path: root/l10n-lij/dom/chrome/dom/
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Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-lij/dom/chrome/dom/')
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-lij/dom/chrome/dom/ b/l10n-lij/dom/chrome/dom/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e16b8c147d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lij/dom/chrome/dom/
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+KillScriptTitle=Alarme: O script o no risponde
+KillScriptMessage=O script in sciâ pagina o peu ese indafarou ò peu avei ciantou de risponde. Ti peu fermâ o script oua ò ti peu continoâ se ti veu vedde o script conpletou.
+KillScriptWithDebugMessage=O script de sta pagina o peu ese inpegnou ò peu avei desmisso de risponde. Ti peu fermâ o script òua, arvî o script in debug ò lascilo continoâ.
+KillScriptLocation=Script: %S
+KillAddonScriptTitle=Alarme: O script o no risponde
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (KillAddonScriptMessage): %1$S is the name of an extension.
+# %2$S is the name of the application (e.g., Firefox).
+KillAddonScriptMessage=Un script da l'estenscion “%1$S” o xeua in sta pagina, e rende %2$S no deuviabile.\n\nPorieiva ese indafaròu, ò porieiva ese blocòu permanentemente. Ti peu fermâ o script òua, o ti peu aspetâ ancon pe vedde se o finisce.
+KillAddonScriptGlobalMessage=Evita che o script de l'estenscion o xeui in sta pagina scin a-o pròscimo recaregamento
+StopScriptButton=Ferma script
+DebugScriptButton=Debug script
+DontAskAgain=&No domandamelo ciù
+WindowCloseBlockedWarning=I script no peuan serâ i barcoin che no son stæti averti da un script.
+OnBeforeUnloadTitle=T'ê seguo?
+OnBeforeUnloadStayButton=Stanni in sciâ pagina
+OnBeforeUnloadLeaveButton=Lascia a pagina
+EmptyGetElementByIdParam=T'æ pasou 'na stringa veua a getElementById().
+DocumentWriteIgnored='Na ciamâ a document.write() da 'n script esterno caregou in manea-ascincrona o l'é stæto ingnorou.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (EditorFileDropFailed): Do not translate contenteditable, %S is the error message explaining why the drop failed.
+EditorFileDropFailed=No son ariescio a inserî un schedaio inte 'n elemento contenteditable: %S.
+FormValidationTextTooLong=Ti doviesci acorciâ sto testo a %S carateri o meno (òua ti uzi %S carateri).
+FormValidationTextTooShort=Ti doviesci deuviâ almeno %S carateri (òua ti deuvi %S carateri).
+FormValidationValueMissing=Inpi sto canpo.
+FormValidationCheckboxMissing=Pe piaxei marca chi se ti veu anâ avanti.
+FormValidationRadioMissing=Seleçionn-a 'na de ste poscibilitæ.
+FormValidationFileMissing=Pe piaxei seleçionn-a un schedaio.
+FormValidationSelectMissing=Pe piaxei seleçionn-a 'n ògetto da lista.
+FormValidationInvalidEmail=Pe piaxei inserisci 'n indirisso de pòsta.
+FormValidationInvalidURL=Pe piaxei inserisci 'na URL.
+FormValidationInvalidDate =Pe piaxei scrivi 'na dæta valida.
+FormValidationPatternMismatch=Adeuvia o formato domandou.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationPatternMismatchWithTitle): %S is the (possibly truncated) title attribute value.
+FormValidationPatternMismatchWithTitle=Adeuvia o formato domandou: %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationNumberRangeOverflow): %S is a number.
+FormValidationNumberRangeOverflow=Seleçionâ un valô minô ò pægio a %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationDateTimeRangeOverflow): %S is a date or a time.
+FormValidationDateTimeRangeOverflow=Seleçionâ un valô no dòppo %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationNumberRangeUnderflow): %S is a number.
+FormValidationNumberRangeUnderflow=Seleçionâ un valô magiô ò pægio a %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationDateTimeRangeUnderflow): %S is a date or a time.
+FormValidationDateTimeRangeUnderflow=Seleçionâ un valô primma de %S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationStepMismatch): both %S can be a number, a date or a time.
+FormValidationStepMismatch=Seleçionâ 'n valô valido. I doî valoî valide ciù vexin son %S e %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (FormValidationStepMismatchOneValue): %S can be a number, a date or a time. This is called instead of FormValidationStepMismatch when the second value is the same as the first.
+FormValidationStepMismatchOneValue=Seleçionâ 'n valô valido. O valô valido ciù vexin o l'é %S
+FormValidationBadInputNumber=Scrivi 'n numero
+FullscreenDeniedDisabled=Domanda pe-o schermo intrego negâ perché e API a tutto schemo en dizabilitæ da e teu preferense.
+FullscreenDeniedFocusedPlugin=Domanda pe-o schermo intrego negâ perché o plugin into barcon o l'é a feugo.
+FullscreenDeniedHidden=A domanda pe anâ a tutto schermo a l'é stæta negâ perché o documento o no l'é ciù vixibile.
+FullscreenDeniedContainerNotAllowed=A domanda pe anâ a tutto schermo a l'é stæta negâ perché o documento o contegne almeno un elemento ch'o no l'à l'atributo “allowfullscreen”.
+FullscreenDeniedNotInputDriven=A domanda pe anâ a tutto schermo a l'é stæta negâ perché Element.requestFullscreen() o no l'é stæto ciamou da drento un evento curto generou da l'utente.
+FullscreenDeniedNotHTMLSVGOrMathML=A domanda pe anâ a tutto schermo a l'é stæta negâ perché l'elemento o no l'é <svg>, <math>, ò 'n elemento HTML.
+FullscreenDeniedNotInDocument=A domanda pe anâ a tutto schermo a l'é stæta negâ perché l'elemento ch'o domandava o no l'é ciù into seu documento.
+FullscreenDeniedMovedDocument=A domanda pe anâ a tutto schermo a l'é stæta negâ perché l'elemento ch'o domandava o l'é stæto mesciou d'into seu documento.
+FullscreenDeniedLostWindow=A domanda pe anâ a tutto schermo a l'é stæta negâ perché o no gh'à ciù 'n barcon.
+FullscreenDeniedSubDocFullscreen=A domanda pe anâ a tutto schermo a l'é stæta negâ perché un sotto-documento ch'o domandava d'anaghe o l'é za a tutto schermo.
+FullscreenDeniedNotFocusedTab=A domanda pe anâ a tutto schermo a l'é stæta negâ perché l'elemento ch'o voeiva anaghe o no l'é inte 'n feuggio a feugo.
+FullscreenDeniedFeaturePolicy=A domanda pe anâ a tutto schermo a l'é stæta negâ pe caxon de diretive FeaturePolicy.
+RemovedFullscreenElement=Sciortio da-o mòddo a tutto schermo perché l'elemento a tutto schermo o l'é stæto scancelou da-o documento.
+FocusedWindowedPluginWhileFullscreen=Sciortio da-o mòddo a tutto schermo perché o plugin into barcon o l'ea a feugo.
+PointerLockDeniedDisabled=Domanda de blòcco da ponta do ratto negâ perché l'API Pointer Lock a l'é dizabilitâ da-e preferense de l'utente.
+PointerLockDeniedInUse=Domanda de blòcco da ponta do ratto negâ perché a ponta do ratto a l'é òua controlâ da atri documenti.
+PointerLockDeniedNotInDocument=Domanda de blòcco da ponta do ratto negâ perché l'elemento domandou o no l'é inte 'n documento.
+PointerLockDeniedSandboxed=Domanda de blòcco da ponta do ratto negâ perché l'API Pointer Lock a l'é ristreita via sandbox.
+PointerLockDeniedHidden=Domanda de blòcco da ponta do ratto negâ perché o documento o no l'é vixibile.
+PointerLockDeniedNotFocused=Domanda de blòcco da ponta do ratto negâ perché o documento o no l'é a feugo.
+PointerLockDeniedMovedDocument=Domanda de blòcco da ponta do ratto negâ perché l'elemento domandou o l'é stæto mesciou inte 'n atro documento.
+PointerLockDeniedNotInputDriven=Domanda de blòcco da ponta do ratto negâ perché Element.requestPointerLock() o no l'é ciamou da drento 'n picin gestô di eventi generou da l'utente, e-o documento o no l'é a tutto schermo.
+PointerLockDeniedFailedToLock=Domanda de blòcco da ponta do ratto negâ perché o navegatô o no l'é ariescio a blocâ a ponta do ratto.
+HTMLSyncXHRWarning=L'analixi HTML in XMLHttpRequest a no l'é soportâ into mòddo sincrono.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the name of the header in question
+ForbiddenHeaderWarning=Tentativo de inpostâ 'na testâ proibio negou: %S
+ResponseTypeSyncXHRWarning=L'uzo de l'atributo XMLHttpRequest's responseType no l'é ciù soportou into mòddo sincrono do contesto de barcoin.
+TimeoutSyncXHRWarning=L'uzo de l'atributo timeout de XMLHttpRequest o no l'é soportou into mòddo sincrono into contesto do barcon.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate navigator.sendBeacon, unload, pagehide, or XMLHttpRequest.
+JSONCharsetWarning=L'é stæta fæta 'na preuva a deciarâ 'na codefica no-UTF-8 pe JSON adeuviando XMLHttpRequest. Solo o UTF-8 o l'é soportou pedecodeficâ o JSON.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate HTMLMediaElement and createMediaElementSource.
+MediaElementAudioSourceNodeCrossOrigin=L'elemento HTMLMediaElement pasou a createMediaElementSource o l'à ina risorsa con òrigne incroxâ, o groppo o te daiâ in output do scilençio.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate MediaStream and createMediaStreamSource.
+MediaStreamAudioSourceNodeCrossOrigin=L'elemento MediaStream pasou a createMediaElementSource o l'à ina risorsa con òrigne incroxâ, o groppo o te daiâ in output do scilençio.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate MediaStreamTrack and createMediaStreamTrackSource.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate HTMLMediaElement and MediaStream.
+MediaElementAudioCaptureOfMediaStreamError=L'elento HTMLMediaElement catuou o riproduxe un MediaStream. Cangiâ o volume ò mette o mutto o no se peu fâ a-o momento.
+MediaLoadExhaustedCandidates=No son ariescio a caregâ tutte risorse candedæ. O caregamento de medea o l'é in pösa.
+MediaLoadSourceMissingSrc=l'elemento <source> no gh'a l'atributo "src". Caregamento de medea falio.
+MediaStreamAudioSourceNodeDifferentRate=Conetti AudioNodes da AudioContexts con dispægio livello de canpionamento o no l'é soportou.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the Http error code the server returned (e.g. 404, 500, etc), %2$S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load.
+MediaLoadHttpError=Caregamento de l'HTTP falio con stæto %1$S. Caregamento da risorsa medea %2$S falia.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load.
+MediaLoadInvalidURI=URI no valida. Caregamento da risorsa %S falia.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the media resource's format/codec type (basically equivalent to the file type, e.g. MP4,AVI,WMV,MOV etc), %2$S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load.
+MediaLoadUnsupportedTypeAttribute=O valô "%1$S" specificou pe l’atributo "type" o no l'é soportou. Inposcibile conpletâ o caregamento da risorsa moltimedeale %2$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the MIME type HTTP header being sent by the web server, %2$S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load.
+MediaLoadUnsupportedMimeType=O "Content-Type" de "%1$S" specificou o no l'é soportou. Caregamento da risorsa medea %2$S falia.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the media resource which failed to load because of error in decoding.
+MediaLoadDecodeError=A risorsa medea %S a no peu ese decodefica.
+MediaWidevineNoWMF=Preuvo a riprodue Widevine sensa Windows Media Foundation. Amia chi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is a comma-separated list of codecs (e.g. 'video/mp4, video/webm')
+MediaWMFNeeded=Pe vedde video in formou %S, ti devi instalâ do software in ciù de Microsoft, amia chi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is a comma-separated list of codecs (e.g. 'video/mp4, video/webm')
+MediaPlatformDecoderNotFound=O video in sta pagina a no peu ese riproduto. O teu scistema porieiva no avei i video codec pe: %S
+MediaUnsupportedLibavcodec=O video in sta pagina a no peu ese riproduto. O teu scistema o l'à 'na verscion no soportâ de libavcodec
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the URL of the media resource, %2$S is technical information (in English)
+MediaDecodeError=A risorsa media %1$S a no peu ese decodificâ, erô: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the URL of the media resource, %2$S is technical information (in English)
+MediaDecodeWarning=A risorsa media %1$S a peu ese decodificâ, ma con erô: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is a comma-separated list of codecs (e.g. 'video/mp4, video/webm')
+MediaCannotPlayNoDecoders=No pòsso riprodue o media. Misciun codificatô pe sti formæ: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is a comma-separated list of codecs (e.g. 'video/mp4, video/webm')
+MediaNoDecoders=Nisciun decodificatô pe sti formæ domanæ: %S
+MediaCannotInitializePulseAudio=No pòsso deuviâ PulseAudio
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the web page which is not served on HTTPS and thus is not encrypted and considered insecure.
+MediaEMEInsecureContextDeprecatedWarning=Deuviâ estenscion media criptæ in %S inte 'n contesto no segue (ez. no-HTTPS) o l'é deprecou e no saiâ fito ciù poscibile. Ti doviesci consciderâ de cangiâ a un acesso seguo comme HTTPS.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the web page which is calling web APIs without passing data (either an audioCapabilities or a videoCapabilities) that will soon be required. See for explanation of this string.
+MediaEMENoCapabilitiesDeprecatedWarning=Ciamâ navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess() (in %S) sensa pasâ 'n candidou MediaKeySystemConfiguration ch'o l'agge audioCapabilities ò videoCapabilities o l'é deprecou e fito no saiâ ciù soportou.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the URL of the web page which is calling web APIs without passing data (a "codecs" string in the "contentType") that will soon be required. See for explanation of this string.
+MediaEMENoCodecsDeprecatedWarning=Ciamâ navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess() (in %S) sensa pasâ 'n candidou MediaKeySystemConfiguration ch'o l'agge audioCapabilities ò videoCapabilities sensa contentType co-ina stringa “codecs” o l'é deprecou e fito no saiâ ciù soportou.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Mutation Event" and "MutationObserver"
+MutationEventWarning=L'uzo de Mutation Events o l'é deprecou. Deuvia in cangio MutationObserver.
+BlockAutoplayError=L'aotoriproduçion a l'é permissa solo quando aprovâ da l'utente, o scito o l'é ativou da l'utente, ò o media o l'é in mutto.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Components"
+ComponentsWarning=I ogetti Components en deprecæ. Saian fito scancelæ.
+PluginHangUITitle=Atençion: o plugin o no risponde
+PluginHangUIMessage=O plugin %S o l'é indafarou òpû porieiva esise blocòu. L'é poscibile fermâ o plugin òua, òpû atende pe verificâ se l'operaçion a finisce.
+PluginHangUIStopButton=Blòcca plugin
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "NodeIterator" or "detach()".
+NodeIteratorDetachWarning=A ciamâ de detach() in sce 'n NodeIterator o no l'à ciù efetto.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "LenientThis" and "this"
+LenientThisWarning=L'asegnaçion ò a letua de 'na propietæ con [LenientThis] a l'é stæta ignorâ perché l'ogetto 'this' o no l'é coretto.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "captureEvents()" or "addEventListener()"
+UseOfCaptureEventsWarning=L'uzo de captureEvents() o l'é deprecou. Pe agiornâ o teu còdece, adeuvia o metodo DOM 2 addEventListener(). Pe avei ciù agiutto vanni chi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "releaseEvents()" or "removeEventListener()"
+UseOfReleaseEventsWarning=L'uzo de releaseEvents() o l'é deprecou. Pe agiornâ o teu còdece, adeuvia o metodo DOM 2 removeEventListener(). Pe avei ciù agiutto vanni chi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "XMLHttpRequest"
+SyncXMLHttpRequestWarning=Ina domanda XMLHttpRequest scincrona into thread prinçipâ a l'é deprecâ perché gh'é de efetti negativi in sciâ esperiensa utente. Pe saveine de ciù amia
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "window.controllers/Controllers"
+Window_Cc_ontrollersWarning=window.controllers/Controllerso l'é deprecou. No deuvialo pe riconiçion UA.
+ImportXULIntoContentWarning=L’importaçion de groppi XUL into contegnuo de 'n documento a l'é deprecâ. Sta fonçion a porieiva ese scancelâ fito.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "IndexedDB".
+IndexedDBTransactionAbortNavigation=Ina tranzaçion IndexedDB inconpleta a l'é stæta anulâ da navegaçion inta pagina.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate Will-change, %1$S,%2$S are numbers.
+IgnoringWillChangeOverBudgetWarning=O consummo de memöia domandou da will-change o l'é ezageròu. O limite do budget o l'é a superficie do documento moltiplicâ pe %1$S (%2$S px). E ocorense de will-change into documento vegnan ignoræ 'na vòtta ezaorio o budget.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Worker".
+HittingMaxWorkersPerDomain2=Un Worker o no peu ese inandiòu òua perché atri documenti inta mæxima òrigine stan za deuviando o numero de worker mascimo. O Worker o l'é òua in coa e o l'iniçjâ quande quarche atro worker o l'aviâ finio.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Application Cache API", "AppCache" and "ServiceWorker".
+AppCacheWarning=L'uzo de Application Cache API (AppCache) o l'é deprecou e-o saiâ scancelou inte l'avegnî. Se conseggia de adeuviâ ServiceWorker pe inplementâ o sopòrto no in linia.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "Worker".
+EmptyWorkerSourceWarning=Tentativo de creaçion de un Worker da 'na sorgente veua. Probabilmente a l'é 'n'operaçion no vosciua.
+NavigatorGetUserMediaWarning=navigator.mozGetUserMedia o l'é sostitoio da navigator.medeaDevices.getUserMedia
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "RTCPeerConnection", "getLocalStreams", "getRemoteStreams", "getSenders" or "getReceivers".
+RTCPeerConnectionGetStreamsWarning=RTCPeerConnection.getLocalStreams/getRemoteStreams en deprecæ. Deuvia RTCPeerConnection.getSenders/getReceivers in cangio.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %S is a URL.
+InterceptionFailedWithURL=Inposcibile caregâ “%S”. Un ServiceWorker o l'à intercetou 'na domanda e trovou 'n erô che no m'aspetavo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "cors", "Response", "same-origin" or "Request". %1$S is a URL, %2$S is a URL.
+CorsResponseForSameOriginRequest=Inposcibile caregâ ‘%1$S’ rispondendo a ‘%2$S’. Un ServiceWorker o no l'à o permesso de scintetizâ 'na risposta cors co-a mæxima òrigine da domanda.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", "FetchEvent", "no-cors", "opaque", "Response", or "RequestMode". %1$S is a URL. %2$S is a RequestMode value.
+BadOpaqueInterceptionRequestModeWithURL=Inposcibile caregâ “%1$S“. Un ServiceWorker o l'à trasmisso 'n “Opaque Response” a FetchEvent.respondWith() inta gestion de 'n FetchEvent “%2$S”. Gli ògetti “Opaque Response” en valide solo quande RequestMode o l'é “no-cors”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Error", "Response", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", or "fetch()". %S is a URL.
+InterceptedErrorResponseWithURL=Inposcibile caregâ “%S”. Un ServiceWorker o l'à trasmisso un “Error Response” a FetchEvent.respondWith(). Normalmente questo significa che il ServiceWorker o l'à eseguito 'na chiamata fetch() no valida.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Response", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", or "Response.clone()". %S is a URL.
+InterceptedUsedResponseWithURL=Inposcibile caregâ “%S”. Un ServiceWorker o l'à trasmisso un oggetto “Response” già utilizzato a FetchEvent.respondWith(). O còrpo de 'n “Response” può essere letto solo 'na volta. Utilizzare Response.clone() pe acede ciù vòtte a-o còrpo da domanda.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "opaqueredirect", "Response", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", or "FetchEvent". %s is a URL.
+BadOpaqueRedirectInterceptionWithURL=Inposcibile caregâ “%S”. Un ServiceWorker o l'à trasmisso un “Opaquerederect Response” a FetchEvent.respondWith() inta gestion de 'n FetchEvent no de navegaçion.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Response", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", "RedirectMode" or "follow". %S is a URL.
+BadRedirectModeInterceptionWithURL=Inposcibile caregâ ‘%S’. Un ServiceWorker o l'à trasmisso ina redireçion a FetchEvent.respondWith() mentre o RedirectMode o no l'é ‘follow’.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker" or "FetchEvent.preventDefault()". %S is a URL.
+InterceptionCanceledWithURL=Inposcibile caregâ “%S”. Un ServiceWorker o l'à anulou o caregamento ciamando FetchEvent.preventDefault().
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "promise", or "FetchEvent.respondWith()". %1$S is a URL. %2$S is an error string.
+InterceptionRejectedResponseWithURL=Inposcibile caregâ “%1$S“. Un ServiceWorker o l'à trasmisso un promise a FetchEvent.respondWith() refuou con “%2$S”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "promise", "FetchEvent.respondWith()", or "Response". %1$S is a URL. %2$S is an error string.
+InterceptedNonResponseWithURL=Inposcibile caregâ “%1$S“. Un ServiceWorker o l'à trasmisso un promise a FetchEvent.respondWith() che o s'é risòlto con non-Response “%2$S”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Service-Worker-Allowed" or "HTTP". %1$S and %2$S are URLs.
+ServiceWorkerScopePathMismatch=No son areiscio a registrâ un ServiceWorker: o percorso pe sto anbito %1$S’ o no l'é meno do mascimo scope permisso ‘%2$S’, Scistema o scope, mescia o script do Service Worker, ò deuvia 'na testâ HTTP Service-Worker-Allowed pe permette l'anbito.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %1$S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker, %2$S is a stringified numeric HTTP status code like "404" and %3$S is a URL.
+ServiceWorkerRegisterNetworkError=No son ariescio a registrâ/agiornâ un ServiceWorker pe l'anbito ‘%1$S’: Caregamento falio co-o stato %2$S pe-o script ‘%3$S’.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %1$S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker, %2$S is a MIME Media Type like "text/plain" and %3$S is a URL.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker.
+ServiceWorkerRegisterStorageError=No son ariescio a registrâ/agiornâ un ServiceWorker pe l'anbito ‘%1$S’: L'acesso a-a memöia a l'é limitâ in sto contesto pe caxon de inpostaçioim de l'utente ò do mòddo de navegaçion privâ.
+ServiceWorkerGetRegistrationStorageError=No son ariescio a pigiâ de registraçioin de 'n ServiceWorker: L'acesso a-a memöia a l'é limitâ in sto contesto pe caxon de inpostaçioim de l'utente ò do mòddo de navegaçion privâ.
+ServiceWorkerGetClientStorageError=No son ariescio a pigiâ de registraçioin de 'n client de un ServiceWorker: L'acesso a-a memöia a l'é limitâ in sto contesto pe caxon de inpostaçioim de l'utente ò do mòddo de navegaçion privâ.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker" and "postMessage". %S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker.
+ServiceWorkerPostMessageStorageError=No son ariescio a xoâ 'n ‘postMessage‘ do ServiceWorker pe l'anbito %S perché l'acesso a-a memöia a l'é limitâ in sto contesto pe caxon de inpostaçioim de l'utente ò do mòddo de navegaçion privâ.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ServiceWorker". %1$S is a URL representing the scope of the ServiceWorker.
+ServiceWorkerGraceTimeoutTermination=Termino o ServiceWorker pe l'anbito ‘%1$S’ con waitUntil/respondWith perché o l'æ anæto feua do tenpo limite.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ServiceWorkerNoFetchHandler): Do not translate "Fetch".
+ServiceWorkerNoFetchHandler=O gestô de l'evento fetch o deve ese azonto inta valutaçion iniçiâ do script do worker.
+ExecCommandCutCopyDeniedNotInputDriven=document.execCommand('cut'/'copy') o l'é negou perché o no l'é stæto ciamou da 'n gestô eventi rapido generou da l’utente.
+ManifestShouldBeObject=O manifesto o dovieiva êse unògetto.
+ManifestScopeURLInvalid=L'URL d'estençion a no l'é valida.
+ManifestScopeNotSameOrigin=L'URL d'estençion a deve êse pægia a quella do documento d'òrigine.
+ManifestStartURLOutsideScope=L'URL iniçiâ a l'é feua de l'anbito, coscì l'anbito o no va ben.
+ManifestStartURLInvalid=L'URL iniçiâ a no l'é valida.
+ManifestStartURLShouldBeSameOrigin=L'URL iniçiâ a deve êse pægia a quella do documento d'òrigine.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the name of the object whose property is invalid. %2$S is the name of the invalid property. %3$S is the expected type of the property value. E.g. "Expected the manifest's start_url member to be a string."
+ManifestInvalidType=M'aspetavo che o menbro %2$S de %1$S o fise un %3$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the name of the property whose value is invalid. %2$S is the (invalid) value of the property. E.g. "theme_color: 42 is not a valid CSS color."
+ManifestInvalidCSSColor=%1$S: %2$S o no l'é 'n cô CSS valido.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the name of the property whose value is invalid. %2$S is the (invalid) value of the property. E.g. "lang: 42 is not a valid language code."
+PatternAttributeCompileFailure=No riescio a controlâ <input pattern='%S'> perché gh'é ina regexp no valida: %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "postMessage" or DOMWindow. %S values are origins, like
+TargetPrincipalDoesNotMatch=No son ariescio a xoâ ‘postMessage’ in sce ‘DOMWindow’: L'òrigine dæta (‘%S’) a no va ben co-o barcon d'òrgine (‘%S’).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate 'YouTube'. %S values are origins, like
+RewriteYouTubeEmbed=Rescrivo o Flash incluzo de YouTube (%S) inte 'n iframe incluzo (%S). Pe piaxei agiorna a pagina deuviando iframe in cangio de embed/object, se poscibile.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate 'YouTube'. %S values are origins, like
+RewriteYouTubeEmbedPathParams=Rescrivo o Flash incluzo de YouTube (%S) inte 'n iframe incluzo (%S). I parametri no en soportæ inti iframe incluzi e convertii. Pe piaxei agiorna a pagina deuviando iframe in cangio de embed/object, se poscibile.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when the "Encryption" header for an
+# incoming push message is missing or invalid. Do not translate "ServiceWorker",
+# "Encryption", and "salt". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadEncryptionHeader=O ServiceWorker pe ‘%1$S’ o no l'é ariescio a descriptâ in mesagio push. A testâ de ‘Encryption’ a deve includde un unico parametro ‘salt‘ pe ògni mesagio. Amia pe saveine de ciù.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when the "Crypto-Key" header for an
+# incoming push message is missing or invalid. Do not translate "ServiceWorker",
+# "Crypto-Key", and "dh". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadCryptoKeyHeader=O ServiceWorker pe ‘%1$S’ o no l'é ariescio a descriptâ 'n mesagio push. A testâ de ‘Crypto-Key’ a deve includde un unico parametro ‘dh‘ pe ògni mesagio. Amia pe saveine de ciù.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt because the deprecated
+# "Encryption-Key" header for an incoming push message is missing or invalid.
+# Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Encryption-Key", "dh", "Crypto-Key", and
+# "Content-Encoding: aesgcm". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadEncryptionKeyHeader=O ServiceWorker pe ‘%1$S’ o no l'é ariescio a descriptâ ìn mesagio push. A testâ de ‘Encryption-Key’ a deve includde un parametro ‘dh‘ pe ògni mesagio. Sta testâ a l'é deprecâ e saiâ fito scancelâ. Pe piaxei deuvia ‘Crypto-Key‘ con ‘Content-Encoding: aesgcm‘ in cangio. Amia pe saveine de ciù.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because the "Content-Encoding" header is missing or contains an
+# unsupported encoding. Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "Content-Encoding",
+# "aesgcm", and "aesgcm128". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadEncodingHeader=O ServiceWorker pe ‘%1$S’ o no l'é ariescio a descriptâ ìn mesagio push. A testâ de ‘Content-Encoding’ a dev'ese ‘aesgcm‘. ‘aesgcm128‘ o l'é permisso ma deprecou e saiâ fito scancelou. Pe piaxei deuvia ‘Crypto-Key‘ con ‘Content-Encoding: aesgcm‘ in cangio. Amia pe saveine de ciù.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because the "dh" parameter is not valid base64url. Do not translate
+# "ServiceWorker", "dh", "Crypto-Key", and "base64url". %1$S is the
+# ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadSenderKey=O ServiceWorker pe ‘%1$S’ o no l'é ariescio a descriptâ ìn mesagio push. O parametro ‘dh‘ inta testâ ‘Crypto-Key‘ a deve ese inta ciave pubrica Diffie-Hellman, base64utl-encoded do server de aplicaçioin ( e into formou “uncompressed” or “raw” (65 bytes primma da codifica). Amia chi pe saveine de ciù.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because the "salt" parameter is not valid base64url. Do not translate
+# "ServiceWorker", "salt", "Encryption", and "base64url". %1$S is the
+# ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadSalt=O ServiceWorker pe ‘%1$S’ o no l'é ariescio a descriptâ ìn mesagio push. O parametro ‘salt‘ inta testâ ‘Encryption‘ a deve ese base64utl-encoded (, e avei armeno 16 bytes primma da scritograçion. Amia chi pe saveine de ciù.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because the "rs" parameter is not a number, or is less than the pad size.
+# Do not translate "ServiceWorker", "rs", or "Encryption". %1$S is the
+# ServiceWorker scope URL. %2$S is the minimum value (1 for aesgcm128, 2 for
+# aesgcm).
+PushMessageBadRecordSize=O ServiceWorker pe ‘%1$S’ o no l'é ariescio a descriptâ ìn mesagio push. O parametro ‘rs‘ inta testâ ‘Encryption‘ a deve ese fra %2$S e 2^36-31, ò no deve esighe pe ninte. Amia chi pe saveine de ciù.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when a push message fails to decrypt
+# because an encrypted record is shorter than the pad size, the pad is larger
+# than the record, or any of the padding bytes are non-zero. Do not translate
+# "ServiceWorker". %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL. %2$S is the pad size
+# (1 for aesgcm128, 2 for aesgcm).
+PushMessageBadPaddingError=O ServiceWorker pe ‘%1$S’ o no l'é ariescio a descriptâ ìn mesagio push. Un record into mesagio criptou o no l'ea coretto. Amia chi pe saveine de ciù.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: This error is reported when push message decryption fails
+# and no specific error info is available. Do not translate "ServiceWorker".
+# %1$S is the ServiceWorker scope URL.
+PushMessageBadCryptoError=O ServiceWorker pe l'anbito ‘%1$S’ o no l'é ariescio a decriptâ 'n messaggio push. Pe avei agiutto pe criptâ, pe piaxei veddi
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the type of a DOM event. 'passive' is a literal parameter from the DOM spec.
+PreventDefaultFromPassiveListenerWarning=Ignòro a ciamâ ‘preventDefault()’ in sciô 'n evento de tipo ‘%1$S’ da 'n listener registròu comme «passive».
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: 'ImageBitmapRenderingContext.transferImageBitmap' and 'ImageBitmapRenderingContext.transferFromImageBitmap' should not be translated
+IIRFilterChannelCountChangeWarning=IIRFilterNode o conta i cangiamenti che peu fâ l'òudio glitches.
+BiquadFilterChannelCountChangeWarning=BiquadFilterNode o conta i cangiamenti che peu fâ l'òudio glitches.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate ".png"
+GeolocationInsecureRequestIsForbidden=A Geolocalizaçion a peu anâ solo inte 'n contesto seguo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "content", "Window", and ""
+WindowContentUntrustedWarning=L'atributo ‘content’ di ògetti windows a l'é deprecâ. Pe paixei deuvia ‘’ in cangio.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The first %S is the tag name of the element that starts the loop, the second %S is the element's ID.
+SVGRefLoopWarning=O SVG <%S> con ID “%S” o l'à 'n loop de referensa.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: The first %S is the tag name of the element in the chain where the chain was broken, the second %S is the element's ID.
+SVGRefChainLengthExceededWarning=Ina cadenn-a de referense do SVG <%S> a l'é tròppo longa a l'é stæta abandonâ a l'elemento con ID “%S”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+ScriptSourceEmpty=L'atributo ‘%S’ de l'elemento <script> o l'é veuo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+ScriptSourceInvalidUri=L'atributo ‘%S’ de l'elemento <script> o no l'é 'na URI VALIDA: “%S”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+ScriptSourceLoadFailed=Caregamento pe-o <script> o l'é falio co-a sorgente “%S”.
+ModuleSourceLoadFailed=Caregamento do mòdolo falio co-a sorgente “%S”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+ScriptSourceMalformed=Sorgente URI <script> al'é mâ fæta: “%S”.
+ModuleSourceMalformed=O mòdolo d'òrgine URI o l'é mâ fæto: “%S”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "<script>".
+ScriptSourceNotAllowed=URI sorgente do <script> o no l'é permesso in sto documento: “%S”.
+ModuleSourceNotAllowed=URI sorgente do mòdolo o no l'é permessa in sto documento: “%S”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %1$S is the invalid property value and %2$S is the property name.
+InvalidKeyframePropertyValue=A proprietæ Keyframe con valô “%1$S” a no l'é valida segondo a scitasci pe “%2$S”.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "ReadableStream".
+ReadableStreamReadingFailed=No son ariescio a leze dæti da ReadableStream: “%S”.
+MotionEventWarning=L'uzo do sensô de mesciamento o l'é deprecou.
+OrientationEventWarning=L'uzo do sensô de òrientamento o l'é deprecou.
+ProximityEventWarning=L'uzo do sensô de proscimitæ o l'é deprecou.
+AmbientLightEventWarning=L'uzo do sensô de luxe anbientale o l'é deprecou.
+UnsupportedEntryTypesIgnored=Ingòro entryTypes no soportæ: %S.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(DeprecatedTestingInterfaceWarning): Do not translate this message. It's just testing only.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(DeprecatedTestingMethodWarning): Do not translate this message. It's just testing only.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE(DeprecatedTestingAttributeWarning): Do not translate this message. It's just testing only.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (CreateImageBitmapCanvasRenderingContext2DWarning): Do not translate CanvasRenderingContext2D and createImageBitmap.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (MozRequestFullScreenDeprecatedPrefixWarning): Do not translate mozRequestFullScreen.
+MozRequestFullScreenDeprecatedPrefixWarning=mozRequestFullScreen() o l'é deprecou.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (MozfullscreenchangeDeprecatedPrefixWarning): Do not translate onmozfullscreenchange.
+MozfullscreenchangeDeprecatedPrefixWarning=onmozfullscreenchange o l'é deprecou.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (MozfullscreenerrorDeprecatedPrefixWarning): Do not translate onmozfullscreenerror.
+MozfullscreenerrorDeprecatedPrefixWarning=onmozfullscreenerroro o l'é deprecou.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(External_AddSearchProviderWarning): Do not translate AddSearchProvider.
+External_AddSearchProviderWarning=AddSearchProvider o l'é deprecou.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate "MouseEvent.mozPressure" and "PointerEvent.pressure".