/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; function testLinkIndexAtOffset(id, offset, index) { let htAcc = getAccessible(id, [nsIAccessibleHyperText]); is( htAcc.getLinkIndexAtOffset(offset), index, "Wrong link index at offset " + offset + " for ID " + id + "!" ); } function testThis( paragraph, docURI, id, charIndex, expectedLinkIndex, expectedAnchors, expectedURIs, valid = true ) { testLinkIndexAtOffset(paragraph, charIndex, expectedLinkIndex); let linkAcc = paragraph.getLinkAt(expectedLinkIndex); ok(linkAcc, "No accessible for link " + id + "!"); is(linkAcc.valid, valid, `${id} is valid.`); let linkIndex = paragraph.getLinkIndex(linkAcc); is(linkIndex, expectedLinkIndex, "Wrong link index for " + id + "!"); is(linkAcc.anchorCount, expectedAnchors.length, "Correct number of anchors"); for (let i = 0; i < expectedAnchors.length; i++) { let uri = linkAcc.getURI(i); is( (uri ? uri.spec : "").replace(docURI, ""), expectedURIs[i], `Wrong anchor URI at ${i} for "${id}"` ); is( getAccessibleDOMNodeID(linkAcc.getAnchor(i)), expectedAnchors[i], `Wrong anchor at ${i} for "${id}"` ); } } /** * Test hyperlinks */ addAccessibleTask( `

Simple link:
Mozilla Foundation
ARIA link:
Mozilla Foundation Home
Invalid, non-focusable hyperlink:
Invalid link
Image map:

Empty link:

Link with embedded span
Heise Online
Named anchor, must not have "linked" state for it to be exposed correctly:
This should never be of state_linked

`, function (browser, accDoc) { const paragraph = findAccessibleChildByID(accDoc, "testParagraph", [ nsIAccessibleHyperText, ]); is(paragraph.linkCount, 7, "Wrong link count for paragraph!"); const docURI = accDoc.URL; // normal hyperlink testThis( paragraph, docURI, "NormalHyperlink", 14, 0, ["NormalHyperlink"], ["https://www.mozilla.org/"] ); // ARIA hyperlink testThis( paragraph, docURI, "AriaHyperlink", 27, 1, ["AriaHyperlink"], [""] ); // ARIA hyperlink with status invalid testThis( paragraph, docURI, "InvalidAriaHyperlink", 63, 2, ["InvalidAriaHyperlink"], [""], false ); // image map, but not its link children. They are not part of hypertext. testThis( paragraph, docURI, "imgmap", 76, 3, ["b", "a"], [ "https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/atoz/index.shtml#b", "https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/atoz/index.shtml#a", ] ); // empty hyperlink testThis(paragraph, docURI, "emptyLink", 90, 4, ["emptyLink"], [""]); // normal hyperlink with embedded span testThis( paragraph, docURI, "LinkWithSpan", 116, 5, ["LinkWithSpan"], ["https://www.heise.de/"] ); // Named anchor testThis(paragraph, docURI, "namedAnchor", 193, 6, ["namedAnchor"], [""]); }, { chrome: true, topLevel: true, iframe: true, remoteIframe: true, } ); /** * Test paragraph with link */ addAccessibleTask( `


`, function (browser, accDoc) { // Paragraph with link const p = findAccessibleChildByID(accDoc, "p", [nsIAccessibleHyperText]); const link = p.getLinkAt(0); is(link, p.getChildAt(0), "Wrong link for p2"); is(p.linkCount, 1, "Wrong link count for p2"); }, { chrome: true, topLevel: true, iframe: true, remoteIframe: true, } ); /** * Test paragraph with link */ addAccessibleTask( `

mozillamozilla text mozilla

`, function (browser, accDoc) { // Paragraph with link const p = findAccessibleChildByID(accDoc, "p", [nsIAccessibleHyperText]); // getLinkIndexAtOffset, causes the offsets to be cached; testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 0, 0); // 1st 'mozilla' link testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 1, 1); // 2nd 'mozilla' link testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 2, -1); // ' ' of ' te' text node testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 3, -1); // 't' of ' te' text node testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 5, -1); // 'x' of 'xt ' text node testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 7, -1); // ' ' of 'xt ' text node testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 8, 2); // 3d 'mozilla' link testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 9, 2); // the end, latest link // the second pass to make sure link indexes are calculated propertly from // cached offsets. testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 0, 0); // 1st 'mozilla' link testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 1, 1); // 2nd 'mozilla' link testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 2, -1); // ' ' of ' te' text node testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 3, -1); // 't' of ' te' text node testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 5, -1); // 'x' of 'xt ' text node testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 7, -1); // ' ' of 'xt ' text node testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 8, 2); // 3d 'mozilla' link testLinkIndexAtOffset(p, 9, 2); // the end, latest link }, { chrome: true, topLevel: true, iframe: true, remoteIframe: true, } );