// GENERATED CONTENT - DO NOT EDIT // Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref // (https://github.com/w3c/webref) // Source: WebRTC: Real-Time Communication in Browsers (https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc/) dictionary RTCConfiguration { sequence iceServers = []; RTCIceTransportPolicy iceTransportPolicy = "all"; RTCBundlePolicy bundlePolicy = "balanced"; RTCRtcpMuxPolicy rtcpMuxPolicy = "require"; sequence certificates = []; [EnforceRange] octet iceCandidatePoolSize = 0; }; dictionary RTCIceServer { required (DOMString or sequence) urls; DOMString username; DOMString credential; }; enum RTCIceTransportPolicy { "relay", "all" }; enum RTCBundlePolicy { "balanced", "max-compat", "max-bundle" }; enum RTCRtcpMuxPolicy { "require" }; dictionary RTCOfferAnswerOptions {}; dictionary RTCOfferOptions : RTCOfferAnswerOptions { boolean iceRestart = false; }; dictionary RTCAnswerOptions : RTCOfferAnswerOptions {}; enum RTCSignalingState { "stable", "have-local-offer", "have-remote-offer", "have-local-pranswer", "have-remote-pranswer", "closed" }; enum RTCIceGatheringState { "new", "gathering", "complete" }; enum RTCPeerConnectionState { "closed", "failed", "disconnected", "new", "connecting", "connected" }; enum RTCIceConnectionState { "closed", "failed", "disconnected", "new", "checking", "completed", "connected" }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCPeerConnection : EventTarget { constructor(optional RTCConfiguration configuration = {}); Promise createOffer(optional RTCOfferOptions options = {}); Promise createAnswer(optional RTCAnswerOptions options = {}); Promise setLocalDescription(optional RTCLocalSessionDescriptionInit description = {}); readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? localDescription; readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? currentLocalDescription; readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? pendingLocalDescription; Promise setRemoteDescription(RTCSessionDescriptionInit description); readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? remoteDescription; readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? currentRemoteDescription; readonly attribute RTCSessionDescription? pendingRemoteDescription; Promise addIceCandidate(optional RTCIceCandidateInit candidate = {}); readonly attribute RTCSignalingState signalingState; readonly attribute RTCIceGatheringState iceGatheringState; readonly attribute RTCIceConnectionState iceConnectionState; readonly attribute RTCPeerConnectionState connectionState; readonly attribute boolean? canTrickleIceCandidates; undefined restartIce(); RTCConfiguration getConfiguration(); undefined setConfiguration(optional RTCConfiguration configuration = {}); undefined close(); attribute EventHandler onnegotiationneeded; attribute EventHandler onicecandidate; attribute EventHandler onicecandidateerror; attribute EventHandler onsignalingstatechange; attribute EventHandler oniceconnectionstatechange; attribute EventHandler onicegatheringstatechange; attribute EventHandler onconnectionstatechange; // Legacy Interface Extensions // Supporting the methods in this section is optional. // If these methods are supported // they must be implemented as defined // in section "Legacy Interface Extensions" Promise createOffer(RTCSessionDescriptionCallback successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback, optional RTCOfferOptions options = {}); Promise setLocalDescription(RTCLocalSessionDescriptionInit description, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback); Promise createAnswer(RTCSessionDescriptionCallback successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback); Promise setRemoteDescription(RTCSessionDescriptionInit description, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback); Promise addIceCandidate(RTCIceCandidateInit candidate, VoidFunction successCallback, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback failureCallback); }; callback RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback = undefined (DOMException error); callback RTCSessionDescriptionCallback = undefined (RTCSessionDescriptionInit description); partial dictionary RTCOfferOptions { boolean offerToReceiveAudio; boolean offerToReceiveVideo; }; enum RTCSdpType { "offer", "pranswer", "answer", "rollback" }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCSessionDescription { constructor(RTCSessionDescriptionInit descriptionInitDict); readonly attribute RTCSdpType type; readonly attribute DOMString sdp; [Default] object toJSON(); }; dictionary RTCSessionDescriptionInit { required RTCSdpType type; DOMString sdp = ""; }; dictionary RTCLocalSessionDescriptionInit { RTCSdpType type; DOMString sdp = ""; }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCIceCandidate { constructor(optional RTCIceCandidateInit candidateInitDict = {}); readonly attribute DOMString candidate; readonly attribute DOMString? sdpMid; readonly attribute unsigned short? sdpMLineIndex; readonly attribute DOMString? foundation; readonly attribute RTCIceComponent? component; readonly attribute unsigned long? priority; readonly attribute DOMString? address; readonly attribute RTCIceProtocol? protocol; readonly attribute unsigned short? port; readonly attribute RTCIceCandidateType? type; readonly attribute RTCIceTcpCandidateType? tcpType; readonly attribute DOMString? relatedAddress; readonly attribute unsigned short? relatedPort; readonly attribute DOMString? usernameFragment; readonly attribute RTCIceServerTransportProtocol? relayProtocol; readonly attribute DOMString? url; RTCIceCandidateInit toJSON(); }; dictionary RTCIceCandidateInit { DOMString candidate = ""; DOMString? sdpMid = null; unsigned short? sdpMLineIndex = null; DOMString? usernameFragment = null; }; enum RTCIceProtocol { "udp", "tcp" }; enum RTCIceTcpCandidateType { "active", "passive", "so" }; enum RTCIceCandidateType { "host", "srflx", "prflx", "relay" }; enum RTCIceServerTransportProtocol { "udp", "tcp", "tls", }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent : Event { constructor(DOMString type, optional RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit eventInitDict = {}); readonly attribute RTCIceCandidate? candidate; readonly attribute DOMString? url; }; dictionary RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit : EventInit { RTCIceCandidate? candidate; DOMString? url; }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent : Event { constructor(DOMString type, RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEventInit eventInitDict); readonly attribute DOMString? address; readonly attribute unsigned short? port; readonly attribute DOMString url; readonly attribute unsigned short errorCode; readonly attribute USVString errorText; }; dictionary RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEventInit : EventInit { DOMString? address; unsigned short? port; DOMString url; required unsigned short errorCode; USVString errorText; }; partial interface RTCPeerConnection { static Promise generateCertificate(AlgorithmIdentifier keygenAlgorithm); }; dictionary RTCCertificateExpiration { [EnforceRange] unsigned long long expires; }; [Exposed=Window, Serializable] interface RTCCertificate { readonly attribute EpochTimeStamp expires; sequence getFingerprints(); }; partial interface RTCPeerConnection { sequence getSenders(); sequence getReceivers(); sequence getTransceivers(); RTCRtpSender addTrack(MediaStreamTrack track, MediaStream... streams); undefined removeTrack(RTCRtpSender sender); RTCRtpTransceiver addTransceiver((MediaStreamTrack or DOMString) trackOrKind, optional RTCRtpTransceiverInit init = {}); attribute EventHandler ontrack; }; dictionary RTCRtpTransceiverInit { RTCRtpTransceiverDirection direction = "sendrecv"; sequence streams = []; sequence sendEncodings = []; }; enum RTCRtpTransceiverDirection { "sendrecv", "sendonly", "recvonly", "inactive", "stopped" }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCRtpSender { readonly attribute MediaStreamTrack? track; readonly attribute RTCDtlsTransport? transport; static RTCRtpCapabilities? getCapabilities(DOMString kind); Promise setParameters(RTCRtpSendParameters parameters); RTCRtpSendParameters getParameters(); Promise replaceTrack(MediaStreamTrack? withTrack); undefined setStreams(MediaStream... streams); Promise getStats(); }; dictionary RTCRtpParameters { required sequence headerExtensions; required RTCRtcpParameters rtcp; required sequence codecs; }; dictionary RTCRtpSendParameters : RTCRtpParameters { required DOMString transactionId; required sequence encodings; }; dictionary RTCRtpReceiveParameters : RTCRtpParameters { }; dictionary RTCRtpCodingParameters { DOMString rid; }; dictionary RTCRtpEncodingParameters : RTCRtpCodingParameters { boolean active = true; unsigned long maxBitrate; double maxFramerate; double scaleResolutionDownBy; }; dictionary RTCRtcpParameters { DOMString cname; boolean reducedSize; }; dictionary RTCRtpHeaderExtensionParameters { required DOMString uri; required unsigned short id; boolean encrypted = false; }; dictionary RTCRtpCodec { required DOMString mimeType; required unsigned long clockRate; unsigned short channels; DOMString sdpFmtpLine; }; dictionary RTCRtpCodecParameters : RTCRtpCodec { required octet payloadType; }; dictionary RTCRtpCapabilities { required sequence codecs; required sequence headerExtensions; }; dictionary RTCRtpCodecCapability : RTCRtpCodec { }; dictionary RTCRtpHeaderExtensionCapability { required DOMString uri; }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCRtpReceiver { readonly attribute MediaStreamTrack track; readonly attribute RTCDtlsTransport? transport; static RTCRtpCapabilities? getCapabilities(DOMString kind); RTCRtpReceiveParameters getParameters(); sequence getContributingSources(); sequence getSynchronizationSources(); Promise getStats(); }; dictionary RTCRtpContributingSource { required DOMHighResTimeStamp timestamp; required unsigned long source; double audioLevel; required unsigned long rtpTimestamp; }; dictionary RTCRtpSynchronizationSource : RTCRtpContributingSource {}; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCRtpTransceiver { readonly attribute DOMString? mid; [SameObject] readonly attribute RTCRtpSender sender; [SameObject] readonly attribute RTCRtpReceiver receiver; attribute RTCRtpTransceiverDirection direction; readonly attribute RTCRtpTransceiverDirection? currentDirection; undefined stop(); undefined setCodecPreferences(sequence codecs); }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCDtlsTransport : EventTarget { [SameObject] readonly attribute RTCIceTransport iceTransport; readonly attribute RTCDtlsTransportState state; sequence getRemoteCertificates(); attribute EventHandler onstatechange; attribute EventHandler onerror; }; enum RTCDtlsTransportState { "new", "connecting", "connected", "closed", "failed" }; dictionary RTCDtlsFingerprint { DOMString algorithm; DOMString value; }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCIceTransport : EventTarget { readonly attribute RTCIceRole role; readonly attribute RTCIceComponent component; readonly attribute RTCIceTransportState state; readonly attribute RTCIceGathererState gatheringState; sequence getLocalCandidates(); sequence getRemoteCandidates(); RTCIceCandidatePair? getSelectedCandidatePair(); RTCIceParameters? getLocalParameters(); RTCIceParameters? getRemoteParameters(); attribute EventHandler onstatechange; attribute EventHandler ongatheringstatechange; attribute EventHandler onselectedcandidatepairchange; }; dictionary RTCIceParameters { DOMString usernameFragment; DOMString password; }; dictionary RTCIceCandidatePair { RTCIceCandidate local; RTCIceCandidate remote; }; enum RTCIceGathererState { "new", "gathering", "complete" }; enum RTCIceTransportState { "new", "checking", "connected", "completed", "disconnected", "failed", "closed" }; enum RTCIceRole { "unknown", "controlling", "controlled" }; enum RTCIceComponent { "rtp", "rtcp" }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCTrackEvent : Event { constructor(DOMString type, RTCTrackEventInit eventInitDict); readonly attribute RTCRtpReceiver receiver; readonly attribute MediaStreamTrack track; [SameObject] readonly attribute FrozenArray streams; readonly attribute RTCRtpTransceiver transceiver; }; dictionary RTCTrackEventInit : EventInit { required RTCRtpReceiver receiver; required MediaStreamTrack track; sequence streams = []; required RTCRtpTransceiver transceiver; }; partial interface RTCPeerConnection { readonly attribute RTCSctpTransport? sctp; RTCDataChannel createDataChannel(USVString label, optional RTCDataChannelInit dataChannelDict = {}); attribute EventHandler ondatachannel; }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCSctpTransport : EventTarget { readonly attribute RTCDtlsTransport transport; readonly attribute RTCSctpTransportState state; readonly attribute unrestricted double maxMessageSize; readonly attribute unsigned short? maxChannels; attribute EventHandler onstatechange; }; enum RTCSctpTransportState { "connecting", "connected", "closed" }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCDataChannel : EventTarget { readonly attribute USVString label; readonly attribute boolean ordered; readonly attribute unsigned short? maxPacketLifeTime; readonly attribute unsigned short? maxRetransmits; readonly attribute USVString protocol; readonly attribute boolean negotiated; readonly attribute unsigned short? id; readonly attribute RTCDataChannelState readyState; readonly attribute unsigned long bufferedAmount; [EnforceRange] attribute unsigned long bufferedAmountLowThreshold; attribute EventHandler onopen; attribute EventHandler onbufferedamountlow; attribute EventHandler onerror; attribute EventHandler onclosing; attribute EventHandler onclose; undefined close(); attribute EventHandler onmessage; attribute BinaryType binaryType; undefined send(USVString data); undefined send(Blob data); undefined send(ArrayBuffer data); undefined send(ArrayBufferView data); }; dictionary RTCDataChannelInit { boolean ordered = true; [EnforceRange] unsigned short maxPacketLifeTime; [EnforceRange] unsigned short maxRetransmits; USVString protocol = ""; boolean negotiated = false; [EnforceRange] unsigned short id; }; enum RTCDataChannelState { "connecting", "open", "closing", "closed" }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCDataChannelEvent : Event { constructor(DOMString type, RTCDataChannelEventInit eventInitDict); readonly attribute RTCDataChannel channel; }; dictionary RTCDataChannelEventInit : EventInit { required RTCDataChannel channel; }; partial interface RTCRtpSender { readonly attribute RTCDTMFSender? dtmf; }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCDTMFSender : EventTarget { undefined insertDTMF(DOMString tones, optional unsigned long duration = 100, optional unsigned long interToneGap = 70); attribute EventHandler ontonechange; readonly attribute boolean canInsertDTMF; readonly attribute DOMString toneBuffer; }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent : Event { constructor(DOMString type, optional RTCDTMFToneChangeEventInit eventInitDict = {}); readonly attribute DOMString tone; }; dictionary RTCDTMFToneChangeEventInit : EventInit { DOMString tone = ""; }; partial interface RTCPeerConnection { Promise getStats(optional MediaStreamTrack? selector = null); }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCStatsReport { readonly maplike; }; dictionary RTCStats { required DOMHighResTimeStamp timestamp; required RTCStatsType type; required DOMString id; }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCError : DOMException { constructor(RTCErrorInit init, optional DOMString message = ""); readonly attribute RTCErrorDetailType errorDetail; readonly attribute long? sdpLineNumber; readonly attribute long? sctpCauseCode; readonly attribute unsigned long? receivedAlert; readonly attribute unsigned long? sentAlert; }; dictionary RTCErrorInit { required RTCErrorDetailType errorDetail; long sdpLineNumber; long sctpCauseCode; unsigned long receivedAlert; unsigned long sentAlert; }; enum RTCErrorDetailType { "data-channel-failure", "dtls-failure", "fingerprint-failure", "sctp-failure", "sdp-syntax-error", "hardware-encoder-not-available", "hardware-encoder-error" }; [Exposed=Window] interface RTCErrorEvent : Event { constructor(DOMString type, RTCErrorEventInit eventInitDict); [SameObject] readonly attribute RTCError error; }; dictionary RTCErrorEventInit : EventInit { required RTCError error; };