/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test the TargetCommand API around frames const FISSION_TEST_URL = URL_ROOT_SSL + "fission_document.html"; const IFRAME_URL = URL_ROOT_ORG_SSL + "fission_iframe.html"; const SECOND_PAGE_URL = "https://example.org/document-builder.sjs?html=org"; const PID_REGEXP = /^\d+$/; add_task(async function () { // Disable bfcache for Fission for now. // If Fission is disabled, the pref is no-op. await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["fission.bfcacheInParent", false]], }); // Enabled fission prefs await pushPref("devtools.browsertoolbox.scope", "everything"); // Disable the preloaded process as it gets created lazily and may interfere // with process count assertions await pushPref("dom.ipc.processPrelaunch.enabled", false); // This preference helps destroying the content process when we close the tab await pushPref("dom.ipc.keepProcessesAlive.web", 1); // Test fetching the frames from the main process descriptor await testBrowserFrames(); // Test fetching the frames from a tab descriptor await testTabFrames(); // Test what happens with documents running in the parent process await testOpeningOnParentProcessDocument(); await testNavigationToParentProcessDocument(); // Test what happens with about:blank documents await testOpeningOnAboutBlankDocument(); await testNavigationToAboutBlankDocument(); await testNestedIframes(); }); async function testOpeningOnParentProcessDocument() { info("Test opening against a parent process document"); const tab = await addTab("about:robots"); is( tab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.osPid, -1, "The tab is loaded in the parent process" ); const commands = await CommandsFactory.forTab(tab); const targetCommand = commands.targetCommand; await targetCommand.startListening(); const frames = await targetCommand.getAllTargets([targetCommand.TYPES.FRAME]); is(frames.length, 1); is(frames[0].url, "about:robots", "target url is correct"); is( frames[0], targetCommand.targetFront, "the target is the current top level one" ); await commands.destroy(); } async function testNavigationToParentProcessDocument() { info("Test navigating to parent process document"); const firstLocation = "data:text/html,foo"; const secondLocation = "about:robots"; const tab = await addTab(firstLocation); const commands = await CommandsFactory.forTab(tab); const targetCommand = commands.targetCommand; // When the first top level target is created from the server, // `startListening` emits a spurious switched-target event // which isn't necessarily emited before it resolves. // So ensure waiting for it, otherwise we may resolve too eagerly // in our expected listener. const onSwitchedTarget1 = targetCommand.once("switched-target"); await targetCommand.startListening(); info("wait for first top level target"); await onSwitchedTarget1; const firstTarget = targetCommand.targetFront; is(firstTarget.url, firstLocation, "first target url is correct"); info("Navigate to a parent process page"); const onSwitchedTarget = targetCommand.once("switched-target"); const browser = tab.linkedBrowser; const onLoaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); await BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString(browser, secondLocation); await onLoaded; is( browser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.osPid, -1, "The tab is loaded in the parent process" ); await onSwitchedTarget; isnot(targetCommand.targetFront, firstTarget, "got a new target"); // Check that calling getAllTargets([frame]) return the same target instances const frames = await targetCommand.getAllTargets([targetCommand.TYPES.FRAME]); is(frames.length, 1); is(frames[0].url, secondLocation, "second target url is correct"); is( frames[0], targetCommand.targetFront, "second target is the current top level one" ); await commands.destroy(); } async function testOpeningOnAboutBlankDocument() { info("Test opening against about:blank document"); const tab = await addTab("about:blank"); const commands = await CommandsFactory.forTab(tab); const targetCommand = commands.targetCommand; await targetCommand.startListening(); const frames = await targetCommand.getAllTargets([targetCommand.TYPES.FRAME]); is(frames.length, 1); is(frames[0].url, "about:blank", "target url is correct"); is( frames[0], targetCommand.targetFront, "the target is the current top level one" ); await commands.destroy(); } async function testNavigationToAboutBlankDocument() { info("Test navigating to about:blank"); const firstLocation = "data:text/html,foo"; const secondLocation = "about:blank"; const tab = await addTab(firstLocation); const commands = await CommandsFactory.forTab(tab); const targetCommand = commands.targetCommand; // When the first top level target is created from the server, // `startListening` emits a spurious switched-target event // which isn't necessarily emited before it resolves. // So ensure waiting for it, otherwise we may resolve too eagerly // in our expected listener. const onSwitchedTarget1 = targetCommand.once("switched-target"); await targetCommand.startListening(); info("wait for first top level target"); await onSwitchedTarget1; const firstTarget = targetCommand.targetFront; is(firstTarget.url, firstLocation, "first target url is correct"); info("Navigate to about:blank page"); const onSwitchedTarget = targetCommand.once("switched-target"); const browser = tab.linkedBrowser; const onLoaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); await BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString(browser, secondLocation); await onLoaded; await onSwitchedTarget; isnot(targetCommand.targetFront, firstTarget, "got a new target"); // Check that calling getAllTargets([frame]) return the same target instances const frames = await targetCommand.getAllTargets([targetCommand.TYPES.FRAME]); is(frames.length, 1); is(frames[0].url, secondLocation, "second target url is correct"); is( frames[0], targetCommand.targetFront, "second target is the current top level one" ); await commands.destroy(); } async function testBrowserFrames() { info("Test TargetCommand against frames via the parent process target"); const aboutBlankTab = await addTab("about:blank"); const commands = await CommandsFactory.forMainProcess(); const targetCommand = commands.targetCommand; const { TYPES } = targetCommand; await targetCommand.startListening(); // Very naive sanity check against getAllTargets([frame]) const frames = await targetCommand.getAllTargets([TYPES.FRAME]); const hasBrowserDocument = frames.find( frameTarget => frameTarget.url == window.location.href ); ok(hasBrowserDocument, "retrieve the target for the browser document"); const hasAboutBlankDocument = frames.find( frameTarget => frameTarget.browsingContextID == aboutBlankTab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext.id ); ok(hasAboutBlankDocument, "retrieve the target for the about:blank tab"); // Check that calling getAllTargets([frame]) return the same target instances const frames2 = await targetCommand.getAllTargets([TYPES.FRAME]); is(frames2.length, frames.length, "retrieved the same number of frames"); function sortFronts(f1, f2) { return f1.actorID < f2.actorID; } frames.sort(sortFronts); frames2.sort(sortFronts); for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { is(frames[i], frames2[i], `frame ${i} targets are the same`); } // Assert that watchTargets will call the create callback for all existing frames const targets = []; const topLevelTarget = targetCommand.targetFront; const noParentTarget = await topLevelTarget.getParentTarget(); is(noParentTarget, null, "The top level target has no parent target"); const onAvailable = ({ targetFront }) => { is( targetFront.targetType, TYPES.FRAME, "We are only notified about frame targets" ); ok( targetFront == topLevelTarget ? targetFront.isTopLevel : !targetFront.isTopLevel, "isTopLevel property is correct" ); ok( PID_REGEXP.test(targetFront.processID), `Target has processID of expected shape (${targetFront.processID})` ); targets.push(targetFront); }; await targetCommand.watchTargets({ types: [TYPES.FRAME], onAvailable }); is( targets.length, frames.length, "retrieved the same number of frames via watchTargets" ); frames.sort(sortFronts); targets.sort(sortFronts); for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { is( frames[i], targets[i], `frame ${i} targets are the same via watchTargets` ); } async function addTabAndAssertNewTarget(url) { const previousTargetCount = targets.length; const tab = await addTab(url); await waitFor( () => targets.length == previousTargetCount + 1, "Wait for all expected targets after tab opening" ); is( targets.length, previousTargetCount + 1, "Opening a tab reported a new frame" ); const newTabTarget = targets.at(-1); is(newTabTarget.url, url, "This frame target is about the new tab"); // Internaly, the tab, which uses a element is considered detached from their owner document // and so the target is having a null parentInnerWindowId. But the framework will attach all non-top-level targets // as children of the top level. const tabParentTarget = await newTabTarget.getParentTarget(); is( tabParentTarget, targetCommand.targetFront, "tab's WindowGlobal/BrowsingContext is detached and has no parent, but we report them as children of the top level target" ); const frames3 = await targetCommand.getAllTargets([TYPES.FRAME]); const hasTabDocument = frames3.find(target => target.url == url); ok(hasTabDocument, "retrieve the target for tab via getAllTargets"); return tab; } info("Open a tab loaded in content process"); await addTabAndAssertNewTarget("data:text/html,content-process-page"); info("Open a tab loaded in the parent process"); const parentProcessTab = await addTabAndAssertNewTarget("about:robots"); is( parentProcessTab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.osPid, -1, "The tab is loaded in the parent process" ); info("Open a new content window via window.open"); info("First open a tab on .org domain"); const tabUrl = "https://example.org/document-builder.sjs?html=org"; await addTabAndAssertNewTarget(tabUrl); const previousTargetCount = targets.length; info("Then open a popup on .com domain"); const popupUrl = "https://example.com/document-builder.sjs?html=com"; const onPopupOpened = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab(gBrowser, popupUrl); await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [popupUrl], async url => { content.window.open(url, "_blank"); }); await onPopupOpened; await waitFor( () => targets.length == previousTargetCount + 1, "Wait for all expected targets after window.open()" ); is( targets.length, previousTargetCount + 1, "Opening a new content window reported a new frame" ); is( targets.at(-1).url, popupUrl, "This frame target is about the new content window" ); // About:blank are a bit special because we ignore a transcient about:blank // document when navigating to another process. But we should not ignore // tabs, loading a real, final about:blank document. info("Open a tab with about:blank"); await addTabAndAssertNewTarget("about:blank"); // Until we start spawning target for all WindowGlobals, // including the one running in the same process as their parent, // we won't create dedicated target for new top level windows. // Instead, these document will be debugged via the ParentProcessTargetActor. info("Open a top level chrome window"); const expectedTargets = targets.length; const chromeWindow = Services.ww.openWindow( null, "about:robots", "_blank", "chrome", null ); await wait(250); is( targets.length, expectedTargets, "New top level window shouldn't spawn new target" ); chromeWindow.close(); targetCommand.unwatchTargets({ types: [TYPES.FRAME], onAvailable }); targetCommand.destroy(); await waitForAllTargetsToBeAttached(targetCommand); await commands.destroy(); } async function testTabFrames(mainRoot) { info("Test TargetCommand against frames via a tab target"); // Create a TargetCommand for a given test tab const tab = await addTab(FISSION_TEST_URL); const commands = await CommandsFactory.forTab(tab); const targetCommand = commands.targetCommand; const { TYPES } = targetCommand; await targetCommand.startListening(); // Check that calling getAllTargets([frame]) return the same target instances const frames = await targetCommand.getAllTargets([TYPES.FRAME]); // When fission is enabled, we also get the remote example.org iframe. const expectedFramesCount = isFissionEnabled() || isEveryFrameTargetEnabled() ? 2 : 1; is( frames.length, expectedFramesCount, "retrieved the expected number of targets" ); // Assert that watchTargets will call the create callback for all existing frames const targets = []; const destroyedTargets = []; const topLevelTarget = targetCommand.targetFront; const onAvailable = ({ targetFront, isTargetSwitching }) => { is( targetFront.targetType, TYPES.FRAME, "We are only notified about frame targets" ); ok( PID_REGEXP.test(targetFront.processID), `Target has processID of expected shape (${targetFront.processID})` ); targets.push({ targetFront, isTargetSwitching }); }; const onDestroyed = ({ targetFront, isTargetSwitching }) => { is( targetFront.targetType, TYPES.FRAME, "We are only notified about frame targets" ); ok( targetFront == topLevelTarget ? targetFront.isTopLevel : !targetFront.isTopLevel, "isTopLevel property is correct" ); destroyedTargets.push({ targetFront, isTargetSwitching }); }; await targetCommand.watchTargets({ types: [TYPES.FRAME], onAvailable, onDestroyed, }); is( targets.length, frames.length, "retrieved the same number of frames via watchTargets" ); is(destroyedTargets.length, 0, "Should be no destroyed target initialy"); for (const frame of frames) { ok( targets.find(({ targetFront }) => targetFront === frame), "frame " + frame.actorID + " target is the same via watchTargets" ); } is( targets[0].targetFront.url, FISSION_TEST_URL, "First target should be the top document one" ); is( targets[0].targetFront.isTopLevel, true, "First target is a top level one" ); is( !targets[0].isTargetSwitching, true, "First target is not considered as a target switching" ); const noParentTarget = await targets[0].targetFront.getParentTarget(); is(noParentTarget, null, "The top level target has no parent target"); if (isFissionEnabled() || isEveryFrameTargetEnabled()) { is( targets[1].targetFront.url, IFRAME_URL, "Second target should be the iframe one" ); is( !targets[1].targetFront.isTopLevel, true, "Iframe target isn't top level" ); is( !targets[1].isTargetSwitching, true, "Iframe target isn't a target swich" ); const parentTarget = await targets[1].targetFront.getParentTarget(); is( parentTarget, targets[0].targetFront, "The parent target for the iframe is the top level target" ); } // Before navigating to another process, ensure cleaning up everything from the first page await waitForAllTargetsToBeAttached(targetCommand); await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], async () => { // registrationPromise is set by the test page. const registration = await content.wrappedJSObject.registrationPromise; registration.unregister(); }); info("Navigate to another domain and process (if fission is enabled)"); // When a new target will be created, we need to wait until it's fully processed // to avoid pending promises. const onNewTargetProcessed = targetCommand.once("processed-available-target"); const browser = tab.linkedBrowser; const onLoaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); await BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString(browser, SECOND_PAGE_URL); await onLoaded; if (isFissionEnabled() || isEveryFrameTargetEnabled()) { const afterNavigationFramesCount = 3; await waitFor( () => targets.length == afterNavigationFramesCount, "Wait for all expected targets after navigation" ); is( targets.length, afterNavigationFramesCount, "retrieved all targets after navigation" ); // As targetFront.url isn't reliable and might be about:blank, // try to assert that we got the right target via other means. // outerWindowID should change when navigating to another process, // while it would stay equal for in-process navigations. is( targets[2].targetFront.outerWindowID, browser.outerWindowID, "The new target should be the newly loaded document" ); is( targets[2].isTargetSwitching, true, "and should be flagged as a target switching" ); is( destroyedTargets.length, 2, "The two existing targets should be destroyed" ); is( destroyedTargets[0].targetFront, targets[1].targetFront, "The first destroyed should be the iframe one" ); is( destroyedTargets[0].isTargetSwitching, false, "the target destruction is not flagged as target switching for iframes" ); is( destroyedTargets[1].targetFront, targets[0].targetFront, "The second destroyed should be the previous top level one (because it is delayed to be fired *after* will-navigate)" ); is( destroyedTargets[1].isTargetSwitching, true, "the target destruction is flagged as target switching" ); } else { await waitFor( () => targets.length == 2, "Wait for all expected targets after navigation" ); is( destroyedTargets.length, 1, "with JSWindowActor based target, the top level target is destroyed" ); is( targetCommand.targetFront, targets[1].targetFront, "we got a new target" ); ok( !targetCommand.targetFront.isDestroyed(), "that target is not destroyed" ); ok( targets[0].targetFront.isDestroyed(), "but the previous one is destroyed" ); } await onNewTargetProcessed; targetCommand.unwatchTargets({ types: [TYPES.FRAME], onAvailable }); targetCommand.destroy(); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); await commands.destroy(); } async function testNestedIframes() { info("Test TargetCommand against nested frames"); const nestedIframeUrl = `https://example.com/document-builder.sjs?html=${encodeURIComponent( "second

second level iframe

" )}&delay=500`; const testUrl = `data:text/html;charset=utf-8,


`; // Create a TargetCommand for a given test tab const tab = await addTab(testUrl); const commands = await CommandsFactory.forTab(tab); const targetCommand = commands.targetCommand; const { TYPES } = targetCommand; await targetCommand.startListening(); // Check that calling getAllTargets([frame]) return the same target instances const frames = await targetCommand.getAllTargets([TYPES.FRAME]); is(frames[0], targetCommand.targetFront, "First target is the top level one"); const topParent = await frames[0].getParentTarget(); is(topParent, null, "Top level target has no parent"); if (isEveryFrameTargetEnabled()) { const firstIframeTarget = frames.find(target => target.title == "first"); ok( firstIframeTarget, "With EFT, got the target for the first level iframe" ); const firstParent = await firstIframeTarget.getParentTarget(); is( firstParent, targetCommand.targetFront, "With EFT, first level has top level target as parent" ); const secondIframeTarget = frames.find(target => target.title == "second"); ok(secondIframeTarget, "Got the target for the second level iframe"); const secondParent = await secondIframeTarget.getParentTarget(); is( secondParent, firstIframeTarget, "With EFT, second level has the first level target as parent" ); } else if (isFissionEnabled()) { const secondIframeTarget = frames.find(target => target.title == "second"); ok(secondIframeTarget, "Got the target for the second level iframe"); const secondParent = await secondIframeTarget.getParentTarget(); is( secondParent, targetCommand.targetFront, "With fission, second level has top level target as parent" ); } await commands.destroy(); }