/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_SandboxPolicyContent_h #define mozilla_SandboxPolicyContent_h #define MAX_CONTENT_TESTING_READ_PATHS 4 namespace mozilla { static const char SandboxPolicyContent[] = R"SANDBOX_LITERAL( (version 1) (define should-log (param "SHOULD_LOG")) (define sandbox-level-1 (param "SANDBOX_LEVEL_1")) (define sandbox-level-2 (param "SANDBOX_LEVEL_2")) (define sandbox-level-3 (param "SANDBOX_LEVEL_3")) (define macosVersion (string->number (param "MAC_OS_VERSION"))) (define appPath (param "APP_PATH")) (define hasProfileDir (param "HAS_SANDBOXED_PROFILE")) (define profileDir (param "PROFILE_DIR")) (define hasWindowServer (param "HAS_WINDOW_SERVER")) (define home-path (param "HOME_PATH")) (define debugWriteDir (param "DEBUG_WRITE_DIR")) (define userCacheDir (param "DARWIN_USER_CACHE_DIR")) (define testingReadPath1 (param "TESTING_READ_PATH1")) (define testingReadPath2 (param "TESTING_READ_PATH2")) (define testingReadPath3 (param "TESTING_READ_PATH3")) (define testingReadPath4 (param "TESTING_READ_PATH4")) (define crashPort (param "CRASH_PORT")) (define isRosettaTranslated (param "IS_ROSETTA_TRANSLATED")) (define (moz-deny feature) (if (string=? should-log "TRUE") (deny feature) (deny feature (with no-log)))) (moz-deny default) ; These are not included in (deny default) (moz-deny process-info*) ; This isn't available in some older macOS releases. (if (defined? 'nvram*) (moz-deny nvram*)) ; The next two properties both require macOS 10.10+ (if (defined? 'iokit-get-properties) (moz-deny iokit-get-properties)) (if (defined? 'file-map-executable) (moz-deny file-map-executable)) (if (string=? should-log "TRUE") (debug deny)) (if (defined? 'file-map-executable) (begin (if (string=? isRosettaTranslated "TRUE") (allow file-map-executable (subpath "/private/var/db/oah"))) (allow file-map-executable file-read* (subpath "/System") (subpath "/usr/lib") (subpath "/Library/GPUBundles") (subpath appPath))) (allow file-read* (subpath "/System") (subpath "/usr/lib") (subpath "/Library/GPUBundles") (subpath appPath))) ; Allow read access to standard system paths. (allow file-read* (require-all (file-mode #o0004) (require-any (subpath "/Library/Filesystems/NetFSPlugins") (subpath "/usr/share")))) ; For stat and symlink resolution (allow file-read-metadata (subpath "/")) ; Timezone (allow file-read* (subpath "/private/var/db/timezone") (subpath "/usr/share/zoneinfo") (subpath "/usr/share/zoneinfo.default") (literal "/private/etc/localtime")) ; Allow read access to standard special files. (allow file-read* (literal "/dev/autofs_nowait") (literal "/dev/random") (literal "/dev/urandom")) (allow file-read* file-write-data (literal "/dev/null") (literal "/dev/zero")) (allow file-read* file-write-data file-ioctl (literal "/dev/dtracehelper")) ; Needed for things like getpriority()/setpriority() (allow process-info-pidinfo process-info-setcontrol (target self)) (allow sysctl-read (sysctl-name-regex #"^sysctl\.") (sysctl-name "kern.ostype") (sysctl-name "kern.osversion") (sysctl-name "kern.osrelease") (sysctl-name "kern.version") (sysctl-name "kern.tcsm_available") (sysctl-name "kern.tcsm_enable") ; TODO: remove "kern.hostname". Without it the tests hang, but the hostname ; is arguably sensitive information, so we should see what can be done about ; removing it. (sysctl-name "kern.hostname") (sysctl-name "hw.machine") (sysctl-name "hw.memsize") (sysctl-name "hw.model") (sysctl-name "hw.ncpu") (sysctl-name "hw.activecpu") (sysctl-name "hw.byteorder") (sysctl-name "hw.pagesize_compat") (sysctl-name "hw.logicalcpu") (sysctl-name "hw.logicalcpu_max") (sysctl-name "hw.physicalcpu_max") (sysctl-name "hw.busfrequency_compat") (sysctl-name "hw.busfrequency_max") (sysctl-name "hw.cpufrequency") (sysctl-name "hw.cpufrequency_compat") (sysctl-name "hw.cpufrequency_max") (sysctl-name "hw.l2cachesize") (sysctl-name "hw.l3cachesize") (sysctl-name "hw.cachelinesize") (sysctl-name "hw.cachelinesize_compat") (sysctl-name "hw.tbfrequency_compat") (sysctl-name "hw.vectorunit") (sysctl-name "hw.optional.sse2") (sysctl-name "hw.optional.sse3") (sysctl-name "hw.optional.sse4_1") (sysctl-name "hw.optional.sse4_2") (sysctl-name "hw.optional.avx1_0") (sysctl-name "hw.optional.avx2_0") (sysctl-name "hw.optional.avx512f") (sysctl-name "machdep.cpu.vendor") (sysctl-name "machdep.cpu.family") (sysctl-name "machdep.cpu.model") (sysctl-name "machdep.cpu.stepping") (sysctl-name "debug.intel.gstLevelGST") (sysctl-name "debug.intel.gstLoaderControl")) (allow sysctl-write (sysctl-name "kern.tcsm_enable")) (define (home-regex home-relative-regex) (regex (string-append "^" (regex-quote home-path) home-relative-regex))) (define (home-subpath home-relative-subpath) (subpath (string-append home-path home-relative-subpath))) (define (home-literal home-relative-literal) (literal (string-append home-path home-relative-literal))) (define (profile-subpath profile-relative-subpath) (subpath (string-append profileDir profile-relative-subpath))) (define (allow-shared-list domain) (allow file-read* (home-regex (string-append "/Library/Preferences/" (regex-quote domain))))) (allow ipc-posix-shm-read-data ipc-posix-shm-write-data (ipc-posix-name-regex #"^CFPBS:")) (allow signal (target self)) (if (string? crashPort) (allow mach-lookup (global-name crashPort))) (if (string=? hasWindowServer "TRUE") (allow mach-lookup (global-name "com.apple.windowserver.active"))) (allow mach-lookup (global-name "com.apple.system.opendirectoryd.libinfo") (global-name "com.apple.CoreServices.coreservicesd") (global-name "com.apple.coreservices.launchservicesd") (global-name "com.apple.lsd.mapdb")) (if (>= macosVersion 1013) (allow mach-lookup ; bug 1392988 (xpc-service-name "com.apple.coremedia.videodecoder") (xpc-service-name "com.apple.coremedia.videoencoder"))) (if (>= macosVersion 1100) (allow mach-lookup ; bug 1655655 (global-name "com.apple.trustd.agent"))) (allow iokit-open (iokit-user-client-class "IOHIDParamUserClient")) ; Only supported on macOS 10.10+ (if (defined? 'iokit-get-properties) (allow iokit-get-properties (iokit-property "board-id") (iokit-property "class-code") (iokit-property "vendor-id") (iokit-property "device-id") (iokit-property "IODVDBundleName") (iokit-property "IOGLBundleName") (iokit-property "IOGVACodec") (iokit-property "IOGVAHEVCDecode") (iokit-property "IOGVAHEVCEncode") (iokit-property "IOGVAXDecode") (iokit-property "IOPCITunnelled") (iokit-property "IOVARendererID") (iokit-property "MetalPluginName") (iokit-property "MetalPluginClassName"))) ; depending on systems, the 1st, 2nd or both rules are necessary (allow user-preference-read (preference-domain "com.apple.HIToolbox")) (allow file-read-data (literal "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.HIToolbox.plist")) (allow user-preference-read (preference-domain "com.apple.ATS")) ; Needed for some global preferences (such as scrolling behavior) (allow file-read-data (literal "/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist") (home-literal "/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist") (home-regex #"/Library/Preferences/ByHost/\.GlobalPreferences.*") (home-literal "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.universalaccess.plist")) (allow mach-lookup (global-name "com.apple.cfprefsd.agent") (global-name "com.apple.cfprefsd.daemon")) (allow ipc-posix-shm-read-data (ipc-posix-name-regex #"^apple\.cfprefs\..*")) (allow file-read* (subpath "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles") (subpath "/Library/Spelling") (literal "/") (literal "/private/tmp") (literal "/private/var/tmp") (home-literal "/.CFUserTextEncoding") (home-literal "/Library/Preferences/com.apple.DownloadAssessment.plist") (home-subpath "/Library/Colors") (home-subpath "/Library/ColorSync/Profiles") (home-subpath "/Library/Keyboard Layouts") (home-subpath "/Library/Input Methods") (home-subpath "/Library/Spelling")) (if (defined? 'file-map-executable) (begin (when testingReadPath1 (allow file-read* file-map-executable (subpath testingReadPath1))) (when testingReadPath2 (allow file-read* file-map-executable (subpath testingReadPath2))) (when testingReadPath3 (allow file-read* file-map-executable (subpath testingReadPath3))) (when testingReadPath4 (allow file-read* file-map-executable (subpath testingReadPath4)))) (begin (when testingReadPath1 (allow file-read* (subpath testingReadPath1))) (when testingReadPath2 (allow file-read* (subpath testingReadPath2))) (when testingReadPath3 (allow file-read* (subpath testingReadPath3))) (when testingReadPath4 (allow file-read* (subpath testingReadPath4))))) ; bug 1692220 (when userCacheDir (allow file-read* (subpath (string-append userCacheDir "/com.apple.FontRegistry")))) ; bug 1303987 (if (string? debugWriteDir) (begin (allow file-write-data (subpath debugWriteDir)) (allow file-write-create (require-all (subpath debugWriteDir) (vnode-type REGULAR-FILE))))) (allow-shared-list "org.mozilla.plugincontainer") ; Per-user and system-wide Extensions dir (allow file-read* (home-regex "/Library/Application Support/[^/]+/Extensions/") (regex "^/Library/Application Support/[^/]+/Extensions/")) ; The following rules impose file access restrictions which get ; more restrictive in higher levels. When file-origin-specific ; content processes are used for file:// origin browsing, the ; global file-read* permission should be removed from each level. ; level 1: global read access permitted, no global write access (if (string=? sandbox-level-1 "TRUE") (allow file-read*)) ; level 2: global read access permitted, no global write access, ; no read/write access to ~/Library, ; no read/write access to $PROFILE, ; read access permitted to $PROFILE/{extensions,chrome} (if (string=? sandbox-level-2 "TRUE") (begin ; bug 1201935 (allow file-read* (home-subpath "/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems")) (if (string=? hasProfileDir "TRUE") ; we have a profile dir (allow file-read* (require-all (require-not (home-subpath "/Library")) (require-not (subpath profileDir)))) ; we don't have a profile dir (allow file-read* (require-not (home-subpath "/Library")))))) ; level 3: Does not have any of it's own rules. The global rules provide: ; no global read/write access, ; read access permitted to $PROFILE/{extensions,chrome} (if (string=? hasProfileDir "TRUE") ; we have a profile dir (allow file-read* (profile-subpath "/extensions") (profile-subpath "/chrome"))) ; accelerated graphics (allow user-preference-read (preference-domain "com.apple.opengl")) (allow user-preference-read (preference-domain "com.nvidia.OpenGL")) (allow mach-lookup (global-name "com.apple.cvmsServ")) (if (>= macosVersion 1014) (allow mach-lookup (global-name "com.apple.MTLCompilerService"))) (allow iokit-open (iokit-connection "IOAccelerator") (iokit-user-client-class "IOAccelerationUserClient") (iokit-user-client-class "IOSurfaceRootUserClient") (iokit-user-client-class "IOSurfaceSendRight") (iokit-user-client-class "IOFramebufferSharedUserClient") (iokit-user-client-class "AGPMClient") (iokit-user-client-class "AppleGraphicsControlClient")) ; bug 1153809 (allow iokit-open (iokit-user-client-class "NVDVDContextTesla") (iokit-user-client-class "Gen6DVDContext")) ; Fonts (allow file-read* (subpath "/Library/Fonts") (subpath "/Library/Application Support/Apple/Fonts") (home-subpath "/Library/Fonts") ; Allow read access to paths allowed via sandbox extensions. ; This is needed for fonts in non-standard locations normally ; due to third party font managers. The extensions are ; automatically issued by the font server in response to font ; API calls. (extension "com.apple.app-sandbox.read")) ; Fonts may continue to work without explicitly allowing these ; services because, at present, connections are made to the services ; before the sandbox is enabled as a side-effect of some API calls. (allow mach-lookup (global-name "com.apple.fonts") (global-name "com.apple.FontObjectsServer")) (if (>= macosVersion 1013) (allow mach-lookup ; bug 1565575 (global-name "com.apple.audio.AudioComponentRegistrar"))) )SANDBOX_LITERAL"; // These are additional rules that are added to the content process rules for // file content processes. static const char SandboxPolicyContentFileAddend[] = R"SANDBOX_LITERAL( ; This process has blanket file read privileges (allow file-read*) ; File content processes need access to iconservices to draw file icons in ; directory listings (allow mach-lookup (global-name "com.apple.iconservices")) )SANDBOX_LITERAL"; // These are additional rules that are added to the content process rules when // audio remoting is not enabled. (Once audio remoting is always used these // will be deleted.) static const char SandboxPolicyContentAudioAddend[] = R"SANDBOX_LITERAL( (allow ipc-posix-shm-read* ipc-posix-shm-write-data (ipc-posix-name-regex #"^AudioIO")) (allow mach-lookup (global-name "com.apple.audio.coreaudiod") (global-name "com.apple.audio.audiohald")) (allow iokit-open (iokit-user-client-class "IOAudioEngineUserClient")) (allow file-read* (subpath "/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins")) (allow device-microphone) )SANDBOX_LITERAL"; } // namespace mozilla #endif // mozilla_SandboxPolicyContent_h