/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsTextFrameUtils.h"

#include "mozilla/dom/Text.h"
#include "nsBidiUtils.h"
#include "nsCharTraits.h"
#include "nsIContent.h"
#include "nsStyleStruct.h"
#include "nsTextFragment.h"
#include "nsUnicharUtils.h"
#include "nsUnicodeProperties.h"
#include <algorithm>

using namespace mozilla;
using namespace mozilla::dom;

// static
bool nsTextFrameUtils::IsSpaceCombiningSequenceTail(const char16_t* aChars,
                                                    int32_t aLength) {
  return aLength > 0 &&
         (mozilla::unicode::IsClusterExtenderExcludingJoiners(aChars[0]) ||
          (IsBidiControl(aChars[0]) &&
           IsSpaceCombiningSequenceTail(aChars + 1, aLength - 1)));

static bool IsDiscardable(char16_t ch, nsTextFrameUtils::Flags* aFlags) {
  // Unlike IS_DISCARDABLE, we don't discard \r. \r will be ignored by
  // gfxTextRun and discarding it would force us to copy text in many cases of
  // preformatted text containing \r\n.
  if (ch == CH_SHY) {
    *aFlags |= nsTextFrameUtils::Flags::HasShy;
    return true;
  return IsBidiControl(ch);

static bool IsDiscardable(uint8_t ch, nsTextFrameUtils::Flags* aFlags) {
  if (ch == CH_SHY) {
    *aFlags |= nsTextFrameUtils::Flags::HasShy;
    return true;
  return false;

static bool IsSegmentBreak(char16_t aCh) { return aCh == '\n'; }

static bool IsSpaceOrTab(char16_t aCh) { return aCh == ' ' || aCh == '\t'; }

static bool IsSpaceOrTabOrSegmentBreak(char16_t aCh) {
  return IsSpaceOrTab(aCh) || IsSegmentBreak(aCh);

template <typename CharT>
/* static */
bool nsTextFrameUtils::IsSkippableCharacterForTransformText(CharT aChar) {
  return aChar == ' ' || aChar == '\t' || aChar == '\n' || aChar == CH_SHY ||
         (aChar > 0xFF && IsBidiControl(aChar));

#ifdef DEBUG
template <typename CharT>
static void AssertSkippedExpectedChars(const CharT* aText,
                                       const gfxSkipChars& aSkipChars,
                                       int32_t aSkipCharsOffset) {
  gfxSkipCharsIterator it(aSkipChars);
  while (it.GetOriginalOffset() < it.GetOriginalEnd()) {
    CharT ch = aText[it.GetOriginalOffset() - aSkipCharsOffset];
    MOZ_ASSERT(!it.IsOriginalCharSkipped() ||
               "skipped unexpected character; need to update "

template <class CharT>
static CharT* TransformWhiteSpaces(
    const CharT* aText, uint32_t aLength, uint32_t aBegin, uint32_t aEnd,
    bool aHasSegmentBreak, bool& aInWhitespace, CharT* aOutput,
    nsTextFrameUtils::Flags& aFlags,
    nsTextFrameUtils::CompressionMode aCompression, gfxSkipChars* aSkipChars) {
  MOZ_ASSERT(aCompression == nsTextFrameUtils::COMPRESS_WHITESPACE ||
                 aCompression == nsTextFrameUtils::COMPRESS_WHITESPACE_NEWLINE,
             "whitespaces should be skippable!!");
  // Get the context preceding/following this white space range.
  // For 8-bit text (sizeof CharT == 1), the checks here should get optimized
  // out, and isSegmentBreakSkippable should be initialized to be 'false'.
  bool isSegmentBreakSkippable =
      sizeof(CharT) > 1 &&
      ((aBegin > 0 && IS_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE(aText[aBegin - 1])) ||
       (aEnd < aLength && IS_ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE(aText[aEnd])));
  if (sizeof(CharT) > 1 && !isSegmentBreakSkippable && aBegin > 0 &&
      aEnd < aLength) {
    uint32_t ucs4before;
    uint32_t ucs4after;
    if (aBegin > 1 &&
        NS_IS_SURROGATE_PAIR(aText[aBegin - 2], aText[aBegin - 1])) {
      ucs4before = SURROGATE_TO_UCS4(aText[aBegin - 2], aText[aBegin - 1]);
    } else {
      ucs4before = aText[aBegin - 1];
    if (aEnd + 1 < aLength &&
        NS_IS_SURROGATE_PAIR(aText[aEnd], aText[aEnd + 1])) {
      ucs4after = SURROGATE_TO_UCS4(aText[aEnd], aText[aEnd + 1]);
    } else {
      ucs4after = aText[aEnd];
    // Discard newlines between characters that have F, W, or H
    // EastAsianWidth property and neither side is Hangul.
    isSegmentBreakSkippable =
        IsSegmentBreakSkipChar(ucs4before) && IsSegmentBreakSkipChar(ucs4after);

  for (uint32_t i = aBegin; i < aEnd; ++i) {
    CharT ch = aText[i];
    bool keepChar = false;
    bool keepTransformedWhiteSpace = false;
    if (IsDiscardable(ch, &aFlags)) {
    if (IsSpaceOrTab(ch)) {
      if (aHasSegmentBreak) {
        // If white-space is set to normal, nowrap, or pre-line, white space
        // characters are considered collapsible and all spaces and tabs
        // immediately preceding or following a segment break are removed.

      if (aInWhitespace) {
      } else {
        keepTransformedWhiteSpace = true;
    } else {
      // Apply Segment Break Transformation Rules (CSS Text 3 - 4.1.2) for
      // segment break characters.
      if (aCompression == nsTextFrameUtils::COMPRESS_WHITESPACE ||
          // XXX: According to CSS Text 3, a lone CR should not always be
          //      kept, but still go through the Segment Break Transformation
          //      Rules. However, this is what current modern browser engines
          //      (webkit/blink/edge) do. So, once we can get some clarity
          //      from the specification issue, we should either remove the
          //      lone CR condition here, or leave it here with this comment
          //      being rephrased.
          //      Please see https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/855.
          ch == '\r') {
        keepChar = true;
      } else {
        // aCompression == COMPRESS_WHITESPACE_NEWLINE

        // Any collapsible segment break immediately following another
        // collapsible segment break is removed.  Then the remaining segment
        // break is either transformed into a space (U+0020) or removed
        // depending on the context before and after the break.
        if (isSegmentBreakSkippable || aInWhitespace) {
        isSegmentBreakSkippable = true;
        keepTransformedWhiteSpace = true;

    if (keepChar) {
      *aOutput++ = ch;
      aInWhitespace = IsSpaceOrTab(ch);
    } else if (keepTransformedWhiteSpace) {
      *aOutput++ = ' ';
      aInWhitespace = true;
    } else {
      MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Should've skipped the character!!");
  return aOutput;

template <class CharT>
CharT* nsTextFrameUtils::TransformText(const CharT* aText, uint32_t aLength,
                                       CharT* aOutput,
                                       CompressionMode aCompression,
                                       uint8_t* aIncomingFlags,
                                       gfxSkipChars* aSkipChars,
                                       Flags* aAnalysisFlags) {
  Flags flags = Flags();
#ifdef DEBUG
  int32_t skipCharsOffset = aSkipChars->GetOriginalCharCount();

  bool lastCharArabic = false;
  if (aCompression == COMPRESS_NONE ||
    // Skip discardables.
    uint32_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < aLength; ++i) {
      CharT ch = aText[i];
      if (IsDiscardable(ch, &flags)) {
      } else {
        if (ch > ' ') {
          lastCharArabic = IS_ARABIC_CHAR(ch);
        } else if (aCompression == COMPRESS_NONE_TRANSFORM_TO_SPACE) {
          if (ch == '\t' || ch == '\n') {
            ch = ' ';
        } else {
          // aCompression == COMPRESS_NONE
          if (ch == '\t') {
            flags |= Flags::HasTab;
        *aOutput++ = ch;
    if (lastCharArabic) {
      *aIncomingFlags |= INCOMING_ARABICCHAR;
    } else {
      *aIncomingFlags &= ~INCOMING_ARABICCHAR;
    *aIncomingFlags &= ~INCOMING_WHITESPACE;
  } else {
    bool inWhitespace = (*aIncomingFlags & INCOMING_WHITESPACE) != 0;
    uint32_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < aLength; ++i) {
      CharT ch = aText[i];
      // CSS Text 3 - 4.1. The White Space Processing Rules
      // White space processing in CSS affects only the document white space
      // characters: spaces (U+0020), tabs (U+0009), and segment breaks.
      // Since we need the context of segment breaks and their surrounding
      // white spaces to proceed the white space processing, a consecutive run
      // of spaces/tabs/segment breaks is collected in a first pass loop, then
      // we apply the collapsing and transformation rules to this run in a
      // second pass loop.
      if (IsSpaceOrTabOrSegmentBreak(ch)) {
        bool keepLastSpace = false;
        bool hasSegmentBreak = IsSegmentBreak(ch);
        uint32_t countTrailingDiscardables = 0;
        uint32_t j;
        for (j = i + 1; j < aLength && (IsSpaceOrTabOrSegmentBreak(aText[j]) ||
                                        IsDiscardable(aText[j], &flags));
             j++) {
          if (IsSegmentBreak(aText[j])) {
            hasSegmentBreak = true;
        // Exclude trailing discardables before checking space combining
        // sequence tail.
        for (; IsDiscardable(aText[j - 1], &flags); j--) {
        // If the last white space is followed by a combining sequence tail,
        // exclude it from the range of TransformWhiteSpaces.
        if (sizeof(CharT) > 1 && aText[j - 1] == ' ' && j < aLength &&
            IsSpaceCombiningSequenceTail(&aText[j], aLength - j)) {
          keepLastSpace = true;
        if (j > i) {
          aOutput = TransformWhiteSpaces(aText, aLength, i, j, hasSegmentBreak,
                                         inWhitespace, aOutput, flags,
                                         aCompression, aSkipChars);
        // We need to keep KeepChar()/SkipChar() in order, so process the
        // last white space first, then process the trailing discardables.
        if (keepLastSpace) {
          keepLastSpace = false;
          *aOutput++ = ' ';
          lastCharArabic = false;
        for (; countTrailingDiscardables > 0; countTrailingDiscardables--) {
        i = j - 1;
      // Process characters other than the document white space characters.
      if (IsDiscardable(ch, &flags)) {
      } else {
        *aOutput++ = ch;
      lastCharArabic = IS_ARABIC_CHAR(ch);
      inWhitespace = false;

    if (lastCharArabic) {
      *aIncomingFlags |= INCOMING_ARABICCHAR;
    } else {
      *aIncomingFlags &= ~INCOMING_ARABICCHAR;
    if (inWhitespace) {
      *aIncomingFlags |= INCOMING_WHITESPACE;
    } else {
      *aIncomingFlags &= ~INCOMING_WHITESPACE;

  *aAnalysisFlags = flags;

#ifdef DEBUG
  AssertSkippedExpectedChars(aText, *aSkipChars, skipCharsOffset);
  return aOutput;

 * NOTE: The TransformText and IsSkippableCharacterForTransformText template
 * functions are part of the public API of nsTextFrameUtils, while
 * their function bodies are not available in the header. They may stop working
 * (fail to resolve symbol in link time) once their callsites are moved to a
 * different translation unit (e.g. a different unified source file).
 * Explicit instantiating this function template with `uint8_t` and `char16_t`
 * could prevent us from the potential risk.
template uint8_t* nsTextFrameUtils::TransformText(
    const uint8_t* aText, uint32_t aLength, uint8_t* aOutput,
    CompressionMode aCompression, uint8_t* aIncomingFlags,
    gfxSkipChars* aSkipChars, Flags* aAnalysisFlags);
template char16_t* nsTextFrameUtils::TransformText(
    const char16_t* aText, uint32_t aLength, char16_t* aOutput,
    CompressionMode aCompression, uint8_t* aIncomingFlags,
    gfxSkipChars* aSkipChars, Flags* aAnalysisFlags);
template bool nsTextFrameUtils::IsSkippableCharacterForTransformText(
    uint8_t aChar);
template bool nsTextFrameUtils::IsSkippableCharacterForTransformText(
    char16_t aChar);

template <typename CharT>
static uint32_t DoComputeApproximateLengthWithWhitespaceCompression(
    const CharT* aChars, uint32_t aLength, const nsStyleText* aStyleText) {
  // This is an approximation so we don't really need anything
  // too fancy here.
  uint32_t len;
  if (aStyleText->WhiteSpaceIsSignificant()) {
    return aLength;
  bool prevWS = true;  // more important to ignore blocks with
                       // only whitespace than get inline boundaries
                       // exactly right
  len = 0;
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aLength; ++i) {
    CharT c = aChars[i];
    if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == '\r') {
      if (!prevWS) {
      prevWS = true;
    } else {
      prevWS = false;
  return len;

uint32_t nsTextFrameUtils::ComputeApproximateLengthWithWhitespaceCompression(
    Text* aText, const nsStyleText* aStyleText) {
  const nsTextFragment* frag = &aText->TextFragment();
  if (frag->Is2b()) {
    return DoComputeApproximateLengthWithWhitespaceCompression(
        frag->Get2b(), frag->GetLength(), aStyleText);
  return DoComputeApproximateLengthWithWhitespaceCompression(
      frag->Get1b(), frag->GetLength(), aStyleText);

uint32_t nsTextFrameUtils::ComputeApproximateLengthWithWhitespaceCompression(
    const nsAString& aString, const nsStyleText* aStyleText) {
  return DoComputeApproximateLengthWithWhitespaceCompression(
      aString.BeginReading(), aString.Length(), aStyleText);

bool nsSkipCharsRunIterator::NextRun() {
  do {
    if (mRunLength) {
      NS_ASSERTION(mRunLength > 0,
                   "No characters in run (initial length too large?)");
      if (!mSkipped || mLengthIncludesSkipped) {
        mRemainingLength -= mRunLength;
    if (!mRemainingLength) {
      return false;
    int32_t length;
    mSkipped = mIterator.IsOriginalCharSkipped(&length);
    mRunLength = std::min(length, mRemainingLength);
  } while (!mVisitSkipped && mSkipped);

  return true;