults to + the current instance class name. + """ + + if not name: + name = self.__class__.__name__ + self.log_message( + "%s online at %s in %s" + % (name, datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%SZ"), os.getcwd()) + ) + + def get_logger_level(self, level=None): + """translate the level name passed to it and return its numeric value + according to `LEVELS` values. + + Args: + level (str, optional): level name to be translated. Defaults to the current + instance `log_level`. + + Returns: + int: numeric value of the log level name passed to it or 0 (NOTSET) if the + name doesn't exists + """ + + if not level: + level = self.log_level + return self.LEVELS.get(level, logging.NOTSET) + + def get_log_formatter(self, log_format=None, date_format=None): + """create a `logging.Formatter` base on the log and date format. + + Args: + log_format (str, optional): log format to use for the Formatter constructor. + Defaults to the current instance log format. + date_format (str, optional): date format to use for the Formatter constructor. + Defaults to the current instance date format. + + Returns: + logging.Formatter: instance created base on the passed arguments + """ + + if not log_format: + log_format = self.log_format + if not date_format: + date_format = self.log_date_format + return logging.Formatter(log_format, date_format) + + def new_logger(self): + """Create a new logger based on the ROOT_LOGGER instance. By default there are no handlers. + The new logger becomes a member variable of the current instance as `self.logger`. + """ + + self.logger = ROOT_LOGGER + self.logger.setLevel(self.get_logger_level()) + self._clear_handlers() + if self.log_to_console: + self.add_console_handler() + if self.log_to_raw: + self.log_files["raw"] = "%s_raw.log" % self.log_name + self.add_file_handler( + os.path.join(self.abs_log_dir, self.log_files["raw"]), + log_format="%(message)s", + ) + + def _clear_handlers(self): + """remove all handlers stored in `self.all_handlers`. + + To prevent dups -- logging will preserve Handlers across + objects :( + """ + attrs = dir(self) + if "all_handlers" in attrs and "logger" in attrs: + for handler in self.all_handlers: + self.logger.removeHandler(handler) + self.all_handlers = [] + + def __del__(self): + """BaseLogger class destructor; shutdown, flush and remove all handlers""" + logging.shutdown() + self._clear_handlers() + + def add_console_handler(self, log_level=None, log_format=None, date_format=None): + """create a `logging.StreamHandler` using `sys.stderr` for logging the console + output and add it to the `all_handlers` member variable + + Args: + log_level (str, optional): useless argument. Not used here. + Defaults to None. + log_format (str, optional): format used for the Formatter attached to the + StreamHandler. Defaults to None. + date_format (str, optional): format used for the Formatter attached to the + StreamHandler. Defaults to None. + """ + + console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() + console_handler.setFormatter( + self.get_log_formatter(log_format=log_format, date_format=date_format) + ) + self.logger.addHandler(console_handler) + self.all_handlers.append(console_handler) + + def add_file_handler( + self, log_path, log_level=None, log_format=None, date_format=None + ): + """create a `logging.FileHandler` base on the path, log and date format + and add it to the `all_handlers` member variable. + + Args: + log_path (str): filepath to use for the `FileHandler`. + log_level (str, optional): useless argument. Not used here. + Defaults to None. + log_format (str, optional): log format to use for the Formatter constructor. + Defaults to the current instance log format. + date_format (str, optional): date format to use for the Formatter constructor. + Defaults to the current instance date format. + """ + + if not self.append_to_log and os.path.exists(log_path): + os.remove(log_path) + file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path) + file_handler.setLevel(self.get_logger_level(log_level)) + file_handler.setFormatter( + self.get_log_formatter(log_format=log_format, date_format=date_format) + ) + self.logger.addHandler(file_handler) + self.all_handlers.append(file_handler) + + def log_message(self, message, level=INFO, exit_code=-1, post_fatal_callback=None): + """Generic log method. + There should be more options here -- do or don't split by line, + use os.linesep instead of assuming \n, be able to pass in log level + by name or number. + + Adding the IGNORE special level for runCommand. + + Args: + message (str): message to log using the current `logger` + level (str, optional): log level of the message. Defaults to INFO. + exit_code (int, optional): exit code to use in case of a FATAL level is used. + Defaults to -1. + post_fatal_callback (function, optional): function to callback in case of + of a fatal log level. Defaults None. + """ + + if level == IGNORE: + return + for line in message.splitlines(): + self.logger.log(self.get_logger_level(level), line) + if level == FATAL: + if callable(post_fatal_callback): + self.logger.log(FATAL_LEVEL, "Running post_fatal callback...") + post_fatal_callback(message=message, exit_code=exit_code) + self.logger.log(FATAL_LEVEL, "Exiting %d" % exit_code) + raise SystemExit(exit_code) + + +# SimpleFileLogger {{{1 +class SimpleFileLogger(BaseLogger): + """Subclass of the BaseLogger. + + Create one logFile. Possibly also output to the terminal and a raw log + (no prepending of level or date) + """ + + def __init__( + self, + log_format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s", + logger_name="Simple", + log_dir="logs", + **kwargs + ): + """SimpleFileLogger constructor. Calls its superclass constructor, + creates a new logger instance and log an init message. + + Args: + log_format (str, optional): message format string to instantiate a + `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to + '%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s' + log_name (str, optional): name to use for the log files to be created. + Defaults to 'Simple' + log_dir (str, optional): directory location to store the log files. + Defaults to 'logs' + **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to the BaseLogger constructor + """ + + BaseLogger.__init__( + self, + logger_name=logger_name, + log_format=log_format, + log_dir=log_dir, + **kwargs + ) + self.new_logger() + self.init_message() + + def new_logger(self): + """calls the BaseLogger.new_logger method and adds a file handler to it.""" + + BaseLogger.new_logger(self) + self.log_path = os.path.join(self.abs_log_dir, "%s.log" % self.log_name) + self.log_files["default"] = self.log_path + self.add_file_handler(self.log_path) + + +# MultiFileLogger {{{1 +class MultiFileLogger(BaseLogger): + """Subclass of the BaseLogger class. Create a log per log level in log_dir. + Possibly also output to the terminal and a raw log (no prepending of level or date) + """ + + def __init__( + self, + logger_name="Multi", + log_format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s", + log_dir="logs", + log_to_raw=True, + **kwargs + ): + """MultiFileLogger constructor. Calls its superclass constructor, + creates a new logger instance and log an init message. + + Args: + log_format (str, optional): message format string to instantiate a + `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to + '%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s' + log_name (str, optional): name to use for the log files to be created. + Defaults to 'Multi' + log_dir (str, optional): directory location to store the log files. + Defaults to 'logs' + log_to_raw (bool, optional): set to True in order to create a *raw.log + file. Defaults to False. + **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to the BaseLogger constructor + """ + + BaseLogger.__init__( + self, + logger_name=logger_name, + log_format=log_format, + log_to_raw=log_to_raw, + log_dir=log_dir, + **kwargs + ) + + self.new_logger() + self.init_message() + + def new_logger(self): + """calls the BaseLogger.new_logger method and adds a file handler per + logging level in the `LEVELS` class attribute. + """ + + BaseLogger.new_logger(self) + min_logger_level = self.get_logger_level(self.log_level) + for level in list(self.LEVELS.keys()): + if self.get_logger_level(level) >= min_logger_level: + self.log_files[level] = "%s_%s.log" % (self.log_name, level) + self.add_file_handler( + os.path.join(self.abs_log_dir, self.log_files[level]), + log_level=level, + ) + + +# ConsoleLogger {{{1 +class ConsoleLogger(BaseLogger): + """Subclass of the BaseLogger. + + Output logs to stderr. + """ + + def __init__( + self, + log_format="%(levelname)8s - %(message)s", + log_date_format="%H:%M:%S", + logger_name="Console", + **kwargs + ): + """ConsoleLogger constructor. Calls its superclass constructor, + creates a new logger instance and log an init message. + + Args: + log_format (str, optional): message format string to instantiate a + `logging.Formatter`. Defaults to + '%(levelname)8s - %(message)s' + **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to the BaseLogger + constructor + """ + + BaseLogger.__init__( + self, logger_name=logger_name, log_format=log_format, **kwargs + ) + self.new_logger() + self.init_message() + + def new_logger(self): + """Create a new logger based on the ROOT_LOGGER instance. By default + there are no handlers. The new logger becomes a member variable of the + current instance as `self.logger`. + """ + self.logger = ROOT_LOGGER + self.logger.setLevel(self.get_logger_level()) + self._clear_handlers() + self.add_console_handler() + + +def numeric_log_level(level): + """Converts a mozharness log level (string) to the corresponding logger + level (number). This function makes possible to set the log level + in functions that do not inherit from LogMixin + + Args: + level (str): log level name to convert. + + Returns: + int: numeric value of the log level name. + """ + return LOG_LEVELS[level] + + +# __main__ {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + """Useless comparison, due to the `pass` keyword on its body""" + pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/parallel.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/parallel.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..678dadeede --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/parallel.py @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""Generic ways to parallelize jobs. +""" + + +# ChunkingMixin {{{1 +class ChunkingMixin(object): + """Generic Chunking helper methods.""" + + def query_chunked_list(self, possible_list, this_chunk, total_chunks, sort=False): + """Split a list of items into a certain number of chunks and + return the subset of that will occur in this chunk. + + Ported from build.l10n.getLocalesForChunk in build/tools. + """ + if sort: + possible_list = sorted(possible_list) + else: + # Copy to prevent altering + possible_list = possible_list[:] + length = len(possible_list) + for c in range(1, total_chunks + 1): + n = length // total_chunks + # If the total number of items isn't evenly divisible by the + # number of chunks, we need to append one more onto some chunks + if c <= (length % total_chunks): + n += 1 + if c == this_chunk: + return possible_list[0:n] + del possible_list[0:n] diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/python.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/python.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..73e50bfe7c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/python.py @@ -0,0 +1,1182 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""Python usage, esp. virtualenv. +""" + +import errno +import json +import os +import shutil +import site +import socket +import subprocess +import sys +import traceback +from pathlib import Path + +try: + import urlparse +except ImportError: + import urllib.parse as urlparse + +from six import string_types + +import mozharness +from mozharness.base.errors import VirtualenvErrorList +from mozharness.base.log import FATAL, WARNING +from mozharness.base.script import ( + PostScriptAction, + PostScriptRun, + PreScriptAction, + ScriptMixin, +) + +external_tools_path = os.path.join( + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), + "external_tools", +) + + +def get_tlsv1_post(): + # Monkeypatch to work around SSL errors in non-bleeding-edge Python. + # Taken from https://lukasa.co.uk/2013/01/Choosing_SSL_Version_In_Requests/ + import ssl + + import requests + from requests.packages.urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager + + class TLSV1Adapter(requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter): + def init_poolmanager(self, connections, maxsize, block=False): + self.poolmanager = PoolManager( + num_pools=connections, + maxsize=maxsize, + block=block, + ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, + ) + + s = requests.Session() + s.mount("https://", TLSV1Adapter()) + return s.post + + +# Virtualenv {{{1 +virtualenv_config_options = [ + [ + ["--virtualenv-path"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "virtualenv_path", + "default": "venv", + "help": "Specify the path to the virtualenv top level directory", + }, + ], + [ + ["--find-links"], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "find_links", + "default": ["https://pypi.pub.build.mozilla.org/pub/"], + "help": "URL to look for packages at", + }, + ], + [ + ["--pip-index"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "dest": "pip_index", + "help": "Use pip indexes", + }, + ], + [ + ["--no-pip-index"], + { + "action": "store_false", + "dest": "pip_index", + "help": "Don't use pip indexes (default)", + }, + ], +] + + +class VirtualenvMixin(object): + """BaseScript mixin, designed to create and use virtualenvs. + + Config items: + * virtualenv_path points to the virtualenv location on disk. + * virtualenv_modules lists the module names. + * MODULE_url list points to the module URLs (optional) + Requires virtualenv to be in PATH. + Depends on ScriptMixin + """ + + python_paths = {} + site_packages_path = None + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + self._virtualenv_modules = [] + super(VirtualenvMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + + def register_virtualenv_module( + self, + name=None, + url=None, + method=None, + requirements=None, + optional=False, + two_pass=False, + editable=False, + ): + """Register a module to be installed with the virtualenv. + + This method can be called up until create_virtualenv() to register + modules that should be installed in the virtualenv. + + See the documentation for install_module for how the arguments are + applied. + """ + self._virtualenv_modules.append( + (name, url, method, requirements, optional, two_pass, editable) + ) + + def query_virtualenv_path(self): + """Determine the absolute path to the virtualenv.""" + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + if "abs_virtualenv_dir" in dirs: + return dirs["abs_virtualenv_dir"] + + p = self.config["virtualenv_path"] + if not p: + self.fatal( + "virtualenv_path config option not set; " "this should never happen" + ) + + if os.path.isabs(p): + return p + else: + return os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], p) + + def query_python_path(self, binary="python"): + """Return the path of a binary inside the virtualenv, if + c['virtualenv_path'] is set; otherwise return the binary name. + Otherwise return None + """ + if binary not in self.python_paths: + bin_dir = "bin" + if self._is_windows(): + bin_dir = "Scripts" + virtualenv_path = self.query_virtualenv_path() + self.python_paths[binary] = os.path.abspath( + os.path.join(virtualenv_path, bin_dir, binary) + ) + + return self.python_paths[binary] + + def query_python_site_packages_path(self): + if self.site_packages_path: + return self.site_packages_path + python = self.query_python_path() + self.site_packages_path = self.get_output_from_command( + [ + python, + "-c", + "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; " + + "print(get_python_lib())", + ] + ) + return self.site_packages_path + + def package_versions( + self, pip_freeze_output=None, error_level=WARNING, log_output=False + ): + """ + reads packages from `pip freeze` output and returns a dict of + {package_name: 'version'} + """ + packages = {} + + if pip_freeze_output is None: + # get the output from `pip freeze` + pip = self.query_python_path("pip") + if not pip: + self.log("package_versions: Program pip not in path", level=error_level) + return {} + pip_freeze_output = self.get_output_from_command( + [pip, "list", "--format", "freeze", "--no-index"], + silent=True, + ignore_errors=True, + ) + if not isinstance(pip_freeze_output, string_types): + self.fatal( + "package_versions: Error encountered running `pip freeze`: " + + pip_freeze_output + ) + + for l in pip_freeze_output.splitlines(): + # parse the output into package, version + line = l.strip() + if not line: + # whitespace + continue + if line.startswith("-"): + # not a package, probably like '-e http://example.com/path#egg=package-dev' + continue + if "==" not in line: + self.fatal("pip_freeze_packages: Unrecognized output line: %s" % line) + package, version = line.split("==", 1) + packages[package] = version + + if log_output: + self.info("Current package versions:") + for package in sorted(packages): + self.info(" %s == %s" % (package, packages[package])) + + return packages + + def is_python_package_installed(self, package_name, error_level=WARNING): + """ + Return whether the package is installed + """ + # pylint --py3k W1655 + package_versions = self.package_versions(error_level=error_level) + return package_name.lower() in [package.lower() for package in package_versions] + + def install_module( + self, + module=None, + module_url=None, + install_method=None, + requirements=(), + optional=False, + global_options=[], + no_deps=False, + editable=False, + ): + """ + Install module via pip. + + module_url can be a url to a python package tarball, a path to + a directory containing a setup.py (absolute or relative to work_dir) + or None, in which case it will default to the module name. + + requirements is a list of pip requirements files. If specified, these + will be combined with the module_url (if any), like so: + + pip install -r requirements1.txt -r requirements2.txt module_url + """ + import http.client + import time + import urllib.error + import urllib.request + + c = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + env = self.query_env() + venv_path = self.query_virtualenv_path() + self.info("Installing %s into virtualenv %s" % (module, venv_path)) + if not module_url: + module_url = module + if install_method in (None, "pip"): + if not module_url and not requirements: + self.fatal("Must specify module and/or requirements") + pip = self.query_python_path("pip") + if c.get("verbose_pip"): + command = [pip, "-v", "install"] + else: + command = [pip, "install"] + if no_deps: + command += ["--no-deps"] + # To avoid timeouts with our pypi server, increase default timeout: + # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1007230#c802 + command += ["--timeout", str(c.get("pip_timeout", 120))] + for requirement in requirements: + command += ["-r", requirement] + if c.get("find_links") and not c["pip_index"]: + command += ["--no-index"] + for opt in global_options: + command += ["--global-option", opt] + else: + self.fatal( + "install_module() doesn't understand an install_method of %s!" + % install_method + ) + + # find_links connection check while loop + find_links_added = 0 + fl_retry_sleep_seconds = 10 + fl_max_retry_minutes = 5 + fl_retry_loops = (fl_max_retry_minutes * 60) / fl_retry_sleep_seconds + for link in c.get("find_links", []): + parsed = urlparse.urlparse(link) + dns_result = None + get_result = None + retry_counter = 0 + while retry_counter < fl_retry_loops and ( + dns_result is None or get_result is None + ): + try: + dns_result = socket.gethostbyname(parsed.hostname) + get_result = urllib.request.urlopen(link, timeout=10).read() + break + except socket.gaierror: + retry_counter += 1 + self.warning( + "find_links: dns check failed for %s, sleeping %ss and retrying..." + % (parsed.hostname, fl_retry_sleep_seconds) + ) + time.sleep(fl_retry_sleep_seconds) + except ( + urllib.error.HTTPError, + urllib.error.URLError, + socket.timeout, + http.client.RemoteDisconnected, + ) as e: + retry_counter += 1 + self.warning( + "find_links: connection check failed for %s, sleeping %ss and retrying..." + % (link, fl_retry_sleep_seconds) + ) + self.warning("find_links: exception: %s" % e) + time.sleep(fl_retry_sleep_seconds) + # now that the connectivity check is good, add the link + if dns_result and get_result: + self.info("find_links: connection checks passed for %s, adding." % link) + find_links_added += 1 + command.extend(["--find-links", link]) + else: + self.warning( + "find_links: connection checks failed for %s" + ", but max retries reached. continuing..." % link + ) + + # TODO: make this fatal if we always see failures after this + if find_links_added == 0: + self.warning( + "find_links: no find_links added. pip installation will probably fail!" + ) + + # module_url can be None if only specifying requirements files + if module_url: + if editable: + if install_method in (None, "pip"): + command += ["-e"] + else: + self.fatal( + "editable installs not supported for install_method %s" + % install_method + ) + command += [module_url] + + # If we're only installing a single requirements file, use + # the file's directory as cwd, so relative paths work correctly. + cwd = dirs["abs_work_dir"] + if not module and len(requirements) == 1: + cwd = os.path.dirname(requirements[0]) + + # Allow for errors while building modules, but require a + # return status of 0. + self.retry( + self.run_command, + # None will cause default value to be used + attempts=1 if optional else None, + good_statuses=(0,), + error_level=WARNING if optional else FATAL, + error_message=("Could not install python package: failed all attempts."), + args=[ + command, + ], + kwargs={ + "error_list": VirtualenvErrorList, + "cwd": cwd, + "env": env, + # WARNING only since retry will raise final FATAL if all + # retry attempts are unsuccessful - and we only want + # an ERROR of FATAL if *no* retry attempt works + "error_level": WARNING, + }, + ) + + def create_virtualenv(self, modules=(), requirements=()): + """ + Create a python virtualenv. + + This uses the copy of virtualenv that is vendored in mozharness. + + virtualenv_modules can be a list of module names to install, e.g. + + virtualenv_modules = ['module1', 'module2'] + + or it can be a heterogeneous list of modules names and dicts that + define a module by its name, url-or-path, and a list of its global + options. + + virtualenv_modules = [ + { + 'name': 'module1', + 'url': None, + 'global_options': ['--opt', '--without-gcc'] + }, + { + 'name': 'module2', + 'url': 'http://url/to/package', + 'global_options': ['--use-clang'] + }, + { + 'name': 'module3', + 'url': os.path.join('path', 'to', 'setup_py', 'dir') + 'global_options': [] + }, + 'module4' + ] + + virtualenv_requirements is an optional list of pip requirements files to + use when invoking pip, e.g., + + virtualenv_requirements = [ + '/path/to/requirements1.txt', + '/path/to/requirements2.txt' + ] + """ + c = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + venv_path = self.query_virtualenv_path() + self.info("Creating virtualenv %s" % venv_path) + + # Always use the virtualenv that is vendored since that is deterministic. + # base_work_dir is for when we're running with mozharness.zip, e.g. on + # test jobs + # abs_src_dir is for when we're running out of a checked out copy of + # the source code + vendor_search_dirs = [ + os.path.join("{base_work_dir}", "mozharness"), + "{abs_src_dir}", + ] + if "abs_src_dir" not in dirs and "repo_path" in self.config: + dirs["abs_src_dir"] = os.path.normpath(self.config["repo_path"]) + for d in vendor_search_dirs: + try: + src_dir = Path(d.format(**dirs)) + except KeyError: + continue + + pip_wheel_path = ( + src_dir + / "third_party" + / "python" + / "_venv" + / "wheels" + / "pip-23.0.1-py3-none-any.whl" + ) + setuptools_wheel_path = ( + src_dir + / "third_party" + / "python" + / "_venv" + / "wheels" + / "setuptools-51.2.0-py3-none-any.whl" + ) + + if all(path.exists() for path in (pip_wheel_path, setuptools_wheel_path)): + break + else: + self.fatal("Can't find 'pip' and 'setuptools' wheels") + + venv_python_bin = Path(self.query_python_path()) + + if venv_python_bin.exists(): + self.info( + "Virtualenv %s appears to already exist; " + "skipping virtualenv creation." % self.query_python_path() + ) + else: + self.run_command( + [sys.executable, "--version"], + ) + + # Temporary hack to get around a bug with venv in Python 3.7.3 in CI + # https://bugs.python.org/issue36441 + if self._is_windows(): + if sys.version_info[:3] == (3, 7, 3): + python_exe = Path(sys.executable) + debug_exe_dir = ( + python_exe.parent / "lib" / "venv" / "scripts" / "nt" + ) + + if debug_exe_dir.exists(): + + for executable in { + "python.exe", + "python_d.exe", + "pythonw.exe", + "pythonw_d.exe", + }: + expected_python_debug_exe = debug_exe_dir / executable + if not expected_python_debug_exe.exists(): + shutil.copy( + sys.executable, str(expected_python_debug_exe) + ) + + venv_creation_flags = ["-m", "venv", venv_path] + + if self._is_windows(): + # To workaround an issue on Windows10 jobs in CI we have to + # explicitly install the default pip separately. Ideally we + # could just remove the "--without-pip" above and get the same + # result, but that's apparently not always the case. + venv_creation_flags = venv_creation_flags + ["--without-pip"] + + self.mkdir_p(dirs["abs_work_dir"]) + self.run_command( + [sys.executable] + venv_creation_flags, + cwd=dirs["abs_work_dir"], + error_list=VirtualenvErrorList, + halt_on_failure=True, + ) + + if self._is_windows(): + self.run_command( + [str(venv_python_bin), "-m", "ensurepip", "--default-pip"], + cwd=dirs["abs_work_dir"], + halt_on_failure=True, + ) + + self._ensure_python_exe(venv_python_bin.parent) + + # We can work around a bug on some versions of Python 3.6 on + # Windows by copying the 'pyvenv.cfg' of the current venv + # to the new venv. This will make the new venv reference + # the original Python install instead of the current venv, + # which resolves the issue. There shouldn't be any harm in + # always doing this, but we'll play it safe and restrict it + # to Windows Python 3.6 anyway. + if self._is_windows() and sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 6): + this_venv = Path(sys.executable).parent.parent + this_venv_config = this_venv / "pyvenv.cfg" + if this_venv_config.exists(): + new_venv_config = Path(venv_path) / "pyvenv.cfg" + shutil.copyfile(str(this_venv_config), str(new_venv_config)) + + self.run_command( + [ + str(venv_python_bin), + "-m", + "pip", + "install", + "--only-binary", + ":all:", + "--disable-pip-version-check", + str(pip_wheel_path), + str(setuptools_wheel_path), + ], + cwd=dirs["abs_work_dir"], + error_list=VirtualenvErrorList, + halt_on_failure=True, + ) + + self.info(self.platform_name()) + if self.platform_name().startswith("macos"): + tmp_path = "{}/bin/bak".format(venv_path) + self.info( + "Copying venv python binaries to {} to clear for re-sign".format( + tmp_path + ) + ) + subprocess.call("mkdir -p {}".format(tmp_path), shell=True) + subprocess.call( + "cp {}/bin/python* {}/".format(venv_path, tmp_path), shell=True + ) + self.info("Replacing venv python binaries with reset copies") + subprocess.call( + "mv -f {}/* {}/bin/".format(tmp_path, venv_path), shell=True + ) + self.info( + "codesign -s - --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,flags,runtime " + "-f {}/bin/*".format(venv_path) + ) + subprocess.call( + "codesign -s - --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,flags,runtime -f " + "{}/bin/python*".format(venv_path), + shell=True, + ) + + if not modules: + modules = c.get("virtualenv_modules", []) + if not requirements: + requirements = c.get("virtualenv_requirements", []) + if not modules and requirements: + self.install_module(requirements=requirements, install_method="pip") + for module in modules: + module_url = module + global_options = [] + if isinstance(module, dict): + if module.get("name", None): + module_name = module["name"] + else: + self.fatal( + "Can't install module without module name: %s" % str(module) + ) + module_url = module.get("url", None) + global_options = module.get("global_options", []) + else: + module_url = self.config.get("%s_url" % module, module_url) + module_name = module + install_method = "pip" + self.install_module( + module=module_name, + module_url=module_url, + install_method=install_method, + requirements=requirements, + global_options=global_options, + ) + + for ( + module, + url, + method, + requirements, + optional, + two_pass, + editable, + ) in self._virtualenv_modules: + if two_pass: + self.install_module( + module=module, + module_url=url, + install_method=method, + requirements=requirements or (), + optional=optional, + no_deps=True, + editable=editable, + ) + self.install_module( + module=module, + module_url=url, + install_method=method, + requirements=requirements or (), + optional=optional, + editable=editable, + ) + + self.info("Done creating virtualenv %s." % venv_path) + + self.package_versions(log_output=True) + + def activate_virtualenv(self): + """Import the virtualenv's packages into this Python interpreter.""" + venv_root_dir = Path(self.query_virtualenv_path()) + venv_name = venv_root_dir.name + bin_path = Path(self.query_python_path()) + bin_dir = bin_path.parent + + if self._is_windows(): + site_packages_dir = venv_root_dir / "Lib" / "site-packages" + else: + site_packages_dir = ( + venv_root_dir + / "lib" + / "python{}.{}".format(*sys.version_info) + / "site-packages" + ) + + os.environ["PATH"] = os.pathsep.join( + [str(bin_dir)] + os.environ.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep) + ) + os.environ["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = venv_name + + prev_path = set(sys.path) + + site.addsitedir(str(site_packages_dir.resolve())) + + new_path = list(sys.path) + + sys.path[:] = [p for p in new_path if p not in prev_path] + [ + p for p in new_path if p in prev_path + ] + + sys.real_prefix = sys.prefix + sys.prefix = str(venv_root_dir) + sys.executable = str(bin_path) + + def _ensure_python_exe(self, python_exe_root: Path): + """On some machines in CI venv does not behave consistently. Sometimes + only a "python3" executable is created, but we expect "python". Since + they are functionally identical, we can just copy "python3" to "python" + (and vice-versa) to solve the problem. + """ + python3_exe_path = python_exe_root / "python3" + python_exe_path = python_exe_root / "python" + + if self._is_windows(): + python3_exe_path = python3_exe_path.with_suffix(".exe") + python_exe_path = python_exe_path.with_suffix(".exe") + + if python3_exe_path.exists() and not python_exe_path.exists(): + shutil.copy(str(python3_exe_path), str(python_exe_path)) + + if python_exe_path.exists() and not python3_exe_path.exists(): + shutil.copy(str(python_exe_path), str(python3_exe_path)) + + if not python_exe_path.exists() and not python3_exe_path.exists(): + raise Exception( + f'Neither a "{python_exe_path.name}" or "{python3_exe_path.name}" ' + f"were found. This means something unexpected happened during the " + f"virtual environment creation and we cannot proceed." + ) + + +# This is (sadly) a mixin for logging methods. +class PerfherderResourceOptionsMixin(ScriptMixin): + def perfherder_resource_options(self): + """Obtain a list of extraOptions values to identify the env.""" + opts = [] + + if "TASKCLUSTER_INSTANCE_TYPE" in os.environ: + # Include the instance type so results can be grouped. + opts.append("taskcluster-%s" % os.environ["TASKCLUSTER_INSTANCE_TYPE"]) + else: + # We assume !taskcluster => buildbot. + instance = "unknown" + + # Try to load EC2 instance type from metadata file. This file + # may not exist in many scenarios (including when inside a chroot). + # So treat it as optional. + try: + # This file should exist on Linux in EC2. + with open("/etc/instance_metadata.json", "rb") as fh: + im = json.load(fh) + instance = im.get("aws_instance_type", "unknown").encode("ascii") + except IOError as e: + if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: + raise + self.info( + "instance_metadata.json not found; unable to " + "determine instance type" + ) + except Exception: + self.warning( + "error reading instance_metadata: %s" % traceback.format_exc() + ) + + opts.append("buildbot-%s" % instance) + + return opts + + +class ResourceMonitoringMixin(PerfherderResourceOptionsMixin): + """Provides resource monitoring capabilities to scripts. + + When this class is in the inheritance chain, resource usage stats of the + executing script will be recorded. + + This class requires the VirtualenvMixin in order to install a package used + for recording resource usage. + + While we would like to record resource usage for the entirety of a script, + since we require an external package, we can only record resource usage + after that package is installed (as part of creating the virtualenv). + That's just the way things have to be. + """ + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + super(ResourceMonitoringMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + + self.register_virtualenv_module("psutil>=5.9.0", method="pip", optional=True) + self.register_virtualenv_module( + "mozsystemmonitor==1.0.1", method="pip", optional=True + ) + self.register_virtualenv_module("jsonschema==2.5.1", method="pip") + self._resource_monitor = None + + # 2-tuple of (name, options) to assign Perfherder resource monitor + # metrics to. This needs to be assigned by a script in order for + # Perfherder metrics to be reported. + self.resource_monitor_perfherder_id = None + + @PostScriptAction("create-virtualenv") + def _start_resource_monitoring(self, action, success=None): + self.activate_virtualenv() + + # Resource Monitor requires Python 2.7, however it's currently optional. + # Remove when all machines have had their Python version updated (bug 711299). + if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 7): + self.warning( + "Resource monitoring will not be enabled! Python 2.7+ required." + ) + return + + try: + from mozsystemmonitor.resourcemonitor import SystemResourceMonitor + + self.info("Starting resource monitoring.") + self._resource_monitor = SystemResourceMonitor(poll_interval=1.0) + self._resource_monitor.start() + except Exception: + self.warning( + "Unable to start resource monitor: %s" % traceback.format_exc() + ) + + @PreScriptAction + def _resource_record_pre_action(self, action): + # Resource monitor isn't available until after create-virtualenv. + if not self._resource_monitor: + return + + self._resource_monitor.begin_phase(action) + + @PostScriptAction + def _resource_record_post_action(self, action, success=None): + # Resource monitor isn't available until after create-virtualenv. + if not self._resource_monitor: + return + + self._resource_monitor.finish_phase(action) + + @PostScriptRun + def _resource_record_post_run(self): + if not self._resource_monitor: + return + + # This should never raise an exception. This is a workaround until + # mozsystemmonitor is fixed. See bug 895388. + try: + self._resource_monitor.stop() + self._log_resource_usage() + + # Upload a JSON file containing the raw resource data. + try: + upload_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + if not os.path.exists(upload_dir): + os.makedirs(upload_dir) + with open(os.path.join(upload_dir, "resource-usage.json"), "w") as fh: + json.dump( + self._resource_monitor.as_dict(), fh, sort_keys=True, indent=4 + ) + except (AttributeError, KeyError): + self.exception("could not upload resource usage JSON", level=WARNING) + + except Exception: + self.warning( + "Exception when reporting resource usage: %s" % traceback.format_exc() + ) + + def _log_resource_usage(self): + # Delay import because not available until virtualenv is populated. + import jsonschema + + rm = self._resource_monitor + + if rm.start_time is None: + return + + def resources(phase): + cpu_percent = rm.aggregate_cpu_percent(phase=phase, per_cpu=False) + cpu_times = rm.aggregate_cpu_times(phase=phase, per_cpu=False) + io = rm.aggregate_io(phase=phase) + + swap_in = sum(m.swap.sin for m in rm.measurements) + swap_out = sum(m.swap.sout for m in rm.measurements) + + return cpu_percent, cpu_times, io, (swap_in, swap_out) + + def log_usage(prefix, duration, cpu_percent, cpu_times, io): + message = ( + "{prefix} - Wall time: {duration:.0f}s; " + "CPU: {cpu_percent}; " + "Read bytes: {io_read_bytes}; Write bytes: {io_write_bytes}; " + "Read time: {io_read_time}; Write time: {io_write_time}" + ) + + # XXX Some test harnesses are complaining about a string being + # being fed into a 'f' formatter. This will help diagnose the + # issue. + if cpu_percent: + # pylint: disable=W1633 + cpu_percent_str = str(round(cpu_percent)) + "%" + else: + cpu_percent_str = "Can't collect data" + + try: + self.info( + message.format( + prefix=prefix, + duration=duration, + cpu_percent=cpu_percent_str, + io_read_bytes=io.read_bytes, + io_write_bytes=io.write_bytes, + io_read_time=io.read_time, + io_write_time=io.write_time, + ) + ) + + except ValueError: + self.warning("Exception when formatting: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) + + cpu_percent, cpu_times, io, (swap_in, swap_out) = resources(None) + duration = rm.end_time - rm.start_time + + # Write out Perfherder data if configured. + if self.resource_monitor_perfherder_id: + perfherder_name, perfherder_options = self.resource_monitor_perfherder_id + + suites = [] + overall = [] + + if cpu_percent: + overall.append( + { + "name": "cpu_percent", + "value": cpu_percent, + } + ) + + overall.extend( + [ + {"name": "io_write_bytes", "value": io.write_bytes}, + {"name": "io.read_bytes", "value": io.read_bytes}, + {"name": "io_write_time", "value": io.write_time}, + {"name": "io_read_time", "value": io.read_time}, + ] + ) + + suites.append( + { + "name": "%s.overall" % perfherder_name, + "extraOptions": perfherder_options + + self.perfherder_resource_options(), + "subtests": overall, + } + ) + + for phase in rm.phases.keys(): + phase_duration = rm.phases[phase][1] - rm.phases[phase][0] + subtests = [ + { + "name": "time", + "value": phase_duration, + } + ] + cpu_percent = rm.aggregate_cpu_percent(phase=phase, per_cpu=False) + if cpu_percent is not None: + subtests.append( + { + "name": "cpu_percent", + "value": rm.aggregate_cpu_percent( + phase=phase, per_cpu=False + ), + } + ) + + # We don't report I/O during each step because measured I/O + # is system I/O and that I/O can be delayed (e.g. writes will + # buffer before being flushed and recorded in our metrics). + suites.append( + { + "name": "%s.%s" % (perfherder_name, phase), + "subtests": subtests, + } + ) + + data = { + "framework": {"name": "job_resource_usage"}, + "suites": suites, + } + + schema_path = os.path.join( + external_tools_path, "performance-artifact-schema.json" + ) + with open(schema_path, "rb") as fh: + schema = json.load(fh) + + # this will throw an exception that causes the job to fail if the + # perfherder data is not valid -- please don't change this + # behaviour, otherwise people will inadvertently break this + # functionality + self.info("Validating Perfherder data against %s" % schema_path) + jsonschema.validate(data, schema) + self.info("PERFHERDER_DATA: %s" % json.dumps(data)) + + log_usage("Total resource usage", duration, cpu_percent, cpu_times, io) + + # Print special messages so usage shows up in Treeherder. + if cpu_percent: + self._tinderbox_print("CPU usage<br/>{:,.1f}%".format(cpu_percent)) + + self._tinderbox_print( + "I/O read bytes / time<br/>{:,} / {:,}".format(io.read_bytes, io.read_time) + ) + self._tinderbox_print( + "I/O write bytes / time<br/>{:,} / {:,}".format( + io.write_bytes, io.write_time + ) + ) + + # Print CPU components having >1%. "cpu_times" is a data structure + # whose attributes are measurements. Ideally we'd have an API that + # returned just the measurements as a dict or something. + cpu_attrs = [] + for attr in sorted(dir(cpu_times)): + if attr.startswith("_"): + continue + if attr in ("count", "index"): + continue + cpu_attrs.append(attr) + + cpu_total = sum(getattr(cpu_times, attr) for attr in cpu_attrs) + + for attr in cpu_attrs: + value = getattr(cpu_times, attr) + # cpu_total can be 0.0. Guard against division by 0. + # pylint --py3k W1619 + percent = value / cpu_total * 100.0 if cpu_total else 0.0 + + if percent > 1.00: + self._tinderbox_print( + "CPU {}<br/>{:,.1f} ({:,.1f}%)".format(attr, value, percent) + ) + + # Swap on Windows isn't reported by psutil. + if not self._is_windows(): + self._tinderbox_print( + "Swap in / out<br/>{:,} / {:,}".format(swap_in, swap_out) + ) + + for phase in rm.phases.keys(): + start_time, end_time = rm.phases[phase] + cpu_percent, cpu_times, io, swap = resources(phase) + log_usage(phase, end_time - start_time, cpu_percent, cpu_times, io) + + def _tinderbox_print(self, message): + self.info("TinderboxPrint: %s" % message) + + +# This needs to be inherited only if you have already inherited ScriptMixin +class Python3Virtualenv(object): + """Support Python3.5+ virtualenv creation.""" + + py3_initialized_venv = False + + def py3_venv_configuration(self, python_path, venv_path): + """We don't use __init__ to allow integrating with other mixins. + + python_path - Path to Python 3 binary. + venv_path - Path to virtual environment to be created. + """ + self.py3_initialized_venv = True + self.py3_python_path = os.path.abspath(python_path) + version = self.get_output_from_command( + [self.py3_python_path, "--version"], env=self.query_env() + ).split()[-1] + # Using -m venv is only used on 3.5+ versions + assert version > "3.5.0" + self.py3_venv_path = os.path.abspath(venv_path) + self.py3_pip_path = os.path.join(self.py3_path_to_executables(), "pip") + + def py3_path_to_executables(self): + platform = self.platform_name() + if platform.startswith("win"): + return os.path.join(self.py3_venv_path, "Scripts") + else: + return os.path.join(self.py3_venv_path, "bin") + + def py3_venv_initialized(func): + def call(self, *args, **kwargs): + if not self.py3_initialized_venv: + raise Exception( + "You need to call py3_venv_configuration() " + "before using this method." + ) + func(self, *args, **kwargs) + + return call + + @py3_venv_initialized + def py3_create_venv(self): + """Create Python environment with python3 -m venv /path/to/venv.""" + if os.path.exists(self.py3_venv_path): + self.info( + "Virtualenv %s appears to already exist; skipping " + "virtualenv creation." % self.py3_venv_path + ) + else: + self.info("Running command...") + self.run_command( + "%s -m venv %s" % (self.py3_python_path, self.py3_venv_path), + error_list=VirtualenvErrorList, + halt_on_failure=True, + env=self.query_env(), + ) + + @py3_venv_initialized + def py3_install_modules(self, modules, use_mozharness_pip_config=True): + if not os.path.exists(self.py3_venv_path): + raise Exception("You need to call py3_create_venv() first.") + + for m in modules: + cmd = [self.py3_pip_path, "install"] + if use_mozharness_pip_config: + cmd += self._mozharness_pip_args() + cmd += [m] + self.run_command(cmd, env=self.query_env()) + + def _mozharness_pip_args(self): + """We have information in Mozharness configs that apply to pip""" + c = self.config + pip_args = [] + # To avoid timeouts with our pypi server, increase default timeout: + # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1007230#c802 + pip_args += ["--timeout", str(c.get("pip_timeout", 120))] + + if c.get("find_links") and not c["pip_index"]: + pip_args += ["--no-index"] + + # Add --find-links pages to look at. Add --trusted-host automatically if + # the host isn't secure. This allows modern versions of pip to connect + # without requiring an override. + trusted_hosts = set() + for link in c.get("find_links", []): + parsed = urlparse.urlparse(link) + + try: + socket.gethostbyname(parsed.hostname) + except socket.gaierror as e: + self.info("error resolving %s (ignoring): %s" % (parsed.hostname, e)) + continue + + pip_args += ["--find-links", link] + if parsed.scheme != "https": + trusted_hosts.add(parsed.hostname) + + for host in sorted(trusted_hosts): + pip_args += ["--trusted-host", host] + + return pip_args + + @py3_venv_initialized + def py3_install_requirement_files( + self, requirements, pip_args=[], use_mozharness_pip_config=True + ): + """ + requirements - You can specify multiple requirements paths + """ + cmd = [self.py3_pip_path, "install"] + cmd += pip_args + + if use_mozharness_pip_config: + cmd += self._mozharness_pip_args() + + for requirement_path in requirements: + cmd += ["-r", requirement_path] + + self.run_command(cmd, env=self.query_env()) + + +# __main__ {{{1 + +if __name__ == "__main__": + """TODO: unit tests.""" + pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/script.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/script.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0a5622440b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/script.py @@ -0,0 +1,2551 @@ +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""Generic script objects. + +script.py, along with config.py and log.py, represents the core of +mozharness. +""" + +import codecs +import datetime +import errno +import fnmatch +import functools +import gzip +import hashlib +import inspect +import itertools +import os +import platform +import pprint +import re +import shutil +import socket +import ssl +import stat +import subprocess +import sys +import tarfile +import time +import traceback +import zipfile +import zlib +from contextlib import contextmanager +from io import BytesIO + +import mozinfo +import six +from mozprocess import ProcessHandler +from six import binary_type + +from mozharness.base.config import BaseConfig +from mozharness.base.log import ( + DEBUG, + ERROR, + FATAL, + INFO, + WARNING, + ConsoleLogger, + LogMixin, + MultiFileLogger, + OutputParser, + SimpleFileLogger, +) + +try: + import httplib +except ImportError: + import http.client as httplib +try: + import simplejson as json +except ImportError: + import json +try: + from urllib2 import Request, quote, urlopen +except ImportError: + from urllib.request import Request, quote, urlopen +try: + import urlparse +except ImportError: + import urllib.parse as urlparse +if os.name == "nt": + import locale + + try: + import win32api + import win32file + + PYWIN32 = True + except ImportError: + PYWIN32 = False + +try: + from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError +except ImportError: + from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError + + +class ContentLengthMismatch(Exception): + pass + + +def _validate_tar_member(member, path): + def _is_within_directory(directory, target): + real_directory = os.path.realpath(directory) + real_target = os.path.realpath(target) + prefix = os.path.commonprefix([real_directory, real_target]) + return prefix == real_directory + + member_path = os.path.join(path, member.name) + if not _is_within_directory(path, member_path): + raise Exception("Attempted path traversal in tar file: " + member.name) + if member.issym(): + link_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(member_path), member.linkname) + if not _is_within_directory(path, link_path): + raise Exception("Attempted link path traversal in tar file: " + member.name) + if member.mode & (stat.S_ISUID | stat.S_ISGID): + raise Exception("Attempted setuid or setgid in tar file: " + member.name) + + +def _safe_extract(tar, path=".", *, numeric_owner=False): + def _files(tar, path): + for member in tar: + _validate_tar_member(member, path) + yield member + + tar.extractall(path, members=_files(tar, path), numeric_owner=numeric_owner) + + +def platform_name(): + pm = PlatformMixin() + + if pm._is_linux() and pm._is_64_bit(): + return "linux64" + elif pm._is_linux() and not pm._is_64_bit(): + return "linux" + elif pm._is_darwin(): + return "macosx" + elif pm._is_windows() and pm._is_64_bit(): + return "win64" + elif pm._is_windows() and not pm._is_64_bit(): + return "win32" + else: + return None + + +class PlatformMixin(object): + def _is_windows(self): + """check if the current operating system is Windows. + + Returns: + bool: True if the current platform is Windows, False otherwise + """ + system = platform.system() + if system in ("Windows", "Microsoft"): + return True + if system.startswith("CYGWIN"): + return True + if os.name == "nt": + return True + + def _is_darwin(self): + """check if the current operating system is Darwin. + + Returns: + bool: True if the current platform is Darwin, False otherwise + """ + if platform.system() in ("Darwin"): + return True + if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): + return True + + def _is_linux(self): + """check if the current operating system is a Linux distribution. + + Returns: + bool: True if the current platform is a Linux distro, False otherwise + """ + if platform.system() in ("Linux"): + return True + if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): + return True + + def _is_debian(self): + """check if the current operating system is explicitly Debian. + This intentionally doesn't count Debian derivatives like Ubuntu. + + Returns: + bool: True if the current platform is debian, False otherwise + """ + if not self._is_linux(): + return False + self.info(mozinfo.linux_distro) + re_debian_distro = re.compile("debian") + return re_debian_distro.match(mozinfo.linux_distro) is not None + + def _is_redhat_based(self): + """check if the current operating system is a Redhat derived Linux distribution. + + Returns: + bool: True if the current platform is a Redhat Linux distro, False otherwise + """ + if not self._is_linux(): + return False + re_redhat_distro = re.compile("Redhat|Fedora|CentOS|Oracle") + return re_redhat_distro.match(mozinfo.linux_distro) is not None + + def _is_64_bit(self): + if self._is_darwin(): + # osx is a special snowflake and to ensure the arch, it is better to use the following + return ( + sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32 + ) # context: https://docs.python.org/2/library/platform.html + else: + # Using machine() gives you the architecture of the host rather + # than the build type of the Python binary + return "64" in platform.machine() + + +# ScriptMixin {{{1 +class ScriptMixin(PlatformMixin): + """This mixin contains simple filesystem commands and the like. + + It also contains some very special but very complex methods that, + together with logging and config, provide the base for all scripts + in this harness. + + WARNING !!! + This class depends entirely on `LogMixin` methods in such a way that it will + only works if a class inherits from both `ScriptMixin` and `LogMixin` + simultaneously. + + Depends on self.config of some sort. + + Attributes: + env (dict): a mapping object representing the string environment. + script_obj (ScriptMixin): reference to a ScriptMixin instance. + """ + + env = None + script_obj = None + ssl_context = None + + def query_filesize(self, file_path): + self.info("Determining filesize for %s" % file_path) + length = os.path.getsize(file_path) + self.info(" %s" % str(length)) + return length + + # TODO this should be parallelized with the to-be-written BaseHelper! + def query_sha512sum(self, file_path): + self.info("Determining sha512sum for %s" % file_path) + m = hashlib.sha512() + contents = self.read_from_file(file_path, verbose=False, open_mode="rb") + m.update(contents) + sha512 = m.hexdigest() + self.info(" %s" % sha512) + return sha512 + + def platform_name(self): + """Return the platform name on which the script is running on. + Returns: + None: for failure to determine the platform. + str: The name of the platform (e.g. linux64) + """ + return platform_name() + + # Simple filesystem commands {{{2 + def mkdir_p(self, path, error_level=ERROR): + """Create a directory if it doesn't exists. + This method also logs the creation, error or current existence of the + directory to be created. + + Args: + path (str): path of the directory to be created. + error_level (str): log level name to be used in case of error. + + Returns: + None: for sucess. + int: -1 on error + """ + + if not os.path.exists(path): + self.info("mkdir: %s" % path) + try: + os.makedirs(path) + except OSError: + self.log("Can't create directory %s!" % path, level=error_level) + return -1 + else: + self.debug("mkdir_p: %s Already exists." % path) + + def rmtree(self, path, log_level=INFO, error_level=ERROR, exit_code=-1): + """Delete an entire directory tree and log its result. + This method also logs the platform rmtree function, its retries, errors, + and current existence of the directory. + + Args: + path (str): path to the directory tree root to remove. + log_level (str, optional): log level name to for this operation. Defaults + to `INFO`. + error_level (str, optional): log level name to use in case of error. + Defaults to `ERROR`. + exit_code (int, optional): useless parameter, not use here. + Defaults to -1 + + Returns: + None: for success + """ + + self.log("rmtree: %s" % path, level=log_level) + error_message = "Unable to remove %s!" % path + if self._is_windows(): + # Call _rmtree_windows() directly, since even checking + # os.path.exists(path) will hang if path is longer than MAX_PATH. + self.info("Using _rmtree_windows ...") + return self.retry( + self._rmtree_windows, + error_level=error_level, + error_message=error_message, + args=(path,), + log_level=log_level, + ) + if os.path.exists(path): + if os.path.isdir(path): + return self.retry( + shutil.rmtree, + error_level=error_level, + error_message=error_message, + retry_exceptions=(OSError,), + args=(path,), + log_level=log_level, + ) + else: + return self.retry( + os.remove, + error_level=error_level, + error_message=error_message, + retry_exceptions=(OSError,), + args=(path,), + log_level=log_level, + ) + else: + self.debug("%s doesn't exist." % path) + + def query_msys_path(self, path): + """replaces the Windows harddrive letter path style with a linux + path style, e.g. C:// --> /C/ + Note: method, not used in any script. + + Args: + path (str?): path to convert to the linux path style. + Returns: + str: in case `path` is a string. The result is the path with the new notation. + type(path): `path` itself is returned in case `path` is not str type. + """ + if not isinstance(path, six.string_types): + return path + path = path.replace("\\", "/") + + def repl(m): + return "/%s/" % m.group(1) + + path = re.sub(r"""^([a-zA-Z]):/""", repl, path) + return path + + def _rmtree_windows(self, path): + """Windows-specific rmtree that handles path lengths longer than MAX_PATH. + Ported from clobberer.py. + + Args: + path (str): directory path to remove. + + Returns: + None: if the path doesn't exists. + int: the return number of calling `self.run_command` + int: in case the path specified is not a directory but a file. + 0 on success, non-zero on error. Note: The returned value + is the result of calling `win32file.DeleteFile` + """ + + assert self._is_windows() + path = os.path.realpath(path) + full_path = "\\\\?\\" + path + if not os.path.exists(full_path): + return + if not PYWIN32: + if not os.path.isdir(path): + return self.run_command('del /F /Q "%s"' % path) + else: + return self.run_command('rmdir /S /Q "%s"' % path) + # Make sure directory is writable + win32file.SetFileAttributesW("\\\\?\\" + path, win32file.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) + # Since we call rmtree() with a file, sometimes + if not os.path.isdir("\\\\?\\" + path): + return win32file.DeleteFile("\\\\?\\" + path) + + for ffrec in win32api.FindFiles("\\\\?\\" + path + "\\*.*"): + file_attr = ffrec[0] + name = ffrec[8] + if name == "." or name == "..": + continue + full_name = os.path.join(path, name) + + if file_attr & win32file.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY: + self._rmtree_windows(full_name) + else: + try: + win32file.SetFileAttributesW( + "\\\\?\\" + full_name, win32file.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL + ) + win32file.DeleteFile("\\\\?\\" + full_name) + except Exception: + # DeleteFile fails on long paths, del /f /q works just fine + self.run_command('del /F /Q "%s"' % full_name) + + win32file.RemoveDirectory("\\\\?\\" + path) + + def get_filename_from_url(self, url): + """parse a filename base on an url. + + Args: + url (str): url to parse for the filename + + Returns: + str: filename parsed from the url, or `netloc` network location part + of the url. + """ + + parsed = urlparse.urlsplit(url.rstrip("/")) + if parsed.path != "": + return parsed.path.rsplit("/", 1)[-1] + else: + return parsed.netloc + + def _urlopen(self, url, **kwargs): + """open the url `url` using `urllib2`.` + This method can be overwritten to extend its complexity + + Args: + url (str | urllib.request.Request): url to open + kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to the `urllib.request.urlopen` function. + + Returns: + file-like: file-like object with additional methods as defined in + `urllib.request.urlopen`_. + None: None may be returned if no handler handles the request. + + Raises: + urllib2.URLError: on errors + + .. urillib.request.urlopen: + https://docs.python.org/2/library/urllib2.html#urllib2.urlopen + """ + # http://bugs.python.org/issue13359 - urllib2 does not automatically quote the URL + url_quoted = quote(url, safe="%/:=&?~#+!$,;'@()*[]|") + # windows certificates need to be refreshed (https://bugs.python.org/issue36011) + if self.platform_name() in ("win64",) and platform.architecture()[0] in ( + "x64", + ): + if self.ssl_context is None: + self.ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS) + self.ssl_context.load_default_certs() + return urlopen(url_quoted, context=self.ssl_context, **kwargs) + else: + return urlopen(url_quoted, **kwargs) + + def fetch_url_into_memory(self, url): + """Downloads a file from a url into memory instead of disk. + + Args: + url (str): URL path where the file to be downloaded is located. + + Raises: + IOError: When the url points to a file on disk and cannot be found + ContentLengthMismatch: When the length of the retrieved content does not match the + Content-Length response header. + ValueError: When the scheme of a url is not what is expected. + + Returns: + BytesIO: contents of url + """ + self.info("Fetch {} into memory".format(url)) + parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url) + + if parsed_url.scheme in ("", "file"): + path = parsed_url.path + if not os.path.isfile(path): + raise IOError("Could not find file to extract: {}".format(url)) + + content_length = os.stat(path).st_size + + # In case we're referrencing a file without file:// + if parsed_url.scheme == "": + url = "file://%s" % os.path.abspath(url) + parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url) + + request = Request(url) + # When calling fetch_url_into_memory() you should retry when we raise + # one of these exceptions: + # * Bug 1300663 - HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found + # * Bug 1300413 - HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error + # * Bug 1300943 - HTTPError: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable + # * Bug 1300953 - URLError: <urlopen error [Errno -2] Name or service not known> + # * Bug 1301594 - URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 10054] An existing connection was ... + # * Bug 1301597 - URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 8] _ssl.c:504: EOF occurred in ... + # * Bug 1301855 - URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 60] Operation timed out> + # * Bug 1302237 - URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer> + # * Bug 1301807 - BadStatusLine: '' + # + # Bug 1309912 - Adding timeout in hopes to solve blocking on response.read() (bug 1300413) + response = urlopen(request, timeout=30) + + if parsed_url.scheme in ("http", "https"): + content_length = int(response.headers.get("Content-Length")) + + response_body = response.read() + response_body_size = len(response_body) + + self.info("Content-Length response header: {}".format(content_length)) + self.info("Bytes received: {}".format(response_body_size)) + + if response_body_size != content_length: + raise ContentLengthMismatch( + "The retrieved Content-Length header declares a body length " + "of {} bytes, while we actually retrieved {} bytes".format( + content_length, response_body_size + ) + ) + + if response.info().get("Content-Encoding") == "gzip": + self.info('Content-Encoding is "gzip", so decompressing response body') + # See http://www.zlib.net/manual.html#Advanced + # section "ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateInit2 OF....": + # Add 32 to windowBits to enable zlib and gzip decoding with automatic + # header detection, or add 16 to decode only the gzip format (the zlib + # format will return a Z_DATA_ERROR). + # Adding 16 since we only wish to support gzip encoding. + file_contents = zlib.decompress(response_body, zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16) + else: + file_contents = response_body + + # Use BytesIO instead of StringIO + # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34162017/unzip-buffer-with-python/34162395#34162395 + return BytesIO(file_contents) + + def _download_file(self, url, file_name): + """Helper function for download_file() + Additionaly this function logs all exceptions as warnings before + re-raising them + + Args: + url (str): string containing the URL with the file location + file_name (str): name of the file where the downloaded file + is written. + + Returns: + str: filename of the written file on disk + + Raises: + urllib2.URLError: on incomplete download. + urllib2.HTTPError: on Http error code + socket.timeout: on connection timeout + socket.error: on socket error + """ + # If our URLs look like files, prefix them with file:// so they can + # be loaded like URLs. + if not (url.startswith("http") or url.startswith("file://")): + if not os.path.isfile(url): + self.fatal("The file %s does not exist" % url) + url = "file://%s" % os.path.abspath(url) + + try: + f_length = None + f = self._urlopen(url, timeout=30) + + if f.info().get("content-length") is not None: + f_length = int(f.info()["content-length"]) + got_length = 0 + if f.info().get("Content-Encoding") == "gzip": + # Note, we'll download the full compressed content into its own + # file, since that allows the gzip library to seek through it. + # Once downloaded, we'll decompress it into the real target + # file, and delete the compressed version. + local_file = open(file_name + ".gz", "wb") + else: + local_file = open(file_name, "wb") + while True: + block = f.read(1024 ** 2) + if not block: + if f_length is not None and got_length != f_length: + raise URLError( + "Download incomplete; content-length was %d, " + "but only received %d" % (f_length, got_length) + ) + break + local_file.write(block) + if f_length is not None: + got_length += len(block) + local_file.close() + if f.info().get("Content-Encoding") == "gzip": + # Decompress file into target location, then remove compressed version + with open(file_name, "wb") as f_out: + # On some execution paths, this could be called with python 2.6 + # whereby gzip.open(...) cannot be used with a 'with' statement. + # So let's do this the python 2.6 way... + try: + f_in = gzip.open(file_name + ".gz", "rb") + shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) + finally: + f_in.close() + os.remove(file_name + ".gz") + return file_name + except HTTPError as e: + self.warning( + "Server returned status %s %s for %s" % (str(e.code), str(e), url) + ) + raise + except URLError as e: + self.warning("URL Error: %s" % url) + + # Failures due to missing local files won't benefit from retry. + # Raise the original OSError. + if isinstance(e.args[0], OSError) and e.args[0].errno == errno.ENOENT: + raise e.args[0] + + raise + except socket.timeout as e: + self.warning("Timed out accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e))) + raise + except socket.error as e: + self.warning("Socket error when accessing %s: %s" % (url, str(e))) + raise + + def _retry_download(self, url, error_level, file_name=None, retry_config=None): + """Helper method to retry download methods. + + This method calls `self.retry` on `self._download_file` using the passed + parameters if a file_name is specified. If no file is specified, we will + instead call `self._urlopen`, which grabs the contents of a url but does + not create a file on disk. + + Args: + url (str): URL path where the file is located. + file_name (str): file_name where the file will be written to. + error_level (str): log level to use in case an error occurs. + retry_config (dict, optional): key-value pairs to be passed to + `self.retry`. Defaults to `None` + + Returns: + str: `self._download_file` return value is returned + unknown: `self.retry` `failure_status` is returned on failure, which + defaults to -1 + """ + retry_args = dict( + failure_status=None, + retry_exceptions=( + HTTPError, + URLError, + httplib.HTTPException, + socket.timeout, + socket.error, + ), + error_message="Can't download from %s to %s!" % (url, file_name), + error_level=error_level, + ) + + if retry_config: + retry_args.update(retry_config) + + download_func = self._urlopen + kwargs = {"url": url} + if file_name: + download_func = self._download_file + kwargs = {"url": url, "file_name": file_name} + + return self.retry(download_func, kwargs=kwargs, **retry_args) + + def _filter_entries(self, namelist, extract_dirs): + """Filter entries of the archive based on the specified list of to extract dirs.""" + filter_partial = functools.partial(fnmatch.filter, namelist) + entries = itertools.chain(*map(filter_partial, extract_dirs or ["*"])) + + for entry in entries: + yield entry + + def unzip(self, compressed_file, extract_to, extract_dirs="*", verbose=False): + """This method allows to extract a zip file without writing to disk first. + + Args: + compressed_file (object): File-like object with the contents of a compressed zip file. + extract_to (str): where to extract the compressed file. + extract_dirs (list, optional): directories inside the archive file to extract. + Defaults to '*'. + verbose (bool, optional): whether or not extracted content should be displayed. + Defaults to False. + + Raises: + zipfile.BadZipfile: on contents of zipfile being invalid + """ + with zipfile.ZipFile(compressed_file) as bundle: + entries = self._filter_entries(bundle.namelist(), extract_dirs) + + for entry in entries: + if verbose: + self.info(" {}".format(entry)) + + # Exception to be retried: + # Bug 1301645 - BadZipfile: Bad CRC-32 for file ... + # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5624669/strange-badzipfile-bad-crc-32-problem/5626098#5626098 + # Bug 1301802 - error: Error -3 while decompressing: invalid stored block lengths + bundle.extract(entry, path=extract_to) + + # ZipFile doesn't preserve permissions during extraction: + # http://bugs.python.org/issue15795 + fname = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(extract_to, entry)) + try: + # getinfo() can raise KeyError + mode = bundle.getinfo(entry).external_attr >> 16 & 0x1FF + # Only set permissions if attributes are available. Otherwise all + # permissions will be removed eg. on Windows. + if mode: + os.chmod(fname, mode) + + except KeyError: + self.warning("{} was not found in the zip file".format(entry)) + + def deflate(self, compressed_file, mode, extract_to=".", *args, **kwargs): + """This method allows to extract a compressed file from a tar, tar.bz2 and tar.gz files. + + Args: + compressed_file (object): File-like object with the contents of a compressed file. + mode (str): string of the form 'filemode[:compression]' (e.g. 'r:gz' or 'r:bz2') + extract_to (str, optional): where to extract the compressed file. + """ + with tarfile.open(fileobj=compressed_file, mode=mode) as t: + _safe_extract(t, path=extract_to) + + def download_unpack(self, url, extract_to=".", extract_dirs="*", verbose=False): + """Generic method to download and extract a compressed file without writing it + to disk first. + + Args: + url (str): URL where the file to be downloaded is located. + extract_to (str, optional): directory where the downloaded file will + be extracted to. + extract_dirs (list, optional): directories inside the archive to extract. + Defaults to `*`. It currently only applies to zip files. + verbose (bool, optional): whether or not extracted content should be displayed. + Defaults to False. + + """ + + def _determine_extraction_method_and_kwargs(url): + EXTENSION_TO_MIMETYPE = { + "bz2": "application/x-bzip2", + "gz": "application/x-gzip", + "tar": "application/x-tar", + "zip": "application/zip", + } + MIMETYPES = { + "application/x-bzip2": { + "function": self.deflate, + "kwargs": {"mode": "r:bz2"}, + }, + "application/x-gzip": { + "function": self.deflate, + "kwargs": {"mode": "r:gz"}, + }, + "application/x-tar": { + "function": self.deflate, + "kwargs": {"mode": "r"}, + }, + "application/zip": { + "function": self.unzip, + }, + "application/x-zip-compressed": { + "function": self.unzip, + }, + } + + filename = url.split("/")[-1] + # XXX: bz2/gz instead of tar.{bz2/gz} + extension = filename[filename.rfind(".") + 1 :] + mimetype = EXTENSION_TO_MIMETYPE[extension] + self.debug("Mimetype: {}".format(mimetype)) + + function = MIMETYPES[mimetype]["function"] + kwargs = { + "compressed_file": compressed_file, + "extract_to": extract_to, + "extract_dirs": extract_dirs, + "verbose": verbose, + } + kwargs.update(MIMETYPES[mimetype].get("kwargs", {})) + + return function, kwargs + + # Many scripts overwrite this method and set extract_dirs to None + extract_dirs = "*" if extract_dirs is None else extract_dirs + self.info( + "Downloading and extracting to {} these dirs {} from {}".format( + extract_to, + ", ".join(extract_dirs), + url, + ) + ) + + # 1) Let's fetch the file + retry_args = dict( + retry_exceptions=( + HTTPError, + URLError, + httplib.HTTPException, + socket.timeout, + socket.error, + ContentLengthMismatch, + ), + sleeptime=30, + attempts=5, + error_message="Can't download from {}".format(url), + error_level=FATAL, + ) + compressed_file = self.retry( + self.fetch_url_into_memory, kwargs={"url": url}, **retry_args + ) + + # 2) We're guaranteed to have download the file with error_level=FATAL + # Let's unpack the file + function, kwargs = _determine_extraction_method_and_kwargs(url) + try: + function(**kwargs) + except zipfile.BadZipfile: + # Dump the exception and exit + self.exception(level=FATAL) + + def load_json_url(self, url, error_level=None, *args, **kwargs): + """Returns a json object from a url (it retries).""" + contents = self._retry_download( + url=url, error_level=error_level, *args, **kwargs + ) + return json.loads(contents.read()) + + # http://www.techniqal.com/blog/2008/07/31/python-file-read-write-with-urllib2/ + # TODO thinking about creating a transfer object. + def download_file( + self, + url, + file_name=None, + parent_dir=None, + create_parent_dir=True, + error_level=ERROR, + exit_code=3, + retry_config=None, + ): + """Python wget. + Download the filename at `url` into `file_name` and put it on `parent_dir`. + On error log with the specified `error_level`, on fatal exit with `exit_code`. + Execute all the above based on `retry_config` parameter. + + Args: + url (str): URL path where the file to be downloaded is located. + file_name (str, optional): file_name where the file will be written to. + Defaults to urls' filename. + parent_dir (str, optional): directory where the downloaded file will + be written to. Defaults to current working + directory + create_parent_dir (bool, optional): create the parent directory if it + doesn't exist. Defaults to `True` + error_level (str, optional): log level to use in case an error occurs. + Defaults to `ERROR` + retry_config (dict, optional): key-value pairs to be passed to + `self.retry`. Defaults to `None` + + Returns: + str: filename where the downloaded file was written to. + unknown: on failure, `failure_status` is returned. + """ + if not file_name: + try: + file_name = self.get_filename_from_url(url) + except AttributeError: + self.log( + "Unable to get filename from %s; bad url?" % url, + level=error_level, + exit_code=exit_code, + ) + return + if parent_dir: + file_name = os.path.join(parent_dir, file_name) + if create_parent_dir: + self.mkdir_p(parent_dir, error_level=error_level) + self.info("Downloading %s to %s" % (url, file_name)) + status = self._retry_download( + url=url, + error_level=error_level, + file_name=file_name, + retry_config=retry_config, + ) + if status == file_name: + self.info("Downloaded %d bytes." % os.path.getsize(file_name)) + return status + + def move(self, src, dest, log_level=INFO, error_level=ERROR, exit_code=-1): + """recursively move a file or directory (src) to another location (dest). + + Args: + src (str): file or directory path to move. + dest (str): file or directory path where to move the content to. + log_level (str): log level to use for normal operation. Defaults to + `INFO` + error_level (str): log level to use on error. Defaults to `ERROR` + + Returns: + int: 0 on success. -1 on error. + """ + self.log("Moving %s to %s" % (src, dest), level=log_level) + try: + shutil.move(src, dest) + # http://docs.python.org/tutorial/errors.html + except IOError as e: + self.log("IO error: %s" % str(e), level=error_level, exit_code=exit_code) + return -1 + except shutil.Error as e: + # ERROR level ends up reporting the failure to treeherder & + # pollutes the failure summary list. + self.log("shutil error: %s" % str(e), level=WARNING, exit_code=exit_code) + return -1 + return 0 + + def chmod(self, path, mode): + """change `path` mode to `mode`. + + Args: + path (str): path whose mode will be modified. + mode (hex): one of the values defined at `stat`_ + + .. _stat: + https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.chmod + """ + + self.info("Chmoding %s to %s" % (path, str(oct(mode)))) + os.chmod(path, mode) + + def copyfile( + self, + src, + dest, + log_level=INFO, + error_level=ERROR, + copystat=False, + compress=False, + ): + """copy or compress `src` into `dest`. + + Args: + src (str): filepath to copy. + dest (str): filepath where to move the content to. + log_level (str, optional): log level to use for normal operation. Defaults to + `INFO` + error_level (str, optional): log level to use on error. Defaults to `ERROR` + copystat (bool, optional): whether or not to copy the files metadata. + Defaults to `False`. + compress (bool, optional): whether or not to compress the destination file. + Defaults to `False`. + + Returns: + int: -1 on error + None: on success + """ + + if compress: + self.log("Compressing %s to %s" % (src, dest), level=log_level) + try: + infile = open(src, "rb") + outfile = gzip.open(dest, "wb") + outfile.writelines(infile) + outfile.close() + infile.close() + except IOError as e: + self.log( + "Can't compress %s to %s: %s!" % (src, dest, str(e)), + level=error_level, + ) + return -1 + else: + self.log("Copying %s to %s" % (src, dest), level=log_level) + try: + shutil.copyfile(src, dest) + except (IOError, shutil.Error) as e: + self.log( + "Can't copy %s to %s: %s!" % (src, dest, str(e)), level=error_level + ) + return -1 + + if copystat: + try: + shutil.copystat(src, dest) + except (IOError, shutil.Error) as e: + self.log( + "Can't copy attributes of %s to %s: %s!" % (src, dest, str(e)), + level=error_level, + ) + return -1 + + def copytree( + self, src, dest, overwrite="no_overwrite", log_level=INFO, error_level=ERROR + ): + """An implementation of `shutil.copytree` that allows for `dest` to exist + and implements different overwrite levels: + - 'no_overwrite' will keep all(any) existing files in destination tree + - 'overwrite_if_exists' will only overwrite destination paths that have + the same path names relative to the root of the + src and destination tree + - 'clobber' will replace the whole destination tree(clobber) if it exists + + Args: + src (str): directory path to move. + dest (str): directory path where to move the content to. + overwrite (str): string specifying the overwrite level. + log_level (str, optional): log level to use for normal operation. Defaults to + `INFO` + error_level (str, optional): log level to use on error. Defaults to `ERROR` + + Returns: + int: -1 on error + None: on success + """ + + self.info("copying tree: %s to %s" % (src, dest)) + try: + if overwrite == "clobber" or not os.path.exists(dest): + self.rmtree(dest) + shutil.copytree(src, dest) + elif overwrite == "no_overwrite" or overwrite == "overwrite_if_exists": + files = os.listdir(src) + for f in files: + abs_src_f = os.path.join(src, f) + abs_dest_f = os.path.join(dest, f) + if not os.path.exists(abs_dest_f): + if os.path.isdir(abs_src_f): + self.mkdir_p(abs_dest_f) + self.copytree(abs_src_f, abs_dest_f, overwrite="clobber") + else: + shutil.copy2(abs_src_f, abs_dest_f) + elif overwrite == "no_overwrite": # destination path exists + if os.path.isdir(abs_src_f) and os.path.isdir(abs_dest_f): + self.copytree( + abs_src_f, abs_dest_f, overwrite="no_overwrite" + ) + else: + self.debug( + "ignoring path: %s as destination: \ + %s exists" + % (abs_src_f, abs_dest_f) + ) + else: # overwrite == 'overwrite_if_exists' and destination exists + self.debug("overwriting: %s with: %s" % (abs_dest_f, abs_src_f)) + self.rmtree(abs_dest_f) + + if os.path.isdir(abs_src_f): + self.mkdir_p(abs_dest_f) + self.copytree( + abs_src_f, abs_dest_f, overwrite="overwrite_if_exists" + ) + else: + shutil.copy2(abs_src_f, abs_dest_f) + else: + self.fatal( + "%s is not a valid argument for param overwrite" % (overwrite) + ) + except (IOError, shutil.Error): + self.exception( + "There was an error while copying %s to %s!" % (src, dest), + level=error_level, + ) + return -1 + + def write_to_file( + self, + file_path, + contents, + verbose=True, + open_mode="w", + create_parent_dir=False, + error_level=ERROR, + ): + """Write `contents` to `file_path`, according to `open_mode`. + + Args: + file_path (str): filepath where the content will be written to. + contents (str): content to write to the filepath. + verbose (bool, optional): whether or not to log `contents` value. + Defaults to `True` + open_mode (str, optional): open mode to use for openning the file. + Defaults to `w` + create_parent_dir (bool, optional): whether or not to create the + parent directory of `file_path` + error_level (str, optional): log level to use on error. Defaults to `ERROR` + + Returns: + str: `file_path` on success + None: on error. + """ + self.info("Writing to file %s" % file_path) + if verbose: + self.info("Contents:") + for line in contents.splitlines(): + self.info(" %s" % line) + if create_parent_dir: + parent_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path) + self.mkdir_p(parent_dir, error_level=error_level) + try: + fh = open(file_path, open_mode) + try: + fh.write(contents) + except UnicodeEncodeError: + fh.write(contents.encode("utf-8", "replace")) + fh.close() + return file_path + except IOError: + self.log("%s can't be opened for writing!" % file_path, level=error_level) + + @contextmanager + def opened(self, file_path, verbose=True, open_mode="r", error_level=ERROR): + """Create a context manager to use on a with statement. + + Args: + file_path (str): filepath of the file to open. + verbose (bool, optional): useless parameter, not used here. + Defaults to True. + open_mode (str, optional): open mode to use for openning the file. + Defaults to `r` + error_level (str, optional): log level name to use on error. + Defaults to `ERROR` + + Yields: + tuple: (file object, error) pair. In case of error `None` is yielded + as file object, together with the corresponding error. + If there is no error, `None` is returned as the error. + """ + # See opened_w_error in http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0343/ + self.info("Reading from file %s" % file_path) + try: + fh = open(file_path, open_mode) + except IOError as err: + self.log( + "unable to open %s: %s" % (file_path, err.strerror), level=error_level + ) + yield None, err + else: + try: + yield fh, None + finally: + fh.close() + + def read_from_file(self, file_path, verbose=True, open_mode="r", error_level=ERROR): + """Use `self.opened` context manager to open a file and read its + content. + + Args: + file_path (str): filepath of the file to read. + verbose (bool, optional): whether or not to log the file content. + Defaults to True. + open_mode (str, optional): open mode to use for openning the file. + Defaults to `r` + error_level (str, optional): log level name to use on error. + Defaults to `ERROR` + + Returns: + None: on error. + str: file content on success. + """ + with self.opened(file_path, verbose, open_mode, error_level) as (fh, err): + if err: + return None + contents = fh.read() + if verbose: + self.info("Contents:") + for line in contents.splitlines(): + self.info(" %s" % line) + return contents + + def chdir(self, dir_name): + self.log("Changing directory to %s." % dir_name) + os.chdir(dir_name) + + def is_exe(self, fpath): + """ + Determine if fpath is a file and if it is executable. + """ + return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) + + def which(self, program): + """OS independent implementation of Unix's which command + + Args: + program (str): name or path to the program whose executable is + being searched. + + Returns: + None: if the executable was not found. + str: filepath of the executable file. + """ + if self._is_windows() and not program.endswith(".exe"): + program += ".exe" + fpath, fname = os.path.split(program) + if fpath: + if self.is_exe(program): + return program + else: + # If the exe file is defined in the configs let's use that + exe = self.query_exe(program) + if self.is_exe(exe): + return exe + + # If not defined, let's look for it in the $PATH + env = self.query_env() + for path in env["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): + exe_file = os.path.join(path, program) + if self.is_exe(exe_file): + return exe_file + return None + + # More complex commands {{{2 + def retry( + self, + action, + attempts=None, + sleeptime=60, + max_sleeptime=5 * 60, + retry_exceptions=(Exception,), + good_statuses=None, + cleanup=None, + error_level=ERROR, + error_message="%(action)s failed after %(attempts)d tries!", + failure_status=-1, + log_level=INFO, + args=(), + kwargs={}, + ): + """generic retry command. Ported from `util.retry`_ + + Args: + action (func): callable object to retry. + attempts (int, optinal): maximum number of times to call actions. + Defaults to `self.config.get('global_retries', 5)` + sleeptime (int, optional): number of seconds to wait between + attempts. Defaults to 60 and doubles each retry attempt, to + a maximum of `max_sleeptime' + max_sleeptime (int, optional): maximum value of sleeptime. Defaults + to 5 minutes + retry_exceptions (tuple, optional): Exceptions that should be caught. + If exceptions other than those listed in `retry_exceptions' are + raised from `action', they will be raised immediately. Defaults + to (Exception) + good_statuses (object, optional): return values which, if specified, + will result in retrying if the return value isn't listed. + Defaults to `None`. + cleanup (func, optional): If `cleanup' is provided and callable + it will be called immediately after an Exception is caught. + No arguments will be passed to it. If your cleanup function + requires arguments it is recommended that you wrap it in an + argumentless function. + Defaults to `None`. + error_level (str, optional): log level name in case of error. + Defaults to `ERROR`. + error_message (str, optional): string format to use in case + none of the attempts success. Defaults to + '%(action)s failed after %(attempts)d tries!' + failure_status (int, optional): flag to return in case the retries + were not successfull. Defaults to -1. + log_level (str, optional): log level name to use for normal activity. + Defaults to `INFO`. + args (tuple, optional): positional arguments to pass onto `action`. + kwargs (dict, optional): key-value arguments to pass onto `action`. + + Returns: + object: return value of `action`. + int: failure status in case of failure retries. + """ + if not callable(action): + self.fatal("retry() called with an uncallable method %s!" % action) + if cleanup and not callable(cleanup): + self.fatal("retry() called with an uncallable cleanup method %s!" % cleanup) + if not attempts: + attempts = self.config.get("global_retries", 5) + if max_sleeptime < sleeptime: + self.debug( + "max_sleeptime %d less than sleeptime %d" % (max_sleeptime, sleeptime) + ) + n = 0 + while n <= attempts: + retry = False + n += 1 + try: + self.log( + "retry: Calling %s with args: %s, kwargs: %s, attempt #%d" + % (action.__name__, str(args), str(kwargs), n), + level=log_level, + ) + status = action(*args, **kwargs) + if good_statuses and status not in good_statuses: + retry = True + except retry_exceptions as e: + retry = True + error_message = "%s\nCaught exception: %s" % (error_message, str(e)) + self.log( + "retry: attempt #%d caught %s exception: %s" + % (n, type(e).__name__, str(e)), + level=INFO, + ) + + if not retry: + return status + else: + if cleanup: + cleanup() + if n == attempts: + self.log( + error_message % {"action": action, "attempts": n}, + level=error_level, + ) + return failure_status + if sleeptime > 0: + self.log( + "retry: Failed, sleeping %d seconds before retrying" + % sleeptime, + level=log_level, + ) + time.sleep(sleeptime) + sleeptime = sleeptime * 2 + if sleeptime > max_sleeptime: + sleeptime = max_sleeptime + + def query_env( + self, + partial_env=None, + replace_dict=None, + purge_env=(), + set_self_env=None, + log_level=DEBUG, + avoid_host_env=False, + ): + """Environment query/generation method. + The default, self.query_env(), will look for self.config['env'] + and replace any special strings in there ( %(PATH)s ). + It will then store it as self.env for speeding things up later. + + If you specify partial_env, partial_env will be used instead of + self.config['env'], and we don't save self.env as it's a one-off. + + + Args: + partial_env (dict, optional): key-value pairs of the name and value + of different environment variables. Defaults to an empty dictionary. + replace_dict (dict, optional): key-value pairs to replace the old + environment variables. + purge_env (list): environment names to delete from the final + environment dictionary. + set_self_env (boolean, optional): whether or not the environment + variables dictionary should be copied to `self`. + Defaults to True. + log_level (str, optional): log level name to use on normal operation. + Defaults to `DEBUG`. + avoid_host_env (boolean, optional): if set to True, we will not use + any environment variables set on the host except PATH. + Defaults to False. + + Returns: + dict: environment variables names with their values. + """ + if partial_env is None: + if self.env is not None: + return self.env + partial_env = self.config.get("env", None) + if partial_env is None: + partial_env = {} + if set_self_env is None: + set_self_env = True + + env = {"PATH": os.environ["PATH"]} if avoid_host_env else os.environ.copy() + + default_replace_dict = self.query_abs_dirs() + default_replace_dict["PATH"] = os.environ["PATH"] + if not replace_dict: + replace_dict = default_replace_dict + else: + for key in default_replace_dict: + if key not in replace_dict: + replace_dict[key] = default_replace_dict[key] + for key in partial_env.keys(): + env[key] = partial_env[key] % replace_dict + self.log("ENV: %s is now %s" % (key, env[key]), level=log_level) + for k in purge_env: + if k in env: + del env[k] + if os.name == "nt": + pref_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() + for k, v in six.iteritems(env): + # When run locally on Windows machines, some environment + # variables may be unicode. + env[k] = six.ensure_str(v, pref_encoding) + if set_self_env: + self.env = env + return env + + def query_exe( + self, + exe_name, + exe_dict="exes", + default=None, + return_type=None, + error_level=FATAL, + ): + """One way to work around PATH rewrites. + + By default, return exe_name, and we'll fall through to searching + os.environ["PATH"]. + However, if self.config[exe_dict][exe_name] exists, return that. + This lets us override exe paths via config file. + + If we need runtime setting, we can build in self.exes support later. + + Args: + exe_name (str): name of the executable to search for. + exe_dict(str, optional): name of the dictionary of executables + present in `self.config`. Defaults to `exes`. + default (str, optional): default name of the executable to search + for. Defaults to `exe_name`. + return_type (str, optional): type to which the original return + value will be turn into. Only 'list', 'string' and `None` are + supported. Defaults to `None`. + error_level (str, optional): log level name to use on error. + + Returns: + list: in case return_type is 'list' + str: in case return_type is 'string' + None: in case return_type is `None` + Any: if the found executable is not of type list, tuple nor str. + """ + if default is None: + default = exe_name + exe = self.config.get(exe_dict, {}).get(exe_name, default) + repl_dict = {} + if hasattr(self.script_obj, "query_abs_dirs"): + # allow for 'make': '%(abs_work_dir)s/...' etc. + dirs = self.script_obj.query_abs_dirs() + repl_dict.update(dirs) + if isinstance(exe, dict): + found = False + # allow for searchable paths of the exe + for name, path in six.iteritems(exe): + if isinstance(path, list) or isinstance(path, tuple): + path = [x % repl_dict for x in path] + if all([os.path.exists(section) for section in path]): + found = True + elif isinstance(path, str): + path = path % repl_dict + if os.path.exists(path): + found = True + else: + self.log( + "a exes %s dict's value is not a string, list, or tuple. Got key " + "%s and value %s" % (exe_name, name, str(path)), + level=error_level, + ) + if found: + exe = path + break + else: + self.log( + "query_exe was a searchable dict but an existing " + "path could not be determined. Tried searching in " + "paths: %s" % (str(exe)), + level=error_level, + ) + return None + elif isinstance(exe, list) or isinstance(exe, tuple): + exe = [x % repl_dict for x in exe] + elif isinstance(exe, str): + exe = exe % repl_dict + else: + self.log( + "query_exe: %s is not a list, tuple, dict, or string: " + "%s!" % (exe_name, str(exe)), + level=error_level, + ) + return exe + if return_type == "list": + if isinstance(exe, str): + exe = [exe] + elif return_type == "string": + if isinstance(exe, list): + exe = subprocess.list2cmdline(exe) + elif return_type is not None: + self.log( + "Unknown return_type type %s requested in query_exe!" % return_type, + level=error_level, + ) + return exe + + def run_command( + self, + command, + cwd=None, + error_list=None, + halt_on_failure=False, + success_codes=None, + env=None, + partial_env=None, + return_type="status", + throw_exception=False, + output_parser=None, + output_timeout=None, + fatal_exit_code=2, + error_level=ERROR, + **kwargs + ): + """Run a command, with logging and error parsing. + TODO: context_lines + + error_list example: + [{'regex': re.compile('^Error: LOL J/K'), level=IGNORE}, + {'regex': re.compile('^Error:'), level=ERROR, contextLines='5:5'}, + {'substr': 'THE WORLD IS ENDING', level=FATAL, contextLines='20:'} + ] + (context_lines isn't written yet) + + Args: + command (str | list | tuple): command or sequence of commands to + execute and log. + cwd (str, optional): directory path from where to execute the + command. Defaults to `None`. + error_list (list, optional): list of errors to pass to + `mozharness.base.log.OutputParser`. Defaults to `None`. + halt_on_failure (bool, optional): whether or not to redefine the + log level as `FATAL` on errors. Defaults to False. + success_codes (int, optional): numeric value to compare against + the command return value. + env (dict, optional): key-value of environment values to use to + run the command. Defaults to None. + partial_env (dict, optional): key-value of environment values to + replace from the current environment values. Defaults to None. + return_type (str, optional): if equal to 'num_errors' then the + amount of errors matched by `error_list` is returned. Defaults + to 'status'. + throw_exception (bool, optional): whether or not to raise an + exception if the return value of the command doesn't match + any of the `success_codes`. Defaults to False. + output_parser (OutputParser, optional): lets you provide an + instance of your own OutputParser subclass. Defaults to `OutputParser`. + output_timeout (int): amount of seconds to wait for output before + the process is killed. + fatal_exit_code (int, optional): call `self.fatal` if the return value + of the command is not in `success_codes`. Defaults to 2. + error_level (str, optional): log level name to use on error. Defaults + to `ERROR`. + **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. + + Returns: + int: -1 on error. + Any: `command` return value is returned otherwise. + """ + if success_codes is None: + success_codes = [0] + if cwd is not None: + if not os.path.isdir(cwd): + level = error_level + if halt_on_failure: + level = FATAL + self.log( + "Can't run command %s in non-existent directory '%s'!" + % (command, cwd), + level=level, + ) + return -1 + self.info("Running command: %s in %s" % (command, cwd)) + else: + self.info("Running command: %s" % (command,)) + if isinstance(command, list) or isinstance(command, tuple): + self.info("Copy/paste: %s" % subprocess.list2cmdline(command)) + shell = True + if isinstance(command, list) or isinstance(command, tuple): + shell = False + if env is None: + if partial_env: + self.info("Using partial env: %s" % pprint.pformat(partial_env)) + env = self.query_env(partial_env=partial_env) + else: + if hasattr(self, "previous_env") and env == self.previous_env: + self.info("Using env: (same as previous command)") + else: + self.info("Using env: %s" % pprint.pformat(env)) + self.previous_env = env + + if output_parser is None: + parser = OutputParser( + config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, error_list=error_list + ) + else: + parser = output_parser + + try: + if output_timeout: + + def processOutput(line): + parser.add_lines(line) + + def onTimeout(): + self.info( + "Automation Error: mozprocess timed out after " + "%s seconds running %s" % (str(output_timeout), str(command)) + ) + + p = ProcessHandler( + command, + shell=shell, + env=env, + cwd=cwd, + storeOutput=False, + onTimeout=(onTimeout,), + processOutputLine=[processOutput], + ) + self.info( + "Calling %s with output_timeout %d" % (command, output_timeout) + ) + p.run(outputTimeout=output_timeout) + p.wait() + if p.timedOut: + self.log( + "timed out after %s seconds of no output" % output_timeout, + level=error_level, + ) + returncode = int(p.proc.returncode) + else: + p = subprocess.Popen( + command, + shell=shell, + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + cwd=cwd, + stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, + env=env, + bufsize=0, + ) + loop = True + while loop: + if p.poll() is not None: + """Avoid losing the final lines of the log?""" + loop = False + while True: + line = p.stdout.readline() + if not line: + break + parser.add_lines(line) + returncode = p.returncode + except KeyboardInterrupt: + level = error_level + if halt_on_failure: + level = FATAL + self.log( + "Process interrupted by the user, killing process with pid %s" % p.pid, + level=level, + ) + p.kill() + return -1 + except OSError as e: + level = error_level + if halt_on_failure: + level = FATAL + self.log( + "caught OS error %s: %s while running %s" + % (e.errno, e.strerror, command), + level=level, + ) + return -1 + + if returncode not in success_codes: + if throw_exception: + raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode, command) + # Force level to be INFO as message is not necessary in Treeherder + self.log("Return code: %d" % returncode, level=INFO) + + if halt_on_failure: + _fail = False + if returncode not in success_codes: + self.log( + "%s not in success codes: %s" % (returncode, success_codes), + level=error_level, + ) + _fail = True + if parser.num_errors: + self.log("failures found while parsing output", level=error_level) + _fail = True + if _fail: + self.return_code = fatal_exit_code + self.fatal( + "Halting on failure while running %s" % (command,), + exit_code=fatal_exit_code, + ) + if return_type == "num_errors": + return parser.num_errors + return returncode + + def get_output_from_command( + self, + command, + cwd=None, + halt_on_failure=False, + env=None, + silent=False, + log_level=INFO, + tmpfile_base_path="tmpfile", + return_type="output", + save_tmpfiles=False, + throw_exception=False, + fatal_exit_code=2, + ignore_errors=False, + success_codes=None, + output_filter=None, + ): + """Similar to run_command, but where run_command is an + os.system(command) analog, get_output_from_command is a `command` + analog. + + Less error checking by design, though if we figure out how to + do it without borking the output, great. + + TODO: binary mode? silent is kinda like that. + TODO: since p.wait() can take a long time, optionally log something + every N seconds? + TODO: optionally only keep the first or last (N) line(s) of output? + TODO: optionally only return the tmp_stdout_filename? + + ignore_errors=True is for the case where a command might produce standard + error output, but you don't particularly care; setting to True will + cause standard error to be logged at DEBUG rather than ERROR + + Args: + command (str | list): command or list of commands to + execute and log. + cwd (str, optional): directory path from where to execute the + command. Defaults to `None`. + halt_on_failure (bool, optional): whether or not to redefine the + log level as `FATAL` on error. Defaults to False. + env (dict, optional): key-value of environment values to use to + run the command. Defaults to None. + silent (bool, optional): whether or not to output the stdout of + executing the command. Defaults to False. + log_level (str, optional): log level name to use on normal execution. + Defaults to `INFO`. + tmpfile_base_path (str, optional): base path of the file to which + the output will be writen to. Defaults to 'tmpfile'. + return_type (str, optional): if equal to 'output' then the complete + output of the executed command is returned, otherwise the written + filenames are returned. Defaults to 'output'. + save_tmpfiles (bool, optional): whether or not to save the temporary + files created from the command output. Defaults to False. + throw_exception (bool, optional): whether or not to raise an + exception if the return value of the command is not zero. + Defaults to False. + fatal_exit_code (int, optional): call self.fatal if the return value + of the command match this value. + ignore_errors (bool, optional): whether or not to change the log + level to `ERROR` for the output of stderr. Defaults to False. + success_codes (int, optional): numeric value to compare against + the command return value. + output_filter (func, optional): provide a function to filter output + so that noise is reduced and lines are sanitized. default: None + + Returns: + None: if the cwd is not a directory. + None: on IOError. + tuple: stdout and stderr filenames. + str: stdout output. + """ + if cwd: + if not os.path.isdir(cwd): + level = ERROR + if halt_on_failure: + level = FATAL + self.log( + "Can't run command %s in non-existent directory %s!" + % (command, cwd), + level=level, + ) + return None + self.info("Getting output from command: %s in %s" % (command, cwd)) + else: + self.info("Getting output from command: %s" % command) + if isinstance(command, list): + self.info("Copy/paste: %s" % subprocess.list2cmdline(command)) + # This could potentially return something? + tmp_stdout = None + tmp_stderr = None + tmp_stdout_filename = "%s_stdout" % tmpfile_base_path + tmp_stderr_filename = "%s_stderr" % tmpfile_base_path + if success_codes is None: + success_codes = [0] + + # TODO probably some more elegant solution than 2 similar passes + try: + tmp_stdout = open(tmp_stdout_filename, "w") + except IOError: + level = ERROR + if halt_on_failure: + level = FATAL + self.log( + "Can't open %s for writing!" % tmp_stdout_filename + self.exception(), + level=level, + ) + return None + try: + tmp_stderr = open(tmp_stderr_filename, "w") + except IOError: + level = ERROR + if halt_on_failure: + level = FATAL + self.log( + "Can't open %s for writing!" % tmp_stderr_filename + self.exception(), + level=level, + ) + return None + shell = True + if isinstance(command, list): + shell = False + + p = subprocess.Popen( + command, + shell=shell, + stdout=tmp_stdout, + cwd=cwd, + stderr=tmp_stderr, + env=env, + bufsize=0, + ) + # XXX: changed from self.debug to self.log due to this error: + # TypeError: debug() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given) + self.log( + "Temporary files: %s and %s" % (tmp_stdout_filename, tmp_stderr_filename), + level=DEBUG, + ) + p.wait() + tmp_stdout.close() + tmp_stderr.close() + return_level = DEBUG + output = None + if return_type == "output" or not silent: + if os.path.exists(tmp_stdout_filename) and os.path.getsize( + tmp_stdout_filename + ): + output = self.read_from_file(tmp_stdout_filename, verbose=False) + if output_filter: + output = output_filter(output) + if not silent: + self.log("Output received:", level=log_level) + output_lines = output.rstrip().splitlines() + for line in output_lines: + if not line or line.isspace(): + continue + if isinstance(line, binary_type): + line = line.decode("utf-8") + self.log(" %s" % line, level=log_level) + output = "\n".join(output_lines) + if os.path.exists(tmp_stderr_filename) and os.path.getsize(tmp_stderr_filename): + errors = self.read_from_file(tmp_stderr_filename, verbose=False) + if output_filter: + errors = output_filter(errors) + if errors: + if not ignore_errors: + return_level = ERROR + self.log("Errors received:", level=return_level) + for line in errors.rstrip().splitlines(): + if not line or line.isspace(): + continue + if isinstance(line, binary_type): + line = line.decode("utf-8") + self.log(" %s" % line, level=return_level) + elif p.returncode not in success_codes and not ignore_errors: + return_level = ERROR + # Clean up. + if not save_tmpfiles: + self.rmtree(tmp_stderr_filename, log_level=DEBUG) + self.rmtree(tmp_stdout_filename, log_level=DEBUG) + if p.returncode and throw_exception: + raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, command) + # Force level to be INFO as message is not necessary in Treeherder + self.log("Return code: %d" % p.returncode, level=INFO) + if halt_on_failure and return_level == ERROR: + self.return_code = fatal_exit_code + self.fatal( + "Halting on failure while running %s" % command, + exit_code=fatal_exit_code, + ) + # Hm, options on how to return this? I bet often we'll want + # output_lines[0] with no newline. + if return_type != "output": + return (tmp_stdout_filename, tmp_stderr_filename) + else: + return output + + def _touch_file(self, file_name, times=None, error_level=FATAL): + """touch a file. + + Args: + file_name (str): name of the file to touch. + times (tuple, optional): 2-tuple as specified by `os.utime`_ + Defaults to None. + error_level (str, optional): log level name in case of error. + Defaults to `FATAL`. + + .. _`os.utime`: + https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/os.html?highlight=os.utime#os.utime + """ + self.info("Touching: %s" % file_name) + try: + os.utime(file_name, times) + except OSError: + try: + open(file_name, "w").close() + except IOError as e: + msg = "I/O error(%s): %s" % (e.errno, e.strerror) + self.log(msg, error_level=error_level) + os.utime(file_name, times) + + def unpack( + self, + filename, + extract_to, + extract_dirs=None, + error_level=ERROR, + fatal_exit_code=2, + verbose=False, + ): + """The method allows to extract a file regardless of its extension. + + Args: + filename (str): filename of the compressed file. + extract_to (str): where to extract the compressed file. + extract_dirs (list, optional): directories inside the archive file to extract. + Defaults to `None`. + fatal_exit_code (int, optional): call `self.fatal` if the return value + of the command is not in `success_codes`. Defaults to 2. + verbose (bool, optional): whether or not extracted content should be displayed. + Defaults to False. + + Raises: + IOError: on `filename` file not found. + + """ + if not os.path.isfile(filename): + raise IOError("Could not find file to extract: %s" % filename) + + if zipfile.is_zipfile(filename): + try: + self.info( + "Using ZipFile to extract {} to {}".format(filename, extract_to) + ) + with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as bundle: + for entry in self._filter_entries(bundle.namelist(), extract_dirs): + if verbose: + self.info(" %s" % entry) + bundle.extract(entry, path=extract_to) + + # ZipFile doesn't preserve permissions during extraction: + # http://bugs.python.org/issue15795 + fname = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(extract_to, entry)) + mode = bundle.getinfo(entry).external_attr >> 16 & 0x1FF + # Only set permissions if attributes are available. Otherwise all + # permissions will be removed eg. on Windows. + if mode: + os.chmod(fname, mode) + except zipfile.BadZipfile as e: + self.log( + "%s (%s)" % (str(e), filename), + level=error_level, + exit_code=fatal_exit_code, + ) + + # Bug 1211882 - is_tarfile cannot be trusted for dmg files + elif tarfile.is_tarfile(filename) and not filename.lower().endswith(".dmg"): + try: + self.info( + "Using TarFile to extract {} to {}".format(filename, extract_to) + ) + with tarfile.open(filename) as bundle: + for entry in self._filter_entries(bundle.getnames(), extract_dirs): + _validate_tar_member(bundle.getmember(entry), extract_to) + if verbose: + self.info(" %s" % entry) + bundle.extract(entry, path=extract_to) + except tarfile.TarError as e: + self.log( + "%s (%s)" % (str(e), filename), + level=error_level, + exit_code=fatal_exit_code, + ) + else: + self.log( + "No extraction method found for: %s" % filename, + level=error_level, + exit_code=fatal_exit_code, + ) + + def is_taskcluster(self): + """Returns boolean indicating if we're running in TaskCluster.""" + # This may need expanding in the future to work on + return "TASKCLUSTER_WORKER_TYPE" in os.environ + + +def PreScriptRun(func): + """Decorator for methods that will be called before script execution. + + Each method on a BaseScript having this decorator will be called at the + beginning of BaseScript.run(). + + The return value is ignored. Exceptions will abort execution. + """ + func._pre_run_listener = True + return func + + +def PostScriptRun(func): + """Decorator for methods that will be called after script execution. + + This is similar to PreScriptRun except it is called at the end of + execution. The method will always be fired, even if execution fails. + """ + func._post_run_listener = True + return func + + +def PreScriptAction(action=None): + """Decorator for methods that will be called at the beginning of each action. + + Each method on a BaseScript having this decorator will be called during + BaseScript.run() before an individual action is executed. The method will + receive the action's name as an argument. + + If no values are passed to the decorator, it will be applied to every + action. If a string is passed, the decorated function will only be called + for the action of that name. + + The return value of the method is ignored. Exceptions will abort execution. + """ + + def _wrapped(func): + func._pre_action_listener = action + return func + + def _wrapped_none(func): + func._pre_action_listener = None + return func + + if type(action) == type(_wrapped): + return _wrapped_none(action) + + return _wrapped + + +def PostScriptAction(action=None): + """Decorator for methods that will be called at the end of each action. + + This behaves similarly to PreScriptAction. It varies in that it is called + after execution of the action. + + The decorated method will receive the action name as a positional argument. + It will then receive the following named arguments: + + success - Bool indicating whether the action finished successfully. + + The decorated method will always be called, even if the action threw an + exception. + + The return value is ignored. + """ + + def _wrapped(func): + func._post_action_listener = action + return func + + def _wrapped_none(func): + func._post_action_listener = None + return func + + if type(action) == type(_wrapped): + return _wrapped_none(action) + + return _wrapped + + +# BaseScript {{{1 +class BaseScript(ScriptMixin, LogMixin, object): + def __init__( + self, + config_options=None, + ConfigClass=BaseConfig, + default_log_level="info", + **kwargs + ): + self._return_code = 0 + super(BaseScript, self).__init__() + + self.log_obj = None + self.abs_dirs = None + if config_options is None: + config_options = [] + self.summary_list = [] + self.failures = [] + rw_config = ConfigClass(config_options=config_options, **kwargs) + self.config = rw_config.get_read_only_config() + self.actions = tuple(rw_config.actions) + self.all_actions = tuple(rw_config.all_actions) + self.env = None + self.new_log_obj(default_log_level=default_log_level) + self.script_obj = self + + # Indicate we're a source checkout if VCS directory is present at the + # appropriate place. This code will break if this file is ever moved + # to another directory. + self.topsrcdir = None + + srcreldir = "testing/mozharness/mozharness/base" + here = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + if here.replace("\\", "/").endswith(srcreldir): + topsrcdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(here, "..", "..", "..", "..")) + hg_dir = os.path.join(topsrcdir, ".hg") + git_dir = os.path.join(topsrcdir, ".git") + if os.path.isdir(hg_dir) or os.path.isdir(git_dir): + self.topsrcdir = topsrcdir + + # Set self.config to read-only. + # + # We can create intermediate config info programmatically from + # this in a repeatable way, with logs; this is how we straddle the + # ideal-but-not-user-friendly static config and the + # easy-to-write-hard-to-debug writable config. + # + # To allow for other, script-specific configurations + # (e.g., props json parsing), before locking, + # call self._pre_config_lock(). If needed, this method can + # alter self.config. + self._pre_config_lock(rw_config) + self._config_lock() + + self.info("Run as %s" % rw_config.command_line) + if self.config.get("dump_config_hierarchy"): + # we only wish to dump and display what self.config is made up of, + # against the current script + args, without actually running any + # actions + self._dump_config_hierarchy(rw_config.all_cfg_files_and_dicts) + if self.config.get("dump_config"): + self.dump_config(exit_on_finish=True) + + # Collect decorated methods. We simply iterate over the attributes of + # the current class instance and look for signatures deposited by + # the decorators. + self._listeners = dict( + pre_run=[], + pre_action=[], + post_action=[], + post_run=[], + ) + for k in dir(self): + try: + item = self._getattr(k) + except Exception as e: + item = None + self.warning( + "BaseScript collecting decorated methods: " + "failure to get attribute {}: {}".format(k, str(e)) + ) + if not item: + continue + + # We only decorate methods, so ignore other types. + if not inspect.ismethod(item): + continue + + if hasattr(item, "_pre_run_listener"): + self._listeners["pre_run"].append(k) + + if hasattr(item, "_pre_action_listener"): + self._listeners["pre_action"].append((k, item._pre_action_listener)) + + if hasattr(item, "_post_action_listener"): + self._listeners["post_action"].append((k, item._post_action_listener)) + + if hasattr(item, "_post_run_listener"): + self._listeners["post_run"].append(k) + + def _getattr(self, name): + # `getattr(self, k)` will call the method `k` for any property + # access. If the property depends upon a module which has not + # been imported at the time the BaseScript initializer is + # executed, this property access will result in an + # Exception. Until Python 3's `inspect.getattr_static` is + # available, the simplest approach is to ignore the specific + # properties which are known to cause issues. Currently + # adb_path and device are ignored since they require the + # availablity of the mozdevice package which is not guaranteed + # when BaseScript is called. + property_list = set(["adb_path", "device"]) + if six.PY2: + if name in property_list: + item = None + else: + item = getattr(self, name) + else: + item = inspect.getattr_static(self, name) + if type(item) == property: + item = None + else: + item = getattr(self, name) + return item + + def _dump_config_hierarchy(self, cfg_files): + """interpret each config file used. + + This will show which keys/values are being added or overwritten by + other config files depending on their hierarchy (when they were added). + """ + # go through each config_file. We will start with the lowest and + # print its keys/values that are being used in self.config. If any + # keys/values are present in a config file with a higher precedence, + # ignore those. + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + cfg_files_dump_config = {} # we will dump this to file + # keep track of keys that did not come from a config file + keys_not_from_file = set(self.config.keys()) + if not cfg_files: + cfg_files = [] + self.info("Total config files: %d" % (len(cfg_files))) + if len(cfg_files): + self.info("cfg files used from lowest precedence to highest:") + for i, (target_file, target_dict) in enumerate(cfg_files): + unique_keys = set(target_dict.keys()) + unique_dict = {} + # iterate through the target_dicts remaining 'higher' cfg_files + remaining_cfgs = cfg_files[slice(i + 1, len(cfg_files))] + # where higher == more precedent + for ii, (higher_file, higher_dict) in enumerate(remaining_cfgs): + # now only keep keys/values that are not overwritten by a + # higher config + unique_keys = unique_keys.difference(set(higher_dict.keys())) + # unique_dict we know now has only keys/values that are unique to + # this config file. + unique_dict = dict((key, target_dict.get(key)) for key in unique_keys) + cfg_files_dump_config[target_file] = unique_dict + self.action_message("Config File %d: %s" % (i + 1, target_file)) + self.info(pprint.pformat(unique_dict)) + # let's also find out which keys/values from self.config are not + # from each target config file dict + keys_not_from_file = keys_not_from_file.difference(set(target_dict.keys())) + not_from_file_dict = dict( + (key, self.config.get(key)) for key in keys_not_from_file + ) + cfg_files_dump_config["not_from_cfg_file"] = not_from_file_dict + self.action_message( + "Not from any config file (default_config, " "cmd line options, etc)" + ) + self.info(pprint.pformat(not_from_file_dict)) + + # finally, let's dump this output as JSON and exit early + self.dump_config( + os.path.join(dirs["abs_log_dir"], "localconfigfiles.json"), + cfg_files_dump_config, + console_output=False, + exit_on_finish=True, + ) + + def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): + """This empty method can allow for config checking and manipulation + before the config lock, when overridden in scripts. + """ + pass + + def _config_lock(self): + """After this point, the config is locked and should not be + manipulated (based on mozharness.base.config.ReadOnlyDict) + """ + self.config.lock() + + def _possibly_run_method(self, method_name, error_if_missing=False): + """This is here for run().""" + if hasattr(self, method_name) and callable(self._getattr(method_name)): + return getattr(self, method_name)() + elif error_if_missing: + self.error("No such method %s!" % method_name) + + def run_action(self, action): + if action not in self.actions: + self.action_message("Skipping %s step." % action) + return + + method_name = action.replace("-", "_") + self.action_message("Running %s step." % action) + + # An exception during a pre action listener should abort execution. + for fn, target in self._listeners["pre_action"]: + if target is not None and target != action: + continue + + try: + self.info("Running pre-action listener: %s" % fn) + method = getattr(self, fn) + method(action) + except Exception: + self.error( + "Exception during pre-action for %s: %s" + % (action, traceback.format_exc()) + ) + + for fn, target in self._listeners["post_action"]: + if target is not None and target != action: + continue + + try: + self.info("Running post-action listener: %s" % fn) + method = getattr(self, fn) + method(action, success=False) + except Exception: + self.error( + "An additional exception occurred during " + "post-action for %s: %s" % (action, traceback.format_exc()) + ) + + self.fatal("Aborting due to exception in pre-action listener.") + + # We always run post action listeners, even if the main routine failed. + success = False + try: + self.info("Running main action method: %s" % method_name) + self._possibly_run_method("preflight_%s" % method_name) + self._possibly_run_method(method_name, error_if_missing=True) + self._possibly_run_method("postflight_%s" % method_name) + success = True + finally: + post_success = True + for fn, target in self._listeners["post_action"]: + if target is not None and target != action: + continue + + try: + self.info("Running post-action listener: %s" % fn) + method = getattr(self, fn) + method(action, success=success and self.return_code == 0) + except Exception: + post_success = False + self.error( + "Exception during post-action for %s: %s" + % (action, traceback.format_exc()) + ) + + step_result = "success" if success else "failed" + self.action_message("Finished %s step (%s)" % (action, step_result)) + + if not post_success: + self.fatal("Aborting due to failure in post-action listener.") + + def run(self): + """Default run method. + This is the "do everything" method, based on actions and all_actions. + + First run self.dump_config() if it exists. + Second, go through the list of all_actions. + If they're in the list of self.actions, try to run + self.preflight_ACTION(), self.ACTION(), and self.postflight_ACTION(). + + Preflight is sanity checking before doing anything time consuming or + destructive. + + Postflight is quick testing for success after an action. + + """ + for fn in self._listeners["pre_run"]: + try: + self.info("Running pre-run listener: %s" % fn) + method = getattr(self, fn) + method() + except Exception: + self.error( + "Exception during pre-run listener: %s" % traceback.format_exc() + ) + + for fn in self._listeners["post_run"]: + try: + method = getattr(self, fn) + method() + except Exception: + self.error( + "An additional exception occurred during a " + "post-run listener: %s" % traceback.format_exc() + ) + + self.fatal("Aborting due to failure in pre-run listener.") + + self.dump_config() + try: + for action in self.all_actions: + self.run_action(action) + except Exception: + self.fatal("Uncaught exception: %s" % traceback.format_exc()) + finally: + post_success = True + for fn in self._listeners["post_run"]: + try: + self.info("Running post-run listener: %s" % fn) + method = getattr(self, fn) + method() + except Exception: + post_success = False + self.error( + "Exception during post-run listener: %s" + % traceback.format_exc() + ) + + if not post_success: + self.fatal("Aborting due to failure in post-run listener.") + + return self.return_code + + def run_and_exit(self): + """Runs the script and exits the current interpreter.""" + rc = self.run() + if rc != 0: + self.warning("returning nonzero exit status %d" % rc) + sys.exit(rc) + + def clobber(self): + """ + Delete the working directory + """ + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + self.rmtree(dirs["abs_work_dir"], error_level=FATAL) + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + """We want to be able to determine where all the important things + are. Absolute paths lend themselves well to this, though I wouldn't + be surprised if this causes some issues somewhere. + + This should be overridden in any script that has additional dirs + to query. + + The query_* methods tend to set self.VAR variables as their + runtime cache. + """ + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + c = self.config + dirs = {} + dirs["base_work_dir"] = c["base_work_dir"] + dirs["abs_work_dir"] = os.path.join(c["base_work_dir"], c["work_dir"]) + dirs["abs_log_dir"] = os.path.join(c["base_work_dir"], c.get("log_dir", "logs")) + if "GECKO_PATH" in os.environ: + dirs["abs_src_dir"] = os.environ["GECKO_PATH"] + self.abs_dirs = dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + def dump_config( + self, file_path=None, config=None, console_output=True, exit_on_finish=False + ): + """Dump self.config to localconfig.json""" + config = config or self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + if not file_path: + file_path = os.path.join(dirs["abs_log_dir"], "localconfig.json") + self.info("Dumping config to %s." % file_path) + self.mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(file_path)) + json_config = json.dumps(config, sort_keys=True, indent=4) + fh = codecs.open(file_path, encoding="utf-8", mode="w+") + fh.write(json_config) + fh.close() + if console_output: + self.info(pprint.pformat(config)) + if exit_on_finish: + sys.exit() + + # logging {{{2 + def new_log_obj(self, default_log_level="info"): + c = self.config + log_dir = os.path.join(c["base_work_dir"], c.get("log_dir", "logs")) + log_config = { + "logger_name": "Simple", + "log_name": "log", + "log_dir": log_dir, + "log_level": default_log_level, + "log_format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s - %(message)s", + "log_to_console": True, + "append_to_log": False, + } + log_type = self.config.get("log_type", "console") + for key in log_config.keys(): + value = self.config.get(key, None) + if value is not None: + log_config[key] = value + if log_type == "multi": + self.log_obj = MultiFileLogger(**log_config) + elif log_type == "simple": + self.log_obj = SimpleFileLogger(**log_config) + else: + self.log_obj = ConsoleLogger(**log_config) + + def action_message(self, message): + self.info( + "[mozharness: %sZ] %s" + % (datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(" "), message) + ) + + def summary(self): + """Print out all the summary lines added via add_summary() + throughout the script. + + I'd like to revisit how to do this in a prettier fashion. + """ + self.action_message("%s summary:" % self.__class__.__name__) + if self.summary_list: + for item in self.summary_list: + try: + self.log(item["message"], level=item["level"]) + except ValueError: + """log is closed; print as a default. Ran into this + when calling from __del__()""" + print("### Log is closed! (%s)" % item["message"]) + + def add_summary(self, message, level=INFO): + self.summary_list.append({"message": message, "level": level}) + # TODO write to a summary-only log? + # Summaries need a lot more love. + self.log(message, level=level) + + def summarize_success_count( + self, success_count, total_count, message="%d of %d successful.", level=None + ): + if level is None: + level = INFO + if success_count < total_count: + level = ERROR + self.add_summary(message % (success_count, total_count), level=level) + + def get_hash_for_file(self, file_path, hash_type="sha512"): + bs = 65536 + hasher = hashlib.new(hash_type) + with open(file_path, "rb") as fh: + buf = fh.read(bs) + while len(buf) > 0: + hasher.update(buf) + buf = fh.read(bs) + return hasher.hexdigest() + + @property + def return_code(self): + return self._return_code + + @return_code.setter + def return_code(self, code): + old_return_code, self._return_code = self._return_code, code + if old_return_code != code: + self.warning("setting return code to %d" % code) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/transfer.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/transfer.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..610e93ecc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/transfer.py @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""Generic ways to upload + download files. +""" + +import pprint + +try: + from urllib2 import urlopen +except ImportError: + from urllib.request import urlopen + +import json + +from mozharness.base.log import DEBUG + + +# TransferMixin {{{1 +class TransferMixin(object): + """ + Generic transfer methods. + + Dependent on BaseScript. + """ + + def load_json_from_url(self, url, timeout=30, log_level=DEBUG): + self.log( + "Attempting to download %s; timeout=%i" % (url, timeout), level=log_level + ) + try: + r = urlopen(url, timeout=timeout) + j = json.load(r) + self.log(pprint.pformat(j), level=log_level) + except BaseException: + self.exception(message="Unable to download %s!" % url) + raise + return j diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/__init__.py diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/gittool.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/gittool.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e9d0c0e2c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/gittool.py @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import re + +try: + import urlparse +except ImportError: + import urllib.parse as urlparse + +from mozharness.base.errors import GitErrorList, VCSException +from mozharness.base.log import LogMixin, OutputParser +from mozharness.base.script import ScriptMixin + + +class GittoolParser(OutputParser): + """ + A class that extends OutputParser such that it can find the "Got revision" + string from gittool.py output + """ + + got_revision_exp = re.compile(r"Got revision (\w+)") + got_revision = None + + def parse_single_line(self, line): + m = self.got_revision_exp.match(line) + if m: + self.got_revision = m.group(1) + super(GittoolParser, self).parse_single_line(line) + + +class GittoolVCS(ScriptMixin, LogMixin): + def __init__(self, log_obj=None, config=None, vcs_config=None, script_obj=None): + super(GittoolVCS, self).__init__() + + self.log_obj = log_obj + self.script_obj = script_obj + if config: + self.config = config + else: + self.config = {} + # vcs_config = { + # repo: repository, + # branch: branch, + # revision: revision, + # ssh_username: ssh_username, + # ssh_key: ssh_key, + # } + self.vcs_config = vcs_config + self.gittool = self.query_exe("gittool.py", return_type="list") + + def ensure_repo_and_revision(self): + """Makes sure that `dest` is has `revision` or `branch` checked out + from `repo`. + + Do what it takes to make that happen, including possibly clobbering + dest. + """ + c = self.vcs_config + for conf_item in ("dest", "repo"): + assert self.vcs_config[conf_item] + dest = os.path.abspath(c["dest"]) + repo = c["repo"] + revision = c.get("revision") + branch = c.get("branch") + clean = c.get("clean") + share_base = c.get("vcs_share_base", os.environ.get("GIT_SHARE_BASE_DIR", None)) + env = {"PATH": os.environ.get("PATH")} + env.update(c.get("env", {})) + if self._is_windows(): + # git.exe is not in the PATH by default + env["PATH"] = "%s;C:/mozilla-build/Git/bin" % env["PATH"] + # SYSTEMROOT is needed for 'import random' + if "SYSTEMROOT" not in env: + env["SYSTEMROOT"] = os.environ.get("SYSTEMROOT") + if share_base is not None: + env["GIT_SHARE_BASE_DIR"] = share_base + + cmd = self.gittool[:] + if branch: + cmd.extend(["-b", branch]) + if revision: + cmd.extend(["-r", revision]) + if clean: + cmd.append("--clean") + + for base_mirror_url in self.config.get( + "gittool_base_mirror_urls", self.config.get("vcs_base_mirror_urls", []) + ): + bits = urlparse.urlparse(repo) + mirror_url = urlparse.urljoin(base_mirror_url, bits.path) + cmd.extend(["--mirror", mirror_url]) + + cmd.extend([repo, dest]) + parser = GittoolParser( + config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, error_list=GitErrorList + ) + retval = self.run_command( + cmd, error_list=GitErrorList, env=env, output_parser=parser + ) + + if retval != 0: + raise VCSException("Unable to checkout") + + return parser.got_revision diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/mercurial.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/mercurial.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..63b0d27c34 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/mercurial.py @@ -0,0 +1,478 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""Mercurial VCS support. +""" + +import hashlib +import os +import re +import subprocess +import sys +from collections import namedtuple + +try: + from urlparse import urlsplit +except ImportError: + from urllib.parse import urlsplit + +import mozharness +from mozharness.base.errors import HgErrorList, VCSException +from mozharness.base.log import LogMixin, OutputParser +from mozharness.base.script import ScriptMixin +from mozharness.base.transfer import TransferMixin + +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])))) + + +external_tools_path = os.path.join( + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), + "external_tools", +) + + +HG_OPTIONS = ["--config", "ui.merge=internal:merge"] + +# MercurialVCS {{{1 +# TODO Make the remaining functions more mozharness-friendly. +# TODO Add the various tag functionality that are currently in +# build/tools/scripts to MercurialVCS -- generic tagging logic belongs here. +REVISION, BRANCH = 0, 1 + + +class RepositoryUpdateRevisionParser(OutputParser): + """Parse `hg pull` output for "repository unrelated" errors.""" + + revision = None + RE_UPDATED = re.compile("^updated to ([a-f0-9]{40})$") + + def parse_single_line(self, line): + m = self.RE_UPDATED.match(line) + if m: + self.revision = m.group(1) + + return super(RepositoryUpdateRevisionParser, self).parse_single_line(line) + + +def make_hg_url(hg_host, repo_path, protocol="http", revision=None, filename=None): + """Helper function. + + Construct a valid hg url from a base hg url (hg.mozilla.org), + repo_path, revision and possible filename + """ + base = "%s://%s" % (protocol, hg_host) + repo = "/".join(p.strip("/") for p in [base, repo_path]) + if not filename: + if not revision: + return repo + else: + return "/".join([p.strip("/") for p in [repo, "rev", revision]]) + else: + assert revision + return "/".join([p.strip("/") for p in [repo, "raw-file", revision, filename]]) + + +class MercurialVCS(ScriptMixin, LogMixin, TransferMixin): + # For the most part, scripts import mercurial, update + # tag-release.py imports + # apply_and_push, update, get_revision, out, BRANCH, REVISION, + # get_branches, cleanOutgoingRevs + + def __init__(self, log_obj=None, config=None, vcs_config=None, script_obj=None): + super(MercurialVCS, self).__init__() + self.can_share = None + self.log_obj = log_obj + self.script_obj = script_obj + if config: + self.config = config + else: + self.config = {} + # vcs_config = { + # hg_host: hg_host, + # repo: repository, + # branch: branch, + # revision: revision, + # ssh_username: ssh_username, + # ssh_key: ssh_key, + # } + self.vcs_config = vcs_config or {} + self.hg = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") + HG_OPTIONS + + def _make_absolute(self, repo): + if repo.startswith("file://"): + path = repo[len("file://") :] + repo = "file://%s" % os.path.abspath(path) + elif "://" not in repo: + repo = os.path.abspath(repo) + return repo + + def get_repo_name(self, repo): + return repo.rstrip("/").split("/")[-1] + + def get_repo_path(self, repo): + repo = self._make_absolute(repo) + if repo.startswith("/"): + return repo.lstrip("/") + else: + return urlsplit(repo).path.lstrip("/") + + def get_revision_from_path(self, path): + """Returns which revision directory `path` currently has checked out.""" + return self.get_output_from_command( + self.hg + ["parent", "--template", "{node}"], cwd=path + ) + + def get_branch_from_path(self, path): + branch = self.get_output_from_command(self.hg + ["branch"], cwd=path) + return str(branch).strip() + + def get_branches_from_path(self, path): + branches = [] + for line in self.get_output_from_command( + self.hg + ["branches", "-c"], cwd=path + ).splitlines(): + branches.append(line.split()[0]) + return branches + + def hg_ver(self): + """Returns the current version of hg, as a tuple of + (major, minor, build)""" + ver_string = self.get_output_from_command(self.hg + ["-q", "version"]) + match = re.search(r"\(version ([0-9.]+)\)", ver_string) + if match: + bits = match.group(1).split(".") + if len(bits) < 3: + bits += (0,) + ver = tuple(int(b) for b in bits) + else: + ver = (0, 0, 0) + self.debug("Running hg version %s" % str(ver)) + return ver + + def update(self, dest, branch=None, revision=None): + """Updates working copy `dest` to `branch` or `revision`. + If revision is set, branch will be ignored. + If neither is set then the working copy will be updated to the + latest revision on the current branch. Local changes will be + discarded. + """ + # If we have a revision, switch to that + msg = "Updating %s" % dest + if branch: + msg += " to branch %s" % branch + if revision: + msg += " revision %s" % revision + self.info("%s." % msg) + if revision is not None: + cmd = self.hg + ["update", "-C", "-r", revision] + if self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dest, error_list=HgErrorList): + raise VCSException("Unable to update %s to %s!" % (dest, revision)) + else: + # Check & switch branch + local_branch = self.get_branch_from_path(dest) + + cmd = self.hg + ["update", "-C"] + + # If this is different, checkout the other branch + if branch and branch != local_branch: + cmd.append(branch) + + if self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dest, error_list=HgErrorList): + raise VCSException("Unable to update %s!" % dest) + return self.get_revision_from_path(dest) + + def clone(self, repo, dest, branch=None, revision=None, update_dest=True): + """Clones hg repo and places it at `dest`, replacing whatever else + is there. The working copy will be empty. + + If `revision` is set, only the specified revision and its ancestors + will be cloned. If revision is set, branch is ignored. + + If `update_dest` is set, then `dest` will be updated to `revision` + if set, otherwise to `branch`, otherwise to the head of default. + """ + msg = "Cloning %s to %s" % (repo, dest) + if branch: + msg += " on branch %s" % branch + if revision: + msg += " to revision %s" % revision + self.info("%s." % msg) + parent_dest = os.path.dirname(dest) + if parent_dest and not os.path.exists(parent_dest): + self.mkdir_p(parent_dest) + if os.path.exists(dest): + self.info("Removing %s before clone." % dest) + self.rmtree(dest) + + cmd = self.hg + ["clone"] + if not update_dest: + cmd.append("-U") + + if revision: + cmd.extend(["-r", revision]) + elif branch: + # hg >= 1.6 supports -b branch for cloning + ver = self.hg_ver() + if ver >= (1, 6, 0): + cmd.extend(["-b", branch]) + + cmd.extend([repo, dest]) + output_timeout = self.config.get( + "vcs_output_timeout", self.vcs_config.get("output_timeout") + ) + if ( + self.run_command(cmd, error_list=HgErrorList, output_timeout=output_timeout) + != 0 + ): + raise VCSException("Unable to clone %s to %s!" % (repo, dest)) + + if update_dest: + return self.update(dest, branch, revision) + + def common_args(self, revision=None, branch=None, ssh_username=None, ssh_key=None): + """Fill in common hg arguments, encapsulating logic checks that + depend on mercurial versions and provided arguments + """ + args = [] + if ssh_username or ssh_key: + opt = ["-e", "ssh"] + if ssh_username: + opt[1] += " -l %s" % ssh_username + if ssh_key: + opt[1] += " -i %s" % ssh_key + args.extend(opt) + if revision: + args.extend(["-r", revision]) + elif branch: + if self.hg_ver() >= (1, 6, 0): + args.extend(["-b", branch]) + return args + + def pull(self, repo, dest, update_dest=True, **kwargs): + """Pulls changes from hg repo and places it in `dest`. + + If `revision` is set, only the specified revision and its ancestors + will be pulled. + + If `update_dest` is set, then `dest` will be updated to `revision` + if set, otherwise to `branch`, otherwise to the head of default. + """ + msg = "Pulling %s to %s" % (repo, dest) + if update_dest: + msg += " and updating" + self.info("%s." % msg) + if not os.path.exists(dest): + # Error or clone? + # If error, should we have a halt_on_error=False above? + self.error("Can't hg pull in nonexistent directory %s." % dest) + return -1 + # Convert repo to an absolute path if it's a local repository + repo = self._make_absolute(repo) + cmd = self.hg + ["pull"] + cmd.extend(self.common_args(**kwargs)) + cmd.append(repo) + output_timeout = self.config.get( + "vcs_output_timeout", self.vcs_config.get("output_timeout") + ) + if ( + self.run_command( + cmd, cwd=dest, error_list=HgErrorList, output_timeout=output_timeout + ) + != 0 + ): + raise VCSException("Can't pull in %s!" % dest) + + if update_dest: + branch = self.vcs_config.get("branch") + revision = self.vcs_config.get("revision") + return self.update(dest, branch=branch, revision=revision) + + # Defines the places of attributes in the tuples returned by `out' + + def out(self, src, remote, **kwargs): + """Check for outgoing changesets present in a repo""" + self.info("Checking for outgoing changesets from %s to %s." % (src, remote)) + cmd = self.hg + ["-q", "out", "--template", "{node} {branches}\n"] + cmd.extend(self.common_args(**kwargs)) + cmd.append(remote) + if os.path.exists(src): + try: + revs = [] + for line in ( + self.get_output_from_command(cmd, cwd=src, throw_exception=True) + .rstrip() + .split("\n") + ): + try: + rev, branch = line.split() + # Mercurial displays no branch at all if the revision + # is on "default" + except ValueError: + rev = line.rstrip() + branch = "default" + revs.append((rev, branch)) + return revs + except subprocess.CalledProcessError as inst: + # In some situations, some versions of Mercurial return "1" + # if no changes are found, so we need to ignore this return + # code + if inst.returncode == 1: + return [] + raise + + def push(self, src, remote, push_new_branches=True, **kwargs): + # This doesn't appear to work with hg_ver < (1, 6, 0). + # Error out, or let you try? + self.info("Pushing new changes from %s to %s." % (src, remote)) + cmd = self.hg + ["push"] + cmd.extend(self.common_args(**kwargs)) + if push_new_branches and self.hg_ver() >= (1, 6, 0): + cmd.append("--new-branch") + cmd.append(remote) + status = self.run_command( + cmd, + cwd=src, + error_list=HgErrorList, + success_codes=(0, 1), + return_type="num_errors", + ) + if status: + raise VCSException("Can't push %s to %s!" % (src, remote)) + return status + + @property + def robustcheckout_path(self): + """Path to the robustcheckout extension.""" + ext = os.path.join(external_tools_path, "robustcheckout.py") + if os.path.exists(ext): + return ext + + def ensure_repo_and_revision(self): + """Makes sure that `dest` is has `revision` or `branch` checked out + from `repo`. + + Do what it takes to make that happen, including possibly clobbering + dest. + """ + c = self.vcs_config + dest = c["dest"] + repo_url = c["repo"] + rev = c.get("revision") + branch = c.get("branch") + purge = c.get("clone_with_purge", False) + upstream = c.get("clone_upstream_url") + + # The API here is kind of bad because we're relying on state in + # self.vcs_config instead of passing arguments. This confuses + # scripts that have multiple repos. This includes the clone_tools() + # step :( + + if not rev and not branch: + self.warning('did not specify revision or branch; assuming "default"') + branch = "default" + + share_base = c.get("vcs_share_base") or os.environ.get("HG_SHARE_BASE_DIR") + if share_base and c.get("use_vcs_unique_share"): + # Bug 1277041 - update migration scripts to support robustcheckout + # fake a share but don't really share + share_base = os.path.join(share_base, hashlib.md5(dest).hexdigest()) + + # We require shared storage is configured because it guarantees we + # only have 1 local copy of logical repo stores. + if not share_base: + raise VCSException( + "vcs share base not defined; " "refusing to operate sub-optimally" + ) + + if not self.robustcheckout_path: + raise VCSException("could not find the robustcheckout Mercurial extension") + + # Log HG version and install info to aid debugging. + self.run_command(self.hg + ["--version"]) + self.run_command(self.hg + ["debuginstall", "--config=ui.username=worker"]) + + args = self.hg + [ + "--config", + "extensions.robustcheckout=%s" % self.robustcheckout_path, + "robustcheckout", + repo_url, + dest, + "--sharebase", + share_base, + ] + if purge: + args.append("--purge") + if upstream: + args.extend(["--upstream", upstream]) + + if rev: + args.extend(["--revision", rev]) + if branch: + args.extend(["--branch", branch]) + + parser = RepositoryUpdateRevisionParser( + config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj + ) + if self.run_command(args, output_parser=parser): + raise VCSException("repo checkout failed!") + + if not parser.revision: + raise VCSException("could not identify revision updated to") + + return parser.revision + + def cleanOutgoingRevs(self, reponame, remote, username, sshKey): + # TODO retry + self.info("Wiping outgoing local changes from %s to %s." % (reponame, remote)) + outgoingRevs = self.out( + src=reponame, remote=remote, ssh_username=username, ssh_key=sshKey + ) + for r in reversed(outgoingRevs): + self.run_command( + self.hg + ["strip", "-n", r[REVISION]], + cwd=reponame, + error_list=HgErrorList, + ) + + def query_pushinfo(self, repository, revision): + """Query the pushdate and pushid of a repository/revision. + This is intended to be used on hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central and + similar. It may or may not work for other hg repositories. + """ + PushInfo = namedtuple("PushInfo", ["pushid", "pushdate"]) + + try: + url = "%s/json-pushes?changeset=%s" % (repository, revision) + self.info("Pushdate URL is: %s" % url) + contents = self.retry(self.load_json_from_url, args=(url,)) + + # The contents should be something like: + # { + # "28537": { + # "changesets": [ + # "1d0a914ae676cc5ed203cdc05c16d8e0c22af7e5", + # ], + # "date": 1428072488, + # "user": "user@mozilla.com" + # } + # } + # + # So we grab the first element ("28537" in this case) and then pull + # out the 'date' field. + pushid = next(contents.keys()) + self.info("Pushid is: %s" % pushid) + pushdate = contents[pushid]["date"] + self.info("Pushdate is: %s" % pushdate) + return PushInfo(pushid, pushdate) + + except Exception: + self.exception("Failed to get push info from hg.mozilla.org") + raise + + +# __main__ {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/vcsbase.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/vcsbase.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..c587a8b1ca --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/base/vcs/vcsbase.py @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""Generic VCS support. +""" + +import os +import sys +from copy import deepcopy + +from mozharness.base.errors import VCSException +from mozharness.base.log import FATAL +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript +from mozharness.base.vcs.gittool import GittoolVCS +from mozharness.base.vcs.mercurial import MercurialVCS + +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])))) + + +# Update this with supported VCS name : VCS object +VCS_DICT = { + "hg": MercurialVCS, + "gittool": GittoolVCS, +} + + +# VCSMixin {{{1 +class VCSMixin(object): + """Basic VCS methods that are vcs-agnostic. + The vcs_class handles all the vcs-specific tasks. + """ + + def query_dest(self, kwargs): + if "dest" in kwargs: + return kwargs["dest"] + dest = os.path.basename(kwargs["repo"]) + # Git fun + if dest.endswith(".git"): + dest = dest.replace(".git", "") + return dest + + def _get_revision(self, vcs_obj, dest): + try: + got_revision = vcs_obj.ensure_repo_and_revision() + if got_revision: + return got_revision + except VCSException: + self.rmtree(dest) + raise + + def _get_vcs_class(self, vcs): + vcs = vcs or self.config.get("default_vcs", getattr(self, "default_vcs", None)) + vcs_class = VCS_DICT.get(vcs) + return vcs_class + + def vcs_checkout(self, vcs=None, error_level=FATAL, **kwargs): + """Check out a single repo.""" + c = self.config + vcs_class = self._get_vcs_class(vcs) + if not vcs_class: + self.error("Running vcs_checkout with kwargs %s" % str(kwargs)) + raise VCSException("No VCS set!") + # need a better way to do this. + if "dest" not in kwargs: + kwargs["dest"] = self.query_dest(kwargs) + if "vcs_share_base" not in kwargs: + kwargs["vcs_share_base"] = c.get( + "%s_share_base" % vcs, c.get("vcs_share_base") + ) + vcs_obj = vcs_class( + log_obj=self.log_obj, + config=self.config, + vcs_config=kwargs, + script_obj=self, + ) + return self.retry( + self._get_revision, + error_level=error_level, + error_message="Automation Error: Can't checkout %s!" % kwargs["repo"], + args=(vcs_obj, kwargs["dest"]), + ) + + def vcs_checkout_repos( + self, repo_list, parent_dir=None, tag_override=None, **kwargs + ): + """Check out a list of repos.""" + orig_dir = os.getcwd() + c = self.config + if not parent_dir: + parent_dir = os.path.join(c["base_work_dir"], c["work_dir"]) + self.mkdir_p(parent_dir) + self.chdir(parent_dir) + revision_dict = {} + kwargs_orig = deepcopy(kwargs) + for repo_dict in repo_list: + kwargs = deepcopy(kwargs_orig) + kwargs.update(repo_dict) + if tag_override: + kwargs["branch"] = tag_override + dest = self.query_dest(kwargs) + revision_dict[dest] = {"repo": kwargs["repo"]} + revision_dict[dest]["revision"] = self.vcs_checkout(**kwargs) + self.chdir(orig_dir) + return revision_dict + + def vcs_query_pushinfo(self, repository, revision, vcs=None): + """Query the pushid/pushdate of a repository/revision + Returns a namedtuple with "pushid" and "pushdate" elements + """ + vcs_class = self._get_vcs_class(vcs) + if not vcs_class: + raise VCSException("No VCS set in vcs_query_pushinfo!") + vcs_obj = vcs_class( + log_obj=self.log_obj, + config=self.config, + script_obj=self, + ) + return vcs_obj.query_pushinfo(repository, revision) + + +class VCSScript(VCSMixin, BaseScript): + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + super(VCSScript, self).__init__(**kwargs) + + def pull(self, repos=None, parent_dir=None): + repos = repos or self.config.get("repos") + if not repos: + self.info("Pull has nothing to do!") + return + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + parent_dir = parent_dir or dirs["abs_work_dir"] + return self.vcs_checkout_repos(repos, parent_dir=parent_dir) + + +# Specific VCS stubs {{{1 +# For ease of use. +# This is here instead of mercurial.py because importing MercurialVCS into +# vcsbase from mercurial, and importing VCSScript into mercurial from +# vcsbase, was giving me issues. +class MercurialScript(VCSScript): + default_vcs = "hg" + + +# __main__ {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/__init__.py diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/python/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/python/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/python/__init__.py diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/python/authentication.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/python/authentication.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5d7330e357 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/lib/python/authentication.py @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +"""module for http authentication operations""" +import getpass +import os + +CREDENTIALS_PATH = os.path.expanduser("~/.mozilla/credentials.cfg") +DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(CREDENTIALS_PATH) +LDAP_PASSWORD = None + + +def get_credentials(): + """Returns http credentials. + + The user's email address is stored on disk (for convenience in the future) + while the password is requested from the user on first invocation. + """ + global LDAP_PASSWORD + if not os.path.exists(DIRNAME): + os.makedirs(DIRNAME) + + if os.path.isfile(CREDENTIALS_PATH): + with open(CREDENTIALS_PATH, "r") as file_handler: + content = file_handler.read().splitlines() + + https_username = content[0].strip() + + if len(content) > 1: + # We want to remove files which contain the password + os.remove(CREDENTIALS_PATH) + else: + try: + # pylint: disable=W1609 + input_method = raw_input + except NameError: + input_method = input + + https_username = input_method("Please enter your full LDAP email address: ") + + with open(CREDENTIALS_PATH, "w+") as file_handler: + file_handler.write("%s\n" % https_username) + + os.chmod(CREDENTIALS_PATH, 0o600) + + if not LDAP_PASSWORD: + print("Please enter your LDAP password (we won't store it):") + LDAP_PASSWORD = getpass.getpass() + + return https_username, LDAP_PASSWORD + + +def get_credentials_path(): + if os.path.isfile(CREDENTIALS_PATH): + get_credentials() + + return CREDENTIALS_PATH diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/__init__.py diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/automation.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/automation.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0158f800ed --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/automation.py @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""Code to integration with automation. +""" + +try: + import simplejson as json + + assert json +except ImportError: + import json + +from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, INFO, WARNING + +TBPL_SUCCESS = "SUCCESS" +TBPL_WARNING = "WARNING" +TBPL_FAILURE = "FAILURE" +TBPL_EXCEPTION = "EXCEPTION" +TBPL_RETRY = "RETRY" +TBPL_STATUS_DICT = { + TBPL_SUCCESS: INFO, + TBPL_WARNING: WARNING, + TBPL_FAILURE: ERROR, + TBPL_EXCEPTION: ERROR, + TBPL_RETRY: WARNING, +} +EXIT_STATUS_DICT = { + TBPL_SUCCESS: 0, + TBPL_WARNING: 1, + TBPL_FAILURE: 2, + TBPL_EXCEPTION: 3, + TBPL_RETRY: 4, +} +TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE = ( + TBPL_RETRY, + TBPL_EXCEPTION, + TBPL_FAILURE, + TBPL_WARNING, + TBPL_SUCCESS, +) + + +class AutomationMixin(object): + worst_status = TBPL_SUCCESS + properties = {} + + def tryserver_email(self): + pass + + def record_status(self, tbpl_status, level=None, set_return_code=True): + if tbpl_status not in TBPL_STATUS_DICT: + self.error("record_status() doesn't grok the status %s!" % tbpl_status) + else: + if not level: + level = TBPL_STATUS_DICT[tbpl_status] + self.worst_status = self.worst_level( + tbpl_status, self.worst_status, TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE + ) + if self.worst_status != tbpl_status: + self.info( + "Current worst status %s is worse; keeping it." % self.worst_status + ) + if set_return_code: + self.return_code = EXIT_STATUS_DICT[self.worst_status] + + def add_failure(self, key, message="%(key)s failed.", level=ERROR): + if key not in self.failures: + self.failures.append(key) + self.add_summary(message % {"key": key}, level=level) + self.record_status(TBPL_FAILURE) + + def query_failure(self, key): + return key in self.failures + + def query_is_nightly(self): + """returns whether or not the script should run as a nightly build.""" + return bool(self.config.get("nightly_build")) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/bouncer/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/bouncer/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/bouncer/__init__.py diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/bouncer/submitter.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/bouncer/submitter.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e9289d2be6 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/bouncer/submitter.py @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import base64 +import socket +import sys +import traceback +from xml.dom.minidom import parseString + +from mozharness.base.log import FATAL + +try: + import httplib +except ImportError: + import http.client as httplib +try: + from urllib import quote, urlencode +except ImportError: + from urllib.parse import quote, urlencode +try: + from urllib2 import HTTPError, Request, URLError, urlopen +except ImportError: + from urllib.request import HTTPError, Request, URLError, urlopen + + +class BouncerSubmitterMixin(object): + def query_credentials(self): + if self.credentials: + return self.credentials + global_dict = {} + local_dict = {} + exec( + compile( + open(self.config["credentials_file"], "rb").read(), + self.config["credentials_file"], + "exec", + ), + global_dict, + local_dict, + ) + self.credentials = (local_dict["tuxedoUsername"], local_dict["tuxedoPassword"]) + return self.credentials + + def api_call(self, route, data, error_level=FATAL, retry_config=None): + retry_args = dict( + failure_status=None, + retry_exceptions=( + HTTPError, + URLError, + httplib.BadStatusLine, + socket.timeout, + socket.error, + ), + error_message="call to %s failed" % (route), + error_level=error_level, + ) + + if retry_config: + retry_args.update(retry_config) + + return self.retry(self._api_call, args=(route, data), **retry_args) + + def _api_call(self, route, data): + api_prefix = self.config["bouncer-api-prefix"] + api_url = "%s/%s" % (api_prefix, route) + request = Request(api_url) + if data: + post_data = urlencode(data, doseq=True) + request.add_data(post_data) + self.info("POST data: %s" % post_data) + credentials = self.query_credentials() + if credentials: + auth = base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % credentials) + request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % auth.strip()) + try: + self.info("Submitting to %s" % api_url) + res = urlopen(request, timeout=60).read() + self.info("Server response") + self.info(res) + return res + except HTTPError as e: + self.warning("Cannot access %s" % api_url) + traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) + self.warning("Returned page source:") + self.warning(e.read()) + raise + except URLError: + traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) + self.warning("Cannot access %s" % api_url) + raise + except socket.timeout as e: + self.warning("Timed out accessing %s: %s" % (api_url, e)) + raise + except socket.error as e: + self.warning("Socket error when accessing %s: %s" % (api_url, e)) + raise + except httplib.BadStatusLine as e: + self.warning("BadStatusLine accessing %s: %s" % (api_url, e)) + raise + + def product_exists(self, product_name): + self.info("Checking if %s already exists" % product_name) + res = self.api_call("product_show?product=%s" % quote(product_name), data=None) + try: + xml = parseString(res) + # API returns <products/> if the product doesn't exist + products_found = len(xml.getElementsByTagName("product")) + self.info("Products found: %s" % products_found) + return bool(products_found) + except Exception as e: + self.warning("Error parsing XML: %s" % e) + self.warning("Assuming %s does not exist" % product_name) + # ignore XML parsing errors + return False + + def api_add_product(self, product_name, add_locales, ssl_only=False): + data = { + "product": product_name, + } + if self.locales and add_locales: + data["languages"] = self.locales + if ssl_only: + # Send "true" as a string + data["ssl_only"] = "true" + self.api_call("product_add/", data) + + def api_add_location(self, product_name, bouncer_platform, path): + data = { + "product": product_name, + "os": bouncer_platform, + "path": path, + } + self.api_call("location_add/", data) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/__init__.py diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/buildbase.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/buildbase.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..01392325a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/building/buildbase.py @@ -0,0 +1,1527 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +""" buildbase.py. + +provides a base class for fx desktop builds +author: Jordan Lund + +""" +import copy +import json +import os +import re +import sys +import time +import uuid +from datetime import datetime + +import six +import yaml +from yaml import YAMLError + +from mozharness.base.config import DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, BaseConfig, parse_config_file +from mozharness.base.errors import MakefileErrorList +from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, FATAL, OutputParser +from mozharness.base.python import PerfherderResourceOptionsMixin, VirtualenvMixin +from mozharness.base.script import PostScriptRun +from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import ( + EXIT_STATUS_DICT, + TBPL_FAILURE, + TBPL_RETRY, + TBPL_STATUS_DICT, + TBPL_SUCCESS, + TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE, + AutomationMixin, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.secrets import SecretsMixin + +AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES = sorted(EXIT_STATUS_DICT.values()) + +MISSING_CFG_KEY_MSG = "The key '%s' could not be determined \ +Please add this to your config." + +ERROR_MSGS = { + "comments_undetermined": '"comments" could not be determined. This may be \ +because it was a forced build.', + "tooltool_manifest_undetermined": '"tooltool_manifest_src" not set, \ +Skipping run_tooltool...', +} + + +# Output Parsers + +TBPL_UPLOAD_ERRORS = [ + { + "regex": re.compile("Connection timed out"), + "level": TBPL_RETRY, + }, + { + "regex": re.compile("Connection reset by peer"), + "level": TBPL_RETRY, + }, + { + "regex": re.compile("Connection refused"), + "level": TBPL_RETRY, + }, +] + + +class MakeUploadOutputParser(OutputParser): + tbpl_error_list = TBPL_UPLOAD_ERRORS + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + super(MakeUploadOutputParser, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS + + def parse_single_line(self, line): + # let's check for retry errors which will give log levels: + # tbpl status as RETRY and mozharness status as WARNING + for error_check in self.tbpl_error_list: + if error_check["regex"].search(line): + self.num_warnings += 1 + self.warning(line) + self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level( + error_check["level"], + self.tbpl_status, + levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE, + ) + break + else: + self.info(line) + + +class MozconfigPathError(Exception): + """ + There was an error getting a mozconfig path from a mozharness config. + """ + + +def get_mozconfig_path(script, config, dirs): + """ + Get the path to the mozconfig file to use from a mozharness config. + + :param script: The object to interact with the filesystem through. + :type script: ScriptMixin: + + :param config: The mozharness config to inspect. + :type config: dict + + :param dirs: The directories specified for this build. + :type dirs: dict + """ + COMPOSITE_KEYS = {"mozconfig_variant", "app_name", "mozconfig_platform"} + have_composite_mozconfig = COMPOSITE_KEYS <= set(config.keys()) + have_partial_composite_mozconfig = len(COMPOSITE_KEYS & set(config.keys())) > 0 + have_src_mozconfig = "src_mozconfig" in config + have_src_mozconfig_manifest = "src_mozconfig_manifest" in config + + # first determine the mozconfig path + if have_partial_composite_mozconfig and not have_composite_mozconfig: + raise MozconfigPathError( + "All or none of 'app_name', 'mozconfig_platform' and `mozconfig_variant' must be " + "in the config in order to determine the mozconfig." + ) + elif have_composite_mozconfig and have_src_mozconfig: + raise MozconfigPathError( + "'src_mozconfig' or 'mozconfig_variant' must be " + "in the config but not both in order to determine the mozconfig." + ) + elif have_composite_mozconfig and have_src_mozconfig_manifest: + raise MozconfigPathError( + "'src_mozconfig_manifest' or 'mozconfig_variant' must be " + "in the config but not both in order to determine the mozconfig." + ) + elif have_src_mozconfig and have_src_mozconfig_manifest: + raise MozconfigPathError( + "'src_mozconfig' or 'src_mozconfig_manifest' must be " + "in the config but not both in order to determine the mozconfig." + ) + elif have_composite_mozconfig: + src_mozconfig = "%(app_name)s/config/mozconfigs/%(platform)s/%(variant)s" % { + "app_name": config["app_name"], + "platform": config["mozconfig_platform"], + "variant": config["mozconfig_variant"], + } + abs_mozconfig_path = os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], src_mozconfig) + elif have_src_mozconfig: + abs_mozconfig_path = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_src_dir"], config.get("src_mozconfig") + ) + elif have_src_mozconfig_manifest: + manifest = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], config["src_mozconfig_manifest"]) + if not os.path.exists(manifest): + raise MozconfigPathError( + 'src_mozconfig_manifest: "%s" not found. Does it exist?' % (manifest,) + ) + else: + with script.opened(manifest, error_level=ERROR) as (fh, err): + if err: + raise MozconfigPathError( + "%s exists but coud not read properties" % manifest + ) + abs_mozconfig_path = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_src_dir"], json.load(fh)["gecko_path"] + ) + else: + raise MozconfigPathError( + "Must provide 'app_name', 'mozconfig_platform' and 'mozconfig_variant'; " + "or one of 'src_mozconfig' or 'src_mozconfig_manifest' in the config " + "in order to determine the mozconfig." + ) + + return abs_mozconfig_path + + +class BuildingConfig(BaseConfig): + # TODO add nosetests for this class + def get_cfgs_from_files(self, all_config_files, options): + """ + Determine the configuration from the normal options and from + `--branch`, `--build-pool`, and `--custom-build-variant-cfg`. If the + files for any of the latter options are also given with `--config-file` + or `--opt-config-file`, they are only parsed once. + + The build pool has highest precedence, followed by branch, build + variant, and any normally-specified configuration files. + """ + # override from BaseConfig + + # this is what we will return. It will represent each config + # file name and its associated dict + # eg ('builds/branch_specifics.py', {'foo': 'bar'}) + all_config_dicts = [] + # important config files + variant_cfg_file = pool_cfg_file = "" + + # we want to make the order in which the options were given + # not matter. ie: you can supply --branch before --build-pool + # or vice versa and the hierarchy will not be different + + # ### The order from highest precedence to lowest is: + # # There can only be one of these... + # 1) build_pool: this can be either staging, pre-prod, and prod cfgs + # 2) build_variant: these could be known like asan and debug + # or a custom config + # + # # There can be many of these + # 3) all other configs: these are any configs that are passed with + # --cfg and --opt-cfg. There order is kept in + # which they were passed on the cmd line. This + # behaviour is maintains what happens by default + # in mozharness + + # so, let's first assign the configs that hold a known position of + # importance (1 through 3) + for i, cf in enumerate(all_config_files): + if options.build_pool: + if cf == BuildOptionParser.build_pool_cfg_file: + pool_cfg_file = all_config_files[i] + + if cf == options.build_variant: + variant_cfg_file = all_config_files[i] + + # now remove these from the list if there was any. + # we couldn't pop() these in the above loop as mutating a list while + # iterating through it causes spurious results :) + for cf in [pool_cfg_file, variant_cfg_file]: + if cf: + all_config_files.remove(cf) + + # now let's update config with the remaining config files. + # this functionality is the same as the base class + all_config_dicts.extend( + super(BuildingConfig, self).get_cfgs_from_files(all_config_files, options) + ) + + # stack variant, branch, and pool cfg files on top of that, + # if they are present, in that order + if variant_cfg_file: + # take the whole config + all_config_dicts.append( + (variant_cfg_file, parse_config_file(variant_cfg_file)) + ) + config_paths = options.config_paths or ["."] + if pool_cfg_file: + # take only the specific pool. If we are here, the pool + # must be present + build_pool_configs = parse_config_file( + pool_cfg_file, search_path=config_paths + [DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH] + ) + all_config_dicts.append( + (pool_cfg_file, build_pool_configs[options.build_pool]) + ) + return all_config_dicts + + +# noinspection PyUnusedLocal +class BuildOptionParser(object): + # TODO add nosetests for this class + platform = None + bits = None + + # add to this list and you can automagically do things like + # --custom-build-variant-cfg asan + # and the script will pull up the appropriate path for the config + # against the current platform and bits. + # *It will warn and fail if there is not a config for the current + # platform/bits + path_base = "builds/releng_sub_%s_configs/" + build_variants = { + "add-on-devel": path_base + "%s_add-on-devel.py", + "asan": path_base + "%s_asan.py", + "asan-tc": path_base + "%s_asan_tc.py", + "asan-reporter-tc": path_base + "%s_asan_reporter_tc.py", + "fuzzing-asan-tc": path_base + "%s_fuzzing_asan_tc.py", + "tsan-tc": path_base + "%s_tsan_tc.py", + "fuzzing-tsan-tc": path_base + "%s_fuzzing_tsan_tc.py", + "cross-debug": path_base + "%s_cross_debug.py", + "cross-debug-searchfox": path_base + "%s_cross_debug_searchfox.py", + "cross-noopt-debug": path_base + "%s_cross_noopt_debug.py", + "cross-fuzzing-asan": path_base + "%s_cross_fuzzing_asan.py", + "cross-fuzzing-debug": path_base + "%s_cross_fuzzing_debug.py", + "debug": path_base + "%s_debug.py", + "fuzzing-debug": path_base + "%s_fuzzing_debug.py", + "asan-and-debug": path_base + "%s_asan_and_debug.py", + "asan-tc-and-debug": path_base + "%s_asan_tc_and_debug.py", + "stat-and-debug": path_base + "%s_stat_and_debug.py", + "code-coverage-debug": path_base + "%s_code_coverage_debug.py", + "code-coverage-opt": path_base + "%s_code_coverage_opt.py", + "source": path_base + "%s_source.py", + "noopt-debug": path_base + "%s_noopt_debug.py", + "arm-gradle-dependencies": path_base + + "%s_arm_gradle_dependencies.py", # NOQA: E501 + "arm": path_base + "%s_arm.py", + "arm-lite": path_base + "%s_arm_lite.py", + "arm-beta": path_base + "%s_arm_beta.py", + "arm-beta-debug": path_base + "%s_arm_beta_debug.py", + "arm-debug": path_base + "%s_arm_debug.py", + "arm-lite-debug": path_base + "%s_arm_debug_lite.py", + "arm-debug-ccov": path_base + "%s_arm_debug_ccov.py", + "arm-debug-searchfox": path_base + "%s_arm_debug_searchfox.py", + "arm-gradle": path_base + "%s_arm_gradle.py", + "rusttests": path_base + "%s_rusttests.py", + "rusttests-debug": path_base + "%s_rusttests_debug.py", + "x86": path_base + "%s_x86.py", + "x86-lite": path_base + "%s_x86_lite.py", + "x86-beta": path_base + "%s_x86_beta.py", + "x86-beta-debug": path_base + "%s_x86_beta_debug.py", + "x86-debug": path_base + "%s_x86_debug.py", + "x86-lite-debug": path_base + "%s_x86_debug_lite.py", + "x86-profile-generate": path_base + "%s_x86_profile_generate.py", + "x86_64": path_base + "%s_x86_64.py", + "x86_64-lite": path_base + "%s_x86_64_lite.py", + "x86_64-beta": path_base + "%s_x86_64_beta.py", + "x86_64-beta-debug": path_base + "%s_x86_64_beta_debug.py", + "x86_64-debug": path_base + "%s_x86_64_debug.py", + "x86_64-lite-debug": path_base + "%s_x86_64_debug_lite.py", + "x86_64-debug-isolated-process": path_base + + "%s_x86_64_debug_isolated_process.py", + "x86_64-profile-generate": path_base + "%s_x86_64_profile_generate.py", + "arm-partner-sample1": path_base + "%s_arm_partner_sample1.py", + "aarch64": path_base + "%s_aarch64.py", + "aarch64-lite": path_base + "%s_aarch64_lite.py", + "aarch64-beta": path_base + "%s_aarch64_beta.py", + "aarch64-beta-debug": path_base + "%s_aarch64_beta_debug.py", + "aarch64-pgo": path_base + "%s_aarch64_pgo.py", + "aarch64-debug": path_base + "%s_aarch64_debug.py", + "aarch64-lite-debug": path_base + "%s_aarch64_debug_lite.py", + "android-geckoview-docs": path_base + "%s_geckoview_docs.py", + "valgrind": path_base + "%s_valgrind.py", + } + build_pool_cfg_file = "builds/build_pool_specifics.py" + + @classmethod + def _query_pltfrm_and_bits(cls, target_option, options): + """determine platform and bits + + This can be from either from a supplied --platform and --bits + or parsed from given config file names. + """ + error_msg = ( + "Whoops!\nYou are trying to pass a shortname for " + "%s. \nHowever, I need to know the %s to find the appropriate " + 'filename. You can tell me by passing:\n\t"%s" or a config ' + 'filename via "--config" with %s in it. \nIn either case, these ' + "option arguments must come before --custom-build-variant." + ) + current_config_files = options.config_files or [] + if not cls.bits: + # --bits has not been supplied + # lets parse given config file names for 32 or 64 + for cfg_file_name in current_config_files: + if "32" in cfg_file_name: + cls.bits = "32" + break + if "64" in cfg_file_name: + cls.bits = "64" + break + else: + sys.exit(error_msg % (target_option, "bits", "--bits", '"32" or "64"')) + + if not cls.platform: + # --platform has not been supplied + # lets parse given config file names for platform + for cfg_file_name in current_config_files: + if "windows" in cfg_file_name: + cls.platform = "windows" + break + if "mac" in cfg_file_name: + cls.platform = "mac" + break + if "linux" in cfg_file_name: + cls.platform = "linux" + break + if "android" in cfg_file_name: + cls.platform = "android" + break + else: + sys.exit( + error_msg + % ( + target_option, + "platform", + "--platform", + '"linux", "windows", "mac", or "android"', + ) + ) + return cls.bits, cls.platform + + @classmethod + def find_variant_cfg_path(cls, opt, value, parser): + valid_variant_cfg_path = None + # first let's see if we were given a valid short-name + if cls.build_variants.get(value): + bits, pltfrm = cls._query_pltfrm_and_bits(opt, parser.values) + prospective_cfg_path = cls.build_variants[value] % (pltfrm, bits) + else: + # this is either an incomplete path or an invalid key in + # build_variants + prospective_cfg_path = value + + if os.path.exists(prospective_cfg_path): + # now let's see if we were given a valid pathname + valid_variant_cfg_path = value + else: + # FIXME: We should actually wait until we have parsed all arguments + # before looking at this, otherwise the behavior will depend on the + # order of arguments. But that isn't a problem as long as --extra-config-path + # is always passed first. + extra_config_paths = parser.values.config_paths or [] + config_paths = extra_config_paths + [DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH] + # let's take our prospective_cfg_path and see if we can + # determine an existing file + for path in config_paths: + if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, prospective_cfg_path)): + # success! we found a config file + valid_variant_cfg_path = os.path.join(path, prospective_cfg_path) + break + return valid_variant_cfg_path, prospective_cfg_path + + @classmethod + def set_build_variant(cls, option, opt, value, parser): + """sets an extra config file. + + This is done by either taking an existing filepath or by taking a valid + shortname coupled with known platform/bits. + """ + valid_variant_cfg_path, prospective_cfg_path = cls.find_variant_cfg_path( + "--custom-build-variant-cfg", value, parser + ) + + if not valid_variant_cfg_path: + # either the value was an indeterminable path or an invalid short + # name + sys.exit( + "Whoops!\n'--custom-build-variant' was passed but an " + "appropriate config file could not be determined. Tried " + "using: '%s' but it was not:" + "\n\t-- a valid shortname: %s " + "\n\t-- a valid variant for the given platform and bits." + % (prospective_cfg_path, str(list(cls.build_variants.keys()))) + ) + parser.values.config_files.append(valid_variant_cfg_path) + setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) # the pool + + @classmethod + def set_build_pool(cls, option, opt, value, parser): + # first let's add the build pool file where there may be pool + # specific keys/values. Then let's store the pool name + parser.values.config_files.append(cls.build_pool_cfg_file) + setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) # the pool + + @classmethod + def set_build_branch(cls, option, opt, value, parser): + # Store the branch name we are using + setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) # the branch name + + @classmethod + def set_platform(cls, option, opt, value, parser): + cls.platform = value + setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) + + @classmethod + def set_bits(cls, option, opt, value, parser): + cls.bits = value + setattr(parser.values, option.dest, value) + + +# this global depends on BuildOptionParser and therefore can not go at the +# top of the file +BUILD_BASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS = [ + [ + ["--developer-run"], + { + "action": "store_false", + "dest": "is_automation", + "default": True, + "help": "If this is running outside of Mozilla's build" + "infrastructure, use this option. It ignores actions" + "that are not needed and adds config checks.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--platform"], + { + "action": "callback", + "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_platform, + "type": "string", + "dest": "platform", + "help": "Sets the platform we are running this against" + " valid values: 'windows', 'mac', 'linux'", + }, + ], + [ + ["--bits"], + { + "action": "callback", + "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_bits, + "type": "string", + "dest": "bits", + "help": "Sets which bits we are building this against" + " valid values: '32', '64'", + }, + ], + [ + ["--custom-build-variant-cfg"], + { + "action": "callback", + "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_build_variant, + "type": "string", + "dest": "build_variant", + "help": "Sets the build type and will determine appropriate" + " additional config to use. Either pass a config path" + " or use a valid shortname from: " + "%s" % (list(BuildOptionParser.build_variants.keys()),), + }, + ], + [ + ["--build-pool"], + { + "action": "callback", + "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_build_pool, + "type": "string", + "dest": "build_pool", + "help": "This will update the config with specific pool" + " environment keys/values. The dicts for this are" + " in %s\nValid values: staging or" + " production" % ("builds/build_pool_specifics.py",), + }, + ], + [ + ["--branch"], + { + "action": "callback", + "callback": BuildOptionParser.set_build_branch, + "type": "string", + "dest": "branch", + "help": "This sets the branch we will be building this for.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--enable-nightly"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "nightly_build", + "default": False, + "help": "Sets the build to run in nightly mode", + }, + ], + [ + ["--who"], + { + "dest": "who", + "default": "", + "help": "stores who made the created the change.", + }, + ], +] + + +def generate_build_ID(): + return time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime(time.time())) + + +def generate_build_UID(): + return uuid.uuid4().hex + + +class BuildScript( + AutomationMixin, + VirtualenvMixin, + MercurialScript, + SecretsMixin, + PerfherderResourceOptionsMixin, +): + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + # objdir is referenced in _query_abs_dirs() so let's make sure we + # have that attribute before calling BaseScript.__init__ + self.objdir = None + super(BuildScript, self).__init__(**kwargs) + # epoch is only here to represent the start of the build + # that this mozharn script came from. until I can grab bbot's + # status.build.gettime()[0] this will have to do as a rough estimate + # although it is about 4s off from the time it would be if it was + # done through MBF. + # TODO find out if that time diff matters or if we just use it to + # separate each build + self.epoch_timestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.now().timetuple())) + self.branch = self.config.get("branch") + self.stage_platform = self.config.get("stage_platform") + if not self.branch or not self.stage_platform: + if not self.branch: + self.error("'branch' not determined and is required") + if not self.stage_platform: + self.error("'stage_platform' not determined and is required") + self.fatal("Please add missing items to your config") + self.client_id = None + self.access_token = None + + # Call this before creating the virtualenv so that we can support + # substituting config values with other config values. + self.query_build_env() + + # We need to create the virtualenv directly (without using an action) in + # order to use python modules in PreScriptRun/Action listeners + self.create_virtualenv() + + def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): + c = self.config + cfg_files_and_dicts = rw_config.all_cfg_files_and_dicts + build_pool = c.get("build_pool", "") + build_variant = c.get("build_variant", "") + variant_cfg = "" + if build_variant: + variant_cfg = BuildOptionParser.build_variants[build_variant] % ( + BuildOptionParser.platform, + BuildOptionParser.bits, + ) + build_pool_cfg = BuildOptionParser.build_pool_cfg_file + + cfg_match_msg = "Script was run with '%(option)s %(type)s' and \ +'%(type)s' matches a key in '%(type_config_file)s'. Updating self.config with \ +items from that key's value." + + for i, (target_file, target_dict) in enumerate(cfg_files_and_dicts): + if build_pool_cfg and build_pool_cfg in target_file: + self.info( + cfg_match_msg + % { + "option": "--build-pool", + "type": build_pool, + "type_config_file": build_pool_cfg, + } + ) + if variant_cfg and variant_cfg in target_file: + self.info( + cfg_match_msg + % { + "option": "--custom-build-variant-cfg", + "type": build_variant, + "type_config_file": variant_cfg, + } + ) + self.info( + "To generate a config file based upon options passed and " + "config files used, run script as before but extend options " + 'with "--dump-config"' + ) + self.info( + "For a diff of where self.config got its items, " + "run the script again as before but extend options with: " + '"--dump-config-hierarchy"' + ) + self.info( + "Both --dump-config and --dump-config-hierarchy don't " + "actually run any actions." + ) + + def _query_objdir(self): + if self.objdir: + return self.objdir + + if not self.config.get("objdir"): + return self.fatal(MISSING_CFG_KEY_MSG % ("objdir",)) + self.objdir = self.config["objdir"] + return self.objdir + + def query_is_nightly_promotion(self): + platform_enabled = self.config.get("enable_nightly_promotion") + branch_enabled = self.branch in self.config.get("nightly_promotion_branches") + return platform_enabled and branch_enabled + + def query_build_env(self, **kwargs): + c = self.config + + # let's evoke the base query_env and make a copy of it + # as we don't always want every key below added to the same dict + env = copy.deepcopy(super(BuildScript, self).query_env(**kwargs)) + + if self.query_is_nightly() or self.query_is_nightly_promotion(): + # taskcluster sets the update channel for shipping builds + # explicitly + if c.get("update_channel"): + update_channel = c["update_channel"] + if six.PY2 and isinstance(update_channel, six.text_type): + update_channel = update_channel.encode("utf-8") + env["MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL"] = update_channel + else: # let's just give the generic channel based on branch + env["MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL"] = "nightly-%s" % (self.branch,) + self.info("Update channel set to: {}".format(env["MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL"])) + + return env + + def query_mach_build_env(self, multiLocale=None): + c = self.config + if multiLocale is None and self.query_is_nightly(): + multiLocale = c.get("multi_locale", False) + mach_env = {} + if c.get("upload_env"): + mach_env.update(c["upload_env"]) + + # this prevents taskcluster from overwriting the target files with + # the multilocale files. Put everything from the en-US build in a + # separate folder. + if multiLocale and self.config.get("taskcluster_nightly"): + if "UPLOAD_PATH" in mach_env: + mach_env["UPLOAD_PATH"] = os.path.join(mach_env["UPLOAD_PATH"], "en-US") + return mach_env + + def _get_mozconfig(self): + """assign mozconfig.""" + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + try: + abs_mozconfig_path = get_mozconfig_path( + script=self, config=self.config, dirs=dirs + ) + except MozconfigPathError as e: + if six.PY2: + self.fatal(e.message) + else: + self.fatal(e.msg) + + self.info("Use mozconfig: {}".format(abs_mozconfig_path)) + + # print its contents + content = self.read_from_file(abs_mozconfig_path, error_level=FATAL) + + extra_content = self.config.get("extra_mozconfig_content") + if extra_content: + content += "\n".join(extra_content) + + self.info("mozconfig content:") + self.info(content) + + # finally, copy the mozconfig to a path that 'mach build' expects it to + # be + with open(os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], ".mozconfig"), "w") as fh: + fh.write(content) + + def _run_tooltool(self): + env = self.query_build_env() + env.update(self.query_mach_build_env()) + + c = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + manifest_src = os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST") + if not manifest_src: + manifest_src = c.get("tooltool_manifest_src") + if not manifest_src: + return self.warning(ERROR_MSGS["tooltool_manifest_undetermined"]) + cmd = [ + sys.executable, + "-u", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], "mach"), + "artifact", + "toolchain", + "-v", + "--retry", + "4", + "--artifact-manifest", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], "toolchains.json"), + ] + if manifest_src: + cmd.extend( + [ + "--tooltool-manifest", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], manifest_src), + ] + ) + cache = c["env"].get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE") + if cache: + cmd.extend(["--cache-dir", cache]) + self.info(str(cmd)) + self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs["abs_src_dir"], halt_on_failure=True, env=env) + + def _create_mozbuild_dir(self, mozbuild_path=None): + if not mozbuild_path: + env = self.query_build_env() + mozbuild_path = env.get("MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH") + if mozbuild_path: + self.mkdir_p(mozbuild_path) + else: + self.warning( + "mozbuild_path could not be determined. skipping " "creating it." + ) + + def preflight_build(self): + """set up machine state for a complete build.""" + self._get_mozconfig() + self._run_tooltool() + self._create_mozbuild_dir() + self._ensure_upload_path() + + def build(self): + """builds application.""" + + args = ["build", "-v"] + + # This will error on non-0 exit code. + self._run_mach_command_in_build_env(args) + + self._generate_build_stats() + + def static_analysis_autotest(self): + """Run mach static-analysis autotest, in order to make sure we dont regress""" + self.preflight_build() + self._run_mach_command_in_build_env(["configure"]) + self._run_mach_command_in_build_env( + ["static-analysis", "autotest", "--intree-tool"], use_subprocess=True + ) + + def _query_mach(self): + return [sys.executable, "mach"] + + def _run_mach_command_in_build_env(self, args, use_subprocess=False): + """Run a mach command in a build context.""" + env = self.query_build_env() + env.update(self.query_mach_build_env()) + + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + mach = self._query_mach() + + # XXX See bug 1483883 + # Work around an interaction between Gradle and mozharness + # Not using `subprocess` causes gradle to hang + if use_subprocess: + import subprocess + + return_code = subprocess.call( + mach + ["--log-no-times"] + args, env=env, cwd=dirs["abs_src_dir"] + ) + else: + return_code = self.run_command( + command=mach + ["--log-no-times"] + args, + cwd=dirs["abs_src_dir"], + env=env, + error_list=MakefileErrorList, + output_timeout=self.config.get("max_build_output_timeout", 60 * 40), + ) + + if return_code: + self.return_code = self.worst_level( + EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_FAILURE], + self.return_code, + AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES[::-1], + ) + self.fatal( + "'mach %s' did not run successfully. Please check " + "log for errors." % " ".join(args) + ) + + def multi_l10n(self): + if not self.query_is_nightly(): + self.info("Not a nightly build, skipping multi l10n.") + return + + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + base_work_dir = dirs["base_work_dir"] + work_dir = dirs["abs_work_dir"] + objdir = dirs["abs_obj_dir"] + branch = self.branch + + # Building a nightly with the try repository fails because a + # config-file does not exist for try. Default to mozilla-central + # settings (arbitrarily). + if branch == "try": + branch = "mozilla-central" + + multil10n_path = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_src_dir"], + "testing/mozharness/scripts/multil10n.py", + ) + + cmd = [ + sys.executable, + multil10n_path, + "--work-dir", + work_dir, + "--config-file", + "multi_locale/android-mozharness-build.json", + "--pull-locale-source", + "--package-multi", + "--summary", + ] + + self.run_command( + cmd, env=self.query_build_env(), cwd=base_work_dir, halt_on_failure=True + ) + + package_cmd = [ + "make", + "echo-variable-PACKAGE", + "AB_CD=multi", + ] + package_filename = self.get_output_from_command( + package_cmd, + cwd=objdir, + ) + if not package_filename: + self.fatal( + "Unable to determine the package filename for the multi-l10n build. " + "Was trying to run: %s" % package_cmd + ) + + self.info("Multi-l10n package filename is: %s" % package_filename) + + parser = MakeUploadOutputParser( + config=self.config, + log_obj=self.log_obj, + ) + upload_cmd = ["make", "upload", "AB_CD=multi"] + self.run_command( + upload_cmd, + partial_env=self.query_mach_build_env(multiLocale=False), + cwd=objdir, + halt_on_failure=True, + output_parser=parser, + ) + upload_files_cmd = [ + "make", + "echo-variable-UPLOAD_FILES", + "AB_CD=multi", + ] + self.get_output_from_command( + upload_files_cmd, + cwd=objdir, + ) + + def postflight_build(self): + """grabs properties from post build and calls ccache -s""" + # A list of argument lists. Better names gratefully accepted! + mach_commands = self.config.get("postflight_build_mach_commands", []) + for mach_command in mach_commands: + self._execute_postflight_build_mach_command(mach_command) + + def _execute_postflight_build_mach_command(self, mach_command_args): + env = self.query_build_env() + env.update(self.query_mach_build_env()) + + command = [sys.executable, "mach", "--log-no-times"] + command.extend(mach_command_args) + + self.run_command( + command=command, + cwd=self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_src_dir"], + env=env, + output_timeout=self.config.get("max_build_output_timeout", 60 * 20), + halt_on_failure=True, + ) + + def preflight_package_source(self): + self._get_mozconfig() + + def package_source(self): + """generates source archives and uploads them""" + env = self.query_build_env() + env.update(self.query_mach_build_env()) + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + self.run_command( + command=[sys.executable, "mach", "--log-no-times", "configure"], + cwd=dirs["abs_src_dir"], + env=env, + output_timeout=60 * 3, + halt_on_failure=True, + ) + self.run_command( + command=[ + "make", + "source-package", + "source-upload", + ], + cwd=dirs["abs_obj_dir"], + env=env, + output_timeout=60 * 45, + halt_on_failure=True, + ) + + def _is_configuration_shipped(self): + """Determine if the current build configuration is shipped to users. + + This is used to drive alerting so we don't see alerts for build + configurations we care less about. + """ + # Ideally this would be driven by a config option. However, our + # current inheritance mechanism of using a base config and then + # one-off configs for variants isn't conducive to this since derived + # configs we need to be reset and we don't like requiring boilerplate + # in derived configs. + + # Debug builds are never shipped. + if self.config.get("debug_build"): + return False + + # OS X opt builds without a variant are shipped. + if self.config.get("platform") == "macosx64": + if not self.config.get("build_variant"): + return True + + # Android opt builds without a variant are shipped. + if self.config.get("platform") == "android": + if not self.config.get("build_variant"): + return True + + return False + + def _load_build_resources(self): + p = self.config.get("build_resources_path") % self.query_abs_dirs() + if not os.path.exists(p): + self.info("%s does not exist; not loading build resources" % p) + return None + + with open(p, "r") as fh: + resources = json.load(fh) + + if "duration" not in resources: + self.info("resource usage lacks duration; ignoring") + return None + + # We want to always collect metrics. But alerts with sccache enabled + # we should disable automatic alerting + should_alert = False if os.environ.get("USE_SCCACHE") == "1" else True + + data = { + "name": "build times", + "value": resources["duration"], + "extraOptions": self.perfherder_resource_options(), + "shouldAlert": should_alert, + "subtests": [], + } + + for phase in resources["phases"]: + if "duration" not in phase: + continue + data["subtests"].append( + { + "name": phase["name"], + "value": phase["duration"], + } + ) + + return data + + def _load_sccache_stats(self): + stats_file = os.path.join( + self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_obj_dir"], "sccache-stats.json" + ) + if not os.path.exists(stats_file): + self.info("%s does not exist; not loading sccache stats" % stats_file) + return + + with open(stats_file, "r") as fh: + stats = json.load(fh) + + def get_stat(key): + val = stats["stats"][key] + # Future versions of sccache will distinguish stats by language + # and store them as a dict. + if isinstance(val, dict): + val = sum(val["counts"].values()) + return val + + total = get_stat("requests_executed") + hits = get_stat("cache_hits") + if total > 0: + hits /= float(total) + + yield { + "name": "sccache hit rate", + "value": hits, + "subtests": [], + "alertThreshold": 50.0, + "lowerIsBetter": False, + # We want to always collect metrics. + # But disable automatic alerting on it + "shouldAlert": False, + } + + yield { + "name": "sccache cache_write_errors", + "value": stats["stats"]["cache_write_errors"], + "alertThreshold": 50.0, + "subtests": [], + } + + yield { + "name": "sccache requests_not_cacheable", + "value": stats["stats"]["requests_not_cacheable"], + "alertThreshold": 50.0, + "subtests": [], + } + + def _get_package_metrics(self): + import tarfile + import zipfile + + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + dist_dir = os.path.join(dirs["abs_obj_dir"], "dist") + for ext in ["apk", "dmg", "tar.bz2", "zip"]: + name = "target." + ext + if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dist_dir, name)): + packageName = name + break + else: + self.fatal("could not determine packageName") + + interests = ["libxul.so", "classes.dex", "omni.ja", "xul.dll"] + installer = os.path.join(dist_dir, packageName) + installer_size = 0 + size_measurements = [] + + def paths_with_sizes(installer): + if zipfile.is_zipfile(installer): + with zipfile.ZipFile(installer, "r") as zf: + for zi in zf.infolist(): + yield zi.filename, zi.file_size + elif tarfile.is_tarfile(installer): + with tarfile.open(installer, "r:*") as tf: + for ti in tf: + yield ti.name, ti.size + + if os.path.exists(installer): + installer_size = self.query_filesize(installer) + self.info("Size of %s: %s bytes" % (packageName, installer_size)) + try: + subtests = {} + for path, size in paths_with_sizes(installer): + name = os.path.basename(path) + if name in interests: + # We have to be careful here: desktop Firefox installers + # contain two omni.ja files: one for the general runtime, + # and one for the browser proper. + if name == "omni.ja": + containing_dir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)) + if containing_dir == "browser": + name = "browser-omni.ja" + if name in subtests: + self.fatal( + "should not see %s (%s) multiple times!" % (name, path) + ) + subtests[name] = size + for name in subtests: + self.info("Size of %s: %s bytes" % (name, subtests[name])) + size_measurements.append({"name": name, "value": subtests[name]}) + except Exception: + self.info("Unable to search %s for component sizes." % installer) + size_measurements = [] + + if not installer_size and not size_measurements: + return + + # We want to always collect metrics. But alerts for installer size are + # only use for builds with ship. So nix the alerts for builds we don't + # ship. + def filter_alert(alert): + if not self._is_configuration_shipped(): + alert["shouldAlert"] = False + + return alert + + if installer.endswith(".apk"): # Android + yield filter_alert( + { + "name": "installer size", + "value": installer_size, + "alertChangeType": "absolute", + "alertThreshold": (200 * 1024), + "subtests": size_measurements, + } + ) + else: + yield filter_alert( + { + "name": "installer size", + "value": installer_size, + "alertChangeType": "absolute", + "alertThreshold": (100 * 1024), + "subtests": size_measurements, + } + ) + + def _get_sections(self, file, filter=None): + """ + Returns a dictionary of sections and their sizes. + """ + # Check for `rust_size`, our cross platform version of size. It should + # be fetched by run-task in $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/rust-size/rust-size + rust_size = os.path.join( + os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"], "rust-size", "rust-size" + ) + size_prog = self.which(rust_size) + if not size_prog: + self.info("Couldn't find `rust-size` program") + return {} + + self.info("Using %s" % size_prog) + cmd = [size_prog, file] + output = self.get_output_from_command(cmd) + if not output: + self.info("`rust-size` failed") + return {} + + # Format is JSON: + # { + # "section_type": { + # "section_name": size, .... + # }, + # ... + # } + try: + parsed = json.loads(output) + except ValueError: + self.info("`rust-size` failed: %s" % output) + return {} + + sections = {} + for sec_type in list(parsed.values()): + for name, size in list(sec_type.items()): + if not filter or name in filter: + sections[name] = size + + return sections + + def _get_binary_metrics(self): + """ + Provides metrics on interesting compenents of the built binaries. + Currently just the sizes of interesting sections. + """ + lib_interests = { + "XUL": ("libxul.so", "xul.dll", "XUL"), + "NSS": ("libnss3.so", "nss3.dll", "libnss3.dylib"), + "NSPR": ("libnspr4.so", "nspr4.dll", "libnspr4.dylib"), + "avcodec": ("libmozavcodec.so", "mozavcodec.dll", "libmozavcodec.dylib"), + "avutil": ("libmozavutil.so", "mozavutil.dll", "libmozavutil.dylib"), + } + section_interests = ( + ".text", + ".data", + ".rodata", + ".rdata", + ".cstring", + ".data.rel.ro", + ".bss", + ) + lib_details = [] + + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + dist_dir = os.path.join(dirs["abs_obj_dir"], "dist") + bin_dir = os.path.join(dist_dir, "bin") + + for lib_type, lib_names in list(lib_interests.items()): + for lib_name in lib_names: + lib = os.path.join(bin_dir, lib_name) + if os.path.exists(lib): + lib_size = 0 + section_details = self._get_sections(lib, section_interests) + section_measurements = [] + # Build up the subtests + + # Lump rodata sections together + # - Mach-O separates out read-only string data as .cstring + # - PE really uses .rdata, but XUL at least has a .rodata as well + for ro_alias in (".cstring", ".rdata"): + if ro_alias in section_details: + if ".rodata" in section_details: + section_details[".rodata"] += section_details[ro_alias] + else: + section_details[".rodata"] = section_details[ro_alias] + del section_details[ro_alias] + + for k, v in list(section_details.items()): + section_measurements.append({"name": k, "value": v}) + lib_size += v + lib_details.append( + { + "name": lib_type, + "size": lib_size, + "sections": section_measurements, + } + ) + + for lib_detail in lib_details: + yield { + "name": "%s section sizes" % lib_detail["name"], + "value": lib_detail["size"], + "shouldAlert": False, + "subtests": lib_detail["sections"], + } + + def _generate_build_stats(self): + """grab build stats following a compile. + + This action handles all statistics from a build: 'count_ctors' + and then posts to graph server the results. + We only post to graph server for non nightly build + """ + self.info("Collecting build metrics") + + if os.environ.get("USE_ARTIFACT"): + self.info("Skipping due to forced artifact build.") + return + + c = self.config + + # Report some important file sizes for display in treeherder + + perfherder_data = { + "framework": {"name": "build_metrics"}, + "suites": [], + } + + if not c.get("debug_build") and not c.get("disable_package_metrics"): + perfherder_data["suites"].extend(self._get_package_metrics()) + perfherder_data["suites"].extend(self._get_binary_metrics()) + + # Extract compiler warnings count. + warnings = self.get_output_from_command( + command=[sys.executable, "mach", "warnings-list"], + cwd=self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_src_dir"], + env=self.query_build_env(), + # No need to pollute the log. + silent=True, + # Fail fast. + halt_on_failure=True, + ) + + if warnings is not None: + perfherder_data["suites"].append( + { + "name": "compiler warnings", + "value": len(warnings.strip().splitlines()), + "alertThreshold": 100.0, + "subtests": [], + } + ) + + build_metrics = self._load_build_resources() + if build_metrics: + perfherder_data["suites"].append(build_metrics) + perfherder_data["suites"].extend(self._load_sccache_stats()) + + # Ensure all extra options for this configuration are present. + for opt in os.environ.get("PERFHERDER_EXTRA_OPTIONS", "").split(): + for suite in perfherder_data["suites"]: + if opt not in suite.get("extraOptions", []): + suite.setdefault("extraOptions", []).append(opt) + + if self.query_is_nightly(): + for suite in perfherder_data["suites"]: + suite.setdefault("extraOptions", []).insert(0, "nightly") + + if perfherder_data["suites"]: + self.info("PERFHERDER_DATA: %s" % json.dumps(perfherder_data)) + + def valgrind_test(self): + """Execute mach's valgrind-test for memory leaks""" + env = self.query_build_env() + env.update(self.query_mach_build_env()) + + return_code = self.run_command( + command=[sys.executable, "mach", "valgrind-test"], + cwd=self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_src_dir"], + env=env, + output_timeout=self.config.get("max_build_output_timeout", 60 * 40), + ) + if return_code: + self.return_code = self.worst_level( + EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_FAILURE], + self.return_code, + AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES[::-1], + ) + self.fatal( + "'mach valgrind-test' did not run successfully. Please check " + "log for errors." + ) + + def _ensure_upload_path(self): + env = self.query_mach_build_env() + + # Some Taskcluster workers don't like it if an artifacts directory + # is defined but no artifacts are uploaded. Guard against this by always + # ensuring the artifacts directory exists. + if "UPLOAD_PATH" in env and not os.path.exists(env["UPLOAD_PATH"]): + self.mkdir_p(env["UPLOAD_PATH"]) + + def _post_fatal(self, message=None, exit_code=None): + if not self.return_code: # only overwrite return_code if it's 0 + self.error("setting return code to 2 because fatal was called") + self.return_code = 2 + + @PostScriptRun + def _summarize(self): + """If this is run in automation, ensure the return code is valid and + set it to one if it's not. Finally, log any summaries we collected + from the script run. + """ + if self.config.get("is_automation"): + # let's ignore all mention of tbpl status until this + # point so it will be easier to manage + if self.return_code not in AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES: + self.error( + "Return code is set to: %s and is outside of " + "automation's known values. Setting to 2(failure). " + "Valid return codes %s" % (self.return_code, AUTOMATION_EXIT_CODES) + ) + self.return_code = 2 + for status, return_code in list(EXIT_STATUS_DICT.items()): + if return_code == self.return_code: + self.record_status(status, TBPL_STATUS_DICT[status]) + self.summary() + + @PostScriptRun + def _parse_build_tests_ccov(self): + if "MOZ_FETCHES_DIR" not in os.environ: + return + + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + topsrcdir = dirs["abs_src_dir"] + base_work_dir = dirs["base_work_dir"] + + env = self.query_build_env() + + grcov_path = os.path.join(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"], "grcov", "grcov") + if not os.path.isabs(grcov_path): + grcov_path = os.path.join(base_work_dir, grcov_path) + if self._is_windows(): + grcov_path += ".exe" + env["GRCOV_PATH"] = grcov_path + + cmd = self._query_mach() + [ + "python", + os.path.join("testing", "parse_build_tests_ccov.py"), + ] + self.run_command(command=cmd, cwd=topsrcdir, env=env, halt_on_failure=True) + + @PostScriptRun + def _relocate_artifacts(self): + """Move certain artifacts out of the default upload directory. + + These artifacts will be moved to a secondary directory called `cidata`. + Then they will be uploaded with different expiration values.""" + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + topsrcdir = dirs["abs_src_dir"] + base_work_dir = dirs["base_work_dir"] + + build_platform = os.environ.get("MOZ_ARTIFACT_PLATFORM") + if build_platform is not None: + build_platform = build_platform.lower() + else: + return + try: + upload_dir = os.environ["UPLOAD_DIR"] + except KeyError: + self.fatal("The env. var. UPLOAD_DIR is not set.") + + artifact_yml_path = os.path.join( + topsrcdir, "taskcluster/gecko_taskgraph/transforms/artifacts.yml" + ) + + upload_short_dir = os.path.join(base_work_dir, "cidata") + + # Choose artifacts based on build platform + if build_platform.startswith("win"): + main_platform = "win" + elif build_platform.startswith("linux"): + main_platform = "linux" + elif build_platform.startswith("mac"): + main_platform = "macos" + elif build_platform.startswith("android"): + if build_platform == "android-geckoview-docs": + return + main_platform = "android" + else: + err = "Build platform {} didn't start with 'mac', 'linux', 'win', or 'android'".format( + build_platform + ) + self.fatal(err) + try: + with open(artifact_yml_path) as artfile: + arts = [] + platforms = yaml.safe_load(artfile.read()) + for artifact in platforms[main_platform]: + arts.append(artifact) + except FileNotFoundError: + self.fatal("Could not read artifacts.yml; file not found. Exiting.") + except PermissionError: + self.fatal("Could not read artifacts.yml; permission error.") + except YAMLError as ye: + self.fatal(f"Failed to parse artifacts.yml with error:\n{ye}") + + try: + os.makedirs(upload_short_dir) + except FileExistsError: + pass + except PermissionError: + self.fatal(f'Failed to create dir. "{upload_short_dir}"; permission error.') + + for art in arts: + source_file = os.path.join(upload_dir, art) + if not os.path.exists(source_file): + self.info( + f"The artifact {source_file} is not present in this build. Skipping" + ) + continue + dest_file = os.path.join(upload_short_dir, art) + try: + os.rename(source_file, dest_file) + if os.path.exists(dest_file): + self.info( + f"Successfully moved artifact {source_file} to {dest_file}" + ) + else: + self.fatal( + f"Move of {source_file} to {dest_file} was not successful." + ) + except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError) as err: + self.fatal( + f'Failed to move file "{art}" from {source_file} to {dest_file}:\n{err}' + ) + continue diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/checksums.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/checksums.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e7071d506a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/checksums.py @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import six + + +def parse_checksums_file(checksums): + """ + Parses checksums files that the build system generates and uploads: + https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/default/build/checksums.py + """ + fileInfo = {} + for line in checksums.splitlines(): + hash_, type_, size, file_ = line.split(None, 3) + type_ = six.ensure_str(type_) + file_ = six.ensure_str(file_) + size = int(size) + if size < 0: + raise ValueError("Found negative value (%d) for size." % size) + if file_ not in fileInfo: + fileInfo[file_] = {"hashes": {}} + # If the file already exists, make sure that the size matches the + # previous entry. + elif fileInfo[file_]["size"] != size: + raise ValueError( + "Found different sizes for same file %s (%s and %s)" + % (file_, fileInfo[file_]["size"], size) + ) + # Same goes for the hash. + elif ( + type_ in fileInfo[file_]["hashes"] + and fileInfo[file_]["hashes"][type_] != hash_ + ): + raise ValueError( + "Found different %s hashes for same file %s (%s and %s)" + % (type_, file_, fileInfo[file_]["hashes"][type_], hash_) + ) + fileInfo[file_]["size"] = size + fileInfo[file_]["hashes"][type_] = hash_ + return fileInfo diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/firefox/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/firefox/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/firefox/__init__.py diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/firefox/autoconfig.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/firefox/autoconfig.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..476277e661 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/firefox/autoconfig.py @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +""" This module helps modifying Firefox with autoconfig files.""" +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +import os + +from mozharness.base.script import platform_name + +AUTOCONFIG_TEXT = """// Any comment. You must start the file with a comment! +// This entry tells the browser to load a mozilla.cfg +pref("general.config.sandbox_enabled", false); +pref("general.config.filename", "mozilla.cfg"); +pref("general.config.obscure_value", 0); +""" + + +def write_autoconfig_files( + fx_install_dir, cfg_contents, autoconfig_contents=AUTOCONFIG_TEXT +): + """Generate autoconfig files to modify Firefox's set up + + Read documentation in here: + https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox/Enterprise_deployment#Configuration + + fx_install_dir - path to Firefox installation + cfg_contents - .cfg file containing JavaScript changes for Firefox + autoconfig_contents - autoconfig.js content to refer to .cfg gile + """ + with open(_cfg_file_path(fx_install_dir), "w") as fd: + fd.write(cfg_contents) + with open(_autoconfig_path(fx_install_dir), "w") as fd: + fd.write(autoconfig_contents) + + +def read_autoconfig_file(fx_install_dir): + """Read autoconfig file that modifies Firefox startup + + fx_install_dir - path to Firefox installation + """ + with open(_cfg_file_path(fx_install_dir), "r") as fd: + return fd.read() + + +def _autoconfig_path(fx_install_dir): + platform = platform_name() + if platform in ("win32", "win64"): + return os.path.join(fx_install_dir, "defaults", "pref", "autoconfig.js") + elif platform in ("linux", "linux64"): + return os.path.join(fx_install_dir, "defaults/pref/autoconfig.js") + elif platform in ("macosx"): + return os.path.join( + fx_install_dir, "Contents/Resources/defaults/pref/autoconfig.js" + ) + else: + raise Exception("Invalid platform.") + + +def _cfg_file_path(fx_install_dir): + """ + Windows: defaults\pref + Mac: Firefox.app/Contents/Resources/defaults/pref + Linux: defaults/pref + """ + platform = platform_name() + if platform in ("win32", "win64"): + return os.path.join(fx_install_dir, "mozilla.cfg") + elif platform in ("linux", "linux64"): + return os.path.join(fx_install_dir, "mozilla.cfg") + elif platform in ("macosx"): + return os.path.join(fx_install_dir, "Contents/Resources/mozilla.cfg") + else: + raise Exception("Invalid platform.") diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/__init__.py diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/locales.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/locales.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..83fadd0133 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/locales.py @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""Localization. +""" + +import os +import pprint + +from mozharness.base.config import parse_config_file + + +# LocalesMixin {{{1 +class LocalesMixin(object): + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + """Mixins generally don't have an __init__. + This breaks super().__init__() for children. + However, this is needed to override the query_abs_dirs() + """ + self.abs_dirs = None + self.locales = None + self.gecko_locale_revisions = None + self.l10n_revisions = {} + + def query_locales(self): + if self.locales is not None: + return self.locales + c = self.config + ignore_locales = c.get("ignore_locales", []) + additional_locales = c.get("additional_locales", []) + # List of locales can be set by using different methods in the + # following order: + # 1. "MOZ_LOCALES" env variable: a string of locale:revision separated + # by space + # 2. self.config["locales"] which can be either coming from the config + # or from --locale command line argument + # 3. using self.config["locales_file"] l10n changesets file + locales = None + + # Environment variable + if not locales and "MOZ_LOCALES" in os.environ: + self.debug("Using locales from environment: %s" % os.environ["MOZ_LOCALES"]) + locales = os.environ["MOZ_LOCALES"].split() + + # Command line or config + if not locales and c.get("locales", []): + locales = c["locales"] + self.debug("Using locales from config/CLI: %s" % ", ".join(locales)) + + # parse locale:revision if set + if locales: + for l in locales: + if ":" in l: + # revision specified in locale string + locale, revision = l.split(":", 1) + self.debug("Using %s:%s" % (locale, revision)) + self.l10n_revisions[locale] = revision + # clean up locale by removing revisions + locales = [l.split(":")[0] for l in locales] + + if not locales and "locales_file" in c: + abs_dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + locales_file = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_src_dir"], c["locales_file"]) + locales = self.parse_locales_file(locales_file) + + if not locales: + self.fatal("No locales set!") + + for locale in ignore_locales: + if locale in locales: + self.debug("Ignoring locale %s." % locale) + locales.remove(locale) + if locale in self.l10n_revisions: + del self.l10n_revisions[locale] + + for locale in additional_locales: + if locale not in locales: + self.debug("Adding locale %s." % locale) + locales.append(locale) + + if not locales: + return None + self.locales = locales + return self.locales + + def list_locales(self): + """Stub action method.""" + self.info("Locale list: %s" % str(self.query_locales())) + + def parse_locales_file(self, locales_file): + locales = [] + c = self.config + self.info("Parsing locales file %s" % locales_file) + platform = c.get("locales_platform", None) + + if locales_file.endswith("json"): + locales_json = parse_config_file(locales_file) + for locale in sorted(locales_json.keys()): + if isinstance(locales_json[locale], dict): + if platform and platform not in locales_json[locale]["platforms"]: + continue + self.l10n_revisions[locale] = locales_json[locale]["revision"] + else: + # some other way of getting this? + self.l10n_revisions[locale] = "default" + locales.append(locale) + else: + locales = self.read_from_file(locales_file).split() + self.info("self.l10n_revisions: %s" % pprint.pformat(self.l10n_revisions)) + self.info("locales: %s" % locales) + return locales + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + abs_dirs = super(LocalesMixin, self).query_abs_dirs() + c = self.config + dirs = {} + dirs["abs_work_dir"] = os.path.join(c["base_work_dir"], c["work_dir"]) + dirs["abs_l10n_dir"] = os.path.abspath( + os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_src_dir"], "../l10n-central") + ) + dirs["abs_locales_src_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_src_dir"], + c["locales_dir"], + ) + + dirs["abs_obj_dir"] = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], c["objdir"]) + dirs["abs_locales_dir"] = os.path.join(dirs["abs_obj_dir"], c["locales_dir"]) + + for key in list(dirs.keys()): + if key not in abs_dirs: + abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + # This requires self to inherit a VCSMixin. + def pull_locale_source(self, hg_l10n_base=None, parent_dir=None, vcs="hg"): + c = self.config + if not hg_l10n_base: + hg_l10n_base = c["hg_l10n_base"] + if parent_dir is None: + parent_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_l10n_dir"] + self.mkdir_p(parent_dir) + # This block is to allow for pulling buildbot-configs in Fennec + # release builds, since we don't pull it in MBF anymore. + if c.get("l10n_repos"): + repos = c.get("l10n_repos") + self.vcs_checkout_repos(repos, tag_override=c.get("tag_override")) + # Pull locales + locales = self.query_locales() + locale_repos = [] + for locale in locales: + tag = c.get("hg_l10n_tag", "default") + if self.l10n_revisions.get(locale): + tag = self.l10n_revisions[locale] + locale_repos.append( + {"repo": "%s/%s" % (hg_l10n_base, locale), "branch": tag, "vcs": vcs} + ) + revs = self.vcs_checkout_repos( + repo_list=locale_repos, + parent_dir=parent_dir, + tag_override=c.get("tag_override"), + ) + self.gecko_locale_revisions = revs + + +# __main__ {{{1 + +if __name__ == "__main__": + pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/multi_locale_build.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/multi_locale_build.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..6b1f8c4782 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/l10n/multi_locale_build.py @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""multi_locale_build.py + +This should be a mostly generic multilocale build script. +""" + +import os +import sys + +from mozharness.base.errors import MakefileErrorList +from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript +from mozharness.mozilla.l10n.locales import LocalesMixin + +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) + + +# MultiLocaleBuild {{{1 +class MultiLocaleBuild(LocalesMixin, MercurialScript): + """This class targets Fennec multilocale builds. + We were considering this for potential Firefox desktop multilocale. + Now that we have a different approach for B2G multilocale, + it's most likely misnamed.""" + + config_options = [ + [ + ["--locale"], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "locales", + "type": "string", + "help": "Specify the locale(s) to repack", + }, + ], + [ + ["--objdir"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "objdir", + "type": "string", + "default": "objdir", + "help": "Specify the objdir", + }, + ], + [ + ["--l10n-base"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "hg_l10n_base", + "type": "string", + "help": "Specify the L10n repo base directory", + }, + ], + [ + ["--l10n-tag"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "hg_l10n_tag", + "type": "string", + "help": "Specify the L10n tag", + }, + ], + [ + ["--tag-override"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "tag_override", + "type": "string", + "help": "Override the tags set for all repos", + }, + ], + ] + + def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): + LocalesMixin.__init__(self) + MercurialScript.__init__( + self, + config_options=self.config_options, + all_actions=["pull-locale-source", "package-multi", "summary"], + require_config_file=require_config_file, + ) + + # pull_locale_source() defined in LocalesMixin. + + def _run_mach_command(self, args): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + mach = [sys.executable, "mach"] + + return_code = self.run_command( + command=mach + ["--log-no-times"] + args, + cwd=dirs["abs_src_dir"], + ) + + if return_code: + self.fatal( + "'mach %s' did not run successfully. Please check " + "log for errors." % " ".join(args) + ) + + def package_multi(self): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + objdir = dirs["abs_obj_dir"] + + # This will error on non-0 exit code. + locales = list(sorted(self.query_locales())) + self._run_mach_command(["package-multi-locale", "--locales"] + locales) + + command = "make package-tests AB_CD=multi" + self.run_command( + command, cwd=objdir, error_list=MakefileErrorList, halt_on_failure=True + ) + # TODO deal with buildsymbols + + +# __main__ {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + pass diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/merkle.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/merkle.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dba780b73a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/merkle.py @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import struct + + +def _round2(n): + k = 1 + while k < n: + k <<= 1 + return k >> 1 + + +def _leaf_hash(hash_fn, leaf): + return hash_fn(b"\x00" + leaf).digest() + + +def _pair_hash(hash_fn, left, right): + return hash_fn(b"\x01" + left + right).digest() + + +class InclusionProof: + """ + Represents a Merkle inclusion proof for purposes of serialization, + deserialization, and verification of the proof. The format for inclusion + proofs in RFC 6962-bis is as follows: + + opaque LogID<2..127>; + opaque NodeHash<32..2^8-1>; + + struct { + LogID log_id; + uint64 tree_size; + uint64 leaf_index; + NodeHash inclusion_path<1..2^16-1>; + } InclusionProofDataV2; + + In other words: + - 1 + N octets of log_id (currently zero) + - 8 octets of tree_size = self.n + - 8 octets of leaf_index = m + - 2 octets of path length, followed by + * 1 + N octets of NodeHash + """ + + # Pre-generated 'log ID'. Not used by Firefox; it is only needed because + # there's a slot in the RFC 6962-bis format that requires a value at least + # two bytes long (plus a length byte). + LOG_ID = b"\x02\x00\x00" + + def __init__(self, tree_size, leaf_index, path_elements): + self.tree_size = tree_size + self.leaf_index = leaf_index + self.path_elements = path_elements + + @staticmethod + def from_rfc6962_bis(serialized): + start = 0 + read = 1 + if len(serialized) < start + read: + raise Exception("Inclusion proof too short for log ID header") + (log_id_len,) = struct.unpack("B", serialized[start : start + read]) + start += read + start += log_id_len # Ignore the log ID itself + + read = 8 + 8 + 2 + if len(serialized) < start + read: + raise Exception("Inclusion proof too short for middle section") + tree_size, leaf_index, path_len = struct.unpack( + "!QQH", serialized[start : start + read] + ) + start += read + + path_elements = [] + end = 1 + log_id_len + 8 + 8 + 2 + path_len + while start < end: + read = 1 + if len(serialized) < start + read: + raise Exception("Inclusion proof too short for middle section") + (elem_len,) = struct.unpack("!B", serialized[start : start + read]) + start += read + + read = elem_len + if len(serialized) < start + read: + raise Exception("Inclusion proof too short for middle section") + if end < start + read: + raise Exception("Inclusion proof element exceeds declared length") + path_elements.append(serialized[start : start + read]) + start += read + + return InclusionProof(tree_size, leaf_index, path_elements) + + def to_rfc6962_bis(self): + inclusion_path = b"" + for step in self.path_elements: + step_len = struct.pack("B", len(step)) + inclusion_path += step_len + step + + middle = struct.pack( + "!QQH", self.tree_size, self.leaf_index, len(inclusion_path) + ) + return self.LOG_ID + middle + inclusion_path + + def _expected_head(self, hash_fn, leaf, leaf_index, tree_size): + node = _leaf_hash(hash_fn, leaf) + + # Compute indicators of which direction the pair hashes should be done. + # Derived from the PATH logic in draft-ietf-trans-rfc6962-bis + lr = [] + while tree_size > 1: + k = _round2(tree_size) + left = leaf_index < k + lr = [left] + lr + + if left: + tree_size = k + else: + tree_size = tree_size - k + leaf_index = leaf_index - k + + assert len(lr) == len(self.path_elements) + for i, elem in enumerate(self.path_elements): + if lr[i]: + node = _pair_hash(hash_fn, node, elem) + else: + node = _pair_hash(hash_fn, elem, node) + + return node + + def verify(self, hash_fn, leaf, leaf_index, tree_size, tree_head): + return self._expected_head(hash_fn, leaf, leaf_index, tree_size) == tree_head + + +class MerkleTree: + """ + Implements a Merkle tree on a set of data items following the + structure defined in RFC 6962-bis. This allows us to create a + single hash value that summarizes the data (the 'head'), and an + 'inclusion proof' for each element that connects it to the head. + + https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-trans-rfc6962-bis-24 + """ + + def __init__(self, hash_fn, data): + self.n = len(data) + self.hash_fn = hash_fn + + # We cache intermediate node values, as a dictionary of dictionaries, + # where the node representing data elements data[m:n] is represented by + # nodes[m][n]. This corresponds to the 'D[m:n]' notation in RFC + # 6962-bis. In particular, the leaves are stored in nodes[i][i+1] and + # the head is nodes[0][n]. + self.nodes = {} + for i in range(self.n): + self.nodes[i, i + 1] = _leaf_hash(self.hash_fn, data[i]) + + def _node(self, start, end): + if (start, end) in self.nodes: + return self.nodes[start, end] + + k = _round2(end - start) + left = self._node(start, start + k) + right = self._node(start + k, end) + node = _pair_hash(self.hash_fn, left, right) + + self.nodes[start, end] = node + return node + + def head(self): + return self._node(0, self.n) + + def _relative_proof(self, target, start, end): + n = end - start + k = _round2(n) + + if n == 1: + return [] + elif target - start < k: + return self._relative_proof(target, start, start + k) + [ + self._node(start + k, end) + ] + elif target - start >= k: + return self._relative_proof(target, start + k, end) + [ + self._node(start, start + k) + ] + + def inclusion_proof(self, leaf_index): + path_elements = self._relative_proof(leaf_index, 0, self.n) + return InclusionProof(self.n, leaf_index, path_elements) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mozbase.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mozbase.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..552ffd850c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/mozbase.py @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os + +from mozharness.base.script import PreScriptAction + + +class MozbaseMixin(object): + """Automatically set virtualenv requirements to use mozbase + from test package. + """ + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + super(MozbaseMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + + @PreScriptAction("create-virtualenv") + def _install_mozbase(self, action): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + requirements = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], + "config", + self.config.get("mozbase_requirements", "mozbase_requirements.txt"), + ) + if not os.path.isfile(requirements): + self.fatal( + "Could not find mozbase requirements file: {}".format(requirements) + ) + + self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements], two_pass=True) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/repo_manipulation.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/repo_manipulation.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3a5712fadb --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/repo_manipulation.py @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import six + +# pylint --py3k: W1648 +if six.PY2: + from ConfigParser import ConfigParser +else: + from configparser import ConfigParser + +import json +import os + +from mozharness.base.errors import HgErrorList +from mozharness.base.log import FATAL, INFO +from mozharness.base.vcs.mercurial import MercurialVCS + + +class MercurialRepoManipulationMixin(object): + def get_version(self, repo_root, version_file="browser/config/version.txt"): + version_path = os.path.join(repo_root, version_file) + contents = self.read_from_file(version_path, error_level=FATAL) + lines = [l for l in contents.splitlines() if l and not l.startswith("#")] + return lines[-1].split(".") + + def replace(self, file_name, from_, to_): + """Replace text in a file.""" + text = self.read_from_file(file_name, error_level=FATAL) + new_text = text.replace(from_, to_) + if text == new_text: + self.fatal("Cannot replace '%s' to '%s' in '%s'" % (from_, to_, file_name)) + self.write_to_file(file_name, new_text, error_level=FATAL) + + def query_hg_revision(self, path): + """Avoid making 'pull' a required action every run, by being able + to fall back to figuring out the revision from the cloned repo + """ + m = MercurialVCS(log_obj=self.log_obj, config=self.config) + revision = m.get_revision_from_path(path) + return revision + + def hg_commit(self, cwd, message, user=None, ignore_no_changes=False): + """Commit changes to hg.""" + cmd = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") + ["commit", "-m", message] + if user: + cmd.extend(["-u", user]) + success_codes = [0] + if ignore_no_changes: + success_codes.append(1) + self.run_command( + cmd, + cwd=cwd, + error_list=HgErrorList, + halt_on_failure=True, + success_codes=success_codes, + ) + return self.query_hg_revision(cwd) + + def clean_repos(self): + """We may end up with contaminated local repos at some point, but + we don't want to have to clobber and reclone from scratch every + time. + + This is an attempt to clean up the local repos without needing a + clobber. + """ + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + hg = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") + hg_repos = self.query_repos() + hg_strip_error_list = [ + { + "substr": r"""abort: empty revision set""", + "level": INFO, + "explanation": "Nothing to clean up; we're good!", + } + ] + HgErrorList + for repo_config in hg_repos: + repo_name = repo_config["dest"] + repo_path = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], repo_name) + if os.path.exists(repo_path): + # hg up -C to discard uncommitted changes + self.run_command( + hg + ["up", "-C", "-r", repo_config["branch"]], + cwd=repo_path, + error_list=HgErrorList, + halt_on_failure=True, + ) + # discard unpushed commits + status = self.retry( + self.run_command, + args=( + hg + + [ + "--config", + "extensions.mq=", + "strip", + "--no-backup", + "outgoing()", + ], + ), + kwargs={ + "cwd": repo_path, + "error_list": hg_strip_error_list, + "return_type": "num_errors", + "success_codes": (0, 255), + }, + ) + if status not in [0, 255]: + self.fatal("Issues stripping outgoing revisions!") + # 2nd hg up -C to make sure we're not on a stranded head + # which can happen when reverting debugsetparents + self.run_command( + hg + ["up", "-C", "-r", repo_config["branch"]], + cwd=repo_path, + error_list=HgErrorList, + halt_on_failure=True, + ) + + def commit_changes(self): + """Do the commit.""" + hg = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") + for cwd in self.query_commit_dirs(): + self.run_command(hg + ["diff"], cwd=cwd) + self.hg_commit( + cwd, + user=self.config["hg_user"], + message=self.query_commit_message(), + ignore_no_changes=self.config.get("ignore_no_changes", False), + ) + self.info( + "Now verify |hg out| and |hg out --patch| if you're paranoid, and --push" + ) + + def hg_tag( + self, + cwd, + tags, + user=None, + message=None, + revision=None, + force=None, + halt_on_failure=True, + ): + if isinstance(tags, six.string_types): + tags = [tags] + cmd = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") + ["tag"] + if not message: + message = "No bug - Tagging %s" % os.path.basename(cwd) + if revision: + message = "%s %s" % (message, revision) + message = "%s with %s" % (message, ", ".join(tags)) + message += " a=release DONTBUILD CLOSED TREE" + self.info(message) + cmd.extend(["-m", message]) + if user: + cmd.extend(["-u", user]) + if revision: + cmd.extend(["-r", revision]) + if force: + cmd.append("-f") + cmd.extend(tags) + return self.run_command( + cmd, cwd=cwd, halt_on_failure=halt_on_failure, error_list=HgErrorList + ) + + def query_existing_tags(self, cwd, halt_on_failure=True): + cmd = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") + ["tags"] + existing_tags = {} + output = self.get_output_from_command( + cmd, cwd=cwd, halt_on_failure=halt_on_failure + ) + for line in output.splitlines(): + parts = line.split(" ") + if len(parts) > 1: + # existing_tags = {TAG: REVISION, ...} + existing_tags[parts[0]] = parts[-1].split(":")[-1] + self.info( + "existing_tags:\n{}".format( + json.dumps(existing_tags, sort_keys=True, indent=4) + ) + ) + return existing_tags + + def push(self): + """""" + error_message = """Push failed! If there was a push race, try rerunning +the script (--clean-repos --pull --migrate). The second run will be faster.""" + hg = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") + for cwd in self.query_push_dirs(): + if not cwd: + self.warning("Skipping %s" % cwd) + continue + push_cmd = hg + ["push"] + self.query_push_args(cwd) + if self.config.get("push_dest"): + push_cmd.append(self.config["push_dest"]) + status = self.run_command( + push_cmd, + cwd=cwd, + error_list=HgErrorList, + success_codes=[0, 1], + ) + if status == 1: + self.warning("No changes for %s!" % cwd) + elif status: + self.fatal(error_message) + + def edit_repo_hg_rc(self, cwd, section, key, value): + hg_rc = self.read_repo_hg_rc(cwd) + hg_rc.set(section, key, value) + + with open(self._get_hg_rc_path(cwd), "wb") as f: + hg_rc.write(f) + + def read_repo_hg_rc(self, cwd): + hg_rc = ConfigParser() + hg_rc.read(self._get_hg_rc_path(cwd)) + return hg_rc + + def _get_hg_rc_path(self, cwd): + return os.path.join(cwd, ".hg", "hgrc") diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/secrets.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/secrets.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7ec4c8a2e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/secrets.py @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""Support for fetching secrets from the secrets API +""" + +import json +import os + +import six +from six.moves import urllib + + +class SecretsMixin(object): + def _fetch_secret(self, secret_name): + self.info("fetching secret {} from API".format(secret_name)) + # fetch from TASKCLUSTER_PROXY_URL, which points to the taskcluster proxy + # within a taskcluster task. Outside of that environment, do not + # use this action. + proxy = os.environ.get("TASKCLUSTER_PROXY_URL", "http://taskcluster") + proxy = proxy.rstrip("/") + url = proxy + "/secrets/v1/secret/" + secret_name + res = urllib.request.urlopen(url) + if res.getcode() != 200: + self.fatal("Error fetching from secrets API:" + res.read()) + + return json.loads(six.ensure_str(res.read()))["secret"]["content"] + + def get_secrets(self): + """ + Get the secrets specified by the `secret_files` configuration. This is + a list of dictionaries, one for each secret. The `secret_name` key + names the key in the TaskCluster secrets API to fetch (see + http://docs.taskcluster.net/services/secrets/). It can contain + %-substitutions based on the `subst` dictionary below. + + Since secrets must be JSON objects, the `content` property of the + secret is used as the value to be written to disk. + + The `filename` key in the dictionary gives the filename to which the + secret should be written. + + The optional `min_scm_level` key gives a minimum SCM level at which + this secret is required. For lower levels, the value of the 'default` + key or the contents of the file specified by `default-file` is used, or + no secret is written. + + The optional 'mode' key allows a mode change (chmod) after the file is written + """ + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + secret_files = self.config.get("secret_files", []) + + scm_level = int(os.environ.get("MOZ_SCM_LEVEL", "1")) + subst = { + "scm-level": scm_level, + } + + for sf in secret_files: + filename = os.path.abspath(sf["filename"]) + secret_name = sf["secret_name"] % subst + min_scm_level = sf.get("min_scm_level", 0) + if scm_level < min_scm_level: + if "default" in sf: + self.info("Using default value for " + filename) + secret = sf["default"] + elif "default-file" in sf: + default_path = sf["default-file"].format(**dirs) + with open(default_path, "r") as f: + secret = f.read() + else: + self.info("No default for secret; not writing " + filename) + continue + else: + secret = self._fetch_secret(secret_name) + + open(filename, "w").write(secret) + + if sf.get("mode"): + os.chmod(filename, sf["mode"]) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/structuredlog.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/structuredlog.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e77722854a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/structuredlog.py @@ -0,0 +1,306 @@ +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +import json +from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple + +from mozharness.base import log +from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, INFO, WARNING, OutputParser +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import ( + TBPL_FAILURE, + TBPL_RETRY, + TBPL_SUCCESS, + TBPL_WARNING, + TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors import TinderBoxPrintRe +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import tbox_print_summary + + +class StructuredOutputParser(OutputParser): + # The script class using this must inherit the MozbaseMixin to ensure + # that mozlog is available. + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + """Object that tracks the overall status of the test run""" + # The 'strict' argument dictates whether the presence of output + # from the harness process other than line-delimited json indicates + # failure. If it does not, the errors_list parameter may be used + # to detect additional failure output from the harness process. + if "strict" in kwargs: + self.strict = kwargs.pop("strict") + else: + self.strict = True + + self.suite_category = kwargs.pop("suite_category", None) + + tbpl_compact = kwargs.pop("log_compact", False) + super(StructuredOutputParser, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.allow_crashes = kwargs.pop("allow_crashes", False) + + mozlog = self._get_mozlog_module() + self.formatter = mozlog.formatters.TbplFormatter(compact=tbpl_compact) + self.handler = mozlog.handlers.StatusHandler() + self.log_actions = mozlog.structuredlog.log_actions() + + self.worst_log_level = INFO + self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS + self.harness_retry_re = TinderBoxPrintRe["harness_error"]["retry_regex"] + self.prev_was_unstructured = False + + def _get_mozlog_module(self): + try: + import mozlog + except ImportError: + self.fatal( + "A script class using structured logging must inherit " + "from the MozbaseMixin to ensure that mozlog is available." + ) + return mozlog + + def _handle_unstructured_output(self, line, log_output=True): + self.log_output = log_output + return super(StructuredOutputParser, self).parse_single_line(line) + + def parse_single_line(self, line): + """Parses a line of log output from the child process and passes + it to mozlog to update the overall status of the run. + Re-emits the logged line in human-readable format. + """ + level = INFO + tbpl_level = TBPL_SUCCESS + + data = None + try: + candidate_data = json.loads(line) + if ( + isinstance(candidate_data, dict) + and "action" in candidate_data + and candidate_data["action"] in self.log_actions + ): + data = candidate_data + except ValueError: + pass + + if data is None: + if self.strict: + if not self.prev_was_unstructured: + self.info( + "Test harness output was not a valid structured log message" + ) + self.info(line) + else: + self.info(line) + self.prev_was_unstructured = True + else: + self._handle_unstructured_output(line) + return + + self.prev_was_unstructured = False + + self.handler(data) + + action = data["action"] + if action in ("log", "process_output"): + if action == "log": + message = data["message"] + level = getattr(log, data["level"].upper()) + else: + message = data["data"] + + # Run log and process_output actions through the error lists, but make sure + # the super parser doesn't print them to stdout (they should go through the + # log formatter). + error_level = self._handle_unstructured_output(message, log_output=False) + if error_level is not None: + level = self.worst_level(error_level, level) + + if self.harness_retry_re.search(message): + self.update_levels(TBPL_RETRY, log.CRITICAL) + tbpl_level = TBPL_RETRY + level = log.CRITICAL + + log_data = self.formatter(data) + if log_data is not None: + self.log(log_data, level=level) + self.update_levels(tbpl_level, level) + + def _subtract_tuples(self, old, new): + items = set(list(old.keys()) + list(new.keys())) + merged = defaultdict(int) + for item in items: + merged[item] = new.get(item, 0) - old.get(item, 0) + if merged[item] <= 0: + del merged[item] + return merged + + def evaluate_parser(self, return_code, success_codes=None, previous_summary=None): + success_codes = success_codes or [0] + summary = self.handler.summarize() + + """ + We can run evaluate_parser multiple times, it will duplicate failures + and status which can mean that future tests will fail if a previous test fails. + When we have a previous summary, we want to do 2 things: + 1) Remove previous data from the new summary to only look at new data + 2) Build a joined summary to include the previous + new data + """ + RunSummary = namedtuple( + "RunSummary", + ( + "unexpected_statuses", + "expected_statuses", + "known_intermittent_statuses", + "log_level_counts", + "action_counts", + ), + ) + if previous_summary == {}: + previous_summary = RunSummary( + defaultdict(int), + defaultdict(int), + defaultdict(int), + defaultdict(int), + defaultdict(int), + ) + if previous_summary: + # Always preserve retry status: if any failure triggers retry, the script + # must exit with TBPL_RETRY to trigger task retry. + if self.tbpl_status != TBPL_RETRY: + self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS + joined_summary = summary + + # Remove previously known status messages + if "ERROR" in summary.log_level_counts: + summary.log_level_counts["ERROR"] -= self.handler.no_tests_run_count + + summary = RunSummary( + self._subtract_tuples( + previous_summary.unexpected_statuses, summary.unexpected_statuses + ), + self._subtract_tuples( + previous_summary.expected_statuses, summary.expected_statuses + ), + self._subtract_tuples( + previous_summary.known_intermittent_statuses, + summary.known_intermittent_statuses, + ), + self._subtract_tuples( + previous_summary.log_level_counts, summary.log_level_counts + ), + summary.action_counts, + ) + + # If we have previous data to ignore, + # cache it so we don't parse the log multiple times + self.summary = summary + else: + joined_summary = summary + + fail_pair = TBPL_WARNING, WARNING + error_pair = TBPL_FAILURE, ERROR + + # These are warning/orange statuses. + failure_conditions = [ + (sum(summary.unexpected_statuses.values()), 0, "statuses", False), + ( + summary.action_counts.get("crash", 0), + summary.expected_statuses.get("CRASH", 0), + "crashes", + self.allow_crashes, + ), + ( + summary.action_counts.get("valgrind_error", 0), + 0, + "valgrind errors", + False, + ), + ] + for value, limit, type_name, allow in failure_conditions: + if value > limit: + msg = "%d unexpected %s" % (value, type_name) + if limit != 0: + msg += " expected at most %d" % (limit) + if not allow: + self.update_levels(*fail_pair) + msg = "Got " + msg + # Force level to be WARNING as message is not necessary in Treeherder + self.warning(msg) + else: + msg = "Ignored " + msg + self.warning(msg) + + # These are error/red statuses. A message is output here every time something + # wouldn't otherwise be highlighted in the UI. + required_actions = { + "suite_end": "No suite end message was emitted by this harness.", + "test_end": "No checks run.", + } + for action, diagnostic_message in required_actions.items(): + if action not in summary.action_counts: + self.log(diagnostic_message, ERROR) + self.update_levels(*error_pair) + + failure_log_levels = ["ERROR", "CRITICAL"] + for level in failure_log_levels: + if level in summary.log_level_counts: + self.update_levels(*error_pair) + + # If a superclass was used to detect errors with a regex based output parser, + # this will be reflected in the status here. + if self.num_errors: + self.update_levels(*error_pair) + + # Harnesses typically return non-zero on test failure, so don't promote + # to error if we already have a failing status. + if return_code not in success_codes and self.tbpl_status == TBPL_SUCCESS: + self.update_levels(*error_pair) + + return self.tbpl_status, self.worst_log_level, joined_summary + + def update_levels(self, tbpl_level, log_level): + self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(log_level, self.worst_log_level) + self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level( + tbpl_level, self.tbpl_status, levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE + ) + + def print_summary(self, suite_name): + # Summary text provided for compatibility. Counts are currently + # in the format <pass count>/<fail count>/<todo count>, + # <expected count>/<unexpected count>/<expected fail count> will yield the + # expected info from a structured log (fail count from the prior implementation + # includes unexpected passes from "todo" assertions). + try: + summary = self.summary + except AttributeError: + summary = self.handler.summarize() + + unexpected_count = sum(summary.unexpected_statuses.values()) + expected_count = sum(summary.expected_statuses.values()) + expected_failures = summary.expected_statuses.get("FAIL", 0) + + if unexpected_count: + fail_text = '<em class="testfail">%s</em>' % unexpected_count + else: + fail_text = "0" + + text_summary = "%s/%s/%s" % (expected_count, fail_text, expected_failures) + self.info("TinderboxPrint: %s<br/>%s\n" % (suite_name, text_summary)) + + def append_tinderboxprint_line(self, suite_name): + try: + summary = self.summary + except AttributeError: + summary = self.handler.summarize() + + unexpected_count = sum(summary.unexpected_statuses.values()) + expected_count = sum(summary.expected_statuses.values()) + expected_failures = summary.expected_statuses.get("FAIL", 0) + crashed = 0 + if "crash" in summary.action_counts: + crashed = summary.action_counts["crash"] + text_summary = tbox_print_summary( + expected_count, unexpected_count, expected_failures, crashed > 0, False + ) + self.info("TinderboxPrint: %s<br/>%s\n" % (suite_name, text_summary)) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/__init__.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/__init__.py diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/android.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/android.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7e17707552 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/android.py @@ -0,0 +1,725 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +import datetime +import functools +import glob +import os +import posixpath +import re +import signal +import subprocess +import tempfile +import time +from threading import Timer + +import six + +from mozharness.base.script import PostScriptAction, PreScriptAction +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import EXIT_STATUS_DICT, TBPL_RETRY + + +def ensure_dir(dir): + """Ensures the given directory exists""" + if dir and not os.path.exists(dir): + try: + os.makedirs(dir) + except OSError as error: + if error.errno != errno.EEXIST: + raise + + +class AndroidMixin(object): + """ + Mixin class used by Android test scripts. + """ + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + self._adb_path = None + self._device = None + self.app_name = None + self.device_name = os.environ.get("DEVICE_NAME", None) + self.device_serial = os.environ.get("DEVICE_SERIAL", None) + self.device_ip = os.environ.get("DEVICE_IP", None) + self.logcat_proc = None + self.logcat_file = None + self.use_gles3 = False + self.use_root = True + self.xre_path = None + super(AndroidMixin, self).__init__(**kwargs) + + @property + def adb_path(self): + """Get the path to the adb executable.""" + self.activate_virtualenv() + if not self._adb_path: + self._adb_path = self.query_exe("adb") + return self._adb_path + + @property + def device(self): + if not self._device: + # We must access the adb_path property to activate the + # virtualenv before importing mozdevice in order to + # import the mozdevice installed into the virtualenv and + # not any system-wide installation of mozdevice. + adb = self.adb_path + import mozdevice + + self._device = mozdevice.ADBDeviceFactory( + adb=adb, device=self.device_serial, use_root=self.use_root + ) + return self._device + + @property + def is_android(self): + c = self.config + installer_url = c.get("installer_url", None) + return ( + self.device_serial is not None + or self.is_emulator + or ( + installer_url is not None + and (installer_url.endswith(".apk") or installer_url.endswith(".aab")) + ) + ) + + @property + def is_emulator(self): + c = self.config + return True if c.get("emulator_avd_name") else False + + def _get_repo_url(self, path): + """ + Return a url for a file (typically a tooltool manifest) in this hg repo + and using this revision (or mozilla-central/default if repo/rev cannot + be determined). + + :param path specifies the directory path to the file of interest. + """ + if "GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY" in os.environ and "GECKO_HEAD_REV" in os.environ: + # probably taskcluster + repo = os.environ["GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY"] + revision = os.environ["GECKO_HEAD_REV"] + else: + # something unexpected! + repo = "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central" + revision = "default" + self.warning( + "Unable to find repo/revision for manifest; " + "using mozilla-central/default" + ) + url = "%s/raw-file/%s/%s" % (repo, revision, path) + return url + + def _tooltool_fetch(self, url, dir): + c = self.config + manifest_path = self.download_file( + url, file_name="releng.manifest", parent_dir=dir + ) + if not os.path.exists(manifest_path): + self.fatal( + "Could not retrieve manifest needed to retrieve " + "artifacts from %s" % manifest_path + ) + # from TooltoolMixin, included in TestingMixin + self.tooltool_fetch( + manifest_path, output_dir=dir, cache=c.get("tooltool_cache", None) + ) + + def _launch_emulator(self): + env = self.query_env() + + # Write a default ddms.cfg to avoid unwanted prompts + avd_home_dir = self.abs_dirs["abs_avds_dir"] + DDMS_FILE = os.path.join(avd_home_dir, "ddms.cfg") + with open(DDMS_FILE, "w") as f: + f.write("pingOptIn=false\npingId=0\n") + self.info("wrote dummy %s" % DDMS_FILE) + + # Delete emulator auth file, so it doesn't prompt + AUTH_FILE = os.path.join( + os.path.expanduser("~"), ".emulator_console_auth_token" + ) + if os.path.exists(AUTH_FILE): + try: + os.remove(AUTH_FILE) + self.info("deleted %s" % AUTH_FILE) + except Exception: + self.warning("failed to remove %s" % AUTH_FILE) + + env["ANDROID_EMULATOR_HOME"] = avd_home_dir + avd_path = os.path.join(avd_home_dir, "avd") + if os.path.exists(avd_path): + env["ANDROID_AVD_HOME"] = avd_path + self.info("Found avds at %s" % avd_path) + else: + self.warning("AVDs missing? Not found at %s" % avd_path) + + if "deprecated_sdk_path" in self.config: + sdk_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(avd_home_dir, "..")) + else: + sdk_path = self.abs_dirs["abs_sdk_dir"] + if os.path.exists(sdk_path): + env["ANDROID_SDK_HOME"] = sdk_path + env["ANDROID_SDK_ROOT"] = sdk_path + self.info("Found sdk at %s" % sdk_path) + else: + self.warning("Android sdk missing? Not found at %s" % sdk_path) + + avd_config_path = os.path.join( + avd_path, "%s.ini" % self.config["emulator_avd_name"] + ) + avd_folder = os.path.join(avd_path, "%s.avd" % self.config["emulator_avd_name"]) + if os.path.isfile(avd_config_path): + # The ini file points to the absolute path to the emulator folder, + # which might be different, so we need to update it. + old_config = "" + with open(avd_config_path, "r") as config_file: + old_config = config_file.readlines() + self.info("Old Config: %s" % old_config) + with open(avd_config_path, "w") as config_file: + for line in old_config: + if line.startswith("path="): + config_file.write("path=%s\n" % avd_folder) + self.info("Updating path from: %s" % line) + else: + config_file.write("%s\n" % line) + else: + self.warning("Could not find config path at %s" % avd_config_path) + + # enable EGL 3.0 in advancedFeatures.ini + AF_FILE = os.path.join(avd_home_dir, "advancedFeatures.ini") + with open(AF_FILE, "w") as f: + if self.use_gles3: + f.write("GLESDynamicVersion=on\n") + else: + f.write("GLESDynamicVersion=off\n") + + # extra diagnostics for kvm acceleration + emu = self.config.get("emulator_process_name") + if os.path.exists("/dev/kvm") and emu and "x86" in emu: + try: + self.run_command(["ls", "-l", "/dev/kvm"]) + self.run_command(["kvm-ok"]) + self.run_command(["emulator", "-accel-check"], env=env) + except Exception as e: + self.warning("Extra kvm diagnostics failed: %s" % str(e)) + + self.info("emulator env: %s" % str(env)) + command = ["emulator", "-avd", self.config["emulator_avd_name"]] + if "emulator_extra_args" in self.config: + command += self.config["emulator_extra_args"] + + dir = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + tmp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( + mode="w", prefix="emulator-", suffix=".log", dir=dir, delete=False + ) + self.info("Launching the emulator with: %s" % " ".join(command)) + self.info("Writing log to %s" % tmp_file.name) + proc = subprocess.Popen( + command, stdout=tmp_file, stderr=tmp_file, env=env, bufsize=0 + ) + return proc + + def _verify_emulator(self): + boot_ok = self._retry( + 30, + 10, + self.is_boot_completed, + "Verify Android boot completed", + max_time=330, + ) + if not boot_ok: + self.warning("Unable to verify Android boot completion") + return False + return True + + def _verify_emulator_and_restart_on_fail(self): + emulator_ok = self._verify_emulator() + if not emulator_ok: + self.device_screenshot("screenshot-emulator-start") + self.kill_processes(self.config["emulator_process_name"]) + subprocess.check_call(["ps", "-ef"]) + # remove emulator tmp files + for dir in glob.glob("/tmp/android-*"): + self.rmtree(dir) + time.sleep(5) + self.emulator_proc = self._launch_emulator() + return emulator_ok + + def _retry(self, max_attempts, interval, func, description, max_time=0): + """ + Execute func until it returns True, up to max_attempts times, waiting for + interval seconds between each attempt. description is logged on each attempt. + If max_time is specified, no further attempts will be made once max_time + seconds have elapsed; this provides some protection for the case where + the run-time for func is long or highly variable. + """ + status = False + attempts = 0 + if max_time > 0: + end_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=max_time) + else: + end_time = None + while attempts < max_attempts and not status: + if (end_time is not None) and (datetime.datetime.now() > end_time): + self.info( + "Maximum retry run-time of %d seconds exceeded; " + "remaining attempts abandoned" % max_time + ) + break + if attempts != 0: + self.info("Sleeping %d seconds" % interval) + time.sleep(interval) + attempts += 1 + self.info( + ">> %s: Attempt #%d of %d" % (description, attempts, max_attempts) + ) + status = func() + return status + + def dump_perf_info(self): + """ + Dump some host and android device performance-related information + to an artifact file, to help understand task performance. + """ + dir = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + perf_path = os.path.join(dir, "android-performance.log") + with open(perf_path, "w") as f: + + f.write("\n\nHost cpufreq/scaling_governor:\n") + cpus = glob.glob("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor") + for cpu in cpus: + out = subprocess.check_output(["cat", cpu], universal_newlines=True) + f.write("%s: %s" % (cpu, out)) + + f.write("\n\nHost /proc/cpuinfo:\n") + out = subprocess.check_output( + ["cat", "/proc/cpuinfo"], universal_newlines=True + ) + f.write(out) + + f.write("\n\nHost /proc/meminfo:\n") + out = subprocess.check_output( + ["cat", "/proc/meminfo"], universal_newlines=True + ) + f.write(out) + + f.write("\n\nHost process list:\n") + out = subprocess.check_output(["ps", "-ef"], universal_newlines=True) + f.write(out) + + f.write("\n\nDevice /proc/cpuinfo:\n") + cmd = "cat /proc/cpuinfo" + out = self.shell_output(cmd) + f.write(out) + cpuinfo = out + + f.write("\n\nDevice /proc/meminfo:\n") + cmd = "cat /proc/meminfo" + out = self.shell_output(cmd) + f.write(out) + + f.write("\n\nDevice process list:\n") + cmd = "ps" + out = self.shell_output(cmd) + f.write(out) + + # Search android cpuinfo for "BogoMIPS"; if found and < (minimum), retry + # this task, in hopes of getting a higher-powered environment. + # (Carry on silently if BogoMIPS is not found -- this may vary by + # Android implementation -- no big deal.) + # See bug 1321605: Sometimes the emulator is really slow, and + # low bogomips can be a good predictor of that condition. + bogomips_minimum = int(self.config.get("bogomips_minimum") or 0) + for line in cpuinfo.split("\n"): + m = re.match("BogoMIPS.*: (\d*)", line, re.IGNORECASE) + if m: + bogomips = int(m.group(1)) + if bogomips_minimum > 0 and bogomips < bogomips_minimum: + self.fatal( + "INFRA-ERROR: insufficient Android bogomips (%d < %d)" + % (bogomips, bogomips_minimum), + EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_RETRY], + ) + self.info("Found Android bogomips: %d" % bogomips) + break + + def logcat_path(self): + logcat_filename = "logcat-%s.log" % self.device_serial + return os.path.join( + self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"], logcat_filename + ) + + def logcat_start(self): + """ + Start recording logcat. Writes logcat to the upload directory. + """ + # Start logcat for the device. The adb process runs until the + # corresponding device is stopped. Output is written directly to + # the blobber upload directory so that it is uploaded automatically + # at the end of the job. + self.logcat_file = open(self.logcat_path(), "w") + logcat_cmd = [ + self.adb_path, + "-s", + self.device_serial, + "logcat", + "-v", + "threadtime", + "Trace:S", + "StrictMode:S", + "ExchangeService:S", + ] + self.info(" ".join(logcat_cmd)) + self.logcat_proc = subprocess.Popen( + logcat_cmd, stdout=self.logcat_file, stdin=subprocess.PIPE + ) + + def logcat_stop(self): + """ + Stop logcat process started by logcat_start. + """ + if self.logcat_proc: + self.info("Killing logcat pid %d." % self.logcat_proc.pid) + self.logcat_proc.kill() + self.logcat_file.close() + + def _install_android_app_retry(self, app_path, replace): + import mozdevice + + try: + if app_path.endswith(".aab"): + self.device.install_app_bundle( + self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_bundletool_path"], app_path, timeout=120 + ) + self.device.run_as_package = self.query_package_name() + else: + self.device.run_as_package = self.device.install_app( + app_path, replace=replace, timeout=120 + ) + return True + except ( + mozdevice.ADBError, + mozdevice.ADBProcessError, + mozdevice.ADBTimeoutError, + ) as e: + self.info( + "Failed to install %s on %s: %s %s" + % (app_path, self.device_name, type(e).__name__, e) + ) + return False + + def install_android_app(self, app_path, replace=False): + """ + Install the specified app. + """ + app_installed = self._retry( + 5, + 10, + functools.partial(self._install_android_app_retry, app_path, replace), + "Install app", + ) + + if not app_installed: + self.fatal( + "INFRA-ERROR: Failed to install %s" % os.path.basename(app_path), + EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_RETRY], + ) + + def uninstall_android_app(self): + """ + Uninstall the app associated with the configured app, if it is + installed. + """ + import mozdevice + + try: + package_name = self.query_package_name() + self.device.uninstall_app(package_name) + except ( + mozdevice.ADBError, + mozdevice.ADBProcessError, + mozdevice.ADBTimeoutError, + ) as e: + self.info( + "Failed to uninstall %s from %s: %s %s" + % (package_name, self.device_name, type(e).__name__, e) + ) + self.fatal( + "INFRA-ERROR: %s Failed to uninstall %s" + % (type(e).__name__, package_name), + EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_RETRY], + ) + + def is_boot_completed(self): + import mozdevice + + try: + return self.device.is_device_ready(timeout=30) + except (ValueError, mozdevice.ADBError, mozdevice.ADBTimeoutError): + pass + return False + + def shell_output(self, cmd, enable_run_as=False): + import mozdevice + + try: + return self.device.shell_output( + cmd, timeout=30, enable_run_as=enable_run_as + ) + except (mozdevice.ADBTimeoutError) as e: + self.info( + "Failed to run shell command %s from %s: %s %s" + % (cmd, self.device_name, type(e).__name__, e) + ) + self.fatal( + "INFRA-ERROR: %s Failed to run shell command %s" + % (type(e).__name__, cmd), + EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_RETRY], + ) + + def device_screenshot(self, prefix): + """ + On emulator, save a screenshot of the entire screen to the upload directory; + otherwise, save a screenshot of the device to the upload directory. + + :param prefix specifies a filename prefix for the screenshot + """ + from mozscreenshot import dump_device_screen, dump_screen + + reset_dir = False + if not os.environ.get("MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR", None): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + os.environ["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"] = dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + reset_dir = True + if self.is_emulator: + if self.xre_path: + dump_screen(self.xre_path, self, prefix=prefix) + else: + self.info("Not saving screenshot: no XRE configured") + else: + dump_device_screen(self.device, self, prefix=prefix) + if reset_dir: + del os.environ["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"] + + def download_hostutils(self, xre_dir): + """ + Download and install hostutils from tooltool. + """ + xre_path = None + self.rmtree(xre_dir) + self.mkdir_p(xre_dir) + if self.config["hostutils_manifest_path"]: + url = self._get_repo_url(self.config["hostutils_manifest_path"]) + self._tooltool_fetch(url, xre_dir) + for p in glob.glob(os.path.join(xre_dir, "host-utils-*")): + if os.path.isdir(p) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(p, "xpcshell")): + xre_path = p + if not xre_path: + self.fatal("xre path not found in %s" % xre_dir) + else: + self.fatal("configure hostutils_manifest_path!") + return xre_path + + def query_package_name(self): + if self.app_name is None: + # For convenience, assume geckoview.test/geckoview_example when install + # target looks like geckoview. + if "androidTest" in self.installer_path: + self.app_name = "org.mozilla.geckoview.test" + elif "test_runner" in self.installer_path: + self.app_name = "org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner" + elif "geckoview" in self.installer_path: + self.app_name = "org.mozilla.geckoview_example" + if self.app_name is None: + # Find appname from package-name.txt - assumes download-and-extract + # has completed successfully. + # The app/package name will typically be org.mozilla.fennec, + # but org.mozilla.firefox for release builds, and there may be + # other variations. 'aapt dump badging <apk>' could be used as an + # alternative to package-name.txt, but introduces a dependency + # on aapt, found currently in the Android SDK build-tools component. + app_dir = self.abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"] + self.app_path = os.path.join(app_dir, self.installer_path) + unzip = self.query_exe("unzip") + package_path = os.path.join(app_dir, "package-name.txt") + unzip_cmd = [unzip, "-q", "-o", self.app_path] + self.run_command(unzip_cmd, cwd=app_dir, halt_on_failure=True) + self.app_name = str( + self.read_from_file(package_path, verbose=True) + ).rstrip() + return self.app_name + + def kill_processes(self, process_name): + self.info("Killing every process called %s" % process_name) + process_name = six.ensure_binary(process_name) + out = subprocess.check_output(["ps", "-A"]) + for line in out.splitlines(): + if process_name in line: + pid = int(line.split(None, 1)[0]) + self.info("Killing pid %d." % pid) + os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) + + def delete_ANRs(self): + remote_dir = self.device.stack_trace_dir + try: + if not self.device.is_dir(remote_dir): + self.device.mkdir(remote_dir) + self.info("%s created" % remote_dir) + return + self.device.chmod(remote_dir, recursive=True) + for trace_file in self.device.ls(remote_dir, recursive=True): + trace_path = posixpath.join(remote_dir, trace_file) + if self.device.is_file(trace_path): + self.device.rm(trace_path) + self.info("%s deleted" % trace_path) + except Exception as e: + self.info( + "failed to delete %s: %s %s" % (remote_dir, type(e).__name__, str(e)) + ) + + def check_for_ANRs(self): + """ + Copy ANR (stack trace) files from device to upload directory. + """ + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + remote_dir = self.device.stack_trace_dir + try: + if not self.device.is_dir(remote_dir): + self.info("%s not found; ANR check skipped" % remote_dir) + return + self.device.chmod(remote_dir, recursive=True) + self.device.pull(remote_dir, dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"]) + self.delete_ANRs() + except Exception as e: + self.info( + "failed to pull %s: %s %s" % (remote_dir, type(e).__name__, str(e)) + ) + + def delete_tombstones(self): + remote_dir = "/data/tombstones" + try: + if not self.device.is_dir(remote_dir): + self.device.mkdir(remote_dir) + self.info("%s created" % remote_dir) + return + self.device.chmod(remote_dir, recursive=True) + for trace_file in self.device.ls(remote_dir, recursive=True): + trace_path = posixpath.join(remote_dir, trace_file) + if self.device.is_file(trace_path): + self.device.rm(trace_path) + self.info("%s deleted" % trace_path) + except Exception as e: + self.info( + "failed to delete %s: %s %s" % (remote_dir, type(e).__name__, str(e)) + ) + + def check_for_tombstones(self): + """ + Copy tombstone files from device to upload directory. + """ + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + remote_dir = "/data/tombstones" + try: + if not self.device.is_dir(remote_dir): + self.info("%s not found; tombstone check skipped" % remote_dir) + return + self.device.chmod(remote_dir, recursive=True) + self.device.pull(remote_dir, dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"]) + self.delete_tombstones() + except Exception as e: + self.info( + "failed to pull %s: %s %s" % (remote_dir, type(e).__name__, str(e)) + ) + + # Script actions + + def start_emulator(self): + """ + Starts the emulator + """ + if not self.is_emulator: + return + + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + ensure_dir(dirs["abs_work_dir"]) + ensure_dir(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"]) + + if not os.path.isfile(self.adb_path): + self.fatal("The adb binary '%s' is not a valid file!" % self.adb_path) + self.kill_processes("xpcshell") + self.emulator_proc = self._launch_emulator() + + def verify_device(self): + """ + Check to see if the emulator can be contacted via adb. + If any communication attempt fails, kill the emulator, re-launch, and re-check. + """ + if not self.is_android: + return + + if self.is_emulator: + max_restarts = 5 + emulator_ok = self._retry( + max_restarts, + 10, + self._verify_emulator_and_restart_on_fail, + "Check emulator", + ) + if not emulator_ok: + self.fatal( + "INFRA-ERROR: Unable to start emulator after %d attempts" + % max_restarts, + EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_RETRY], + ) + + self.mkdir_p(self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"]) + self.dump_perf_info() + self.logcat_start() + self.delete_ANRs() + self.delete_tombstones() + self.info("verify_device complete") + + @PreScriptAction("run-tests") + def timed_screenshots(self, action, success=None): + """ + If configured, start screenshot timers. + """ + if not self.is_android: + return + + def take_screenshot(seconds): + self.device_screenshot("screenshot-%ss-" % str(seconds)) + self.info("timed (%ss) screenshot complete" % str(seconds)) + + self.timers = [] + for seconds in self.config.get("screenshot_times", []): + self.info("screenshot requested %s seconds from now" % str(seconds)) + t = Timer(int(seconds), take_screenshot, [seconds]) + t.start() + self.timers.append(t) + + @PostScriptAction("run-tests") + def stop_device(self, action, success=None): + """ + Stop logcat and kill the emulator, if necessary. + """ + if not self.is_android: + return + + for t in self.timers: + t.cancel() + if self.worst_status != TBPL_RETRY: + self.check_for_ANRs() + self.check_for_tombstones() + else: + self.info("ANR and tombstone checks skipped due to TBPL_RETRY") + self.logcat_stop() + if self.is_emulator: + self.kill_processes(self.config["emulator_process_name"]) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/codecoverage.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/codecoverage.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fd850324ed --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/codecoverage.py @@ -0,0 +1,679 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import errno +import json +import os +import posixpath +import shutil +import sys +import tempfile +import uuid +import zipfile + +import mozinfo + +from mozharness.base.script import PostScriptAction, PreScriptAction +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.per_test_base import SingleTestMixin + +code_coverage_config_options = [ + [ + ["--code-coverage"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "code_coverage", + "default": False, + "help": "Whether gcov c++ code coverage should be run.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--per-test-coverage"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "per_test_coverage", + "default": False, + "help": "Whether per-test coverage should be collected.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-ccov-upload"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "disable_ccov_upload", + "default": False, + "help": "Whether test run should package and upload code coverage data.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--java-code-coverage"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "java_code_coverage", + "default": False, + "help": "Whether Java code coverage should be run.", + }, + ], +] + + +class CodeCoverageMixin(SingleTestMixin): + """ + Mixin for setting GCOV_PREFIX during test execution, packaging up + the resulting .gcda files and uploading them to blobber. + """ + + gcov_dir = None + grcov_dir = None + grcov_bin = None + jsvm_dir = None + prefix = None + per_test_reports = {} + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + if mozinfo.os == "linux" or mozinfo.os == "mac": + self.grcov_bin = "grcov" + elif mozinfo.os == "win": + self.grcov_bin = "grcov.exe" + else: + raise Exception("Unexpected OS: {}".format(mozinfo.os)) + + super(CodeCoverageMixin, self).__init__(**kwargs) + + @property + def code_coverage_enabled(self): + try: + return bool(self.config.get("code_coverage")) + except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): + return False + + @property + def per_test_coverage(self): + try: + return bool(self.config.get("per_test_coverage")) + except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): + return False + + @property + def ccov_upload_disabled(self): + try: + return bool(self.config.get("disable_ccov_upload")) + except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): + return False + + @property + def jsd_code_coverage_enabled(self): + try: + return bool(self.config.get("jsd_code_coverage")) + except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): + return False + + @property + def java_code_coverage_enabled(self): + try: + return bool(self.config.get("java_code_coverage")) + except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): + return False + + def _setup_cpp_js_coverage_tools(self): + fetches_dir = os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + with open(os.path.join(fetches_dir, "target.mozinfo.json"), "r") as f: + build_mozinfo = json.load(f) + + self.prefix = build_mozinfo["topsrcdir"] + + strip_count = len(list(filter(None, self.prefix.split("/")))) + os.environ["GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP"] = str(strip_count) + + # Download the gcno archive from the build machine. + url_to_gcno = self.query_build_dir_url("target.code-coverage-gcno.zip") + self.download_file(url_to_gcno, parent_dir=self.grcov_dir) + + # Download the chrome-map.json file from the build machine. + url_to_chrome_map = self.query_build_dir_url("chrome-map.json") + self.download_file(url_to_chrome_map, parent_dir=self.grcov_dir) + + def _setup_java_coverage_tools(self): + # Download and extract jacoco-cli from the build task. + url_to_jacoco = self.query_build_dir_url("target.jacoco-cli.jar") + self.jacoco_jar = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), "target.jacoco-cli.jar") + self.download_file(url_to_jacoco, self.jacoco_jar) + + # Download and extract class files from the build task. + self.classfiles_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + for archive in ["target.geckoview_classfiles.zip", "target.app_classfiles.zip"]: + url_to_classfiles = self.query_build_dir_url(archive) + classfiles_zip_path = os.path.join(self.classfiles_dir, archive) + self.download_file(url_to_classfiles, classfiles_zip_path) + with zipfile.ZipFile(classfiles_zip_path, "r") as z: + z.extractall(self.classfiles_dir) + os.remove(classfiles_zip_path) + + # Create the directory where the emulator coverage file will be placed. + self.java_coverage_output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + + @PostScriptAction("download-and-extract") + def setup_coverage_tools(self, action, success=None): + if not self.code_coverage_enabled and not self.java_code_coverage_enabled: + return + + self.grcov_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"], "grcov") + if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.grcov_dir, self.grcov_bin)): + raise Exception( + "File not found: {}".format( + os.path.join(self.grcov_dir, self.grcov_bin) + ) + ) + + if self.code_coverage_enabled: + self._setup_cpp_js_coverage_tools() + + if self.java_code_coverage_enabled: + self._setup_java_coverage_tools() + + @PostScriptAction("download-and-extract") + def find_tests_for_coverage(self, action, success=None): + """ + For each file modified on this push, determine if the modified file + is a test, by searching test manifests. Populate self.verify_suites + with test files, organized by suite. + + This depends on test manifests, so can only run after test zips have + been downloaded and extracted. + """ + if not self.per_test_coverage: + return + + self.find_modified_tests() + + # TODO: Add tests that haven't been run for a while (a week? N pushes?) + + # Add baseline code coverage collection tests + baseline_tests_by_ext = { + ".html": { + "test": "testing/mochitest/baselinecoverage/plain/test_baselinecoverage.html", + "suite": "mochitest-plain", + }, + ".js": { + "test": "testing/mochitest/baselinecoverage/browser_chrome/browser_baselinecoverage.js", # NOQA: E501 + "suite": "mochitest-browser-chrome", + }, + ".xhtml": { + "test": "testing/mochitest/baselinecoverage/chrome/test_baselinecoverage.xhtml", + "suite": "mochitest-chrome", + }, + } + + baseline_tests_by_suite = { + "mochitest-browser-chrome": "testing/mochitest/baselinecoverage/browser_chrome/" + "browser_baselinecoverage_browser-chrome.js" + } + + wpt_baseline_test = "tests/web-platform/mozilla/tests/baselinecoverage/wpt_baselinecoverage.html" # NOQA: E501 + if self.config.get("per_test_category") == "web-platform": + if "testharness" not in self.suites: + self.suites["testharness"] = [] + if wpt_baseline_test not in self.suites["testharness"]: + self.suites["testharness"].append(wpt_baseline_test) + return + + # Go through all the tests and find all + # the baseline tests that are needed. + tests_to_add = {} + for suite in self.suites: + if len(self.suites[suite]) == 0: + continue + if suite in baseline_tests_by_suite: + if suite not in tests_to_add: + tests_to_add[suite] = [] + tests_to_add[suite].append(baseline_tests_by_suite[suite]) + continue + + # Default to file types if the suite has no baseline + for test in self.suites[suite]: + _, test_ext = os.path.splitext(test) + + if test_ext not in baseline_tests_by_ext: + # Add the '.js' test as a default baseline + # if none other exists. + test_ext = ".js" + baseline_test_suite = baseline_tests_by_ext[test_ext]["suite"] + baseline_test_name = baseline_tests_by_ext[test_ext]["test"] + + if baseline_test_suite not in tests_to_add: + tests_to_add[baseline_test_suite] = [] + if baseline_test_name not in tests_to_add[baseline_test_suite]: + tests_to_add[baseline_test_suite].append(baseline_test_name) + + # Add all baseline tests needed + for suite in tests_to_add: + for test in tests_to_add[suite]: + if suite not in self.suites: + self.suites[suite] = [] + if test not in self.suites[suite]: + self.suites[suite].append(test) + + @property + def coverage_args(self): + return [] + + def set_coverage_env(self, env, is_baseline_test=False): + # Set the GCOV directory. + self.gcov_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + env["GCOV_PREFIX"] = self.gcov_dir + + # Set the GCOV/JSVM directories where counters will be dumped in per-test mode. + if self.per_test_coverage and not is_baseline_test: + env["GCOV_RESULTS_DIR"] = tempfile.mkdtemp() + env["JSVM_RESULTS_DIR"] = tempfile.mkdtemp() + + # Set JSVM directory. + self.jsvm_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + env["JS_CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIR"] = self.jsvm_dir + + @PreScriptAction("run-tests") + def _set_gcov_prefix(self, action): + if not self.code_coverage_enabled: + return + + if self.per_test_coverage: + return + + self.set_coverage_env(os.environ) + + def parse_coverage_artifacts( + self, + gcov_dir, + jsvm_dir, + merge=False, + output_format="lcov", + filter_covered=False, + ): + jsvm_output_file = "jsvm_lcov_output.info" + grcov_output_file = "grcov_lcov_output.info" + + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + sys.path.append(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"]) + sys.path.append(os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "mozbuild")) + + from codecoverage.lcov_rewriter import LcovFileRewriter + + jsvm_files = [os.path.join(jsvm_dir, e) for e in os.listdir(jsvm_dir)] + rewriter = LcovFileRewriter(os.path.join(self.grcov_dir, "chrome-map.json")) + rewriter.rewrite_files(jsvm_files, jsvm_output_file, "") + + # Run grcov on the zipped .gcno and .gcda files. + grcov_command = [ + os.path.join(self.grcov_dir, self.grcov_bin), + "-t", + output_format, + "-p", + self.prefix, + "--ignore", + "**/fetches/*", + os.path.join(self.grcov_dir, "target.code-coverage-gcno.zip"), + gcov_dir, + ] + + if "coveralls" in output_format: + grcov_command += ["--token", "UNUSED", "--commit-sha", "UNUSED"] + + if merge: + grcov_command += [jsvm_output_file] + + if mozinfo.os == "win" or mozinfo.os == "mac": + grcov_command += ["--llvm"] + + if filter_covered: + grcov_command += ["--filter", "covered"] + + def skip_cannot_normalize(output_to_filter): + return "\n".join( + line + for line in output_to_filter.rstrip().splitlines() + if "cannot be normalized because" not in line + ) + + # 'grcov_output' will be a tuple, the first variable is the path to the lcov output, + # the other is the path to the standard error output. + tmp_output_file, _ = self.get_output_from_command( + grcov_command, + silent=True, + save_tmpfiles=True, + return_type="files", + throw_exception=True, + output_filter=skip_cannot_normalize, + ) + shutil.move(tmp_output_file, grcov_output_file) + + shutil.rmtree(gcov_dir) + shutil.rmtree(jsvm_dir) + + if merge: + os.remove(jsvm_output_file) + return grcov_output_file + else: + return grcov_output_file, jsvm_output_file + + def add_per_test_coverage_report(self, env, suite, test): + gcov_dir = ( + env["GCOV_RESULTS_DIR"] if "GCOV_RESULTS_DIR" in env else self.gcov_dir + ) + jsvm_dir = ( + env["JSVM_RESULTS_DIR"] if "JSVM_RESULTS_DIR" in env else self.jsvm_dir + ) + + grcov_file = self.parse_coverage_artifacts( + gcov_dir, + jsvm_dir, + merge=True, + output_format="coveralls", + filter_covered=True, + ) + + report_file = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".json" + shutil.move(grcov_file, report_file) + + # Get the test path relative to topsrcdir. + # This mapping is constructed by self.find_modified_tests(). + test = self.test_src_path.get(test.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep), test) + + # Log a warning if the test path is still an absolute path. + if os.path.isabs(test): + self.warn("Found absolute path for test: {}".format(test)) + + if suite not in self.per_test_reports: + self.per_test_reports[suite] = {} + assert test not in self.per_test_reports[suite] + self.per_test_reports[suite][test] = report_file + + if "GCOV_RESULTS_DIR" in env: + assert "JSVM_RESULTS_DIR" in env + # In this case, parse_coverage_artifacts has removed GCOV_RESULTS_DIR and + # JSVM_RESULTS_DIR so we need to remove GCOV_PREFIX and JS_CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIR. + try: + shutil.rmtree(self.gcov_dir) + except FileNotFoundError: + pass + + try: + shutil.rmtree(self.jsvm_dir) + except FileNotFoundError: + pass + + def is_covered(self, sf): + # For C/C++ source files, we can consider a file as being uncovered + # when all its source lines are uncovered. + all_lines_uncovered = all(c is None or c == 0 for c in sf["coverage"]) + if all_lines_uncovered: + return False + + # For JavaScript files, we can't do the same, as the top-level is always + # executed, even if it just contains declarations. So, we need to check if + # all its functions, except the top-level, are uncovered. + functions = sf["functions"] if "functions" in sf else [] + all_functions_uncovered = all( + not f["exec"] or f["name"] == "top-level" for f in functions + ) + if all_functions_uncovered and len(functions) > 1: + return False + + return True + + @PostScriptAction("run-tests") + def _package_coverage_data(self, action, success=None): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + if not self.code_coverage_enabled: + return + + if self.per_test_coverage: + if not self.per_test_reports: + self.info("No tests were found...not saving coverage data.") + return + + # Get the baseline tests that were run. + baseline_tests_ext_cov = {} + baseline_tests_suite_cov = {} + for suite, data in self.per_test_reports.items(): + for test, grcov_file in data.items(): + if "baselinecoverage" not in test: + continue + + # TODO: Optimize this part which loads JSONs + # with a size of about 40Mb into memory for diffing later. + # Bug 1460064 is filed for this. + with open(grcov_file, "r") as f: + data = json.load(f) + + if suite in os.path.split(test)[-1]: + baseline_tests_suite_cov[suite] = data + else: + _, baseline_filetype = os.path.splitext(test) + baseline_tests_ext_cov[baseline_filetype] = data + + dest = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "per-test-coverage-reports.zip" + ) + with zipfile.ZipFile(dest, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as z: + for suite, data in self.per_test_reports.items(): + for test, grcov_file in data.items(): + if "baselinecoverage" in test: + # Don't keep the baseline coverage + continue + else: + # Get test coverage + with open(grcov_file, "r") as f: + report = json.load(f) + + # Remove uncovered files, as they are unneeded for per-test + # coverage purposes. + report["source_files"] = [ + sf + for sf in report["source_files"] + if self.is_covered(sf) + ] + + # Get baseline coverage + baseline_coverage = {} + if suite in baseline_tests_suite_cov: + baseline_coverage = baseline_tests_suite_cov[suite] + elif self.config.get("per_test_category") == "web-platform": + baseline_coverage = baseline_tests_ext_cov[".html"] + else: + for file_type in baseline_tests_ext_cov: + if not test.endswith(file_type): + continue + baseline_coverage = baseline_tests_ext_cov[ + file_type + ] + break + + if not baseline_coverage: + # Default to the '.js' baseline as it is the largest + self.info("Did not find a baseline test for: " + test) + baseline_coverage = baseline_tests_ext_cov[".js"] + + unique_coverage = rm_baseline_cov(baseline_coverage, report) + + with open(grcov_file, "w") as f: + json.dump( + { + "test": test, + "suite": suite, + "report": unique_coverage, + }, + f, + ) + + z.write(grcov_file) + return + + del os.environ["GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP"] + del os.environ["GCOV_PREFIX"] + del os.environ["JS_CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIR"] + + if not self.ccov_upload_disabled: + grcov_output_file, jsvm_output_file = self.parse_coverage_artifacts( + self.gcov_dir, self.jsvm_dir + ) + + try: + os.makedirs(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"]) + except OSError as e: + if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: + raise + + # Zip the grcov output and upload it. + grcov_zip_path = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "code-coverage-grcov.zip" + ) + with zipfile.ZipFile(grcov_zip_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as z: + z.write(grcov_output_file) + + # Zip the JSVM coverage data and upload it. + jsvm_zip_path = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "code-coverage-jsvm.zip" + ) + with zipfile.ZipFile(jsvm_zip_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as z: + z.write(jsvm_output_file) + + shutil.rmtree(self.grcov_dir) + + @PostScriptAction("run-tests") + def process_java_coverage_data(self, action, success=None): + """ + Run JaCoCo on the coverage.ec file in order to get a XML report. + After that, run grcov on the XML report to get a lcov report. + Finally, archive the lcov file and upload it, as process_coverage_data is doing. + """ + if not self.java_code_coverage_enabled: + return + + # If the emulator became unresponsive, the task has failed and we don't + # have any coverage report file, so stop running this function and + # allow the task to be retried automatically. + if not success and not os.listdir(self.java_coverage_output_dir): + return + + report_files = [ + os.path.join(self.java_coverage_output_dir, f) + for f in os.listdir(self.java_coverage_output_dir) + ] + assert len(report_files) > 0, "JaCoCo coverage data files were not found." + + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + xml_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() + jacoco_command = ( + ["java", "-jar", self.jacoco_jar, "report"] + + report_files + + [ + "--classfiles", + self.classfiles_dir, + "--name", + "geckoview-junit", + "--xml", + os.path.join(xml_path, "geckoview-junit.xml"), + ] + ) + self.run_command(jacoco_command, halt_on_failure=True) + + grcov_command = [ + os.path.join(self.grcov_dir, self.grcov_bin), + "-t", + "lcov", + xml_path, + ] + tmp_output_file, _ = self.get_output_from_command( + grcov_command, + silent=True, + save_tmpfiles=True, + return_type="files", + throw_exception=True, + ) + + if not self.ccov_upload_disabled: + grcov_zip_path = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "code-coverage-grcov.zip" + ) + with zipfile.ZipFile(grcov_zip_path, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as z: + z.write(tmp_output_file, "grcov_lcov_output.info") + + +def rm_baseline_cov(baseline_coverage, test_coverage): + """ + Returns the difference between test_coverage and + baseline_coverage, such that what is returned + is the unique coverage for the test in question. + """ + + # Get all files into a quicker search format + unique_test_coverage = test_coverage + baseline_files = {el["name"]: el for el in baseline_coverage["source_files"]} + test_files = {el["name"]: el for el in test_coverage["source_files"]} + + # Perform the difference and find everything + # unique to the test. + unique_file_coverage = {} + for test_file in test_files: + if test_file not in baseline_files: + unique_file_coverage[test_file] = test_files[test_file] + continue + + if len(test_files[test_file]["coverage"]) != len( + baseline_files[test_file]["coverage"] + ): + # File has line number differences due to gcov bug: + # https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1410217 + continue + + # TODO: Attempt to rewrite this section to remove one of the two + # iterations over a test's source file's coverage for optimization. + # Bug 1460064 was filed for this. + + # Get line numbers and the differences + file_coverage = { + i + for i, cov in enumerate(test_files[test_file]["coverage"]) + if cov is not None and cov > 0 + } + + baseline = { + i + for i, cov in enumerate(baseline_files[test_file]["coverage"]) + if cov is not None and cov > 0 + } + + unique_coverage = file_coverage - baseline + + if len(unique_coverage) > 0: + unique_file_coverage[test_file] = test_files[test_file] + + # Return the data to original format to return + # coverage within the test_coverge data object. + fmt_unique_coverage = [] + for i, cov in enumerate(unique_file_coverage[test_file]["coverage"]): + if cov is None: + fmt_unique_coverage.append(None) + continue + + # TODO: Bug 1460061, determine if hit counts + # need to be considered. + if cov > 0: + # If there is a count + if i in unique_coverage: + # Only add the count if it's unique + fmt_unique_coverage.append( + unique_file_coverage[test_file]["coverage"][i] + ) + continue + # Zero out everything that is not unique + fmt_unique_coverage.append(0) + unique_file_coverage[test_file]["coverage"] = fmt_unique_coverage + + # Reformat to original test_coverage list structure + unique_test_coverage["source_files"] = list(unique_file_coverage.values()) + + return unique_test_coverage diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/errors.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/errors.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..84c00b0a8b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/errors.py @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""Mozilla error lists for running tests. + +Error lists are used to parse output in mozharness.base.log.OutputParser. + +Each line of output is matched against each substring or regular expression +in the error list. On a match, we determine the 'level' of that line, +whether IGNORE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, or FATAL. + +""" + +import re + +from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, INFO, WARNING + +# ErrorLists {{{1 +_mochitest_summary = { + "regex": re.compile( + r"""(\d+ INFO (Passed|Failed|Todo):\ +(\d+)|\t(Passed|Failed|Todo): (\d+))""" + ), # NOQA: E501 + "pass_group": "Passed", + "fail_group": "Failed", + "known_fail_group": "Todo", +} + +_reftest_summary = { + "regex": re.compile( + r"""REFTEST INFO \| (Successful|Unexpected|Known problems): (\d+) \(""" + ), # NOQA: E501 + "pass_group": "Successful", + "fail_group": "Unexpected", + "known_fail_group": "Known problems", +} + +TinderBoxPrintRe = { + "mochitest-chrome_summary": _mochitest_summary, + "mochitest-webgl1-core_summary": _mochitest_summary, + "mochitest-webgl1-ext_summary": _mochitest_summary, + "mochitest-webgl2-core_summary": _mochitest_summary, + "mochitest-webgl2-ext_summary": _mochitest_summary, + "mochitest-webgl2-deqp_summary": _mochitest_summary, + "mochitest-webgpu_summary": _mochitest_summary, + "mochitest-media_summary": _mochitest_summary, + "mochitest-plain_summary": _mochitest_summary, + "mochitest-plain-gpu_summary": _mochitest_summary, + "marionette_summary": { + "regex": re.compile(r"""(passed|failed|todo):\ +(\d+)"""), + "pass_group": "passed", + "fail_group": "failed", + "known_fail_group": "todo", + }, + "reftest_summary": _reftest_summary, + "reftest-qr_summary": _reftest_summary, + "crashtest_summary": _reftest_summary, + "crashtest-qr_summary": _reftest_summary, + "xpcshell_summary": { + "regex": re.compile(r"""INFO \| (Passed|Failed|Todo): (\d+)"""), + "pass_group": "Passed", + "fail_group": "Failed", + "known_fail_group": "Todo", + }, + "jsreftest_summary": _reftest_summary, + "instrumentation_summary": _mochitest_summary, + "cppunittest_summary": { + "regex": re.compile(r"""cppunittests INFO \| (Passed|Failed): (\d+)"""), + "pass_group": "Passed", + "fail_group": "Failed", + "known_fail_group": None, + }, + "gtest_summary": { + "regex": re.compile(r"""(Passed|Failed): (\d+)"""), + "pass_group": "Passed", + "fail_group": "Failed", + "known_fail_group": None, + }, + "jittest_summary": { + "regex": re.compile(r"""(Passed|Failed): (\d+)"""), + "pass_group": "Passed", + "fail_group": "Failed", + "known_fail_group": None, + }, + "mozbase_summary": { + "regex": re.compile(r"""(OK)|(FAILED) \(errors=(\d+)"""), + "pass_group": "OK", + "fail_group": "FAILED", + "known_fail_group": None, + }, + "geckoview_summary": { + "regex": re.compile(r"""(Passed|Failed): (\d+)"""), + "pass_group": "Passed", + "fail_group": "Failed", + "known_fail_group": None, + }, + "geckoview-junit_summary": { + "regex": re.compile(r"""(Passed|Failed): (\d+)"""), + "pass_group": "Passed", + "fail_group": "Failed", + "known_fail_group": None, + }, + "harness_error": { + "full_regex": re.compile( + r"(?:TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL|PROCESS-CRASH) \| .* \|[^\|]* (application crashed|missing output line for total leaks!|negative leaks caught!|\d+ bytes leaked)" # NOQA: E501 + ), + "minimum_regex": re.compile(r"""(TEST-UNEXPECTED|PROCESS-CRASH)"""), + "retry_regex": re.compile( + r"""(FAIL-SHOULD-RETRY|No space left on device|ADBError|ADBProcessError|ADBTimeoutError|program finished with exit code 80|INFRA-ERROR)""" # NOQA: E501 + ), + }, +} + +TestPassed = [ + { + "regex": re.compile("""(TEST-INFO|TEST-KNOWN-FAIL|TEST-PASS|INFO \| )"""), + "level": INFO, + }, +] + +BaseHarnessErrorList = [ + { + "substr": "TEST-UNEXPECTED", + "level": ERROR, + }, + { + "substr": "PROCESS-CRASH", + "level": ERROR, + }, + { + "regex": re.compile("""ERROR: (Address|Leak)Sanitizer"""), + "level": ERROR, + }, + { + "regex": re.compile("""thread '([^']+)' panicked"""), + "level": ERROR, + }, + { + "substr": "pure virtual method called", + "level": ERROR, + }, + { + "substr": "Pure virtual function called!", + "level": ERROR, + }, +] + +HarnessErrorList = BaseHarnessErrorList + [ + { + "substr": "A content process crashed", + "level": ERROR, + }, +] + +# wpt can have expected crashes so we can't always turn treeherder orange in those cases +WptHarnessErrorList = BaseHarnessErrorList + +LogcatErrorList = [ + { + "substr": "Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", + "level": ERROR, + "explanation": "This usually indicates the B2G process has crashed", + }, + { + "substr": "Fatal signal 7 (SIGBUS)", + "level": ERROR, + "explanation": "This usually indicates the B2G process has crashed", + }, + {"substr": "[JavaScript Error:", "level": WARNING}, + { + "substr": "seccomp sandbox violation", + "level": ERROR, + "explanation": "A content process has violated the system call sandbox (bug 790923)", + }, +] diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/per_test_base.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/per_test_base.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8e83643142 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/per_test_base.py @@ -0,0 +1,540 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +import itertools +import json +import math +import os +import posixpath +import sys + +import mozinfo +from manifestparser import TestManifest + + +class SingleTestMixin(object): + """Utility functions for per-test testing like test verification and per-test coverage.""" + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + super(SingleTestMixin, self).__init__(**kwargs) + + self.suites = {} + self.tests_downloaded = False + self.reftest_test_dir = None + self.jsreftest_test_dir = None + # Map from full test path on the test machine to a relative path in the source checkout. + # Use self._map_test_path_to_source(test_machine_path, source_path) to add a mapping. + self.test_src_path = {} + self.per_test_log_index = 1 + + def _map_test_path_to_source(self, test_machine_path, source_path): + test_machine_path = test_machine_path.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep) + source_path = source_path.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep) + self.test_src_path[test_machine_path] = source_path + + def _is_gpu_suite(self, suite): + if suite and (suite == "gpu" or suite.startswith("webgl")): + return True + return False + + def _find_misc_tests(self, dirs, changed_files, gpu=False): + manifests = [ + ( + os.path.join(dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"], "tests", "mochitest.ini"), + "mochitest-plain", + ), + ( + os.path.join(dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"], "chrome", "chrome.ini"), + "mochitest-chrome", + ), + ( + os.path.join( + dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"], "browser", "browser-chrome.ini" + ), + "mochitest-browser-chrome", + ), + ( + os.path.join(dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"], "a11y", "a11y.ini"), + "mochitest-a11y", + ), + ( + os.path.join(dirs["abs_xpcshell_dir"], "tests", "xpcshell.ini"), + "xpcshell", + ), + ] + is_fission = "fission.autostart=true" in self.config.get("extra_prefs", []) + tests_by_path = {} + all_disabled = [] + for (path, suite) in manifests: + if os.path.exists(path): + man = TestManifest([path], strict=False) + active = man.active_tests( + exists=False, disabled=True, filters=[], **mozinfo.info + ) + # Remove disabled tests. Also, remove tests with the same path as + # disabled tests, even if they are not disabled, since per-test mode + # specifies tests by path (it cannot distinguish between two or more + # tests with the same path specified in multiple manifests). + disabled = [t["relpath"] for t in active if "disabled" in t] + all_disabled += disabled + new_by_path = { + t["relpath"]: (suite, t.get("subsuite"), None) + for t in active + if "disabled" not in t and t["relpath"] not in disabled + } + tests_by_path.update(new_by_path) + self.info( + "Per-test run updated with manifest %s (%d active, %d skipped)" + % (path, len(new_by_path), len(disabled)) + ) + + ref_manifests = [ + ( + os.path.join( + dirs["abs_reftest_dir"], + "tests", + "layout", + "reftests", + "reftest.list", + ), + "reftest", + "gpu", + ), # gpu + ( + os.path.join( + dirs["abs_reftest_dir"], + "tests", + "testing", + "crashtest", + "crashtests.list", + ), + "crashtest", + None, + ), + ] + sys.path.append(dirs["abs_reftest_dir"]) + import manifest + + self.reftest_test_dir = os.path.join(dirs["abs_reftest_dir"], "tests") + for (path, suite, subsuite) in ref_manifests: + if os.path.exists(path): + man = manifest.ReftestManifest() + man.load(path) + for t in man.tests: + relpath = os.path.relpath(t["path"], self.reftest_test_dir) + referenced = ( + t["referenced-test"] if "referenced-test" in t else None + ) + tests_by_path[relpath] = (suite, subsuite, referenced) + self._map_test_path_to_source(t["path"], relpath) + self.info( + "Per-test run updated with manifest %s (%d tests)" + % (path, len(man.tests)) + ) + + suite = "jsreftest" + self.jsreftest_test_dir = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "jsreftest", "tests" + ) + path = os.path.join(self.jsreftest_test_dir, "jstests.list") + if os.path.exists(path): + man = manifest.ReftestManifest() + man.load(path) + for t in man.files: + # expect manifest test to look like: + # ".../tests/jsreftest/tests/jsreftest.html?test=test262/.../some_test.js" + # while the test is in mercurial at: + # js/src/tests/test262/.../some_test.js + epos = t.find("=") + if epos > 0: + relpath = t[epos + 1 :] + test_path = os.path.join(self.jsreftest_test_dir, relpath) + relpath = os.path.join("js", "src", "tests", relpath) + self._map_test_path_to_source(test_path, relpath) + tests_by_path.update({relpath: (suite, None, None)}) + else: + self.warning("unexpected jsreftest test format: %s" % str(t)) + self.info( + "Per-test run updated with manifest %s (%d tests)" + % (path, len(man.files)) + ) + + # for each changed file, determine if it is a test file, and what suite it is in + for file in changed_files: + # manifest paths use os.sep (like backslash on Windows) but + # automation-relevance uses posixpath.sep + file = file.replace(posixpath.sep, os.sep) + entry = tests_by_path.get(file) + if not entry: + if file in all_disabled: + self.info("'%s' has been skipped on this platform." % file) + if os.environ.get("MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS", None) is not None: + self.info("Per-test run could not find requested test '%s'" % file) + continue + + if gpu and not self._is_gpu_suite(entry[1]): + self.info( + "Per-test run (gpu) discarded non-gpu test %s (%s)" + % (file, entry[1]) + ) + continue + elif not gpu and self._is_gpu_suite(entry[1]): + self.info( + "Per-test run (non-gpu) discarded gpu test %s (%s)" + % (file, entry[1]) + ) + continue + + if is_fission and ( + (entry[0] == "mochitest-a11y") or (entry[0] == "mochitest-chrome") + ): + self.info( + "Per-test run (fission) discarded non-e10s test %s (%s)" + % (file, entry[0]) + ) + continue + + if entry[2] is not None and "about:" not in entry[2]: + # Test name substitution, for reftest reference file handling: + # - if both test and reference modified, run the test file + # - if only reference modified, run the test file + test_file = os.path.join( + os.path.dirname(file), os.path.basename(entry[2]) + ) + self.info("Per-test run substituting %s for %s" % (test_file, file)) + file = test_file + + self.info("Per-test run found test %s (%s/%s)" % (file, entry[0], entry[1])) + subsuite_mapping = { + # Map (<suite>, <subsuite>): <full-suite> + # <suite> is associated with a manifest, explicitly in code above + # <subsuite> comes from "subsuite" tags in some manifest entries + # <full-suite> is a unique id for the suite, matching desktop mozharness configs + ( + "mochitest-browser-chrome", + "a11y", + None, + ): "mochitest-browser-a11y", + ( + "mochitest-browser-chrome", + "media-bc", + None, + ): "mochitest-browser-media", + ( + "mochitest-browser-chrome", + "devtools", + None, + ): "mochitest-devtools-chrome", + ("mochitest-browser-chrome", "remote", None): "mochitest-remote", + ( + "mochitest-browser-chrome", + "screenshots", + None, + ): "mochitest-browser-chrome-screenshots", # noqa + ("mochitest-plain", "media", None): "mochitest-media", + # below should be on test-verify-gpu job + ("mochitest-chrome", "gpu", None): "mochitest-chrome-gpu", + ("mochitest-plain", "gpu", None): "mochitest-plain-gpu", + ("mochitest-plain", "webgl1-core", None): "mochitest-webgl1-core", + ("mochitest-plain", "webgl1-ext", None): "mochitest-webgl1-ext", + ("mochitest-plain", "webgl2-core", None): "mochitest-webgl2-core", + ("mochitest-plain", "webgl2-ext", None): "mochitest-webgl2-ext", + ("mochitest-plain", "webgl2-deqp", None): "mochitest-webgl2-deqp", + ("mochitest-plain", "webgpu", None): "mochitest-webgpu", + } + if entry in subsuite_mapping: + suite = subsuite_mapping[entry] + else: + suite = entry[0] + suite_files = self.suites.get(suite) + if not suite_files: + suite_files = [] + if file not in suite_files: + suite_files.append(file) + self.suites[suite] = suite_files + + def _find_wpt_tests(self, dirs, changed_files): + # Setup sys.path to include all the dependencies required to import + # the web-platform-tests manifest parser. web-platform-tests provides + # the localpaths.py to do the path manipulation, which we load, + # providing the __file__ variable so it can resolve the relative + # paths correctly. + paths_file = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"], "tests", "tools", "localpaths.py" + ) + with open(paths_file, "r") as f: + exec(f.read(), {"__file__": paths_file}) + import manifest as wptmanifest + + tests_root = os.path.join(dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"], "tests") + + for extra in ("", "mozilla"): + base_path = os.path.join(dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"], extra) + man_path = os.path.join(base_path, "meta", "MANIFEST.json") + man = wptmanifest.manifest.load(tests_root, man_path) + self.info("Per-test run updated with manifest %s" % man_path) + + repo_tests_path = os.path.join("testing", "web-platform", extra, "tests") + tests_path = os.path.join("tests", "web-platform", extra, "tests") + for (type, path, test) in man: + if type not in ["testharness", "reftest", "wdspec"]: + continue + repo_path = os.path.join(repo_tests_path, path) + # manifest paths use os.sep (like backslash on Windows) but + # automation-relevance uses posixpath.sep + repo_path = repo_path.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep) + if repo_path in changed_files: + self.info( + "Per-test run found web-platform test '%s', type %s" + % (path, type) + ) + suite_files = self.suites.get(type) + if not suite_files: + suite_files = [] + test_path = os.path.join(tests_path, path) + suite_files.append(test_path) + self.suites[type] = suite_files + self._map_test_path_to_source(test_path, repo_path) + changed_files.remove(repo_path) + + if os.environ.get("MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS", None) is not None: + for file in changed_files: + self.info( + "Per-test run could not find requested web-platform test '%s'" + % file + ) + + def find_modified_tests(self): + """ + For each file modified on this push, determine if the modified file + is a test, by searching test manifests. Populate self.suites + with test files, organized by suite. + + This depends on test manifests, so can only run after test zips have + been downloaded and extracted. + """ + repository = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REPOSITORY") + revision = os.environ.get("GECKO_HEAD_REV") + if not repository or not revision: + self.warning("unable to run tests in per-test mode: no repo or revision!") + self.suites = {} + self.tests_downloaded = True + return + + def get_automationrelevance(): + response = self.load_json_url(url) + return response + + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + mozinfo.find_and_update_from_json(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"]) + e10s = self.config.get("e10s", False) + mozinfo.update({"e10s": e10s}) + is_fission = "fission.autostart=true" in self.config.get("extra_prefs", []) + mozinfo.update({"fission": is_fission}) + headless = self.config.get("headless", False) + mozinfo.update({"headless": headless}) + if mozinfo.info["buildapp"] == "mobile/android": + # extra android mozinfo normally comes from device queries, but this + # code may run before the device is ready, so rely on configuration + mozinfo.update( + {"android_version": str(self.config.get("android_version", 24))} + ) + mozinfo.update({"is_emulator": self.config.get("is_emulator", True)}) + mozinfo.update({"verify": True}) + self.info("Per-test run using mozinfo: %s" % str(mozinfo.info)) + + # determine which files were changed on this push + changed_files = set() + url = "%s/json-automationrelevance/%s" % (repository.rstrip("/"), revision) + contents = self.retry(get_automationrelevance, attempts=2, sleeptime=10) + for c in contents["changesets"]: + self.info( + " {cset} {desc}".format( + cset=c["node"][0:12], + desc=c["desc"].splitlines()[0].encode("ascii", "ignore"), + ) + ) + changed_files |= set(c["files"]) + changed_files = list(changed_files) + + # check specified test paths, as from 'mach try ... <path>' + if os.environ.get("MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS", None) is not None: + suite_to_paths = json.loads(os.environ["MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS"]) + specified_paths = itertools.chain.from_iterable(suite_to_paths.values()) + specified_paths = list(specified_paths) + # filter the list of changed files to those found under the + # specified path(s) + changed_and_specified = set() + for changed in changed_files: + for specified in specified_paths: + if changed.startswith(specified): + changed_and_specified.add(changed) + break + if changed_and_specified: + changed_files = changed_and_specified + else: + # if specified paths do not match changed files, assume the + # specified paths are explicitly requested tests + changed_files = set() + changed_files.update(specified_paths) + self.info("Per-test run found explicit request in MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS:") + self.info(str(changed_files)) + + if self.config.get("per_test_category") == "web-platform": + self._find_wpt_tests(dirs, changed_files) + elif self.config.get("gpu_required", False) is not False: + self._find_misc_tests(dirs, changed_files, gpu=True) + else: + self._find_misc_tests(dirs, changed_files) + + # per test mode run specific tests from any given test suite + # _find_*_tests organizes tests to run into suites so we can + # run each suite at a time + + # chunk files + total_tests = sum([len(self.suites[x]) for x in self.suites]) + + if total_tests == 0: + self.warning("No tests to verify.") + self.suites = {} + self.tests_downloaded = True + return + + files_per_chunk = total_tests / float(self.config.get("total_chunks", 1)) + files_per_chunk = int(math.ceil(files_per_chunk)) + + chunk_number = int(self.config.get("this_chunk", 1)) + suites = {} + start = (chunk_number - 1) * files_per_chunk + end = chunk_number * files_per_chunk + current = -1 + for suite in self.suites: + for test in self.suites[suite]: + current += 1 + if current >= start and current < end: + if suite not in suites: + suites[suite] = [] + suites[suite].append(test) + if current >= end: + break + + self.suites = suites + self.tests_downloaded = True + + def query_args(self, suite): + """ + For the specified suite, return an array of command line arguments to + be passed to test harnesses when running in per-test mode. + + Each array element is an array of command line arguments for a modified + test in the suite. + """ + # not in verify or per-test coverage mode: run once, with no additional args + if not self.per_test_coverage and not self.verify_enabled: + return [[]] + + files = [] + jsreftest_extra_dir = os.path.join("js", "src", "tests") + # For some suites, the test path needs to be updated before passing to + # the test harness. + for file in self.suites.get(suite): + if self.config.get("per_test_category") != "web-platform" and suite in [ + "reftest", + "crashtest", + ]: + file = os.path.join(self.reftest_test_dir, file) + elif ( + self.config.get("per_test_category") != "web-platform" + and suite == "jsreftest" + ): + file = os.path.relpath(file, jsreftest_extra_dir) + file = os.path.join(self.jsreftest_test_dir, file) + + if file is None: + continue + + file = file.replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep) + files.append(file) + + self.info("Per-test file(s) for '%s': %s" % (suite, files)) + + args = [] + for file in files: + cur = [] + + cur.extend(self.coverage_args) + cur.extend(self.verify_args) + + cur.append(file) + args.append(cur) + + return args + + def query_per_test_category_suites(self, category, all_suites): + """ + In per-test mode, determine which suites are active, for the given + suite category. + """ + suites = None + if self.verify_enabled or self.per_test_coverage: + if self.config.get("per_test_category") == "web-platform": + suites = list(self.suites) + self.info("Per-test suites: %s" % suites) + elif all_suites and self.tests_downloaded: + suites = dict( + (key, all_suites.get(key)) + for key in self.suites + if key in all_suites.keys() + ) + self.info("Per-test suites: %s" % suites) + else: + # Until test zips are downloaded, manifests are not available, + # so it is not possible to determine which suites are active/ + # required for per-test mode; assume all suites from supported + # suite categories are required. + if category in ["mochitest", "xpcshell", "reftest"]: + suites = all_suites + return suites + + def log_per_test_status(self, test_name, tbpl_status, log_level): + """ + Log status of a single test. This will display in the + Job Details pane in treeherder - a convenient summary of per-test mode. + Special test name formatting is needed because treeherder truncates + lines that are too long, and may remove duplicates after truncation. + """ + max_test_name_len = 40 + if len(test_name) > max_test_name_len: + head = test_name + new = "" + previous = None + max_test_name_len = max_test_name_len - len(".../") + while len(new) < max_test_name_len: + head, tail = os.path.split(head) + previous = new + new = os.path.join(tail, new) + test_name = os.path.join("...", previous or new) + test_name = test_name.rstrip(os.path.sep) + self.log( + "TinderboxPrint: Per-test run of %s<br/>: %s" % (test_name, tbpl_status), + level=log_level, + ) + + def get_indexed_logs(self, dir, test_suite): + """ + Per-test tasks need distinct file names for the raw and errorsummary logs + on each run. + """ + index = "" + if self.verify_enabled or self.per_test_coverage: + index = "-test%d" % self.per_test_log_index + self.per_test_log_index += 1 + raw_log_file = os.path.join(dir, "%s%s_raw.log" % (test_suite, index)) + error_summary_file = os.path.join( + dir, "%s%s_errorsummary.log" % (test_suite, index) + ) + return raw_log_file, error_summary_file diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/raptor.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/raptor.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ceb97da963 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/raptor.py @@ -0,0 +1,1478 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python + +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import argparse +import copy +import glob +import multiprocessing +import os +import pathlib +import re +import subprocess +import sys +import tempfile +from shutil import copyfile, rmtree + +from six import string_types + +import mozharness +from mozharness.base.errors import PythonErrorList +from mozharness.base.log import CRITICAL, DEBUG, ERROR, INFO, OutputParser +from mozharness.base.python import Python3Virtualenv +from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import ( + EXIT_STATUS_DICT, + TBPL_RETRY, + TBPL_SUCCESS, + TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.android import AndroidMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.codecoverage import ( + CodeCoverageMixin, + code_coverage_config_options, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors import HarnessErrorList, TinderBoxPrintRe +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options + +scripts_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))) +external_tools_path = os.path.join(scripts_path, "external_tools") +here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + +RaptorErrorList = ( + PythonErrorList + + HarnessErrorList + + [ + {"regex": re.compile(r"""run-as: Package '.*' is unknown"""), "level": DEBUG}, + {"substr": r"""raptorDebug""", "level": DEBUG}, + { + "regex": re.compile(r"""^raptor[a-zA-Z-]*( - )?( )?(?i)error(:)?"""), + "level": ERROR, + }, + { + "regex": re.compile(r"""^raptor[a-zA-Z-]*( - )?( )?(?i)critical(:)?"""), + "level": CRITICAL, + }, + { + "regex": re.compile(r"""No machine_name called '.*' can be found"""), + "level": CRITICAL, + }, + { + "substr": r"""No such file or directory: 'browser_output.txt'""", + "level": CRITICAL, + "explanation": "Most likely the browser failed to launch, or the test otherwise " + "failed to start.", + }, + ] +) + +# When running raptor locally, we can attempt to make use of +# the users locally cached ffmpeg binary from from when the user +# ran `./mach browsertime --setup` +FFMPEG_LOCAL_CACHE = { + "mac": "ffmpeg-macos", + "linux": "ffmpeg-4.4.1-i686-static", + "win": "ffmpeg-4.4.1-full_build", +} + + +class Raptor( + TestingMixin, MercurialScript, CodeCoverageMixin, AndroidMixin, Python3Virtualenv +): + """ + Install and run Raptor tests + """ + + # Options to Browsertime. Paths are expected to be absolute. + browsertime_options = [ + [ + ["--browsertime-node"], + {"dest": "browsertime_node", "default": None, "help": argparse.SUPPRESS}, + ], + [ + ["--browsertime-browsertimejs"], + { + "dest": "browsertime_browsertimejs", + "default": None, + "help": argparse.SUPPRESS, + }, + ], + [ + ["--browsertime-vismet-script"], + { + "dest": "browsertime_vismet_script", + "default": None, + "help": argparse.SUPPRESS, + }, + ], + [ + ["--browsertime-chromedriver"], + { + "dest": "browsertime_chromedriver", + "default": None, + "help": argparse.SUPPRESS, + }, + ], + [ + ["--browsertime-ffmpeg"], + {"dest": "browsertime_ffmpeg", "default": None, "help": argparse.SUPPRESS}, + ], + [ + ["--browsertime-geckodriver"], + { + "dest": "browsertime_geckodriver", + "default": None, + "help": argparse.SUPPRESS, + }, + ], + [ + ["--browsertime-video"], + { + "dest": "browsertime_video", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": argparse.SUPPRESS, + }, + ], + [ + ["--browsertime-visualmetrics"], + { + "dest": "browsertime_visualmetrics", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": argparse.SUPPRESS, + }, + ], + [ + ["--browsertime-no-ffwindowrecorder"], + { + "dest": "browsertime_no_ffwindowrecorder", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": argparse.SUPPRESS, + }, + ], + [ + ["--browsertime-arg"], + { + "action": "append", + "metavar": "PREF=VALUE", + "dest": "browsertime_user_args", + "default": [], + "help": argparse.SUPPRESS, + }, + ], + [ + ["--browsertime"], + { + "dest": "browsertime", + "action": "store_true", + "default": True, + "help": argparse.SUPPRESS, + }, + ], + ] + + config_options = ( + [ + [ + ["--test"], + {"action": "store", "dest": "test", "help": "Raptor test to run"}, + ], + [ + ["--app"], + { + "default": "firefox", + "choices": [ + "firefox", + "chrome", + "chrome-m", + "chromium", + "fennec", + "geckoview", + "refbrow", + "fenix", + "safari", + "custom-car", + ], + "dest": "app", + "help": "Name of the application we are testing (default: firefox).", + }, + ], + [ + ["--activity"], + { + "dest": "activity", + "help": "The Android activity used to launch the Android app. " + "e.g.: org.mozilla.fenix.browser.BrowserPerformanceTestActivity", + }, + ], + [ + ["--intent"], + { + "dest": "intent", + "help": "Name of the Android intent action used to launch the Android app", + }, + ], + [ + ["--is-release-build"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "is_release_build", + "help": "Whether the build is a release build which requires work arounds " + "using MOZ_DISABLE_NONLOCAL_CONNECTIONS to support installing unsigned " + "webextensions. Defaults to False.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--add-option"], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "raptor_cmd_line_args", + "default": None, + "help": "Extra options to Raptor.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--device-name"], + { + "dest": "device_name", + "default": None, + "help": "Device name of mobile device.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--geckoProfile"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": argparse.SUPPRESS, + }, + ], + [ + ["--geckoProfileInterval"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile_interval", + "type": "int", + "help": argparse.SUPPRESS, + }, + ], + [ + ["--geckoProfileEntries"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile_entries", + "type": "int", + "help": argparse.SUPPRESS, + }, + ], + [ + ["--geckoProfileFeatures"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile_features", + "type": "str", + "help": argparse.SUPPRESS, + }, + ], + [ + ["--gecko-profile"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": "Whether to profile the test run and save the profile results.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--gecko-profile-interval"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile_interval", + "type": "int", + "help": "The interval between samples taken by the profiler (ms).", + }, + ], + [ + ["--gecko-profile-entries"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile_entries", + "type": "int", + "help": "How many samples to take with the profiler.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--gecko-profile-threads"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile_threads", + "type": "str", + "help": "Comma-separated list of threads to sample.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--gecko-profile-features"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile_features", + "type": "str", + "help": "Features to enable in the profiler.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--extra-profiler-run"], + { + "dest": "extra_profiler_run", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": "Run the tests again with profiler enabled after the main run.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--page-cycles"], + { + "dest": "page_cycles", + "type": "int", + "help": ( + "How many times to repeat loading the test page (for page load " + "tests); for benchmark tests this is how many times the benchmark test " + "will be run." + ), + }, + ], + [ + ["--page-timeout"], + { + "dest": "page_timeout", + "type": "int", + "help": "How long to wait (ms) for one page_cycle to complete, before timing out.", # NOQA: E501 + }, + ], + [ + ["--browser-cycles"], + { + "dest": "browser_cycles", + "type": "int", + "help": ( + "The number of times a cold load test is repeated (for cold load tests " + "only, where the browser is shutdown and restarted between test " + "iterations)." + ), + }, + ], + [ + ["--project"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "project", + "default": "mozilla-central", + "type": "str", + "help": "Name of the project (try, mozilla-central, etc.)", + }, + ], + [ + ["--test-url-params"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "test_url_params", + "help": "Parameters to add to the test_url query string.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--host"], + { + "dest": "host", + "type": "str", + "default": "", + "help": "Hostname from which to serve urls (default: " + "The value HOST_IP will cause the value of host to be " + "to be loaded from the environment variable HOST_IP.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--power-test"], + { + "dest": "power_test", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": ( + "Use Raptor to measure power usage on Android browsers (Geckoview " + "Example, Fenix, Refbrow, and Fennec) as well as on Intel-based MacOS " + "machines that have Intel Power Gadget installed." + ), + }, + ], + [ + ["--memory-test"], + { + "dest": "memory_test", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": "Use Raptor to measure memory usage.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--cpu-test"], + { + "dest": "cpu_test", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": "Use Raptor to measure CPU usage.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-perf-tuning"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "disable_perf_tuning", + "default": False, + "help": "Disable performance tuning on android.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--conditioned-profile"], + { + "dest": "conditioned_profile", + "type": "str", + "default": None, + "help": ( + "Name of conditioned profile to use. Prefix with `artifact:` " + "if we should obtain the profile from CI.", + ), + }, + ], + [ + ["--live-sites"], + { + "dest": "live_sites", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": "Run tests using live sites instead of recorded sites.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--test-bytecode-cache"], + { + "dest": "test_bytecode_cache", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": ( + "If set, the pageload test will set the preference " + "`dom.script_loader.bytecode_cache.strategy=-1` and wait 20 seconds " + "after the first cold pageload to populate the bytecode cache before " + "running a warm pageload test. Only available if `--chimera` " + "is also provided." + ), + }, + ], + [ + ["--chimera"], + { + "dest": "chimera", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": "Run tests in chimera mode. Each browser cycle will run a cold and warm test.", # NOQA: E501 + }, + ], + [ + ["--debug-mode"], + { + "dest": "debug_mode", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": "Run Raptor in debug mode (open browser console, limited page-cycles, etc.)", # NOQA: E501 + }, + ], + [ + ["--noinstall"], + { + "dest": "noinstall", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": "Do not offer to install Android APK.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-e10s"], + { + "dest": "e10s", + "action": "store_false", + "default": True, + "help": "Run without multiple processes (e10s).", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-fission"], + { + "action": "store_false", + "dest": "fission", + "default": True, + "help": "Disable Fission (site isolation) in Gecko.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--setpref"], + { + "action": "append", + "metavar": "PREF=VALUE", + "dest": "extra_prefs", + "default": [], + "help": "Set a browser preference. May be used multiple times.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--setenv"], + { + "action": "append", + "metavar": "NAME=VALUE", + "dest": "environment", + "default": [], + "help": "Set a variable in the test environment. May be used multiple times.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--skip-preflight"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "skip_preflight", + "default": False, + "help": "skip preflight commands to prepare machine.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--cold"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "cold", + "default": False, + "help": "Enable cold page-load for browsertime tp6", + }, + ], + [ + ["--verbose"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "verbose", + "default": False, + "help": "Verbose output", + }, + ], + [ + ["--enable-marionette-trace"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "enable_marionette_trace", + "default": False, + "help": "Enable marionette tracing", + }, + ], + [ + ["--clean"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "clean", + "default": False, + "help": ( + "Clean the python virtualenv (remove, and rebuild) for " + "Raptor before running tests." + ), + }, + ], + [ + ["--webext"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "webext", + "default": False, + "help": ( + "Whether to use webextension to execute pageload tests " + "(WebExtension is being deprecated).", + ), + }, + ], + [ + ["--collect-perfstats"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "collect_perfstats", + "default": False, + "help": ( + "If set, the test will collect perfstats in addition to " + "the regular metrics it gathers." + ), + }, + ], + [ + ["--extra-summary-methods"], + { + "action": "append", + "metavar": "OPTION", + "dest": "extra_summary_methods", + "default": [], + "help": ( + "Alternative methods for summarizing technical and visual" + "pageload metrics." + "Options: geomean, mean." + ), + }, + ], + [ + ["--benchmark-repository"], + { + "dest": "benchmark_repository", + "type": "str", + "default": None, + "help": ( + "Repository that should be used for a particular benchmark test. " + "e.g. https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/firefox-android" + ), + }, + ], + [ + ["--benchmark-revision"], + { + "dest": "benchmark_revision", + "type": "str", + "default": None, + "help": ( + "Repository revision that should be used for a particular " + "benchmark test." + ), + }, + ], + [ + ["--benchmark-branch"], + { + "dest": "benchmark_branch", + "type": "str", + "default": None, + "help": ( + "Repository branch that should be used for a particular benchmark test." + ), + }, + ], + ] + + testing_config_options + + copy.deepcopy(code_coverage_config_options) + + browsertime_options + ) + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + kwargs.setdefault("config_options", self.config_options) + kwargs.setdefault( + "all_actions", + [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install-chrome-android", + "install-chromium-distribution", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + ) + kwargs.setdefault( + "default_actions", + [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install-chromium-distribution", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + ) + kwargs.setdefault("config", {}) + super(Raptor, self).__init__(**kwargs) + + # Convenience + self.workdir = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_work_dir"] + + self.run_local = self.config.get("run_local") + + # App (browser testing on) defaults to firefox + self.app = "firefox" + + if self.run_local: + # Get app from command-line args, passed in from mach, inside 'raptor_cmd_line_args' + # Command-line args can be in two formats depending on how the user entered them + # i.e. "--app=geckoview" or separate as "--app", "geckoview" so we have to + # parse carefully. It's simplest to use `argparse` to parse partially. + self.app = "firefox" + if "raptor_cmd_line_args" in self.config: + sub_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() + # It's not necessary to limit the allowed values: each value + # will be parsed and verifed by raptor/raptor.py. + sub_parser.add_argument("--app", default=None, dest="app") + sub_parser.add_argument("-i", "--intent", default=None, dest="intent") + sub_parser.add_argument( + "-a", "--activity", default=None, dest="activity" + ) + + # We'd prefer to use `parse_known_intermixed_args`, but that's + # new in Python 3.7. + known, unknown = sub_parser.parse_known_args( + self.config["raptor_cmd_line_args"] + ) + + if known.app: + self.app = known.app + if known.intent: + self.intent = known.intent + if known.activity: + self.activity = known.activity + else: + # Raptor initiated in production via mozharness + self.test = self.config["test"] + self.app = self.config.get("app", "firefox") + self.binary_path = self.config.get("binary_path", None) + + if self.app in ("refbrow", "fenix"): + self.app_name = self.binary_path + + self.installer_url = self.config.get("installer_url") + self.raptor_json_url = self.config.get("raptor_json_url") + self.raptor_json = self.config.get("raptor_json") + self.raptor_json_config = self.config.get("raptor_json_config") + self.repo_path = self.config.get("repo_path") + self.obj_path = self.config.get("obj_path") + self.mozbuild_path = self.config.get("mozbuild_path") + self.test = None + self.gecko_profile = self.config.get( + "gecko_profile" + ) or "--geckoProfile" in self.config.get("raptor_cmd_line_args", []) + self.gecko_profile_interval = self.config.get("gecko_profile_interval") + self.gecko_profile_entries = self.config.get("gecko_profile_entries") + self.gecko_profile_threads = self.config.get("gecko_profile_threads") + self.gecko_profile_features = self.config.get("gecko_profile_features") + self.extra_profiler_run = self.config.get("extra_profiler_run") + self.test_packages_url = self.config.get("test_packages_url") + self.test_url_params = self.config.get("test_url_params") + self.host = self.config.get("host") + if self.host == "HOST_IP": + self.host = os.environ["HOST_IP"] + self.power_test = self.config.get("power_test") + self.memory_test = self.config.get("memory_test") + self.cpu_test = self.config.get("cpu_test") + self.live_sites = self.config.get("live_sites") + self.chimera = self.config.get("chimera") + self.disable_perf_tuning = self.config.get("disable_perf_tuning") + self.conditioned_profile = self.config.get("conditioned_profile") + self.extra_prefs = self.config.get("extra_prefs") + self.environment = self.config.get("environment") + self.is_release_build = self.config.get("is_release_build") + self.debug_mode = self.config.get("debug_mode", False) + self.chromium_dist_path = None + self.firefox_android_browsers = ["fennec", "geckoview", "refbrow", "fenix"] + self.android_browsers = self.firefox_android_browsers + ["chrome-m"] + self.browsertime_visualmetrics = self.config.get("browsertime_visualmetrics") + self.browsertime_node = self.config.get("browsertime_node") + self.browsertime_user_args = self.config.get("browsertime_user_args") + self.browsertime_video = False + self.enable_marionette_trace = self.config.get("enable_marionette_trace") + self.browser_cycles = self.config.get("browser_cycles") + self.clean = self.config.get("clean") + + for (arg,), details in Raptor.browsertime_options: + # Allow overriding defaults on the `./mach raptor-test ...` command-line. + value = self.config.get(details["dest"]) + if value and arg not in self.config.get("raptor_cmd_line_args", []): + setattr(self, details["dest"], value) + + # We accept some configuration options from the try commit message in the + # format mozharness: <options>. Example try commit message: mozharness: + # --geckoProfile try: <stuff> + def query_gecko_profile_options(self): + gecko_results = [] + # If gecko_profile is set, we add that to Raptor's options + if self.gecko_profile: + gecko_results.append("--gecko-profile") + if self.gecko_profile_interval: + gecko_results.extend( + ["--gecko-profile-interval", str(self.gecko_profile_interval)] + ) + if self.gecko_profile_entries: + gecko_results.extend( + ["--gecko-profile-entries", str(self.gecko_profile_entries)] + ) + if self.gecko_profile_features: + gecko_results.extend( + ["--gecko-profile-features", self.gecko_profile_features] + ) + if self.gecko_profile_threads: + gecko_results.extend( + ["--gecko-profile-threads", self.gecko_profile_threads] + ) + else: + if self.extra_profiler_run: + gecko_results.append("--extra-profiler-run") + return gecko_results + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + abs_dirs = super(Raptor, self).query_abs_dirs() + abs_dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "blobber_upload_dir" + ) + abs_dirs["abs_test_install_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests" + ) + + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + def install_chrome_android(self): + """Install Google Chrome for Android in production from tooltool""" + if self.app != "chrome-m": + self.info("Google Chrome for Android not required") + return + if self.config.get("run_local"): + self.info( + "Google Chrome for Android will not be installed " + "from tooltool when running locally" + ) + return + self.info("Fetching and installing Google Chrome for Android") + self.device.shell_output("cmd package install-existing com.android.chrome") + self.info("Google Chrome for Android successfully installed") + + def download_chrome_android(self): + # Fetch the APK + tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + self.tooltool_fetch( + os.path.join( + self.raptor_path, + "raptor", + "tooltool-manifests", + "chrome-android", + "chrome87.manifest", + ), + output_dir=tmpdir, + ) + files = os.listdir(tmpdir) + if len(files) > 1: + raise Exception( + "Found more than one chrome APK file after tooltool download" + ) + chromeapk = os.path.join(tmpdir, files[0]) + + # Disable verification and install the APK + self.device.shell_output("settings put global verifier_verify_adb_installs 0") + self.install_android_app(chromeapk, replace=True) + + # Re-enable verification and delete the temporary directory + self.device.shell_output("settings put global verifier_verify_adb_installs 1") + rmtree(tmpdir) + + def install_chromium_distribution(self): + """Install Google Chromium distribution in production""" + linux, mac, win = "linux", "mac", "win" + chrome, chromium, chromium_release = "chrome", "chromium", "custom-car" + + available_chromium_dists = [chrome, chromium, chromium_release] + binary_location = { + chromium: { + linux: ["chrome-linux", "chrome"], + mac: ["chrome-mac", "Chromium.app", "Contents", "MacOS", "Chromium"], + win: ["chrome-win", "Chrome.exe"], + }, + chromium_release: { + linux: ["chromium", "Default", "chrome"], + win: ["chromium", "Default", "chrome.exe"], + }, + } + + if self.app not in available_chromium_dists: + self.info("Google Chrome or Chromium distributions are not required.") + return + + if self.app == "chrome": + self.info("Chrome should be preinstalled.") + if win in self.platform_name(): + base_path = "C:\\%s\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe" + self.chromium_dist_path = base_path % "Progra~1" + if not os.path.exists(self.chromium_dist_path): + self.chromium_dist_path = base_path % "Progra~2" + elif linux in self.platform_name(): + self.chromium_dist_path = "/usr/bin/google-chrome" + elif mac in self.platform_name(): + self.chromium_dist_path = ( + "/Applications/Google Chrome.app/" "Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome" + ) + else: + self.error( + "Chrome is not installed on the platform %s yet." + % self.platform_name() + ) + + if os.path.exists(self.chromium_dist_path): + self.info( + "Google Chrome found in expected location %s" + % self.chromium_dist_path + ) + else: + self.error("Cannot find Google Chrome at %s" % self.chromium_dist_path) + + return + + chromium_dist = self.app + + if self.config.get("run_local"): + self.info("Expecting %s to be pre-installed locally" % chromium_dist) + return + + self.info("Getting fetched %s build" % chromium_dist) + self.chromium_dist_dest = os.path.normpath( + os.path.abspath(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"]) + ) + + if mac in self.platform_name(): + self.chromium_dist_path = os.path.join( + self.chromium_dist_dest, *binary_location[chromium_dist][mac] + ) + + elif linux in self.platform_name(): + self.chromium_dist_path = os.path.join( + self.chromium_dist_dest, *binary_location[chromium_dist][linux] + ) + + else: + self.chromium_dist_path = os.path.join( + self.chromium_dist_dest, *binary_location[chromium_dist][win] + ) + + self.info("%s dest is: %s" % (chromium_dist, self.chromium_dist_dest)) + self.info("%s path is: %s" % (chromium_dist, self.chromium_dist_path)) + + # Now ensure Chromium binary exists + if os.path.exists(self.chromium_dist_path): + self.info( + "Successfully installed %s to: %s" + % (chromium_dist, self.chromium_dist_path) + ) + else: + self.info("Abort: failed to install %s" % chromium_dist) + + def raptor_options(self, args=None, **kw): + """Return options to Raptor""" + options = [] + kw_options = {} + + # Get the APK location to be able to get the browser version + # through mozversion + if self.app in self.firefox_android_browsers and not self.run_local: + kw_options["installerpath"] = self.installer_path + + # If testing on Firefox, the binary path already came from mozharness/pro; + # otherwise the binary path is forwarded from command-line arg (raptor_cmd_line_args). + kw_options["app"] = self.app + if self.app == "firefox" or ( + self.app in self.firefox_android_browsers and not self.run_local + ): + binary_path = self.binary_path or self.config.get("binary_path") + if not binary_path: + self.fatal("Raptor requires a path to the binary.") + kw_options["binary"] = binary_path + if self.app in self.firefox_android_browsers: + # In production ensure we have correct app name, + # i.e. fennec_aurora or fennec_release etc. + kw_options["binary"] = self.query_package_name() + self.info( + "Set binary to %s instead of %s" + % (kw_options["binary"], binary_path) + ) + elif self.app == "safari" and not self.run_local: + binary_path = "/Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/Safari" + kw_options["binary"] = binary_path + else: # Running on Chromium + if not self.run_local: + # When running locally we already set the Chromium binary above, in init. + # In production, we already installed Chromium, so set the binary path + # to our install. + kw_options["binary"] = self.chromium_dist_path or "" + + # Options overwritten from **kw + if "test" in self.config: + kw_options["test"] = self.config["test"] + if "binary" in self.config: + kw_options["binary"] = self.config["binary"] + if self.symbols_path: + kw_options["symbolsPath"] = self.symbols_path + if self.config.get("obj_path", None) is not None: + kw_options["obj-path"] = self.config["obj_path"] + if self.config.get("mozbuild_path", None) is not None: + kw_options["mozbuild-path"] = self.config["mozbuild_path"] + if self.test_url_params: + kw_options["test-url-params"] = self.test_url_params + if self.config.get("device_name") is not None: + kw_options["device-name"] = self.config["device_name"] + if self.config.get("activity") is not None: + kw_options["activity"] = self.config["activity"] + if self.config.get("conditioned_profile") is not None: + kw_options["conditioned-profile"] = self.config["conditioned_profile"] + if self.config.get("benchmark_repository"): + kw_options["benchmark_repository"] = self.config["benchmark_repository"] + if self.config.get("benchmark_revision"): + kw_options["benchmark_revision"] = self.config["benchmark_revision"] + if self.config.get("benchmark_repository"): + kw_options["benchmark_branch"] = self.config["benchmark_branch"] + + kw_options.update(kw) + if self.host: + kw_options["host"] = self.host + # Configure profiling options + options.extend(self.query_gecko_profile_options()) + # Extra arguments + if args is not None: + options += args + if os.getenv("PERF_FLAGS"): + for option in os.getenv("PERF_FLAGS").split(): + if "=" in option: + kw_option, value = option.split("=") + kw_options[kw_option] = value + else: + options.extend(["--" + option]) + + if self.config.get("run_local", False): + options.extend(["--run-local"]) + if "raptor_cmd_line_args" in self.config: + options += self.config["raptor_cmd_line_args"] + if self.config.get("code_coverage", False): + options.extend(["--code-coverage"]) + if self.config.get("is_release_build", False): + options.extend(["--is-release-build"]) + if self.config.get("power_test", False): + options.extend(["--power-test"]) + if self.config.get("memory_test", False): + options.extend(["--memory-test"]) + if self.config.get("cpu_test", False): + options.extend(["--cpu-test"]) + if self.config.get("live_sites", False): + options.extend(["--live-sites"]) + if self.config.get("chimera", False): + options.extend(["--chimera"]) + if self.config.get("disable_perf_tuning", False): + options.extend(["--disable-perf-tuning"]) + if self.config.get("cold", False): + options.extend(["--cold"]) + if not self.config.get("fission", True): + options.extend(["--disable-fission"]) + if self.config.get("verbose", False): + options.extend(["--verbose"]) + if self.config.get("extra_prefs"): + options.extend( + ["--setpref={}".format(i) for i in self.config.get("extra_prefs")] + ) + if self.config.get("environment"): + options.extend( + ["--setenv={}".format(i) for i in self.config.get("environment")] + ) + if self.config.get("enable_marionette_trace", False): + options.extend(["--enable-marionette-trace"]) + if self.config.get("browser_cycles"): + options.extend( + ["--browser-cycles={}".format(self.config.get("browser_cycles"))] + ) + if self.config.get("test_bytecode_cache", False): + options.extend(["--test-bytecode-cache"]) + if self.config.get("collect_perfstats", False): + options.extend(["--collect-perfstats"]) + if self.config.get("extra_summary_methods"): + options.extend( + [ + "--extra-summary-methods={}".format(method) + for method in self.config.get("extra_summary_methods") + ] + ) + if self.config.get("webext", False): + options.extend(["--webext"]) + else: + for (arg,), details in Raptor.browsertime_options: + # Allow overriding defaults on the `./mach raptor-test ...` command-line + value = self.config.get(details["dest"]) + if value is None or value != getattr(self, details["dest"], None): + # Check for modifications done to the instance variables + value = getattr(self, details["dest"], None) + if value and arg not in self.config.get("raptor_cmd_line_args", []): + if isinstance(value, string_types): + options.extend([arg, os.path.expandvars(value)]) + elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): + for val in value: + options.extend([arg, val]) + else: + options.extend([arg]) + + for key, value in kw_options.items(): + options.extend(["--%s" % key, value]) + + return options + + def populate_webroot(self): + """Populate the production test machines' webroots""" + self.raptor_path = os.path.join( + self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_test_install_dir"], "raptor" + ) + if self.config.get("run_local"): + self.raptor_path = os.path.join(self.repo_path, "testing", "raptor") + + def clobber(self): + # Recreate the upload directory for storing the logcat collected + # during APK installation. + super(Raptor, self).clobber() + upload_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + if not os.path.isdir(upload_dir): + self.mkdir_p(upload_dir) + + def install_android_app(self, apk, replace=False): + # Override AndroidMixin's install_android_app in order to capture + # logcat during the installation. If the installation fails, + # the logcat file will be left in the upload directory. + self.logcat_start() + try: + super(Raptor, self).install_android_app(apk, replace=replace) + finally: + self.logcat_stop() + + def download_and_extract(self, extract_dirs=None, suite_categories=None): + # Use in-tree wptserve for Python 3.10 compatibility + extract_dirs = [ + "tools/wptserve/*", + "tools/wpt_third_party/pywebsocket3/*", + ] + return super(Raptor, self).download_and_extract( + extract_dirs=extract_dirs, suite_categories=["common", "condprof", "raptor"] + ) + + def create_virtualenv(self, **kwargs): + """VirtualenvMixin.create_virtualenv() assumes we're using + self.config['virtualenv_modules']. Since we're installing + raptor from its source, we have to wrap that method here.""" + # If virtualenv already exists, just add to path and don't re-install. + # We need it in-path to import jsonschema later when validating output for perfherder. + _virtualenv_path = self.config.get("virtualenv_path") + + if self.clean: + rmtree(_virtualenv_path, ignore_errors=True) + + _python_interp = self.query_exe("python") + if "win" in self.platform_name() and os.path.exists(_python_interp): + multiprocessing.set_executable(_python_interp) + + if self.run_local and os.path.exists(_virtualenv_path): + self.info("Virtualenv already exists, skipping creation") + # ffmpeg exists outside of this virtual environment so + # we re-add it to the platform environment on repeated + # local runs of browsertime visual metric tests + self.setup_local_ffmpeg() + + if "win" in self.platform_name(): + _path = os.path.join(_virtualenv_path, "Lib", "site-packages") + else: + _path = os.path.join( + _virtualenv_path, + "lib", + os.path.basename(_python_interp), + "site-packages", + ) + + sys.path.append(_path) + return + + # virtualenv doesn't already exist so create it + # Install mozbase first, so we use in-tree versions + # Additionally, decide where to pull raptor requirements from. + if not self.run_local: + mozbase_requirements = os.path.join( + self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_test_install_dir"], + "config", + "mozbase_requirements.txt", + ) + raptor_requirements = os.path.join(self.raptor_path, "requirements.txt") + else: + mozbase_requirements = os.path.join( + os.path.dirname(self.raptor_path), + "config", + "mozbase_source_requirements.txt", + ) + raptor_requirements = os.path.join( + self.raptor_path, "source_requirements.txt" + ) + self.register_virtualenv_module( + requirements=[mozbase_requirements], + two_pass=True, + editable=True, + ) + + modules = ["pip>=1.5"] + + # Add modules required for visual metrics + py3_minor = sys.version_info.minor + if py3_minor <= 7: + modules.extend( + [ + "numpy==1.16.1", + "Pillow==6.1.0", + "scipy==1.2.3", + "pyssim==0.4", + "opencv-python==", + ] + ) + else: # python version >= 3.8 + modules.extend( + [ + "numpy==1.22.0", + "Pillow==9.0.0", + "scipy==1.7.3", + "pyssim==0.4", + "opencv-python==", + ] + ) + + if self.run_local: + self.setup_local_ffmpeg() + + # Require pip >= 1.5 so pip will prefer .whl files to install + super(Raptor, self).create_virtualenv(modules=modules) + + # Install Raptor dependencies + self.install_module(requirements=[raptor_requirements]) + + def setup_local_ffmpeg(self): + """Make use of the users local ffmpeg when running browsertime visual + metrics tests. + """ + + if "ffmpeg" in os.environ["PATH"]: + return + + platform = self.platform_name() + btime_cache = os.path.join(self.config["mozbuild_path"], "browsertime") + if "mac" in platform: + path_to_ffmpeg = os.path.join( + btime_cache, + FFMPEG_LOCAL_CACHE["mac"], + ) + elif "linux" in platform: + path_to_ffmpeg = os.path.join( + btime_cache, + FFMPEG_LOCAL_CACHE["linux"], + ) + elif "win" in platform: + path_to_ffmpeg = os.path.join( + btime_cache, + FFMPEG_LOCAL_CACHE["win"], + "bin", + ) + + if os.path.exists(path_to_ffmpeg): + os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + path_to_ffmpeg + self.browsertime_ffmpeg = path_to_ffmpeg + self.info( + "Added local ffmpeg found at: %s to environment." % path_to_ffmpeg + ) + else: + raise Exception( + "No local ffmpeg binary found. Expected it to be here: %s" + % path_to_ffmpeg + ) + + def install(self): + if not self.config.get("noinstall", False): + if self.app in self.firefox_android_browsers: + self.device.uninstall_app(self.binary_path) + + # Check if the user supplied their own APK, and install + # that instead + installer_path = pathlib.Path( + self.raptor_path, "raptor", "user_upload.apk" + ) + if not installer_path.exists(): + installer_path = self.installer_path + + self.info(f"Installing APK from: {installer_path}") + self.install_android_app(str(installer_path)) + else: + super(Raptor, self).install() + + def _artifact_perf_data(self, src, dest): + if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(dest)): + # create upload dir if it doesn't already exist + self.info("Creating dir: %s" % os.path.dirname(dest)) + os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest)) + self.info("Copying raptor results from %s to %s" % (src, dest)) + try: + copyfile(src, dest) + except Exception as e: + self.critical("Error copying results %s to upload dir %s" % (src, dest)) + self.info(str(e)) + + def run_tests(self, args=None, **kw): + """Run raptor tests""" + + # Get Raptor options + options = self.raptor_options(args=args, **kw) + + # Python version check + python = self.query_python_path() + self.run_command([python, "--version"]) + parser = RaptorOutputParser( + config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, error_list=RaptorErrorList + ) + env = {} + env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"] = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + if not self.run_local: + env["MINIDUMP_STACKWALK"] = self.query_minidump_stackwalk() + env["MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH"] = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + env["RUST_BACKTRACE"] = "full" + if not os.path.isdir(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"]): + self.mkdir_p(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"]) + env = self.query_env(partial_env=env, log_level=INFO) + # adjust PYTHONPATH to be able to use raptor as a python package + if "PYTHONPATH" in env: + env["PYTHONPATH"] = self.raptor_path + os.pathsep + env["PYTHONPATH"] + else: + env["PYTHONPATH"] = self.raptor_path + + # mitmproxy needs path to mozharness when installing the cert, and tooltool + env["SCRIPTSPATH"] = scripts_path + env["EXTERNALTOOLSPATH"] = external_tools_path + + # Needed to load unsigned Raptor WebExt on release builds + if self.is_release_build: + env["MOZ_DISABLE_NONLOCAL_CONNECTIONS"] = "1" + + if self.repo_path is not None: + env["MOZ_DEVELOPER_REPO_DIR"] = self.repo_path + if self.obj_path is not None: + env["MOZ_DEVELOPER_OBJ_DIR"] = self.obj_path + if self.mozbuild_path is not None: + env["MOZ_MOZBUILD_DIR"] = self.mozbuild_path + + # Sets a timeout for how long Raptor should run without output + output_timeout = self.config.get("raptor_output_timeout", 3600) + # Run Raptor tests + run_tests = os.path.join(self.raptor_path, "raptor", "raptor.py") + + # Dynamically set the log level based on the raptor config for consistency + # throughout the test + mozlog_opts = [f"--log-tbpl-level={self.config['log_level']}"] + + if not self.run_local and "suite" in self.config: + fname_pattern = "%s_%%s.log" % self.config["test"] + mozlog_opts.append( + "--log-errorsummary=%s" + % os.path.join(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"], fname_pattern % "errorsummary") + ) + + def launch_in_debug_mode(cmdline): + cmdline = set(cmdline) + debug_opts = {"--debug", "--debugger", "--debugger_args"} + + return bool(debug_opts.intersection(cmdline)) + + if self.app in self.android_browsers: + self.logcat_start() + + command = [python, run_tests] + options + mozlog_opts + if launch_in_debug_mode(command): + raptor_process = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=self.workdir, env=env) + raptor_process.wait() + else: + self.return_code = self.run_command( + command, + cwd=self.workdir, + output_timeout=output_timeout, + output_parser=parser, + env=env, + ) + + if self.app in self.android_browsers: + self.logcat_stop() + + if parser.minidump_output: + self.info("Looking at the minidump files for debugging purposes...") + for item in parser.minidump_output: + self.run_command(["ls", "-l", item]) + + elif not self.run_local: + # Copy results to upload dir so they are included as an artifact + self.info("Copying Raptor results to upload dir:") + + src = os.path.join(self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_work_dir"], "raptor.json") + dest = os.path.join(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"], "perfherder-data.json") + self.info(str(dest)) + self._artifact_perf_data(src, dest) + + # Make individual perfherder data JSON's for each supporting data type + for file in glob.glob( + os.path.join(self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_work_dir"], "*") + ): + path, filename = os.path.split(file) + + if not filename.startswith("raptor-"): + continue + + # filename is expected to contain a unique data name + # i.e. raptor-os-baseline-power.json would result in + # the data name os-baseline-power + data_name = "-".join(filename.split("-")[1:]) + data_name = ".".join(data_name.split(".")[:-1]) + + src = file + dest = os.path.join( + env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"], "perfherder-data-%s.json" % data_name + ) + self._artifact_perf_data(src, dest) + + src = os.path.join( + self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_work_dir"], "screenshots.html" + ) + if os.path.exists(src): + dest = os.path.join(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"], "screenshots.html") + self.info(str(dest)) + self._artifact_perf_data(src, dest) + + # Allow log failures to over-ride successful runs of the test harness and + # give log failures priority, so that, for instance, log failures resulting + # in TBPL_RETRY cause a retry rather than simply reporting an error. + if parser.tbpl_status != TBPL_SUCCESS: + parser_status = EXIT_STATUS_DICT[parser.tbpl_status] + self.info( + "return code %s changed to %s due to log output" + % (str(self.return_code), str(parser_status)) + ) + self.return_code = parser_status + + +class RaptorOutputParser(OutputParser): + minidump_regex = re.compile( + r'''raptorError: "error executing: '(\S+) (\S+) (\S+)'"''' + ) + RE_PERF_DATA = re.compile(r".*PERFHERDER_DATA:\s+(\{.*\})") + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + super(RaptorOutputParser, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.minidump_output = None + self.found_perf_data = [] + self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS + self.worst_log_level = INFO + self.harness_retry_re = TinderBoxPrintRe["harness_error"]["retry_regex"] + + def parse_single_line(self, line): + m = self.minidump_regex.search(line) + if m: + self.minidump_output = (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)) + + m = self.RE_PERF_DATA.match(line) + if m: + self.found_perf_data.append(m.group(1)) + + if self.harness_retry_re.search(line): + self.critical(" %s" % line) + self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(CRITICAL, self.worst_log_level) + self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level( + TBPL_RETRY, self.tbpl_status, levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE + ) + return # skip base parse_single_line + super(RaptorOutputParser, self).parse_single_line(line) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/talos.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/talos.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..b6827cd3d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/talos.py @@ -0,0 +1,893 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +""" +run talos tests in a virtualenv +""" + +import copy +import io +import json +import multiprocessing +import os +import pprint +import re +import shutil +import subprocess +import sys + +import six + +import mozharness +from mozharness.base.config import parse_config_file +from mozharness.base.errors import PythonErrorList +from mozharness.base.log import CRITICAL, DEBUG, ERROR, INFO, WARNING, OutputParser +from mozharness.base.python import Python3Virtualenv +from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import ( + TBPL_FAILURE, + TBPL_RETRY, + TBPL_SUCCESS, + TBPL_WARNING, + TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.codecoverage import ( + CodeCoverageMixin, + code_coverage_config_options, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors import TinderBoxPrintRe +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options +from mozharness.mozilla.tooltool import TooltoolMixin + +scripts_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))) +external_tools_path = os.path.join(scripts_path, "external_tools") + +TalosErrorList = PythonErrorList + [ + {"regex": re.compile(r"""run-as: Package '.*' is unknown"""), "level": DEBUG}, + {"substr": r"""FAIL: Graph server unreachable""", "level": CRITICAL}, + {"substr": r"""FAIL: Busted:""", "level": CRITICAL}, + {"substr": r"""FAIL: failed to cleanup""", "level": ERROR}, + {"substr": r"""erfConfigurator.py: Unknown error""", "level": CRITICAL}, + {"substr": r"""talosError""", "level": CRITICAL}, + { + "regex": re.compile(r"""No machine_name called '.*' can be found"""), + "level": CRITICAL, + }, + { + "substr": r"""No such file or directory: 'browser_output.txt'""", + "level": CRITICAL, + "explanation": "Most likely the browser failed to launch, or the test was otherwise " + "unsuccessful in even starting.", + }, +] + +GeckoProfilerSettings = ( + "gecko_profile_interval", + "gecko_profile_entries", + "gecko_profile_features", + "gecko_profile_threads", +) + +# TODO: check for running processes on script invocation + + +class TalosOutputParser(OutputParser): + minidump_regex = re.compile( + r'''talosError: "error executing: '(\S+) (\S+) (\S+)'"''' + ) + RE_PERF_DATA = re.compile(r".*PERFHERDER_DATA:\s+(\{.*\})") + worst_tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + super(TalosOutputParser, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.minidump_output = None + self.found_perf_data = [] + + def update_worst_log_and_tbpl_levels(self, log_level, tbpl_level): + self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(log_level, self.worst_log_level) + self.worst_tbpl_status = self.worst_level( + tbpl_level, self.worst_tbpl_status, levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE + ) + + def parse_single_line(self, line): + """In Talos land, every line that starts with RETURN: needs to be + printed with a TinderboxPrint:""" + if line.startswith("RETURN:"): + line.replace("RETURN:", "TinderboxPrint:") + m = self.minidump_regex.search(line) + if m: + self.minidump_output = (m.group(1), m.group(2), m.group(3)) + + m = self.RE_PERF_DATA.match(line) + if m: + self.found_perf_data.append(m.group(1)) + + # now let's check if we should retry + harness_retry_re = TinderBoxPrintRe["harness_error"]["retry_regex"] + if harness_retry_re.search(line): + self.critical(" %s" % line) + self.update_worst_log_and_tbpl_levels(CRITICAL, TBPL_RETRY) + return # skip base parse_single_line + super(TalosOutputParser, self).parse_single_line(line) + + +class Talos( + TestingMixin, MercurialScript, TooltoolMixin, Python3Virtualenv, CodeCoverageMixin +): + """ + install and run Talos tests + """ + + config_options = ( + [ + [ + ["--use-talos-json"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "use_talos_json", + "default": False, + "help": "Use talos config from talos.json", + }, + ], + [ + ["--suite"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "suite", + "help": "Talos suite to run (from talos json)", + }, + ], + [ + ["--system-bits"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "system_bits", + "type": "choice", + "default": "32", + "choices": ["32", "64"], + "help": "Testing 32 or 64 (for talos json plugins)", + }, + ], + [ + ["--add-option"], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "talos_extra_options", + "default": None, + "help": "extra options to talos", + }, + ], + [ + ["--gecko-profile"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": "Whether or not to profile the test run and save the profile results", + }, + ], + [ + ["--gecko-profile-interval"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile_interval", + "type": "int", + "help": "The interval between samples taken by the profiler (milliseconds)", + }, + ], + [ + ["--gecko-profile-entries"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile_entries", + "type": "int", + "help": "How many samples to take with the profiler", + }, + ], + [ + ["--gecko-profile-features"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile_features", + "type": "str", + "default": None, + "help": "The features to enable in the profiler (comma-separated)", + }, + ], + [ + ["--gecko-profile-threads"], + { + "dest": "gecko_profile_threads", + "type": "str", + "help": "Comma-separated list of threads to sample.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-e10s"], + { + "dest": "e10s", + "action": "store_false", + "default": True, + "help": "Run without multiple processes (e10s).", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-fission"], + { + "action": "store_false", + "dest": "fission", + "default": True, + "help": "Disable Fission (site isolation) in Gecko.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--project"], + { + "dest": "project", + "type": "str", + "help": "The project branch we're running tests on. Used for " + "disabling/skipping tests.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--setpref"], + { + "action": "append", + "metavar": "PREF=VALUE", + "dest": "extra_prefs", + "default": [], + "help": "Set a browser preference. May be used multiple times.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--skip-preflight"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "skip_preflight", + "default": False, + "help": "skip preflight commands to prepare machine.", + }, + ], + ] + + testing_config_options + + copy.deepcopy(code_coverage_config_options) + ) + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + kwargs.setdefault("config_options", self.config_options) + kwargs.setdefault( + "all_actions", + [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + ) + kwargs.setdefault( + "default_actions", + [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + ) + kwargs.setdefault("config", {}) + super(Talos, self).__init__(**kwargs) + + self.workdir = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_work_dir"] # convenience + + self.run_local = self.config.get("run_local") + self.installer_url = self.config.get("installer_url") + self.test_packages_url = self.config.get("test_packages_url") + self.talos_json_url = self.config.get("talos_json_url") + self.talos_json = self.config.get("talos_json") + self.talos_json_config = self.config.get("talos_json_config") + self.repo_path = self.config.get("repo_path") + self.obj_path = self.config.get("obj_path") + self.tests = None + extra_opts = self.config.get("talos_extra_options", []) + self.gecko_profile = ( + self.config.get("gecko_profile") or "--gecko-profile" in extra_opts + ) + for setting in GeckoProfilerSettings: + value = self.config.get(setting) + arg = "--" + setting.replace("_", "-") + if value is None: + try: + value = extra_opts[extra_opts.index(arg) + 1] + except ValueError: + pass # Not found + if value is not None: + setattr(self, setting, value) + if not self.gecko_profile: + self.warning("enabling Gecko profiler for %s setting!" % setting) + self.gecko_profile = True + self.pagesets_name = None + self.benchmark_zip = None + self.webextensions_zip = None + + # We accept some configuration options from the try commit message in the format + # mozharness: <options> + # Example try commit message: + # mozharness: --gecko-profile try: <stuff> + def query_gecko_profile_options(self): + gecko_results = [] + # finally, if gecko_profile is set, we add that to the talos options + if self.gecko_profile: + gecko_results.append("--gecko-profile") + for setting in GeckoProfilerSettings: + value = getattr(self, setting, None) + if value: + arg = "--" + setting.replace("_", "-") + gecko_results.extend([arg, str(value)]) + return gecko_results + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + abs_dirs = super(Talos, self).query_abs_dirs() + abs_dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "blobber_upload_dir" + ) + abs_dirs["abs_test_install_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests" + ) + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + def query_talos_json_config(self): + """Return the talos json config.""" + if self.talos_json_config: + return self.talos_json_config + if not self.talos_json: + self.talos_json = os.path.join(self.talos_path, "talos.json") + self.talos_json_config = parse_config_file(self.talos_json) + self.info(pprint.pformat(self.talos_json_config)) + return self.talos_json_config + + def make_talos_domain(self, host): + return host + "-talos" + + def split_path(self, path): + result = [] + while True: + path, folder = os.path.split(path) + if folder: + result.append(folder) + continue + elif path: + result.append(path) + break + + result.reverse() + return result + + def merge_paths(self, lhs, rhs): + backtracks = 0 + for subdir in rhs: + if subdir == "..": + backtracks += 1 + else: + break + return lhs[:-backtracks] + rhs[backtracks:] + + def replace_relative_iframe_paths(self, directory, filename): + """This will find iframes with relative paths and replace them with + absolute paths containing domains derived from the original source's + domain. This helps us better simulate real-world cases for fission + """ + if not filename.endswith(".html"): + return + + directory_pieces = self.split_path(directory) + while directory_pieces and directory_pieces[0] != "fis": + directory_pieces = directory_pieces[1:] + path = os.path.join(directory, filename) + + # XXX: ugh, is there a better way to account for multiple encodings than just + # trying each of them? + encodings = ["utf-8", "latin-1"] + iframe_pattern = re.compile(r'(iframe.*")(\.\./.*\.html)"') + for encoding in encodings: + try: + with io.open(path, "r", encoding=encoding) as f: + content = f.read() + + def replace_iframe_src(match): + src = match.group(2) + split = self.split_path(src) + merged = self.merge_paths(directory_pieces, split) + host = merged[3] + site_origin_hash = self.make_talos_domain(host) + new_url = 'http://%s/%s"' % ( + site_origin_hash, + "/".join(merged), # pylint --py3k: W1649 + ) + self.info( + "Replacing %s with %s in iframe inside %s" + % (match.group(2), new_url, path) + ) + return match.group(1) + new_url + + content = re.sub(iframe_pattern, replace_iframe_src, content) + with io.open(path, "w", encoding=encoding) as f: + f.write(content) + break + except UnicodeDecodeError: + pass + + def query_pagesets_name(self): + """Certain suites require external pagesets to be downloaded and + extracted. + """ + if self.pagesets_name: + return self.pagesets_name + if self.query_talos_json_config() and self.suite is not None: + self.pagesets_name = self.talos_json_config["suites"][self.suite].get( + "pagesets_name" + ) + self.pagesets_name_manifest = "tp5n-pageset.manifest" + return self.pagesets_name + + def query_benchmark_zip(self): + """Certain suites require external benchmarks to be downloaded and + extracted. + """ + if self.benchmark_zip: + return self.benchmark_zip + if self.query_talos_json_config() and self.suite is not None: + self.benchmark_zip = self.talos_json_config["suites"][self.suite].get( + "benchmark_zip" + ) + self.benchmark_zip_manifest = "jetstream-benchmark.manifest" + return self.benchmark_zip + + def query_webextensions_zip(self): + """Certain suites require external WebExtension sets to be downloaded and + extracted. + """ + if self.webextensions_zip: + return self.webextensions_zip + if self.query_talos_json_config() and self.suite is not None: + self.webextensions_zip = self.talos_json_config["suites"][self.suite].get( + "webextensions_zip" + ) + self.webextensions_zip_manifest = "webextensions.manifest" + return self.webextensions_zip + + def get_suite_from_test(self): + """Retrieve the talos suite name from a given talos test name.""" + # running locally, single test name provided instead of suite; go through tests and + # find suite name + suite_name = None + if self.query_talos_json_config(): + if "-a" in self.config["talos_extra_options"]: + test_name_index = self.config["talos_extra_options"].index("-a") + 1 + if "--activeTests" in self.config["talos_extra_options"]: + test_name_index = ( + self.config["talos_extra_options"].index("--activeTests") + 1 + ) + if test_name_index < len(self.config["talos_extra_options"]): + test_name = self.config["talos_extra_options"][test_name_index] + for talos_suite in self.talos_json_config["suites"]: + if test_name in self.talos_json_config["suites"][talos_suite].get( + "tests" + ): + suite_name = talos_suite + if not suite_name: + # no suite found to contain the specified test, error out + self.fatal("Test name is missing or invalid") + else: + self.fatal("Talos json config not found, cannot verify suite") + return suite_name + + def query_suite_extra_prefs(self): + if self.query_talos_json_config() and self.suite is not None: + return self.talos_json_config["suites"][self.suite].get("extra_prefs", []) + + return [] + + def validate_suite(self): + """Ensure suite name is a valid talos suite.""" + if self.query_talos_json_config() and self.suite is not None: + if self.suite not in self.talos_json_config.get("suites"): + self.fatal( + "Suite '%s' is not valid (not found in talos json config)" + % self.suite + ) + + def talos_options(self, args=None, **kw): + """return options to talos""" + # binary path + binary_path = self.binary_path or self.config.get("binary_path") + if not binary_path: + msg = """Talos requires a path to the binary. You can specify binary_path or add + download-and-extract to your action list.""" + self.fatal(msg) + + # talos options + options = [] + # talos can't gather data if the process name ends with '.exe' + if binary_path.endswith(".exe"): + binary_path = binary_path[:-4] + # options overwritten from **kw + kw_options = {"executablePath": binary_path} + if "suite" in self.config: + kw_options["suite"] = self.config["suite"] + if self.config.get("title"): + kw_options["title"] = self.config["title"] + if self.symbols_path: + kw_options["symbolsPath"] = self.symbols_path + if self.config.get("project", None): + kw_options["project"] = self.config["project"] + + kw_options.update(kw) + # talos expects tests to be in the format (e.g.) 'ts:tp5:tsvg' + tests = kw_options.get("activeTests") + if tests and not isinstance(tests, six.string_types): + tests = ":".join(tests) # Talos expects this format + kw_options["activeTests"] = tests + for key, value in kw_options.items(): + options.extend(["--%s" % key, value]) + # configure profiling options + options.extend(self.query_gecko_profile_options()) + # extra arguments + if args is not None: + options += args + if "talos_extra_options" in self.config: + options += self.config["talos_extra_options"] + if self.config.get("code_coverage", False): + options.extend(["--code-coverage"]) + + # Add extra_prefs defined by individual test suites in talos.json + extra_prefs = self.query_suite_extra_prefs() + # Add extra_prefs from the configuration + if self.config["extra_prefs"]: + extra_prefs.extend(self.config["extra_prefs"]) + + options.extend(["--setpref={}".format(p) for p in extra_prefs]) + + # disabling fission can come from the --disable-fission cmd line argument; or in CI + # it comes from a taskcluster transform which adds a --setpref for fission.autostart + if (not self.config["fission"]) or "fission.autostart=false" in self.config[ + "extra_prefs" + ]: + options.extend(["--disable-fission"]) + + return options + + def populate_webroot(self): + """Populate the production test machines' webroots""" + self.talos_path = os.path.join( + self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_test_install_dir"], "talos" + ) + + # need to determine if talos pageset is required to be downloaded + if self.config.get("run_local") and "talos_extra_options" in self.config: + # talos initiated locally, get and verify test/suite from cmd line + self.talos_path = os.path.dirname(self.talos_json) + if ( + "-a" in self.config["talos_extra_options"] + or "--activeTests" in self.config["talos_extra_options"] + ): + # test name (-a or --activeTests) specified, find out what suite it is a part of + self.suite = self.get_suite_from_test() + elif "--suite" in self.config["talos_extra_options"]: + # --suite specified, get suite from cmd line and ensure is valid + suite_name_index = ( + self.config["talos_extra_options"].index("--suite") + 1 + ) + if suite_name_index < len(self.config["talos_extra_options"]): + self.suite = self.config["talos_extra_options"][suite_name_index] + self.validate_suite() + else: + self.fatal("Suite name not provided") + else: + # talos initiated in production via mozharness + self.suite = self.config["suite"] + + tooltool_artifacts = [] + src_talos_pageset_dest = os.path.join(self.talos_path, "talos", "tests") + # unfortunately this path has to be short and can't be descriptive, because + # on Windows we tend to already push the boundaries of the max path length + # constraint. This will contain the tp5 pageset, but adjusted to have + # absolute URLs on iframes for the purposes of better modeling things for + # fission. + src_talos_pageset_multidomain_dest = os.path.join( + self.talos_path, "talos", "fis" + ) + webextension_dest = os.path.join(self.talos_path, "talos", "webextensions") + + if self.query_pagesets_name(): + tooltool_artifacts.append( + { + "name": self.pagesets_name, + "manifest": self.pagesets_name_manifest, + "dest": src_talos_pageset_dest, + } + ) + tooltool_artifacts.append( + { + "name": self.pagesets_name, + "manifest": self.pagesets_name_manifest, + "dest": src_talos_pageset_multidomain_dest, + "postprocess": self.replace_relative_iframe_paths, + } + ) + + if self.query_benchmark_zip(): + tooltool_artifacts.append( + { + "name": self.benchmark_zip, + "manifest": self.benchmark_zip_manifest, + "dest": src_talos_pageset_dest, + } + ) + + if self.query_webextensions_zip(): + tooltool_artifacts.append( + { + "name": self.webextensions_zip, + "manifest": self.webextensions_zip_manifest, + "dest": webextension_dest, + } + ) + + # now that have the suite name, check if artifact is required, if so download it + # the --no-download option will override this + for artifact in tooltool_artifacts: + if "--no-download" not in self.config.get("talos_extra_options", []): + self.info("Downloading %s with tooltool..." % artifact) + + archive = os.path.join(artifact["dest"], artifact["name"]) + output_dir_path = re.sub(r"\.zip$", "", archive) + if not os.path.exists(archive): + manifest_file = os.path.join(self.talos_path, artifact["manifest"]) + self.tooltool_fetch( + manifest_file, + output_dir=artifact["dest"], + cache=self.config.get("tooltool_cache"), + ) + unzip = self.query_exe("unzip") + unzip_cmd = [unzip, "-q", "-o", archive, "-d", artifact["dest"]] + self.run_command(unzip_cmd, halt_on_failure=True) + + if "postprocess" in artifact: + for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(output_dir_path): + for file in files: + artifact["postprocess"](subdir, file) + else: + self.info("%s already available" % artifact) + + else: + self.info( + "Not downloading %s because the no-download option was specified" + % artifact + ) + + # if running webkit tests locally, need to copy webkit source into talos/tests + if self.config.get("run_local") and ( + "stylebench" in self.suite or "motionmark" in self.suite + ): + self.get_webkit_source() + + def get_webkit_source(self): + # in production the build system auto copies webkit source into place; + # but when run locally we need to do this manually, so that talos can find it + src = os.path.join(self.repo_path, "third_party", "webkit", "PerformanceTests") + dest = os.path.join( + self.talos_path, "talos", "tests", "webkit", "PerformanceTests" + ) + + if os.path.exists(dest): + shutil.rmtree(dest) + + self.info("Copying webkit benchmarks from %s to %s" % (src, dest)) + try: + shutil.copytree(src, dest) + except Exception: + self.critical("Error copying webkit benchmarks from %s to %s" % (src, dest)) + + # Action methods. {{{1 + # clobber defined in BaseScript + + def download_and_extract(self, extract_dirs=None, suite_categories=None): + # Use in-tree wptserve for Python 3.10 compatibility + extract_dirs = [ + "tools/wptserve/*", + "tools/wpt_third_party/pywebsocket3/*", + ] + return super(Talos, self).download_and_extract( + extract_dirs=extract_dirs, suite_categories=["common", "talos"] + ) + + def create_virtualenv(self, **kwargs): + """VirtualenvMixin.create_virtualenv() assuemes we're using + self.config['virtualenv_modules']. Since we are installing + talos from its source, we have to wrap that method here.""" + # if virtualenv already exists, just add to path and don't re-install, need it + # in path so can import jsonschema later when validating output for perfherder + _virtualenv_path = self.config.get("virtualenv_path") + + _python_interp = self.query_exe("python") + if "win" in self.platform_name() and os.path.exists(_python_interp): + multiprocessing.set_executable(_python_interp) + + if self.run_local and os.path.exists(_virtualenv_path): + self.info("Virtualenv already exists, skipping creation") + + if "win" in self.platform_name(): + _path = os.path.join(_virtualenv_path, "Lib", "site-packages") + else: + _path = os.path.join( + _virtualenv_path, + "lib", + os.path.basename(_python_interp), + "site-packages", + ) + + sys.path.append(_path) + return + + # virtualenv doesn't already exist so create it + # install mozbase first, so we use in-tree versions + # Additionally, decide where to pull talos requirements from. + if not self.run_local: + mozbase_requirements = os.path.join( + self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_test_install_dir"], + "config", + "mozbase_requirements.txt", + ) + talos_requirements = os.path.join(self.talos_path, "requirements.txt") + else: + mozbase_requirements = os.path.join( + os.path.dirname(self.talos_path), + "config", + "mozbase_source_requirements.txt", + ) + talos_requirements = os.path.join( + self.talos_path, "source_requirements.txt" + ) + self.register_virtualenv_module( + requirements=[mozbase_requirements], + two_pass=True, + editable=True, + ) + super(Talos, self).create_virtualenv() + # talos in harness requires what else is + # listed in talos requirements.txt file. + self.install_module(requirements=[talos_requirements]) + + def _validate_treeherder_data(self, parser): + # late import is required, because install is done in create_virtualenv + import jsonschema + + if len(parser.found_perf_data) != 1: + self.critical( + "PERFHERDER_DATA was seen %d times, expected 1." + % len(parser.found_perf_data) + ) + parser.update_worst_log_and_tbpl_levels(WARNING, TBPL_WARNING) + return + + schema_path = os.path.join( + external_tools_path, "performance-artifact-schema.json" + ) + self.info("Validating PERFHERDER_DATA against %s" % schema_path) + try: + with open(schema_path) as f: + schema = json.load(f) + data = json.loads(parser.found_perf_data[0]) + jsonschema.validate(data, schema) + except Exception: + self.exception("Error while validating PERFHERDER_DATA") + parser.update_worst_log_and_tbpl_levels(WARNING, TBPL_WARNING) + + def _artifact_perf_data(self, parser, dest): + src = os.path.join(self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_work_dir"], "local.json") + try: + shutil.copyfile(src, dest) + except Exception: + self.critical("Error copying results %s to upload dir %s" % (src, dest)) + parser.update_worst_log_and_tbpl_levels(CRITICAL, TBPL_FAILURE) + + def run_tests(self, args=None, **kw): + """run Talos tests""" + + # get talos options + options = self.talos_options(args=args, **kw) + + # XXX temporary python version check + python = self.query_python_path() + self.run_command([python, "--version"]) + parser = TalosOutputParser( + config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, error_list=TalosErrorList + ) + env = {} + env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"] = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + if not self.run_local: + env["MINIDUMP_STACKWALK"] = self.query_minidump_stackwalk() + env["MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH"] = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + env["RUST_BACKTRACE"] = "full" + if not os.path.isdir(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"]): + self.mkdir_p(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"]) + env = self.query_env(partial_env=env, log_level=INFO) + # adjust PYTHONPATH to be able to use talos as a python package + if "PYTHONPATH" in env: + env["PYTHONPATH"] = self.talos_path + os.pathsep + env["PYTHONPATH"] + else: + env["PYTHONPATH"] = self.talos_path + + if self.repo_path is not None: + env["MOZ_DEVELOPER_REPO_DIR"] = self.repo_path + if self.obj_path is not None: + env["MOZ_DEVELOPER_OBJ_DIR"] = self.obj_path + + # sets a timeout for how long talos should run without output + output_timeout = self.config.get("talos_output_timeout", 3600) + # run talos tests + run_tests = os.path.join(self.talos_path, "talos", "run_tests.py") + + # Dynamically set the log level based on the talos config for consistency + # throughout the test + mozlog_opts = [f"--log-tbpl-level={self.config['log_level']}"] + + if not self.run_local and "suite" in self.config: + fname_pattern = "%s_%%s.log" % self.config["suite"] + mozlog_opts.append( + "--log-errorsummary=%s" + % os.path.join(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"], fname_pattern % "errorsummary") + ) + + def launch_in_debug_mode(cmdline): + cmdline = set(cmdline) + debug_opts = {"--debug", "--debugger", "--debugger_args"} + + return bool(debug_opts.intersection(cmdline)) + + command = [python, run_tests] + options + mozlog_opts + if launch_in_debug_mode(command): + talos_process = subprocess.Popen( + command, cwd=self.workdir, env=env, bufsize=0 + ) + talos_process.wait() + else: + self.return_code = self.run_command( + command, + cwd=self.workdir, + output_timeout=output_timeout, + output_parser=parser, + env=env, + ) + if parser.minidump_output: + self.info("Looking at the minidump files for debugging purposes...") + for item in parser.minidump_output: + self.run_command(["ls", "-l", item]) + + if self.return_code not in [0]: + # update the worst log level and tbpl status + log_level = ERROR + tbpl_level = TBPL_FAILURE + if self.return_code == 1: + log_level = WARNING + tbpl_level = TBPL_WARNING + if self.return_code == 4: + log_level = WARNING + tbpl_level = TBPL_RETRY + + parser.update_worst_log_and_tbpl_levels(log_level, tbpl_level) + elif "--no-upload-results" not in options: + if not self.gecko_profile: + self._validate_treeherder_data(parser) + if not self.run_local: + # copy results to upload dir so they are included as an artifact + dest = os.path.join(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"], "perfherder-data.json") + self._artifact_perf_data(parser, dest) + + self.record_status(parser.worst_tbpl_status, level=parser.worst_log_level) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/testbase.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/testbase.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..e8f37ceb8b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/testbase.py @@ -0,0 +1,767 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +import copy +import json +import os +import platform +import ssl + +from six.moves import urllib +from six.moves.urllib.parse import ParseResult, urlparse + +from mozharness.base.errors import BaseErrorList +from mozharness.base.log import FATAL, WARNING +from mozharness.base.python import ( + ResourceMonitoringMixin, + VirtualenvMixin, + virtualenv_config_options, +) +from mozharness.lib.python.authentication import get_credentials +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import TBPL_WARNING, AutomationMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.structuredlog import StructuredOutputParser +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.try_tools import TryToolsMixin, try_config_options +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import DesktopUnittestOutputParser +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.verify_tools import ( + VerifyToolsMixin, + verify_config_options, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.tooltool import TooltoolMixin + +INSTALLER_SUFFIXES = ( + ".apk", # Android + ".tar.bz2", + ".tar.gz", # Linux + ".dmg", # Mac + ".installer-stub.exe", + ".installer.exe", + ".exe", + ".zip", # Windows +) + +# https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/testing/config/tooltool-manifests +TOOLTOOL_PLATFORM_DIR = { + "linux": "linux32", + "linux64": "linux64", + "win32": "win32", + "win64": "win32", + "macosx": "macosx64", +} + + +testing_config_options = ( + [ + [ + ["--installer-url"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "installer_url", + "default": None, + "help": "URL to the installer to install", + }, + ], + [ + ["--installer-path"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "installer_path", + "default": None, + "help": "Path to the installer to install. " + "This is set automatically if run with --download-and-extract.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--binary-path"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "binary_path", + "default": None, + "help": "Path to installed binary. This is set automatically if run with --install.", # NOQA: E501 + }, + ], + [ + ["--exe-suffix"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "exe_suffix", + "default": None, + "help": "Executable suffix for binaries on this platform", + }, + ], + [ + ["--test-url"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "test_url", + "default": None, + "help": "URL to the zip file containing the actual tests", + }, + ], + [ + ["--test-packages-url"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "test_packages_url", + "default": None, + "help": "URL to a json file describing which tests archives to download", + }, + ], + [ + ["--jsshell-url"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "jsshell_url", + "default": None, + "help": "URL to the jsshell to install", + }, + ], + [ + ["--download-symbols"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "download_symbols", + "type": "choice", + "choices": ["ondemand", "true"], + "help": "Download and extract crash reporter symbols.", + }, + ], + ] + + copy.deepcopy(virtualenv_config_options) + + copy.deepcopy(try_config_options) + + copy.deepcopy(verify_config_options) +) + + +# TestingMixin {{{1 +class TestingMixin( + VirtualenvMixin, + AutomationMixin, + ResourceMonitoringMixin, + TooltoolMixin, + TryToolsMixin, + VerifyToolsMixin, +): + """ + The steps to identify + download the proper bits for [browser] unit + tests and Talos. + """ + + installer_url = None + installer_path = None + binary_path = None + test_url = None + test_packages_url = None + symbols_url = None + symbols_path = None + jsshell_url = None + minidump_stackwalk_path = None + ssl_context = None + + def query_build_dir_url(self, file_name): + """ + Resolve a file name to a potential url in the build upload directory where + that file can be found. + """ + if self.test_packages_url: + reference_url = self.test_packages_url + elif self.installer_url: + reference_url = self.installer_url + else: + self.fatal( + "Can't figure out build directory urls without an installer_url " + "or test_packages_url!" + ) + + reference_url = urllib.parse.unquote(reference_url) + parts = list(urlparse(reference_url)) + + last_slash = parts[2].rfind("/") + parts[2] = "/".join([parts[2][:last_slash], file_name]) + + url = ParseResult(*parts).geturl() + + return url + + def query_prefixed_build_dir_url(self, suffix): + """Resolve a file name prefixed with platform and build details to a potential url + in the build upload directory where that file can be found. + """ + if self.test_packages_url: + reference_suffixes = [".test_packages.json"] + reference_url = self.test_packages_url + elif self.installer_url: + reference_suffixes = INSTALLER_SUFFIXES + reference_url = self.installer_url + else: + self.fatal( + "Can't figure out build directory urls without an installer_url " + "or test_packages_url!" + ) + + url = None + for reference_suffix in reference_suffixes: + if reference_url.endswith(reference_suffix): + url = reference_url[: -len(reference_suffix)] + suffix + break + + return url + + def query_symbols_url(self, raise_on_failure=False): + if self.symbols_url: + return self.symbols_url + + elif self.installer_url: + symbols_url = self.query_prefixed_build_dir_url( + ".crashreporter-symbols.zip" + ) + + # Check if the URL exists. If not, use none to allow mozcrash to auto-check for symbols + try: + if symbols_url: + self._urlopen(symbols_url, timeout=120) + self.symbols_url = symbols_url + except Exception as ex: + self.warning( + "Cannot open symbols url %s (installer url: %s): %s" + % (symbols_url, self.installer_url, ex) + ) + if raise_on_failure: + raise + + # If no symbols URL can be determined let minidump-stackwalk query the symbols. + # As of now this only works for Nightly and release builds. + if not self.symbols_url: + self.warning( + "No symbols_url found. Let minidump-stackwalk query for symbols." + ) + + return self.symbols_url + + def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): + for i, (target_file, target_dict) in enumerate( + rw_config.all_cfg_files_and_dicts + ): + if "developer_config" in target_file: + self._developer_mode_changes(rw_config) + + def _developer_mode_changes(self, rw_config): + """This function is called when you append the config called + developer_config.py. This allows you to run a job + outside of the Release Engineering infrastructure. + + What this functions accomplishes is: + * --installer-url is set + * --test-url is set if needed + * every url is substituted by another external to the + Release Engineering network + """ + c = self.config + orig_config = copy.deepcopy(c) + self.actions = tuple(rw_config.actions) + + def _replace_url(url, changes): + for from_, to_ in changes: + if url.startswith(from_): + new_url = url.replace(from_, to_) + self.info("Replacing url %s -> %s" % (url, new_url)) + return new_url + return url + + if c.get("installer_url") is None: + self.exception("You must use --installer-url with developer_config.py") + if c.get("require_test_zip"): + if not c.get("test_url") and not c.get("test_packages_url"): + self.exception( + "You must use --test-url or --test-packages-url with " + "developer_config.py" + ) + + c["installer_url"] = _replace_url(c["installer_url"], c["replace_urls"]) + if c.get("test_url"): + c["test_url"] = _replace_url(c["test_url"], c["replace_urls"]) + if c.get("test_packages_url"): + c["test_packages_url"] = _replace_url( + c["test_packages_url"], c["replace_urls"] + ) + + for key, value in self.config.items(): + if type(value) == str and value.startswith("http"): + self.config[key] = _replace_url(value, c["replace_urls"]) + + # Any changes to c means that we need credentials + if not c == orig_config: + get_credentials() + + def _urlopen(self, url, **kwargs): + """ + This function helps dealing with downloading files while outside + of the releng network. + """ + # Code based on http://code.activestate.com/recipes/305288-http-basic-authentication + def _urlopen_basic_auth(url, **kwargs): + self.info("We want to download this file %s" % url) + if not hasattr(self, "https_username"): + self.info( + "NOTICE: Files downloaded from outside of " + "Release Engineering network require LDAP " + "credentials." + ) + + self.https_username, self.https_password = get_credentials() + # This creates a password manager + passman = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() + # Because we have put None at the start it will use this username/password + # combination from here on + passman.add_password(None, url, self.https_username, self.https_password) + authhandler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman) + + return urllib.request.build_opener(authhandler).open(url, **kwargs) + + # If we have the developer_run flag enabled then we will switch + # URLs to the right place and enable http authentication + if "developer_config.py" in self.config["config_files"]: + return _urlopen_basic_auth(url, **kwargs) + else: + # windows certificates need to be refreshed (https://bugs.python.org/issue36011) + if self.platform_name() in ("win64",) and platform.architecture()[0] in ( + "x64", + ): + if self.ssl_context is None: + self.ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS) + self.ssl_context.load_default_certs() + return urllib.request.urlopen(url, context=self.ssl_context, **kwargs) + else: + return urllib.request.urlopen(url, **kwargs) + + def _query_binary_version(self, regex, cmd): + output = self.get_output_from_command(cmd, silent=False) + return regex.search(output).group(0) + + def preflight_download_and_extract(self): + message = "" + if not self.installer_url: + message += """installer_url isn't set! + +You can set this by specifying --installer-url URL +""" + if ( + self.config.get("require_test_zip") + and not self.test_url + and not self.test_packages_url + ): + message += """test_url isn't set! + +You can set this by specifying --test-url URL +""" + if message: + self.fatal(message + "Can't run download-and-extract... exiting") + + def _read_packages_manifest(self): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + source = self.download_file( + self.test_packages_url, parent_dir=dirs["abs_work_dir"], error_level=FATAL + ) + + with self.opened(os.path.realpath(source)) as (fh, err): + package_requirements = json.load(fh) + if not package_requirements or err: + self.fatal( + "There was an error reading test package requirements from %s " + "requirements: `%s` - error: `%s`" + % (source, package_requirements or "None", err or "No error") + ) + return package_requirements + + def _download_test_packages(self, suite_categories, extract_dirs): + # Some platforms define more suite categories/names than others. + # This is a difference in the convention of the configs more than + # to how these tests are run, so we pave over these differences here. + aliases = { + "mochitest-chrome": "mochitest", + "mochitest-media": "mochitest", + "mochitest-plain": "mochitest", + "mochitest-plain-gpu": "mochitest", + "mochitest-webgl1-core": "mochitest", + "mochitest-webgl1-ext": "mochitest", + "mochitest-webgl2-core": "mochitest", + "mochitest-webgl2-ext": "mochitest", + "mochitest-webgl2-deqp": "mochitest", + "mochitest-webgpu": "mochitest", + "geckoview": "mochitest", + "geckoview-junit": "mochitest", + "reftest-qr": "reftest", + "crashtest": "reftest", + "crashtest-qr": "reftest", + "reftest-debug": "reftest", + "crashtest-debug": "reftest", + } + suite_categories = [aliases.get(name, name) for name in suite_categories] + + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + test_install_dir = dirs.get( + "abs_test_install_dir", os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests") + ) + self.mkdir_p(test_install_dir) + package_requirements = self._read_packages_manifest() + target_packages = [] + c = self.config + for category in suite_categories: + specified_suites = c.get("specified_{}_suites".format(category)) + if specified_suites: + found = False + for specified_suite in specified_suites: + if specified_suite in package_requirements: + target_packages.extend(package_requirements[specified_suite]) + found = True + if found: + continue + + if category in package_requirements: + target_packages.extend(package_requirements[category]) + else: + # If we don't harness specific requirements, assume the common zip + # has everything we need to run tests for this suite. + target_packages.extend(package_requirements["common"]) + + # eliminate duplicates -- no need to download anything twice + target_packages = list(set(target_packages)) + self.info( + "Downloading packages: %s for test suite categories: %s" + % (target_packages, suite_categories) + ) + for file_name in target_packages: + target_dir = test_install_dir + unpack_dirs = extract_dirs + + if "common.tests" in file_name and isinstance(unpack_dirs, list): + # Ensure that the following files are always getting extracted + required_files = [ + "mach", + "mozinfo.json", + ] + for req_file in required_files: + if req_file not in unpack_dirs: + self.info( + "Adding '{}' for extraction from common.tests archive".format( + req_file + ) + ) + unpack_dirs.append(req_file) + + if "jsshell-" in file_name or file_name == "target.jsshell.zip": + self.info("Special-casing the jsshell zip file") + unpack_dirs = None + target_dir = dirs["abs_test_bin_dir"] + + if "web-platform" in file_name: + self.info("Extracting everything from web-platform archive") + unpack_dirs = None + + url = self.query_build_dir_url(file_name) + self.download_unpack(url, target_dir, extract_dirs=unpack_dirs) + + def _download_test_zip(self, extract_dirs=None): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + test_install_dir = dirs.get( + "abs_test_install_dir", os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests") + ) + self.download_unpack(self.test_url, test_install_dir, extract_dirs=extract_dirs) + + def structured_output(self, suite_category): + """Defines whether structured logging is in use in this configuration. This + may need to be replaced with data from a different config at the resolution + of bug 1070041 and related bugs. + """ + return ( + "structured_suites" in self.config + and suite_category in self.config["structured_suites"] + ) + + def get_test_output_parser( + self, + suite_category, + strict=False, + fallback_parser_class=DesktopUnittestOutputParser, + **kwargs + ): + """Derive and return an appropriate output parser, either the structured + output parser or a fallback based on the type of logging in use as determined by + configuration. + """ + if not self.structured_output(suite_category): + if fallback_parser_class is DesktopUnittestOutputParser: + return DesktopUnittestOutputParser( + suite_category=suite_category, **kwargs + ) + return fallback_parser_class(**kwargs) + self.info("Structured output parser in use for %s." % suite_category) + return StructuredOutputParser( + suite_category=suite_category, strict=strict, **kwargs + ) + + def _download_installer(self): + file_name = None + if self.installer_path: + file_name = self.installer_path + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + source = self.download_file( + self.installer_url, + file_name=file_name, + parent_dir=dirs["abs_work_dir"], + error_level=FATAL, + ) + self.installer_path = os.path.realpath(source) + + def _download_and_extract_symbols(self): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + if self.config.get("download_symbols") == "ondemand": + self.symbols_url = self.retry( + action=self.query_symbols_url, + kwargs={"raise_on_failure": True}, + sleeptime=10, + failure_status=None, + ) + self.symbols_path = self.symbols_url + return + + else: + # In the case for 'ondemand', we're OK to proceed without getting a hold of the + # symbols right this moment, however, in other cases we need to at least retry + # before being unable to proceed (e.g. debug tests need symbols) + self.symbols_url = self.retry( + action=self.query_symbols_url, + kwargs={"raise_on_failure": True}, + sleeptime=20, + error_level=FATAL, + error_message="We can't proceed without downloading symbols.", + ) + if not self.symbols_path: + self.symbols_path = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "symbols") + + if self.symbols_url: + self.download_unpack(self.symbols_url, self.symbols_path) + + def download_and_extract(self, extract_dirs=None, suite_categories=None): + """ + download and extract test zip / download installer + """ + # Swap plain http for https when we're downloading from ftp + # See bug 957502 and friends + from_ = "http://ftp.mozilla.org" + to_ = "https://ftp-ssl.mozilla.org" + for attr in "symbols_url", "installer_url", "test_packages_url", "test_url": + url = getattr(self, attr) + if url and url.startswith(from_): + new_url = url.replace(from_, to_) + self.info("Replacing url %s -> %s" % (url, new_url)) + setattr(self, attr, new_url) + + if "test_url" in self.config: + # A user has specified a test_url directly, any test_packages_url will + # be ignored. + if self.test_packages_url: + self.error( + 'Test data will be downloaded from "%s", the specified test ' + ' package data at "%s" will be ignored.' + % (self.config.get("test_url"), self.test_packages_url) + ) + + self._download_test_zip(extract_dirs) + else: + if not self.test_packages_url: + # The caller intends to download harness specific packages, but doesn't know + # where the packages manifest is located. This is the case when the + # test package manifest isn't set as a property, which is true + # for some self-serve jobs and platforms using parse_make_upload. + self.test_packages_url = self.query_prefixed_build_dir_url( + ".test_packages.json" + ) + + suite_categories = suite_categories or ["common"] + self._download_test_packages(suite_categories, extract_dirs) + + self._download_installer() + if self.config.get("download_symbols"): + self._download_and_extract_symbols() + + # create_virtualenv is in VirtualenvMixin. + + def preflight_install(self): + if not self.installer_path: + if self.config.get("installer_path"): + self.installer_path = self.config["installer_path"] + else: + self.fatal( + """installer_path isn't set! + +You can set this by: + +1. specifying --installer-path PATH, or +2. running the download-and-extract action +""" + ) + if not self.is_python_package_installed("mozInstall"): + self.fatal( + """Can't call install() without mozinstall! +Did you run with --create-virtualenv? Is mozinstall in virtualenv_modules?""" + ) + + def install_app(self, app=None, target_dir=None, installer_path=None): + """Dependent on mozinstall""" + # install the application + cmd = [self.query_python_path("mozinstall")] + if app: + cmd.extend(["--app", app]) + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + if not target_dir: + target_dir = dirs.get( + "abs_app_install_dir", os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "application") + ) + self.mkdir_p(target_dir) + if not installer_path: + installer_path = self.installer_path + cmd.extend([installer_path, "--destination", target_dir]) + # TODO we'll need some error checking here + return self.get_output_from_command( + cmd, halt_on_failure=True, fatal_exit_code=3 + ) + + def install(self): + self.binary_path = self.install_app(app=self.config.get("application")) + self.install_dir = os.path.dirname(self.binary_path) + + def uninstall_app(self, install_dir=None): + """Dependent on mozinstall""" + # uninstall the application + cmd = self.query_exe( + "mozuninstall", + default=self.query_python_path("mozuninstall"), + return_type="list", + ) + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + if not install_dir: + install_dir = dirs.get( + "abs_app_install_dir", os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "application") + ) + cmd.append(install_dir) + # TODO we'll need some error checking here + self.get_output_from_command(cmd, halt_on_failure=True, fatal_exit_code=3) + + def uninstall(self): + self.uninstall_app() + + def query_minidump_stackwalk(self, manifest=None): + if self.minidump_stackwalk_path: + return self.minidump_stackwalk_path + + minidump_stackwalk_path = None + + if "MOZ_FETCHES_DIR" in os.environ: + minidump_stackwalk_path = os.path.join( + os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"], + "minidump-stackwalk", + "minidump-stackwalk", + ) + + if self.platform_name() in ("win32", "win64"): + minidump_stackwalk_path += ".exe" + + if not minidump_stackwalk_path or not os.path.isfile(minidump_stackwalk_path): + self.error("minidump-stackwalk path was not fetched?") + # don't burn the job but we should at least turn them orange so it is caught + self.record_status(TBPL_WARNING, WARNING) + return None + + self.minidump_stackwalk_path = minidump_stackwalk_path + return self.minidump_stackwalk_path + + def query_options(self, *args, **kwargs): + if "str_format_values" in kwargs: + str_format_values = kwargs.pop("str_format_values") + else: + str_format_values = {} + + arguments = [] + + for arg in args: + if arg is not None: + arguments.extend(argument % str_format_values for argument in arg) + + return arguments + + def query_tests_args(self, *args, **kwargs): + if "str_format_values" in kwargs: + str_format_values = kwargs.pop("str_format_values") + else: + str_format_values = {} + + arguments = [] + + for arg in reversed(args): + if arg: + arguments.append("--") + arguments.extend(argument % str_format_values for argument in arg) + break + + return arguments + + def _run_cmd_checks(self, suites): + if not suites: + return + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + for suite in suites: + # XXX platform.architecture() may give incorrect values for some + # platforms like mac as excutable files may be universal + # files containing multiple architectures + # NOTE 'enabled' is only here while we have unconsolidated configs + if not suite["enabled"]: + continue + if suite.get("architectures"): + arch = platform.architecture()[0] + if arch not in suite["architectures"]: + continue + cmd = suite["cmd"] + name = suite["name"] + self.info( + "Running pre test command %(name)s with '%(cmd)s'" + % {"name": name, "cmd": " ".join(cmd)} + ) + self.run_command( + cmd, + cwd=dirs["abs_work_dir"], + error_list=BaseErrorList, + halt_on_failure=suite["halt_on_failure"], + fatal_exit_code=suite.get("fatal_exit_code", 3), + ) + + def preflight_run_tests(self): + """preflight commands for all tests""" + c = self.config + if c.get("skip_preflight"): + self.info("skipping preflight") + return + + if c.get("run_cmd_checks_enabled"): + self._run_cmd_checks(c.get("preflight_run_cmd_suites", [])) + elif c.get("preflight_run_cmd_suites"): + self.warning( + "Proceeding without running prerun test commands." + " These are often OS specific and disabling them may" + " result in spurious test results!" + ) + + def postflight_run_tests(self): + """preflight commands for all tests""" + c = self.config + if c.get("run_cmd_checks_enabled"): + self._run_cmd_checks(c.get("postflight_run_cmd_suites", [])) + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + abs_dirs = super(TestingMixin, self).query_abs_dirs() + if "MOZ_FETCHES_DIR" in os.environ: + abs_dirs["abs_fetches_dir"] = os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"] + return abs_dirs diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/try_tools.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/try_tools.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ac92ef534c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/try_tools.py @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +import argparse +import os +import re +from collections import defaultdict + +import six + +from mozharness.base.script import PostScriptAction +from mozharness.base.transfer import TransferMixin + +try_config_options = [ + [ + ["--try-message"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "try_message", + "default": None, + "help": "try syntax string to select tests to run", + }, + ], +] + +test_flavors = { + "browser-chrome": {}, + "browser-a11y": {}, + "browser-media": {}, + "chrome": {}, + "devtools-chrome": {}, + "mochitest": {}, + "xpcshell": {}, + "reftest": {"path": lambda x: os.path.join("tests", "reftest", "tests", x)}, + "crashtest": {"path": lambda x: os.path.join("tests", "reftest", "tests", x)}, + "remote": {"path": lambda x: os.path.join("remote", "test", "browser", x)}, + "web-platform-tests": { + "path": lambda x: os.path.join("tests", x.split("testing" + os.path.sep)[1]) + }, + "web-platform-tests-reftests": { + "path": lambda x: os.path.join("tests", x.split("testing" + os.path.sep)[1]) + }, + "web-platform-tests-wdspec": { + "path": lambda x: os.path.join("tests", x.split("testing" + os.path.sep)[1]) + }, +} + + +class TryToolsMixin(TransferMixin): + """Utility functions for an interface between try syntax and out test harnesses. + Requires log and script mixins.""" + + harness_extra_args = None + try_test_paths = {} + known_try_arguments = { + "--tag": ( + { + "action": "append", + "dest": "tags", + "default": None, + }, + ( + "browser-chrome", + "browser-a11y", + "browser-media", + "chrome", + "devtools-chrome", + "marionette", + "mochitest", + "web-plaftform-tests", + "xpcshell", + ), + ), + } + + def _extract_try_message(self): + msg = None + if "try_message" in self.config and self.config["try_message"]: + msg = self.config["try_message"] + elif "TRY_COMMIT_MSG" in os.environ: + msg = os.environ["TRY_COMMIT_MSG"] + + if not msg: + self.warning("Try message not found.") + return msg + + def _extract_try_args(self, msg): + """Returns a list of args from a try message, for parsing""" + if not msg: + return None + all_try_args = None + for line in msg.splitlines(): + if "try: " in line: + # Autoland adds quotes to try strings that will confuse our + # args later on. + if line.startswith('"') and line.endswith('"'): + line = line[1:-1] + # Allow spaces inside of [filter expressions] + try_message = line.strip().split("try: ", 1) + all_try_args = re.findall(r"(?:\[.*?\]|\S)+", try_message[1]) + break + if not all_try_args: + self.warning("Try syntax not found in: %s." % msg) + return all_try_args + + def try_message_has_flag(self, flag, message=None): + """ + Returns True if --`flag` is present in message. + """ + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() + parser.add_argument("--" + flag, action="store_true") + message = message or self._extract_try_message() + if not message: + return False + msg_list = self._extract_try_args(message) + args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(msg_list) + return getattr(args, flag, False) + + def _is_try(self): + repo_path = None + get_branch = self.config.get("branch", repo_path) + if get_branch is not None: + on_try = "try" in get_branch or "Try" in get_branch + elif os.environ is not None: + on_try = "TRY_COMMIT_MSG" in os.environ + else: + on_try = False + return on_try + + @PostScriptAction("download-and-extract") + def set_extra_try_arguments(self, action, success=None): + """Finds a commit message and parses it for extra arguments to pass to the test + harness command line and test paths used to filter manifests. + + Extracting arguments from a commit message taken directly from the try_parser. + """ + if not self._is_try(): + return + + msg = self._extract_try_message() + if not msg: + return + + all_try_args = self._extract_try_args(msg) + if not all_try_args: + return + + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description=( + "Parse an additional subset of arguments passed to try syntax" + " and forward them to the underlying test harness command." + ) + ) + + label_dict = {} + + def label_from_val(val): + if val in label_dict: + return label_dict[val] + return "--%s" % val.replace("_", "-") + + for label, (opts, _) in six.iteritems(self.known_try_arguments): + if "action" in opts and opts["action"] not in ( + "append", + "store", + "store_true", + "store_false", + ): + self.fatal( + "Try syntax does not support passing custom or store_const " + "arguments to the harness process." + ) + if "dest" in opts: + label_dict[opts["dest"]] = label + + parser.add_argument(label, **opts) + + parser.add_argument("--try-test-paths", nargs="*") + (args, _) = parser.parse_known_args(all_try_args) + self.try_test_paths = self._group_test_paths(args.try_test_paths) + del args.try_test_paths + + out_args = defaultdict(list) + # This is a pretty hacky way to echo arguments down to the harness. + # Hopefully this can be improved once we have a configuration system + # in tree for harnesses that relies less on a command line. + for arg, value in six.iteritems(vars(args)): + if value: + label = label_from_val(arg) + _, flavors = self.known_try_arguments[label] + + for f in flavors: + if isinstance(value, bool): + # A store_true or store_false argument. + out_args[f].append(label) + elif isinstance(value, list): + out_args[f].extend(["%s=%s" % (label, el) for el in value]) + else: + out_args[f].append("%s=%s" % (label, value)) + + self.harness_extra_args = dict(out_args) + + def _group_test_paths(self, args): + rv = defaultdict(list) + + if args is None: + return rv + + for item in args: + suite, path = item.split(":", 1) + rv[suite].append(path) + return rv + + def try_args(self, flavor): + """Get arguments, test_list derived from try syntax to apply to a command""" + args = [] + if self.harness_extra_args: + args = self.harness_extra_args.get(flavor, [])[:] + + if self.try_test_paths.get(flavor): + self.info( + "TinderboxPrint: Tests will be run from the following " + "files: %s." % ",".join(self.try_test_paths[flavor]) + ) + args.extend(["--this-chunk=1", "--total-chunks=1"]) + + path_func = test_flavors[flavor].get("path", lambda x: x) + tests = [ + path_func(os.path.normpath(item)) + for item in self.try_test_paths[flavor] + ] + else: + tests = [] + + if args or tests: + self.info( + "TinderboxPrint: The following arguments were forwarded from mozharness " + "to the test command:\nTinderboxPrint: \t%s -- %s" + % (" ".join(args), " ".join(tests)) + ) + + return args, tests diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/unittest.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/unittest.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..be144bbe1f --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/unittest.py @@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +import os +import re + +from mozharness.base.log import CRITICAL, ERROR, INFO, WARNING, OutputParser +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import ( + TBPL_FAILURE, + TBPL_RETRY, + TBPL_SUCCESS, + TBPL_WARNING, + TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors import TinderBoxPrintRe + +SUITE_CATEGORIES = ["mochitest", "reftest", "xpcshell"] + + +def tbox_print_summary( + pass_count, fail_count, known_fail_count=None, crashed=False, leaked=False +): + emphasize_fail_text = '<em class="testfail">%s</em>' + + if ( + pass_count < 0 + or fail_count < 0 + or (known_fail_count is not None and known_fail_count < 0) + ): + summary = emphasize_fail_text % "T-FAIL" + elif ( + pass_count == 0 + and fail_count == 0 + and (known_fail_count == 0 or known_fail_count is None) + ): + summary = emphasize_fail_text % "T-FAIL" + else: + str_fail_count = str(fail_count) + if fail_count > 0: + str_fail_count = emphasize_fail_text % str_fail_count + summary = "%d/%s" % (pass_count, str_fail_count) + if known_fail_count is not None: + summary += "/%d" % known_fail_count + # Format the crash status. + if crashed: + summary += " %s" % emphasize_fail_text % "CRASH" + # Format the leak status. + if leaked is not False: + summary += " %s" % emphasize_fail_text % ((leaked and "LEAK") or "L-FAIL") + return summary + + +class TestSummaryOutputParserHelper(OutputParser): + def __init__(self, regex=re.compile(r"(passed|failed|todo): (\d+)"), **kwargs): + self.regex = regex + self.failed = 0 + self.passed = 0 + self.todo = 0 + self.last_line = None + self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS + self.worst_log_level = INFO + super(TestSummaryOutputParserHelper, self).__init__(**kwargs) + + def parse_single_line(self, line): + super(TestSummaryOutputParserHelper, self).parse_single_line(line) + self.last_line = line + m = self.regex.search(line) + if m: + try: + setattr(self, m.group(1), int(m.group(2))) + except ValueError: + # ignore bad values + pass + + def evaluate_parser(self, return_code, success_codes=None, previous_summary=None): + # TestSummaryOutputParserHelper is for Marionette, which doesn't support test-verify + # When it does we can reset the internal state variables as needed + joined_summary = previous_summary + + if return_code == 0 and self.passed > 0 and self.failed == 0: + self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS + elif return_code == 10 and self.failed > 0: + self.tbpl_status = TBPL_WARNING + else: + self.tbpl_status = TBPL_FAILURE + self.worst_log_level = ERROR + + return (self.tbpl_status, self.worst_log_level, joined_summary) + + def print_summary(self, suite_name): + # generate the TinderboxPrint line for TBPL + emphasize_fail_text = '<em class="testfail">%s</em>' + failed = "0" + if self.passed == 0 and self.failed == 0: + self.tsummary = emphasize_fail_text % "T-FAIL" + else: + if self.failed > 0: + failed = emphasize_fail_text % str(self.failed) + self.tsummary = "%d/%s/%d" % (self.passed, failed, self.todo) + + self.info("TinderboxPrint: %s<br/>%s\n" % (suite_name, self.tsummary)) + + def append_tinderboxprint_line(self, suite_name): + self.print_summary(suite_name) + + +class DesktopUnittestOutputParser(OutputParser): + """ + A class that extends OutputParser such that it can parse the number of + passed/failed/todo tests from the output. + """ + + def __init__(self, suite_category, **kwargs): + # worst_log_level defined already in DesktopUnittestOutputParser + # but is here to make pylint happy + self.worst_log_level = INFO + super(DesktopUnittestOutputParser, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.summary_suite_re = TinderBoxPrintRe.get("%s_summary" % suite_category, {}) + self.harness_error_re = TinderBoxPrintRe["harness_error"]["minimum_regex"] + self.full_harness_error_re = TinderBoxPrintRe["harness_error"]["full_regex"] + self.harness_retry_re = TinderBoxPrintRe["harness_error"]["retry_regex"] + self.fail_count = -1 + self.pass_count = -1 + # known_fail_count does not exist for some suites + self.known_fail_count = self.summary_suite_re.get("known_fail_group") and -1 + self.crashed, self.leaked = False, False + self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS + + def parse_single_line(self, line): + if self.summary_suite_re: + summary_m = self.summary_suite_re["regex"].match(line) # pass/fail/todo + if summary_m: + message = " %s" % line + log_level = INFO + # remove all the none values in groups() so this will work + # with all suites including mochitest browser-chrome + summary_match_list = [ + group for group in summary_m.groups() if group is not None + ] + r = summary_match_list[0] + if self.summary_suite_re["pass_group"] in r: + if len(summary_match_list) > 1: + self.pass_count = int(summary_match_list[-1]) + else: + # This handles suites that either pass or report + # number of failures. We need to set both + # pass and fail count in the pass case. + self.pass_count = 1 + self.fail_count = 0 + elif self.summary_suite_re["fail_group"] in r: + self.fail_count = int(summary_match_list[-1]) + if self.fail_count > 0: + message += "\n One or more unittests failed." + log_level = WARNING + # If self.summary_suite_re['known_fail_group'] == None, + # then r should not match it, # so this test is fine as is. + elif self.summary_suite_re["known_fail_group"] in r: + self.known_fail_count = int(summary_match_list[-1]) + self.log(message, log_level) + return # skip harness check and base parse_single_line + harness_match = self.harness_error_re.search(line) + if harness_match: + self.warning(" %s" % line) + self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(WARNING, self.worst_log_level) + self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level( + TBPL_WARNING, self.tbpl_status, levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE + ) + full_harness_match = self.full_harness_error_re.search(line) + if full_harness_match: + r = full_harness_match.group(1) + if r == "application crashed": + self.crashed = True + elif r == "missing output line for total leaks!": + self.leaked = None + else: + self.leaked = True + return # skip base parse_single_line + if self.harness_retry_re.search(line): + self.critical(" %s" % line) + self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(CRITICAL, self.worst_log_level) + self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level( + TBPL_RETRY, self.tbpl_status, levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE + ) + return # skip base parse_single_line + super(DesktopUnittestOutputParser, self).parse_single_line(line) + + def evaluate_parser(self, return_code, success_codes=None, previous_summary=None): + success_codes = success_codes or [0] + + if self.num_errors: # mozharness ran into a script error + self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level( + TBPL_FAILURE, self.tbpl_status, levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE + ) + + """ + We can run evaluate_parser multiple times, it will duplicate failures + and status which can mean that future tests will fail if a previous test fails. + When we have a previous summary, we want to do: + 1) reset state so we only evaluate the current results + """ + joined_summary = {"pass_count": self.pass_count} + if previous_summary: + self.tbpl_status = TBPL_SUCCESS + self.worst_log_level = INFO + self.crashed = False + self.leaked = False + + # I have to put this outside of parse_single_line because this checks not + # only if fail_count was more then 0 but also if fail_count is still -1 + # (no fail summary line was found) + if self.fail_count != 0: + self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(WARNING, self.worst_log_level) + self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level( + TBPL_WARNING, self.tbpl_status, levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE + ) + + # Account for the possibility that no test summary was output. + if ( + self.pass_count <= 0 + and self.fail_count <= 0 + and (self.known_fail_count is None or self.known_fail_count <= 0) + and os.environ.get("TRY_SELECTOR") != "coverage" + ): + self.error("No tests run or test summary not found") + self.worst_log_level = self.worst_level(WARNING, self.worst_log_level) + self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level( + TBPL_WARNING, self.tbpl_status, levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE + ) + + if return_code not in success_codes: + self.tbpl_status = self.worst_level( + TBPL_FAILURE, self.tbpl_status, levels=TBPL_WORST_LEVEL_TUPLE + ) + + # we can trust in parser.worst_log_level in either case + return (self.tbpl_status, self.worst_log_level, joined_summary) + + def append_tinderboxprint_line(self, suite_name): + # We are duplicating a condition (fail_count) from evaluate_parser and + # parse parse_single_line but at little cost since we are not parsing + # the log more then once. I figured this method should stay isolated as + # it is only here for tbpl highlighted summaries and is not part of + # result status IIUC. + summary = tbox_print_summary( + self.pass_count, + self.fail_count, + self.known_fail_count, + self.crashed, + self.leaked, + ) + self.info("TinderboxPrint: %s<br/>%s\n" % (suite_name, summary)) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/verify_tools.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/verify_tools.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3cf19351c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/testing/verify_tools.py @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +from mozharness.base.script import PostScriptAction +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.per_test_base import SingleTestMixin + +verify_config_options = [ + [ + ["--verify"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "verify", + "default": False, + "help": "Run additional verification on modified tests.", + }, + ], +] + + +class VerifyToolsMixin(SingleTestMixin): + """Utility functions for test verification.""" + + def __init__(self): + super(VerifyToolsMixin, self).__init__() + + @property + def verify_enabled(self): + try: + return bool(self.config.get("verify")) + except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): + return False + + @PostScriptAction("download-and-extract") + def find_tests_for_verification(self, action, success=None): + """ + For each file modified on this push, determine if the modified file + is a test, by searching test manifests. Populate self.verify_suites + with test files, organized by suite. + + This depends on test manifests, so can only run after test zips have + been downloaded and extracted. + """ + + if not self.verify_enabled: + return + + self.find_modified_tests() + + @property + def verify_args(self): + if not self.verify_enabled: + return [] + + # Limit each test harness run to 15 minutes, to avoid task timeouts + # when executing long-running tests. + MAX_TIME_PER_TEST = 900 + + if self.config.get("per_test_category") == "web-platform": + args = ["--verify-log-full"] + else: + args = ["--verify-max-time=%d" % MAX_TIME_PER_TEST] + + args.append("--verify") + + return args diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/tooltool.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/tooltool.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..db43071e50 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/tooltool.py @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +"""module for tooltool operations""" +import os +import sys + +from mozharness.base.errors import PythonErrorList +from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, FATAL + +TooltoolErrorList = PythonErrorList + [{"substr": "ERROR - ", "level": ERROR}] + + +_here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) +_external_tools_path = os.path.normpath( + os.path.join(_here, "..", "..", "external_tools") +) + + +class TooltoolMixin(object): + """Mixin class for handling tooltool manifests. + To use a tooltool server other than the Mozilla server, set + TOOLTOOL_HOST in the environment. + """ + + def tooltool_fetch(self, manifest, output_dir=None, privileged=False, cache=None): + """docstring for tooltool_fetch""" + if cache is None: + cache = os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE") + + for d in (output_dir, cache): + if d is not None and not os.path.exists(d): + self.mkdir_p(d) + if self.topsrcdir: + cmd = [ + sys.executable, + "-u", + os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, "mach"), + "artifact", + "toolchain", + "-v", + ] + else: + cmd = [ + sys.executable, + "-u", + os.path.join(_external_tools_path, "tooltool.py"), + ] + + if self.topsrcdir: + cmd.extend(["--tooltool-manifest", manifest]) + cmd.extend( + ["--artifact-manifest", os.path.join(self.topsrcdir, "toolchains.json")] + ) + else: + cmd.extend(["fetch", "-m", manifest, "-o"]) + + if cache: + cmd.extend(["--cache-dir" if self.topsrcdir else "-c", cache]) + + timeout = self.config.get("tooltool_timeout", 10 * 60) + + self.retry( + self.run_command, + args=(cmd,), + kwargs={ + "cwd": output_dir, + "error_list": TooltoolErrorList, + "privileged": privileged, + "output_timeout": timeout, + }, + good_statuses=(0,), + error_message="Tooltool %s fetch failed!" % manifest, + error_level=FATAL, + ) + + def create_tooltool_manifest(self, contents, path=None): + """Currently just creates a manifest, given the contents. + We may want a template and individual values in the future? + """ + if path is None: + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + path = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tooltool.tt") + self.write_to_file(path, contents, error_level=FATAL) + return path diff --git a/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/vcstools.py b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/vcstools.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..974923b6ec --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/mozharness/mozilla/vcstools.py @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""vcstools.py + +Author: Armen Zambrano G. +""" +import os + +from mozharness.base.script import PreScriptAction +from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import VCSScript + +VCS_TOOLS = ("gittool.py",) + + +class VCSToolsScript(VCSScript): + """This script allows us to fetch gittool.py if + we're running the script on developer mode. + """ + + @PreScriptAction("checkout") + def _pre_checkout(self, action): + if self.config.get("developer_mode"): + # We put them on base_work_dir to prevent the clobber action + # to delete them before we use them + for vcs_tool in VCS_TOOLS: + file_path = self.query_exe(vcs_tool) + if not os.path.exists(file_path): + self.download_file( + url=self.config[vcs_tool], + file_name=file_path, + parent_dir=os.path.dirname(file_path), + create_parent_dir=True, + ) + self.chmod(file_path, 0o755) + else: + # We simply verify that everything is in order + # or if the user forgot to specify developer mode + for vcs_tool in VCS_TOOLS: + file_path = self.which(vcs_tool) + + if not file_path: + file_path = self.query_exe(vcs_tool) + + # If the tool is specified and it is a list is + # because we're running on Windows and we won't check + if type(self.query_exe(vcs_tool)) is list: + continue + + if file_path is None: + self.fatal( + "This machine is missing %s, if this is your " + "local machine you can use --cfg " + "developer_config.py" % vcs_tool + ) + elif not self.is_exe(file_path): + self.critical("%s is not executable." % file_path) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/requirements.txt b/testing/mozharness/requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..280fb749e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# These packages are needed for mozharness unit tests. +# Output from 'pip freeze'; we may be able to use other versions of the below packages. +Cython==0.14.1 +Fabric==1.6.0 +PyYAML==6.0 +coverage==3.6 +distribute==0.6.35 +dulwich==0.19.6 +hg-git==0.4.0 +logilab-astng==0.24.2 +logilab-common==1.4.2 +mercurial==4.3.1 +mock==1.0.1 +nose==1.2.1 +ordereddict==1.1 +paramiko==1.10.0 +pycrypto==2.6.1 +pyflakes==0.6.1 +pylint==0.27.0 +simplejson==2.1.1 +unittest2==0.5.1 +virtualenv==1.5.1 +wsgiref==0.1.2 +urllib3==1.9.1 +google-api-python-client==1.5.1 +oauth2client==1.4.2 diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_emulator_pgo.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_emulator_pgo.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c8309b303 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_emulator_pgo.py @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +import copy +import glob +import json +import os +import posixpath +import subprocess +import sys +import time + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript, PreScriptAction +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import EXIT_STATUS_DICT, TBPL_RETRY +from mozharness.mozilla.mozbase import MozbaseMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.android import AndroidMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options + +PAGES = [ + "js-input/webkit/PerformanceTests/Speedometer/index.html", + "blueprint/sample.html", + "blueprint/forms.html", + "blueprint/grid.html", + "blueprint/elements.html", + "js-input/3d-thingy.html", + "js-input/crypto-otp.html", + "js-input/sunspider/3d-cube.html", + "js-input/sunspider/3d-morph.html", + "js-input/sunspider/3d-raytrace.html", + "js-input/sunspider/access-binary-trees.html", + "js-input/sunspider/access-fannkuch.html", + "js-input/sunspider/access-nbody.html", + "js-input/sunspider/access-nsieve.html", + "js-input/sunspider/bitops-3bit-bits-in-byte.html", + "js-input/sunspider/bitops-bits-in-byte.html", + "js-input/sunspider/bitops-bitwise-and.html", + "js-input/sunspider/bitops-nsieve-bits.html", + "js-input/sunspider/controlflow-recursive.html", + "js-input/sunspider/crypto-aes.html", + "js-input/sunspider/crypto-md5.html", + "js-input/sunspider/crypto-sha1.html", + "js-input/sunspider/date-format-tofte.html", + "js-input/sunspider/date-format-xparb.html", + "js-input/sunspider/math-cordic.html", + "js-input/sunspider/math-partial-sums.html", + "js-input/sunspider/math-spectral-norm.html", + "js-input/sunspider/regexp-dna.html", + "js-input/sunspider/string-base64.html", + "js-input/sunspider/string-fasta.html", + "js-input/sunspider/string-tagcloud.html", + "js-input/sunspider/string-unpack-code.html", + "js-input/sunspider/string-validate-input.html", +] + + +class AndroidProfileRun(TestingMixin, BaseScript, MozbaseMixin, AndroidMixin): + """ + Mozharness script to generate an android PGO profile using the emulator + """ + + config_options = copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) + + def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): + super(AndroidProfileRun, self).__init__( + config_options=self.config_options, + all_actions=[ + "download", + "create-virtualenv", + "start-emulator", + "verify-device", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + require_config_file=require_config_file, + config={ + "virtualenv_modules": [], + "virtualenv_requirements": [], + "require_test_zip": True, + "mozbase_requirements": "mozbase_source_requirements.txt", + }, + ) + + # these are necessary since self.config is read only + c = self.config + self.installer_path = c.get("installer_path") + self.device_serial = "emulator-5554" + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + abs_dirs = super(AndroidProfileRun, self).query_abs_dirs() + dirs = {} + + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_src_dir"], "testing") + dirs["abs_xre_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "hostutils") + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"] = "/builds/worker/artifacts/blobber_upload_dir" + work_dir = os.environ.get("MOZ_FETCHES_DIR") or abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"] + dirs["abs_sdk_dir"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "android-sdk-linux") + dirs["abs_avds_dir"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "android-device") + dirs["abs_bundletool_path"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "bundletool.jar") + + for key in dirs.keys(): + if key not in abs_dirs: + abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + ########################################## + # Actions for AndroidProfileRun # + ########################################## + + def preflight_install(self): + # in the base class, this checks for mozinstall, but we don't use it + pass + + @PreScriptAction("create-virtualenv") + def pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + self.register_virtualenv_module( + "marionette", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "marionette", "client"), + ) + + def download(self): + """ + Download host utilities + """ + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + self.xre_path = self.download_hostutils(dirs["abs_xre_dir"]) + + def install(self): + """ + Install APKs on the device. + """ + assert ( + self.installer_path is not None + ), "Either add installer_path to the config or use --installer-path." + self.install_android_app(self.installer_path) + self.info("Finished installing apps for %s" % self.device_serial) + + def run_tests(self): + """ + Generate the PGO profile data + """ + from marionette_driver.marionette import Marionette + from mozdevice import ADBDeviceFactory, ADBTimeoutError + from mozhttpd import MozHttpd + from mozprofile import Preferences + from six import string_types + + app = self.query_package_name() + + IP = "" + PORT = 8888 + + PATH_MAPPINGS = { + "/js-input/webkit/PerformanceTests": "third_party/webkit/PerformanceTests", + } + + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + topsrcdir = dirs["abs_src_dir"] + adb = self.query_exe("adb") + + path_mappings = { + k: os.path.join(topsrcdir, v) for k, v in PATH_MAPPINGS.items() + } + httpd = MozHttpd( + port=PORT, + docroot=os.path.join(topsrcdir, "build", "pgo"), + path_mappings=path_mappings, + ) + httpd.start(block=False) + + profile_data_dir = os.path.join(topsrcdir, "testing", "profiles") + with open(os.path.join(profile_data_dir, "profiles.json"), "r") as fh: + base_profiles = json.load(fh)["profileserver"] + + prefpaths = [ + os.path.join(profile_data_dir, profile, "user.js") + for profile in base_profiles + ] + + prefs = {} + for path in prefpaths: + prefs.update(Preferences.read_prefs(path)) + + interpolation = {"server": "%s:%d" % httpd.httpd.server_address, "OOP": "false"} + for k, v in prefs.items(): + if isinstance(v, string_types): + v = v.format(**interpolation) + prefs[k] = Preferences.cast(v) + + outputdir = self.config.get("output_directory", "/sdcard/pgo_profile") + jarlog = posixpath.join(outputdir, "en-US.log") + profdata = posixpath.join(outputdir, "default_%p_random_%m.profraw") + + env = {} + env["XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK"] = "warn" + env["MOZ_IN_AUTOMATION"] = "1" + env["MOZ_JAR_LOG_FILE"] = jarlog + env["LLVM_PROFILE_FILE"] = profdata + + if self.query_minidump_stackwalk(): + os.environ["MINIDUMP_STACKWALK"] = self.minidump_stackwalk_path + os.environ["MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH"] = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + if not self.symbols_path: + self.symbols_path = os.environ.get("MOZ_FETCHES_DIR") + + # Force test_root to be on the sdcard for android pgo + # builds which fail for Android 4.3 when profiles are located + # in /data/local/tmp/test_root with + # E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: Gecko + # E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: \ + # Profile directory must be writable if specified: /data/local/tmp/test_root/profile + # This occurs when .can-write-sentinel is written to + # the profile in + # mobile/android/geckoview/src/main/java/org/mozilla/gecko/GeckoProfile.java. + # This is not a problem on later versions of Android. This + # over-ride of test_root should be removed when Android 4.3 is no + # longer supported. + sdcard_test_root = "/sdcard/test_root" + adbdevice = ADBDeviceFactory( + adb=adb, device="emulator-5554", test_root=sdcard_test_root + ) + if adbdevice.test_root != sdcard_test_root: + # If the test_root was previously set and shared + # the initializer will not have updated the shared + # value. Force it to match the sdcard_test_root. + adbdevice.test_root = sdcard_test_root + adbdevice.mkdir(outputdir, parents=True) + + try: + # Run Fennec a first time to initialize its profile + driver = Marionette( + app="fennec", + package_name=app, + adb_path=adb, + bin="geckoview-androidTest.apk", + prefs=prefs, + connect_to_running_emulator=True, + startup_timeout=1000, + env=env, + symbols_path=self.symbols_path, + ) + driver.start_session() + + # Now generate the profile and wait for it to complete + for page in PAGES: + driver.navigate("http://%s:%d/%s" % (IP, PORT, page)) + timeout = 2 + if "Speedometer/index.html" in page: + # The Speedometer test actually runs many tests internally in + # javascript, so it needs extra time to run through them. The + # emulator doesn't get very far through the whole suite, but + # this extra time at least lets some of them process. + timeout = 360 + time.sleep(timeout) + + driver.set_context("chrome") + driver.execute_script( + """ + let cancelQuit = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"] + .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsPRBool); + Services.obs.notifyObservers(cancelQuit, "quit-application-requested", null); + return cancelQuit.data; + """ + ) + driver.execute_script( + """ + Services.startup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit) + """ + ) + + # There is a delay between execute_script() returning and the profile data + # actually getting written out, so poll the device until we get a profile. + for i in range(50): + if not adbdevice.process_exist(app): + break + time.sleep(2) + else: + raise Exception("Android App (%s) never quit" % app) + + # Pull all the profraw files and en-US.log + adbdevice.pull(outputdir, "/builds/worker/workspace/") + except ADBTimeoutError: + self.fatal( + "INFRA-ERROR: Failed with an ADBTimeoutError", + EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_RETRY], + ) + + profraw_files = glob.glob("/builds/worker/workspace/*.profraw") + if not profraw_files: + self.fatal("Could not find any profraw files in /builds/worker/workspace") + merge_cmd = [ + os.path.join(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"], "clang/bin/llvm-profdata"), + "merge", + "-o", + "/builds/worker/workspace/merged.profdata", + ] + profraw_files + rc = subprocess.call(merge_cmd) + if rc != 0: + self.fatal( + "INFRA-ERROR: Failed to merge profile data. Corrupt profile?", + EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_RETRY], + ) + + # tarfile doesn't support xz in this version of Python + tar_cmd = [ + "tar", + "-acvf", + "/builds/worker/artifacts/profdata.tar.xz", + "-C", + "/builds/worker/workspace", + "merged.profdata", + "en-US.log", + ] + subprocess.check_call(tar_cmd) + + httpd.stop() + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + test = AndroidProfileRun() + test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_emulator_unittest.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_emulator_unittest.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..47cf13dde3 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_emulator_unittest.py @@ -0,0 +1,550 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +import copy +import datetime +import json +import os +import subprocess +import sys + +# load modules from parent dir +here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(here)) + +from mozharness.base.log import WARNING +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript, PreScriptAction +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import TBPL_RETRY +from mozharness.mozilla.mozbase import MozbaseMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.android import AndroidMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.codecoverage import ( + CodeCoverageMixin, + code_coverage_config_options, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options + +SUITE_DEFAULT_E10S = ["geckoview-junit", "mochitest", "reftest"] +SUITE_NO_E10S = ["cppunittest", "gtest", "jittest", "xpcshell"] +SUITE_REPEATABLE = ["mochitest", "reftest", "xpcshell"] + + +class AndroidEmulatorTest( + TestingMixin, BaseScript, MozbaseMixin, CodeCoverageMixin, AndroidMixin +): + """ + A mozharness script for Android functional tests (like mochitests and reftests) + run on an Android emulator. This script starts and manages an Android emulator + for the duration of the required tests. This is like desktop_unittest.py, but + for Android emulator test platforms. + """ + + config_options = ( + [ + [ + ["--test-suite"], + {"action": "store", "dest": "test_suite", "default": None}, + ], + [ + ["--total-chunk"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "total_chunks", + "default": None, + "help": "Number of total chunks", + }, + ], + [ + ["--this-chunk"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "this_chunk", + "default": None, + "help": "Number of this chunk", + }, + ], + [ + ["--enable-xorigin-tests"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "enable_xorigin_tests", + "default": False, + "help": "Run tests in a cross origin iframe.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--gpu-required"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "gpu_required", + "default": False, + "help": "Run additional verification on modified tests using gpu instances.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--log-raw-level"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "log_raw_level", + "default": "info", + "help": "Set log level (debug|info|warning|error|critical|fatal)", + }, + ], + [ + ["--log-tbpl-level"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "log_tbpl_level", + "default": "info", + "help": "Set log level (debug|info|warning|error|critical|fatal)", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-e10s"], + { + "action": "store_false", + "dest": "e10s", + "default": True, + "help": "Run tests without multiple processes (e10s).", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-fission"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "disable_fission", + "default": False, + "help": "Run without Fission enabled.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--web-content-isolation-strategy"], + { + "action": "store", + "type": "int", + "dest": "web_content_isolation_strategy", + "help": "Strategy used to determine whether or not a particular site should" + "load into a webIsolated content process, see " + "fission.webContentIsolationStrategy.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--repeat"], + { + "action": "store", + "type": "int", + "dest": "repeat", + "default": 0, + "help": "Repeat the tests the given number of times. Supported " + "by mochitest, reftest, crashtest, ignored otherwise.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--setpref"], + { + "action": "append", + "metavar": "PREF=VALUE", + "dest": "extra_prefs", + "default": [], + "help": "Extra user prefs.", + }, + ], + ] + + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) + + copy.deepcopy(code_coverage_config_options) + ) + + def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): + super(AndroidEmulatorTest, self).__init__( + config_options=self.config_options, + all_actions=[ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "start-emulator", + "verify-device", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + require_config_file=require_config_file, + config={ + "virtualenv_modules": [], + "virtualenv_requirements": [], + "require_test_zip": True, + }, + ) + + # these are necessary since self.config is read only + c = self.config + self.installer_url = c.get("installer_url") + self.installer_path = c.get("installer_path") + self.test_url = c.get("test_url") + self.test_packages_url = c.get("test_packages_url") + self.test_manifest = c.get("test_manifest") + suite = c.get("test_suite") + self.test_suite = suite + self.this_chunk = c.get("this_chunk") + self.total_chunks = c.get("total_chunks") + self.xre_path = None + self.device_serial = "emulator-5554" + self.log_raw_level = c.get("log_raw_level") + self.log_tbpl_level = c.get("log_tbpl_level") + # AndroidMixin uses this when launching the emulator. We only want + # GLES3 if we're running WebRender (default) + self.use_gles3 = True + self.disable_e10s = c.get("disable_e10s") + self.disable_fission = c.get("disable_fission") + self.web_content_isolation_strategy = c.get("web_content_isolation_strategy") + self.extra_prefs = c.get("extra_prefs") + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + abs_dirs = super(AndroidEmulatorTest, self).query_abs_dirs() + dirs = {} + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests") + dirs["abs_test_bin_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests", "bin" + ) + dirs["abs_xre_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "hostutils") + dirs["abs_modules_dir"] = os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "modules") + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "blobber_upload_dir" + ) + dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "mochitest" + ) + dirs["abs_reftest_dir"] = os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "reftest") + dirs["abs_xpcshell_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "xpcshell" + ) + work_dir = os.environ.get("MOZ_FETCHES_DIR") or abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"] + dirs["abs_sdk_dir"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "android-sdk-linux") + dirs["abs_avds_dir"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "android-device") + dirs["abs_bundletool_path"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "bundletool.jar") + + for key in dirs.keys(): + if key not in abs_dirs: + abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + def _query_tests_dir(self, test_suite): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + try: + test_dir = self.config["suite_definitions"][test_suite]["testsdir"] + except Exception: + test_dir = test_suite + return os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], test_dir) + + def _get_mozharness_test_paths(self, suite): + test_paths = os.environ.get("MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS") + if not test_paths: + return + + return json.loads(test_paths).get(suite) + + def _build_command(self): + c = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + if self.test_suite not in self.config["suite_definitions"]: + self.fatal("Key '%s' not defined in the config!" % self.test_suite) + + cmd = [ + self.query_python_path("python"), + "-u", + os.path.join( + self._query_tests_dir(self.test_suite), + self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite]["run_filename"], + ), + ] + + raw_log_file, error_summary_file = self.get_indexed_logs( + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], self.test_suite + ) + + str_format_values = { + "device_serial": self.device_serial, + # IP address of the host as seen from the emulator + "remote_webserver": "", + "xre_path": self.xre_path, + "utility_path": self.xre_path, + "http_port": "8854", # starting http port to use for the mochitest server + "ssl_port": "4454", # starting ssl port to use for the server + "certs_path": os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests/certs"), + # TestingMixin._download_and_extract_symbols() will set + # self.symbols_path when downloading/extracting. + "symbols_path": self.symbols_path, + "modules_dir": dirs["abs_modules_dir"], + "installer_path": self.installer_path, + "raw_log_file": raw_log_file, + "log_tbpl_level": self.log_tbpl_level, + "log_raw_level": self.log_raw_level, + "error_summary_file": error_summary_file, + "xpcshell_extra": c.get("xpcshell_extra", ""), + "gtest_dir": os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "gtest"), + } + + user_paths = self._get_mozharness_test_paths(self.test_suite) + + for option in self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite]["options"]: + opt = option.split("=")[0] + # override configured chunk options with script args, if specified + if opt in ("--this-chunk", "--total-chunks"): + if ( + user_paths + or getattr(self, opt.replace("-", "_").strip("_"), None) is not None + ): + continue + + if "%(app)" in option: + # only query package name if requested + cmd.extend([option % {"app": self.query_package_name()}]) + else: + option = option % str_format_values + if option: + cmd.extend([option]) + + if "mochitest" in self.test_suite: + category = "mochitest" + elif "reftest" in self.test_suite or "crashtest" in self.test_suite: + category = "reftest" + else: + category = self.test_suite + if c.get("repeat"): + if category in SUITE_REPEATABLE: + cmd.extend(["--repeat=%s" % c.get("repeat")]) + else: + self.log("--repeat not supported in {}".format(category), level=WARNING) + + # do not add --disable fission if we don't have --disable-e10s + if c["disable_fission"] and category not in ["gtest", "cppunittest"]: + cmd.append("--disable-fission") + + if "web_content_isolation_strategy" in c: + cmd.append( + "--web-content-isolation-strategy=%s" + % c["web_content_isolation_strategy"] + ) + cmd.extend(["--setpref={}".format(p) for p in self.extra_prefs]) + + if not (self.verify_enabled or self.per_test_coverage): + if user_paths: + cmd.extend(user_paths) + elif not (self.verify_enabled or self.per_test_coverage): + if self.this_chunk is not None: + cmd.extend(["--this-chunk", self.this_chunk]) + if self.total_chunks is not None: + cmd.extend(["--total-chunks", self.total_chunks]) + + if category not in SUITE_NO_E10S: + if category in SUITE_DEFAULT_E10S and not c["e10s"]: + cmd.append("--disable-e10s") + elif category not in SUITE_DEFAULT_E10S and c["e10s"]: + cmd.append("--e10s") + + if c.get("enable_xorigin_tests"): + cmd.extend(["--enable-xorigin-tests"]) + + try_options, try_tests = self.try_args(self.test_suite) + cmd.extend(try_options) + if not self.verify_enabled and not self.per_test_coverage: + cmd.extend( + self.query_tests_args( + self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite].get("tests"), + None, + try_tests, + ) + ) + + if self.java_code_coverage_enabled: + cmd.extend( + [ + "--enable-coverage", + "--coverage-output-dir", + self.java_coverage_output_dir, + ] + ) + + return cmd + + def _query_suites(self): + if self.test_suite: + return [(self.test_suite, self.test_suite)] + # per-test mode: determine test suites to run + + # For each test category, provide a list of supported sub-suites and a mapping + # between the per_test_base suite name and the android suite name. + all = [ + ( + "mochitest", + { + "mochitest-plain": "mochitest-plain", + "mochitest-media": "mochitest-media", + "mochitest-plain-gpu": "mochitest-plain-gpu", + }, + ), + ( + "reftest", + { + "reftest": "reftest", + "crashtest": "crashtest", + "jsreftest": "jsreftest", + }, + ), + ("xpcshell", {"xpcshell": "xpcshell"}), + ] + suites = [] + for (category, all_suites) in all: + cat_suites = self.query_per_test_category_suites(category, all_suites) + for k in cat_suites.keys(): + suites.append((k, cat_suites[k])) + return suites + + def _query_suite_categories(self): + if self.test_suite: + categories = [self.test_suite] + else: + # per-test mode + categories = ["mochitest", "reftest", "xpcshell"] + return categories + + ########################################## + # Actions for AndroidEmulatorTest # + ########################################## + + def preflight_install(self): + # in the base class, this checks for mozinstall, but we don't use it + pass + + @PreScriptAction("create-virtualenv") + def pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + requirements = None + suites = self._query_suites() + if ("mochitest-media", "mochitest-media") in suites: + # mochitest-media is the only thing that needs this + requirements = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"], + "websocketprocessbridge", + "websocketprocessbridge_requirements_3.txt", + ) + if requirements: + self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements], two_pass=True) + + def download_and_extract(self): + """ + Download and extract product APK, tests.zip, and host utils. + """ + super(AndroidEmulatorTest, self).download_and_extract( + suite_categories=self._query_suite_categories() + ) + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + self.xre_path = self.download_hostutils(dirs["abs_xre_dir"]) + + def install(self): + """ + Install APKs on the device. + """ + install_needed = (not self.test_suite) or self.config["suite_definitions"][ + self.test_suite + ].get("install") + if install_needed is False: + self.info("Skipping apk installation for %s" % self.test_suite) + return + assert ( + self.installer_path is not None + ), "Either add installer_path to the config or use --installer-path." + self.install_android_app(self.installer_path) + self.info("Finished installing apps for %s" % self.device_serial) + + def run_tests(self): + """ + Run the tests + """ + self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now() + max_per_test_time = datetime.timedelta(minutes=60) + + per_test_args = [] + suites = self._query_suites() + minidump = self.query_minidump_stackwalk() + for (per_test_suite, suite) in suites: + self.test_suite = suite + + try: + cwd = self._query_tests_dir(self.test_suite) + except Exception: + self.fatal("Don't know how to run --test-suite '%s'!" % self.test_suite) + + env = self.query_env() + if minidump: + env["MINIDUMP_STACKWALK"] = minidump + env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"] = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + env["MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH"] = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + env["RUST_BACKTRACE"] = "full" + if self.config["nodejs_path"]: + env["MOZ_NODE_PATH"] = self.config["nodejs_path"] + + summary = {} + for per_test_args in self.query_args(per_test_suite): + if (datetime.datetime.now() - self.start_time) > max_per_test_time: + # Running tests has run out of time. That is okay! Stop running + # them so that a task timeout is not triggered, and so that + # (partial) results are made available in a timely manner. + self.info( + "TinderboxPrint: Running tests took too long: " + "Not all tests were executed.<br/>" + ) + # Signal per-test time exceeded, to break out of suites and + # suite categories loops also. + return + + cmd = self._build_command() + final_cmd = copy.copy(cmd) + if len(per_test_args) > 0: + # in per-test mode, remove any chunk arguments from command + for arg in final_cmd: + if "total-chunk" in arg or "this-chunk" in arg: + final_cmd.remove(arg) + final_cmd.extend(per_test_args) + + self.info("Running the command %s" % subprocess.list2cmdline(final_cmd)) + self.info("##### %s log begins" % self.test_suite) + + suite_category = self.test_suite + parser = self.get_test_output_parser( + suite_category, + config=self.config, + log_obj=self.log_obj, + error_list=[], + ) + self.run_command(final_cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, output_parser=parser) + tbpl_status, log_level, summary = parser.evaluate_parser( + 0, previous_summary=summary + ) + parser.append_tinderboxprint_line(self.test_suite) + + self.info("##### %s log ends" % self.test_suite) + + if len(per_test_args) > 0: + self.record_status(tbpl_status, level=log_level) + self.log_per_test_status(per_test_args[-1], tbpl_status, log_level) + if tbpl_status == TBPL_RETRY: + self.info("Per-test run abandoned due to RETRY status") + return + else: + self.record_status(tbpl_status, level=log_level) + # report as INFO instead of log_level to avoid extra Treeherder lines + self.info( + "The %s suite: %s ran with return status: %s" + % (suite_category, suite, tbpl_status), + ) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + test = AndroidEmulatorTest() + test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_hardware_unittest.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_hardware_unittest.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..065d74557b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_hardware_unittest.py @@ -0,0 +1,477 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +import copy +import datetime +import json +import os +import subprocess +import sys + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +from mozharness.base.log import WARNING +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript, PreScriptAction +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import TBPL_RETRY +from mozharness.mozilla.mozbase import MozbaseMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.android import AndroidMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.codecoverage import CodeCoverageMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options + +SUITE_DEFAULT_E10S = ["geckoview-junit", "mochitest", "reftest"] +SUITE_NO_E10S = ["cppunittest", "gtest", "jittest"] +SUITE_REPEATABLE = ["mochitest", "reftest", "xpcshell"] + + +class AndroidHardwareTest( + TestingMixin, BaseScript, MozbaseMixin, CodeCoverageMixin, AndroidMixin +): + config_options = [ + [["--test-suite"], {"action": "store", "dest": "test_suite", "default": None}], + [ + ["--adb-path"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "adb_path", + "default": None, + "help": "Path to adb", + }, + ], + [ + ["--total-chunk"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "total_chunks", + "default": None, + "help": "Number of total chunks", + }, + ], + [ + ["--this-chunk"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "this_chunk", + "default": None, + "help": "Number of this chunk", + }, + ], + [ + ["--log-raw-level"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "log_raw_level", + "default": "info", + "help": "Set log level (debug|info|warning|error|critical|fatal)", + }, + ], + [ + ["--log-tbpl-level"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "log_tbpl_level", + "default": "info", + "help": "Set log level (debug|info|warning|error|critical|fatal)", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-e10s"], + { + "action": "store_false", + "dest": "e10s", + "default": True, + "help": "Run tests without multiple processes (e10s).", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-fission"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "disable_fission", + "default": False, + "help": "Run with Fission disabled.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--repeat"], + { + "action": "store", + "type": "int", + "dest": "repeat", + "default": 0, + "help": "Repeat the tests the given number of times. Supported " + "by mochitest, reftest, crashtest, ignored otherwise.", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--setpref", + ], + { + "action": "append", + "dest": "extra_prefs", + "default": [], + "help": "Extra user prefs.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--jittest-flags"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "jittest_flags", + "default": "debug", + "help": "Flags to run with jittest (all, debug, etc.).", + }, + ], + ] + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) + + def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): + super(AndroidHardwareTest, self).__init__( + config_options=self.config_options, + all_actions=[ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "verify-device", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + require_config_file=require_config_file, + config={ + "virtualenv_modules": [], + "virtualenv_requirements": [], + "require_test_zip": True, + # IP address of the host as seen from the device. + "remote_webserver": os.environ["HOST_IP"], + }, + ) + + # these are necessary since self.config is read only + c = self.config + self.installer_url = c.get("installer_url") + self.installer_path = c.get("installer_path") + self.test_url = c.get("test_url") + self.test_packages_url = c.get("test_packages_url") + self.test_manifest = c.get("test_manifest") + suite = c.get("test_suite") + self.test_suite = suite + self.this_chunk = c.get("this_chunk") + self.total_chunks = c.get("total_chunks") + self.xre_path = None + self.log_raw_level = c.get("log_raw_level") + self.log_tbpl_level = c.get("log_tbpl_level") + self.disable_e10s = c.get("disable_e10s") + self.disable_fission = c.get("disable_fission") + self.extra_prefs = c.get("extra_prefs") + self.jittest_flags = c.get("jittest_flags") + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + abs_dirs = super(AndroidHardwareTest, self).query_abs_dirs() + dirs = {} + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests") + dirs["abs_test_bin_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests", "bin" + ) + dirs["abs_xre_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "hostutils") + dirs["abs_modules_dir"] = os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "modules") + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "blobber_upload_dir" + ) + dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "mochitest" + ) + dirs["abs_reftest_dir"] = os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "reftest") + dirs["abs_xpcshell_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "xpcshell" + ) + + for key in dirs.keys(): + if key not in abs_dirs: + abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + def _query_tests_dir(self): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + try: + test_dir = self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite]["testsdir"] + except Exception: + test_dir = self.test_suite + return os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], test_dir) + + def _build_command(self): + c = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + if self.test_suite not in self.config["suite_definitions"]: + self.fatal("Key '%s' not defined in the config!" % self.test_suite) + + cmd = [ + self.query_python_path("python"), + "-u", + os.path.join( + self._query_tests_dir(), + self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite]["run_filename"], + ), + ] + + raw_log_file, error_summary_file = self.get_indexed_logs( + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], self.test_suite + ) + + str_format_values = { + "device_serial": self.device_serial, + "remote_webserver": c["remote_webserver"], + "xre_path": self.xre_path, + "utility_path": self.xre_path, + "http_port": "8854", # starting http port to use for the mochitest server + "ssl_port": "4454", # starting ssl port to use for the server + "certs_path": os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests/certs"), + # TestingMixin._download_and_extract_symbols() will set + # self.symbols_path when downloading/extracting. + "symbols_path": self.symbols_path, + "modules_dir": dirs["abs_modules_dir"], + "installer_path": self.installer_path, + "raw_log_file": raw_log_file, + "log_tbpl_level": self.log_tbpl_level, + "log_raw_level": self.log_raw_level, + "error_summary_file": error_summary_file, + "xpcshell_extra": c.get("xpcshell_extra", ""), + "jittest_flags": self.jittest_flags, + } + + user_paths = json.loads(os.environ.get("MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS", '""')) + + for option in self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite]["options"]: + opt = option.split("=")[0] + # override configured chunk options with script args, if specified + if opt in ("--this-chunk", "--total-chunks"): + if ( + user_paths + or getattr(self, opt.replace("-", "_").strip("_"), None) is not None + ): + continue + + if "%(app)" in option: + # only query package name if requested + cmd.extend([option % {"app": self.query_package_name()}]) + else: + option = option % str_format_values + if option: + cmd.extend([option]) + + if user_paths: + if self.test_suite in user_paths: + cmd.extend(user_paths[self.test_suite]) + elif not self.verify_enabled: + if self.this_chunk is not None: + cmd.extend(["--this-chunk", self.this_chunk]) + if self.total_chunks is not None: + cmd.extend(["--total-chunks", self.total_chunks]) + + if "mochitest" in self.test_suite: + category = "mochitest" + elif "reftest" in self.test_suite or "crashtest" in self.test_suite: + category = "reftest" + else: + category = self.test_suite + if c.get("repeat"): + if category in SUITE_REPEATABLE: + cmd.extend(["--repeat=%s" % c.get("repeat")]) + else: + self.log("--repeat not supported in {}".format(category), level=WARNING) + + if category not in SUITE_NO_E10S: + if category in SUITE_DEFAULT_E10S and not c["e10s"]: + cmd.append("--disable-e10s") + elif category not in SUITE_DEFAULT_E10S and c["e10s"]: + cmd.append("--e10s") + + if self.disable_fission and category not in SUITE_NO_E10S: + cmd.append("--disable-fission") + + cmd.extend(["--setpref={}".format(p) for p in self.extra_prefs]) + + try_options, try_tests = self.try_args(self.test_suite) + cmd.extend(try_options) + if not self.verify_enabled and not self.per_test_coverage: + cmd.extend( + self.query_tests_args( + self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite].get("tests"), + None, + try_tests, + ) + ) + + return cmd + + def _query_suites(self): + if self.test_suite: + return [(self.test_suite, self.test_suite)] + # per-test mode: determine test suites to run + all = [ + ( + "mochitest", + { + "mochitest-plain": "mochitest-plain", + "mochitest-plain-gpu": "mochitest-plain-gpu", + }, + ), + ("reftest", {"reftest": "reftest", "crashtest": "crashtest"}), + ("xpcshell", {"xpcshell": "xpcshell"}), + ] + suites = [] + for (category, all_suites) in all: + cat_suites = self.query_per_test_category_suites(category, all_suites) + for k in cat_suites.keys(): + suites.append((k, cat_suites[k])) + return suites + + def _query_suite_categories(self): + if self.test_suite: + categories = [self.test_suite] + else: + # per-test mode + categories = ["mochitest", "reftest", "xpcshell"] + return categories + + ########################################## + # Actions for AndroidHardwareTest # + ########################################## + + def preflight_install(self): + # in the base class, this checks for mozinstall, but we don't use it + pass + + @PreScriptAction("create-virtualenv") + def pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + requirements = None + suites = self._query_suites() + if ("mochitest-media", "mochitest-media") in suites: + # mochitest-media is the only thing that needs this + requirements = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"], + "websocketprocessbridge", + "websocketprocessbridge_requirements_3.txt", + ) + if requirements: + self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements], two_pass=True) + + def download_and_extract(self): + """ + Download and extract product APK, tests.zip, and host utils. + """ + super(AndroidHardwareTest, self).download_and_extract( + suite_categories=self._query_suite_categories() + ) + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + self.xre_path = self.download_hostutils(dirs["abs_xre_dir"]) + + def install(self): + """ + Install APKs on the device. + """ + install_needed = (not self.test_suite) or self.config["suite_definitions"][ + self.test_suite + ].get("install") + if install_needed is False: + self.info("Skipping apk installation for %s" % self.test_suite) + return + assert ( + self.installer_path is not None + ), "Either add installer_path to the config or use --installer-path." + self.uninstall_android_app() + self.install_android_app(self.installer_path) + self.info("Finished installing apps for %s" % self.device_name) + + def run_tests(self): + """ + Run the tests + """ + self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now() + max_per_test_time = datetime.timedelta(minutes=60) + + per_test_args = [] + suites = self._query_suites() + minidump = self.query_minidump_stackwalk() + for (per_test_suite, suite) in suites: + self.test_suite = suite + + try: + cwd = self._query_tests_dir() + except Exception: + self.fatal("Don't know how to run --test-suite '%s'!" % self.test_suite) + env = self.query_env() + if minidump: + env["MINIDUMP_STACKWALK"] = minidump + env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"] = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + env["MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH"] = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + env["RUST_BACKTRACE"] = "full" + + summary = None + for per_test_args in self.query_args(per_test_suite): + if (datetime.datetime.now() - self.start_time) > max_per_test_time: + # Running tests has run out of time. That is okay! Stop running + # them so that a task timeout is not triggered, and so that + # (partial) results are made available in a timely manner. + self.info( + "TinderboxPrint: Running tests took too long: " + "Not all tests were executed.<br/>" + ) + # Signal per-test time exceeded, to break out of suites and + # suite categories loops also. + return + + cmd = self._build_command() + final_cmd = copy.copy(cmd) + if len(per_test_args) > 0: + # in per-test mode, remove any chunk arguments from command + for arg in final_cmd: + if "total-chunk" in arg or "this-chunk" in arg: + final_cmd.remove(arg) + final_cmd.extend(per_test_args) + + self.info( + "Running on %s the command %s" + % (self.device_name, subprocess.list2cmdline(final_cmd)) + ) + self.info("##### %s log begins" % self.test_suite) + + suite_category = self.test_suite + parser = self.get_test_output_parser( + suite_category, + config=self.config, + log_obj=self.log_obj, + error_list=[], + ) + self.run_command(final_cmd, cwd=cwd, env=env, output_parser=parser) + tbpl_status, log_level, summary = parser.evaluate_parser(0, summary) + parser.append_tinderboxprint_line(self.test_suite) + + self.info("##### %s log ends" % self.test_suite) + + if len(per_test_args) > 0: + self.record_status(tbpl_status, level=log_level) + self.log_per_test_status(per_test_args[-1], tbpl_status, log_level) + if tbpl_status == TBPL_RETRY: + self.info("Per-test run abandoned due to RETRY status") + return + else: + self.record_status(tbpl_status, level=log_level) + # report as INFO instead of log_level to avoid extra Treeherder lines + self.info( + "The %s suite: %s ran with return status: %s" + % (suite_category, suite, tbpl_status), + ) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + test = AndroidHardwareTest() + test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_wrench.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_wrench.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..623371431c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/android_wrench.py @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +import datetime +import enum +import os +import subprocess +import sys +import tempfile +import time + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import EXIT_STATUS_DICT, TBPL_FAILURE +from mozharness.mozilla.mozbase import MozbaseMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.android import AndroidMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin + + +class TestMode(enum.Enum): + OPTIMIZED_SHADER_COMPILATION = 0 + UNOPTIMIZED_SHADER_COMPILATION = 1 + SHADER_TEST = 2 + REFTEST = 3 + + +class AndroidWrench(TestingMixin, BaseScript, MozbaseMixin, AndroidMixin): + def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): + # code in BaseScript.__init__ iterates all the properties to attach + # pre- and post-flight listeners, so we need _is_emulator be defined + # before that happens. Doesn't need to be a real value though. + self._is_emulator = None + + # Directory for wrench input and output files. Note that we hard-code + # the path here, rather than using something like self.device.test_root, + # because it needs to be kept in sync with the path hard-coded inside + # the wrench source code. + self.wrench_dir = "/data/data/org.mozilla.wrench/files/wrench" + + super(AndroidWrench, self).__init__() + + # Override AndroidMixin's use_root to ensure we use run-as instead of + # root to push and pull files from the device, as the latter fails due + # to permission errors on recent Android versions. + self.use_root = False + + if self.device_serial is None: + # Running on an emulator. + self._is_emulator = True + self.device_serial = "emulator-5554" + self.use_gles3 = True + else: + # Running on a device, ensure self.is_emulator returns False. + # The adb binary is preinstalled on the bitbar image and is + # already on the $PATH. + self._is_emulator = False + self._adb_path = "adb" + self._errored = False + + @property + def is_emulator(self): + """Overrides the is_emulator property on AndroidMixin.""" + if self._is_emulator is None: + self._is_emulator = self.device_serial is None + return self._is_emulator + + def activate_virtualenv(self): + """Overrides the method on AndroidMixin to be a no-op, because the + setup for wrench doesn't require a special virtualenv.""" + pass + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + + abs_dirs = {} + + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"] = os.path.expanduser("~/.wrench") + if os.environ.get("MOZ_AUTOMATION", "0") == "1": + # In automation use the standard work dir if there is one + parent_abs_dirs = super(AndroidWrench, self).query_abs_dirs() + if "abs_work_dir" in parent_abs_dirs: + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"] = parent_abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"] + + abs_dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "logs") + abs_dirs["abs_apk_path"] = os.environ.get( + "WRENCH_APK", "gfx/wr/target/debug/apk/wrench.apk" + ) + abs_dirs["abs_reftests_path"] = os.environ.get( + "WRENCH_REFTESTS", "gfx/wr/wrench/reftests" + ) + if os.environ.get("MOZ_AUTOMATION", "0") == "1": + fetches_dir = os.environ.get("MOZ_FETCHES_DIR") + work_dir = ( + fetches_dir + if fetches_dir and self.is_emulator + else abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"] + ) + abs_dirs["abs_sdk_dir"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "android-sdk-linux") + abs_dirs["abs_avds_dir"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "android-device") + abs_dirs["abs_bundletool_path"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "bundletool.jar") + else: + mozbuild_path = os.environ.get( + "MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH", os.path.expanduser("~/.mozbuild") + ) + mozbuild_sdk = os.environ.get( + "ANDROID_SDK_HOME", os.path.join(mozbuild_path, "android-sdk-linux") + ) + abs_dirs["abs_sdk_dir"] = mozbuild_sdk + avds_dir = os.environ.get( + "ANDROID_EMULATOR_HOME", os.path.join(mozbuild_path, "android-device") + ) + abs_dirs["abs_avds_dir"] = avds_dir + abs_dirs["abs_bundletool_path"] = os.path.join( + mozbuild_path, "bundletool.jar" + ) + + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + def logcat_start(self): + """Overrides logcat_start in android.py - ensures any pre-existing logcat + is cleared before starting to record the new logcat. This is helpful + when running multiple times in a local emulator.""" + logcat_cmd = [self.adb_path, "-s", self.device_serial, "logcat", "-c"] + self.info(" ".join(logcat_cmd)) + subprocess.check_call(logcat_cmd) + super(AndroidWrench, self).logcat_start() + + def wait_until_process_done(self, process_name, timeout): + """Waits until the specified process has exited. Polls the process list + every 5 seconds until the process disappears. + + :param process_name: string containing the package name of the + application. + :param timeout: integer specifying the maximum time in seconds + to wait for the application to finish. + :returns: boolean - True if the process exited within the indicated + timeout, False if the process had not exited by the timeout. + """ + end_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout) + while self.device.process_exist(process_name, timeout=timeout): + if datetime.datetime.now() > end_time: + stop_cmd = [ + self.adb_path, + "-s", + self.device_serial, + "shell", + "am", + "force-stop", + process_name, + ] + subprocess.check_call(stop_cmd) + return False + time.sleep(5) + + return True + + def setup_sdcard(self, test_mode): + self.device.rm(self.wrench_dir, recursive=True, force=True) + self.device.mkdir(self.wrench_dir, parents=True) + if test_mode == TestMode.REFTEST: + self.device.push( + self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_reftests_path"], + self.wrench_dir + "/reftests", + ) + args_file = os.path.join(self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_work_dir"], "wrench_args") + with open(args_file, "w") as argfile: + if self.is_emulator: + argfile.write("env: WRENCH_REFTEST_CONDITION_EMULATOR=1\n") + else: + argfile.write("env: WRENCH_REFTEST_CONDITION_DEVICE=1\n") + if test_mode == TestMode.OPTIMIZED_SHADER_COMPILATION: + argfile.write("--precache test_init") + elif test_mode == TestMode.UNOPTIMIZED_SHADER_COMPILATION: + argfile.write("--precache --use-unoptimized-shaders test_init") + elif test_mode == TestMode.SHADER_TEST: + argfile.write("--precache test_shaders") + elif test_mode == TestMode.REFTEST: + argfile.write("reftest") + self.device.push(args_file, self.wrench_dir + "/args") + + def run_tests(self, timeout): + self.timed_screenshots(None) + self.device.launch_application( + app_name="org.mozilla.wrench", + activity_name="android.app.NativeActivity", + intent=None, + ) + self.info("App launched") + done = self.wait_until_process_done("org.mozilla.wrench", timeout=timeout) + if not done: + self._errored = True + self.error("Wrench still running after timeout") + + def scrape_log(self): + """Wrench dumps stdout to a file rather than logcat because logcat + truncates long lines, and the base64 reftest images therefore get + truncated. In the past we split long lines and stitched them together + again, but this was unreliable. This scrapes the output file and dumps + it into our main log. + """ + logfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() + self.device.pull(self.wrench_dir + "/stdout", logfile.name) + with open(logfile.name, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: + self.info("=== scraped log output ===") + for line in f: + if "UNEXPECTED-FAIL" in line or "panicked" in line: + self._errored = True + self.error(line) + else: + self.info(line) + self.info("=== end scraped log output ===") + + def setup_emulator(self): + avds_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_avds_dir"] + if not os.path.exists(avds_dir): + self.error("Unable to find android AVDs at %s" % avds_dir) + return + + sdk_path = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_sdk_dir"] + if not os.path.exists(sdk_path): + self.error("Unable to find android SDK at %s" % sdk_path) + return + self.start_emulator() + + def do_test(self): + if self.is_emulator: + self.setup_emulator() + + self.verify_device() + self.info("Logging device properties...") + self.info(self.shell_output("getprop")) + self.info("Installing APK...") + self.install_android_app(self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_apk_path"], replace=True) + + if not self._errored: + self.info("Setting up SD card...") + self.setup_sdcard(TestMode.OPTIMIZED_SHADER_COMPILATION) + self.info("Running optimized shader compilation tests...") + self.run_tests(60) + self.info("Tests done; parsing log...") + self.scrape_log() + + if not self._errored: + self.info("Setting up SD card...") + self.setup_sdcard(TestMode.UNOPTIMIZED_SHADER_COMPILATION) + self.info("Running unoptimized shader compilation tests...") + self.run_tests(60) + self.info("Tests done; parsing log...") + self.scrape_log() + + if not self._errored: + self.info("Setting up SD card...") + self.setup_sdcard(TestMode.SHADER_TEST) + self.info("Running shader tests...") + self.run_tests(60 * 5) + self.info("Tests done; parsing log...") + self.scrape_log() + + if not self._errored: + self.info("Setting up SD card...") + self.setup_sdcard(TestMode.REFTEST) + self.info("Running reftests...") + self.run_tests(60 * 30) + self.info("Tests done; parsing log...") + self.scrape_log() + + self.logcat_stop() + self.info("All done!") + + def check_errors(self): + if self._errored: + self.info("Errors encountered, terminating with error code...") + exit(EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_FAILURE]) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + test = AndroidWrench() + test.do_test() + test.check_errors() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/awsy_script.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/awsy_script.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9071dab75d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/awsy_script.py @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +""" +run awsy tests in a virtualenv +""" + +import copy +import json +import os +import re +import sys + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +import mozharness +import mozinfo +from mozharness.base.log import ERROR, INFO +from mozharness.base.script import PreScriptAction +from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript +from mozharness.mozilla.structuredlog import StructuredOutputParser +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.codecoverage import ( + CodeCoverageMixin, + code_coverage_config_options, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options +from mozharness.mozilla.tooltool import TooltoolMixin + +PY2 = sys.version_info.major == 2 +scripts_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))) +external_tools_path = os.path.join(scripts_path, "external_tools") + + +class AWSY(TestingMixin, MercurialScript, TooltoolMixin, CodeCoverageMixin): + config_options = ( + [ + [ + ["--disable-e10s"], + { + "action": "store_false", + "dest": "e10s", + "default": True, + "help": "Run tests without multiple processes (e10s). (Desktop builds only)", + }, + ], + [ + ["--setpref"], + { + "action": "append", + "dest": "extra_prefs", + "default": [], + "help": "Extra user prefs.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--base"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "test_about_blank", + "default": False, + "help": "Runs the about:blank base case memory test.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--dmd"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "dmd", + "default": False, + "help": "Runs tests with DMD enabled.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--tp6"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "tp6", + "default": False, + "help": "Runs tests with the tp6 pageset.", + }, + ], + ] + + testing_config_options + + copy.deepcopy(code_coverage_config_options) + ) + + error_list = [ + {"regex": re.compile(r"""(TEST-UNEXPECTED|PROCESS-CRASH)"""), "level": ERROR}, + ] + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + + kwargs.setdefault("config_options", self.config_options) + kwargs.setdefault( + "all_actions", + [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + ) + kwargs.setdefault( + "default_actions", + [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "populate-webroot", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + ) + kwargs.setdefault("config", {}) + super(AWSY, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.installer_url = self.config.get("installer_url") + self.tests = None + + self.testdir = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_test_install_dir"] + self.awsy_path = os.path.join(self.testdir, "awsy") + self.awsy_libdir = os.path.join(self.awsy_path, "awsy") + self.webroot_dir = os.path.join(self.testdir, "html") + self.results_dir = os.path.join(self.testdir, "results") + self.binary_path = self.config.get("binary_path") + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + abs_dirs = super(AWSY, self).query_abs_dirs() + + dirs = {} + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "blobber_upload_dir" + ) + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests") + abs_dirs.update(dirs) + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + def download_and_extract(self, extract_dirs=None, suite_categories=None): + ret = super(AWSY, self).download_and_extract( + suite_categories=["common", "awsy"] + ) + return ret + + @PreScriptAction("create-virtualenv") + def _pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): + requirements_files = [ + os.path.join(self.testdir, "config", "marionette_requirements.txt") + ] + + for requirements_file in requirements_files: + self.register_virtualenv_module( + requirements=[requirements_file], two_pass=True + ) + + self.register_virtualenv_module("awsy", self.awsy_path) + + def populate_webroot(self): + """Populate the production test machines' webroots""" + self.info("Downloading pageset with tooltool...") + manifest_file = os.path.join(self.awsy_path, "tp5n-pageset.manifest") + page_load_test_dir = os.path.join(self.webroot_dir, "page_load_test") + if not os.path.isdir(page_load_test_dir): + self.mkdir_p(page_load_test_dir) + self.tooltool_fetch( + manifest_file, + output_dir=page_load_test_dir, + cache=self.config.get("tooltool_cache"), + ) + archive = os.path.join(page_load_test_dir, "tp5n.zip") + unzip = self.query_exe("unzip") + unzip_cmd = [unzip, "-q", "-o", archive, "-d", page_load_test_dir] + self.run_command(unzip_cmd, halt_on_failure=False) + self.run_command("ls %s" % page_load_test_dir) + + def run_tests(self, args=None, **kw): + """ + AWSY test should be implemented here + """ + dirs = self.abs_dirs + env = {} + error_summary_file = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "marionette_errorsummary.log" + ) + + runtime_testvars = { + "webRootDir": self.webroot_dir, + "resultsDir": self.results_dir, + "bin": self.binary_path, + } + + # Check if this is a DMD build and if so enable it. + dmd_enabled = False + dmd_py_lib_dir = os.path.dirname(self.binary_path) + if mozinfo.os == "mac": + # On mac binary is in MacOS and dmd.py is in Resources, ie: + # Name.app/Contents/MacOS/libdmd.dylib + # Name.app/Contents/Resources/dmd.py + dmd_py_lib_dir = os.path.join(dmd_py_lib_dir, "../Resources/") + + dmd_path = os.path.join(dmd_py_lib_dir, "dmd.py") + if self.config["dmd"] and os.path.isfile(dmd_path): + dmd_enabled = True + runtime_testvars["dmd"] = True + + # Allow the child process to import dmd.py + python_path = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH") + + if python_path: + os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = "%s%s%s" % ( + python_path, + os.pathsep, + dmd_py_lib_dir, + ) + else: + os.environ["PYTHONPATH"] = dmd_py_lib_dir + + env["DMD"] = "--mode=dark-matter --stacks=full" + + runtime_testvars["tp6"] = self.config["tp6"] + if self.config["tp6"]: + # mitmproxy needs path to mozharness when installing the cert, and tooltool + env["SCRIPTSPATH"] = scripts_path + env["EXTERNALTOOLSPATH"] = external_tools_path + + runtime_testvars_path = os.path.join(self.awsy_path, "runtime-testvars.json") + runtime_testvars_file = open(runtime_testvars_path, "wb" if PY2 else "w") + runtime_testvars_file.write(json.dumps(runtime_testvars, indent=2)) + runtime_testvars_file.close() + + cmd = ["marionette"] + + test_vars_file = None + if self.config["test_about_blank"]: + test_vars_file = "base-testvars.json" + else: + if self.config["tp6"]: + test_vars_file = "tp6-testvars.json" + else: + test_vars_file = "testvars.json" + + cmd.append( + "--testvars=%s" % os.path.join(self.awsy_path, "conf", test_vars_file) + ) + cmd.append("--testvars=%s" % runtime_testvars_path) + cmd.append("--log-raw=-") + cmd.append("--log-errorsummary=%s" % error_summary_file) + cmd.append("--binary=%s" % self.binary_path) + cmd.append("--profile=%s" % (os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "profile"))) + if not self.config["e10s"]: + cmd.append("--disable-e10s") + cmd.extend(["--setpref={}".format(p) for p in self.config["extra_prefs"]]) + cmd.append( + "--gecko-log=%s" % os.path.join(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "gecko.log") + ) + # TestingMixin._download_and_extract_symbols() should set + # self.symbols_path + cmd.append("--symbols-path=%s" % self.symbols_path) + + if self.config["test_about_blank"]: + test_file = os.path.join(self.awsy_libdir, "test_base_memory_usage.py") + prefs_file = "base-prefs.json" + else: + test_file = os.path.join(self.awsy_libdir, "test_memory_usage.py") + if self.config["tp6"]: + prefs_file = "tp6-prefs.json" + else: + prefs_file = "prefs.json" + + cmd.append( + "--preferences=%s" % os.path.join(self.awsy_path, "conf", prefs_file) + ) + if dmd_enabled: + cmd.append("--setpref=security.sandbox.content.level=0") + cmd.append("--setpref=layout.css.stylo-threads=4") + + cmd.append(test_file) + + env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"] = dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + if not os.path.isdir(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"]): + self.mkdir_p(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"]) + if self.query_minidump_stackwalk(): + env["MINIDUMP_STACKWALK"] = self.minidump_stackwalk_path + env["MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH"] = dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + env["RUST_BACKTRACE"] = "1" + env = self.query_env(partial_env=env) + parser = StructuredOutputParser( + config=self.config, + log_obj=self.log_obj, + error_list=self.error_list, + strict=False, + ) + return_code = self.run_command( + command=cmd, + cwd=self.awsy_path, + output_timeout=self.config.get("cmd_timeout"), + env=env, + output_parser=parser, + ) + + level = INFO + tbpl_status, log_level, summary = parser.evaluate_parser( + return_code=return_code + ) + + self.log( + "AWSY exited with return code %s: %s" % (return_code, tbpl_status), + level=level, + ) + self.record_status(tbpl_status) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + awsy_test = AWSY() + awsy_test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/configtest.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/configtest.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..f846cba0d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/configtest.py @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""configtest.py + +Verify the .json and .py files in the configs/ directory are well-formed. +Further tests to verify validity would be desirable. + +This is also a good example script to look at to understand mozharness. +""" + +import os +import pprint +import sys + +try: + import simplejson as json +except ImportError: + import json + +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript + + +# ConfigTest {{{1 +class ConfigTest(BaseScript): + config_options = [ + [ + [ + "--test-file", + ], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "test_files", + "help": "Specify which config files to test", + }, + ] + ] + + def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): + self.config_files = [] + BaseScript.__init__( + self, + config_options=self.config_options, + all_actions=[ + "list-config-files", + "test-json-configs", + "test-python-configs", + "summary", + ], + default_actions=[ + "test-json-configs", + "test-python-configs", + "summary", + ], + require_config_file=require_config_file, + ) + + def query_config_files(self): + """This query method, much like others, caches its runtime + settings in self.VAR so we don't have to figure out config_files + multiple times. + """ + if self.config_files: + return self.config_files + c = self.config + if "test_files" in c: + self.config_files = c["test_files"] + return self.config_files + self.debug( + "No --test-file(s) specified; defaulting to crawling the configs/ directory." + ) + config_files = [] + for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(sys.path[0], "..", "configs")): + for name in files: + # Hardcode =P + if name.endswith(".json") or name.endswith(".py"): + if not name.startswith("test_malformed"): + config_files.append(os.path.join(root, name)) + self.config_files = config_files + return self.config_files + + def list_config_files(self): + """Non-default action that is mainly here to demonstrate how + non-default actions work in a mozharness script. + """ + config_files = self.query_config_files() + for config_file in config_files: + self.info(config_file) + + def test_json_configs(self): + """Currently only "is this well-formed json?" """ + config_files = self.query_config_files() + filecount = [0, 0] + for config_file in config_files: + if config_file.endswith(".json"): + filecount[0] += 1 + self.info("Testing %s." % config_file) + contents = self.read_from_file(config_file, verbose=False) + try: + json.loads(contents) + except ValueError: + self.add_summary("%s is invalid json." % config_file, level="error") + self.error(pprint.pformat(sys.exc_info()[1])) + else: + self.info("Good.") + filecount[1] += 1 + if filecount[0]: + self.add_summary( + "%d of %d json config files were good." % (filecount[1], filecount[0]) + ) + else: + self.add_summary("No json config files to test.") + + def test_python_configs(self): + """Currently only "will this give me a config dictionary?" """ + config_files = self.query_config_files() + filecount = [0, 0] + for config_file in config_files: + if config_file.endswith(".py"): + filecount[0] += 1 + self.info("Testing %s." % config_file) + global_dict = {} + local_dict = {} + try: + with open(config_file, "r") as f: + exec(f.read(), global_dict, local_dict) + except Exception: + self.add_summary( + "%s is invalid python." % config_file, level="error" + ) + self.error(pprint.pformat(sys.exc_info()[1])) + else: + if "config" in local_dict and isinstance( + local_dict["config"], dict + ): + self.info("Good.") + filecount[1] += 1 + else: + self.add_summary( + "%s is valid python, " + "but doesn't create a config dictionary." % config_file, + level="error", + ) + if filecount[0]: + self.add_summary( + "%d of %d python config files were good." % (filecount[1], filecount[0]) + ) + else: + self.add_summary("No python config files to test.") + + +# __main__ {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + config_test = ConfigTest() + config_test.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_l10n.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_l10n.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..6e401caa8b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_l10n.py @@ -0,0 +1,481 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""desktop_l10n.py + +This script manages Desktop repacks for nightly builds. +""" +import glob +import os +import shlex +import sys + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) # noqa + +from mozharness.base.errors import MakefileErrorList +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript +from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import VCSMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import AutomationMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase import ( + MakeUploadOutputParser, + get_mozconfig_path, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.l10n.locales import LocalesMixin + +try: + import simplejson as json + + assert json +except ImportError: + import json + + +# needed by _map +SUCCESS = 0 +FAILURE = 1 + +SUCCESS_STR = "Success" +FAILURE_STR = "Failed" + + +# DesktopSingleLocale {{{1 +class DesktopSingleLocale(LocalesMixin, AutomationMixin, VCSMixin, BaseScript): + """Manages desktop repacks""" + + config_options = [ + [ + [ + "--locale", + ], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "locales", + "type": "string", + "help": "Specify the locale(s) to sign and update. Optionally pass" + " revision separated by colon, en-GB:default.", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--tag-override", + ], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "tag_override", + "type": "string", + "help": "Override the tags set for all repos", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--en-us-installer-url", + ], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "en_us_installer_url", + "type": "string", + "help": "Specify the url of the en-us binary", + }, + ], + ] + + def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): + # fxbuild style: + buildscript_kwargs = { + "all_actions": [ + "clone-locales", + "list-locales", + "setup", + "repack", + "summary", + ], + "config": { + "ignore_locales": ["en-US"], + "locales_dir": "browser/locales", + "log_name": "single_locale", + "hg_l10n_base": "https://hg.mozilla.org/l10n-central", + }, + } + + LocalesMixin.__init__(self) + BaseScript.__init__( + self, + config_options=self.config_options, + require_config_file=require_config_file, + **buildscript_kwargs + ) + + self.bootstrap_env = None + self.upload_env = None + self.upload_urls = {} + self.pushdate = None + # upload_files is a dictionary of files to upload, keyed by locale. + self.upload_files = {} + + # Helper methods {{{2 + def query_bootstrap_env(self): + """returns the env for repacks""" + if self.bootstrap_env: + return self.bootstrap_env + config = self.config + abs_dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + bootstrap_env = self.query_env( + partial_env=config.get("bootstrap_env"), replace_dict=abs_dirs + ) + + bootstrap_env["L10NBASEDIR"] = abs_dirs["abs_l10n_dir"] + if self.query_is_nightly(): + # we might set update_channel explicitly + if config.get("update_channel"): + update_channel = config["update_channel"] + else: # Let's just give the generic channel based on branch. + update_channel = "nightly-%s" % (config["branch"],) + if not isinstance(update_channel, bytes): + update_channel = update_channel.encode("utf-8") + bootstrap_env["MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL"] = update_channel + self.info( + "Update channel set to: {}".format(bootstrap_env["MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL"]) + ) + self.bootstrap_env = bootstrap_env + return self.bootstrap_env + + def _query_upload_env(self): + """returns the environment used for the upload step""" + if self.upload_env: + return self.upload_env + config = self.config + + upload_env = self.query_env(partial_env=config.get("upload_env")) + # check if there are any extra option from the platform configuration + # and append them to the env + + if "upload_env_extra" in config: + for extra in config["upload_env_extra"]: + upload_env[extra] = config["upload_env_extra"][extra] + + self.upload_env = upload_env + return self.upload_env + + def query_l10n_env(self): + l10n_env = self._query_upload_env().copy() + l10n_env.update(self.query_bootstrap_env()) + return l10n_env + + def _query_make_variable(self, variable, make_args=None): + """returns the value of make echo-variable-<variable> + it accepts extra make arguements (make_args) + """ + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + make_args = make_args or [] + target = ["echo-variable-%s" % variable] + make_args + cwd = dirs["abs_locales_dir"] + raw_output = self._get_output_from_make( + target, cwd=cwd, env=self.query_bootstrap_env() + ) + # we want to log all the messages from make + output = [] + for line in raw_output.split("\n"): + output.append(line.strip()) + output = " ".join(output).strip() + self.info("echo-variable-%s: %s" % (variable, output)) + return output + + def _map(self, func, items): + """runs func for any item in items, calls the add_failure() for each + error. It assumes that function returns 0 when successful. + returns a two element tuple with (success_count, total_count)""" + success_count = 0 + total_count = len(items) + name = func.__name__ + for item in items: + result = func(item) + if result == SUCCESS: + # success! + success_count += 1 + else: + # func failed... + message = "failure: %s(%s)" % (name, item) + self.add_failure(item, message) + return (success_count, total_count) + + # Actions {{{2 + def clone_locales(self): + self.pull_locale_source() + + def setup(self): + """setup step""" + self._run_tooltool() + self._copy_mozconfig() + self._mach_configure() + self._run_make_in_config_dir() + self.make_wget_en_US() + self.make_unpack_en_US() + + def _run_make_in_config_dir(self): + """this step creates nsinstall, needed my make_wget_en_US()""" + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + config_dir = os.path.join(dirs["abs_obj_dir"], "config") + env = self.query_bootstrap_env() + return self._make(target=["export"], cwd=config_dir, env=env) + + def _copy_mozconfig(self): + """copies the mozconfig file into abs_src_dir/.mozconfig + and logs the content + """ + config = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + src = get_mozconfig_path(self, config, dirs) + dst = os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], ".mozconfig") + self.copyfile(src, dst) + self.read_from_file(dst, verbose=True) + + def _mach(self, target, env, halt_on_failure=True, output_parser=None): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + mach = self._get_mach_executable() + return self.run_command( + mach + target, + halt_on_failure=True, + env=env, + cwd=dirs["abs_src_dir"], + output_parser=None, + ) + + def _mach_configure(self): + """calls mach configure""" + env = self.query_bootstrap_env() + target = ["configure"] + return self._mach(target=target, env=env) + + def _get_mach_executable(self): + return [sys.executable, "mach"] + + def _make( + self, + target, + cwd, + env, + error_list=MakefileErrorList, + halt_on_failure=True, + output_parser=None, + ): + """Runs make. Returns the exit code""" + make = ["make"] + if target: + make = make + target + return self.run_command( + make, + cwd=cwd, + env=env, + error_list=error_list, + halt_on_failure=halt_on_failure, + output_parser=output_parser, + ) + + def _get_output_from_make( + self, target, cwd, env, halt_on_failure=True, ignore_errors=False + ): + """runs make and returns the output of the command""" + return self.get_output_from_command( + ["make"] + target, + cwd=cwd, + env=env, + silent=True, + halt_on_failure=halt_on_failure, + ignore_errors=ignore_errors, + ) + + def make_unpack_en_US(self): + """wrapper for make unpack""" + config = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + env = self.query_bootstrap_env() + cwd = os.path.join(dirs["abs_obj_dir"], config["locales_dir"]) + return self._make(target=["unpack"], cwd=cwd, env=env) + + def make_wget_en_US(self): + """wrapper for make wget-en-US""" + env = self.query_bootstrap_env() + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + cwd = dirs["abs_locales_dir"] + return self._make(target=["wget-en-US"], cwd=cwd, env=env) + + def make_upload(self, locale): + """wrapper for make upload command""" + env = self.query_l10n_env() + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + target = ["upload", "AB_CD=%s" % (locale)] + cwd = dirs["abs_locales_dir"] + parser = MakeUploadOutputParser(config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj) + retval = self._make( + target=target, cwd=cwd, env=env, halt_on_failure=False, output_parser=parser + ) + if retval == SUCCESS: + self.info("Upload successful (%s)" % locale) + ret = SUCCESS + else: + self.error("failed to upload %s" % locale) + ret = FAILURE + + if ret == FAILURE: + # If we failed above, we shouldn't even attempt a SIMPLE_NAME move + # even if we are configured to do so + return ret + + # XXX Move the files to a SIMPLE_NAME format until we can enable + # Simple names in the build system + if self.config.get("simple_name_move"): + # Assume an UPLOAD PATH + upload_target = self.config["upload_env"]["UPLOAD_PATH"] + target_path = os.path.join(upload_target, locale) + self.mkdir_p(target_path) + glob_name = "*.%s.*" % locale + matches = ( + glob.glob(os.path.join(upload_target, glob_name)) + + glob.glob(os.path.join(upload_target, "update", glob_name)) + + glob.glob(os.path.join(upload_target, "*", "xpi", glob_name)) + + glob.glob(os.path.join(upload_target, "install", "sea", glob_name)) + + glob.glob(os.path.join(upload_target, "setup.exe")) + + glob.glob(os.path.join(upload_target, "setup-stub.exe")) + ) + targets_exts = [ + "tar.bz2", + "dmg", + "langpack.xpi", + "checksums", + "zip", + "installer.exe", + "installer-stub.exe", + ] + targets = [(".%s" % (ext,), "target.%s" % (ext,)) for ext in targets_exts] + targets.extend([(f, f) for f in ("setup.exe", "setup-stub.exe")]) + for f in matches: + possible_targets = [ + (tail, target_file) + for (tail, target_file) in targets + if f.endswith(tail) + ] + if len(possible_targets) == 1: + _, target_file = possible_targets[0] + # Remove from list of available options for this locale + targets.remove(possible_targets[0]) + else: + # wasn't valid (or already matched) + raise RuntimeError( + "Unexpected matching file name encountered: %s" % f + ) + self.move(os.path.join(f), os.path.join(target_path, target_file)) + self.log("Converted uploads for %s to simple names" % locale) + return ret + + def set_upload_files(self, locale): + # The tree doesn't have a good way of exporting the list of files + # created during locale generation, but we can grab them by echoing the + # UPLOAD_FILES variable for each locale. + env = self.query_l10n_env() + target = [ + "echo-variable-UPLOAD_FILES", + "echo-variable-CHECKSUM_FILES", + "AB_CD=%s" % locale, + ] + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + cwd = dirs["abs_locales_dir"] + # Bug 1242771 - echo-variable-UPLOAD_FILES via mozharness fails when stderr is found + # we should ignore stderr as unfortunately it's expected when parsing for values + output = self._get_output_from_make( + target=target, cwd=cwd, env=env, ignore_errors=True + ) + self.info('UPLOAD_FILES is "%s"' % output) + files = shlex.split(output) + if not files: + self.error("failed to get upload file list for locale %s" % locale) + return FAILURE + + self.upload_files[locale] = [ + os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, f)) for f in files + ] + return SUCCESS + + def make_installers(self, locale): + """wrapper for make installers-(locale)""" + env = self.query_l10n_env() + env["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "utf-8" + self._copy_mozconfig() + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + cwd = os.path.join(dirs["abs_locales_dir"]) + target = [ + "installers-%s" % locale, + ] + return self._make(target=target, cwd=cwd, env=env, halt_on_failure=False) + + def repack_locale(self, locale): + """wraps the logic for make installers and generating + complete updates.""" + + # run make installers + if self.make_installers(locale) != SUCCESS: + self.error("make installers-%s failed" % (locale)) + return FAILURE + + # now try to upload the artifacts + if self.make_upload(locale): + self.error("make upload for locale %s failed!" % (locale)) + return FAILURE + + # set_upload_files() should be called after make upload, to make sure + # we have all files in place (checksums, etc) + if self.set_upload_files(locale): + self.error("failed to get list of files to upload for locale %s" % locale) + return FAILURE + + return SUCCESS + + def repack(self): + """creates the repacks and udpates""" + self._map(self.repack_locale, self.query_locales()) + + def _run_tooltool(self): + env = self.query_bootstrap_env() + config = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + manifest_src = os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST") + if not manifest_src: + manifest_src = config.get("tooltool_manifest_src") + if not manifest_src: + return + python = sys.executable + + cmd = [ + python, + "-u", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], "mach"), + "artifact", + "toolchain", + "-v", + "--retry", + "4", + "--artifact-manifest", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], "toolchains.json"), + ] + if manifest_src: + cmd.extend( + [ + "--tooltool-manifest", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], manifest_src), + ] + ) + cache = config["bootstrap_env"].get("TOOLTOOL_CACHE") + if cache: + cmd.extend(["--cache-dir", cache]) + self.info(str(cmd)) + self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs["abs_src_dir"], halt_on_failure=True, env=env) + + +# main {{{ +if __name__ == "__main__": + single_locale = DesktopSingleLocale() + single_locale.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_partner_repacks.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_partner_repacks.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..4f20663c73 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_partner_repacks.py @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""desktop_partner_repacks.py + +This script manages Desktop partner repacks for beta/release builds. +""" +import os +import sys + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +from mozharness.base.log import FATAL +from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import AutomationMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.secrets import SecretsMixin + + +# DesktopPartnerRepacks {{{1 +class DesktopPartnerRepacks(AutomationMixin, BaseScript, VirtualenvMixin, SecretsMixin): + """Manages desktop partner repacks""" + + actions = [ + "get-secrets", + "setup", + "repack", + "summary", + ] + config_options = [ + [ + ["--version", "-v"], + { + "dest": "version", + "help": "Version of Firefox to repack", + }, + ], + [ + ["--build-number", "-n"], + { + "dest": "build_number", + "help": "Build number of Firefox to repack", + }, + ], + [ + ["--platform"], + { + "dest": "platform", + "help": "Platform to repack (e.g. linux64, macosx64, ...)", + }, + ], + [ + ["--partner", "-p"], + { + "dest": "partner", + "help": "Limit repackaging to partners matching this string", + }, + ], + [ + ["--taskid", "-t"], + { + "dest": "taskIds", + "action": "extend", + "help": "taskId(s) of upstream tasks for vanilla Firefox artifacts", + }, + ], + [ + ["--limit-locale", "-l"], + { + "dest": "limitLocales", + "action": "append", + }, + ], + ] + + def __init__(self): + # fxbuild style: + buildscript_kwargs = { + "all_actions": DesktopPartnerRepacks.actions, + "default_actions": DesktopPartnerRepacks.actions, + "config": { + "log_name": "partner-repacks", + "hashType": "sha512", + "workdir": "partner-repacks", + }, + } + # + + BaseScript.__init__( + self, config_options=self.config_options, **buildscript_kwargs + ) + + def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): + if os.getenv("REPACK_MANIFESTS_URL"): + self.info( + "Overriding repack_manifests_url to %s" + % os.getenv("REPACK_MANIFESTS_URL") + ) + self.config["repack_manifests_url"] = os.getenv("REPACK_MANIFESTS_URL") + if os.getenv("UPSTREAM_TASKIDS"): + self.info("Overriding taskIds with %s" % os.getenv("UPSTREAM_TASKIDS")) + self.config["taskIds"] = os.getenv("UPSTREAM_TASKIDS").split() + + if "version" not in self.config: + self.fatal("Version (-v) not supplied.") + if "build_number" not in self.config: + self.fatal("Build number (-n) not supplied.") + if "repo_file" not in self.config: + self.fatal("repo_file not supplied.") + if "repack_manifests_url" not in self.config: + self.fatal( + "repack_manifests_url not supplied in config or via REPACK_MANIFESTS_URL" + ) + if "taskIds" not in self.config: + self.fatal("Need upstream taskIds from command line or in UPSTREAM_TASKIDS") + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + abs_dirs = super(DesktopPartnerRepacks, self).query_abs_dirs() + for directory in abs_dirs: + value = abs_dirs[directory] + abs_dirs[directory] = value + dirs = {} + dirs["abs_repo_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], ".repo") + dirs["abs_partners_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "partners") + for key in dirs.keys(): + if key not in abs_dirs: + abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + # Actions {{{ + def _repo_cleanup(self): + self.rmtree(self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_repo_dir"]) + self.rmtree(self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_partners_dir"]) + + def _repo_init(self, repo): + partial_env = { + "GIT_SSH_COMMAND": "ssh -oIdentityFile={}".format(self.config["ssh_key"]) + } + status = self.run_command( + [ + repo, + "init", + "--no-repo-verify", + "-u", + self.config["repack_manifests_url"], + ], + cwd=self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_work_dir"], + partial_env=partial_env, + ) + if status: + return status + return self.run_command( + [repo, "sync", "--current-branch", "--no-tags"], + cwd=self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_work_dir"], + partial_env=partial_env, + ) + + def setup(self): + """setup step""" + repo = self.download_file( + self.config["repo_file"], + file_name="repo", + parent_dir=self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_work_dir"], + error_level=FATAL, + ) + if not os.path.exists(repo): + self.fatal("Unable to download repo tool.") + self.chmod(repo, 0o755) + self.retry( + self._repo_init, + args=(repo,), + error_level=FATAL, + cleanup=self._repo_cleanup(), + good_statuses=[0], + sleeptime=5, + ) + + def repack(self): + """creates the repacks""" + repack_cmd = [ + "./mach", + "python", + "python/mozrelease/mozrelease/partner_repack.py", + "-v", + self.config["version"], + "-n", + str(self.config["build_number"]), + ] + if self.config.get("platform"): + repack_cmd.extend(["--platform", self.config["platform"]]) + if self.config.get("partner"): + repack_cmd.extend(["--partner", self.config["partner"]]) + if self.config.get("taskIds"): + for taskId in self.config["taskIds"]: + repack_cmd.extend(["--taskid", taskId]) + if self.config.get("limitLocales"): + for locale in self.config["limitLocales"]: + repack_cmd.extend(["--limit-locale", locale]) + + self.run_command(repack_cmd, cwd=os.environ["GECKO_PATH"], halt_on_failure=True) + + +# main {{{ +if __name__ == "__main__": + partner_repacks = DesktopPartnerRepacks() + partner_repacks.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_unittest.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_unittest.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..b2bf44c2b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/desktop_unittest.py @@ -0,0 +1,1331 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, + +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""desktop_unittest.py + +author: Jordan Lund +""" + +import copy +import glob +import json +import multiprocessing +import os +import re +import shutil +import sys +from datetime import datetime, timedelta + +# load modules from parent dir +here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(here)) + +from mozfile import load_source +from mozharness.base.errors import BaseErrorList +from mozharness.base.log import INFO, WARNING +from mozharness.base.script import PreScriptAction +from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import TBPL_EXCEPTION, TBPL_RETRY +from mozharness.mozilla.mozbase import MozbaseMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.structuredlog import StructuredOutputParser +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.codecoverage import ( + CodeCoverageMixin, + code_coverage_config_options, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors import HarnessErrorList +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import DesktopUnittestOutputParser + +SUITE_CATEGORIES = [ + "gtest", + "cppunittest", + "jittest", + "mochitest", + "reftest", + "xpcshell", +] +SUITE_DEFAULT_E10S = ["mochitest", "reftest"] +SUITE_NO_E10S = ["xpcshell"] +SUITE_REPEATABLE = ["mochitest", "reftest", "xpcshell"] + + +# DesktopUnittest {{{1 +class DesktopUnittest(TestingMixin, MercurialScript, MozbaseMixin, CodeCoverageMixin): + config_options = ( + [ + [ + [ + "--mochitest-suite", + ], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "specified_mochitest_suites", + "type": "string", + "help": "Specify which mochi suite to run. " + "Suites are defined in the config file.\n" + "Examples: 'all', 'plain1', 'plain5', 'chrome', or 'a11y'", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--reftest-suite", + ], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "specified_reftest_suites", + "type": "string", + "help": "Specify which reftest suite to run. " + "Suites are defined in the config file.\n" + "Examples: 'all', 'crashplan', or 'jsreftest'", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--xpcshell-suite", + ], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "specified_xpcshell_suites", + "type": "string", + "help": "Specify which xpcshell suite to run. " + "Suites are defined in the config file\n." + "Examples: 'xpcshell'", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--cppunittest-suite", + ], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "specified_cppunittest_suites", + "type": "string", + "help": "Specify which cpp unittest suite to run. " + "Suites are defined in the config file\n." + "Examples: 'cppunittest'", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--gtest-suite", + ], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "specified_gtest_suites", + "type": "string", + "help": "Specify which gtest suite to run. " + "Suites are defined in the config file\n." + "Examples: 'gtest'", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--jittest-suite", + ], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "specified_jittest_suites", + "type": "string", + "help": "Specify which jit-test suite to run. " + "Suites are defined in the config file\n." + "Examples: 'jittest'", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--run-all-suites", + ], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "run_all_suites", + "default": False, + "help": "This will run all suites that are specified " + "in the config file. You do not need to specify " + "any other suites.\nBeware, this may take a while ;)", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--disable-e10s", + ], + { + "action": "store_false", + "dest": "e10s", + "default": True, + "help": "Run tests without multiple processes (e10s).", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--headless", + ], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "headless", + "default": False, + "help": "Run tests in headless mode.", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--no-random", + ], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "no_random", + "default": False, + "help": "Run tests with no random intermittents and bisect in case of real failure.", # NOQA: E501 + }, + ], + [ + ["--total-chunks"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "total_chunks", + "help": "Number of total chunks", + }, + ], + [ + ["--this-chunk"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "this_chunk", + "help": "Number of this chunk", + }, + ], + [ + ["--allow-software-gl-layers"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "allow_software_gl_layers", + "default": False, + "help": "Permits a software GL implementation (such as LLVMPipe) to use " + "the GL compositor.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--threads"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "threads", + "help": "Number of total chunks", + }, + ], + [ + ["--gpu-required"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "gpu_required", + "default": False, + "help": "Run additional verification on modified tests using gpu instances.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--setpref"], + { + "action": "append", + "metavar": "PREF=VALUE", + "dest": "extra_prefs", + "default": [], + "help": "Defines an extra user preference.", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--repeat", + ], + { + "action": "store", + "type": "int", + "dest": "repeat", + "default": 0, + "help": "Repeat the tests the given number of times. Supported " + "by mochitest, reftest, crashtest, ignored otherwise.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--enable-xorigin-tests"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "enable_xorigin_tests", + "default": False, + "help": "Run tests in a cross origin iframe.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--enable-a11y-checks"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "dest": "a11y_checks", + "help": "Run tests with accessibility checks disabled.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--run-failures"], + { + "action": "store", + "default": "", + "type": "string", + "dest": "run_failures", + "help": "Run only failures matching keyword. " + "Examples: 'apple_silicon'", + }, + ], + [ + ["--crash-as-pass"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "dest": "crash_as_pass", + "help": "treat harness level crash as a pass", + }, + ], + [ + ["--timeout-as-pass"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "dest": "timeout_as_pass", + "help": "treat harness level timeout as a pass", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-fission"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "dest": "disable_fission", + "help": "do not run tests with fission enabled.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--conditioned-profile"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "dest": "conditioned_profile", + "help": "run tests with a conditioned profile", + }, + ], + [ + ["--tag"], + { + "action": "append", + "default": [], + "dest": "test_tags", + "help": "Filter out tests that don't have the given tag. Can be used multiple " + "times in which case the test must contain at least one of the given tags.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--use-http3-server"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "dest": "useHttp3Server", + "help": "Whether to use the Http3 server", + }, + ], + ] + + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) + + copy.deepcopy(code_coverage_config_options) + ) + + def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): + # abs_dirs defined already in BaseScript but is here to make pylint happy + self.abs_dirs = None + super(DesktopUnittest, self).__init__( + config_options=self.config_options, + all_actions=[ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "start-pulseaudio", + "install", + "stage-files", + "run-tests", + "uninstall", + ], + require_config_file=require_config_file, + config={"require_test_zip": True}, + ) + + c = self.config + self.global_test_options = [] + self.installer_url = c.get("installer_url") + self.test_url = c.get("test_url") + self.test_packages_url = c.get("test_packages_url") + self.symbols_url = c.get("symbols_url") + # this is so mozinstall in install() doesn't bug out if we don't run + # the download_and_extract action + self.installer_path = c.get("installer_path") + self.binary_path = c.get("binary_path") + self.abs_app_dir = None + self.abs_res_dir = None + + # Construct an identifier to be used to identify Perfherder data + # for resource monitoring recording. This attempts to uniquely + # identify this test invocation configuration. + perfherder_parts = [] + perfherder_options = [] + suites = ( + ("specified_mochitest_suites", "mochitest"), + ("specified_reftest_suites", "reftest"), + ("specified_xpcshell_suites", "xpcshell"), + ("specified_cppunittest_suites", "cppunit"), + ("specified_gtest_suites", "gtest"), + ("specified_jittest_suites", "jittest"), + ) + for s, prefix in suites: + if s in c: + perfherder_parts.append(prefix) + perfherder_parts.extend(c[s]) + + if "this_chunk" in c: + perfherder_parts.append(c["this_chunk"]) + + if c["e10s"]: + perfherder_options.append("e10s") + + self.resource_monitor_perfherder_id = ( + ".".join(perfherder_parts), + perfherder_options, + ) + + # helper methods {{{2 + def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): + super(DesktopUnittest, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) + c = self.config + if not c.get("run_all_suites"): + return # configs are valid + for category in SUITE_CATEGORIES: + specific_suites = c.get("specified_%s_suites" % (category)) + if specific_suites: + if specific_suites != "all": + self.fatal( + "Config options are not valid. Please ensure" + " that if the '--run-all-suites' flag was enabled," + " then do not specify to run only specific suites " + "like:\n '--mochitest-suite browser-chrome'" + ) + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + abs_dirs = super(DesktopUnittest, self).query_abs_dirs() + + c = self.config + dirs = {} + dirs["abs_work_dir"] = abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"] + dirs["abs_app_install_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "application" + ) + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests") + dirs["abs_test_extensions_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "extensions" + ) + dirs["abs_test_bin_dir"] = os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "bin") + dirs["abs_test_bin_plugins_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_bin_dir"], "plugins" + ) + dirs["abs_test_bin_components_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_bin_dir"], "components" + ) + dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "mochitest" + ) + dirs["abs_reftest_dir"] = os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "reftest") + dirs["abs_xpcshell_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "xpcshell" + ) + dirs["abs_cppunittest_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "cppunittest" + ) + dirs["abs_gtest_dir"] = os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "gtest") + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "blobber_upload_dir" + ) + dirs["abs_jittest_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "jit-test", "jit-test" + ) + + if os.path.isabs(c["virtualenv_path"]): + dirs["abs_virtualenv_dir"] = c["virtualenv_path"] + else: + dirs["abs_virtualenv_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], c["virtualenv_path"] + ) + abs_dirs.update(dirs) + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + + return self.abs_dirs + + def query_abs_app_dir(self): + """We can't set this in advance, because OSX install directories + change depending on branding and opt/debug. + """ + if self.abs_app_dir: + return self.abs_app_dir + if not self.binary_path: + self.fatal("Can't determine abs_app_dir (binary_path not set!)") + self.abs_app_dir = os.path.dirname(self.binary_path) + return self.abs_app_dir + + def query_abs_res_dir(self): + """The directory containing resources like plugins and extensions. On + OSX this is Contents/Resources, on all other platforms its the same as + the app dir. + + As with the app dir, we can't set this in advance, because OSX install + directories change depending on branding and opt/debug. + """ + if self.abs_res_dir: + return self.abs_res_dir + + abs_app_dir = self.query_abs_app_dir() + if self._is_darwin(): + res_subdir = self.config.get("mac_res_subdir", "Resources") + self.abs_res_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(abs_app_dir), res_subdir) + else: + self.abs_res_dir = abs_app_dir + return self.abs_res_dir + + @PreScriptAction("create-virtualenv") + def _pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + self.register_virtualenv_module(name="mock") + self.register_virtualenv_module(name="simplejson") + + requirements_files = [ + os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "config", "marionette_requirements.txt" + ) + ] + + if self._query_specified_suites("mochitest", "mochitest-media") is not None: + # mochitest-media is the only thing that needs this + requirements_files.append( + os.path.join( + dirs["abs_mochitest_dir"], + "websocketprocessbridge", + "websocketprocessbridge_requirements_3.txt", + ) + ) + + for requirements_file in requirements_files: + self.register_virtualenv_module( + requirements=[requirements_file], two_pass=True + ) + + _python_interp = self.query_exe("python") + if "win" in self.platform_name() and os.path.exists(_python_interp): + multiprocessing.set_executable(_python_interp) + + def _query_symbols_url(self): + """query the full symbols URL based upon binary URL""" + # may break with name convention changes but is one less 'input' for script + if self.symbols_url: + return self.symbols_url + + # Use simple text substitution to determine the symbols_url from the + # installer_url. This will not always work: For signed builds, the + # installer_url is likely an artifact in a signing task, which may not + # have a symbols artifact. It might be better to use the test target + # preferentially, like query_prefixed_build_dir_url() does (for future + # consideration, if this code proves troublesome). + symbols_url = None + self.info("finding symbols_url based upon self.installer_url") + if self.installer_url: + for ext in [".zip", ".dmg", ".tar.bz2"]: + if ext in self.installer_url: + symbols_url = self.installer_url.replace( + ext, ".crashreporter-symbols.zip" + ) + if not symbols_url: + self.fatal( + "self.installer_url was found but symbols_url could \ + not be determined" + ) + else: + self.fatal("self.installer_url was not found in self.config") + self.info("setting symbols_url as %s" % (symbols_url)) + self.symbols_url = symbols_url + return self.symbols_url + + def _get_mozharness_test_paths(self, suite_category, suite): + test_paths = json.loads(os.environ.get("MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS", '""')) + + if "-coverage" in suite: + suite = suite[: suite.index("-coverage")] + + if not test_paths or suite not in test_paths: + return None + + suite_test_paths = test_paths[suite] + + if suite_category == "reftest": + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + suite_test_paths = [ + os.path.join(dirs["abs_reftest_dir"], "tests", p) + for p in suite_test_paths + ] + + return suite_test_paths + + def _query_abs_base_cmd(self, suite_category, suite): + if self.binary_path: + c = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + run_file = c["run_file_names"][suite_category] + base_cmd = [self.query_python_path("python"), "-u"] + base_cmd.append(os.path.join(dirs["abs_%s_dir" % suite_category], run_file)) + abs_app_dir = self.query_abs_app_dir() + abs_res_dir = self.query_abs_res_dir() + + raw_log_file, error_summary_file = self.get_indexed_logs( + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], suite + ) + + str_format_values = { + "binary_path": self.binary_path, + "symbols_path": self._query_symbols_url(), + "abs_work_dir": dirs["abs_work_dir"], + "abs_app_dir": abs_app_dir, + "abs_res_dir": abs_res_dir, + "raw_log_file": raw_log_file, + "error_summary_file": error_summary_file, + "gtest_dir": os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "gtest"), + } + + # TestingMixin._download_and_extract_symbols() will set + # self.symbols_path when downloading/extracting. + if self.symbols_path: + str_format_values["symbols_path"] = self.symbols_path + + if suite_category not in SUITE_NO_E10S: + if suite_category in SUITE_DEFAULT_E10S and not c["e10s"]: + base_cmd.append("--disable-e10s") + elif suite_category not in SUITE_DEFAULT_E10S and c["e10s"]: + base_cmd.append("--e10s") + if c.get("repeat"): + if suite_category in SUITE_REPEATABLE: + base_cmd.extend(["--repeat=%s" % c.get("repeat")]) + else: + self.log( + "--repeat not supported in {}".format(suite_category), + level=WARNING, + ) + + # do not add --disable fission if we don't have --disable-e10s + if c["disable_fission"] and suite_category not in [ + "gtest", + "cppunittest", + "jittest", + ]: + base_cmd.append("--disable-fission") + + if c["useHttp3Server"]: + base_cmd.append("--use-http3-server") + + # Ignore chunking if we have user specified test paths + if not (self.verify_enabled or self.per_test_coverage): + test_paths = self._get_mozharness_test_paths(suite_category, suite) + if test_paths: + base_cmd.extend(test_paths) + elif c.get("total_chunks") and c.get("this_chunk"): + base_cmd.extend( + [ + "--total-chunks", + c["total_chunks"], + "--this-chunk", + c["this_chunk"], + ] + ) + + if c["no_random"]: + if suite_category == "mochitest": + base_cmd.append("--bisect-chunk=default") + else: + self.warning( + "--no-random does not currently work with suites other than " + "mochitest." + ) + + if c["headless"]: + base_cmd.append("--headless") + + if c.get("threads"): + base_cmd.extend(["--threads", c["threads"]]) + + if c["enable_xorigin_tests"]: + base_cmd.append("--enable-xorigin-tests") + + if suite_category not in ["cppunittest", "gtest", "jittest"]: + # Enable stylo threads everywhere we can. Some tests don't + # support --setpref, so ignore those. + base_cmd.append("--setpref=layout.css.stylo-threads=4") + + if c["extra_prefs"]: + base_cmd.extend(["--setpref={}".format(p) for p in c["extra_prefs"]]) + + if c["a11y_checks"]: + base_cmd.append("--enable-a11y-checks") + + if c["run_failures"]: + base_cmd.extend(["--run-failures={}".format(c["run_failures"])]) + + if c["timeout_as_pass"]: + base_cmd.append("--timeout-as-pass") + + if c["crash_as_pass"]: + base_cmd.append("--crash-as-pass") + + if c["conditioned_profile"]: + base_cmd.append("--conditioned-profile") + + # Ensure the --tag flag and its params get passed along + if c["test_tags"]: + base_cmd.extend(["--tag={}".format(t) for t in c["test_tags"]]) + + if suite_category not in c["suite_definitions"]: + self.fatal("'%s' not defined in the config!") + + if suite in ( + "browser-chrome-coverage", + "xpcshell-coverage", + "mochitest-devtools-chrome-coverage", + "plain-coverage", + ): + base_cmd.append("--jscov-dir-prefix=%s" % dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"]) + + options = c["suite_definitions"][suite_category]["options"] + if options: + for option in options: + option = option % str_format_values + if not option.endswith("None"): + base_cmd.append(option) + if self.structured_output( + suite_category, self._query_try_flavor(suite_category, suite) + ): + base_cmd.append("--log-raw=-") + return base_cmd + else: + self.warning( + "Suite options for %s could not be determined." + "\nIf you meant to have options for this suite, " + "please make sure they are specified in your " + "config under %s_options" % (suite_category, suite_category) + ) + + return base_cmd + else: + self.fatal( + "'binary_path' could not be determined.\n This should " + "be like '/path/build/application/firefox/firefox'" + "\nIf you are running this script without the 'install' " + "action (where binary_path is set), please ensure you are" + " either:\n(1) specifying it in the config file under " + "binary_path\n(2) specifying it on command line with the" + " '--binary-path' flag" + ) + + def _query_specified_suites(self, category, sub_category=None): + """Checks if the provided suite does indeed exist. + + If at least one suite was given and if it does exist, return the suite + as legitimate and line it up for execution. + + Otherwise, do not run any suites and return a fatal error. + """ + c = self.config + all_suites = c.get("all_{}_suites".format(category), None) + specified_suites = c.get("specified_{}_suites".format(category), None) + + # Bug 1603842 - disallow selection of more than 1 suite at at time + if specified_suites is None: + # Path taken by test-verify + return self.query_per_test_category_suites(category, all_suites) + if specified_suites and len(specified_suites) > 1: + self.fatal( + """Selection of multiple suites is not permitted. \ + Please select at most 1 test suite.""" + ) + return + + # Normal path taken by most test suites as only one suite is specified + suite = specified_suites[0] + if suite not in all_suites: + self.fatal("""Selected suite does not exist!""") + + # allow for fine grain suite selection + ret_val = all_suites[suite] + if sub_category in all_suites: + if all_suites[sub_category] != ret_val: + return None + + return {suite: ret_val} + + def _query_try_flavor(self, category, suite): + flavors = { + "mochitest": [ + ("plain.*", "mochitest"), + ("browser-chrome.*", "browser-chrome"), + ("mochitest-browser-a11y.*", "browser-a11y"), + ("mochitest-browser-media.*", "browser-media"), + ("mochitest-devtools-chrome.*", "devtools-chrome"), + ("chrome", "chrome"), + ], + "xpcshell": [("xpcshell", "xpcshell")], + "reftest": [("reftest", "reftest"), ("crashtest", "crashtest")], + } + for suite_pattern, flavor in flavors.get(category, []): + if re.compile(suite_pattern).match(suite): + return flavor + + def structured_output(self, suite_category, flavor=None): + unstructured_flavors = self.config.get("unstructured_flavors") + if not unstructured_flavors: + return True + if suite_category not in unstructured_flavors: + return True + if not unstructured_flavors.get( + suite_category + ) or flavor in unstructured_flavors.get(suite_category): + return False + return True + + def get_test_output_parser( + self, suite_category, flavor=None, strict=False, **kwargs + ): + if not self.structured_output(suite_category, flavor): + return DesktopUnittestOutputParser(suite_category=suite_category, **kwargs) + self.info("Structured output parser in use for %s." % suite_category) + return StructuredOutputParser( + suite_category=suite_category, strict=strict, **kwargs + ) + + # Actions {{{2 + + # clobber defined in BaseScript, deletes mozharness/build if exists + # preflight_download_and_extract is in TestingMixin. + # create_virtualenv is in VirtualenvMixin. + # preflight_install is in TestingMixin. + # install is in TestingMixin. + + @PreScriptAction("download-and-extract") + def _pre_download_and_extract(self, action): + """Abort if --artifact try syntax is used with compiled-code tests""" + dir = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + self.mkdir_p(dir) + + if not self.try_message_has_flag("artifact"): + return + self.info("Artifact build requested in try syntax.") + rejected = [] + compiled_code_suites = [ + "cppunit", + "gtest", + "jittest", + ] + for category in SUITE_CATEGORIES: + suites = self._query_specified_suites(category) or [] + for suite in suites: + if any([suite.startswith(c) for c in compiled_code_suites]): + rejected.append(suite) + break + if rejected: + self.record_status(TBPL_EXCEPTION) + self.fatal( + "There are specified suites that are incompatible with " + "--artifact try syntax flag: {}".format(", ".join(rejected)), + exit_code=self.return_code, + ) + + def download_and_extract(self): + """ + download and extract test zip / download installer + optimizes which subfolders to extract from tests archive + """ + c = self.config + + extract_dirs = None + + if c.get("run_all_suites"): + target_categories = SUITE_CATEGORIES + else: + target_categories = [ + cat + for cat in SUITE_CATEGORIES + if self._query_specified_suites(cat) is not None + ] + super(DesktopUnittest, self).download_and_extract( + extract_dirs=extract_dirs, suite_categories=target_categories + ) + + def start_pulseaudio(self): + command = [] + # Implies that underlying system is Linux. + if os.environ.get("NEED_PULSEAUDIO") == "true": + command.extend( + [ + "pulseaudio", + "--daemonize", + "--log-level=4", + "--log-time=1", + "-vvvvv", + "--exit-idle-time=-1", + ] + ) + + # Only run the initialization for Debian. + # Ubuntu appears to have an alternate method of starting pulseaudio. + if self._is_debian(): + self._kill_named_proc("pulseaudio") + self.run_command(command) + + # All Linux systems need module-null-sink to be loaded, otherwise + # media tests fail. + self.run_command("pactl load-module module-null-sink") + self.run_command("pactl list modules short") + + def stage_files(self): + for category in SUITE_CATEGORIES: + suites = self._query_specified_suites(category) + stage = getattr(self, "_stage_{}".format(category), None) + if suites and stage: + stage(suites) + + def _stage_files(self, bin_name=None, fail_if_not_exists=True): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + abs_app_dir = self.query_abs_app_dir() + + # For mac these directories are in Contents/Resources, on other + # platforms abs_res_dir will point to abs_app_dir. + abs_res_dir = self.query_abs_res_dir() + abs_res_components_dir = os.path.join(abs_res_dir, "components") + abs_res_plugins_dir = os.path.join(abs_res_dir, "plugins") + abs_res_extensions_dir = os.path.join(abs_res_dir, "extensions") + + if bin_name: + src = os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_bin_dir"], bin_name) + if os.path.exists(src): + self.info( + "copying %s to %s" % (src, os.path.join(abs_app_dir, bin_name)) + ) + shutil.copy2(src, os.path.join(abs_app_dir, bin_name)) + elif fail_if_not_exists: + raise OSError("File %s not found" % src) + self.copytree( + dirs["abs_test_bin_components_dir"], + abs_res_components_dir, + overwrite="overwrite_if_exists", + ) + self.mkdir_p(abs_res_plugins_dir) + self.copytree( + dirs["abs_test_bin_plugins_dir"], + abs_res_plugins_dir, + overwrite="overwrite_if_exists", + ) + if os.path.isdir(dirs["abs_test_extensions_dir"]): + self.mkdir_p(abs_res_extensions_dir) + self.copytree( + dirs["abs_test_extensions_dir"], + abs_res_extensions_dir, + overwrite="overwrite_if_exists", + ) + + def _stage_xpcshell(self, suites): + if "WindowsApps" in self.binary_path: + self.log( + "Skipping stage xpcshell for MSIX tests because we cannot copy files into the installation directory." + ) + return + + self._stage_files(self.config["xpcshell_name"]) + # http3server isn't built for Windows tests or Linux asan/tsan + # builds. Only stage if the `http3server_name` config is set and if + # the file actually exists. + if self.config.get("http3server_name"): + self._stage_files(self.config["http3server_name"], fail_if_not_exists=False) + + def _stage_cppunittest(self, suites): + abs_res_dir = self.query_abs_res_dir() + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + abs_cppunittest_dir = dirs["abs_cppunittest_dir"] + + # move manifest and js fils to resources dir, where tests expect them + files = glob.glob(os.path.join(abs_cppunittest_dir, "*.js")) + files.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(abs_cppunittest_dir, "*.manifest"))) + for f in files: + self.move(f, abs_res_dir) + + def _stage_gtest(self, suites): + abs_res_dir = self.query_abs_res_dir() + abs_app_dir = self.query_abs_app_dir() + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + abs_gtest_dir = dirs["abs_gtest_dir"] + dirs["abs_test_bin_dir"] = os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "bin") + + files = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_bin_plugins_dir"], "gmp-*")) + files.append(os.path.join(abs_gtest_dir, "dependentlibs.list.gtest")) + for f in files: + self.move(f, abs_res_dir) + + self.copytree( + os.path.join(abs_gtest_dir, "gtest_bin"), os.path.join(abs_app_dir) + ) + + def _kill_proc_tree(self, pid): + # Kill a process tree (including grandchildren) with signal.SIGTERM + try: + import signal + + import psutil + + if pid == os.getpid(): + return (None, None) + + parent = psutil.Process(pid) + children = parent.children(recursive=True) + children.append(parent) + + for p in children: + p.send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) + + # allow for 60 seconds to kill procs + timeout = 60 + gone, alive = psutil.wait_procs(children, timeout=timeout) + for p in gone: + self.info("psutil found pid %s dead" % p.pid) + for p in alive: + self.error("failed to kill pid %d after %d" % (p.pid, timeout)) + + return (gone, alive) + except Exception as e: + self.error("Exception while trying to kill process tree: %s" % str(e)) + + def _kill_named_proc(self, pname): + try: + import psutil + except Exception as e: + self.info( + "Error importing psutil, not killing process %s: %s" % pname, str(e) + ) + return + + for proc in psutil.process_iter(): + try: + if proc.name() == pname: + procd = proc.as_dict(attrs=["pid", "ppid", "name", "username"]) + self.info("in _kill_named_proc, killing %s" % procd) + self._kill_proc_tree(proc.pid) + except Exception as e: + self.info("Warning: Unable to kill process %s: %s" % (pname, str(e))) + # may not be able to access process info for all processes + continue + + def _remove_xen_clipboard(self): + """ + When running on a Windows 7 VM, we have XenDPriv.exe running which + interferes with the clipboard, lets terminate this process and remove + the binary so it doesn't restart + """ + if not self._is_windows(): + return + + self._kill_named_proc("XenDPriv.exe") + xenpath = os.path.join( + os.environ["ProgramFiles"], "Citrix", "XenTools", "XenDPriv.exe" + ) + try: + if os.path.isfile(xenpath): + os.remove(xenpath) + except Exception as e: + self.error("Error: Failure to remove file %s: %s" % (xenpath, str(e))) + + def _report_system_info(self): + """ + Create the system-info.log artifact file, containing a variety of + system information that might be useful in diagnosing test failures. + """ + try: + import psutil + + path = os.path.join( + self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "system-info.log" + ) + with open(path, "w") as f: + f.write("System info collected at %s\n\n" % datetime.now()) + f.write("\nBoot time %s\n" % datetime.fromtimestamp(psutil.boot_time())) + f.write("\nVirtual memory: %s\n" % str(psutil.virtual_memory())) + f.write("\nDisk partitions: %s\n" % str(psutil.disk_partitions())) + f.write("\nDisk usage (/): %s\n" % str(psutil.disk_usage(os.path.sep))) + if not self._is_windows(): + # bug 1417189: frequent errors querying users on Windows + f.write("\nUsers: %s\n" % str(psutil.users())) + f.write("\nNetwork connections:\n") + try: + for nc in psutil.net_connections(): + f.write(" %s\n" % str(nc)) + except Exception: + f.write("Exception getting network info: %s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]) + f.write("\nProcesses:\n") + try: + for p in psutil.process_iter(): + ctime = str(datetime.fromtimestamp(p.create_time())) + f.write( + " PID %d %s %s created at %s\n" + % (p.pid, p.name(), str(p.cmdline()), ctime) + ) + except Exception: + f.write("Exception getting process info: %s\n" % sys.exc_info()[0]) + except Exception: + # psutil throws a variety of intermittent exceptions + self.info("Unable to complete system-info.log: %s" % sys.exc_info()[0]) + + # pull defined in VCSScript. + # preflight_run_tests defined in TestingMixin. + + def run_tests(self): + self._remove_xen_clipboard() + self._report_system_info() + self.start_time = datetime.now() + for category in SUITE_CATEGORIES: + if not self._run_category_suites(category): + break + + def get_timeout_for_category(self, suite_category): + if suite_category == "cppunittest": + return 2500 + return self.config["suite_definitions"][suite_category].get("run_timeout", 1000) + + def _run_category_suites(self, suite_category): + """run suite(s) to a specific category""" + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + suites = self._query_specified_suites(suite_category) + abs_app_dir = self.query_abs_app_dir() + abs_res_dir = self.query_abs_res_dir() + + max_per_test_time = timedelta(minutes=60) + max_per_test_tests = 10 + if self.per_test_coverage: + max_per_test_tests = 30 + executed_tests = 0 + executed_too_many_tests = False + xpcshell_selftests = 0 + + if suites: + self.info("#### Running %s suites" % suite_category) + for suite in suites: + if executed_too_many_tests and not self.per_test_coverage: + return False + + replace_dict = { + "abs_app_dir": abs_app_dir, + # Mac specific, but points to abs_app_dir on other + # platforms. + "abs_res_dir": abs_res_dir, + "binary_path": self.binary_path, + "install_dir": self.install_dir, + } + options_list = [] + env = {"TEST_SUITE": suite} + if isinstance(suites[suite], dict): + options_list = suites[suite].get("options", []) + if ( + self.verify_enabled + or self.per_test_coverage + or self._get_mozharness_test_paths(suite_category, suite) + ): + # Ignore tests list in modes where we are running specific tests. + tests_list = [] + else: + tests_list = suites[suite].get("tests", []) + env = copy.deepcopy(suites[suite].get("env", {})) + else: + options_list = suites[suite] + tests_list = [] + + flavor = self._query_try_flavor(suite_category, suite) + try_options, try_tests = self.try_args(flavor) + + suite_name = suite_category + "-" + suite + tbpl_status, log_level = None, None + error_list = BaseErrorList + HarnessErrorList + parser = self.get_test_output_parser( + suite_category, + flavor=flavor, + config=self.config, + error_list=error_list, + log_obj=self.log_obj, + ) + + if suite_category == "reftest": + ref_formatter = load_source( + "ReftestFormatter", + os.path.abspath( + os.path.join(dirs["abs_reftest_dir"], "output.py") + ), + ) + parser.formatter = ref_formatter.ReftestFormatter() + + if self.query_minidump_stackwalk(): + env["MINIDUMP_STACKWALK"] = self.minidump_stackwalk_path + if self.config["nodejs_path"]: + env["MOZ_NODE_PATH"] = self.config["nodejs_path"] + env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"] = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + env["MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH"] = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + env["RUST_BACKTRACE"] = "full" + if not os.path.isdir(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"]): + self.mkdir_p(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"]) + + if self.config["allow_software_gl_layers"]: + env["MOZ_LAYERS_ALLOW_SOFTWARE_GL"] = "1" + + env = self.query_env(partial_env=env, log_level=INFO) + cmd_timeout = self.get_timeout_for_category(suite_category) + + summary = {} + for per_test_args in self.query_args(suite): + # Make sure baseline code coverage tests are never + # skipped and that having them run has no influence + # on the max number of actual tests that are to be run. + is_baseline_test = ( + "baselinecoverage" in per_test_args[-1] + if self.per_test_coverage + else False + ) + if executed_too_many_tests and not is_baseline_test: + continue + + if not is_baseline_test: + if (datetime.now() - self.start_time) > max_per_test_time: + # Running tests has run out of time. That is okay! Stop running + # them so that a task timeout is not triggered, and so that + # (partial) results are made available in a timely manner. + self.info( + "TinderboxPrint: Running tests took too long: Not all tests " + "were executed.<br/>" + ) + # Signal per-test time exceeded, to break out of suites and + # suite categories loops also. + return False + if executed_tests >= max_per_test_tests: + # When changesets are merged between trees or many tests are + # otherwise updated at once, there probably is not enough time + # to run all tests, and attempting to do so may cause other + # problems, such as generating too much log output. + self.info( + "TinderboxPrint: Too many modified tests: Not all tests " + "were executed.<br/>" + ) + executed_too_many_tests = True + + executed_tests = executed_tests + 1 + + abs_base_cmd = self._query_abs_base_cmd(suite_category, suite) + cmd = abs_base_cmd[:] + cmd.extend( + self.query_options( + options_list, try_options, str_format_values=replace_dict + ) + ) + cmd.extend( + self.query_tests_args( + tests_list, try_tests, str_format_values=replace_dict + ) + ) + + final_cmd = copy.copy(cmd) + final_cmd.extend(per_test_args) + + # Bug 1714406: In test-verify of xpcshell tests on Windows, repeated + # self-tests can trigger https://bugs.python.org/issue37380, + # for python < 3.7; avoid by running xpcshell self-tests only once + # per test-verify run. + if ( + (self.verify_enabled or self.per_test_coverage) + and sys.platform.startswith("win") + and sys.version_info < (3, 7) + and "--self-test" in final_cmd + ): + xpcshell_selftests += 1 + if xpcshell_selftests > 1: + final_cmd.remove("--self-test") + + final_env = copy.copy(env) + + if self.per_test_coverage: + self.set_coverage_env(final_env) + + return_code = self.run_command( + final_cmd, + cwd=dirs["abs_work_dir"], + output_timeout=cmd_timeout, + output_parser=parser, + env=final_env, + ) + + if self.per_test_coverage: + self.add_per_test_coverage_report( + final_env, suite, per_test_args[-1] + ) + + # mochitest, reftest, and xpcshell suites do not return + # appropriate return codes. Therefore, we must parse the output + # to determine what the tbpl_status and worst_log_level must + # be. We do this by: + # 1) checking to see if our mozharness script ran into any + # errors itself with 'num_errors' <- OutputParser + # 2) if num_errors is 0 then we look in the subclassed 'parser' + # findings for harness/suite errors <- DesktopUnittestOutputParser + # 3) checking to see if the return code is in success_codes + + success_codes = None + tbpl_status, log_level, summary = parser.evaluate_parser( + return_code, success_codes, summary + ) + parser.append_tinderboxprint_line(suite_name) + + self.record_status(tbpl_status, level=log_level) + if len(per_test_args) > 0: + self.log_per_test_status( + per_test_args[-1], tbpl_status, log_level + ) + if tbpl_status == TBPL_RETRY: + self.info("Per-test run abandoned due to RETRY status") + return False + else: + # report as INFO instead of log_level to avoid extra Treeherder lines + self.info( + "The %s suite: %s ran with return status: %s" + % (suite_category, suite, tbpl_status), + ) + + if executed_too_many_tests: + return False + else: + self.debug("There were no suites to run for %s" % suite_category) + return True + + def uninstall(self): + # Technically, we might miss this step if earlier steps fail badly. + # If that becomes a big issue we should consider moving this to + # something that is more likely to execute, such as + # postflight_run_cmd_suites + if "WindowsApps" in self.binary_path: + self.uninstall_app(self.binary_path) + else: + self.log("Skipping uninstall for non-MSIX test") + + +# main {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + desktop_unittest = DesktopUnittest() + desktop_unittest.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/does_it_crash.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/does_it_crash.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..0c54b63131 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/does_it_crash.py @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +""" does_it_crash.py + + Runs a thing to see if it crashes within a set period. +""" +import os +import sys + +import requests + +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +import mozinstall +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript +from mozprocess import ProcessHandler + + +class DoesItCrash(BaseScript): + config_options = [ + [ + [ + "--thing-url", + ], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "thing_url", + "type": str, + "help": "An URL that points to a package containing the thing to run", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--thing-to-run", + ], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "thing_to_run", + "type": str, + "help": "The thing to run. If --thing-url is a package, this should be " + "its location relative to the root of the package.", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--thing-arg", + ], + { + "action": "append", + "dest": "thing_args", + "type": str, + "default": [], + "help": "Args for the thing. May be passed multiple times", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--run-for", + ], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "run_for", + "default": 30, + "type": int, + "help": "How long to run the thing for, in seconds", + }, + ], + ] + + def __init__(self): + super(DoesItCrash, self).__init__( + all_actions=[ + "download", + "run-thing", + ], + default_actions=[ + "download", + "run-thing", + ], + config_options=self.config_options, + ) + + def downloadFile(self, url, file_name): + req = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=30) + file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), file_name) + + with open(file_path, "wb") as f: + for chunk in req.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): + if not chunk: + continue + f.write(chunk) + f.flush() + return file_path + + def download(self): + url = self.config["thing_url"] + fn = "thing." + url.split(".")[-1] + self.downloadFile(url=url, file_name=fn) + if mozinstall.is_installer(fn): + self.install_dir = mozinstall.install(fn, "thing") + else: + self.install_dir = "" + + def run_thing(self): + thing = os.path.abspath( + os.path.join(self.install_dir, self.config["thing_to_run"]) + ) + # thing_args is a LockedTuple, which mozprocess doesn't like + args = list(self.config["thing_args"]) + timeout = self.config["run_for"] + + self.log(f"Running {thing} with args {args}") + p = ProcessHandler( + thing, + args=args, + shell=False, + storeOutput=True, + kill_on_timeout=True, + stream=False, + ) + p.run(timeout) + # Wait for the timeout + a grace period (to make sure we don't interrupt + # process tear down). + # Without this, this script could potentially hang + p.wait(timeout + 10) + if not p.timedOut: + # It crashed, oh no! + self.critical( + f"TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL: {thing} did not run for {timeout} seconds" + ) + self.critical("Output was:") + for l in p.output: + self.critical(l) + self.fatal("fail") + else: + self.info(f"PASS: {thing} ran successfully for {timeout} seconds") + + +# __main__ {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + crashit = DoesItCrash() + crashit.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_ui_tests.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_ui_tests.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b05d0ca5c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/firefox_ui_tests.py @@ -0,0 +1,299 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + + +import copy +import os +import sys + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +from mozharness.base.python import PreScriptAction +from mozharness.mozilla.structuredlog import StructuredOutputParser +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.codecoverage import ( + CodeCoverageMixin, + code_coverage_config_options, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options +from mozharness.mozilla.vcstools import VCSToolsScript + +# General command line arguments for Firefox ui tests +firefox_ui_tests_config_options = ( + [ + [ + ["--allow-software-gl-layers"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "allow_software_gl_layers", + "default": False, + "help": "Permits a software GL implementation (such as LLVMPipe) to use the GL " + "compositor.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--dry-run"], + { + "dest": "dry_run", + "default": False, + "help": "Only show what was going to be tested.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-e10s"], + { + "dest": "e10s", + "action": "store_false", + "default": True, + "help": "Disable multi-process (e10s) mode when running tests.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-fission"], + { + "dest": "disable_fission", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": "Disable fission mode when running tests.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--setpref"], + { + "dest": "extra_prefs", + "action": "append", + "default": [], + "help": "Extra user prefs.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--symbols-path=SYMBOLS_PATH"], + { + "dest": "symbols_path", + "help": "absolute path to directory containing breakpad " + "symbols, or the url of a zip file containing symbols.", + }, + ], + ] + + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) + + copy.deepcopy(code_coverage_config_options) +) + + +class FirefoxUIFunctionalTests(TestingMixin, VCSToolsScript, CodeCoverageMixin): + def __init__( + self, + config_options=None, + all_actions=None, + default_actions=None, + *args, + **kwargs + ): + config_options = config_options or firefox_ui_tests_config_options + actions = [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + "uninstall", + ] + + super(FirefoxUIFunctionalTests, self).__init__( + config_options=config_options, + all_actions=all_actions or actions, + default_actions=default_actions or actions, + *args, + **kwargs + ) + + # Code which runs in automation has to include the following properties + self.binary_path = self.config.get("binary_path") + self.installer_path = self.config.get("installer_path") + self.installer_url = self.config.get("installer_url") + self.test_packages_url = self.config.get("test_packages_url") + self.test_url = self.config.get("test_url") + + if not self.test_url and not self.test_packages_url: + self.fatal("You must use --test-url, or --test-packages-url") + + @PreScriptAction("create-virtualenv") + def _pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + requirements = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "config", "firefox_ui_requirements.txt" + ) + self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements], two_pass=True) + + def download_and_extract(self): + """Override method from TestingMixin for more specific behavior.""" + extract_dirs = [ + "config/*", + "firefox-ui/*", + "marionette/*", + "mozbase/*", + "tools/mozterm/*", + "tools/wptserve/*", + "tools/wpt_third_party/*", + "mozpack/*", + "mozbuild/*", + ] + super(FirefoxUIFunctionalTests, self).download_and_extract( + extract_dirs=extract_dirs + ) + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + + abs_dirs = super(FirefoxUIFunctionalTests, self).query_abs_dirs() + abs_tests_install_dir = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests") + + dirs = { + "abs_blob_upload_dir": os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "blobber_upload_dir" + ), + "abs_fxui_dir": os.path.join(abs_tests_install_dir, "firefox-ui"), + "abs_fxui_manifest_dir": os.path.join( + abs_tests_install_dir, + "firefox-ui", + "tests", + "testing", + "firefox-ui", + "tests", + ), + "abs_test_install_dir": abs_tests_install_dir, + } + + for key in dirs: + if key not in abs_dirs: + abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + + return self.abs_dirs + + def query_harness_args(self, extra_harness_config_options=None): + """Collects specific test related command line arguments. + + Sub classes should override this method for their own specific arguments. + """ + config_options = extra_harness_config_options or [] + + args = [] + for option in config_options: + dest = option[1]["dest"] + name = self.config.get(dest) + + if name: + if type(name) is bool: + args.append(option[0][0]) + else: + args.extend([option[0][0], self.config[dest]]) + + return args + + def run_test(self, binary_path, env=None, marionette_port=2828): + """All required steps for running the tests against an installer.""" + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + # Import the harness to retrieve the location of the cli scripts + import firefox_ui_harness + + cmd = [ + self.query_python_path(), + os.path.join( + os.path.dirname(firefox_ui_harness.__file__), "cli_functional.py" + ), + "--binary", + binary_path, + "--address", + "localhost:{}".format(marionette_port), + # Resource files to serve via local webserver + "--server-root", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_fxui_dir"], "resources"), + # Use the work dir to get temporary data stored + "--workspace", + dirs["abs_work_dir"], + # logging options + "--gecko-log=-", # output from the gecko process redirected to stdout + "--log-raw=-", # structured log for output parser redirected to stdout + # Enable tracing output to log transmission protocol + "-vv", + ] + + # Collect all pass-through harness options to the script + cmd.extend(self.query_harness_args()) + + if not self.config.get("e10s"): + cmd.append("--disable-e10s") + + if self.config.get("disable_fission"): + cmd.append("--disable-fission") + + cmd.extend(["--setpref={}".format(p) for p in self.config.get("extra_prefs")]) + + if self.symbols_url: + cmd.extend(["--symbols-path", self.symbols_url]) + + parser = StructuredOutputParser( + config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, strict=False + ) + + # Add the tests to run + cmd.append( + os.path.join(dirs["abs_fxui_manifest_dir"], "functional", "manifest.ini") + ) + + # Set further environment settings + env = env or self.query_env() + env.update({"MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH": dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"]}) + if self.query_minidump_stackwalk(): + env.update({"MINIDUMP_STACKWALK": self.minidump_stackwalk_path}) + env["RUST_BACKTRACE"] = "full" + + # If code coverage is enabled, set GCOV_PREFIX and JS_CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIR + # env variables + if self.config.get("code_coverage"): + env["GCOV_PREFIX"] = self.gcov_dir + env["JS_CODE_COVERAGE_OUTPUT_DIR"] = self.jsvm_dir + + if self.config["allow_software_gl_layers"]: + env["MOZ_LAYERS_ALLOW_SOFTWARE_GL"] = "1" + + return_code = self.run_command( + cmd, + cwd=dirs["abs_fxui_dir"], + output_timeout=1000, + output_parser=parser, + env=env, + ) + + tbpl_status, log_level, summary = parser.evaluate_parser(return_code) + self.record_status(tbpl_status, level=log_level) + + return return_code + + @PreScriptAction("run-tests") + def _pre_run_tests(self, action): + if not self.installer_path and not self.installer_url: + self.critical( + "Please specify an installer via --installer-path or --installer-url." + ) + sys.exit(1) + + def run_tests(self): + """Run all the tests""" + return self.run_test( + binary_path=self.binary_path, + env=self.query_env(), + ) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + myScript = FirefoxUIFunctionalTests() + myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/fx_desktop_build.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/fx_desktop_build.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..93f46b34ca --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/fx_desktop_build.py @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""fx_desktop_build.py. + +script harness to build nightly firefox within Mozilla's build environment +and developer machines alike + +author: Jordan Lund + +""" + +import os +import sys + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +import mozharness.base.script as script +from mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase import ( + BUILD_BASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS, + BuildingConfig, + BuildScript, +) + + +class FxDesktopBuild(BuildScript, object): + def __init__(self): + buildscript_kwargs = { + "config_options": BUILD_BASE_CONFIG_OPTIONS, + "all_actions": [ + "get-secrets", + "clobber", + "build", + "static-analysis-autotest", + "valgrind-test", + "multi-l10n", + "package-source", + ], + "require_config_file": True, + # Default configuration + "config": { + "is_automation": True, + "debug_build": False, + # nightly stuff + "nightly_build": False, + # Seed all clones with mozilla-unified. This ensures subsequent + # jobs have a minimal `hg pull`. + "clone_upstream_url": "https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified", + "repo_base": "https://hg.mozilla.org", + "build_resources_path": "%(upload_path)s/build_resources.json", + "nightly_promotion_branches": ["mozilla-central", "mozilla-aurora"], + # try will overwrite these + "clone_with_purge": False, + "clone_by_revision": False, + "virtualenv_modules": [ + "requests==2.8.1", + ], + "virtualenv_path": "venv", + }, + "ConfigClass": BuildingConfig, + } + super(FxDesktopBuild, self).__init__(**buildscript_kwargs) + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + abs_dirs = super(FxDesktopBuild, self).query_abs_dirs() + + dirs = { + # BuildFactories in factory.py refer to a 'build' dir on the slave. + # This contains all the source code/objdir to compile. However, + # there is already a build dir in mozharness for every mh run. The + # 'build' that factory refers to I named: 'src' so + # there is a seperation in mh. for example, rather than having + # '{mozharness_repo}/build/build/', I have '{ + # mozharness_repo}/build/src/' + "abs_obj_dir": os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], self._query_objdir()), + "upload_path": self.config["upload_env"]["UPLOAD_PATH"], + } + abs_dirs.update(dirs) + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + # Actions {{{2 + + @script.PreScriptRun + def suppress_windows_modal_dialogs(self, *args, **kwargs): + if self._is_windows(): + # Suppress Windows modal dialogs to avoid hangs + import ctypes + + ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(0x8001) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + fx_desktop_build = FxDesktopBuild() + fx_desktop_build.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/l10n_bumper.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/l10n_bumper.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..e597d5386d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/l10n_bumper.py @@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +""" l10n_bumper.py + + Updates a gecko repo with up to date changesets from l10n.mozilla.org. + + Specifically, it updates l10n-changesets.json which is used by mobile releases. + + This is to allow for `mach taskgraph` to reference specific l10n revisions + without having to resort to task.extra or commandline base64 json hacks. +""" +import codecs +import os +import pprint +import sys +import time + +try: + import simplejson as json + + assert json +except ImportError: + import json + +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +from mozharness.base.errors import HgErrorList +from mozharness.base.log import FATAL +from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import VCSScript + + +class L10nBumper(VCSScript): + config_options = [ + [ + [ + "--ignore-closed-tree", + ], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "ignore_closed_tree", + "default": False, + "help": "Bump l10n changesets on a closed tree.", + }, + ], + [ + [ + "--build", + ], + { + "action": "store_false", + "dest": "dontbuild", + "default": True, + "help": "Trigger new builds on push.", + }, + ], + ] + + def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): + super(L10nBumper, self).__init__( + all_actions=[ + "clobber", + "check-treestatus", + "checkout-gecko", + "bump-changesets", + "push", + "push-loop", + ], + default_actions=[ + "push-loop", + ], + require_config_file=require_config_file, + config_options=self.config_options, + # Default config options + config={ + "treestatus_base_url": "https://treestatus.mozilla-releng.net", + "log_max_rotate": 99, + }, + ) + + # Helper methods {{{1 + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + + abs_dirs = super(L10nBumper, self).query_abs_dirs() + + abs_dirs.update( + { + "gecko_local_dir": os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], + self.config.get( + "gecko_local_dir", + os.path.basename(self.config["gecko_pull_url"]), + ), + ), + } + ) + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + def hg_commit(self, path, repo_path, message): + """ + Commits changes in repo_path, with specified user and commit message + """ + user = self.config["hg_user"] + hg = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") + env = self.query_env(partial_env={"LANG": "en_US.UTF-8"}) + cmd = hg + ["add", path] + self.run_command(cmd, cwd=repo_path, env=env) + cmd = hg + ["commit", "-u", user, "-m", message] + self.run_command(cmd, cwd=repo_path, env=env) + + def hg_push(self, repo_path): + hg = self.query_exe("hg", return_type="list") + command = hg + [ + "push", + "-e", + "ssh -oIdentityFile=%s -l %s" + % ( + self.config["ssh_key"], + self.config["ssh_user"], + ), + "-r", + ".", + self.config["gecko_push_url"], + ] + status = self.run_command(command, cwd=repo_path, error_list=HgErrorList) + if status != 0: + # We failed; get back to a known state so we can either retry + # or fail out and continue later. + self.run_command( + hg + + ["--config", "extensions.mq=", "strip", "--no-backup", "outgoing()"], + cwd=repo_path, + ) + self.run_command(hg + ["up", "-C"], cwd=repo_path) + self.run_command( + hg + ["--config", "extensions.purge=", "purge", "--all"], cwd=repo_path + ) + return False + return True + + def _read_json(self, path): + contents = self.read_from_file(path) + try: + json_contents = json.loads(contents) + return json_contents + except ValueError: + self.error("%s is invalid json!" % path) + + def _read_version(self, path): + contents = self.read_from_file(path).split("\n")[0] + return contents.split(".") + + def _build_locale_map(self, old_contents, new_contents): + locale_map = {} + for key in old_contents: + if key not in new_contents: + locale_map[key] = "removed" + for k, v in new_contents.items(): + if old_contents.get(k, {}).get("revision") != v["revision"]: + locale_map[k] = v["revision"] + elif old_contents.get(k, {}).get("platforms") != v["platforms"]: + locale_map[k] = v["platforms"] + return locale_map + + def _build_platform_dict(self, bump_config): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + repo_path = dirs["gecko_local_dir"] + platform_dict = {} + ignore_config = bump_config.get("ignore_config", {}) + for platform_config in bump_config["platform_configs"]: + path = os.path.join(repo_path, platform_config["path"]) + self.info( + "Reading %s for %s locales..." % (path, platform_config["platforms"]) + ) + contents = self.read_from_file(path) + for locale in contents.splitlines(): + # locale is 1st word in line in shipped-locales + if platform_config.get("format") == "shipped-locales": + locale = locale.split(" ")[0] + existing_platforms = set( + platform_dict.get(locale, {}).get("platforms", []) + ) + platforms = set(platform_config["platforms"]) + ignore_platforms = set(ignore_config.get(locale, [])) + platforms = (platforms | existing_platforms) - ignore_platforms + platform_dict[locale] = {"platforms": sorted(list(platforms))} + self.info("Built platform_dict:\n%s" % pprint.pformat(platform_dict)) + return platform_dict + + def _build_revision_dict(self, bump_config, version_list): + self.info("Building revision dict...") + platform_dict = self._build_platform_dict(bump_config) + revision_dict = {} + if bump_config.get("revision_url"): + repl_dict = { + "MAJOR_VERSION": version_list[0], + "COMBINED_MAJOR_VERSION": str( + int(version_list[0]) + int(version_list[1]) + ), + } + + url = bump_config["revision_url"] % repl_dict + path = self.download_file(url, error_level=FATAL) + revision_info = self.read_from_file(path) + self.info("Got %s" % revision_info) + for line in revision_info.splitlines(): + locale, revision = line.split(" ") + if locale in platform_dict: + revision_dict[locale] = platform_dict[locale] + revision_dict[locale]["revision"] = revision + else: + for k, v in platform_dict.items(): + v["revision"] = "default" + revision_dict[k] = v + self.info("revision_dict:\n%s" % pprint.pformat(revision_dict)) + return revision_dict + + def build_commit_message(self, name, locale_map): + comments = "" + approval_str = "r=release a=l10n-bump" + for locale, revision in sorted(locale_map.items()): + comments += "%s -> %s\n" % (locale, revision) + if self.config["dontbuild"]: + approval_str += " DONTBUILD" + if self.config["ignore_closed_tree"]: + approval_str += " CLOSED TREE" + message = "no bug - Bumping %s %s\n\n" % (name, approval_str) + message += comments + message = message.encode("utf-8") + return message + + def query_treestatus(self): + "Return True if we can land based on treestatus" + c = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + tree = c.get( + "treestatus_tree", os.path.basename(c["gecko_pull_url"].rstrip("/")) + ) + treestatus_url = "%s/trees/%s" % (c["treestatus_base_url"], tree) + treestatus_json = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "treestatus.json") + if not os.path.exists(dirs["abs_work_dir"]): + self.mkdir_p(dirs["abs_work_dir"]) + self.rmtree(treestatus_json) + + self.run_command( + ["curl", "--retry", "4", "-o", treestatus_json, treestatus_url], + throw_exception=True, + ) + + treestatus = self._read_json(treestatus_json) + if treestatus["result"]["status"] != "closed": + self.info( + "treestatus is %s - assuming we can land" + % repr(treestatus["result"]["status"]) + ) + return True + + return False + + # Actions {{{1 + def check_treestatus(self): + if not self.config["ignore_closed_tree"] and not self.query_treestatus(): + self.info("breaking early since treestatus is closed") + sys.exit(0) + + def checkout_gecko(self): + c = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + dest = dirs["gecko_local_dir"] + repos = [ + { + "repo": c["gecko_pull_url"], + "tag": c.get("gecko_tag", "default"), + "dest": dest, + "vcs": "hg", + } + ] + self.vcs_checkout_repos(repos) + + def bump_changesets(self): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + repo_path = dirs["gecko_local_dir"] + version_path = os.path.join(repo_path, self.config["version_path"]) + changes = False + version_list = self._read_version(version_path) + for bump_config in self.config["bump_configs"]: + path = os.path.join(repo_path, bump_config["path"]) + # For now, assume format == 'json'. When we add desktop support, + # we may need to add flatfile support + if os.path.exists(path): + old_contents = self._read_json(path) + else: + old_contents = {} + + new_contents = self._build_revision_dict(bump_config, version_list) + + if new_contents == old_contents: + continue + # super basic sanity check + if not isinstance(new_contents, dict) or len(new_contents) < 5: + self.error( + "Cowardly refusing to land a broken-seeming changesets file!" + ) + continue + + # Write to disk + content_string = json.dumps( + new_contents, + sort_keys=True, + indent=4, + separators=(",", ": "), + ) + fh = codecs.open(path, encoding="utf-8", mode="w+") + fh.write(content_string + "\n") + fh.close() + + locale_map = self._build_locale_map(old_contents, new_contents) + + # Commit + message = self.build_commit_message(bump_config["name"], locale_map) + self.hg_commit(path, repo_path, message) + changes = True + return changes + + def push(self): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + repo_path = dirs["gecko_local_dir"] + return self.hg_push(repo_path) + + def push_loop(self): + max_retries = 5 + for _ in range(max_retries): + changed = False + if not self.config["ignore_closed_tree"] and not self.query_treestatus(): + # Tree is closed; exit early to avoid a bunch of wasted time + self.info("breaking early since treestatus is closed") + break + + self.checkout_gecko() + if self.bump_changesets(): + changed = True + + if not changed: + # Nothing changed, we're all done + self.info("No changes - all done") + break + + if self.push(): + # We did it! Hurray! + self.info("Great success!") + break + # If we're here, then the push failed. It also stripped any + # outgoing commits, so we should be in a pristine state again + # Empty our local cache of manifests so they get loaded again next + # time through this loop. This makes sure we get fresh upstream + # manifests, and avoids problems like bug 979080 + self.device_manifests = {} + + # Sleep before trying again + self.info("Sleeping 60 before trying again") + time.sleep(60) + else: + self.fatal("Didn't complete successfully (hit max_retries)") + + # touch status file for nagios + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + status_path = os.path.join(dirs["base_work_dir"], self.config["status_path"]) + self._touch_file(status_path) + + +# __main__ {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + bumper = L10nBumper() + bumper.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/marionette.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/marionette.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..8052927d2a --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/marionette.py @@ -0,0 +1,455 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + +import copy +import json +import os +import sys + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +from mozharness.base.errors import BaseErrorList, TarErrorList +from mozharness.base.log import INFO +from mozharness.base.script import PreScriptAction +from mozharness.base.transfer import TransferMixin +from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript +from mozharness.mozilla.structuredlog import StructuredOutputParser +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.codecoverage import ( + CodeCoverageMixin, + code_coverage_config_options, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors import HarnessErrorList, LogcatErrorList +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.unittest import TestSummaryOutputParserHelper + + +class MarionetteTest(TestingMixin, MercurialScript, TransferMixin, CodeCoverageMixin): + config_options = ( + [ + [ + ["--application"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "application", + "default": None, + "help": "application name of binary", + }, + ], + [ + ["--app-arg"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "app_arg", + "default": None, + "help": "Optional command-line argument to pass to the browser", + }, + ], + [ + ["--marionette-address"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "marionette_address", + "default": None, + "help": "The host:port of the Marionette server running inside Gecko. " + "Unused for emulator testing", + }, + ], + [ + ["--emulator"], + { + "action": "store", + "type": "choice", + "choices": ["arm", "x86"], + "dest": "emulator", + "default": None, + "help": "Use an emulator for testing", + }, + ], + [ + ["--test-manifest"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "test_manifest", + "default": "unit-tests.ini", + "help": "Path to test manifest to run relative to the Marionette " + "tests directory", + }, + ], + [ + ["--total-chunks"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "total_chunks", + "help": "Number of total chunks", + }, + ], + [ + ["--this-chunk"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "this_chunk", + "help": "Number of this chunk", + }, + ], + [ + ["--setpref"], + { + "action": "append", + "metavar": "PREF=VALUE", + "dest": "extra_prefs", + "default": [], + "help": "Extra user prefs.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--headless"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "headless", + "default": False, + "help": "Run tests in headless mode.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--headless-width"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "headless_width", + "default": "1600", + "help": "Specify headless virtual screen width (default: 1600).", + }, + ], + [ + ["--headless-height"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "headless_height", + "default": "1200", + "help": "Specify headless virtual screen height (default: 1200).", + }, + ], + [ + ["--allow-software-gl-layers"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "allow_software_gl_layers", + "default": False, + "help": "Permits a software GL implementation (such as LLVMPipe) to use the GL compositor.", # NOQA: E501 + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-fission"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "disable_fission", + "default": False, + "help": "Run the browser without fission enabled", + }, + ], + ] + + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) + + copy.deepcopy(code_coverage_config_options) + ) + + repos = [] + + def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): + super(MarionetteTest, self).__init__( + config_options=self.config_options, + all_actions=[ + "clobber", + "pull", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + default_actions=[ + "clobber", + "pull", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + require_config_file=require_config_file, + config={"require_test_zip": True}, + ) + + # these are necessary since self.config is read only + c = self.config + self.installer_url = c.get("installer_url") + self.installer_path = c.get("installer_path") + self.binary_path = c.get("binary_path") + self.test_url = c.get("test_url") + self.test_packages_url = c.get("test_packages_url") + + self.test_suite = self._get_test_suite(c.get("emulator")) + if self.test_suite not in self.config["suite_definitions"]: + self.fatal("{} is not defined in the config!".format(self.test_suite)) + + if c.get("structured_output"): + self.parser_class = StructuredOutputParser + else: + self.parser_class = TestSummaryOutputParserHelper + + def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): + super(MarionetteTest, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) + if not self.config.get("emulator") and not self.config.get( + "marionette_address" + ): + self.fatal( + "You need to specify a --marionette-address for non-emulator tests! " + "(Try --marionette-address localhost:2828 )" + ) + + def _query_tests_dir(self): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + test_dir = self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite]["testsdir"] + + return os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], test_dir) + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + abs_dirs = super(MarionetteTest, self).query_abs_dirs() + dirs = {} + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests") + dirs["abs_marionette_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "marionette", "harness", "marionette_harness" + ) + dirs["abs_marionette_tests_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], + "marionette", + "tests", + "testing", + "marionette", + "harness", + "marionette_harness", + "tests", + ) + dirs["abs_gecko_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "gecko") + dirs["abs_emulator_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "emulator") + + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "blobber_upload_dir" + ) + + for key in dirs.keys(): + if key not in abs_dirs: + abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + @PreScriptAction("create-virtualenv") + def _configure_marionette_virtualenv(self, action): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + requirements = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "config", "marionette_requirements.txt" + ) + if not os.path.isfile(requirements): + self.fatal( + "Could not find marionette requirements file: {}".format(requirements) + ) + + self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements], two_pass=True) + + def _get_test_suite(self, is_emulator): + """ + Determine which in tree options group to use and return the + appropriate key. + """ + platform = "emulator" if is_emulator else "desktop" + # Currently running marionette on an emulator means webapi + # tests. This method will need to change if this does. + testsuite = "webapi" if is_emulator else "marionette" + return "{}_{}".format(testsuite, platform) + + def download_and_extract(self): + super(MarionetteTest, self).download_and_extract() + + if self.config.get("emulator"): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + self.mkdir_p(dirs["abs_emulator_dir"]) + tar = self.query_exe("tar", return_type="list") + self.run_command( + tar + ["zxf", self.installer_path], + cwd=dirs["abs_emulator_dir"], + error_list=TarErrorList, + halt_on_failure=True, + fatal_exit_code=3, + ) + + def install(self): + if self.config.get("emulator"): + self.info("Emulator tests; skipping.") + else: + super(MarionetteTest, self).install() + + def run_tests(self): + """ + Run the Marionette tests + """ + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + raw_log_file = os.path.join(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "marionette_raw.log") + error_summary_file = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "marionette_errorsummary.log" + ) + html_report_file = os.path.join(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "report.html") + + config_fmt_args = { + # emulator builds require a longer timeout + "timeout": 60000 if self.config.get("emulator") else 10000, + "profile": os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "profile"), + "xml_output": os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "output.xml"), + "html_output": os.path.join(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "output.html"), + "logcat_dir": dirs["abs_work_dir"], + "emulator": "arm", + "symbols_path": self.symbols_path, + "binary": self.binary_path, + "address": self.config.get("marionette_address"), + "raw_log_file": raw_log_file, + "error_summary_file": error_summary_file, + "html_report_file": html_report_file, + "gecko_log": dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], + "this_chunk": self.config.get("this_chunk", 1), + "total_chunks": self.config.get("total_chunks", 1), + } + + self.info("The emulator type: %s" % config_fmt_args["emulator"]) + # build the marionette command arguments + python = self.query_python_path("python") + + cmd = [python, "-u", os.path.join(dirs["abs_marionette_dir"], "runtests.py")] + + manifest = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_marionette_tests_dir"], self.config["test_manifest"] + ) + + if self.config.get("app_arg"): + config_fmt_args["app_arg"] = self.config["app_arg"] + + cmd.extend(["--setpref={}".format(p) for p in self.config["extra_prefs"]]) + + cmd.append("--gecko-log=-") + + if self.config.get("structured_output"): + cmd.append("--log-raw=-") + + if self.config["disable_fission"]: + cmd.append("--disable-fission") + cmd.extend(["--setpref=fission.autostart=false"]) + + for arg in self.config["suite_definitions"][self.test_suite]["options"]: + cmd.append(arg % config_fmt_args) + + if self.mkdir_p(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"]) == -1: + # Make sure that the logging directory exists + self.fatal("Could not create blobber upload directory") + + test_paths = json.loads(os.environ.get("MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS", '""')) + + if test_paths and "marionette" in test_paths: + paths = [ + os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "marionette", "tests", p) + for p in test_paths["marionette"] + ] + cmd.extend(paths) + else: + cmd.append(manifest) + + try_options, try_tests = self.try_args("marionette") + cmd.extend(self.query_tests_args(try_tests, str_format_values=config_fmt_args)) + + env = {} + if self.query_minidump_stackwalk(): + env["MINIDUMP_STACKWALK"] = self.minidump_stackwalk_path + env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"] = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + env["MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH"] = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_blob_upload_dir"] + env["RUST_BACKTRACE"] = "full" + + if self.config["allow_software_gl_layers"]: + env["MOZ_LAYERS_ALLOW_SOFTWARE_GL"] = "1" + + if self.config["headless"]: + env["MOZ_HEADLESS"] = "1" + env["MOZ_HEADLESS_WIDTH"] = self.config["headless_width"] + env["MOZ_HEADLESS_HEIGHT"] = self.config["headless_height"] + + if not os.path.isdir(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"]): + self.mkdir_p(env["MOZ_UPLOAD_DIR"]) + + # Causes Firefox to crash when using non-local connections. + env["MOZ_DISABLE_NONLOCAL_CONNECTIONS"] = "1" + + env = self.query_env(partial_env=env) + + try: + cwd = self._query_tests_dir() + except Exception as e: + self.fatal( + "Don't know how to run --test-suite '{0}': {1}!".format( + self.test_suite, e + ) + ) + + marionette_parser = self.parser_class( + config=self.config, + log_obj=self.log_obj, + error_list=BaseErrorList + HarnessErrorList, + strict=False, + ) + return_code = self.run_command( + cmd, cwd=cwd, output_timeout=1000, output_parser=marionette_parser, env=env + ) + level = INFO + tbpl_status, log_level, summary = marionette_parser.evaluate_parser( + return_code=return_code + ) + marionette_parser.append_tinderboxprint_line("marionette") + + qemu = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "qemu.log") + if os.path.isfile(qemu): + self.copyfile(qemu, os.path.join(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "qemu.log")) + + # dump logcat output if there were failures + if self.config.get("emulator"): + if ( + marionette_parser.failed != "0" + or "T-FAIL" in marionette_parser.tsummary + ): + logcat = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "emulator-5554.log") + if os.access(logcat, os.F_OK): + self.info("dumping logcat") + self.run_command(["cat", logcat], error_list=LogcatErrorList) + else: + self.info("no logcat file found") + else: + # .. or gecko.log if it exists + gecko_log = os.path.join(self.config["base_work_dir"], "gecko.log") + if os.access(gecko_log, os.F_OK): + self.info("dumping gecko.log") + self.run_command(["cat", gecko_log]) + self.rmtree(gecko_log) + else: + self.info("gecko.log not found") + + marionette_parser.print_summary("marionette") + + self.log( + "Marionette exited with return code %s: %s" % (return_code, tbpl_status), + level=level, + ) + self.record_status(tbpl_status) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + marionetteTest = MarionetteTest() + marionetteTest.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/multil10n.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/multil10n.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..ae5c013fc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/multil10n.py @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""multil10n.py + +""" + +import os +import sys + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +from mozharness.mozilla.l10n.multi_locale_build import MultiLocaleBuild + +if __name__ == "__main__": + multi_locale_build = MultiLocaleBuild() + multi_locale_build.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/openh264_build.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/openh264_build.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..1c6089e3f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/openh264_build.py @@ -0,0 +1,472 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +import glob +import os +import re +import subprocess +import sys + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +# import the guts +import mozharness +from mozharness.base.log import DEBUG, ERROR, FATAL +from mozharness.base.transfer import TransferMixin +from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import VCSScript +from mozharness.mozilla.tooltool import TooltoolMixin + +external_tools_path = os.path.join( + os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mozharness.__file__))), + "external_tools", +) + + +class OpenH264Build(TransferMixin, VCSScript, TooltoolMixin): + all_actions = [ + "clobber", + "get-tooltool", + "checkout-sources", + "build", + "test", + "package", + "dump-symbols", + ] + + default_actions = [ + "get-tooltool", + "checkout-sources", + "build", + "package", + "dump-symbols", + ] + + config_options = [ + [ + ["--repo"], + { + "dest": "repo", + "help": "OpenH264 repository to use", + "default": "https://github.com/dminor/openh264.git", + }, + ], + [ + ["--rev"], + {"dest": "revision", "help": "revision to checkout", "default": "master"}, + ], + [ + ["--debug"], + { + "dest": "debug_build", + "action": "store_true", + "help": "Do a debug build", + }, + ], + [ + ["--arch"], + { + "dest": "arch", + "help": "Arch type to use (x64, x86, arm, or aarch64)", + }, + ], + [ + ["--os"], + { + "dest": "operating_system", + "help": "Specify the operating system to build for", + }, + ], + [ + ["--branch"], + { + "dest": "branch", + "help": "dummy option", + }, + ], + [ + ["--build-pool"], + { + "dest": "build_pool", + "help": "dummy option", + }, + ], + ] + + def __init__( + self, + require_config_file=False, + config={}, + all_actions=all_actions, + default_actions=default_actions, + ): + + # Default configuration + default_config = { + "debug_build": False, + "upload_ssh_key": "~/.ssh/ffxbld_rsa", + "upload_ssh_user": "ffxbld", + "upload_ssh_host": "upload.ffxbld.productdelivery.prod.mozaws.net", + "upload_path_base": "/tmp/openh264", + } + default_config.update(config) + + VCSScript.__init__( + self, + config_options=self.config_options, + require_config_file=require_config_file, + config=default_config, + all_actions=all_actions, + default_actions=default_actions, + ) + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + dirs = super(OpenH264Build, self).query_abs_dirs() + dirs["abs_upload_dir"] = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "upload") + self.abs_dirs = dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + def get_tooltool(self): + c = self.config + if not c.get("tooltool_manifest_file"): + self.info("Skipping tooltool fetching since no tooltool manifest") + return + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + self.mkdir_p(dirs["abs_work_dir"]) + manifest = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_src_dir"], + "testing", + "mozharness", + "configs", + "openh264", + "tooltool-manifests", + c["tooltool_manifest_file"], + ) + self.info("Getting tooltool files from manifest (%s)" % manifest) + try: + self.tooltool_fetch( + manifest=manifest, + output_dir=os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"]), + cache=c.get("tooltool_cache"), + ) + except KeyError: + self.error("missing a required key.") + + def query_package_name(self): + if self.config["arch"] in ("x64", "aarch64"): + bits = "64" + else: + bits = "32" + version = self.config["revision"] + + if sys.platform in ("linux2", "linux"): + if self.config.get("operating_system") == "android": + return "openh264-android-{arch}-{version}.zip".format( + version=version, arch=self.config["arch"] + ) + elif self.config.get("operating_system") == "darwin": + suffix = "" + if self.config["arch"] != "x64": + suffix = "-" + self.config["arch"] + return "openh264-macosx{bits}{suffix}-{version}.zip".format( + version=version, bits=bits, suffix=suffix + ) + elif self.config["arch"] == "aarch64": + return "openh264-linux64-aarch64-{version}.zip".format(version=version) + else: + return "openh264-linux{bits}-{version}.zip".format( + version=version, bits=bits + ) + elif sys.platform == "win32": + if self.config["arch"] == "aarch64": + return "openh264-win64-aarch64-{version}.zip".format(version=version) + else: + return "openh264-win{bits}-{version}.zip".format( + version=version, bits=bits + ) + self.fatal("can't determine platform") + + def query_make_params(self): + retval = [] + if self.config["debug_build"]: + retval.append("BUILDTYPE=Debug") + + if self.config["arch"] in ("x64", "aarch64"): + retval.append("ENABLE64BIT=Yes") + else: + retval.append("ENABLE64BIT=No") + + if self.config["arch"] == "x86": + retval.append("ARCH=x86") + elif self.config["arch"] == "x64": + retval.append("ARCH=x86_64") + elif self.config["arch"] == "aarch64": + retval.append("ARCH=arm64") + else: + self.fatal("Unknown arch: {}".format(self.config["arch"])) + + if "operating_system" in self.config: + retval.append("OS=%s" % self.config["operating_system"]) + if self.config["operating_system"] == "android": + retval.append("TARGET=invalid") + retval.append("NDKLEVEL=%s" % self.config["min_sdk"]) + retval.append("NDKROOT=%s/android-ndk" % os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"]) + retval.append("NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=clang") + if self.config["operating_system"] == "darwin": + retval.append("OS=darwin") + + if self._is_windows(): + retval.append("OS=msvc") + retval.append("CC=clang-cl") + retval.append("CXX=clang-cl") + if self.config["arch"] == "aarch64": + retval.append("CXX_LINK_O=-nologo --target=aarch64-windows-msvc -Fe$@") + else: + retval.append("CC=clang") + retval.append("CXX=clang++") + + return retval + + def query_upload_ssh_key(self): + return self.config["upload_ssh_key"] + + def query_upload_ssh_host(self): + return self.config["upload_ssh_host"] + + def query_upload_ssh_user(self): + return self.config["upload_ssh_user"] + + def query_upload_ssh_path(self): + return "%s/%s" % (self.config["upload_path_base"], self.config["revision"]) + + def run_make(self, target, capture_output=False): + make = ( + f"{os.environ['MOZ_FETCHES_DIR']}/mozmake/mozmake" + if sys.platform == "win32" + else "make" + ) + cmd = [make, target] + self.query_make_params() + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + repo_dir = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "openh264") + env = None + if self.config.get("partial_env"): + env = self.query_env(self.config["partial_env"]) + kwargs = dict(cwd=repo_dir, env=env) + if capture_output: + return self.get_output_from_command(cmd, **kwargs) + else: + return self.run_command(cmd, **kwargs) + + def _git_checkout(self, repo, repo_dir, rev): + try: + subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "-q", "--no-checkout", repo, repo_dir]) + subprocess.run(["git", "checkout", "-q", "-f", f"{rev}^0"], cwd=repo_dir) + except Exception: + self.rmtree(repo_dir) + raise + return True + + def checkout_sources(self): + repo = self.config["repo"] + rev = self.config["revision"] + + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + repo_dir = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "openh264") + + if self._is_windows(): + # We don't have git on our windows builders, so download a zip + # package instead. + path = repo.replace(".git", "/archive/") + rev + ".zip" + self.download_file(path) + self.unzip(rev + ".zip", dirs["abs_work_dir"]) + self.move( + os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "openh264-" + rev), + os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "openh264"), + ) + + # Retrieve in-tree version of gmp-api + self.copytree( + os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], "dom", "media", "gmp", "gmp-api"), + os.path.join(repo_dir, "gmp-api"), + ) + + # We need gas-preprocessor.pl for arm64 builds + if self.config["arch"] == "aarch64": + openh264_dir = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "openh264") + self.download_file( + ( + "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/libav/" + "gas-preprocessor/c2bc63c96678d9739509e58" + "7aa30c94bdc0e636d/gas-preprocessor.pl" + ), + parent_dir=openh264_dir, + ) + self.chmod(os.path.join(openh264_dir, "gas-preprocessor.pl"), 744) + + # gas-preprocessor.pl expects cpp to exist + # os.symlink is not available on Windows until we switch to + # Python 3. + os.system( + "ln -s %s %s" + % ( + os.path.join( + os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"], "clang", "bin", "clang.exe" + ), + os.path.join(openh264_dir, "cpp"), + ) + ) + return 0 + + self.retry( + self._git_checkout, + error_level=FATAL, + error_message="Automation Error: couldn't clone repo", + args=(repo, repo_dir, rev), + ) + + # Checkout gmp-api + # TODO: Nothing here updates it yet, or enforces versions! + if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo_dir, "gmp-api")): + retval = self.run_make("gmp-bootstrap") + if retval != 0: + self.fatal("couldn't bootstrap gmp") + else: + self.info("skipping gmp bootstrap - we have it locally") + + # Checkout gtest + # TODO: Requires svn! + if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo_dir, "gtest")): + retval = self.run_make("gtest-bootstrap") + if retval != 0: + self.fatal("couldn't bootstrap gtest") + else: + self.info("skipping gtest bootstrap - we have it locally") + + return retval + + def build(self): + retval = self.run_make("plugin") + if retval != 0: + self.fatal("couldn't build plugin") + + def package(self): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + srcdir = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "openh264") + package_name = self.query_package_name() + package_file = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], package_name) + if os.path.exists(package_file): + os.unlink(package_file) + to_package = [] + for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(srcdir, "*gmpopenh264*")): + if not re.search( + "(?:lib)?gmpopenh264(?!\.\d)\.(?:dylib|so|dll|info)(?!\.\d)", f + ): + # Don't package unnecessary zip bloat + # Blocks things like libgmpopenh264.2.dylib and libgmpopenh264.so.1 + self.log("Skipping packaging of {package}".format(package=f)) + continue + to_package.append(os.path.basename(f)) + self.log("Packaging files %s" % to_package) + cmd = ["zip", package_file] + to_package + retval = self.run_command(cmd, cwd=srcdir) + if retval != 0: + self.fatal("couldn't make package") + self.copy_to_upload_dir( + package_file, dest=os.path.join(srcdir, "artifacts", package_name) + ) + + # Taskcluster expects this path to exist, but we don't use it + # because our builds are private. + path = os.path.join( + self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_work_dir"], "..", "public", "build" + ) + self.mkdir_p(path) + + def dump_symbols(self): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + c = self.config + srcdir = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "openh264") + package_name = self.run_make("echo-plugin-name", capture_output=True) + if not package_name: + self.fatal("failure running make") + zip_package_name = self.query_package_name() + if not zip_package_name[-4:] == ".zip": + self.fatal("Unexpected zip_package_name") + symbol_package_name = "{base}.symbols.zip".format(base=zip_package_name[:-4]) + symbol_zip_path = os.path.join(srcdir, "artifacts", symbol_package_name) + repo_dir = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], "openh264") + env = None + if self.config.get("partial_env"): + env = self.query_env(self.config["partial_env"]) + kwargs = dict(cwd=repo_dir, env=env) + dump_syms = os.path.join(dirs["abs_work_dir"], c["dump_syms_binary"]) + self.chmod(dump_syms, 0o755) + python = self.query_exe("python3") + cmd = [ + python, + os.path.join(external_tools_path, "packagesymbols.py"), + "--symbol-zip", + symbol_zip_path, + dump_syms, + os.path.join(srcdir, package_name), + ] + self.run_command(cmd, **kwargs) + + def test(self): + retval = self.run_make("test") + if retval != 0: + self.fatal("test failures") + + def copy_to_upload_dir( + self, + target, + dest=None, + log_level=DEBUG, + error_level=ERROR, + compress=False, + upload_dir=None, + ): + """Copy target file to upload_dir/dest. + + Potentially update a manifest in the future if we go that route. + + Currently only copies a single file; would be nice to allow for + recursive copying; that would probably done by creating a helper + _copy_file_to_upload_dir(). + """ + dest_filename_given = dest is not None + if upload_dir is None: + upload_dir = self.query_abs_dirs()["abs_upload_dir"] + if dest is None: + dest = os.path.basename(target) + if dest.endswith("/"): + dest_file = os.path.basename(target) + dest_dir = os.path.join(upload_dir, dest) + dest_filename_given = False + else: + dest_file = os.path.basename(dest) + dest_dir = os.path.join(upload_dir, os.path.dirname(dest)) + if compress and not dest_filename_given: + dest_file += ".gz" + dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, dest_file) + if not os.path.exists(target): + self.log("%s doesn't exist!" % target, level=error_level) + return None + self.mkdir_p(dest_dir) + self.copyfile(target, dest, log_level=log_level, compress=compress) + if os.path.exists(dest): + return dest + else: + self.log("%s doesn't exist after copy!" % dest, level=error_level) + return None + + +# main {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + myScript = OpenH264Build() + myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/raptor_script.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/raptor_script.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..be2ed181e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/raptor_script.py @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python + +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +"""raptor + +""" + +import os +import sys + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.raptor import Raptor + +if __name__ == "__main__": + raptor = Raptor() + raptor.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/bouncer_check.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/bouncer_check.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7a7e39b274 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/bouncer_check.py @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# lint_ignore=E501 +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +""" bouncer_check.py + +A script to check HTTP statuses of Bouncer products to be shipped. +""" + +import os +import sys + +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) + +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import EXIT_STATUS_DICT, TBPL_FAILURE + +BOUNCER_URL_PATTERN = "{bouncer_prefix}?product={product}&os={os}&lang={lang}" + + +class BouncerCheck(BaseScript): + config_options = [ + [ + ["--version"], + { + "dest": "version", + "help": "Version of release, eg: 39.0b5", + }, + ], + [ + ["--product-field"], + { + "dest": "product_field", + "help": "Version field of release from product details, eg: LATEST_FIREFOX_VERSION", # NOQA: E501 + }, + ], + [ + ["--products-url"], + { + "dest": "products_url", + "help": "The URL of the current Firefox product versions", + "type": str, + "default": "https://product-details.mozilla.org/1.0/firefox_versions.json", + }, + ], + [ + ["--previous-version"], + { + "dest": "prev_versions", + "action": "extend", + "help": "Previous version(s)", + }, + ], + [ + ["--locale"], + { + "dest": "locales", + # Intentionally limited for several reasons: + # 1) faster to check + # 2) do not need to deal with situation when a new locale + # introduced and we do not have partials for it yet + # 3) it mimics the old Sentry behaviour that worked for ages + # 4) no need to handle ja-JP-mac + "default": ["en-US", "de", "it", "zh-TW"], + "action": "append", + "help": "List of locales to check.", + }, + ], + [ + ["-j", "--parallelization"], + { + "dest": "parallelization", + "default": 20, + "type": int, + "help": "Number of HTTP sessions running in parallel", + }, + ], + ] + + def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): + super(BouncerCheck, self).__init__( + config_options=self.config_options, + require_config_file=require_config_file, + config={ + "cdn_urls": [ + "download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net", + "download.cdn.mozilla.net", + "download.mozilla.org", + "archive.mozilla.org", + ], + }, + all_actions=[ + "check-bouncer", + ], + default_actions=[ + "check-bouncer", + ], + ) + + def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): + super(BouncerCheck, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) + + if "product_field" not in self.config: + return + + firefox_versions = self.load_json_url(self.config["products_url"]) + + if self.config["product_field"] not in firefox_versions: + self.fatal("Unknown Firefox label: {}".format(self.config["product_field"])) + self.config["version"] = firefox_versions[self.config["product_field"]] + self.log("Set Firefox version {}".format(self.config["version"])) + + def check_url(self, session, url): + from redo import retry + from requests.exceptions import HTTPError + + try: + from urllib.parse import urlparse + except ImportError: + # Python 2 + from urlparse import urlparse + + def do_check_url(): + self.log("Checking {}".format(url)) + r = session.head(url, verify=True, timeout=10, allow_redirects=True) + try: + r.raise_for_status() + except HTTPError: + self.error("FAIL: {}, status: {}".format(url, r.status_code)) + raise + + final_url = urlparse(r.url) + if final_url.scheme != "https": + self.error("FAIL: URL scheme is not https: {}".format(r.url)) + self.return_code = EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_FAILURE] + + if final_url.netloc not in self.config["cdn_urls"]: + self.error("FAIL: host not in allowed locations: {}".format(r.url)) + self.return_code = EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_FAILURE] + + try: + retry(do_check_url, sleeptime=3, max_sleeptime=10, attempts=3) + except HTTPError: + # The error was already logged above. + self.return_code = EXIT_STATUS_DICT[TBPL_FAILURE] + return + + def get_urls(self): + for product in self.config["products"].values(): + product_name = product["product-name"] % {"version": self.config["version"]} + for bouncer_platform in product["platforms"]: + for locale in self.config["locales"]: + url = BOUNCER_URL_PATTERN.format( + bouncer_prefix=self.config["bouncer_prefix"], + product=product_name, + os=bouncer_platform, + lang=locale, + ) + yield url + + for product in self.config.get("partials", {}).values(): + for prev_version in self.config.get("prev_versions", []): + product_name = product["product-name"] % { + "version": self.config["version"], + "prev_version": prev_version, + } + for bouncer_platform in product["platforms"]: + for locale in self.config["locales"]: + url = BOUNCER_URL_PATTERN.format( + bouncer_prefix=self.config["bouncer_prefix"], + product=product_name, + os=bouncer_platform, + lang=locale, + ) + yield url + + def check_bouncer(self): + import concurrent.futures as futures + + import requests + + session = requests.Session() + http_adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter( + pool_connections=self.config["parallelization"], + pool_maxsize=self.config["parallelization"], + ) + session.mount("https://", http_adapter) + session.mount("http://", http_adapter) + + with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(self.config["parallelization"]) as e: + fs = [] + for url in self.get_urls(): + fs.append(e.submit(self.check_url, session, url)) + for f in futures.as_completed(fs): + f.result() + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + BouncerCheck().run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/generate-checksums.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/generate-checksums.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ae092ae4de --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/generate-checksums.py @@ -0,0 +1,263 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import binascii +import hashlib +import os +import re +import sys +from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool + +import six + +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) + +from mozharness.base.python import VirtualenvMixin, virtualenv_config_options +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript +from mozharness.mozilla.checksums import parse_checksums_file +from mozharness.mozilla.merkle import MerkleTree + + +class ChecksumsGenerator(BaseScript, VirtualenvMixin): + config_options = [ + [ + ["--stage-product"], + { + "dest": "stage_product", + "help": "Name of product used in file server's directory structure, " + "e.g.: firefox, mobile", + }, + ], + [ + ["--version"], + { + "dest": "version", + "help": "Version of release, e.g.: 59.0b5", + }, + ], + [ + ["--build-number"], + { + "dest": "build_number", + "help": "Build number of release, e.g.: 2", + }, + ], + [ + ["--bucket-name"], + { + "dest": "bucket_name", + "help": "Full bucket name e.g.: moz-fx-productdelivery-pr-38b5-productdelivery.", + }, + ], + [ + ["-j", "--parallelization"], + { + "dest": "parallelization", + "default": 20, + "type": int, + "help": "Number of checksums file to download concurrently", + }, + ], + [ + ["--branch"], + { + "dest": "branch", + "help": "dummy option", + }, + ], + [ + ["--build-pool"], + { + "dest": "build_pool", + "help": "dummy option", + }, + ], + ] + virtualenv_config_options + + def __init__(self): + BaseScript.__init__( + self, + config_options=self.config_options, + require_config_file=False, + config={ + "virtualenv_modules": [ + "boto", + ], + "virtualenv_path": "venv", + }, + all_actions=[ + "create-virtualenv", + "collect-individual-checksums", + "create-big-checksums", + "create-summary", + ], + default_actions=[ + "create-virtualenv", + "collect-individual-checksums", + "create-big-checksums", + "create-summary", + ], + ) + + self.checksums = {} + self.file_prefix = self._get_file_prefix() + + def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): + super(ChecksumsGenerator, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) + + # These defaults are set here rather in the config because default + # lists cannot be completely overidden, only appended to. + if not self.config.get("formats"): + self.config["formats"] = ["sha512", "sha256"] + + if not self.config.get("includes"): + self.config["includes"] = [ + r"^.*\.tar\.bz2$", + r"^.*\.tar\.xz$", + r"^.*\.snap$", + r"^.*\.dmg$", + r"^.*\.pkg$", + r"^.*\.bundle$", + r"^.*\.mar$", + r"^.*Setup.*\.exe$", + r"^.*Installer\.exe$", + r"^.*\.msi$", + r"^.*\.xpi$", + r"^.*fennec.*\.apk$", + r"^.*/jsshell.*$", + ] + + def _get_file_prefix(self): + return "pub/{}/candidates/{}-candidates/build{}/".format( + self.config["stage_product"], + self.config["version"], + self.config["build_number"], + ) + + def _get_sums_filename(self, format_): + return "{}SUMS".format(format_.upper()) + + def _get_summary_filename(self, format_): + return "{}SUMMARY".format(format_.upper()) + + def _get_hash_function(self, format_): + if format_ in ("sha256", "sha384", "sha512"): + return getattr(hashlib, format_) + else: + self.fatal("Unsupported format {}".format(format_)) + + def _get_bucket(self): + self.activate_virtualenv() + from boto import connect_s3 + + self.info("Connecting to S3") + conn = connect_s3(anon=True, host="storage.googleapis.com") + self.info("Connecting to bucket {}".format(self.config["bucket_name"])) + self.bucket = conn.get_bucket(self.config["bucket_name"]) + return self.bucket + + def collect_individual_checksums(self): + """This step grabs all of the small checksums files for the release, + filters out any unwanted files from within them, and adds the remainder + to self.checksums for subsequent steps to use.""" + bucket = self._get_bucket() + self.info("File prefix is: {}".format(self.file_prefix)) + + # temporary holding place for checksums + raw_checksums = [] + + def worker(item): + self.debug("Downloading {}".format(item)) + sums = bucket.get_key(item).get_contents_as_string() + raw_checksums.append(sums) + + def find_checksums_files(): + self.info("Getting key names from bucket") + checksum_files = {"beets": [], "checksums": []} + for key in bucket.list(prefix=self.file_prefix): + if key.key.endswith(".checksums"): + self.debug("Found checksums file: {}".format(key.key)) + checksum_files["checksums"].append(key.key) + elif key.key.endswith(".beet"): + self.debug("Found beet file: {}".format(key.key)) + checksum_files["beets"].append(key.key) + else: + self.debug("Ignoring non-checksums file: {}".format(key.key)) + if checksum_files["beets"]: + self.log("Using beet format") + return checksum_files["beets"] + else: + self.log("Using checksums format") + return checksum_files["checksums"] + + pool = ThreadPool(self.config["parallelization"]) + pool.map(worker, find_checksums_files()) + + for c in raw_checksums: + for f, info in six.iteritems(parse_checksums_file(c)): + for pattern in self.config["includes"]: + if re.search(pattern, f): + if f in self.checksums: + if info == self.checksums[f]: + self.debug( + "Duplicate checksum for file {}" + " but the data matches;" + " continuing...".format(f) + ) + continue + self.fatal( + "Found duplicate checksum entry for {}, " + "don't know which one to pick.".format(f) + ) + if not set(self.config["formats"]) <= set(info["hashes"]): + self.fatal("Missing necessary format for file {}".format(f)) + self.debug("Adding checksums for file: {}".format(f)) + self.checksums[f] = info + break + else: + self.debug("Ignoring checksums for file: {}".format(f)) + + def create_summary(self): + """ + This step computes a Merkle tree over the checksums for each format + and writes a file containing the head of the tree and inclusion proofs + for each file. + """ + for fmt in self.config["formats"]: + hash_fn = self._get_hash_function(fmt) + files = [fn for fn in sorted(self.checksums)] + data = [self.checksums[fn]["hashes"][fmt] for fn in files] + + tree = MerkleTree(hash_fn, data) + head = binascii.hexlify(tree.head()) + proofs = [ + binascii.hexlify(tree.inclusion_proof(i).to_rfc6962_bis()) + for i in range(len(files)) + ] + + summary = self._get_summary_filename(fmt) + self.info("Creating summary file: {}".format(summary)) + + content = "{} TREE_HEAD\n".format(head.decode("ascii")) + for i in range(len(files)): + content += "{} {}\n".format(proofs[i].decode("ascii"), files[i]) + + self.write_to_file(summary, content) + + def create_big_checksums(self): + for fmt in self.config["formats"]: + sums = self._get_sums_filename(fmt) + self.info("Creating big checksums file: {}".format(sums)) + with open(sums, "w+") as output_file: + for fn in sorted(self.checksums): + output_file.write( + "{} {}\n".format( + self.checksums[fn]["hashes"][fmt].decode("ascii"), fn + ) + ) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + myScript = ChecksumsGenerator() + myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/update-verify-config-creator.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/update-verify-config-creator.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9de0175577 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/release/update-verify-config-creator.py @@ -0,0 +1,642 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import json +import math +import os +import pprint +import re +import sys + +from looseversion import LooseVersion +from mozilla_version.gecko import GeckoVersion +from mozilla_version.version import VersionType +from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin + +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) + +from mozharness.base.log import DEBUG, FATAL, INFO, WARNING +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript + + +# ensure all versions are 3 part (i.e. 99.1.0) +# ensure all text (i.e. 'esr') is in the last part +class CompareVersion(LooseVersion): + version = "" + + def __init__(self, versionMap): + parts = versionMap.split(".") + # assume version is 99.9.0, look for 99.0 + if len(parts) == 2: + intre = re.compile("([0-9.]+)(.*)") + match = intre.match(parts[-1]) + if match: + parts[-1] = match.group(1) + parts.append("0%s" % match.group(2)) + else: + parts.append("0") + self.version = ".".join(parts) + LooseVersion(versionMap) + + +def is_triangualar(x): + """Check if a number is triangular (0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ...) + see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_number#Triangular_roots_and_tests_for_triangular_numbers # noqa + + >>> is_triangualar(0) + True + >>> is_triangualar(1) + True + >>> is_triangualar(2) + False + >>> is_triangualar(3) + True + >>> is_triangualar(4) + False + >>> all(is_triangualar(x) for x in [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 91, 105]) + True + >>> all(not is_triangualar(x) for x in [4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 17, 25, 29, 39, 44, 59, 61, 72, 98, 112]) + True + """ + # pylint --py3k W1619 + n = (math.sqrt(8 * x + 1) - 1) / 2 + return n == int(n) + + +class UpdateVerifyConfigCreator(BaseScript): + config_options = [ + [ + ["--product"], + { + "dest": "product", + "help": "Product being tested, as used in the update URL and filenames. Eg: firefox", # NOQA: E501 + }, + ], + [ + ["--stage-product"], + { + "dest": "stage_product", + "help": "Product being tested, as used in stage directories and ship it" + "If not passed this is assumed to be the same as product.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--app-name"], + { + "dest": "app_name", + "help": "App name being tested. Eg: browser", + }, + ], + [ + ["--branch-prefix"], + { + "dest": "branch_prefix", + "help": "Prefix of release branch names. Eg: mozilla, comm", + }, + ], + [ + ["--channel"], + { + "dest": "channel", + "help": "Channel to run update verify against", + }, + ], + [ + ["--aus-server"], + { + "dest": "aus_server", + "default": "https://aus5.mozilla.org", + "help": "AUS server to run update verify against", + }, + ], + [ + ["--to-version"], + { + "dest": "to_version", + "help": "The version of the release being updated to. Eg: 59.0b5", + }, + ], + [ + ["--to-app-version"], + { + "dest": "to_app_version", + "help": "The in-app version of the release being updated to. Eg: 59.0", + }, + ], + [ + ["--to-display-version"], + { + "dest": "to_display_version", + "help": "The human-readable version of the release being updated to. Eg: 59.0 Beta 9", # NOQA: E501 + }, + ], + [ + ["--to-build-number"], + { + "dest": "to_build_number", + "help": "The build number of the release being updated to", + }, + ], + [ + ["--to-buildid"], + { + "dest": "to_buildid", + "help": "The buildid of the release being updated to", + }, + ], + [ + ["--to-revision"], + { + "dest": "to_revision", + "help": "The revision that the release being updated to was built against", + }, + ], + [ + ["--partial-version"], + { + "dest": "partial_versions", + "default": [], + "action": "append", + "help": "A previous release version that is expected to receive a partial update. " + "Eg: 59.0b4. May be specified multiple times.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--last-watershed"], + { + "dest": "last_watershed", + "help": "The earliest version to include in the update verify config. Eg: 57.0b10", + }, + ], + [ + ["--include-version"], + { + "dest": "include_versions", + "default": [], + "action": "append", + "help": "Only include versions that match one of these regexes. " + "May be passed multiple times", + }, + ], + [ + ["--mar-channel-id-override"], + { + "dest": "mar_channel_id_options", + "default": [], + "action": "append", + "help": "A version regex and channel id string to override those versions with." + "Eg: ^\\d+\\.\\d+(\\.\\d+)?$,firefox-mozilla-beta,firefox-mozilla-release " + "will set accepted mar channel ids to 'firefox-mozilla-beta' and " + "'firefox-mozilla-release for x.y and x.y.z versions. " + "May be passed multiple times", + }, + ], + [ + ["--override-certs"], + { + "dest": "override_certs", + "default": None, + "help": "Certs to override the updater with prior to running update verify." + "If passed, should be one of: dep, nightly, release" + "If not passed, no certificate overriding will be configured", + }, + ], + [ + ["--platform"], + { + "dest": "platform", + "help": "The platform to generate the update verify config for, in FTP-style", + }, + ], + [ + ["--updater-platform"], + { + "dest": "updater_platform", + "help": "The platform to run the updater on, in FTP-style." + "If not specified, this is assumed to be the same as platform", + }, + ], + [ + ["--archive-prefix"], + { + "dest": "archive_prefix", + "help": "The server/path to pull the current release from. " + "Eg: https://archive.mozilla.org/pub", + }, + ], + [ + ["--previous-archive-prefix"], + { + "dest": "previous_archive_prefix", + "help": "The server/path to pull the previous releases from" + "If not specified, this is assumed to be the same as --archive-prefix", + }, + ], + [ + ["--repo-path"], + { + "dest": "repo_path", + "help": ( + "The repository (relative to the hg server root) that the current " + "release was built from Eg: releases/mozilla-beta" + ), + }, + ], + [ + ["--output-file"], + { + "dest": "output_file", + "help": "Where to write the update verify config to", + }, + ], + [ + ["--product-details-server"], + { + "dest": "product_details_server", + "default": "https://product-details.mozilla.org", + "help": "Product Details server to pull previous release info from. " + "Using anything other than the production server is likely to " + "cause issues with update verify.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--hg-server"], + { + "dest": "hg_server", + "default": "https://hg.mozilla.org", + "help": "Mercurial server to pull various previous and current version info from", + }, + ], + [ + ["--full-check-locale"], + { + "dest": "full_check_locales", + "default": ["de", "en-US", "ru"], + "action": "append", + "help": "A list of locales to generate full update verify checks for", + }, + ], + ] + + def __init__(self): + BaseScript.__init__( + self, + config_options=self.config_options, + config={}, + all_actions=[ + "gather-info", + "create-config", + "write-config", + ], + default_actions=[ + "gather-info", + "create-config", + "write-config", + ], + ) + + def _pre_config_lock(self, rw_config): + super(UpdateVerifyConfigCreator, self)._pre_config_lock(rw_config) + + if "updater_platform" not in self.config: + self.config["updater_platform"] = self.config["platform"] + if "stage_product" not in self.config: + self.config["stage_product"] = self.config["product"] + if "previous_archive_prefix" not in self.config: + self.config["previous_archive_prefix"] = self.config["archive_prefix"] + self.config["archive_prefix"].rstrip("/") + self.config["previous_archive_prefix"].rstrip("/") + self.config["mar_channel_id_overrides"] = {} + for override in self.config["mar_channel_id_options"]: + pattern, override_str = override.split(",", 1) + self.config["mar_channel_id_overrides"][pattern] = override_str + + def _get_branch_url(self, branch_prefix, version): + version = GeckoVersion.parse(version) + branch = None + if version.version_type == VersionType.BETA: + branch = "releases/{}-beta".format(branch_prefix) + elif version.version_type == VersionType.ESR: + branch = "releases/{}-esr{}".format(branch_prefix, version.major_number) + elif version.version_type == VersionType.RELEASE: + if branch_prefix == "comm": + # Thunderbird does not have ESR releases, regular releases + # go in an ESR branch + branch = "releases/{}-esr{}".format(branch_prefix, version.major_number) + else: + branch = "releases/{}-release".format(branch_prefix) + if not branch: + raise Exception("Cannot determine branch, cannot continue!") + + return branch + + def _get_update_paths(self): + from mozrelease.l10n import getPlatformLocales + from mozrelease.paths import getCandidatesDir + from mozrelease.platforms import ftp2infoFile + from mozrelease.versions import MozillaVersion + + self.update_paths = {} + + ret = self._retry_download( + "{}/1.0/{}.json".format( + self.config["product_details_server"], + self.config["stage_product"], + ), + "WARNING", + ) + releases = json.load(ret)["releases"] + for release_name, release_info in reversed( + sorted(releases.items(), key=lambda x: MozillaVersion(x[1]["version"])) + ): + # we need to use releases_name instead of release_info since esr + # string is included in the name. later we rely on this. + product, version = release_name.split("-", 1) + tag = "{}_{}_RELEASE".format(product.upper(), version.replace(".", "_")) + + # Exclude any releases that don't match one of our include version + # regexes. This is generally to avoid including versions from other + # channels. Eg: including betas when testing releases + for v in self.config["include_versions"]: + if re.match(v, version): + break + else: + self.log( + "Skipping release whose version doesn't match any " + "include_version pattern: %s" % release_name, + level=INFO, + ) + continue + + # We also have to trim out previous releases that aren't in the same + # product line, too old, etc. + if self.config["stage_product"] != product: + self.log( + "Skipping release that doesn't match product name: %s" + % release_name, + level=INFO, + ) + continue + if MozillaVersion(version) < MozillaVersion(self.config["last_watershed"]): + self.log( + "Skipping release that's behind the last watershed: %s" + % release_name, + level=INFO, + ) + continue + if version == self.config["to_version"]: + self.log( + "Skipping release that is the same as to version: %s" + % release_name, + level=INFO, + ) + continue + if MozillaVersion(version) > MozillaVersion(self.config["to_version"]): + self.log( + "Skipping release that's newer than to version: %s" % release_name, + level=INFO, + ) + continue + + if version in self.update_paths: + raise Exception("Found duplicate release for version: %s", version) + + # This is a crappy place to get buildids from, but we don't have a better one. + # This will start to fail if old info files are deleted. + info_file_url = "{}{}/{}_info.txt".format( + self.config["previous_archive_prefix"], + getCandidatesDir( + self.config["stage_product"], + version, + release_info["build_number"], + ), + ftp2infoFile(self.config["platform"]), + ) + self.log( + "Retrieving buildid from info file: %s" % info_file_url, level=DEBUG + ) + ret = self._retry_download(info_file_url, "WARNING") + buildID = ret.read().split(b"=")[1].strip().decode("utf-8") + + branch = self._get_branch_url(self.config["branch_prefix"], version) + + shipped_locales_url = urljoin( + self.config["hg_server"], + "{}/raw-file/{}/{}/locales/shipped-locales".format( + branch, + tag, + self.config["app_name"], + ), + ) + ret = self._retry_download(shipped_locales_url, "WARNING") + shipped_locales = ret.read().strip().decode("utf-8") + + app_version_url = urljoin( + self.config["hg_server"], + "{}/raw-file/{}/{}/config/version.txt".format( + branch, + tag, + self.config["app_name"], + ), + ) + app_version = ( + self._retry_download(app_version_url, "WARNING") + .read() + .strip() + .decode("utf-8") + ) + + self.log("Adding {} to update paths".format(version), level=INFO) + self.update_paths[version] = { + "appVersion": app_version, + "locales": getPlatformLocales(shipped_locales, self.config["platform"]), + "buildID": buildID, + } + for pattern, mar_channel_ids in self.config[ + "mar_channel_id_overrides" + ].items(): + if re.match(pattern, version): + self.update_paths[version]["marChannelIds"] = mar_channel_ids + + def gather_info(self): + from mozilla_version.gecko import GeckoVersion + + self._get_update_paths() + if self.update_paths: + self.log("Found update paths:", level=DEBUG) + self.log(pprint.pformat(self.update_paths), level=DEBUG) + elif GeckoVersion.parse(self.config["to_version"]) <= GeckoVersion.parse( + self.config["last_watershed"] + ): + self.log( + "Didn't find any update paths, but to_version {} is before the last_" + "watershed {}, generating empty config".format( + self.config["to_version"], + self.config["last_watershed"], + ), + level=WARNING, + ) + else: + self.log("Didn't find any update paths, cannot continue", level=FATAL) + + def create_config(self): + from mozrelease.l10n import getPlatformLocales + from mozrelease.paths import ( + getCandidatesDir, + getReleaseInstallerPath, + getReleasesDir, + ) + from mozrelease.platforms import ftp2updatePlatforms + from mozrelease.update_verify import UpdateVerifyConfig + from mozrelease.versions import getPrettyVersion + + candidates_dir = getCandidatesDir( + self.config["stage_product"], + self.config["to_version"], + self.config["to_build_number"], + ) + to_ = getReleaseInstallerPath( + self.config["product"], + self.config["product"].title(), + self.config["to_version"], + self.config["platform"], + locale="%locale%", + ) + to_path = "{}/{}".format(candidates_dir, to_) + + to_display_version = self.config.get("to_display_version") + if not to_display_version: + to_display_version = getPrettyVersion(self.config["to_version"]) + + self.update_verify_config = UpdateVerifyConfig( + product=self.config["product"].title(), + channel=self.config["channel"], + aus_server=self.config["aus_server"], + to=to_path, + to_build_id=self.config["to_buildid"], + to_app_version=self.config["to_app_version"], + to_display_version=to_display_version, + override_certs=self.config.get("override_certs"), + ) + + to_shipped_locales_url = urljoin( + self.config["hg_server"], + "{}/raw-file/{}/{}/locales/shipped-locales".format( + self.config["repo_path"], + self.config["to_revision"], + self.config["app_name"], + ), + ) + to_shipped_locales = ( + self._retry_download(to_shipped_locales_url, "WARNING") + .read() + .strip() + .decode("utf-8") + ) + to_locales = set( + getPlatformLocales(to_shipped_locales, self.config["platform"]) + ) + + completes_only_index = 0 + for fromVersion in reversed(sorted(self.update_paths, key=CompareVersion)): + from_ = self.update_paths[fromVersion] + locales = sorted(list(set(from_["locales"]).intersection(to_locales))) + appVersion = from_["appVersion"] + build_id = from_["buildID"] + mar_channel_IDs = from_.get("marChannelIds") + + # Use new build targets for Windows, but only on compatible + # versions (42+). See bug 1185456 for additional context. + if self.config["platform"] not in ("win32", "win64") or LooseVersion( + fromVersion + ) < LooseVersion("42.0"): + update_platform = ftp2updatePlatforms(self.config["platform"])[0] + else: + update_platform = ftp2updatePlatforms(self.config["platform"])[1] + + release_dir = getReleasesDir(self.config["stage_product"], fromVersion) + path_ = getReleaseInstallerPath( + self.config["product"], + self.config["product"].title(), + fromVersion, + self.config["platform"], + locale="%locale%", + ) + from_path = "{}/{}".format(release_dir, path_) + + updater_package = "{}/{}".format( + release_dir, + getReleaseInstallerPath( + self.config["product"], + self.config["product"].title(), + fromVersion, + self.config["updater_platform"], + locale="%locale%", + ), + ) + + # Exclude locales being full checked + quick_check_locales = [ + l for l in locales if l not in self.config["full_check_locales"] + ] + # Get the intersection of from and to full_check_locales + this_full_check_locales = [ + l for l in self.config["full_check_locales"] if l in locales + ] + + if fromVersion in self.config["partial_versions"]: + self.info( + "Generating configs for partial update checks for %s" % fromVersion + ) + self.update_verify_config.addRelease( + release=appVersion, + build_id=build_id, + locales=locales, + patch_types=["complete", "partial"], + from_path=from_path, + ftp_server_from=self.config["previous_archive_prefix"], + ftp_server_to=self.config["archive_prefix"], + mar_channel_IDs=mar_channel_IDs, + platform=update_platform, + updater_package=updater_package, + ) + else: + if this_full_check_locales and is_triangualar(completes_only_index): + self.info("Generating full check configs for %s" % fromVersion) + self.update_verify_config.addRelease( + release=appVersion, + build_id=build_id, + locales=this_full_check_locales, + from_path=from_path, + ftp_server_from=self.config["previous_archive_prefix"], + ftp_server_to=self.config["archive_prefix"], + mar_channel_IDs=mar_channel_IDs, + platform=update_platform, + updater_package=updater_package, + ) + # Quick test for other locales, no download + if len(quick_check_locales) > 0: + self.info("Generating quick check configs for %s" % fromVersion) + if not is_triangualar(completes_only_index): + # Assuming we skipped full check locales, using all locales + _locales = locales + else: + # Excluding full check locales from the quick check + _locales = quick_check_locales + self.update_verify_config.addRelease( + release=appVersion, + build_id=build_id, + locales=_locales, + platform=update_platform, + ) + completes_only_index += 1 + + def write_config(self): + # Needs to be opened in "bytes" mode because we perform relative seeks on it + with open(self.config["output_file"], "wb+") as fh: + self.update_verify_config.write(fh) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + UpdateVerifyConfigCreator().run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/repackage.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/repackage.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e26a32c1db --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/repackage.py @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +import sys + +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) # noqa - don't warn about imports + +from mozharness.base.log import FATAL +from mozharness.base.script import BaseScript + + +class Repackage(BaseScript): + def __init__(self, require_config_file=False): + script_kwargs = { + "all_actions": [ + "setup", + "repackage", + ], + } + BaseScript.__init__( + self, require_config_file=require_config_file, **script_kwargs + ) + + def setup(self): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + self._run_tooltool() + + mar_path = os.path.join(dirs["abs_input_dir"], "mar") + if self._is_windows(): + mar_path += ".exe" + if mar_path and os.path.exists(mar_path): + self.chmod(mar_path, 0o755) + if self.config.get("run_configure", True): + self._get_mozconfig() + self._run_configure() + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + abs_dirs = super(Repackage, self).query_abs_dirs() + config = self.config + + dirs = {} + dirs["abs_input_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["base_work_dir"], "fetches") + output_dir_suffix = [] + if config.get("locale"): + output_dir_suffix.append(config["locale"]) + if config.get("repack_id"): + output_dir_suffix.append(config["repack_id"]) + dirs["abs_output_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "outputs", *output_dir_suffix + ) + for key in dirs.keys(): + if key not in abs_dirs: + abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + return self.abs_dirs + + def repackage(self): + config = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + subst = { + "package-name": config["package-name"], + # sfx-stub is only defined for Windows targets + "sfx-stub": config.get("sfx-stub"), + "installer-tag": config["installer-tag"], + "stub-installer-tag": config["stub-installer-tag"], + "wsx-stub": config["wsx-stub"], + } + subst.update(dirs) + if config.get("fetch-dir"): + subst.update({"fetch-dir": os.path.abspath(config["fetch-dir"])}) + + # Make sure the upload dir is around. + self.mkdir_p(dirs["abs_output_dir"]) + + for repack_config in config["repackage_config"]: + command = [sys.executable, "mach", "--log-no-times", "repackage"] + command.extend([arg.format(**subst) for arg in repack_config["args"]]) + for arg, filename in repack_config["inputs"].items(): + command.extend( + [ + "--{}".format(arg), + os.path.join(dirs["abs_input_dir"], filename), + ] + ) + command.extend( + [ + "--output", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_output_dir"], repack_config["output"]), + ] + ) + self.run_command( + command=command, + cwd=dirs["abs_src_dir"], + halt_on_failure=True, + env=self.query_env(), + ) + + def _run_tooltool(self): + config = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + manifest_src = os.environ.get("TOOLTOOL_MANIFEST") + if not manifest_src: + manifest_src = config.get("tooltool_manifest_src") + if not manifest_src: + return + + cmd = [ + sys.executable, + "-u", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], "mach"), + "artifact", + "toolchain", + "-v", + "--retry", + "4", + "--artifact-manifest", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], "toolchains.json"), + ] + if manifest_src: + cmd.extend( + [ + "--tooltool-manifest", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], manifest_src), + ] + ) + cache = config.get("tooltool_cache") + if cache: + cmd.extend(["--cache-dir", cache]) + self.info(str(cmd)) + self.run_command(cmd, cwd=dirs["abs_src_dir"], halt_on_failure=True) + + def _get_mozconfig(self): + """assign mozconfig.""" + c = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + abs_mozconfig_path = "" + + # first determine the mozconfig path + if c.get("src_mozconfig"): + self.info("Using in-tree mozconfig") + abs_mozconfig_path = os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], c["src_mozconfig"]) + else: + self.fatal( + "'src_mozconfig' must be in the config " + "in order to determine the mozconfig." + ) + + # print its contents + self.read_from_file(abs_mozconfig_path, error_level=FATAL) + + # finally, copy the mozconfig to a path that 'mach build' expects it to be + self.copyfile( + abs_mozconfig_path, os.path.join(dirs["abs_src_dir"], ".mozconfig") + ) + + def _run_configure(self): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + command = [sys.executable, "mach", "--log-no-times", "configure"] + return self.run_command( + command=command, + cwd=dirs["abs_src_dir"], + output_timeout=60 * 3, + halt_on_failure=True, + ) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + repack = Repackage() + repack.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/talos_script.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/talos_script.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..10e441070c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/talos_script.py @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +"""talos + +""" + +import os +import sys + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.talos import Talos + +if __name__ == "__main__": + talos = Talos() + talos.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/telemetry/telemetry_client.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/telemetry/telemetry_client.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..a0c91ad1a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/telemetry/telemetry_client.py @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** + + +import copy +import os +import sys + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]))) + +from mozharness.base.python import PreScriptAction +from mozharness.mozilla.structuredlog import StructuredOutputParser +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.codecoverage import ( + CodeCoverageMixin, + code_coverage_config_options, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options +from mozharness.mozilla.vcstools import VCSToolsScript + +# General command line arguments for Firefox ui tests +telemetry_tests_config_options = ( + [ + [ + ["--allow-software-gl-layers"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "allow_software_gl_layers", + "default": False, + "help": "Permits a software GL implementation (such as LLVMPipe) " + "to use the GL compositor.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--dry-run"], + { + "dest": "dry_run", + "default": False, + "help": "Only show what was going to be tested.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-e10s"], + { + "dest": "e10s", + "action": "store_false", + "default": True, + "help": "Disable multi-process (e10s) mode when running tests.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-fission"], + { + "dest": "disable_fission", + "action": "store_true", + "default": False, + "help": "Disable fission mode when running tests.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--setpref"], + { + "dest": "extra_prefs", + "action": "append", + "default": [], + "help": "Extra user prefs.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--symbols-path=SYMBOLS_PATH"], + { + "dest": "symbols_path", + "help": "absolute path to directory containing breakpad " + "symbols, or the url of a zip file containing symbols.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--tag=TAG"], + { + "dest": "tag", + "help": "Subset of tests to run (local, remote).", + }, + ], + ] + + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) + + copy.deepcopy(code_coverage_config_options) +) + + +class TelemetryTests(TestingMixin, VCSToolsScript, CodeCoverageMixin): + def __init__( + self, + config_options=None, + all_actions=None, + default_actions=None, + *args, + **kwargs + ): + config_options = config_options or telemetry_tests_config_options + actions = [ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "create-virtualenv", + "install", + "run-tests", + "uninstall", + ] + + super(TelemetryTests, self).__init__( + config_options=config_options, + all_actions=all_actions or actions, + default_actions=default_actions or actions, + *args, + **kwargs + ) + + # Code which runs in automation has to include the following properties + self.binary_path = self.config.get("binary_path") + self.installer_path = self.config.get("installer_path") + self.installer_url = self.config.get("installer_url") + self.test_packages_url = self.config.get("test_packages_url") + self.test_url = self.config.get("test_url") + self.disable_fission = self.config.get("disable_fission") + + if not self.test_url and not self.test_packages_url: + self.fatal("You must use --test-url, or --test-packages-url") + + @PreScriptAction("create-virtualenv") + def _pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): + abs_dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + requirements = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], + "config", + "telemetry_tests_requirements.txt", + ) + self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements], two_pass=True) + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + + abs_dirs = super(TelemetryTests, self).query_abs_dirs() + + abs_test_install_dir = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests") + + dirs = { + "abs_test_install_dir": abs_test_install_dir, + "abs_telemetry_dir": os.path.join( + abs_test_install_dir, "telemetry", "marionette" + ), + "abs_blob_upload_dir": os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "blobber_upload_dir" + ), + } + + for key in dirs: + if key not in abs_dirs: + abs_dirs[key] = dirs[key] + + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + + return self.abs_dirs + + def run_test(self, binary_path, env=None, marionette_port=2828): + """All required steps for running the tests against an installer.""" + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + # Import the harness to retrieve the location of the cli scripts + import telemetry_harness + + cmd = [ + self.query_python_path(), + os.path.join(os.path.dirname(telemetry_harness.__file__), self.cli_script), + "--binary", + binary_path, + "--address", + "localhost:{}".format(marionette_port), + # Resource files to serve via local webserver + "--server-root", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_telemetry_dir"], "harness", "www"), + # Use the work dir to get temporary data stored + "--workspace", + dirs["abs_work_dir"], + # logging options + "--gecko-log=-", # output from the gecko process redirected to stdout + "--log-raw=-", # structured log for output parser redirected to stdout + # additional reports helpful for Jenkins and inpection via Treeherder + "--log-html", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "report.html"), + "--log-xunit", + os.path.join(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "report.xml"), + # Enable tracing output to log transmission protocol + "-vv", + ] + + # Symbols for crash reports + if self.symbols_path: + cmd.extend(["--symbols-path", self.symbols_path]) + + if self.disable_fission: + cmd.append("--disable-fission") + cmd.extend(["--setpref={}".format(p) for p in self.config["extra_prefs"]]) + + if not self.config["e10s"]: + cmd.append("--disable-e10s") + + parser = StructuredOutputParser( + config=self.config, log_obj=self.log_obj, strict=False + ) + + # Add the default tests to run + tests = [ + os.path.join(dirs["abs_telemetry_dir"], "tests", test) + for test in self.default_tests + ] + cmd.extend(tests) + + # Set further environment settings + env = env or self.query_env() + env.update({"MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH": dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"]}) + if self.query_minidump_stackwalk(): + env.update({"MINIDUMP_STACKWALK": self.minidump_stackwalk_path}) + env["RUST_BACKTRACE"] = "1" + env["MOZ_IGNORE_NSS_SHUTDOWN_LEAKS"] = "1" + + # Causes Firefox to crash when using non-local connections. + env["MOZ_DISABLE_NONLOCAL_CONNECTIONS"] = "1" + + # If code coverage is enabled, set GCOV_PREFIX env variable + if self.config.get("code_coverage"): + env["GCOV_PREFIX"] = self.gcov_dir + + return_code = self.run_command( + cmd, + cwd=dirs["abs_work_dir"], + output_timeout=1000, + output_parser=parser, + env=env, + ) + + tbpl_status, log_level, _ = parser.evaluate_parser(return_code) + self.record_status(tbpl_status, level=log_level) + + return return_code + + @PreScriptAction("run-tests") + def _pre_run_tests(self, action): + if not self.installer_path and not self.installer_url: + self.critical( + "Please specify an installer via --installer-path or --installer-url." + ) + sys.exit(1) + + def run_tests(self): + """Run all the tests""" + return self.run_test( + binary_path=self.binary_path, + env=self.query_env(), + ) + + +class TelemetryClientTests(TelemetryTests): + cli_script = "runtests.py" + default_tests = [ + os.path.join("client", "manifest.ini"), + os.path.join("unit", "manifest.ini"), + ] + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + myScript = TelemetryClientTests() + myScript.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/scripts/web_platform_tests.py b/testing/mozharness/scripts/web_platform_tests.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..662f1a7540 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/scripts/web_platform_tests.py @@ -0,0 +1,700 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** +import copy +import gzip +import json +import os +import sys +from datetime import datetime, timedelta + +# load modules from parent dir +sys.path.insert(1, os.path.dirname(sys.path[0])) + +import mozinfo +from mozharness.base.errors import BaseErrorList +from mozharness.base.log import INFO +from mozharness.base.script import PreScriptAction +from mozharness.base.vcs.vcsbase import MercurialScript +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import TBPL_RETRY +from mozharness.mozilla.structuredlog import StructuredOutputParser +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.android import AndroidMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.codecoverage import ( + CodeCoverageMixin, + code_coverage_config_options, +) +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.errors import WptHarnessErrorList +from mozharness.mozilla.testing.testbase import TestingMixin, testing_config_options + + +class WebPlatformTest(TestingMixin, MercurialScript, CodeCoverageMixin, AndroidMixin): + config_options = ( + [ + [ + ["--test-type"], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "test_type", + "help": "Specify the test types to run.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-e10s"], + { + "action": "store_false", + "dest": "e10s", + "default": True, + "help": "Run without e10s enabled", + }, + ], + [ + ["--disable-fission"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "disable_fission", + "default": False, + "help": "Run without fission enabled", + }, + ], + [ + ["--total-chunks"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "total_chunks", + "help": "Number of total chunks", + }, + ], + [ + ["--this-chunk"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "this_chunk", + "help": "Number of this chunk", + }, + ], + [ + ["--allow-software-gl-layers"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "allow_software_gl_layers", + "default": False, + "help": "Permits a software GL implementation (such as LLVMPipe) " + "to use the GL compositor.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--headless"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "headless", + "default": False, + "help": "Run tests in headless mode.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--headless-width"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "headless_width", + "default": "1600", + "help": "Specify headless virtual screen width (default: 1600).", + }, + ], + [ + ["--headless-height"], + { + "action": "store", + "dest": "headless_height", + "default": "1200", + "help": "Specify headless virtual screen height (default: 1200).", + }, + ], + [ + ["--setpref"], + { + "action": "append", + "metavar": "PREF=VALUE", + "dest": "extra_prefs", + "default": [], + "help": "Defines an extra user preference.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--skip-implementation-status"], + { + "action": "extend", + "dest": "skip_implementation_status", + "default": [], + "help": "Defines a way to not run a specific implementation status " + " (i.e. not implemented).", + }, + ], + [ + ["--backlog"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "backlog", + "default": False, + "help": "Defines if test category is backlog.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--skip-timeout"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "skip_timeout", + "default": False, + "help": "Ignore tests that are expected status of TIMEOUT", + }, + ], + [ + ["--default-exclude"], + { + "action": "store_true", + "dest": "default_exclude", + "default": False, + "help": "Only run the tests explicitly given in arguments", + }, + ], + [ + ["--include"], + { + "action": "append", + "dest": "include", + "default": [], + "help": "Add URL prefix to include.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--exclude"], + { + "action": "append", + "dest": "exclude", + "default": [], + "help": "Add URL prefix to exclude.", + }, + ], + [ + ["--tag"], + { + "action": "append", + "dest": "tag", + "default": [], + "help": "Add test tag (which includes URL prefix) to include.", + }, + ], + ] + + copy.deepcopy(testing_config_options) + + copy.deepcopy(code_coverage_config_options) + ) + + def __init__(self, require_config_file=True): + super(WebPlatformTest, self).__init__( + config_options=self.config_options, + all_actions=[ + "clobber", + "download-and-extract", + "download-and-process-manifest", + "create-virtualenv", + "pull", + "start-emulator", + "verify-device", + "install", + "run-tests", + ], + require_config_file=require_config_file, + config={"require_test_zip": True}, + ) + + # Surely this should be in the superclass + c = self.config + self.installer_url = c.get("installer_url") + self.test_url = c.get("test_url") + self.test_packages_url = c.get("test_packages_url") + self.installer_path = c.get("installer_path") + self.binary_path = c.get("binary_path") + self.abs_app_dir = None + self.xre_path = None + if self.is_emulator: + self.device_serial = "emulator-5554" + + def query_abs_app_dir(self): + """We can't set this in advance, because OSX install directories + change depending on branding and opt/debug. + """ + if self.abs_app_dir: + return self.abs_app_dir + if not self.binary_path: + self.fatal("Can't determine abs_app_dir (binary_path not set!)") + self.abs_app_dir = os.path.dirname(self.binary_path) + return self.abs_app_dir + + def query_abs_dirs(self): + if self.abs_dirs: + return self.abs_dirs + abs_dirs = super(WebPlatformTest, self).query_abs_dirs() + + dirs = {} + dirs["abs_app_install_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "application" + ) + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "tests") + dirs["abs_test_bin_dir"] = os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "bin") + dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "web-platform" + ) + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"] = os.path.join( + abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "blobber_upload_dir" + ) + dirs["abs_test_extensions_dir"] = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "extensions" + ) + if self.is_android: + dirs["abs_xre_dir"] = os.path.join(abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"], "hostutils") + if self.is_emulator: + work_dir = os.environ.get("MOZ_FETCHES_DIR") or abs_dirs["abs_work_dir"] + dirs["abs_sdk_dir"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "android-sdk-linux") + dirs["abs_avds_dir"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "android-device") + dirs["abs_bundletool_path"] = os.path.join(work_dir, "bundletool.jar") + # AndroidMixin uses this when launching the emulator. We only want + # GLES3 if we're running WebRender (default) + self.use_gles3 = True + + abs_dirs.update(dirs) + self.abs_dirs = abs_dirs + + return self.abs_dirs + + @PreScriptAction("create-virtualenv") + def _pre_create_virtualenv(self, action): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + requirements = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "config", "marionette_requirements.txt" + ) + + self.register_virtualenv_module(requirements=[requirements], two_pass=True) + + webtransport_requirements = os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], + "web-platform", + "tests", + "tools", + "webtransport", + "requirements.txt", + ) + + self.register_virtualenv_module( + requirements=[webtransport_requirements], two_pass=True + ) + + def _query_geckodriver(self): + path = None + c = self.config + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + repl_dict = {} + repl_dict.update(dirs) + path = c.get("geckodriver", "geckodriver") + if path: + path = path % repl_dict + return path + + def _query_cmd(self, test_types): + if not self.binary_path: + self.fatal("Binary path could not be determined") + # And exit + + c = self.config + run_file_name = "runtests.py" + + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + abs_app_dir = self.query_abs_app_dir() + str_format_values = { + "binary_path": self.binary_path, + "test_path": dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"], + "test_install_path": dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], + "abs_app_dir": abs_app_dir, + "abs_work_dir": dirs["abs_work_dir"], + "xre_path": self.xre_path, + } + + cmd = [self.query_python_path("python"), "-u"] + cmd.append(os.path.join(dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"], run_file_name)) + + mozinfo.find_and_update_from_json(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"]) + + raw_log_file, error_summary_file = self.get_indexed_logs( + dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "wpt" + ) + + cmd += [ + "--log-raw=-", + "--log-wptreport=%s" + % os.path.join(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "wptreport.json"), + "--log-errorsummary=%s" % error_summary_file, + "--symbols-path=%s" % self.symbols_path, + "--stackwalk-binary=%s" % self.query_minidump_stackwalk(), + "--stackfix-dir=%s" % os.path.join(dirs["abs_test_install_dir"], "bin"), + "--no-pause-after-test", + "--instrument-to-file=%s" + % os.path.join(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"], "wpt_instruments.txt"), + "--specialpowers-path=%s" + % os.path.join( + dirs["abs_test_extensions_dir"], "specialpowers@mozilla.org.xpi" + ), + ] + + is_windows_7 = ( + mozinfo.info["os"] == "win" and mozinfo.info["os_version"] == "6.1" + ) + + if ( + self.is_android + or mozinfo.info["tsan"] + or "wdspec" in test_types + or not c["disable_fission"] + # Bug 1392106 - skia error 0x80070005: Access is denied. + or is_windows_7 + and mozinfo.info["debug"] + ): + processes = 1 + else: + processes = 2 + cmd.append("--processes=%s" % processes) + + if self.is_android: + cmd += [ + "--device-serial=%s" % self.device_serial, + "--package-name=%s" % self.query_package_name(), + ] + else: + cmd.append("--binary=%s" % self.binary_path) + + if is_windows_7: + # On Windows 7 --install-fonts fails, so fall back to a Firefox-specific codepath + self._install_fonts() + else: + cmd += ["--install-fonts"] + + for test_type in test_types: + cmd.append("--test-type=%s" % test_type) + + if c["extra_prefs"]: + cmd.extend(["--setpref={}".format(p) for p in c["extra_prefs"]]) + + if c["disable_fission"]: + cmd.append("--disable-fission") + + if not c["e10s"]: + cmd.append("--disable-e10s") + + if c["skip_timeout"]: + cmd.append("--skip-timeout") + if c["default_exclude"]: + cmd.append("--default-exclude") + + for implementation_status in c["skip_implementation_status"]: + cmd.append("--skip-implementation-status=%s" % implementation_status) + + # Bug 1643177 - reduce timeout multiplier for web-platform-tests backlog + if c["backlog"]: + cmd.append("--timeout-multiplier=0.25") + + test_paths = set() + if not (self.verify_enabled or self.per_test_coverage): + mozharness_test_paths = json.loads( + os.environ.get("MOZHARNESS_TEST_PATHS", '""') + ) + if mozharness_test_paths: + path = os.path.join(dirs["abs_fetches_dir"], "wpt_tests_by_group.json") + + if not os.path.exists(path): + self.critical("Unable to locate web-platform-test groups file.") + + cmd.append("--test-groups={}".format(path)) + + for key in mozharness_test_paths.keys(): + paths = mozharness_test_paths.get(key, []) + for path in paths: + if not path.startswith("/"): + # Assume this is a filesystem path rather than a test id + path = os.path.relpath(path, "testing/web-platform") + if ".." in path: + self.fatal("Invalid WPT path: {}".format(path)) + path = os.path.join(dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"], path) + test_paths.add(path) + else: + # As per WPT harness, the --run-by-dir flag is incompatible with + # the --test-groups flag. + cmd.append("--run-by-dir=%i" % (3 if not mozinfo.info["asan"] else 0)) + for opt in ["total_chunks", "this_chunk"]: + val = c.get(opt) + if val: + cmd.append("--%s=%s" % (opt.replace("_", "-"), val)) + + options = list(c.get("options", [])) + + if "wdspec" in test_types: + geckodriver_path = self._query_geckodriver() + if not geckodriver_path or not os.path.isfile(geckodriver_path): + self.fatal( + "Unable to find geckodriver binary " + "in common test package: %s" % str(geckodriver_path) + ) + cmd.append("--webdriver-binary=%s" % geckodriver_path) + cmd.append("--webdriver-arg=-vv") # enable trace logs + + test_type_suite = { + "testharness": "web-platform-tests", + "crashtest": "web-platform-tests-crashtest", + "print-reftest": "web-platform-tests-print-reftest", + "reftest": "web-platform-tests-reftest", + "wdspec": "web-platform-tests-wdspec", + } + for test_type in test_types: + try_options, try_tests = self.try_args(test_type_suite[test_type]) + + cmd.extend( + self.query_options( + options, try_options, str_format_values=str_format_values + ) + ) + cmd.extend( + self.query_tests_args(try_tests, str_format_values=str_format_values) + ) + + for url_prefix in c["include"]: + cmd.append(f"--include={url_prefix}") + for url_prefix in c["exclude"]: + cmd.append(f"--exclude={url_prefix}") + for tag in c["tag"]: + cmd.append(f"--tag={tag}") + + cmd.extend(test_paths) + + return cmd + + def download_and_extract(self): + super(WebPlatformTest, self).download_and_extract( + extract_dirs=[ + "mach", + "bin/*", + "config/*", + "extensions/*", + "mozbase/*", + "marionette/*", + "tools/*", + "web-platform/*", + "mozpack/*", + "mozbuild/*", + ], + suite_categories=["web-platform"], + ) + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + if self.is_android: + self.xre_path = self.download_hostutils(dirs["abs_xre_dir"]) + # Make sure that the logging directory exists + if self.mkdir_p(dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"]) == -1: + self.fatal("Could not create blobber upload directory") + # Exit + + def download_and_process_manifest(self): + """Downloads the tests-by-manifest JSON mapping generated by the decision task. + + web-platform-tests are chunked in the decision task as of Bug 1608837 + and this means tests are resolved by the TestResolver as part of this process. + + The manifest file contains tests keyed by the groups generated in + TestResolver.get_wpt_group(). + + Upon successful call, a JSON file containing only the web-platform test + groups are saved in the fetch directory. + + Bug: + 1634554 + """ + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + url = os.environ.get("TESTS_BY_MANIFEST_URL", "") + if not url: + self.fatal("TESTS_BY_MANIFEST_URL not defined.") + + artifact_name = url.split("/")[-1] + + # Save file to the MOZ_FETCHES dir. + self.download_file( + url, file_name=artifact_name, parent_dir=dirs["abs_fetches_dir"] + ) + + with gzip.open(os.path.join(dirs["abs_fetches_dir"], artifact_name), "r") as f: + tests_by_manifest = json.loads(f.read()) + + # We need to filter out non-web-platform-tests without knowing what the + # groups are. Fortunately, all web-platform test 'manifests' begin with a + # forward slash. + test_groups = { + key: tests_by_manifest[key] + for key in tests_by_manifest.keys() + if key.startswith("/") + } + + outfile = os.path.join(dirs["abs_fetches_dir"], "wpt_tests_by_group.json") + with open(outfile, "w+") as f: + json.dump(test_groups, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True) + + def install(self): + if self.is_android: + self.install_android_app(self.installer_path) + else: + super(WebPlatformTest, self).install() + + def _install_fonts(self): + if self.is_android: + return + # Ensure the Ahem font is available + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + if not sys.platform.startswith("darwin"): + font_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.binary_path), "fonts") + else: + font_path = os.path.join( + os.path.dirname(self.binary_path), + os.pardir, + "Resources", + "res", + "fonts", + ) + if not os.path.exists(font_path): + os.makedirs(font_path) + ahem_src = os.path.join(dirs["abs_wpttest_dir"], "tests", "fonts", "Ahem.ttf") + ahem_dest = os.path.join(font_path, "Ahem.ttf") + with open(ahem_src, "rb") as src, open(ahem_dest, "wb") as dest: + dest.write(src.read()) + + def run_tests(self): + dirs = self.query_abs_dirs() + + parser = StructuredOutputParser( + config=self.config, + log_obj=self.log_obj, + log_compact=True, + error_list=BaseErrorList + WptHarnessErrorList, + allow_crashes=True, + ) + + env = {"MINIDUMP_SAVE_PATH": dirs["abs_blob_upload_dir"]} + env["RUST_BACKTRACE"] = "full" + + if self.config["allow_software_gl_layers"]: + env["MOZ_LAYERS_ALLOW_SOFTWARE_GL"] = "1" + if self.config["headless"]: + env["MOZ_HEADLESS"] = "1" + env["MOZ_HEADLESS_WIDTH"] = self.config["headless_width"] + env["MOZ_HEADLESS_HEIGHT"] = self.config["headless_height"] + + if self.is_android: + env["ADB_PATH"] = self.adb_path + + env = self.query_env(partial_env=env, log_level=INFO) + + start_time = datetime.now() + max_per_test_time = timedelta(minutes=60) + max_per_test_tests = 10 + if self.per_test_coverage: + max_per_test_tests = 30 + executed_tests = 0 + executed_too_many_tests = False + + if self.per_test_coverage or self.verify_enabled: + suites = self.query_per_test_category_suites(None, None) + if "wdspec" in suites: + # geckodriver is required for wdspec, but not always available + geckodriver_path = self._query_geckodriver() + if not geckodriver_path or not os.path.isfile(geckodriver_path): + suites.remove("wdspec") + self.info("Skipping 'wdspec' tests - no geckodriver") + else: + test_types = self.config.get("test_type", []) + suites = [None] + for suite in suites: + if executed_too_many_tests and not self.per_test_coverage: + continue + + if suite: + test_types = [suite] + + summary = {} + for per_test_args in self.query_args(suite): + # Make sure baseline code coverage tests are never + # skipped and that having them run has no influence + # on the max number of actual tests that are to be run. + is_baseline_test = ( + "baselinecoverage" in per_test_args[-1] + if self.per_test_coverage + else False + ) + if executed_too_many_tests and not is_baseline_test: + continue + + if not is_baseline_test: + if (datetime.now() - start_time) > max_per_test_time: + # Running tests has run out of time. That is okay! Stop running + # them so that a task timeout is not triggered, and so that + # (partial) results are made available in a timely manner. + self.info( + "TinderboxPrint: Running tests took too long: Not all tests " + "were executed.<br/>" + ) + return + if executed_tests >= max_per_test_tests: + # When changesets are merged between trees or many tests are + # otherwise updated at once, there probably is not enough time + # to run all tests, and attempting to do so may cause other + # problems, such as generating too much log output. + self.info( + "TinderboxPrint: Too many modified tests: Not all tests " + "were executed.<br/>" + ) + executed_too_many_tests = True + + executed_tests = executed_tests + 1 + + cmd = self._query_cmd(test_types) + cmd.extend(per_test_args) + + final_env = copy.copy(env) + + if self.per_test_coverage: + self.set_coverage_env(final_env, is_baseline_test) + + return_code = self.run_command( + cmd, + cwd=dirs["abs_work_dir"], + output_timeout=1000, + output_parser=parser, + env=final_env, + ) + + if self.per_test_coverage: + self.add_per_test_coverage_report( + final_env, suite, per_test_args[-1] + ) + + tbpl_status, log_level, summary = parser.evaluate_parser( + return_code, previous_summary=summary + ) + self.record_status(tbpl_status, level=log_level) + + if len(per_test_args) > 0: + self.log_per_test_status(per_test_args[-1], tbpl_status, log_level) + if tbpl_status == TBPL_RETRY: + self.info("Per-test run abandoned due to RETRY status") + return + + +# main {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + web_platform_tests = WebPlatformTest() + web_platform_tests.run_and_exit() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/setup.cfg b/testing/mozharness/setup.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d8057aec13 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/setup.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[nosetests] +exclude=TestingMixin diff --git a/testing/mozharness/setup.py b/testing/mozharness/setup.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0c4a9e7186 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/setup.py @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +import os +from setuptools import setup, find_packages + +try: + here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + description = open(os.path.join(here, "README.txt")).read() +except IOError: + description = "" + +import mozharness + +version = mozharness.version_string + +dependencies = ["virtualenv", "mock", "coverage", "nose", "pylint", "pyflakes"] +try: + import json +except ImportError: + dependencies.append("simplejson") + +setup( + name="mozharness", + version=version, + description="Mozharness is a configuration-driven script harness with full logging that allows production infrastructure and individual developers to use the same scripts. ", + long_description=description, + classifiers=[ + "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7", + "Programming Language :: Python :: 2 :: Only", + ], # Get strings from http://www.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=list_classifiers + author="Aki Sasaki", + author_email="aki@mozilla.com", + url="https://hg.mozilla.org/build/mozharness/", + license="MPL", + packages=find_packages(exclude=["ez_setup", "examples", "tests"]), + include_package_data=True, + zip_safe=False, + install_requires=dependencies, + entry_points=""" + # -*- Entry points: -*- + """, +) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/README b/testing/mozharness/test/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..889c8a83d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/README @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +test/ : non-network-dependent unit tests +test/networked/ : network-dependent unit tests. diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/.noserc b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/.noserc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e6f21cf31d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/.noserc @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[nosetests] +with-xunit=1 diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-double-link.tar b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-double-link.tar Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a1b77d3af8 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-double-link.tar diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-escape.tar b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-escape.tar Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb6ace807e --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-escape.tar diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-link-abs.tar b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-link-abs.tar Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1bbf9c0f46 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-link-abs.tar diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-link.tar b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-link.tar Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2181c24a93 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-link.tar diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-setuid.tar b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-setuid.tar Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55078dc826 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive-setuid.tar diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1dc094198f --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar.bz2 b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar.bz2 Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c393ea4b88 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar.bz2 diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar.gz b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar.gz Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0fbfa39b1c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.tar.gz diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.zip b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.zip Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aa2fb34c16 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive.zip diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive_invalid_filename.zip b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive_invalid_filename.zip Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 0000000000..20bdc5acdf --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/archive_invalid_filename.zip diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/reference/bin/script.sh b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/reference/bin/script.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..134f2933c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/reference/bin/script.sh @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +echo Hello world! diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/reference/lorem.txt b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/reference/lorem.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d2cf010d36 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/archives/reference/lorem.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/create_archives.sh b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/create_archives.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..314b55d276 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/create_archives.sh @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# Script to auto-generate the different archive types under the archives directory. + +cd archives + +rm archive.* + +tar cf archive.tar -C reference . +gzip -fk archive.tar >archive.tar.gz +bzip2 -fk archive.tar >archive.tar.bz2 +cd reference && zip ../archive.zip -r * && cd .. diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/init_hgrepo.sh b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/init_hgrepo.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..0f4561695f --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/init_hgrepo.sh @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#!/bin/bash +# Set up an hg repo for testing +dest=$1 +if [ -z "$dest" ]; then + echo You must specify a destination directory 1>&2 + exit 1 +fi + +rm -rf $dest +hg init $dest +cd $dest + +echo "Hello world $RANDOM" > hello.txt +hg add hello.txt +hg commit -m "Adding hello" + +hg branch branch2 > /dev/null +echo "So long, farewell" >> hello.txt +hg commit -m "Changing hello on branch" + +hg checkout default +echo "Is this thing on?" >> hello.txt +hg commit -m "Last change on default" diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/locales.json b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/locales.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c9056b1d15 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/locales.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "ar": { + "revision": "default", + "platforms": ["maemo"] + }, + "be": { + "revision": "default", + "platforms": ["maemo"] + }, + "de": { + "revision": "default", + "platforms": ["maemo", "maemo-multilocale", "android-multilocale"] + }, + "es-ES": { + "revision": "default", + "platforms": ["maemo", "maemo-multilocale", "android-multilocale"] + } +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/locales.txt b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/locales.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0b65ab76df --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/locales.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +ar +be +de +es-ES diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/mozconfig_manifest.json b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/mozconfig_manifest.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6f3fc3eea9 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/helper_files/mozconfig_manifest.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "gecko_path": "path/to/mozconfig" +} diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/hgrc b/testing/mozharness/test/hgrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..85e670518b --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/hgrc @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[extensions] +mq = +purge = +rebase = +share = +transplant = + +[ui] +username = tester <tester@example.com> diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/pip-freeze.example.txt b/testing/mozharness/test/pip-freeze.example.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..56e06923fc --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/pip-freeze.example.txt @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +MakeItSo==0.2.6 +PyYAML==3.10 +Tempita==0.5.1 +WebOb==1.2b3 +-e hg+http://k0s.org/mozilla/hg/configuration@35416ad140982c11eba0a2d6b96d683f53429e94#egg=configuration-dev +coverage==3.5.1 +-e hg+http://k0s.org/mozilla/hg/jetperf@4645ae34d2c41a353dcdbd856b486b6d3faabb99#egg=jetperf-dev +logilab-astng==0.23.1 +logilab-common==0.57.1 +mozdevice==0.2 +-e hg+https://hg.mozilla.org/build/mozharness@df6b7f1e14d8c472125ef7a77b8a3b40c96ae181#egg=mozharness-jetperf +mozhttpd==0.3 +mozinfo==0.3.3 +nose==1.1.2 +pyflakes==0.5.0 +pylint==0.25.1 +-e hg+https://hg.mozilla.org/build/talos@ee5c0b090d808e81a8fc5ba5f96b012797b3e785#egg=talos-dev +virtualenv== +wsgiref==0.1.2 diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_config.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_config.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cafdbbca73 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,376 @@ +import os +import unittest +from copy import deepcopy + +JSON_TYPE = None +try: + import simplejson as json + + assert json +except ImportError: + import json + + JSON_TYPE = "json" +else: + JSON_TYPE = "simplejson" + +import mozharness.base.config as config + +MH_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + + +class TestParseConfigFile(unittest.TestCase): + def _get_json_config( + self, + filename=os.path.join(MH_DIR, "configs", "test", "test.json"), + output="dict", + ): + fh = open(filename) + contents = json.load(fh) + fh.close() + if "output" == "dict": + return dict(contents) + else: + return contents + + def _get_python_config( + self, filename=os.path.join(MH_DIR, "configs", "test", "test.py"), output="dict" + ): + global_dict = {} + local_dict = {} + # exec(open(filename).read(), global_dict, local_dict) + exec( + compile(open(filename, "rb").read(), filename, "exec"), + global_dict, + local_dict, + ) + return local_dict["config"] + + def test_json_config(self): + c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + content_dict = self._get_json_config() + for key in content_dict.keys(): + self.assertEqual(content_dict[key], c._config[key]) + + def test_python_config(self): + c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file="test/test.py") + config_dict = self._get_python_config() + for key in config_dict.keys(): + self.assertEqual(config_dict[key], c._config[key]) + + def test_illegal_config(self): + self.assertRaises( + IOError, + config.parse_config_file, + "this_file_does_not_exist.py", + search_path="yadda", + ) + + def test_illegal_suffix(self): + self.assertRaises( + RuntimeError, config.parse_config_file, "test/test.illegal_suffix" + ) + + def test_malformed_json(self): + if JSON_TYPE == "simplejson": + self.assertRaises( + json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, + config.parse_config_file, + "test/test_malformed.json", + ) + else: + self.assertRaises( + ValueError, config.parse_config_file, "test/test_malformed.json" + ) + + def test_malformed_python(self): + self.assertRaises( + SyntaxError, config.parse_config_file, "test/test_malformed.py" + ) + + def test_multiple_config_files_override_string(self): + c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file="test/test.py") + c.parse_args(["--cfg", "test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py"]) + self.assertEqual(c._config["override_string"], "yay") + + def test_multiple_config_files_override_list(self): + c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file="test/test.py") + c.parse_args(["--cfg", "test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py"]) + self.assertEqual(c._config["override_list"], ["yay", "worked"]) + + def test_multiple_config_files_override_dict(self): + c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file="test/test.py") + c.parse_args(["--cfg", "test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py"]) + self.assertEqual(c._config["override_dict"], {"yay": "worked"}) + + def test_multiple_config_files_keep_string(self): + c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file="test/test.py") + c.parse_args(["--cfg", "test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py"]) + self.assertEqual(c._config["keep_string"], "don't change me") + + def test_optional_config_files_override_value(self): + c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file="test/test.py") + c.parse_args( + [ + "--cfg", + "test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py", + "--opt-cfg", + "test/test_optional.py", + ] + ) + self.assertEqual(c._config["opt_override"], "new stuff") + + def test_optional_config_files_missing_config(self): + c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file="test/test.py") + c.parse_args( + [ + "--cfg", + "test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py", + "--opt-cfg", + "test/test_optional.py,does_not_exist.py", + ] + ) + self.assertEqual(c._config["opt_override"], "new stuff") + + def test_optional_config_files_keep_string(self): + c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file="test/test.py") + c.parse_args( + [ + "--cfg", + "test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py", + "--opt-cfg", + "test/test_optional.py", + ] + ) + self.assertEqual(c._config["keep_string"], "don't change me") + + +class TestReadOnlyDict(unittest.TestCase): + control_dict = { + "b": "2", + "c": {"d": "4"}, + "h": ["f", "g"], + "e": ["f", "g", {"turtles": ["turtle1"]}], + "d": {"turtles": ["turtle1"]}, + } + + def get_unlocked_ROD(self): + r = config.ReadOnlyDict(self.control_dict) + return r + + def get_locked_ROD(self): + r = config.ReadOnlyDict(self.control_dict) + r.lock() + return r + + def test_create_ROD(self): + r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() + self.assertEqual( + r, self.control_dict, msg="can't transfer dict to ReadOnlyDict" + ) + + def test_pop_item(self): + r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() + r.popitem() + self.assertEqual( + len(r), + len(self.control_dict) - 1, + msg="can't popitem() ReadOnlyDict when unlocked", + ) + + def test_pop(self): + r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() + r.pop("e") + self.assertEqual( + len(r), + len(self.control_dict) - 1, + msg="can't pop() ReadOnlyDict when unlocked", + ) + + def test_set(self): + r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() + r["e"] = "yarrr" + self.assertEqual( + r["e"], "yarrr", msg="can't set var in ReadOnlyDict when unlocked" + ) + + def test_del(self): + r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() + del r["e"] + self.assertEqual( + len(r), + len(self.control_dict) - 1, + msg="can't del in ReadOnlyDict when unlocked", + ) + + def test_clear(self): + r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() + r.clear() + self.assertEqual(r, {}, msg="can't clear() ReadOnlyDict when unlocked") + + def test_set_default(self): + r = self.get_unlocked_ROD() + for key in self.control_dict.keys(): + r.setdefault(key, self.control_dict[key]) + self.assertEqual( + r, self.control_dict, msg="can't setdefault() ReadOnlyDict when unlocked" + ) + + def test_locked_set(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + # TODO use |with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):| if/when we're + # all on 2.7. + try: + r["e"] = 2 + except AssertionError: + pass + else: + self.assertEqual(0, 1, msg="can set r['e'] when locked") + + def test_locked_del(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + try: + del r["e"] + except AssertionError: + pass + else: + self.assertEqual(0, 1, "can del r['e'] when locked") + + def test_locked_popitem(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r.popitem) + + def test_locked_update(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r.update, {}) + + def test_locked_set_default(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r.setdefault, {}) + + def test_locked_pop(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r.pop) + + def test_locked_clear(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r.clear) + + def test_locked_second_level_dict_pop(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r["c"].update, {}) + + def test_locked_second_level_list_pop(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): + r["e"].pop() + + def test_locked_third_level_mutate(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): + r["d"]["turtles"].append("turtle2") + + def test_locked_object_in_tuple_mutate(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): + r["e"][2]["turtles"].append("turtle2") + + def test_locked_second_level_dict_pop2(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + self.assertRaises(AssertionError, r["c"].update, {}) + + def test_locked_second_level_list_pop2(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): + r["e"].pop() + + def test_locked_third_level_mutate2(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): + r["d"]["turtles"].append("turtle2") + + def test_locked_object_in_tuple_mutate2(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): + r["e"][2]["turtles"].append("turtle2") + + def test_locked_deepcopy_set(self): + r = self.get_locked_ROD() + c = deepcopy(r) + c["e"] = "hey" + self.assertEqual(c["e"], "hey", "can't set var in ROD after deepcopy") + + +class TestActions(unittest.TestCase): + all_actions = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] + default_actions = ["b", "c", "d"] + + def test_verify_actions(self): + c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + try: + c.verify_actions(["not_a_real_action"]) + except SystemExit: + pass + else: + self.assertEqual(0, 1, msg="verify_actions() didn't die on invalid action") + c = config.BaseConfig(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + returned_actions = c.verify_actions(c.all_actions) + self.assertEqual( + c.all_actions, + returned_actions, + msg="returned actions from verify_actions() changed", + ) + + def test_default_actions(self): + c = config.BaseConfig( + default_actions=self.default_actions, + all_actions=self.all_actions, + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + ) + self.assertEqual( + self.default_actions, c.get_actions(), msg="default_actions broken" + ) + + def test_no_action1(self): + c = config.BaseConfig( + default_actions=self.default_actions, + all_actions=self.all_actions, + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + ) + c.parse_args(args=["foo", "--no-action", "a"]) + self.assertEqual( + self.default_actions, c.get_actions(), msg="--no-ACTION broken" + ) + + def test_no_action2(self): + c = config.BaseConfig( + default_actions=self.default_actions, + all_actions=self.all_actions, + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + ) + c.parse_args(args=["foo", "--no-c"]) + self.assertEqual(["b", "d"], c.get_actions(), msg="--no-ACTION broken") + + def test_add_action(self): + c = config.BaseConfig( + default_actions=self.default_actions, + all_actions=self.all_actions, + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + ) + c.parse_args(args=["foo", "--add-action", "e"]) + self.assertEqual( + ["b", "c", "d", "e"], c.get_actions(), msg="--add-action ACTION broken" + ) + + def test_only_action(self): + c = config.BaseConfig( + default_actions=self.default_actions, + all_actions=self.all_actions, + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + ) + c.parse_args(args=["foo", "--a", "--e"]) + self.assertEqual(["a", "e"], c.get_actions(), msg="--ACTION broken") + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_diskutils.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_diskutils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c5ac59083 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_diskutils.py @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +import unittest +from unittest import mock + +from mozharness.base.diskutils import DiskInfo, DiskSize, DiskutilsError, convert_to + + +class TestDiskutils(unittest.TestCase): + def test_convert_to(self): + # 0 is 0 regardless from_unit/to_unit + self.assertTrue(convert_to(size=0, from_unit="GB", to_unit="MB") == 0) + size = 524288 # 512 * 1024 + # converting from/to same unit + self.assertTrue(convert_to(size=size, from_unit="MB", to_unit="MB") == size) + + self.assertTrue(convert_to(size=size, from_unit="MB", to_unit="GB") == 512) + + self.assertRaises( + DiskutilsError, + lambda: convert_to(size="a string", from_unit="MB", to_unit="MB"), + ) + self.assertRaises( + DiskutilsError, lambda: convert_to(size=0, from_unit="foo", to_unit="MB") + ) + self.assertRaises( + DiskutilsError, lambda: convert_to(size=0, from_unit="MB", to_unit="foo") + ) + + +class TestDiskInfo(unittest.TestCase): + def testDiskinfo_to(self): + di = DiskInfo() + self.assertTrue(di.unit == "bytes") + self.assertTrue(di.free == 0) + self.assertTrue(di.used == 0) + self.assertTrue(di.total == 0) + # convert to GB + di._to("GB") + self.assertTrue(di.unit == "GB") + self.assertTrue(di.free == 0) + self.assertTrue(di.used == 0) + self.assertTrue(di.total == 0) + + +class MockStatvfs(object): + def __init__(self): + self.f_bsize = 0 + self.f_frsize = 0 + self.f_blocks = 0 + self.f_bfree = 0 + self.f_bavail = 0 + self.f_files = 0 + self.f_ffree = 0 + self.f_favail = 0 + self.f_flag = 0 + self.f_namemax = 0 + + +class TestDiskSpace(unittest.TestCase): + @mock.patch("mozharness.base.diskutils.os") + def testDiskSpacePosix(self, mock_os): + ds = MockStatvfs() + mock_os.statvfs.return_value = ds + di = DiskSize()._posix_size("/") + self.assertTrue(di.unit == "bytes") + self.assertTrue(di.free == 0) + self.assertTrue(di.used == 0) + self.assertTrue(di.total == 0) + + @mock.patch("mozharness.base.diskutils.ctypes") + def testDiskSpaceWindows(self, mock_ctypes): + mock_ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExA.return_value = 0 + mock_ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW.return_value = 0 + di = DiskSize()._windows_size("/c/") + self.assertTrue(di.unit == "bytes") + self.assertTrue(di.free == 0) + self.assertTrue(di.used == 0) + self.assertTrue(di.total == 0) + + @mock.patch("mozharness.base.diskutils.os") + @mock.patch("mozharness.base.diskutils.ctypes") + def testUnspportedPlafrom(self, mock_ctypes, mock_os): + mock_os.statvfs.side_effect = AttributeError("") + self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: DiskSize()._posix_size("/")) + mock_ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW.side_effect = AttributeError("") + mock_ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExA.side_effect = AttributeError("") + self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: DiskSize()._windows_size("/")) + self.assertRaises( + DiskutilsError, lambda: DiskSize().get_size(path="/", unit="GB") + ) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_log.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_log.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..769cb1e390 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_log.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +import os +import shutil +import unittest + +import mozharness.base.log as log + +tmp_dir = "test_log_dir" +log_name = "test" + + +def clean_log_dir(): + if os.path.exists(tmp_dir): + shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) + + +def get_log_file_path(level=None): + if level: + return os.path.join(tmp_dir, "%s_%s.log" % (log_name, level)) + return os.path.join(tmp_dir, "%s.log" % log_name) + + +class TestLog(unittest.TestCase): + def setUp(self): + clean_log_dir() + + def tearDown(self): + clean_log_dir() + + def test_log_dir(self): + fh = open(tmp_dir, "w") + fh.write("foo") + fh.close() + l = log.SimpleFileLogger( + log_dir=tmp_dir, log_name=log_name, log_to_console=False + ) + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(tmp_dir)) + l.log_message("blah") + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(get_log_file_path())) + del l + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_parallel.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_parallel.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..272d84484d --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_parallel.py @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +import unittest + +from mozharness.base.parallel import ChunkingMixin + + +class TestChunkingMixin(unittest.TestCase): + def setUp(self): + self.c = ChunkingMixin() + + def test_one_chunk(self): + self.assertEqual(self.c.query_chunked_list([1, 3, 2], 1, 1), [1, 3, 2]) + + def test_sorted(self): + self.assertEqual( + self.c.query_chunked_list([1, 3, 2], 1, 1, sort=True), [1, 2, 3] + ) + + def test_first_chunk(self): + self.assertEqual(self.c.query_chunked_list([4, 5, 4, 3], 1, 2), [4, 5]) + + def test_last_chunk(self): + self.assertEqual(self.c.query_chunked_list([1, 4, 5, 7, 5, 6], 3, 3), [5, 6]) + + def test_not_evenly_divisble(self): + thing = [1, 3, 6, 4, 3, 2, 6] + self.assertEqual(self.c.query_chunked_list(thing, 1, 3), [1, 3, 6]) + self.assertEqual(self.c.query_chunked_list(thing, 2, 3), [4, 3]) + self.assertEqual(self.c.query_chunked_list(thing, 3, 3), [2, 6]) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_python.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_python.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c05f704ef6 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_python.py @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +import os +import unittest + +import mozharness.base.python as python + +here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + + +class TestVirtualenvMixin(unittest.TestCase): + def test_package_versions(self): + example = os.path.join(here, "pip-freeze.example.txt") + output = open(example).read() + mixin = python.VirtualenvMixin() + packages = mixin.package_versions(output) + + # from the file + expected = { + "MakeItSo": "0.2.6", + "PyYAML": "3.10", + "Tempita": "0.5.1", + "WebOb": "1.2b3", + "coverage": "3.5.1", + "logilab-astng": "0.23.1", + "logilab-common": "0.57.1", + "mozdevice": "0.2", + "mozhttpd": "0.3", + "mozinfo": "0.3.3", + "nose": "1.1.2", + "pyflakes": "0.5.0", + "pylint": "0.25.1", + "virtualenv": "", + "wsgiref": "0.1.2", + } + + self.assertEqual(packages, expected) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_script.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_script.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8acb630053 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_script.py @@ -0,0 +1,983 @@ +import gc +import os +import re +import shutil +import tempfile +import types +import unittest +from unittest import mock + +PYWIN32 = False +if os.name == "nt": + try: + import win32file + + PYWIN32 = True + except ImportError: + pass + + +import mozharness.base.errors as errors +import mozharness.base.log as log +import mozharness.base.script as script +from mozharness.base.config import parse_config_file +from mozharness.base.log import CRITICAL, DEBUG, ERROR, FATAL, IGNORE, INFO, WARNING + +here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + +test_string = """foo +bar +baz""" + + +class CleanupObj(script.ScriptMixin, log.LogMixin): + def __init__(self): + super(CleanupObj, self).__init__() + self.log_obj = None + self.config = {"log_level": ERROR} + + +def cleanup(files=None): + files = files or [] + files.extend(("test_logs", "test_dir", "tmpfile_stdout", "tmpfile_stderr")) + gc.collect() + c = CleanupObj() + for f in files: + c.rmtree(f) + + +def get_debug_script_obj(): + s = script.BaseScript( + config={"log_type": "multi", "log_level": DEBUG}, + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + ) + return s + + +def _post_fatal(self, **kwargs): + fh = open("tmpfile_stdout", "w") + print(test_string, file=fh) + fh.close() + + +# TestScript {{{1 +class TestScript(unittest.TestCase): + def setUp(self): + cleanup() + self.s = None + self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=".mozharness") + + def tearDown(self): + # Close the logfile handles, or windows can't remove the logs + if hasattr(self, "s") and isinstance(self.s, object): + del self.s + cleanup([self.tmpdir]) + + # test _dump_config_hierarchy() when --dump-config-hierarchy is passed + def test_dump_config_hierarchy_valid_files_len(self): + try: + self.s = script.BaseScript( + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + option_args=["--cfg", "test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py"], + config={"dump_config_hierarchy": True}, + ) + except SystemExit: + local_cfg_files = parse_config_file("test_logs/localconfigfiles.json") + # first let's see if the correct number of config files were + # realized + self.assertEqual( + len(local_cfg_files), + 4, + msg="--dump-config-hierarchy dumped wrong number of config files", + ) + + def test_dump_config_hierarchy_keys_unique_and_valid(self): + try: + self.s = script.BaseScript( + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + option_args=["--cfg", "test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py"], + config={"dump_config_hierarchy": True}, + ) + except SystemExit: + local_cfg_files = parse_config_file("test_logs/localconfigfiles.json") + # now let's see if only unique items were added from each config + t_override = local_cfg_files.get("test/test_override.py", {}) + self.assertTrue( + t_override.get("keep_string") == "don't change me" + and len(t_override.keys()) == 1, + msg="--dump-config-hierarchy dumped wrong keys/value for " + "`test/test_override.py`. There should only be one " + "item and it should be unique to all the other " + "items in test_log/localconfigfiles.json.", + ) + + def test_dump_config_hierarchy_matches_self_config(self): + try: + ###### + # we need temp_cfg because self.s will be gcollected (NoneType) by + # the time we get to SystemExit exception + # temp_cfg will differ from self.s.config because of + # 'dump_config_hierarchy'. we have to make a deepcopy because + # config is a locked dict + temp_s = script.BaseScript( + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + option_args=["--cfg", "test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py"], + ) + from copy import deepcopy + + temp_cfg = deepcopy(temp_s.config) + temp_cfg.update({"dump_config_hierarchy": True}) + ###### + self.s = script.BaseScript( + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + option_args=["--cfg", "test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py"], + config={"dump_config_hierarchy": True}, + ) + except SystemExit: + local_cfg_files = parse_config_file("test_logs/localconfigfiles.json") + # finally let's just make sure that all the items added up, equals + # what we started with: self.config + target_cfg = {} + for cfg_file in local_cfg_files: + target_cfg.update(local_cfg_files[cfg_file]) + self.assertEqual( + target_cfg, + temp_cfg, + msg="all of the items (combined) in each cfg file dumped via " + "--dump-config-hierarchy does not equal self.config ", + ) + + # test _dump_config() when --dump-config is passed + def test_dump_config_equals_self_config(self): + try: + ###### + # we need temp_cfg because self.s will be gcollected (NoneType) by + # the time we get to SystemExit exception + # temp_cfg will differ from self.s.config because of + # 'dump_config_hierarchy'. we have to make a deepcopy because + # config is a locked dict + temp_s = script.BaseScript( + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + option_args=["--cfg", "test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py"], + ) + from copy import deepcopy + + temp_cfg = deepcopy(temp_s.config) + temp_cfg.update({"dump_config": True}) + ###### + self.s = script.BaseScript( + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + option_args=["--cfg", "test/test_override.py,test/test_override2.py"], + config={"dump_config": True}, + ) + except SystemExit: + target_cfg = parse_config_file("test_logs/localconfig.json") + self.assertEqual( + target_cfg, + temp_cfg, + msg="all of the items (combined) in each cfg file dumped via " + "--dump-config does not equal self.config ", + ) + + def test_nonexistent_mkdir_p(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + self.s.mkdir_p("test_dir/foo/bar/baz") + self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir("test_dir/foo/bar/baz"), msg="mkdir_p error") + + def test_existing_mkdir_p(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + os.makedirs("test_dir/foo/bar/baz") + self.s.mkdir_p("test_dir/foo/bar/baz") + self.assertTrue( + os.path.isdir("test_dir/foo/bar/baz"), msg="mkdir_p error when dir exists" + ) + + def test_chdir(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + cwd = os.getcwd() + self.s.chdir("test_logs") + self.assertEqual(os.path.join(cwd, "test_logs"), os.getcwd(), msg="chdir error") + self.s.chdir(cwd) + + def _test_log_helper(self, obj): + obj.debug("Testing DEBUG") + obj.warning("Testing WARNING") + obj.error("Testing ERROR") + obj.critical("Testing CRITICAL") + try: + obj.fatal("Testing FATAL") + except SystemExit: + pass + else: + self.assertTrue(False, msg="fatal() didn't SystemExit!") + + def test_log(self): + self.s = get_debug_script_obj() + self.s.log_obj = None + self._test_log_helper(self.s) + del self.s + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + self._test_log_helper(self.s) + + def test_run_nonexistent_command(self): + self.s = get_debug_script_obj() + self.s.run_command( + command="this_cmd_should_not_exist --help", + env={"GARBLE": "FARG"}, + error_list=errors.PythonErrorList, + ) + error_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_info.log") + self.assertTrue(error_logsize > 0, msg="command not found error not hit") + + def test_run_command_in_bad_dir(self): + self.s = get_debug_script_obj() + self.s.run_command( + command="ls", + cwd="/this_dir_should_not_exist", + error_list=errors.PythonErrorList, + ) + error_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_error.log") + self.assertTrue(error_logsize > 0, msg="bad dir error not hit") + + def test_get_output_from_command_in_bad_dir(self): + self.s = get_debug_script_obj() + self.s.get_output_from_command(command="ls", cwd="/this_dir_should_not_exist") + error_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_error.log") + self.assertTrue(error_logsize > 0, msg="bad dir error not hit") + + def test_get_output_from_command_with_missing_file(self): + self.s = get_debug_script_obj() + self.s.get_output_from_command(command="ls /this_file_should_not_exist") + error_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_error.log") + self.assertTrue(error_logsize > 0, msg="bad file error not hit") + + def test_get_output_from_command_with_missing_file2(self): + self.s = get_debug_script_obj() + self.s.run_command( + command="cat mozharness/base/errors.py", + error_list=[ + {"substr": "error", "level": ERROR}, + { + "regex": re.compile(",$"), + "level": IGNORE, + }, + { + "substr": "]$", + "level": WARNING, + }, + ], + ) + error_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_error.log") + self.assertTrue(error_logsize > 0, msg="error list not working properly") + + def test_download_unpack(self): + # NOTE: The action is called *download*, however, it can work for files in disk + self.s = get_debug_script_obj() + + archives_path = os.path.join(here, "helper_files", "archives") + + # Test basic decompression + for archive in ( + "archive.tar", + "archive.tar.bz2", + "archive.tar.gz", + "archive.zip", + ): + self.s.download_unpack( + url=os.path.join(archives_path, archive), extract_to=self.tmpdir + ) + self.assertIn("script.sh", os.listdir(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "bin"))) + self.assertIn("lorem.txt", os.listdir(self.tmpdir)) + shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) + + # Test permissions for extracted entries from zip archive + self.s.download_unpack( + url=os.path.join(archives_path, "archive.zip"), + extract_to=self.tmpdir, + ) + file_stats = os.stat(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "bin", "script.sh")) + orig_fstats = os.stat( + os.path.join(archives_path, "reference", "bin", "script.sh") + ) + self.assertEqual(file_stats.st_mode, orig_fstats.st_mode) + shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) + + # Test unzip specific dirs only + self.s.download_unpack( + url=os.path.join(archives_path, "archive.zip"), + extract_to=self.tmpdir, + extract_dirs=["bin/*"], + ) + self.assertIn("bin", os.listdir(self.tmpdir)) + self.assertNotIn("lorem.txt", os.listdir(self.tmpdir)) + shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) + + # Test for invalid filenames (Windows only) + if PYWIN32: + with self.assertRaises(IOError): + self.s.download_unpack( + url=os.path.join(archives_path, "archive_invalid_filename.zip"), + extract_to=self.tmpdir, + ) + + for archive in ( + "archive-setuid.tar", + "archive-escape.tar", + "archive-link.tar", + "archive-link-abs.tar", + "archive-double-link.tar", + ): + with self.assertRaises(Exception): + self.s.download_unpack( + url=os.path.join(archives_path, archive), + extract_to=self.tmpdir, + ) + + def test_unpack(self): + self.s = get_debug_script_obj() + + archives_path = os.path.join(here, "helper_files", "archives") + + # Test basic decompression + for archive in ( + "archive.tar", + "archive.tar.bz2", + "archive.tar.gz", + "archive.zip", + ): + self.s.unpack(os.path.join(archives_path, archive), self.tmpdir) + self.assertIn("script.sh", os.listdir(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "bin"))) + self.assertIn("lorem.txt", os.listdir(self.tmpdir)) + shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) + + # Test permissions for extracted entries from zip archive + self.s.unpack(os.path.join(archives_path, "archive.zip"), self.tmpdir) + file_stats = os.stat(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "bin", "script.sh")) + orig_fstats = os.stat( + os.path.join(archives_path, "reference", "bin", "script.sh") + ) + self.assertEqual(file_stats.st_mode, orig_fstats.st_mode) + shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) + + # Test extract specific dirs only + self.s.unpack( + os.path.join(archives_path, "archive.zip"), + self.tmpdir, + extract_dirs=["bin/*"], + ) + self.assertIn("bin", os.listdir(self.tmpdir)) + self.assertNotIn("lorem.txt", os.listdir(self.tmpdir)) + shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) + + # Test for invalid filenames (Windows only) + if PYWIN32: + with self.assertRaises(IOError): + self.s.unpack( + os.path.join(archives_path, "archive_invalid_filename.zip"), + self.tmpdir, + ) + + for archive in ( + "archive-setuid.tar", + "archive-escape.tar", + "archive-link.tar", + "archive-link-abs.tar", + "archive-double-link.tar", + ): + with self.assertRaises(Exception): + self.s.unpack(os.path.join(archives_path, archive), self.tmpdir) + + +# TestHelperFunctions {{{1 +class TestHelperFunctions(unittest.TestCase): + temp_file = "test_dir/mozilla" + + def setUp(self): + cleanup() + self.s = None + + def tearDown(self): + # Close the logfile handles, or windows can't remove the logs + if hasattr(self, "s") and isinstance(self.s, object): + del self.s + cleanup() + + def _create_temp_file(self, contents=test_string): + os.mkdir("test_dir") + fh = open(self.temp_file, "w+") + fh.write(contents) + fh.close + + def test_mkdir_p(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + self.s.mkdir_p("test_dir") + self.assertTrue(os.path.isdir("test_dir"), msg="mkdir_p error") + + def test_get_output_from_command(self): + self._create_temp_file() + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + contents = self.s.get_output_from_command( + ["bash", "-c", "cat %s" % self.temp_file] + ) + self.assertEqual( + test_string, + contents, + msg="get_output_from_command('cat file') differs from fh.write", + ) + + def test_run_command(self): + self._create_temp_file() + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + temp_file_name = os.path.basename(self.temp_file) + self.assertEqual( + self.s.run_command("cat %s" % temp_file_name, cwd="test_dir"), + 0, + msg="run_command('cat file') did not exit 0", + ) + + def test_move1(self): + self._create_temp_file() + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + temp_file2 = "%s2" % self.temp_file + self.s.move(self.temp_file, temp_file2) + self.assertFalse( + os.path.exists(self.temp_file), + msg="%s still exists after move()" % self.temp_file, + ) + + def test_move2(self): + self._create_temp_file() + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + temp_file2 = "%s2" % self.temp_file + self.s.move(self.temp_file, temp_file2) + self.assertTrue( + os.path.exists(temp_file2), msg="%s doesn't exist after move()" % temp_file2 + ) + + def test_copyfile(self): + self._create_temp_file() + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + temp_file2 = "%s2" % self.temp_file + self.s.copyfile(self.temp_file, temp_file2) + self.assertEqual( + os.path.getsize(self.temp_file), + os.path.getsize(temp_file2), + msg="%s and %s are different sizes after copyfile()" + % (self.temp_file, temp_file2), + ) + + def test_existing_rmtree(self): + self._create_temp_file() + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + self.s.mkdir_p("test_dir/foo/bar/baz") + self.s.rmtree("test_dir") + self.assertFalse(os.path.exists("test_dir"), msg="rmtree unsuccessful") + + def test_nonexistent_rmtree(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + status = self.s.rmtree("test_dir") + self.assertFalse(status, msg="nonexistent rmtree error") + + @unittest.skipUnless(PYWIN32, "PyWin32 specific") + def test_long_dir_rmtree(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + # create a very long path that the command-prompt cannot delete + # by using unicode format (max path length 32000) + path = u"\\\\?\\%s\\test_dir" % os.getcwd() + win32file.CreateDirectoryExW(u".", path) + + for x in range(0, 20): + print("path=%s" % path) + path = path + u"\\%sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" % x + win32file.CreateDirectoryExW(u".", path) + self.s.rmtree("test_dir") + self.assertFalse(os.path.exists("test_dir"), msg="rmtree unsuccessful") + + @unittest.skipUnless(PYWIN32, "PyWin32 specific") + def test_chmod_rmtree(self): + self._create_temp_file() + win32file.SetFileAttributesW(self.temp_file, win32file.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + self.s.rmtree("test_dir") + self.assertFalse(os.path.exists("test_dir"), msg="rmtree unsuccessful") + + @unittest.skipIf(os.name == "nt", "Not for Windows") + def test_chmod(self): + self._create_temp_file() + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + self.s.chmod(self.temp_file, 0o100700) + self.assertEqual(os.stat(self.temp_file)[0], 33216, msg="chmod unsuccessful") + + def test_env_normal(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + script_env = self.s.query_env() + self.assertEqual( + script_env, + os.environ, + msg="query_env() != env\n%s\n%s" % (script_env, os.environ), + ) + + def test_env_normal2(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + self.s.query_env() + script_env = self.s.query_env() + self.assertEqual( + script_env, + os.environ, + msg="Second query_env() != env\n%s\n%s" % (script_env, os.environ), + ) + + def test_env_partial(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + script_env = self.s.query_env(partial_env={"foo": "bar"}) + self.assertTrue("foo" in script_env and script_env["foo"] == "bar") + + def test_env_path(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + partial_path = "yaddayadda:%(PATH)s" + full_path = partial_path % {"PATH": os.environ["PATH"]} + script_env = self.s.query_env(partial_env={"PATH": partial_path}) + self.assertEqual(script_env["PATH"], full_path) + + def test_query_exe(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript( + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + config={"exes": {"foo": "bar"}}, + ) + path = self.s.query_exe("foo") + self.assertEqual(path, "bar") + + def test_query_exe_string_replacement(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript( + initial_config_file="test/test.json", + config={ + "base_work_dir": "foo", + "work_dir": "bar", + "exes": {"foo": os.path.join("%(abs_work_dir)s", "baz")}, + }, + ) + path = self.s.query_exe("foo") + self.assertEqual(path, os.path.join("foo", "bar", "baz")) + + def test_read_from_file(self): + self._create_temp_file() + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + contents = self.s.read_from_file(self.temp_file) + self.assertEqual(contents, test_string) + + def test_read_from_nonexistent_file(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + contents = self.s.read_from_file("nonexistent_file!!!") + self.assertEqual(contents, None) + + +# TestScriptLogging {{{1 +class TestScriptLogging(unittest.TestCase): + # I need a log watcher helper function, here and in test_log. + def setUp(self): + cleanup() + self.s = None + + def tearDown(self): + # Close the logfile handles, or windows can't remove the logs + if hasattr(self, "s") and isinstance(self.s, object): + del self.s + cleanup() + + def test_info_logsize(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript( + config={"log_type": "multi"}, initial_config_file="test/test.json" + ) + info_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_info.log") + self.assertTrue(info_logsize > 0, msg="initial info logfile missing/size 0") + + def test_add_summary_info(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript( + config={"log_type": "multi"}, initial_config_file="test/test.json" + ) + info_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_info.log") + self.s.add_summary("one") + info_logsize2 = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_info.log") + self.assertTrue( + info_logsize < info_logsize2, msg="add_summary() info not logged" + ) + + def test_add_summary_warning(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript( + config={"log_type": "multi"}, initial_config_file="test/test.json" + ) + warning_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_warning.log") + self.s.add_summary("two", level=WARNING) + warning_logsize2 = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_warning.log") + self.assertTrue( + warning_logsize < warning_logsize2, + msg="add_summary(level=%s) not logged in warning log" % WARNING, + ) + + def test_summary(self): + self.s = script.BaseScript( + config={"log_type": "multi"}, initial_config_file="test/test.json" + ) + self.s.add_summary("one") + self.s.add_summary("two", level=WARNING) + info_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_info.log") + warning_logsize = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_warning.log") + self.s.summary() + info_logsize2 = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_info.log") + warning_logsize2 = os.path.getsize("test_logs/test_warning.log") + msg = "" + if info_logsize >= info_logsize2: + msg += "summary() didn't log to info!\n" + if warning_logsize >= warning_logsize2: + msg += "summary() didn't log to warning!\n" + self.assertEqual(msg, "", msg=msg) + + def _test_log_level(self, log_level, log_level_file_list): + self.s = script.BaseScript( + config={"log_type": "multi"}, initial_config_file="test/test.json" + ) + if log_level != FATAL: + self.s.log("testing", level=log_level) + else: + self.s._post_fatal = types.MethodType(_post_fatal, self.s) + try: + self.s.fatal("testing") + except SystemExit: + contents = None + if os.path.exists("tmpfile_stdout"): + fh = open("tmpfile_stdout") + contents = fh.read() + fh.close() + self.assertEqual(contents.rstrip(), test_string, "_post_fatal failed!") + del self.s + msg = "" + for level in log_level_file_list: + log_path = "test_logs/test_%s.log" % level + if not os.path.exists(log_path): + msg += "%s doesn't exist!\n" % log_path + else: + filesize = os.path.getsize(log_path) + if not filesize > 0: + msg += "%s is size 0!\n" % log_path + self.assertEqual(msg, "", msg=msg) + + def test_debug(self): + self._test_log_level(DEBUG, []) + + def test_ignore(self): + self._test_log_level(IGNORE, []) + + def test_info(self): + self._test_log_level(INFO, [INFO]) + + def test_warning(self): + self._test_log_level(WARNING, [INFO, WARNING]) + + def test_error(self): + self._test_log_level(ERROR, [INFO, WARNING, ERROR]) + + def test_critical(self): + self._test_log_level(CRITICAL, [INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL]) + + def test_fatal(self): + self._test_log_level(FATAL, [INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, FATAL]) + + +# TestRetry {{{1 +class NewError(Exception): + pass + + +class OtherError(Exception): + pass + + +class TestRetry(unittest.TestCase): + def setUp(self): + self.ATTEMPT_N = 1 + self.s = script.BaseScript(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + + def tearDown(self): + # Close the logfile handles, or windows can't remove the logs + if hasattr(self, "s") and isinstance(self.s, object): + del self.s + cleanup() + + def _succeedOnSecondAttempt(self, foo=None, exception=Exception): + if self.ATTEMPT_N == 2: + self.ATTEMPT_N += 1 + return + self.ATTEMPT_N += 1 + raise exception("Fail") + + def _raiseCustomException(self): + return self._succeedOnSecondAttempt(exception=NewError) + + def _alwaysPass(self): + self.ATTEMPT_N += 1 + return True + + def _mirrorArgs(self, *args, **kwargs): + return args, kwargs + + def _alwaysFail(self): + raise Exception("Fail") + + def testRetrySucceed(self): + # Will raise if anything goes wrong + self.s.retry(self._succeedOnSecondAttempt, attempts=2, sleeptime=0) + + def testRetryFailWithoutCatching(self): + self.assertRaises( + Exception, self.s.retry, self._alwaysFail, sleeptime=0, exceptions=() + ) + + def testRetryFailEnsureRaisesLastException(self): + self.assertRaises( + SystemExit, self.s.retry, self._alwaysFail, sleeptime=0, error_level=FATAL + ) + + def testRetrySelectiveExceptionSucceed(self): + self.s.retry( + self._raiseCustomException, + attempts=2, + sleeptime=0, + retry_exceptions=(NewError,), + ) + + def testRetrySelectiveExceptionFail(self): + self.assertRaises( + NewError, + self.s.retry, + self._raiseCustomException, + attempts=2, + sleeptime=0, + retry_exceptions=(OtherError,), + ) + + # TODO: figure out a way to test that the sleep actually happened + def testRetryWithSleep(self): + self.s.retry(self._succeedOnSecondAttempt, attempts=2, sleeptime=1) + + def testRetryOnlyRunOnce(self): + """Tests that retry() doesn't call the action again after success""" + self.s.retry(self._alwaysPass, attempts=3, sleeptime=0) + # self.ATTEMPT_N gets increased regardless of pass/fail + self.assertEqual(2, self.ATTEMPT_N) + + def testRetryReturns(self): + ret = self.s.retry(self._alwaysPass, sleeptime=0) + self.assertEqual(ret, True) + + def testRetryCleanupIsCalled(self): + cleanup = mock.Mock() + self.s.retry(self._succeedOnSecondAttempt, cleanup=cleanup, sleeptime=0) + self.assertEqual(cleanup.call_count, 1) + + def testRetryArgsPassed(self): + args = (1, "two", 3) + kwargs = dict(foo="a", bar=7) + ret = self.s.retry( + self._mirrorArgs, args=args, kwargs=kwargs.copy(), sleeptime=0 + ) + print(ret) + self.assertEqual(ret[0], args) + self.assertEqual(ret[1], kwargs) + + +class BaseScriptWithDecorators(script.BaseScript): + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + super(BaseScriptWithDecorators, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + + self.pre_run_1_args = [] + self.raise_during_pre_run_1 = False + self.pre_action_1_args = [] + self.raise_during_pre_action_1 = False + self.pre_action_2_args = [] + self.pre_action_3_args = [] + self.post_action_1_args = [] + self.raise_during_post_action_1 = False + self.post_action_2_args = [] + self.post_action_3_args = [] + self.post_run_1_args = [] + self.raise_during_post_run_1 = False + self.post_run_2_args = [] + self.raise_during_build = False + + @script.PreScriptRun + def pre_run_1(self, *args, **kwargs): + self.pre_run_1_args.append((args, kwargs)) + + if self.raise_during_pre_run_1: + raise Exception(self.raise_during_pre_run_1) + + @script.PreScriptAction + def pre_action_1(self, *args, **kwargs): + self.pre_action_1_args.append((args, kwargs)) + + if self.raise_during_pre_action_1: + raise Exception(self.raise_during_pre_action_1) + + @script.PreScriptAction + def pre_action_2(self, *args, **kwargs): + self.pre_action_2_args.append((args, kwargs)) + + @script.PreScriptAction("clobber") + def pre_action_3(self, *args, **kwargs): + self.pre_action_3_args.append((args, kwargs)) + + @script.PostScriptAction + def post_action_1(self, *args, **kwargs): + self.post_action_1_args.append((args, kwargs)) + + if self.raise_during_post_action_1: + raise Exception(self.raise_during_post_action_1) + + @script.PostScriptAction + def post_action_2(self, *args, **kwargs): + self.post_action_2_args.append((args, kwargs)) + + @script.PostScriptAction("build") + def post_action_3(self, *args, **kwargs): + self.post_action_3_args.append((args, kwargs)) + + @script.PostScriptRun + def post_run_1(self, *args, **kwargs): + self.post_run_1_args.append((args, kwargs)) + + if self.raise_during_post_run_1: + raise Exception(self.raise_during_post_run_1) + + @script.PostScriptRun + def post_run_2(self, *args, **kwargs): + self.post_run_2_args.append((args, kwargs)) + + def build(self): + if self.raise_during_build: + raise Exception(self.raise_during_build) + + +class TestScriptDecorators(unittest.TestCase): + def setUp(self): + cleanup() + self.s = None + + def tearDown(self): + if hasattr(self, "s") and isinstance(self.s, object): + del self.s + + cleanup() + + def test_decorators_registered(self): + self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + + self.assertEqual(len(self.s._listeners["pre_run"]), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s._listeners["pre_action"]), 3) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s._listeners["post_action"]), 3) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s._listeners["post_run"]), 2) + + def test_pre_post_fired(self): + self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + self.s.run() + + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_run_1_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_1_args), 2) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_2_args), 2) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_3_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_1_args), 2) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_2_args), 2) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_3_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_1_args), 1) + + self.assertEqual(self.s.pre_run_1_args[0], ((), {})) + + self.assertEqual(self.s.pre_action_1_args[0], (("clobber",), {})) + self.assertEqual(self.s.pre_action_1_args[1], (("build",), {})) + + # pre_action_3 should only get called for the action it is registered + # with. + self.assertEqual(self.s.pre_action_3_args[0], (("clobber",), {})) + + self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_1_args[0][0], ("clobber",)) + self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_1_args[0][1], dict(success=True)) + self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_1_args[1][0], ("build",)) + self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_1_args[1][1], dict(success=True)) + + # post_action_3 should only get called for the action it is registered + # with. + self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_3_args[0], (("build",), dict(success=True))) + + self.assertEqual(self.s.post_run_1_args[0], ((), {})) + + def test_post_always_fired(self): + self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + self.s.raise_during_build = "Testing post always fired." + + with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): + self.s.run() + + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_run_1_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_1_args), 2) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_1_args), 2) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_2_args), 2) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_1_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_2_args), 1) + + self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_1_args[0][1], dict(success=True)) + self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_1_args[1][1], dict(success=False)) + self.assertEqual(self.s.post_action_2_args[1][1], dict(success=False)) + + def test_pre_run_exception(self): + self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + self.s.raise_during_pre_run_1 = "Error during pre run 1" + + with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): + self.s.run() + + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_run_1_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_1_args), 0) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_1_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_2_args), 1) + + def test_pre_action_exception(self): + self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + self.s.raise_during_pre_action_1 = "Error during pre 1" + + with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): + self.s.run() + + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_run_1_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_1_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_action_2_args), 0) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_1_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_2_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_1_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_2_args), 1) + + def test_post_action_exception(self): + self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + self.s.raise_during_post_action_1 = "Error during post 1" + + with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): + self.s.run() + + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.pre_run_1_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_1_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_action_2_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_1_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_2_args), 1) + + def test_post_run_exception(self): + self.s = BaseScriptWithDecorators(initial_config_file="test/test.json") + self.s.raise_during_post_run_1 = "Error during post run 1" + + with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): + self.s.run() + + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_1_args), 1) + self.assertEqual(len(self.s.post_run_2_args), 1) + + +# main {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_vcs_mercurial.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_vcs_mercurial.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f00e0b586c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/test_base_vcs_mercurial.py @@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ +import os +import platform +import shutil +import tempfile +import unittest + +import mozharness.base.vcs.mercurial as mercurial + +test_string = """foo +bar +baz""" + +HG = ["hg"] + mercurial.HG_OPTIONS + +# Known default .hgrc +os.environ["HGRCPATH"] = os.path.abspath( + os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "helper_files", ".hgrc") +) + + +def cleanup(): + if os.path.exists("test_logs"): + shutil.rmtree("test_logs") + if os.path.exists("test_dir"): + if os.path.isdir("test_dir"): + shutil.rmtree("test_dir") + else: + os.remove("test_dir") + for filename in ("localconfig.json", "localconfig.json.bak"): + if os.path.exists(filename): + os.remove(filename) + + +def get_mercurial_vcs_obj(): + m = mercurial.MercurialVCS() + m.config = {} + return m + + +def get_revisions(dest): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + retval = [] + command = HG + ["log", "-R", dest, "--template", "{node}\n"] + for rev in m.get_output_from_command(command).split("\n"): + rev = rev.strip() + if not rev: + continue + retval.append(rev) + return retval + + +class TestMakeAbsolute(unittest.TestCase): + # _make_absolute() doesn't play nicely with windows/msys paths. + # TODO: fix _make_absolute, write it out of the picture, or determine + # that it's not needed on windows. + if platform.system() not in ("Windows",): + + def test_absolute_path(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + self.assertEqual(m._make_absolute("/foo/bar"), "/foo/bar") + + def test_relative_path(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + self.assertEqual(m._make_absolute("foo/bar"), os.path.abspath("foo/bar")) + + def test_HTTP_paths(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + self.assertEqual(m._make_absolute("http://foo/bar"), "http://foo/bar") + + def test_absolute_file_path(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + self.assertEqual(m._make_absolute("file:///foo/bar"), "file:///foo/bar") + + def test_relative_file_path(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + self.assertEqual( + m._make_absolute("file://foo/bar"), "file://%s/foo/bar" % os.getcwd() + ) + + +class TestHg(unittest.TestCase): + def _init_hg_repo(self, hg_obj, repodir): + hg_obj.run_command( + [ + "bash", + os.path.join( + os.path.dirname(__file__), "helper_files", "init_hgrepo.sh" + ), + repodir, + ] + ) + + def setUp(self): + self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + self.repodir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "repo") + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + self._init_hg_repo(m, self.repodir) + self.revisions = get_revisions(self.repodir) + self.wc = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "wc") + self.pwd = os.getcwd() + + def tearDown(self): + shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) + os.chdir(self.pwd) + + def test_get_branch(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc) + b = m.get_branch_from_path(self.wc) + self.assertEqual(b, "default") + + def test_get_branches(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc) + branches = m.get_branches_from_path(self.wc) + self.assertEqual(sorted(branches), sorted(["branch2", "default"])) + + def test_clone(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + rev = m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, update_dest=False) + self.assertEqual(rev, None) + self.assertEqual(self.revisions, get_revisions(self.wc)) + self.assertEqual(sorted(os.listdir(self.wc)), [".hg"]) + + def test_clone_into_non_empty_dir(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.mkdir_p(self.wc) + open(os.path.join(self.wc, "test.txt"), "w").write("hello") + m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, update_dest=False) + self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.wc, "test.txt"))) + + def test_clone_update(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + rev = m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, update_dest=True) + self.assertEqual(rev, self.revisions[0]) + + def test_clone_branch(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, branch="branch2", update_dest=False) + # On hg 1.6, we should only have a subset of the revisions + if m.hg_ver() >= (1, 6, 0): + self.assertEqual(self.revisions[1:], get_revisions(self.wc)) + else: + self.assertEqual(self.revisions, get_revisions(self.wc)) + + def test_clone_update_branch(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + rev = m.clone( + self.repodir, + os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "wc"), + branch="branch2", + update_dest=True, + ) + self.assertEqual(rev, self.revisions[1], self.revisions) + + def test_clone_revision(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[0], update_dest=False) + # We'll only get a subset of the revisions + self.assertEqual( + self.revisions[:1] + self.revisions[2:], get_revisions(self.wc) + ) + + def test_update_revision(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + rev = m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, update_dest=False) + self.assertEqual(rev, None) + + rev = m.update(self.wc, revision=self.revisions[1]) + self.assertEqual(rev, self.revisions[1]) + + def test_pull(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + # Clone just the first rev + m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-1], update_dest=False) + self.assertEqual(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions[-1:]) + + # Now pull in new changes + rev = m.pull(self.repodir, self.wc, update_dest=False) + self.assertEqual(rev, None) + self.assertEqual(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions) + + def test_pull_revision(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + # Clone just the first rev + m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-1], update_dest=False) + self.assertEqual(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions[-1:]) + + # Now pull in just the last revision + rev = m.pull( + self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[0], update_dest=False + ) + self.assertEqual(rev, None) + + # We'll be missing the middle revision (on another branch) + self.assertEqual( + get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions[:1] + self.revisions[2:] + ) + + def test_pull_branch(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + # Clone just the first rev + m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-1], update_dest=False) + self.assertEqual(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions[-1:]) + + # Now pull in the other branch + rev = m.pull(self.repodir, self.wc, branch="branch2", update_dest=False) + self.assertEqual(rev, None) + + # On hg 1.6, we'll be missing the last revision (on another branch) + if m.hg_ver() >= (1, 6, 0): + self.assertEqual(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions[1:]) + else: + self.assertEqual(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions) + + def test_pull_unrelated(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + # Create a new repo + repo2 = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "repo2") + self._init_hg_repo(m, repo2) + + self.assertNotEqual(self.revisions, get_revisions(repo2)) + + # Clone the original repo + m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, update_dest=False) + # Hide the wanted error + m.config = {"log_to_console": False} + # Try and pull in changes from the new repo + self.assertRaises( + mercurial.VCSException, m.pull, repo2, self.wc, update_dest=False + ) + + def test_push(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-2]) + m.push(src=self.repodir, remote=self.wc) + self.assertEqual(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions) + + def test_push_with_branch(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + if m.hg_ver() >= (1, 6, 0): + m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-1]) + m.push(src=self.repodir, remote=self.wc, branch="branch2") + m.push(src=self.repodir, remote=self.wc, branch="default") + self.assertEqual(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions) + + def test_push_with_revision(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-2]) + m.push(src=self.repodir, remote=self.wc, revision=self.revisions[-1]) + self.assertEqual(get_revisions(self.wc), self.revisions[-2:]) + + def test_mercurial(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.vcs_config = { + "repo": self.repodir, + "dest": self.wc, + "vcs_share_base": os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "share"), + } + m.ensure_repo_and_revision() + rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() + self.assertEqual(rev, self.revisions[0]) + + def test_push_new_branches_not_allowed(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.clone(self.repodir, self.wc, revision=self.revisions[0]) + # Hide the wanted error + m.config = {"log_to_console": False} + self.assertRaises( + Exception, m.push, self.repodir, self.wc, push_new_branches=False + ) + + def test_mercurial_relative_dir(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + repo = os.path.basename(self.repodir) + wc = os.path.basename(self.wc) + m.vcs_config = { + "repo": repo, + "dest": wc, + "revision": self.revisions[-1], + "vcs_share_base": os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "share"), + } + m.chdir(os.path.dirname(self.repodir)) + try: + rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() + self.assertEqual(rev, self.revisions[-1]) + m.info("Creating test.txt") + open(os.path.join(self.wc, "test.txt"), "w").write("hello!") + + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.vcs_config = { + "repo": repo, + "dest": wc, + "revision": self.revisions[0], + "vcs_share_base": os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "share"), + } + rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() + self.assertEqual(rev, self.revisions[0]) + # Make sure our local file didn't go away + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.wc, "test.txt"))) + finally: + m.chdir(self.pwd) + + def test_mercurial_update_tip(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.vcs_config = { + "repo": self.repodir, + "dest": self.wc, + "revision": self.revisions[-1], + "vcs_share_base": os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "share"), + } + rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() + self.assertEqual(rev, self.revisions[-1]) + open(os.path.join(self.wc, "test.txt"), "w").write("hello!") + + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.vcs_config = { + "repo": self.repodir, + "dest": self.wc, + "vcs_share_base": os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "share"), + } + rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() + self.assertEqual(rev, self.revisions[0]) + # Make sure our local file didn't go away + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.wc, "test.txt"))) + + def test_mercurial_update_rev(self): + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.vcs_config = { + "repo": self.repodir, + "dest": self.wc, + "revision": self.revisions[-1], + "vcs_share_base": os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "share"), + } + rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() + self.assertEqual(rev, self.revisions[-1]) + open(os.path.join(self.wc, "test.txt"), "w").write("hello!") + + m = get_mercurial_vcs_obj() + m.vcs_config = { + "repo": self.repodir, + "dest": self.wc, + "revision": self.revisions[0], + "vcs_share_base": os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "share"), + } + rev = m.ensure_repo_and_revision() + self.assertEqual(rev, self.revisions[0]) + # Make sure our local file didn't go away + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.wc, "test.txt"))) + + def test_make_hg_url(self): + # construct an hg url specific to revision, branch and filename and try to pull it down + file_url = mercurial.make_hg_url( + "hg.mozilla.org", + "//build/tools/", + revision="FIREFOX_3_6_12_RELEASE", + filename="/lib/python/util/hg.py", + protocol="https", + ) + expected_url = ( + "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools/raw-file/" + "FIREFOX_3_6_12_RELEASE/lib/python/util/hg.py" + ) + self.assertEqual(file_url, expected_url) + + def test_make_hg_url_no_filename(self): + file_url = mercurial.make_hg_url( + "hg.mozilla.org", + "/build/tools", + revision="default", + protocol="https", + ) + expected_url = "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools/rev/default" + self.assertEqual(file_url, expected_url) + + def test_make_hg_url_no_revision_no_filename(self): + repo_url = mercurial.make_hg_url( + "hg.mozilla.org", + "/build/tools", + protocol="https", + ) + expected_url = "https://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools" + self.assertEqual(repo_url, expected_url) + + def test_make_hg_url_different_protocol(self): + repo_url = mercurial.make_hg_url( + "hg.mozilla.org", + "/build/tools", + protocol="ssh", + ) + expected_url = "ssh://hg.mozilla.org/build/tools" + self.assertEqual(repo_url, expected_url) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_l10n_locales.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_l10n_locales.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..678ab98004 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/test_l10n_locales.py @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +import os +import shutil +import unittest +from unittest import mock + +import mozharness.base.script as script +import mozharness.mozilla.l10n.locales as locales + +ALL_LOCALES = ["ar", "be", "de", "es-ES"] + +MH_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) + + +def cleanup(): + if os.path.exists("test_logs"): + shutil.rmtree("test_logs") + + +class LocalesTest(locales.LocalesMixin, script.BaseScript): + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + if "config" not in kwargs: + kwargs["config"] = {"log_type": "simple", "log_level": "error"} + if "initial_config_file" not in kwargs: + kwargs["initial_config_file"] = "test/test.json" + super(LocalesTest, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self.config = {} + self.log_obj = None + + +@mock.patch.dict("os.environ", GECKO_PATH="gecko_src") +class TestLocalesMixin(unittest.TestCase): + BASE_ABS_DIRS = { + "abs_log_dir", + "abs_work_dir", + "base_work_dir", + "abs_src_dir", + "abs_locales_src_dir", + "abs_l10n_dir", + "abs_obj_dir", + "abs_locales_dir", + } + + def setUp(self): + cleanup() + + def tearDown(self): + cleanup() + + def test_query_locales_locales(self): + l = LocalesTest() + l.locales = ["a", "b", "c"] + self.assertEqual(l.locales, l.query_locales()) + + def test_query_locales_ignore_locales(self): + l = LocalesTest() + l.config["locales"] = ["a", "b", "c"] + l.config["ignore_locales"] = ["a", "c"] + self.assertEqual(["b"], l.query_locales()) + + def test_query_locales_config(self): + l = LocalesTest() + l.config["locales"] = ["a", "b", "c"] + self.assertEqual(l.config["locales"], l.query_locales()) + + def test_query_locales_json(self): + l = LocalesTest() + l.config["locales_file"] = os.path.join( + MH_DIR, "test/helper_files/locales.json" + ) + l.config["base_work_dir"] = "." + l.config["work_dir"] = "." + l.config["locales_dir"] = "locales_dir" + l.config["objdir"] = "objdir" + locales = l.query_locales() + locales.sort() + self.assertEqual(ALL_LOCALES, locales) + + # Commenting out til we can hide the FATAL ? + # def test_query_locales_no_file(self): + # l = LocalesTest() + # l.config['base_work_dir'] = '.' + # l.config['work_dir'] = '.' + # try: + # l.query_locales() + # except SystemExit: + # pass # Good + # else: + # self.assertTrue(False, "query_locales with no file doesn't fatal()!") + + def test_parse_locales_file(self): + l = LocalesTest() + self.assertEqual( + ALL_LOCALES, + l.parse_locales_file(os.path.join(MH_DIR, "test/helper_files/locales.txt")), + ) + + def _get_query_abs_dirs_obj(self): + l = LocalesTest() + l.config["base_work_dir"] = "base_work_dir" + l.config["work_dir"] = "work_dir" + l.config["locales_dir"] = "locales_dir" + l.config["objdir"] = "objdir" + return l + + def test_query_abs_dirs_base(self): + l = self._get_query_abs_dirs_obj() + dirs = set(l.query_abs_dirs().keys()) + self.assertEqual(dirs, self.BASE_ABS_DIRS) + + def test_query_abs_dirs_base2(self): + l = self._get_query_abs_dirs_obj() + l.query_abs_dirs().keys() + dirs = set(l.query_abs_dirs().keys()) + self.assertEqual(dirs, self.BASE_ABS_DIRS) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_automation.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_automation.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e76fec0249 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_automation.py @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +import gc +import unittest + +import mozharness.base.log as log +import mozharness.base.script as script +from mozharness.base.log import ERROR +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import AutomationMixin + + +class CleanupObj(script.ScriptMixin, log.LogMixin): + def __init__(self): + super(CleanupObj, self).__init__() + self.log_obj = None + self.config = {"log_level": ERROR} + + +def cleanup(): + gc.collect() + c = CleanupObj() + for f in ("test_logs", "test_dir", "tmpfile_stdout", "tmpfile_stderr"): + c.rmtree(f) + + +class AutomationScript(AutomationMixin, script.BaseScript): + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + super(AutomationScript, self).__init__(**kwargs) + + +# TestAutomationStatus {{{1 +class TestAutomationStatus(unittest.TestCase): + # I need a log watcher helper function, here and in test_log. + def setUp(self): + cleanup() + self.s = None + + def tearDown(self): + # Close the logfile handles, or windows can't remove the logs + if hasattr(self, "s") and isinstance(self.s, object): + del self.s + cleanup() + + +# main {{{1 +if __name__ == "__main__": + unittest.main() diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_building_buildbase.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_building_buildbase.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..483196d094 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_building_buildbase.py @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +import os +import unittest + +from mozharness.base.log import LogMixin +from mozharness.base.script import ScriptMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.building.buildbase import MozconfigPathError, get_mozconfig_path + + +class FakeLogger(object): + def log_message(self, *args, **kwargs): + pass + + +class FakeScriptMixin(LogMixin, ScriptMixin, object): + def __init__(self): + self.script_obj = self + self.log_obj = FakeLogger() + + +class TestMozconfigPath(unittest.TestCase): + """ + Tests for :func:`get_mozconfig_path`. + """ + + def test_path(self): + """ + Passing just ``src_mozconfig`` gives that file in ``abs_src_dir``. + """ + script = FakeScriptMixin() + + abs_src_path = get_mozconfig_path( + script, + config={"src_mozconfig": "path/to/mozconfig"}, + dirs={"abs_src_dir": "/src"}, + ) + self.assertEqual(abs_src_path, "/src/path/to/mozconfig") + + def test_composite(self): + """ + Passing ``app_name``, ``mozconfig_platform``, and ``mozconfig_variant`` + find the file in the ``config/mozconfigs`` subdirectory of that app + directory. + """ + script = FakeScriptMixin() + + config = { + "app_name": "the-app", + "mozconfig_variant": "variant", + "mozconfig_platform": "platform9000", + } + abs_src_path = get_mozconfig_path( + script, + config=config, + dirs={"abs_src_dir": "/src"}, + ) + self.assertEqual( + abs_src_path, + "/src/the-app/config/mozconfigs/platform9000/variant", + ) + + def test_manifest(self): + """ + Passing just ``src_mozconfig_manifest`` looks in that file in + ``abs_work_dir``, and finds the mozconfig file specified there in + ``abs_src_dir``. + """ + script = FakeScriptMixin() + + test_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) + config = {"src_mozconfig_manifest": "helper_files/mozconfig_manifest.json"} + abs_src_path = get_mozconfig_path( + script, + config=config, + dirs={ + "abs_src_dir": "/src", + "abs_work_dir": test_dir, + }, + ) + self.assertEqual(abs_src_path, "/src/path/to/mozconfig") + + def test_errors(self): + script = FakeScriptMixin() + + configs = [ + # Not specifying any parts of a mozconfig path + {}, + # Specifying both src_mozconfig and src_mozconfig_manifest + {"src_mozconfig": "path", "src_mozconfig_manifest": "path"}, + # Specifying src_mozconfig with some or all of a composite + # mozconfig path + { + "src_mozconfig": "path", + "app_name": "app", + "mozconfig_platform": "platform", + "mozconfig_variant": "variant", + }, + { + "src_mozconfig": "path", + "mozconfig_platform": "platform", + "mozconfig_variant": "variant", + }, + { + "src_mozconfig": "path", + "app_name": "app", + "mozconfig_variant": "variant", + }, + { + "src_mozconfig": "path", + "app_name": "app", + "mozconfig_platform": "platform", + }, + # Specifying src_mozconfig_manifest with some or all of a composite + # mozconfig path + { + "src_mozconfig_manifest": "path", + "app_name": "app", + "mozconfig_platform": "platform", + "mozconfig_variant": "variant", + }, + { + "src_mozconfig_manifest": "path", + "mozconfig_platform": "platform", + "mozconfig_variant": "variant", + }, + { + "src_mozconfig_manifest": "path", + "app_name": "app", + "mozconfig_variant": "variant", + }, + { + "src_mozconfig_manifest": "path", + "app_name": "app", + "mozconfig_platform": "platform", + }, + # Specifying only some parts of a compsite mozconfig path + {"mozconfig_platform": "platform", "mozconfig_variant": "variant"}, + {"app_name": "app", "mozconfig_variant": "variant"}, + {"app_name": "app", "mozconfig_platform": "platform"}, + {"app_name": "app"}, + {"mozconfig_variant": "variant"}, + {"mozconfig_platform": "platform"}, + ] + + for config in configs: + with self.assertRaises(MozconfigPathError): + get_mozconfig_path(script, config=config, dirs={}) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_merkle.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_merkle.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..226499142f --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_merkle.py @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +import codecs +import hashlib +import random +import unittest + +from mozharness.mozilla.merkle import InclusionProof, MerkleTree + +decode_hex = codecs.getdecoder("hex_codec") +encode_hex = codecs.getencoder("hex_codec") + +# Pre-computed tree on 7 inputs +# +# ______F_____ +# / \ +# __D__ _E_ +# / \ / \ +# A B C | +# / \ / \ / \ | +# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 +hash_fn = hashlib.sha256 + +data = [ + decode_hex("fbc459361fc111024c6d1fd83d23a9ff")[0], + decode_hex("ae3a44925afec860451cd8658b3cadde")[0], + decode_hex("418903fe6ef29fc8cab93d778a7b018b")[0], + decode_hex("3d1c53c00b2e137af8c4c23a06388c6b")[0], + decode_hex("e656ebd8e2758bc72599e5896be357be")[0], + decode_hex("81aae91cf90be172eedd1c75c349bf9e")[0], + decode_hex("00c262edf8b0bc345aca769e8733e25e")[0], +] + +leaves = [ + decode_hex("5cb551f87797381a24a5359a986e2cef25b1f2113b387197fe48e8babc9ad5c7")[0], + decode_hex("9899dc0be00306bda2a8e69cec32525ca6244f132479bcf840d8c1bc8bdfbff2")[0], + decode_hex("fdd27d0393e32637b474efb9b3efad29568c3ec9b091fdda40fd57ec9196f06d")[0], + decode_hex("c87292a6c8528c2a0679b6c1eefb47e4dbac7840d23645d5b7cb47cf1a8d365f")[0], + decode_hex("2ff3bdac9bec3580b82da8a357746f15919414d9cbe517e2dd96910c9814c30c")[0], + decode_hex("883e318240eccc0e2effafebdb0fd4fd26d0996da1b01439566cb9babef8725f")[0], + decode_hex("bb13dfb7b202a95f241ea1715c8549dc048d9936ec747028002f7c795de72fcf")[0], +] + +nodeA = decode_hex("06447a7baa079cb0b4b6119d0f575bec508915403fdc30923eba982b63759805")[ + 0 +] +nodeB = decode_hex("3db98027c655ead4fe897bef3a4b361839a337941a9e624b475580c9d4e882ee")[ + 0 +] +nodeC = decode_hex("17524f8b0169b2745c67846925d55449ae80a8022ef8189dcf4cbb0ec7fcc470")[ + 0 +] +nodeD = decode_hex("380d0dc6fd7d4f37859a12dbfc7171b3cce29ab0688c6cffd2b15f3e0b21af49")[ + 0 +] +nodeE = decode_hex("3a9c2886a5179a6e1948876034f99d52a8f393f47a09887adee6d1b4a5c5fbd6")[ + 0 +] +nodeF = decode_hex("d1a0d3947db4ae8305f2ac32985957e02659b2ea3c10da52a48d2526e9af3bbc")[ + 0 +] + +proofs = [ + [leaves[1], nodeB, nodeE], + [leaves[0], nodeB, nodeE], + [leaves[3], nodeA, nodeE], + [leaves[2], nodeA, nodeE], + [leaves[5], leaves[6], nodeD], + [leaves[4], leaves[6], nodeD], + [nodeC, nodeD], +] + +known_proof5 = decode_hex( + "020000" + + "0000000000000007" + + "0000000000000005" + + "0063" + + "20" + + encode_hex(leaves[4])[0].decode() + + "20" + + encode_hex(leaves[6])[0].decode() + + "20" + + encode_hex(nodeD)[0].decode() +)[0] + + +class TestMerkleTree(unittest.TestCase): + def testPreComputed(self): + tree = MerkleTree(hash_fn, data) + head = tree.head() + self.assertEqual(head, nodeF) + + for i in range(len(data)): + proof = tree.inclusion_proof(i) + + self.assertTrue(proof.verify(hash_fn, data[i], i, len(data), head)) + self.assertEqual(proof.leaf_index, i) + self.assertEqual(proof.tree_size, tree.n) + self.assertEqual(proof.path_elements, proofs[i]) + + def testInclusionProofEncodeDecode(self): + tree = MerkleTree(hash_fn, data) + + # Inclusion proof encode/decode round trip test + proof5 = tree.inclusion_proof(5) + serialized5 = proof5.to_rfc6962_bis() + deserialized5 = InclusionProof.from_rfc6962_bis(serialized5) + reserialized5 = deserialized5.to_rfc6962_bis() + self.assertEqual(serialized5, reserialized5) + + # Inclusion proof encode known answer test + serialized5 = proof5.to_rfc6962_bis() + self.assertEqual(serialized5, known_proof5) + + # Inclusion proof decode known answer test + known_deserialized5 = InclusionProof.from_rfc6962_bis(known_proof5) + self.assertEqual(proof5.leaf_index, known_deserialized5.leaf_index) + self.assertEqual(proof5.tree_size, known_deserialized5.tree_size) + self.assertEqual(proof5.path_elements, known_deserialized5.path_elements) + + def testLargeTree(self): + TEST_SIZE = 5000 + ELEM_SIZE_BYTES = 16 + data = [ + bytearray(random.getrandbits(8) for _ in range(ELEM_SIZE_BYTES)) + for _ in range(TEST_SIZE) + ] + tree = MerkleTree(hash_fn, data) + head = tree.head() + + for i in range(len(data)): + proof = tree.inclusion_proof(i) + + self.assertTrue(proof.verify(hash_fn, data[i], i, len(data), head)) + self.assertEqual(proof.leaf_index, i) + self.assertEqual(proof.tree_size, tree.n) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_structured.py b/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_structured.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8bc30d5f8c --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/test/test_mozilla_structured.py @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +import unittest + +from mozharness.base.log import INFO, WARNING +from mozharness.mozilla.automation import TBPL_SUCCESS, TBPL_WARNING +from mozharness.mozilla.mozbase import MozbaseMixin +from mozharness.mozilla.structuredlog import StructuredOutputParser +from mozlog.handlers.statushandler import RunSummary + +success_summary = RunSummary( + unexpected_statuses={}, + expected_statuses={"PASS": 3, "OK": 1, "FAIL": 1}, + known_intermittent_statuses={"FAIL": 1}, + log_level_counts={"info": 5}, + action_counts={"test_status": 4, "test_end": 1, "suite_end": 1}, +) + +failure_summary = RunSummary( + unexpected_statuses={"FAIL": 2}, + expected_statuses={"PASS": 2, "OK": 1}, + known_intermittent_statuses={}, + log_level_counts={"warning": 2, "info": 3}, + action_counts={"test_status": 3, "test_end": 2, "suite_end": 1}, +) + + +class TestParser(MozbaseMixin, StructuredOutputParser): + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + super(TestParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) + self.config = {} + + +class TestStructuredOutputParser(unittest.TestCase): + def setUp(self): + self.parser = TestParser() + + def test_evaluate_parser_success(self): + self.parser.handler.expected_statuses = {"PASS": 3, "OK": 1, "FAIL": 1} + self.parser.handler.log_level_counts = {"info": 5} + self.parser.handler.action_counts = { + "test_status": 4, + "test_end": 1, + "suite_end": 1, + } + self.parser.handler.known_intermittent_statuses = {"FAIL": 1} + result = self.parser.evaluate_parser( + return_code=TBPL_SUCCESS, success_codes=[TBPL_SUCCESS] + ) + tbpl_status, worst_log_level, joined_summary = result + self.assertEqual(tbpl_status, TBPL_SUCCESS) + self.assertEqual(worst_log_level, INFO) + self.assertEqual(joined_summary, success_summary) + + def test_evaluate_parser_failure(self): + self.parser.handler.unexpected_statuses = {"FAIL": 2} + self.parser.handler.expected_statuses = {"PASS": 2, "OK": 1} + self.parser.handler.log_level_counts = {"warning": 2, "info": 3} + self.parser.handler.action_counts = { + "test_status": 3, + "test_end": 2, + "suite_end": 1, + } + result = self.parser.evaluate_parser( + return_code=TBPL_SUCCESS, success_codes=[TBPL_SUCCESS] + ) + tbpl_status, worst_log_level, joined_summary = result + self.assertEqual(tbpl_status, TBPL_WARNING) + self.assertEqual(worst_log_level, WARNING) + self.assertEqual(joined_summary, failure_summary) diff --git a/testing/mozharness/tox.ini b/testing/mozharness/tox.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32e5963f91 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/tox.ini @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +[tox] +envlist = py39-hg5.2 + +[base] +deps = + coverage + distro + nose + rednose + PyYAML==6.0 + {toxinidir}/../mozbase/mozlog +mozbase = {toxinidir}/../mozbase/ + + +[testenv] +setenv = + HGRCPATH = {toxinidir}/test/hgrc + PYTHONPATH = $PYTHONPATH:{[base]mozbase}/manifestparser:{[base]mozbase}/mozfile:{[base]mozbase}/mozinfo:{[base]mozbase}/mozprocess + +commands = + coverage run --source configs,mozharness,scripts --branch {envbindir}/nosetests -v --with-xunit --rednose --force-color {posargs} + +[testenv:py39-hg5.2] +deps = + {[base]deps} + mercurial==5.2.1 diff --git a/testing/mozharness/unit.sh b/testing/mozharness/unit.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..1b96f495f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/testing/mozharness/unit.sh @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +#!/bin/bash +########################################################################### +# This requires coverage and nosetests: +# +# pip install -r requirements.txt +# +# test_base_vcs_mercurial.py requires hg >= 1.6.0 with mq, rebase, share +# extensions to fully test. +########################################################################### + +COVERAGE_ARGS="--omit='/usr/*,/opt/*'" +OS_TYPE='linux' +uname -v | grep -q Darwin +if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then + OS_TYPE='osx' + COVERAGE_ARGS="--omit='/Library/*,/usr/*,/opt/*'" +fi +uname -s | egrep -q MINGW32 # Cygwin will be linux in this case? +if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then + OS_TYPE='windows' +fi +NOSETESTS=`env which nosetests` + +echo "### Finding mozharness/ .py files..." +files=`find mozharness -name [a-z]\*.py` +if [ $OS_TYPE == 'windows' ] ; then + MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES="" + for f in $files; do + file $f | grep -q "Assembler source" + if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then + MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES="$MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES $f" + fi + done +else + MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES=$files +fi +echo "### Finding scripts/ .py files..." +files=`find scripts -name [a-z]\*.py` +if [ $OS_TYPE == 'windows' ] ; then + SCRIPTS_PY_FILES="" + for f in $files; do + file $f | grep -q "Assembler source" + if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then + SCRIPTS_PY_FILES="$SCRIPTS_PY_FILES $f" + fi + done +else + SCRIPTS_PY_FILES=$files +fi +export PYTHONPATH=`env pwd`:$PYTHONPATH + +echo "### Running pyflakes" +pyflakes $MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES $SCRIPTS_PY_FILES | grep -v "local variable 'url' is assigned to" | grep -v "redefinition of unused 'json'" + +echo "### Running pylint" +pylint -E -e F -f parseable $MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES $SCRIPTS_PY_FILES 2>&1 | egrep -v '(No config file found, using default configuration|Instance of .* has no .* member|Unable to import .devicemanager|Undefined variable .DMError|Module .hashlib. has no .sha512. member)' + +rm -rf build logs +if [ $OS_TYPE != 'windows' ] ; then + echo "### Testing non-networked unit tests" + coverage run -a --branch $COVERAGE_ARGS $NOSETESTS test/test_*.py + echo "### Running *.py [--list-actions]" + for filename in $MOZHARNESS_PY_FILES; do + coverage run -a --branch $COVERAGE_ARGS $filename + done + for filename in $SCRIPTS_PY_FILES ; do + coverage run -a --branch $COVERAGE_ARGS $filename --list-actions > /dev/null + done + echo "### Running scripts/configtest.py --log-level warning" + coverage run -a --branch $COVERAGE_ARGS scripts/configtest.py --log-level warning + + echo "### Creating coverage html" + coverage html $COVERAGE_ARGS -d coverage.new + if [ -e coverage ] ; then + mv coverage coverage.old + mv coverage.new coverage + rm -rf coverage.old + else + mv coverage.new coverage + fi +else + echo "### Running nosetests..." + nosetests test/ +fi +rm -rf build logs |