/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* global EVENTS, gTelemetry */ // React & Redux const { createFactory, Component, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react.js"); const { div, span, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom-factories.js"); const PropTypes = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-prop-types.js"); const { findDOMNode, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom.js"); const { connect, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-redux.js"); const { TREE_ROW_HEIGHT, ORDERED_PROPS, ACCESSIBLE_EVENTS, VALUE_FLASHING_DURATION, } = require("resource://devtools/client/accessibility/constants.js"); const { L10N, } = require("resource://devtools/client/accessibility/utils/l10n.js"); const { flashElementOn, flashElementOff, } = require("resource://devtools/client/inspector/markup/utils.js"); const { updateDetails, } = require("resource://devtools/client/accessibility/actions/details.js"); const { select, unhighlight, } = require("resource://devtools/client/accessibility/actions/accessibles.js"); const Tree = createFactory( require("resource://devtools/client/shared/components/VirtualizedTree.js") ); // Reps const { REPS, MODE, } = require("resource://devtools/client/shared/components/reps/index.js"); const { Rep, ElementNode, Accessible: AccessibleRep, Obj } = REPS; const { translateNodeFrontToGrip, } = require("resource://devtools/client/inspector/shared/utils.js"); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "openContentLink", "resource://devtools/client/shared/link.js", true ); const TELEMETRY_NODE_INSPECTED_COUNT = "devtools.accessibility.node_inspected_count"; const TREE_DEPTH_PADDING_INCREMENT = 20; class AccessiblePropertyClass extends Component { static get propTypes() { return { accessibleFrontActorID: PropTypes.string, object: PropTypes.any, focused: PropTypes.bool, children: PropTypes.func, }; } componentDidUpdate({ object: prevObject, accessibleFrontActorID: prevAccessibleFrontActorID, }) { const { accessibleFrontActorID, object, focused } = this.props; // Fast check if row is focused or if the value did not update. if ( focused || accessibleFrontActorID !== prevAccessibleFrontActorID || prevObject === object || (object && prevObject && typeof object === "object") ) { return; } this.flashRow(); } flashRow() { const row = findDOMNode(this); flashElementOn(row); if (this._flashMutationTimer) { clearTimeout(this._flashMutationTimer); this._flashMutationTimer = null; } this._flashMutationTimer = setTimeout(() => { flashElementOff(row); }, VALUE_FLASHING_DURATION); } render() { return this.props.children(); } } const AccessibleProperty = createFactory(AccessiblePropertyClass); class Accessible extends Component { static get propTypes() { return { accessibleFront: PropTypes.object, dispatch: PropTypes.func.isRequired, nodeFront: PropTypes.object, items: PropTypes.array, labelledby: PropTypes.string.isRequired, parents: PropTypes.object, relations: PropTypes.object, toolbox: PropTypes.object.isRequired, toolboxHighlighter: PropTypes.object.isRequired, highlightAccessible: PropTypes.func.isRequired, unhighlightAccessible: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; } constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { expanded: new Set(), active: null, focused: null, }; this.onAccessibleInspected = this.onAccessibleInspected.bind(this); this.renderItem = this.renderItem.bind(this); this.update = this.update.bind(this); } // FIXME: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1774507 UNSAFE_componentWillMount() { window.on( EVENTS.NEW_ACCESSIBLE_FRONT_INSPECTED, this.onAccessibleInspected ); } // FIXME: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1774507 UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps({ accessibleFront }) { const oldAccessibleFront = this.props.accessibleFront; if (oldAccessibleFront) { if ( accessibleFront && accessibleFront.actorID === oldAccessibleFront.actorID ) { return; } ACCESSIBLE_EVENTS.forEach(event => oldAccessibleFront.off(event, this.update) ); } if (accessibleFront) { ACCESSIBLE_EVENTS.forEach(event => accessibleFront.on(event, this.update) ); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if ( this.props.accessibleFront && !this.props.accessibleFront.isDestroyed() && this.props.accessibleFront !== prevProps.accessibleFront ) { window.emit(EVENTS.PROPERTIES_UPDATED); } } componentWillUnmount() { window.off( EVENTS.NEW_ACCESSIBLE_FRONT_INSPECTED, this.onAccessibleInspected ); const { accessibleFront } = this.props; if (accessibleFront) { ACCESSIBLE_EVENTS.forEach(event => accessibleFront.off(event, this.update) ); } } onAccessibleInspected() { const { props } = this.refs; if (props) { props.refs.tree.focus(); } } update() { const { dispatch, accessibleFront } = this.props; if (accessibleFront.isDestroyed()) { return; } dispatch(updateDetails(accessibleFront)); } setExpanded(item, isExpanded) { const { expanded } = this.state; if (isExpanded) { expanded.add(item.path); } else { expanded.delete(item.path); } this.setState({ expanded }); } async showHighlighter(nodeFront) { if (!this.props.toolboxHighlighter) { return; } await this.props.toolboxHighlighter.highlight(nodeFront); } async hideHighlighter() { if (!this.props.toolboxHighlighter) { return; } await this.props.toolboxHighlighter.unhighlight(); } showAccessibleHighlighter(accessibleFront) { this.props.dispatch(unhighlight()); this.props.highlightAccessible(accessibleFront); } hideAccessibleHighlighter(accessibleFront) { this.props.dispatch(unhighlight()); this.props.unhighlightAccessible(accessibleFront); } async selectNode(nodeFront, reason = "accessibility") { if (gTelemetry) { gTelemetry.scalarAdd(TELEMETRY_NODE_INSPECTED_COUNT, 1); } if (!this.props.toolbox) { return; } const inspector = await this.props.toolbox.selectTool("inspector"); inspector.selection.setNodeFront(nodeFront, reason); } async selectAccessible(accessibleFront) { if (!accessibleFront) { return; } await this.props.dispatch(select(accessibleFront)); const { props } = this.refs; if (props) { props.refs.tree.blur(); } await this.setState({ active: null, focused: null }); window.emit(EVENTS.NEW_ACCESSIBLE_FRONT_INSPECTED); } openLink(link, e) { openContentLink(link); } renderItem(item, depth, focused, arrow, expanded) { const object = item.contents; const valueProps = { object, mode: MODE.TINY, title: "Object", openLink: this.openLink, }; if (isNodeFront(object)) { valueProps.defaultRep = ElementNode; valueProps.onDOMNodeMouseOut = () => this.hideHighlighter(); valueProps.onDOMNodeMouseOver = () => this.showHighlighter(this.props.nodeFront); valueProps.inspectIconTitle = L10N.getStr( "accessibility.accessible.selectNodeInInspector.title" ); valueProps.onInspectIconClick = () => this.selectNode(this.props.nodeFront); } else if (isAccessibleFront(object)) { const target = findAccessibleTarget(this.props.relations, object.actor); valueProps.defaultRep = AccessibleRep; valueProps.onAccessibleMouseOut = () => this.hideAccessibleHighlighter(target); valueProps.onAccessibleMouseOver = () => this.showAccessibleHighlighter(target); valueProps.inspectIconTitle = L10N.getStr( "accessibility.accessible.selectElement.title" ); valueProps.onInspectIconClick = (obj, e) => { e.stopPropagation(); this.selectAccessible(target); }; valueProps.separatorText = ""; } else if (item.name === "relations") { valueProps.defaultRep = Obj; } else { valueProps.noGrip = true; } const classList = ["node", "object-node"]; if (focused) { classList.push("focused"); } const depthPadding = depth * TREE_DEPTH_PADDING_INCREMENT; return AccessibleProperty( { object, focused, accessibleFrontActorID: this.props.accessibleFront.actorID, }, () => div( { className: classList.join(" "), style: { paddingInlineStart: depthPadding, inlineSize: `calc(var(--accessibility-properties-item-width) - ${depthPadding}px)`, }, onClick: e => { if (e.target.classList.contains("theme-twisty")) { this.setExpanded(item, !expanded); } }, }, arrow, span({ className: "object-label" }, item.name), span({ className: "object-delimiter" }, ":"), span({ className: "object-value" }, Rep(valueProps) || "") ) ); } render() { const { expanded, active, focused } = this.state; const { items, parents, accessibleFront, labelledby } = this.props; if (accessibleFront) { return Tree({ ref: "props", key: "accessible-properties", itemHeight: TREE_ROW_HEIGHT, getRoots: () => items, getKey: item => item.path, getParent: item => parents.get(item), getChildren: item => item.children, isExpanded: item => expanded.has(item.path), onExpand: item => this.setExpanded(item, true), onCollapse: item => this.setExpanded(item, false), onFocus: item => { if (this.state.focused !== item.path) { this.setState({ focused: item.path }); } }, onActivate: item => { if (item == null) { this.setState({ active: null }); } else if (this.state.active !== item.path) { this.setState({ active: item.path }); } }, focused: findByPath(focused, items), active: findByPath(active, items), renderItem: this.renderItem, labelledby, }); } return div( { className: "info" }, L10N.getStr("accessibility.accessible.notAvailable") ); } } /** * Match accessibility object from relations targets to the grip that's being activated. * @param {Object} relations Object containing relations grouped by type and targets. * @param {String} actorID Actor ID to match to the relation target. * @return {Object} Accessible front that matches the relation target. */ const findAccessibleTarget = (relations, actorID) => { for (const relationType in relations) { let targets = relations[relationType]; targets = Array.isArray(targets) ? targets : [targets]; for (const target of targets) { if (target.actorID === actorID) { return target; } } } return null; }; /** * Find an item based on a given path. * @param {String} path * Key of the item to be looked up. * @param {Array} items * Accessibility properties array. * @return {Object?} * Possibly found item. */ const findByPath = (path, items) => { for (const item of items) { if (item.path === path) { return item; } const found = findByPath(path, item.children); if (found) { return found; } } return null; }; /** * Check if a given property is a DOMNode front. * @param {Object?} value A property to check for being a DOMNode. * @return {Boolean} A flag that indicates whether a property is a DOMNode. */ const isNodeFront = value => value && value.typeName === "domnode"; /** * Check if a given property is an Accessible front. * @param {Object?} value A property to check for being an Accessible. * @return {Boolean} A flag that indicates whether a property is an Accessible. */ const isAccessibleFront = value => value && value.typeName === "accessible"; /** * While waiting for a reps fix in https://github.com/firefox-devtools/reps/issues/92, * translate accessibleFront to a grip-like object that can be used with an Accessible * rep. * * @params {accessibleFront} accessibleFront * The AccessibleFront for which we want to create a grip-like object. * @returns {Object} a grip-like object that can be used with Reps. */ const translateAccessibleFrontToGrip = accessibleFront => ({ actor: accessibleFront.actorID, typeName: accessibleFront.typeName, preview: { name: accessibleFront.name, role: accessibleFront.role, // All the grid containers are assumed to be in the Accessibility tree. isConnected: true, }, }); const translateNodeFrontToGripWrapper = nodeFront => ({ ...translateNodeFrontToGrip(nodeFront), typeName: nodeFront.typeName, }); /** * Build props ingestible by Tree component. * @param {Object} props Component properties to be processed. * @param {String} parentPath Unique path that is used to identify a Tree Node. * @return {Object} Processed properties. */ const makeItemsForDetails = (props, parentPath) => Object.getOwnPropertyNames(props).map(name => { let children = []; const path = `${parentPath}/${name}`; let contents = props[name]; if (contents) { if (isNodeFront(contents)) { contents = translateNodeFrontToGripWrapper(contents); name = "DOMNode"; } else if (isAccessibleFront(contents)) { contents = translateAccessibleFrontToGrip(contents); } else if (Array.isArray(contents) || typeof contents === "object") { children = makeItemsForDetails(contents, path); } } return { name, path, contents, children }; }); const makeParentMap = items => { const map = new WeakMap(); function _traverse(item) { if (item.children.length) { for (const child of item.children) { map.set(child, item); _traverse(child); } } } items.forEach(_traverse); return map; }; const mapStateToProps = ({ details }) => { const { accessible: accessibleFront, DOMNode: nodeFront, relations, } = details; if (!accessibleFront || !nodeFront) { return {}; } const items = makeItemsForDetails( ORDERED_PROPS.reduce((props, key) => { if (key === "DOMNode") { props.nodeFront = nodeFront; } else if (key === "relations") { props.relations = relations; } else { props[key] = accessibleFront[key]; } return props; }, {}), "" ); const parents = makeParentMap(items); return { accessibleFront, nodeFront, items, parents, relations }; }; module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(Accessible);