# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # NOTE: For English locales, strings in this file should be in APA-style Title Case. # See https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/capitalization/title-case # # NOTE: For Engineers, please don't re-use these strings outside of the menubar. ## Application Menu (macOS only) menu-application-preferences = .label = Preferoj menu-application-services = .label = Servoj menu-application-hide-this = .label = Kaŝi { -brand-shorter-name } menu-application-hide-other = .label = Kaŝi aliajn menu-application-show-all = .label = Montri ĉion menu-application-touch-bar = .label = Personecigi la tuŝan strion… ## # These menu-quit strings are only used on Windows and Linux. menu-quit = .label = { PLATFORM() -> [windows] Fini *[other] Fini } .accesskey = { PLATFORM() -> [windows] F *[other] F } # This menu-quit-mac string is only used on macOS. menu-quit-mac = .label = Fini { -brand-shorter-name } menu-about = .label = Pri { -brand-shorter-name } .accesskey = P ## File Menu menu-file = .label = Dosiero .accesskey = o menu-file-new-tab = .label = Nova langeto .accesskey = v menu-file-new-container-tab = .label = Nova inga langeto .accesskey = e menu-file-new-window = .label = Nova fenestro .accesskey = N menu-file-new-private-window = .label = Nova privata fenestro .accesskey = f # "Open Location" is only displayed on macOS, and only on windows # that aren't main browser windows, or when there are no windows # but Firefox is still running. menu-file-open-location = .label = Malfermi adreson… menu-file-open-file = .label = Malfermi dosieron… .accesskey = d # Variables: # $tabCount (Number): the number of tabs that are affected by the action. menu-file-close-tab = .label = { $tabCount -> [1] Fermi langeton [one] Fermi langeton *[other] Fermi { $tabCount } langetojn } .accesskey = F menu-file-close-window = .label = Fermi fenestron .accesskey = e menu-file-save-page = .label = Konservi paĝon kiel… .accesskey = K menu-file-email-link = .label = Sendi ligilon retpoŝte… .accesskey = S menu-file-share-url = .label = Dividi .accesskey = D menu-file-print-setup = .label = Agordi paĝon… .accesskey = A menu-file-print = .label = Presi… .accesskey = P menu-file-import-from-another-browser = .label = Importi el alia retumilo… .accesskey = E menu-file-go-offline = .label = Labori malkonektite .accesskey = L ## Edit Menu menu-edit = .label = Redakti .accesskey = R menu-edit-find-in-page = .label = Serĉi en paĝo… .accesskey = S menu-edit-find-again = .label = Serĉi denove .accesskey = e menu-edit-bidi-switch-text-direction = .label = Ŝanĝi tekstodirekton .accesskey = a ## View Menu menu-view = .label = Vidi .accesskey = V menu-view-toolbars-menu = .label = Ilaraj strioj .accesskey = I menu-view-customize-toolbar2 = .label = Personecigi ilaron… .accesskey = i menu-view-sidebar = .label = Flanka strio .accesskey = F menu-view-bookmarks = .label = Legosignoj menu-view-history-button = .label = Historio menu-view-synced-tabs-sidebar = .label = Spegulitaj langetoj menu-view-full-zoom = .label = Grandeco .accesskey = G menu-view-full-zoom-enlarge = .label = Pligrandigi .accesskey = P menu-view-full-zoom-reduce = .label = Malpligrandigi .accesskey = M menu-view-full-zoom-actual-size = .label = Reala grando .accesskey = R menu-view-full-zoom-toggle = .label = Pligrandigi nur tekston .accesskey = t menu-view-page-style-menu = .label = Stilo de paĝo .accesskey = S menu-view-page-style-no-style = .label = Neniu stilo .accesskey = N menu-view-page-basic-style = .label = Baza stilo .accesskey = B menu-view-repair-text-encoding = .label = Ripari tekstan enkodigon .accesskey = R ## These should match what Safari and other Apple applications ## use on macOS. menu-view-enter-full-screen = .label = Eniri plenekranan reĝimon .accesskey = n menu-view-exit-full-screen = .label = Eliri el plenekrana reĝimo .accesskey = l menu-view-full-screen = .label = Plenekrane .accesskey = P ## These menu items may use the same accesskey. # This should match reader-view-enter-button in browser.ftl menu-view-enter-readerview = .label = Eniri legilan vidon .accesskey = E # This should match reader-view-close-button in browser.ftl menu-view-close-readerview = .label = Fermi legilan vidon .accesskey = F ## menu-view-show-all-tabs = .label = Montri ĉiujn langetojn .accesskey = m menu-view-bidi-switch-page-direction = .label = Ŝanĝi paĝodirekton .accesskey = D ## History Menu menu-history = .label = Historio .accesskey = h menu-history-show-all-history = .label = Montri tutan historion menu-history-clear-recent-history = .label = Forigi ĵusan historion… menu-history-synced-tabs = .label = Spegulitaj langetoj menu-history-restore-last-session = .label = Daŭrigi antaŭan seancon menu-history-hidden-tabs = .label = Kaŝitaj langetoj menu-history-undo-menu = .label = Antaŭ nelonge fermitaj langetoj menu-history-undo-window-menu = .label = Antaŭ nelonge fermitaj fenestroj # "Search" is a verb, as in "Search in History" menu-history-search = .label = Serĉi en historio ## Bookmarks Menu menu-bookmarks-menu = .label = Legosignoj .accesskey = L menu-bookmarks-manage = .label = Administri legosignojn menu-bookmark-tab = .label = Aldoni legosignon por la nuna langeto… menu-edit-bookmark = .label = Modifi tiun ĉi legosignon… # "Search" is a verb, as in "Search in bookmarks" menu-bookmarks-search = .label = Serĉi en legosignojn menu-bookmarks-all-tabs = .label = Aldoni legosignon por ĉiuj langetoj… menu-bookmarks-toolbar = .label = Ilaro de legosignoj menu-bookmarks-other = .label = Aliaj legosignoj menu-bookmarks-mobile = .label = Poŝaparataj legosignoj ## Tools Menu menu-tools = .label = Iloj .accesskey = I menu-tools-downloads = .label = Elŝutoj .accesskey = E menu-tools-addons-and-themes = .label = Aldonaĵoj kaj etosoj .accesskey = A menu-tools-fxa-sign-in2 = .label = Komenci seancon .accesskey = s menu-tools-turn-on-sync2 = .label = Ŝalti speguladon… .accesskey = s menu-tools-sync-now = .label = Speguli nun .accesskey = S menu-tools-fxa-re-auth = .label = Rekonekti al { -brand-product-name }… .accesskey = R menu-tools-browser-tools = .label = Iloj de retumilo .accesskey = r menu-tools-task-manager = .label = Administrilo de taskoj .accesskey = A menu-tools-page-source = .label = Fonto de paĝo .accesskey = p menu-tools-page-info = .label = Informo pri paĝo .accesskey = I menu-settings = .label = Agordoj .accesskey = { PLATFORM() -> [windows] A *[other] A } menu-tools-layout-debugger = .label = Erarserĉilo de aranĝo .accesskey = a ## Window Menu menu-window-menu = .label = Fenestro menu-window-bring-all-to-front = .label = Malfonigi ĉiujn ## Help Menu # NOTE: For Engineers, any additions or changes to Help menu strings should # also be reflected in the related strings in appmenu.ftl. Those strings, by # convention, will have the same ID as these, but prefixed with "app". # Example: appmenu-get-help # # These strings are duplicated to allow for different casing depending on # where the strings appear. menu-help = .label = Helpo .accesskey = e menu-get-help = .label = Helpo .accesskey = H menu-help-more-troubleshooting-info = .label = Pli da problemsolva informo .accesskey = p menu-help-report-site-issue = .label = Raporti problemon kun retejo… menu-help-share-ideas = .label = Dividi ideojn kaj komentojn… .accesskey = D menu-help-enter-troubleshoot-mode2 = .label = Problemsolva reĝimo… .accesskey = r menu-help-exit-troubleshoot-mode = .label = Malŝalti problemsolvan reĝimon .accesskey = p menu-help-switch-device = .label = Iro al nova aparato .accesskey = I # Label of the Help menu item. Either this or # menu-help-notdeceptive is shown. menu-help-report-deceptive-site = .label = Denunci trompan retejon… .accesskey = D menu-help-not-deceptive = .label = Tiu ĉi ne estas trompa retejo… .accesskey = t