<!doctype html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>CSS Test: Overflow clipping in cells that span rows</title> <link rel='stylesheet' href='support/base.css' /> <link rel="author" title="Joy Yu" href="mailto:joysyu@mit.edu"> <link rel="help" href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-tables-3/#visibility-collapse-cell-rendering"> <link rel="match" href="visibility-collapse-rowspan-005-ref.html"> <style> table { border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; } table td { border: 1px solid blue; padding: 5px; } </style> <h1>Visibility collapse</h1> <a href="https://drafts.csswg.org/css-tables-3/#visibility-collapse-cell-rendering">Spec</a> <table> <tr> <td>Row 1 Left</td> <td>Row 1 Center</td> <td rowspan=2 style="width:100px"><p>Supersuperlongword</p><p>row with lots and lots of text</p></td> </tr> <tr style="visibility: collapse"> <td>Row 2 Left</td> <td>Row 2 Center</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Row 3 Left</td> <td>Row 3 Center</td> <td>Row 3 Right</td> </tr> </table>