// THIS FILE IS EXPERIMENTAL. BREAKING CHANGES MAY BE MADE AT ANY TIME // WITHOUT PRIOR WARNING. THIS FILE SHOULD NOT BE USED IN PRODUCTION CODE. syntax = "proto2"; option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; package webrtc.rtclog2; // At the top level, a WebRTC event log is just an EventStream object. Note that // concatenating multiple EventStreams in the same file is equivalent to a // single EventStream object containing the same events. Hence, it is not // necessary to wait for the entire log to be complete before beginning to // write it to a file. // Note: For all X_deltas fields, we rely on the default value being an // empty string. message EventStream { // Deprecated - Maintained for compatibility with the old event log. repeated Event stream = 1 [deprecated = true]; repeated IncomingRtpPackets incoming_rtp_packets = 2; repeated OutgoingRtpPackets outgoing_rtp_packets = 3; repeated IncomingRtcpPackets incoming_rtcp_packets = 4; repeated OutgoingRtcpPackets outgoing_rtcp_packets = 5; repeated AudioPlayoutEvents audio_playout_events = 6; repeated FrameDecodedEvents frame_decoded_events = 7; // The field tags 8-15 are reserved for the most common events. repeated BeginLogEvent begin_log_events = 16; repeated EndLogEvent end_log_events = 17; repeated LossBasedBweUpdates loss_based_bwe_updates = 18; repeated DelayBasedBweUpdates delay_based_bwe_updates = 19; repeated AudioNetworkAdaptations audio_network_adaptations = 20; repeated BweProbeCluster probe_clusters = 21; repeated BweProbeResultSuccess probe_success = 22; repeated BweProbeResultFailure probe_failure = 23; repeated AlrState alr_states = 24; repeated IceCandidatePairConfig ice_candidate_configs = 25; repeated IceCandidatePairEvent ice_candidate_events = 26; repeated DtlsTransportStateEvent dtls_transport_state_events = 27; repeated DtlsWritableState dtls_writable_states = 28; repeated GenericPacketSent generic_packets_sent = 29; repeated GenericPacketReceived generic_packets_received = 30; repeated GenericAckReceived generic_acks_received = 31; repeated RouteChange route_changes = 32; repeated RemoteEstimates remote_estimates = 33; repeated NetEqSetMinimumDelay neteq_set_minimum_delay = 34; repeated AudioRecvStreamConfig audio_recv_stream_configs = 101; repeated AudioSendStreamConfig audio_send_stream_configs = 102; repeated VideoRecvStreamConfig video_recv_stream_configs = 103; repeated VideoSendStreamConfig video_send_stream_configs = 104; } // DEPRECATED. message Event { // TODO(terelius): Do we want to preserve the old Event definition here? } message GenericPacketReceived { // All fields are required. optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; optional int64 packet_number = 2; // Length of the packet in bytes. optional int32 packet_length = 3; // Provided if there are deltas in the batch. optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 16; optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 17; optional bytes packet_number_deltas = 18; optional bytes packet_length_deltas = 19; } message GenericPacketSent { // All fields are required. All lengths in bytes. optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; optional int64 packet_number = 2; // overhead+payload+padding length = packet_length in bytes. optional int32 overhead_length = 3; optional int32 payload_length = 4; optional int32 padding_length = 5; optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 16; optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 17; optional bytes packet_number_deltas = 18; optional bytes overhead_length_deltas = 19; optional bytes payload_length_deltas = 20; optional bytes padding_length_deltas = 21; } message GenericAckReceived { optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // ID of the received packet. optional int64 packet_number = 2; // ID of the packet that was acked. optional int64 acked_packet_number = 3; // Timestamp in ms when the packet was received by the other side. optional int64 receive_acked_packet_time_ms = 4; optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 16; optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 17; optional bytes packet_number_deltas = 18; optional bytes acked_packet_number_deltas = 19; optional bytes receive_acked_packet_time_ms_deltas = 20; } message IncomingRtpPackets { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - RTP marker bit, used to label boundaries between video frames. optional bool marker = 2; // required - RTP payload type. optional uint32 payload_type = 3; // required - RTP sequence number. optional uint32 sequence_number = 4; // required - RTP monotonic clock timestamp (not actual time). optional fixed32 rtp_timestamp = 5; // required - Synchronization source of this packet's RTP stream. optional fixed32 ssrc = 6; // TODO(terelius/dinor): Add CSRCs. Field number 7 reserved for this purpose. // required - The size (in bytes) of the media payload, not including // RTP header or padding. The packet size is the sum of payload, header and // padding. optional uint32 payload_size = 8; // required - The size (in bytes) of the RTP header. optional uint32 header_size = 9; // required - The size (in bytes) of the padding. optional uint32 padding_size = 10; // optional - required if the batch contains delta encoded events. optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 11; // Field numbers 12-14 reserved for future use. // Optional header extensions. optional uint32 transport_sequence_number = 15; optional int32 transmission_time_offset = 16; optional uint32 absolute_send_time = 17; optional uint32 video_rotation = 18; // `audio_level` and `voice_activity` are always used in conjunction. optional uint32 audio_level = 19; optional bool voice_activity = 20; // TODO(terelius): Add other header extensions like playout delay? // Delta encodings. optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 101; optional bytes marker_deltas = 102; optional bytes payload_type_deltas = 103; optional bytes sequence_number_deltas = 104; optional bytes rtp_timestamp_deltas = 105; // Field number 107 reserved for CSRC. optional bytes ssrc_deltas = 106; optional bytes payload_size_deltas = 108; optional bytes header_size_deltas = 109; optional bytes padding_size_deltas = 110; // Field number 111-114 reserved for future use. optional bytes transport_sequence_number_deltas = 115; optional bytes transmission_time_offset_deltas = 116; optional bytes absolute_send_time_deltas = 117; optional bytes video_rotation_deltas = 118; // `audio_level` and `voice_activity` are always used in conjunction. optional bytes audio_level_deltas = 119; optional bytes voice_activity_deltas = 120; } message OutgoingRtpPackets { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - RTP marker bit, used to label boundaries between video frames. optional bool marker = 2; // required - RTP payload type. optional uint32 payload_type = 3; // required - RTP sequence number. optional uint32 sequence_number = 4; // required - RTP monotonic clock timestamp (not actual time). optional fixed32 rtp_timestamp = 5; // required - Synchronization source of this packet's RTP stream. optional fixed32 ssrc = 6; // TODO(terelius/dinor): Add CSRCs. Field number 7 reserved for this purpose. // required - The size (in bytes) of the media payload, not including // RTP header or padding. The packet size is the sum of payload, header and // padding. optional uint32 payload_size = 8; // required - The size (in bytes) of the RTP header. optional uint32 header_size = 9; // required - The size (in bytes) of the padding. optional uint32 padding_size = 10; // optional - required if the batch contains delta encoded events. optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 11; // Field numbers 12-14 reserved for future use. // Optional header extensions. optional uint32 transport_sequence_number = 15; optional int32 transmission_time_offset = 16; optional uint32 absolute_send_time = 17; optional uint32 video_rotation = 18; // `audio_level` and `voice_activity` are always used in conjunction. optional uint32 audio_level = 19; optional bool voice_activity = 20; // TODO(terelius): Add other header extensions like playout delay? // Delta encodings. optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 101; optional bytes marker_deltas = 102; optional bytes payload_type_deltas = 103; optional bytes sequence_number_deltas = 104; optional bytes rtp_timestamp_deltas = 105; optional bytes ssrc_deltas = 106; // Field number 107 reserved for CSRC. optional bytes payload_size_deltas = 108; optional bytes header_size_deltas = 109; optional bytes padding_size_deltas = 110; // Field number 111-114 reserved for future use. optional bytes transport_sequence_number_deltas = 115; optional bytes transmission_time_offset_deltas = 116; optional bytes absolute_send_time_deltas = 117; optional bytes video_rotation_deltas = 118; // `audio_level` and `voice_activity` are always used in conjunction. optional bytes audio_level_deltas = 119; optional bytes voice_activity_deltas = 120; } message IncomingRtcpPackets { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - The whole packet including both payload and header. optional bytes raw_packet = 2; // TODO(terelius): Feasible to log parsed RTCP instead? // optional - required if the batch contains delta encoded events. optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 3; // Delta/blob encodings. optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 101; optional bytes raw_packet_blobs = 102; } message OutgoingRtcpPackets { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - The whole packet including both payload and header. optional bytes raw_packet = 2; // TODO(terelius): Feasible to log parsed RTCP instead? // optional - required if the batch contains delta encoded events. optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 3; // Delta/blob encodings. optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 101; optional bytes raw_packet_blobs = 102; } message AudioPlayoutEvents { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - The SSRC of the audio stream associated with the playout event. optional uint32 local_ssrc = 2; // optional - required if the batch contains delta encoded events. optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 3; // Delta encodings. optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 101; optional bytes local_ssrc_deltas = 102; } message NetEqSetMinimumDelay { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - The SSRC of the remote stream associated with the MinimumDelay // event. optional fixed32 remote_ssrc = 2; // required - minimum delay passed to SetBaseMinimumDelay. optional int32 minimum_delay_ms = 3; // optional - required if the batch contains delta encoded events. optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 4; // Delta encodings. optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 101; optional bytes remote_ssrc_deltas = 102; optional bytes minimum_delay_ms_deltas = 103; } message FrameDecodedEvents { enum Codec { CODEC_UNKNOWN = 0; CODEC_GENERIC = 1; CODEC_VP8 = 2; CODEC_VP9 = 3; CODEC_AV1 = 4; CODEC_H264 = 5; } // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - The SSRC of the video stream that the frame belongs to. optional fixed32 ssrc = 2; // required - The predicted render time of the frame. optional int64 render_time_ms = 3; // required - The width (in pixels) of the frame. optional int32 width = 4; // required - The height (in pixels) of the frame. optional int32 height = 5; // required - The codec type of the frame. optional Codec codec = 6; // required - The QP (quantization parameter) of the frame. Range [0,255]. optional uint32 qp = 7; // optional - required if the batch contains delta encoded events. optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 15; // Delta encodings. optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 101; optional bytes ssrc_deltas = 102; optional bytes render_time_ms_deltas = 103; optional bytes width_deltas = 104; optional bytes height_deltas = 105; optional bytes codec_deltas = 106; optional bytes qp_deltas = 107; } message BeginLogEvent { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required optional uint32 version = 2; // required optional int64 utc_time_ms = 3; } message EndLogEvent { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; } message LossBasedBweUpdates { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // TODO(terelius): Update log interface to unsigned. // required - Bandwidth estimate (in bps) after the update. optional uint32 bitrate_bps = 2; // required - Fraction of lost packets since last receiver report // computed as floor( 256 * (#lost_packets / #total_packets) ). // The possible values range from 0 to 255. optional uint32 fraction_loss = 3; // TODO(terelius): Is this really needed? Remove or make optional? // TODO(terelius): Update log interface to unsigned. // required - Total number of packets that the BWE update is based on. optional uint32 total_packets = 4; // optional - required if the batch contains delta encoded events. optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 5; // Delta encodings. optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 101; optional bytes bitrate_bps_deltas = 102; optional bytes fraction_loss_deltas = 103; optional bytes total_packets_deltas = 104; } message DelayBasedBweUpdates { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - Bandwidth estimate (in bps) after the update. optional uint32 bitrate_bps = 2; enum DetectorState { BWE_UNKNOWN_STATE = 0; BWE_NORMAL = 1; BWE_UNDERUSING = 2; BWE_OVERUSING = 3; } optional DetectorState detector_state = 3; // optional - required if the batch contains delta encoded events. optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 4; // Delta encodings. optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 101; optional bytes bitrate_bps_deltas = 102; optional bytes detector_state_deltas = 103; } // Maps RTP header extension names to numerical IDs. message RtpHeaderExtensionConfig { // Optional IDs for the header extensions. Each ID is a 4-bit number that is // only set if that extension is configured. // TODO: Can we skip audio level? optional int32 transmission_time_offset_id = 1; optional int32 absolute_send_time_id = 2; optional int32 transport_sequence_number_id = 3; optional int32 video_rotation_id = 4; optional int32 audio_level_id = 5; // TODO(terelius): Add other header extensions like playout delay? } message VideoRecvStreamConfig { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - Synchronization source (stream identifier) to be received. optional uint32 remote_ssrc = 2; // required - Sender SSRC used for sending RTCP (such as receiver reports). optional uint32 local_ssrc = 3; // optional - required if RTX is configured. SSRC for the RTX stream. optional uint32 rtx_ssrc = 4; // IDs for the header extension we care about. Only required if there are // header extensions configured. optional RtpHeaderExtensionConfig header_extensions = 5; // TODO(terelius): Do we need codec-payload mapping? If so and rtx_ssrc is // used, we also need a map between RTP payload type and RTX payload type. } message VideoSendStreamConfig { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - Synchronization source (stream identifier) for outgoing stream. // When using simulcast, a separate config should be logged for each stream. optional uint32 ssrc = 2; // optional - required if RTX is configured. SSRC for the RTX stream. optional uint32 rtx_ssrc = 3; // IDs for the header extension we care about. Only required if there are // header extensions configured. optional RtpHeaderExtensionConfig header_extensions = 4; // TODO(terelius): Do we need codec-payload mapping? If so and rtx_ssrc is // used, we also need a map between RTP payload type and RTX payload type. } message AudioRecvStreamConfig { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - Synchronization source (stream identifier) to be received. optional uint32 remote_ssrc = 2; // required - Sender SSRC used for sending RTCP (such as receiver reports). optional uint32 local_ssrc = 3; // Field number 4 reserved for RTX SSRC. // IDs for the header extension we care about. Only required if there are // header extensions configured. optional RtpHeaderExtensionConfig header_extensions = 5; // TODO(terelius): Do we need codec-payload mapping? If so and rtx_ssrc is // used, we also need a map between RTP payload type and RTX payload type. } message AudioSendStreamConfig { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - Synchronization source (stream identifier) for outgoing stream. optional uint32 ssrc = 2; // Field number 3 reserved for RTX SSRC. // IDs for the header extension we care about. Only required if there are // header extensions configured. optional RtpHeaderExtensionConfig header_extensions = 4; // TODO(terelius): Do we need codec-payload mapping? If so and rtx_ssrc is // used, we also need a map between RTP payload type and RTX payload type. } message AudioNetworkAdaptations { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // Bit rate that the audio encoder is operating at. // TODO(terelius): Signed vs unsigned? optional int32 bitrate_bps = 2; // Frame length that each encoded audio packet consists of. // TODO(terelius): Signed vs unsigned? optional int32 frame_length_ms = 3; // Packet loss fraction that the encoder's forward error correction (FEC) is // optimized for. // Instead of encoding a float, we encode a value between 0 and 16383, which // if divided by 16383, will give a value close to the original float. // The value 16383 (2^14 - 1) was chosen so that it would give good precision // on the one hand, and would be encodable with two bytes in varint form // on the other hand. optional uint32 uplink_packet_loss_fraction = 4; // Whether forward error correction (FEC) is turned on or off. optional bool enable_fec = 5; // Whether discontinuous transmission (DTX) is turned on or off. optional bool enable_dtx = 6; // Number of audio channels that each encoded packet consists of. optional uint32 num_channels = 7; // optional - required if the batch contains delta encoded events. optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 8; // Delta encodings. optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 101; optional bytes bitrate_bps_deltas = 102; optional bytes frame_length_ms_deltas = 103; optional bytes uplink_packet_loss_fraction_deltas = 104; optional bytes enable_fec_deltas = 105; optional bytes enable_dtx_deltas = 106; optional bytes num_channels_deltas = 107; } message BweProbeCluster { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - The id of this probe cluster. optional uint32 id = 2; // required - The bitrate in bps that this probe cluster is meant to probe. optional uint32 bitrate_bps = 3; // required - The minimum number of packets used to probe the given bitrate. optional uint32 min_packets = 4; // required - The minimum number of bytes used to probe the given bitrate. optional uint32 min_bytes = 5; } message BweProbeResultSuccess { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - The id of this probe cluster. optional uint32 id = 2; // required - The resulting bitrate in bps. optional uint32 bitrate_bps = 3; } message BweProbeResultFailure { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - The id of this probe cluster. optional uint32 id = 2; enum FailureReason { UNKNOWN = 0; INVALID_SEND_RECEIVE_INTERVAL = 1; INVALID_SEND_RECEIVE_RATIO = 2; TIMEOUT = 3; } // required optional FailureReason failure = 3; } message AlrState { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - True if the send rate is application limited. optional bool in_alr = 2; } message IceCandidatePairConfig { enum IceCandidatePairConfigType { UNKNOWN_CONFIG_TYPE = 0; ADDED = 1; UPDATED = 2; DESTROYED = 3; SELECTED = 4; } enum IceCandidateType { UNKNOWN_CANDIDATE_TYPE = 0; LOCAL = 1; STUN = 2; PRFLX = 3; RELAY = 4; } enum Protocol { UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL = 0; UDP = 1; TCP = 2; SSLTCP = 3; TLS = 4; } enum AddressFamily { UNKNOWN_ADDRESS_FAMILY = 0; IPV4 = 1; IPV6 = 2; } enum NetworkType { UNKNOWN_NETWORK_TYPE = 0; ETHERNET = 1; WIFI = 2; CELLULAR = 3; VPN = 4; LOOPBACK = 5; } // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required optional IceCandidatePairConfigType config_type = 2; // required optional uint32 candidate_pair_id = 3; // required optional IceCandidateType local_candidate_type = 4; // required optional Protocol local_relay_protocol = 5; // required optional NetworkType local_network_type = 6; // required optional AddressFamily local_address_family = 7; // required optional IceCandidateType remote_candidate_type = 8; // required optional AddressFamily remote_address_family = 9; // required optional Protocol candidate_pair_protocol = 10; } message IceCandidatePairEvent { enum IceCandidatePairEventType { UNKNOWN_CHECK_TYPE = 0; CHECK_SENT = 1; CHECK_RECEIVED = 2; CHECK_RESPONSE_SENT = 3; CHECK_RESPONSE_RECEIVED = 4; } // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required optional IceCandidatePairEventType event_type = 2; // required optional uint32 candidate_pair_id = 3; // required optional uint32 transaction_id = 4; } message DtlsTransportStateEvent { enum DtlsTransportState { UNKNOWN_DTLS_TRANSPORT_STATE = 0; DTLS_TRANSPORT_NEW = 1; DTLS_TRANSPORT_CONNECTING = 2; DTLS_TRANSPORT_CONNECTED = 3; DTLS_TRANSPORT_CLOSED = 4; DTLS_TRANSPORT_FAILED = 5; } // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required optional DtlsTransportState dtls_transport_state = 2; } message DtlsWritableState { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required optional bool writable = 2; } message RouteChange { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // required - True if the route is ready for sending packets. optional bool connected = 2; // required - The per packet data overhead for this route. optional uint32 overhead = 3; } message RemoteEstimates { // required optional int64 timestamp_ms = 1; // optional - value used as a safe measure of available capacity. optional uint32 link_capacity_lower_kbps = 2; // optional - value used as limit for increasing bitrate. optional uint32 link_capacity_upper_kbps = 3; // optional - required if the batch contains delta encoded events. optional uint32 number_of_deltas = 4; // Delta encodings. optional bytes timestamp_ms_deltas = 101; optional bytes link_capacity_lower_kbps_deltas = 102; optional bytes link_capacity_upper_kbps_deltas = 103; }