<!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset="utf-8" > <meta name="author" title="Di Zhang" href="mailto:dizhangg@chromium.org"> <meta name="assert" content="Modify slot fallback contents, when dynamically created."> <title>Shadow DOM: Slots and fallback contents</title> <link rel="match" href="slot-fallback-content-003-ref.html"> <p>Test passes if there are two lines of text "SLOT1", "A" below.</p> <div id="host1"><slot id="slot1">SLOT1</slot></div> <p>Test passes if there is one line of text "C" below.</p> <div id="host2"><slot id="slot2"> <div id="B">FAIL</div> <div id="C">C</div> </slot></div> <p>Test passes if empty.</p> <div id="host3"> <slot id="slot3"> <div id="D">FAIL</div> </slot> </div> <script> // Content added to existing fallback content will be rendered const shadowRoot1 = host1.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); shadowRoot1.appendChild(slot1); const A = document.createElement('div'); A.innerText = 'A'; shadowRoot1.getElementById('slot1').appendChild(A); // Remove some content from existing slot fallback will render the leftover fallback const shadowRoot2 = host2.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); shadowRoot2.appendChild(slot2); const B = shadowRoot2.getElementById('B'); B.remove(); // // Remove all content from existing slot fallback will render no fallback const shadowRoot3 = host3.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); shadowRoot3.appendChild(slot3); const D = shadowRoot3.getElementById('D'); D.remove(); </script>