.. _mozilla_projects_nss_reference_fc_decryptupdate: FC_DecryptUpdate ================ `Name <#name>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: FC_DecryptUpdate - decrypt a block of a multi-part encryption operation. `Syntax <#syntax>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: .. code:: CK_RV FC_DecryptUpdate( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, CK_BYTE_PTR pEncryptedPart, CK_ULONG usEncryptedPartLen, CK_BYTE_PTR pPart, CK_ULONG_PTR pusPartLen ); `Parameters <#parameters>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: ``hSession`` [in] session handle. ``pEncryptedPart`` [in] pointer to the next block of data to be decrypted. ``usEncryptedPartLen`` [in] length of data block in bytes. ``pPart`` [out] pointer to location where recovered block is to be stored. ``pusPartLen`` [in,out] pointer the location where the number of bytes of recovered data is to be stored. `Description <#description>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: ``FC_DecryptUpdate`` decrypts a block of data according to the attributes of the previous call to ``FC_DecryptInit``. The block may be part of a multi-part decryption operation. A user must log into the token (to assume the NSS User role) before calling ``FC_DecryptUpdate``. .. _return_value: `Return value <#return_value>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: `Examples <#examples>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: .. _see_also: `See also <#see_also>`__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. container:: - :ref:`mozilla_projects_nss_reference_fc_decryptinit`, `NSC_DecryptUpdate `__