// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // or the MIT license // , at your option. // All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! Core definitions for the Winsock2 specification use ctypes::{__int64, c_char, c_int, c_long, c_short, c_void}; use shared::basetsd::SIZE_T; use shared::guiddef::LPGUID; use shared::inaddr::IN_ADDR; use shared::minwindef::{DWORD, INT, UCHAR, ULONG, USHORT}; use um::winnt::{CHAR, HANDLE, LONG, PROCESSOR_NUMBER, PWSTR}; use vc::vcruntime::size_t; pub type ADDRESS_FAMILY = USHORT; pub const AF_UNSPEC: c_int = 0; pub const AF_UNIX: c_int = 1; pub const AF_INET: c_int = 2; pub const AF_IMPLINK: c_int = 3; pub const AF_PUP: c_int = 4; pub const AF_CHAOS: c_int = 5; pub const AF_NS: c_int = 6; pub const AF_IPX: c_int = AF_NS; pub const AF_ISO: c_int = 7; pub const AF_OSI: c_int = AF_ISO; pub const AF_ECMA: c_int = 8; pub const AF_DATAKIT: c_int = 9; pub const AF_CCITT: c_int = 10; pub const AF_SNA: c_int = 11; pub const AF_DECnet: c_int = 12; pub const AF_DLI: c_int = 13; pub const AF_LAT: c_int = 14; pub const AF_HYLINK: c_int = 15; pub const AF_APPLETALK: c_int = 16; pub const AF_NETBIOS: c_int = 17; pub const AF_VOICEVIEW: c_int = 18; pub const AF_FIREFOX: c_int = 19; pub const AF_UNKNOWN1: c_int = 20; pub const AF_BAN: c_int = 21; pub const AF_ATM: c_int = 22; pub const AF_INET6: c_int = 23; pub const AF_CLUSTER: c_int = 24; pub const AF_12844: c_int = 25; pub const AF_IRDA: c_int = 26; pub const AF_NETDES: c_int = 28; pub const AF_TCNPROCESS: c_int = 29; pub const AF_TCNMESSAGE: c_int = 30; pub const AF_ICLFXBM: c_int = 31; pub const AF_BTH: c_int = 32; pub const AF_LINK: c_int = 33; pub const AF_HYPERV: c_int = 34; pub const AF_MAX: c_int = 35; pub const SOCK_STREAM: c_int = 1; pub const SOCK_DGRAM: c_int = 2; pub const SOCK_RAW: c_int = 3; pub const SOCK_RDM: c_int = 4; pub const SOCK_SEQPACKET: c_int = 5; pub const SOL_SOCKET: c_int = 0xffff; pub const SO_DEBUG: c_int = 0x0001; pub const SO_ACCEPTCONN: c_int = 0x0002; pub const SO_REUSEADDR: c_int = 0x0004; pub const SO_KEEPALIVE: c_int = 0x0008; pub const SO_DONTROUTE: c_int = 0x0010; pub const SO_BROADCAST: c_int = 0x0020; pub const SO_USELOOPBACK: c_int = 0x0040; pub const SO_LINGER: c_int = 0x0080; pub const SO_OOBINLINE: c_int = 0x0100; pub const SO_DONTLINGER: c_int = !SO_LINGER; pub const SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE: c_int = !SO_REUSEADDR; pub const SO_SNDBUF: c_int = 0x1001; pub const SO_RCVBUF: c_int = 0x1002; pub const SO_SNDLOWAT: c_int = 0x1003; pub const SO_RCVLOWAT: c_int = 0x1004; pub const SO_SNDTIMEO: c_int = 0x1005; pub const SO_RCVTIMEO: c_int = 0x1006; pub const SO_ERROR: c_int = 0x1007; pub const SO_TYPE: c_int = 0x1008; pub const SO_BSP_STATE: c_int = 0x1009; pub const SO_GROUP_ID: c_int = 0x2001; pub const SO_GROUP_PRIORITY: c_int = 0x2002; pub const SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE: c_int = 0x2003; pub const SO_CONDITIONAL_ACCEPT: c_int = 0x3002; pub const SO_PAUSE_ACCEPT: c_int = 0x3003; pub const SO_COMPARTMENT_ID: c_int = 0x3004; pub const SO_RANDOMIZE_PORT: c_int = 0x3005; pub const SO_PORT_SCALABILITY: c_int = 0x3006; pub const SO_REUSE_UNICASTPORT: c_int = 0x3007; pub const SO_REUSE_MULTICASTPORT: c_int = 0x3008; pub const WSK_SO_BASE: c_int = 0x4000; pub const TCP_NODELAY: c_int = 0x0001; STRUCT!{struct SOCKADDR { sa_family: ADDRESS_FAMILY, sa_data: [CHAR; 14], }} pub type PSOCKADDR = *mut SOCKADDR; pub type LPSOCKADDR = *mut SOCKADDR; STRUCT!{struct SOCKET_ADDRESS { lpSockaddr: LPSOCKADDR, iSockaddrLength: INT, }} pub type PSOCKET_ADDRESS = *mut SOCKET_ADDRESS; pub type LPSOCKET_ADDRESS = *mut SOCKET_ADDRESS; STRUCT!{struct SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST { iAddressCount: INT, Address: [SOCKET_ADDRESS; 1], }} pub type PSOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST = *mut SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST; pub type LPSOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST = *mut SOCKET_ADDRESS_LIST; STRUCT!{struct CSADDR_INFO { LocalAddr: SOCKET_ADDRESS, RemoteAddr: SOCKET_ADDRESS, iSocketType: INT, iProtocol: INT, }} pub type PCSADDR_INFO = *mut CSADDR_INFO; pub type LPCSADDR_INFO = *mut CSADDR_INFO; STRUCT!{struct SOCKADDR_STORAGE_LH { ss_family: ADDRESS_FAMILY, __ss_pad1: [CHAR; 6], __ss_align: __int64, __ss_pad2: [CHAR; 112], }} pub type PSOCKADDR_STORAGE_LH = *mut SOCKADDR_STORAGE_LH; pub type LPSOCKADDR_STORAGE_LH = *mut SOCKADDR_STORAGE_LH; STRUCT!{struct SOCKADDR_STORAGE_XP { ss_family: c_short, __ss_pad1: [CHAR; 6], __ss_align: __int64, __ss_pad2: [CHAR; 112], }} pub type PSOCKADDR_STORAGE_XP = *mut SOCKADDR_STORAGE_XP; pub type LPSOCKADDR_STORAGE_XP = *mut SOCKADDR_STORAGE_XP; pub type SOCKADDR_STORAGE = SOCKADDR_STORAGE_LH; pub type PSOCKADDR_STORAGE = *mut SOCKADDR_STORAGE; pub type LPSOCKADDR_STORAGE = *mut SOCKADDR_STORAGE; STRUCT!{struct SOCKET_PROCESSOR_AFFINITY { Processor: PROCESSOR_NUMBER, NumaNodeId: USHORT, Reserved: USHORT, }} pub type PSOCKET_PROCESSOR_AFFINITY = *mut SOCKET_PROCESSOR_AFFINITY; pub const IOC_UNIX: DWORD = 0x00000000; pub const IOC_WS2: DWORD = 0x08000000; pub const IOC_PROTOCOL: DWORD = 0x10000000; pub const IOC_VENDOR: DWORD = 0x18000000; pub const IOC_WSK: DWORD = IOC_WS2 | 0x07000000; pub const SIO_ASSOCIATE_HANDLE: DWORD = _WSAIOW!(IOC_WS2, 1); pub const SIO_ENABLE_CIRCULAR_QUEUEING: DWORD = _WSAIO!(IOC_WS2, 2); pub const SIO_FIND_ROUTE: DWORD = _WSAIOR!(IOC_WS2, 3); pub const SIO_FLUSH: DWORD = _WSAIO!(IOC_WS2, 4); pub const SIO_GET_BROADCAST_ADDRESS: DWORD = _WSAIOR!(IOC_WS2, 5); pub const SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_WS2, 6); pub const SIO_GET_QOS: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_WS2, 7); pub const SIO_GET_GROUP_QOS: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_WS2, 8); pub const SIO_MULTIPOINT_LOOPBACK: DWORD = _WSAIOW!(IOC_WS2, 9); pub const SIO_MULTICAST_SCOPE: DWORD = _WSAIOW!(IOC_WS2, 10); pub const SIO_SET_QOS: DWORD = _WSAIOW!(IOC_WS2, 11); pub const SIO_SET_GROUP_QOS: DWORD = _WSAIOW!(IOC_WS2, 12); pub const SIO_TRANSLATE_HANDLE: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_WS2, 13); pub const SIO_ROUTING_INTERFACE_QUERY: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_WS2, 20); pub const SIO_ROUTING_INTERFACE_CHANGE: DWORD = _WSAIOW!(IOC_WS2, 21); pub const SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_QUERY: DWORD = _WSAIOR!(IOC_WS2, 22); pub const SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE: DWORD = _WSAIO!(IOC_WS2, 23); pub const SIO_QUERY_TARGET_PNP_HANDLE: DWORD = _WSAIOR!(IOC_WS2, 24); pub const SIO_QUERY_RSS_PROCESSOR_INFO: DWORD = _WSAIOR!(IOC_WS2, 37); pub const SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_SORT: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_WS2, 25); pub const SIO_RESERVED_1: DWORD = _WSAIOW!(IOC_WS2, 26); pub const SIO_RESERVED_2: DWORD = _WSAIOW!(IOC_WS2, 33); pub const SIO_GET_MULTIPLE_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER: DWORD = _WSAIORW!(IOC_WS2, 36); pub const IPPROTO_IP: c_int = 0; ENUM!{enum IPPROTO { IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0, // IPv6 Hop-by-Hop options IPPROTO_ICMP = 1, IPPROTO_IGMP = 2, IPPROTO_GGP = 3, IPPROTO_IPV4 = 4, IPPROTO_ST = 5, IPPROTO_TCP = 6, IPPROTO_CBT = 7, IPPROTO_EGP = 8, IPPROTO_IGP = 9, IPPROTO_PUP = 12, IPPROTO_UDP = 17, IPPROTO_IDP = 22, IPPROTO_RDP = 27, IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41, // IPv6 header IPPROTO_ROUTING = 43, // IPv6 Routing header IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 44, // IPv6 fragmentation header IPPROTO_ESP = 50, // encapsulating security payload IPPROTO_AH = 51, // authentication header IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 58, // ICMPv6 IPPROTO_NONE = 59, // IPv6 no next header IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 60, // IPv6 Destination options IPPROTO_ND = 77, IPPROTO_ICLFXBM = 78, IPPROTO_PIM = 103, IPPROTO_PGM = 113, IPPROTO_L2TP = 115, IPPROTO_SCTP = 132, IPPROTO_RAW = 255, IPPROTO_MAX = 256, IPPROTO_RESERVED_RAW = 257, IPPROTO_RESERVED_IPSEC = 258, IPPROTO_RESERVED_IPSECOFFLOAD = 259, IPPROTO_RESERVED_WNV = 260, IPPROTO_RESERVED_MAX = 261, }} pub type PIPPROTO = *mut IPPROTO; pub const IPPORT_TCPMUX: USHORT = 1; pub const IPPORT_ECHO: USHORT = 7; pub const IPPORT_DISCARD: USHORT = 9; pub const IPPORT_SYSTAT: USHORT = 11; pub const IPPORT_DAYTIME: USHORT = 13; pub const IPPORT_NETSTAT: USHORT = 15; pub const IPPORT_QOTD: USHORT = 17; pub const IPPORT_MSP: USHORT = 18; pub const IPPORT_CHARGEN: USHORT = 19; pub const IPPORT_FTP_DATA: USHORT = 20; pub const IPPORT_FTP: USHORT = 21; pub const IPPORT_TELNET: USHORT = 23; pub const IPPORT_SMTP: USHORT = 25; pub const IPPORT_TIMESERVER: USHORT = 37; pub const IPPORT_NAMESERVER: USHORT = 42; pub const IPPORT_WHOIS: USHORT = 43; pub const IPPORT_MTP: USHORT = 57; pub const IPPORT_TFTP: USHORT = 69; pub const IPPORT_RJE: USHORT = 77; pub const IPPORT_FINGER: USHORT = 79; pub const IPPORT_TTYLINK: USHORT = 87; pub const IPPORT_SUPDUP: USHORT = 95; pub const IPPORT_POP3: USHORT = 110; pub const IPPORT_NTP: USHORT = 123; pub const IPPORT_EPMAP: USHORT = 135; pub const IPPORT_NETBIOS_NS: USHORT = 137; pub const IPPORT_NETBIOS_DGM: USHORT = 138; pub const IPPORT_NETBIOS_SSN: USHORT = 139; pub const IPPORT_IMAP: USHORT = 143; pub const IPPORT_SNMP: USHORT = 161; pub const IPPORT_SNMP_TRAP: USHORT = 162; pub const IPPORT_IMAP3: USHORT = 220; pub const IPPORT_LDAP: USHORT = 389; pub const IPPORT_HTTPS: USHORT = 443; pub const IPPORT_MICROSOFT_DS: USHORT = 445; pub const IPPORT_EXECSERVER: USHORT = 512; pub const IPPORT_LOGINSERVER: USHORT = 513; pub const IPPORT_CMDSERVER: USHORT = 514; pub const IPPORT_EFSSERVER: USHORT = 520; pub const IPPORT_BIFFUDP: USHORT = 512; pub const IPPORT_WHOSERVER: USHORT = 513; pub const IPPORT_ROUTESERVER: USHORT = 520; pub const IPPORT_RESERVED: USHORT = 1024; pub const IPPORT_REGISTERED_MIN: USHORT = IPPORT_RESERVED; pub const IPPORT_REGISTERED_MAX: USHORT = 0xbfff; pub const IPPORT_DYNAMIC_MIN: USHORT = 0xc000; pub const IPPORT_DYNAMIC_MAX: USHORT = 0xffff; #[inline] pub fn IN_CLASSA(i: LONG) -> bool { (i & 0x80000000) == 0 } pub const IN_CLASSA_NET: LONG = 0xff000000; pub const IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT: LONG = 24; pub const IN_CLASSA_HOST: LONG = 0x00ffffff; pub const IN_CLASSA_MAX: LONG = 128; #[inline] pub fn IN_CLASSB(i: LONG) -> bool { (i as u32 & 0xc0000000) == 0x80000000 } pub const IN_CLASSB_NET: LONG = 0xffff0000; pub const IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT: LONG = 16; pub const IN_CLASSB_HOST: LONG = 0x0000ffff; pub const IN_CLASSB_MAX: LONG = 65536; #[inline] pub fn IN_CLASSC(i: LONG) -> bool { (i as u32 & 0xe0000000) == 0xc0000000 } pub const IN_CLASSC_NET: LONG = 0xffffff00; pub const IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT: LONG = 8; pub const IN_CLASSC_HOST: LONG = 0x000000ff; #[inline] pub fn IN_CLASSD(i: c_long) -> bool { (i as u32 & 0xf0000000) == 0xe0000000 } pub const IN_CLASSD_NET: LONG = 0xf0000000; pub const IN_CLASSD_NSHIFT: LONG = 28; pub const IN_CLASSD_HOST: LONG = 0x0fffffff; #[inline] pub fn IN_MULTICAST(i: c_long) -> bool { IN_CLASSD(i) } pub const INADDR_ANY: ULONG = 0x00000000; pub const INADDR_LOOPBACK: ULONG = 0x7f000001; pub const INADDR_BROADCAST: ULONG = 0xffffffff; pub const INADDR_NONE: ULONG = 0xffffffff; ENUM!{enum SCOPE_LEVEL { ScopeLevelInterface = 1, ScopeLevelLink = 2, ScopeLevelSubnet = 3, ScopeLevelAdmin = 4, ScopeLevelSite = 5, ScopeLevelOrganization = 8, ScopeLevelGlobal = 14, ScopeLevelCount = 16, }} STRUCT!{struct SCOPE_ID_u_s { bitfield: ULONG, }} BITFIELD!{SCOPE_ID_u_s bitfield: ULONG [ Zone set_Zone[0..28], Level set_Level[28..32], ]} UNION!{union SCOPE_ID_u { [u32; 1], s s_mut: SCOPE_ID_u_s, Value Value_mut: ULONG, }} STRUCT!{struct SCOPE_ID { u: SCOPE_ID_u, }} pub type PSCOPE_ID = *mut SCOPE_ID; STRUCT!{struct SOCKADDR_IN { sin_family: ADDRESS_FAMILY, sin_port: USHORT, sin_addr: IN_ADDR, sin_zero: [CHAR; 8], }} pub type PSOCKADDR_IN = *mut SOCKADDR_IN; STRUCT!{struct SOCKADDR_DL { sdl_family: ADDRESS_FAMILY, sdl_data: [UCHAR; 8], sdl_zero: [UCHAR; 4], }} pub type PSOCKADDR_DL = *mut SOCKADDR_DL; pub const IOCPARM_MASK: DWORD = 0x7f; pub const IOC_VOID: DWORD = 0x20000000; pub const IOC_OUT: DWORD = 0x40000000; pub const IOC_IN: DWORD = 0x80000000; pub const IOC_INOUT: DWORD = IOC_IN | IOC_OUT; STRUCT!{struct WSABUF { len: ULONG, buf: *mut CHAR, }} pub type LPWSABUF = *mut WSABUF; STRUCT!{struct WSAMSG { name: LPSOCKADDR, namelen: INT, lpBuffers: LPWSABUF, dwBufferCount: ULONG, Control: WSABUF, dwFlags: ULONG, }} pub type PWSAMSG = *mut WSAMSG; pub type LPWSAMSG = *mut WSAMSG; STRUCT!{struct WSACMSGHDR { cmsg_len: SIZE_T, cmsg_level: INT, cmsg_type: INT, }} pub type PWSACMSGHDR = *mut WSACMSGHDR; pub type LPWSACMSGHDR = *mut WSACMSGHDR; pub type CMSGHDR = WSACMSGHDR; pub type PCMSGHDR = *mut WSACMSGHDR; pub const MSG_TRUNC: ULONG = 0x0100; pub const MSG_CTRUNC: ULONG = 0x0200; pub const MSG_BCAST: ULONG = 0x0400; pub const MSG_MCAST: ULONG = 0x0800; pub const AI_PASSIVE: c_int = 0x00000001; pub const AI_CANONNAME: c_int = 0x00000002; pub const AI_NUMERICHOST: c_int = 0x00000004; pub const AI_NUMERICSERV: c_int = 0x00000008; pub const AI_DNS_ONLY: c_int = 0x00000010; pub const AI_ALL: c_int = 0x00000100; pub const AI_ADDRCONFIG: c_int = 0x00000400; pub const AI_V4MAPPED: c_int = 0x00000800; pub const AI_NON_AUTHORITATIVE: c_int = 0x00004000; pub const AI_SECURE: c_int = 0x00008000; pub const AI_RETURN_PREFERRED_NAMES: c_int = 0x00010000; pub const AI_FQDN: c_int = 0x00020000; pub const AI_FILESERVER: c_int = 0x00040000; pub const AI_DISABLE_IDN_ENCODING: c_int = 0x00080000; pub const AI_EXTENDED: c_int = 0x80000000; pub const AI_RESOLUTION_HANDLE: c_int = 0x40000000; STRUCT!{struct ADDRINFOA { ai_flags: c_int, ai_family: c_int, ai_socktype: c_int, ai_protocol: c_int, ai_addrlen: size_t, ai_canonname: *mut c_char, ai_addr: *mut SOCKADDR, ai_next: *mut ADDRINFOA, }} pub type PADDRINFOA = *mut ADDRINFOA; STRUCT!{struct ADDRINFOW { ai_flags: c_int, ai_family: c_int, ai_socktype: c_int, ai_protocol: c_int, ai_addrlen: size_t, ai_canonname: PWSTR, ai_addr: *mut SOCKADDR, ai_next: *mut ADDRINFOW, }} pub type PADDRINFOW = *mut ADDRINFOW; STRUCT!{struct ADDRINFOEXA { ai_flags: c_int, ai_family: c_int, ai_socktype: c_int, ai_protocol: c_int, ai_addrlen: size_t, ai_canonname: *mut c_char, ai_addr: *mut SOCKADDR, ai_blob: *mut c_void, ai_bloblen: size_t, ai_provider: LPGUID, ai_next: *mut ADDRINFOEXA, }} pub type PADDRINFOEXA = *mut ADDRINFOEXA; pub type LPADDRINFOEXA = *mut ADDRINFOEXA; STRUCT!{struct ADDRINFOEXW { ai_flags: c_int, ai_family: c_int, ai_socktype: c_int, ai_protocol: c_int, ai_addrlen: size_t, ai_canonname: PWSTR, ai_addr: *mut SOCKADDR, ai_blob: *mut c_void, ai_bloblen: size_t, ai_provider: LPGUID, ai_next: *mut ADDRINFOEXW, }} pub type PADDRINFOEXW = *mut ADDRINFOEXW; pub type LPADDRINFOEXW = *mut ADDRINFOEXW; pub const ADDRINFOEX_VERSION_2: c_int = 2; pub const ADDRINFOEX_VERSION_3: c_int = 3; pub const ADDRINFOEX_VERSION_4: c_int = 4; STRUCT!{struct ADDRINFOEX2A { ai_flags: c_int, ai_family: c_int, ai_socktype: c_int, ai_protocol: c_int, ai_addrlen: size_t, ai_canonname: *mut c_char, ai_addr: *mut SOCKADDR, ai_blob: *mut c_void, ai_bloblen: size_t, ai_provider: LPGUID, ai_next: *mut ADDRINFOEX2W, ai_version: c_int, ai_fqdn: *mut c_char, }} pub type PADDRINFOEX2A = *mut ADDRINFOEX2A; pub type LPADDRINFOEX2A = *mut ADDRINFOEX2A; STRUCT!{struct ADDRINFOEX2W { ai_flags: c_int, ai_family: c_int, ai_socktype: c_int, ai_protocol: c_int, ai_addrlen: size_t, ai_canonname: PWSTR, ai_addr: *mut SOCKADDR, ai_blob: *mut c_void, ai_bloblen: size_t, ai_provider: LPGUID, ai_next: *mut ADDRINFOEX2W, ai_version: c_int, ai_fqdn: PWSTR, }} pub type PADDRINFOEX2W = *mut ADDRINFOEX2W; pub type LPADDRINFOEX2W = *mut ADDRINFOEX2W; STRUCT!{struct ADDRINFOEX3A { ai_flags: c_int, ai_family: c_int, ai_socktype: c_int, ai_protocol: c_int, ai_addrlen: size_t, ai_canonname: *mut c_char, ai_addr: *mut SOCKADDR, ai_blob: *mut c_void, ai_bloblen: size_t, ai_provider: LPGUID, ai_next: *mut ADDRINFOEX3W, ai_version: c_int, ai_fqdn: *mut c_char, ai_interfaceindex: c_int, }} pub type PADDRINFOEX3A = *mut ADDRINFOEX3A; pub type LPADDRINFOEX3A = *mut ADDRINFOEX3A; STRUCT!{struct ADDRINFOEX3W { ai_flags: c_int, ai_family: c_int, ai_socktype: c_int, ai_protocol: c_int, ai_addrlen: size_t, ai_canonname: PWSTR, ai_addr: *mut SOCKADDR, ai_blob: *mut c_void, ai_bloblen: size_t, ai_provider: LPGUID, ai_next: *mut ADDRINFOEX3W, ai_version: c_int, ai_fqdn: PWSTR, ai_interfaceindex: c_int, }} pub type PADDRINFOEX3W = *mut ADDRINFOEX3W; pub type LPADDRINFOEX3W = *mut ADDRINFOEX3W; STRUCT!{struct ADDRINFOEX4 { ai_flags: c_int, ai_family: c_int, ai_socktype: c_int, ai_protocol: c_int, ai_addrlen: size_t, ai_canonname: PWSTR, ai_addr: *mut SOCKADDR, ai_blob: *mut c_void, ai_bloblen: size_t, ai_provider: LPGUID, ai_next: *mut ADDRINFOEX4, ai_version: c_int, ai_fqdn: PWSTR, ai_interfaceindex: c_int, ai_resolutionhandle: HANDLE, }} pub type PADDRINFOEX4 = *mut ADDRINFOEX4; pub type LPADDRINFOEX4 = *mut ADDRINFOEX4; pub const NS_ALL: DWORD = 0; pub const NS_SAP: DWORD = 1; pub const NS_NDS: DWORD = 2; pub const NS_PEER_BROWSE: DWORD = 3; pub const NS_SLP: DWORD = 5; pub const NS_DHCP: DWORD = 6; pub const NS_TCPIP_LOCAL: DWORD = 10; pub const NS_TCPIP_HOSTS: DWORD = 11; pub const NS_DNS: DWORD = 12; pub const NS_NETBT: DWORD = 13; pub const NS_WINS: DWORD = 14; pub const NS_NLA: DWORD = 15; pub const NS_BTH: DWORD = 16; pub const NS_NBP: DWORD = 20; pub const NS_MS: DWORD = 30; pub const NS_STDA: DWORD = 31; pub const NS_NTDS: DWORD = 32; pub const NS_EMAIL: DWORD = 37; pub const NS_PNRPNAME: DWORD = 38; pub const NS_PNRPCLOUD: DWORD = 39; pub const NS_X500: DWORD = 40; pub const NS_NIS: DWORD = 41; pub const NS_NISPLUS: DWORD = 42; pub const NS_WRQ: DWORD = 50; pub const NS_NETDES: DWORD = 60; pub const NI_NOFQDN: c_int = 0x01; pub const NI_NUMERICHOST: c_int = 0x02; pub const NI_NAMEREQD: c_int = 0x04; pub const NI_NUMERICSERV: c_int = 0x08; pub const NI_DGRAM: c_int = 0x10; pub const NI_MAXHOST: c_int = 1025; pub const NI_MAXSERV: c_int = 32;