path: root/l10n-ff/browser/extensions
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2 files changed, 100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-ff/browser/extensions/formautofill/ b/l10n-ff/browser/extensions/formautofill/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65beecc8ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-ff/browser/extensions/formautofill/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autofillOptionsLink, autofillOptionsLinkOSX): These strings are used in the doorhanger for
+# updating addresses. The link leads users to Form Autofill browser preferences.
+autofillOptionsLink = Cuɓe humpito yaawngo formileer
+autofillOptionsLinkOSX = Cuɓe cuɓoraaɗe humpito yaawngo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (changeAutofillOptions, changeAutofillOptionsOSX): These strings are used on the doorhanger
+# that notifies users that addresses are saved. The button leads users to Form Autofill browser preferences.
+changeAutofillOptions = Waylu Cuɓe Humpito Yaawngo
+changeAutofillOptionsOSX = Waylu Cuɓoraaɗe Humpito yaawngo
+changeAutofillOptionsAccessKey = C
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addressesSyncCheckbox): If Sync is enabled, this checkbox is displayed on the doorhanger
+# shown when saving addresses.
+addressesSyncCheckbox = Lollin ñiiɓirɗe e kaɓirɗi jahdinakon
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (creditCardsSyncCheckbox): If Sync is enabled and credit card sync is available,
+# this checkbox is displayed on the doorhanger shown when saving credit card.
+creditCardsSyncCheckbox = Lollin karte banke e kaɓirɗi jahdinakon
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveAddressesMessage): %S is brandShortName. This string is used on the doorhanger to
+# notify users that addresses are saved.
+saveAddressesMessage = %S danndii jooni ñiiɓirɗe mbele aɗa waawa humpit-de formileeruuji ko yaawi.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateAddressMessage, updateAddressDescriptionLabel, createAddressLabel, updateAddressLabel):
+# Used on the doorhanger when an address change is detected.
+updateAddressMessage = Aɗa yiɗi hesɗitinde ñiiɓirde maa e ngoo humpito heso?
+createAddressLabel = Sos Ñiiɓirde Hesere
+createAddressAccessKey = C
+updateAddressLabel = Hesɗitin Ñiiɓirde
+updateAddressAccessKey = U
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveCreditCardMessage, saveCreditCardDescriptionLabel, saveCreditCardLabel, cancelCreditCardLabel, neverSaveCreditCardLabel):
+# Used on the doorhanger when users submit payment with credit card.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveCreditCardMessage): %S is brandShortName.
+saveCreditCardMessage = Aɗa yiɗi %S dannda ɗee karte banke? (Kod kisal danndetaake)
+saveCreditCardDescriptionLabel = Karte banke danndateeɗe:
+saveCreditCardLabel = Danndu Karte Banke
+saveCreditCardAccessKey = S
+cancelCreditCardLabel = Hoto Danndu
+cancelCreditCardAccessKey = D
+neverSaveCreditCardLabel = Hoton Danndu Karte Banke abada
+neverSaveCreditCardAccessKey = N
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateCreditCardMessage, updateCreditCardDescriptionLabel, createCreditCardLabel, updateCreditCardLabel):
+# Used on the doorhanger when an credit card change is detected.
+updateCreditCardMessage = Aɗa yiɗi hesɗitinde karte maa banke e ngoo humpito heso?
+updateCreditCardDescriptionLabel = Karte banke kesɗitinteeɗe:
+createCreditCardLabel = Sos Karte Banke Kese
+createCreditCardAccessKey = C
+updateCreditCardLabel = Hesɗitin Karte Banke
+updateCreditCardAccessKey = U
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (openAutofillMessagePanel): Tooltip label for Form Autofill doorhanger icon on address bar.
+openAutofillMessagePanel = Uddit alluwel mesaasuuji Humpito yaawngo formileer
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (category.address,, category.organization2,,
+# Used in autofill drop down suggestion to indicate what other categories Form Autofill will attempt to fill.
+category.address = ñiiɓirde = innde
+category.organization2 = fedde = noddirgel = iimeel
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (fieldNameSeparator): This is used as a separator between categories.
+fieldNameSeparator = ,\u0020
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (phishingWarningMessage, phishingWarningMessage2): The warning
+# text that is displayed for informing users what categories are about to be filled.
+# "%S" will be replaced with a list generated from the pre-defined categories.
+# The text would be e.g. Also autofills organization, phone, email.
+phishingWarningMessage = Ena humpita hoore mum kadi %S
+phishingWarningMessage2 = Ena humpita hoore mum %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (insecureFieldWarningDescription): %S is brandShortName. This string is used in drop down
+# suggestion when users try to autofill credit card on an insecure website (without https).
+insecureFieldWarningDescription = %S yiytii lowre nde hisaani. Humito yaawngo formileer daaƴaama mudda
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (clearFormBtnLabel2): Label for the button in the dropdown menu that used to clear the populated
+# form.
+clearFormBtnLabel2 = Momtu Formileer Humpito yaawngo
+autofillHeader = Ɗaɓɓirɗe & Kebbitagol otomatik
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autofillAddressesCheckbox): Label for the checkbox that enables autofilling addresses.
+autofillAddressesCheckbox = Ñiiɓirɗe humpito yaawngo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (learnMoreLabel): Label for the link that leads users to the Form Autofill SUMO page.
+learnMoreLabel = Ɓeydu humpito
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (savedAddressesBtnLabel): Label for the button that opens a dialog that shows the
+# list of saved addresses.
+savedAddressesBtnLabel = Ñiiɓirɗe danndaaɗe…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (autofillCreditCardsCheckbox): Label for the checkbox that enables autofilling credit cards.
+autofillCreditCardsCheckbox = Humpito yaawngo karte banke
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (savedCreditCardsBtnLabel): Label for the button that opens a dialog that shows the list
+# of saved credit cards.
+savedCreditCardsBtnLabel = Danndii karte banke…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (editCreditCardPasswordPrompt.*, useCreditCardPasswordPrompt.*): %S is brandShortName.
diff --git a/l10n-ff/browser/extensions/report-site-issue/ b/l10n-ff/browser/extensions/report-site-issue/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b28e91232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-ff/browser/extensions/report-site-issue/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(wc-reporter.label2): This string will be used in the
+# Firefox page actions menu. Localized length should be considered.
+wc-reporter.label2=Jaŋto Caɗeele Lowre…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(wc-reporter.tooltip): A site compatibility issue is
+# a website bug that exists in one browser (Firefox), but not another.
+wc-reporter.tooltip=Jangto saɗre jahdigal lowre