"""extract_es_grammar.py - Extract the grammar from the ECMAScript spec To run this script, you first need to get the source of the version of the ECMAScript spec you're interested in. cd ../.. mkdir tc39 cd tc39 git clone git@github.com:tc39/ecma262.git Then: make js_parser/es.esgrammar You can also use this script on a random HTTPS URL, like: URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tc39/proposal-class-fields/master/spec.html python extract_esgrammar.py $URL """ import argparse import urllib import html5lib # type: ignore import re from textwrap import dedent HTML = "{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}" INS_TAG = HTML + "ins" DEL_TAG = HTML + "del" INS = '+' DEL = '-' KEEP = ' ' def pre_with_code_filter_factory(e): """Checks if the
is used in the following pattern: `````` If so, return a filter that formats the content, removing extra spaces. line-wrap, and backquote added by
. """ if e.text and e.text.strip() != '': return False if len(e) != 1: return False if e[0].tag != '{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}code': return False if e[0].tail and e[0].tail.strip() != '': return False def children_filter(texts): while len(texts) > 0 and texts[0].strip() == '': texts.pop(0) if len(texts) > 0 and texts[0].strip() == '`': texts.pop(0) while len(texts) > 0 and texts[0].strip() == '': texts.pop(0) while len(texts) > 0 and texts[-1].strip() == '': texts.pop() if len(texts) > 0 and texts[-1].strip() == '`': texts.pop() while len(texts) > 0 and texts[-1].strip() == '': texts.pop() is_first = True for text in texts: for line in text.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line == '': continue if not is_first: yield '\n' is_first = False yield line return children_filter # Rules for extracting text, used by extracting Early Errors. EXTRA_RULES_FOR_EE = { 'b': {}, 'br': {}, 'code': { 'prefix': '`', 'postfix': '`', }, 'emu-alg': {}, 'emu-grammar': {}, 'emu-note': { 'prefix': ['NOTE', '\n'], 'strip': True, }, 'emu-xref': { 'prefix': lambda e: e.attrib.get('href'), }, 'ins': { 'ignore_highlighted': True, }, 'p': { 'strip': True, }, 'pre': { 'prefix': ['\n', '\n', '```', '\n'], 'postfix': ['\n', '```', '\n', '\n'], 'strip': True, 'children_filter_factroy': pre_with_code_filter_factory, }, 'sub': { 'prefix': '_', }, 'sup': { 'prefix': '^', }, } def apply_prefix_postfix_rule(e, rule, name): """If rule is provided, apply prefix/postfix rule to the element `e`. """ if not rule: return fix = rule.get(name) if callable(fix): yield fix(e) elif isinstance(fix, list): for item in fix: yield item elif fix: yield fix def apply_strip_rule(text, rule): """If rule is provided, apply strip rule to the text. """ if not text: return if not rule: yield text return strip = rule.get('strip') if strip: yield text.strip() else: yield text def fragment_child_chunks(e, extra_rules={}): """Partly interpret the content of `e`, yielding `text`, applying extra_rules. Concatenating the yielded `text` values gives the full text of `e`. """ rule = extra_rules[e.tag.replace(HTML, '')] children_filter = None factroy = rule.get('children_filter_factroy') if factroy: children_filter = factroy(e) yield from apply_prefix_postfix_rule(e, rule, 'prefix') yield from apply_strip_rule(e.text, rule) for child in e: if child.tag.replace(HTML, '') not in extra_rules: raise ValueError("unrecognized element: " + child.tag) texts = [] for text in fragment_child_chunks(child, extra_rules): if children_filter: texts.append(text) else: yield text if children_filter: for text in children_filter(texts): yield text yield from apply_strip_rule(e.tail, rule) yield from apply_prefix_postfix_rule(e, rule, 'postfix') def is_highlighted_ins(e): """Returns True if e matches the following pattern: highlighted text: See `fragment_chunks` comment for the details """ if len(e) != 0: return False if not e.text: return False if e.text != 'highlighted': return False if not e.tail: return False if not e.tail.startswith(' text:'): return False return True def is_negligible_ins(e, extra_rules): """Returns True if the 'ignore_highlighted' rule is defined for , and it matches to the negligible pattern. See `fragment_chunks` comment for the details """ rule = extra_rules.get(e.tag.replace(HTML, '')) if not rule: return False if rule.get('ignore_highlighted'): if is_highlighted_ins(e): return True return False def fragment_chunks(e, extra_rules={}): """Partly interpret the content of `e`, yielding pairs (ty, text). If `extra_rules` isn't provided, the content of `e` must be text with 0 or more /
elements. The goal is to turn the tree `e` into a simple series of tagged strings. Yields pairs (ty, text) where ty in (INS, DEL, KEEP). Concatenating the yielded `text` values gives the full text of `e`. `extra_rules` is a dictionary that defines extra elements that is allowed as the content of `e`. Each item defines a rule for the tag, with the following: * prefix Put a prefix before the text Possible values: * string * list of string * function receives `Element` and returns a prefix string * postfix Put a postfix after the text value uses the same format as prefix * strip True to strip whitespaces before/after element's text * children_filter_factroy A function that receives `Element`, and returns a filter function or None The filter function receives a list of texts for child nodes, and returns a list of filtered text * ignore_highlighted Effective only with Do not treat as an insertion if it matches the following pattern: highlighted text: This pattern is used in Annex B description. """ rule = extra_rules.get(e.tag.replace(HTML, '')) for text in apply_prefix_postfix_rule(e, rule, 'prefix'): yield KEEP, text for text in apply_strip_rule(e.text, rule): yield KEEP, text for child in e: if child.tag == INS_TAG and not is_negligible_ins(child, extra_rules): ty = INS elif child.tag == DEL_TAG: ty = DEL else: if child.tag.replace(HTML, '') not in extra_rules: raise ValueError("unrecognized element: " + child.tag) for text in fragment_child_chunks(child, extra_rules): yield KEEP, text continue if child.text: yield ty, child.text if len(child) != 0: for grandchild in child: if grandchild.tag.replace(HTML, '') not in extra_rules: raise ValueError("unsupported nested element {} in {}" .format(grandchild.tag, child.tag)) for text in fragment_child_chunks(grandchild, extra_rules): yield ty, text if child.tail: yield KEEP, child.tail for text in apply_strip_rule(e.tail, rule): yield KEEP, text for text in apply_prefix_postfix_rule(e, rule, 'postfix'): yield KEEP, text def fragment_parts(e, **kwargs): """Like fragment_chunks, but with two fixups. 1. Break up pairs that include both a newline and any other text. 2. Move newlines inside of a preceding INS or DEL element that spans its whole line. """ line_has_ins = False line_has_del = False for chunk_ty, text in fragment_chunks(e, **kwargs): for piece in re.split(r'(\n)', text): ty = chunk_ty if piece != '': if piece == '\n': # Possibly move newline inside preceding INS or DEL. if line_has_ins and not line_has_del: ty = INS elif line_has_del and not line_has_ins: ty = DEL else: ty = KEEP line_has_del = False line_has_ins = False elif piece.strip() != '': if ty in (INS, KEEP): line_has_ins = True if ty in (DEL, KEEP): line_has_del = True yield ty, piece def generate_fragment_patch(e, **kwargs): line_before = '' line_after = '' def end_line(ty): nonlocal line_before, line_after if line_before.rstrip() == line_after.rstrip(): yield " ", line_after else: if line_before.strip() != '' or ty != INS: yield "-", line_before if line_after.strip() != '' or ty != DEL: yield "+", line_after line_before = '' line_after = '' for ty, text in fragment_parts(e, **kwargs): if text == '\n': yield from end_line(ty) else: if ty in (KEEP, DEL): line_before += text if ty in (KEEP, INS): line_after += text if line_before or line_after: yield from end_line(KEEP) def dedent_pairs(pairs): """Dedent the `pairs`'s `text` part """ pairs = list(pairs) # Using textwrap.dedent on this requires a few lines of hackery. types = [ty for ty, _line in pairs] dedented_lines = dedent(''.join(line + '\n' for ty, line in pairs)).splitlines() assert len(dedented_lines) == len(pairs) return zip(types, dedented_lines) def print_pairs(pairs): last_line_was_empty = False for ty, line in pairs: if ty == KEEP and line == '': if last_line_was_empty: continue last_line_was_empty = True else: last_line_was_empty = False print(ty + line) def print_fragment_patch(e): print_pairs(dedent_pairs(generate_fragment_patch(e))) def is_annex_early_errors(e): """Returns True if theelement contains Early Errors. """ h1 = e.find('{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}h1') if 'Early Errors' in h1.text: return True p = e.find('{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}p') if p: if 'Early Error' in html5lib.serializer.serialize(p): return True return False def get_parent_map(document): """Returns a map from a element to parent element. This is necessary because `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` doesn't have a reference to parent element. """ parent_map = dict() for parent in document.iter(): for child in parent: parent_map[child] = parent return parent_map def get_titles(parent_map, e): """Returns a list of section titles for a section. """ titles = [] while e.tag != '{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}body': h1 = e.find('{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}h1') titles.insert(0, h1.text) e = parent_map[e] return titles def generate_ul_fragment_patch(e, depth): """Similar to generate_fragment_patch, but for """ first_line_prefix = '{}* '.format(' ' * depth) other_line_prefix = '{} '.format(' ' * depth) for item in e: if item.tag != '{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}li': raise ValueError("unrecognized element: " + item.tag) pairs = generate_fragment_patch(item, extra_rules=EXTRA_RULES_FOR_EE) is_first_line = True for ty, line in dedent_pairs(pairs): if is_first_line and line.strip() == '': continue if is_first_line: is_first_line = False yield ty, '{}{}'.format(first_line_prefix, line.strip()) else: yield ty, '{}{}'.format(other_line_prefix, line.strip()) def generate_early_errors_fragment_patch(parent_map, e): for t in get_titles(parent_map, e): yield KEEP, '# {}'.format(t) yield KEEP, '# #{}'.format(e.attrib.get('id')) yield KEEP, '' for child in e: if child.tag == '{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}h1': continue if child.tag == '{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}emu-grammar': pairs = generate_fragment_patch(child) yield from dedent_pairs(pairs) yield KEEP, '' elif child.tag == '{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}ul': yield from generate_ul_fragment_patch(child, 0) elif child.tag == '{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}emu-note': pairs = generate_fragment_patch(child, extra_rules=EXTRA_RULES_FOR_EE) yield from dedent_pairs(pairs) yield KEEP, '' elif child.tag == '{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}p': pairs = generate_fragment_patch(child, extra_rules=EXTRA_RULES_FOR_EE) yield from dedent_pairs(pairs) yield KEEP, '' elif (child.tag == '{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}emu-alg' and e.attrib.get('id') == 'sec-__proto__-property-names-in-object-initializers'): # "__proto__ Property Names in Object Initializers" section # contains changes both for early errors and algorithm. # Ignore algorithm part. pass else: raise ValueError('unsupported element in early errors section: {}' .format(child.tag)) def print_early_errors(parent_map, e): pairs = generate_early_errors_fragment_patch(parent_map, e) print_pairs(dedent_pairs(pairs)) def extract(filename, unfiltered, target): if filename.startswith("https:"): file_obj = urllib.request.urlopen(filename) else: file_obj = open(filename, "rb") with file_obj: document = html5lib.parse(file_obj) if target == 'grammar': for e in document.iter("{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}emu-grammar"): if unfiltered or e.attrib.get("type") == "definition": print_fragment_patch(e) elif target == 'ee': parent_map = get_parent_map(document) for e in document.iter("{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}emu-clause"): if e.attrib.get("id").endswith("-early-errors"): print_early_errors(parent_map, e) elif target == 'ee-annex': parent_map = get_parent_map(document) for e in document.iter("{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}emu-annex"): if is_annex_early_errors(e): print_early_errors(parent_map, e) else: raise ValueError('Unknown target: {}'.format(target)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Extract esgrammar from ECMAScript specifications.") parser.add_argument( 'url', nargs=1, help="the https: url or local filename of an HTML file containing
tags") parser.add_argument( '--unfiltered', action='store_true', help="Include even elements that don't have `type=definition`") parser.add_argument( '--target', default='grammar', choices=['grammar', 'ee', 'ee-annex'], help="What to extract (\ grammar = esgrammar, \ ee = early errors, \ ee-annex = early errors in Annex\ )") args = parser.parse_args() extract(args.url[0], args.unfiltered, args.target)