import * as asn1js from "asn1js"; import * as pvutils from "pvutils"; import * as common from "./common"; import { AlgorithmIdentifier, AlgorithmIdentifierJson, AlgorithmIdentifierSchema } from "./AlgorithmIdentifier"; import { ECPublicKey } from "./ECPublicKey"; import { RSAPublicKey } from "./RSAPublicKey"; import * as Schema from "./Schema"; import { PkiObject, PkiObjectParameters } from "./PkiObject"; import { AsnError } from "./errors"; import { EMPTY_STRING } from "./constants"; const ALGORITHM = "algorithm"; const SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY = "subjectPublicKey"; const CLEAR_PROPS = [ALGORITHM, SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY]; export interface IPublicKeyInfo { /** * Algorithm identifier */ algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier; /** * Subject public key value */ subjectPublicKey: asn1js.BitString; /** * Parsed public key value */ parsedKey?: ECPublicKey | RSAPublicKey; } export type PublicKeyInfoParameters = PkiObjectParameters & Partial & { json?: JsonWebKey; }; export interface PublicKeyInfoJson { algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifierJson; subjectPublicKey: asn1js.BitStringJson; } export type PublicKeyInfoSchema = Schema.SchemaParameters<{ algorithm?: AlgorithmIdentifierSchema; subjectPublicKey?: string; }>; /** * Represents the PublicKeyInfo structure described in [RFC5280]( */ export class PublicKeyInfo extends PkiObject implements IPublicKeyInfo { public static override CLASS_NAME = "PublicKeyInfo"; public algorithm!: AlgorithmIdentifier; public subjectPublicKey!: asn1js.BitString; private _parsedKey?: ECPublicKey | RSAPublicKey | null; public get parsedKey(): ECPublicKey | RSAPublicKey | undefined { if (this._parsedKey === undefined) { switch (this.algorithm.algorithmId) { // TODO Use fabric case "1.2.840.10045.2.1": // ECDSA if ("algorithmParams" in this.algorithm) { if (this.algorithm.algorithmParams.constructor.blockName() === asn1js.ObjectIdentifier.blockName()) { try { this._parsedKey = new ECPublicKey({ namedCurve: this.algorithm.algorithmParams.valueBlock.toString(), schema: this.subjectPublicKey.valueBlock.valueHexView }); } catch (ex) { // nothing } // Could be a problems during recognition of internal public key data here. Let's ignore them. } } break; case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1": // RSA { const publicKeyASN1 = asn1js.fromBER(this.subjectPublicKey.valueBlock.valueHexView); if (publicKeyASN1.offset !== -1) { try { this._parsedKey = new RSAPublicKey({ schema: publicKeyASN1.result }); } catch (ex) { // nothing } // Could be a problems during recognition of internal public key data here. Let's ignore them. } } break; default: } this._parsedKey ||= null; } return this._parsedKey || undefined; } public set parsedKey(value: ECPublicKey | RSAPublicKey | undefined) { this._parsedKey = value; } /** * Initializes a new instance of the {@link PublicKeyInfo} class * @param parameters Initialization parameters */ constructor(parameters: PublicKeyInfoParameters = {}) { super(); this.algorithm = pvutils.getParametersValue(parameters, ALGORITHM, PublicKeyInfo.defaultValues(ALGORITHM)); this.subjectPublicKey = pvutils.getParametersValue(parameters, SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY, PublicKeyInfo.defaultValues(SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY)); const parsedKey = pvutils.getParametersValue(parameters, "parsedKey", null); if (parsedKey) { this.parsedKey = parsedKey; } if (parameters.json) { this.fromJSON(parameters.json); } if (parameters.schema) { this.fromSchema(parameters.schema); } } /** * Returns default values for all class members * @param memberName String name for a class member * @returns Default value */ public static override defaultValues(memberName: typeof ALGORITHM): AlgorithmIdentifier; public static override defaultValues(memberName: typeof SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY): asn1js.BitString; public static override defaultValues(memberName: string): any { switch (memberName) { case ALGORITHM: return new AlgorithmIdentifier(); case SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY: return new asn1js.BitString(); default: return super.defaultValues(memberName); } } /** * @inheritdoc * @asn ASN.1 schema * ```asn * SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= Sequence { * algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier, * subjectPublicKey BIT STRING } *``` */ public static override schema(parameters: PublicKeyInfoSchema = {}): Schema.SchemaType { const names = pvutils.getParametersValue>(parameters, "names", {}); return (new asn1js.Sequence({ name: (names.blockName || EMPTY_STRING), value: [ AlgorithmIdentifier.schema(names.algorithm || {}), new asn1js.BitString({ name: (names.subjectPublicKey || EMPTY_STRING) }) ] })); } public fromSchema(schema: Schema.SchemaType): void { // Clear input data first pvutils.clearProps(schema, CLEAR_PROPS); // Check the schema is valid const asn1 = asn1js.compareSchema(schema, schema, PublicKeyInfo.schema({ names: { algorithm: { names: { blockName: ALGORITHM } }, subjectPublicKey: SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY } }) ); AsnError.assertSchema(asn1, this.className); //#region Get internal properties from parsed schema this.algorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ schema: asn1.result.algorithm }); this.subjectPublicKey = asn1.result.subjectPublicKey; //#endregion } public toSchema(): asn1js.Sequence { return (new asn1js.Sequence({ value: [ this.algorithm.toSchema(), this.subjectPublicKey ] })); } public toJSON(): PublicKeyInfoJson | JsonWebKey { //#region Return common value in case we do not have enough info fo making JWK if (!this.parsedKey) { return { algorithm: this.algorithm.toJSON(), subjectPublicKey: this.subjectPublicKey.toJSON(), }; } //#endregion //#region Making JWK const jwk: JsonWebKey = {}; switch (this.algorithm.algorithmId) { case "1.2.840.10045.2.1": // ECDSA jwk.kty = "EC"; break; case "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1": // RSA jwk.kty = "RSA"; break; default: } const publicKeyJWK = this.parsedKey.toJSON(); Object.assign(jwk, publicKeyJWK); return jwk; //#endregion } /** * Converts JSON value into current object * @param json JSON object */ public fromJSON(json: any): void { if ("kty" in json) { switch (json.kty.toUpperCase()) { case "EC": this.parsedKey = new ECPublicKey({ json }); this.algorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "1.2.840.10045.2.1", algorithmParams: new asn1js.ObjectIdentifier({ value: this.parsedKey.namedCurve }) }); break; case "RSA": this.parsedKey = new RSAPublicKey({ json }); this.algorithm = new AlgorithmIdentifier({ algorithmId: "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1", algorithmParams: new asn1js.Null() }); break; default: throw new Error(`Invalid value for "kty" parameter: ${json.kty}`); } this.subjectPublicKey = new asn1js.BitString({ valueHex: this.parsedKey.toSchema().toBER(false) }); } } public async importKey(publicKey: CryptoKey, crypto = common.getCrypto(true)): Promise { try { if (!publicKey) { throw new Error("Need to provide publicKey input parameter"); } const exportedKey = await crypto.exportKey("spki", publicKey); const asn1 = asn1js.fromBER(exportedKey); try { this.fromSchema(asn1.result); } catch (exception) { throw new Error("Error during initializing object from schema"); } } catch (e) { const message = e instanceof Error ? e.message : `${e}`; throw new Error(`Error during exporting public key: ${message}`); } } }