<!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Display flex first line with floated first letter</title> <link rel="help" href="https://crbug.com/1097595"> <link rel="match" href="display-first-line-002-ref.html"> <style id="styleElm"> #victim::first-line { display:flex; } #victim::first-letter { float:right; } </style> <!-- The contenteditable DIV is just here to trigger legacy layout fallback, and a DCHECK failure identical to the one in the bug report. If we remove it, we'll get NG layout, and then it will actually DCHECK-fail inside NG inline layout code instead. --> <div contenteditable></div> <p>The word "PASS" should be seen below. There should be no DCHECK failure.</p> <div id="child" style="display:none;"></div> <div id="victim" style="width:fit-content;"> SPAS </div> <script> document.body.offsetTop; styleElm.appendChild(child); document.body.offsetTop; victim.style.color = "blue"; </script>