const PAGE_URL = ""; const PAGE2_URL = ""; const IFRAME_URL = ""; const CORS_IFRAME_URL = ""; const CORS_IFRAME2_URL = ""; const videoId = "video"; /** * This test is used to check the scenario when we should use the customized * action handler and the the default action handler (play/pause/stop). * If a frame (DOM Window, it could be main frame or an iframe) has active media * session, then it should use the customized action handler it it has one. * Otherwise, the default action handler should be used. */ add_task(async function setupTestingPref() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["", true], ["media.mediacontrol.testingevents.enabled", true], ], }); }); add_task(async function triggerDefaultActionHandler() { // Default handler should be triggered no matter if media session exists or not. const kCreateMediaSession = [true, false]; for (const shouldCreateSession of kCreateMediaSession) { info(`open page and start media`); const tab = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_URL); await playMedia(tab, videoId); if (shouldCreateSession) { info( `media has started, so created session should become active session` ); await Promise.all([ waitUntilActiveMediaSessionChanged(), createMediaSession(tab), ]); } info(`test 'pause' action`); await simulateMediaAction(tab, "pause"); info(`default action handler should pause media`); await checkOrWaitUntilMediaPauses(tab, { videoId }); info(`test 'play' action`); await simulateMediaAction(tab, "play"); info(`default action handler should resume media`); await checkOrWaitUntilMediaPlays(tab, { videoId }); info(`test 'stop' action`); await simulateMediaAction(tab, "stop"); info(`default action handler should pause media`); await checkOrWaitUntilMediaPauses(tab, { videoId }); const controller = tab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext.mediaController; ok( !controller.isActive, `controller should be deactivated after receiving stop` ); info(`remove tab`); await tab.close(); } }); add_task(async function triggerNonDefaultHandlerWhenSetCustomizedHandler() { info(`open page and start media`); const tab = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_URL); await Promise.all([ new Promise(r => (tab.controller.onactivated = r)), startMedia(tab, { videoId }), ]); const kActions = ["play", "pause", "stop"]; for (const action of kActions) { info(`set action handler for '${action}'`); await setActionHandler(tab, action); info(`press '${action}' should trigger action handler (not a default one)`); await simulateMediaAction(tab, action); await waitUntilActionHandlerIsTriggered(tab, action); info(`action handler doesn't pause media, media should keep playing`); await checkOrWaitUntilMediaPlays(tab, { videoId }); } info(`remove tab`); await tab.close(); }); add_task( async function triggerDefaultHandlerToPausePlaybackOnInactiveSession() { const kIframeUrls = [IFRAME_URL, CORS_IFRAME_URL]; for (const url of kIframeUrls) { const kActions = ["play", "pause", "stop"]; for (const action of kActions) { info(`open page and load iframe`); const tab = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_URL); const frameId = "iframe"; await loadIframe(tab, frameId, url); info(`start media from iframe would make it become active session`); await Promise.all([ new Promise(r => (tab.controller.onactivated = r)), startMedia(tab, { frameId }), ]); info(`press '${action}' should trigger iframe's action handler`); await setActionHandler(tab, action, frameId); await simulateMediaAction(tab, action); await waitUntilActionHandlerIsTriggered(tab, action, frameId); info(`start media from main frame so iframe would become inactive`); // When action is `play`, controller is already playing, because above // code won't pause media. So we need to wait for the active session // changed to ensure the following tests can be executed on the right // browsing context. let waitForControllerStatusChanged = action == "play" ? waitUntilActiveMediaSessionChanged() : ensureControllerIsPlaying(tab.controller); await Promise.all([ waitForControllerStatusChanged, startMedia(tab, { videoId }), ]); if (action == "play") { info(`pause media first in order to test 'play'`); await pauseAllMedia(tab); info( `press '${action}' would trigger default andler on main frame because it doesn't set action handler` ); await simulateMediaAction(tab, action); await checkOrWaitUntilMediaPlays(tab, { videoId }); info( `default handler should also be triggered on inactive iframe, which would resume media` ); await checkOrWaitUntilMediaPlays(tab, { frameId }); } else { info( `press '${action}' would trigger default andler on main frame because it doesn't set action handler` ); await simulateMediaAction(tab, action); await checkOrWaitUntilMediaPauses(tab, { videoId }); info( `default handler should also be triggered on inactive iframe, which would pause media` ); await checkOrWaitUntilMediaPauses(tab, { frameId }); } info(`remove tab`); await tab.close(); } } } ); add_task(async function onlyResumeActiveMediaSession() { info(`open page and load iframes`); const tab = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE2_URL); const frame1Id = "frame1"; const frame2Id = "frame2"; await loadIframe(tab, frame1Id, CORS_IFRAME_URL); await loadIframe(tab, frame2Id, CORS_IFRAME2_URL); info(`start media from iframe1 would make it become active session`); await createMediaSession(tab, frame1Id); await Promise.all([ waitUntilActiveMediaSessionChanged(), startMedia(tab, { frameId: frame1Id }), ]); info(`start media from iframe2 would make it become active session`); await createMediaSession(tab, frame2Id); await Promise.all([ waitUntilActiveMediaSessionChanged(), startMedia(tab, { frameId: frame2Id }), ]); info(`press 'pause' should pause both iframes`); await simulateMediaAction(tab, "pause"); await checkOrWaitUntilMediaPauses(tab, { frameId: frame1Id }); await checkOrWaitUntilMediaPauses(tab, { frameId: frame2Id }); info( `press 'play' should only resume iframe2 which has active media session` ); await simulateMediaAction(tab, "play"); await checkOrWaitUntilMediaPauses(tab, { frameId: frame1Id }); await checkOrWaitUntilMediaPlays(tab, { frameId: frame2Id }); info(`remove tab`); await tab.close(); }); /** * The following are helper functions. */ function startMedia(tab, { videoId, frameId }) { return SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [videoId, frameId], (videoId, frameId) => { if (frameId) { return content.messageHelper( content.document.getElementById(frameId), "play", "played" ); } return content.document.getElementById(videoId).play(); } ); } function pauseAllMedia(tab) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], async () => { await content.messageHelper( content.document.getElementById("iframe"), "pause", "paused" ); const videos = content.document.getElementsByTagName("video"); for (let video of videos) { video.pause(); } }); } function createMediaSession(tab, frameId = null) { info(`create media session`); return SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [frameId], async frameId => { if (frameId) { await content.messageHelper( content.document.getElementById(frameId), "create-media-session", "created-media-session" ); return; } // simply calling a media session would create an instance. content.navigator.mediaSession; }); } function checkOrWaitUntilMediaPauses(tab, { videoId, frameId }) { return SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [videoId, frameId], (videoId, frameId) => { if (frameId) { return content.messageHelper( content.document.getElementById(frameId), "check-pause", "checked-pause" ); } return new Promise(r => { const video = content.document.getElementById(videoId); if (video.paused) { ok(true, `media stopped playing`); r(); } else { info(`wait until media stops playing`); video.onpause = () => { video.onpause = null; ok(true, `media stopped playing`); r(); }; } }); } ); } function checkOrWaitUntilMediaPlays(tab, { videoId, frameId }) { return SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [videoId, frameId], (videoId, frameId) => { if (frameId) { return content.messageHelper( content.document.getElementById(frameId), "check-playing", "checked-playing" ); } return new Promise(r => { const video = content.document.getElementById(videoId); if (!video.paused) { ok(true, `media is playing`); r(); } else { info(`wait until media starts playing`); video.onplay = () => { video.onplay = null; ok(true, `media starts playing`); r(); }; } }); } ); } function setActionHandler(tab, action, frameId = null) { return SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [action, frameId], async (action, frameId) => { if (frameId) { await content.messageHelper( content.document.getElementById(frameId), { cmd: "setActionHandler", action, }, "setActionHandler-done" ); return; } // Create this on the first function call if (content.actionHandlerPromises === undefined) { content.actionHandlerPromises = {}; } content.actionHandlerPromises[action] = new Promise(r => { content.navigator.mediaSession.setActionHandler(action, () => { info(`receive ${action}`); r(); }); }); } ); } async function waitUntilActionHandlerIsTriggered(tab, action, frameId = null) { info(`wait until '${action}' action handler is triggered`); return SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [action, frameId], (action, frameId) => { if (frameId) { return content.messageHelper( content.document.getElementById(frameId), { cmd: "checkActionHandler", action, }, "checkActionHandler-done" ); } const actionTriggerPromise = content.actionHandlerPromises[action]; ok(actionTriggerPromise, `Has created promise for ${action}`); return actionTriggerPromise; } ); } async function simulateMediaAction(tab, action) { const controller = tab.linkedBrowser.browsingContext.mediaController; if (!controller.isActive) { await new Promise(r => (controller.onactivated = r)); } MediaControlService.generateMediaControlKey(action); } function loadIframe(tab, iframeId, url) { return SpecialPowers.spawn( tab.linkedBrowser, [iframeId, url], async (iframeId, url) => { const iframe = content.document.getElementById(iframeId); info(`load iframe with url '${url}'`); iframe.src = url; await new Promise(r => (iframe.onload = r)); // create a helper to simplify communication process with iframe content.messageHelper = (target, sentMessage, expectedResponse) => { target.contentWindow.postMessage(sentMessage, "*"); return new Promise(r => { content.onmessage = event => { if ( == expectedResponse) { ok(true, `Received response ${expectedResponse}`); content.onmessage = null; r(); } }; }); }; } ); } function waitUntilActiveMediaSessionChanged() { return BrowserUtils.promiseObserved("active-media-session-changed"); } function ensureControllerIsPlaying(controller) { return new Promise(r => { if (controller.isPlaying) { r(); return; } controller.onplaybackstatechange = () => { if (controller.isPlaying) { r(); } }; }); }