/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; add_task(async function noEventWhenPageDomainDisabled({ client }) { await loadURL(PAGE_URL); await runNavigatedWithinDocumentTest(client, 0, async () => { info("Navigate to the '#hash' anchor in the page"); await navigateToAnchor(PAGE_URL, "hash"); }); }); add_task(async function noEventAfterPageDomainDisabled({ client }) { const { Page } = client; await Page.enable(); await Page.disable(); await loadURL(PAGE_URL); await runNavigatedWithinDocumentTest(client, 0, async () => { info("Navigate to the '#hash' anchor in the page"); await navigateToAnchor(PAGE_URL, "hash"); }); }); add_task(async function eventWhenNavigatingToHash({ client }) { const { Page } = client; await Page.enable(); await loadURL(PAGE_URL); await runNavigatedWithinDocumentTest(client, 1, async () => { info("Navigate to the '#hash' anchor in the page"); await navigateToAnchor(PAGE_URL, "hash"); }); }); add_task(async function eventWhenNavigatingToDifferentHash({ client }) { const { Page } = client; await Page.enable(); await navigateToAnchor(PAGE_URL, "hash"); await runNavigatedWithinDocumentTest(client, 1, async () => { info("Navigate to the '#hash' anchor in the page"); await navigateToAnchor(PAGE_URL, "other-hash"); }); }); add_task(async function eventWhenNavigatingToHashInFrames({ client }) { const { Page } = client; await Page.enable(); await loadURL(FRAMESET_NESTED_URL); await runNavigatedWithinDocumentTest(client, 1, async () => { info("Navigate to the '#hash' anchor in the first iframe"); await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], () => { const iframe = content.frames[0]; const baseUrl = iframe.location.href; iframe.location.href = baseUrl + "#hash-first-frame"; }); }); await runNavigatedWithinDocumentTest(client, 2, async () => { info("Navigate to the '#hash' anchor in the nested iframes"); await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], () => { const nestedFrame1 = content.frames[0].frames[0]; const baseUrl1 = nestedFrame1.location.href; nestedFrame1.location.href = baseUrl1 + "#hash-nested-frame-1"; const nestedFrame2 = content.frames[0].frames[0]; const baseUrl2 = nestedFrame2.location.href; nestedFrame2.location.href = baseUrl2 + "#hash-nested-frame-2"; }); }); }); async function runNavigatedWithinDocumentTest( client, expectedEventCount, callback ) { const { Page } = client; const NAVIGATED = "Page.navigatedWithinDocument"; const history = new RecordEvents(expectedEventCount); history.addRecorder({ event: Page.navigatedWithinDocument, eventName: NAVIGATED, messageFn: payload => { return `Received ${NAVIGATED} for frame id ${payload.frameId}`; }, }); await callback(); const navigatedWithinDocumentEvents = await history.record(); is( navigatedWithinDocumentEvents.length, expectedEventCount, "Got expected amount of navigatedWithinDocument events" ); if (expectedEventCount == 0) { return; } const frames = await getFlattenedFrameTree(client); navigatedWithinDocumentEvents.forEach(({ payload }) => { const { frameId, url } = payload; const frame = frames.get(frameId); ok(frame, "Returned a valid frame id"); is(url, frame.url, "Returned the expectedUrl"); }); } function navigateToAnchor(baseUrl, hash) { const url = `${baseUrl}#${hash}`; const onLocationChange = BrowserTestUtils.waitForLocationChange( gBrowser, url ); BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, url); return onLocationChange; }