const PAGE_NON_AUTOPLAY_MEDIA = ""; const testVideoId = "video"; add_task(async function setupTestingPref() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["media.mediacontrol.testingevents.enabled", true]], }); }); /** * Seeking a captured audio media before it starts, and it should still be able * to be controlled via media key after it starts playing. */ add_task(async function testSeekAudibleCapturedMedia() { info(`open new non autoplay media page`); const tab = await createLoadedTabWrapper(PAGE_NON_AUTOPLAY_MEDIA); info(`perform seek on the captured media before it starts`); await captureAudio(tab, testVideoId); await seekAudio(tab, testVideoId); info(`start captured media`); await playMedia(tab, testVideoId); info(`pressing 'pause' key, captured media should be paused`); await generateMediaControlKeyEvent("pause"); await checkOrWaitUntilMediaStoppedPlaying(tab, testVideoId); info(`remove tab`); await tab.close(); }); /** * The following are helper functions. */ function captureAudio(tab, elementId) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [elementId], Id => { const video = content.document.getElementById(Id); if (!video) { ok(false, `can't get the media element!`); } const context = new content.AudioContext(); // Capture audio from the media element to a MediaElementAudioSourceNode. context.createMediaElementSource(video); }); } function seekAudio(tab, elementId) { return SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [elementId], async Id => { const video = content.document.getElementById(Id); if (!video) { ok(false, `can't get the media element!`); } video.currentTime = 0.0; await new Promise(r => (video.onseeked = r)); }); }