<!DOCTYPE html> <meta name=help href="https://privacycg.github.io/storage-partitioning/"> <title>Partitioned estimate() usage details for indexeddb test</title> <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> <script src="/common/utils.js"></script> <script src="./helpers.js"></script> <script src="../IndexedDB/resources/support-promises.js"></script> <body> <script> const usageDetails = async () => (await navigator.storage.estimate()).usageDetails.indexedDB || 0; const createSomeUsage = async (test) => { // We use 100KB here because db compaction usually happens every few MB // 100KB is large enough to avoid a false positive (small amounts of // metadata getting written for some random reason), and small enough to // avoid compaction with a reasonably high probability. const write_size = 1024 * 100; const object_store_name = token(); const db_name = self.location.pathname; await indexedDB.deleteDatabase(db_name); const db = await createDB(db_name, object_store_name, test); const transaction = db.transaction(object_store_name, 'readwrite'); const value_to_store = largeValue(write_size, Math.random() * 255); transaction.objectStore(object_store_name).add(value_to_store, 1); await transactionPromise(transaction); return db; } const testPath = () => location.pathname.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/"); let alt_origin = "https://{{hosts[alt][]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}"; let details = {}; const iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = `https://{{host}}:{{ports[https][0]}}${testPath()}/resources` + `/partitioned-estimate-usage-details-indexeddb-helper-frame.html`; document.body.appendChild(iframe); async_test(test => { if (location.origin === alt_origin) return; let db; window.addEventListener("message", test.step_func(async event => { if (event.data === "iframe-is-ready") { details.init = await usageDetails(); db = await createSomeUsage(test); details.after = await usageDetails(); assert_greater_than(details.after, details.init); iframe.contentWindow.postMessage("get-details", iframe.origin); } })); window.addEventListener("message", test.step_func(event => { if (event.data.source === "same-site") { details.same_site = event.data; const cross_site_window = window .open(`${alt_origin}${location.pathname}`, "", "noopener=false"); test.add_cleanup(() => cross_site_window.close()); } if (event.data.source === "cross-site") { details.cross_site = event.data; // Some cleanup test.step(async () => await db.close()); test.step(() => { assert_true(details.cross_site.init == 0, "Usage should be 0."); assert_equals(details.same_site.init, details.after); }); test.done(); } })); }, "Partitioned estimate() usage details for indexeddb test."); </script> </body>