/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef GFX_DWRITEFONTLIST_H #define GFX_DWRITEFONTLIST_H #include "mozilla/FontPropertyTypes.h" #include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h" #include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h" #include "gfxDWriteCommon.h" #include "dwrite_3.h" // Currently, we build with WINVER=0x601 (Win7), which means newer // declarations in dwrite_3.h will not be visible. Also, we don't // yet have the Fall Creators Update SDK available on build machines, // so even with updated WINVER, some of the interfaces we need would // not be present. // To work around this, until the build environment is updated, // we #include an extra header that contains copies of the relevant // classes/interfaces we need. #if !defined(__MINGW32__) && WINVER < 0x0A00 # include "mozilla/gfx/dw-extra.h" #endif #include "gfxFont.h" #include "gfxUserFontSet.h" #include "cairo-win32.h" #include "gfxPlatformFontList.h" #include "gfxPlatform.h" #include <algorithm> #include "mozilla/gfx/UnscaledFontDWrite.h" /** * \brief Class representing directwrite font family. * * gfxDWriteFontFamily is a class that describes one of the font families on * the user's system. It holds each gfxDWriteFontEntry (maps more directly to * a font face) which holds font type, charset info and character map info. */ class gfxDWriteFontFamily final : public gfxFontFamily { public: typedef mozilla::FontStretch FontStretch; typedef mozilla::FontSlantStyle FontSlantStyle; typedef mozilla::FontWeight FontWeight; /** * Constructs a new DWriteFont Family. * * \param aName Name identifying the family * \param aFamily IDWriteFontFamily object representing the directwrite * family object. */ gfxDWriteFontFamily(const nsACString& aName, FontVisibility aVisibility, IDWriteFontFamily* aFamily, bool aIsSystemFontFamily = false) : gfxFontFamily(aName, aVisibility), mDWFamily(aFamily), mIsSystemFontFamily(aIsSystemFontFamily), mForceGDIClassic(false) {} virtual ~gfxDWriteFontFamily(); void FindStyleVariationsLocked(FontInfoData* aFontInfoData = nullptr) MOZ_REQUIRES(mLock) final; void LocalizedName(nsACString& aLocalizedName) final; void ReadFaceNames(gfxPlatformFontList* aPlatformFontList, bool aNeedFullnamePostscriptNames, FontInfoData* aFontInfoData = nullptr) final; void SetForceGDIClassic(bool aForce) { mForceGDIClassic = aForce; } void AddSizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf, FontListSizes* aSizes) const final; void AddSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf, FontListSizes* aSizes) const final; bool FilterForFontList(nsAtom* aLangGroup, const nsACString& aGeneric) const final { return !IsSymbolFontFamily(); } protected: // helper for FilterForFontList bool IsSymbolFontFamily() const; /** This font family's directwrite fontfamily object */ RefPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> mDWFamily; bool mIsSystemFontFamily; bool mForceGDIClassic; }; /** * \brief Class representing DirectWrite FontEntry (a unique font style/family) */ class gfxDWriteFontEntry final : public gfxFontEntry { public: /** * Constructs a font entry. * * \param aFaceName The name of the corresponding font face. * \param aFont DirectWrite font object */ gfxDWriteFontEntry(const nsACString& aFaceName, IDWriteFont* aFont, bool aIsSystemFont = false) : gfxFontEntry(aFaceName), mFont(aFont), mFontFile(nullptr), mIsSystemFont(aIsSystemFont), mForceGDIClassic(false), mHasVariations(false), mHasVariationsInitialized(false) { DWRITE_FONT_STYLE dwriteStyle = aFont->GetStyle(); FontSlantStyle style = (dwriteStyle == DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC ? FontSlantStyle::ITALIC : (dwriteStyle == DWRITE_FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE ? FontSlantStyle::OBLIQUE : FontSlantStyle::NORMAL)); mStyleRange = SlantStyleRange(style); mStretchRange = StretchRange(FontStretchFromDWriteStretch(aFont->GetStretch())); int weight = NS_ROUNDUP(aFont->GetWeight() - 50, 100); weight = mozilla::Clamp(weight, 100, 900); mWeightRange = WeightRange(FontWeight::FromInt(weight)); mIsCJK = UNINITIALIZED_VALUE; } /** * Constructs a font entry using a font. But with custom font values. * This is used for creating correct font entries for @font-face with local * font source. * * \param aFaceName The name of the corresponding font face. * \param aFont DirectWrite font object * \param aWeight Weight of the font * \param aStretch Stretch of the font * \param aStyle italic or oblique of font */ gfxDWriteFontEntry(const nsACString& aFaceName, IDWriteFont* aFont, WeightRange aWeight, StretchRange aStretch, SlantStyleRange aStyle) : gfxFontEntry(aFaceName), mFont(aFont), mFontFile(nullptr), mIsSystemFont(false), mForceGDIClassic(false), mHasVariations(false), mHasVariationsInitialized(false) { mWeightRange = aWeight; mStretchRange = aStretch; mStyleRange = aStyle; mIsLocalUserFont = true; mIsCJK = UNINITIALIZED_VALUE; } /** * Constructs a font entry using a font file. * * \param aFaceName The name of the corresponding font face. * \param aFontFile DirectWrite fontfile object * \param aFontFileStream DirectWrite fontfile stream object * \param aWeight Weight of the font * \param aStretch Stretch of the font * \param aStyle italic or oblique of font */ gfxDWriteFontEntry(const nsACString& aFaceName, IDWriteFontFile* aFontFile, IDWriteFontFileStream* aFontFileStream, WeightRange aWeight, StretchRange aStretch, SlantStyleRange aStyle) : gfxFontEntry(aFaceName), mFont(nullptr), mFontFile(aFontFile), mFontFileStream(aFontFileStream), mIsSystemFont(false), mForceGDIClassic(false), mHasVariations(false), mHasVariationsInitialized(false) { mWeightRange = aWeight; mStretchRange = aStretch; mStyleRange = aStyle; mIsDataUserFont = true; mIsCJK = UNINITIALIZED_VALUE; } gfxFontEntry* Clone() const override; virtual ~gfxDWriteFontEntry(); hb_blob_t* GetFontTable(uint32_t aTableTag) override; nsresult ReadCMAP(FontInfoData* aFontInfoData = nullptr) override; bool IsCJKFont(); bool HasVariations() override; void GetVariationAxes(nsTArray<gfxFontVariationAxis>& aAxes) override; void GetVariationInstances( nsTArray<gfxFontVariationInstance>& aInstances) override; void SetForceGDIClassic(bool aForce) { mForceGDIClassic = aForce; } bool GetForceGDIClassic() { return mForceGDIClassic; } void AddSizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf, FontListSizes* aSizes) const override; void AddSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf, FontListSizes* aSizes) const override; protected: friend class gfxDWriteFont; friend class gfxDWriteFontList; friend class gfxDWriteFontFamily; virtual nsresult CopyFontTable(uint32_t aTableTag, nsTArray<uint8_t>& aBuffer) override; virtual gfxFont* CreateFontInstance(const gfxFontStyle* aFontStyle); nsresult CreateFontFace( IDWriteFontFace** aFontFace, const gfxFontStyle* aFontStyle = nullptr, DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS aSimulations = DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS_NONE, const nsTArray<gfxFontVariation>* aVariations = nullptr); static bool InitLogFont(IDWriteFont* aFont, LOGFONTW* aLogFont); /** * A fontentry only needs to have either of these. If it has both only * the IDWriteFont will be used. */ RefPtr<IDWriteFont> mFont; RefPtr<IDWriteFontFile> mFontFile; // For custom fonts, we hold a reference to the IDWriteFontFileStream for // for the IDWriteFontFile, so that the data is available. RefPtr<IDWriteFontFileStream> mFontFileStream; // font face corresponding to the mFont/mFontFile *without* any DWrite // style simulations applied RefPtr<IDWriteFontFace> mFontFace; // Extended fontface interface if supported, else null RefPtr<IDWriteFontFace5> mFontFace5; DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE mFaceType; int8_t mIsCJK; bool mIsSystemFont; bool mForceGDIClassic; bool mHasVariations; bool mHasVariationsInitialized; // Set to true only if the font belongs to a "simple" family where the // faces can be reliably identified via a GDI LOGFONT structure. bool mMayUseGDIAccess = false; mozilla::ThreadSafeWeakPtr<mozilla::gfx::UnscaledFontDWrite> mUnscaledFont; mozilla::ThreadSafeWeakPtr<mozilla::gfx::UnscaledFontDWrite> mUnscaledFontBold; }; // custom text renderer used to determine the fallback font for a given char class DWriteFontFallbackRenderer final : public IDWriteTextRenderer { public: explicit DWriteFontFallbackRenderer(IDWriteFactory* aFactory) : mRefCount(0) { HRESULT hr = aFactory->GetSystemFontCollection(getter_AddRefs(mSystemFonts)); NS_ASSERTION(SUCCEEDED(hr), "GetSystemFontCollection failed!"); (void)hr; } ~DWriteFontFallbackRenderer() {} // If we don't have an mSystemFonts pointer, this renderer is unusable. bool IsValid() const { return mSystemFonts; } // IDWriteTextRenderer methods IFACEMETHOD(DrawGlyphRun) (void* clientDrawingContext, FLOAT baselineOriginX, FLOAT baselineOriginY, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode, DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN const* glyphRun, DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN_DESCRIPTION const* glyphRunDescription, IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect); IFACEMETHOD(DrawUnderline) (void* clientDrawingContext, FLOAT baselineOriginX, FLOAT baselineOriginY, DWRITE_UNDERLINE const* underline, IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect) { return E_NOTIMPL; } IFACEMETHOD(DrawStrikethrough) (void* clientDrawingContext, FLOAT baselineOriginX, FLOAT baselineOriginY, DWRITE_STRIKETHROUGH const* strikethrough, IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect) { return E_NOTIMPL; } IFACEMETHOD(DrawInlineObject) (void* clientDrawingContext, FLOAT originX, FLOAT originY, IDWriteInlineObject* inlineObject, BOOL isSideways, BOOL isRightToLeft, IUnknown* clientDrawingEffect) { return E_NOTIMPL; } // IDWritePixelSnapping methods IFACEMETHOD(IsPixelSnappingDisabled) (void* clientDrawingContext, BOOL* isDisabled) { *isDisabled = FALSE; return S_OK; } IFACEMETHOD(GetCurrentTransform) (void* clientDrawingContext, DWRITE_MATRIX* transform) { const DWRITE_MATRIX ident = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0}; *transform = ident; return S_OK; } IFACEMETHOD(GetPixelsPerDip) (void* clientDrawingContext, FLOAT* pixelsPerDip) { *pixelsPerDip = 1.0f; return S_OK; } // IUnknown methods IFACEMETHOD_(unsigned long, AddRef)() { return InterlockedIncrement(&mRefCount); } IFACEMETHOD_(unsigned long, Release)() { unsigned long newCount = InterlockedDecrement(&mRefCount); if (newCount == 0) { delete this; return 0; } return newCount; } IFACEMETHOD(QueryInterface)(IID const& riid, void** ppvObject) { if (__uuidof(IDWriteTextRenderer) == riid) { *ppvObject = this; } else if (__uuidof(IDWritePixelSnapping) == riid) { *ppvObject = this; } else if (__uuidof(IUnknown) == riid) { *ppvObject = this; } else { *ppvObject = nullptr; return E_FAIL; } this->AddRef(); return S_OK; } const nsCString& FallbackFamilyName() { return mFamilyName; } protected: long mRefCount; RefPtr<IDWriteFontCollection> mSystemFonts; nsCString mFamilyName; }; class gfxDWriteFontList final : public gfxPlatformFontList { public: gfxDWriteFontList(); virtual ~gfxDWriteFontList() { AutoLock lock(mLock); } static gfxDWriteFontList* PlatformFontList() { return static_cast<gfxDWriteFontList*>( gfxPlatformFontList::PlatformFontList()); } // initialize font lists nsresult InitFontListForPlatform() MOZ_REQUIRES(mLock) override; void InitSharedFontListForPlatform() MOZ_REQUIRES(mLock) override; FontVisibility GetVisibilityForFamily(const nsACString& aName) const; gfxFontFamily* CreateFontFamily(const nsACString& aName, FontVisibility aVisibility) const override; gfxFontEntry* CreateFontEntry( mozilla::fontlist::Face* aFace, const mozilla::fontlist::Family* aFamily) override; void ReadFaceNamesForFamily(mozilla::fontlist::Family* aFamily, bool aNeedFullnamePostscriptNames) MOZ_REQUIRES(mLock) override; bool ReadFaceNames(const mozilla::fontlist::Family* aFamily, const mozilla::fontlist::Face* aFace, nsCString& aPSName, nsCString& aFullName) override; void GetFacesInitDataForFamily( const mozilla::fontlist::Family* aFamily, nsTArray<mozilla::fontlist::Face::InitData>& aFaces, bool aLoadCmaps) const override; gfxFontEntry* LookupLocalFont(nsPresContext* aPresContext, const nsACString& aFontName, WeightRange aWeightForEntry, StretchRange aStretchForEntry, SlantStyleRange aStyleForEntry) override; gfxFontEntry* MakePlatformFont(const nsACString& aFontName, WeightRange aWeightForEntry, StretchRange aStretchForEntry, SlantStyleRange aStyleForEntry, const uint8_t* aFontData, uint32_t aLength) override; IDWriteGdiInterop* GetGDIInterop() { return mGDIInterop; } bool UseGDIFontTableAccess() const; bool FindAndAddFamiliesLocked( nsPresContext* aPresContext, mozilla::StyleGenericFontFamily aGeneric, const nsACString& aFamily, nsTArray<FamilyAndGeneric>* aOutput, FindFamiliesFlags aFlags, gfxFontStyle* aStyle = nullptr, nsAtom* aLanguage = nullptr, gfxFloat aDevToCssSize = 1.0) MOZ_REQUIRES(mLock) override; gfxFloat GetForceGDIClassicMaxFontSize() { return mForceGDIClassicMaxFontSize; } virtual void AddSizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf, FontListSizes* aSizes) const; virtual void AddSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf, FontListSizes* aSizes) const; protected: FontFamily GetDefaultFontForPlatform(nsPresContext* aPresContext, const gfxFontStyle* aStyle, nsAtom* aLanguage = nullptr) MOZ_REQUIRES(mLock) override; // attempt to use platform-specific fallback for the given character, // return null if no usable result found gfxFontEntry* PlatformGlobalFontFallback(nsPresContext* aPresContext, const uint32_t aCh, Script aRunScript, const gfxFontStyle* aMatchStyle, FontFamily& aMatchedFamily) MOZ_REQUIRES(mLock) override; private: friend class gfxDWriteFontFamily; nsresult GetFontSubstitutes() MOZ_REQUIRES(mLock); void GetDirectWriteSubstitutes() MOZ_REQUIRES(mLock); virtual bool UsesSystemFallback() { return true; } void GetFontsFromCollection(IDWriteFontCollection* aCollection) MOZ_REQUIRES(mLock); void AppendFamiliesFromCollection( IDWriteFontCollection* aCollection, nsTArray<mozilla::fontlist::Family::InitData>& aFamilies, const nsTArray<nsCString>* aForceClassicFams = nullptr) MOZ_REQUIRES(mLock); #ifdef MOZ_BUNDLED_FONTS already_AddRefed<IDWriteFontCollection> CreateBundledFontsCollection( IDWriteFactory* aFactory); #endif /** * Fonts listed in the registry as substitutes but for which no actual * font family is found. */ nsTArray<nsCString> mNonExistingFonts; /** * Table of font substitutes, we grab this from the registry to get * alternative font names. */ FontFamilyTable mFontSubstitutes; nsClassHashtable<nsCStringHashKey, nsCString> mSubstitutions; virtual already_AddRefed<FontInfoData> CreateFontInfoData(); gfxFloat mForceGDIClassicMaxFontSize; // whether to use GDI font table access routines bool mGDIFontTableAccess; RefPtr<IDWriteGdiInterop> mGDIInterop; RefPtr<DWriteFontFallbackRenderer> mFallbackRenderer; RefPtr<IDWriteTextFormat> mFallbackFormat; RefPtr<IDWriteFontCollection> mSystemFonts; #ifdef MOZ_BUNDLED_FONTS RefPtr<IDWriteFontCollection> mBundledFonts; #endif }; #endif /* GFX_DWRITEFONTLIST_H */