# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: These strings are used for startup/profile problems and the profile manager. # Application not responding # LOCALIZATION NOTE (restartTitle, restartMessageNoUnlocker, restartMessageUnlocker, restartMessageNoUnlockerMac, restartMessageUnlockerMac): Messages displayed when the application is running but is not responding to commands. %S is the application name. restartTitle=%S daabu restartMessageUnlocker=%S goo ma dira, amma a ši tuuru. %S koyjineyan žeenaa ma daabandi hala itaaga ma feerandi. restartMessageNoUnlockerMac=%S berandi foo ga feera. %S berandi foo de ma hin ka feera cee foo kul. restartMessageUnlockerMac=%S berandi foo feera ka ben. %S berandi dirantaa ga daaba ka naŋ woo ma feera sohõ. # Profile manager # LOCALIZATION NOTE (profileTooltip): First %S is the profile name, second %S is the path to the profile folder. profileTooltip=Alhaali: '%S' - Fondo: '%S' pleaseSelectTitle=Alhaali suuba pleaseSelect=Taare wa alhaali foo suuba ka %S šintin, wala w'alhaali taaga tee. renameProfileTitle=Alhaali maa barmay renameProfilePrompt=Alhaali "%S" barmay woo ga: profileNameInvalidTitle=Alhaali maa kaŋ ši tee profileNameInvalid="%S" alhaali maaɲoo ši duu fondo. chooseFolder=Alhaali foolo suuba profileNameEmpty=Alhaali maa koonu ši duu fondo. invalidChar="%S" harfu ši duu fondo alhaali maawey ra. Taare wa maa waanante suuba. deleteTitle=Alhaali tuusu deleteProfileConfirm=Alhaali foo tuusuyanoo ga alhaaloo kaa maašeedaa ra, kaŋ banda ga a ši hin ka taafeeri.\nWar ga hin ka suuba k'alhal bayhaya tukey tuusu, kaŋyaŋ ti war kayandiyaney, tabatiyan-tiirawey nda goy-mise bayhaya tana. Suubaroo woo ga "%S" foolaa tuusu nd'a ši hin ka taafeeri.\nWar ga baa war ma alhal bayhaya tukey tuusu wala? deleteFiles=Tukey tuusu dontDeleteFiles=War ma ši tukey tuusu profileCreationFailed=Alhaali ši hin ka tee. A ga hin ka tee foolo suubantaa ši hin ka hantumandi. profileCreationFailedTitle=Alhaali teeyan kayri profileExists=Alhaali ga bara nda maawoo woo. Taare wa maa foo dam. profileFinishText=Ben naagu k'alhaali taaga tee. profileFinishTextMac=Tee ka ben naagu k'alhaali taagaa woo tee. profileMissing=War %S alhaaloo ši hin ka zumandi. A ga hin ka kaŋ a ga kuma wal'a ši duwandi. profileMissingTitle=Alhaali kumante # Profile reset # LOCALIZATION NOTE (resetBackupDirectory): Directory name for the profile directory backup created during reset. This directory is placed in a location users will see it (ie. their desktop). %S is the application name. resetBackupDirectory=%S bayhaya žeena