/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { STATE_IS_SECURE, STATE_IS_BROKEN, STATE_IS_INSECURE } = Ci.nsIWebProgressListener; // from ../../../build/pgo/server-locations.txt const NO_CERT = "https://nocert.example.com:443"; const SELF_SIGNED = "https://self-signed.example.com:443"; const UNTRUSTED = "https://untrusted.example.com:443"; const EXPIRED = "https://expired.example.com:443"; const MISMATCH_EXPIRED = "https://mismatch.expired.example.com:443"; const MISMATCH_UNTRUSTED = "https://mismatch.untrusted.example.com:443"; const UNTRUSTED_EXPIRED = "https://untrusted-expired.example.com:443"; const MISMATCH_UNTRUSTED_EXPIRED = "https://mismatch.untrusted-expired.example.com:443"; const BAD_CERTS = [ NO_CERT, SELF_SIGNED, UNTRUSTED, EXPIRED, MISMATCH_EXPIRED, MISMATCH_UNTRUSTED, UNTRUSTED_EXPIRED, MISMATCH_UNTRUSTED_EXPIRED, ]; function getConnectionState() { // prevents items that are being lazy loaded causing issues document.getElementById("identity-icon-box").click(); gIdentityHandler.refreshIdentityPopup(); return document.getElementById("identity-popup").getAttribute("connection"); } /** * Compares the security state of the page with what is expected. * Returns one of "secure", "broken", "insecure", or "unknown". */ function isSecurityState(browser, expectedState) { const ui = browser.securityUI; if (!ui) { ok(false, "No security UI to get the security state"); return; } const isSecure = ui.state & STATE_IS_SECURE; const isBroken = ui.state & STATE_IS_BROKEN; const isInsecure = ui.state & STATE_IS_INSECURE; let actualState; if (isSecure && !(isBroken || isInsecure)) { actualState = "secure"; } else if (isBroken && !(isSecure || isInsecure)) { actualState = "broken"; } else if (isInsecure && !(isSecure || isBroken)) { actualState = "insecure"; } else { actualState = "unknown"; } is( expectedState, actualState, `Expected state is ${expectedState} and actual state is ${actualState}` ); } add_task(async function testDefault({ Security }) { for (const url of BAD_CERTS) { info(`Navigating to ${url}`); const loaded = BrowserTestUtils.waitForErrorPage(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, url); await loaded; is( getConnectionState(), "cert-error-page", "Security error page is present" ); isSecurityState(gBrowser, "insecure"); } }); add_task(async function testIgnore({ client }) { const { Security } = client; info("Enable security certificate override"); await Security.setIgnoreCertificateErrors({ ignore: true }); for (const url of BAD_CERTS) { info(`Navigating to ${url}`); BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, url); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); is( getConnectionState(), "secure-cert-user-overridden", "Security certificate was overridden by user" ); isSecurityState(gBrowser, "secure"); } }); add_task(async function testUnignore({ client }) { const { Security } = client; info("Disable security certificate override"); await Security.setIgnoreCertificateErrors({ ignore: false }); for (const url of BAD_CERTS) { info(`Navigating to ${url}`); const loaded = BrowserTestUtils.waitForErrorPage(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, url); await loaded; is( getConnectionState(), "cert-error-page", "Security error page is present" ); isSecurityState(gBrowser, "insecure"); } }); // smoke test for unignored -> ignored -> unignored add_task(async function testToggle({ client }) { const { Security } = client; let loaded; info("Enable security certificate override"); await Security.setIgnoreCertificateErrors({ ignore: true }); info(`Navigating to ${UNTRUSTED} having set the override`); BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, UNTRUSTED); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); is( getConnectionState(), "secure-cert-user-overridden", "Security certificate was overridden by user" ); isSecurityState(gBrowser, "secure"); info("Disable security certificate override"); await Security.setIgnoreCertificateErrors({ ignore: false }); info(`Navigating to ${UNTRUSTED} having unset the override`); loaded = BrowserTestUtils.waitForErrorPage(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, UNTRUSTED); await loaded; is( getConnectionState(), "cert-error-page", "Security error page is present by default" ); isSecurityState(gBrowser, "insecure"); });