/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* constants used in the style struct data provided by ComputedStyle */ #ifndef nsStyleConsts_h___ #define nsStyleConsts_h___ #include #include "X11UndefineNone.h" #include "gfxFontConstants.h" #include "mozilla/ServoStyleConsts.h" // XXX fold this into ComputedStyle and group by nsStyleXXX struct namespace mozilla { static constexpr uint16_t STYLE_DISPLAY_LIST_ITEM_BIT = 0x8000; static constexpr uint8_t STYLE_DISPLAY_OUTSIDE_BITS = 7; static constexpr uint8_t STYLE_DISPLAY_INSIDE_BITS = 8; // The `display` longhand. uint16_t constexpr StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside aOuter, StyleDisplayInside aInner) { return uint16_t(uint16_t(aOuter) << STYLE_DISPLAY_INSIDE_BITS) | uint16_t(aInner); } enum class StyleDisplay : uint16_t { // These MUST be in sync with the Rust enum values in // servo/components/style/values/specified/box.rs /// https://drafts.csswg.org/css-display/#the-display-properties None = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::None, StyleDisplayInside::None), Contents = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::None, StyleDisplayInside::Contents), Inline = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::Inline, StyleDisplayInside::Flow), Block = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::Block, StyleDisplayInside::Flow), FlowRoot = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::Block, StyleDisplayInside::FlowRoot), Flex = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::Block, StyleDisplayInside::Flex), Grid = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::Block, StyleDisplayInside::Grid), Table = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::Block, StyleDisplayInside::Table), InlineTable = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::Inline, StyleDisplayInside::Table), TableCaption = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::TableCaption, StyleDisplayInside::Flow), Ruby = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::Inline, StyleDisplayInside::Ruby), WebkitBox = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::Block, StyleDisplayInside::WebkitBox), WebkitInlineBox = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::Inline, StyleDisplayInside::WebkitBox), ListItem = Block | STYLE_DISPLAY_LIST_ITEM_BIT, /// Internal table boxes. TableRowGroup = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable, StyleDisplayInside::TableRowGroup), TableHeaderGroup = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable, StyleDisplayInside::TableHeaderGroup), TableFooterGroup = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable, StyleDisplayInside::TableFooterGroup), TableColumn = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable, StyleDisplayInside::TableColumn), TableColumnGroup = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable, StyleDisplayInside::TableColumnGroup), TableRow = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable, StyleDisplayInside::TableRow), TableCell = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::InternalTable, StyleDisplayInside::TableCell), /// Internal ruby boxes. RubyBase = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::InternalRuby, StyleDisplayInside::RubyBase), RubyBaseContainer = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::InternalRuby, StyleDisplayInside::RubyBaseContainer), RubyText = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::InternalRuby, StyleDisplayInside::RubyText), RubyTextContainer = StyleDisplayFrom(StyleDisplayOutside::InternalRuby, StyleDisplayInside::RubyTextContainer), }; // The order of the StyleDisplay values isn't meaningful. bool operator<(const StyleDisplay&, const StyleDisplay&) = delete; bool operator<=(const StyleDisplay&, const StyleDisplay&) = delete; bool operator>(const StyleDisplay&, const StyleDisplay&) = delete; bool operator>=(const StyleDisplay&, const StyleDisplay&) = delete; // Basic shapes enum class StyleBasicShapeType : uint8_t { Polygon, Circle, Ellipse, Inset, }; // box-align enum class StyleBoxAlign : uint8_t { Stretch, Start, Center, Baseline, End, }; // box-decoration-break enum class StyleBoxDecorationBreak : uint8_t { Slice, Clone, }; // box-direction enum class StyleBoxDirection : uint8_t { Normal, Reverse, }; // box-orient enum class StyleBoxOrient : uint8_t { Horizontal, Vertical, }; // box-pack enum class StyleBoxPack : uint8_t { Start, Center, End, Justify, }; // box-sizing enum class StyleBoxSizing : uint8_t { Content, Border }; // box-shadow enum class StyleBoxShadowType : uint8_t { Inset, }; enum class StyleColumnFill : uint8_t { Balance, Auto, }; enum class StyleColumnSpan : uint8_t { None, All, }; // Define geometry box for clip-path's reference-box, background-clip, // background-origin, mask-clip, mask-origin, shape-box and transform-box. enum class StyleGeometryBox : uint8_t { ContentBox, // Used by everything, except transform-box. PaddingBox, // Used by everything, except transform-box. BorderBox, MarginBox, // XXX Bug 1260094 comment 9. // Although margin-box is required by mask-origin and mask-clip, // we do not implement that due to lack of support in other // browsers. clip-path reference-box only. FillBox, // Used by everything, except shape-box. StrokeBox, // mask-clip, mask-origin and clip-path reference-box only. ViewBox, // Used by everything, except shape-box. NoClip, // mask-clip only. Text, // background-clip only. NoBox, // Depending on which kind of element this style value applied on, // the default value of a reference-box can be different. // For an HTML element, the default value of reference-box is // border-box; for an SVG element, the default value is fill-box. // Since we can not determine the default value at parsing time, // set it as NoBox so that we make a decision later. // clip-path reference-box only. MozAlmostPadding = 127 // A magic value that we use for our "pretend that // background-clip is 'padding' when we have a solid // border" optimization. This isn't actually equal // to StyleGeometryBox::Padding because using that // causes antialiasing seams between the background // and border. // background-clip only. }; // float-edge enum class StyleFloatEdge : uint8_t { ContentBox, MarginBox, }; // Hyphens enum class StyleHyphens : uint8_t { None, Manual, Auto, }; // image-orientation enum class StyleImageOrientation : uint8_t { None, FromImage, }; // scrollbar-width enum class StyleScrollbarWidth : uint8_t { Auto, Thin, None, }; // Shape source type enum class StyleShapeSourceType : uint8_t { None, Image, // shape-outside / clip-path only, and clip-path only uses it for // s Shape, Box, Path, // SVG path function }; // user-focus enum class StyleUserFocus : uint8_t { None, Ignore, Normal, SelectAll, SelectBefore, SelectAfter, SelectSame, SelectMenu, }; // user-input enum class StyleUserInput : uint8_t { None, Auto, }; // user-modify enum class StyleUserModify : uint8_t { ReadOnly, ReadWrite, WriteOnly, }; // -moz-inert enum class StyleInert : uint8_t { None, Inert, }; // -moz-window-dragging enum class StyleWindowDragging : uint8_t { Default, Drag, NoDrag, }; // orient enum class StyleOrient : uint8_t { Inline, Block, Horizontal, Vertical, }; // See AnimationEffect.webidl // and mozilla/dom/AnimationEffectBinding.h namespace dom { enum class PlaybackDirection : uint8_t; enum class FillMode : uint8_t; } // namespace dom // Animation play state enum class StyleAnimationPlayState : uint8_t { Running, Paused }; // See nsStyleImageLayers enum class StyleImageLayerAttachment : uint8_t { Scroll, Fixed, Local }; // See nsStyleImageLayers enum class StyleImageLayerRepeat : uint8_t { NoRepeat = 0x00, RepeatX, RepeatY, Repeat, Space, Round }; // Mask mode enum class StyleMaskMode : uint8_t { Alpha = 0, Luminance, MatchSource }; // See nsStyleTable enum class StyleBorderCollapse : uint8_t { Collapse, Separate }; // border-image-repeat enum class StyleBorderImageRepeat : uint8_t { Stretch, Repeat, Round, Space }; // See nsStyleVisibility enum class StyleDirection : uint8_t { Ltr, Rtl }; // See nsStyleVisibility // NOTE: WritingModes.h depends on the particular values used here. // Single-bit flag, used in combination with VerticalLR and RL to specify // the corresponding Sideways* modes. // (To avoid ambiguity, this bit must be high enough such that no other // values here accidentally use it in their binary representation.) static constexpr uint8_t kWritingModeSidewaysMask = 4; enum class StyleWritingModeProperty : uint8_t { HorizontalTb = 0, VerticalRl = 1, // HorizontalBT = 2, // hypothetical VerticalLr = 3, SidewaysRl = VerticalRl | kWritingModeSidewaysMask, SidewaysLr = VerticalLr | kWritingModeSidewaysMask, }; // See nsStylePosition enum class StyleFlexDirection : uint8_t { Row, RowReverse, Column, ColumnReverse, }; // See nsStylePosition enum class StyleFlexWrap : uint8_t { Nowrap, Wrap, WrapReverse, }; // CSS Grid keywords enum class StyleGridTrackBreadth : uint8_t { MaxContent = 1, MinContent = 2, }; // defaults per MathML spec static constexpr float kMathMLDefaultScriptSizeMultiplier{0.71f}; static constexpr float kMathMLDefaultScriptMinSizePt{8.f}; // See nsStyleFont enum class StyleMathVariant : uint8_t { None = 0, Normal = 1, Bold = 2, Italic = 3, BoldItalic = 4, Script = 5, BoldScript = 6, Fraktur = 7, DoubleStruck = 8, BoldFraktur = 9, SansSerif = 10, BoldSansSerif = 11, SansSerifItalic = 12, SansSerifBoldItalic = 13, Monospace = 14, Initial = 15, Tailed = 16, Looped = 17, Stretched = 18, }; // See nsStyleFont::mMathStyle enum class StyleMathStyle : uint8_t { Compact = 0, Normal = 1 }; // See nsStyleDisplay.mPosition enum class StylePositionProperty : uint8_t { Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Sticky, }; enum class FrameBorderProperty : uint8_t { Yes, No, One, Zero }; enum class ScrollingAttribute : uint8_t { Yes, No, On, Off, Scroll, Noscroll, Auto }; // See nsStyleList enum class ListStyle : uint8_t { Custom = 255, // for @counter-style None = 0, Decimal, Disc, Circle, Square, DisclosureClosed, DisclosureOpen, Hebrew, JapaneseInformal, JapaneseFormal, KoreanHangulFormal, KoreanHanjaInformal, KoreanHanjaFormal, SimpChineseInformal, SimpChineseFormal, TradChineseInformal, TradChineseFormal, EthiopicNumeric, // These styles are handled as custom styles defined in counterstyles.css. // They are preserved here only for html attribute map. LowerRoman = 100, UpperRoman, LowerAlpha, UpperAlpha }; // See nsStyleList enum class StyleListStylePosition : uint8_t { Inside, Outside }; // See nsStyleVisibility enum class StylePointerEvents : uint8_t { None, Visiblepainted, Visiblefill, Visiblestroke, Visible, Painted, Fill, Stroke, All, Auto, }; enum class StyleIsolation : uint8_t { Auto, Isolate, }; // See nsStylePosition.mObjectFit enum class StyleObjectFit : uint8_t { Fill, Contain, Cover, None, ScaleDown, }; // See nsStyleText enum class StyleTextDecorationStyle : uint8_t { None, // not in CSS spec, mapped to -moz-none Dotted, Dashed, Solid, Double, Wavy, Sentinel = Wavy }; // See nsStyleText enum class StyleTextSecurity : uint8_t { None, Circle, Disc, Square, }; // See nsStyleDisplay enum class StyleTopLayer : uint8_t { None, Top, }; // See nsStyleVisibility enum class StyleVisibility : uint8_t { Hidden, Visible, Collapse, }; // See nsStyleText enum class StyleWhiteSpace : uint8_t { Normal = 0, Pre, Nowrap, PreWrap, PreLine, PreSpace, BreakSpaces, }; // ruby-align, see nsStyleText enum class StyleRubyAlign : uint8_t { Start, Center, SpaceBetween, SpaceAround, }; // See nsStyleText enum class StyleTextSizeAdjust : uint8_t { None, Auto, }; // See nsStyleVisibility enum class StyleTextOrientation : uint8_t { Mixed, Upright, Sideways, }; // Whether flexbox visibility: collapse items use legacy -moz-box behavior or // not. enum class StyleMozBoxCollapse : uint8_t { Flex, Legacy, }; // See nsStyleText enum class StyleTextCombineUpright : uint8_t { None, All, }; // See nsStyleText enum class StyleUnicodeBidi : uint8_t { Normal, Embed, Isolate, BidiOverride, IsolateOverride, Plaintext }; enum class StyleTableLayout : uint8_t { Auto, Fixed, }; enum class StyleEmptyCells : uint8_t { Hide, Show, }; // See nsStyleUIReset enum class StyleImeMode : uint8_t { Auto, Normal, Active, Disabled, Inactive, }; // See nsStyleSVG /* * -moz-window-shadow * Also used in widget code */ enum class StyleWindowShadow : uint8_t { None, Default, // These can't be specified in CSS, they get computed from the "default" // value. Menu, Tooltip, }; // dominant-baseline enum class StyleDominantBaseline : uint8_t { Auto, Ideographic, Alphabetic, Hanging, Mathematical, Central, Middle, TextAfterEdge, TextBeforeEdge, }; // mask-type enum class StyleMaskType : uint8_t { Luminance, Alpha, }; // shape-rendering enum class StyleShapeRendering : uint8_t { Auto, Optimizespeed, Crispedges, Geometricprecision, }; // stroke-linecap enum class StyleStrokeLinecap : uint8_t { Butt, Round, Square, }; // stroke-linejoin enum class StyleStrokeLinejoin : uint8_t { Miter, Round, Bevel, }; // text-anchor enum class StyleTextAnchor : uint8_t { Start, Middle, End, }; // text-rendering enum class StyleTextRendering : uint8_t { Auto, Optimizespeed, Optimizelegibility, Geometricprecision, }; // color-interpolation and color-interpolation-filters enum class StyleColorInterpolation : uint8_t { Auto = 0, Srgb = 1, Linearrgb = 2, }; // vector-effect enum class StyleVectorEffect : uint8_t { None = 0, NonScalingStroke = 1 }; // 3d Transforms - Backface visibility enum class StyleBackfaceVisibility : uint8_t { Hidden = 0, Visible = 1 }; // blending enum class StyleBlend : uint8_t { Normal = 0, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Lighten, ColorDodge, ColorBurn, HardLight, SoftLight, Difference, Exclusion, Hue, Saturation, Color, Luminosity, PlusLighter, }; // composite enum class StyleMaskComposite : uint8_t { Add = 0, Subtract, Intersect, Exclude }; // scroll-behavior enum class StyleScrollBehavior : uint8_t { Auto, Smooth, }; } // namespace mozilla #endif /* nsStyleConsts_h___ */