/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "seccomon.h" #include "secerr.h" #include "blapi.h" #include "pkcs11i.h" #include "softoken.h" #include "hmacct.h" /* sftk_HMACMechanismToHash converts a PKCS#11 MAC mechanism into a freebl hash * type. */ HASH_HashType sftk_HMACMechanismToHash(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech) { switch (mech) { case CKM_MD2_HMAC: return HASH_AlgMD2; case CKM_MD5_HMAC: case CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC: return HASH_AlgMD5; case CKM_SHA_1_HMAC: case CKM_SSL3_SHA1_MAC: return HASH_AlgSHA1; case CKM_SHA224_HMAC: return HASH_AlgSHA224; case CKM_SHA256_HMAC: return HASH_AlgSHA256; case CKM_SHA384_HMAC: return HASH_AlgSHA384; case CKM_SHA512_HMAC: return HASH_AlgSHA512; } return HASH_AlgNULL; } static sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx * SetupMAC(CK_MECHANISM_PTR mech, SFTKObject *key) { CK_NSS_MAC_CONSTANT_TIME_PARAMS *params = (CK_NSS_MAC_CONSTANT_TIME_PARAMS *)mech->pParameter; sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx; HASH_HashType alg; SFTKAttribute *keyval; unsigned char secret[sizeof(ctx->secret)]; unsigned int secretLength; if (mech->ulParameterLen != sizeof(CK_NSS_MAC_CONSTANT_TIME_PARAMS)) { return NULL; } alg = sftk_HMACMechanismToHash(params->macAlg); if (alg == HASH_AlgNULL) { return NULL; } keyval = sftk_FindAttribute(key, CKA_VALUE); if (keyval == NULL) { return NULL; } secretLength = keyval->attrib.ulValueLen; if (secretLength > sizeof(secret)) { sftk_FreeAttribute(keyval); return NULL; } memcpy(secret, keyval->attrib.pValue, secretLength); sftk_FreeAttribute(keyval); ctx = PORT_Alloc(sizeof(sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx)); if (!ctx) { PORT_Memset(secret, 0, secretLength); return NULL; } memcpy(ctx->secret, secret, secretLength); ctx->secretLength = secretLength; ctx->hash = HASH_GetRawHashObject(alg); ctx->totalLength = params->ulBodyTotalLen; PORT_Memset(secret, 0, secretLength); return ctx; } sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx * sftk_HMACConstantTime_New(CK_MECHANISM_PTR mech, SFTKObject *key) { CK_NSS_MAC_CONSTANT_TIME_PARAMS *params = (CK_NSS_MAC_CONSTANT_TIME_PARAMS *)mech->pParameter; sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx; if (params->ulHeaderLen > sizeof(ctx->header)) { return NULL; } ctx = SetupMAC(mech, key); if (!ctx) { return NULL; } ctx->headerLength = params->ulHeaderLen; memcpy(ctx->header, params->pHeader, params->ulHeaderLen); return ctx; } sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx * sftk_SSLv3MACConstantTime_New(CK_MECHANISM_PTR mech, SFTKObject *key) { CK_NSS_MAC_CONSTANT_TIME_PARAMS *params = (CK_NSS_MAC_CONSTANT_TIME_PARAMS *)mech->pParameter; unsigned int padLength = 40, j; sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx; if (params->macAlg != CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC && params->macAlg != CKM_SSL3_SHA1_MAC) { return NULL; } ctx = SetupMAC(mech, key); if (!ctx) { return NULL; } if (params->macAlg == CKM_SSL3_MD5_MAC) { padLength = 48; } ctx->headerLength = ctx->secretLength + padLength + params->ulHeaderLen; if (ctx->headerLength > sizeof(ctx->header)) { goto loser; } j = 0; memcpy(&ctx->header[j], ctx->secret, ctx->secretLength); j += ctx->secretLength; memset(&ctx->header[j], 0x36, padLength); j += padLength; memcpy(&ctx->header[j], params->pHeader, params->ulHeaderLen); return ctx; loser: PORT_Free(ctx); return NULL; } void sftk_HMACConstantTime_Update(void *pctx, const void *data, unsigned int len) { sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx = (sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *)pctx; PORT_CheckSuccess(HMAC_ConstantTime( ctx->mac, NULL, sizeof(ctx->mac), ctx->hash, ctx->secret, ctx->secretLength, ctx->header, ctx->headerLength, data, len, ctx->totalLength)); } void sftk_SSLv3MACConstantTime_Update(void *pctx, const void *data, unsigned int len) { sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx = (sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *)pctx; PORT_CheckSuccess(SSLv3_MAC_ConstantTime( ctx->mac, NULL, sizeof(ctx->mac), ctx->hash, ctx->secret, ctx->secretLength, ctx->header, ctx->headerLength, data, len, ctx->totalLength)); } void sftk_MACConstantTime_EndHash(void *pctx, void *out, unsigned int *outLength, unsigned int maxLength) { const sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *ctx = (sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx *)pctx; unsigned int toCopy = ctx->hash->length; if (toCopy > maxLength) { toCopy = maxLength; } memcpy(out, ctx->mac, toCopy); if (outLength) { *outLength = toCopy; } } void sftk_MACConstantTime_DestroyContext(void *pctx, PRBool free) { PORT_ZFree(pctx, sizeof(sftk_MACConstantTimeCtx)); } CK_RV sftk_MAC_Create(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech, SFTKObject *key, sftk_MACCtx **ret_ctx) { CK_RV ret; if (ret_ctx == NULL || key == NULL) { return CKR_HOST_MEMORY; } *ret_ctx = PORT_New(sftk_MACCtx); if (*ret_ctx == NULL) { return CKR_HOST_MEMORY; } ret = sftk_MAC_Init(*ret_ctx, mech, key); if (ret != CKR_OK) { sftk_MAC_Destroy(*ret_ctx, PR_TRUE); } return ret; } CK_RV sftk_MAC_Init(sftk_MACCtx *ctx, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech, SFTKObject *key) { SFTKAttribute *keyval = NULL; PRBool isFIPS = sftk_isFIPS(key->slot->slotID); CK_RV ret = CKR_OK; /* Find the actual value of the key. */ keyval = sftk_FindAttribute(key, CKA_VALUE); if (keyval == NULL) { ret = CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE; goto done; } ret = sftk_MAC_InitRaw(ctx, mech, (const unsigned char *)keyval->attrib.pValue, keyval->attrib.ulValueLen, isFIPS); done: if (keyval) { sftk_FreeAttribute(keyval); } return ret; } CK_RV sftk_MAC_InitRaw(sftk_MACCtx *ctx, CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech, const unsigned char *key, unsigned int key_len, PRBool isFIPS) { const SECHashObject *hashObj = NULL; CK_RV ret = CKR_OK; if (ctx == NULL) { return CKR_HOST_MEMORY; } /* Clear the context before use. */ PORT_Memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); /* Save the mech. */ ctx->mech = mech; /* Initialize the correct MAC context. */ switch (mech) { case CKM_MD2_HMAC: case CKM_MD5_HMAC: case CKM_SHA_1_HMAC: case CKM_SHA224_HMAC: case CKM_SHA256_HMAC: case CKM_SHA384_HMAC: case CKM_SHA512_HMAC: hashObj = HASH_GetRawHashObject(sftk_HMACMechanismToHash(mech)); /* Because we condition above only on hashes we know to be valid, * hashObj should never be NULL. This assert is only useful when * adding a new hash function (for which only partial support has * been added); thus there is no need to turn it into an if and * avoid the NULL dereference on the following line. */ PR_ASSERT(hashObj != NULL); ctx->mac_size = hashObj->length; goto hmac; case CKM_AES_CMAC: ctx->mac.cmac = CMAC_Create(CMAC_AES, key, key_len); ctx->destroy_func = (void (*)(void *, PRBool))(&CMAC_Destroy); /* Copy the behavior of sftk_doCMACInit here. */ if (ctx->mac.cmac == NULL) { if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS) { ret = CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE; goto done; } ret = CKR_HOST_MEMORY; goto done; } ctx->mac_size = AES_BLOCK_SIZE; goto done; default: ret = CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID; goto done; } hmac: ctx->mac.hmac = HMAC_Create(hashObj, key, key_len, isFIPS); ctx->destroy_func = (void (*)(void *, PRBool))(&HMAC_Destroy); /* Copy the behavior of sftk_doHMACInit here. */ if (ctx->mac.hmac == NULL) { if (PORT_GetError() == SEC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS) { ret = CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE; goto done; } ret = CKR_HOST_MEMORY; goto done; } /* Semantics: HMAC and CMAC should behave the same. Begin HMAC now. */ HMAC_Begin(ctx->mac.hmac); done: /* Handle a failure: ctx->mac.raw should be NULL, but make sure * destroy_func isn't set. */ if (ret != CKR_OK) { ctx->destroy_func = NULL; } return ret; } CK_RV sftk_MAC_Reset(sftk_MACCtx *ctx) { /* Useful for resetting the state of MAC prior to calling update again * * This lets the caller keep a single MAC instance and re-use it as long * as the key stays the same. */ switch (ctx->mech) { case CKM_MD2_HMAC: case CKM_MD5_HMAC: case CKM_SHA_1_HMAC: case CKM_SHA224_HMAC: case CKM_SHA256_HMAC: case CKM_SHA384_HMAC: case CKM_SHA512_HMAC: HMAC_Begin(ctx->mac.hmac); break; case CKM_AES_CMAC: if (CMAC_Begin(ctx->mac.cmac) != SECSuccess) { return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } break; default: /* This shouldn't happen -- asserting indicates partial support * for a new MAC type. */ PR_ASSERT(PR_FALSE); return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } return CKR_OK; } CK_RV sftk_MAC_Update(sftk_MACCtx *ctx, const CK_BYTE *data, unsigned int data_len) { switch (ctx->mech) { case CKM_MD2_HMAC: case CKM_MD5_HMAC: case CKM_SHA_1_HMAC: case CKM_SHA224_HMAC: case CKM_SHA256_HMAC: case CKM_SHA384_HMAC: case CKM_SHA512_HMAC: /* HMAC doesn't indicate failure in the return code. */ HMAC_Update(ctx->mac.hmac, data, data_len); break; case CKM_AES_CMAC: /* CMAC indicates failure in the return code, however this is * unlikely to occur. */ if (CMAC_Update(ctx->mac.cmac, data, data_len) != SECSuccess) { return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } break; default: /* This shouldn't happen -- asserting indicates partial support * for a new MAC type. */ PR_ASSERT(PR_FALSE); return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } return CKR_OK; } CK_RV sftk_MAC_Finish(sftk_MACCtx *ctx, CK_BYTE_PTR result, unsigned int *result_len, unsigned int max_result_len) { unsigned int actual_result_len; switch (ctx->mech) { case CKM_MD2_HMAC: case CKM_MD5_HMAC: case CKM_SHA_1_HMAC: case CKM_SHA224_HMAC: case CKM_SHA256_HMAC: case CKM_SHA384_HMAC: case CKM_SHA512_HMAC: /* HMAC doesn't indicate failure in the return code. Additionally, * unlike CMAC, it doesn't support partial results. This means that we * need to allocate a buffer if max_result_len < ctx->mac_size. */ if (max_result_len >= ctx->mac_size) { /* Split this into two calls to avoid an unnecessary stack * allocation and memcpy when possible. */ HMAC_Finish(ctx->mac.hmac, result, &actual_result_len, max_result_len); } else { uint8_t tmp_buffer[SFTK_MAX_MAC_LENGTH]; /* Assumption: buffer is large enough to hold this HMAC's * output. */ PR_ASSERT(SFTK_MAX_MAC_LENGTH >= ctx->mac_size); HMAC_Finish(ctx->mac.hmac, tmp_buffer, &actual_result_len, SFTK_MAX_MAC_LENGTH); if (actual_result_len > max_result_len) { /* This should always be true since: * * (SFTK_MAX_MAC_LENGTH >= ctx->mac_size = * actual_result_len) > max_result_len, * * but guard this truncation just in case. */ actual_result_len = max_result_len; } PORT_Memcpy(result, tmp_buffer, actual_result_len); } break; case CKM_AES_CMAC: /* CMAC indicates failure in the return code, however this is * unlikely to occur. */ if (CMAC_Finish(ctx->mac.cmac, result, &actual_result_len, max_result_len) != SECSuccess) { return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } break; default: /* This shouldn't happen -- asserting indicates partial support * for a new MAC type. */ PR_ASSERT(PR_FALSE); return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } if (result_len) { /* When result length is passed, inform the caller of its value. */ *result_len = actual_result_len; } else if (max_result_len == ctx->mac_size) { /* Validate that the amount requested was what was actually given; the * caller assumes that what they passed was the output size of the * underlying MAC and that they got all the bytes the asked for. */ PR_ASSERT(actual_result_len == max_result_len); } return CKR_OK; } void sftk_MAC_Destroy(sftk_MACCtx *ctx, PRBool free_it) { if (ctx == NULL) { return; } if (ctx->mac.raw != NULL && ctx->destroy_func != NULL) { ctx->destroy_func(ctx->mac.raw, PR_TRUE); } /* Clean up the struct so we don't double free accidentally. */ PORT_Memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(sftk_MACCtx)); if (free_it == PR_TRUE) { PORT_Free(ctx); } }