## -*-makefile-*- ## Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. ## License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html ## Cygwin/MinGW specific setup ## Copyright (c) 2001-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and ## others. All Rights Reserved. # TODO: Finish the rest of this port. This platform port is incomplete. # This file is similar to mh-mingw64 # Any changes made here may also need to be made in mh-mingw64 # On Windows we generally have the DLLs in the bin directory rather than the lib directory. # This setting moves the ICU DLLs into the bin folder for MinGW/MSYS2 when "make install" is run. # If you prefer to have the DLLs in the lib folder, then set this to NO instead. MINGW_MOVEDLLSTOBINDIR = YES # We install sbin tools into the same bin directory because # pkgdata needs some of the tools in sbin, and we can't always depend on # icu-config working on Windows. sbindir=$(bindir) ## Commands to generate dependency files GEN_DEPS.c= $(CC) -E -MM $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) GEN_DEPS.cc= $(CXX) -E -MM $(DEFS) $(CPPFLAGS) ## Flags to create/use a static library ifneq ($(ENABLE_SHARED),YES) ## Make sure that the static libraries can be built and used CPPFLAGS += -DU_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION else ## Make sure that the static libraries can be built STATICCPPFLAGS = -DU_STATIC_IMPLEMENTATION endif ## ICU requires a minimum target of Windows 7, and MinGW does not set this by default. ## https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa383745.aspx CPPFLAGS += -DWINVER=0x0601 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 ## Flags for position independent code SHAREDLIBCFLAGS = SHAREDLIBCXXFLAGS = SHAREDLIBCPPFLAGS = -DPIC ## Additional flags when building libraries and with threads THREADSCFLAGS = -mthreads THREADSCXXFLAGS = -mthreads LIBCPPFLAGS = ## Add 'd' suffix to the names of binary files with Debug configuration ifeq ($(ENABLE_DEBUG),1) ICULIBSUFFIX:=$(ICULIBSUFFIX)d#M# endif # Commands to link. Link with C++ in case static libraries are used. LINK.c= $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) #LINK.cc= $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) ## Shared library options LD_SOOPTIONS= ## Commands to make a shared library SHLIB.c= $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -shared $(LD_SOOPTIONS) -Wl,--enable-auto-import -Wl,--out-implib=$(dir $@)lib$(notdir $(@:$(SO_TARGET_VERSION_MAJOR).$(SO)=))$(IMPORT_LIB_EXT)#M# SHLIB.cc= $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -shared $(LD_SOOPTIONS) -Wl,--enable-auto-import -Wl,--out-implib=$(dir $@)lib$(notdir $(@:$(SO_TARGET_VERSION_MAJOR).$(SO)=))$(IMPORT_LIB_EXT)#M# ## Compiler switch to embed a runtime search path LD_RPATH= LD_RPATH_PRE= -Wl,-rpath, ## Compiler switch to embed a library name LD_SONAME = ## Shared object suffix SO = dll ## Non-shared intermediate object suffix STATIC_O = ao ifeq ($(ENABLE_SHARED),YES) SO_TARGET_VERSION_SUFFIX = $(SO_TARGET_VERSION_MAJOR) else SO_TARGET_VERSION_SUFFIX = endif # Static library prefix and file extension LIBSICU = $(LIBPREFIX)$(STATIC_PREFIX)$(ICUPREFIX) A = a ## An import library is needed for z/OS and MSVC IMPORT_LIB_EXT = .dll.a LIBPREFIX=lib # Change the stubnames so that poorly working FAT disks and installation programs can work. # This is also for backwards compatibility. DATA_STUBNAME = dt I18N_STUBNAME = in LIBICU = $(STATIC_PREFIX_WHEN_USED)$(ICUPREFIX) #SH### copied from Makefile.inc #SH## for icu-config to test with #SH#ICULIBS_COMMON_LIB_NAME="${LIBICU}${COMMON_STUBNAME}${ICULIBSUFFIX}${ICULIBSUFFIX_VERSION}.${SO}" #SH#ICULIBS_COMMON_LIB_NAME_A="${LIBICU}${COMMON_STUBNAME}${ICULIBSUFFIX}.${A}" #SH#ICULIBS_DATA="-l$(ICUPREFIX)$(DATA_STUBNAME)$(ICULIBSUFFIX)" ICULIBS_DT="-l$(ICUPREFIX)$(DATA_STUBNAME)$(ICULIBSUFFIX)" ICULIBS_I18N="-l$(ICUPREFIX)$(I18N_STUBNAME)$(ICULIBSUFFIX)" ICULIBS_LX="-l$(STATIC_PREFIX_WHEN_USED)$(ICUPREFIX)$(LAYOUTEX_STUBNAME)$(ICULIBSUFFIX)" ICULIBS_IO="-l$(ICUPREFIX)$(IO_STUBNAME)$(ICULIBSUFFIX)" ICULIBS_UC="-l$(ICUPREFIX)$(COMMON_STUBNAME)$(ICULIBSUFFIX)" ICULIBS_CTESTFW="-l$(STATIC_PREFIX_WHEN_USED)$(ICUPREFIX)$(CTESTFW_STUBNAME)$(ICULIBSUFFIX)" ICULIBS_TOOLUTIL="-l$(ICUPREFIX)tu$(ICULIBSUFFIX)" #SH# #SH## ICULIBS is the set of libraries your application should link #SH## with usually. Many applications will want to add ${ICULIBS_I18N} as well. #SH#ICULIBS="${ICULIBS_BASE} ${ICULIBS_I18N} ${ICULIBS_COMMON} ${ICULIBS_DATA} " # Note: The #M# is used to delete lines for icu-config MSYS_VERSION ?= $(if $(findstring Msys, $(shell uname -o)),$(word 1, $(subst ., ,$(shell uname -r))),0)#M# $(info Detected MSYS version: $(MSYS_VERSION)) ifeq ($(MSYS_VERSION),$(filter $(MSYS_VERSION),0 1)) # Older versions of MSYS don't have cygpath by default. #M# # Current full path directory. #M# #CURR_FULL_DIR=$(shell pwd -W)#M# for MSYS CURR_FULL_DIR?=$(subst \,/,$(shell cmd /c cd))#M# for Cygwin shell # Current full path directory for use in source code in a -D compiler option. #M# #CURR_SRCCODE_FULL_DIR=$(subst /,\\\\,$(shell pwd -W))#M# for MSYS CURR_SRCCODE_FULL_DIR=$(subst \,/,$(shell cmd /c cd))#M# for Cygwin shell else # MSYS2 and up have cygpath by default #M# # Current full path directory. #M# CURR_FULL_DIR?=$(shell cygpath . -a -m)#M# # Current full path directory for use in source code in a -D compiler option. #M# CURR_SRCCODE_FULL_DIR=$(shell cygpath . -a -m)#M# endif ## Compilation rules %.$(STATIC_O): $(srcdir)/%.c $(COMPILE.c) $(STATICCPPFLAGS) $(STATICCFLAGS) -o $@ $< %.o: $(srcdir)/%.c $(COMPILE.c) $(DYNAMICCPPFLAGS) $(DYNAMICCFLAGS) -o $@ $< %.$(STATIC_O): $(srcdir)/%.cpp $(COMPILE.cc) $(STATICCPPFLAGS) $(STATICCXXFLAGS) -o $@ $< %.o: $(srcdir)/%.cpp $(COMPILE.cc) $(DYNAMICCPPFLAGS) $(DYNAMICCXXFLAGS) -o $@ $< ## Dependency rules %.d: $(srcdir)/%.c @echo "generating dependency information for $<" @echo -n "$@ " > $@ @$(GEN_DEPS.c) $< >> $@ || (rm -f $@ && FALSE) %.d: $(srcdir)/%.cpp @echo "generating dependency information for $<" @echo -n "$@ " > $@ @$(GEN_DEPS.cc) $< >> $@ || (rm -f $@ && FALSE) ## Versioned target for a shared library. ## Since symbolic links don't work the same way on Windows, ## we only use the version major number. #FINAL_SO_TARGET=$(basename $(SO_TARGET))$(SO_TARGET_VERSION).$(SO) FINAL_SO_TARGET=$(basename $(SO_TARGET))$(SO_TARGET_VERSION_MAJOR).$(SO) MIDDLE_SO_TARGET=$(FINAL_SO_TARGET) FINAL_IMPORT_LIB = $(dir $(SO_TARGET))lib$(notdir $(basename $(SO_TARGET)))$(IMPORT_LIB_EXT)#M# IMPORT_LIB = $(FINAL_IMPORT_LIB)#M# MIDDLE_IMPORT_LIB = $(FINAL_IMPORT_LIB)#M# ## Special pkgdata information that is needed PKGDATA_VERSIONING = -r $(SO_TARGET_VERSION_MAJOR) ## Versioned libraries rules #%$(SO_TARGET_VERSION_MAJOR).$(SO): %$(SO_TARGET_VERSION).$(SO) # $(RM) $@ && cp ${