# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. Alert=Warskôging Confirm=Befêstigje ConfirmCheck=Befêstigje Prompt=Fraach # LOCALIZATION NOTE - %S is brandFullName PromptUsernameAndPassword3=Autentikaasje fereaske – %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE - %S is brandFullName PromptPassword3=Wachtwurd fereaske – %S Select=Selektearje OK=OK Cancel=Annulearje Yes=&Ja No=&Nee Save=&Bewarje Revert=&Ungedien meitsje DontSave=&Net bewarje ScriptDlgGenericHeading=[JavaScript-tapassing] ScriptDlgHeading=De side op %S meldt: ScriptDlgNullPrincipalHeading=Dizze side seit: ScriptDialogLabel=Foarkom dat dizze side ekstra dialogen makket ScriptDialogLabelNullPrincipal=Net tastean dat dizze website jo opnij freget # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ScriptDialogLabelContentPrincipal): # %S is either the domain and port of the site prompting, or the name of # an add-on prompting. ScriptDialogLabelContentPrincipal=Net tastean dat %S jo opnij freget ScriptDialogPreventTitle=Befêstigje dialoochfoarkar # LOCALIZATION NOTE (EnterLoginForRealm3, EnterLoginForProxy3): # %1 is an untrusted string provided by a remote server. It could try to # take advantage of sentence structure in order to mislead the user (see # bug 244273). %1 should be integrated into the translated sentences as # little as possible. %2 is the url of the site being accessed. EnterLoginForRealm3=%2$S fersiket in brûkersnamme en wachtwurd. De website meldt: ‘%1$S’ EnterLoginForProxy3=De proxy %2$S fersiket in brûkersnamme en wachtwurd. De website meldt: ‘%1$S’ EnterUserPasswordFor2=%1$S freget om jo brûkersnamme en wachtwurd. EnterUserPasswordForCrossOrigin2=%1$S freget jo brûkersnamme en wachtwurd. WARSKÔGING: jo wachtwurd sil net nei de website dy’t jo op dit stuit besykje ferstjoerd wurde! EnterPasswordFor=Fier wachtwurd yn foar %1$S op %2$S EnterCredentials=Dizze website freget jo om jo oan te melden. # %S is the username for which a password is requested. EnterPasswordOnlyFor=Dizze website freget jo om jo oan te melden as %S. # %S is the domain of the site being accessed. EnterCredentialsCrossOrigin=Dizze website freget jo om jo oan te melden. Warskôging: jo oanmeldgegevens wurde dield mei %S, net mei de website dy’t jo op dit stuit besykje. SignIn=Oanmelde